
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Adolf Sneedler #fundie #racist #homophobia youtube.com

The Internet lumberjack is a massive pos. I dunno why so many comments act like he’s some fckin saint. All that horrible racist/bigoted ish Chris says about “the blacks/Jews/homosexuals/etc” came straight from that awful old fossil. He was just a hateful old pos that failed Chris every step of the way. Hope he’s rotting in H3ll.

he won't be rotting in hell because he was a decent god-fearing american who just was unlucky to fall in love with a mentally unwell woman
jews, homosexuals and you, however, will indeed go to hell, so repent while you still can

Corey A. DeAngelis #fundie twitter.com

Stop calling them "public" schools

They aren't open to the public
They aren't accountable to the public

They are run by government
They are regulated by government
They are funded by government
They are compelled by government

They are government schools.

Edward Hendrie #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy google.com

The Sphere of Influence is a sequel to The Greatest Lie on Earth (Expanded Edition): Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe. It will primarily focus on the infiltration into the church of the superstitious myth of heliocentrism and how that infiltration has served to undermine the gospel. The gospel is the entire Holy Bible, not just some of it. Matthew 4:4. Christian belief is an all or nothing proposition. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16.

God’s account of his creation is part and parcel of the gospel. A person with genuine faith believes what Jesus said about both heavenly and earthly things. “If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?” John 3:12.

Jesus is God. Jesus created all things in heaven and on earth. See Colossians 1:16-18. God has revealed himself through his creation.

“[T]hat which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:19-20.

If men have a misunderstanding of God’s creation, they will also have a misunderstanding of who God is. If people believe in a creation that does not exist, they consequently also believe in a creator that does not exist. It is essential, therefore, to have an accurate understanding of God’s creation. God did not make a movable, spherical earth. If men believe in a heliocentric creation, they will necessarily believe in a heliocentric creator. A heliocentric creation does not exist. So also, a heliocentric creator does not exist. A heliocentric creator is a false god. We have been warned to avoid the preaching of a false gospel, which presents a false Jesus.

Kauryl80 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot en.wikipedia.org

[ From a now WP:NOTFORUM-deleted post, on the Mitch McConnell Wikipedia article's talk page, on 2023-07-29, by someone on a mission with audio related delusions ]

If you listen closely to a recorded live video with a decent microphone, of the episode he 'apparently' had, you can hear an 'angel/being/alien/demon/manipulator' shortly after McConnell says 'string' a female or feminine sounding voice says 'keep quiet and some other words' then he has his episode, he felt his mind strange, so he was mind read/raped/manipulated, he is strong because he didn't panic, he was recharged or healed by someone they had waiting for him to come back from the conference to help him... That's why he came back re-energized, but they are trying to get rid of him obviously so when they want to get rid of someone they manipulate you or your surroundings to do so, usually out of spite instead of what God's plan is, if this continues...

[... Some more general preaching follows ...]

John Rolls #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie beforeitsnews.com

Hey guys, I am continuing on from below. Part of the psyop too, is that the US Military wants to know who who is and what is what out there. They want to see who the good guys are and who are the bad guys and what way the wind is blowing – what percentage of the population thinks what – like a political survey. There is small percentage of society in all sectors, public and private that are Deep State, and they are trafficking children. Those are the ones that the law needs to investigate. The other law enforcement officers who just went to work each day and did their job will need to be re-trained. There are many things they were not taught in their training. Yes, maybe they did some things wrong that they should have known by their conscience, not to do. Those things can be addressed. Also, the American people need to learn the correct law and the correct history so that they can form their own unbiased, intelligent decision based upon the law and not nonsense. Our law is very serious and very sacred like the Bible. Once people start to learn it, they can function in life much better. It takes the law to be an American. Think of it like this: If a person is a Christian and he/she did not know anything about the Bible, it would not make sense. Knowing the law helps each person know their “status” as it relates to their standing, position, and who they are in life and in relation to the nation, the people, and the system itself. Status is like identity. People who form a strong and stable identity are usually more functional, more competent and healthier in their life. The Cabal has gone way out of their way to remove, contaminate, degrade, twist and pervert each man and woman’s identity merely out of the darkness of their hearts and because they literally hate us and hate God.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Why do many atheists rant and rage over what we as biblical creationists believe? In their worldview, when you die you then won’t even know you ever existed. And eventually from their worldview everything dies anyway, and that’s the end!

So why do they get so emotional about opposing Christians? Because as God’s Word makes clear in Romans 1 and 2, God has made it evident to all that’s He’s the Creator, and we all have a conscience. The bottom line is it’s a spiritual issue and that’s why they battle so hard as deep down they’re actually convicted. They suppress the truth (Romans 1).

AvirahdeArah #fundie #racist theyeshivaworld.com

I was asked to write about racism; here’s my two cents….or perhaps more than that.

“I can’t believe how racist you are to say that before westerners came, North and South America were savage human-sacrificing warlords”
“I don’t understand how we can have a mitzvah of lo sichayeh kol neshoma and kill taf v’noshim from the 7 nations and amalek… it’s so racist”

These are some common examples of statements made by religious jews when discussing the term “racism”.

It is “racist” to say that a given race has middos and techunos which require, for the good of everyone else and themselves, to be mastered. It is 100% racist, but it’s what Hashem decided should be the best situation for bnei canaan. My rebbe rav belsky explained that the curse of noach was really a blessing. It would be in this setting that they will achieve their potential and be stopped from doing evil. Had Eliezer not had a master, he would have never became who he was.

