
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

State Of The Nation #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Could it be any clearer given the
perfect timing of the rapidly exploding Haiti rebellion this March of 2024?!
However, it’s not just the “rebellion” that’s driving this HUGE black op staging yet another mass invasion of Southern Florida with fleeing Haitians; it’s the out-of-control “gang violence”.

What’s critical to understand about this color revolution psyop perpetrated against the people of Haiti is that the very SCARY “gang violence” is being meticulously engineered by the C.I.A. so that it APPEARS to be totally out of control, when, in fact, it’s completely under the control of The Company, as it’s known throughout global intelligence circles.


How many times has the whole world witnessed the many civil wars, color revolutions and internal conflicts, all marked by extreme violence against the citizenry so that the indigenous peoples will swiftly flee their ancestral lands for protection in a foreign country.

Let’s face it: it takes a lot of motivation to get folks to just up and out as fast as they can, leaving everything behind—EVERYTHING! Whenever this is the case, you know these black ops/psyops have the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD written all over it.
Which means that this upcoming Haitian
invasion is just the beginning of several more to follow. Of course, the best parallel we have are all the perfectly designed internal conflicts by the C.I.A. throughout the Middle East and North Africa since 9/11, each of which drove millions of unwanted war refugees and economic migrants into Europe.

Hundreds of Soros-funded NGOs have been created to greatly facilitate those incursions into traditionally white Christian nations around the world. The Five Eyes, in particular, have been purposefully targeted with these very stealthy conspiratorial plots as a prelude to the outright takeovers of each nation—the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin/Gerald Clark #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

JESUS AS THOTH-NINGISHZIDDA, LUCIFER’S SON (Lucifer’s also known as Enki, Ea, Nudimmud, Adonai, Apollo, Poseidon, Yam, Neptune, Aquarius, Ptah, Khnemu, Buzur, Nahash, Hephaestus, Vulcan and sometimes, Melchizedek. He glyphed as entwined serpents.)

Clark told Dr. Sasha and Janet Kira Lessin that Anunnaki (ETs) from the planet Nibiru used genes from an Earthling humanoid already on Earth to adapt the Nibiran genome to Earth. Clark says the genetic, chemical, debt, war, trade and frequency modulation techniques the Nibirans (and today’s secret rulers they left in charge) keep us enslaved. Clark shows that although the Annunaki themselves prayed to “The Maker of All Things” (the Supreme Being) and even that Enki programmed us to reach enlightenment. But, says Clark, the Annunaki and the governments they control overrode the ascendance-drive with radio frequencies that block our enlightenment while Yahweh (Enlil) and his foremost Warrior Ninurta (Apollo) seek to destroy us.
Jesus rebelled against authoritarian, domination-mindset, competitive, punitive god-fearing war-mongering, Anunnaki-spawned religions.

In some versions of the Jesus story, after he recovered from his crucifixion, he moved to France with his wife, Mary Magdalene [Magdalene claimed Jesus’ body; only a wife can do this;]. In other versions, Magdalene went to France without him and he and Mother Mary walked to Afghanistan. Mary die there and Jesus became an adviser to Afghanistan’s ruler.
Bloodlines, royalty, caste are all instruments of the hierarchical obsession of the Anunnaki who impose hierarchy to feed their lust for power, control and greed.
we’re all holographic partials that contain the light of all other consciousnesses as well as the light of the Creator-of-All. The Creator contains us all.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

We parents aren’t hobbyists or rubberneckers indulging a sick curiosity. We know that our own trans-identified kids (TIKs) have been captured by an institutionally supported cult: doctors, pharma, media, education, politicians, you name it. We’re scared of TIKs because we have them. We know them. We know how much anger TIKs harbor; the state and media supported Trans Cult has encouraged them. We know how evil TIKs can be.

Lena Rae #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

As you may(or may not) know, I have a connection to the Sun and a unique view of what it is, and what’s going on with it.

I refer to the planet inside the solar shield (what we here on “Earth” call the “Sun”) as “Solaris”.

Recently, scientists have published several observations of un-precidented solar activity, including massive “tears” in the solar sheild.
I should have stood strong, and just told you all this sooner…but I’m here, relaying the info now…

The solar flares/EMP’s and all other increased solar activity ARE REAL.

It’s ALL true.

Now, specifically speaking about Solaris and what is going on with the Sun….That’s going to take a minute to explain.

To understand the increase in Solar activity and the un-usual amount of EMP’s, you 1st need to understand what the “Sun” is.

It’s not what we perseve it to be through the naked eye, or our telecopes and man-made observation mechanisms.

The flaming ball of ignited gas, is actually a sheild.

It becomes liquid further in, and that liquid is only ignited on the surface.

Inside the flaming sheild, inside the liquid fuel source, there is a solid core.

That solid core, is a planet-sized object, larger than our own planet, and it does harbor “life forms” with concious intelligence, civilizations and technology of their own.

These beings I refer to as “Solarians”.

Their basic function is to operate and maintain the sun.

The “Sun” is a power-source and CONTROL STATION for the rest of the SOLAR System.
What the Solarians are doing at this time, is amassing energy and calibrating for an enourmous EMP, directed at the broken moons of Mars.

Their plan is to magnetically polarize the 2 halves, and pull them back together.

This will create a fiery re-birth of Mar’s moon, and re-start the tidal flows on that planet.
That’s the truth of what’s going on with the “Sun” and how the dead-eyed non-leaders of the world are using it to their advantage.

The next Solar Eclipse on April 8th is going to be….Interesting…To say the least.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack twitter.com

Biden still thinks the COVID vaccines worked. If the vaccines were so successful, why hide the data? Why not simply invite all the misinformation spreaders unfettered query access to Medicare and VSD databases?

4:02 AM · Mar 12, 2024 · 27.6K Views
320 Reposts 11 Quotes 1,241 Likes 29 Bookmarks

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

As I lined up with hundreds of others to get inside London’s famed Natural History Museum to visit its new Darwin exhibition when England was celebrating Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday in 2009, I couldn’t help but wonder: was this going to be some kind of attempt at mind control? After I went through the exhibition, there was no doubt!

The Darwin exhibit reminded me of one of those bizarre science fiction movies where people line up to be placed in a special machine and emerge like robots; these people now can’t think for themselves, and they end up being like those people who brainwashed them.

