
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Hamline University; Aram Wedatalla; CAIR Minnesota #fundie wltx.com

An adjunct professor fired from Hamline University in St. Paul has filed a religious discrimination and defamation lawsuit against the school.

Fabian May & Anderson, PLLP, announced Tuesday that the firm is filing the suit on behalf of Dr. Erika López Prater, who was let go from her position at the university after she displayed an artistic depiction of the Prophet Muhammad during an Oct. 6, 2022 lecture.


Prater's course syllabus included the following disclaimer:

"I aim to affirm students of all religious observances and beliefs in the content of the course. Additionally, this course will introduce students to several religious traditions and the visual cultures they have produced historically. This includes showing and discussing both representational and non-representational depictions of holy figures (for example, the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christ, and the Buddha). If you have any questions or concerns about either missing class for a religious observance or the visual content that will be presented, please do not hesitate to contact me."


López Prater distributed the syllabus to students and reviewed it with her class. It was also posted online.

On the day the images were shown in class, López Prater told the Times that she warned students right before the painting was shown in case they wanted to leave.

After a student in her class filed a complaint, López Prater was let go from her position. That student, Aram Wedatalla, is also president of the Muslim Student Association at Hamline University.

“I’m 23 years old, I’ve never seen a picture of a prophet. Never in my whole life” Wedatalla said at a recent press conference hosted by the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. “It hurts; it breaks my heart to stand here to tell people and beg people to understand me. To feel what I feel.”


Though on Jan. 13, the national CAIR chapter released its own statement, writing in a series of tweets that the organization had seen "no evidence that a former Hamline University professor acted with bigoted intent or engaged in Islamophobia when she analyzed a medieval painting depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that was drawn hundreds of years after his passing by a Muslim artist."

Mohammad Javad Larijani #fundie #sexist #psycho iranintl.com

Iranian conservative politician and former diplomat Javad Larijani has defended stoning for adultery, saying it is a good Islamic law protecting “family values”[…]
In an interview with Fars website of the Revolutionary Guard Saturday, Iran’s former Secretary of High Council for Human Rights claimed some good laws have been passed by the Islamic Republic to protect women's rights

He said stoning is one of the good Islamic laws and has been a very nice deterrent so far

“When we say our women should enter the community, we should have provided them with a very safe work and social environment,” added Larijani stressing that “Stoning is a very important restraining law to protect the marriage contract of families”[…]
Death by stoning came into force in Iran after the 1979 revolution, but the judiciary placed a moratorium in 2002 and it was replaced by the death penalty more than a decade ago

@FutureFantasy #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut gettr.com

Dave Talks #782 - There Are No Coincidences.
I cover the lies, double standards, coverups, and crimes of the evil mind virus known as communism. My aim is to educate the people and build a movement to keep criminals out of power. MACA. Make America Christian Again. The elimination of communism is justice! Please watch the entire video. #nwo #Biden #trump

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
You catch the most flak when you're over the target. I wear Biden's attacks on me (when he can say them coherently) as a badge of honor. The anti-Christian Biden Regime will be defeated by God and the America First Movement.

@DrPaulGosar I dare you to say White People. When you say antiChristian, you mean antiwhite. When you say America First, you actually mean stopping White erasure. Say it.

@TrueBonnieBlue Furthermore, have Paul prove his own point by talking about the Jews in the media and federal government.


@DrPaulGosar The Regime is blatantly #AntiWhite.

When are you going to address #AntiWhitism - the greatest moral evil of our age?

The Regime is only anti-Christian because Christianity is the religion of #Westmen.

How is the America First Movement going to succeed in the face of overwhelming #WhiteErasure?

There is no Western civilization without #Westernkind.

@DrPaulGosar The satanic Biden regime is far more than anti-Christian. Satan's role is to destroy all souls at any cost by any means. The indwelling Holy Spirit owns me but all others Satan leads to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar fuck off. Name the jew pussy


You are a Jew pawn.

You are a Zionist, just like all other Republicans.

@RyanMessano1 @DrPaulGosar it's a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system with all roads leading to Zion.

@DrPaulGosar when will you be as brave as Kanye West and name the jew? Without, well, you're just another Matt Walsh.

@bmcbc @DrPaulGosar - Evil can get into anything. Just because Jews are the easiest target to exploit doesn't mean evil isn't clawing its way into everything else... relentlessly!

You're doing evil a favor when you try and trick people into thinking it can only come from ONE source... kinda narrows your shit down.

@DrPaulGosar While they are anti-Christian, they are first and foremost antiWhite. There's a reason they most viciously attack White Christians.

Monica Cole #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia onemillionmoms.com

Many parents have already found out that Disney Junior is no longer safe for young children. Now, Disney’s animated series Firebuds has added a same-sex couple to the program. One of the main characters, Violet, has two moms in the Vega-Vaughn family.

The creator of the show, Craig Gerber, tweeted, “After I sold the #firebuds pitch, my 1st detailed show overview included Violet’s 2 moms. Disney gave us 100% full support from day one. Thrilled to be making an inclusive show that reflects the diverse world we live in w/folks who care as much as I do.”

This isn’t the first time a same-sex couple has appeared on Disney Junior. In 2017, two lesbian moms were included in the Doc McStuffins episode titled “Emergency Plan.”

Conservative families will continue to have no choice but to stop watching the Disney Channel network or Disney+ in their homes so they can avoid previews, commercials, and reruns. Families will be unable to allow Disney in their homes since the network continually veers away from family-friendly content.

1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s animated show designed for preschoolers. This type of sexuality should never be included in a children’s cartoon, much less praised.

Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Disney should not introduce this information to young children. Therefore, Disney should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.

Kenneth Schmitt #fundie #magick #dunning-kruger consciousexpansion.org

Quantum physics has shown that we are multidimensional beings. We can be in more than one place at the same time. We can be aware of more than one dimension at the same time. We are all connected in our essential being, arising out of the quantum field of all potentialities. This is the nature of our Father/Mother God, Prime Creator. In our deepest Being, we are aware of the universal consciousness that enforms our being and everything that exists.
Quantum physicists have seen the basic proof that extends to the entire cosmos. By recognizing and accepting our empirical realm as real, we constantly draw it out of the quantum field and continue creating it. It is real, along with its inherent limitations, in the realization of each of us.

Who are we really? Let’s look to Jesus and other persons who showed similar abilities that humanity has recognized as masters. Jesus showed that he could be in more than one place at the same time. He could change the essence of material things. Healing diseases and disabilities requires the realization and belief of the reality of the healing on the part of the patient. Calling back a departed spirit requires the desire and belief of the spirit, because we are all sovereign beings, departed or embodied. Recognizing and communicating with the spirit in another dimension shows multidimensionality of being. These are all true and real in the quantum realm. Jesus showed us the perspective of the master, who knows the nature of reality beyond the material world. And he told us that we can also do everything that he did. Why don’t we? What is the quantum secret?

