
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Anonymous #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

1940 Jews sink the ship SS Patria, killing 250 Jewish immigrants, to gain
sympathy for Jews being denied entry into British-run Palestine.

1940 Japan, an anti-Communist country, pushes into Indo-China. The
part-Jewish Roosevelt complains, but, strangely, does not condemn his buddy
Stalin's oppression of millions of people in Russia.

1941 Roosevelt orders Japanese assets in the U.S. freezed, largely because
Japan is friendly with Germany, the ultimate sin to the
part-Jewish, almost-Marxist Roosevelt. He is warned that Japan will consider
this an act of war. They do, and later bomb Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.

1941 (Aug.) Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter, pledging to
spread democratic values (!)

1941 (Dec.) U.S. "officially" enters WWII, siding with the
already-mass-murdering Communist Soviet Union.

1942 Father Coughlin loses his bulk-mailing permit, by order of part-Jewish

1942 A team of largely-Jewish scientists starts the Manhattan Project, to
build a nuclear bomb. Some of the Jewish scientists are later charged with
providing the Soviet Union with nuclear information. (Most nuclear spies have
been Jewish).

1945 The ADL distributes 330,000 books in America, designed to convince the
public that "anti-Semitism" is a form of mental illness.

1945 Arab King Ibn Saoud complains to Roosevelt that "an army of Jews, armed
to the teeth" is slowly preparing to attack Palestinian settlements. This is
true, but Roosevelt ignores his protests.

1945 U.S./Britain/Russia crush Germany and Japan, which, by default, kills
the first concerted, modern effort to defeat Jewish/Communist power.

1945 Jewish Communist Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss) writes much of the
Morgenthau Plan, which will surrender a large portion of Europe to
Communist/Jewish/leftist rule. (It's always a good idea to let Jewish
Communists write important government mandates).

1945 An American Jewish man, Henry Morgenthau (of The Morgenthau Plan), is
assigned to oversee the restructuring of Europe, a conflict of interest of
staggering proportions.

1945 General Patton, before his death, comments that the upcoming, planned
trial of Nazi "war criminals" is illegal (ex post facto) and "Semitic"
(Jewish-created, a conflict of interest).

1945 Jewish "cultural anthropologist" Ashley Montagu publishes the bible of
the "equality movement," a book titled "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The
Fallacy of Race." Liberals everywhere use it to "stop racism," with great

1946 Various Germans are brought to trial at Nuremberg for what is called
"crimes against humanity" (law which did not exist before the war, and is ex
post facto [after the fact] law, which is illegal in America). Many of the
judges are Jewish, and many of the persons present also are Soviet/Communist
officials. Strangely, no "crimes against humanity" have YET been brought
against ANY Communist country, even though their body-count is FAR greater.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt thespectator.info

HH: Ambassador O’Brien said China wants Vice President Biden to win. Why do you think that is?

DJT: Because they’ll own the United States if he wins, and with me, they were having the worst year in 67 years because I tariffed the hell out of them. We took in billions and billions of dollars. I gave some of it to the farmers because they were targeted, and I put the rest in the Treasury of the United States. We’ve taken in tens of billions of dollars from China, and it was having a huge impact on China, negative impact on China.

HH: You’re still the best interview…

DJT: And China will own, just like when his son walked out with $1.5 billion dollars from China to manage, where he’ll make millions of dollars a year. Look, China will own the United States if this election is lost by Donald Trump. If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States. You’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese, if you want to know the truth.

HH: Well, will Hunter Biden come up at the debates, Mr. President?

DJT: And you’ll have to learn it fast. They will own the United States. And I’ll tell you another thing that’ll happen. The market’s up 350 points today. It was up 350 points yesterday. It’s ready to break new records. NASDAQ has already broken a record. We’re doing very well in everything including Corona, as you call it. But let me just tell you, we’re getting to an end. We’re getting to, and the vaccines are ready to rock. We’re going to be very close to a vaccine. We’re ready to distribute, and we’re there for the therapeutics, which to me is even more important, frankly. It makes you better. It’s more important than the vaccine.

O'Brien Award

Adunaiii #moonbat #pratt #wingnut #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Submitter’s note: not sure how to do quote bars? I’ll just put brackets around what he’s quoting, and if someone without my technical ineptitude could fix it, that would be smashing] [Edit: fixed]

In fact, North Korea is ranked at or near the bottom of several freedom rankings, including Freedomhouse and Heritage.org.

Philosophically, we disagree. Personal freedom is a lie. An ideal for Christians. Nature only knows the survival of the population. This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important.

Life for one's own self is disgusting, no wonder southern Koreans are emigrating to the USA by the millions, and never have children. This is so funny when only a few hundred people per year emigrate from the DPRK.

the common citizen thats being oppressed or for the Kim dynasty that only seeks to expand their power.

We are all "oppressed" by life. The way of individualism is suicide - collective suicide. Beauty lies in embracing our oppression, and by working out a great future together, not dying alone.

if NK did not pose such a threat and be so aggressive against literally everyone then the US would have no reason to have a presence in SK.

Asking a foreign power for help in the matters of civil war is unfair and scummy. See the Irish in the 12th century.

Also, American occupiers kill Korean girls (Wikipedia).

I honestly get green with envy that the DPRK can have such glory, and my nation is drowning in squalour.


Thats not even taking into account the soldiers used by the PRC, which amounted to roughly 3 million over the course of the war.

Wasn't the RoK propped up by Americans? Then it's fair game to bring in friends (the Chinese are far closer to the DPRK both racially and ideologically, Mao Tse-tung was like a brother to Comrade Kim Il Sung).

I find it amusing that you preach about being independent when the nation you have trumped up as the golden standard has failed by the very metric you hold South Korea against.

Southern Korea bases its entire raison d'être on being a cog in the machine of Christian American capitalism. If they survive its collapse, then we'll talk. But a far more likely scenario is that they'll beg for a reunification under the DPRK to save them from utter chaos.

(The fall of the USSR is nothing like what will happen when the colossus with the feet of lay that America is disintegrates.)

Also, authoritarian governments only care about remaining in power and accruing more power, they don't care about you or anyone else as anything more than a tool by which they can spread their influence.

Yes, the government cares about its people, for without the people, it will not exist. In a word, fascism.

No, the DPRK government is rooted in the Korean race, not in economics or memetics. It is precisely the opposite - it is the southern Korean government that would rather import Filipinos to prop up its failing economy than care for its very population. It is the capitalists who view their people as interchangeable units to produce the idea of money - not the hard matter of blood.

David Robertson #fundie #wingnut #sexist #pratt christiantoday.com

[Submitter’s note: yes, they finally did it. Fundies are now attacking The Handmaiden’s Tale for muh persecution. Be a Christian in Saudi Arabia, funded by Christian Nation America, and then complain]

The Handmaid's Tale' is ugly and anti-Christian. We have a better story to tell

The Handmaid's Tale is a superbly filmed and acted version of Margaret Attwood's 1985 novel and has won five Emmys – including Elizabeth Moss in the lead role deservedly winning best actor. The liberal metro-elites love it because it portrays their nightmare – a United States run by religious fundamentalists, in which women are oppressed and treated as a subservient class.

The Handmaid's Tale portrays an America called Gilead, in which gay men are hanged, abortion is banned and birth control pills are not allowed. Most women have become infertile and so those young women who are fertile are taken as 'handmaids' to be impregnated by the 'commanders'. Although it's a dystopia, at least the Greens should be happy as the USA finally gets on board and reduces carbon emissions by 70 per cent. And there also appears to be racial equality – at least in the TV series. In the book African Americans are removed to national homelands but in the TV series they have an equal role with the whites – I suspect somewhat cynically that this is because an all-white cast would not have gone down well.

