
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Baylor University #fundie #sexist #homophobia #wingnut themessenger.com

Baylor University will not lose any federal funding if they neglect to respond to reports of sexual harassment on campus, thanks to a Title IX religious exemption granted by the U.S. Department of Education.

It seems to be the first time a university has requested a religious exemption protecting it from sexual harassment claims, and also the first time the Department of Education has granted such a request.

Baylor, located in Waco, was granted the exemption "to the extent that they are inconsistent with the University's religious tenets." If unaddressed harassment happens at Baylor, particularly harassment against LGBTQI+ individuals, the new exemption keeps their federal funding well protected.

Baylor first requested the exemption in a May 1 letter noting that four complaints which had been filed with the Office for Civil Rights "must be dismissed because the allegations directly implicate Baylor's religious exemption" from Title IX.

"The University does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression per se, but it does regulate conduct that is inconsistent with the religious values and beliefs that are integral to its Christian faith and mission," reads the letter requesting the exemption, written by Baylor's president, Dr. Linda Livingstone.

Judge Anna von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy paulstramer.net

I am so tired of hearing this clap-trap that I am a "Vatican Agent" when I have never worked for or with the Vatican in my life, and am not even a Catholic.

This stems from the seven (7) years I spent giving Due Process to the Municipal United States Corporation Employees at the behest of their Employer, Pope Benedict XVI -- telling them what they were doing wrong and giving them the chance to correct before their Corporation was liquidated in 2015.

Such people will never get it through their thick skulls that the Roman Catholic Church has a secular side to it, which impacts our daily lives in profound ways --it rules the Jurisdiction of the Air, including all the patents, copyrights, trademarks and corporations in the world.

Of course, back in 2006, we went to the Pope, because it was his CORPORATION and the crimes were occurring in his jurisdiction.
I am similarly sick of hearing purported Christians talking about my Blood Oath and mistaking it for a blood oath taken to a Secret Society.

My Blood Oath was the same Blood Oath all these hideously ignorant Christians have taken and continue to take every time they have Communion.

In the name of the True God, what does that Communion wine represent? Blood.

What do you think you are doing when you take Communion? Taking a Blood Oath.

The existence of a verbal contract places the action in the Jurisdiction of the Sea -- Satan's realm, and makes your affirmation of it a binding Oath.

You then receive the "consideration" on the contract, the Communion wine, and that consideration guarantees your what? Your salvation.

And what does "salvation" imply? Again, it's a sea-term, salvage, that the Church applies.

Your wrecked boat is going to be hauled to safe harbor in the grave and the Church is going to be paid handsomely for the labor and materials needed to do this work.

And if you aren't rolling your eyes toward the ceiling by now, you certainly should be.

Pierre Hillard #fundie #wingnut lemonde.fr

Gérald Darmanin said on social media, that he had asked the ministry "to proceed to the dissolution" of the party, "firmly" condemning anti-Semitic remarks made during its summer seminar last month

At that meeting, on July 30, polemicist Pierre Hillard told his audience that, before the French Revolution of 1789, Jews and other religious minorities could not become French citizens because they were "heretics." Hillard said that "maybe we should go back to how things were before 1789"

Several politicians and Jewish organizations quickly condemned the remarks[…]
Civitas, which claims to have 165,000 members, is an organization of ultra-traditionalist Catholics. It was recognized as having political party status in 2016 and has been receiving public financing thanks to that decision

Civitas backed far-right figure Eric Zemmour in last year's presidential election, fought against the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2013 and is staunchly anti-immigration. Its members also sometimes disrupt public events when they involve non-heterosexual performers, and the party is the target of sexual discrimination complaints over alleged homophobia

Brian Niemeier #fundie #ufo #mammon #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

OK, at this point, everybody who’s not a Project Blue Beam psyoped bugman gets that aliens are demons, right?


Again, demons are the more parsimonious answer, given we know that we are ruled by a diabolical Death Cult. And demons are more than willing to be mistaken for aliens. Exorcists like Fr. Chad Ripperger point out that demons’ #1 rule is “Anything but God.” They’re happy for you to fixate on extraterrestrial life if it distracts you from the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

[Tweet by Elon Musk: "The scariest answer to the Fermi Paradox is that there are no aliens at all"]

No, the scariest answer is that aliens are demons masquerading as E.T. and they’re here to lead you into eternal hellfire. Musk’s tweet wouldn’t even be possible if not for self-referential reductionist materialism. Which is also self-refuting since materialism is non-material. He needs to grow out of his nerd rapture phase.

We already know for a moral certainty that men are not the only rational beings in the universe. On the contrary, the cosmos teems with trillions of intelligences, the least of which makes the highest-IQ bugman look like a special ed student. And a third of those pure intellects is waging a proxy war on Logos Himself using us as pawns.

Have a nice day.

And read a sci fi-adventure story that takes the threat of damnation seriously.

[Followed by a link to his book]

Eddie #fundie #psycho dailymail.co.uk

Article text:
The negligent parents of the evil brothers who sadistically tortured two innocent schoolboys could now be prosecuted themselves, police said today.

Detectives will trawl through the sickening revelations of drug taking, alcohol abuse and violence with a view to bringing child neglect charges.

The development followed scenes of unrestrained fury at the revelation that the young monsters - aged 11 and 12 respectively - could be released in just over four years to sit their GCSE exams
Comment:"For people on social assistance, the family of these "children" (if you can call them that.-personally I find it insultive to most children) had enough money to buy porn,drugs,alcohol,and videogames. How is it that the taxpayers subsidized this sort of lifestyle? It makes me angry to think that troops in Afghanistan and Iraq pay taxes for layabout do nothing feral families ike this. I definitely think that stiffer sentencing and the birch need to be brought back. How about naming names and photos of the perpetrators? My sympathy goes out to the victims. They'll deal with the effects of the two thugs for the rest of their lives. A minimum of 5 years isn't enough. How about 15-20 at hard labor? They were "adult" enough to torture and lie to the police but not "adult" enough to be put in a regular prison? The parents of these 2 need to be put UNDER the prision but not before all their assets have been seized and handed over to the vicitms."

Pritesh Hathalia #fundie #psycho dailymail.co.uk

Article text: At first sight, it appears to be a child's attempt at illustrating a terrible nightmare.

