
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @OutlawJW )

spoilerReminder for Vall that Roe v Wade was
overturned a little over 1 trimester ago

( @Spongebob1776 )
@OutlawJW Pretty suspicious that the only two issues--- abortion and Jan 6th-- was put on a silver platter for Democrats to use against their Republican opponents. Can't talk about stolen elections, political prisoners, Armed IRS agents, FBI stasi tactics against political enemies, inflation, Ukraine spending, Government spending, Biden, rigged elections, mail in ballots, Covid, the jabs, the boosters, the young people dying for no apparent reasons, black crime spree, no bail for criminals, liberal District attorneys, Darrell Brooks, etc...

( @thelastdude )
@OutlawJW poor Leonardo DiCaprio..... A liberal douchebag that became the face of conservative memes lol

( @Defythecabal )
@thelastdude @OutlawJW I still don’t understand it. Everyone knows Leo is the biggest leftist globalist douche there is. How can I help? Jewish Hollywood infected conservatives brains from childhood. Every hero we can remember on tv has been infected with leftist virus.

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@Defythecabal You're missing the point. Aborting kike nigger or assorted shitskin fetuses is fantastic. Aborting White babies should be a death penalty offense. Unless it's a mudshark, then the crotch spawn isn't human, and the abortion should be mandatory and state enforced.

Thx for lissnin

@thelastdude @OutlawJW

P McD and Christopher Rutherford #conspiracy #wingnut #racist youtube.com

(P McD)
@tellyboy17 there are thousands of NATO soldiers in Ukraine, they are not in uniform, but they are trained, equipped and given the intel. A NATO commander was captured in Mariupol. They are everywhere 😂 ..and are still losing☺️

(Christopher Rutherford)
The Russian army will learn many lessons from this war. They will improve while NATO armies will increase diversity

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

It's hard to pin exact authorship on individuals who lead or originally led various Nazi movements within the Cultural Marxism that owns the current Presidency, administration, deep-state, Marxocrat Party and much of all other political parties.

We've got our Eco-Nazis, our Femi-Nazis, our Homo-Nazis, our Racial-Nazis, our Mask-Nazis, our Vax-Nazis, our Trannie-Nazis, our HIV-Nazis, our College-Nazis, our Diversity-Nazis, and more; a lot more.The newest rage is all of the "Disinformation Nazi" movement, in which we find Speech-Nazis, News-Nazis, Publishing-Nazis, Social-Media-Nazis, YouTube-Nazis, Google-Search-Nazis, Commedy-And-Joke-Nazis, Print-Nazis, Advertising-Nazis and Website-Nazis.

Everyone is expected to toe the Nazi line, whatever and wherever it is.

There are actually two kinds of Eco-Nazi today: Ecological Nazis and Economic Nazis. The Economic Nazis (or the political puppeteers who create, own and operate them) cause an economic instability in some way, maybe bringing a major car company or auto-industry to the brink of economic failure, or maybe a large bank, or the whole banking industry. Then, on the incredibly stupid theory that the endangered business element is "Too Big To Fail", they bail them out with more tax dollars, moving the whole nation that much closer to economic failure.
And that's what all these movements are really about: the eventual destruction of the private sector of the USA, one way or another, or in many ways. The elimination of the USA as a super-power, as an economic success story, as a bastion of freedom and as a model of how capitalism is supposed to work.

Ask yourself how it ever came to be that millions of Americans actually believe that the genitalia people are born with do not necessarily determine what their sex is. And how it came to be that anyone who tries to disavow any of them of that glaringly obvious error, will be summarily "cancelled", maybe fired, or even jailed under some pretext.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Anti-Anti-Christ Service:

The technology of Satanism is based on the Chaos Force, the mathematics of non linear equations and dark energy matter quantum superimposition in space-like form for temporal power and time-like to disempower, possess light energy matter life form for temporal power and time-like to disempower, possess light energy matter wageslaves. Tim Rifat, the Psi-Lord unlike all the charlatans, counterfeiters, disinforming websites is a scientist who specialises in the study and vivisection of Satanism to produce Anti-Satanists to destroy the Satanism and sequester it’s power for the new Anti-Illuminati. There are 13 Anti-Illuminati, 12 Grand Anti-Illuminati and 33 lower levels of Anti-Freemasons the lower levels open to anyone who buys from Psi-Lord Ltd any of the Bone Generators™ Services. Once you have bought 30 Bone Generator™ Services you have reached the top of the Anti-Freemason rankings a 33rd degree Anti-Freemason. All the Freemasons in the world then are your power source and feed you space-like power to manifest your Intents as you dump time-like toxic waste from the Sublime Good™ process to make all they do past present and future a broken dream, unfulfilled at the last…
World history is an open book once you see that Satanism is the agenda of the West ruled by the Rothschilds. Having destroyed Satanism and sequestered Satanism the Psi-Lord has blocked the Anti-Christ from completing the theft of the Christ get out of hell card and the complete damnation of the entire world by Rothschild Satanism. The sequestered Anti-Christian as it is supposed to be the Son, Avatar, Satan incarnate is now the Anti-Chaos version, a Total Deathgoat Jew (the chosen race of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth) the Total Damned one way ticket to Anti-Chaos Omega Hell and the Omega Hell on Earth…
Cost $1600 (only 12, after that you have to be a multimillionaire to buy the Bone Generators™ Service from one of the 12 Grand Bone Psi-Masters.)

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Halp )
Anti-White terrorist attacks like the Waukesha massacre aren’t the result of “mental illness.” They’re the result of years of media and government messaging about “White supremacy” and “White privilege.”

( @FlawedEnigma )

( @FanaticalTexan )
@Halp I think the media is conflating 'mental illness' with 'mental deficiency'.
These low IQ chimps don't do the things they do because they are ill, they do so because they are deficient.
Calling them mentally ill implicitly means it's not the norm for them and we can somehow cure them. Recognizing this is the norm means it's a deficiency in their genes and we are incompatible and the only cure is separation.

( @gthousandaire )
@Halp If "White privilege" and "White Supremacy" were so endemic in this country, and so problematic for BIPOCs, there wouldn't be any of them here to complain about it.

( @Emmee83 )
@gthousandaire @Halp let’s make that happen!!

( @prometheus037 )
@Halp bring back lynching

( @Lovecraft_Freeman )
@Halp It’s like Rwanda, the media was used by the government to divide and sow murderous hatred between two groups, one of which those in power wanted gone; so they provided them with weapons and justification for genocide.

( @Volcanic84 )
@Halp The Democrats were losing so many black voters that they had to create racism where it didn't exist. Now they have gone so far that some are talking about going back to segregation because they are too dangerous to live among us.

