
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #racist #quack bennettleeross.com

Thule Air force Base
Is located 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle
On the Northwest side of Greenland
It is the northernmost military outpost

It was secretly started in 1941
And was deemed an urgent project

Thousands of boats and airplanes with supplies
Along with thousands of workers
Rushed to the scene
Taking 12 years to build

Which included a distant early warning line
Starting at the Northern tip of Alaska

It was not Russia that was the foe

In 1927 Admiral Byrd began his reconnaissance flights
Into the Arctic and Antarctica

He carefully worded himself
Not to give away the fact
That their are advanced civilizations in both areas

He said there are countries bigger than America
Beyond the pole that have not been explored
And stated there is a threat

This is the real Cold War
Between the new reptilian rulers of this realm
And the inhabitants of the realms on each side of us
Especially up North
During the fake World War 11
The Thule society was started in Germany
By Adolph Hitler who was really Kermit Roosevelt
The son of Franklin D Roosevelt

The purpose of the Thule society was to seek out Aryans
Who were pure blooded RH positive
That is the ones with no reptilian genes
The ones who are not genetically modified

Now they want to genetically modify the white race even more
Along with all the other races
With the fake Corona vaccine

The conflict with the other realms is ongoing
In 1962 there was what is said to be a nuclear bomb crash
In 2018 there was a mysterious meteor explosion
These are both cover stories

In 2017 40 million dollars was spent for an upgrade
Of Thule Air Force Base
Because of increasing threats

Now you know the real threat!

Dave Daubenmire #wingnut #racist coachdavelive.video

I’m not a racist, but am I allowed to be? I don’t hate blacks, but am I allowed to? Right? Are you with me, folks? See, that’s what’s going on. That’s what the cancel culture does. The government, the society, whoever, they make a set of values, and if you don’t agree with the set of values, they ban you on Facebook. They don’t give you the right to the free discussion [or] the free speech. If I wanted to say I was a racist, and I want to be a racist, they can’t come along and say “you’re not allowed to be a racist”. We’re not going to listen to you. That’s the cancel culture.

Proud Irish White #racist chimpmania.com

Unfortunately it appears that almost my entire extended family is all "woke" and got on the BLM bandwagon. What to do? It seems I'll have to remain officially neutral, especially if I want to see the grandbaby and keep peace in the family. However I refuse to kneel to anybody, especially a nigger. As a matter of fact I won't have anything to do with them, anyway.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: New Report: Women Apply to Fewer Jobs Than Men, But Are More Likely to Get Hired

The sexism agaisnt men is getting out of control. My company is about 13% female but our management is 75% female. It's so fucked up, if you're a dude you aren't going anywhere.


Who can argue women dont have it easier when they are empirically more likely to get jobs?

I’m a female law student and my friend and I regularly talk about how it must suck to be a white man in law right now. Several law firms have been sued recently for not hiring enough POC so this has increased diversity hiring. On top of that, women started getting hired more because of feminism. The only people I know getting legal internships are POC, men with disabilities/non-traditional background, and white women. So, it seems that white men have it pretty rough in the legal market right now.


My sisters definition of job inequality is that SOME places ask for male employees, but when they ask for females she doesnt care.

Cut her off. Or find some way to ruin her life

Every girl i know in my area and school has a job. Only 1 guy is employed and he is a lot more "feminine" in terms of appearance. Most guys don't get the chance of an interview to the same places girls with lower grades got accepted.

In Canada the government gives tax breaks to companies that hire a certain amount of women, so even though I have 7 years experience I would be turned down for a women with zero experience because the companies will get tax breaks... then they call women oppressed 🙄our world is fucked

Western society will fall. When men are forced out of job roles, we will see a decline in families with eventual replacement by more conservative ethnic minorities.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL [Video] Two female police officers not able to catch a framecel manlet

Lmao. I witnessed this myself once. I saw two females arresting some gypsy and the guy I kid you not just fucking bitch slapped the hand cuffs out of one of their hands and just fucking ran away and women just stood there and didn't know what to do. They did the same thing they done here started running after him (if you even call it running, pathetic attempt). In a country where the Police is disarmed It's obvious physical force will be required to actually stop someone. Perhaps then it's a good idea to select the most physically able? Jfl the only reason anyone would get arrested by those two is if he actually wanted to be arrested. No way they can actually overpower a physically able man.

