
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Kurt Nimmo #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist thefreedomarticles.com

I have decided to post my thoughts on the destruction of America (and Europe) before the election. If current polling is any indication, Donald Trump will not be re-elected. Joe Biden will be the establishment’s teleprompter reader. The Senate will swing over to Democrat control. Democrats and their “progressive” (corporate-financed) allies will go after anyone to the right or left of the establishment, with the exception of groups like Black Lives Matter, which now receive millions of dollars from the likes of Citibank and the Ford Foundation, the latter long known to be a front operation controlled by the CIA.

“The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition,” reports The Washington Times.

The COVID virus is a biological weapon deliberately released in China and from there spread to much of the rest of the world. It did not escape from the Wuhan lab. It was released by the US military while participating in an athletic event in Wuhan. However, it is believed the virus was circulating in November of 2019, possibly earlier. In April, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) concluded the COVID virus contains features not present in other viruses. Moreover, the paper argued the virus has no known ancestry and contains elements present in MERS, which the authors say “was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.” In other words, the virus is an engineered bioweapon and not a freak of nature. [This is assuming the virus actually exists – see my article here – Ed.]

However, this military-industrial lab-created disease was not designed to kill millions and become the 21st century’s version of the Black Death. It is far more useful as a fear-inducing mechanism.

Here is the game plan as I see it:

1) bring down teetering fiat money and toxic asset driven economy and blame it on the virus.

2) destroy Main Street business in competition with corporate behemoths (recall John D. Rockefeller—his operating maxim was that competition is a sin).

3) create massive and sustained unemployment.

4) normalize the idea of house arrest and the negation of core constitutional rights.

5) enhance already intrusive and unconstitutional surveillance with “contact tracing” via smartphone and Bluetooth technology (check out this article which details how Michigan authorities used contact tracing against anti-lockdown protesters).

6) foment unrest and exacerbate social ills as a diversion from the planned globalist reformulation of the world economy and society (i.e., “global governance,” aka New World Order).

7) direct the corporate propaganda media to obsessively dwell on irrational race- and gender-based ideology and conflict, thus widening an engineered political divide, creating social chaos and violence, and thus diverting and reducing the threat posed to the elite and the national security state apparatus.

8) keep the narrative focused on Donald Trump; downplay the evolving economic depression, distract attention, and debate away from the elite’s endless wars and neoliberal predation (this was accomplished during the Obama regime).

9) continue to manufacture foreign enemies—Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria—and crackdown on “domestic terrorists” and “conspiracy theorists” now conflated with ISIS.

After Democrats take back Congress and the White House, this last point will kick into overdrive. MAGA, already maligned as Nazis and white supremacists, will be investigated and supporters will be prosecuted and imprisoned. Ditto folks on the left, or those not associated and bankrolled by elite foundations and corporations.

William Grimes #sexist #kinkshaming #fundie #wingnut i.redd.it

The VAGINA is a liberal organ of Satan, present in all females after the FALL OF MAN, that exists to to seduce unwittingly stupid men into vile abominations unto the LORD. However, in Western culture, this evil organ is somehow given godlike status and has prompted numerous individuals into hysteria regarding the exalted status of this filthy body part. Matthew 7:18 says, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” It is objectively verifiable that since this corrupt organ does evil while sinners think it does good, the evil fruits are what it produces.

LIBERALS like to think that society should talk more positively about this disgrace to God’s kingdom, citing the justification that the entire body is wonderful, and righteousness and self control are obsolete. Romans 12:1 clearly says that “I beseech ye therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Therefore, highlighting and focusing on the worst part of the anatomy is not what God intended.

WikiMANNia #fundie #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy at.wikimannia.org

(Submitter’s Note: A few highlights from an incredibly long screed about “Genderism”, a lot of potential quote material is cut)
(Note 2: Site is in German, this is a translation)

Genderism is an ideology developed by feminists and homosexuals that focuses on sociological gender (gender) instead of biological gender (sex) when looking at people. This ideology has significant consequences for the image of man and gender roles. Genderism can be described as racial teaching of the 21st century. However, it is neither scientifically stable nor can it be substantiated with concrete facts.


The ideology of genderism has so far largely remained without media attention and therefore unknown to the citizen. The - sometimes - Marxist actors know that social change cannot be achieved without changing the language . That is why new terms are needed:

Gender (as a counter-concept to biological gender)
Gender mainstreaming (gender in politics, as a political strategy)
Gender Studies (gender in research, in the academic field)
Gender Budgeting [1] (gender in financial planning, budget law)
Gender Theory [2] (The theory underlying gender ideology)
Queer Theory (A theory developed by gays and lesbians that became part of gender ideology)
Sexual Diversity (gender diversity)
Social engineering (social construction, a social science tool of genderism)
→ Main article : Technical terms of genderism

Pioneers of genderism have been a. the American feminist Andrea Dworkin and her life partner John Stoltenberg . In Germany it was Alice Schwarzer .



These incomprehensible terms contribute significantly to the fact that a broad discourse on genderism has so far failed to materialize. Most people have not yet understood the content of this ideology behind these terms . This raises the question of legitimizing gender policy.

Genderism is a project that has secretly infiltrated not only our society but also politics in recent years , worldwide, without the people of the individual countries being aware of it at all. Because there has been large-scale media censorship here. It is still taking place. Not even politicians understood the fact that gender (or gender mainstreaming ) is even a political program.

It is about the attempt to equality enforce gender at all levels of society. For the first time the term was in 1984 at the 3rd UN World Conference on Women [ wp ] discussed in Nairobi and later promoted to the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing. [8] The Amsterdam Treaty [ wp ] made the concept the official goal of the equality policy of the European Union in 1997/1999 . [9]

It is striking that there is no sign of democratic legitimacy . Genderists have established the term gender at international UN conferences and in the EU bureaucracy. With the Amsterdam Treaty, gender ideology became the basis of the equality policy of the European Union, and in Germany gender mainstreaming was installed with an administrative act and has since then decisively determined all levels of politics. [10]

Gender policy was not discussed in parliament, nor was the sovereign, the citizen, questioned. The gender ideology was thus installed undemocratically past the citizen. Politicians therefore expect citizens to accept gender ideology like a religion that has fallen from the sky .


Following the change in divorce law in 1977 , the introduction of gender mainstreaming is the second serious, illegal act in Germany in relation to the family.


The content of gender ideology is hidden behind a cloud of Anglicist [ wp ] terms that no one understands and that are not translated. The difficulty in understanding lies not only in the language , the so-called gender talk , but also in a rather cloudy ideology , in which little is clear apart from the claim that people would only convince themselves of "being a man" and "being a woman", the sexes have no biological causes and the gender roles are attracted to society (in gender terms: "constructed").

Attempting to clarify the rather vague terms in a vague ideology is already part of a criticism because the necessary determinations can hardly be made neutrally.

Quote: «The paradox of gender ideology is that on the one hand - in theory - it is disputed that there are rigid genders, and on the other hand - in political practice - all efforts of gender politics amount to privileging women based on their biological gender: support programs only for women, preference for women when recruiting, quota for women etc. »
The terms are sometimes used interchangeably because the speakers are not clear about the meaning of the terms themselves. In the following, the resulting Babylonian language confusion is to be resolved by assigning clear concepts of genderism to the terms. But the reader should know that the terms are used differently, then the listener has to guess from the context what the speaker actually means.

Gender Mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming includes the obligation for all political and administrative systems to check their own programs, decisions and regulations to determine whether they are indirectly discriminating against a gender. Gender mainstreaming is a political concept with which gender-based disadvantages can be systematically identified in professional work.

Gender Studies

Gender Studies is a pseudoscience at universities - comparable to Scientific Socialism [ wp ] - and can be translated as "gender-compliant gender studies". The core business of gender studies is essentially the analytical deconstruction of gender. It is not the genes or any other biological essence that explains the gender of humans, but only social categories. Whoever is treated and treated as a man is a man; whoever is treated as a woman is a woman. A very crucial place where this gendering (" Doing Gender") takes place, is raising children in the family and other social institutions. [13]

Note: "Gender Studies is a gender science based on gender ideology."
Note: "In contrast to gender mainstreaming, gender studies is the academic program."

Salustio #sexist #psycho incels.is

Every sane man deserve a JB

I found a comment on this blog: https://cfwatch.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/christian-manning-up/

Most Christian fathers are too hostile to a prospective suitor who is old enough to care for their young daughter, and too enthusiastic about their daughter’s educational and career prospects, to reject the feminist careerism trap.

“Conservative” fathers end up being the bulwark of feminism. They’re the one’s in denial about their daughters’ natural tendencies until it’s too late.
I think the man is right. When you speak to an overprotective shotgun daddy, he's always against so called "pedos", which is anti-christian because Christ himself was pro-JBpill and ephebopilled. Every great patriarchal man of the past had sex with young JBs. Even in other religions we can see how wise men always have been ephebopilled, like the great prophet Muhammad (based and inspirational man) who wanted other men to follow his JBpilled way.

I also think that most people are missing the point of religions, especially incels. Because I always see nihilistic crap everywhere, where people discuss about the existence of God, which is totally irrelevant.