( @PizzaJohns )
@Halp it is normal for blacks to murder any other race who tries to share a nation with them. They even do this to other blacks all over Africa. They don't need any instruction. They're born that way. The media just makes whites tolerate it

( @rotifer1066 )
The ADL is literally telling blacks to kill whites.
Constantly telling people to “forcefully” attack.
Their words!
This is Zionist supremacist terrorism

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The Civil War saw brother face off against brutha"]

Over at The Atlantic (try not to be shocked), nigger activist Clint Smith has a ridiculous article about how Confederate gravesites aren't black enough, or something[…]
What's wrong with refusing to grapple? After all, as we've covered before, slavery is not some unique thing that white Americans did to blacks. Slavery was a thing the world over where a superior conquering nation took the people from the inferior conquered nation and put them to work. I'm truly sorry to whiners like Clint Smith that his ancestors were so inferior that they became history's punching bag[…]
Niggers really like latching onto this "treason" thing about the War Between the States (and they really should try looking in a mirror). Of course, one of the...what's the word....well-documented thing about the Reconstruction Era is that literally nobody considered the Confederate cause to be "treason"[…]
As many have noted before, of course, the prevailing attitude in the southern States regarding what legislation should be applicable regarding slavery was that it was up to the citizens of those states to decide[…]
So he shouldn't be surprised that a large number of southerners, whether sympathetic or opposed to slavery, took issue during the Civil War based on the principle of states' rights: they were acting lock-step in favour of men like Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Parker[…]
For another, despite the occasional Yankee carpetbagger the whole point of the Reconstruction South was...what's the word?...oh yes, reconstruction. Being upset at the Confederate Battle Flag being flown alongside the 1950s United States Flag would be like anger over the British and French flags being flown alongside[…]
That the Civil War wasn't "slavery bad people fighting slavery good people" is partly why Reconstruction was so successful and why the South didn't turn into a guerilla quadmire

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Yes, that's correct.

That's how horrid blacks are.

spoilerWypipo bungee jump, swim
with sharks, climb mountains,
zip line, sky dive, wrestle
alligators, and play with
snakes, but 'fear for their lives'
around Black people?

( @TheBasedGoy )
@Nature_and_Race absolutely. Niggers are way more violent and aggressive than any OTHER animal.

( @Archer14 )
@TheBasedGoy @Nature_and_Race
Nigger assaults on Whites outpace annual shark attacks by the end of the first week of January.

( @Shotgun_Mouthwash )
@TheBasedGoy Sharks, Bears, Wolves, Tigers.
None of these pretend to be anything other than what they are, unlike niggers.

Each of these lives away from humans, unlike niggers, because "to each their own space"


( @Unknownusername1988 )
There is no animal on earth that inflicts pain and suffering for pure pleasure the way the African hominid does.

( @Jorbrooklyn )
@HarrisonBergeron88 black people are scarier.

( @Trop68 )

( @BumBee )
@Trop68 Just imagine a planet with nothing but NIGGERS on it.

( @NoStep_OnSnek )
@BumBee We don't have to imagine.. We can see exactly what it would be like in places that either have no Whites or where the niggers slaughtered all the Whites.


( @HigHrvatski )
@Nature_and_Race There were only 4 fatal Shark Attacks in the US in the 2020's.
Yes, being around sharks is a lot safer than being around Blacks.

( @lord_nougat )
@HigHrvatski @Nature_and_Race More pleasant, too!

( @indigowavve )
@Nature_and_Race Japan was nuked twice. Yet those cities recovered. Niggers have infested Chicago and Detroit for fifty plus years and continue to suffer. Niggers are unironically worse for a city than an atomic bomb. It feels bizarre to say that and have evidence to back up the fact it's true.

CancelThisCompany #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy cancelthiscompany.com

Once upon a time, the cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, virtually all of the largest corporations have gone woke to one degree or another. Many have adopted Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (D.I.E.), AKA quotas based on skin pigmentation, gender, and LGBTQ instead of merit. Fortune 500 companies are literally keeping track of employees by race, and have launched 'training’ campaigns to indoctrinate employees into critical race theory, eerily reminiscent of early Nazi Germany. Many of these woke companies are in essence, hate groups. They push racial polarization, fomenting the democrat party's toxic culture war, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2]. Many have made substantial donations to various race-mongering groups including the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, the National Urban League, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Some have brazenly alienated half of the country by openly smearing Donald Trump and/or Republicans, by attacking voting integrity laws, and by pushing for censorship of conservative speech or of just speech, for example, by pulling advertising from Elon Musk-owned Twitter. Some are anti-2nd Amendment, are parroting global warming hysteria, are trying to tear down gender constructs, and are pushing the insidious media/democrat party divide-and-conquer agenda of separating people into 'oppressed' groups (women, LGBTQ, etc). Some of these companies have actually come out against parents having the fundamental right to protect their children from being sexually groomed in elementary schools. Others have adopted ESG, the woke rating system.

Woke companies are a danger to our freedom and values. This is why we MUST stop feeding the beast that is using profits from our purchases to fuel the destruction of our country. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It is your civic duty!

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Albanians Are No Better Than Serbians"]

The Dark History of Albania & The Future of the American Empire

Albanians are not the people most people think they are… And the Nations which import them or give them free ability to exist and have their way, will greatly regret[…]
The Albanians rely on the so-called “Illyrian Myth”, but the fact is that they are Turko-Slavs, some are more or entirely Turkish (bottom of the Barrel) or Slavic[…]
It is no mistake that this Man mentions in the video that without American, that they would basically be the “Kurds of Europe”, because that is the thing with them, they have no loyalties or richness or honor as a people, like some other Barbarians do

This video at least provides insight into the mind of how Albanians think, and all the more proves the Barbarism of Slavs, yet they try to make themselves seem more honorable than “Russians”

All Slavs, are known for being highly Barbaric and stirring up conflicts all the time even among their own people[…]
If Albanians are regarded as the “Mexicans of Europe”, then we must say that the Albanians are White on the outside, but Negroes on the inside

Albanians are not well-liked in Europe because they have horrific personalities and values, even look and behave sketchy and are involved in a lot of illicit activities. They even have their hands all in with Espionage and the CIA and Biotech firms, and they have absolutely no loyalty to anyone[…]
The Best thing Europeans can do at least as far as how they observe the regional conflict of Serbia/Kosova/Albania is to have completely indifference[…]
In terms of the Balkans, these countries along with Bosnia are troubled grounds and troubled people[…]
Lowest IQ of all people in Europe, and Lowest Empathy. Passive-Aggressive Personalities who only lower the leve of culture, integrity and honesty in society to very abysmal levels

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
See, this is why the anti-Whites continue to stomp our guts out.

They don't celebrate victory by easing off of their war against White people. No. They celebrate all of their victories by INTENSIFYING their war against White people.

We could learn a great deal from this.

( @Stewartsville )
@Nature_and_Race Until Whites meet the same level of hatred that's being pushed by the anti White antagonist, We will continue to be on the defense. Whites must become ruthless in our return to prominence.

( @Hollerich )
@Nature_and_Race Mayor of London is Muslim. Now England has a Hindu Prime Minister, with a net worth of about U.S. $850 Million. Every time I think that we have it bad in the U.S. or Canada, there's England. What's it going to take for White British to wake up to what is happening? Edit: Canada and the U.S. are no better. It's just very frustrating to see what is happening.

( @Nomad888 )
@Hollerich @Nature_and_Race
I think England is lost. We cannot vote or legislate our way out of this - the Kalergi Plan is in full effect with Al Hijra immigration helping things along.
I can see this ending in Enoch Powell's "River of Blood" when people do eventually wake up - by which time it will be too late. Sleepwalking to oblivion.

( @ForTheFutureOf14 )

We are learning more everyday brother. I hope our people in Britannia fight back, they deserve more than this shit skin invader.

( @Red_Bearded_Heathen )
@Nature_and_Race why ease up? They know they are winning with programming some of our white ladies to breed with POC, make our white children ashamed to be white and give POC a kneel, and the cuck simping males to let the POC to sleep with their wives because they know they can’t satisfy their ladies.
We as white people who believe in the National Socialism (people who live their country and the people who live their fellow country folk) have to try (my thought is waste of time to educate them) need to form our community

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @The_Nose )
We are getting close to the tipping point and they know it. They are extra neurotic lately and rightfully so because herd antisemitism is just around the corner. The more they try to "shut it down" the more the Streisand Effect shines a spotlight on their tricks.

