
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Not Left-wing.

Not Right-wing.


“Republicans” didn’t run things when America was a paradise, White people did.

Stop voting red, vote White instead.


( @MCharlton )
@TommvR @Nature_and_Race How come dark skin color means you don’t have the character to build a decent country?

( @BehindDas8Ball )
@MCharlton Name a decent country that a "dark skinned" race has built.

@TommvR @Nature_and_Race

( @ImperialTsar )
@BehindDas8Ball @MCharlton @TommvR @Nature_and_Race
God never made negro he only took responsibility for Adam and eve first White people rest are bastardize of fallen negro while rest fornication with human tribe before and after Adam which God may have made by fallen screw them. The negro base on skull structures I will argue was some primate that went extinct in central Africa and only left rise of Islam when jew invented Islam to mobilize Cannanite or arabic turks against White Christiandom.

( @Patriootti )
@TommvR @Nature_and_Race Imagine thinking that biology and evolution STOPS at your skin lmfao. Different brain size, different hormone balance, different bone structure, different skull shape etc have ZERO effect on anything as EVOLUTION STOPS AT YOUR SKIN (despite an albino black looking NOTHING like an European and vice versa)

You're fucking retarded lmfao. I bet you also take offense when the left says you can change your sex despite you being JUST AS RETARDED

( @nullaindustries )
@TommvR @Nature_and_Race
Race is real.
We should separate.
It's just mutual respect.
And if the other side just keeps flooding us then we have to separate with force.

Or we Whites go extinct.

lifefuel #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist incels.is

Rich Hollywood Chad is a Cannibal and Abusive Sexual Deviant

Every time I think I've seen the limits of caucusoid degeneracy and sickness, something like this comes out. Cannibalism? Really guys? I'm convinced all white people and kikes are inherently mentally ill and deranged. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Make no mistake, all so-called white people are like this. It's just a matter of if they have the power and opportunity. You think the term "white devil" is sarcasm?

Oh and before you mention Papua New Guinea and their flesh-eating ways, they allegedly got that from JEWS.

But since he's chad, no one will care. Women will tune into the doc and talk about how "hot" he is. But if you cold approach the same woman IRL she will call the cops on you cuz you're not chad.

Armie Hammer’s ‘cannibalism’ is just one ‘dark, twisted’ family secret


They love to whitewash our history, nothing new there. Acting like they're the only civilization builders.

We were building empires (not just Egypt) when they were banging rocks together and not washing their asses properly. (A caucusoid tendency which continues to THIS DAY).

They stole all of our knowledge and claimed it as their own. That's what the pale-skinned menace does.

Even the likes of Socrates and Plato raved about Africa and studied for YEARS under the tutelage of the REAL sages there. Modern caucusoids don't know shit. They think they invented everything. Stupid cocksuckers.

Anthony Powell #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Lincoln County, Mississippi???"]

The Mississippi county 120 miles due west of my native Wayne County is Lincoln County. I’m not sure why it just recently dawned on me, but Lincoln County, Mississippi is named for the tyrant, liar, and war criminal, and the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. With quite a bit of irony, the county situated two counties east of Lincoln County, is more appropriately named in honor of a truly honorable Southern gentleman, Jefferson Davis

Lincoln County was established by an act of the Mississippi legislature on April 7, 1870. I was dumbfounded as to how and why this legislative body voted to name these 586 square miles after the man who was responsible for the war of invasion, occupation, and subjugation[…]
Was the Mississippi legislature overcome by Stockholm Syndrome? Possibly, but perhaps the best answer lies in the numbers comprising the legislature. In the 1870 legislature, there were 110 Republicans, 35 of whom were black. Reconstruction was in full swing at the time, and pro-Union forces took their vengeance on the Confederates for daring to rebel against the Yankee Empire, for daring to establish their own new country[…]
Yet, here we are in Mississippi in 2023 – stuck with Lincoln County, named after the man who despised the South, and who delighted in the destruction of its land, farms and homes, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants. With few exceptions (notably, Senator Chris McDaniel), modern-day Mississippi Republicans are as worthless as their 1870 counterparts. On June 28, 2020, they forever turned their backs on their brave Confederate ancestors and voted to replace the Mississippi flag[…]
Eternal shame on the Mississippi legislature of 1870 and 2020. The Party of Lincoln may have prevailed, but I, for one, refuse to participate in the worship and deification of its namesake

Gregory Hood #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

One can almost admire the “trans” community’s shamelessness, but courage is easy when the federal government and its media pets are backing you.

Is there an insurrection happening in Tennessee? Will these kids be thrown into a gulag? Will the FBI arrest hundreds of people in a dragnet? Will we have a special committee on this?


You’ve got to hand it to trans. One of theirs killed some kids for political reasons, and they’re the ones storming the state capitol as the media worries about a backlash against them.


It’s tedious even to say it, but obviously there will be no sweeping purges of pages, products, or propaganda on trans issues, in contrast to even moderate pro-white speech.

In 2019, after a young white shot non-whites in El Paso, David French wanted “war” and to treat “online white-nationalist radicals exactly the way we treat online jihadist sympathizers.” After the Nashville shooting, he just wants to “pray” and vent his scorn on “gun fetishists.”

“Imagine if the situation was reversed” is tedious. Pointing out double standards, by itself, accomplishes nothing. In their minds, progressives do not have a double standard. Many believe speech they think is harmful and reinforces oppressive social structures should not be free.

America is a country like any other, with a ruling class that has an official ideology that justifies its power. These days, that ideology is egalitarianism, which has spawned a religion that worships blacks and other media-approved “victims”. Those who are obstacles to the impossible (and undesirable) goal of equality, especially whites, are an “enemy” group as surely as the kulaks were under the Bolsheviks. All history has been redefined as a story of oppressors versus oppressed, with whites, traditional Christians, and others who built Western Civilization cast as eternal villains. Even calling it egalitarianism may be too kind because it often becomes crude anti-white hatred. Modern America’s war against “hate” is one of the biggest cases of projection in history.

Arthur Grand Technologies #racist arstechnica.com

After Redditors called out a Virginia-based tech firm for posting an “illegal and nauseating” job ad—which specified that only white US-born citizens would be considered—Arthur Grand Technologies has deleted the ad and shut down its website and social media presence entirely.

The deleted job ad was posted on Indeed, seeking to hire a Dallas-based business analyst for a long-term contract. The ad included a note labeled “don’t share with candidates” that said that “Only US Born Citizens [White]” would be considered, inciting outrage that not only was the job listing giving preference to white candidates but that the company intended to hide these illegal criteria from applicants.

[screenshot of the job ad]

various commenters #wingnut #racist #quack gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )

spoilerWhite people are
getting vaccinated at
higher rates than Black
and Latino Americans
Whites now more
likely to die from covid
than Blacks: the
pandemic shifted

( @bmcbc )
@KeepNHGranite I think Whites are more likely to die from blacks than covid.

( @danielgray )
@KeepNHGranite In my COVID experience the White People in my spear of influence went for the Jab like hungry rabid sanctimonious dogs...

( @flaunttnualf )
@KeepNHGranite the survivability of a White person is inversely proportional to their ignorance of the jewish threat.

( @Mythra )
@KeepNHGranite Always wanted to see an official graph of all races being inoculated. I'm pretty sure Asians are at the top.

( @Jmar1967 )
@KeepNHGranite crazy know a lot of White conservatives that fell for Trumps lies safe n effective is now dead n buried...

( @bluewonder369 )
@Jmar1967 @KeepNHGranite I live in the Bible belt. I know what you're saying. The overwhelming majority of Republican voting white millenials, gen xers, boomers, and pre-boomers were all too glad to get the vax.

