
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

stonetoss #wingnut #transphobia stonetoss.com

"Body Mods"

spoiler1st Panel: child duck-person being lead by the hand by an adult duck-person points towards a tattoo-shop
2nd Panel: adult duck-person says "you're not old enough for that"
3rd Panel: child duck-person is seen being lead by the hand by adult duck-person into a building labelled "Gender affirmation surgical clinic"

alt-text: Well, they ARE easier too undo...
Both will tell you something about their parenting.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Read about the bravest girl I know!
Meet the 18-year-old leading the fight to protect children form transgender surgeries

@RealMarjorieGreene The people mutilating and sterilizing children should be prosecuted.

The executions should be public.

There's no redemption for them. They cannot make their victims whole. Off with their heads.

@RealMarjorieGreene Transgenderism being pushed on children is just another form of antiwhitism.

@RealMarjorieGreene It's just infuriating, and really sad, that there wasn't an adult in the life stream path of this child. Not the 'parents', teachers, nurse, doctor, psychologist, hospital administrators, nobody. Every adult extracted something from this child, be it cash, pride, relief, affirming agenda, they all took from this child that they had no claim to. The adults were enriched while an innocent child paid the price.

@RealMarjorieGreene A tragedy. How could a parent, or the medical community, allow this to happen, child abuse. I applaud her passion in exposing this terrible trend being pushed by these evil creatures.

@RealMarjorieGreene Transgender does not exist. It’s a made up word.
University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas is
genetically biologically a male.
In other words, Lia Thomas is a man.

Pass Laws to protect children from these mentally ill people.

@RealMarjorieGreene sad how these demons use the ignorance of kids for their Guinea pig experiments....these "medical professionals" aught to be executed

I’m glad that she has the wherewithal to speak out, these butchers who do this represent a an industry making customers for life.
They should be strung up and left to die.

Candace Owens #transphobia #wingnut mediamatters.org

Submitter’s note: This is originally from the Daily Wire. Media Matters does not support Candace Owens, they just archive her assholery.

The Daily Wire's Candace Owens: “I actually think that society would be safer we discriminated more”

CANDACE OWENS (HOST): I definitely discriminate against men that paint their nails and wear dresses. I don't really care how you feel about that. You can wear your dress and you can paint your nails, but I'd prefer you keeping a hundred feet away from a playground and all of the feet away from my children and me. If I see you, I'm going to cross the street, if I'm with my kids.


So, all of this to say is, obviously discrimination is built into us for a reason. It's a survival mechanism, right? We want to survive. And so, when we get that feeling – my mother used to refer to it as the heebie-jeebies, when someone just gives you the heebie-jeebies – even if you can't quite put your finger on why – I think you need to lean into that.

And, I actually think that society would be safer if we discriminated more. What's happening now is insanity because they're telling us to accept everything.

Matt Walsh #transphobia mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host says trans people commit violence by using the bathroom: “Their very presence in that space is an act of violence in and of itself”

But it's also no surprise when we hear about incidences like this and we see acts of violence against women carried about by quote, unquote, trans people in bathrooms and locker rooms and so on, because how could it be a surprise? Their very presence in that space is an act of violence in and of itself. OK so, for a man to enter a private female space where females are vulnerable and exposed, that is an act of sexual harassment in and of itself. For a man to knowingly walk into a women's bathroom, that's sexual harassment - just to be there in the first place. You are an abuser simply by walking into the room.


I don't care if they're sincere or not. It's like either it’s a man pretending to be confused about his gender, or he's sincerely confused. Either way, doesn't make a difference. It's not suddenly better if the man is actually confused and he's going into the women's restroom. Because that's what we mean when we say sincerely or really trans. Trans as a category is imaginary, it's a human invention. So, there's no way to be really trans. But you can be really confused about your identity. That does exist. But either way, no matter what your intentions are or your motivations, being there in the first place is a problem. It's an act of violence. Your presence is an intrusion. It is abusive.

So, there is no question about whether men in the women's room are a threat. Are they a threat? Yes. How do I know? Because they're in the room. Because they're there. Just like if somebody walks into your house in the middle of the night. You know, you don't need to wonder if they're a threat. They're in your house. It doesn't matter what they do once they're inside -- I mean, it matters. They could make the situation even worse depending on how they behave once they get there. But my point is, by walking in the door, they're already perpetrating a violent and intrusive act. Same for men who walk into the women's room, the locker room. Just by walking in that door, that is an act of violence against the women that are in there. It is a threat. It is intimidation. This is all based around intimidation.

One Quick Post, behindyourightnow & Gramlol #moonbat #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(One Quick Post)
It's fucking hilarious that porn is the one area you're still allowed to be trans-exclusive, even if you're a progressive. No matter how loudly PornHub yells "trans pride" they know it'd be a business catastrophe to forcefully mix in tranny porn with the straight porn. It's created this funny dynamic where trans women are real women except for in porn in which case they get their own special category away from the rest of the women, isn't it weird how this can't be done in sports, changing rooms, etc?

I'd love an explanation from one of these coombrained progressives to why PornHub should be allowed to segregate trannies but UFC has to let them beat the shit out of women. It's a glaring double standard but it's not going anywhere because even the most staunch trans ally doesn't want to jerk off to them.

People have pointed out the same thing about Reddit: lesbian and women-focused subs are obliged to let in trannies or they get the banhammer, but lesbian porn subs? Completely dick free, and no one goes after them.

Forcing male troons into sports, changing rooms, girl scout organizations, lesbian communities, female prisons, etc, only hurts women. But forcing them into porn might hurt men (in the sense that someone's dick might feel sad) so it isn't done. Such a progressive movement.

Once something affects men then it becomes an actual problem, basically. Ever see a 'progressive' guy with a history of only dating women, date a transwoman? Would one of the Chapo guys date Keffals?
Yeah, no. They're all twaw until, you know, they're really not actually. It's all a larp that let's 'good guys' express sexism for woke points. Like dunking on white women, which is now woke too.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The Club Q shooter is going away for life no matter what. Hate crime charges wouldn't make a difference

( CryMeARiver )
Plenty of TIMs have raped and murdered women and children. None of the TRAs rushed to remove their trans status. So why was this person an exception? It's because they were actually ecstatic when this happened because they got to say, "see? we're the most victimized people in the world". They seized the opportunity to claim genocide and attack every right wing person they hate. They literally accused people of murder. After the shooter tried to identify into their group, a lot of these ghouls were left with egg on their faces. They're just trying to spin tales to cope and save face.

( pennygadget )
This! The TRAs were gleeful when this happened because they could finally have a legitimate claim to being victims of a mass hate crime. And they didn't even wait for the bodies to turn cold before blaming anyone who ever questioned their ideology of being personally responsible for this attack. Once this guy claimed gender-special status, it threw a wrench in their plans and they had to scramble to find an excuse why this person (and ONLY this person) lied about being trans for some personal benefit

( Carrots90 )
Because defending the narrative is important

Women and children are not

( SakuraBlossoms )

"He's claiming he's nonbinary to escape hate crime charges! He wants a reduced sentence!!!"

If it was a man claiming to be a woman to escape hate crime charges for murdering women, they'd have no problem with it. They'd call us slurs for not calling him his preferred pronouns. They fought for violent men to be able to claim to be anything they wanted. They achieved their goal and now they have regrets.

James Howard Kunstler #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #quack #conspiracy kunstler.com

Twitter’s senior ranks of content moderators included over a dozen former FBI and CIA agents and analysts who let child porn run loose all over the app while surgically removing any utterance contradicting the government’s claim that mRNA “vaccines” are “safe and effective” — not to mention the effort this elite crew expended against anyone objecting to the Woke-Left’s race and gender hustles.