What are religions about: They are about fucking with young women and granting access to pussy even to undesirable incel men. With religion values adopted and enforced culturally, even an autistic sperglord can get a woman, he can buy one, or he can marry young, or when he's old he can get a JB if he is able to provide for her and he make a good deal with the father/guardian.

I don't really give a fuck about the existence of god, but I care for the quality of men who enforce the social rules. When "religious" men are weak and soyfilled, every religion become shit. Christianity can be good or bad, it depends on the men who adopt it, the same is for islam. A true uncucked man is always JBpilled, honest and valuable, it doesn't matter what kind of god he believes in. What does matter is the fact that he understands how important is to control women and fuck young teen cute lolis of culture.

NormScum #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I have a rape fetish

This is NOT bait.

I genuinely have a rape fetish. Ever since watching films such as I Spit On Your Grave and Irreversible I've started having a massive fetish for rape. It's not just a BDSM type "rape" either. Like actual rape. I want to make the bitch suffer for real. Especially the whores that mock me, I really want to get revenge on them in this way. :ha..feels:

There is no other fantasy more sexually appealing for the incel than rape. It is full sexual domination and suffering released upon the foid of your desire. Does anyone else frequently have urges to rape? Hopefully this doesn't put me on some sort of watchlist for saying this jfl

ProMonarchyGenius #sexist deviantart.com

(After an argument with an artist who made changes about how she’ll submit her artwork. Link here for details https://www.deviantart.com/invisibleinkdoodles/journal/New-NSFW-Content-on-Patreon-Every-weekend-848729620 )

Today I was viciously attacked by a MLP NSFW artist who recently turned into a Patreon Snob. She no longer wants to make NSFW artworks in Deviantart to appease the corrupt and inept owners of this dying website and the snowflakes who like her SFW artworks and most of all, to make money off of her fans of her NSFW artworks. Not all of us have enough money to go on Patreon, but she does not care. It was clear that she does not care about the fans of her NSFW artworks unless they have money. She demands that all of her watchers give her absolute loyalty that is reserved for close friends and she never once said "thank you" to me when I left complements in the comment section of her art. And the only response I ever got from her is from today and it was insulting and childish. She attacked me because I politely told her that I could no longer watch her and I even said "sorry" and told her not to take it personally, but she did took it personally. She made up false accusations about me like I told her to stop making SFW artworks which I never did and I even suggested that she make another account here in Deviantart just for her NSFW artworks or in Derpibooru. But she brushed them off because she only wants money from her NSFW artworks to "pay her bills" which is something she should have said in her Journal Post where the argument took place. She only sees her fans of her NSFW artworks as cash cows only and those who cannot afford to be on Patreon or even just disagree with her are treated like an enemy. And she even left a very demeaning insult towards me and all those I watched in my homepage that included a picture of pair of clown shoes and then she blocked me. Now I have seen her true ugly colours, me unwatching her was the right decision. I don't deserve to be treated like garbage. And she even said that her Deviantart account is no longer a "dumping ground" like the accounts for other NSFW artists, implying that NSFW art is garbage. No true artist would even think that and that is why she is not an artist, but a Patreon Snob.

IncelKing #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] [For IncelTears & Normies] The patriarchy was necessary for maintaining social order via equal distribution of sexual resources (SEXUAL COMMUNISM)

In caveman times where survival of the fittest was the norm, women had sexual preferences for tall men and men with robust, trauma-resistant skull-structure (square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area, hollow cheekbones), as these qualities were an indicator of strength and ability to protect one’s tribe from predators/other men. However, the men who possessed these traits only comprised roughly 20% of the male population, yet they were mating with 80% of women.

These genetically elite men (alphas) had harems of women while the genetically inferior men (betas) were left with scraps or nothing. The only way for beta men to mate was to form packs, kill an alpha and take his women for themselves (by force). It was during this time that rape and murder became part of male nature, an evolutionary mechanism which allowed weak men to bypass female sexual selection in order to pass on their genes by force, the same way it became female nature (through evolution) to select the most genetically elite men.

However, this system was one of total chaos and anarchy. Men were killing each other for sexual resources and women were raped. Men of the past, knowing that everything in life comes down to sex, realised that the only way to establish peace and order (where men were no longer being killed and women were no longer being raped) was to create a safe and fair distribution of sexual resources

You see, a society with 100 women and 1 man can still survive, as one man can impregnate all the women in a short span of time. Whereas, a society with 100 men and 1 woman is doomed (a woman can only give birth once every 9 months, and past a certain age she becomes infertile). The men of the past understood the fact that women held a monopoly power over sexual and reproductive resources (sex being the primary motivator of men, who are the creators and destroyers of the world) so the only way to “even the playing field” was to give men monopoly power over all other resources.

Therefore, women were not allowed to work or own property, thus creating a system where a man would provide a woman with house, clothing, food etc. IN EXCHANGE for access to her sexual/reproductive resources. By giving each sex monopoly power over their respective resources, a TRANSACTION of resources was able to take place between a man and woman. This took place on a SOCIETAL SCALE, thus giving birth to what we all know as THE PATRIARCHY

The patriarchy was essential for creating social order. You see, the patriarchy was a MERITOCRATIC SYSTEM, where instead of 1 man (alpha) having a harem of 4 women to himself while 3 beta males missed out, every man (irregardless of genetics) had claim to a woman BY MERIT of fulfilling his role in society as a productive member, hard worker and valued contributor.

Because each and every man had a woman to themselves, women were no longer raped (as each and every man was sexually satisfied) and men no longer felt the need to kill other men in order to gain access to women.


But many women weren’t happy to be married to an average/below average looking man, they all wanted a chance at being with a good-looking man, even if it meant sharing him with other women (which was preferable over having an average/unattractive man to themselves), so feminism was born, a movement which would enable women to get what they truly want (genetically superior men).

The greatest mistake of the men of the past wasn’t giving women the right to education or even the right to vote, it was giving women the right to work and own property, because this meant women were no longer dependant on a man’s resources for survival, once again allowing them to revert back to their nature of having sex/reproducing with the most genetically elite men, while genetically inferior men “miss out”. SEXUAL COMMUNISM WAS ABOLISHED WHILE SEXUAL CAPITALISM WAS IMPLEMENTED IN ITS PLACE, a ‘free for all’ system which gave the upper hand to the genetically elite (the bourgeoise class) at the expense of the genetically inferior (proletariat class).

However, everything comes at a cost, in order for one group to “gain” something, another group must be at a “loss”, such is the nature of the world where resources are limited. Rape and murder were at their lowest during the patriarchy, yet ever since feminism changed the structure of society, the rates of rape and murder have once again increased as average/unattractive men who were previously sexually satiated during patriarchal times have been left sexually unsatisfied in the modern era, hence lashing out at a society which they consider to be against their personal interests.

But women only care about getting what they want, even if it comes at the cost of the greater good of society. As far as women are concerned, the current system we're living in is the perfect one and that the rise in violence in society is just "collateral damage."

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[TeeHee] [120Hz Pill] Proof that foids have inherent flaws that prevent them from being Good Gamers


* The difference between 120Hz and 60Hz is day and night
* Yet Foids cant tell the difference between 120 Hz and 60 Hz
* Gaming requires split second reflexes and a high refresh rate is indispensable in this regard
* How can an animal who cant distinguish between 120 and 60 be a serious gamer?????

Why this discussion is relevant to the Inceldom discourse

Inceldoms biggest cope in the 21st century is gaming, (its second only to porn), and foids have destroyed gaming by their mere presence and they dont even have the inherent physical capability to enjoy the games jfl. Gamergirls are a meme and no self respecting incel will acknowledge, subscribe to, or give money to gamer foids tbh ngl

ThisLifeKillsMe #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Discussion] Making women's vaginas public property who do not contribute tax wise to society isn't always enough

There needs to be a more detailed system

Lets say a 18yo single mom who never contributed and for a long time never will shall made also have their anus and oral cavity public property.

A woman who worked 10 years full time and stops contributing with taxes shall only have made their vaginas public property.

A woman who doesn't pay taxes shall have made their vagina public property instantly.

If a woman doesn't contribute with tax money for 2 years her oral cavity shall become public property. Her anus after 5.

A woman who hasn't contributed continously for a year shall have made her vagina made public property until she is 80.

A woman who has gotten their mouth and anus made public property shall have their oralacavity and anus made private property after 5 years of continuous tax contribution

Abortions shall be made illegal

American Patriot News quoting Buck Sexton to sound like they didn’t pull this nonsense directly out of the wrong end #wingnut #racist #sexist americanpatriotnewsletter.com

Buck Sexton, the host of “The Buck Sexton Show,” said Friday that the upheaval in the country brought to you by the Black Lives Matter protests have done nothing but destabilize, weaken and drive a wedge between races in the country and if it continues it may cause irreparable harm.

Like most movements that start with a sincere goal, Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by antifa anarchists and the Democrat Party. After weeks and weeks of violent protests and cities like Seattle and Portland literally being taken under siege, the only palpable results are a few empty statue pedestals, ravaged cities and a historic surge in violence in major cities.

“BLM has made everything worse for everyone in the last two and a half months or so,” Sexton said. “Nothing has improved. Nothing is better. And increasingly, we have to look to who should be held responsible for this. And I would argue that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and the mainstream media are to blame.”