( @Jmar1967 )
@bluewonder369 @KeepNHGranite i hope and prey that most wont have any adverse reactions but with each passing day it seems most will...

( @Echo_108 )
@KeepNHGranite If you are attemping to thin out the Demonrat sheeple this would be one way I guess...funny how they are accomplishing their own demise....

( @SamAdams )
@KeepNHGranite “I’m cool bro, you try it first”. That was a big problem around here. My local leftist population was all confused…my reply “does the word “Tuskegee” mean anything to you?

( @MCharlton )
@KeepNHGranite Covid doesn’t kill people. Anti-White hospitals with nonwhite staffs do.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @TrumpLongTimePatriot )


( @GroidsSuck )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot I think by "democrats" you actually mean niggers, but you're too much of a coward to say it. You're welcome

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@GroidsSuck Yep. Trump cultists are nigger loving faggots. They have to blame Democrats and love niggers just like the orange kike.



( @alex_jonesy3 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot you mean where niggers are.

( @SammyLili )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Any black city in the world...

( @EvilBollweevil )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot it doesn't matter whose in charge. They're niggers

( @VictoryUs )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot You show me a ghetto and I'll show you niggers.

( @Bbq1040 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot it's the Niggers, not the dems

( @Largecock )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot and I'll show you paradise where democrats are in power.

It's not democrats, it's niggers.

You dumb fucker

( @FastAttackSSN637 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot See the difference?


Erston_0utway #sexist #racist reddit.com

From a thread titled ”Muh RE4 remake is woke”

imaginee being that person who complains about game being woke because you can't oversexualise women.

Imagine being that person who thinks a skirt and sweater is oversexualised. I couldn't give 2 fucks about the outfit as a busty woman I'm more tired tired of seeing cupsizes cut in half for no reason other then "Waaaa people like boobs so bad"

In original you were able look up her skirt which was wrong. Also she not there to have her boobs to be starred at. She trying to survive a horrible situation. Women shouldn't be In games just to please the male gaze. It's not right. We are more than our bodies. I know busty women exist. I'm just don't like women being over sexualised.
Also my main complaint was being able look up her skirt which I'm happy they changed.

If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad. Gotta love that liberal fascism! Protecting digital women everywhere while defending Asian and Islamic culture(who actually DO sexually abuse and harass women and mutilate them)!

“If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad.”
The developers took your advice and didnt put it in the game cuz they didnt like it

Hurrah for censorship! Let’s put the women in the next game in hijabs too!

Creative decisions != censorship

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @CorneliusRye )
I am dying of laughter

( @BarkerCarter )

( @GamerNerdess )

( @DonErnestoFuerte )
@GamerNerdess @CorneliusRye Braver than you by a mile.

( @GamerNerdess )
@DonErnestoFuerte lmmfao I've been calling out the jews for 11 years. I was doxxed by antifa when they first started and called a black panthers member a nigger to his face. You're just naive.


( @Nature_and_Race )
@CorneliusRye -- This has all been a twist that I never saw coming, but I hope it continues go for as long as it must.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- It is a rare opportunity to spread awareness about the JQ. We must take advantage of it as much as possible.


( @F_Kuzmich )
@CorneliusRye Great spreadsheet, however Rupert Murdoch's mother was a jew. This fact continues to be suppressed, making it look like one of the biggest media oligarchs is an Anglo. Rupert's dad married a wealthy aussie jewess.

( @whitewolfheart )
@F_Kuzmich @CorneliusRye West doesn't know everything about the jew, he's just figuring it out. Wait till he finds out it was the jew that ran the slave trade!

( @AntiStar )

Paul Revere #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Such a brutal truth-telling smackdown of a U.S. Department Secretary — during prime time in the Capitol — has never happened before. That’s because a stone-cold traitor to the American Republic had never been caught in so many glaring acts of outright treason. Because the ever-treacherous United States Secretary of Homeland Security — Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas — occupies such a critical position, his high crimes and highly consequential wrongdoings, catastrophic transgressions and utter lawlessness, gross misconduct and serial acts of corruption have put the American people in great jeopardy.
How so?
Because the deliberately kept open southern border is being used to transport millions of future bolsheviks into all 50 states to fight for the Democrat Party … after it is essentially outlawed as a communist-controlled terrorist organization and dangerous foreign enemy hellbent on irreversibly destroying these once United States of America—THAT’S HOW!
The non-stop invasion of illegal aliens, drug mules, MS-13 gang members, ISIS & Al Qaeda terrorists, purposely released criminals, hardened thugs and violent miscreants — assembled from all over Central and South America — are nothing but cannon fodder for the Democrat’s long-planned bolshevik revolution. Many of these mercenaries are also shipped in from all over the Middle East and Africa. The CIA even has soldier-of-fortune recruiting stations covertly located all over the Caribbean to entice the many poverty-stricken youth plunged into despair by the engineered and ongoing Second Great Depression that the colluding MSM never talks about.
The Democrats know they can no longer win elections legitimately (they really never could), so they will seize power — permanently — by all means necessary and any means possible.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, Matt Makrom & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Rep. Matt Gaetz )
Impeach Secretary Mayorkas.

Deport every illegal alien in our country.

Finish the Wall.

( Matt Makrom )
@RepMattGaetz how about this... tell every illegal that they have 1 year to leave the USA, and after such point, any illegal found still in the country forfeits any chance of ever becoming a US citizen.

( @MM1Retired )
@mattforcongress @RepMattGaetz 3 months

( @Danny844 )
@MM1Retired @mattforcongress @RepMattGaetz 3 days

( @Atomic_Pope )
@mattforcongress @RepMattGaetz How about this:

Put bounties on the heads of illegals, dead or alive. And decriminalize the execution of their facilitators who share an equal bounty for their aid and comfort.

Enrich the Americans who hunt them down and execute them.

( @atlantaeasy )
@mattforcongress @RepMattGaetz You're not even White. Go fuck yourself.

( @14W )
@RepMattGaetz Deport antiwhites, stop white erasure, support White Wellbeing.

( @blessfreedom )
@14W @RepMattGaetz why cant we deport the the ADL SPLC AND NAACP? They are all in bed together causing all this strife in America.

Why cant we isolate, call them out, and export them?

( @CondorDM )
@RepMattGaetz Wrong!
Make it that illegal immigrants cannot get work, get social services, or benefit from any program. Do that and build the wall, you won't need to deport illegals, if they can't make money they will leave on their own, which saves tax payers millions of dollars.

( @goldwhisperer )
@CondorDM @RepMattGaetz The democrats et al are the ones enabling the invasion. There's a law or 2 against human trafficking. But they have one final shot, and if it means the destruction of this Republic and replacement with their 'democracy' then they will stop at nothing.

( @brextremist )
@RepMattGaetz Deport every nigger and jew in our country, legal or illegal.

( @LoriM7732 )
@RepMattGaetz remove and arrest the pedo protecting Biden regime for high treason on stealing the Nov 3 2020 rigged election. Then hang him for crimes against humanity as well by having a wide open border allowing kids to be trafficked and drug to flow in which are killing our young ppl.