Here’s another awful reality (better fasten your seatbelts): What also emerged in the tweet record of Yoel Roth, the company’s chief censor (former “Head of Trust and Safety”), begins to look like a gay mafia assault on the collective American psyche. Having gained official federal government sanction and protection, a statistically tiny homosexual demographic left in charge of the country’s main public forum has been out for revenge against their perceived enemy, political conservatives — Americans disinclined to join the cheerleading for drag queen story hours, “minor-attracted persons,” transsexuals in the military, and other LBGTQ cultural pranks.
Shocking, I’m sure… but there it is. That means the gay mafia also helped promote the most-deadly psy-op in world history: the Covid-19 scare and the mass “vaccination” crusade that will end up killing many millions world-wide, after destroying the economies of the Western Civ nations.
Lately the US has sent drones hundreds of miles inside Russia to blow up military airfields. How is that not an escalation of hostilities, and exactly how far do the American people want their government to take this crazy project?

Not a goshdarn inch further, the opinion polls indicate. We are apparently not quite so insane as to welcome nuclear annihilation, and we seem to recognize what might bring it on. And so, the dreadful realities of our time still stand before us, unmoved by all the mental illness they provoke, uninterested in our excuses for behaving so badly. Is there any way to face the hard facts?

Various Commenters #pratt #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: 4chan's Femboy Blackmail Cult

This story is actually true for 99% of trans people. Most of them were incels before the transition. Happened to a friend of mine

(Raspian Kiado)
It's not the only cult.

A lot of "progressive" groups are cults in the same fashion.

(Igor Kuras)
Maybe gas chambers were not as bad to use on others as history teachers are telling....

All femboys and mtfs being weirdo incels is the least surprising thing ever

(Drew Mead)
This shit is scary. Look at the world today. This cult quietly rose to power and took over the world, ushering in a catastrophe of castration

Stuff like this happens all the time though. This incident was just more wide scale.

I won't name the board or discord, but I was personally in one such discord that was run by a trans person who wanted to manipulate and groom the server into becoming traps, and had a few victims. Was also in one that shut down because the mod was grooming an underage girl into sending him feet pics. Also you don't want to see the shit that goes down in discords made by /trash/ generals. Actual human rights violations.

(Zan Jayna)
By 2024 this will be a legally mandated school curriculum.

(Dr funni)
Why I hate trans people

(Shaw Tucker)
As someone who use to identify as trans, this is the entire ideology in a nutshell: grooming vulnerable people.

(Forgot it.)
This ideology has overtaken American society


It's shit like this that gives the right perfect ammunition against the trans community.

>video not sucking off tro.ons
>it will cause murders
This is your brain on HRT


(Seven Deadly Chins)
The trans community is supplying the gun, the ammo and pointing the weapon at its own head. No one else can be blamed when a tentacle from the lunatic fringe happens to hit the trigger.

Pick one.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


The United States has no vital interest in Ukraine, yet we’ve shoveled in around 100 billion dollars to support Zelensky’s war there.

He always wants more and Biden is eager to give it to him. Ukraine’s borders are of vital importance to Dementia Joe, while our own borders rank as being unimportant. Old ice cream lips said as much a few days ago. If we had not sent a dime to Ukraine, the war would have been settled long ago. Zelensky would have ceded a Russian-populated Donbas region to Russia. He would have agreed not to join NATO. The threat of nuclear war could have been averted. Instead we have a cocky jerk demanding endless billions of dollars from American taxpayers while he lied about a missile hitting Poland.

Both Democrats and Republicans love to say it’s about protecting and spreading ‘democracy.’ That has always had a hollow ring to it and it has no ring at all when it comes to Ukraine. Zelensky is not running a democracy there—he’s a dictator who has had his political opponents arrested.

He has silenced opposition media. He has shut down Russian Orthodox churches and religious leaders. He is spreading war and corruption, not democracy. Some of the weapons sent to him by America have ended up being sold to African countries. Zelensky’s cronies are stealing massive amounts of unaccountable US taxpayer money and spending it on themselves.

No, it’s not about spreading democracy. It’s about spreading globalist control and Russia is in the way. They’ve gone to gold ruble and Putin doesn’t want the WEF to dictate to his citizens how things are going to be.

Russians don’t want to enter a new dark age via a digital currency and ‘green’ energy, nor do they want their children being groomed into becoming ‘woke’ trannies. They do not want to ‘eat the bugs.’

Thomas Müller #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia winterwatch.net

In May of 2015, Christie’s sold over a billion dollars in artwork in one week. One of the more notable pieces up for auction was Lucian Freud’s painting of naked U.K. Jobs Center clerk “Fat Sue” that sold for £35m ($56.2 million). Only in a satanic cult would this be considered a great art “investment.”

Only in a satanic cult would British royalty and world leaders openly cavort with convicted billionaire sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein and Jimmy Saville.

Only in a satanic cult would a convicted pedophile Keith Harding become the Worshipful Master and most senior member of the UK’s Freemason spies lodge.
Only in a satanic cult would the Boy Scouts be ruined by an infestation of pederasts.

Only in a satanic cult would the Roman Catholic Church pat out billions in claims and have it’s reputation tarnished by an infestation of pederasts.
Only in a satanic cult would the mainstream media overly focus and exploit a transgender hoax perpetrated by Bruce Jenner and his Kardashian brood. Jenner, one of the most masculine athletes on the planet in his heyday, has now stooped to promoting transgenderism and making men in general look like real schmucks.
And only in a satanic cult would a U.K. Prime Minister lash out at truthers, “anti-semites” and “haters” and label them akin to “terrorists.” Only understandable when one realizes Mr. Cameron and his cult have a lot to hide.
Only in a satanic cult would Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) propose a thinly veiled plan to deprogram what she calls a “spectrum” of sympathizers, conspiracy theorists, white supremacists and Neo-Nazis. Contempt and ugly malicious power displays are in vogue with this posse.

“Thoughtcrime” is an Orwellian neologism used to describe an illegal thought. A thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs, judgments or doubts that oppose or question Ingsoc.

Ultimately ignoring the negative and bad is an extension of New Age solipsist deception and is fundamentally immoral behavior.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Colorado gay club shooter is NON-BINARY and uses they/ them pronouns, lawyer says - as it's revealed estranged father is MMA fighter and PORN STAR named 'Dick Delaware'

( overanddone )
Even if the they/them is faking non-binary to escape hate crime laws, we can use it. “You mean men might fake self-ID?” “You mean men might might fake it to get out of male wards/prisons?” “You mean men might fake it to win at women’s sports?”

Destroys the “this never happens”.

( pennygadget )
Now that self ID is finally hurting the TQs, maybe this shit will be curbed.

Then again, I wouldn't put it past them to take the L on this Club Q thing in order to stay the course on getting men like Dana Rivers into women's prisons. The TQs have no shame nor any sense of self reflection. They'll either do their best to bury this story or find a way to blame us TERFs for this guy faking NB status

( Hera )
I mean. This is literally what happens to our (LGB...and in this case, even the T) communities when we let delusional men run rampant without criticism. It's almost like incel hard right moid logic and delusional they/them I'm A Magic Gender D!e Terfs logic are the same thing painted in different colors hmmmmm...

( assignedpooratbirth )
Tempted to go back into LGBTQIACOLESLAW+ spaces and really push this one. Oh you HAVE to respect their gender and pronouns otherwise you are making your other nonbinary friends feel unsafe and disrespected! You don’t know their gender! You know all the TERFs are calling them a he, you’re a TERF if you don’t respect their gender — since having anything in common with GC women is the ultimate sin in TRA spaces.

( OneStarWolf )
Even if it is, it doesn’t matter. This highlights how stupid it is to integrate any form of self id or gender ideology into our laws. No one can prove whether he is lying or not, that’s the dogma, the essence of gender religion. “Believe who they say they are!”

It’s an ideological loophole and easily abused by men to the detriment of women and girls in particular. Males should never be put into female prisons, spaces, or sports because of exactly this problem.