Laura Loomer #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

Laura Loomer has begun targeting a Jewish nonprofit that provides assistance to refugees. On the latest episode of her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed, she claimed that HIAS is “assisting in the invasion of America”[…]
“Last week while reporting from the Darién Gap in Panama I discovered that much of the illegal immigration to our country is not simply passing through that region,” she said. “But it is being supported by a number of non-governmental organizations”

Loomer claimed that these NGOs are “operating under the guise of ‘humanitarianism'” while “actively aiding and abetting a foreign invasion of America and the replacement of our people.” She said that the “worst offender” is HIAS, a Jewish nonprofit that assists refugees

Formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS was singled out by Robert Bowers, a white supremacist who murdered 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018[…]
Loomer said that, today, HIAS focuses on “helping anyone who chooses to self-identify as a ‘refugee’ or a migrant.” She added that most of them are “Third World, military-aged men” from “such lovely countries as Venezuela, China, Afghanistan, and Somalia”

“Now, why would a Jewish organization be so concerned with assisting in the invasion of America?” she asked. “What does that have to do with Judaism? As a Jewish American myself, I totally disavow HIAS or any other organization that is actively destroying this nation by propping up illegal immigration”

She then claimed that[…]HIAS was “responsible” for “every crime committed by these invaders once they make it into our country — including human trafficking and drug smuggling. “HIAS and every company that supports them have blood on their hands”[…]
Loomer also warned that “America will continue to degrade as our founding stock is washed away by an inundation of Third World invaders”[…]our “institutions and our infrastructure” will “crumble and decay until it resembles the shitholes that these people originated from”

Erena Velazquez #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

Good Morning Everyone,

I am Nikola Tesla, and I am happy to be back with my new message to humankind through this channel.

After leaving Earth I was able to gently transition to a new body to continue to be a researcher in higher realms and make useful contributions in developing new and safe technologies. I don’t miss my human life at all, as it was very challenging to make innovations and implement them into a real world during those times.

My attempts to bring humanity new and advance technology were suppressed by a lack of money or by Darkness. The Dark Ones controlled which invention was going to be allowed to be introduced to humans. Same thing goes for so called medical beds, many sources are claiming, that they know, when the medical beds are going to be available to the public. No one on Earth has any idea including the Alliance, when the medical beds are going to be released to the public.

The Galactic Light Forces are not communicating with any humans on Gaia about the medical beds. It’s another false narrative made up by mankind. Most of the information comes from unreliable sources that cannot be trusted. Humans, who claim that they are well connected to the information about the medical beds, are lying to you. The technological innovations to New Earth, will be brought to you by Light Beings outside this planet.

Until all of the Corrupted Souls are removed from their power positions around the globe, the medical beds will not be available. The Dark Outworlders would never share their technologies. Everything, what the Secret Space Program acquired from outside this planet, are outdated and primitive technology, which is not suitable for improving your well being in any meaningful way. The medical beds are not very advanced either, as many are claiming, they would not solve overall most of the issues, that humankind is experiencing now.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut rootforamerica.com

And what they found was shocking.

In the middle of the night, they suddenly found a mail-in touchdown from an illegal alien wide receiver (they called him “an undocumented player”).

The refs also “football harvested” another mail-in touchdown by a dead running back.

Then at 3 AM a van pulled up that said “NFL” on the side and delivered another mail-in touchdown from a trans tight end who had moved to another team.

Finally, they checked the “football drop boxes” outside the stadium and found a mail-in field goal.

That’s three extra mail-in touchdowns and a mail-in field goal- all of them remarkably for San Francisco. WOW, San Francisco scored a lot of points after the game, when no one was watching. That’s really convenient. What a comeback!

torino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

In any event, in Germany/Netherlands there is also another River Leda. In Spain we have the town of Liedena (next to Yesa). Also, and curiously, Lada was the name for Anglo-Saxon legal “purging” rituals on which we will have more (see King Æthelred’s laws) (and, as mentioned the law of Genghis Khan was called Yassa).

There are at least two possibilities here. One is that the Germanic languages have the capacity to originate/maintain both the Led- and the Eld- versions of names (but the Slavic only the latter!). This is the same overreaching argument as in personal names – there we are told that the suffix –mir may be Slavic but it can also be Germanic. But the suffixes -mar and –mer are exclusively Germanic. In more recent times, we see the same argument applied to genetics. The European versions of the haplogroup R1a may be “Slavic”. But they also may be Germanic (or Celtic). However, haplogroups R1b and I1 cannot be Slavic and are Germanic (or Celtic)… (What all of this, frankly, suggests is that the Germans are a mix of at least three different populations, bits and pieces of whose language and genes made their way into the common pot).

Another possibility is that some of these names are simply not Germanic. This would raise another question. Which version is Germanic and which is not. As between the Eld- and the Led-, we’d say that the Led- is the not Germanic version. In that case, the question is whose language does it belong in? And could it be Slavic, Baltic or something else altogether.

Torino #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist jassa.org

First, let’s look at the effect of the relative balance of power (economic, military, cultural, etc) determines how one perceives history. We have an excellent example from the German approach to the “Origin of the Slavs” question.
Second, we will look (again) at how different assumptions about history translate into different interpretations of facts that might – absent such assumptions – have resulted in entirely new theories. Here the example of the Suavi-Slavi incongruity being ignored or molded to fit preexisting notions about the past will be of interest. Another example will have to do with the heavily politicized (strange, isn’t it!?) question of the ethnic nature of the Aesti.
Third, we will look at the final refuge of the scoundrels – the redefinition of the debate. Here we have an excellent example of linguistic prestidigitation when we ask the mainstream historians and archeologists to tell us what do they mean exactly by “Slavs”.
Fourth, we will ask about the implication of answers that differ from the ones that we are regularly being served up – both in the context of German self-perception and in the context, to come full circle, of today’s status of the “European project” – a project that the Germans (but also many others) hold near and dear – at whatever price.
This view of Germans and Slavs was picked up on by the Nazis (although whole heartedly only after it become clear that Poles and Czechs would not be drawn into a crusade against the Soviet Union). It was a view whose strongest expression, therefore, occurred in times of relative German strength. Put simply, whenever Germany was strong it could define history however it liked to and exclude others from its past just as it was actually excluding others from the present

Greg Reese #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Remote Viewing is the military term for viewing a target with the mind’s eye.

Remote Viewings are conducted under double blind conditions, meaning that the target assigner and the viewers are unaware of what they are viewing. They are simply given an arbitrary number.

The Future Forecasting Group was recently given the target number H506-B3T9. That was the only information they had. It was only after the viewing that they learned what the target was.

The target was the split/rapture event. In Christianity it is the “rapture.” When believers are taken into heaven while the rest of humanity suffers the tribulation. The RA material calls this event the “harvest.” And says it happens every twenty-five thousand years when those who have spiritually evolved ascend to a higher dimension while those who don’t are reincarnated back into the 3rd dimension.
They saw what appeared to be another planet. One with an inhospitable atmosphere that required domed cities. They saw underground bases. And they saw the infamous grey aliens.

According to UFO research, the most common story is that the Greys destroyed their own planet and came to Earth to experiment on mankind in a desperate attempt for survival. No longer able to reproduce sexually, they experiment on mankind with genetic science and technology to sustain their own species.
Allgire saw several images of how the soul is attached to the human body, how it is removed, and how these creatures were attempting to manipulate the process with a neurolink. And practically the whole team saw barbaric experiments on mankind with brain chips, animal mutilations, animal-human hybrids, and transhumanist hardware. As if creating some sort of human Frankenstein was the only way for their species to survive. They could be viewing the biblical Mark of the Beast.

They saw UFOs, major events in the sky, and a mass exodus.

It is interesting to note that Elon Musk wants to give everyone brain implants and says we need to escape the planet.

Gary Goodman #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

What IF?

What If… we have all been distracted by the biggest PsyOp/Sting (WH) in the history of mankind?