It is the frequency of love and joy, realized within so thoroughly that we remember who we really are as master creators of universes. This is the vibration of the higher dimension and the expression coming from the quantum field. We only need to recognize it and allow it to be real for us.

Vladimir Solovyov #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex #psycho #wingnut pravda.com.ua

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has called on Russians not to be afraid of death, saying that "life is highly overrated" and death is inevitable anyway.

Source: Solovyov on his programme on Rossiya 1 [a Russian state-owned television channel – ed.]

Quote: "Life is highly overrated. Why fear what is inevitable? Especially when we’re going to heaven. Death is the end of one earthly path and the beginning of another. But to fear it, and let it influence your decisions..."

Details: The guests on the TV show supported Solovyov, saying that previously Russians had lived from day to day, but now they have an "intangible dream, a higher goal".

According to the propagandist, "it's only worth living for something you can die for, and that's how it should be."

Anonymous #ableist #conspiracy #fundie #quack boards.4channel.org

The vaxx is killing all who take it. Are you guys ready for stage 2? You might not like it..


Yeah it’s gonna get ugly in a few years, maybe sooner. They’ll let chaos run wild for a bit then swoop in and save the remaining survivors and give them a one world government under the guise of “bringing light” and telling us these people suppressed a bunch of hidden knowledge, we’re actually god, yadda yadda until the mark is introduced. Just stay strong and trust in Christ and you’ll be fine. The whole “great deception” is based around the fact that they’ll plunge the world into darkness, just to come and save us and turn you away from God. Sneaky fuckers those satanists. While we’re here, can reincarnation exist within the confines of Christianity, and if so why would people be trapped here after they take the mark? I have a bunch of autistic theories about this and might dump all of this shit here for the hell of it

Edwin Benson/Dennis Prager #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy returntoorder.org

“Parent after parent calls my radio show, often close to tears, sometimes actually sobbing, pouring their heart out to me about being alone on holidays despite having children and grandchildren. In virtually every case, the parent is conservative, and the child is on the left.”

Mr. Prager speculates that there are three reasons for such heartlessness. The first is that committed leftists are unlikely to acknowledge any absolute moral code, such as that imposed by the Fourth Commandment.

The second reason is related to the first. One product of lives dedicated to secular concerns is the lack of conscience. The leftist’s dedication to “social justice” overrides any internal voice warning that keeping children from grandparents is deeply unjust to both.

Finally, Mr. Prager thinks that college has a significant adverse effect on the parent-child relationship. He argues that four years of leftist indoctrination drives a wedge that is difficult, perhaps impossible, for the parent to dislodge.
However, several vitriolic responses appeared on leftist sites, including the two below.

“There is not an ounce of tolerance in conservative circles. Tolerate the intolerance is what you’re asking, and we won’t.”

“Why invite people with dangerous views into your home voluntarily? That’s especially true if you have kids. Parents want to protect their children, and that may mean protecting them from their grandparents’ cuckoo bananas beliefs.”
The relationship between parents and children is—after the relationship with God and amongst spouses—the most basic. As with all relationships in this sinful and decadent world, many parent-child relationships are broken. Sometimes, the fault lies with the parents and other times with the children. Often, these broken relationships manifest themselves in rebellion. The “woke” vocabulary of “repression” and “social justice” are merely new weapons.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie theunexpectedcosmology.com

THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now. For
the remainder of this read, I am more than happy to play the part of the
tour guide and show you the hidden reality buried beneath us. You have
been warned though. The implications are glaring. We have been lied to,
again. His-Story has been hidden from us. Therefore, it is not, nor will it
ever be my intention however to convince you that it happened. Many
will kick and scream and only move forward should somebody drag them
by the hair, but I refuse to do that. Debates are elementary. Sometimes a
gentleman scholar simply offers to hold the door open, which is precisely
what is happening at this very moment. At the very least it can be said that
you noticed.
Once more, the aim of my writings is not to convince you that the
Millennial Kingdom of Messiah happened upon the earth. I mean, I believe
it went down, or else I wouldn’t have written a book on the subject. A
literal and physical thousand-year reign with Yahusha HaMashiach
holding the scepter. That is why the mud flood is so important to the
discussion. It serves as a divider of sorts—a mile marker. The mud flood
was a reset, more like a series of interconnected resets, intended to erase
the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah from our consciousness so that
HaSatan could go about doing his work.
Admit it. You’ve walked up and down lonely avenues such as these your
entire lives. You’ve passed repurposed buildings posing as libraries, and
others which go by false identities such as “Gothic Revival.” After noting
the buried windows and doors in your peripheral vision and wonder who
in their right mind would start the foundation of a building with only half
or a third of a story or less, you pushed the uncomfortable feeling aside
into the back alley of your consciousness with the thought of a movie or
a New York Times bestseller or the two planes that magically toppled
three buildings on 9/11—anything Illuminati sponsored.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

All anyone has to do to get the USA back under her own constituton is:

1. Declare all laws, regulations, executive orders and supreme court legal precedents that violated any part of the constitution to be unconstitutional, null and void from this date forward.
2. Declare all federal bureaucracies and agencies who's purpose for being or authority for regulating violates any part of the constitution to be unconstitutional, and shut it down, firing everyone in it and denying retirement or other benefits associated with the job from this date forward.
3. Declare all federal office holders who violated the constitution by bringing any of these laws, regulations, bureaucracies and agencies, executive orders, supreme court legal precedents into being, or who violated any part of their sworn oaths of office, to be impeached from office and possibly indicted for crimes where appropriate.
4. Declare all Political Parties to be unconstitutional, anti-constitutional and illegal entities and shut them all down, with all funds and property of any kind to be forfeited to the US treasury.
5. Declare Socialism and all forms of Marxism to be anti-American, anti-constitution and outlawed in America. Consider decitizenizing and deporting Marxists.
6. Declare all forms of Islam to be anti-American, anti-constitution and outlawed in America. Consider decitizenizing and deporting all Moslems.
Secularism is an unconstitutional, anti-constitutional and therefore criminal form of militant and militating atheism. "Separation Of Church And State" is a criminally established attack on America's foundational Ethos. Since it's illegal establishment in American law it has been used as a legal political weapon to religiously cleanse America of Christianity.

In other words, a legal and political cleansing of the very basis for all of American law, which is supposed to be representative law. It was established by and is being maintained by criminal traitors to America.

woodchip and Spidey #wingnut #fundie #sexist descentbb.net

woodchip: So the Rep. led congress passed a Born Alive bill that requires hosp. to provide medical care to infant born alive after a botched abortion attempt. What surprised me was the Dems to a man voted against it. Now I realize we had some discussions here on abortion, but at this point the baby is born alive and as such is a American citizen . The Dems argue that this is still a womens right over her body. Excuse me but the baby is no longer in her body. So if the baby is a problem later on, do the Dems still think it is a womens right to off the baby in some sort of late late term abortion? Going to be interesting to read how the leftist agents here defend the Dems.