Dr. John A. Duncan Ph.D. #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #quack #mammon amazon.com

Identity theft is a real problem that has a significant impact as the loss is costly in ways that reach far beyond an economic one — as vital as that is. The more consequential loss is when persons are robbed of their identity given at birth because there is the compromising of one’s most precious commodity — our personal identity — that one thing that sets us apart from others. Our current suicide rate is a testimony against present-day approaches for dealing with the issues, which are rooted in the hearts of men, while only dealing with the mind, the will, and the emotions of man, and not the heart and will of God. So, when individuals are not walking out the destiny connected to their God-ordained purpose, they are often blind to who they were created to be and instead become a poor copy of someone else. "Homosexuality: The Ultimate Manifestation of Identity Theft" has been written to address the mishandling of the current crisis that exists today among the genders, with the knowledge that the dissonance experienced cannot be quieted with all the acceptance one can find. We must rediscover God’s purpose for the two sexes . . . and there must be a return to the Maker’s original intent when He made them male and female.

Gaedhal #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Pathological homosexuality"]

The radical trans-exclusionary feminists are usually full-throated supporters of homosexuality

Again, it is not my intention to whip up violent hatred either against Trannies or homosexuals. We have had internet pornography launched at us—by Jews—as a psychological weapon for thirty years now. Trannies and homosexuals are victims of this. Trannies and homosexuals who mind their own business have my deep respect and sympathy. I wish them no harm or ill will

Who voted for thirty years of internet pornography? Nobody did. Fuck democracy. Do you think that Hitler would allow this?

That being said, Gluck’s arguments that transanity is Pornogenic, i.e. a pathology created through porn use could easily be used with homosexuals. Pornography, as she says, is like heroin. You need harder and more concentrated doses of it to achieve the same effect. You start off with the nude women of Playboy. Before long, it is scat porn. It is lactation porn. It is gangbang porn. Some years go by, and then it is gay porn, then it is transexual porn. Some years go by and then it is so called “child porn”[…]
Trannies are at the stage in their porn addiction, according to Gluck, where they need trans porn to be sexually stimulated. Trannies aren’t quite at the “child porn” stage. In my view, though, homosexuals are only one stage behind the trannies, and only two stages behind the paedophiles

If Gluck advances pornogenesis and the contagion model for transanity, then why cannot I advance pornogenesis and the contagion model for homosexuality? If Gluck says that Trannies are on a trajectory that leads inexorably to paedophilia, then why cannot I say that homosexuals are merely one step behind trannies on this same trajectory? If transanity spreads by social contagion, according to Gluck, then why cannot I say the same thing about homosexuality?

Russian Government #fundie #homophobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #psycho #transphobia thebulwark.com

[The Russian government has introduced new] legislation, which was passed unanimously, prohibits all public speech or actions deemed to be “directed at promoting nontraditional sexual norms,” to propagandize the “attractiveness” of same-sex relationships or gender transition, or to encourage “distorted notions of the social equivalency of traditional and nontraditional sexual relations.” The ban covers all media, from internet sites to journalism to literature, arts and entertainment including video games. While there are no criminal penalties, violators will pay steep fines: 50,000 to 400,000 rubles for individuals (in a country where the average monthly wage is between 50,000 and 60,000 rubles); 100,000 to 800,000 rubles for public officeholders; and 800,000 to 5 million rubles for companies, which can also be shut down for up to 90 days. Foreign lawbreakers can be not only deported but held in detention for up to 15 days. Films and television shows will be barred from release if found to have prohibited LGBT content, and Russia’s powerful federal communications supervision agency, the Roskomnadzor, will be empowered to block “LGBT propaganda” websites without a court order.

According to the principal architect of the new law, Duma member Aleksandr Khinshtein: “The special military operation is taking place not only on the battlefield, but also in people’s minds and souls. Today, in fact, we are fighting to ensure that Russia, as the president puts it, does not have “parent number one, parent number two, and parent number three” instead of Mom and Dad. It is obvious that our confrontation with the West is largely civilizational in nature. That’s because Russia is an outpost for the protection and preservation of traditional values in opposition to the new pseudo-values imposed by the West, first and foremost being the normalization of sexual deviancy.”

Tom Shackleford #transphobia #sexist #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Tom’s Trans Classification System"]

If you’re feeling optimistic, I’d like to point out that in any society where trannies pop up on a timeline, calamity is coming next. History tends to be rather cyclical so this isn’t the first iteration of trannies, although it would definitely seem to be the most pervasive and severe. What I’m noticing is there are a set of archetypes in male trannies[…]
We have the Trolling Tranny. He just puts on female clothes one day, changes his name and that seems to be about it. One can infer that they get off on being able to do this to people and there’s nothing anybody can say about it but praise. This would be the Admiral Rachael Levine type[…]There used to be a bunch of comedies made out of a man dressing as a woman, which people seem to forget[…]
Next, is the Sincere Tranny. This is where it gets really creepy, even if you can’t articulate where this stuff is coming from and why, this type inspires great unease and visceral disgust in a healthy man. They get the surgeries, take the hormones and do their best to look like a woman. This often ends in suicide

Next, we have the Demonic Tranny. This type presents himself in the most jarring way possible, juxtaposing male and female features combined with makeup to accentuate his sinister aura. Sure, it’s a troll, but not to get a laugh

The fourth category would simply be what I call the Child Attacker Tranny, often described by themselves as “drag queens”[…]They conduct sexual assault operations against libraries, outdoor events, restaurants and bars, schools, and even nursing homes. They are now being paired with ANTIFA auxiliary units as public outrage continues to grow

The identity of a male tranny is based exclusively on his sex drive and perversions, while female trannies focus on how they are special, unique, and complex. This is because they believe that they deserve more attention than they were receiving as a normal woman

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy gab.com

(Lauren Witzke)
Europe is going to freeze and starve in order to bring tranny grooming hour to Ukraine.

That's the current foreign policy.


I have no sympathy for a population that allowed the tyrants of Europe to guide Europe into an elite Reset.

You can't feel sorry for people who pushed and allowed, Germany, their own energy production to be shut down and cheered on Merkel's mass Muslim immigration into Germany.

Nor can you feel sorry for the now constant bombs, the grang warfare or the stabbings going on in Switzerland because of Muslim immigration into Switzerland. Prior to the Muslim immigration into Switzerland, Switzerland was quite peaceful.

Nor can you feel sorry for French citizens when Africans who are not French citizens demand entry into France.

You see the pattern in Europe and see the beginnings of that pattern replication here in the US via zombie Joe Senile Biden under whose watch has allowed 2 million illegal aliens into the USA, but not eve 50 illegal aliens into Martha's Vineyard.

Worse Zelensky has become a dictator in Ukraine so there is no Ukrainian democracy to defend from Putin only a Ukrainian dictatorship to which inexplicably Biden and Congress funnel billions of US tax dollars.

Dictator Putin is invading dictator Zelenskyy's Ukraine whom dictator Biden is helping to inch towards a nuclear war.

Worse it has been revealed that Bitch Senile Biden threw a Biden wrench into the peace talks between Putin and Zelenskyy.

These crises are manufactured. If Biden really wanted peace, Biden would have let the peace negotiations proceed.

But as we all know and have seen Biden is senile so it cannot be Joe Alzheimer's Biden that is actually running the executive branch since Jan 2021.

Europe is the test run.

@LaurenWitzkeDE that's what happens when your ruled by ZOG it's their priorities first not the host countries

@LaurenWitzkeDE EU is suicidal.

They've allowed MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS to invade their nations.

behindyourightnow #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

This isn't the first time I've seen FTMs afraid of being in male spaces - it's like deep down they realize they are women and men are men, and are still afraid of men, and can't help but express that, but if you press them for details, they'll never say exactly why they're afraid, because it would mean admitting they they're women.