( @Sticky25 )
@RepMattGaetz deport jews along with the illegals they brought

pope_head #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

This images is one of the biggest anti christian psyops in history


the methodology behind this "reconstruction" is some guy just picked a random skull from the area and time in which Christ lived, did an artistic "reconstruction of what he might have looked like" and now its framed as a "scientific depiction"

frame something as scientific and literally any midwit will eat it up. this reconstruction wasn't "scientific" and the "scientist" was actually an artist.

scientists in the future: "behold, by analyzing a skull from the early 21st century, we have successfully recreated a scientifically accurate image of Donald trump:


this is literally what the "scientist" did with the recreation of Christ

they did everything they could to make him look like a bumbling retard. nobodies is going to believe this guy is GOD. (not that what he looked like matters, but its obvious this was a purposeful psychic attack to turn people off subconsciously)


this is what Christ looked like, if you disagree, cope and seethe freak


He may not have looked exactly like this but he was native to modern day palestine, so he definitely wasn't pale, blonde and with blue eyes.

never once said he had blue eyes. Im convinced you people have never met an old blooded pre Arab invasion levantine before


A 100% Levantine Canaanite Christian DNA Test from Lebanon


oh yeah, and Muhammad is described as having red hair and white skin, here is one of his ancestors. the fact that many of you have no understanding of middle eastern genetics is hilarious to me


sorry descendants, its early

Vic Biorseth #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The only truly oppressed classes in America and perhaps in the world today, are the

law abiders,

Everything else is celebrated; everything wrong is touted to be right; everything false is held to be true; whosoever is natural, unpretentious and God-fearing is oppressed by everyone else. That's what all the political Nazi-movements are all about: the elimination of normalcy, correctness and truth. It begins with the one true Church falling into syncretism and it ends with the outright denial of God.
The Cultural Marxism and Marxocrat Party driven HIV=AIDS=DEATH purely political pandemic hoax panicked the world population into embracing "safe" fornication, "protected" sodomy and "responsible" promiscuity in formal education, to be added into all already needlessly existing yet government-mandated formal "sex education" in all public schools. The minute the false link between HIV and AIDS was established in the news, Cultural Marxism, and the already Culturally Marxist Marxocrat Party jumped on it like monkeys on a banana, and they have never and will never let it go.

We are now coming into Holy Week. Do you think the Marxocrat Party, which is clearly the Party of Sodom, knows or cares about that? They fully intend to impose the mores of ancient Sodom on all Americans, against their will.
The new Sodom must be condemned and cut off from America if America is to survive. Can you name a current politician other than Trump would would even consider doing such a thing, and what their political party would have to say about that, or even if any of them would have the guts to stand up for and with Jesus Christ against the return of Sodom?

There's nothing easy about picking up our daily crosses and following Him, but that is precisely what we are all called to do, even at the sacrifice of self.

Clif High #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #quack clifhigh.substack.com

We, the Humans….

We’re coming for you!

When the Powers That Be, that is, the Deep State [DS], aka [Khazarian Mafia] set out to attack We, the People of the Western Liberal Republics, they did so with psychological warfare.

It is War. By the [DS]’s own reckoning, they killed 7 million humans with their Covid psyop of a ‘pandemic’, which was yet another form of weaponized Munchhausen by Proxy let loose on the populace propelled by heavy and continuous propaganda that they had planned on being so dominating that over 400 millions were to have perished by design.

It didn’t happen the way the [DS][KM] planned.

Big Oops!

Well, now onto the other plans for genocide. This includes their ‘next step’, which they have just taken, which is the ‘weaponization of Law’. So they are indicting Trump….and, very likely, this, also, won’t quite work out as planned.

So the [DS][KM] weaponized language to start their War against We, the People.
We, the populace, is taking back our language. Non-compliance with redefinition works. Insistence on meaning, works. Slowly, the propaganda is being beaten back.

The [DS][KM] attacked us with disease. A disease more of the collective, social, mind than the body, but still a complex plot to induce illness into global Humanity.

It failed. Now, it is our turn. We can attack them back by calling out their disease, that of ‘weaponized MBP’ as regards their society destabilizing tactic of ‘trans’, and ‘trans kids’ which is the weaponized appeal to ‘compassion’. Look to the words they use! All tragic, all encompassing distortions such as ‘genocide’.
Perhaps we will see a Real Legal Shit Fight soon.

Once you start politicizing, thus weaponizing, the fundamentals of the social order, they are just laying there, for anyone, and everyone, to pick up and use; like atom blasters just scattered across the road. Bend down, pick one up.

ADHD_cel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

Curries and Slavs are at the bottom of the barrel because they have nothing to offer in terms of beauty

Because they’re basically debased white men: Both curries and slavs have Caucasian skulls, just with ethnicity-specific variations (shit skin + protruding eyes for curries and wider flatter face for Slavs) which make them deviate from the beauty standard based on Northwestern European phenos.

That’s why blacks and Asians smv-mog Indians and EE men: If foids want a white man they can just seek out the one with the best phenotype, if they want something “exotic” then why not just go full black or rice? Curries and Slavs are just ugly Caucasians that have nothing exotic to offer, kek

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
It might not be here just yet.

But I promise you, as sure as God's wrath, it's coming.

( @bluewonder369 )
@Nature_and_Race white people have a right to be segregated and living in good quality lands free of all non-whites and whites that are anti-white.

( @Gunter_Von_Munich )
@bluewonder369 @Nature_and_Race Free of all non whites. Not just those who hate us. When you travel to another nation, do you not know that you are a guest? So it is with them in ours and unfortunately the grace that has allowed them to be here is gone. Can you promise me that their children will be the same or grand children? If not, then the matter is settled.

( @bluewonder369 )
@Gunter_Von_Munich @Nature_and_Race the only non-whites that should be in white nations are those that are visiting the country or on temporary business. That's it. And I'm not talking about migrant workers and those earning low wages. No. I'm talking to the cream of the crop from other countries and even then they're not allowed to immigrate here permanently or to raise a family here including a mongrel one via having relations with one of our own. The percentage of such foreigners should be very minimal at best and only from the top Asiatic countries. No negroes, no Native American types, no australoids, and other such s***-skinned savages.

( @Gunter_Von_Munich )
@bluewonder369 @Nature_and_Race I might restrict that even more to ambassadors or public officials of another nation who are traveling to discuss trade agreements, other than that, business needs to largely be nationalized for the sake of national stability and security.

( @WitchesBrew_ha_ha )
@Nature_and_Race It's only history repeating itself...and history continues to shout the truth and deaf ears never hear until it's too late.....again. Heil Hitler.

( @Based_Honkler )
@Nature_and_Race @BostonFren

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
If you are a White person like James Fields, they will go through your phone to find a funny meme you posted and use it to convict you on federal hate crimes charges.

If you are a black person like Darrell Brooks, they will refuse to charge you with federal hate crimes or even allow into evidence your rap video in which you said you hate White people because it might “prejudice the jury.”

The system is antiWhite

( @Khechari )
Yup, it's an actual legal discrepancy. They are illegally discriminating against us.

( @4thReichWhen )
@Apolitical #WhiteGenocide is real. I could not believe it at first, but once I woke up I realized the entire world system is set up right now to advance and provide opportunity for brown and black people but to keep White people down.

( @ThomasPollock )
@Apolitical Its anti-White because the Jews that control the system regard Whites as the enemy while Blacks they see as their useful thugs and idiots.

( @Irish_American_Patriot )
@Apolitical also called jewish

( @ldunco )
@Apolitical with jews we will always lose

( @FastCarsandBigGuns )
@Apolitical - We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

( @funbobby51 )
@Apolitical There shouldn't be any such thing as hate crime charges. Those are clearly anti white because only white people are charged with them.

( @ad_libitum )
@Apolitical The system is judified. The country is not in danger of Shariah law, it is danger of Talmudic (anti-White) law.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @RevolverNews )
If Kanye West was criticizing the "white-run" media or "white-run" Hollywood or "white" businessmen or "white" lawyers, the mainstream media would be celebrating him, not cancelling him.

If he was criticizing the "male-dominated" media or "male-dominated" Hollywood or "male" businessmen or "male" lawyers, the mainstream media would be anointing his feet with oil, not cancelling him.