Sexton pointed out that even adherents of the BLM movement are very specific about what black lives actually matter to the movement. It is not the 12 people killed each weekend in Chicago alone due to gun violence, they are only concerned about the black individuals killed during interactions with police.

Sexton said the term “racist” is being tossed around by “smarmy beta male white liberals” at places like MSNBC in an attempt to silence anyone with the backbone to examine the BLM mission statement. He said it is the height of irony that liberal pundits making millions a year, living in expensive neighborhoods and sending their children to $50,000-per-year private schools are the ones talking about the changes needed in society.

“They’re frauds,” Sexton said. “And they’re cowards and they’re hurting the very communities that they pretend to help.” And they are—right now—waiting for the next video that could show a police officer using excessive force just so they can start the process all over again.

But the Black Lives Matter movement will continue because it is now sponsored by major corporations doing their best to avoid the cancel culture pandemic and benefit from the political cover from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who blamed the dramatic increase in crime in New York City to hungry citizens stealing bread to eat.

Sexton said the new orthodoxy is now in place and “we’re supposed to just accept it.”

Uglyme #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Women don't belong in the kitchen

Because they're terrible cooks. At least the ones from this generation can't even boil an egg. And they fucking burn everything. They put the food in the oven and go to check their phones (only fans accounts and Chad messages) and they forget about the food and it gets burnt. That's why most foids are such obese landwhales (like the IT femorloids), they survive by pigging out on junk food. It's no wonder why the most famous chefs are males. Foids can't do a fucking thing right. The only thing they can do well is being Chad's fleshlights, cause femoids are total garbage.

Eschewcel #sexist #quack #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] The ONLY reason why men never get child custody. (MGTOWs GTFIH)

It's because they would rape their daughter. Hard blackpill to swallow, but it's absolutely logical and justice is blackpilled too when it comes to be against men.

Every married man is fighting against his instincts, not to rape his daughter. The only thing keeping him away from raping her is the fact that the consequences would be disastrous if he wanted to do it while being married.

But once the foid is away, he could seriously think of it. It's a biological instinct, and I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure that daughter-rape happens more often when the dad is alone than when the dad is married. The dad is usually thinking he'll get away with it, and he will most of the time.

What do you think of that?

universallyabhorred #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Women In General Are Useless

There's a reason why you almost never see women in fields that actually require brainpower, hard work or diligence. Instead they prefer all the soft jobs which involve simple social interactions such as being a secretary because lying and manipulation is second nature to a woman plus females receive extra points for having basic social skills, acting polite and just existing with a vagina, while men are only rewarded when they are extraordinarily charming. One extension of this is the female therapist/ simple psychologist that only performs talk therapy, basically bluepilling the client, or copies some kind of program with minor modifications such as CBT. These worthless thots only posses a simple understanding of social rules and act like Karens. All the quality groundbreaking psychologists are actually men.

autisticblackce #sexist #psycho reddit.com

being around women further conforms the blackpill

They will go to wendys and she will be eyeballing the chad in line fantasizing about getting her back blown out while your eating a burger in front of her,once a foid gets confortable around u she drops more blackpills than a teen disney movie,hypergamy is wired in their brains,so even if u get a GF that is step one,her pussy is like the middle east,one occupier after a next,she even if you do manage to ascend she will text guys behind your back,most of the pussy is like a ps2 game PRE-OWNED

ScornedStoic #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] It feels good dehumanizing women

I mean, they dehumanize me in virtually every interaction and I'm not allowed to say shit, so.

They don't act human to me. Maybe treat me with the bare minimum human level respect and I won't write mean words about you online~

CelticTruecel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] "Incels are misogynists"

I saw this article and the roastie wrote that incels are misogynists, how did she come to the conclusion that if you are involuntary celibate you are automatically a misogynist? That is discrimination, painting all sexless men in the same light. Obviously this roastie doesn't seem to understand that every virgin is an incel, she obviously thinks that it is only people who post on forums like this who are incels.

This angers me so much, don't even mention the whole "I used to be an incel" thing or "My boyfriend is an incel" thing to me or my head may explode. I wonder do these roasties consider sex having misogynists to be incels?
”Incels Are Running An Online Suicide Forum That Was Blamed For A Young Woman’s Death” - Buzzfeed

Remedy4theheart #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=From the RWBY fandom: More from homophobes and incels mourning the death of a *cartoon* villain they projected onto (Adam), and an LGBT pairing potentially becoming canon (Blake and Yang) in the wake of his death. This is an interesting dicussion that caught my attention=)

Remedy4theheart: The most brutal and bloody murder the audience as ever seen brought these two together....that's something a villian would promote.

BloodRaven55: Bro you're talking about a whole ass different show. She Ra has nothing to do with this video. Not to mention Adam's death was self defence plain and simple. He dug his own grave by refusing every chance they gave him to leave peacefully and still going for the kill even after he lost his weapon. Killing someone to prevent your own death or someone else's death is not murder, you moron.
But then you clearly don't understand what sisters are either so I'm not surprised.

Remedy4theheart: Actually the law states so long as the threat has been eliminated, this doesn't just mean once the attacker is dead, then self defense is no longer needed or legal.
Once Adam lost his weapon and the two girls stood right there weapons in hand still standing Adam was neutralized. Him jumping for the blade is indeed intent to continue his murderous intent but he was still neutralized. The girls stabbed him before he got even anywhere near another blade.
By then it was no longer self defense. It was unhinged murder. The other options the girls could have done was run away, neutralize Adam's movements IE nonlethal force, or run to the proper authorities. The one option they chose was the most brutal unnecessary one that is actually criminal to do.
They murdered him. Through the heart and dropped the body into a waterfall never to be recognized again by his loved ones. That is not what a hero does. That man had a chance at redemption. He should have been locked up.
But no....somehow life is forfeit for just being an asshole with a scarred past. Shame on you for thinking so. Adam was a murderer. But those girls were not. So why become one to get rid of one?

BloodRaven55: Dude if you had the person who emotionally abused you for years stalk you halfway across the world and try to murder you multiple times, all while verbally confirming that he will never leave you alone until you and everyone you love is dead, and he starts running for a weapon to kill you, then you would 100% go for that blade too and do whatever you had to in order to save yourself and everyone else he'd threatened. If they'd run away then he would have tracked them down and tried to kill them all over again. Non-lethal force was not an option for Blake when she had no weapon and he was about to fatally stab her. If Yang had tried to disarm him or take him out without killing him then he would have had time to kill Blake before she could do anything. They literally TRIED, more than once, to get him to back down and to take him out without his death. When she took his sword from him Yang fucking throws it away instead of using it against him, and Blake makes no move to attack until he does at any point because as she flat out says multiple times she DIDN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIM. He gave them absolutely no way to ensure their own survival in that moment other than killing him and if you think otherwise you are delusional. You're literally asking Blake and Yang to give him a huge chance of murdering them instead of defending themselves to the best of their ability. Your sense of morality is fucked beyond belief and I would be terrified if you were my friend because that would mean that if I was in Blake's position you'd just let my abuser end my life rather than do whatever you could to save me.
You also need to watch the fight again because 1) Blake was completely unarmed when Adam went for Gambol Shroud. And Yang's only weapons were ranged which would have been as likely to kill Blake as Adam if she'd tried to use them in that situation. 2) The “proper authorities” were unavailable as Grimm were attacking the military base at the time and ADAM WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO KILL HER. What the fuck was she meant to do? Get her Scroll out and let him stab her while she tries to call the police?? Oh wait, Blake's Scroll was destroyed by Adam so she couldn't call the cops anyway regardless. Do yourself a favour and actually pay attention to the show before speaking bullshit because you obviously don't remember most of what happened.
If you are Blake, and you are unarmed while someone is running for a weapon about to kill you, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. If you are Yang, and someone is running towards your unarmed partner about to grab a weapon to kill them, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. Use your goddamn brain, I am begging you.

Remedy4theheart: You forgive them. Not stab them through the heart both ways and have their body beaten senseless by rushing waters.

BloodRaven55: If Blake had tried to “forgive” Adam she would be dead. So would Yang. He flat out stated his intent to murder them both multiple times and when given a categorical chance to let them live and walk away he rejected it and kept trying to kill them. You are literally asking them to let themselves be murdered instead of acting in self defence. Get some help, bro. Your moral compass is pointing in totally the wrong direction.

In real life if someone is about to stab me should I just “forgive” them and let them murder me? You’re flat out advocating for the murder of two innocent people over them defending themselves from the person trying to murder them. Think about what you’re fucking saying.

Remedy4theheart: So she gave him the early out never to learn fomr his mistakes? Yeah that true punishment should have been to lock him up reform him and show him he will fail everytime.
But no....she killed a suicidal man. Good job.