Which is exactly why they make such great victims. Transmen are constantly being targeted by MtF predators who know that this type of victim will have a hard time admitting they're being abused in the exact same way male abusers always abuse their female partners, because if they admit that it might destroy the illusion that they're a genuine manly bro-dude.

I know this has been said a million times but I just cannot get over how goddamn female Aidens are. There are so many writers who don't have a particular male or female writing style (this varies across genres, obviously) and yet every paragraph written by every Aiden screams female so loud it might as well be written in sparkly pink gel pen on unicorn stationery.

Look at those two women in the AO3 comments examining their feelings together! And examining the feelings of story characters. And making sure to flatter the feelings of males who aren't even in the conversation by asserting to each other that of course they support transwomen in women's bathrooms. (Even though males are dangerous to women, which is why transmen are not safe in male bathrooms...)

How many times do you see transwomen studiously reminding each other mid-conversation that transmen have needs too and must not be excluded from consideration? Fucking lol.

Canadian Anon #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Why do leftists claim to represent science while being so ignorant of biology and genetics?

They hate biology. They hate the fact that there are different genders and races determined by genes. They hate that differences in IQ and other abilities are strongly affected by DNA. They even hate that obesity is bad for your health and deny that too.

Why are leftoids anti-biology?

Do you have a PhD in biology anon? Why are you so sure you know what you're talking about?

nobody cares if a fancy man in a white lab coat with a fancy piece of paper lies about health info to protect his ass from woke ideology getting him fired because he's a coward
>appeal to authority fallacy, tiresome etc

Yeah, fuck off with your distorted view of the scientific "establishment". The idea with the most evidence at any given time is the one that is most supported by academia. There is no significant link between IQ and race, not a genetic one anyway. There is a difference between sex and gender. Cope and seethe.

>muh appeal to authority fallacy

It's not an appeal to authority. It's me saying that no matter what proof you come up with to relate genetic IQ and race it will have already been explained 30 years ago.

>my fallacy isn't actually a fallacy - let's unpack this!

Ginger & UndergroundLesbian #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TRAs enraged by their own arguments

( Ginger )
Funny how all the commenters talking about the shooter over on Reddit have no problems assuming his pronouns and calling him "he."

I guess the whole "aCsHtUaLlY... THEY use they/them pronouns. I know they're a monster, but if we misgender we're no better than them" song and dance ONLY applies when they target women.

( UndergroundLesbian )

guess the whole "aCsHtUaLlY... THEY use they/them pronouns. I know they're a monster, but if we misgender we're no better than them" song and dance ONLY applies when they target women.

Literally LMAO. Just look how they defended Chris Chan’s supposed identity as a trans lesbian, and would go haywire if you dared to use he/him when it came out that he raped his mother. Now they’re angry that the shooter is being associated with their side.

( Ginger )
"Why would a trans person attack a queer bar?"

Good question. While we're on the topic, why would they attack and ostracize their own like Blaire White, Buck Angel, and any other trans-identifying person who dares to question the current brand of transideology?

"He's identifying as NB for less serious charges!"

But the woman-beating, kidnapping, groomer Ezra Miller is completely genuine though, right?

"It's suspicious that this only came out after the shooting!"

Right, just like it's suspicious Liam Thomas came out after swimming right in the middle of his collegiate swim career. Seems like he KNEW he only had two more years left he could actually be competitive...

"He was identifying as a man two years ago!"

Again... Liam Thomas

Róisín Michaux #transphobia 4w.pub

These Men Were Promised Lesbians
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/TCJ$N6R5HY$68 )
“When those laws will take away other people’s rights,” says Joyce, “it is not only unnecessary to build public awareness. It is imperative to keep the public in the dark.” If only #NoDebate hadn’t been the strategy, these men might have found out earlier that there would be no women waiting for them on the other side of their divorce.

Who egged on the incels?
In a 2019 study, only 3.1% of straight (and non-trans) people were willing to date a trans person. Lesbians were more likely to be game, though it turned out that their willingness only extended to natal women. And in news that would have shocked not a single female – had any of us been consulted – it turns out almost nobody wants to date trans women.

The author of the study, Karen L Blair, was apparently keen to toe the delusional line. She blamed “explicit transprejudice,” and our alleged tendency to view trans people as “unfit, mentally ill, or subhuman.” She said those who denied attraction to trans people simply have “a lack of understanding or knowledge about what it means to be a transgender man or woman, and therefore, what it would mean to date a trans person.”

We're simply not trying hard enough, she says, because “it is one thing to make space for trans people within our workplaces, schools, washrooms, and public spaces, but it is another to see them included within our families and most intimate of spaces, our romantic relationships.”

And the chilling conclusion: “We won’t be able to say, as a society, that we are accepting of trans citizens until they are also included within our prospective dating pools.”

Incels, meaning involuntarily celibate men, have always existed. But nobody threw parades for them, and bigotry wasn't blamed for their unfulfilled desires. Women were. And now, again, it's our fault these men are all alone in their disgusting flats. Gender euphoria is temporary. Woman hatred is eternal.

Róisín Michaux #transphobia 4w.pub

These Men Were Promised Lesbians
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/W9RG.5BJY$S6K )

Being cruel to #BeKind
Trans women often end up dating each other, even finding real happiness in the arrangement - though for heterosexual men it rarely seems like their first choice. The relationships they have with actual women are more often than not the wives who decided to stick around, or young “queer” women living their truth that TWAW (trans women are women).

Many try out the chasers (ostensibly straight men, but with a fetish for transgender women) before swearing off them. They might try the dating scene as openly trans, before eventually, inevitably, getting creative with the truth. Sometimes they are successful, in which case they are ecstatic, which only serves to deepen the sadness of the other men in the groups.

But as they burn through their options, the sense of desperation often deepens.


And then comes the dawning realisation that everyone has been lying to them, which is when the anger begins to build: “Feeling crappy about my looks from trying to date. 3 years of hormones, FFS and still I get brushed off immediately because they can clock me....and don’t want to be with a transgender woman.”

The political hugboxing of AGPs
A civil rights movement is one in which you win hearts and minds. You convince people to give rights to those who didn’t have them before, as Helen Joyce puts it in her excellent book Trans:when ideology meets reality. The process, which usually takes decades or more, has been sped up in the case of “trans” people. “You might think it a good thing that such a delay is a thing of the past,” says Joyce. “But in fact it’s an indication that transactivism is not a civil rights movement at all.”

Gay rights, female enfranchisement, and desegregation took ages, and had to be built from the ground up via speeches and rallies where the favour of majorities was won. Only then did these movements take their cases to the courts. Trans activists went straight to the politicians, avoiding the painstaking process of convincing women to extend access to their spaces, identities and bodies.


Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Fallen Men Will Choose to be Willing Servants of Evil Absent the Social Reign of Christ the King"]

Catholics continue to believe in the political equivalent of the tooth fairy even though the scions of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist “right” continue to betray the cause of both natural and supernatural truth[…]
A dozen hapless agents of evil in the Republican Party, led[…]by the follower of a false religion[…]Mitt Romney, voted[…]to advance debate on a bill to codify[…]Obergefell v. Hodges[…]
The modern civil state[…]product of Protestant Revolution’s overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the subsequent rise of Judeo-Masonry[…]
Divorce led to contraception, which led to a rise in adultery, divorce[…]broken families[…]rise of the welfare state and its agenda of alienating children from their parents. Contraception also led to the surgical execution of children in the womb[…]
Those who know to commit sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance carried with them a fully justified stigma[…]Actors such as Raymond Burr[…]entertainers such as[…]Liberace never confirmed their perverse ways[…]
It is not unjust for an employer to refuse to hire or to fire someone who is so intent on identifying himself by that which is opposed to the law of God[…]
Death, not “brotherhood”[…]was what Pope Saint Pius V[…]believed should be imposed on the clergy as well as the laity who were caught[…]
I am not suggesting the revival of this penalty in a world where it would not be understood and where the offender would be made a "martyr"[…]
Consider the reactions of a few careerist Republicans to[…]Bostock v. Clayton County[…]Sodomites and those who have undergone various surgeries and used various chemicals to “transform” themselves into something that is an ontological impossibility

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia descentbb.net

Just curious who here approves of pedophilia. I ask because there seems to be more acceptance of it by the left. Examples are the changing of name pedophilia to "minor attracted person" and the taking of kids to drag show. The latest is the manufacture of Bondage Teddy bears by Balenciaga. Don't hear much criticism by such left leaning rags like the New York Times or the Washington Post. I have to wonder why the interest in sexualizing kids? Can't we leave even children alone without trying to manipulate them in the guise of trying to improve their lives. Heaven knows we fucked up enough other things under the same ideology.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TRAs enraged by their own arguments
( Chronicity )
It’s the Ontario shop teacher dilemma all over again.