But what makes this image so horrifying is that it was a violent fantasy, inspired by the 18-rated horror movie Halloween, and that the ten-year-old artist was close to committing a deadly act of his own in real life.

Jon Venables drew the stick-men style picture weeks before he and Robert Thompson abducted and murdered James Bulger in 1993.

Comment: "since coming to your country I have seen this again and again, the Britsh people are weak innit and so is their justice system. I'n my country this boy would be lynched by the local residents from a peepil tree. You people could learn alot from a more civilised nation like India"

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On Assasins Creed)
Anti-Christian, as it claims that Jesus Christ was a fraud,[18] with the villains of the series being the Knights Templar. The worst of the franchise is Syndicate, which has you killing capitalists in Victorian age London, working with the evolutionist Charles Darwin and communist Karl Marx. Ubisoft also had a transgender in the game, even though such a person was nonexistent back then. Only two games exist in the franchise that are in any way conservative: The third, which deals with the American Revolution and depicts the Founding Fathers in a positive light (although the DLC has them depicted negatively), and Assassin's Creed Unity, which depicted the French Revolution and its founders in a very negative light.

(On Far Cry 5)
The main villains of the game are inaccurately portrayed as Christians, while the previous game villains were more politically neutral (they include a psychotic pirate and an atheistic dictator). However, Jerome Jeffries, one of the characters who aids the player, is a Christian pastor. Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, another supporting character, has a distrust for government. The game also occasionally pokes fun at liberals and paints the 2nd-amendment in a positive light.

S.K. Bain #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #wingnut amazon.com

It's been a long time coming, and it's right around the corner... As author S.K. Bain detailed in The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual, the events of September 11th, 2001, constituted a global occult ceremony. But that was mere child's play compared to what he's uncovered since. If 9/11 was a MegaRitual, this is a GigaRitual, or TeraRitual even. Its scope and scale are truly difficult to grasp.***If you thought that 2012 was the end of Galactic Alignment, think again. However, this book doesn't propose some new date for the made-up Mayan Doomsday, far from it. We are on the cusp of a once-in-a-26,000-year event, one that, in astrological terms, knows no equal. Do not think for one moment that the masters of our world will let it pass unmarked.Black Jack reveals the true date of the End of the Great Age, the Mother of All Auspicious Occasions, a date that the Cryptocracy has been fixated on—and feverishly preparing for—over the past two centuries, and well before. It will almost assuredly bring a ritualistic celebration like none other ever witnessed, involving mass human sacrifice and the biggest fireworks show in history.***The world approaches the dawning of a new Grand Cycle, which the elite will inaugurate as the New Great Age of Satan.
One doesn't have to be a religious fundamentalist to sense it, or see it all around us—the Satanification of the World. Practically every public event is now a thinly-veiled, if at all, Satanic ritual. We are being driven hard towards something in the near future, something whose hideous form becomes clearer by the day. All the while, the grip of the global dark-occult technofascist dictatorship grows ever tighter.Preparations have been underway for a very long time, even from the Founding of America, and the hour grows late. With bated breath, the entire planet, knowingly or unknowingly, awaits the arrival of Black Jack.

America is the old world #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie americaistheoldworld.com

Prophet Muhammed was from the Americas is a necessary post to demonstrate that Maurs/ Mu’urs and Islam are indigenous to the Americas since people want to make Islam, via, the double O European and African Moors, as the invaders, when we know that the Dum Diversas (papal bull) of 1452 authorized Christians and Catholics to take possession of Saracens (Moslem Maurs) and pagans (Hebrews) and subject them to perpetual servitude
Prophet Muhammed, a Blackamoor (Negro/ Naga), stopped at Coba (Koba/ Kaba) in Mexico to Pray (see “The Sheild of Prophet Muhammed,” as a Black man). Coba is an ancient Maya city on the Yucatán Peninsula, located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Coba is etymologically the same as Koba, Cuba, and Kaba (Kaaba). Prophet Muhammed of the Holy Quran stopped at Koba (Coba) or the Kaba (Kaaba) before he reached Medina to pray at a Koba mosque called Al Takwa in Mexico.
We know that Mexico was Southern Arabia, which means that Mexico is also Southern Saudi Arabia:
The Xi Anu People, aka, the Olmecs are the first inhabitants of the Americas, and they were giant Negroes with Asian or Oriental features. The Olmecs were survivors of the Atlantis disaster that occurred in the Americas, so they were not from Africa: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-china-the-land-of-the-orient/.

After the Great Flood, which I believed caused Atlantis to sink, the oxygen of the Earth fell causing everything to shrink down to its normal size. Over 10,000 years ago we had giants on the earth in those days. “There were giants on the Earth in those days” ~ Genesis 6:4 KJV Bible. The cause of the great flood was due to Mount Roraima, aka, the Tree of Life, being chopped down:
Olmec is also the origin of the word Mexico (Olmec =old Mexican), and Olmeccan (Olmeccan= old Meccan). Now that we know this, where is the old Mecca of the Olmec/ Maya? Guatemala was the Mecca or Wakanda of the Maurs (High priests of Anu) of Mexico.

Charles Haywood #racist #crackpot #fundie theworthyhouse.com

There is no evidence whatsoever the Mongols, any more than any other Asiatic people, would ever have accomplished anything notable. Past performance here is an indicator of future success. (By notable, I mean enduring additions to mankind; conquest itself is not notable.). I said nothing about Americans; it is the West, Christendom, that has done everything that matters for the modern world to exist as it is (good and bad). This is objectively obvious and provable; it is not a founding myth.

Declan Finn #fundie twitter.com

Twitter is insists that anyone worried about demons is in a "Satanic Panic."

Shoes now made with human blood and slave labor

The California public schools are going to worship an Aztec god, worshiped with human sacrifice.

At what point would you like to start worrying?

Conservapedia #fundie #racist #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Crusader Kings III)
This is a Role-playing game that takes place during the Medieval Age in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. This period is famous for its piousness and devotion to the principles of God, as in opposition to the values of sin. It also promotes true conservative values like fighting Islam and converting the religion of heathens.