BloodRaven55: Both Blake and Yang gave him explicit chances to back down and he refused. They couldn't lock him up because the military base was compromised at the time and Blake's Scroll was broken so she couldn't call law enforcement anyway. Not to mention they had no way of restraining him and he was literally about to end Blake's life. He wasn't suicidal, he was murderous. He never once showed even a hint of remorse for any of his actions or the slightest inclination to change. He never did a single kind or selfless thing in the entire show and had zero chance at redemption.
If someone is seconds from grabbing a weapon and stabbing you and you are unarmed then you do not have the time or ability to decide how you defend yourself. You simply do what you can to protect yourself and the people around you. If Blake and Yang had done any of the things that you suggest then they would both be dead and Adam would still not be locked up or any closer to redemption. People like you terrify me and I hope I never come anywhere near someone with such warped morals as you in real life.
Blake gave Adam opportunities to improve in his Character Short, in the Black Trailer, and at least three times in the V6 fight. Yang flat out told him to leave peacefully and deliberately didn't kill him the first time she had the chance. They tried to disarm him without killing him but he still insisted on going for a weapon to slaughter them both. If you think they had any other choice in that moment then you didn't watch the same show as the rest of us.

Remedy4theheart: Violence is never the answer. You promote morals and then all of a sudden drop them because you just couldn't anymore? This is why people are saying the girls are less and less heroic these days.

BloodRaven55: I'm literally a pacifist but if I was defenceless and someone who still had a gun and was running to grab a weapon was about to murder me and another innocent person then damn right I'd be willing to kill them to defend myself. It's highly concerning that you'd rather let yourself and someone you love be murdered and "forgive" the person trying to kill you instead.
Correction: He lost everything because he murdered countless innocent people including his own men, and he travelled by his lonesome ready and willing to slaughter two innocent people to the point where even when he was given multiple chances to leave peacefully he refused.
He states himself that he stalked Blake across the world with the sole intention of murdering her. You’ve ignored every single piece of evidence from the show that I’ve provided, and you’re a sick victim blaming piece of human garbage who‘s detached from reality. Goodbye, I hope you develop a conscience soon.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia missionamerica.com

Black Lives Matter is a movement based on snot-nosed dismissal of American opportunity, history, affluence, and morality. Not only is the group financially connected to Susan Rosenberg, a domestic terrorist convicted in 1984 for bombing campaigns, but the women founders of BLM exhibit other serious emotional and intellectual deficits as they negatively mischaracterize almost everything in their path—men, the nuclear family, police, American heritage, capitalism, unborn babies, Western civilization, sexuality, Jews, and their white human brothers and sisters.

Oh, and they just happen to be black. But it’s the brat in them and in Colin that most people find objectionable. It has nothing to do with color. For these race-obsessed opportunists, darker skin color provides cover for a deeply destructive ideology.

People are now getting fired from jobs just for social media posts or reckless speech. Yet Washington Post has not fired opinion editor, Karen Attiah, who actually tweeted about “white women” being lucky that black people aren’t “calling for revenge.”

Is it too much to expect these people to grow up, stop whining, cut the threats, and cease their campaigns of destruction?

No one looking through an accurate lens of American history can claim with a straight face that there is more tyranny today, more oppression, fewer opportunities than in the past. The trajectory has been exactly the opposite.

These are infantile fantasies. And ironically, race is actually not the driver here. It’s adolescent rebellion.

I praise God for people who are in a unique position to speak the truth right now—Candace Owens, Ben Carson, Bob Woodson, Larry Elder and others.

The fact remains that this country is a beautiful beacon of hope in a bleak world. For the immature hearts incapable of recognizing this, there is a solution. They can grow up or get out.

Let’s pray for the former.

SlayerSlayer #sexist incels.is

RE: [News] Mary Kay Letourneau, teacher who had sex with male student and later married him, dies of cancer

I was always jealous of this dude, even when I was a child when this first made headlines. He was lucky to capitalize on being sexually groomed by a above-average pedo woman, while he still had a baby-face halo, and locked her in by impregnating her TWICE as a TEENAGER. This dude would have been an ethnicel if this pedo woman never gave him a shot. He's a fucking DJ at 36, never held a real job, he would be laughed off of Tinder if he tried today. But the fact is, he IMPREGNATED his hot teacher at 12. In that moment, he became more of a man than any man before him. If you have mindblowing sex that young, you don't need to achieve anything else in life.

Even as a child, I knew what this dude achieved was special: he made a woman ruin his life for him. She abandoned a Chadlite husband, abandoned her kids, went to jail for 7 years, lived the rest of her life as a sex offender, and even after all that she said it was worth it. You might say she is a post-wall roastie with kids, but even at 55 she has a better figure than most 20 year olds, and I find the idea that a woman would abandon her family and go to jail just to be with you hot, and is proof of true love. Volcel af if you wouldn't

Newspeak Doubleplusungood Award

English, motherf*cker, do you speak it?

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] I put a banana in my shorts and legit went up like 0.5 PSL

+1 if you count +0.5 lowinhibmax due to confidence

Having a visible cawk outline is such an amazing thing, both how it affects your looks and your mind

Too bad it not my real cawk but just a banna so I had to eventually take it out

Now I just think about having a massive cawk and walking around campus while girls are checking out my bulge

Benj-amin #sexist #magick #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] [Discussion]Does sex with a Succubus count as Ascension?

If one were to have sex with a succubus, Is it really far to say that they have Ascended?


After all the pain and suffering that an incel had to work through with human foids and yet got nothing?
Or after putting in all the work to Summon a succubi or other entity?
Is it really accurate (or even fair) to say that they have ’Ascended’knowing that he will always get Rejected by foids in spite of this accomplisment?

I am here to propose a new definition of Ascension: If one can get a Human foid without betabuxxing or other cucked means, then he has ascended.
I limit the definition to human foids because Incels should not have to go so far as to date outside the species or even outside the Spectrum just to get Companionship and Sex.

For me it would be like having sex with an escort

Possibly, But if she gave you more companionship and better sex and love than any foid, is it really an escort?
Succubi can be really dedicated towards their partner.

Are you telling me you’ve fucked one

I know people who did.
I know people who did summon succubi before.

Just schizomaxx bro

it is not schizo, its magicK.

AutisticMonstrosity #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [Story] I witnessed a Chadlite get a gf. It was unreal.

This happened at my university quite some years ago. I was doing a project with a fellow student. (Inb4 "mogs me for having friends": we were assigned on the project together.) He was a pretty cool guy, but he was obviously more handsome than me, definitely a Chadlite.

One day we were working and some chick approaches us out of nowhere to ask him what we were talking about. He gave an unsuspecting answer, and it quickly became a conversation that I was witnessing first-hand. Long story short, she gave him her number and they went on a date. Last time I saw him they were in a relationship.

It literally just happened to him, right fucking next to me. I thought I was taking crazy pills. Never once did she acknowledge me, while all he had to do was exist. It's still brutal to think about tbh.

I have several, much more brutal experiences where I have witnessed right beside (including withing 40 centimetres) when an asylum seeker (Iranian, Iraqi, Afghan) or foreign student (Pakistani) has gotten a Finnish GF of multiple years (one couple in particular I saw together many times, after a few years still they were together, and it was an Iranian asylum seeker (I know his claim got rejected, but he has simply made new applications, maybe even claiming homosexuality to get approved!)). These are one of my worst memories ever and will remain so. I will regret the rest of my life not doing something, not trying to kill the invader on the spot.

Anotheruser84 #quack #sexist reddit.com

These poor idiots can't do logical processing.

They assumed there would be a vaccine...oblivious to the nuances involved that make that virtually impossible. Not just in the next year or two, but ever.

They can't think even one step ahead. They don't see that no vaccine + limited hospital capacity = shutdown = slowed herd immunity....and at the current rate of infections in this social distancing + masks + shutdowns shithole, that's a literal lifetime away.

Literally every non-essential business will permanently shut down in the next few years. The entire world will take place online.

And many of these basement-dwelling, autistic soys will be on the street with their broke parents.

So while they repeatedly told us to "go outside," when the only notion of outside they ever head was shoveling dog shit in their parents' yard, it will in fact be they who are forced to give up their faggoty video games and their anime and their Reddit LARPing.

gladiatorcel #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Venting] Society is built around women

Yes yes, water is wet, but - It's all built around the protection of women. They claim to be equal to men, however they cannot fight for themselves or be on their own, making them expensive citizens. The amount of resources spent on their protection is insane, and for what? So they can influence politics and make it socially acceptable to sleep around and therefore being able to select a smaller number of men who they can fuck until "the age wall" sets in? And even then, their SMV is still high enough to attract younger men, which is why feminism is promoting polyamory as a good and natural thing. It's beyond cucked that they can have their cake and it eat too.

This will likely never change, irreversible damage has been done. Women are the ruling class. Even if chads only make up 5% of men, women and chads combined make up more than half of the population, meaning that they are the ones to influence the direction of politics. On top of that, there are the bluepilled men who have been brainwashed into thinking that the chads + women are the ones who are correct, and therefore simp for politics that actually negatively impact them. It's like a purely capitalistic society, where even the most poor citizens (cucked betas) want more capitalism (women's right to ride the CC and marry when it's time for comfort).

Funny, isn't it though? Most women want to live in a economically socialistic world where money is distributed fairly to every human (a society in where men most men are at the top rn, as CEO's, managers, etc). However, when it comes to other human needs like sex and affection, in which they rule, they want it to be as capitalistic as possible.

"But sex and affection cannot be distributed fairly, its not a material". While this is true, you can still enforce monogamy and early marriage, aswell as shaping a culture where it's socially unacceptable to whore around, as it is PROVEN that a high number of partners affects future relationships negatively.