Spidey: Is a botched abortion considered a "birth"?

What if the botched abortion also caused brain damage?

An abortion is not complete until the widdle baby is dead dead dead.

"Awww he's so cute".
"Finish the job".

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

All humanity are guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving, sinners (Romans 3:10-23; 6:23). I heard Pastor Joel Osteen say that he doesn't preach against homosexuality because it has been exalted above other sins nowadays. What a cop out! That's exactly why we ought to take a Biblical stand against the sin of homosexuality! Sodomites are forcing their perverse deathstyle upon American society and our precious children.

Milan Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #quack lewrockwell.com

The blood oath is fundamental. Biden and most of his cabinet and most courts and congress have probably taken it. That’s why they are excluded from mandatory vaccines.
These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.).They are traitors and should be treated as such.

Worldwide the vaccine passports is leading to a Chinese Communist social credit system where your every word and move are monitored for political correctness.

Like our “leaders,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)are Satanists.
We now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.We’re dealing with PURE EVIL.

The Final Choice is Good or Evil. What Choice Will Those with a Blood Oath Make?

The ultimate and final choice is between Good and Evil.

The Chinese say, “you can’t stand in two boats”; as the boats move apart, you will be forced to choose one boat or fall into the water. Those who have taken a blood oath are conflicted between doing what is Good or following a path that stops at no Evil.

The way to discern good or evil is to evaluate it against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance; this is the characteristic of the cosmos. Those who adhere to these universal principles are good. The ones who deviate from Truth, Compassion and Tolerance are wicked.
The CCP requires a blood oath to join; it has brutally persecuted many groups in China since coming to power in 1949, killing an estimated 60-80m people who were opposed to communism.
The CCP is against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Now, the CCP and those aligned with it are utilizing every means at their disposal to persecute the entire world. Good people everywhere now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.

sk #fundie #kinkshaming inspiredwalk.com

You do not need to experiment with sex. Sex is only for your future spouse. Masturbation is not God’s best – even if “you’re not hurting anyone” – you are hurting yourself – and hurting God’s feelings (1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV – “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body”)

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Twitter has been on fire this week as people all over the world are waking up to the fact that we have all participated, albeit unwillingly, in the greatest mass medical experiment ever conducted. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a good thing, we love when people wake up and disengage from the Matrix, but waking up to what they did three years ago won’t help you much now if you don’t stay awake because they are reloading to do it again in 2023.

Welcome to Day 1,026 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, we’re serving red pills today.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we get you up to speed with everything that’s going on in politics, in religion, in economics, in finance, in the Middle East, and most important of all, what’s taking place in prophecy as foretold in the pages of your King James Bible. Anthony Fauci may have stepped down from the NIH and the CDC, but he’s getting ready to reappear someplace else. Have you ever heard of a region in America called Sorostan? You will today, it affects a full ten percent of the entire population of the United States, and it will make your jaw drop when we tell you about it. Bill Gates is busy injecting the animals of the food chain in Europe with mRNA vaccines to edit and alter their genetic information. Think what a great cheeseburger that will make. And Klaus Schwab? He’s been the busiest boy of the bunch, rewriting the code of life that affects each and every one of us. The Matrix is reloading, and on this edition of the Prophecy News Podcast, you will hear what’s happening first, to equip you for battle…TO THE FIGHT!

Joachim Bartoll #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie bartoll.se

The Damar Hamlin Freemasonic Induction Ritual in the Year of Skull and Bones
As this ritual took place on Monday Night Football, we saw all the players and coaches kneeling except for the one player wearing the number 33; the Freemasonic Highest Degree and Master Teacher Number. He stood up like the Master, the Shepherd of his flock. Hamlin on the other hand wear number 3, like a baby Mason, missing a ‘3’ and waiting to be whole. It was his ritual, his induction, and he collapsed during the game; as in ending this part of his former ‘life’ of unawareness and ignorance. That is how a Freemasonic induction works. You strip down of all your belongings, your older-self is killed, and you are reborn.

And it’s no coincidence that on January 5, after 3 days of unconsciousness, the media reports that he woke up at the hospital and opened his eyes. Player number 3 woke up after 3 days, like 33, reborn, ready for his new life. Same story as with Jesus who died at 33-years-old and resurrected on the third day. All scripted and acted of course, like they always do it.

So, we had Hamlin who collapsed during Monday Night football (MNF) in a Masonic ritual which caused games to be postponed.

Hamlin = 33
Collapsed = 33
Masonry = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
MNF = 33
Postpone = 33
Also, his full name ‘Damar Hamlin’ is a double match to the word ‘Antichrist,’ making him very suitable for a ritual on the world stage.
And as I wrote several times in 2022, and on January 1st — 2023 is the year of Order 322, of Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And last year, we had the big ritual of the “collapse” of the Georgia Guidestones after a staged explosion. Since then, we have seen many players of the ‘bread and circuses’ entertainment system collapse in such manner. All symbolically connected. Damar Hamlin was one of them, and his ritual kicked off the new year of 2023, the year written as 223, or 322 in reverse, as in Order 322, Skull and Bones.

Jack Chick #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger boolean-union.com

(From the retracted 1986 Chick Tract “Satan’s Master”. The character is a “White Witch” infiltrating a Sunday school run by a former member of the coven who converted to Christianity,)
imageHannah the Witch: “You see, Jesus was a great teacher and was called a prophet of God. We are all children of God, we all have access to this power.”
Student 1, thinking: “You’re hanging yourself, lady.”
Student 2: “But, Hannah, where does this power come from?”
Hannah: “The use of the candle with the words of the prayers triggers the release of power from what we call the positive material plane… This is the very essence of the power that holds this universe together.*”
Footnote: “*Paraphrased from the Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Master’s Guide by Gygax, published by TSR Inc., page 40 | See Colossians 1:12-19″

Josh Sazdanoff President, Breakn Truth Ministries #fundie #kinkshaming livingwaters.com

Are you fed up yet? Are you sick and tired of being pushed around, cornered, and pummeled by lust? Maybe you want lust out of your life but aren’t sure how to get there. Sex has been compared to fire. Fire is good if it’s contained in a fireplace. But fire can be horrific if it’s out of control; like a wild forest fire, it can cause tremendous destruction. Sex is great and good in marriage, but outside of marriage it has many devastating consequences.

Dana Carbone #fundie twitter.com

[in response to a Ray Comfort post about a fan supposedly coming to faith from watching his movie about Noah and the end of the world]

Trump should have declared martial law I had a feeling he wanted to but for the good of the country he did not. It's like one preacher said you either pay the price now or later we are paying it later with what's happening in America

Sheri #crackpot #fundie #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

There’s a huge need people have but are often very blind to.

They seek it half-heartedly but never seem to find it.

It’s not in the churches, or other peoples faces.

They seek and seek but cant seem to find it.