( @Joker019 )
@The_Nose The jews will set fire to the world soon. Buckle up.

( @Sylviadeedee )
@Joker019 @The_Nose

Ever consider they *want* Jews to leave America so they can destroy it?

( @ThatsTooBad_ )
@The_Nose They're shook because younger generations aren't nearly as ZOG'd as the boomers.

( @Gabber52 )
@The_Nose these people have made an ubelievable amount of progress against us with simple cons and sheer chutzpah. At the same time, I'm convinced they can become entirely freaked out and flee from the slightest amount of public exposure and publicity. Its likely because they can't believe how much we've fallen for, and they're convinced we must be playing dumb as we make advanced preparations to genocide them back.

( @masteractio )
@Gabber52 @The_Nose That's why they work so hard to keep us separated, because, there sure has hell are some Whites paragons, geniuses and our future generals, who have long planned for everything. Eviction, Extinction, everything, depending on what must be done to answer the jq.

Connecting Whites to our lost paragons is absolutely destructive to the jew world order.

( @ThomasRevere )
@Gabber52 @The_Nose The truth is to Jews what a crucifix is to vampires.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #wingnut #fundie dailystormer.name

[From "Shock: That Mopey Whore They Put in Charge of Italy has Tripled Migrant Arrivals"]

Every stupid cuckservative in America was celebrating this dumb whore taking over Italy. These worthless faggots and kikesuckers like Matt Walsh were saying this was a triumph for the global movement of post-Trump populism

They were ignoring the fact that this greaseball hound doggy was standing with the Ukraine like any stupid slut you’d meet gorging herself on 1,200 calorie sandwiches at Starbucks[…]
Conversely, I was like “the only thing you can trust a slut to do is give blowjobs to strangers and have sex with the blacks – if you think she’s going to save your country, you’re a gay retard”

Since she was elected, we haven’t heard much about her following her initial “honeymoon” era statements about cleaning up the streets

It turns out, migrant arrivals have TRIPLED under this bitch’s regime

Great job, retards


Italian authorities brought 1,650 predominantly African and Middle Eastern migrants ashore before dawn on Saturday[…]

The penalty is: when she sucks them off, she’s going to spit instead of swallow[…]
If Meloni is doing “stiff penalties” instead of stroking stiffies, she could really start by arresting people[…]
Yeah, she won’t put the smugglers in jail. She definitely won’t sink the boats. She won’t even arrest and deport the migrants, who are continuing an endless wave of killings[…]
We cannot have these women

They are utterly worthless

It is pure moronism, to claim to be “conservative” and then push feminism. Firstly, feminism is not “conservative.” Secondly, this simply does not work. Even if your sights are as low as stopping millions of Africans from pouring into your country, they cannot get this done[…]
We have to go back to Christianity. That is the only solution

woodchip #wingnut #racist descentbb.net

So my old Alma Mater, Michigan Statue U. had a mass shooting. While nothing new, what is different is the shooter was arrested a few years prior on a gun charge but the the county prosecutor and the judge felt sorry for him and reduced his charge to a misdemeanor. This meant he could still go out and buy a firearm ...which he did and the rest is history:


The other thing is the shooter was not a student nor did he have anything to do with MSU. Yet he went to the campus to do his shooting. Why?
I suspect it was because it's a a gun free zone. Anyways in this instance the shooting is a direct cause of a liberal prosecutor feeling sorry for a black resident and reducing a charge that may of prevented the shooting. Maybe it is time to be able to sue prosecutors when they don't follow the law.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
You can't defeat a movement unless you know exactly who's leading it.

You cannot defeat Globalism without having the courage to be anti-Jewish.

Defeat the Jews, and you'll defeat Globalism.

spoilerYes, Ranting Against Globalism Is Anti-Semitic

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race If we try to fight this battle without naming the jews, we are effectively just wasting our energy flailing about, fighting against nothing.

( @Bummom27 )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race first you must identify your enemy before you can eliminate him

( @empty13 )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race true. not naming (((them))) is (((their))) first rule.

( @OdinTheAllFather )
@brextremist You don't get rid of a cockroach infestation by going next door and smashing ants. @Nature_and_Race

( @844steamtrain )
@Nature_and_Race Can't fix a problem without correctly diagnosing it. We have to normalize criticizing and shaming Jews. They are the problem, not us. The internet is a powerful tool. We have the facts and evidence on our side. There is nothing wrong with fighting back. There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your race, future, heritage and culture. The Great Replacement and Anti White racism are strong talking points with normies.

( @PickleRick_420 )
@Nature_and_Race well let the antisemitism flow

( @ResearchBlackPopeJesuitsOrder )
Me-too the Jewish zionist ashkheNazi Talmud people.

There's a reason these demons have been kicked out of so many countries.

( @GenesRus )
@Nature_and_Race I usually look at problems in the world through the lens of “In the absence of the jew, would this even be a problem?”

( @belladior )
@Nature_and_Race I love how straightforward they are in their admittance. It's almost as if you were in doubt about who is responsible, they jump in and say, "Hey, that's us!!"

( @DirtyAbner )
@Nature_and_Race OK...they are the ones admitting they are the globalist

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Wanderers_Choice )

@StarHorizon )
@Wanderers_Choice I love how this simple meme shows that our enemies are not making actual arguments, they're just antiwhite.

( @Kaniewski )
@Wanderers_Choice Seriously, what is wrong with being racist? If you are Aryan, what is wrong with being a White Supremacist? Everyone wants to live in White Supremacist Nations and we are failing them. Whites are not getting into boats or boots of cars to live in non White built nations. The world is calling out for White Supremacy. Would the WEF exist if we had a European Union of National Socialist sovereign nations? The history of the world over the last 35,0000 yrs is the story of how White Supremacy lifting up the world out of the stone age. 🙂

( @Wyatt_Mann )
@Kaniewski @Wanderers_Choice It depends how you define "White supremacy". I hate the term as it is normally applied.

I embrace all the attempted pejoratives sent in my direction: Anti-semite, racist, xenophobe, etc. All except for "White supremacist". No.

A "supremacist" is someone who wants to live in proximity to racial aliens, and exercise power over them. To lord over them. I simply want to be apart from them.

Having a superior society is not "supremacism".

( @YellingTurns )
@Wanderers_Choice Whites re-awakening the tribal spirit will conquer all.

( @Stygianwolfe )
I identify as a viking, take the Indians away!🤣🤣🤣

( @Miles_Deep )

Natives were never americans. They were savages living in a nameless landmass. We conquered the land and the savages, named the landmass and built the most powerful nation the world has seen.

( @he_who_scoffs_at_danger )
@Wanderers_Choice I wish I remembered the specifics, but a parliamentarian used the word "indigenous" to describe Europeans and there was a full-spectrum shitfit over it. It might have been in the UN, or EU assembly, now that I think of it.

They are very protective of the connotations they impose on words.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Wanderers_Choice In America, we don't even talk about the Indians anymore. That's the way it should be. White America is based.