I have to believe that if you have not been living under a rock, by now you are at least asking yourself what the heck is going on. If you have been awake for awhile, you should already know everything predicted by 17 is happening now, and at breakneck pace, EXCEPT the EBS <Emergency Broadcast System>!

What If… The EBS was always intended to be a sting / psyop?
What If… The EBS was intended for keeping the DS busy, wasting time and resources.
What If… The EBS was intended to cause the DS to destroy itself.
What If… With all eyes and ears focused on the EBS, Mass arrests are happening NOW!
What If… Disclosure is happening now, in real time.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by the MSM (fake news).
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by Brandon himself.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by multiple disciplines now under WH control.
What If… More than a fair share of disclosure is being provided by US, the Alternative media.
What If… The MSM is now under total WH control.
What If… The US Congress, SCOTUS, and Spec Ops Mil are under total WH control.
What If… Hollywood is under total WH control?
What If… The Pres /CIC has already given all 7 of the precursor notices, in lieu of the EBS alerts?
What If… The real reason for the delay is that we are not quite ready for the shift to 5th density?
What If… We ALL spent this weekend praying and meditating for the big shift event to end the wait?

I, for one, am ready for this mess to be over. This war has taken a toll on me and my family. I lost my beloved wife, 12/28/21, and now am about to lose my home. So, Maestro, I gotta ask again…

You answered my call to action after my Memorial Day article of 5/30/2022, entitled “Ask And Ye Shall Receive”. And, boy, did you ever pick up the pace. Which was noticed many in the truth community, in the following week(s).

:The-Great-Work. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

You were born a living soul with flesh and blood, with the responsibility to respect other life and treat your fellow man with love and kindness, and with a life-spirit provided by the Creator. Your unalienable rights are for life, liberty and property, and to respect those rights of other human beings on this planet.

In an attempt to create a safe society, men elected Governments to protect and uphold your unalienable rights and your responsibilities to the Creator and your fellow man. After a while, Governments became corrupt and now we have to ask: How could Governments and other “regulatory bodies” possibly make you follow their rules and be subservient to them since your true allegiance is to your Creator?
One of the ways Governments and other regulators have tricked you into thinking you must follow their rules, is to create for themselves an “artificial-person / corporation” who is not you, but whom the Government has fooled you into thinking is you.
This concept of an “artificial-person”, a legally obligated entity, that appears to be you, but in fact is not you, is a little difficult to grasp at first. Once the Government creates an “artificial-person” that simulates you (i.e. appears to be the same as you from your point of view), but is actually a contrivance of government laws and regulations — then they’ve got you.. And if you fill out paperwork and sign documents as if you were this artificial-person then they can make you subservient to all their rules and regulations.
Instead, they expect the lawful Christian man or woman to accept the all-caps NAME and agree by silence to be treated as if he or she were a fictional entity invented and governed by mortal enemies. They must go to unlimited lengths to deceive and coerce this compliance or the underlying criminal farce would be exposed and a world-wide plunder/enslavement racket that has held all life on this planet in a vice grip for millenia would crumble and liberate every living thing.

Steve Kirsch quoting Peter Antico #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I just got off the phone with my filmmaker friend, Peter Antico. Peter said he had a discussion recently with his first cousin. Peter said don’t take the vaccine. His first cousin said “too late I just got the booster.” He died four days later of bleeding in the brain. Symptoms started right after the shot. Probably just a coincidence….
12:53 PM · Mar 8, 2024 · 325.5K Views
1,666 Reposts 57 Quotes 6,059 Likes 232 Bookmarks

Torino #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist #wingnut jassa.org

It has been assumed that Germanic gods were Odin/Wotan, Thor and the like. But their worship in Germany proper is attested only poorly. On the other hand, during the Enlightenment, German amateur anthropologists and folklore collectors began to write down and study local folk tales, myths and superstitions. The most well-known of this bunch are, of course, the Brothers Grimm. However, already many years before them, folklore research was well under way in Germany.

Some of the more curious discoveries in the Main include references to old German Gods. Many of these have been discarded as untrustworthy but they nevertheless merit mention. This is particularly so since – whether or not they were actual Gods – their names suggest a Slavic origin and, thus, a Slavic presence far West of the Elbe.

Such names include Germanic Krodo (perhaps related to the Polish Krotoszyn/Krotoschin?), the Sorbian Flins but also, among a number of Thuringian Gods, Jecha, Ostara, Cisa and Biel (a Sun God!) and others.

Take Lollus described usually as a Frankish agricultural God. Apparently, a statue or a figurine was discovered at some point near Schweinfurt (originally mentioned as Suinuurde in about 720 – what does it really refert to?).
The name Lollus appears also as Lullus, Loellus and Lallus.

Whether he may have something to do with the Polish Lel (or Polel) is an obvious question.

Another question is whether the name could have something to do with Tacitus’ Alcis.

Yet another question can be asked whether this has something to do with “dolls.” A lalka is a doll in Polish (as also in Slovene and among some East Slavs). Was the name “dolls” originally applied just to little idols?

torino #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger jassa.org

Of course, the worship of the sun and fire was not something that we normally think of Nordic religion. Instead, we think of “eastern” religions like in this account of the Persians.
Of course, the same could be said of the Suavs who worship:

Jasion, Jutrebog, Jarowit/Gerovit likely as the “Moon”
Svarog/Svarozic or Nya as the “fire”
Dadzhbog – Dag-, Dagon – or Łada as the “Sun”
The moon is the ksiezyc which is a diminutive of ksiadz. Ksiadz (xšaça) used to mean “prince” or “ruler” (see here). Ksiezyc would thus mean “little ruler” so that much like:
“So Bulgarian and Ruthenian women when talking to little children use the word bog [God]… not only in the normal sense of the word: ‘God; holy icon; cross, but also with the meaning ‘sun‘, ‘moon‘, and ‘fire.'”

Janice Fiamengo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy fiamengofile.substack.com

For International Women’s Day, let’s also consider feminism’s impact on women, and recognize that it’s been very bad there too.

Not just radical feminism. Not just the hateful or fringe variety. The whole thing, with its sob stories and sentimental celebrations, its exaggerations and cover-ups, its relentless focus on the demands and alleged needs of one half of humanity at the expense of the other, has been a monumental disaster.

For over 50 years, the movement has been mired in fraudulent claims, myopia, special pleading, double standards, abandonment of principles, manifold hypocrisies, and emotional incontinence.
Previous generations of women were taught that happiness related directly to virtue, and virtue consisted in living for others, being loyal, being a helpmeet to one’s husband, devoting oneself to one’s children, or in some other manner pursuing a good life—as a nun or a healer, a mystic or a scholar. Feminism deliberately turned such an idea on its head. Ideals of chastity, fidelity, self-sacrifice, self-control and loving kindness were, according to feminism, the imposed ideals by which men prevented women from pursuing their desires. Feminism was about self-fulfillment.