If he was criticizing the "Christian" establishment, the mainstream media would be lavishing praise on his head, not cancelling him.

Ponder that for a moment.

( @factsnotfeelings1 )
@RevolverNews If you want to be famous, you have to pledge allegiance pretty much to Satan. The people who run Hollywood are some of the most evil creatures pretending to be Human

( @belladior )
@RevolverNews Jews are proving he's correct.

@RevolverNews The RACISM of the ADL has to be EXPOSED PUBLICLY and ONGOINGLY.

( @WarriorOfTruth888 )

( @Dookle )
Subvert the Jews, ship them to Israel and let their neighbors deal with them.

( @Zina2022 )
@Dookle @RevolverNews Many people want the jews to disappear. I say sequester them all to Israel, then all the international community boycott trade with them. They can sit there with their nuclear weapons and learn how to eek out a living.

( @Dookle )
@Zina2022 @RevolverNews
Anything to get them evil people away from Christians.

( @JimmyJones79 )
@RevolverNews yes interesting isn't it how all those things are true. So can we infer that those who control the media and allow for that, hate white men?

( @Nogoodsinner )
In the Piers Morgan interview, he said that the Straight White Male is the most oppressed, persecuted and censored group of people.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist winterwatch.net

Seattle and other left coast cities are influenced and controlled by subvert-and-destroy Vanguard Alinskyites. A key theorem of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.

The documentary shows the salami attack (szalámitaktika) of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a Nazi. This is the tactic used by the Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.

Anarcho-tyranny combines oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding while simultaneously exhibiting a grotesque paralysis of will to carry out basic public duties, such as public safety and protection.
But this is finally falling on deaf ears as the city turns into a public toilet/cesspool and reaches its breaking point. The plebs (aka “reactionaries”) are losing their tempers. The kakistocracy responsible for this needs to be identified and removed from power by the citizens of Seattle. The Alinskyite political collective supporting this invasion of drugged street people needs to be fiercely opposed.
And as much as I support the idea of liberty, once one lives on the streets, uses hard drugs there and starts an arrest rap sheet, you should be totally ID’ed and under the jurisdiction and direction of police and tough courts.

If not immediately incarcerated, they should be on strict probation as soon as the first conviction – including public civility and intoxication violations. And many of these street people already have criminal records or are violating parole. A warrant check sweep would remove the more dangerous predators of the lot, which benefits safety for the public as well as other street people. The worst 5% should be taken off the streets immediately. Hard drugs use and possession should be re-criminalized. There should be a crack down and imprisonment for the dealers. The nearby McNeil Island penitentiary now sits empty.

@_Leese #wingnut #racist gettr.com

'It's Childish nonsense to say that it's a British Government that rules Britain'

Mass immigration to the United Kingdom began with the Nationality Act in 1948 with the line,
"If the races are mixed together then there'll be no more war"

Betrayed from Within

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This post is 100% real.

--> https://twitter.com/ObamaMalik/status/1585617824483086337

"To know who rules over you, just figure out who you're not allowed to criticize."

spoilerWhy is it nobody can say anything about Jews?

( @AntiStar )

( @Felix_Krull )
@Nature_and_Race Is he related to that gay mulatto who larped as the POTUS a few years back?

( @CosmicWar )
@Felix_Krull Half brother if I'm remembering correctly. From what i saw he was pretty based back in the day calling out Big Mike's husband as a communist and such. @Nature_and_Race

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

Pretty embarrassing if blacks collectively wake up to the Jew before Whites do.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

Seriously, what does that say about our race if blacks can perceive the Jewish threat before us?

Are we easier to manipulate or more naive?

I don't know what to fucking think anymore.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Nicholas_Scholl -- Whites perceived the Jewish threat first. It's just that the media, and social media, don't ever give our people any airtime.

The fact that blacks are allowed to talk about Jews on TV and social media only proves my point. Blacks are still favored by the Jewish TV and social media networks, even when they're exposing the Jews.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race The jews don't fear the blacks like they fear the White man.


( @Zealous_Apostle )
@Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race Blacks already had a near permanent mentality of being oppressed, all Kanye did was change the race of their oppressors. This mentality was of course cultivated by the Jews over decades, and now it's coming to bite them in the ass.

The one thing that's good about this is that the nigger-worshiping tendencies of white americans will probably make them more receptive to Kanye's message, being a nog himself.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Many a moon ago (roughly circa 2014, I would guess),

My bro and I ventured on down to the heart of the most radically Liberal territory in my state to do a little antagonization of the enemy. We applied some industrial double-sided tape to some "White Lives Matter" cards and stuck them up all around town.

Sure, they tore them down. But we showed up a week later, just to piss them off.

IRL activism is the best.

( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Nature_and_Race man, it’s always crazy to how successful the Jews have been at their white hatred agenda

( @Sorin13 )
@SundayNiteDriver @Nature_and_Race And it comes from the shits that claim not to be racist. 🙄

( @Sorin13 )
@Nature_and_Race How is saying White Lives Matter "hate"? The real hate and racism is coming from the shits that believe White lives don't matter.

( @isebellin )

To say that
WHITE LIFES MATTER is hateful rhetoric …
That is if a guy say …
- I love my wife … attack him with
- So you HATE all other women… you are a misogynistic hate monger … people like you should not be allowed to exist …

( @Gunter_Von_Munich )
@isebellin @Nature_and_Race These people aren't logical. Ben shapiro was wrong, it's not "facts don't care about your feelings." the prevailing narrative is "Feelings don't care about your facts". These people want you and your children dead and they think it's funny, you don't debate with people like that.

( @Anti_Christ )
@Nature_and_Race sooo.. if White lives don’t matter, then how can “all” lives matter ? I love using their warped logic against them.

Vox Day #wingnut #racist #psycho voxday.net

[From "Rekonquista Kommend"]

The Green Party of Düsseldorf should be credited for repopularizing Hitler when the history of the German Rekonquista of the 2030s is written:

Germany’s first Arabic-language street sign has appeared in the city of Düsseldorf, and Islamic associations and the Green Party are praising the new development[…]

The German people survived the Romans, the Huns, and the Soviets. They’ll survive Clown World too. But the reclamation of their sovereignty and their land probably isn’t going to be particularly pretty

Meanwhile, in France, they’re already burning the homes of pro-immigration politicians

The house of a left-wing mayor in France, who supports a controversial plan to establish an asylum center in the small seaside town of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, has been burned down in a suspected arson attack[…]

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerThe greatest threat facing the world today is
Jewish supremacism.
I say this genuinely and sincerely, not
exaggerating one single bit.
Jewish supremacy is destroying the entire
world right now.

( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Nature_and_Race the Jews must be stopped at all cost. Souls are on the line.

( @Sorin13 )
@Nature_and_Race I think Kanye could attest as well. Nigga lost like 1.2 billion just by naming the jew.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race I will not stop saying so: the Jews must be removed from power to all costs. But they have gone too far with their crimes against humanity, and their attempts to commit a genocide against the white race makes them deserving of being completely eradicated. If you Google the 12 crimes against humanity, you'll see the Jews are guilty of absolutely all of them.

( @Friss_Blei )
@Nature_and_Race look around you,its all leading back to a jew.inflation?jew.crime in the streets?jew. weather modification?jew.busted up roads?jew.the PAINT on your wall probably makes some jew somewhere rich....THATS HELL,my friend!!

( @BrandoUC )
@Nature_and_Race the jew fears most when the goys realize nobody likes the jews... once the consensus is observed, action is taken, and they cannot have that.

( @Dookle )
Get the fuckin Jews out of America if we want to survive. Read the Jews Talmud.