(trying to ascend)
:feelskek: ''Women can do the same jobs as men''


The second one was even too lazy to run after him

And the first one ran like the bored stacy in gym class LOL


Nigga slowly jogged away

i'm dying bro :lul: :feelskek:


Women run so fucking weird.

Have you seen how women throw? They are like retarded children. Women can't even run and throw with proper technique. Why are they allowed to leave kitchen again? I found a good clip on this. Women don't use rest of their body to throw. Plus they throw like they didn't have a preferred hand. Wow are women retarded??? :giga:

Woman in police/army is such a bullshit they are weak, slow and dumb who the fuck they can protect?


Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #racist henrymakow.com

Men and women are the victims of a cruel hoax. They are taught that sexual differences are "socially conditioned." Ironically this lie is the actual "social conditioning". Sexual differences are inborn. Sex roles express natural differences and form the spice of life.

Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.

Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.

I get email from feminists who say my articles are "hurtful." It's eerie how they all use that word and repeat the party line. I think it's "hurtful" that the super rich want to take the place of God and nature and enslave humanity. But these feminists don't get it. They don't get "A"'s for connecting feminism with the Rockefellers, Sept. 11 and Iraq, i.e. Cabalist banker Dictatorship.

Feminism is designed to make women feel unworthy for devoting their lives to the people they love. It forces them out of the house where their employers can control them. It forces infants into joyless daycares subject to conditioning and who-knows-what-else.

The occult assault on gender and the nuclear family is causing psychological dislocation. Masculine and feminine energy complement each other. We naturally crave that essence which is best found in marriage and conjugal sex. Society is oblivious to this diabolical attack by its traitorous elite.

drbonsky & Julian #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: One Way Trump May Have Changed Immigration Forever

I would argue that the reason we have such issues with far-left commies owes to the refugees America accepted in the early 20th Century. Many of those we accepted from Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, were hated in their countries because of their treasonous politics. We now have their offspring doing the same here.

That's what the Immigration Act of 1918 was designed to do: restricting entry to and deporting left-wing radicals. Though, by then, too many of them were already in.

John Daniels #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Republicans, Strategists Differ on Ways to Beat Back Racism Accusations from Dems

And of course being the cucks that they are, are going to bend over backwards to beat any accusations of White supremacy.

I look at it like this, imagine if the accusation was somehow reversed in bizarro world, if someone called a black man a n***** instead of telling them to F*** off or just walk away. The black man began instead began to apologize and say, “oh no I’m not that way I have plenty of white friends, and I’ve even adopted two European children!!!.” That sounds pretty ridiculous doesn’t it certainly does sound pretty ridiculous the other way.

Insanity indeed.

Blacks and nonwhites have something we dont; racial pride and a backbone.

I agree with that I have witnessed and heard it

011 Shop #racist balkaninsight.com

Serbia’s Market Inspectorate on Friday banned the Belgrade-based 011 Shop from selling and advertising sweatshirts and T-shirts with a slogan praising the 1995 Srebrenica massacres, which its website had been promoting online.

The Trade Ministry said that a criminal complaint had also been filed to the Serbian prosecution accusing the company of “the advertising of products that incite national, religious and racial hatred”.

The garments featured the slogan “Noz, Zica” (“Knife, Wire”) – a reference to a popular Serbian football hooligan chant at matches, “Noz, Zica, Srebrenica” (“Knife, Wire, Srebrenica”), which celebrates the mass killings of Bosniaks by Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995.
Shop 011 apologised for the incident on its Facebook page, claiming that the message on the garments had been “misinterpreted” and “taken out of context”, and that they had been withdrawn from sale.
Shop 011 advertises its garments as “Serbian street wear” for men, women and children. Some items also celebrate the Serbian nationalist Chetnik Movement and its World War II-era leader Dragoljub Mihajlovic, as well as notorious 1990s paramilitary leader Zeljko Raznatovic, alias Arkan.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Latinos Need to Confront Their Own Racism, Say Afro-Latinos Pushing for Racial Equity

Laughing at all this. You can never please these people, so why even try. They will always fine something to whine about or blame others for their mistakes. They are infallible according to them. Black privilege.

(Leif Erickson)
Of course they are, they see blacks being pampered and say, I want some of that! Every race is going to get their handouts and reparations and Whites are going to pay for it all.