The 'baddies' are portrayed in very religious terms. The female leaders who control the handmaids have 'Irish nun' accents, solemnly intoning that 'fertility is a gift from God' – as the girls are prepared to be raped. The handmaids dress in a nun/puritan style. In one strong scene the handmaids are encouraged to take part in a stoning by the chief 'nun' who tells them that 'God's love gives us blessings and gives us challenges' – the challenge in this case being to stone to death one of their sisters. It gives a whole new meaning to the tough love scenario.

The numerous Bible quotes, biblical language and names are set up to portray a scenario where right-wing religious fundamentalists have taken over the USA...watch out, the evangelicals are coming to get you!

The hypocrisy is brilliantly portrayed. The music from Onward Christian Soldiers is played as the master reads from the Bible and then has sex with the 'handmaid', while his wife is present observing the grotesquely unerotic scene.

The Handmaid's Tale is as much a liberal fantasy as The West Wing was. Moss, incidentally, portrayed President Bartlett's daughter Zoey in that series. The West Wing portrayed a President and presidential team that came as near to heaven on earth as most can imagine. The Handmaid's Tale, on the other hand, is its hellish polar opposite.

So let's return to reality. There are countries where religious fundamentalists are stoning people to death. But none of them are ones where Christians have taken control. Of course you could not have a major network portraying a dystopian future where America has become an Islamic republic. That would be Islamophobic! But Christian fundamentalists are fair game – Christophobic isn't really a term that has caught on yet.

And there are religious cults that do a great deal of harm – including some that profess to be Christian. In an irony that seems to have escaped the maker's notice, Elizabeth Moss, the star of the show, is a committed member of the Church of Scientology – one of the most cultish and harmful religious groups in the Western world. But again of course, Hollywood would not make a series about the evils of Scientology – there are too many well-known celebrities involved and anyway they would be sued.

Neither is this a film series about Trump's America, any more than the book was a commentary on Reagan's America. Ironically, Trump's misogyny, sexism, bad language, sexual immorality, dodgy business practice and opulent lifestyle has more in common with Harvey Weinstein than it does with Billy Graham. The abuse of women that this fantasy series portrays is seen today as much in the increasing number of Hollywood producers and powerbrokers who, after the Weinstein exposé, have themselves been accused, as it is in the religious authority figures who have been found out. The hypocrisy of conservative fundamentalists preaching religious morality while engaging in sexual immorality is matched only by the hypocrisy of liberal fundamentalists preaching woman's rights while engaging in sexual abuse.
The Handmaid's Tale is an ugly series – its sexual explicitness and violence mean that it is out of bounds for anyone with any degree of sensitivity. Unlike The West Wing, which I am now watching for the fourth time, I won't be going near this one again – not just for the ugliness of its sexual violence but also because of the bigotry and anti-Christian hate speech. It is the kind of programme made about Christians that antisemites would make about Jews. It demonises 'the other'. Despite the constant citation of Scripture, the portrayal of Christianity in the drama is the antithesis of what real Christianity is. Real Christianity is not religious hypocrites enforcing their perverted teachings through the barrel of a gun.

Some people say, 'It's only a drama – who cares?' I care. There are those who know nothing about Christianity who when they see this programme will think that this is what it is about. The producers even managed to have a comment at the end: 'If you have been affected by the issues in this programme, call...' as though being part of a religious country run by Christian fundamentalists is a common or likely occurrence.

The Handmaid's Tale is part of a general cultural shift in which Bible-believing Christians are the bogeymen of contemporary society. While in the West we are nowhere near the level of persecution that Christians in many countries face, I'm still not a big fan of encouraging people to hate us on the basis of a distorted and perverse view of the Christian faith.

The way for us to challenge and handle this kind of post-truth alternative-fact fantasy is not to complain, whine and curl up in our Christian snowflake ball. Let's get out there in the real world and be its salt and light – sharing the truth, beauty, love and freedom of Christ. It's not the fear-mongering of The Handmaid's Tale that our world needs, but the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Rush Limbaugh #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #quack rushlimbaugh.com

CALLER: My question is it, what makes one medical expert better than another medical expert, particularly in terms of something like hydroxychloroquine?

RUSH: That’s an interesting question. So you’re essentially asking me why when one medical expert says hydroxychloroquine sucks does he get listened to and another medical expert, “No, no, no, the stuff is good,” is he ignored?


RUSH: Politics.

CALLER: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. (laughing)

RUSH: I mean, you laugh, but politics is the answer to the question out there, Jenna.

CALLER: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I mean it seems to be in everything.

RUSH: Hydroxychloroquine may as well be a slave owner.

CALLER: Yeah. That’s true. Absolutely. I mean, obviously there’s people that have been cured by it successfully. Nothing works 100 percent successfully for everybody. There certainly are these side effects, every commercial that you ever hear, every other —

RUSH: Well, you know, I’ll tell you something, that’s true too. There are always, even in certain medicines, some of them work on some people, some of them don’t on others.


RUSH: We’re all different.

CALLER: Hm-hm. Yes. Absolutely.

RUSH: We’re all different gene makeup. There’s so many different factors that go into this. So the answer to your question, sadly, is politics.

And the politics of this, folks, let me find — I’ve got time, find the sound bite. Quickly, quickly. It’s number 11. Grab sound bite number 11. Last night CNN, Wolf Blitzer to Thomas Friedman, New York Times. “Do you see an end in sight to all this COVID stuff and everything else?”

FRIEDMAN: Oh, I do see an end in sight. It’s in November. I will walk. I will crawl. I will slither. I will bike. I will hike. But I will be going to the polls to vote for Joe Biden because until, unless we replace this president and this administration, we’re gonna be having the same conversation every day. All right? That is what this is about. It’s about removing this man who has no business being president.

RUSH: There you have it. It’s all gonna end in November, folks. Wolf Blitzed, “When is this gonna end, Thomas? When’s it gonna be over? Do you see an end to this?” Yeah. Yeah. November. But, you know, I have a reaction to this for the lovable and adorable Never Trumpers out there and a lot of you weasely Republicans who think, like Friedman, that Trump is the problem here. But I’m gonna have to get in the monologue segment of the next hour.

RUSH: Can Thomas Friedman name one thing Biden would do that’s different? He can’t think of one thing because Biden doesn’t know what he’s gonna do. Friedman probably thinks he’s gonna be on the committee running the country. That’s probably what’s going on.

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #quack yourundergroundnews.weebly.com

These are not clouds. They're manmade steams of chemicals being sprayed on us by those who want to keep us sick or kill us!!

Chemtrails target the endocrine and respiratory systems, among others. Chemtrails contain nanotechnology and some people experience morgellons, which can appear like thin wires coming out of their skin.

Chemtrails can also be used to cut you off from the sun. Everyone knows how much better they feel in summer rather than winter. It's because of the sun, and not just because of the vitamin D. The sun is an energizer, it energizes your mind body and spirit. Sunlight is the energy we thrive on and frankly if we weren't constantly staying inside our houses or office buildings, we wouldn't burn from it. Suntan lotion is full of chemicals and ANY CHEMICAL is no good for a biological human or animal. You've been sold a raw deal taking chemicals for medical treatment.

Clouds don't look like straight lines. People say they're contrails made by planes but when you see a dozen or so of them crisscrossing the sky, you can't say commercial traffic was flying that erratically. Planes fly dedicated routes, not willy nilly all over the sky.

Chemtrails are sprayed in lines, as below, then billow out into what passes for clouds. They appear unnatural as they have no holes, just a thick blanket of "clouds" cutting off the sun.

Natural clouds are not a hole-less sheet of clouds. They come in bunches, have holes in between, taper off, and make different shapes. The difference is obvious!