Dont know where to begin, how to start,

His Book is so big, seems to have no end.

And all the screaming and shouting and pacing of preachers cant conjure it up.

This world seems a zoo.

Are you unable to obey, believe, trust?

Or are you traveling a path that only leads to your shoes being covered with dust?

Today, in this world, who can you trust?

Have you looked to authorities, scholars, philosophers?

Have they let you down? Feel you’re going insane?

Truth is actually very simple and plain. We must simply repent, say were sorry to God not some man, then obey!
Hes looking for a few who can trust and obey. He’s looking for leaders who will follow His orders.

He wants them to rule with a crown and live beside Him.

After this parts all complete, He’s got grander designs for all of His children, a new planet!

A totally recreated Garden of Eden here on earth with much greater landmass, less ocean, no stickers or thorns or dangerous animals. (Isa 11)

And no more demons to taunt and harass. He had this plan written down by Ezekiel 37.

That’s when everyone’s eyes will be opened

We will get to experience what God always intended.

The problem today is we have to many aliens.

They dont understand what obedience is, except to put people in pods and exist in their skin.
You just must agree to never look back. He wants us to obey and trust. He only needs a few leaders to be steadfast and trust.

To then will be white robes, new names, and crowns and special recognition. They will reign with Lotd Jesus together in His Kingdom and they will have found,

A treasure so priceless, rare, and so GREAT

Oh Come My Lord Jesus! I can hardly wait!

ps. The secret key is to keep His Sabbath = obedience, shows your attitude!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #elitist nowtheendbegins.com

Today, we entrust our beloved Pope emeritus Benedict XVI to our Most Holy Mother Mary, that she may accompany him in his passage from this world to God, said Pope Francis.
People get mad when I say that the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian Church, and that it does not teach Bible doctrine. But guess what? It’s not, and they don’t. The stunning proof of that occurred this weekend at the Vatican, and it was committed by the man they call the ‘Vicar of Christ’, who is considered to be ‘infallible’ when speaking on matters of the Roman Catholic Church. What did Francis do? He committed the soul of Pope Benedict XVI to the care of the ‘Virgin Mary’ to bring him home to Heaven. Oopsie, wrong answer, enjoy eternity.
When she died, Mary’s soul went home to be with the Lord, no doubt about it. But since her homegoing she hasn’t heard or answered a single prayer for anyone, living or dead, on the face of the earth. Mary is not part of the Godhead, and because she’s not, she does not assist in any way in the ‘journey to Heaven’ of anyone. That’s something only God can do.

But how does a soul get to Heaven when they die? According to the Bible, that happens when a person trusts the Lord Jesus Christ, and nothing else, and by trusting in His death, burial and resurrection on the third day according to the scriptures, they become born again. Jesus says in John 3:1-5 that the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God is to be born again. This is not ‘secret knowledge’ or some deep and hidden truth known only to handful on initiates, it’s the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is the only way to Heaven. So what on earth is Pope Francis doing ‘entrusting the soul’ of Benedict to the ‘most high Virgin Mary’? He’s committing blasphemy while teaching a false gospel at the same time. If you are trusting the ‘Virgin Mary’ to take you home to Heaven, you will be quite surprised at where you actually wind up. And it’ll be hot, very, very hot.

wholereason #fundie #crackpot #wingnut wholereason.com

But the larger problem with disproving evolution is twofold. First, it’s definition is so plastic that there really is no meaningful set of conditions that evolutionists would accept as falsifying it, in part because, like faith in the Bible, it is assumed true, and those defending it just look for harmonizations of the data, never considering falsification. Lack of intermediate forms? “Not enough data” or “punctuated equilibrium.” Lack of experimental evidence? “It takes too long to observe.” Genetic trees don’t match those based on morphology? “Convergent evolution.”

Second, the truth is, there are only two models for origins – one where all starts out as soup and by some law organizes into higher physical and living complexity and forms, and another where things start out organized by an intelligent designer and progress via thermodynamics and entropy towards disorder (which looks more like reality? Dawkins confession of “the appearance of design” looks very naive). Being without faith in the latter model, unbelievers MUST believe some form of evolution. So they won’t seriously consider any contrary evidence as falsification, just another chance to “improve the model.”

Joel “Bisqwit” Yliluoma #fundie #wingnut #racist bisqwit.iki.fi

The author of Qur’an makes several mentions that the self-proclaimed prophet of Islam is mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel.

Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel, which are with them […]

So of course we should find Muhammad in the Bible that we have according to that passage. Guess what? He is!

Here are a few instances where he is found.


Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Muslims pride themselves of outward appearances of piety, such as the month-long fasting period of Ramadan. However, they rarely tell you that this supposed fasting period is actually a feast during which food sales in Islamic countries double due to the extravagant food-gorging that happens between the sundown and sunrise.

Many people are suckled into coming into Islam by lofty promises. However, when they begin expressing doubts regarding the most obvious false prophet in the history, they soon discover a hidden facet of the religion: Islam is a one-way ticket. If you happen to live in a Muslim-majority country and you denounce islam, you will be killed. If you live in westernized country where Islamic murders do not have the favor of law, you may still find yourself ostracised by everyone you once thought is your friend, but who now think you don’t deserve to be treated as a human.

It is for this reason and others that Islam perfectly matches the description “sheep’s clothing, but inwardly ravenous wolves”.

Matthew 24:11

And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.

The sheer number of victims of Muhammad the false prophet makes this an understatement of tragicomic proportions.

Jgtemolder #sexist #fundie archive.is

Alex224922: I was raped by my boyfriend in high school. I was sitting on his bed, with all my clothes on, talking to him because I wanted to have a conversation with him and nothing else. He playfully pushed me down onto his bed and I said, "No hon, I'm not in the mood today." He tried again because he thought I was teasing, so I raised my voice, got angry and said, "NO, not today." He then proceeded to guilt me and tell me he really wanted to, but I stood my ground. Finally, he wasn't having it. He started horsing around with me and then pushed me onto the bed again, got on top of me, and started trying to take my clothes off. I told him NO again, trying to get up but he held me down. That's when I started yelling at him and hitting him, but he didn't stop. I was in shock. This was my boyfriend, and he definitely knew me well enough to know the difference between me "secretly wanting it" and not wanting to have sex. I kicked, I hit, I cursed, I CRIED and he still forced his way in.
There is a DIFFERENCE between rape and consensual sexual dominance. Yes, I enjoy being dominated in bed, but my new boyfriend ALSO enjoys being dominated. My ex didn't dominate me. He forced me to have sex that I DID NOT WANT. I did not enjoy it, I did not like being raped

Jgtemolder: If someone, regardless of sex or gender or sexuality, smashes the door down screaming about being raped like it's a merit badge and demanding everyone better get on their knees and not question anything they are saying, otherwise they'll pull out the rape-victim card to show how ashamed you should be (or just whip that thing out in the middle of a conversation); I say it's appropriate, again, regardless of sex.
(Especially when they admit to enjoy sexual domination games, and their text heavily implies they enjoyed them with the partner that supposedly raped them, yet not using the safe word... or were dumb enough not to establish one.)
If someone is simply relaying their experience, regardless of sex, and explain what it is, it is not.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerPRAY to end
abortion in America.