After all, men are the ones who provide a lot of the hard labor, so if they are not motivated, go figure.

TL;DR: Women are hypocrites, people get mad at the wealthy for voting for their own self-interests, but not when women do the exact same.

i probably have spelling mistakes in here but cba fixing that shit im just trying to rant.

NormScum #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] My case for why rape is an overblown crime. A response to IT

This is in response to the thread posted on r/IncelTear trying to "debunk" a thread on this forum about rape being an overblown crime

Please IT, give me SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that rape is "so awful" like you say. It doesn't exist.

Sure, you can try to claim rape victims have trauma. Okay, so? You know people can exaggerate how bad something is right? I don't trust foids already, why the fuck should I trust their opinion on rape? I can only go by the evidence and how I imagine it to be, since a foid's testimony is pretty much useless. And besides, how awful can rape really be? If an ugly 0/10 landwhale held me down and fucked me, sure it would be gross, but I would be scarred and traumatized for life? Jfl come on. :feelskek:

And no, anal rape =\= vaginal rape. Don't be stupid IT. I'm not denying anal rape is painful, especially when no lube is used. Of course it is. But can you provide a source that shows that sex when the vagina is not wet is as painful as you say it is? And no, moderate discomfort doesn't count. :feelsseriously: when foids experience dryness during sex it does not "severely traumatize them". It's just mildly uncomfortable. also, this doesn't take into account the fact that during many rapes the bitch is wet anyway

It's weird though, many women enjoy BDSM type sex with Chad but as soon as an incel does it to her except for real then she gets "traumatized". LOL

You guys probably think rape when the woman is passed out is fucking terrible as well, lmao she won't even know it happened

Western rape is a huge joke already, entitled whores who think they have ptsd from getting drunk and stupidly sucking some normies dick they regretted. go to the real regions of the world like the middle east and latin america where the true rape is seen and where the women actually risk being killed. jfl at western whores calling themselves 'rape survivors' after being fucked at some party by a guy they knew

BlkPillPres #sexist #psycho incels.is

Its Over Even For Rapists

Raping a foid these days does practically no harm to her physically or mentally unless you are rough or physically violent on purpose (punching, stabbing, "going in dry", etc). She’s already defiled and ruined from all her past sexual experiences, your "skills" aren't sufficient enough to really inflict any kind of trauma in these modern times.

This is the thing people don't get, in the past if a woman did not retain her virginity she was unworthy of marriage, if you had raped a woman you had defiled her and basically ruined her entire life, as a woman had no financial or educational opportunities, her entire life path is getting married and having children. Raping a virgin woman = destroying her entire life, that's why it was treated as such a horrible crime (well that's the historical context of why, today the outrage stems from leftist politics). If you raped a woman in the past you weren't just harming someone and then they move on after years of dealing with the mental trauma, that was the end of their life, a few seconds of pleasure for you, a lifetime of destitution for her.

Not to mention that she has never experienced sex before, so she isn't going to be "used to" anything, the most painful aspects of sex to her will be truly experienced, also the most pleasurable aspects (she will likely orgasm).

But most women today are whores, I would not be surprised if some rapists literally couldn't stay erect with some women because they realized they were doing nothing to her, she was obviously disgusted by you and afraid, but she was so loose and showed so little reaction to the penetration that you became disheartened by your own performance :feelskek:. Unless you are packing like 8+ inches (with significant girth), you can't be a true "power rapist" (as in a rapist that gets off and over powering women physically and mentally, a primarly goal being forced pleasure/orgasm), you'll realize you aren't really "cutting it", a lot of these women have been in gangbangs during college years, had 20+ partners, etc before a rapist even encounters them.

Seriously wtf can he even do to a vag with that much dick experience, what can he do to a psyche that is already that ravaged, these bitches have already done nasty shit like swallowing multiple loads from various men, eating Chads ass out, etc, so when an average guy rapes them and he is sticking to forced vaginal penetration (in this case a "frenzy rapist"), what kind of mental trauma can he truly hope to inflict, the bitch has already done even more disgusting and revolting shit than any "frenzy rapist" can hope to do with the limited time constraint of the act (frenzy rape is usually quick and takes place in public, usually vaginal due to ease of access and lack of resitance e.g. public bathroom at a club/bar). He can't really do anything to her, her body is already defiled as though she was raped, you can't "un-rape" her, its over even for the average rapist :feelskek:, you can't out perform all of her collective sexual experience, she'll cry, she'll feel bad, but at the end of the day she'll get over it, and rather quikcly too in comparison to women of the past who never would get over it at all.

The only way to truly make an impact as a rapist is to impregnate her, but then again she can just go to an abortion clinic and poof that's the end of that (or take a morning after pill to prevent the pregnancy to begin with). So unless you are strictly a "pleasure rapist" (just raping for your own personal pleasure, the mindset of the female is irrelevant to you) you are wasting your time even trying to rape, why bother, you won't even meet the minimum requirements to achieve your intended goal.


various incels #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is

Even when I was younger and more of a normal man, not a sexually frustrated nihilistic misanthrope, I didn’t think rape was that bad. I thought it was wrong, like stealing a loaf of bread or maybe an expensive TV at worst, but I never thought it was a crime worthy of jail time. I never thought it was a crime that was unforgivable. I always thought it was ridiculous when rapists got lumped in with murderers and child molesters. Rape is really not that serious. Women just don’t like it because the men are ugly. If I was raped by an ugly woman, I would take it as a compliment. Now if she was really fat, elderly, and had smelly genitals that she forced me under gunpoint to lick, I would be mad. I would probably vomit. But I wouldn’t be traumatized for life or believe that the woman deserves to be in prison for 10 years. A hefty fine would be enough. Women who get raped are no virgins. women who get raped have sex with at least 10 men by age 20 so how is it traumatic to take just one more penis? It’s not. Women have too much time on their hands to dwell on things and become neurotic about unimportant situations. If women were in a tribe, they would get raped all the time and wouldn’t even care anymore after one point because they would have more important things to worry about like surviving in the harsh environment. By the way, I don’t want to rape anyone. It wouldn’t turn me on to be with someone who is repulsed by me. I Would never rape someone even if I could get away with it. I’m just thinking out loud. Rape isn’t that bad. By the way, I know a woman who got raped by a black man when she was a teenager and she turned out okay. She is a happy wife and mom now of 3 kids.

depends on the rape, if the rape is brutal with alot of physical harm and injuries then there should be a prison sentence since its the same as assault or something.

but normal rape is just what all animals do, you think the dog or elephant waits for consent? no

same with early humans, im convinced most babies come from rape because woman had no protection from the law, so the strongest male could just take the women and rape her because he is stronger, and since there were no abortions back then they had to deliver the baby,

so most modern women are descendants of women being raped. thats why they like being submissive, its an evolutionary trait passed down from all the females that have been raped for thousands of years before the law was invented

LOL based, women know this is true, they just crave attention and validation and also shit-test constantly, and thus must always put max effort into appearing to be victims at all times.

My only problem with your post is when you claimed, "Women have too much time on their hands to dwell on things and become neurotic about unimportant situations. If women were in a tribe, they would get raped all the time and wouldn’t even care anymore after one point because they would have more important things to worry about like surviving in the harsh environment."

BS. They're not "neurotic", they don't mind it that much. They may convince themselves that they are victims, but deep down inside they know they're not. They don't "care", they're just using shit like #MeToo to shit-test and gain attention and validation, not to mention ensure that virgins can never ascend.
>Assuming women tell the truth when they say they don't like rape and it's "the most horrible thing ever"

One more note, men take care of women entirely, so they're entitled to pussy 100%. The only problem with rape is that it's disorganized, creates hierarchies, and instills no responsibility to caretake on the part of the rapist (there are a few more, can't think of them right now). Therefore, rape damn well should be illegal and is immoral, but under Betrev (beta revolution), women would be paired involuntarily with men who chose them based on a decision made by a bureau of deciding which man is more productive to society, and they would not be obligated to work (in fact making women enter the workforce would be illegal, JFL at MGTOW and MRA who want women to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work just as hard as men, that will never happen and never should).

Women should not even be obligated to do housework, JFL at maledoms who think their "house/tradwaifus" aren't hiding broken glass in the couch cushions to shit-test. In return, every man is entitled to 1 sex a day, no strings attached.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] The VAGINA is the filthiest place in the entire Milky Way Galaxy

* The vagina is a very filthy organ in and of itself with a lot of nasty flora and fauna resident therein
* Now, imagine the Average foid in her 20's who has fucked literally 100's of chads who all cum inside her and creampie her roast beef hole
* The Clinical Anatomy & pathology science of MICROCHIMERARISM states that foids retain DNA from all the men they fucked.
* Coupled with the fact that foids dont wash inside their vaginas ("its a self cleaning system teehee") imagine just how filthy a foids pussy must be
* The degenerate sex havers who "eat pussy" are probably the reason why mouth cancers and throat cancers among other cancers have increased in recent times. Some based Scientistcel should do a study on how many Modern diseases have been created by eating filthy unwashed foid pussies tbh ngl
* I bet COVID-19 was caused when an escortcelling Wuhancel decided to JohnnySinsMaxx and eat the pussy of a Noodlewhore who hadn't washed her pussy since the day she was born and those filthy disgusting pussy juices went into his respiratory system and mutated to create COVID-19.