Anti-racists can and have for decades pretended that there are no differences between races, for fear of racial crime and the horrors of the 20th century. This tactic is a failure, because “everyone knows” that this isn’t true, no matter what country one examines. We see that some racial groups consistently fail academically, socially and morally, across every continent. Not one country where they are the majority is fully developed. The anti racists themselves will not live in or even visit such communities at night, because they know their life would be in danger. Is this equivalent to hatred? Does it mean to stifle individuals who are successful… to tell them, chas veshalom, that they are bad because of their race? Heaven forbid! They are all created in the image of Hashem just as anyone else.

Arizona #racist #fundie theyeshivaworld.com

In just thirty seconds, a group of thieves managed to get away with over $2.15 million in high-end diamond jewelry in a smash-and-grab robbery at a Bronx store.

Surveillance video shows a suspect in a white t-shirt, black cap, and wearing sunglasses, acting like a customer and being buzzed into Rocco’s Jewelry on Webster Avenue in Fordham on Friday afternoon.

But instead of entering the store, the suspect held the door open so three masked colleagues in crime could rush in. One of the suspects who was wielding a hammer then smashed through the glass cases while the others grabbed the expensive items.
“Yet more incontrovertible proof that Rav Avigdor Miller was correct to blast the Emancipation Proclamation and declare that Afreakins should’ve remained enslaved for another fifty or so years to better civilize them.”

S Michael Houdmann #wingnut #fundie gotquestions.org

Authors note: Socialism is an ideology that advocates that the means of production should be owned by the community as a whole rather than the capitalists.

Socialism is a societal system in which property, natural resources, and the means of production are owned and controlled by the state rather than by individuals or private companies. A basic belief of socialism is that society as a whole should share in all goods produced, as everyone lives in cooperation with one another.

S. Michael Houdmann's claim: In the socialism Marx envisioned, the people own everything collectively, and all work for the common good of mankind. Marx’s goal was to end the ownership of private property through the state’s ownership of all means of economic production. Once private property was abolished, Marx felt that a person’s identity would be elevated and the wall that capitalism supposedly constructed between the owners and working class would be shattered. Everyone would value one another and work together for a shared purpose. Government would no longer be necessary, as people would become less selfish.

There are at least four errors in Marx’s thinking, revealing some flaws in socialism. First, his assertion that another person’s gain must come at another person’s expense is a myth; the structure of capitalism leaves plenty of room for all to raise their standard of living through innovation and competition. It is perfectly feasible for multiple parties to compete and do well in a market of consumers who want their goods and services.

Second, Marx was wrong in his socialist belief that the value of a product is based on the amount of labor that is put into it. The quality of a good or service simply cannot be determined by the amount of effort a laborer expends. For example, a master carpenter can more quickly and beautifully make a piece of furniture than an unskilled craftsmen can, and therefore his work will be valued far more (and correctly so) in an economic system such as capitalism.

Henry Hastings #fundie #wingnut #psycho rightwingwatch.org

In the wake of[…]Trump’s loss[…], the “Elijah Streams” program has become increasingly focused on promoting far-right conspiracy theorists and self-proclaimed “prophets”[…]
Tuesday, Enlow served as a guest host on “Elijah Steams,” where he interviewed Amanda and Henry Hastings, who run a biblically based tactical weapons training program called Shoot, Move, Communicate. Henry Hastings is a former special forces commander[…]“supernatural encounter” in which God reportedly told him to start training up “modern-day Minutemen”—emphasis on “men”[…]
“Jesus certainly wasn’t a pacifist,” Hastings said. “If you go to the Book of Revelation and you really get to know who the Lord is, he’s definitely not an anti-war pacifist at all”[…]
Hastings then claimed that the Constitution and Bill of Rights place “supreme authority” in the local sheriff who has the power to establish militias under the Second Amendment to remove “domestic enemies” from office[…]
“When we have elections where people have not been legally or lawfully elected, we have domestic enemies in office and our Constitution gives us the authority to remove them”

Hastings warned that the nation is heading to another Lexington[…]
Hastings later read a prophecy from the non-canonical Book of Enoch to proclaim that “the kings and the powerful ones will perish and will be surrendered into the hands of the righteous and the holy”[…]
“These wicked people who have dug a pit for the Lord’s anointed; I’m going to name them right now: Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Merrick Garland, Adam Schiff, and soon to be Katie Hobbs if the state of Arizona files an indictment against the Lord’s anointed. I am telling you, every single one of them will fall into the ditch that they have made, they will fall into the pit that they have dug unless they repent, but time’s running out for their repentance”

Rob #magick #ufo #fundie lightlanguagehealing.com

Dragon Transformation Frequencies with the Sirians and Angelic Kingdom

Light Language Keynote #26

It began with the presence of a huge multitude of beings, one of which was Jesus (Jeshua or another name if it resonates with you better), and it was as though I saw him as an albino or someone with much lighter hair and skin than usual. This has nothing to do with race but relates instead to Source Light shining more brightly through us as it transforms our physical/spiritual vessel. They then told me that the transmission is working with us on being lighter, on “lighten-ing” us. This can be taken in a literal sense as in our bodies becoming lighter (i.e. having less density), as well as in a less literal sense relating to our DNA and the Light from Source that we’re able to receive, process and radiate.

Jesus held a big, long scroll and let it unravel vertically. It was older/official looking and had writing and characters on it (they weren’t specific enough that I could see them clearly).
From here, I began to see dragon imagery, as if someone had adorned a document or page with a drawing of a dragon as a decorative element or border. Abstract.

The scroll and the dragon are interconnected. These frequencies are codes (= law / characters / sets of symbols) drawing on innate personal power to effect transformation throughout our being.