(G. Nuckols)

A misconception among Latinos and others is that Black Lives Matter is “about trying to put Black people first, as supposed to looking at Black Lives Matter as a human rights platform,” Hernandez said.

A misconception? I thinks Latinos see blm very clearly. Seen many a 'black trans lives matter' sign but nothing for brown folk. Latinos are figuring out quickly that any' blm future' does not include them.

(Alfred Maxwell91)
The whole "Blacks and "Hispanics" together drive was an effort by the left to develop an African-non African "Hispanic" voting coalition. The simple fact is non-African "Hispanics" are not attuned to African "culture" any more than healthy minded White people are. Like White people the non African "Hispanic" seeks to avoid the African.

(Nevada Smith)

The riot involved 300 white and Mexican inmates fighting against 100 Africa-American prisoners and started around 9.45 a.m. in the unit which houses 1,250.

That is the future of race relations here in America and blacks just don't get it.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: George Floyd Death Considered Murder by 64% of Blacks, 28% of Whites in America

And more Americans trust police unions than Black Lives Matter.

(Leif Erickson)
I find it pathetic that even 30% of Whites think it was murder. But critical thinking is not everybody’s strong point.

You cannot blame them. They are all brainwashed. When this happens i was talking to a white divorced mother of one at a bar and she was insistent that George Floyd was murderer.

(Frank Jones)
That's probably only 15 percent of Whites in reality when you properly remove fake-White Jews and Hispanics from our category. It's good to know that only a small subset of real Whites believe the media lies.

(Fool Me)
Floyd was an outlaw and died from opioids . Derek Chauvin is in the process of being lynched in an effort to prevent more BLM and Antifa riots and to make sure conservative whites know what their real place is as serfs or even less than serfs .

hahahah ni99er killed himself with overdose of fentanyl.
I present you the one year anniversary which comes this summer titled
1 - "the great fentanyl ni99er chimp outs of 2020"
2- "America on its knees for their own dime in their own country"
3 - "Unprecedented history level cuckery event of the 21 century"

Vote on this poll to celebrate the African American Heritage achievement of 2020

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net


Belgian police are teaching men not to harass women on the street. Not a word about the fact that the majority of street harassers aren't white. Let's not stigmatize!

I hate the "teaching" argument. Men know what they do is wrong, they do it because they like harming women. Feminists don't want to discuss biology, but they sure want to encourage others to waste their time, energy, and effort into "teaching" men how to be decent human beings.

MOC, especially Middle Eastern men, harassing white women on the street is an open secret at this point. But white women aren't allowed to talk about any issues they face anymore because they're all blonde, blue-eyed white supremacist Karens who should grovel at the feet of POC and apologize for every microaggression, or something along those lines.

The attention white women get from non-white men is so disgusting and degrading the majority of the time. But according to stupid libfems, white women being "more desirable" is a privilege. No, it's fetishization and objectification, just like when it happens to every other woman.

Don't forget all the intersectionalist bs. Happy Women's Day - except for the evil white cis bitches, fuck them! And lol at the Belgium thing, that is TOTALLY about brown muslim men who do that shit. 100%. Let's see all the women in those communities speak up against their men... yeah, didn't think so.

One bonus of living in a backwards country is you can shit on nonwhite dudes openly, for harassment too. Several young women i know went full alt-right from working/studying near brown exchange students, but that just made them worship White Dude more, which is fucking hilarious if you apply it to local 60IQ drunks and fat incompetent nepotists. If there were a way to peak them about moids in general...

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #quack benjaminfulford.net

The Gnostic Illuminati has announced that Special Forces will be hunting down and arresting or, if necessary, executing the following war criminals: Queen Elizabeth II, Pope Francis, Aga Khan IV, the Dalai Lama, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran, David Rockefeller Jr., the Swiss and French branches of the Rothschild family, Gianmario Ferramonti of the P3 Freemasons, Victor Emanuel, the Agnelli brothers, Benyamin Netanyahu, Baron Jarod Kenneth Wilhelm Thyssen DeCoste and many others.

These people have been put on the target list because they have been publicly promoting mass injection of experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that change DNA function based on a provably fraudulent pandemic. This is attempted genocide and merits the death penalty under current international law, MI6, Pentagon, CIA, Asian Secret Society, and Gnostic Illuminati sources agree.