Ugly_equals_Death #sexist #quack incels.is

Womens instinct is to support violence. They dont care about any success, nether groupsuccess or family success, they just want the most primitive man. Unlogical for men but for woman its just natural to want violence and misery the only archetype a woman desires is a warlord sociopath like those baboons.

If a man fantasizes about the perfect night he thinks about the most caring altrustic girl loving him and healing him.

If a foid fantasizes about the perfect night she thinks about her boyfriend getting beaten to death by a stronger more attractive man before her eyes and raping her afterwards (beleve me the majority of porn women consume is rape fantasies and violence)

Woman dont give a shit on families and have no altruism. They would kill their sons if they are weak and fuck them if they are strong a woman has no values morals or principles.

They shouldnt be allowed to make any decision.

Lonelycel #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Women are property

Women should be treated as property, under the ownership of her father, or any other men in her immediate family.

They don't have any intellectual capacity, they constantly make poor decisions and are very emotionally unstable.

The only function they serve to society is through childbirth and then rearing the children. They serve no other purpose.

The men of the house decide whom she may marry, and premarital sex should be disallowed. Society is already seeing the results of allowing women to choose their partners; single motherhood is at an all time high, and women initiating divorces is also at an all time high. So it's time to take this decision from their hands, it's obvious that they cannot be trusted with this responsibility.

P.S. Ideally, they should be caged, like zoo animals within the home. What's the point of letting them outside? All they'll do is end up slutting around and making a mockery of themselves. Their naturally promiscuous and vulgar behavior should be curbed.

VincentVanCock #psycho #sexist incels.is

Tbh i don't want love,i want slaves. The most satisfying thing that could happen with me would be the situation where i have a lot of foids completely submissive to my yearnings.

Not only sex but the power to humiliate them and assert dominance,to punch,to spit,to make them crawl,hell,to make them jump off a cliff over my mere wish. It would be WAY better than sex.

I can admit It,i'm a sick individual. I'm just as ugly on the inside as i'm on the outside.

wereqryan #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Most of you are cucks who love women, and you use your superficial hate to hide your burning passion of love for women.

Those of you here who scream, whine and throw a hissy fit over not getting fucks, blowjobs, cuddles, affection from women are just as bad as the women-worshiping simps you hypocritically denounce. You still have a lot of realization to go through, and a lot of growing up to do because you've yet to realize women's inherent subhumanity and parasitic nature.

Subhumanity is a design feature for women; its a part of their programming. For men, subhumanity is a bug, because even the most downtrodden slave tier man can exert more effort than the average woman. Women seek Chad to compensate for their own weakness, which means that a man who successfully mates has to have the strength to cover for himself and his woman. When you realize these things, only then will the true blackpill awakening occur.

Joelossus #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Caring about female validation is cucked!

Very recently i stumbled across a fairly old thread on here, in which the OP asked the userbase of this forum, if they would rather choose either receiving valadation, or sex from females. And the result kinda shocked me. Since as it turns out the vast majority of users would choose valadation over sex. Which just proved to me once again, that most guys on here are pretty much just simps in training, who put the opinion of a human, who was lucky enough to be born with a hole between it's legs, on a fucking pedastal.

Now here me out, i can understand, at least to a certain extent, why someone would care about getting validation from females. But putting it over sex just doesn't makes any sense to me. Since sex is the sole reason why any male would care about female validation to begin with.

Female validation has no intrinsic value. I mean why should it? Females aren't smarter, wiser, nor in any other way superior to males. So the question is, why do we care so much about what a female human being thinks of us? And the answer is sex! Because when a female validates us, our lizard brain releases hormons, which suggest us, that we will soon be reaciving sex. Something which obviously will increase our mood. Hence making us place a lot of value on the opinion of females.

And that's the thing, we are the ones placing so much value onto a females judgement about us as a person, simply because nature corrupted us to think like this once we reached puperty.

Let me ask you a question, how does it make you feel when a female relative, let's say your mom for instance, says that you're a handsome guy? Do you feel validated or any better about yourself? I'm guessing not. And that's not because you think your mom is lying, but rather because you don't feel any sexuall attraction for your mom, hence making her validating your looks appear completely meaningless to you.

My point is, that it's entirely in our controll to change our perception regarding female validation. That it is simply our body torturing us into desiering it. That female validation is something, based upon attributes which were never in your controll. And that it's not your fault for lacking those attributes. Anyway that's the end of this rent, leave your thoughts down below.

taloh #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] I love how you IT bitches think you can stop a man from his primal urges.

You little cunts really think rejecting countless of men and being little cum sucking whores will have no consequences?
You really think the law is gonna stop a man (who will always be physically stronger than a w*man) from raping you in the cunt?
You really think you can stop someone who is stronger than you in literally every aspect?
When a sub 8 man fucks you raw in the cunt pointing a knife to your face remember nobody is going to save you.

Oh yeah and you can send the feds to my house or whatever you faggots do.
I will keep saying what i want.

Uglyme #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

[Hypocrisy] I have never known of a Chad convicted of rape, have you?

Ted Bundy and the other Hispanic guy, I forgot his name, don't count cause they got jail time for murdering foids. Whether they rape them or not, that's not the case, their main crime was killing them. But do you know of any good looking guy who was put in jail for rape? The truth is that Chads do rape, but mostly they rape their girlfriends and they like it. It's not rape if Chad does it.


convincted no, but I see accusations all the time

rape = chad pumped and dumped me and I want revenge


Excerpt from 'The Dictionary of Foidspeak'

Rape (verb) - 1) Sexual intercourse while intoxicated or under the influence, and the following morning the woman discovers that he's not as attractive as she thought when she met him last night 2) When a woman engages in sexual intercourse with a beta husband when she was not really in the mood 3) When a woman takes part in a last minute hook up, especially when married or in a long term relationship, and is discovered

Bruno Buscaroli #fundie #homophobia #sexist #racist #wingnut returnofkings.com


Bruno is a young man who used to dismiss red pillers as alarmists. Then he spent a semester in a college campus and became one himself. Now he educates himself through the internet and a library card.

With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the average ‘’conservative’’ for a while to realize they’re not as conservative as they think they are. Rather, they’ve accepted and integrated many leftist beliefs into their own worldview. They’ve become nothing more than yesterday’s liberals, and now defend ideas against which their predecessors used to fight. Let’s briefly look at a few examples:

[Picture of Trump Holding the LGBTQ+ Rainbow Flag]
[caption: He’s cool with them]
The very idea of homosexuality used to be socially abhorrent during the early 20th century in the West. If you look at conservative politicians now, however, you’ll find they’re pretty okay with having gays around. We’ve reached a point where modern Western culture has become universally acceptant of homosexuals.

Donald Trump, for instance, ensured he’d do everything in his power to protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful ideologies (might have earned him more voters, but you get the point). Even allowing gays to get married is accepted among conservatives nowadays, and suggesting that it might be a bad idea gets you funny looks at best.

Women in the workplace
[Picture of Women in suits working at a computer]

Encouraging women to study and pursue long term careers damages the family structure by discouraging traditional gender roles. If women are busy working, they can’t focus on being good wives and mothers. Not only that, but it may even cause them to forgo marriage and kids completely.

Despite this, you’ll find almost no one on the mainstream right suggesting women should focus on the home. They believe that doing so would ‘’invite misogyny and sexism’’ or get them compared to ‘’crazy far righters’’. Denial of biological truths does society no favors. The longer the average citizen believes men and women to have the same roles in a family, the more damage will be done.

Sexual marketplace
[Picture of a Half-Naked Man kissing a Half-Naked Woman’s back]

Regulation of the sexual marketplace in the form of marriage and female chastity has long been central to the formation of healthy families in western societies. Without a strong and stable family unit, maintaining civilization becomes impossible. Since promiscuity is the opposite of chastity and monogamy, it naturally runs against family stability.

Characters like James Bond are looked up to as symbols of masculinity and role models for traditional men. While men should aspire to emulate his strong nature and character, emulating his love of casual sex is damaging to society in the long run. Sure, quick and easy sex can be real fun, but let’s not forget sexual liberation is inherently leftist and has done nothing but damage civilization.

Denying the importance of race
[Picture of an Anti-racist Protest]

Often seen as the most taboo of subjects, race gets ignored as much as possible by the mainstream right wing. Science tells us that human ethnic groups have genetic differences, ranging from physical strength to IQ levels. But to even speak about those differences in public is to invite an endless parade of comparisons to Hitler, so conservatives dodge the issue.

Instead, they often preach about civic nationalism, the idea of a nation being more based on its identity than it’s ethnicity. They say that as long as immigrants accept American values of Democracy and hard work, their ethnicity doesn’t matter. Sounds nice in theory, but a nation can’t survive once it’s demographic has been replaced.

You can’t win by defending alone
Conservatives nowadays don’t seem to know what it is they’re conserving. Their claims of standing for a traditional society feel empty when they also advocate for gender and marriage equality. As the culture war against leftists progressed, they slowly lost ground on almost every front. And as their image became demonized by the media, they conceded even further to try and appeal a bit more to the masses. After all, if the general public is okay with two men marrying, it’d make them the bad guys to say there’s something wrong with that.