Specifically, the dragon totem…

Encompasses all four earth elements (the whole being — earth, fire, water, and air/ether)
Thus can take any form (shape-shifting, transformation)
Is fierce (think of this in a positive sense)
Symbolizes primordial power
We’re being guided. Jesus says it’s like how one guides a needle through a particular place in fabric or material, or through an element like a button hole, grommet, etc. The needle has its point that can be guided in particular direction — it can be guided specifically. We’re able do this for our own beings as we take action directed by our Higher Self.

Pastor Troy Brewer #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy troybrewer.com


1. False Religion – The Pope and Abrahamic Family House
2. Aliens

Statue is called “The Resurrection of Christ” and depicts a disfigured Jesus rising out of the crater of a nuclear bomb.


“AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH” – So Jesus warned his disciples in the book of Matthew.

1. Lackadaisical attitude of humanity despite the destruction looming in the future.

2. Wickedness

3. Hybridization of humanity during the Days of Noah.

God detested and destroyed Satan’s hybrid race with a flood, then later, when the armies of Israel moved into the Promised Land. Why?

1. They were no longer human—part demon.

2. Tainted DNA & blood (that’s why bloodlines are a big deal in the Bible)

3. Cannot be indwelled with the Holy Spirit. Cannot be “redeemed.”


Why are we talking about Nephilim today? Because they are making a comeback in these last days as aliens.




various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Littletoad2020 )

spoilerWhen Jews usurped power in Russia
during the Bolshevik Revolution, one
of the first laws they passed was
making antisemitism punishable by
death. Necessary because Russians
began noticing that all the bolshevik
revolutionaries were jewish and they
spoke Yiddish, not Russian.

( @Haumibu1488 )
Judaism and Islam teach that it's followers have an obligation and a duty to their god to kill White Christians, while false White Christianity teaches it's followers that they have a duty and obligation to their god to allow themselves to be killed.
Yet Whites don't seem to be able to put this shit together.

( @Littletoad2020 )
@Haumibu1488 That's not TRUE Christianity. The Christian religion has been hijacked by the Jew. They're not the Hebrews of the Bible, you and I are. They are the Edomites, the race traitors. The ones that both God and Jesus hate and revile. Read the Bible for yourself and discover your hidden past, discover your hidden roots and discover your future.

( @Skoyo )
And still Jewish today

( @FatherJohn )
@Littletoad2020 JUST LIKE HERE.


( @mistymountainz )

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

There’s been a war on the family ever since sin entered the world. The devil knows how important the family is. The family is the first and most fundamental institution God ordained in Scripture. The family is the unit God uses to transfer a spiritual legacy from one generation to the next and to impact the world. The family is the educational unit of the nation. The devil knows, destroy the family and you destroy the backbone of the culture.

The family is coming under increasingly aggressive attacks in America? Here are just some of the ways—and reasons:

Gay “Marriage”
Actually, there’s no such thing as same-sex “marriage.” That’s why I have the word marriage in quotes. Marriage is a Christian institution God created when he made the first man and woman, Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). So-called gay (or same-sex) “marriage” is an attack on the family God instituted in Genesis. They can call it gay union or whatever they want to call it but it’s not marriage. There’s only one marriage, the one God created, a man (male) and woman (female).

Gender Issues
Almost daily we read news stories about transgender controversies, sex-change operations, restroom-gender issues, and the like. This is all an attack on the basis of the family structure God designed and ordained in Genesis when he created the first man and woman—the first male and female (Genesis 1:27). The secular culture has redefined “gender” to be what one feels they are as distinguished from one’s biological sex! But that’s absurd. Besides, Christians know we can’t trust our feelings because of our sin (depraved) natures.

Much of the feminist movement pushes an idea of female superiority. When God created Adam and Eve, he created them in his image with equal value. God gave different roles to husband and wife—they are to submit to each other as they submit to God and the roles he ordained (Ephesians 5; Genesis 3:16, 17). Actually, in Genesis 3:16, God warns that because of our sin nature, women will have the propensity to want to be the head, and men will want to lord it despotically over the woman.

GenSix Productions #fundie #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy gensix.com

As in the Days of Noah...
In the twilight of mankind's existence, the War Against God's Creation Rages.

Boldface Lies
Aggregated deceit and accumulating falsehoods from our governments, our militaries, the Vatican, our churches, by so-called medical professionals, and "science" stack up before us. They say that they do not know what UFOs are, that mankind is causing climate change and that Covid vaccines are necessary to safeguard man's future.

A Shot in the Arm, A Shot in the Head – Either Way You Wind Up Dead
The Vatican reshapes the world's perspective of aliens, governments around the globe, spy on citizens, the stage is set for World War 3, the global economy teeters on the brink and the medical establishment compel people to corrupt themselves by injecting a COVID MRNA Vaccine that will change their DNA – Just like in the Days of Noah.

Pulling Strings
The World Economic Forum are the Puppet Masters who pull the strings that will starve and kill billions. But is there someone more sinister lurking in the shadows?

An Agenda of Death
With a Vatican core belief in Zecharia Sitchen's Anunnaki, we learn that there is an Entity physically living on planet earth and everything occurring is designed to kill most of humanity and corrupt the DNA of those that remain. Weather warfare, the decimation of crops, livestock and the supply chain, the enslaving of billions, and the outright corruption of mankind's DNA are all part of this Entity's Agenda of Death.

Last Chance?
GenSix Productions blows the lid off a supernatural conspiracy that is thousands of years in the making and nearing its culmination. With never seen before footage of evidence pointing to the genetic corruption of humans, this film endeavors to give you the unfiltered Truth about who and what is really controlling our planet.

"The Lies of Men and Gods" – Quite possibly the last chance to expose the incomprehensible Evil that now envelops the world.