Dennis Prager #wingnut #pratt rightwingwatch.org

Dennis Prager, conservative commentator and namesake of the PragerU digital media outlet, asserted in an interview with The Epoch Times that ​conservative opinions are suppressed worse​ today in the United States than communism was in the era of McCarthyism.

McCarthyism refers to a period in the 1950s in which Sen. Joseph McCarthy conducted hearings and investigations attempting to prove that various factions of the U.S. government​ and society had been infiltrated by communists​. McCarthy’s investigations often resulted in severe personal and professional fallout for McCarthy’s targets​ and created widespread paranoia about an internal threat of communism.

Prager sat down with The Epoch Times senior editor Jan Jekielek for an episode of the outlet’s “American Thought Leaders” longform interview series​, which was uploaded to YouTube on June 25. During the duo’s conversation, Prager agreed with Jekielek’s suggestion that so-called “cancel culture” was creating a “safe space” in the country that was unwelcoming to ​conservative thought and ​the free exchange of ideas​.

“The suppression of opinion in America today is unprecedented. It dwarfs McCarthyism,” Prager said. “There’s no comparison, but there are parallels, because anti-communism was a noble cause. There are those who used anti-communism for ill ends. The Nazis were a perfect example. The left uses anti-racism, which is a noble idea, to be opposed to racism, as it was noble to be anti-communist, but they use it for ill ends. The parallels to the past are so eerie as to be breathtaking​. … This is nationwide. This is prolonged. This has affected big business, newspapers, schools.”

Prager went on to support his claim by citing the late historian Eugene Genovese, who wrote in The New Republic decades ago that he feared his conservative colleagues were facing “a new McCarthyism” that was “in some ways more effective and vicious than the old.” ​Though Genovese ​once described himself as a pro-communist Marxist, ​over time​, Genovese​’s politics shifted, and he express​ed public sympathy for right-wing causes.

Later on in the interview, Jekielek told Prager that it seemed to him that “so-called cancel culture” had “gone really into overdrive” since a white Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd, a Black man, ​ignoring Floyd’s cries that he couldn’t breathe. Prager indicated that he agreed, and went on to claim that systemic racism in ​the United States does not exist.

“There is zero reason to say America is racist,” Prager said. “There is zero reason to say the cops are systemically racist. There are racist cops, there are racist Americans. I’m a Jew. There are anti-Semitic Americans. America is the best country, best non-Jewish country Jews have ever lived in. This is the best non-Black country Blacks have ever lived in. Now it is​—it obviously wasn’t when there was slavery. I’m talking about now and in the post-civil rights era.”

Prager asserted that protesters opposing system racism are “protesting a lie.”

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Science is not an exact science.

If you look at the embarrassingly troubled history of climate change you'll find that the path from 60s to now (global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate chaos, global warming again) all have the same answer: ban evil oil.

Once you realize this, it becomes clear the whole this is a justification. Aka "hypothesis over findings" or "truth over facts" as Biden would say.

Really it's weaponized statistics.

But with the pretense of "science" people use it the same way puritan zealots religiously pushed their baseless fears into actionable destruction.

... like how anyone who dares question the stats of the pandemic is a heretic who must be silenced.

Anonymous San Antonio Methodist Hospital Patient #conspiracy #pratt abcnews.go.com

"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not."

Those were the final words of a 30-year-old patient who died at Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, this week after attending a so-called "COVID party," according to the hospital's chief medical officer.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children’s Hospital, said in a recorded statement that the unidentified patient told nurses about the party, which she said is hosted by someone diagnosed with coronavirus.

"The thought is people get together to see if the virus is real and if anyone gets infected," Appleby said.

Appleby said she shared the story not to scare people, but to make sure they understand that the virus can affect anyone.

Andy Schlafly #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Transphobia is a term made up by LGBT Marxists, who claim it is the "fear" of people who have willfully undergone anthropogenic sex change operations. LGBT agenda supporters use this non-existent "phobia" as an emotional smear term against anyone who opposes gender confusion, unnecessary surgical mutilation for the sake of "changing gender", and especially the intentional targeting of children by gender confusion activists to groom them and confuse them about their biological sex.

Unknown racist #racist #pratt en.wikipedia.org

(Submitter’s note: This is an excerpt from a letter written in response to Jane Elliott, the teacher who first did the Blue Eye/Brown Eye experiment to teach her white students about discrimination, following her appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson following a newspaper report of the results of this experiment. A little more detail exists on the Wikipedia page, as well as quite a bit more. I’ve found no source on the author’s name.)

How dare you try this cruel experiment out on white children? Black children grow up accustomed to such behavior, but white children, there's no way they could possibly understand it. It's cruel to white children and will cause them great psychological damage.

spezCandyDispenser #moonbat #pratt reddit.com

Are you interested in reading an explanation of the situation in Xinjiang? It is a complex one. Here it is, using many lib sources no less, just to be safe.

Approximately 50% of what you hear is outright propaganda, as we know the CIA’s affiliates churn out. We also see CIA assets pushing narratives on Reddit. The next 25% is poorly researched speculation by an evangelical end-timer, and the final 25% is an accurate description of the PRC’s response to far right, religious terrorism and separatism.

First, let’s just establish using safe, American sources that tens of thousands of Uyghur people went to fight with ISIS in Syria, then returned. Let’s also establish that there have been consistent terrorist attacks with significant casualties and that the CIA and CIA front-groups have funded and stoked Islamic extremism across the world for geopolitical gain.. We also know that Saudi Arabia along with CIA are actively pushing weapons in that area and have a program to radicalize muslims there with the same tactics they have used everywhere in the middle east in the last 40+ years.

Its also very important to note that unlike China, no western country has Muslims as a majority (or significant minority) of any region, nor are the Muslims rural, lacking formal education, and not integrated into the national economy (which is a failure of past Chinese policy I agree). This means that in the west any Islamic threat is necessarily limited to lone wolf terrorism, or the occasional cell, whereas in Xinjiang it’s plausible that a significant Islamic seperatist movement could take power if the CPC if it didnt do anything about it.

Also the west lacks a border with Afghanistan with tens of thousands of islamists, ISIS and fundementalists. That dramatically limits the external support any such movement could receive. China has that geographical issue and it adds another level of danger and instability in the area and potential escalation.

Now, we need to consider potential responses.

The CPC could give up and surrender Xinjiang to ISIS and radicalization that is happening in large scales. This option condemns millions of people to living under a fundamentalist Islamic State, including many non-Muslims and non-extreme Muslims. This option also creates a CIA-aligned state on the border, and jeopardizes a key part of the Belt and Road initiative, which is designed to connect landlocked countries for development and geopolitical positioning.It destabilizes the whole area further and also threatens the CPC’s legitimacy, as keeping China together, prosperous and united has been one of the most important mandates for the party.

The next option is the American option. Drone strike, black-site, or otherwise liquidate anyone who could be associated with Islamic extremism. Be liberal in doing so. Make children fear blue skies because of drones. When the orphaned young children grow up, do it all again. You can also throw a literal man-made famine in there if you want.). Millions of deaths and entire cultures and regions destroyed and destabilized.

The final option is the Chinese option. Mass surveillance. Use AI to target anyone who may be at risk of radicalisation for re-education based on the geographical position/areas, personal/family connections and social circle with islamist orgs or extremists. Teach them the lingua franca of China, Mandarin. Pump money into the region for development. When people finish their time in re-education, set them up with state jobs. Keep the surveillance up. Allow and even celebrate local religious customs, but make sure the leaders are on-side with the party.

There’s no evidence, including from leaked papers, that the goal of the deradicalization program is permanent internment or annihilation of Islam. In fact, the leaked CIA papers have Xi explicitly saying Islam should not be annihilated from China:

Mr. Xi also told officials to not discriminate against Uighurs and to respect their right to worship. He warned against overreacting to natural friction between Uighurs and Han Chinese, the nation’s dominant ethnic group, and rejected proposals to try to eliminate Islam entirely in China.