( @revshadwellshitpeas )
@Nature_and_Race I did not realise that until a few months ago.
For over 50 yrs,I believed anyone saying that was just a hate filled moron.
How wrong I was.
But...I hate the Zionists.
MOSSAD,the Blood Lines.
I wish no harm on ordinary,law abiding Jews,I just wish they would speak up,about the damage these evil ones do in the name of their religion.

( @jcs379 )
@revshadwellshitpeas @Nature_and_Race ordinary hew is still a jew and is loyal to israel and jewry, not to christ or america ..they have to go , they are parasites and sustain themselves without the host

( @DakotaAnnieLori )
Khasarians! They’re not even Hebrew/Jews! They are the bloodline of Satan,Zionists. The Rothschilds and all their lineage!

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

How many Jews and a half-schwartz does it take to make a democracy?


One to mix the Manischewitz, one to stuff the mail-in ballots, one to rig the voting machines, and Obama to say “it’s all kosher for me.”

It’s the gift that keeps on crapping on you.
It’s smack right in your face.

Two hooked-nosed kikes hyping democracy.

It’s like two hubcap thieves selling steering wheel locks.

They got your steering wheel all locked up while hijacking your car.

Jews got democracy all locked up while hijacking your elections.

Money, media, and mail-in votes dictate who wins and who loses.

Jews got the money, Jews own the media, and Jews count the votes with rigged scanning machines.

Democracy is like gefilte fish.

It’s an amalgamated mix of carp and pike with the bones already picked out that’s fully kosher for Yids on Shabbos.

Like ‘democracy,’ Jews pick out the bones, amalgamate it with the Democrat party’s carp and the Republican party’s pike, and it’s fully kosher for Jewry’s political taste on election day.
How many Jews does it take to lie, twist, distort, and contort?

Let me put it another way.

How many_ hideous-looking, flea-bitten, Christ-hating kikes infesting Capitol Hill does it take to walk all over the goyim, trample on their concerns, attack their Christian faith, engage in White castration, and advance only that which gives Jews the domineering station?


Jamie Raskin, a metaphor of Jewish power.

Hideous, repulsive, unsavory, the outlines of hell etched from forehead, to sagging jowls, to protruding lower lip, to quadruple chin.

I mean, the “Deicidal Curse”—which the Jews pronounced upon themselves for all generations before Pontius Pilate—has worked every bit of its accursedness all over Raskin’s face.

Jews are marvelous…manipulators!

They lie, twist, cheat, evade, garble, fudge, falsify, slant and skew.

Don’t get upset, it’s just what they do.

Bend over goy.

Let the Jew hump the hebbie-jeebees out of you.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
The ADL is an Anti-White hate organization.

The ADL is also one of the most powerful entities in the United States - it writes government policy, and it trains federal, state, and local law enforcement.

The FBI has literally become the armed enforcement wing of the ADL.

Both the ADL and the FBI regularly publish literal blood libel against White Americans.

Only weeks ago, whistleblowers confirmed what we already knew - that the FBI is actively framing White Americans for "hate crimes" and "domestic terrorism."

And while not a single elected office holder in the country has defended White people by name from the ADL/FBI's organized, Anti-White attack, the ADL has proudly announced that FBI Director Christopher Wray will be a featured speaker at its November summit in New York City.

These circumstances, as captured in the attached graphic, tell you everything you need to know to understand exactly how our world works.

What you see before you are America's Bolsheviks. Its Cheka.

The unholy alliance of the ADL and FBI is the most clear and present danger we face.

( @PastyGangster )
@KeepNHGranite The world has a big jew problem.

( @Villadijoy )
@KeepNHGranite The ADL is a front for Communists. They use claims of antiSemitism as a weapon. They don’t actually care about antiSemitism, it’s just a front.

( @Sticky25 )

( @ShaketheReset )

Funny. The only guy who's risking everything to take down this "anti-White" racket is a Black guy. We blog, he fights. Go Ye.

Heartless (“ᛋᛋProud Americelᛋᛋ 卐Racist卐Misogynist卐Degenerate卐”) #racist #sexist #ableist #elitist #psycho incels.is

(In response to ”[LifeFuel] 12 year old foid raped and murdered.”)

Why do news articles always censor the picture:
imageLook at her, those shark teeth, jewess nose, and fetal alcohol syndrome face.... Who the fuck is going to risk their life to rape this. How fucking stupid. I empathize and understand when its someone hot who gets raped, because all men can understand that, but for some foid this ugly to get targeted... Just eww.

CK #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

To my Jewish Friends,

You are in grave danger. You know this. That's why you are running large scale "anti-semitism" billboards in major US cities. The victims of the Satanist plots operating under the banner of "Jews" are waking up from their slumber and "the Jews" are going to be blamed for many terrible things you probably had nothing to do with.

Real Jews are Compassionate. They also follow Truth and are Tolerant. These are the people I have known all my life that I support and will lay down my life to protect. The good people reading this should know you have many other true friends who will help you in times of need. Good Jews are all around us and I call many of them my Dear Friends.
The ones who are doing terrible things under the banner of the righteous religions (this goes for Catholics, Jews and other religions and secret societies) are the "initiated" - they are invited into the "Hex Club", aka Satanism. Uninitiated Jews are outside The Club. Unless you stand up soon, you will again be lumped in with the "initiated" Hex Club Satanists and persecuted...again.
This article shows what everyone is seeing with their own eyes. They see a tiny minority of "Jews" (2.4% in the USA) running everything and destroying a country through culture wars and usury. They see their pockets being emptied through inflation and financial trickery, while the "initiated" prosper. Media is silent and anyone pointing out the obvious is attacked as an "anti-semite". They see people being attacked for stating mistruths about Jews, but then see how words have been twisted to invert a lie into "Truth". Jews claim they have no power and when someone points something out, they threaten to use the power, they say they don't have to destroy them. Ask Kanye "Ye" how that works. It is now plainly visible to anyone paying attention.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US military disobedience of fake President Joe Biden, the unification of the Muslim people, the collapse of Credit Suisse and many more events around the world are all interconnected signs of this. It is all part of the overthrow of a hidden ruling class that has presided over the planet for thousands if not tens of thousands of years.
An African, a Chinese, a European, an Indian and a Khazarian find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The Khazarian says to the African “You go and collect food, firewood and other resources.” To the Chinese he says “You make tools and build shelter and furniture for us.” To the Indian he says “You cook and clean and take care of the various chores.” To the European he says “You beat up the African, the Chinese and the Indian if they disobey.” To all of them he says, “Once you have finished your tasks go collect sea shells and shiny rocks for me.” Then he says to the group, “After you have prepared everything, I will take the best food and most comfortable furniture and give you what is left over.”

Then one night while the Khazarian is asleep, the other individuals get together and say “the Khazarian does not do anything so why should we work for him?” To the European, the others say “He keeps you drugged and poisoned so that you obey him; if you work with us we will help you detox, give you his sea shell collection and make sure you get a bigger share of the food.”

So, the next morning the others tell the Khazarian he will have to work if he wants to keep eating and sharing the island with the others. When he tells the European to go beat the others up, he is rebuffed. He then threatens to poison everybody, blow up the island etc. but it is a bluff and basically, he is going to have either work or get thrown to the sharks.