(On Hearts of Iron IV)
This is a World War Two era strategy game that features very complex gameplay. The game was attacked by the CCP for it's accurate depiction of Tibet, Manchuria, and East Turkestan as independent countries before the Chinese invasions of each. The game's Man the Guns expansion was also heavily criticized for its accurate depiction of Democratic Socialism as a buzzword for communism. Hearts of Iron 4 also features a positive depiction of Catholics and a negative depiction of Atheists. The game also recognizes Communism and Fascism as having the same inherent government form, Totalitarianism. Hearts of Iron 4 was attacked by the leftist site Kotuku for allowing a player made modification that featured a positive depiction of Christianity and a negative depiction of Islamic Terrorism.

Alt-right #wingnut #fundie #psycho #crackpot thedailybeast.com

AMMAN, Jordan—Two opposing internet counter-cultures defined by their unswerving allegiance to tradition, misogyny, bigotry, and homophobia have converged around an unlikely allying force: the Taliban.

The akh-right has been celebrating the wins of the “CHADLIBAN”—a combination of the alpha male ethos “Chad” and the Taliban. The Chadliban memes often feature images of Taliban fighters next to men in U.S. military uniforms wearing women’s shoes, underneath the line “barefoot mountain-[n----r] vs strongest most advanced army in the world in high heels.” A defining feature of both the alt-right and akh-right is overt racism, and the use of the n-word to describe allies, enemies, and the use of it in posts, memes, and comments.
It is the concept of tradition that underpins both Islamist and alt-right support for the Taliban on Twitter. Like alt-Islamists who celebrate the Taliban’s “traditions,” including shariah, the alt-right is also drawn to the group because of its stances on women. The support for a diminished role of women in public similarly bleeds over into Incel circles on Twitter, who then take it even further to an outright hatred of women.
While the Groypers adopt much of the Taliban’s ethos, other alt-right movements such as the American Populist Union—a Gen Z splinter group of the America First movement—was dealing with its own splinter faction: the American Populist Union Chads. That faction is responsible for setting up a fake news outlet on Twitter dubbed “Real Taliban News,” which used the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan as an opportunity to target the U.S. government, Joe Biden, top military brass, and the LBGTQ+ community.

The account went one step further than others though—tweeting in broken Pashto.

One of its posts featured side-by-side portraits of a skinny white kid taking a selfie next to a pair of Taliban members laughing at a question about women’s rights (lifted from a recent Vice documentary) with the phrase “American men and Afghan men. We are not the same.” It denigrated Joe Biden in Pashto as not a “leader, but a dreaded dog.”

JKH #psycho #fundie cbc.ca

Fundamentalist Baptist father told not to teach hateful beliefs to children
A B.C. judge says a fundamentalist Baptist father who believes homosexuals should be executed shouldn't have any say in the religious upbringing of his children.
The father's parenting time is limited to two hours per week on Monday afternoons at a McDonald's Play Place in the Fraser Valley while AJH sits elsewhere.

JKH asked the court for the ability to bring the children to his home, while the mother asked Mundstock to order that she be given sole responsibility for the religious and spiritual upbringing of the children, aged two, four and five.

Both parents are practicing Christians. AJH said their relationship fell apart when JKH started watching online videos of two American religious leaders known for extreme and hateful views on abortion, homosexuality and the Holocaust.
The father's uncompromising nature also led the judge to reject his application to have the children at his house during his parenting time. JKH admitted that he wouldn't comply with an order prohibiting him from teaching his children the Bible even if the judge made one.

The judge left it to the parents to decide what is best for the children in the meantime.

Conservapedia #fundie #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

The Legend of Zelda series: Similar in vein to stories such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia, the games detail a classic message of good fighting evil, and also featured implicit Christian themes in the series (in fact, until the third game, the religion of the people in the games was supposed to be Christianity, hence the cross on Link's Shield in the first game). The main villain, Ganon, is revealed to have originally belonged to a group known as the Gerudo, who are depicted as a nearly all-female race (Ganon, or more accurately his human form Ganondorf, being the only exception) and having traits resembling Muslims, hinting at an anti-feminist/anti-Islam message. There was also a pro-family message in at least one game in the series, as one of the entries, Wind Waker, featured Link trying to save his sister after she was abducted early on in the game, as well as their getting along amicably throughout.

Metroid series: Although largely being based on the liberal movie franchise Alien, the game franchise has several conservative elements. Namely, it depicts piracy and terrorism in a negative manner in the form of the murderous Space Pirates who frequently act as the main antagonists of the franchise. The game Super Metroid also promotes parenthood in a positive light, as the main plotline of the game involved Samus Aran trying to rescue her "child", a Metroid hatchling she adopted after wiping out its race in the previous game due to it imprinting on her, from the Space Pirate forces. The Prime series also depicts the military in a positive manner in the form of the Galactic Federation Marines, and some of the Chozo Logs as well as the Luminoth also have some similarities to biblical accounts (i.e., the Worm, alluding to the titular antagonist Metroid Prime, alluding to Wormwood in the book of revelations). In addition, although the main protagonist, Samus Aran, is female, it does not promote the concept of feminism. The game Metroid Fusion also showcases the warnings of playing god and government corruption.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy amg-news.com

I. Gathering of the Storm

The signs are all around us. Our world teeters on the edge of a cataclysm, a transformation to obliterate all that is corrupt, all that is saturated with the unholy stench of the Satanic Luciferian. GESARA funds are primed for activation, pushing us towards a complete overhaul of the global system. A pyrrhic victory? Perhaps. But from the ashes of the old world order, We The People shall rise.

II. Battlefields of Power

The Satanic Illuminati, they’ve been right under our noses, hiding in plain sight, and yet shrouded in a cloak of deceit. The Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House, not one, but two – one in the heartland of the free world, and the other, ironically, in Germany. The Three Gorges Dam in China, and perhaps even CERN, nestled precariously on the Swiss/French border.

Let’s not forget the towering giant that is Russia. What role does it play in this convoluted power play? And what of Big Pharma, the marionette dancing on the strings of Israel? More specifically, the Khazarians. They’ve ensnared the Chinese Communist Party in their web of deceit, pulling at strings to move chess pieces on the global board.

III. The Fall of Giants

The media, those 34 Satanic buildings and dams, they are but mere puppets on the strings of the Israeli Mossad. They orchestrate a symphony of lies, a cacophony of deceit. But their reign will end. And then, like divine retribution, the Rods of God will descend, annihilating all in their path. A period of biblical turmoil is coming, with the shadow of destruction stretching over the days leading up to Easter.