Take the guy at his word that he’s trans and you’re admitting that the priestly caste contains criminals, perverts, and nutcases who don’t deserve the priestly status your movement demands.

Refuse to take the guy at his word that he’s trans and you’re doing exactly what TERFs do: treating him like any other member of his sex regardless of his expressed identity.

What amazes me is that so many of them cannot see the catch 22 themselves. They are just reacting to the news without thinking any of it through. It’s a reminder that they don’t have the capacity to keep this con going for very long. Developments like this really put a strain on their cognitive defenses; it’s like they are in a progressively worsening immunocompromised state while the world keeps bombarding them with virulent pathogens. Days are numbered.

( urprettymuchnuthin )
I've been commenting on reddit how this guy is 'non-binary' and have been getting downvoted for no reason. They don't like having their beliefs challenged. It's like "the only real trans are the ones who don't cause problems for us"

Such hypocritical bs.

( rationalmind )
I hope you’re right that the days are numbered with this ideology.

( vulvapeople )

Why would a trans person attack a queer bar?

A TIM in Canada set fire to a pride flag several years ago. Homophobia is extremely common among TIPs, including the gay ones since they're trying to escape their sex and sexuality.

The arson was investigated as a hate crime until the police discovered a TIM did it.

( Itzpapalotl )
Their whole ideology is insanely homophobic. They hate the fact that same sex attracted people don’t want them, despite their special gender.

They seem to hate people who are happy with themselves in their natural state... LGB rights are about accepting people for who they are whereas the TQ is all about forcing people to pretend you are something you are not.

Róisín Michaux #transphobia 4w.pub

These Men Were Promised Lesbians

Whose idea was it to tell heterosexual men that they could change their wardrobe and the world would see them as women? A non-exhaustive list: your local government, your national government, your federal government, your national broadcaster, the HER app, and your local arts centre.

Any time women made it known that, as one half of a sexually dimorphic species, we can spot the phenotypical traits of men before we clock literally anything else about them, we were shouted down, expelled, fired or attacked. But the threats did nothing to change our innate sexual attraction.

The grimmest places on earth

The end result is a lot of lonely, unhappy “transbians.” Promised by all of our major institutions that only raging bigots would see through their fancy dress, they gather on internet fora and post through the stages of grief. Incredibly, the first of those stages is often surprise.

Peppered among the sexy selfies in divorced-dad apartments, in Facebook groups like “Transgender Lesbians” and “How to girl” and the subreddits r/MtF, r/AskTransgender, and r/MTFSelfieTrain, they run the gauntlet from hope to shock to despair to rage. The following unedited and unlinked quotes are just a sample:


What gives? They got their official girl-certificate, they have little nubbins of boobs, and everyone in the office is forced to call them “she”. So why does nobody want to date them? Trans "women" rarely pass. And yet society has invested heavily in convincing them that they can.


actualdyke , RawSienna & RisingUp #transphobia ovarit.com

( actualdyke )
TRAs enraged by their own arguments
After the Club Q shooter was revealed to be nonbinary, the usual suspects on TIM activist twitter have been screeching about it all day, and it's SO fucking incredible to watch how their desperate arguments are immediately negated by their OWN ideology.

"Why would a trans person attack a queer bar?" Why do so many transwomen kill women, then, if being part of a group should automatically include not killing people of that same group?

"He's just identifying as NB for less serious charges!" Oh but I thought that it was impossible and "never happens" that anyone would identify as trans for a lighter sentence. Don't y'all argue that trans people are MORE persecuted in law? Why would NB grant him privilege if you don't admit that trans people are a protected caste?

"It's suspicious that this only came out after the shooting!" But we're not allowed to question the hundreds of transwomen who miraculously discover their gender identity after being charged with crimes?

"He was identifying as a man two years ago!" And Dylan Mulvaney was a man 200 years ago. Does that mean he's not valid?

And all of their arguments can simply be shut down by their own beloved mantra: "trans people are who they say they are."

We're only following the rules YOU have set out. In accordance with your ideology his gender identity must be respected no matter his crime, misgendering him is just as bad as the crime, and his self identity is 100% valid regardless of literally anything.

The schadenfreude watching them have to face the inanity and illogic of their own ideology is delicious.

( RawSienna )
Watching these degenerates being held to the rules of their own incoherent playbook is satisfying. Nobody’s buying their bullshit, either.

The rhetoric in general since Musk took over is hitting a fever pitch. I think we’re witnessing the early parts of an extinction burst. They’ve lost narrative control and they are fucking desperate now.

( RisingUp )
I’m surprised so many people assume he’s trolling with the “nonbinary” shit, not just TRAs but even women on here.

Why is anyone making that assumption? I think unhinged violent TIMs are far more common than right wing homophobic hate crimes - my default assumption is that he sincerely regards himself as genderspecial.

several Doomer Boards members #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

Some tr@nny idiot is reposting based comments from Coomer boards to his shitty libtard kiwi farms copycat with six active users, skipping his dilation schedule again. Oh no!

Hey "DSC" since I know you're reading this, go post some more of my comments. I have some based ones too and I see they're shamefully underrepresented on your shitty website. The one where I show girls at the club my medical record was funny as fuck until 40oz made me edit it to please the proboards jannies. Or the numerous quality threads I made about my cock and anus.

i'm glad to see myself there. maybe i should produce more quality content for their shitty site, so they'll have at least some decent posts.

These people have yet to prove they're actually against harassment, btw.
Not sure why they hate Kiwi Farms so much since their site is literally Kiwifarms' unattractive bugman cousin.

Sam Sorbo #fundie #wingnut #transphobia stream.org

The whole woke thing, the CRT, that’s the critical race theory, and the transgender movement, and the 1619 project, which is a bunch of lies, right? All of that is its own religion. And Christians have to wake up and understand we are at war. It’s a war of two religions, the Judeo-Christian religion, and the other religion, which is the antithesis of that in every way, shape or form.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

'Potential problem with self-ID'. Ya think?

( overanddone )
Potential problem?

How many self-ID'd male prisoners are housed in female institutions as of now? And you "just" noticed the potential problem?

(only when it touches you, is it a problem, eh?)

( LOriginedumonde )
We need to quickly compile all of the evidence of men self IDing as trans and being moved to the women’s prison in a concise way. This is the perfect opportunity to bring awareness while everyone’s attention is on the topic.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Interesting that for all of their identifying as the most oppressed people ever, this person also clearly understands that declaring yourself trans after committing a crime can be used as a ploy to...receive lighter consequences (ie expect better treatment from the institutional justice system). Mask slip moment there, a lot like the TIMs who talk about how they drop the act and use their real voices when they feel threatened by other men, because they know it's safer to 'out' themselves as trans to a strange man than to be presumed a normal-ass woman.

( hmimperialtortie )
Not only get better treatment, but be handed more victims on a plate.