That in essence is what is happening in the world now.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "It's okay to be white (any other colour is up for some debate)"]

Greg Hood discusses why Scott Adams got in so much trouble for saying "Ethnic Group A should stay away from Ethnic Group Y if huge swathes of Group Y believe Group A shouldn't exist"

What has happened to Mr. Adams is why many whites are afraid to take their own side or even point out racial double standards. Whites do share some of the blame. However, it’s not just white “suicide.” An abused group may share some responsibility for collaborating with the abuser, but it is not entirely to blame[…]

Hood tries to say however that Adams misunderstood the Rasmussen poll by pointing out that a strict mathematical majority of negores think whitey is okay[…]
I'm not sure that this should be taken as small comfort. "Only" 46% of niggers think its okay that you be you. When even 1% of people don't think that trannies, who have complete control over who they are, should be 'okay' with being who they claim to be its some sort of murderous health crisis, but it being even money that any nigger you come across thinks that your own innate racial makeup is acceptable must surely present some sort of issue

It's roughly parallel to how the Derka-Derkas feel about murdering in the name of their child molesting Satanic Prophet mohammed (worms be upon him as God damned him and his followers to burn in hell). Left-wing extremists like University of Ottawa's Stuart Chambers say "don't worry" about finding out that 10% of Muslims in your home country are okay with mass murder[…]
46% is a shockingly large number. That means more than 1 out of every 20 Americans is a threat to white people. Seems more important of a story than a cartoonist making a rational suggestion based on that fact

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @TrevorGoodchild )
Wait let's hear him out

spoilerDon't like Jews?
well who's going to...
Produce your porn?
Charge you interest?
Brainwash your children?
Tax your earnings?
Mock your religion?
Import your enemies?
and slander your ancestors?

( @Refuter )
@TrevorGoodchild And Conservative Christians Americans are like, "Hold on... I'd like to see where they're going with this..."

( @1117_Effy )
@TrevorGoodchild They're not Jews, they're Satanists parading around as Jews, real Jews don't do those things.

( @keithjones1975 )
@TrevorGoodchild I can do without any of them just fine.

( @AntiStar )

( @LeaLea63 )
@TrevorGoodchild I can do without any of that. I don't like to hate (it's such a strong word)anyone, but I'm getting there with these parasites.

( @Flgal50 )
@TrevorGoodchild Rev2;9
I know your affliction and distress and pressing trouble and your poverty—but you are rich! and how you are abused and reviled and slandered by those who say they are Jews and are NOT, but are a synagogue of Satan............. I just don't understand people pushing hate towards ANY group or race of people. All Jewish people are not bad and some aren't even Jewish to begin with! It was those of the synagogue of Satan who crucified Christ. Remember we are living in a world where they tell us men can be pregnant (craziest thing ever btw) So everyone that says they are a Jew it doesn't make it so! WAKE UP SLEEPERS! Go to the word of God and pray for wisdom and understanding!

Biblicism Institute #racist #conspiracy #wingnut stateofthenation.co

The current conflict between the US and Russia is due to one simple reason: the Ashkenazim. They have many scores to settle with Russia.
They are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.

The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam. The Iranian Empire, then named Parthia and abutting Scythia, influenced that word.
Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.
Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.
Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s.
In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and couldn’t care less – but because they’re a shrewd people. They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.
Could it be that the Ashkenazim’s plan is to take back and re-settle their ancient Khazaria after the Downfall of Apartheid Israel? Is it why the duly elected President of Ukraine was forcibly removed in 2014 in order to install a puppet government.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Jews behavior is the cause of “antisemitism.”

Brown peoples behavior is the cause of “racism.”

Queers behavior is the cause of “homophobia.”

The natural reaction to their abhorrent behavior has been given stigmatized labels by our enemies

( @speedydaytona )

I was indifferent to the Jew until I started investigating them.

Now I abhor them based on nothing but their own actions.

( @SenileBiden )

Democrats behavior is treason

( @SK_USA )
@Apolitical Not just their "behavior", its their "evil intent".

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@Apolitical Very well put! Cause and effect is an undeniable law of nature. The jews and other assorted victim groups purposely provide no context and fail to show the whole equation. Instead, being the liars and schemers that they are, they highlight the effect (justifiable hatred toward them) and omit the cause (their egregious behavior).

They simply cannot stand scrutiny and become indignant when faced with it. Jews have been trained to pounce on anyone (with kneejerk cries of "anti-Semitism") that dares to call them to account for their treachery and deceit.

( @LibertyForever02 )
@Apolitical those labels are all given by Jews that's the common thread.

Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com


Even Adolf Hitler had to follow his orders from the CHABAD. The Zionist House of Rothschild is one of the four most powerful entities in the world and it controls the world banking and finance system. It is part of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (which essentially comprises the English monarchy, City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

The CHABAD controls most puppeticians in the West, including US, CA, EU, GB, regions now all completely under the thumb of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal and its WEF lackeys. There is just no way that any British prime-minister or US president might NOT be under the total control of the CHABAD. Each puppetician is blackmailed in advance of being placed in front of any "leadership" microphone or camera; and this blackmail is done by all the usual suspects in Mossad, MI6, BND, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) etc.

The beast of the sea (Rev 13:1) is GLOBALISM, whereas the beast of the land (Rev 13:11) is the scourge and sin of ZIONISM, whose aim is to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem while using Jewish "victimhood" as a front, and using as a human shield the six-million Jews of modern Israel, and it seems OBVIOUS they intend to torch those six-million Jews in Armageddon as a human-sacrifice to their godhead Satan so as to "galvanize" the Antichrist ("Moshiach") into coming to Earth to grant them the Talmudic "new" world order.

Satanic forces are also said to seek the final destruction of the USA on 27 Aug 2025, when it is 13,000 weeks old.

But the big problem today is that many are growing increasingly uncomfortable with general assumptions that the "winner" will be the one who shoots first, possibly tending to make WW3 a foregone conclusion.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
"Why don't you post a video of a White guy walking up on a lady planting flowers and kicking her head off her shoulders?"

Find me the video and I'll post it.

But you can't. Because it doesn't exist.

"bAd PeOpLe Of aLL CoLoRs Do BaD tHiNgS!" is not a counter to the facts of who does what crimes at what rates - and who's most likely to attack you because you're White.

Stop lying to yourself with performative reality denial.

( @SuzanneDotGunsmoke )
@KeepNHGranite I hate them so much and they MADE me hate them so much------------

( @Morgul )
@KeepNHGranite Nothing but rage. blacks are a blight wherever they are.

( @HadriansChild )
@KeepNHGranite This is my words exactly to this new breed of Antifa Conservative boomer types

( @Based_Honkler )
@KeepNHGranite Fucking niggers.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@KeepNHGranite The one race cucks will huff and puff about "there are bad people of all colors" yet will never post the videos.
Then people will flood them with videos of blacks committing the overwhelming majority of crimes, and they just block those people.

They can't understand simple concepts like per capita rate and rage when confronted with that realization. It's scary people like that are even allowed to vote, to be honest.

( @GreatWhite96 )
@FanaticalTexan @KeepNHGranite nah, votes are worthless, not even counted.
Its scary that subhumans like that are even alive, when they really shouldnt be

( @Based_Gimli )
The only thing those animals understand is violence. They know whites are peaceful, and they smell weakness.

( @GSauce111 )
@Based_Gimli @KeepNHGranite Exactly....If White people are so violent and intolerant then why do they constantly provoke us?

( @49Pocahontas )
@KeepNHGranite Niggers are NOT like white people. PERIOD!!

( @Sticky25 )
@KeepNHGranite end jewish oppression immediately

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ElfReich )
Blaming White Supremacy has always been a most convenient lie.

spoilerI seriously wanna know how many
black people reading this tweet
have lost a loved one to white
Because everyone I've lost; my
niece, my best friend, my cousin,
my sons father, & my friends were
all murdered by someone black

( @BlankAvatar )
@ElfReich Let's tone this down. Last thing we want is blacks moving into white neighborhoods to escape black violence.

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@ElfReich White supremacy is a damnable lie. Not once in my life did I have the desire to control someone or own a slave. All I want is to live my life and be left alone. On the other hand, the jews live to control and enslave others. No amount of sophistry and propaganda from them will ever change the truth about their demonic agenda.