Frosty Wooldridge #wingnut #transphobia #racist newswithviews.com

Are you confused about life in 2023 America? Are you confused about the meaning of a boy or a girl? Are you stymied as to why we have borders to protect our country, but our president has invited the largest invasion of criminals over those borders for the past 26 months? Does it concern you that drugs such as fentanyl have killed 100,000 of our youth annually for the past two years…as our leaders in Congress continue to help drug dealers import those poisons over our borders?
Is it strange that our children are being indoctrinated into being “transgender” changelings at the tender age of 6, 7, 8, 9 and/or 10? Is it not strange to you that preteens are being castrated or having their breasts removed before they even know what their lives are all about?
Does it make any sense that this new acronym of EID… “Equity, Inclusion, Diversity” means that we should lower academic standards to put somebody into the cockpit of a 747…or bestow an M.D. degree on someone who will perform a heart transplant…or send someone on a moon landing or place them into an air traffic control tower by the virtue of the color of their skin?
So, why are we doing this horse-sh*t to ourselves? Who is forcing us to move from excellence, achievement, academic prowess, freedom of speech and meritocracy…to honoring stupidity, ignorance, illiteracy and high school dropouts?

During my youth, I grew up on a farm much of the time. I learned hard work, chores…milking cows, feeding chickens, shearing sheep, plowing, planting, cultivating, cutting hay, baling hay, stacking it in the barn, making maple syrup, repairing machinery…and learning common sense.

In the 1960’s, women fought for more rights, equal pay and more say in politics. Title IX arrived to give women athletic energy and competition. Additionally, dignity! It made sense!

Current_Salt and SonoftheMorning333 #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Comments under "After colonial settlers carried out a pogrom on the Palestinian town of Huwara burning over 100 cars, injuring 100+ residents, burning a cat to death & burning over 35 homes, veteran colonel settler leader says If you don't want to see what happened in Huwara again then let us steal more ???? Land"]


He should have just finish the job

Comment by SonoftheMorning333:

Eventually They'll get what they deserve, again, hot showers and a long nap


What was that quote Hitler said? Something along the lines of

the more I get to know them, the more I dislike them

or something similar?

Comment by SonoftheMorning333:

Maybe, but possibly also:

"I could have killed all the Jews in the world but I left some alive to show the world why I did it"

A man who accurately forsaw the trajectory of the Jewish people and is being proven correct every day

Cant say he was wrong

Xinjiang Narcotics Control Commission #racist rfa.org

A public service video featuring a Uyghur actor who portrays a “black-hearted drug dealer” preying on Chinese women recently went viral in China.

But researchers and activists have criticized the choice of a Uyghur for the role, saying it plays on old racist tropes about Uyghur men, who have historically been victims of drug trafficking rather than perpetrators.

“I’m a black-hearted drug dealer, but I’d never tell you this,” the actor, Turghunjan Mehmet, says to the camera from a dimly-lit room.

“I’d never tell you that I’d package methaqualone as candy and give it to you,” he says. “Its street name is ‘Buddha’s Virtue.’ It can trigger severe coma and lethal respiratory failure.”

The camera shows him giving the candy to an apparently Han Chinese woman in a coffee shop.

speculareffect #conspiracy #racist #ableist #homophobia specular-effect.com

When I said that 2023 was going to be the year for psyops, I wasn’t kidding. Many people brushed it off and said, “Yeah, okay. We’ll see.” Well, “have at you!”

I told you so! I told you they were going to come with the extraterrestrial visitation hoax! Get your asses ready for the real jab!

That’s right! A real faggot’s wonderland is about to unfurl—alien probes right up your ass. Yes, I’m going to once again, bask in my vindication! Because, I predicted this. You can read my first article about it, here, from 3 years ago. I’m not psychic. I’m not a fed or CIA glowie. I just understand two main things—Communism and how retarded the average person is. They wouldn’t try to pull this hoax if they didn’t have confidence that many would fall for it—if they didn’t understand that the average person is a blithering fucking moron who believes everything they see on a screen and in the media. They wouldn’t attempt to deceive us again were there no efficacy in the Boomer tube, or the internet. My sweet child, there’s a retard of every shade and color for every impractical and incredible nonsense out there. There are people who literally believe that a Jewish space zombie lives past Orion’s belt, for Christ’s sake [pun usage bonus x666]. And yes, they all believe and trust what the government tells them, because they believe in this Jewish superman.

Do not fall for this hoax guys. They are doing it again! They did it with the covid hoax, the 9/11 hoax and many other hoaxes before our time and now it’s time for Aliens.

I love the X-Files. It was part of the many fun times in my childhood, but Jews are behind this new hoax! I explained this right, here, about more than a year ago.

They have mastered the deep fake and holographic images technology. They will create wonders in the night sky and will deceive the very elect.

Don’t worry, my fellow goyim. Do not panic! The Jewish elite super brain is going to save us all with their space lasers and Tikun Olam the entire fucking planet.

@_Leese & @ProudAnglo81 #racist gettr.com

( @_Leese )
"The real racists are the people who hate the ethnic English so much they want to flood our homeland with illegal immigration
The only motivation to allow an open border is to destroy the people & country as it exists"

( @ProudAnglo81 )
Exactly!! Multiculturalism wasn't designed to be successful, it was designed to create civil unrest in white majority countries.

( @_Leese )

yet to even question this agenda forces manipulation, guilt, shame upon us and for us to be branded with labels such as xenophobe, bigot and racist.
ffs the English never suffered fools, on the contrary we had glory, strength and heroic courage and this is what all Europeans must have again.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @UniversalDelirium )
Gee, I wonder why anti-semitism is on the rise. Total mystery.

spoilerThe amount of antisemitism coming
from all corners is fucking alarming
yes I am racist! I hate white people!

( @Halp )

spoilerAnti-Semitism is a disease.
You catch it from Jews.


( @Jew4FreeSpeech )
@Resist_Jewish_Supremacy @UniversalDelirium
it's OK to be White

it's awesome to be White

it's Ok to be Brown

it's awesome to be Brown

( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
Hey look everybody. A "good jew"
Also known as "controlled opposition".

Remember brothers and sisters:

Good jew or bad jew...
You're still getting jewed

( @AlexanderBeu )
@Jew4FreeSpeech @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy @UniversalDelirium

Go be a pedo faggot jew cancer with your awesome jewish pedo faggot cancers you worthless kike.

( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
@AlexanderBeu @Jew4FreeSpeech @UniversalDelirium isn't his post the perfect example of how they use jews as controlled opposition in the conservative movement?
His name "Jews for free speech " these are the operatives who keep whites focused on anything except the reality that they are being genocide from every angle Including multiculturalism which this jew is making statements supporting

( @BuddhistBob )
@UniversalDelirium we hate you too Jew.

( @DeboonDaboom )
@BuddhistBob @UniversalDelirium Hates white people, yet decides to live in their country. Why doesn't he go to Isreal?

( @ApatheticExtinction )
@UniversalDelirium Oh we're just getting started jewboy. He hasn't seen anything yet

( @MasonCutlip )

spoilerJews choking on their loxism when kicked out of another Nation for no reason

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #racist archived.moe


i know the answer and may be stating the obvious, but why don't these tough guys fuck off and be tough in their home countries?

because the police here are entirely pre-occupied with virtue signalling. crime here is terribly bad but the police refuse to act on it because the criminals are brown. our biggest prison populace is albanian because while still immigrants, they’re white enough to actually arrest.

Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

Many great historians, such Professor Carroll Quigley, Professor Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier, proved beyond all doubt that WW2 WAS THE SINGLE MOST CONTROLLED "CONFLICT" IN HUMAN HISTORY. And Switzerland played a key role in that rigged "conflict".
One of the top tasks that the "Illuminati" assigned to Allen Welsh Dulles was to oversee the theft of bullion, art and other loot from NSDAP-occupied countries and regions, which the NSDAP plundered for their "Illuminati" bosses. The final transfer stage for the swag was the 20 km trip from Lörrach-Baden in Germany to the BIS headquarters at CentralPlatz 2, Basel, Switzerland, where NSDAP officials passed it to their "Illuminati" bosses, who then conveyed it to storage points in Switzerland, London and NYC. Most of the profits and gains the "Illuminati" bloodlines wrought from WW2 were bunkered in NYC because Pax Americana was about to start in 1945.
The "Illuminati" granted Hitler, and most of the NSDAP, their freedom in gratitude for having totally smashed Germany on their behalf and for helping them to perpetrate the German Holocaust in which the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided 39 million German Christian Civilians in 1914-55. CIA insider John Lear revealed that Hitler, who was a very enthusiastic Zionist, died in 1968 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.

The main train-station in Bern still has a SECRET PLATFORM (Platform 11 not accessible to the public) that has always been used to load and unload bullion, diamonds and other loot that the "Illuminati" still store in massive deep-underground facilities in the Swiss Alps, notably in the cantons Bern, Valais, and Grisons-Graubünden. By a "terrific" "coincidence", Davos, St Moritz, and Klosters are all located in Grisons-Graubünden. The INFORMATION DESK at Bern station will confirm that Platform 11 exists but that it is "not used for normal train services".

Tucker Carlson #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

One of the saddest polls ever came out the other day. Rasmussen found that nearly half of African-Americans, 47%, don't agree with the statement, "It's okay to be white." That's just awful. Of course, it's awful. Why is it happening? Well, in part, because the media, for the last several years, have pushed Rwanda-style race hatred on the entire population. And far from getting better, it's getting worse. Where does this wind up in the end, you wonder?

Well, the L.A. Times published a piece with this title: "How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.'s people of color." Oh, right. We looked this up. It was written by yet another decadent rich kid who went to Harvard West Lake, the most expensive private school in Los Angeles. But here he's claiming, in the L.A. Times, that just by breathing, white people are hurting others. Why don't you just genocide them at this point? What is this? It's bad is what it is. We don't need to hate each other on the basis of color and the L.A. Times should stop pushing this along with the rest of the media.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @VexatiousThinker )

( @Buddy_Holly )
If interested, please checkout these 2 Gab groups:

"Resist Jewish Supremacy"

"Jews Against Jewish Supremacy"

( @Generalpoptart )
@VexatiousThinker not surprising we already know they hate us.

( @illegal_Peruvian )
@VexatiousThinker still can not believe that Hitler was right

( @ensitue )
@VexatiousThinker eliminating history like a good lil' Marxist-Globalist

( @Twowheel4ever77 )
@VexatiousThinker If only they knew how this country would turn out, they would've fought for the other side.

( @Turkey4651 )
@VexatiousThinker My reading of history there weren't many negro Germans or negro Japanese.

( @theHarv )
@VexatiousThinker Yeah, white people bleeding and dying for what this country once stood for. Now, they die for propaganda centers ruining our kids.

( @Krieg_Wulf )
@VexatiousThinker Too bad we whites were tricked into fighting our own brother's in Europe TWICE!

( @kh32962 )
As in most great advancements and achievements,
white people led the way…

various commenters #wingnut #quack #racist gab.com

( @RealRedElephants )

( @DJHD )
@RealRedElephants In other words... SHAPIRO'S A FILTHY KIKE CUNT.
Look it up.

( @Pozzmo )
Ben Shapiro anyone who advocates getting the toxic shot should never have a platform worth a second look . Period

( @AntiSatanic )
@RealRedElephants Even years ago, there was never a time that I didn’t think Ben Shapiro was nothing but a Zionist midwit Controlled Opposition Kike!

( @FatherJohn )
@RealRedElephants NEVER trust.... a Jew.

( @Atomic_Pope )
@RealRedElephants Perfidious Jew, Ben Shapiro, selling toxic snake oil to the goyim for his fellow Jews in Big Pharma.

( @JoeyJoJoJoestarJr_Shabadoo )
@RealRedElephants is Ben vaxed? Or are spike proteins not kosher?

(@HigHrvatski )
@RealRedElephants I Got COVID twice, if you're a young man don't get the vaccine.

( @SuperMAGADeplorableTaco )
@HigHrvatski @RealRedElephants most likely you got influenza twice not covid since you build immunity after the first time. Also the tests were based on influenza it holds to a hypothesis that you tested positive to influenza not “COVID-19” which has never been isolated by the way.

( @HigHrvatski )
@SuperMAGADeplorableTaco Irrelevant, don't get the jab. The jab is deadly to young men, while Corona or the flu is not.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Our country is not merely "in decline".

The entirety of western civilization is being killed deliberately.

( @Mojave_MGTOW )
@DrPaulGosar By whom?

( @VanCleef )
@Mojave_MGTOW @DrPaulGosar
(((them))), that’s (((who)))

( @BabyMountainGoat )
@Mojave_MGTOW @DrPaulGosar

Globalists of all races and creeds

( @Relic_Arcane )
@BabyMountainGoat @Mojave_MGTOW @DrPaulGosar

It's a jewish agenda.

( @StaringInDisbelief )
@DrPaulGosar Western civilization is White civilization. White young people are not marrying and not having children in anything like the numbers required for a stable demographic situation. We have failed to teach the most essential lessons of preserving civilization and into the vacuum is pouring the mercenary biz class who just want workers (the cheaper the better) and the Marxist political class who just want dependents that are reliable slaves.

( @Rube_Goldberg )
@DrPaulGosar Yes, by Jews

( @Merkabak )
@DrPaulGosar the ironic thing about you not naming the jew now is that when western civilization does finally collapse the jews will brag about being behind it every step of the way for hundreds of years.

( @FrozenBubba )
@DrPaulGosar The Khazarian Mafia is trying to take control of the planet

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerPARENT ALERT! If you have kids heading
back to school, read the language about
medical consent. This is an excerpt from a
school consent form: "l authorize the Health
staff to administer medical services,
IMMUNIZATIONS, and therapeutic
procedures to my child as deemed
They better keep their filthy hands off our

( @kh32962 )
School is where they take control of the kids in the first place.
The subjects they’re forced to study turns them against God, their parents ,their country and ultimately, themselves.
So good luck trying to keep them from volunteering to
kill themselves with school mandates medical procedures.

( @John_Wayne_72 )
All kids sent to public schools WILL get the sterilizing "vaccine" one way or another.

This post is a PsyOp.
This post is designed to get parents to think that if they check their schools medical consent form, and it doesn't mention immunizations, then their kids won't get immunized/sterilized.

Trust me, they WILL be.

Only option is home school or leave the country.

@kh32962 @TrumpLongTimePatriot

( @LaramieJack )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot public schools are for illegals and socialists now. Home school or private school. Don’t send your children into the hog pens.

( @Driver )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Take your kids out of schools...they are no longer safe. Between the deadly experimental shots (called vaccines) and the mental illness of the teachers, your kids are in harm's way.

( @TheAmericanPatriotParty )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot do not send your kids to Leftist indoctrination camps filled with pedophiles!

( @jdmax )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Don't sign anything giving consent to anyone to give your children any sort of medication!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
White kid defends himself from violent rioters. Mainstream media attacks him.