Fear of being stigmatized makes them unable to push back, so they inevitably become weaker as time goes on. Even worse, the children of conservatives who were born into a watered down version of it don’t even realize it. A cycle forms then, in which the next generation is always more liberal than the next.

Mainstream Conservatives cannot reverse civilization’s decay, only delay it. Movements like Neo-Masculinity, the Alt Right and Alt Christianity lack the presence and member count of Conservatives, but are all better alternatives. Unlike the mainstream right, the dissident right isn’t afraid to push back against leftist narrative. One cannot win by defending alone. No matter how strong a castle’s walls, the stones that form it will crumble if it’s attackers aren’t stopped.

Conservatives are already thinking in the right direction, but haven’t fully taken the red pill. If the West is to survive, it’s imperative that we help these people fully wake up. They’re halfway there already, so hopefully they just need a few more nudges.

'Evil Cannot Comprehend Good' Award

Truth_Above_All #sexist #racist incels.is

Race mixing is disgusting. All the white kids resemble her, but then she has this odd black looking one who looks like any ghetto African kid out there. I never hate on people because of their skin color, I just can't fathom why someone would throw their genes away like that. Why the fuck would anyone who is already at the top of the racial hierarchy have children with those who are the bottom of that same hierarchy? It doesn't make any sense. The only explanation I can think of is that they have absolute no morals and think only with their genitals.

I'm not even white, by the way.

goydivision #sexist #psycho incels.is

(Continuing from the previous post)

[Based] I sucker punched my oneitis and no consequences

Any updates?

Did you just straight up punch him all of a sudden? Did he provoke you verbally?

I wish I was low inhib enough to do this

no updates tbh. She stopped talking to me, the black kid stopped fucking with me (beat him up multiple times before for doing so, so it’s good to see he learned his lesson). Perhaps something amusing might happen next year. Who knows?

Straight up. I was chilling, saw it, blood went cold, went up, punch, sit back down. No facial expression change. It was my breaking point.

collateral maxing, headshot too?!

nice btw, but no bonus points for teeth flying

I feel that what I did was good enough. Too much would have attracted too much attention and BTFO’d me.

Extremely based
The blackpill was with you from the very beginning

Thank you based brocel.

your school administration really doesn't give a fuck JFL. I almost got expelled for way less than that

How can you get away with something this based brocel

The thing is, its not about the school administration. A guy got angry at me and fabricated stories about me being transphobic and misogynistic... almost got suspended. That plus I actually had a shooting threat called on me and fucking pigs searched my dorm room for guns.

The thing is, the guy I punched was an absolute spineless shit who didn't want to get beaten up again, and the femoid was terrified of me. No one else witnessed it actually. For the longest time I was ready to get suspended. But I guess I was lucky this time.

Yikeroonies your personality is toxic :soy:

well done

>you have a shit personality

Arson Greyer #fundie #sexist #homophobia #biphobia returnofkings.com


Arson Greyer
Arson is an anti-SJW crusader and critic of sexual marketplace deregulation who has gotten filthy rich from the non-existent gender pay gap. He enjoys spending as much time as possible outside of America in places where short-haired women are viewed as social outcasts rather than strong and independent.

Up until a couple of years ago, my basic understanding of human sexuality was roughly as follows: there are men, and there are women. A person’s sexual orientation could be defined as one of heterosexual (being sexually attracted to the opposite gender), homosexual (being sexually attracted to others of the same gender) or bisexual (being sexually attracted to both genders).

Recently, however, I’ve been coming across a plethora of new terms in mainstream cultural commentary that purportedly seek to describe other sexual orientations. I quickly found myself coming across such terms as “pan,” “demi,” and even “homoflexible,” wondering what the hell they all mean.

Even the dating app OKCupid has recently broadened the options on gender and sexuality its users can display in their profiles. What was LGBT has now expanded even further, with seemingly new sexual orientations materializing out of thin air on the regular. I’ve written the following “Idiot’s Guide” to help my fellow men avoid the same confusion I’ve suffered in making sense of this new alphabet soup of sexual orientations.

But first, a disclaimer:

You’ll notice that I’ve titled the article as a guide to new “western” sexual orientations. That’s because one would be incredibly hard pressed to find terms like “asexual” or “sapiosexual” being used in any non-western context. In fact, I can’t recall ever even seeing one instance of a woman on a Russian, Ukrainian, Asian or Latin American dating site ever mentioning she identified with one of these new-age, alternate sexual orientations.

Interestingly, the usage of these new sexual orientation terms seems to be primarily restricted to the discourse of two basic areas of the internet:

1. Articles by SJWs and feminists on known manosphere-hating sites (e.g. Jezebel).

2. The social media and dating profiles of young middle and upper-middle class white women.

The definitions and examples I’ll provide below are more relevant to understanding these terms as used in area “b,” but nonetheless will provide clarity in other contexts also. Okay, let’s begin:

1. Pansexual
Definition: sexual attraction to all sexes and gender identities.

Famous Alleged Pansexuals: Madonna, Lady Gaga.

More Accurate Description: Bisexual. Proponents of pansexuality claim that it differs from bisexuality in that it is gender blind, so allegedly pansexuals wouldn’t know a cock from a vagina if it slapped them in the face. The queer “movement,” however, claims both pansexuality and bisexuality can mean attraction to not just the male and female gender, but any gender (whatever those others are). So, they’re essentially the same.

4. Demisexual
Definition: sexual attraction to another person contingent upon deep emotional and romantic connection.

More Accurate Description: Women who are approaching the end of easy riding on the cock carousel and desperately want to lock down a good man before the wall or have the “baby rabies.”

With these in mind, a demisexual woman has resolved to restrict future access to her worn-out pussy to only those who want a deep, romantic connection (read: beta-provider LTR) with her. This is, of course, until she meets the next alpha who suits her fancy and is good for a quick one-nighter.

5. Asexual
Definition: is not sexually attracted to anyone; doesn’t have sexual feelings.

More Accurate Description: A woman who has allegedly never experienced sexual feelings yet signed up for a dating site and posted several extremely slutty, suggestive photos under the guise of “trying this out” or “just to make new friends”.

All indications indicate this woman has had multiple previous sexual encounters (including gangbangs), but is using the “asexual” label to discourage messages from thirsty betas who will pass over her profile because “she’s asexual”.

What’s common among each of these supposed new sexual orientations is that we already have a term that has long-described almost exactly the same kind of sexual attraction. This raises an important question: why are people classifying their sexual orientation under new, buzzword banners when there’s already a well-understood term that describes it precisely?

The answer lies in the attention-whoring tendencies of the two groups – a and b – that use these terms the most. To be merely bisexual isn’t counter-mainstream enough anymore and calling oneself that doesn’t get the same kind of attention it once did, when few people identified as this. Therefore, to feed the egos of members of these two groups, new terms for already-existing sexual orientations had to be conjured up to maintain a fresh supply of new attention and coverage.

They’re new labels for the same sort of old sexual behaviour. The next time you see an American woman who is calling herself sapiosexual, heteroflexible, or whatever new term is invented next month to describe long-standing sexual behavior, the most prudent option is to ignore it completely, as a shit test, and game on as you usually would.

These new sexual orientations are, for the most part, nothing more than a cry for attention. They win if we if give it to them.

goydivision #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] I sucker punched my oneitis and no consequences

Old story but I decided to share.

I used to be “friends” (read: emotional tampon) for my oneitis because I was a bluepilled faggot.

One day in class she let this other guy sit on her lap. I didn’t take too kindly to that so I sucker punched him so hard his head flew back and smashed her lip against her teeth.

Best part? It’s not LARP and I got away scot free. No consequences, no shame, nothing bad happened except oneitis started hating me. Image is for evidence.



shoot me
I will be departing this world bye
honor suicide


I don't like it

Good job. Don’t trust whores. Hopefully his face got deformed from your punch

The fucker wasn’t hurt too much but the whore was hurt more than him. So that I’ll say is win. I’ve beaten that guy up in the past, it doesn’t matter if he got away that time, all it matters is that roastie btfo’ed.

That’s good then. I’m actually pretty surprised you got away with it. I’m guessing it’s because you only hit the guy and his head hit the foid meaning you technically didn’t hit her.


What a weak faggot you are.
He sat on her lap so i hit him in the face because i need attention from her...
You didn’t take what kindly? You wanted to sit on her lap? He took your place? Hmm? You are the bitch of that bitch?
Jfl at this site...

ah yes, Herr Greycel, I am the weak faggot for hitting a stupid bitch.

>jfl at this site
Leave then, greycel

She would never let you do that.
And the fact that she reacted this way shows that she knew that you liked her.

Beat the bastards beat em now

Hello IT

>51 bluepillers

I’m scared why must they be like this

taloh #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The only valuable quality a w*man possesses is their wretched cunt.

These disgusting lower than dirt like beings only have one thing to their name.
And its that dirty semen infested gaping slit in between their whore legs.
Men don't give a fuck if these things lived or died.
We only give a fuck about penetrating that revolting cavity.
If any w*man ever reads this (probably on IT or some shit)
Just remember that you have and always will be below us and don't ever think you have anything else to offer to the world other than than little baby dumping shit orifice of yours.