IV. The New Dawn

Picture a world in a state of utter stillness. The planes and trains have halted. The lights have dimmed. The power is cut. In the midst of this eerie calm, we will witness the birth of Tesla’s free energy, a liberation from the chains of oil dependency. The 34 Satanic landmarks will crumble under the onslaught, leaving behind the ruins of a past we have chosen to reject.

Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell #fundie #psycho jezebel.com

Lori Vallow Daybell, also known as the “doomsday mom,” per a Lifetime movie of the same name, was sentenced to life in prison on Monday for killing her two children because she believed they were possessed by demons

A jury initially convicted the Idaho mother and former beauty pageant contestant of murdering her 7-year-old son, J.J. Vallow, and her 16-year-old daughter, Tylee Ryan, back in May, according to the Washington Post. She was also convicted of conspiring to kill her husband’s first wife, Tammy Daybell, and of grand theft for collecting Social Security money meant for her kids after they had been killed

Vallow Daybell and her husband, Chad Daybell, who writes apocalyptic novels, said that they believed God intended for them to prepare 144,000 people for the end times. The couple reportedly believed their children were “zombies” who did not buy into their prophecy and had, therefore, been possessed by demons

At her sentencing hearing, Vallow Daybell insisted that no one “was murdered in this case,” adding that her children had visited her after they died to tell her they were happy

“I mourn with all of you who mourn my children and Tammy,” Vallow Daybell said Monday. “Jesus Christ knows the truth of what happened here”

Fremont County Judge Steven Boyce said that Vallow Daybell’s denial of guilt was a major factor in her sentence, which was handed down without the possibility of parole[…]
Chad, who is Vallow Daybell’s fifth husband, reportedly believed that every person has a “light” or a “dark” scale and that anyone who did not accept their doomsday teachings had a dark scale, meaning they were overrun by evil spirits

At trial, Tammy’s sister, Samantha Gwilliam, made clear that she believed Lori and Chad, who thought they had achieved godlike status, were full of shit: “You are not exalted beings, and your behavior makes you ineligible to be one…No angels are coming to rescue you”

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #sexist conservapedia.com

(On Avatar)
The second highest-grossing feature in history, directed by liberal James Cameron, enforces many destructive messages, including environmentalism, feminism, and the absurd claim that nature is God. It also ridicules the military and large businesses. To make matters worse, the protagonist forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality. The overall plotline hints at endorsing environmental terrorism, which Cameron indicated that he himself supported.

(On Avatar 2)
Liberal atheist James Cameron's sequel to his highly overrated movie. This is yet another nonsensical screed against capitalism that pushes political correctness, wokeness, environmentalism, and feminism. Once again he celebrates eco terrorism and treats paganism as truth. He also portrays the US government as savage terrorists who remorselessly torture children.

Conservapedia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903 - January 21, 1950), a leading and open-minded English writer, essayist and journalist who became critical of his ideological allies on the Left. He hated imperialism[1] and grew more conservative, adopting and raising a child and becoming a member of the Church of England.[2] The tension between the increasingly conservative Orwell and the perception of him as a democratic socialist may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink". Because of his prominent liberal past, Orwell's conservative writings were accepted and praised by the clueless liberal intelligentsia. By the time Orwell adopted an infant in 1944, he was an outspoken opponent of abortion,[3] which may have accelerated his anti-communist work.

"Orwellian" is a term in tribute of his mockery of political attempts to control and redefine terminology.

Unlike most writers, Orwell's greatest works came late in his life. He harshly criticized communism and totalitarianism in 1984, his finest novel, as well as in his shorter fictional work Animal Farm (1946), an allegorical reference to the Russian Revolution. These works were far more significant than his first novel, based on his experiences on the Imperial Police Force in Burma, Burmese Dаys, which explored the evils of coloniаlism. His highly influential essay, "Politics and the English Language," attacked the liberal obfuscation which was already present in his day, and championed clear speech.

The inspiration for Orwell's growth into conservatism remains unexplored. Likely reasons include his open-mindedness, his adopting and then raising (due to his wife's untimely death) a child, and his disillusionment with Leftists while fighting on their side in Spain.

Brother Duncan Urbanek #homophobia #psycho #fundie wwww.lgbtqnation.com

Brother Duncan Urbanek of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga, Texas said that if the U.S. started executing gay people in public then other countries would have a better opinion of the U.S. and see the country as a “wise nation.”

“Hey, Leviticus 20:13: ‘If a man also lies with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them,” he said in a recent sermon.

“You know what ‘Their blood should be upon them’ means? They’re dead! They’ve got their blood all upon them because you just rocked them to sleep,” he said, pantomiming throwing a stone to drive the point home. “Cuz they just threw a bunch of stones at them till they died and they’re just bleeding all over them, their blood shall be upon them.”

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The Marxocrat Party is making people crazy. Young and old.

The first symptom of insanity is a break with reality. People who believe things that are not true and people who perceive things that are not real are potentially insane. People can be made insane by convincing them of all sorts of unrealities. Children, especially, can be "molded" into insane beliefs to the point of wrecking their lives and livelihoods, and adults can be stripped of sanity by presenting them with contrived "emergency" crisis situations demanding insane, self-destructive solutions.

At question in this moment of the "Managed Decline" of America and the liberty of man, is how the Marxocrat Party can so casually stand on such huge monumental lies, and how the Republicrat Party just lets them get away with it.
Everything in Marxism is false. Marxism itself is false. Communism is a lie. Socialism is a lie. Nazi-Fascism is a lie.
Marxism is the path to tyrannical rule and the end of liberty of man.

And that makes America's Marxocrat Party a liar, because it is Marxist.
Here are a few facts of reality in opposition to the crazy lies of Marxism:

There is no such thing as a climate change crisis.
There is no such thing as a fossil-fuel burning crisis.
There is no such thing as Wuhan Virus masking/vaxing crisis.
There is no such thing as "natural" homosexuality.
There is no such thing as genders other than male and female.
There is no such possibility of changing genders.
There is no such thing as Utopia or Worker's Paradise.
There is no such thing as a Population Problem.
There is no "race" that did not descend from the same parents.
There is no such thing as evolution.
There is no reality, no creation, no truth, without God.
There really is one and only one God.

All that Marxocrat Party stuff is just crazy. None of it is real. Deal with it.