( @CybinTalus )
@ElfReich They might wipe themselves out and we'll be that much safer

( @becky21k )
@CybinTalus @ElfReich Sadly they have more kids than they kill one another, even with abortion

( @World_of_Pain )
@becky21k Easy for them to do when they get a welfare increase for every crotch droppling they squeeze out.

Meanwhile White people are taxed to death.

Seriously, I'm ready to soldier up and die fighting it whenever the rest of you are. . .

@CybinTalus @ElfReich

( @Boataholic )
@World_of_Pain @becky21k @CybinTalus @ElfReich Cut off the welfare and they will be too busy pushing brooms and digging ditches to commit so much mayhem.

( @VickiMure )
@ElfReich Lies made up from the Jews, just like their supposed holocaust. If a jew is moving their mouth, they are lying.

( @SK_USA )
@ElfReich White Supremacy only exists in Politics and the MSM.

( @Brewmeister890 )
@SK_USA @ElfReich
White Supremacy? Is that a CIA term like ‘conspiracy theory’ ?

( @Whydotheysuckit )
@Brewmeister890 @SK_USA @ElfReich no it's a jewish term like racism

Mellowtron #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut youtube.com

In my own life, talking to my friends and family, I’ve found that holding people to their own absurd ideology works pretty well to embarrass them in to silence. One particular dialogue tree I’ve been working on is… I ask my white-phobe friend to define and give evidence of “systemic racism”, inevitably they mention a disparity in outcomes across racial lines. So I say “ok systemic racism is any human activity, which on a society scale produces disparate outcomes across races?”. They agree with this definition, and I’ve got them. I then ask “OKAY CAN YOU GIVE ME 3 EXAMPLES ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY OF SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT SYSTEMICALLY RACIST?!” And they cannot do it. They have defined everything that isn’t the idealized race communist hellscape, as “systemic racism”. Everything in any multi-ethnic society, which is 100% of all human civilizations that we know of, have failed to reach perfect racial parity in all things, or anything. So everything every human has ever done has 100% been systemically racist. And we know, if there was an example of western achieving these things they would simply expand the scope, “oh well Americans achieved equity, if they aren’t equitable with Mexicans, with North Americans, with the Western Hemisphere, with the planet earth, you still need to do the work.

So their goals are absurd, they are overtly racist, and it’s worth reminding them that racists always thought their racism was morally good. The literal Klan thought what they were doing was morally upright and correct. RACISTS ALWAYS THINK THEIR RACISM IS THE GOOD PATH. Remind them of this, as you obliterated their dumb fuckery.

barcacel #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

being white-passing is better than being fully white

in this other thread i talked about my plan to become fully white because i'm only white-passing:


but i just realized that maybe being only white-passing is better than being fully white

for example iran

we white-passing are more violent than fully whites, i believe that we keep the same creativity and intelligence of whites IF we have light skin like i do

thanks to only being white-passing we are not cucks like fully white men, fully white men will let millions of immigrants enter their country to ruin it and take their women, we white-passing men wouldn't allow that

starcrapoo #racist incels.is

RE: Narcos/Gangs go ER on a family in California

CA is the new Mexico. Mexicans/Latinos outnumber whites, asians, and blacks here.

This is MExican culture or latin american culture in general. Get used to it my fellow burgerland cels.

Extremely cruel, heinous, and senseless killings are pretty common with feral Aztecs and incans. This is absolutely nothing new.
In the central valley of CA, Mexican illegals have been known to commit heinous murders of cops and civilians. Exceptionally heinous cold blooded crimes. Not just CA but also the American southwest and in the American south.

Their numbers are increasing rapidly in CA not just through immigration but through childbirth. Mexican foids pop out babies like its fuckin nothing.

Get ready for a ton of corruption, distrust, incompetence, crime, scamming, thievery, violence, drugs, prostitution, mass bastardization, mass single motherhood etc...
It is the new Mexico.

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "Antisemitism, Han-style"]

Only a few years after rejecting the planned “leap to China”, Tablet laments the way the Chinese are now actively turning against the Jewish people for reasons that appear to be based on nothing more than a straightforward observation of the decline and incipient fall of the United States over the 20th century

According to Lu’s videos and commentary, Jews are manipulators, penny-pinchers, loan sharks, and drug dealers[…]

How perfectly outrageous! This Chinese criticism of an innocent and saintly people who have never harmed anyone and never done nothing wrong to nobody is hateful, antisemitic, and, unfortunately, appears to be 100-percent accurate

The thing is, you can fool all the people some of the time, but if you’re an ethnic cabal of wicked pedophiles who believe you’re destined to rule the world on behalf of your master, Satan, eventually some of the people are going to notice this and take exception to both you and your objectives, no matter how many names you manage to call them

And if you attack those who are doing nothing more than observably telling the readily-confirmable truth, eventually everyone is going to figure out that you’re a community of shameless liars and literally nothing that any of you say can be taken at face value

Xi Xinping is the most intelligent world leader on the scene today. The great Chinese strategist Wang Hunin was 20 years ahead of me in his geostrategic observations. So, I very much doubt that anyone is going to be successful in gaslighting either of them, no matter how many Western institutions they happen to have at their disposal

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is how much power the Jews have.

You're free to question and criticize White people all you want, without consequence. But dare to question or criticize the Jews, and it will cost you BILLIONS, and will ruin your entire life.

( @RiddleOfSteelStrength )
@Nature_and_Race "His comments caused Adidas..." NO, the ADL caused Adidas.

( @Time2Awake )
@JingoPatriotWarrior in the 25 points of the NSDAP, a key tenet is that religion in Germany was to be positive Christianity and nothing of Judaism. @Nature_and_Race

( @JackBox007 )

( @Kawflowswest )
@Nature_and_Race to clarify, he "lost" paper value ascribed to his business ventures through clever asset valuation techniques which can be used to come up with any number the accountant wants. Just Jewish financial manipulation. I'm glad he's finding freedom from the tribe and is inspiring others to fight against them. The guy still has tons of money.

( @BumBee )
@Nature_and_Race I disagree. Getting out from under the jew fiat lie is a blessing in disguise.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
When Christian business Hobby Lobby refused to give contraceptives to their employees because it violated their 1st amendment Right, they had to take it to the Supreme Court.

When Christian bakers didn’t want to bake a cake for queers because it was against their religious beliefs, they had to take it to the Supreme Court.

When jews don’t want you mentioning how much power they have, they use their influence over media, economics, and politics to silence you. No need for courts, they own those too.

( @SaintMichaelTheArchangel )
Conservatives are smart enough to "Keep the best, Toss the rest" ...
If the Koshers are tripping over each other to try to ban Kanye West (THEY ARE),
he must be onto something (HE IS), so, let him talk and tell us what he knows !!!
The smartest people in the world are not right 100% of the time ...
@a @DrPaulGosar @LaurenBoebert @RepMattGaetz @RandPaul @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @VDARE @WendyRogersAZ

( @Aeriaz3 )
@Trouble_Man Jewish supremacists

( @SamParkerSenate )


( @pysek )
@Trouble_Man kikes literally have their own police force.

We've been occupied for generations.

( @Ferweh )
Yep, 'Shomrim.'
My old neighborhood was heavy jewish. Nothing ever happened (guess the golem have a good sense of danger and know better than to fuck with jews), YET they had city cops in city cruisers just sitting on a quiet street-
While actual murder and mayhem reined just blocks away-
The city's really short on cops, you see.
@pysek @Trouble_Man

( @pysek )
@Ferweh @Trouble_Man cops know who they serve, and it ain't us.