These people are also the highest-ranking identifiable members of the politburo of the Khazarian Mafia, the sources agree. By arresting and questioning them, a clear path towards planetary liberation can be made possible.

This is the group that controls an ancient system of totalitarianism known as Babylonian debt slavery and is symbolized by an eye at the top of a pyramid.

If you read the uncensored versions of the Bible, you will find that the so-called “God,” who handed over these commandments threatened to kill people with arrows, murdered a series of Jewish leaders, and demanded tribute in the form of gold, silver, sheepskins dyed red, aroma oil, etc. This is not a “God,” but rather a highly sophisticated group of human slavers known to the common people as “Satan.”

waddymelon #racist reddit.com

Anything to get rid of those fat lazy niggers that collect the fare.

They can't even do their job correctly.

When I lived in Philly I would catch the 530ish train and would pay the conductor directly.... there were multiple times they would take my token/cash and not open the doors and drive away.

Fucking retards.

How many times have you missed the train because Bon Qui Qui had to go take a shit and leave the turn style unattended. I resorted to jumping over.


2southernerz #racist stormfront.org

Please help me, I am so upset, my beautiful daughter, 4.0, great attendance, well liked daughter was shunned by the cheerleading ( one white, one black team of best friends ) coaches and not chosen for the cheerleading team. THREE BLACK GIRLS WHERE CHOSEN, NO WHITE GIRLS THIS YEAR. Now honestly ladies, it is not my first pick for a sport for my daughter, my husband and I tried to DISCOURAGE her, but she insisted, and was good , so we let her try out. I should have known, when i went to the "camp" one day,and discovered the head coach acted black and had a black assistant coach and they are best friends, that it would be trouble for my daughter. She could not be more Aryan, blond , blue eyed, just like me. They seemed to dislike us from day one.. I don't know what to do. My daughter is embarrassed,and all of the school is confused. The boys even had bets with my daughter being a shoe in. One of the "chosen" girls has a dad that is the football coach.. The year as begun of course,and tryouts for next year will be at the end of the year. She wants to try again, and I just don't know... Opinions please needed.

Thanks to all my lovely Aryan ladies for having my back, I need your advice girls!

A..... in the "secret city" in the south

NaserOric #crackpot #racist incels.is

[Serious] Race SMV hierarchy

1 Germanics
2 Mediterraneans
3 Slavs (South Slavs > East/West Slavs)
4 Arabs/Middle Easterners/North Africans
5 Non-Horn Subsaharan Africans
6 Non-Dravidian South Asians
7 East Asians
8 Native Americans (all of them in the Americas from Inuits to Amazon tribes)
9 Central Asians
10 South-East Asians
11 Horn Africans
12 Dravidians


Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)

Slavs are interesting because the foids are amongst the most atttractive ones (only loses to Germanic/Nordic IMO) but men are ugly on average. The discrepancy between the gender only loses to blacks (black foids are the bottom, black males are above curries, SEA, abos, etc; some think even above latinos and east Asians). I'm 30% Slav and I'm a norwooder with a mostly round face

slav women are overrated and please stop worshipping germanic roasties, muhhh blonde blue eyes

Have you seen Slav women? Like Ukrainian or Belarusian girls? They have the craziest gigastacy ratio out there.

i'm slav, polish by origin. only reason you like them is due to them having pale features and opposite to men, cause we are undesirable

I live in America, surrounded by half-breeds and sheboons, so anything that's genetically superior (like Slavs) is going to resonate with me.

cope, many slavs think like you and dislike their own women and idolize western ones, grass is greener on other side. slavic women are overrated and are popular to habing pale features and shit poor or just being easy


I didn't ask to be born a slavnigger

tbh I fucking hate being a slavnigger why did I had to be born a slavnigger I could have been born a real nigger and just join a gang or something and thugmyself up to fuck 3/10 black foids but nooooo...

>He thinks being a slav is bad.

Now, imagine being a mixed-race mutt. A literal abomination of nature that was never meant to be? I'd rather be a slav than a mutt. Wanna trade DNA components? Im a half breed (half spic) myself. I’d rather be a slav than a subhuman whos only 75% white anyways. I hope that when the white supremacist uprising happens, I will be hung for being a mutt so that my suffering of being a Mongrelcel will end.

trying to ascend #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Cope, Slavs have the 2nd best pheno among white men, they just lose for Northern Europeans. Southern Europeans have it the worst, they have only brown hair and brown eyes, shit color combination.