<VOD $30.00>

Project 2025 #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia damemagazine.com

Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

Vic Biorseth #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The always anti-American Political Party of slavery, the Confederacy, "Segregation Forever", the KKK, the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws - the Democrat Party - hit on something big when they discovered the power of the term "Racial Discrimination" and weaponized it. It was during the MLK - Selma - Kennedy - Castro - Che Guevara - Vietnam - Hippy years that they switched sides, began blaming the Republicans for all the Democrat racial sins of the past, and began going totally Marxist.

Projection is the appropriate term for the new Marxocrat Party's main political policy; whatever terrible things they accuse the Republicrats of doing, you may rest assured that they themselves are doing them.
t's a thousand and one smaller revolutions within the larger national revolution, which is within a still larger international revolution; the movement toward and into the globalist, communist, New World Order.

It isn't just racial discrimination any more. It's near open warfare against psychologically demonized and politically applied faux misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, white people, the Bible, Christianity, the natural order of things and simple morality.
Diversity is not our strength. Diversity is a political weapon being wielded against all of us. Diversity politically turns us all against each other for no good reason.
Social destabilization is the setup for establishing the police state.

"Diversity is our strength" is a Marxist revolutionary lie.
When you ask for proof of their screwball theories they trot out all the Marxist professors, scientists and supposedly learned know-it-alls as their "proof" that, since they all believe it, it must be true.

That's how they do science. Democratically. They take a vote on it. Whoever has the most elitist votes wins the scientific contest.

If NASA and EPA and UN "experts" say so, it must be scientific.

Melissa Dungan and other ISD trustees #fundie #homophobia #racist #wingnut abc13.com

Some Conroe ISD trustees want to crack down on displays of racial inclusivity and pride, saying they represent, "symbols of personal ideologies."

One trustee says a child was traumatized by a poster showing different colored children holding hands and had to switch classrooms.

School officials against this say a policy prohibiting political displays, not related to curriculum, already exists. The trustee who brought this forward didn't realize that.

When it was brought to her attention, the trustee said she wants that policy to go further. Citing "a number of parents reaching out to her about supposed displays of personal ideologies in classrooms," Melissa Dungan asked her fellow board members to crackdown on them.

"I wish I was shocked by each of the examples that were shared with me, however, I am aware these trends have been happening for many years," Dungan said.

When pressed to share one of those examples, Dungan referred to a first grade student whose parent claimed they were so upset by a poster showing hands of people of different races, that they transferred classrooms.

"Just so I understand, you are seriously suggesting that you find objectionable, a poster indicating that all are included," Stacey Chase, another trustee, said.

Dungan wouldn't say whether she found that poster objectionable, just that she wants to avoid "situations like that" by having the board adopt stricter standards and adhere to state policies already in place, prohibiting teachers from displaying political items not relevant to curriculum.

Another trustee even asked if the poster was illegal and went on to claim previous displays of pride flags were.

Cristina #fundie dailymail.co.uk

The sadistic young brothers who tortured two boys almost to death will enjoy lifelong anonymity.

The pair are likely to be freed from custody within six years, before they reach the age of 18.

Then, say lawyers, they are likely to be granted the same freedom from identification given to the two boys responsible for the 1993 killing of two-year-old James Bulger.

The brothers, aged ten and 11 at the time of the attack, are housed in separate secure units where every comfort is provided for them - costing taxpayers more than £420,000 a year.

As part of their rehabilitation they are offered a range of activities including dance classes, cooking lessons and computer games.

Commenter: These aren't children, they're monsters. I don't care how old they are. We're so caught up in fostering children's self esteem and thinking that children are innocent lambs etc... that discipline has gone out the window. The punishment does NOT fit the crime. These 2 should be outed and their names should be published. Once they get anonymity, they'll go right on torturing and killing others. What a sick waste of space.

Brittney Heimbigner and Jake Heimbigner #fundie koin.com

Two members of a faith healing church in Oregon City pleaded guilty to denying their son medical care on Tuesday

Brittney and Jake Heimbigner, members of the Followers of Christ Church, admitted they didn’t get their 13-year-old son dialysis treatment in a case stemming from September of 2021

In the plea bargain, the prosecutor is recommending 15 days in jail and three years’ probation

“Our office makes this offer having considered the significant harm that (their son) suffered, the awareness of the risk to him that both defendants demonstrated in their statements to police, and their disregard of that risk by failing to seek medical care until confronted by law enforcement,” wrote Deputy District Attorney Bryan Censoni in court documents

Sentencing will be scheduled for sometime after the first week of September

Since 2008, the Heimbigners are the sixth couple to be prosecuted as members of the church[…]In court Tuesday, it was noted the couple will be able to try to convince the judge they should not get any jail time at sentencing. Jake’s lawyer told KOIN 6 News the couple may not have realized their son’s condition was urgent[…]
In prior Followers of Christ criminal cases, defense attorneys argued the parents didn’t know how bad off their child was until it was too late

R. Shaul Gold #sexist #fundie torahmusings.com

The Purim story discusses three women – Vashti, Zeresh and Esther. In the homiletic spirit, let us say that these three women symbolize three types of women, three models of female behavior.

Vashti represents Women’s Empowerment, women’s desire to be men’s equal, to even surpass males and out“man” men. The licentiousness of Vashti’s party surpassed Achashveirosh’s and, one could contend, was pushed by the need to be more depraved than the men. Her failure to obey the king’s command was an assertion of Female Emancipation in the spirit of “Anything men can do, women can do better.” Vashti is the prototypical misandrist.

Zeresh represents the classical harridan and Haman, the hen-pecked husband. He is forced to conspire to legally empower men because he has been psychologically emasculated by his spouse. She is unhappy with her life because she has tied her success to her husband’s. She is constantly plotting and scheming; her husband is the key to her success. A consummate termagant, she abandons her husband coldly, knocking him when he is down.