( BJ581 )
Except there is literally no information right now to suggest that this guy doesn’t legitimately believe he is non-binary or that this is some sort of defense strategy, other than wishful thinking. He will spend the rest of his life in prison. At this point the only thing he stands to gain is maybe ending up in a women’s prison? Then it would make more sense to claim to be a woman. It’s not like they’re halfway through the trial and he announced a pronoun change. This is the initial court documents where his “identity” was declared as non-binary. These people going on about it as a defense strategy and he’s faking are literally just hoping because they want him to be right wing, no evidence has suggested that. For now, if you believe non-binary is a real thing, you are breaking your own rules by not accepting that. I’m glad I don’t do these mind games with myself. No motive has been released, no suggestion that his lawyer is lying about his client has been evidenced.


Maria Keffler #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Blindsided when a child suddenly announces a transgender identity, many parents today find their families under assault by an insidious predator: the billion-dollar gender industry. “Do you want a live son (daughter) or a dead daughter (son)?” Nearly every parent whose child has fallen into the gender industry’s clutches has heard the same emotionally manipulative threat: agree to your child’s immediate social and medical transition, or prepare for the child’s suicide. Schools, healthcare providers, politicians, and an aggressive activism machine are coercing people—and especially children—down a destructive path of medicalization in the name of transgender medicine. Caught in the maelstrom of gender identity politics, medical experimentation, and a cultural zeitgeist that paints the family as an oppressor, parents are lied to from every quarter, and told they must consent to their children’s gender transition and medicalization. But there is a different—and saner—path. A growing cadre of parents are saying, “No,” to the gender machine’s unethical and deceptive narrative. Based on sound principles of psychology and child development, as well as on strategies used by parents who have pulled their children back from the gender cult’s destructive ideology, Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult provides a roadmap to help families navigate the treacherous terrain of gender indoctrination, and bring their children back to reality and safety

Matt Walsh #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #quack sciencebasedmedicine.org

“What is a woman” is a documentary directed by far-right activist Matt Walsh, where he goes around interviewing various people asking them their definition of what a woman is.

When interviewing members of the African Maasai tribe, Walsh is told that in their culture, men and women have separate roles, men can’t become women, and trans people don’t exist. The tribe laughs when Walsh asks, “What if a woman has a penis?” Walsh adds, “In my country, I can’t go a day without hearing that”. The Maasai tribe’s answer to what a woman is, is that a woman delivers babies; a man cannot. Walsh concludes from this encounter, “It’s clear that gender ideology is a uniquely Western phenomenon”. He’s not entirely wrong, but not for the reasons he thinks. “Gender ideology” is a buzzword originated by anti-LGBTQ activists in Europe. It is neither an academic term nor an actual political movement. However, it is presented as a movement led by LGBTQ and feminist activists intent on upending the “traditional family” and “natural order” of society. The fear-mongering of “gender ideology” is grounded in two beliefs: first, that LGBTQ people somehow threaten Christian values and the traditional family, and, second, that men and women should follow antiquated gender roles, lest they corrupt society.

Interestingly, Walsh interviewed members of just one out of 3,000 tribes in Africa and no one else from any other culture outside of the U.S. This comes across as some spectacular cherry-picking that is unrepresentative of the diversity of beliefs and practices involving gender in the world. It is also unclear to us whether Walsh is aware that the Maasai tribe also has a tradition of female genital cutting. Though the practice is, thankfully, becoming increasingly uncommon, the ritual persists in some communities and is used to prepare girls as young as ten years old for marriage. This seems incongruous with Walsh’s mission: as he states in a clip from his appearance on The Dr. Phil Show, “I care about the truth, so basic truth matters, I want to live in a society where people care about the truth, I care about children”. It’s hard not to wonder if Walsh actually approves of a society in which gender roles are so rigidly constrained that girls are required to undergo genital cutting to enforce them.

pennygadget , Stealthygal & mittimithai #transphobia ovarit.com

Contrapoints on CNN: “It was obvious with the mug shot, that’s a man” while referring to Club Q shooter

( pennygadget )

"If he were non-binary, why would he attack his own community?"

That's a good question. Why don't we ask that question to all the totally valid trans-women who are currently in women's prisons for raping and/or killing members of the female community!

For real, fuck this guy. I can tell from looking at HIM that he's also a man no matter how much makeup he puts on or whatever silly girl voice he attempts. They've forced us women to go along and use female pronouns for horrible TIMs like Ezra Miller, Jonathan Yaniv, Dana Rivers, Karen White, Synthia Blast, etc. Now these fuckers need to practice what they preach and go along with whatever bullshit identity Mx Shooter claims to have. And if they don't, they should be swiftly banned from Twitter and other mainstream outlets for misgendering

Eat karma, you hypocritical clowns!

( Stealthygal )

If he were non-binary, why would he attack his own community?

For all kinds of reasons, like, he's an incel, he's fucked up by his porn star dad and cyer bullying when he was a teen, Being trans or NB or any other kind of fancy identity does not automatically make you nice.

Why would a school shooter attack his own community? Why are some transwomen rapists? Why do some women commit infanticide? Why are some people assholes? FOR REASONS

( mittimithai )
The demented gender/LGBTQ+++ cult itself is the one bringing clownery and disgrace to the horrific death of 5 people.

Anonymous #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Conspiracies only you believe in

>The brain eating amoeba is far more common in the water supply than authorities are admitting and cases of infection are blamed on menningitis and the overall increase in infections will be blamed on Global Warming and not infastructure collapse. It may also be intentional to cause a mass panic.

>Erotic novels with retarded premises are actually a form of money laundering

>Hatsune Miku is a weird AI psyop and possibly Yoko's Basilisk or a prototype of some sort

>Glowniggers legitimately hate the liminal spaces trend for unknown reasons

>The CIA used Transgenderism (literal castrati) to subvert and metaphorically castrate the the libertine Tech industry.

>The recent Netflix Ghost In The Shell series is predictive programming

>The Simpsons was intentionally made shittier after Groening refused to play ball. TBTB legit feared the cultural influence of both it and the X-Files

>Female goddesses were deliberately co-opted by the extreme left to stymie their power into perverse worship of menstral blood and infantcide

Allie Beth Stuckey #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Adolescents assigned female at birth account for a significant majority of minors receiving gender-affirming care, including top surgery, fueling debate about the influence of peer groups and social media

Since we need a translator of dystopian nonsense these days:

Vulnerable, confused girls are getting pressured by TikTok, Tumbler & Reddit to cut their breasts off & get testosterone, rendering them even more mentally unstable and their bodies infertile.

Crime against humanity.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
We must protect our children’s innocence and STOP the Democrats’ radical sexualization and barbaric genital mutilation of kids

@RealMarjorieGreene Welcome to National Socialism. This is the VERY THINGS Adolf Hitler fought against. If you werent so damned hardheaded, you would recognize this too, but it will take you and all other like minds to break from the jew lies that vilified Hitler and the German people under his leadership. THIS is what ”Nazi” ( a derogatory label given National Socialists by a jew) looks like, fighting for the right side of things. SIEG HEIL! ⚡️🤚🏻⚡️

Learn the truth about WWI-WWII and about who is doing these things to our children and why.

I agree. What kind of idiot would promote this?

@RealMarjorieGreene Who's behind these movements Marjorie? Who initiated them and funded them?

@NomosClub @RealMarjorieGreene In no Particular order,
Democrat/communists, Big George Sorass, all globalist, one world order supporters…….

@RealMarjorieGreene yep

@RealMarjorieGreene when I was in school these questions NEVER EVER came up. Not my teachers and certainly not by students. It wasn’t even on our radar. Especially at the elementary age. This is grooming and child sec abuse and nothing else.

@RealMarjorieGreene fascist.