@RealMarjorieGreene Yes and also work to end antiwhitism.

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray to end mass immigration. Pray to end all affirmative action programs.

@RealMarjorieGreene if repubs take back c0ngress are you guys going to impeach biden and that rootless rat mayorkas for engaging in ethnic cleansing of White America by opening the borders?

i wouldn’t hold my breath.

@RealMarjorieGreene Will anybody be arrested and punished for promoting these deadly "vaccines?"

@RealMarjorieGreene Is the US government ever going to stop sending money to Ukraine and Israel?

@jones_maltsberger @RealMarjorieGreene The ZOG has to ensure above all the interests and objectives of "Israel"

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion is the least of our problems. Abortion is the only thing that has slightly reduced the hordes of people destroying our cities.

@TrueDepth @RealMarjorieGreene

Abortion isn’t the “least of our problems”. In my opinion, it is more abominable than sodomy. It is murder as the Law of God says and such women guilty of abortion will have their part in the lake of fire. Whoso sheds man’s blood by man(jesus christ) shall his blood be shed. This is the Law.

@RealMarjorieGreene Anti fag laws need to be reinstated and enforced also, or this nation is toast--Psa. 9:17--Rick Grenell et al notwithstanding.

Association of Qom Seminary Teachers (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom), Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi and Ayatollah Mohsen Araki #fundie #psycho iranintl.com

An influential hardliner clerical group in addition to executions demands punishing Iranian protesters by cutting fingers and toes instead of just exiling them

In a statement Saturday, the Association of Qom Seminary Teachers urged the authorities to continue executions but use the amputation punishment to deter people from joining the protests instead of lenient punishments in the law such as exile

The association (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom) suggested that anyone who “instigates fear in society” -- supposedly by participation in anti-government protests -- is belligerent (mohareb) which in Iran's Sharia-based laws is punishable by death, crucifixion, severance of limbs, and/or exile

Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi, a member of the clerical group, said last week that despite normal practice in the case of murders where victims’ families can practice the “right to blood” – that is demand retribution in kind (death sentence), ‘blood money’, or forgive -- the “imam” of the society should punish a belligerent protester even if the family forgives the killer

Another member, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, said Friday that those who participate in the protests, whether this includes direct involvement in the killing of government forces or not, should be considered as belligerents and be found guilty of “corruption on earth”[…]
“The severing of fingers of one hand and toes of the opposite foot could be effective [as a deterrent punishment]” if a person “instigates fear in society, without the involvement of the [opposition] media and without urging others to follow suit,” the clerics of the powerful association suggested while arguing that the ‘exile’ option is too lenient to “prevent crime”[…]
Exile would be totally ineffective in such cases, they declared, because such actions tarnish Iran's image in the international community and bear other costs for the government

Amos37 #conspiracy #fundie gettr.com

Now on Rumble: Satanic Symbolism Divergent, Robo-Cop, and Transcendence

Yup more, it's a thing with Hellywood and they are non-stop deceiving us with so-called entertainment. This video shows several examples of Satanic, Illuminati, and New World Order symbolism in the recent movies that came out; Transcendence, Divergent, and RoboCop...

#hellywood #symbolism #nwoagenda #dystopia #JesusSaves

JE Aggas #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

“At 7:21 pm, on December 25th, 2022, dispatchers received a call of a fire at the Puget Sound Energy substation at 14320 Kapowsin Hwy E. Deputies, Firefighters and Puget Sound Energy employees responded to the scene. The fire was extinguished and the substation secured. Power was knocked out for homes in Kapowsin and Graham. The suspect(s) gained access to the fenced area and vandalized the equipment which caused the fire. There are no suspects in custody at this time.” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.

Revelation 6:2 (KJV)
"And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." = 1225 (English Ordinal)

"cyber attack" = 1225 (Standard)

"antifa power grid attack" = 222 (Ordinal)
"power grid attacks" = 190 (Ordinal)
"power grid blackout" = 200 (Ordinal)
"Georgia Guidestones" = 200 (Ordinal)

Guidestones down 7/6/2022 to Christmas was 172 days
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

ATT Batman buiding attack
From and including: Friday, December 25, 2020
To, but not including Sunday, December 25, 2022
Result: 730 days
"Hillary Clinton" = 73 (Reduction)

Mother-anon #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho boards.4channel.org

I can tell by the way you write that you bear the mark of Cain. You most certainly are an son of adam

i most certainly am not a son of Adam, my mother does not hide her disdain towards those rotten people. mark of cain brands one as a murderer and my mother pointed me in the right direction, i only had to see what kind of entertainment is the most popular at the moment. besides if i am son of Adam then why did i find love from a daughter Lilith instead of a daughter of Eve?

she really is the one, my mother is the only woman i feel like i am a true equal with.

i have been thinking this more thoroughly, the way i see it there are several different bloodline. Adam's bloodline is the most prosperous one but the ruling one is Canaan's bloodline. this is what my mother truly hates, the children of Canaan are counted among her true enemies (i sadly cannot entertain thoughts about them as it would conjure some very unpleasant things in my spiritual landscape, but i can say that the word 'cannibal' comes from Canaan). children of adam have sadly become accomplices but in the end my mother sees them merely as unknowing children who are just here to toil for their bread. i cannot know for certain what bloodline i belong to but i know that the toil is not part of my nature.

You seem to have a deep connection with your succubus. To what extent does your contact in the physical world extend?

the contact is third eye only and mainly happens through dream realm, even a light dream state is enough to gain a deep connection with her but i will always cherish that one moment when she appeared in my rem sleep.

Since the topic of glowies comes up infrequently itt what does everyone think the actual stance of them is wrt this topic?

when it comes to glowniggers my mother tells me that they are always children of canaan, it takes a special kind of cruelty to become one. i think Terry Davis was also right that you can drive over the glowniggers, children of canaan feel neither pain nor fear which means you can kill them with reckless abandon.

James #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Several people have been shown visions in which they saw the Antichrist being crowned in an underground ceremony during COP27 that was held in Egypt. Over the next 3 months, the Antichrist will rise into the public view based on a repeating celestial pattern that marked the rise of Hitler as precursor to the Antichrist. There are seven saros-cycles, or 18-year celestial wave patterns that are associated with the nation of Israel and this series of celestial events being tied to major events that involved Israel – going back all the way to the Balfour declaration. One of these patterns that was linked to Hitler rising to power, clearly points to March 2023 as the time when the Antichrist will rise to power. Time is short, and there is a way to escape the time that will shortly follow! Make sure you are not left behind!