Esther represents the very best of womanhood. Her modesty and simplicity earn her the respect due her. She is steadfast in her ideology. She understands her position and carries it forth with grace. This position is Queen, and she fills it with poise, dignity, charm and humility. It is not as a subservient wife [contra Zersh] nor as a timid wallflower [contra Vashti]. Esther needs neither power nor public acknowledgement to validate her essence. She possesses inner contentment. Faced with a situation that is foreign to her upbringing and moral compass, she soldiers forth in the knowledge that her path is the correct one, as understood by Torah scholars.

John Wilder #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #sexist archive.md

When Wilder married and started his own family, he set out to ensure that his children were influenced by conservative ideals. He would often discuss current events and issues with them, explaining how the media had reported a slanted view of the issue, then patiently laying out the facts from his viewpoint. He says he was able to influence all three of his children with facts and logic instead of feelings.
“My son, when he was 16, thought he should be able to decide for himself whether or not he would go to church,” he recalls. “I explained to him that I agreed with him and when he moved out and was self-supporting, he could certainly make that decision for himself. Today as an adult he does not miss church.”
All three of Wilder’s children are conservative, have married conservatives, and are pro-life. He wishes more parents had followed his model.
“Children raised in a liberal home are often ruined for life,” Wilder says. “If we were to instill conservative values into our children we would stop rewarding young girls getting pregnant and going on the dole for the next 20 years and we would have a strong vibrant economy. We need to raise more conservatives in order to save the country.”

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "California Gets a Shot Across the Bow"]

No sign yet of rivers turning to blood, dust becoming lice, plagues of frogs, flies, and locusts, 3 days of darkness, or the death of first-born children, but judgment may be getting underway in sin-soaked California:

California residents raced a uniquely harrowing set of circumstances on Sunday as an earthquake shook the ground in the Los Angeles County area while Tropical Storm Hilary ravaged roads and caused severe flooding

The rainbow that has been insolently appropriated and defiled is a symbol of God’s promise not to punish sin by flooding the world. That does not rule out a little high water:

Palm Springs has been submerged in a deluge of floodwater as Tropical Storm Hilary continues to batter California

Shocking footage emerged throughout Sunday of cars, trucks and ambulances swallowed by flood waters in Palm Springs

Palm Springs is regarded as a gay mecca even by California standards

Speaking of the LGBT community, in June a ceremony honoring the belligerently blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was held at Dodger Stadium. Now we read this:

Remarkable aerial footage showed the iconic home of the LA Dodgers – which has stood for more than six decades – engulfed in a sea of water after the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie #psycho gab.com

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )

( @sjkbent )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Jesus made it clear they are the children of the devil that's all I need to know to know they are sheer evil.

( @BoLoe )
@BlackScorpionNationalists the Babylonian Talmud Jesus called them children of the devil

( @Yourfullofshit )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Who can argue with that, history and the present is on his arguments side

( @Yourfullofshit )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Who can argue with that, history and the present is on his arguments side

( @boughum2255 )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Sounds llike 1937 Nazi Germany ! Blame the Jews for everything

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@boughum2255 That's because the Jews are responsible for everything.

( @TheArchduke )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists I’m sure it’s all just a Cohencidence.

( @echoes )
@boughum2255 Sounds like a zionist rat.

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists Normally I would've agreed, until I started doing history research on Weimar Germany before the rise of Hitler. Everything wrong and debauched going on in the West is exactly what happened in Germany. The Establishment tells the youth the Nazis burned books, but never tell you which ones. Yeah, it is inevitable that the West will eventually turn to military leaders to stop this evil from further destroying us.

( @Hbomb )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists For everything they did and keeping doing, wake up goy!

Julio Loredo #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia returntoorder.org

Each social revolution has manipulated language to blur reality, tailoring it to its particular ideology. Thus, Lenin proposed a “democratic peace” in the inaugural speech of the Third International in 1919. He was clearly not referring to the Christian tranquillitas ordinis, the tranquility of order. He appealed to its exact opposite, the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the same way, the current cultural revolution (which Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira calls the Fourth Revolution” ) also employs—linguistic manipulation taking it to a paroxysmal frenzy. Contraception is presented as “body control.” The killing of an unborn child becomes “voluntary termination of pregnancy.” Those supporting the killing of the innocent are referred to simply as “pro-choice.” Homosexuals turn into pleasure-seeking “gays.”

This language is far from being morally neutral. Indeed, it encourages sin by presenting it in a favorable light.
This revolutionary process of de-Christianization has obliterated Christian civilization since the end of the Middle Ages. Many use the term egalitarianism, with its necessary corollary, liberalism, to describe it.

Historically, this egalitarian process has passed through many steps. Protestantism sought equality in the religious sphere by denying the authority of the Pope, while more radical sects even denied that of bishops and priests. The French Revolution transposed these egalitarian principles to the political field, denying the authority of the king and the nobility. Communism attacked the last remaining inequality, economic inequality, by abolishing private property.

However, one last hierarchy remained to be destroyed, found in interno hominis (the interior of man).
Partisans of gender theory want to destroy natural law, which is the divine law engraved in nature. They try to subvert the most intimate structures of nature. In their utopia, man begins to behave like God. Their dreams promote a new creation opposed to the divine one.

Order of The Black Sun #homophobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

I myself do not hate the LGBTQ community, however I am against it and the entire month itself. I’m surprised that most people from the community haven’t noticed that businesses just use the month for money.

Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Yet again, I want to clarify, I love everyone I just disagree with a lot of them.