( @Catface )

@swissraider #wingnut #racist gettr.com

If you’d WANT to hold back blacks from success you’d implement the demonrat program:
- encourage fatherless homes: #abortion #welfare

- horrible education:#publicschools #socialpromotion and NOW - #racebasedgrading

- being in the wrong educational / job environment:#affirmativeaction

C.T. #racist #magick westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Savitri & Eduardo"]

As promised in this comment when I announced the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book, the entry below this post translates, from Spanish into English, an essay that Eduardo Velasco published on his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana[…]
In Savitri’s prose and Eduardo’s quotations we are told that he will be a personal entity that will destroy the wicked. Since over the decades I have given much thought to exterminationism, it is only natural that the finding that this apocalyptic figure is invoked precisely in the oldest Aryan religion caught my attention. Before discovering Savitri’s philosophy it was something I was unaware of![…]
I believed in the paranormal[…]Because of my rationalist mind, it seems to me that we could interpret the figure of Kalki not personally, but as the apocalypse for mankind that energy devolution will represent[…]
My rationalist scepticism doesn’t rob the first Aryan religion of its numinousness, or even profound truth. From a symbolic point of view, Hinduism may be telling us great truths. Any reader of Jung will understand[…]
The other issue is Kali Yuga, also explained in Savitri’s and Eduardo’s texts. Taking into account my book Day of Wrath[…]I don’t believe in such a thing as a previous Golden Age. But I do believe that our age is the darkest for the survival of the white race since prehistory, a dark age that those versed in Hinduism call Kali Yuga

In my view, the dark hour for the Aryans began when Hannibal’s armies decimated the Romans[…]Miscegenation and eventual intermarriage and blood-mixing that would culminate, a few centuries later, with the Christians coming to power[…]
From my point of view the Christian era is the dark age[…]This way of interpreting Aryan religion is closer to Friedreich Nietzsche, a fan of the Law of Manu, than to Savitri or Eduardo who wanted to rescue what they call the esoteric side of Christianity

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @The_Nose )
Antisemitism seems insane to someone that gets their news from cable and still enjoys Hollywood made movies. Whats more insane is an ethnoreligious group less than 2% of the population controls both of those industries and most of the country doesn't think there is anything wrong with that.

( @auseconomicunit )

spoiler"Jews don't own the media" cry Jewish owners of
large media platforms

( @Arms_Control_Poseur )
@The_Nose Of course the penalty for speaking out against the jew is being deplatformed, slandered by the media and then having your shekels cut off. I guess it’s just a conspiracy theory though, lol.

( @H0l0h0ax )
@The_Nose If people were allowed to talk about the behavior of Jews, they wouldn’t be able to get away with anything. I mean, imagine if they had to give an explanation for all of those wars they started?

( @Cindysue73 )
@The_Nose I also blame religion on some of it. Falsely claiming them to be the chosen people and that Christ was a Jew

( @Saamprater )
@The_Nose Because we grew up being brainwashed that they’re the forever victims.
Not the creators of their own demise.

( @JPsMerch )
@The_Nose History is meaningless to the average idiot. It's just Hitler hate on the History Channel and PBS. That's literally the entire scope of history, those two stations. To them, slaving away for seventy hours a week, both man and wife, is just normal. Hell, it's a source of pride! When they take out a loan at 20% interest for that new car? Hell, this is what makes America great!

Shit getting too expensive? Damn those Democrats. We need a Republican in there again, and all this shit will be mega-ultra-all-American-great again!

Um, yeah, dude, but Presidents are only there for four years, maybe eight. Then they're gonna put a Democrat in there again. It's all planned. It's a cycle.

They don't get this. It's like NFL fans who think life is all about their team winning. Doesn't matter that in a year, you might have a different team in charge. Or four years. They bask in the glow while it's there, and figure "We'll kick their asses next election!"

People are children. They respond to the world as such.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

It’s not new when Senator Lindsey Graham thunders about wanting to “unleash the fury and might of the U.S.” against groups in Mexico, this time drug cartels. The catalyst was the kidnapping of four American citizens, two of whom were killed.

The Americans were black. That may explain why American outrage was so much stronger than when 70 Mormon missionaries were held hostage in 2021, albeit with none killed.

Several Republicans are urging military action within Mexico in response to drug cartels. Most of those taking the lead on this issue are notably weak on border security

Oddly, calling for military intervention in foreign countries is more politically correct than refusing to let foreigners in. War as a crusade is now an American tradition. We kill people to save democracy; end war; or to stop fascism, Communism, authoritarianism, or the latest incarnation of Hitler.

We do not fight wars in the national interest. That would require a distinction between “us” and “them,” which is now forbidden.

The United States of America lacks the will to defend its border, which makes it weaker than even the smallest sovereign state. President Obrador knows this; he laughed at Republican threats and issued his own:

Starting today we are going to start an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States and for all Hispanics to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico and how this initiative by the Republicans is an offense against the people of Mexico.

And if they do not change their attitude we are going to call for them not to vote for that party.

Since 2016, American media have been hysterical about so-called Russian meddling and disinformation. Here we have an open threat from a head of state. President Obrador also takes for granted that Mexicans and Hispanics will pay more attention to Mexico and be more eager to defend Mexico’s independence than America’s. There is no outrage. America, having imported a foreign helot population, does not have the power to prevent this. To denounce it is to admit that the United States has been wrong since 1965, when it dismantled the policy to keep America overwhelmingly white.

Lu Kewen #racist #conspiracy #moonbat tabletmag.com

Since the most recent conflict in Gaza in May 2021, antisemitic tropes and sentiments have been propagated on Chinese state media[…]
Lu is the owner and founder of Lu Kewen Studio, a Beijing-based “self-media” online news channel[…]Lu’s enterprise has reportedly amassed a following of 15 million subscribers[…]
On May 29, 2021, about a week after the Gaza ceasefire went into effect, Lu posted an 8,000-character screed in five parts titled “What Should We Make of the Jews?” The manifesto is not an original work[…]
In certain parts, Lu adds his own musings to the mix; in others, he just quotes at length from Mein Kampf and the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Long after last year’s Gaza conflict had subsided, Lu continued to publish articles arguing that even if “beaten to death,” he “will never agree that Jews are a good partner to the Chinese people”[…]
According to Lu’s videos and commentary, Jews are manipulators, penny-pinchers, loan sharks, and drug dealers. More than an ethnic group bound by blood and history, they operate like a private club, an elitist cabal whose members are linked by a web of common interests, “especially the American Jews.” It is through these social connections that Jews have infiltrated key global positions and “took control of the three cornerstones of American society, namely finance, media, and culture.” The Jewish penetration of American power is so far advanced that the Bush, Obama, and Biden families and administrations have all fallen prey to Jewish influence. Because Jews control the anti-China U.S. media and hold key positions in Biden’s anti-China cabinet, they are the “ideological voice” of the United States, the spearhead of the West’s accelerating crusade against the Chinese government and people

One of the conspiracies[…]accuses Jews of being “the world’s most powerful drug barons” and therefore of being responsible for the eruption of the mid-19th-century Opium Wars

@deleterium #wingnut #racist gettr.com

@nrsc @senategop @housegop #judiciarygop #minorities #crime #racism

Is it our imaginations that a disproportionate share of the crime in America is perpetrated by young Black men?

Is it our imaginations that when law enforcement is hampered, crime in urban areas where young Black men congregate increases to new levels?

Is it simply just racism, that the vast majority of incarcerated are young Black men?

Are Democrats afraid that if given the opportunity to defend ourselves from crime with firearms, that a great many more Black criminals will end up dead?

Are we expected to upend this entire nation on the basis of a lie; that some how we are all racists, when in reality the problem is people who know not what to do with their freedom? #awakenthetruth

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