Is this why sexual tourism is popular in countries like Greece, Italy and the Balkans? Last time I heard, no female wants to travel to Lithuania to fuck Lithuanian men.

It’s a myth, there is no sexual tourism in Southern European countries, Southern Europeans have it the worst among the whites. And when foids go there to fuck with southern europeans, it means they want chads from there, because they are bored of nothern and slav european chads, they want new tastes. But speaking in average, southern europeans have it the worst

No, slavs seen as the lowest of low white.

Slavs have wider frames, are taller, have more diversity in eye and hair color, and have less long midfaces. Have you go to places that are full of people with med genes? You will see that long midfaces are common among them, and they can only have 2 hair colors (dark and brown) and 2 eye (dark brown and light brown) colors.

Blondes are the most prefered by foids, or you think its a coincidence southern european countries have lower birth rates than northern european ones?

Where I live more than 20 million of people have iltalian offspring, its not uncommon to see people without any other offspring than italian one, and the majority of them don't have light eyes. Also full blood germans are not that rare, and these ones are the real slayers here among whites. There are 1,5-3 million of slavs (polishes, russians and ukrainians), they are rare, but there are regions where 30% and more have slav offspring, and they don't seem to have a bad time, they seem to have it better than meds, but they still have it worse than people with german pheno

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

The Russian foids seem to don't mind dating Blacks, Indians, and Chinese (whereas with Anglo foids, even their lowest of the low would rather be alone than date Indian or Asian). It was weird to me at first but not after I got to know Russians better. They aren't anywhere near as arrogant as the Anglos.

As an Asian, I find slavs much more preferable to be around in general. Russians have a weird personality where they are incredibly hospitable and friendly at first but can turn very aggressive pretty damn fast. But still easy to get on with for the most part.

With Anglos, its very clear that a lot of them have their heads far up their asses and noses sky high in the air when around them as an Asian dude. I'm seen as a sad and pathetic loser by default because of my race and gender. I am not threatening like Blacks. My race of females are taken enmasse right in front of me and I don't do anything about it and neither do the other men of my race. We don't express our despair except for online forums and on reddit (AND when we do, we get called out by virtually everyone for daring to complain about Asian women being the biggest race traitors). I am a very serious economic and political threat but that is tolerable to them because they know that I am no sexual threat whatsoever.

I may be ugly to them and they mog my race to oblivion in terms of looks but I know damn well in the near future, someday White Americans will be begging to emigrate to East Asian countries when America fully turns into a heaping mountainous pile of crap, crime, and filth.

Btw this guy is a famous British youtuber and traveler of EE, suifuel for slavs: Slavic Girl Meets Georgian Man

Junkhead #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Even if the BLM crowd thinks 1000 unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019 instead of the actual total of ten, that's still not a high enough number to lead one to believe the police are systematically killing black people. The US black population is about 14 million so 1000/14 million is .00007 so where looking at .007 percent of the black population. Quite a far stretch to believe police killing blacks is a major concern much less a genocide.

The left's unwillingness to accept and analyze other sources of data demonstrates clearly that they are not concerned with being fair, objective, or truthful. Believing what they do gives them power in society. It allows them to loot, destroy property, protest, and attack people as well as get laws passed. You're not simply going to convince them they're wrong with facts, statistics, and data.

All these groups on the left have united against Western Civilization and will therefore support the lies and narratives if only because they know doing so will ensure benefits for their particular group. The LGBTQ people, immigrants, Muslims, blacks, Asians, non-White Hispanics, American Indians, and women have all allied together and each of these groups has it's own lie that all the other groups support as truth. Whether it's blacks with their stories of racism, women and their glass ceilings, or American Indians lamenting their "stolen land" each group has its own axe to grind.

That's one reason why I don't believe a political solution for our movement is possible. It's also because of election fraud and the lack of pro-White candidates but also because we're acting like the other side will accept a victory for our side. Donald Trump's presidency was a fine example they wont. The left have been made it clear their view is the only view they'll accept.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com


If mass rioting was put down HARD, during the late 1960’s, we wouldn’t be in this position today. Eventually you have to face the bully and fight back fiercely.