Andrew Torba #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon news.gab.com

It is with great excitement and conviction that I introduce you to our latest offering from Gab Press, a book that holds the potential to ignite a transformative movement in a world deeply divided, manipulated, and re-engineered. The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian Counteroffensive in a Post-Christian Nation, penned by the nationally bestselling co-author of Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, Andrew Isker, is a clarion call for Christians to rise from the ashes of a society turned upside down and rediscover the path to a life imbued with purpose, faith, and resistance. It is already quickly climbing up the charts and is a number one new release on Amazon in multiple categories.

In a world where darkness has cast its pall over the light of truth, where what is good is maligned, and what is beautiful is scorned, The Boniface Option emerges as a guiding beacon for those who refuse to surrender to the chaos. Isker artfully describes the society we find ourselves in as Trashworld – a dystopian reality where every cherished aspect of our human existence has been distorted and dismantled. It’s a world tailor-made to isolate, confuse, and pacify us, to strip away our connections to people and place, leaving us adrift in a sea of hopelessness.
As the CEO of Gab.com, I stand with Andrew Isker in wholeheartedly endorsing The Boniface Option. This book is a tool, a weapon against the ideological chaos that seeks to drown us. It’s a declaration of our refusal to surrender our faith and values to the relentless tide of post-Christianity. Andrew Isker invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, of confronting our challenges head-on, and of embracing the audacity to reclaim our faith in the face of modernity’s idols.
In faith and determination,

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com

Greg Locke #crackpot #fundie #kinkshaming thegailygrind.com

Pro-Trump Pastor Greg Locke has sparked outrage and a thousand memes online after he was filmed destroying the iconic Barbie Dream House with a baseball bat with a Bible taped to it.

Locke, who is the latest far-right figure to voice his disdain for the blockbuster film Barbie, delivered a 45-minute rant about demons and temptations like pornography before destroying the toy.

“We drive demons out all time,” he said during his sermon. “But we’ve not reached a place where we understand: You have to pull down the stronghold that the demon left behind. Because some day something when you cast out the spirit of sexual perversion, it’s got to leave you. So does the person still struggle with porn because they still have a demon? No. They still struggle with porn because the fortified house is still there and the stronghold has to be pulled down.”

“Thank you, dear sir. That is a Bible that is duct taped and zip tied to an Easton ball bat,” he continued. “Let me show you.”

various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

( @CNofUSA )
BREAKING: Ye (formerly Kanye West) states "America is a Christian Country" and calls for Alex Jones to be reinstated on twitter.


( @Flightsurgeon )
@CNofUSA Judaism is the levin of the Pharisees that Christ condemned. Ye is right. We were founded as a Christian nation not a "Judeo-Christian" nation . Jews do not even worship the same God. We have virtually nothing in common. As Christ said if you do not know me then you do not know the father. So who do they worship? It was their many "customs" that got them expelled over 100 times from countries in Europe but their business practices to include usury was lead among them.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Flightsurgeon @CNofUSA. Open Borders, abortion-on-demand at any term, violent criminal revolving door, CRT in the classroom, LGBTQ grooming of schoolchildren, and election fraud are based on Semitic principles and values, not those of the American Constitution or Christianity.

( @Flightsurgeon )
@Lady_Liberty_2021 @CNofUSA I would agree except it is not so much a semitic problem as a Talmudiac Judiasm problem and an Islamic problem. If you look closely they are very similar in their teachings regarding child sex and seeing others as inferior Goyim or Infidels. The main difference is that in Islam Jesus is a prophet and in the Talmud he is the son of a whore and boiling in excrement in Hell.

( @Pureman )
@CNofUSA so yall are giving him to much press. He is as anti white as they come. He rode the edomite crank all the way to the top. Now he is just like Frankensteins monster attempting to destroy his creator. Just how stupid are you

Seek^ #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Deniers/mockers of the Rapture

I often see the most fervent deniers and mockers of the Rapture are so-called believers. This could be a very dangerous practice in ignorance and I urge you to cease doing this and instead learn what God has promised to His body of believers in Him and get on board with what's coming.

Jesus already took judgment and the wrath of God on the cross. Because believers are imputed the righteousness of Christ and because believers are one body in Christ, undergoing judgment and the wrath of God in the 7-year Tribulation would negate Jesus' sacrifice for humanity and those who believe. This Biblical fact alone proves with absolute certainty the removal of believers before the 7-year Tribulation takes place.

We pray with words whether within our heart or verbally. If your words are a continual mocking and denial of God's blessed promise which is the Rapture because of your ignorance of scripture, you could be in essence praying to not take part in this Resurrection and therefore be left behind. By continually tearing down the blessed promise of God to those alive and those in Heaven waiting on the First Resurrection, you're putting yourself in severe danger of being left behind for the worst time period for humanity ever on earth.

Your words hold much power whether you realize it or not. Something to think about.

If your eyes haven't been opened to the Biblical proof of the Rapture before God's judgment takes place, there's a reason and I would seek God in prayer earnestly and ask Him to reveal to you the scriptural truths behind the Rapture so that you may do as Jesus commanded which is to watch and pray that you be counted worthy.

Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.

Luke 21:36

Abdul Hakim Sharaee #fundie rferl.org

Afghanistan’s hard-line Islamist Taliban rulers have banned all political parties, saying there is "no justification" for them under Shari'a law

“Political parties are banned completely, we will not permit any political party to operate in the country,” Abdul Hakim Sharaee, the Taliban's de facto justice minister, said during a news conference on August 16, one day after the Taliban marked two years of rule since international troops withdrew from the country

“Political parties have no justification in Islamic Shari’a law and they are not in the best interest of our nation,” he added, claiming political parties have been the main factor causing turmoil in Afghanistan for decades

The ban is the latest Taliban restriction on political activities after dozens of political parties were registered after the militants were ousted in 2001 from their previous stint as rulers

Since returning to power in 20221, the ultraconservative militants have monopolized power by giving all major government leadership posts to Taliban leaders while muzzling the press and abolishing democratic institutions

Cynthia #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy eyeopeningtruth.com

I now how people love to see all the pictures from space and hear all the stories of the wonders that James Webb has discovered. DAILY we see reports that James Webb is completely shattering everything we know about our Universe.