“In light of separatist and terrorist forces under the banner of Islam, some people have argued that Islam should be restricted or even eradicated,” he said during the Beijing conference. He called that view “biased, even wrong.”

As for permanent internment, we know from leaks that the minimum duration of detention is one year — though accounts from ex-detainees suggest that some are released sooner. with often taking weekends off.

There’s no stoking of inter-ethnic hatred or elimination of a specific culture; the CPC actively censors footage from terrorist attacks in China to avoid such an outcome. Xi doesn’t go on TV calling any ethnicity rapists or murderers. Uighur culture is actively celebrated in the media and via tourism. Xinjiang has 24,400 mosques, one per 530 Muslims. That’s three mosques per capita more than their western peers . Muslims in every other part of China other than Xinjiang (the majority of Muslims in China) face zero issues and just practice their religion freely. Kinda weird for a country that's islamophobic and wants to do cultural genocide

I’ve used some Chinese sources for detailed information in China that other sources don’t tend to have (like in-depth infographics on poverty reduction and the number of mosques per capita), but the key information is from American institutes and leaked Chinese documents and as a result even this account may be a bit overexaggerate and biased for he western side.

Of course there are human rights abuses in Xinjiang. There are human rights abuses everywhere, especially when implementing programs that give institutional power to people. One question to ask is what the driving factor behind those abuses are. State line and extermination policy? We can discern that by looking at the instructions and training given. Another question to ask is what the alternatives of the institutional policy are for China, and what human rights abuses, are avoided through the policy.

Could China’s approach be done better? Almost certainly. Are they exterminating or genociding muslims ? No. Is it the correct response to extremism at that scale? That’s for you to decide.

Anonymous #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

If you knew anything about history you’d understand war is not pretty.

The allies bombed supply routes and farms this lead to mass starvation. Everybody suffered. The holocaust didn’t happen, except for us it did. Dresden, fire bombing and melting at least 300,000-500,000 Germans and the Jew ran communist camps who promptly slaughtered 20 million white Christians.

The reality is Jews were treated very well in war times. Hitler put them in very nice camps with dentists, maternity wards, petting zoos and even a swimming pool. This was very kind seeing as all Jews were responsible for the Weimar Republic which had child prostitution and the ethnic cleansing of hundred of thousands Germans in Poland. Jews being Jews were enemies of Hitler but yet he wasted resources ensuring they be kept well.

We won’t make this mistake again. We have learned that optics don’t matter as the winner writes the history. In the end we were the ones mass genocided by the millions and we are the ones to take blame for being evil genocidal monsters. Never again. We will do what is necessary for us to win and never waste resources. We will win next time at any cost, we absolutely have to or else jews will exterminate us all. Might is right. Fuck Jews. Fuck your Jew lies, a Jew holocaust didn’t happen but it will happen in the future.

LoveBreedsAccountability #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger lovebreedsaccountability.com

[Your Mask is Making You Meaner, Dumber, More Afraid & Less Safe]

Again, I wanted to be respectful but it's very frustrating to watch. Most of you don't appreciate that the social, economic and health-related collateral damage caused by our overblown response to this far eclipses anything the virus itself could've done with or without our "flatten the curve" measures. Most of you don't realize that the data you're being given is massively flawed across every metric and it's all going in the same direction: toward prolonging the fear and collateral destruction, and away from calm and actual mitigation. Most of you are so convinced that you're doing the right thing, because most of you are wonderful people who care deeply not just about your own health but your neighbors', and your parents', and your grandparents', and really — at a time so beset by fear and perceived danger — even your worst enemy's. You're setting everything else aside because you want to help and do good. And I get that. But I'm telling you, your mask isn't the way to do that. And I don't expect you to take a stand with me and try to convince your friends and family and local leaders that the media and academia have been hyping this from the start and have actually been wrong about virtually all of it and have caused a lot more damage than they've prevented. But I had to at least try to make this case to you because if nothing else, I want you to be a little less judgmental of the people you see who aren't wearing masks. I want you to be a little less sanctimonious, and mean, and uninformed, and afraid, and counter-productive with respect to our shared goal of beating this with as little pain as possible. And I want you to seriously consider investing in getting a serology (antibody) test. Because if you already got it and can no longer spread it, like tens of millions of Americans undoubtedly have, you deserve to know that instead of living in constant fear that is actually doing more to prolong the misery than to mitigate it.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose King's false teachings and Communist agenda.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to “Martin Luther” King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. — King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization's founder. In 1965, the so-called “reverend” Martin Luther King Jr. did a Playboy (that's right, Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire of sexual lasciviousness, adultery and smut) interview with Alex Haley. No pastor worth his salt would ever do a Playboy interview. Shame on Mr. King!

Here are some facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that you won't hear from the liberal, leftist, mainstream newsmedia . . .

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO born-again Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his writings, King openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection (effectively making King an atheist). Sadly, King is burning in the fires of Hell this very minute!!!

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. As mentioned, he denied the bodily resurrection of Christ, Jesus deity, the virgin birth and believed that spirituality could be gained through “religious experience” as he termed it. King did not hold to the historical orthodox Baptist positions.

3. The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

George Tanner, #fundie, #wingnut, #pratt twitter.com

Note: NASCAR has banned the Confederate Flag from their races

NASCAR is a sport born in the south if you ban my flag you are stepping on my second Amendment right you also will not make another dime from me I will call all of the products I Buy and tell them Ian will no longer buy their products because of this you can kiss my southern ass

Jack Hyles #fundie #pratt #wingut #god-complex jesus-is-savior.com

It is surprising how few parents know what is going on in the public school system. Apathy is killing America, especially apathy on the part of God's people.

I have in my hand tonight a book, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. This book is a best-seller. John Steinbeck was the winner of the Nobel Prize. This book was at one time required reading at a school in this area. Now at the school where some of my children go, they made it required reading but backed out because there was so much complaint about it, of which complainants I was one! I will not read this language; I will let you guess what the words are. I want to read to you some statements from this book, required reading not in a college but for freshmen in high school. Will all you high school freshmen stand up, please? Now, this book was required reading in a high school -- at least one, maybe more -- for boys and girls this age. Thank you.

Here we go. On page 33 I read:

"Don't let him pull you in -- but -- if the b#### (son of a female dog) socks you -- let 'im have it."

Page 35:

"Listen to me, you crazy b###### (an illegitimate child)," he said fiercely. "Don't you even take a look at that b#### (a female dog)."

Now one reason I am preaching on this is that a lot of you parents are so lazy that you don't check on it. Tonight I am going to cram it down your throats. You are going to know what your children are reading.

Page 39:

Carlson said thoughtfully, "Well, looka here, Slim. I been thinkin'. That dog of Candy's is so g## d### old he can't hardly walk. Stinks llke h###, too."

Page 48:

Candy went on, "Either you guys got a slug of whiskey? I gotta gut ache."

That kind of stuff is not vulgar but it sure goes against my refinement. There is a word for gut which decent people use -- it is called stomach. And you people who think you are educated and refined, listen, when you use that, you are nothing but a heathen with a degree. Not only do you not know how to use decent language; you are not even cultured. Now that book is required in some high schools.

Page 48 again:

"Gotta bad gut ache," said Candy. "Them g## d### turnips give it to me."

Not only is it vulgar talk, but that is not even good English.

Don't get mad yet. We haven't begun. I see a lot of folks frowning already. You may have a stroke before we are through.

Page 59:

Whit stood up. "I guess maybe I'd like to see this," he said.