@BohoRose , @Linkstar & @_Fangoria_ #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy gettr.com

( @BohoRose )
Christians believe God created the world, it's called Genesis. Martine Rothblatt created the transgender empire and called his daughter Jenesis. If you think transhumanists like him or Ray Kurzweil at Google aren't determined to win, you're insane. They've put too much money and effort into gender ideology for it to fail, so it's only going to get worse regarding laws made by their puppets like Biden or Trudeau. Fight, fight, fight. If you can't do anything much else, donate what you can and shitpost on the internet. Knowledge is power, give it back to the people. All you need to know is that sex is binary, disorders of sexual differentiation exist, and that there is no trans. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Do it for humanity. Speak up wherever you can!

( @Linkstar )
Satan is always there to try to twist the minds to pervert God's creations, to always put doubt in the minds that God really exists, and to take as many as he can to the pits of hell

( @_Fangoria_ )
All of those things. And also pray 🙏😀
We are definitely definitely living at the end of a system/civilization- (the apocalypse?) the question is : what is it going to be on the other side? The hellscape these globalist elite demons are planning- or a new awakened world sensitive, receptive and expressive of God’s grace, design and purpose for the human being He created?

( @BohoRose )
There's a hellscape coming. We dunno if it's an ultimate end of days kinda thing or just a horrible time, gotta wait and see. Transhumanists are narcissists so they will try everything.

woodchip #fundie #dunning-kruger #conspiracy descentbb.net

Any way you parse it TC, you voted in the least capable moron because he was not Trump? And if Trump is being accused of leading a insurrection, then how many of the rioters have been charged with insurrection. Do you know. Let me clue you in...not a dam one. Do you know what the Jan 06 committee really is? Political theater and they sucked you in to believing that there was a insurrection going on. Now you are labeling Christians as fascists, Conservative's as Nazis. Didn't Biden say at on time he was going to be the great unifier ? Looks like quite the opposite. Taxes? Did you ever own a business? Do you know anything about write-offs? how to depreciate assets? I don't think Trump is a expert either, which is why he hires CPA's. So blame them if you do not like how he pays taxes

Now do I think he is a boy scout. No. Can He say dumb things on Twitter. Yes. Compared to Biden, Trump was 10x as effective. And do you know there is a poll somewhere, that if Hunters laptop story wasn't covered up by your liberal press, that 15% of those who voted for Biden wouldn't have. So keep hating TC, I'm sure you'll keep believing the news you hear from the liberal fanatic sources you listen to

Lorber-Verlag, directors Michael Zluhan and Manuel Zluhan #magick #fundie #crackpot lorber-verlag.de

Jakob Lorber (1800-1864) was one Chosen by God. One can call him a prophetic mystic, even more so, a Christian prophet. He himself humbly called himself “God’s servile scribe”. The importance of his prophetic work has been communicate to him via inter divine dictat, gets ever more recognition in this day and age. This 25volume opus unlocks all questions that move us about the history of salvation, indeed, about the entire history of creation. In it, both the formation and the structure of the worlds in its physical, astral and spiritual aspects are put under the microscope to the smallest level. In particular, we learn all about the nature of God, about the world of the angels, the levels of redemption of the souls in the world beyond earthly death and, at the centre, the nature of the Saviour Jesus Christ.

Original GermanJakob Lorber (1800 - 1864) war ein von Gott Erwählter. Man kann ihn als prophetischen Mystiker bezeichnen, mehr noch ist er christlicher Prophet. Er selbst nannte sich demütig den „Schreibknecht Gottes“. Sein prophetisches Werk, das ihm durch inneres göttliches Diktat mitgeteilt wurde, wird in seiner Bedeutung in unserer Zeit immer mehr erkannt. Das 25bändige Werk schließt alle Fragen auf, die uns über die Heilsgeschichte, ja sogar über die gesamte Schöpfungsgeschichte bewegen. Da wird sowohl die Entstehung wie auch der Aufbau der Welten in ihrem physischen, astralen und geistigen Bereich bis ins kleinste durchleuchtet. Besonders aber erfahren wir alles über das Wesen Gottes, über die Welt der Engel, die jenseitigen Läuterungsstufen der Seelen nach dem irdischen Tod und, im Mittelpunkt stehend, das Wesen des Erlösers Jesu Christi.

Brian Baker #fundie #psycho msn.com

And as the dems rush to WWlll it will bring nuclear annilation to all the big blue cities and the dems. All that will be left is real Americans. That will be the great substitution. We will be rid of all the arrogant, want to be elitist communist indoctrinated.

Samuel Bateman #fundie sltrib.com

Samuel Bateman first said he felt prompted to take his own teenage daughter as his wife, his family later told investigators, in early 2019

Soon after, his wife and daughter left his home in Colorado City, according to the FBI, where Bateman had been raised as a member of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

But the next spring, Bateman began gathering young women, and then girls, and then the adult wives of his male followers as his own wives. He later directed and participated in group sex acts with them, according to accounts detailed in a federal court document filed Friday
Some of the descriptions are from Bateman, the document said, drawn from recordings made by a Colorado City woman who helps members of the polygamy community and her husband, who was filming a documentary[…]
Bateman told the couple that Heavenly Father had instructed him in early November 2021 to “give the most precious thing he has, his girls’ virtue,” to three of his adult male followers while he watched[…]
Bateman said the girls had “sacrificed their virtue for the Lord,” [Special Agent Dawn A. ] Martin said, noting one of the three girls he described was 12 years old at the time

“God will fix their bodies and put the membrane back in their body. I’ve never had more confidence in doing his will. It’s all out of love”[…]
Bateman “began to proclaim he was a prophet” in 2019, Martin said in her affidavit. In his small offshoot of the FLDS faith, he has “approximately 50 followers and more than 20 wives, many of whom are minors, mostly under the age of 15”[…]
The eight girls recovered in Spokane are listed in the affidavit as wives of Bateman. The young woman who was with them when they were found — Moretta Rose Johnson — also became a wife of Bateman when she was under age 18

Nida Mohammad Nadim #fundie #pratt #sexist pbs.org

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The minister of higher education in the Taliban government on Thursday defended his decision to ban women from universities — a decree that had triggered a global backlash.

Discussing the matter for the first time in public, Nida Mohammad Nadim said the ban issued earlier this week was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because he believes some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam. He said the ban was in place until further notice.

In an interview with Afghan television, Nadim pushed back against the widespread international condemnation, including from Muslim-majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. Nadim said that foreigners should stop interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

Earlier on Thursday, the foreign ministers of the G-7 group of states urged the Taliban to rescind the ban, warning that “gender persecution may amount to a crime against humanity.” The ministers warned after a virtual meeting that “Taliban policies designed to erase women from public life will have consequences for how our countries engage with the Taliban.” The G-7 group includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

A former provincial governor, police chief and military commander, Nadim was appointed minister in October by the supreme Taliban leader and previously pledged to stamp out secular schooling. Nadim opposes female education, saying it is against Islamic and Afghan values.