Makes for great press. People eat it up. BUT IT IS SOLID BULLSHIT. All created out of the imagination of AI using lights, smoke and mirrors. I hate to break anyone’s bubble. And, if you want to go on buying into their artificial reality, I won’t hold it against you. Do whatever you CHOOSE. Just remember choices always have consequences, though they may not manifest immediately, they come.

The truth is we live under a firmament. Created by GOD ALMIGHTY. Nothing and no-one has broken through it. Space is water above the firmament. God separated the waters above from the waters below. There are no galaxies “OUT THERE” at least none that we can know or explore. Unless or until GOD reveals them.

The sun, moon and stars, including the wondering stars are all directly above our heads and within the firmament. GOD set them there as lights and as signs FOR US. So that we can know the TIMES and the SEASONS.

THERE ARE NO SATELLITES circling “the globe”. There is NO GLOBE. The earth is flat and stationary and cannot be moved. The sun, moon and stars circumnavigate the surface of the earth in a circle. Well, kinda more like a spiral.

Our GPS and our Internet is not provided for us via Satellite. When you really understand what they have been building around us it should make you angry.

MY DEFINITION OF A LOON: ANYONE WHO STILL BELIEVES WHAT MAINSTREAM NARRATIVE, whether it is coming from the Media, Technology Giants, the Medical Industry, Think Tanks, Universities, The Pope, the “CHURCH”, Politicians or any other Mainstream Organization.

Prof Augusto Zimmermann and Prof John Gideon Hartnett #fundie #conspiracy caldronpool.com

Deliberate engineering of floods[20] and droughts on a grand scale has been occurring. The Western half of the USA is in a massive drought.[21], [22] Were they engineered by the dumping of millions of tons of particulate matter into the atmosphere in an effort to dim the sun?

Interestingly enough, all these features were predicted nearly 2,000 years in the Book of Revelation. In the last apocalyptic book of the Bible, at the sound of the first trumpet, we read:

Revelation 8:7:

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. (emphases added)

The prophecy predicts “hail and fire mixed with blood”. Droughts can lead to massive fires, and also hail stones, as we have seen, are massive and have caused widespread crop damage. These effects could lead to famine and starvation which could be signified by the expression “mixed with blood”. This is also an allusion back to one of the plagues God sent on the Egyptians, which was judgment on the wicked (Exodus 9:22–25).

[submitter notes: fundie-provided citations below:]

[20]: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-11/understanding-the-rare-weather-flood-event/100900554

[21]: https://www.nytimes.com/article/drought-california-western-united-states.html

[22]: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap.aspx

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #fundie mediamatters.org

So they didn’t turn the water on, things burned, this is the guy who told landowners they couldn't use water to fight the fires while the fires were still small. Is it because he believed that water was sacred and we must worship the water? Or is it because of equity, was it because there were certain peoples’ homes burning that he wanted them to burn?

They believe, in pagan Hawaiian culture, we must worship water, not life. Wokeism is just a return of an old god. The Bible was written as a refutation, it was obsessed with challenging this idea – specifically of Egypt. This is no different. You believe — they believed the Nile was holy. And they believe water is so holy that you can't use it to fight a fire? That’s what he’s implying here, well that same guy did not allow the release of the water. This is the one thing that is coming clear in Maui. And the media couldn’t care less, because I think they’re afraid of what they’ll find. That this is not climate change, not global warming, not carbon emissions. This is left-wing ideologues that allowed the island to burn. That there is blood on the hands of the water worshippers. Christianity broke us free of pagan slavery. So did the Hebrew Bible, by the way. Challenged this idea of worshiping the earth, that God is not in nature, that God created nature. Could it be that Maui did not have to burn if they didn’t believe such wacky, goofy, pagan stuff?

Save the Children Convoy #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #quack #wingnut pressprogress.ca

Canada’s far-right “freedom movement” is planning yet another convoy, except this time their goal is not to end vaccine mandates or replace the country’s democratically-elected government – this time, they say, their goal is to “save the children.”

The “Save the Children Convoy,” a spin-off of recent anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests targeting schools and drag storytime events as well as loosely inspired by the controversial film “Sound of Freedom,” is being planned for Toronto in late summer or early fall.

Organizers say they are currently holding secret, in-person meetings to iron out their plans and aren’t sure where they’ll stay when they get to Toronto.

“Save the children is basically a generic statement obviously,” lead convoy organizer Gordon Berry told PressProgress. “There’s a multitude of things you could be saving them from.”

Berry says the convoy wants to save children from the “human trafficking industry,” but also from “mandating the shots to kids and kids getting sick and frigging education and all the stuff they’re teaching them in schools and the trans agenda and the math agenda, gender dysphoria – all of these things.”

“You got to save them from the whole system.”

Berry is even more pointed about his concerns in the convoy’s private Facebook group where he and others have shared graphics claiming “the World Health Organization and the United Nations are instructing elementary schools around the world to have pedophilia normalized.”

One graphic features a photo of a child with a QR code tattooed to its forehead next to the symbol of the freemasons.

rapturesaint #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia openweb.com

America is in a free fall, plummeting morally and spiritually, with no repentance in sight. We must therefore ask whether God might sovereignly judge America in the end times for turning away from Him.