Black convicted child rapist mass murders a crowd of White people out enjoying a Christmas parade with their families and community. Mainstream media downplays the severity of his violence, doesn't even use his name.

There is a war being waged against us, White people. We need to wake up and do something about it.

( @BlankAvatar )
@Nature_and_Race Judeo-Media-Complex is enemy #1. They're enemy #1 not because of their insulting attitude, but because they brainwash billions of people into becoming our mortal enemies, and that makes them enemy #1.

( @Dieselpatriot )
@Nature_and_Race Had this convo around the fire last night, if it’s a justified shot I will only take it if it’s a friend or a white person being attacked by a group of monkeys, if they are beating their own we keep on walking

( @AngryIrishGuy )
@Nature_and_Race … I have never been more supportive of segregation in my life. If blacks hate us that much, fine. Segregate. I’m all for it.

( @Reti-P )
@Nature_and_Race Well today was going well until this reality hit this morning. I'm going to be melancholy for the past for a while. We're at war with a (((people))) that want people genocided.

( @TheRealEVCG )
We do indeed. Have no fear in professionally exposing AntiWhite lies and campaigns, White family. Please also travel in pairs or groups when possible whenever you have to go into public in overly "enriched" areas, White brothers and sisters. @Nature_and_Race

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

The amazing economic and military growth of the Illuminati’s Triad of Evil means that we may be approaching the final phase of our prophetic history.
The “Cold War” was created to apply worldwide the Hegelian Dialectic of the Jesuits. That as the thesis and antithesis; that is to pit “the Free World in the West” against “the Communist Bloc in the East”. The American Empire was to lead the West, and the Russian Empire the East. Both sides were to be financed by the Jesuit international banking cartel, centred in London and New York, specifically by the Federal Reserve and the Chase-Manhattan Banks, both owned by the Rothschilds.

This synthesis was to destroy the US Empire through the so-called “end of the Cold War”. The illusion of the end of the Cold War would legally enable the Roman corporate monopolies, united in New York City under the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, to give Russia and China high technology and financial support, as was eventually illegally realised by Hillary Clinton. This perfected the war machines of both economic communist and political fascist giants, with the aim of invading North America.

It is important to know the following consistency: The Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, also with the help of their Federal Reserve Bank led by Masonic Zionist Jews, including Warburg in particular. The Knights negotiated the Concordat – a papal treaty – between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz von Papen.
Red China was created by the Rothschilds and chosen as a poster-child and role model for the Illuminati’s Hegelian synthesis of communism versus capitalism.

Meanwhile, the United States was deliberately downtrodden and suppressed. Extraterrestrial philosophies and a wave of immorality are being used to destroy man’s spirit, while Wall Street managers continue with their Ponzi scheme of manipulation.

TruthIsUnbreakable #wingnut #conspiracy #racist operationdisclosureofficial.com

So true Frank. There is so much truth that Trump isn’t working for we the people, he’s working for the Globalists. It’s not only the symbolism that he serves Apollo and Pan. It’s follow the $$ and the associations thereof. Whether or not the real Trump is at Cheyenne Mountain remains to be seen. Another thing to consider is whether or not throughout the entire Presidency of Trump’s first term was that a double Trump from the past seven years, while the real one was held captive elsewhere and/or the real Trump was killed and replaced with a series of doubles and clones? Regardless, philosophies never change.

The facts remain that the agendas continue under the guise of control and safety. That’s why I’ve been at the supposed good guy groups to stop moving the goalpost at 80% awakening level. Beyond obvious of the materialistic dialectic and the psychological operations thereof.

I came across this video by EntertheStars today, as Casey goes over the Honey traps, decodes, etc. Within the first twenty minutes is about Trump promoting these hive Quantum Leap Freedom Homes. The video of his speech was on March 3rd, 2023, 33 and 322 symbolism. His left eye appears more serpent-like and you have to wonder if these homes that the double KM Trump is promoting are sponsored by Blackrock? No matter what we have learned about Trump, there are plenty who are under the cult-worship that Trump will solve everything, when in reality that is not the case. Politics is nothing more than lies, fear-mongering, and getting people to obey what authorities dictate. Why choose to go through the political theater of the uniparty who serve the corporations and the overlords, who continue the same policies as before? Why choose those to rob and rule you better?

RT & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( RT )
Is he wrong?

spoilerYe (fka Kanye West) on "the straight white male"
"There's nobody that gets judged more than a
straight white male. The straight white male has
the least amount of a platform to even speak."

( @McGraine )
@RT The goddam Jewish Elite have been declaring war on straight White men for decades. Notice how we have no straight White men leading happy families in movies or TV anymore.

( @hermanhale )
@McGraine @RT I noticed a long time ago diversity ads would include every type except a straight white male type, unless he was in a wheel chair.

( @Aricht50 )
@RT yeah because Black people are most racist of all races is a "myth"?! That's complete BS! They and the Democrats are the most racist of anyone. Can't even tell you how many countless times I've been confronted and discriminated against by Black people! And I'm not even White!

( @ConcreteCracker )
@Aricht50 @RT They are not racist. They are antiwhite. They hate only White people specifically

( @Aricht50 )

( @MasonCutlip )

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @Halp )
We didn’t just get to this dystopian upside down hell world because of psychotic leftist behavior, we got here because normal people are afraid of being called “racist,” “antisemitic” and “homophobic” by psychotic leftists.

( @Zaklog )
@Halp #meme

( @BeauHunter )
@Zaklog @Halp Survival means being racist and anti-semitic. The people of color and Jews want all Whites dead.

( @Fromundacheeze )
@Zaklog @Halp not all of us....but yeah, most people who want to keep their jobs have to STFU about how we really feel about niggers, spics, chinks, heebs, goat fuckers, pedos, tranny freaks, faggots, and all the rest of clown world and brown world. It's hard shutting the fuck up, but I have a family to feed. So I take to Gab to get my fill of red meat hate. :) I still share with my family the truth and my kids will be based as fuck.

( @Littletoad2020 )
@Halp If you refuse to name the "JEW" then your message can't be true. You can do it! Name the Jew!
They're not just Democrats!
They're not just Liberals!
They're not just Leftists or Marxists or Communists!
They're FUCKING Jews!
Name them!
Maybe you're one of those people that are afraid to be labeled "Racist" or "Antisemitic" or "Homophobic"?

( @echoes )
@Halp Imagine flushing thousands of years of beautiful white culture and genetics, b/c ur scared of being called a name lol

( @MR_AntiSemite )
If I'm called, “racist,” “antisemitic” or a “homophobic” by anyone i take that as a complement.

( @SerotoninSyndrome )
@Halp Racism and antisemitism laws were literally the first things on the bolshevik agenda when they seized power. They're effective. Whites are too concerned with civility by nature, and when you conflate being racist with being uncivil, mass manipulation is easy af to achieve.

( @Plastic_Banana )
No its neither. We got here because there is a powerful New World Order conspiracy behind the scenes in the western world. There is little people at ground level can do about it either way.

Ground level liberals aren't really behind any of the radical changes, they are just the useful idiots implementing it and supporting it. Its all decided at an extremely high level even above Soros, Gates, etc.

Clif High #conspiracy #racist #wingnut clifhigh.substack.com


We’re Worried about you!

Have you felt it? Are your spidey senses tingling yet?

The reason is the FLIP into the PEAK of THE BIG UGLY!