That is so racist (because secretly everyone know the race of the bullies.). In the Selma movie, maybe MLK should have obeyed police orders?

"Law and Order" is Nazi, is taboo. Some diverse groups have bad attitude even about law and order at crosswalks and in littering. It is also a recent White development that criminals are allowed to run away from armed police in the knowledge they cannot be shot. Or perpetrate low level violence against police without danger. Try to spit or throw stones at police in most non-white countries.

(Francis Galton)
I will confess (at the risk of d*l*tion) that I had a recurring fantasy throughout the many months of the 2020 BLM/Antifa rioting of the military showing up in armored vehicles with mounted machine guns to face off the rioting excrement. After refusing to disperse, the military released such a torrent of lead that all the yelling, screaming excrement fell silent and immobile in a matter of seconds.

Eventually you have to treat blacks like the "other" that they are. I simply do not class them as people. Actual people shouldn't be living anywhere near them.

(Nicolas Bourbaki)
Supposedly they have scientists and logic on their side. Liberal websites, those few that still permit comments, are full of people making disparaging remarks about entitled, criminal whiteys. After that there's no meaningful facts or analysis made. For example here we can decry the massive immigration at the southern borders. Not because we dislike Mexicans but because we believe they are taking jobs from US citizens and are supplanting US culture with Mexican culture. Also I believe they are less able to adapt to a self-reponsible lifestyle and want more things provided for by authorities than the more self-sufficient old american types.

Various CPC Officials #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reuters.com

China counters Uighur criticism with explicit attacks on women witnesses

“To rebuke some media’s disgusting acts, we have taken a series of measures,” Xu Guixiang, the deputy head of Xinjiang’s publicity department, told a December news conference that was part of China’s pushback campaign. It includes hours-long briefings, with footage of Xinjiang residents and family members reading monologues.

“One reason that the Communist Party is so concerned about these testimonies from women is because it undermines their initial premise for what they’re doing there, which is anti-terrorism,” said James Millward, a professor of Chinese history at Georgetown University and expert in Xinjiang policy. “The fact that there are so many women in the camps ... who don’t have the faintest appearance of being violent people, this just shows how this has nothing to do with terrorism.”

Foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin held up images of witnesses who had described sexual abuse in Xinjiang. The account of one of them, he said, was “lies and rumours” because she had not recounted the experience in previous interviews. He gave medical details about the woman’s fertility.

Xinjiang officials in January said a woman who had spoken to foreign media had syphilis, and they showed images of medical records.

A Xinjiang government official said of another witness last month: “Everyone knows about her inferior character. She’s lazy and likes comfort, her private life is chaotic, her neighbours say that she committed adultery while in China.”

Last week, the top spokeswoman for China’s foreign ministry, Hua Chunying, tweeted images of four named witnesses, saying they had “raked their brains for lies”, adding “they will never succeed”.

Eskimocel #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting If Slav, blow your head off.

If Slav, its over. Horrendous selection of traits which look good on females but look absolutely horrible on men, recessed bones bones and a round face is the norm. The hairline genetics have been selected to be the absolute worst too, disgusting creep norwood where females want to avoid you at all cost as talking to you is portrayed as talking to a homeless peasant and a reduction in status by default.
No wonder suicide statistic are horrendously high for Eastern countries, just goes to show how expendable the males are but primarily its due to them leading depressing lives and dying of substance abuse.
The females are massive whores that leave to experience the flavour of the savannah jungle-men and feel a sense of status and high importence with the tall text-book Chad nordics in the West. Most Slavs abroad work 12 hour shift wages to hurl at a female in hopes of something occurring whilst she fucks sahara men because its trendy and cool and also Nordic males because they are 3psl on average better looking.

Bullet to the head if Slavic, if not you will rope by default because its in your DNA anyways.

Cope, Slavs have the 2nd best pheno among white men, they just lose for Northern Europeans

Is this why sexual tourism is popular in countries like Greece, Italy and the Balkans?

Females just want to be devoured by feral men, nothing new here. Last time I heard, no female wants to travel to Lithuania to fuck Lithuanian men.

Slavs really are the niggers of Eastern Europe.

yea central asians mog slavs, slavs are niggers of their own countries

Henry Makow, PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Jews claim to be "God's Chosen People" yet have the chutzpah to accuse Europeans of "white supremacy" and "racism."