Other reasons he gave for the university ban were women’s failure to observe a dress code and the study of certain subjects and courses.

“We told girls to have proper hijab but they didn’t and they wore dresses like they are going to a wedding ceremony,” he said. “Girls were studying agriculture and engineering, but this didn’t match Afghan culture. Girls should learn, but not in areas that go against Islam and Afghan honor.”

He added that work was underway to fix these issues and universities would reopen for women once they were resolved. The Taliban made similar promises about high school access for girls, saying classes would resume for them once “technical issues” around uniforms and transport were sorted out, but girls remain shut out of classrooms.

Taliban #fundie #sexist npr.org

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Taliban security forces fanned out to some universities and informal learning centers in Kabul on Wednesday, teachers said, enforcing an edict issued the night before that appears to have banned most females from any education beyond the sixth grade.

In one instance, a teacher reported security forces barging into his class, shouting at girls to go home. "Some of students started verbal arguments with them, but they didn't listen. My students left their classes, crying," said Waheed Hamidi, an English-language teacher at a tuition center in Kabul.

The move was expected – and dreaded – by observers as the Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Haibutullah Akhundzada imposes his vision of an Afghanistan which is ultra-conservative, even by the hardline group's standards.

"I genuinely think that the man in charge thinks that this is what an Islamic society ought to look like," says Obaidullah Baheer, a Kabul-based lecturer at the American University of Afghanistan. Speaking earlier to NPR about Akhundzada, he said, "he had this very specific view of where women or young girls should be within the society, which is within their households. So I guess for all intents and purposes, this is a gender apartheid. This is nothing short of that."

Since coming to power in August last year, the Taliban have overseen a hodgepodge of education policies. They allow girls to attend school until the sixth grade, when primary school ends. But they have prevented most girls from attending formal secondary school education, reneging on a promise to allow them back to class in March, when the scholastic year began. Some girls in distant provinces still attended high school, however, and another, unknown number were attending informal classes in tuition centers.

And in a quirk of contradictory decision-making, the former minister of higher education Abdul Baqi Haqqani allowed women to attend universities, albeit under strict conditions, including wearing face coverings and abiding by strict segregation. But in October, Haqqani was replaced with known hardliner, Nida Mohammad Nadim, who had expressed his opposition to women receiving an education. He is known to be close to Akhundzada.

Gedaliah Shay #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com


Do you experience difficulty in making progress in your workplace, among your colleagues, or even spiritually?

Do you get disappointment in places where you should get favors and keep experiencing failure even when you're close to the end of your dark tunnel? Or, do you find it hard to get the real purpose of your life, and you keep going round in circles without any real progress?

Why do you experience this, you may ask?

The depth of the Spiritual realm and its effect on your life is more than meets the eye! It is more than what you think it is. The secret to getting to the root of the world's evil powers is unknown to many, which is why they stay camped under the influence of the principalities of this world.

You know the magnitude of God's power and his greatness over every evil over your life, but do you know that you can command much more with some secret weapons at your disposal?

How would you like to know the exact strategies and plans of your enemies and combat them to turn things around to greatness for you?

What if you are shown the exact picture of the works of the devil and taught the surest ways to fight back and take over your life completely from the evil that witches and wizards control?

Wouldn't it be easier for you to know exactly where your problem stems from and the most definite solution to do to get back on track of progress?

Do you know the strange and terrifying lengths that men of this world go to acquire power? Do you want to keep yourself safe, away from their predatory Eyes?

This Book was specially made to prepare you by guiding you through steps on knowing your enemy, learning more about the power of God, and the exact ways to use the unconquerable weapons God has given you!

You need to stop grappling with the fear of the unknown and send fire for fire against the forces of darkness against you!

The Perfect Prayer handbook for all Christian Warriors.

Coercion Code #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick coercioncode.com

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

(1) Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.

(2) Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.
(5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.

(6) Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan“. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura“, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan“. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.

(7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.
(9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!
(12) “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ“, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ“. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

Peter MacDonald: There is no way to know if you are saved then according to this. I was as saved as you could get. I knew I had sinned and felt the conviction. I repented. I felt forgiven and saved. I knew I was headed to Heaven. There are always going to be controversy in the church about this kind of stuff because there is no real answer. One man believes the Bible is interpreted a certain way, and the other believes the complete opposite. And both are listening to God. People have their untouchable zone, that is, however convincing the argument is they won't be persuaded because it reaches into a "no fly zone" in their brain. Think of a box with a key. You were told to never ever open the box no matter what. You can play with anything else in the room but DO NOT turn that key and explore the box! If you are successful in instilling fear in that person, you can keep whatever lies in the box locked away safely. The problem with Christians is their no fly zones are logical thinking. They are told "The Bible is without any flaws, it's a perfect book" So you can't think about anything in the Bible in a logical fashion. If it says it, it's true. Here's how the controversy starts: Everyone has presuppositions. You can't help it. So you try to make the Bible say what you want by what you feel. That's all it really is. Most people are genuine people who want to find the truth and are really sincere. I don't doubt that one bit. I was once that person. Just trying to make sense of it. Let me challenge you today, open the box and explore it. Don't be afraid to let go of your religion! If it's really true you don't have anything to worry about, right? You'll find yourself right back where you were. But for the sake of your sanity, rethink religon.

Ray Comfort: Peter MacDonald. Did you know the Lord? If you say you did, then what we maintain is true. If you didn't, then you were a false convert who faked it...for how many years?

Emma Stark #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

I was ministering in Africa… and I looked at my watch, I thought it was about two minutes before I’ve got to preach. I’ll just (go) to the bathroom before I’m on the platform. I’m sorry if this is too straight talking, but this is how I am.

So I’m in the lady’s restrooms, and being as polite as I can about it, I literally, I lock myself in the cubicle, I go to sit down on the toilet, I don’t know how else to say it politely, and the Spirit of God just said, ‘Come up here.’

And I am literally putting my hands against either cubicle wall going, “Ahhhhhh, I’m going to preach God, what are you doing?!” Like Paul says, whether in the spirit or out the spirit, I don’t really know at that point.

So I fly through the spirit realm and I find myself in one of God’s gardens. And he’s sitting quite peacefully in one of his benches in his garden, and I’m sitting there, and I’m saying to God, “I’m preaching, I’m not ready to preach, what are you doing? This is not good timing, you know?”

So… of course, you look in his eyes, and you’re like, “oh, they can just wait, I’m staying here forever”, you know? And you see him, and suddenly, your entire being is whole in a different way. And we lock eyes, and all that jadedness and all that frustration, and he doesn’t even need to say anything. It’s just the look. And of course, because he is peace, because he is joy, because he is life. You know, you sit in his shadow, and you just sit and suddenly it’s all okay.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Eroticism is all about how normal people may be, have been, and are being artificially eroticized for political purposes. Children especially. There is an ongoing Marxist PSYOP in operation to transform otherwise normal children and adults into "happy" members of the revolutionary LGBTQ+ "community".