The BIG UGLY is a time of the
upending, and overturning of the giant iceberg of public opinion as the 5GUW (5th Generation (global) Unrestricted War) emerges into public discussion.

The BIG UGLY is a time of ‘collective expression of knowledge’, that will produce an ‘upending of the social order’.
The FLIP means that you WILL be hearing discussions everywhere of the Crimes of the CDC, the vile history of Fauci & the NIH, of the Deaths caused by the mRNA poisons, of the Fedsurrection on J6, and the names of the people WHO planned it, and how YOU are being tainted by their LIES. Your constituents will be talking about the [KM] (Khazarian Mafia), and the [DS] (Deep State) while buying coffee, or getting their latest tattoo.

They WILL be talking about YOU too.
People will be asking, they will want to know: Have YOU taken Adrenochrome?

No. Adrenochrome not a myth. It is not an antisemitic lie. It is real. It is THE most expensive illicit drug on this planet. Money alone will NOT get you adrenochome.

The [KM] hides in the body of the Jewish people, as a sacrificial cloak, so that then they can claim ‘antisemitism’ if you question any of their practices, but they are not jews. They consider themselves better than jews. They are true, pure, satanists. They eat human flesh, torture children by sexual abuse, pain, and rape, and then they kill them to harvest the adrenal gland complex, and their ‘product’, adrenochrome.

What?! Do you really think the Ukraine (Khazaria is what we used to call Ukraine) War is about just the biolabs? No, it’s about the [KM] harvesting humans.
[KM] Discussions are coming in to the center of the normies (your constituents) in waves from the fringes of the social order. Talk of the [KM] is dominating the financial fringe now. It is just weeks away from over-turning ALL the financial media.

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

For every (Conservative. black) Jesse Lee Peterson, there are 100 "youths" looting a local Walgreens store or Amazon truck. The ones that aren't looting are getting high, playing the Knockout Game, and voting for Democrats to give them more free stuff.

For every Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tik Tok) or Alice Fluegel, there are 100 pink-haired communists pushing degeneracy in their classrooms and poisoning the minds of children. The ones that aren't grooming children are reading romance novels, salivating over celebrities, and sleeping with the enemy.

By a show of numbers alone, white men are all that's left. And while we welcome and embrace everyone who is on the same side as we are, the sad fact remains that we will have to bear the brunt of the work alone. The struggles and sacrifices required to save the nation are on our shoulders, because no one else is up to the task. No one else is going to do it.
Step one is to unplug from a corrupt society. That means disassociating oneself from every person, place, or thing that has contributed to the downfall and moral rot of the country. It means cancelling movies, music, television, sports, junk food, fast food, all of it. It means pulling your children out of school and homeschooling them. It means saying no to pornography, dating sites, Las Vegas, and all of the trash and degeneracy that has descended upon our once great nation.
If you're a white man who's not up to the task; that's not willing to kill your television, eliminate all processed food from your diet, and purge pornography from your life, that's okay. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero. Only get out of the way of those who are. Stuff your face with pizza, watch your football and porn, and let the men do the fighting. You can stay behind with the women and babies, and jerk off while watching the Super Bowl.
What do you say, white man?

Are you up to it?

The fate of America rests in your hands.

@harnwell & @180milesperhour #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @harnwell )
The US military-industrial complex won’t stop until it has provoked, goaded and lured Russia into a first strike, against which it can then whole-heartedly retaliate — Pearl Harbor all over again.

And the American taxpayer will pick up the trillion dollar tab.

( @180milesperhour )
We could have had the final solution instead we're getting the great reset

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Coerced by Declining American Empire, Kenyan Court Tries to Force People to Do Sodomy on Each Other"]

Gay sex in Africa is a Jewish conspiracy

That’s not a joke[…]
The US State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy, as well as, frankly, the US Department of Defense, all play a role in coercing African governments to force their populations to have gay anal sex with one another

If you just spend a minute attempting to process this, you will understand how the United States received the moniker “The Great Satan”

Life Site News

Kenyan lawmakers and religious leaders have expressed outrage after the country’s Supreme Court ruled[…]to allow homosexuals to establish pro-LGBT organizations[…]

The tolerance of gay anal activities, including rimjobs and fisting, is always a sign of a culture in absolute decline. In fact, history shows that the embrace of these activities, which also include eating poop mixed with your own semen out of another man’s anus, denote a civilization as standing on the precipice of utter collapse[…]
Africans have a significantly lower average intelligence than that of the white, Asian, Semitic, Indian, and Arabian civilizations we would be comparing them to in an historical analysis[…]If Africans were to reject the social agenda being pushed on them by the Jews, that they would punch well above their intellectual weight class[…]
It is the epitome of foolishness to embrace the sickening values of a dying society like Western civilization[…]
The US is a blight and a cancer on the world[…]open rebellion against the universal order that defines all matter[…]
It is the patriotic duty of the American people who are not in league with the Jews to stand with other countries against the American state

Roger Kimball #wingnut #racist amgreatness.com

How do you imagine the woke beast? It is rough, surely, and slouches towards some unprofitable venue, so not Bethlehem.

I think of it as something ravenous but episodic in its appetites, a sort of Polyphemus for hire. It gorges in a destructive frenzy and then retreats to some dank corner to belch and sleep and slobber. Then forgetfulness spreads its enervating fog and the Zeitgeist enjoins us to put it all behind us because, after all, what difference at this point does it make™?

I thought about the habits of the woke beast this week when the popular cartoonist and social commentator Scott Adams found himself caught in its masticating maw. When it comes to practitioners of his craft and sullen art, few can be more innocuous than Scott Adams. He is best known as the creator of Dilbert, a comic casualty of modern office bureaucracy. Adams also runs a subscription video podcast in which he drinks coffee and comments on current events. It was a 30- or 40-second bit of the latter that awakened the woke beast.
Adams notes that he had been in the habit of identifying as black because he wanted to do what he could to help black people. A recent poll from Rasmussen changed his mind. To the question “Is it OK to be white” nearly half the black respondents answered “no, it is not OK to be white” or said they were uncertain.

Adams was taken aback by the results of this poll. Among other things, it suggested that racism was not a white monopoly, as we have been taught to believe. Adams reasoned, then that means that a large percentage of black people are racist.

Ergo, he revised his earlier position. Now, instead of identifying as black and doing what he could to help black people, he advises whites to withdraw. Of course, you should be “friendly,” he stressed. But “based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people.”

Oh, the howls of outrage that comment elicited!

@Patriotic_Paul1 & @Sheltiesrock #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @Patriotic_Paul1 )
I'm Very proud of my White Race and Heritage and I don't Apologise for that, I'm a Patriotic White Englishman and if that offends you so fucking what.

#whitelivesmatter #whitelivesmattertoo #whitepride #whiteprideworldwide #whiteprideforever

And while I'm at it

( @Sheltiesrock )

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
The FBI and the Department of “Justice,” which paid a man $200,000 to spy on me, and offered a $1 million “bounty” to try and prove a totally made up and fake “dossier” about me (they went down in flames!), are now leaking nonstop on the Document Hoax to the Fake News.

Who could ever trust corrupt, weaponized agencies, and that includes NARA, who disrespects our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to keep and safeguard any records, especially since they’ve lost millions and millions of pages of information from previous Presidents. Also, who knows what NARA and the FBI plant into documents, or subtract from documents—we will never know, will we?

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe you should've spent your 4 years not appointing swamp kikes and tweeting and having your DHS concentrate on "White Supremacy" as our greatest threat...whenever you weren't sucking Israel's dick.