In the years since the 1970s, discussion of female goodness has essentially been ruled out of bounds. While men have always been measured (and measured themselves) against a standard of the good man—one who supports his family, including his wife, defends justice, achieves distinction in the public sphere, protects the weak, and defeats evil—the ideal of the good woman has become a pre-1960s relic. Ask a feminist what a good woman is, and she will either laugh scornfully and refuse to answer, or say that a good woman fights against patriarchy. In other words, she’ll give you an oppositional identity with little or no positive content. The real problem with feminism for women is that it destroyed the positive content of womanhood and replaced it with useless anger.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat, the Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies: They must either agree to a world federation or face all-out nuclear war.

This ultimatum came from Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and senior Black Sun officer. It comes in the wake of a comprehensive purge of high-level Khazarian Mafia leaders and military defeat in Ukraine.

The KM and the Black Sun were working on a long-term plan that involved using Ukraine to destroy Russia and break it up into several vassal states. After this, they planned to invade China and divide it into 5 warring states. Then they were going to appoint their “Messiah” as a Babylonian-style world god king dictator.

The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies stopped them dead in their tracks. They now face bankruptcy of the West, total military defeat and a continuing purge of their high-level leadership. That is why the Black Sun now agrees to a multipolar new, and fair, world arrangement. However, the battle is not over yet.
The Rothschilds (Roth=red, schild=shield of Satan) are all being hunted down by the gnostic Illuminati. The current head of the British and French branches of the Rothschild family David Rene de Rothschild contacted the WDS to say his family wanted to surrender and that their only demand was that they not be killed. Either he is in hiding at the Rothschild complex in Zug, Switzerland with his cousin Klaus Schwab Rothschild or they both have been removed from this mortal realm.
Epstein is (he is still alive) a Mossad agent who infiltrated the Satanist elite and created a comprehensive video library of them murdering children. Queen Elizabeth confessed she herself was being blackmailed with a video of her cutting off a child’s head and eating its’ heart. These tapes are now in the hands of the white hats, Mossad sources say.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #quack #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

Data points: Nicotine GUM OR PATCH is the greatest remedy to remove symptoms from venom (and spike proteins) per Dr. Bryan Ardis. MUST LISTEN TO ENTIRE VIDEO. THE PROBLEM IS THAT DR. ARDIS DOES NOT TELL YOU WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS....THE REASON THEY are now putting VENOM in our food and water is IT IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA…Everyone needs to understand WHY VENOM… from a REPTILE. This is directly linked to the Transhuman agenda to make humans more reptilian to increase the desire for adrenochrome/ preying on children and aggression. THIS IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA.

When will the White Hats Juan and Trump) going to start telling the REAL TRUTH ABOUT THAT TO THE PUBLIC?

See above if EBS was stopped what was the last card the dark hats played? His broadcast was a day before the UAP hearing so assuming it’s not that…

Personally I don’t believe that the dark hats are limited as to ‘cards’… they have an endless supply of dark deeds…


If Juan/JFKjr and Trump know the links between the two wouldn’t you think they would want to REVEAL THEM? That is, if they weren’t so busy underestimating the people’s ability to process and understand and take on board information.

Steve Kirsch quoting @MdBreathe #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The new rules of medicine per ⁦ @MdBreathe⁩:


Lessons Learned and Fighting Back

Post-pandemic realizations:

• Viruses can be treated.
• We have a lot to learn about vaccines.
• Most doctors are not that good, many are evil. Lawyers are protectors.
• The FDA and CDC are led by politically-appointed tyrants corrupted by BigPharma.
• Politics is ingrained in our healthcare system. We can’t ignore the politics.
• There are no coincidences.

10:23 AM · Mar 8, 2024 · 9,447 Views
123 Reposts 6 Quotes 381 Likes 17 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

I was right about masks.
I was right about social distancing.
I was right about lockdowns.
I was right about fatality rates.
I was right about the vaccines.

I don’t say this to brag.

I say this to remind everyone to think for yourself.

“Experts” were 💯 wrong.

WE were right.
4:51 AM · Mar 3, 2024 · 429.3K Views
4,053 Reposts 141 Quotes 21.6K Likes 181 Bookmarks

Kabamur of the Pleiadian Collective via Family Of Taygeta. #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

On the occasion of Jacob Rothschild’s death, I’ll share what I’ve learned about bloodline families and their connection to the dark forces.

The biggest secret of all royal bloodlines throughout history is that they were once genetically modified by the Sirian traitor Oppisheklio (Enki, Lucifer) to be his “chosen people”. The character of Yawheh-Jehovah in the Bible is based on Enki.

The story of Adam and Eve doesn’t refer to all humans, just one lineage. The genetic upgrade of all human races worldwide was done by Galactic Federation thousands of years prior to the events described in Genesis.

The “anunnaki” were a mixed family of reptilians and Sirians who came to deceive Earth, out of hatred for Pleiadians and the light they represent. They evaded capture from Galactic Federation for millions of years by jumping from body to body and hiding in astral. Now they are confined but can still communicate to their cults during blood rituals.
Within the satanic cabal, there is always one who sits at the top and takes orders directly from the leader of the dark forces, a reptilian named Pidkozox (Satan). This entity is traditionally represented as a storm god in world mythology and was called “Father God”.

The human leader of the cabal is worshiped by the cult as a physical stand-in for Pidkozox. In 2017, the head of the cabal was George Soros. He directed false flags on behalf of the dark forces and controlled cloning worldwide. He was removed and it was concealed with ‘black hat’ rapid cloning.
You won’t hear this anywhere else, but the current leader of the cabal is Google-founder Larry Page. He’s been hiding in Fiji for several years, doing exactly what Soros was doing. Page isn’t part of a royal bloodline, but Pleiadians have identified his soul as being the Sirian son of Oppisheklio (Enki-Lucifer).

Charles Haywood and C. Jay Engel #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

In a recent YouTube livestream for Chronicles, far-right wannabe “warlord” Charles Haywood declared that Europe is “doomed” because it took in “far too many migrants.” During this same livestream, Haywood revealed that while some want to return to the politics of a decade ago, he wants to go back much further — to “the world of 1880 or 1680”

In response to a viewer comment which said mockingly that “‘the woke’ is ‘going away’,” Haywood called it “ludicrously silly and wrong” to actually believe that

As evidence that “the woke” wasn’t “going away” on its own, Haywood reference the controversy over Google Gemini — the AI program which reportedly generated images of racially diverse Founding Fathers and Nazi soldiers[…]
Haywood similarly claimed that Google Gemini was “programed to spew anti-white hatred” and that its creators refused to apologize. “They didn’t apologize at all,” he said. “They just turned it off because people were ridiculing them because their anti-white hatred was too obvious. They’re just gonna make it less obvious and re-release the thing”

He added that the “woke isn’t going to be put away because the Left is incapable of any dialing back of its actions”

The show’s host, C. Jay Engel, agreed with this assessment, stating that “there’s this mentality in American conservatism” that peoples’ lives improve with each passing generation. “So the point is that no, you actually have to exercise will. You actually have to exercise power in order to get your way,” he said

Haywood then remarked that even if “the woke were put away,” it would leave us with the “world of 2015.” “What we need, politically,” he said, “is the world of 1880 or 1680. Not exactly. Not nostalgically. But the elements, the core beliefs, need to be rolled back to that era, not to 2015. That’s just dumb”

Helen West #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The controlling power of America is ridiculous and redundant. The MOVIE in play is not just MAIN STREAM media. Gas lighting Narcissistic propaganda is being delivered in and on ALL scales. News papers, Main Stream, and Alternative information coming out is ridiculous programming of the American people, possibly the world.