In Silent Coup we spoke of the three pillars of Totalitarianism. This is about the first pillar: Eroticism. Through an old running PSYOP of Cultural Marxism, the free-world population is being schmoozed into displacing self-mastery and all sense of social decency, and adopting more and more open hedonism and seeking of pleasure for pleasure's sake. As if pleasure were man's sole purpose for being.

Eventually to the point that the source of human decency - God - is totally sidelined if not entirely expunged from the human mind.
But today, almost everyone has fallen into the "Open LGBTQ+ Behavior Is Culturally, Socially And Even Religiously Acceptable" psychological trap. And now the tables are turning, to where the open LGBTQ+ public miscreants are mandating that non-LGBTQ+ behaviors are no longer acceptable.

At one time or another, you have heard the most stalwart conservative voices, whether speaking from public office, from talk radio or even from Church pulpits solemnly declare,

"No one cares what goes on between homosexuals or transsexuals or any two people who love each other; that's no one's business but theirs."

That's the problem; everyone should care. Sexual perversion does not belong in the public eye. No one should be subjected to seeing it on public display or dealing with it anywhere, from the workplace to the streets to political competition for political office.
The minute the Homo-Nazi movement started coming "out of the closet", going public, and got away with it, was the minute the American Judaeo-Christian ethos began it's decline to where, today, anything goes in the public square.

Brother Nathanael #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Congratulations to Kanye West for advancing to “Antisemite of the Year 2022!”

“Stop Antisemitism”—yet another Jewish Watchdog Group among tons of other Jewish dogs—gave Ye this prestigious award for his ‘hate speech’ screeds.

And, dear, what is ‘hate speech?’

Truth and Facts Jews simply ‘hate’ to hear.
Damn right.

I grew up as a Jew and saw Hannukah morph from a holy day celebrating God raising up the Maccabees against a pagan king into a money-making hoopla.

Go into Target, Wallmart, Whole Foods, and Hannukakah Menorahs are everywhere.

Nativity Scenes?

Not a single one.

Talk about Kwanzaa.

In ‘66 a Black professor at U Cal fabricated Kwanzaa to give Blacks something instead of Christmas to celebrate which he called “too White.”

Christ-hating Jews jumped right on in seeing a chance to kill off Christmas.

Planning to stage joint Kwanzaa and Hannukah celebrations—complete with a ‘Black-Jewish’ Conference to kick it off—Jews knew a good thing to get in on.

Some enlightened Blacks were wary saying, “Jews will soon own it all.”
But I’ve got my own prime candidate for “Antisemite of the Year.”

Jonathan Greenblech of the Anti-Defamation League.

You say: ‘Hey bro!’

‘Greenblech is kike supreme, how’s come you to make him an ‘antisemite?’

‘Cause the kike is creating Jew-hatred every time he opens his mouth.

Like a dog begging for food at your table, Greenblech annoys the goys worse than any hungry dog.
Just one look at the Yid gives one a revolting feeling about Jews deep down in their kishkas.

Can’t we find a better looking Yid to represent Jew hatred?

Here’s a nice vibrant sampling of yiddishee people to pick from.

We’ve got fat Jews, obese Jews, heavy Jews, overweight Jews, and stout Jews to choose.

Some very rabbinic Jews, humping Jews, thrusting Jews, and even a schwartza Jew to select instead of Jonathan Greenblech.

I like the schwartza Jew, since no Jew, not a single one, will want a schwartza Jew representing him.

How antisemitic of me!

It’s true!

But Bro!

That’s ‘hate speech!’

Father Zechariah Lynch #fundie #wingnut inklesspen.blog

[From "The Cosmic Significance of Tsar Nicholas II"]

The Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II is[…]one of the most significant saints of the past century and of our “modern” times[…]
One could easily speak on the deep personal attributes of Tsar Nicholas II, his profound faith and piety, his devotion as a husband, father, and ruler, together with his heartfelt concern for the well-being (physical and spiritual) of his country and the people God had entrusted to him[…]
As a husband, father, priest, and pastor, I am continually inspired by this priceless man, whose portrait hangs in my office

Despite the virulent propaganda promoted by the communists[…]the Tsar was a man of deep conviction, righteousness, and a just ruler as St. John of Kronstadt testifies[…]
The understanding that clearly emerged[…]that the Cesar (Tsar) was ordained by God for the good and godly ordering of governmental affairs became a bedrock of Christian society[…]This God-ordained earthly authority worked in harmony – in symphony – with the Church[…]
The modern secular ideal of government is based on “Enlightenment”[…]French Revolution made no attempt to hide the fact that it desired the complete overthrow of “throne and altar.” The brutal history of bloody secular revolutions has always set as primary targets royalty and clergy[…]A very enticing motto was created – rule for the people and by the people[…]The people are deluded into thinking that they are the source of authority for those who rule[…]
Subjective and nebulous ideas such as “human rights” and “equality” replace the objective realities of Christian charity and love. The tyranny of fallen human perversions and passions become the dictators of human existence[…]
Maybe the world was no longer worthy of such an ideal[…]After the martyrdom of the Tsar, the world entered into a time of unheard-of global chaos, socially and morally

James Lindsay #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie lgbtqnation.com

Anti-LGBTQ+ activist James Lindsay thinks that drag queens (who he calls “groomer clowns”) are part of “an unconventional warfare tactic to provoke” conservatives into killing one. Such a killing, he says, would make the victim a “Drag Floyd,” basically a drag queen version of George Floyd, a Black man whose 2020 murder by police sparked national protests against institutional discrimination.

Lindsay — who has previously published hoax “research papers” seeking to discredit queer, gender, and critical race studies — made his comments while speaking during Turning Point USA’s annual Americafest conference. The organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk, has attacked transgender people and described opposition to religious exemptions as “fascism.”

“Drag queens are a provocation. It’s been an escalating provocation,” Lindsay said, accusing drag queens of first putting on makeup and reading to children before eventually progressing to “dancing,” “grinding,” “sexual dancing,” “twerking,” and “doing simulated sex acts in front of children.” Very few drag shows contain simulated sex acts, and all-ages drag shows often involve reading children’s books while fully clothed or other family-friendly entertainment.

He said the “real goal of Drag Queen Story Hour” is to teach kids “living queerly [and] strategic defiance” and to get adults to either accept their methods or to react too harshly against them on video in order to “smear” such opponents as inciters of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, Media Matters reported.

“The goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreact — and that’s where I say ‘Drag Floyd,'” Lindsay added. “It’s so important to understand that they want a drag queen to get attacked and they want to make a huge amount of hay of it and they want to create summer 2020 again off of a drag queen or a trans person or something like this.”

Lindsay made his comments while sitting on a panel with Kirk; Steve Bannon, an anti-LGBTQ+ former advisor to President Donald Trump; and Tim Pool, a podcaster who said that queer people are child molesters who are responsible for their own murders.

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