"Curley's just spoilin' or he wouldn't start for Slim. An' Curley's handy, g## d### handy."

Page 61:

George sighed. "You give me a good w#### house (place where prostitutes do their business) every time," he said. "A guy can go in an' get drunk and get ever'thing outa his system all at once."

Page 83:

Candy rubbed his cheek angrily. "You g## d### right we're gonna do it .... "

"Yeah?" said Crooks. "An' where's George now? In town in a w#### house."

Page 95:

"This here g## d### little son-of-a-##### (female dog) wasn't nothing to George."

Page 107:

"That big son-of-a-##### (female dog) done it."

"I'll kill the big son-of--a-####### (illegitimate child) myself. I'll shoot 'im in the guts."

Now you hear me, and you hear me well. If you would cram this filthy, rotten, stinking trash down the innocent minds of these little boys and girls who stood up awhile ago, you ought to be in the penitentiary. You ought to be in jail. And, by the way, there was a day in this country when you would have been!

Now this book is required reading. My boy was supposed to read this book, but there were so many complaints about it -- mostly by our people -- that they took this book out and put another one in. It had a lot of these vulgar words and they still DAMN the name of God all the way through it. And when I told the committee, "My boy is not going to read it," the committee said, "Now let's talk about it."

I said, "Talk about it all you want to, but my boy is not going to read it."

"Well," they said, "we will reach an agreement."

I said, "Yes, and I can tell you now what the agreement is going to be: my boy is not going to read the book."

They said, "Well, you find worse things than that on the restroom walls."

I said, "Yes, and when you make the restroom walls required reading, I will come back up here."

The simple truth is, there is too much good literature that has been taught through the years in America to let such trash as this be crammed down the minds of our tender freshmen boys and girls.

The book, Caine Mutiny, is not as bad as this one I have quoted but it condemns the name of God all the way through. I heard a teacher say that she thought Caine Mutiny ought to be read, that there was nothing wrong with freshmen children reading Caine Mutiny. You think this is bad; you ought to read Baldwin's book that some of our kids are having to read. It contains the most vulgar four-letter words you ever saw written on a sidewalk. But they said to me, "Now Rev. Hyles, Caine Mutiny is the language of a sailor. That is the way sailors talk." I know a lot of sailors who do not have to use dirty words to talk!

Now you had better check and see what your children are being required to read. There has been a deterioration in our school system in the last five years that you would not believe. And in the next five years when these demonstrators and long-haired beatniks get out of college and are teaching our children, it will double the deterioration we have seen in the last five years. And that is only the beginning.

One of our students in our church overheard two teachers talking recently in school. One said, "If we are going to get something real vulgar in next year, we had better get something a little less vulgar in this year. And if we can get a certain book in this year, next year we will wriggle in the real vulgar ones." And that is only the beginning.

Anonymous #racist #elitist #wingnut #pratt #transphobia boards.4chan.org


(The image depicts a caricature of an intersex pink–haired communist giving the middle finger with the text:)

Yeah communism has failed every time and killed 100,000,000 people but you know what millions of people starve in thirdworld shitholes so. Guess that means market economies are evil for not feeding millions of violent sub 80 IQ blacks who would rape and murder if they had the chance checkmate capitalist pigs oh and btw IQ isn’t real because 100 years ago the test was flawed. The mountains of empirical evidence showing how IQ is both genetic as well as correlated with violence, financial choices and overall time preference is wrong because a white guy discovered it so that means it must be wrong

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver #wingnut #pratt #racist renegadetribune.com

I have read countless accounts about the atrocities inflicted upon the German people by the Jew crazed Allied scum and it always makes my blood boil. My 2nd great grandfather was a “Vistula German” who came to the USA at the beginning of the 20th century from a small village known as Neudorf near Plock in a county then known as Gostynin and still known by that name. I spoke with a distant cousin who went back there about 10 years ago and he told me that all of our relatives who didn’t flee were murdered, their church destroyed and their graveyard with nearly 150 years of graves ploughed over by the Poles resettled there from the Eastern Polish lands given to the Soviets. My maternal grandfather was a little luckier since he lived in a rural area of Swabian Bavaria near Kempten in Lindau in a small village known as Weiler. While there was still little food he didn’t have to contend with a housing shortage although the Americans forced him at the age of 10 to work on a farm in which he was treated cruelly.
What all Europeans, all white people need to realize is that the fate of those millions upon millions of German expellees after WW2 will be the fate of all Europeans worldwide if we continue to only worry about our own individual comforts and refuse to see ourselves as part of the historical process. What is happening to the Boers in South Africa awaits every white family if we do not act, an act soon!

BikPillPres #sexist #pratt incels.is

I could never envy the life of the average male, because I've done all the things they've done to try and attain what they have, and I felt absolutely pathetic doing it, and I look back now thinking even if it had yielded results I likely still would not be alright with it

Here's the reality about dating and relationships that I rarely see discussed in a direct manner


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats)

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would atleast be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation" :feelskek:

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, its an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability"

Independent Conservative Voices(TM) #wingnut #racist #pratt reddit.com

isosum (53 points):

Communists aren't Nazis - they're worse: they killed around 100 million people last century, compared to the Nazis' 6 million.

Stop buying into the narrative that the only kind of evil in the world is "Nazis" or "right-wing" extremists.

Wesman_Todd_Shaw (9 and 8 points):

Nazism was a defensive response to communism.

Bolshevik Jews had staged violent uprisings in Bavaria in 1919, and afterwards in Germany too. Hitler was correct.

pcpmasterrace (7 points):

The German people threw their support behind Hitler because they were tired of antifa terrorism.

Ethnocrat (9 points):

The Nazis were the good guys you boomercuck.

M Walter #pratt #fundie #dunning-kruger christianforums.com

I hate to be a jerk, but I really don't understand how anyone can accepts the tenets of evolution. It is irrational at best: lacks cause-and-effect, doesn't agree with basic thermodynamics, doesn't work mathematically, is contrary to the laws of probability, lacks empirical data, to name a few things, and besides it is really quite silly. What exactly do you get outta it...I mean the personal relationship?? There must be a great disparity in your life as your belief-system disagrees with reality so much.

Anonymous #racist #pratt #psycho boards.4chan.org

the liberal media and universities are trying to quiet studies that suggest that niggers, on average, have a smaller cranium size and a low natural IQ. Some of them can be intelligent but they're outliers and even then, they're only as smart as a mentally challenged white man.

Niggers should be classified as one half step above primates and I believe that they should be owned like animals. Instead, we let them run free like wild cattle. I really hope that in the future, humans realize this and reinstate slavery for niggers. I've always wanted to own a black bitch slave

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #pratt newswithviews.com

I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing. Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest evil facing America is racism is more than my once-monkey evolved brain can handle.

“Minds full of mush” is what Rush Limbaugh once called them; Human brains that will believe just about anything that some expert feeds them. “Please don’t feed the humans” should be the warning label on every TV in America.

Even though I would love to talk about the phony charges of racism that are spewed 24/7 on America’s airwaves I have decided to take a different tack and discuss another means of discrimination that very few people are willing to talk about. In fact, the thoughts my hunt-and-peck digits are tapping out may cover an area of thought that no one has ever programmed you with.

I am referring to the very common form of discrimination known as FAITHISM.

“I’ve never heard of that before” your CNN wired cerebral cortex may be beeping. “What the heck is faithism? Anderson Cooper has never mentioned that before, and if I haven’t heard of it from one of their expert guests so it certainly can’t be real.”

Well, racism isn’t real either. It is a made up word. It was a condition created by the CIA in the early 1930’s and was designed to be used to divide and conquer the American people. I won’t go into details about it in this rant, but as the carnival barker would likely say “read all about it.” RACISM IS MADE UP. Check out THIS LINK if you really want to know the truth.