Telegram Gurus, Geo Political, CIA, FBI, Medical Practices, Hospitals, information shows, Christian base articles, current events being reported, movie stars in movies, sports events, you name it. It’s ALL FAKE AND Controlled. The stringing along is getting gagging. The Election and the preparation for it is ridiculous too. The Military is able to intercede now with all the evidence given out on the treasonous actions of the many Corporations, Industries, Government parties and officials, Judicial parties, holders in office. It’s all clearly evident but still we sit here and wait for whatever it is the ones in control want us to see. This is historic and the most redundant vomiting MOVIE I’ve ever had to live through. It needs to be done, already. Too much of whatever this is will make people never want to trust our Government, never take part in anything again that we need to believe in like Our Military! This sounds more like a REVENGE TACTIC, then too really care about the American People. Arrest the guilty, Give them a Quick trial and be done with them. This is ridiculous to have to listen too and watch on a daily basis.

I’ve watched and listened to regurgitating information on the RV, Presidential Election, all Elections in every state and local government rehash the treasonous buying of votes, politicians, police, judges, church officials for way to long. I’ve lost interest. I seen people give up, give in, and die and still nothing changes but the next scene of the movie.

Lets move on the Movie and end it. Sleepers are pretty much zombies and only a huge event will possibly wake them. If not, too bad. FINISH THIS ALREADY.

Paul Craig Roberts #racist #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world. It is happening in some countries faster than in others. Although women in Sweden and Norway do not have the same recourse to law when they are raped by immigrant-invaders as they have if raped by white Scandinavian men, it is in Great Britain and the US where the protection by law has collapsed most rapidly.

A recent example in Great Britain is the case of Sam Melia. Sam, a white British citizen, made available stickers that read:

Reject White Guilt

It’s ok to be White

We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066

White Lives Matter

Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs

Love your Nation

The BBC presstitutes branded Melia “a far-right activist.” A piece of shit “judge” ruled that the stickers’ messages are “corrosive to our society.” In other words the “judge” said that “our society is not white except for the corrosive elements in it who are opposed to Britain being overrun by immigrant-invaders.” The piece of shit “judge,” with weaponized law in his hand, declared his opinion that Sam was an “antisemite with Nazi sympathies” and sentenced Sam to two years in prison.

Sam was charged with a “hate crime” for saying it is ok to be white. He wasn’t charged with being an anti-semite or a Nazi sympathizer. These were charges that the “judge” added. The result is that a white British family with a two year old daughter and another child on the way will be devoid of a father, earner, and protector for two years.

Everywhere in the Western world, every citizen who attempts to defend the ethnic basis of his society is declared a racist.

In other words, everywhere in the Western world governments are committed to eliminating the white ethnicity of the countries that the ethnicities constituted: Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands. Britons, French, Germans, Italians, Dutch, will cease to exist.

Torino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

Ok… let’s go with that, and then let’s review what German science tells us about the prehistory of Germania:

“Germans” lived like the much later Slavs
“Germans” were named like the much later Slavs
“Germans” had funerary rites like the much later Slavs
and now:

Germans looked like the much later Slavs*
(* note: the Germans that “looked” like Slavs are those from Poland and East Germany – as far as I know, no one has conducted similar studies in West Germany)

Combine this with the fact that there are no (zero, nada) sources suggesting any Slavic migration into Germany.

German conclusion:

Germania was occupied by Germanics only and Slavs came into Germania much later.
Notwithstanding, Tacitus and many other eyewitness accounts she implies that the Germanic population was diverse, almost multiethnic… Of course, Tacitus did differentiate the Suevi from other Germans but that could not have been Slavs we are told. In fact, she seems to think Germania was home to every type of person (but seemingly didn’t include Slavs… except maybe their biological ancestors… say, what?).

Vivek Ramaswamy #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

10mm+ have crossed the border *illegally* since Biden took office. That’s more than the population of most US states. Combine that with weak voter ID & liberal amnesty laws, and that creates a massive structural advantage for Democrats in elections - which is obviously the point.
4:40 AM · Mar 6, 2024 · 320.2K Views
3,027 Reposts 61 Quotes 13.4K Likes 138 Bookmarks

James McCumiskey #quack #conspiracy amazon.com

The Germ Theory of Disease is wrong. Germs do not cause disease and viruses do not exist. There was no need for a vaccine against a phantom virus, SARS-CoV-2. This is why Covid 19 was a scamdemic.

The purpose of the pandemic was to invent a fictitious deadly virus; SARS-CoV-2, and then scare the living daylights out of people so that they would get vaccinated. The pandemic was a planned event; thus, it was also a plandemic. The words ‘scamdemic’ and ‘plandemic’ accurately describe the Covid era.

We were all asked to ‘Trust the Science’. Our belief in the Germ Theory of Disease was weaponized against us. This convinced most of us to take the vaccine. The vaccine was the Kool-Aid. It was designed to kill off and injure as many people as possible. Fortunately, the covid vaccines were not as toxic as they originally intended. The Great Reset can be terminated, and humanity saved, by challenging the science underpinning vaccinations.

The Staff of Asclepius can be broken when the Germ Theory is understood to be wrong. The snake can be decapitated when it is understood that viruses do not exist. One springtime soon, there will be an Awakening. The crocuses will bloom and overcome the Germ Theory and with that modern medicine itself. Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer’s German New Medicine can then be finally verified and implemented.

The Germ Theory of Disease is wrong, and viruses do not exist.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The hippocampus is the center of autobiographical memory, also called episodic memory. One of the keys to mind-control by the power-elite ("Illuminati", Talmudists, Freemasons, Zionists) is to shrink the hippocampus in their victims. The hippocampus is one of the brain's key learning-centers. It is the only portion of the brain where neurogenesis continues into old age, i.e. Hippocampal Neurogenesis is supposed to continue for all your life.

The process of Hippocampal Neurogenesis produces crucial cells called INDEX-NEURONS. These help to boost psychological resilience, curiosity and experience, individuality and creativity, but most of all mental energy.

A shrunken hippocampus may result from poor diet, from poisoning of the air, food and water, from low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the bloodstream (you need about 8-10 percent but most adults have about 4 or 5 percent), from chronic stress, from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), from fear, but also from fear-mongering.
A shrunken hippocampus leads to things the "Illuminati" find favorable, such as depression; greater susceptibility to propaganda, advertising and brainwashing; increased anxiety toward truthful information; lower mental energy. In fact, the "Illuminati" know well that shrinking the hippocampus is an effective method of programming slaves who are too fearful to offer any psychological resistance to their own programming or brainwashing. So, shrinking the hippocampus is crucial to their aim of creating slaves who will remain permanent or hard-wired slaves.
The "Illuminati" knew what they were doing with the lockdowns during the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE, since those lockdowns were weaponized to reduce the victim's sense of purpose, to curtail physical⁸ activity, to hamper a good social life, and to impair good sleep and nutrition, in other words to attack his hippocampus and shrink it using every single technique already known.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

Numerous reports have surfaced detailing the existence of non-human civilizations residing within the Inner Earth, including indigenous Reptilian and Insectoid races possessing advanced antigravity and free-energy technologies. These enigmatic beings, predating surface humanity by millions of years, were displaced from the surface and driven underground by advanced human-like extraterrestrials, who sought to utilize the Earth for various experiments continuing to this day.