We live in a culture where same-sex marriage is encouraged and celebrated. Where gays, lesbians and transgenders are presented as the norm, even going so far as to try and indoctrinate children in elementary school.

These are all lifestyles that flout the truth of Scripture (bible), and are supported by godless worldview that seeks to create its own twisted version of right and wrong.

The Liberal Democratic party of America is literally dismantling America before our eyes.

Ritanjali Bagh, Soumyaranjan, Dibyaranjan and Jyotiranjan #fundie #psycho indianexpress.com

The Angul police in Odisha Sunday arrested a woman priest and her three sons in a suspected human sacrifice of a 14-year-old boy, whose limbless body was found hanging from a tree on Friday in a local forest

The police identified the accused as Ritanjali Bagh of Tusur village under Kiakata police limit and her three sons —Soumyaranjan, Dibyaranjan and Jyotiranjan

The victim, Sanchit Biswal of Subarnapur village, had been ailing for the past few months, the police said. When his health had not improved even after consulting several doctors, his mother took him to Ritanjali, known locally for performing certain rituals, on July 22

According to the police, Ritanjali asked the boy and his mother to stay in separate rooms in her place of worship at night. Basanti could not find her son when she woke up the next day, and Ritanjali was also missing from the place, the police said

Basanti then lodged a missing complaint at the Kiakata police station on July 24. The villagers spotted the victim’s mutilated body hanging from a tree in the Baruni jungle on the morning of July 28

Nick Miceli, Mum of boyz #fundie #transphobia amazon.co.uk

Follow the story of Gwen the gazelle as she competes as a sprinter in track and field against the other gazelles. One day a cheetah, who claims he is a gazelle, shows up and is allowed to compete...

This book is a satirical social commentary about the current phenomenon of biological men competing against women in sports. It uses animals to point out the absurdity of the situation and demonstrates that there are consequences when we collectively deny reality.

Absolutely brilliant and important message.

No-one male should be competing against biological females in women's sports. Completely unfair to the female athletes this will destroy women's sport if allowed to continue.

So glad to see books being published now about this madness. Where are all the adults? Can't wait for sanity to return.

The Last Reformation (TLR) and Rev. Torben Sondergaard #fundie #ableist #quack #conspiracy au.news.yahoo.com

The Queensland Department of Education has spoken out after a controversial religious group that says it can "free" people of autism, cancer and homosexuality promoted an indoctrination event at a Brisbane school

The Last Reformation (TLR), an evangelical Christian church founded by Danish baker-turned-pastor Torben Sondergaard, angered locals by announcing it would hold a "Kickstart" at a public high school next month

"Am I reading this right: a religious group that performs child exorcism is travelling to Australia and has been allowed to use Cavendish Road State High School to recruit followers?" a concerned resident asked[…]
In an interview with Spain's The Local in 2016, Mr Sondergaard clarified he does not claim to "heal" autism but instead, "frees" people of the "demons" that cause it

"It happened in Australia to a nine-year-old-girl who suffered autism. She was freed from demons and she was happy," Mr Sondergaard said. "It wasn't something shocking like a big man holding her down. She was with her mother and we all prayed and the demon was cast out and she was happy and the mother was happy"[…]
The group announced a series of training events — or "Kickstarts" — in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide[…]
Mr Sondergaard is currently in detention in the US after he was arrested in July 2022 for alleged gun smuggling – an accusation that TLR vehemently denies[…]
After the Department of Education addressed TLR's request, the group announced a change of venue and has since cancelled all forthcoming events in Australia, citing "attacks and persecution"

An update on TLR's Eventbrite page states that the events couldn't go ahead as one of the church's preachers, Jón Bjarnastein, was denied a visa[…]
"So from all of this, it's very clear that there are people working behind the scenes; and they seem to be working very hard to prevent us from continuing"

@Skin__Nerd & @ImperivmEvropa #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( @Skin__Nerd )
@Nature_and_Race I agree, though my main goal is for us to win. The best way to win is to be within the will of God. Paul was sent West for a reason. White people are divinely chosen by God to spread the gospel of Christ to the world. THAT is why Jews want us gone. When Whitey dies...... Christianity dies. The racial struggle is absolutely real, but a front in a larger spiritual war.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race It's not mainly a "spiritual" or "religious" struggle, but a racial struggle. The kikes don't give a damn whether white people are Christian or not. They care that we are a threat to their power, because their power is what allows them to continue to survive, and for the first time in history, also thrive. Because Aryans threaten Jewish power, it's an existential struggle for the Jew, and because they feel their existence is in jeopardy, they've turned the struggle into an existential one for US AS WELL since they believe that eliminating us is the only way to stop the biggest threat to their power, and therefore the biggest threat to their very existence. It really does have nothing to do with Christianity. Hitler was right about our struggle being a racial one.

( @Skin__Nerd )
@ImperivmEvropa @Nature_and_Race it's not an either/or. God created the nations and the tribes. When Jesus was rejected and betrayed by those who should have worshipped him first, they became the sons of their father the devil. There is supernatural evil in their intentions. We can Aryan all we want and lose without the spiritual strength to defeat their supernatural evil. We, not them, are God's Chosen.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race You sound just like them. There are no chosen people. There are people. The end.

( @Skin__Nerd )
@ImperivmEvropa @Nature_and_Race Without the spiritual basis to defeat Zionism, you will lose. The end.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race It's not just Zionism. In fact, Zionism is less of a problem than the Jews as a whole are, because at least Zionism seeks to take the diaspora Jews OUT of white lands (and all other lands), and to put them all in one place, which is of course Israhell. [...]

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