Save me the emails. Racism is made up. It only exists in our minds…planted there by nefarious forces intent on destroying America. I’m sorry if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Juan Williams have hustled your mind into believing it. There is only one race…human. Period. Skin color is not a race.

So I decided to coin a phrase that is just as prevalent and just as destructive to America and that is Faithism. Never heard of it, huh? Well, stick around and maybe we can get another group of Americans all riled up.

Faith is defined by Mr. Webster as “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth.”

Nearly everything you and I believe is based on faith. Any story you read about an historical figure is faith-based because you have no firsthand knowledge of the veracity of the information. I BELIEVE George Washington existed, but I can’t actually prove it. I have to trust that the historical record is true. In all of my life’s work I have never heard anyone tell me that they didn’t “believe” in George Washington. Most of us simply trust the history books.

The same holds true for Darwinism. I never met the guy, but from what I understand he wrote a book about “The Origin of Species” and even though I am familiar with it I have never met anyone who can prove he wrote it or that the information he presents in it is true. I simply take it on faith that he existed and that his theories are true.

By the way…a theory is a theory because there is no proof. Darwin’s theory is actually FAITH based because there were no eye-witnesses to verify what he postulates. Darwin’s theory has less scientific PROOF than the THEORY expounded upon in the book of Genesis. Both theories are lacking PROOF and can only be believed through FAITH.

FAITHISM is nothing more than the discrimination of one belief system over another based solely on the opinion of the one promoting the theory. Zoo keepers often have faith in Darwin and his acolytes while most Christians have faith in God and his evangelists.

A fair evaluation of the origin of man would certainly contain BOTH unproven theories. To choose one set of theories over another would be the ultimate discrimination. Despite what you have been taught in government schools, discrimination is a good thing. To discriminate is defined as “the act of making or observing a difference.” It has nothing to do with the buzz word “racism.”

But the nub of the issue is that both sides are not presented. “Science” always trumps “faith” when dealing in the secular world. “Religious” beliefs are always pooh poohed in favor of “science” even though much of what we believe about science is based completely on faith.

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” Even racism is built upon a BELIEF and not a fact.

FAITHISM would be defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different worldview based on the belief that one’s own belief system is superior.”

Faithism is rampant in our society. Those in authority do not allow both systems of BELIEFS to be treated fairly. The theory of Darwin is presented freely and openly to America’s public school children while the theory of Creationism is forced to the back of the bus. Faithism is everywhere you look and there has been nothing as destructive to our American society as the second class treatment afforded Americans who put their faith in the God rather than in Darwin.

“People of faith” are the most discriminated against citizens in this country. Most of our problems would go away if we simply taught ALL children the 10 Commandments of God.

Our schools teach our children that they evolved from apes and we are shocked when they begin to act like monkeys. Amoral education leads to immoral behavior. Christian beliefs are given second class treatment in this nation.

America’s Christian history is being rewritten. Statues are being torn down. Faithism is worse than racism. Content of character is more important than skin color.

The_Voice_of_Reason #racist #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

“gays for trump” is synonymous to “black ppl for kkk” or “poc for racism” or “immigrants for ICE”. if you’re gay and support Trump you’re a CLOWN

You seem to think that people of color can't be racists. Any person can have any number of traits. There are illegal and legal "immigrants" who support ICE. The KKK was formed by the Democratic Socialist Party. The Grand Wizard of KKK was key figure & friend to many of DNC.

German Metapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist de.metapedia.org

Examples of genocides

• The hunger blockade against Germany in the First World War
• The mass killings of defenseless captured German soldiers by the Russian troops in the First World War
• The bombing terror against Germany in the European war unleashed by England in 1939, which became a world war due to the entry of the USA and in whose occurrence World Jewry was involved
• Mass killings of defenseless captured soldiers of the Wehrmacht in World War II committed by the Red Army
• The expulsion of Germans from the eastern German regions and the targeted murder of them by Polish and Soviet perpetrators at the end of the Second World War and after
• The expulsion and targeted murder of the Germans from the Sudetenland by the Czechs after the end of the Second World War
• The expulsion and targeted murder of the Germans in Southeast Europe by Tito’s Yugoslavia after the end of the Second World War
• The Holodomor, the million-fold starvation of Ukrainians by the Bolshevik regime of the Soviet Union in the early 1930s
• The genocide of the Armenians in 1915/16 by the Ottoman Empire
• The murder in Haiti of all whites in the country by negroes and mulattoes from 1791 to 1820 through massacre of around 24,000 French settlers
• The state-encouraged negro killing of thousands of whites in South Africa since 1994
• The murder of three quarters of the Tutsi minority in Rwanda by the Hutu majority in 1994
• The state-organised killings of Palestinian civilians by Israel for many years, especially in the Gaza Strip
• The mass murder of the Cathars by the Christian Church in the 13th century

butchviking #pratt #transphobia radladiesunite.tumblr.com

dysphoria as a diagnosis is characterised by significant distress at not being the opposite sex and like idk why we’re trying to surgically treat the ‘not being the opposite sex’ part instead of trying to psychologically treat the ‘significant distress’ part

Mayhaps it’s because the ‘not being the opposite sex’ part kinda causes the ‘significant distress’ part. You Actually Said It Yourself how did you miss it.

that doesn’t make sense. many ppl are female. being female doesn’t cause dysphoria. many ppl are male. being male doesn’t cause dysphoria. being a certain sex isn’t what makes u want to be a different sex.

tchower #racist #pratt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger archive.is

Germany is so afraid of being associated with any form of racism or patriotism that they’d rather have racist, homophobic, misogynistic and bigoted Muslims rape and dominate their nation who favor their race over Germans. The interesting thing is, the US actually didn’t even want to fight Germany in world war 2. We just had to fight Japan and happened to be dragged into Europe and the Soviet Union’s problems! My grandparents fought in WW2 and have passed away, but hated Japan, and never said a word about Germany and what happened. It’s just all the Jews who run the money system in the US made a really big deal about the holocaust, even though the same thing happened in Asia to the Chinese, and whites being murdered and raped and sent to death camps in the Soviet Union by Jews. Since the Jews favor their own race over all others, the Jews ignored what the Japanese did and the white genocide organized by Jews in the Soviet Union. The Jewish role was critical for the formation of the Soviet Union and the genocide of more whites than Jews in the holocaust.

Alouicious Jackson #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #pratt renegadetribune.com

As more people are now learning, there was a cataclysm in our solar system about 12,000 years ago. The Great Cataclysm affected the outer planets first. The mythological stories of Mars, Venus, etc. were actually descriptions of these planets being struck by extraterrestrial objects. Mars was nearly split in half. Venus was tilted off its axis. An entire planet was destroyed, resulting in the Asteroid Belt of today.

The Earth, prior to that, was a very different place: It was 1/3 smaller (the continents fit together on ALL sides); oxygen content was over 30%; the gravity was lower; the magnetic field was stronger; there was a water veil in the atmosphere; there was no axial tilt, and therefore no seasons. What was it like? A greenhouse, with spring all year round. The light was diffused, and the sun’s solar radiation greatly blocked. The result? Everything grew bigger, healthier, and lived longer.

The ancient people saw what was coming and preserved what they could. ‘Noah’s ark’ was described in the Sumerian texts as a submarine. They took some live animals, but mostly preserved genetic samples from as many species as possible. After the Great Cataclysm, most animal life had been wiped out. To re-create diversity, the survivors began combining DNA.

Chickens and turkeys are genetically modified versions of small dinosaurs. The teeth and wing-apex claws have been genetically ‘turned off’. The claws actually form in the egg but disappear before hatching. Also, look at the platypus! A combination of a duck, beaver, and snake. The list goes on and on.