Join Dr. Michael Salla in this groundbreaking webinar as he delves into the most credible sources documenting the presence of ancient Cryptoterrestrials who sporadically interact with surface humanity. Crucially, Dr. Salla will explore the notion that Reptilian, Insectoid, Sasquatch, and other Cryptoterrestrials may hold pivotal roles in forthcoming events, potentially contributing to humanity’s awakening as a galactic society. Prepare to uncover the hidden narratives and powerful implications of these ancient beings for the future of Earth and beyond.

Date: March 23, 202

Cost: $35

Frosty Wooldridge #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Do they ever mix baboons, chimps, and gorillas into the same cages in a zoo? Answer: no! Why? Because they would tear each other to pieces. Why? They are all from the same “ape” family, but such animals don’t get along. Would they ever put tigers, lions and cheetahs in the same caging area? Answer: no! Why? They would tear each other to pieces. But they are members of the “cat” family. Sorry, Mother Nature does not tolerate diversity or multiculturalism in close quarters.

Right now, America’s leaders are mixing every kind of human incompatibility, every religious incompatibility and every kind of racial incompatibility into this limited landmass of the United States of America. If you look at those incompatibilities on the world stage—-you see conflict, war, massive killings and total chaos, i.e., Ukraine, Israel-Hamas, Sudan, et al. It’s mixing 68 IQ’d people from Africa into the classrooms of America’s average of 97 IQ’s. It’s mixing violent religions such as Islam right next to Jewish and Christian communities. It’s mixing millions of people with “world views” that lack any kind of compatibility with the American Way of Life.
Does anyone understand that we’re in the middle of a “human chemistry laboratory” with volatile human mixtures being forced to co-exist while our water, energy, food, resources and cities are decaying and being exhausted beyond comprehension? Does anyone understand that you cannot mix incompatible religions, races, IQ’s and world views into the same country without utter and complete breakdown of our society? Does anyone understand that we’re in the process of adding 100 million more people, net gain by 2050?

Will our culture survive? Will our way of life survive? Will our country survive? What’s your take? My take? I don’t think we stand a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving this invasion, both legal and illegal refugees. Whether you’re a liberal, independent or conservative, how can you disagree with what we face?

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

it's worth reminding that we had a particular individual hold office for 4 years ... nato didn't dissolve, wwiii didn't happen, the economy thrived until the CDC covered China's back in Wuhan


so the next time you hear a fearmonger say "orange man bad", remember they're a mentally inbred piece of shit who has no recollection of history other than what celebrities tell them.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Our country is being sold down the river.

It’s my opinion that these “conservative” Supreme Court justices are either bribed, or blackmailed by the Deep State, DC Swamp, foreign governments like China, or the Mexican Drug Cartels. Or all of the above.

It’s my opinion that a vote like this could never happen unless a gun is to the head of these justices.

Someone clearly has a video of these justices doing something terrible, or evil. Perhaps someone was taking trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. Perhaps someone is getting paid tens of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts for keeping the human trafficking, sex trafficking and drug trafficking flowing at the open border.

Or perhaps the Mexican Drug Cartel has shown these justices photos of their children at school, and at home, and threatens to kidnap and murder their children, if they don’t vote to keep the border open.

I know this. Something is very wrong. No one votes this way. Unless they have a gun to their head. Or unless someone is dirty and has sold out their country.

Robert Stacy McCain #conspiracy #fundie #pratt theothermccain.com

Why will you never hear April Bradford’s name mentioned on CNN? Because she is something that the liberal media wishes us to believe is non-existent. April Bradford is a lesbian child molester

And as I said when gay activists Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock were arrested for pimping out their two adopted sons, “the media want us to believe that there is no such thing as a gay pedophile.”

Because gay people are presumed to be constituents of the Democratic Party, there is a see-no-evil stance toward gay people in the media. Therefore crimes like this never get national coverage, but are treated as strictly local news. But if a gay person claims to be the victim of a crime? Well, Jussie Smollett could not be reached for comment.

tom #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger jassa.org

A major male DNA line in Rogaland is R1a-Z284 a branch of R1a that dominates the Slavic and Baltic peoples of central and Eastern Europe. R1a-z284 is found in all areas of Europe invaded by the Norsemen, Scotland, eastern England, Ireland etc. This male line would have to have originated in northeastern Germany or northwestern Poland (possibly Rugen) where there is a small number of males descended from this DNA line. So who were the early Rugi and Rani? Probably a people dominated by proto- Slavs and/or proto-Balts mixed with some Old Europeans (I male DNA lines) and possibly some Italo-Celts (R1b male DNA lines). They were on the coast of the Baltic Sea and, similar to the Mediterranean Sea coasts, would have a mixture of the various peoples who sailed there. The city of Jumne (today’s Wolin Poland not far from Rugen) was said in the early Middle Ages to be a large multi-ethnic city consisting mainly of Slavs but also Saxons, Romans and Greeks who were allowed to settle there as long as they didn’t push the Christian religion. Jumne would have been the terminus of the amber trail which ran from the Baltic Sea to Rome and thus known by the Romans and Greeks. Why were the Rugi called Germans and also Goths? There was no ethnicity test at the time so people were grouped by lifestyle, appearance, types of weapons, etc and the people in the area of Germania were generally a settled people as op

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are fighting for humanity.

To defend and most importantly, preserve it.

Are YOU a “humanity?”

Then they are fighting for you, me and everyone who still believes in the sanctity of the individual, good hearted Soul.

Because a SICKNESS is beginning overtake humanity.

A SOUL SICKNESS that is rapidly infecting humanity’s most precious gift and future: our children.
The summation is that the American People are a captured population who have been relentlessly abused, robbed and most subtly attacked by our own government since 1975.

Indeed, since that time, their one caveat when silently and diabolically harming us via science, medicine and regulation has been “DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO REALIZE WHAT WE ARE DOING TO THEM.

In 1975, under President Gerald Ford and the vile Henry Kissinger suborned the United State’s sovereignty **IN SECRET** by adopting a UN proposal that would ultimately become what we know as #AGENDA2030.
This is literally WHY everything we have been experiencing for the last 5 decades seems “off.”

There was something wrong.

We could sense it, we could certainly FEEL it, but we couldn’t put our finger directly on the what, where, why and most importantly WHO it was originating from.

NO sugar coating.

NO punches pulled.

We are still fighting the NAZIS.

We defeated the German STATE that spawned Nazism.

We did NOT defeat the ideology.

I call the hidden enemy that is currently destroying our Nation before our eyes THE FOURTH REICH.

Am I doing that to be hyperbolic?


Hell to the FUCK NO!
You MUST grasp this.