Rusticus I Damianus #fundie #homophobia forum.nationstates.net

Please tell me why canceling and calling Christians "homophobes" for disagreeing with Homosexuality on Biblical grounds isn't bigoted bullying. Please tell me why burning down non-Leftist regions on Nationstates that never attacked anyone isn't bigoted bullying. Please tell me why me being attacked for being against the various ideals of the Left, such as Marxism and Homosexuality for honest non-hateful reasons isn't bigoted bullying.

American Hypnotist #wingnut #magick #fundie #dunning-kruger #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

They say that a lie will travel halfway across the world before the truth even has the opportunity to put its shoes on. But is that truly so? It may only seem that way because America’s enemies have captured many of our institutions, notably the media, which are responsible for creating an artificial support and propagation network for weaponized narratives and outright lies. Nonetheless, all lies eventually perish, just as surely as a building without a foundation is doomed to crumble, sooner or later. The only questions are: when it will happen, and what will be the collateral damage?

There’s a reason for this: truth is a force of nature. Any structure that lacks a solid foundation based upon truth will crumble eventually—just like a house without a foundation. From a certain angle, narratives are nothing more than linguistic constructs; and the lasting-power of a narrative is dependent upon how well it conforms to reality.
Consider the possibility that Q invited you to co-author one of the greatest stories of history—the story of the “anonymous” masses of forgotten men and women who learned how to outmaneuver the entrenched powers of the world in order to rescue their great nation and thwart worldwide evil. In the process, we’ve learned more about ourselves, about existence, and about God than we ever knew we could.
No “scientific theory of everything” is complete unless it can relate metaphysical and physical reality together in a coherent framework (aka a framework free of self-contradiction.) The primary takeaway from all of this for 5G warriors is that this means that God, in addition to being your Creator, also uses your experiences and your very cognition in order to structure reality. This is true for all of us, and it takes the concept of WWG1WGA to levels previously not considered by many.

By being a witness to Truth, you do your part to “manifest” a reality that reflects the Truth.

Charlie Kirk #fundie #sexist twitter.com

The church has become too feminine.

We need more strong men who fear God and have the courage to do what's right, even when the media, social media, and their peers criticize and attack them, especially then.

Nearly every societal ill in our era is connected to this single issue.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut christorchaos.com

[From "Anything That Is "Of, By, and For" The "People" Is Bound to Perish from the Face of the Earth"]

The sixteenth dictator of the United States[…]an atheist and perhaps the only unbaptized President of the United States of America, gave an address on the Gettysburg Battlefield[…]

government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth

Apart from the fact that Abraham Lincoln denied freedom to many of those within the northern states under his terroristic control who opposed his unjust war of aggression against the sovereign states of the Confederate States of America[…]the sixteen dictator of the United States of America did not understand that the only standard of human liberty is the standard of the Holy Cross[…]
It is important to remember this fact as the Constitution is utterly defenseless against being misinterpreted as its framers did not accept the fact that there is an ultimate teaching authority to be found in the Catholic Church[…]
The proximate root cause of this decay was caused by the false premises of the American founding that have led jurists and politicians to make as much short work of the text of the Constitution as the plain words of Holy Writ have been made by the Scriptural and dogmatic relativism that Protestantism let loose[…]
The men who framed the Constitution of the United States of America were products of the Protestant Revolt and of the so-called Age of Reason (or Enlightenment)[…]
Bergoglio, of course, believes that the Catholic Church has preached false doctrine and has “persecuted” heretical sects (Waldensians, Hussites, Protestants, the Orthodox) by insisting on the conversion of all non-Catholics to the true Church[…]
A nation founded on false premises, no matter the "good intentions" of those whose intellects were misinformed by several centuries of naturalist lies and Protestant theological heresies and errors, is bound to degenerate more and more over time

Nick Fuentes #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #magick #wingnut twitter.com

You should not seek sex, because if you seek sex you will become gay. Sex is a gay act. It’s totally gay. The straightest thing you can do is to never have sex, and everyone knows that’s true. Want to know why? Because you retain your semen and you sublimate your sexual desire to creating things. That’s why celibacy is the straightest thing. Because who are the celibates? Monks, priests, soldiers, great scientists, philosophers, geniuses…

Conservapedia #wingnut #fundie #racist conservapedia.com

(About Get Out)
This racist horror comedy-drama follows an African American man who discovers to his shock that his white American girlfriend's parents transplant the brains of white Americans into the bodies of African Americans as if to strip their victims of African American cultural identity. It presents a false dichotomy between black and white culture and discourages American ideals such as interracial and intercultural integration, all while accusing white Americans of wanting to eliminate instead of integrate all racial subcultures in the nation.

(About The Purge)
Movie featuring gratuitous graphic violence, and normalization of violent degenerate behavior. It is based on a political movement called the "New Founding Fathers of America" (NFFA), which is portrayed as a reformation of the Republican party (this can be based on how a majority of the people that played roles for characters of the "NFFA" were white and old, which is how Liberals see Republicans). The protagonists are what would generally be considered by the Democrats to be people who would vote for them (black, Hispanic, Asian, women, etc.)

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On The Matrix)

A hacker discovers his world is a replica of the world as it was before a cataclysmic future event in which intelligent machines took over humanity, so he joins a resistance to end the machines' reign. Despite this salvation narrative, the whole trilogy glorifies anarchism and nihilism (even including a brief nod to Jean Baudrillard's "On Nihilism" chapter from Simulacra and Simulation), hinting several times towards a pro-Communist, anti-American (with one scene in the first film, when Thomas Anderson meets Agent Smith, having Anderson's dossier listing Anderson as hailing from "FU, USA" which not-so-subtly is meant to say "[Censored] You, USA"), anti-Christian view. The second film's Architect scene tries to give a "devastating critique/twist" to salvation myths, with the Architect as a malevolent allegorical substitute for the Christian God. In this same scene, a panel of screens implicitly compares George W. Bush to Hitler during a discussion of evil in the world, and it features wars and conflicts specifically involving America. In fact, far-Left race-baiting scholar Cornel West was hired to play a role in the film specifically because the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time) were influenced by his pro-socialist/Communist and anti-American rhetoric. The first film's throwaway dialogue between the main villain Agent Smith and the treasonous freedom fighter Cipher is a shallow attempt at insulting Ronald Reagan because Smith implies that Cipher will become the next Ronald Reagan should he succeed in betraying his allies to the agents. The trilogy's overall depiction of religion is closer to Gnosticism, even with Neo, the main protagonist, presented as a savior-figure. The Wachowskis openly admitted in an interview that they deliberately modeled the entire story after Friedrich Nietzche's writings.[21][22] The trilogy has been cited as the cause for various murders, ultimately leading to a variant of the insanity defense known as the Matrix Defense[23], and it shares similar themes to the Worst Liberal Video Game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty because Hideo Kojima confessed that he intended to use the same themes for the game.[24] A fourth movie was announced to be in the works.[25]

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

The apostles were all either a bunch of lunatics who were willing to die for a story they made up without any gain, or they really did see the resurrected Christ and knew that it was a cause worth dying for. Which one sounds more plausible?