Goyim, wake up, Cabalists are the world's greatest scam artists. Are you the world's greatest rubes? Wars, depressions, central banking, 9-11, covid are all their scams.

Satanism is when people usurp the role of God. Talk about "supremacism." The New World Order is Satan Worship - Isn't it Obvious?

Who are the real "supremacists?" Trump (Zionism) and Sanders (Communism)--both Jews-- are both part of this plot.
Christians and Jews are finally recognizing that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. Cabalist Judaism is actually about supplanting God and deifying Cabalist Jews. Cabalism (Satanism) is the secret religion of the world.

Christians were deceived by the Scofield Bible which was financed and promoted by Zionist bankers. Christian Zionist pastors like John Hagee, Benny Hinn, and Joel Osteen are apostates and traitors. Pro-Zionist US politicians like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are also traitors.

When Christians realize this, they'll understand that the Dept. of Homeland Security and NSA are there to protect the Federal Reserve Bank and the Zionist political establishment from the wrath of the American people when they realize their country has been stolen out from under them. Terrorism is a pretext manufactured by the CIA and FBI.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #homophobia bloodandfaith.com

[From “Come on, Christians, Whose Side Are You On?”]

Lots of hate mail from the “diversity and tolerance” crowd. No surprise.
Liberal fragility is real. Jewish fragility is real.
What generates the hate? Mostly it is indoctrination from their religious cult and its leaders.
What offends Liberals and Jews?[…]
Defending Whites
Calling for Christian Nations
Pointing out that Jews are not God’s Chosen People
•Declaring that the LGBTQ agenda in public schools is grooming children for sexual slaughter

Some have advised that I avoid certain topics so as “not to offend”
The Jews accused Jesus Christ of being full of Beelzebul, being possessed of a demon, and casting out demons by the head demon. Jesus claimed He cast them out by the Spirit of God. Did the Jews blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

The Jews said Jesus was conceived in fornication by a Samaritan. Wrong. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a virgin woman. Did they blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said the Jews were sons of the Devil. Is that offensive?

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

During the heavily racist periods of history, segregation didn't care about percentages. You were either white or black. Apartheid was a pretty nasty example of this, as interracial offspring were screwed over.
I say this because current woke drones are openly embracing a dark mirror of this same bigoted attitude. There's 2 races essentially: black and white.
Just think about what you've been hearing this past month. Nothing but racist white people and poor disadvantaged blacks who need help.
Consider the employee training programs currently implemented saying "be less white."
Consider every "black" president and political figure of mixed heritage. All other components of their DNA magically disappear and they become black only.
Nobody mentions any other race unless you bring this up, and if you do they paint you as a racist and change the topic as fast as possible.
What I'm saying is these activists have openly embraced segregation without realizing it on a fundamentally religious level.
As opposed to the more difficult concept that race itself doesn't exist. Only humanity. But... Doing that would eliminate the extremely powerful kill all weapon of "he's racist, cancel him from society" favored by puritanical witch hunters

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL The shy innocent girl in your class

I just found out that the shy, innocent quiet girl at the back of my class is now a porn star producer and stars in some of her own videos. Honestly at this point not even shocked at things like this anymore. Hahahahaha fucking clown world, never forget that all women are like that.

I'm tryna seem dem' tities, OP, DROP THE DAMN LINK

Don't want to potentially dox myself, on top of not wanting to give her extra views for being a whore. Furthermore, nothing to see. Hapa whore, mixed mutt, half asian half hispanic or something. No tits. Nasty chicken legs. Incel if male

Man this makes me so mad and I don't even know her. It's pretty demoralising seeing the people you'd least expect to do something like this, do something like this.

"innocent girl" is an oxymoron, she was may have been a "shy quiet girl", but she was never innocent. It's just that you are still subconsciously bluepilled so you assumed that about her given the lack of information you had about her.

(waste matter)
they all act shy and quiet to get attraction from chads that are into shy girls


meanwhile they shy, innocent quite boy at the back of the class shot up the school, roped, or is on .co

:feels: fuck this life

Being quiet/shy and/or ugly doesn't affect a girls sex life much, they all have boyfriends or will by their late teens. It's pretty brutal to see how bad their male equivalents have it and some will sadly be virgins into their 40s like me.

crymouse #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: The USA's South Africa moment has arrived


Blacks will be irrelevant in 20 years time. The Multicultural mess will swallow the half decent ones, while the rest will stagnant at the bottom; becoming far more poor than they are now; with no hope of ever getting out in a million years because the Colorist-Strata will stigmatize Negroid race and 'Afro hair' so heavily.