Yes, the missing link was a test tube – the myth of things evolving millions of years ago is ridiculous. Consider the dating of fossils. The organic matter was long ago replaced by minerals. Yet they date the mineral elements, which are as old as the Earth itself, and claim that they are dating the previous organic matter! All the fossils and strata were created only 12,000 years ago in the Great Cataclysm and resulting flood, through the process of liquefaction. This is the only condition which can create a fossil.

Modern archaeological finds have completely refuted the Jewish scientific dogma. Examples: ‘multi-strata fossils’- petrified trees, standing up through layers of strata supposedly deposited millions of years apart. Dinosaur bones found with intact proteins and pliable soft tissues. River beds in Texas, with dinosaur and human footprints, as well as trilobites. In one, the human had squished a trilobite. These three species were supposedly separated by tens of millions of years! No, they co-existed. Mythological stories of dragons can now be viewed in n new light.

This is all pretty interesting, right? But it gets better. Who originally inhabited the Earth? Ancient Aryans.

Rh- blood represents the original blonde-haired, blue eyed Aryan race which possessed advanced technology and whose empire once controlled the Earth – surviving today in such peoples as the Basques. Their remnants who survived the Great Cataclysm spread out, becoming the ruling class in most areas of the world.

Rh+ means that animal DNA has been added to the original human genome by way of genetic manipulation. This occurred multiple times in antiquity. The true nature of the Sumerian stories of the creation of man, as told by Sitchin, were skewed in their interpretation. Yes, the ‘gods’ combined their DNA with primates in Africa, creating slave races to mine gold around 100,000 years ago. But this did not create man. IT CREATED THE VARIOUS LINEAGES OF BLACK AFRICANS! All dark races were a result of this type of experimentation.

The world controllers drop lots of hints in sci-fi. For example, take the early 2000’s Battlestar Galactica. They had created a (machine) slave race which rebelled and destroyed them. The recurrent motto was “all of this has happened before, and it will happen again”. At the end of the series, the characters had survived the cataclysmic war and landed on a primitive planet. The very last scene skipped forward 120,000 years, and technology had once again reached an advanced state. The implication was, that the whole cycle would repeat.

So everyone thinks AI will emerge, gain independence, and destroy us. Maybe it will. But as I said, the creation of the brown slave races by genetic manipulation, who then rebelled, are now destroying us. It HAS happened before!

Incel Wiki #pratt #conspiracy incels.wiki

/r/inceltears, more commonly known as IncelTears or incelorrhea and occasionally shortened to IT, was a neoliberal, anti-incel hate-filled movement on Reddit devoted to incelphobia and screencapping trolls or false flaggers in the incelosphere. Some have commented that it was part of a broader xenophobic "whitelash" against ricecels and currycels and a symptom of aggrieved female-entitlement to economically-productive men.

An October 3rd 2019 post from r/IncelTears breaking the subreddit rules against bullying and virgin shaming‎ and yet massively upvoted
It was one of the most toxic masculine sites on the internet, entirely devoted to (unsuccessfully) keeping men from sharing their deepest feelings online, even on sites with rules against violent speech like incels.co.

Smokety #homophobia #transphobia #psycho #pratt removeddit.com

Fuck all lgbt people. We should be able to lawfully kill them like in the past.

Its illicit and wrong we are manipulated into thinking that it's natural and biological. It's not.

Confusion of the highest order.

I am a human rights defender when people dont commit crimes. But they committed in my book one of the biggest crimes of humanity.

They should be persecuted on the spot. Kill them

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

The United Nations has posted a new website at unnwo.org, declaring the dawn of New World Order of happiness. The site contains a creepy message about happiness and how they’re going to make 10 billion people happy. This is a real UN website. It is registered to Illien Global, the NGO responsible for the UN’s “happiness” program.

Although the website claims that the New World Order was founded in 2008, the website was launched purposefully during this coronavirus fake pandemic.

Obviously, the UN is aware that the masses of people associate the term “New World Order” with a conspiracy for global government. So there is no reason for them to use this term unless they’re purposefully trying to provoke. And we should of course be wondering why it is that they would be trying to purposefully provoke people in the middle of a crisis that they themselves created out of nothing.

The United Nations is not a joke. It may look like a joke. But it exists as the structure for a world government. At the point which a world government is viable, the UN is ready to go. As we’re trying to understand this coronavirus hoax, we should be aware that the end goal of the people in power is the establishment of a New World Order run by a global government based at the UN.

Reddit_is_for_cucks #sexist #pratt incels.is

Blonde Stacy cries when I tell her I can’t have sex with her, it’s too late

AllI So I am cat fishing as usual and one of the girls I am talking too gets super needy. She gets all lovey dovey and she tell me at 3 AM that she wana me to come and fuck her.
I tell her I can’t do that because it’s too late, but then she bursts out crying because she is so hungry for that chad dick.



Watch how she flip flops when I tell her I am not looking for hookups but something meaningful.
She is such a lier.



Alligator tears when chads dick is unavailable

madworldnews.com #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt madworldnews.com

Bombshell evidence has just been uncovered by Attorney Jay Sekulow, proving that Barack Obama, in his last days in the White House, set up a coup by a secret executive order to overthrow President Donald Trump, and that coup is going on right now. Sekulow, while investigating the General Mike Flynn scandal, discovered what Obama hoped would never be found, and you’ll be shocked to learn about the smoking gun.

After Donald Trump won the presidency, Barack Obama and his minions in the White House hatched a plan to ensure they could keep enough power to eventually overthrow the new president. Obama accomplished this by signing an executive order on January 3rd, 2017, with only 17 days left in office.

According to Jay Sekulow, a well-known attorney who heads the American Center for Law and Justice, Obama set-up a plan for the intelligence community to target President Trump through a secret executive order that Sekulow has uncovered.

Specifically through the use of a lame-duck executive order, President Obama authorized multiple intelligence agencies to have access to Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) including phone call intercepts. [via Conservative Treehouse]

Obama expanded who could investigate and have access to highly classified information. Before Obama’s order, only the National Security Agency (NSA) had clearance to order a phone tap or access the top secret information, but Obama gave 16 different agencies access and power to investigate whatever the hell they want. That includes Obama loyalists, who are still in positions throughout those 16 different agencies. This is how they took out General Mike Flynn, and it was an act of espionage when they did it.

The new rules were issued under section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 after approval by two Obama Administration officials: Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Director of National Intelligence Director, James Clapper. [via ACLJ]

So, in the beginning of January, when Obama wrote this executive order, in effect, he was setting up a shadow government against Trump. Obviously, these orders would never affect Obama’s presidency since he was leaving office in 17 days.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

[Regarding a story about a 43-year-old man with no underlying health conditions who experienced severe physical degradation after contracting coronavirus]

It is absurdly dishonest that they don’t come right out and say this guy is gay, and in fact don’t even say it at all except to mention that he has a boyfriend – in the NINTH PARAGRAPH.

For those who don’t know, something like 99% of people who see a news headline don’t read the story. And of the 1% that does click the headline, 99% don’t read through to the NINTH PARAGRAPH.

This is a complete hoax, meant to disinform the people. Because they simply cannot find real stories of actual healthy people under 65 who experience complications from this disease, they have to find homosexuals and pretend they’re healthy people.

He arrived in Boston to visit his boyfriend, Josh Hebblethwaite, 29, on March 14 — a week after they had traveled to Miami Beach for a festival where at least 38 people later tested positive for the illness and three men died, BuzzFeed reported.

Yes, and I think we all know what kind of festival that was in Miami. The three who died probably had full-blown AIDS, so they couldn’t use them for anecdotes about how this virus affects normal people.