It’s revenge.


Revenge for denying them their insane dream in 1945 with our might, comprised of RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS AND FAITH.

Our resources lie fallow in the ground. We are at a massive energy/resource deficit that is being artificially manifested because our Nation has been hijacked.

What happened to our infrastructure the last five decades?


Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy theunexpectedcosmology.com

THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now. For the remainder of this read, I am more than happy to play the part of the tour guide and show you the hidden reality buried beneath us. You have been warned though. The implications are glaring. We have been lied to, again. His-Story has been hidden from us. Therefore, it is not, nor will it ever be my intention however to convince you that it happened. Many will kick and scream and only move forward should somebody drag them
by the hair, but I refuse to do that. Debates are elementary. Sometimes a gentleman scholar simply offers to hold the door open, which is precisely what is happening at this very moment. At the very least it can be said that you noticed. And so, here is your offer. It is entirely up to you to walk through.
It took an entire year of investigating the mud flood before I was willing to go with my gut instincts and declare my intent to investigate the literal reign of Yahusha HaMashiach as already having happened upon this earth. If you are wondering where that pits us on the timeline, we would be those souls inhabiting the short season. Sounds legit if you ask me. Look around. We’re being lied to about everything.

Once more, the aim of my writings is not to convince you that the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah happened upon the earth. I mean, I believe it went down, or else I wouldn’t have written a book on the subject. A literal and physical thousand-year reign with Yahusha HaMashiach holding the scepter. That is why the mud flood is so important to the discussion. It serves as a divider of sorts—a mile marker. The mud flood was a reset, more like a series of interconnected resets, intended to erase the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah from our consciousness so that HaSatan could go about doing his work. Perhaps you have come to the same conclusions as I have. If so, then awesome. Woot-woot.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

The American people are gathering around Trump and his MAGA movement. They are rejecting Marxist Democrats—even in blue states. Trump needs to be elected in an overwhelming landslide to overcome the Democrats’ cheating campaign. Once elected, Trump must choose the right people to help him. No more backstabbing, Deep State Swamp stooges!

Like Ben’s Cartoons? Buy Ben A Virtual ‘Coffee’ Mmmmmm
Click to serve up a hot cup!


Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

FACT: FOIA request shows 11,000 politicians & “elites” (rich & powerful) in New Zealand got “EXEMPTIONS to never take Covid vaxx. Why? Thought it was “safe & effective?” Thought criticism was “misinformation?” So…why did they force u to take it…while they said NO? If you’re not asking that question, you’re a sheep. P.S. Lets find out how many politicians & elites got “exemptions” in USA.


2NDSMARTESTGUYINTHEWORLD.COM SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 INSIDERS (& Politicians) Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

Unprecedented ripples of destruction
In the outer dimensional fields

Appear as a series of explosive demolitions
Of AI supercomputer networks and their subsidiary machinery

An enormous amount of light particles and left over debris
Is being flung through space

The breakdown of artificial magnetic fields
Results in fireballs of light

Which reverberate omnidirectionally
With tidal waves of released condensed scalar energy

Generating sudden shocking and surreal events
Such as a lightning bolt out of the blue

Anti life currents run by reversal networks
And metatronic implants operating in the collective consciousness energy field
Are timekeeper mechanisms that cause an assortment of phase disruptions

Lunar rods which send out Caduceus implants
Is another time dialation technology
That distorts organic time fields

Are all being rendered inoperative

In the Sumerian Egyptian invasion
Humanitys diamond sun DNA was disconnected

The 8th and 12th portals were blocked
Resulting in the blocking of the 8th and 12th chakras

2024 is the year of the Yang Dragon
And spinning octahedrons are projecting out multiple rainbow arcs
That immediately expand and vaporize the completely negative and spiritually abusive

April 4 or 4 4 24 is the alignment of Neptune Venus Saturn and Mars
April 8 or 8 4 24 will be the fake eclipse centered on New Madrid

10 miles above in the sky is the Blue Dragon complex

Get ready for a power outage or some trigger event like a major earthquake
That will be blamed on a solar flare
Which will be blamed on the planetary alignment and fake eclipse!

State of the Nation #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Amarillo, Texas is being MAUIed
in real time as the largest
‘wildfire’ fire in Texas history,
and second biggest wildfire in
US history, just exploded out of
nowhere, but also everywhere
throughout the Panhandle.
Here’s why.

The following video presentation lays bare the back story of this NWO manmade conflagration, which is eerily similar to the LAHAINA INFERNO, MAUI MASSACRE and HAWAIIAN HOLOCAUST carried out on August 8, 2023.
However, this immense arsonist-triggered wildfire raging throughout the Texas Panhandle makes Lahaina look like a boy scout campfire as seen in the preceding photos.
Which begs the question: Why always Texas?
Well, not only did Gov. Greg Abbott’s government seriously challenge the treasonous Biden administration over the fastidiously orchestrated border crisis at Eagle Pass, the Texas state government is clearly setting itself up for secession when the US Corporation goes belly up.
Texas has already opened the nation’s first state-run gold depository, which will eventually serve as foundation for a future state-chartered bank designed to carry out the functions of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas when that institution goes bankrupt.
Exactly how are the geoengineers fabricating an extremely conducive environment throughout the state of Texas to both trigger and inflame these enormous and fast-moving firestorms? This is how:
Spraying Atmospheric Aluminum as a
Fire Accelerant via Chemtrails,
Conveying HAARP Frequencies,
Weaponized SMART Meters,
Specific EMFs Disseminated from
Cellphone and Microwave Towers,
Localized 5G EMPs,
Directed Energy Weapons Fired from
Drones, Helicopters, Small Aircraft & Satellites,
Arsonists Disguised as Firefighters,
Fire-starting Incendiary Devices,
Gross Mismanagement of Texas Forests,
Deliberately Overloaded Power Lines,
as well as Other Arson Techniques,
Geoengineering Technologies and
Weather Modification Programs

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to be back. It’s been a while, since my last communication through this channel.

You are living in extremely important times, where the future of humankind gets to be decided. Today, I am going to continue to unveil more truth and crush more lies spread to humans by the negative scientists and governments. I have been observing from higher dimension the events that happened on your planet over the past 55 years, since I left my physical body.
All of them are corrupted to the core of their bones. They don’t value human’s lives at all. Millions of innocent people have died for nothing just to satisfy their greed. The truths are going to continue to be unveiled through this trusted channel. Dear Patriots, please never forget that you are stronger and wiser than them. These Dark creatures are trying to survive, it’s not going to happen. Many of them are getting removed from this reality despite of their resistance.

The Corrupted Souls made up so many lies about many things even about the landing on the Moon, which is a false story. The Moon planet during that time was occupied by the Dark Forces, who had a base on the Moon and stayed there for a while and used human’s scientists for their experiments and research. They would have never allowed for the spaceship from Earth to land on their territory on the Moon.
Finally, the Outworlders got removed from the Moon last year by Ashtar Command, so right now no one is living there. It is not allowed by the Galactic Light Forces. Now, It’s your time to shine and take care of the Dark Entities, by removing that is left of them from their power positions on Earth. Their destructive agenda is turning them against each other, on what they have created, it’s coming back to them. Their plans are getting exposed everywhere and everyday. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Sending my Love and Support to My Brothers.