Not far enough. Get all faggotry out of schools and media.

littleowl12 #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

Some armchair psychology about the "nonbinary" club shooter and why I had a feeling

Not to pretend I'm psychic and amazeballz, but when I saw this club shooting I had a feeling it wasn't some Proud Boy or Christian Conservative. For a few reasons. Let alone us. As awful as those guys are, as-of-yet other groups have, in recent years, committed a lot of homophobic violence. The Orlando nightclub shooter was an Afghan whose family was sympathetic to the Taliban. He grew up hearing violent rhetoric from his family and the people his family associated with. From the time he was little. Every day. It wasn't just bigotry. It's was the Taliban's fetishization of violence. Their collective addiction to it.

What would nonbinary/trans have in common with a Taliban extremist?


From what I can see, violent rhetoric is a big part of trans and non-binary culture. They now outnumber the "truscum" like Blaire White or Buck Angel. They watch tons of porn, violent media, and preferably violent porn. They are often fascinated with Antifas where they practice confrontation and violence. They take selfies with knives, guns, and bats. They write up grotesque fantasies of what violence they'd like to commit against others. (Especially against women). They share these fantasies and get praised. They give each other tips on what to do and how to do it.

As a result, most people don't like them. But we can't have THAT, now, can we? They believe they are entitled to a warm welcome wherever they go, because they are the Righteous Ones. They don't accept that rejection is part of life, and in many instances, reasonable. They believe they should be off-limits from accountability from outsiders. They only self-flagellate for each other. So even if they are told "you can't come here because of your scary behavior" they immediately believe they are being wronged. They are the righteous, beautiful group, others are the sinful, ugly group, so others need to obey.


Laura Wood #transphobia thinkinghousewife.com

[From "A Case of Economic Dysphoria"]

FOR A LONG TIME, I have felt like a billionaire trapped in a middle class person’s body

This psychological condition is so intractable, it must be innate. It has caused me acute distress, especially lately because I need a billion dollars so that I can give it all away to people I know could really use it. I could make a big difference if I had those bucks

I just have this feeling. This inescapable feeling. I’m a billionaire, or maybe just a millionaire, but society refuses to recognize me as such. Yesterday, I was so surprised at the bill at the grocery store that I was overcome by a dysphoric attack of great intensity. I was trapped in a social construct — an economic identity assigned at birth without my consent

The bank refuses to recognize me as a billionaire. Car dealers, utility companies, the construction industry — they all refuse to see the truth. That’s discrimination. Just because I don’t have millions doesn’t mean that inside, where it really counts, I’m not loaded. No foundations or organized psychologists are out there to help people like me transition to the super rich

The world is a cruel place. I know a man who lives in a tiny mobile home, all because he is an unrecognized billionaire. His suffering is totally ignored. Maybe those who share the same disorder can someday organize. We should make our plight known because as things stand we are a horribly persecuted minority. It’s not necessary that we be given billions. Not at all. But we definitely need to be treated by everyone, especially banks and retailers, as if we have them

1 God's Warrior✝️ / @InfantryMan3 #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

Err... Actually is NOT the "religion" who 'loves' (does) to rape young men, it's the #Homosexuals and any other #Sodomites who has infiltrated that religion to destroy it from within; just exactly how this 'Pope Francis" has done (he is the Sodomite Honcho), and who, also, are "proudly" represented in the #LGTBQ community...

Say's the guy whose religion loves to rape young men?

Unnamed Argentinian football fans #racist #transphobia sportsfuat.com

A few days before the start of the World Cup, Argentinian fans sang a racist song aimed at the Blues in general and Kylian Mbappé in particular

Four years after the World Cup in Russia, the scar is not closed. Eliminated by France in the round of 16, Argentina has still not digested this defeat marked with the seal of Kylian Mbappewho revealed himself to the world by signing a capital performance with two goals and a penalty kick[…]
Inflated by the coronation during the last Copa America and the 35 matches of invincibility of the band to Lionel Messi, the fans of the Albiceleste have also reported on Argentine television by singing a song dedicated to the Blues. A purely and simply racist song where the African origins of Kylian Mbappé are notably mocked. “Spread the rumor, they play in France but are all from Angola. How beautiful, they are going to run. They like transvestites like that fucking Mbappé. His mother is Nigerian, his father is Cameroonian, but on the document, nationality: French”thus chanted these supporters during a duplex on TyC Sports

[From the submitter: the “They like transvestites like that fucking Mbappé” part refers to rumors linking him with model Inès Rau]

NotCis & DonnaMme #transphobia ovarit.com

Opinion | The LGBTQ family is united by our fear for our lives - The Washington Post

( NotCis )
I really resent articles that teach people to live in needless fear. Yes, this shooting was a tragedy and the U.S. has an absurd number of mass shootings compared to other high-income countries - that is wrong and so many of us have called for change for years (especially since so many shooters have histories of abusing women). It doesn't mean that "the LGBTQ family" is under constant threat. As others have pointed out time and time again, trans-identified people are less likely to be murdered than other groups. A good thread here last week (I can't find it now - can anyone help) pointed out that more people are killed by toddlers accidentally setting off guns each year than trans-identifying people are murdered for any reason (and if you want to look at TIPs killed because of transphobic violence, the numbers are vanishingly small). Fearmongering and telling people it's unsafe to live normal lives is harmful to their mental health and wellness and it needs to stop. For the love of god, let's get gun control and lock up dangerous men stat, but it's not because "the LGBTQ family" is under particular threat.

( DonnaMme )
So there will be even more pressure for women to remain silent and anyone who speaks out will immediately be branded as pushing violence against TIP. I posted this to the comment section

There are many violent men and this is a terrible tragedy. When will the gun access laws be changed? But this tragedy should not be conflated with women's efforts to regain rights that are being invalidated. There are women who are standing up, speaking out for their rights and speaking against the trend to hypersexualize children. This is not a violent movement but I am sure that the media will lump them in with violent groups. Why will this happen? I don't know but the media has blacked out any women who speak up

Not very well written, my comment and I am thinking of dropping my subscription to WaPo. Too much money and it's the most manipulative of the woke newspapers but the media has such power to silence.

Maajid Nawaz & Matt Walsh #pratt #quack #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

(Maajid Nawaz)
Please STFU about Qatar

You have no idea how nauseatingly neo-colonial your virtue-signals sound

None of you forced-jab supporting, baby-injecting, lockdown-loving, mask-mandating, science-denying transhumanist cheerleaders for globalist technocrats have ANY moral authority.

I should add:

You election-interfering, Hunter-Biden laptop denying, Ukraine war-mongering, money-laundering, media-slaving hypocrites.

(Matt Walsh)
Good point. The West is in a state of total moral collapse. We kill, castrate, and sterilize our children here. We celebrate evil and debauchery in its most deranged forms. It's sad to say but we do not have the moral high ground above anyone anymore.

I felt this strongly during my trip to Kenya. The people see our country as a joke. They hear about what's happening here and think we're a bunch of freaks and confused weirdos. They pity America. They don't respect it. Painful for me to realize because I still love my country.

@610jerseygirl #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

I am sickened by what #disney is supporting now. I still have wholesome memories of #familyfun that I will treasure from my #childhood that I will not let them #tarnish or #steal . I #hate what they've done to the #disneybrand #disneyworld & so many beautiful #dreams of #millions of #children & #adults that have been #polluted by #pedophiles #sexualdeviants #transsexuals #homosexuals trying to #shove their #lifestyles on #ourchildren & in our #faces to #force #america & #woke #world to #accept it as #normal . I will NOT ACCEPT IT AS NORMAL. THIS IS #predatorybehavior & #criminal #grooming of #children to make them #targets for #pedophiles & #childsextrafficking & #childabuse . #teachers who #teach this to their #students should be #underarrest

Disney has lost billions over the last six months.

Their Mickey Mouse copyright is in question.

Parents are canceling their Disney+ subscriptions left and right.