Conservapedia #sexist #wingnut #fundie conservapedia.com

(On Alien)
This pro-feminist, anti-capitalist film franchise was originated by atheist Ridley Scott. The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires,[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement[2] and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them![3]).

(On Apocalypse Now)
This overindulgent, anti-war diatribe portrays the American military as corrupt, incompetent drug-users.

Bruce Friedman #fundie #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia msn.com

A title in the Arthur children’s book series is facing a potential ban after a conservative activist claimed that it “damaged souls”.

On 12 July, Bruce Friedman, a member of the Clay county school district community in Florida, filed a challenge to Arthur’s Birthday, a 1989 children’s book by Marc Brown about a fictional brown aardvark whose birthday falls on the same day as another party of a different classmate.

At one point in the book, Arthur receives a glass bottle from Francine the monkey as a birthday present. The bottle has the words “Francine’s Spin the Bottle Game” printed on it.

According to the challenge, which the Daily Beast website published, the reason for Friedman’s ban request is to “protect children”.

“It is not appropriate to discuss ‘spin the bottle’ with elementary school children,” he wrote in all capital letters. “This book is found in all/almost all [district schools]!”

“‘Spin the bottle’ not okay for K-5 kids,” Friedman added, still using all capital letters. In response to a question about what he believes might be the result of a student using the material, he wrote, “Damaged souls.”

Friedman is the Florida chapter president of No Left Turn in Education, a rightwing group that campaigns against critical race theory. The group seeks to “use all forms of media to expose the radical indoctrination in K-12 education, its perpetrators, the resources and methods employed and the resulting harm it inflicts”, according to its website.

In a Facebook post in September 2020, the group compared public schools to “Pol Pot’s Cambodia”, referring to the former leader of Cambodia who perpetrated the mass genocide of over 2 million people.

Last December, Friedman said that he had compiled “a list of over 3,600 titles that I believe have concerning content [including] porn, critical race theory, social-emotional learning, [and] fluid gender,” Popular Information reported.

He told the outlet that he identified the titles by “scouring the internet” for books that have been challenged in other parts of the country.

William Schnoebelen #quack #fundie #magick #crackpot withoneaccord.org

BULLETPROOF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Radionics & Spiritual Warfare (2 DVD Set!) NEW!

NOTE: This DVD is also available now to RENT or PURCHASE online for download as well on VIMEO.

This 2-DVD set is subject to possible shipping delays due to COVID-19 emergency - DVD planned ship date April 29, 2020

The world is panicked with widespread, emergent outbreaks of COVID-19. But does Almighty YAH already have answers in His Word and Creation to this frightening pandemic? Beyond common sense measures what can we as Believers do to protect our families from this potentially deadly disease?

In this Powerful Teaching, BULLETPROOF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM - Radionics & Spiritual Warfare, Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D., shares in-depth, vital strategies to combat the growing deadly threat of radionics, the notorious spirit of fear, and Viruses - Including COVID-19. LEARN key nutrients and spiritual weaponry Almighty YAH has blessed His children with - Walk in victory with an immune system of blue, twisted steel!

Join With One Accord Ministries in this End-Time Battle and learn how you can use The Almighty’s Healing Creation to fortify your home and family’s immune systems with HIS solutions for Health, Healing and Victory! Pray Spiritual Warfare Prayers with Dr. Bill at the end of this Teaching and bring YAH’s INVINCIBLE FIRE to your spiritual life and health.

The blessed RUACH haQodesh (Holy Spirit) has POURED OUT His love into this new teaching like a RIVER of LIFE for His People... Now, it has even MORE information, AND PRAYERS have been added to EQUIP You & Your Loved Ones against the coming season of growing spiritual and health challenges. These PRAYERS will be posted on WOAM's Spiritual Warfare Prayer Page & on our YouTube Channel for FREE as soon as the VIDEO GOES LIVE on VIMEO, which will be before the actual DVD disks are sent to WOAM's distribution center!


Matthew B. Crawford #fundie #wingnut firstthings.com

The early twentieth century saw the birth of the administrative state under Woodrow Wilson, and a new political consciousness in which progressives came to regard themselves as a “civilized minority” as defined against a backward people. In the writings of Walter Lippmann and many others, the demos was regarded as an unreliable partner in the democratic project. Combine such an ambient elitism with faith in progress and confidence in the direction of History, as well as the dynamics of bureaucracies that must always expand and institutions that must reproduce themselves through personnel selection and educational formation, and you will get the kind of self-reinforcing cascade of sincere belief and class interests that can remake the world. Shaming the population permits the concentration of power, and it just seems to be in the nature of power that it wants to concentrate.

The 1619 Project might be understood as an attempt to consummate this logic, retroactively making slavery the very principle of the American regime and the animating spirit of the American people. Every crevice of American life stands revealed as needing supervision and correction. Fittingly, Joe Biden announced in the first week of his presidency that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion would henceforth provide the master principle of the federal government. Systemic racism provides the premise for the growth of the “immense tutelary power” that Tocqueville foresaw. If war is the health of the state, racial shame is the engine of administration. It makes men less proud, more administrable.

The line separating innocent victims from guilty oppressors, or the compassionate elect from the deplorable haters, has come to bear a lot of weight in a post-Christian politics that has forgotten the universal nature of sin.

Manfred U. E. Pohl #crackpot #fundie vixra.org

What is the seduction behind the expulsion from paradise in detail? If we recognize that "time" stands on the one hand for the principle of cause and effect and thus for the interaction between nature (God) and man and on the other hand for the principle of relativity (movement) and separate these two things, then we limit the area of mathematically formally describable perception to the earthly level and respect that the causal level, i.e. the real drive of the universe, cannot be described with formulas, numbers and physical units, but exists. This is exactly what man has deviated from when he defined "time" as a physical unit in order to explore the essence, i.e. the laws of nature (God), which, however, must remain closed to him on principle. In other words, by embarking on a search for a mathematically describable reality, man takes the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. The world formula, on the other hand, says: There can be no such world formula.