Reverend Glynn Adams #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There is a war going on against the Body of Christ and God whose absolute goal is to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ and America. These demonic globalists elites started out using the Frankfurt School to systemically change America but in these last days.

God is not coming down from heaven and fix In the real Greek World in Jesus’ day on this earth, a group of Greek citizens called the ekkelsia, would gather, as a legal entity, at the gates of their city to discuss the governmental, legislative, and judicial ways they would lead their nation. They determined what their nation would be like, what their culture would be like, what traditions they would live by, the laws of the land, and the responsibility of the Greek citizens to their nation. This group of Greek citizens which is called the ekkelsia literally determined what type of culture, city, or nation they would have as they set the standards before the Greek people!!!

This is what God had in mind for His ekkelsia. The ekkelsia, what we call the church, is to be God’s direct governmental, legislative, and judicial representatives, His legal entity, His ambassadors, on this earth. We are to have dominion, to expand God’s Kingdom, to make disciples of Christ, to set the standards in which we live by, the morals we live by, we raise up disciples in our culture who would represent us in our Republic Constitutional government, we ensure God is in our schools that will educate and make disciples of our children to be the generations that continue the ways of God in our nation, our form of government, and our family structure.
Instead of the peace of God, we now have the violence and open manifestation of demons in our nation, our cities, our culture, our churches, and in our children. Demons and demonic strongholds are getting stronger each day to launch Satan’s ministry of death against our nation because there is no sufficient spiritual opposition.

Lori Kauffman and Jim Rizoli #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Lori Kauffman is an unabashed Neo-Nazi[…]Has vowed to “exile” Jews and[…]said “we need to overthrow the government”

Kauffman’s bizarre candidacy was first reported on by Boston Broadside, which pointed out her pro-Hitler posts on X[…]She used her @Jews4Ye24 account[…]to declare, “I’m a Jew. Whatever the ‘holocaust’ was, Israel and J-ws are guilty of worse crimes against humanity. I love Hitler”

Kauffman uses a second X account, @LoriKauffman13, to spew antisemitic rhetoric as well[…]Before her conversion to Christianity, Kauffman wrote, “Yes I’m Jewish, but I have Christian values and believe Jews are destroying the world”[…]
She boasted that, if elected, she will ban same-sex marriage, criminalize transgender people, and “exile all Jews”[…]
Kauffman once posted a photo of herself holding a book called Life in the Reich, by British Neo-Nazi Michael McLaughlin[…]
She went on Hoaxbusters[…]During this appearance Kauffman explained why she rejected her Jewish upbringing, and what inspired her to run for office

Kauffman claimed that what “redpilled” her was rapper Ye[…]
“And everybody should’ve really woken up at this point when he sent a, we like to call it a sleepy tweet[…]about the Jews. And the next day — saying they hold all the power in the world — and the next day he loses like $9 billion of his own money”[…]
Massachusetts Republican Committee passed a resolution condemning Kauffman’s “prejudiced and antisemitic statements” and calling on her to withdraw her candidacy

Co-host Jim Rizoli eventually spoke up to suggest Kauffman actually had an “advantage” due to her “Jewish name.” He explained that, “Unless they read the Boston Broadside they’re not gonna really know who the hell ya are, probably. But, having a Jewish name — you gotta understand that the Jews are tribal. They vote for Jews. So you could actually do well”

Later in the show Kauffman expressed an interest in overthrowing the U.S. government and instituting a monarchy

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: A Finnish company launches tampons for men for trans awareness week
( Saoirse )
...So, how many of you spent a moment scratching your head wondering where exactly a man should put the tampon in - ending up with, "... in the... anus?....', before realizing this is for TIF?

No? Just me? Okay then.

Well, that was before I clicked on the link, because that "man" in the picture is extremely clickable TIF. Even with the beard, mustache, and the muscles, still undeniably woman.

( Lemonade_Masquerade )
I also thought man meant man. How silly of me. I hate the language games.

( DoomedSibyl )
No, it wasn’t just you. I thought they were marketing these to men so deep in the fetish that they’re convinced they have their period and are a) shoving tampons in their anus and/or b) rifling through garbage cans and disposal bins to find used sanitary products. That I considered this as a possibility shows just how insane the whole world has gotten. The fact that this is being pushed hard by billionaires capturing our biggest social institutions is beyond frightening.

Edited to fix autocorrect changing anus (a perfectly respectable medical term) to Anya. What a world! We can’t refer to anatomy that has been standard for hundreds of years but men get periods. And aren’t men anymore! And vice versa.

( emholio )
It boggles my mind how many companies are willing to offend women to market women's products. And it makes me smirk to think of the consumerism involved in worrying about and making sure to buy tampons that aren't too feminine. They go in your vagina! The mental gymnastics needed to call an item you put in your vagina a "men's" product must be exhausting.

( Lilith-Fair )
Because a lot of women on the left are literally supporting this shit, and too many other women aren't throwing a stinker like the TRAs. I swear, so often women can be their own worse enemy. We're the only group that historically have factions which cause is to support less rights for ourselves, or to take away our own rights.

( questioningtw )
I seriously hope this company goes under. Why do tampons even NEED to be marked to TIFs? They are just tampons.....talk about promoting fragility.

( Radishe )
So they're just going along with pretending women are men, i.e. "Manpons".

( RusticTroglodyte )
Affirming mentally ill ppl all the way to the bank

Harmonica #sexist #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Was Feminism A Backlash Against Abuse?”]

One claim made by well-meaning rightwingers is that feminism, although a terrible idea that has done significant damage to society, must be understood in the context of backlash against the abuses women suffered by men. This view postulates that feminism is an overreaction against certain ills that women faced and, in order to both understand and properly combat feminism, it must be understood in this situation. While this idea may have (on the surface) some merit, and many early feminists cited abuse as the origin of their work, it as an oversimplification of what actually took place

Before I begin this essay, first let me state that I do not deny that women, at times, faced horrific abuses by men in the pre-feminist world. It was deplorable and there was no excuse for it. But, it is critical to remember that abusive men were, in fact, considered wicked in the West and, more importantly, measures were taken to combat their misbehavior. Yes, it was not a perfect system[…]The major civilization that treated women the best was also the one that birthed feminism[…]
To understand the real origins of feminism we must not look at “the West” for its origins, but a particular area of the West – Yankeedom. A map of the active feminist organizations during the 19th century will show one curious fact – they hit a hard stop at the Mason-Dixon line. Feminism was the interest of Yankee women, not Southern women[…]
I certainly do not deny that women have faced horrific abuses in the past, and while the West was certainly better than the other major civilizations, it was not entirely blameless. However, the rise of modern feminism, and especially its radicalization in the 1960s, cannot be understood as backlash against that abuse[…]Rather, it was (and is) another Yankee attempt to make everyone else like them, the same mentality Southerners have been fighting against for nearly two centuries

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.”
By Assistant Editor Feb. 29, 2024 12:00 pm 1890 Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root

“Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics. History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles…and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost- even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

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