Boardwalkcel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] We are truly enlightened beings

Enlightenment is the "full comprehension of a situation".

No one comprehends the gravity of the situation we find our selves in more than we do. For once in my life, I know I'm ahead of the curve on something. These bluepilled in the dark normies haven't got a clue, Boomers still think it's about "muh personality". Who knows what foids really think, it wouldn't surprise me if many of them thought the same way we do. They say we are wrong, but deep down they know we're right.

We know them better than they know themselves.

We simply understand how Soyciety works, The mystery and illusions have been destroyed by the blackpill. I dont wanna take credit for this, I merely stumbled along and somehow its path crossed with mine. I'm glad though, I'd much rather know the truth than be a sheep all my life.

LiterallyASoyboy #sexist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Straight from the whore's mouth: applying for sex is like applying for a job

Tbh it goes both ways, I wouldn't really want to commit to someone who thinks less of me for being a virgin. That's another thing, once you reach a certain age, probably mid twenties at the latest, you'd have to create a lie (which would be found out eventually) to even have any chance at ascension. I already feel like I have to put on some theatrical performance with irl interactions, the last thing I want to do is construct some completely false image of myself just to be given a chance. At the end of the day I don't really care what people think anymore...or no that's not entirely true, what I mean is that I don't care about trying to meet bullshit 2020 standards, nor do I care about failing to meet them. Combine that with me finding all of this fake bullshit exhausting, well it's just one more reason why I have no realistic path toward ascension which I'd even be willing to take. None of this matters though, because I'm not even attractive enough for it to matter, just lol.

Obviously not all ITcucks think this way, but I find that their attitude towards 'the dating market' is somewhat schizophrenic: on one level they will flat out deny that such a thing as a 'dating market' exists - usually when an incel brings up the possibility of market intervention to ensure more equitable outcomes, and on the other hand they'll invoke job application analogies and various other 'labour market' comparisons. Very curious.

There is a sweet irony that most ITcucks who would identify as leftists, or at least social democrats on matters of income redistribution become the most brutal social darwinist neoliberals when it comes to the dating market: adapt or DIE!

Except you wouldn't need to wonder why, it's obvious that I'm a subhuman loser.

"You have no right to judge a woman's preferences in a man period!"

“There’s also the very valid preference of not wanting to have to train a man all the way to her level. You want a partner on equal terms (we all want equality in our relationships, right??), not having to waste precious time and effort on some novice guy who might not get it right away.

Yet they all rant on about how not all women are shallow whores then say shit like this about virginity being a "massive red flag" and you can't judge anyone for being shallow.... Yeah sure. Maybe it's just the fact that women are shallow and that's why you're so testy about them being called out about.

If that's how she sees it, then why even have a relationship with anyone? Just fuck a different TInder Chad every week/month. I genuinely can't even imagine the mindset where someone would feel worse about their boyfriend/husband for having less past partners than themselves. Then the bit about wasting time, as in already viewing the relationship as disposable. Maybe I'd simply have to be a woman to fully grasp it.

But what am I even saying? I already know that what I want isn't something that actually exists, all that women want is just hedonism. What a joke. I'm so divorced from other people that it's actually kinda comical.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] Imagine 50 men and 50 women are stranded on an island after a violent sea storm.

They are out of resources so they would have to cooperate together for survival until help arrives.

Now imagine that out of those 50 men, 5 are Chads. What do you think is gonna happen? Each one of those 50 women will be fucking Chads for the rest of their days on the island while the other 45 men will be rotting alone. Holes will be like - "Its just a preference sweaty. Why don't you go fix the ship while I suck Chad's dick"

Do you see this island functioning at all? What incentive would these men have to contribute to the island's economy? Why the fuck would they even contribute? Just so that those holes and Chads can fuck without any worry.

And if you can't see this island functioning then how do you expect the society to function. A society where millions of women are dying to be a part of Chad's harems while their looksmatches are rotting in their basement. JFL at this cucked society.

We'd enslave the whores and make chads build ships

based thing to do

the other men would just kill the chads and redistribute the foids with the 5 left out used for being raped by anyone

Rapemaxing is the only way for sub-8 men to ascend

I think there was a show similar to this.
what ended up happening was the Chads didnt do anything (okay they did hunt once or twice) and fucked any woman they wanted. all the women didn't help in any serious way (they would fucking gather firewood/driftwood and shit that fell off the trees) and eat all the food and complain about everything then the average guys did 90% of the work. building stuff. cooking the food. making shelter. gathering food and resources.

The girls that were not good enough for Chad would find a beta male and fuck him and live in his hut and get free resources. but that was only 2-3 guys. All Chads fucked. All girls fucked. 2-3 average guys fucked. The rest rotted away BUT STILL HAD TO CONTRIBUTE to the group otherwise the women would call him a pig and sully his name to the rest of the group. then he would be outcast. So even though they were literally getting NOT A SINGLE DAM THING from the group they still had to contribute otherwise be ousted. Hmmmmm...sorta like society, eh?

(And to be fair I never watched the show. I ended up reading an article on it that some MGTOW youtube channel had posted)

Utterly brutal. Exact replica of the modern society.

I would take down the other men at night and have all the womens to myself

You must be a gymcel but I'm going to ask anyway
Realistically, how many women could you beat up at once?

Reason I ask is because if you kill all the Chads the women are not just going to let you fuck them willingly. They are going to revolt against you. Could you win against 10 women at once?

I'd probably gather a few based brocels and brutally murder chads, then rape the bitches (actually I think they'd just simply accept me submissively). I've seen this behavior among chimps btw.

nah man they would. Women are submissive. If even men act this way among alpha males despite clearly being able to kill him once let alone women who are naturally designed to avoid conflict.

Ill get a sharpened stick and start jabbing the ugly ones and the stronger women first. Then when they see i mean business theyll give up

Damn I didn't know you were a High-IQcel as well
you've thought about this scenario before lol

In a situation like this, are we assuming the same intellect or intellect inverse to looks?

In that case I think what you said above holds true for a few weeks/ months, but then the smartest normies and incels would start their own group, and go find a separate part of the island, and they would just cope there. They'd figure out more efficient ways to get food and other essential shit, meanwhile chad would fuck 7-8 foids a day, but eventually he'd get screwed cos he won't have evolved. Some Becky's would take the hint and move in with the normies (betabux) and eventually Stacy might go tell chad to bully the normies and incels to give them shit, but by this time you'd have a group of 20 high IQ normies incels made one 'state' 5 chads and medium IQ normies in another, so the 5 chads won't be able to do shit to the incels, it's quite likely incels will develop weapons too, so then chad dies out, but presumably they already impregnated the Stacies .

Incel state might send their highest T normies to go kill weakened/ dehydrated chad (ngl I knew a slayer who didn't know u can't drink seawater), and take the Stacies, and then they will kill chads spawn.

Fucking based prediction. This way they could emerge as winners without even rapemaxing. Even the simps in the group would support it.

Lv99_BixNood #racist #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Chinese in shitskin countries vs Chinese in white countries

Chinese have some of the largest diaspora population in the world, they're literally everywhere. When you're blackpilled it's kinda hilarious (and depressing) to look at the differences between Chinese in white countries and ethnic shitskin countries.

Chinese in shitskin countries (Africa, SEA etc): 6th generation pureblood Han Chinese, live in gated communities, only speak Chinese with each other and marry only other Chinese.

Chinese in white countries: 2nd gen hapa mongrels, half the family is already bleached, live among white people, only speak English and give their kids retarded English names from google, 60%+ of females marry white and give birth to ERs, 90% of males become incel or betabuxx.

Wizard #sexist i.redd.it

[It’s Over] Got brutally Mogged at the swimming pool by a kid

Today at the swimming pool a kid, probably a future Chad (a white, blonde kid btw), was swimming in the line next to mine and that little brat was swimming like a fish. All four strokes, including the butterfly, with impeccable technique.

I could swim faster than him, but not by much and above all he could seemingly swim as long as he wanted, while I had to make pauses every 50m or so.

He was probably around 10, definitely not a teenager yet.

And I thought I was actually getting good at this. Yeah, right, just an other discipline where I’m just deluding myself.

saudade #sexist incels.is

Since women have every single advantage and opportunity over 99% of men in 2020 it is pointless for men to keep funding their existence through taxes. If women do not want to opt for having children and would rather be cumdumpsters who see more value in rearranging binders then they should be taxed double and all the money should go towards the incels.

Furthermore no-fault divorces should be abolished because it is a feminist creation to assure women continuation of leeching while raising children improperly and without a care. Therefore women (absolute majority) which were in fault for their marriage failure should be obliged to pay alimony to fathers and children that he raises (single fathers raise children into well adjusted, ethical and healthy adults while single mothers raise kids to be prostitutes, homosexuals, criminals, manchildren and overall failures).

it's comical how little women contribute vs. how much they consume, they are a drain on the tax base and I doubt you could fix it through more taxation, because it seems their salaries are already paid for by taxing men's labor, meaning you're not generating value by taxing those women harder, just shuffling money around and creating more opportunities for bureaucratic corruption to steal parts of it, it being what was originally men's labor.

the solution would be for them to actually be wives instead of getting bullshit jobs that don't generate real value.

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