(Full paper: nine pages)

Hank Kunneman #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Yeah, well, first of all, it would be easy for people to say, well, hey, you know, this is the weather. It's summertime. Well, yeah, it is summer. But when God tells you ahead of time what it's going to specifically be and he lists out that it's going to be in the hundreds and it is in the hundreds, and those specific numbers that he listed coincide with certain redemptive promises in the book of Psalms.

And we need to pay attention because in many places they've never had these temperatures. They've made records with the very things that are there. But here's what God said. He said, with the temperatures, it's going to be a reflection of not only the temperatures rising upon the nation, which we're seeing with the sound of justice, the movie people are saying, hey, we are angry at what they're doing to the kids. But also watch this. God's anger is rising and it's coming with justice. Now, it isn't just weather and here's why. There is a connection between the prophetic and weather. And I'll just give a couple quick examples. First, Kings Chapter 17; Elijah said at my word, it won't rain. So there you have a connection. But also you have Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 37, he was commanded by God to prophesy, not about the winds, prophesy to the winds.

And so God is giving us a sign in the weather of what he is doing and here's what he's doing. The temperatures are rising in the natural because it's a sign of God's rising of his temperature against the injustice. And did you hear what he said? It'll be a sign that America is being saved. And so we need to rejoice and keep praying for the innocent who are being affected by these temperatures.

Derek Gilbert #fundie #ufo #conspiracy prophecyinvestigators.org

It’s not extraterrestrial, it’s interdimensional.

Humans have wondered about the stars since forever. That is understandable; they are beautiful and mysterious, as out of reach as mountain peaks. And perhaps for the same reasons, the earliest speculation about the stars revolved around gods, not extraterrestrials.

As with mountains, humans have associated stars with deities since the beginning of human history. Three of the most important gods in the ancient Near East, from Sumer to Israel and its neighbors, were the sun, moon, and the planet Venus.

Yahweh not only recognized that the nations worshiped these small-G gods, He allotted the nations to them as their inheritance—punishment for the Tower of Babel incident.
In other words, God placed the nations of the world under small-G “gods” represented by the sun, moon, and stars, but He reserved Israel for Himself. The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were to remain faithful to Yahweh alone, and through Israel He would bring forth a Savior.

But the gods Yahweh allotted to the nations went rogue. That earned them a death sentence.
Humanity has looked to the stars as gods for at least the last 5,000 years. End times prophecy, from the perspective of pagans, is about the return of the old gods, spirits defined as rebel angels and demons by the Hebrew prophets and apostles.

The Infernal Council has been playing an exceptionally long game. Once upon a time, Christians generally held a biblical worldview. The influence of the spirit realm on our lives was not perfectly understood, but at least it was acknowledged.
In our modern, enlightened age, however, the principalities and powers have nudged and prodded humanity through the Enlightenment and Modernism into Postmodernism, shifting us from a supernatural worldview to one that only accepts an external creator in the form of “ancient aliens,” which allows us to account for the supernatural while simultaneously denying the existence of God.

David Lawn #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #fundie #conspiracy davidlawn.substack.com

Human Hybrids

For me all this Q-Trump-Plan is not over until I can embrace the chimeras that Steve Quayle’s friend spoke of and those that Dr. Jim Willie reports on.

Steve reported of a friend he met at the airport who was involved with human chimera creatures.

The friend reported that the chimeras had cried out to him “Help! Help us! We are human!” And the friend wept and said “but they were monstrosities”.

For me, these human chimeras were creatures, however ugly, however terrible to see and deal with, that have a soul of God.

Jim Willie speaks of Human hybrids crossed with Gray extraterrestrials:
What creatures are these? I want to see these creatures, communicate with them.

I SHALL NOT BE SATISFIED with this war being won until I am allowed to go to these creatures and embrace them, physically embrace them, with love.

What is the point of winning this war if we cannot love? Love is universal. I wish to love unconditionally.

Who and where are these creatures? I need to go to meet them.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Many Christians are not aware that the letter ‘X’ is directly connected to Antichrist, and minions like Elon Musk are working feverishly to bring it to life.

Perhaps you’ve heard by now that Elon Musk, the world’s richest and arguably the most influential man alive, has changed the name of his company Twitter to X, everyone is talking about it. But what you may not know is that X is one of the things that represents the coming Antichrist. Am I saying that Elon Musk is the AC? Nope, but he is one of the many minions doing advance work on that coming kingdom. 666 is the number of the Beast, but his letter is ‘X’ as in ‘x marks the spot’. When you know, you know.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, for years now we’ve been bringing you story after story on amazing end times events connected directly to the letter ‘X’, as you can see in the Study Helps and Links section below. This is not new, and it does not originate with Elon Musk, but pardon the pun, the SpaceX man is taking the letter ‘X’ to brand new heights. While ‘X’ is our top story today, and for good reason, it’s far from the only topic we have to talk about, not the least of which is the making of an idol out of Donald Trump. Our world is literally coming apart at the seams, and on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we bring it all to you in living color. Buckle your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride today.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Today, in both the Catholic Church and in the USA, it appears that the only "rights" protected by both the ecclesial and national governments are the rights of anti-Catholics and anti-Americans to challenge, violate and destroy the very rights of anyone to be fully Catholic and be fully American, and to act like it. We are now supposed to be everyone else's doormats, so they can walk all over us and wipe their feet on us.

When the "gay pride" parade takes over the streets, I am supposed to get out there and celebrate sodomy with the rest of the freaks, and not show any disgust or disrespect for any of the primping and prancing transvestites, screaming queens, tattooed butches, members of the Biden Cabinet or members of the USCCB.

What happened to my right to condemn and anathematize immorality, keep apart from it and speak openly against it? Why do so many Catholic Bishops today not only bless it, but participate in it? Why does the Biden administration and their Party not only bless it, but sponsor it, promote it and participate in it?