Go woke. Go broke.

various commenters #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @wokepreacherclips )

( @HeroicSpud )
Hey now! It only counts when a straight white male does it. lol

( @Poposlowpo )
@wokepreacherclips Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy all year. Please see my Christmas wish below ⬇️

( @SaintMichaelTheArchangel )
Another government / government-sponsored terrorist ???
Democrats (Feds) are probably killing fellow Democrats (Gays) !!!
If I were a Hindu / Muslim, I would BOLO for Feds' next terrorists ...
- Asian: Laguna Woods, CA
- BLM: Buffalo, NY
- Latino: Uvalde, TX
- Gay: Colorado Springs, CO
- Hindu: TBD
- Kosher: Highland Park, IL
- Muslim: TBD
The Feds seem to be working their way down their Victimhood / Diversity List ...
They continuously attack WHITE people, so, we are often prepared to devastate The Feds with fire, close combat, and counterattack, e.g. Greenwood, Kenosha !!!
@a @DrPaulGosar @LaurenBoebert @RepMattGaetz @RandPaul @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @VDARE @WendyRogersAZ

( @Recovery )
@wokepreacherclips typical lying murdering bull dike. This child murderer has a long list of individuals shes murdered including two young boys who reported the Clinton bush cocaine drop in Mena, Arkansas. Don Henry and Kevin Ivy are those youngster's names. Lard ass Hillary, which Christian church influenced you to commit murder??? Hmmm. Church of Satan, perhaps??? Burn in hell, you hypocritical sanctimonious lesbian witch!

( @Destiny58 )
@wokepreacherclips And with the news that the suspect is part of the same gay community, the story will quickly become a big nothing burger and will be hid from any further media reporting! Another failed attempt by the Democrats to turn this in to a Maga terrorist shooting!!!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

CO LGBT club shooter is is "non-binary" goes by Mx. Aldrich

( BondiBlue )
I have never experienced such a nihilistic, schadenfraude-drenched spurt of laughter until I saw this just now. How are Esqueer and Ben Collins and all the other hacks and ideologues wailing about MAGA and TERFs going to square this circle? Y’all got played.

( overanddone )
yep, they got played, but this was ineveitable. "This never happens" comes home to their own backyard.

I snorted.

( Iceni )
Aha. I was just about to post this. Saw it on a left wing forum I post to. They are all saying he's doing it to get out of hate crime charges. I simply posted, "that's great, now they can decide if they want to go to a male or female prison." Haven't gotten any down votes yet, but give it time. Because no man would pretend to be not a man to get into a female space.

( BeachLover )
I went over to Daily Kos and they are claiming his lawyers didn't claim this: it was in a footnote. They say he is trolling. I guess the Left doesn't believe trans and nonbinary people anymore?

( RawSienna )
But nobody would claim a false identity to make their lives easier, would they?

If they insist on this argument, they can’t also argue “trans” women in women’s prison isn’t also gaming the system.

( iCONIC )

They are all saying he's doing it to get out of hate crime charges

Isn't he? He's identifying as "non-binary" to reduce his hate crime charges

"I wasn't homophobic or affected by bias! I was just an adherent of a homophobic, biased "gender" ideology who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!"

( Cailin )
So a pronoun person went into an LGBT club and murdered people…

….this ideology still remains the most homophobic thing I’ve ever seen.

( worried19 )
Holy fuck. Well, this is bad for the TRA narrative.

I had wondered if the shooter was a self-hating closet case. Not quite, but not far off.

I'm just pissed we have to watch the mainstream media fall over themselves to deny that this person is male. Then again, that's definitely going to peak the masses, so maybe it's a silver lining.

various commenters #senpai_noticed_us #transphobia blackpill.club

( UncleSpertz )
Lol my thread about ftm foids was mentioned on some liberal forum as was some of your posts
And of course the responses were low IQ remarks that are non debateable.

Those who were mentioned

@dsar9013 @bettER_CHOices @diacylglycerol82

various Blacvkpillers #transphobia

( HikikunDeformis )
THAT FUCKING TRANNY LOOKS BOTH 12 AND 42. A monstrous combination of looking like a little boy and looking like some bald middle aged guy. :mouth::mouth::mouth::mouth::mouth::mouth::mouth:


( dsar9013 )
LMAO, that's funny, you're right they never responded to any actual posts, and JFL at them bitching about incels sitting in judgement as if anyone gives a fuck what we think.

No argument or critical thinking whatsoever as always. These liberal incel hating guys are dumb as shit

( diacylglycerol82 )
FTM should prove the personality meme. So you are ugly and low status, but think and act like a foid unlike us toxic men.

The problem being people can virtue signal about being with an FTM, but I think most will discover the personality meme will do nothing in front of the blackpill.

It would be funny if FTM start joining the blackpill and become "incels" as they have led their whole lives with entitlement.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia gab.com

( @SomeBitchIKnow )
It's mental illness innit?

( @Quietactgreat )
@SomeBitchIKnow Some of the post on twitter are saying things like "oh he's just calling himself nonbinary to troll the REAL nonbinary LGBTQ folks" and it's like...

...yeah, that's the point, that's why "nonbinary" and all other transgender "identities" are a literal joke; they're based on nothing but an unprovable opinion of yourself, "real nonbinary" is a loaded term because there's no such actual thing as "real nonbinary" in the first place

( @Poz2020 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Chicago has a Black on Black crime issue, now Colorado has a Homo on Homo crime issue...

( @NotGary )
@SomeBitchIKnow he was probably getting revenge because they convinced him to chop his dick off...

( @Roadking357 )
@SomeBitchIKnow If that's the case, this story will go away VERY quickly.

( @Nokommies )
@SomeBitchIKnow This is the last we'll hear of this story from the MSM.

( @HandleWithCare777 )
@SomeBitchIKnow what the hell does that mean??? Sounds like more brainwashing BULLSHIT!!! Non-binary,,,really??? WTF is that???

( @experienced )
@SomeBitchIKnow We have had so many false flag events, that every time I read of some mass shooting, I wonder, did this really happen or is it just another false flag propaganda to get us all distracted end bent out of shape.

From what I have read, I do believe that the "Sandy Hook" shooting was staged.

And from what I remember, we hardly had any mass shootings during the Trump presidency 2017-2020.

( @Clutch0813 )
@experienced @SomeBitchIKnow Just another red flag false flag to get the gun haters up in arms again! The distraction is to try and take away our guns, because that is the one thing they fear and know they cant fully take over if we still have our guns!

( @KingGeorgeIII )
@SomeBitchIKnow Oops. Jen White/NPR had a LBGTQ expert on just yesterday discussing the rise in hare crime against them using Club Q as the backdrop and proof of same. They must feel pretty stupid about now. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Another man with a history of VAW becomes a mass shooter but trans activists blame it on TERFs

( LilOvaries )
Just like how men love to blame male-on-male devastation on women, trans-identified individuals love to misplace blame as well. Despite men being the vast majority of people who go out and murder transgenders, the TRA movement still finds a way to mental gymnastics the fault somehow landing on women who identify as radical feminists. Goes to show how much they hate women. When attacked, transgenderism activists leave the male perpetrators alone to yell at women and girls instead.

( pennygadget )
I highly doubt this shooter was reading Dworken, posting on Ovarit, or reading Rowling's essays in the days before he shot up a queer club. This is yet another bullshit MRA tactic to make women responsible for the bad behavior of men.

And for any TRA lurkers, this is NOT the same as us blaming the trans community for their bad apples. It IS your fault when a TIM impregnates women in a women's prison because Y'ALL ADVOCATED FOR THAT SHIT!!! Nobody here has ever called for a mass shooting against the TQs (and if they did, they'd be swiftly banned)

( cupcakes_and_shiraz )
This. GC women don't hate trans people for existing, we detest gender ideology and the damage it's done to women and girls. I don't expect TRAs to be bright enough to make the distinction though because they'd have to recognize that they're not victims.

( worried19 )
It's really galling that TRAs equate not wanting children to be medically transitioned or exposed to inappropriate adult sexuality with hating LGBT people and wanting them to be killed.

No one on Ovarit wants innocent people to die.

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