( @TitusRISE )
@realdonaldtrump What do you expect Trump? The United States of America has been taken over by a judaic mafia tribe. They are destroying ALL western countries with the goal of exterminating the White race world wide. They want the whole world for themselves.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@realdonaldtrump I hope they lock you up right next to the political prisoners you left hanging on January 6th. Fucking self serving piece of shit.

( @Lori_4_USA )

Hunter Wallace #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Cancellation of Dilbert"]

I don’t know much about Scott Adams
•I know he is a friend of Mike Cernovich
•I know he is the creator of the Dilbert cartoon
•I remember seeing a bunch of stupid takes from him when I was still active on Twitter
Based on what I have seen in the past, I have always thought of him as a sort of cucked Alt-Lite-adjacent Twitter personality. Apparently, he is being cancelled though now for going on a YouTube rant about black people. It seems he was unaware that millions of black people are anti-White

“Newspapers across the country have begun dropping the comic “Dilbert” from their pages after Scott Adams, the cartoon’s creator, went on a racist rant in a YouTube video[…]

The core of the Democratic Party is the toxic relationship between 1.) White liberals who hate their own race and 2.) black narcissists who are put up on a pedestal and whose inflated egos and interests the entire system has revolved around since the Civil Rights Movement. The First Commandment of American politics is essentially “Thou shalt never criticize a Black person under any circumstances”

Anyway, Dilbert has joined Aunt Jemima and Colonel Reb and Paula Deen and the Washington Redskins in the dustbin of history. The only surprise is that this cishet White male cartoon lasted as long as it did in mainstream newspapers

barcacel #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist incels.is

Why whites are more intelligent than east asians and how you can become white if you are east asian

i explain here that whites have more empathy and more individualism than east asians and that is why they created better civilizations:

why hapa children develop no affective empathy, explained using an study

east asians have bigger and faster brains than whites (southeast asians don't), but as i explain above whites have a better personality that gives them better ideas, this is why whites have always been more technologically advanced than east asians and east asians never had civilizations that were more economically better (20-50 years ago 50 percent of china was poor)

there are more white billionaires than east asians, while there are more east asians in the planet.

in my opinion this shows that whites are 1.5x better at creating wealth, technologies and civilizations

now i will explain you how to become white:

we will have reverse aging and slow aging technologies in some years, so no-one below 60-50 today will die of old age:

in 2032 we will have non-sentient female android robots and in 2052 we will be able to reverse aging. Ray Kurzweil.

now you know you won't die of old age and you can wait until some technology comes out to change your body and brain to become white

but you can say "but we east asians created anime", the japanese look hapa, i believe that you guys created it because you guys are deeper into the behavioral sink, so i don't think it is related to your brain being different.

maybe if you are japanese you should stay the way you are, they seem so special.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #wingnut stillnessinthestorm.com

Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western country in an apparent reaction to the recent earthquake attack on Turkey.

The destruction of a Western city is subject to a complete news black-out (see below for details and evidence) but it was almost certainly caused by DEWs on par with anything the United States can wield.

The Chinese are trying to de-escalate the situation by saying East and West must now choose between mutually assured destruction or mutually assured love.
To understand just how powerful these weapons are, the coastline in most countries in the Eastern Mediterranean increased by 7 meters or more and the canals of Venice dried up. The corporate media is trying to cover this up with tales of drought and low tides but these stories do not hold water (pardon the pun).

Now the Turkish earthquake has been followed by a devastating counter-attack and threats to destroy Switzerland and Israel. Faced with the prospect of total annihilation, the Rothschild family has already agreed to negotiate peace.
The Chinese, to show they were not going to back down this time, appear to have been connected to the massive tsunami and earthquake that utterly destroyed the city of Napier, New Zealand.
We also know the KM built an extensive network of bases in the Southern Hemisphere in preparation for their planned nuclear Armageddon. In other words, it may have been a Western white hat operation against a KM base in New Zealand and not a Chinese operation.

In any case, there can be no doubt the Rockefeller and KM-controlled UN needs to be dealt with and their plans stopped. The WHO is still pushing the fake pandemic as an excuse for complete totalitarian rule.

@Unser_Kampf #wingnut #racist gettr.com

#onthisdayinhistory the world would change forever. Unbeknownst to the billions of people around the world, for the many, their reckoning had come. For the few, their salvation.

A chance for a better world. A singular entity dedicated to making real change; the furtherance of society, civilization and humanity.

We bear the fruit of the failure to capitalize on this chance everyday. It serves as a constant reminder of who was right and who was wrong.

Until we recognize that fact, and do something about it, nothing will change.

#nationalism #whitenationalism #nationalsocialism #whiteprideworldwide #whitepride #adolfhitler

Happy birthday Adolf Hitler. Gott mit uns.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The America First Movement protects our children.

No more mutilations.

No more grooming.

No more killing babies.

( @wafflepanzer )
@DrPaulGosar Is that true? With Feuntes being all about that underage homosexual life? Seems wrong. Also isn't being against those things anti semitic? Doesn't that anger your israeli overlords, Gosar? You're a fucking fraud. Know how I know this? Any account that criticizes israel, jews, or your slimy relationship with them is immediately blocked by you.

You're garbage Gosar and being a shabos won't save you from anyone, least of all the people you pretend you support.

( @Handyman123 )
@DrPaulGosar Every problem in the world leads to the Jewish IMF and the Federal Reserve Bank. ALL problems in society are not coincidental, they are manufactured by the Jewish control. Follow the money and you'll see. Debt is slavery. America is not run by true American patriots. America is run by the Khazarian Jewish Bank Mafia. Abolish the illegal Federal Reserve and the IMF and you will cut the head of the snake. No power to print money equals no funding for Child Trafficking, Wars, Media, CIA, FBI, IRS, CDC, WHO, WEF, Teachers Unions, NSA, Pharma, DOD, BLM, ANTIFA, DOJ, Supreme Court and Hollywood. Plain and simple. President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110


( @John_Doe_88 )
@DrPaulGosar How about, No more getting raped, beaten and murdered by out of control niggers all across America.

( @jlozinsk )
@DrPaulGosar vaccines cause autism and miocarditis ALL VACCINES ARE BAD FOR Humans since they started cheating and no longer use killed vaccines

@PvonEuropa #racist gettr.com

All the mass shooters of 2021. Notice something? Very few white men...

You wouldn't think that from watching the news or scrolling on social media.

The media manipulates your perception of white people and minority crime. They do this so that you feel ashamed of your race and don't complain about being replaced in your homelands.

It's so obvious it's insane.

A simple repost helps spread the word. It's time to take action.

#masspsychosis #massimmigration #massshooting #massshootings #massshooter #medialies #mediabias #antiwhite #antiwhiteracism #thegreatreplacement #greatreplacement #mainstreammedia #antiwhiteagenda #saveourcountry #whitelivesmatter #whiteprivilege #whitepride #whitegenocide

@SheepDogSociety, @C130Av8trx & @Tank68 #homophobia #racist gettr.com

( @SheepDogSociety )
I'm so proud to be heterosexual and married.

Where's my award? What special day do I get to celebrate?

Will corporations support me and my special every day accomplishments?

I feel discriminated against.

#StraightPride #HeterosexualDay

( @C130Av8trx )
Starting to feel like we are in the minority

( @Tank68 )
The good news is you get to be proud every day. As am I. You forgot to mention you’re white 🤣

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