Here’s the thing: homosexuals are not “healthy.” Even if they look healthy, they all have immune system problems. That’s what AIDS is, right? Well, even if they aren’t diagnosed with AIDS, they have lesser forms of immune system problems.

Their immune system-weakening behaviors include:

Recreational drug use (which I’m sure he was engaged in at that Miami festival)
Endless casual sex including “anal sex” (sodomy)
Getting STDs constantly and treating them with antibiotics
What’s more, Schultz was obviously also taking steroids, which can have all sorts of negative effects on the body.

The fact that homosexuals have nothing that comes anywhere close to the immune system of a nonhomosexual is not some kind of a secret. They just don’t publish it in the New York Times anymore, for political correctness reasons.

But you can read about it in any medical journal. (Male) homosexuals are in a high-risk category for virtually every conceivable health problem.

What’s more, the homosexuals themselves are talking about how they’re more vulnerable to the coronavirus, specifically.

So, nice try, media: now go see if you can find a healthy heterosexual who experienced these issues.

By the way, I feel like I’ve lost about as much weight as the queer in the photo since this lockdown has been going on. I want to go to the gym and I just can’t hardly even take it anymore. Quarantine the homos (should have been done anyway), and let me in the gym!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

China may or may not be a looming threat to America. I tend to think this threat is widely exaggerated by the media, but whatever – who knows. What we do know is that the immediate threat, which is right in all of our faces, is not China but the US federal government.

• China did not lock us all in our houses.
• China did not strip us of our Constitutional rights.
• China did not collapse our economy.
• China did not take away our jobs.
• Chinese cops are not attacking us on the streets.
• China is not talking about releasing the military onto the streets to force vaccinate us.

In fact, aside from the frankly stupid claim that China purposefully spread the coronavirus, all of the alleged problems caused by China, if I am to believe the television, have nothing at all to do with me, my country or anyone I know.

According to the media, the reasons China is bad are all things that I do not care about in any way.

• China is abusing Moslems.
• China is abusing black Africans.
• China is taking democracy from Hong Kong.
• China is controlling the South China Sea.
• China is threatening Taiwanese independence.

Frankly, these issues wouldn’t matter to me if everything was fine in my country. When the government has destroyed the economy on purpose and created a massive and brutal new police state, I think that people telling me I should care about this crap are traitors and enemies of the people.

Whether the coronavirus came from China or not doesn’t really mean anything. I have a very, very difficult time believing that it originated from China, given that it is now blatantly clear that the US government had this entire program ready to roll out and would not have left the trigger up to the actions of a foreign country. It seems to me that it has to have been released in China by the US government, and then someone dropped a hint to them to develop a test for the virus. But it does not really matter.

The virus is not harmful. It only kills old people and the chronically ill. The response has been insane and has had nothing at all to do with public health and everything to do with establishing a new social order in the Western world, one based on total poverty for all but the ultra-wealthy and brutal police state control over the masses of poverty-stricken plebs.

The threat to our lives is coming from the US government. Period. They are the ones we need to be addressing. If we are able to take back control of our country and restore the freedoms and rights of the people, we can then work on rebuilding the economy. Once everyone in the country has a job again, then we can talk about how much it matters to us that the Chinese are not giving enough democracy to Hong Kong. If at that time polls show that a significant portion of the public cares about Hong Kong democracy, then I will be in full support of the US State Department sending an angry letter to the Chinese about how bad we think it is that they’re not giving the Hong Kongese enough democracy.

However, until these very immediate problems relating to the collapse of America are solved, I will consider anyone who attempts to redirect American anger over this situation towards China and away from those responsible as a shill and a traitor.

The Creativity Movement #racist #conspiracy #pratt creativitymovement.net

It is just a matter of deciding whether you would rather have your own future progeny of beautiful, intelligent White people survive and inhabit this earth, or whether you would rather see them submerged in a floodtide of mud races. In the latter case, all beauty, culture and civilization would vanish. The more we help the mud races to expand and multiply, the more we are robbing our own future generations of food, space and existence on this planet Earth. Furthermore, the mud races are doing to us that very thing in the present stage of history. They have viciously driven out and killed the White population in many countries in Africa, and I might add with the connivance and help of Jews and White traitors. Our Jewish controlled Government right here in America is promoting the expansion and proliferation of the niggers in the United States, and shrinking the White Population so that in a few generations practically all of the United States will be either completely black, or mongrelized. It is strange indeed that the bleeding hearts who are so concerned about the survival of the mud races seem to be completely unconcerned about the mongrelization and destruction of the White Race, a process that is now going on before our very eyes.


Nature has decreed that every species on the face of this earth is engaged in a struggle for survival on its own merits in competition with every other species. In no case, in no species in Nature, does the stronger and superior species voluntarily hold itself back and help subsidize a weaker and inferior species so that inferior species might crowd it from the face of the earth. No other species, that is, except the White Race, is foolishly engaging in that kind of foolish philosophy. We CREATORS say that this is suicidal and that we must drastically change our course. Every individual, sooner or later dies anyway, but it is a matter of the survival of our own species, our own kind, that we are interested in. Since there is not enough land, food, and substance to support an ever-exploding horde of mud races, the vital question as we stated before is: do we want our own kind to survive, or do we want the suicide of our own future generations in a world flooded by the sub-human mud races?

David Barton #fundie #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

During an interview with the Mighty Oaks Foundation’s Chad Robichaux, Christian pseudo-historian David Barton said that the federal government shouldn’t have anything to do with handling COVID-19.


Barton has already praised Donald Trump for refusing to heed the advice of medical professionals and claimed that anyone who fears the virus isn’t Christian enough.

But now he’s insisting that federalism requires the federal government to stay out of national disasters.

“The Constitution puts all health care at the state level; it does not put it at the federal level,” Barton said. “So this was not a federal question; it is a state question. In the Constitution, you have 17 what are called enumerated powers. The Constitution says, ‘Federal government, here’s 17 things you’re allowed to do.’ And then in the 10th Amendment, it says if it’s not one of those 17 things, it belongs to the states to deal with. Health care was one of those issues.”

Arnold Wheeler #conspiracy #racist #pratt renegadetribune.com

The short video you’re about to see encapsulates jewish mental hocus pocus better than a thousand articles about the matter ever could; a real-life display of manipulation from one of the most dangerous Heebs on the face of our planet. This right here is how the jew gets to you: he pretends that he cares, that he “genuinely feels your pain,” even though everything about it is so obviously, unambiguously fake as to belong in a holohoax documentary. It is, however, a tiny step beyond the crude atrocity propaganda about muh soap and muh lampshades; here we witness the jew ostensibly “identifying” with his own victims for the sole purpose of deflecting any and all blame (and the perfectly justified anger that arises in reaction thereto) for the crimes-against-humanity that his own “people” have been perpetrating for millennia.

Curtis Yarvin Bursts Into Fake Tears


Serious response: This is the jewish bag of dirty shticks and tricks par excellence. The one individual who’s been most passionate about collaborating with Israeli “big data” and “cybersecurity” (JIDF) firms, connecting Zogald Trump and the malicious state-actor hackers who brought him to power; the one individual who’s been doing everything possible to undermine, poison, and torture the White race from within by disseminating vicious propaganda intended to justify the nascent pedocracy — rule by pedophiles — over all Western countries; the one individual who never tires and never rests from conspiring to establish a literal jewish kingdom with a literal jewish king (crown, scepter, regalia, the whole bit) to rule over the Unites States; the one individual who boasts of having created both the Manosphere aka Gayosphere and the “Alt-Right” using underhanded tactics to which he was undoubtedly introduced by his many Israeli cousins and associates; this one individual now turns around, crocodile tears streaming down his fatty Ashkenazi cheeks, and preaches to the crowd that, “We jews are the true victims of Communism.” It’s simply unbelievable, yet here it is.

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