The answer is anti-Catholic and anti-American Marxism and its preeminent position of power in both the Church and American governments. The Marxocrat Party is fully and irrevocably Marxist, and the Republicrat Party is Marxist-Light. The USCCB is Marxist. The Francis Vatican is Marxist.
They howling mobs insist that I be forced to "Say Gay!", and/or to "Say Black Lives Matter!", and/or to "Use The Preferred Pronoun!", and that I have no right to disobey. And the federal government, bound by oath to the Constitution that protects my rights, allows this to go on.
They hate the constitution. It is, after all, just another "existing social condition" and Marxism is sworn to forcibly overthrow all existing social conditions.

They are Marxists.
That's the problem.

They will not tolerate normalcy. All normalcy must be overturned.

Kabamur #ufo #fundie #conspiracy eraoflight.com

What did Jesus say about people who fear UFOs in the last days? He called them UNREADY.

Jesus: “then the Arrival of the Son of Man! It will fill the skies. No one will miss it. Unready people all over the world will raise a huge lament as they watch the Son of Man blazing out of heaven.”

Who is the Son of Man? Those who are ‘like human but not human’. The exact meaning changes with context. It can mean Angels of Light, or Angels of Light incarnated as human (starseeds).

If Jesus was the only Son of Man, why would he say “it will fill the skies”? And why would he say it will happen before his return?

Jesus: “At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Clearly many Christians have the wrong idea.

Why did John’s vision in Revelation describe the Son of Man having white hair and carrying a symbol of 7 stars? Because the Son of Man are Pleiadians. Jesus was an incarnated Pleiadian Soul in a human body.

Remember that demons are real, and they don’t want us to know about Angels of Light. They want us to fear UFOs, fake raptures and Project Blue Beam. But they are powerless, and all they have are lies.

People who talk about fake raptures have no idea what the real rapture is. Because of all the fear and programming people have endured, a complete separation of timelines must occur before there can be Full Disclosure and Open Contact. This is the Shift.

You shouldn’t fear UFOs because their presence is a sign we’re getting close. You shouldn’t fear the end of this world, because it’s the only way the new one can begin. The ending will be the beginning.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

My daughter Megan, who is expecting and on our prayer list, sent me a text message with some crazy photos late last night about her incredible experience at their local Whole Foods store in Colorado. She went to check out and noticed, for the first time, that her Whole Foods was now using Amazon One for payments, and one of the options offered to her was to make a palm payment. Today it’s a payment through the front of your hand, and very soon it will be a payment through the back of your right hand or forehead. Guaranteed. We first reported that this was coming back on September 6, 2019. It’s here.

If you’re lost and reading this, you chuckle and wonder what all the fuss is about. To you, technology is a good thing, and the faster it gets here the easier and more comfortable your life will be. But to the born again Bible believer, we are watching the ongoing fulfilling of Bible prophecy in real-time, like the scene from ‘The Matrix’ where Neo is so in tune he’s watching the flurry of bullets coming at him as if in slow-motion. That’s you if you’re saved and believing The Book. You’ve been waiting for it, watching for it, and now that it’s arriving none of this is any surprise at all. Did you know that the word ‘amazon’ refers to the daughters of Ares, the god of war in Greek mythology? They lived in the region of modern-day Ukraine, and no, I’m not making this up. So you have Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, their new payment system is called ‘One’, as in One World, and you pay with the palm of your hand. Got it.

Yep, I see it. Do you?

William S. Lind #fundie #psycho #sexist #homophobia tvtropes.org

The triumph of the Recovery was marked most clearly by the burning of the Episcopal bishop of Maine.
She was not a particularly bad bishop. She was in fact typical of Episcopal bishops of the first quarter of the 21st century: agnostic, compulsively political and radical, and given to placing a small idol of Isis on the altar when she said the Communion service. By 2055, when she was tried for heresy, convicted, and burned, she had outlived her era. By that time only a handful of Episcopalians still recognized female clergy, it would have been easy enough to let the old fool rant out her final years in obscurity.

The fact that the easy road was not taken, that Episcopalians turned to their difficult duty of trying and convicting, and the state upheld its unpleasant responsibility of setting torch to faggots, was what marked this as an act of Recovery. I well remember the crowd that gathered for the execution, solemn but not sad, relieved rather that at last, after so many years of humiliation, of having to swallow every absurdity and pretend we liked it, the majority had taken back the culture. No more apologies for the truth. No more “Yes, buts” on upholding standards. Civilization had recovered its nerve. The flames that soared above the lawn before the Maine State House were, as the bishopess herself might have said, liberating.

She could have saved herself, of course, right up until the torch was applied. All she had to do was announce she wasn’t a bishop, or a priest, since Christian tradition forbids a woman to be either. Or she could have confessed she wasn’t a Christian, in which case she could be bishopess, priestess, popess, whatever, in the service of her chosen demons. That would have just gotten her tossed over the border.
When it was over, none of us felt good about it. But we’d long since learned feelings were a poor guide. We’d done the right thing.

Francis Slobodnik #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy returntoorder.org

America Needs Fatima supporters recently held a rally of reparation and protest in Topeka, Kansas. The target was a strange traveling event called “Paranormal Cirque.” Local news stations favorably covered the July 7-9 event like a normal circus.

The local activists soon discovered there was nothing normal about this “paranormal circus.” The show was R-rated, and no one under 13 would be admitted. Obviously, the performance contained objectionable material, even by today’s standards.

Indeed, the show contains four categories of grave public offenses against God that merited protest.

First of all, this circus is blasphemous. Men are dressed in the religious habits of nuns simulating immoral acts. That is a blasphemy because it insults and attacks the sacred.

Secondly, this circus is full of Satanic influences and imagery. Spectators could see Satanic symbols like the pentagram in prominent display. Some performers wear devil horns.

Thirdly, this circus contains immoral content with scantily-clad women, obscene gestures and language and the simulation of sinful acts.

Finally, this circus is macabre. There are scenes simulating torture and death in the show.
Paranormal Cirque combines blasphemy, public immorality, the culture of death and the public acceptance of Satanism. In our current society, events like the circus mainstream these gravely offensive acts as acceptable in real life and on the public square.
The public reaction was one of the strongest the group had ever seen. Residents expressed themselves with honks, thumbs up, waves and words of thanks. At the same time, never were there more “Hail Satans” and obscene gestures as at this rally.

The waters were divided. The rally forced every passerby to choose between God or Satan.

Despite the non-stop opposition, rally participants were happy to defend the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady, the Catholic Church and Christian civilization.

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