So that's one thing to look forward too, we will never have to see Black people on every commercial, back-to-back, EVER AGAIN. Blacks don't get it because they are too stupid to get it. Guess that shows how you how to defeat another race in a race-war: just outsmart them.

If you hate Democrats, Progressives, Multi-Culti or whatever think about yourselves and your families. It is impossible to "Own the Libs". We are too diverse, agile and visionary for your ilk to catch us.

Oh, I get it. You think of yourself as a "progressive" Democrat. You think those Progressive-Critical-Race-Theorist Democrats are going to "Liberate" you; make you a rich woman. I still dont see why any NGO would give AF about poor Black People.

The Wage Gap in the USA has increase 300% since the 1980s - according to Afrocentrists and Critical Race theorists - with African-Americans sinking the fastest of all; along with all those imported browns. America is turning into South America by the same powers who've destroyed & raped South American countries; and do you know where Black are in South American society? AT THE BOTTOM.

80% of the poor in South America are Black to United Nations Study.

Enjoy your future in America. Browns dont have White Guilt.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: NSFW Daily reminder: this woman with nice personality procreated twice while u rot here

RUSSIA: Mom beats 8-month-old son, throws him on the couch because he wouldn’t stop crying


Brutal. @Saudade is this common for slav mothers? Ye they need sterilize these type of foids

She is Asiatic, not Slav. Russia has many ethnic minorities because of their Empire conquest towards East. I don't think Slavic mothers are brutal towards their kids, they are nice mothers but they also like to nag and guilt trip you.

Also many younger Slav women don't want to be mothers these days or they opt to have one or two in mid 30s with betabuxxer cause of fear of being alone, at least that woman in video gave birth to those kids while Slav woman her age would most of times just coldly murder them through abortion.

Kids have no rights, everyone cry for women's and minorities rights but the actual helpless are being beaten, neglected and even raped by their own parents and no one gives a fuck, its OK to treat a kid as a property.

Typical inbred natashka face. You can actually google more of that shit, where foids burn, freeze, flush their babies in the toilet, etc and get only probation.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: The slavpill ripped me apart.

In this world an ordinary girl from former SU can marry Arab sheikh (these are real life stories). I just want to hear story about ordinary slavic guy marrying Arab princess :dafuckfeels:. However, the cruel reality is what ordinary slavic guys are killing themselves with an alcohol while their women are welcomed everywhere.

I don't look particularly Slavic even tough I am a Slav but I do have most of the negative personality traits attributed to Slavs like laziness, stubbornness, pride, so living in a Western country is a problem since here you need to be more aggreeable and in general just an insectoid NPC without any flaws.

slav men, and any men from poor countries with decent-looking women, are supposed to be extremely well integrated into the community and social group, granting them an audience with at least a few eligible women, otherwise the forces of globalization and female emancipation will rip away all of their romantic opportunities, and they'll sit there reading stories about how their country is popular and even notorious among wealthy sexpats from all over the globe.

Stalingrad was a mistake. You should have been genocided by now.

Kill yourself if Slavic. Its our destiny anyways, just look at the stats.

Kill yourself if Slav.

stop projecting

Mogs me if you dont want to rope.

imagine being that cucked. ((they)) did it to us.

90% here would be useless in an ideal society anyways.

Dave Blount #conspiracy #racist moonbattery.com

[From “Feds Distribute Migrant Invasion Throughout USA”]

To call our rulers quislings would be an understatement. So far as I know, Vidkun Quisling did not distribute Nazi occupiers throughout his country at the expense of Norwegian taxpayers. Biden’s handlers, on the other hand, have been doing the equivalent with the invasion force that is conquering and forever transforming the United States to ensure permanent leftist dominance.

HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement tells Breitbart that it has…

…authorized programs to pay transport fees for unaccompanied children (including airline tickets), including escort transport (where necessary by airline or ORR policy) in order to facilitate release of children to approved sponsors.

We can’t have the Third World invasion force concentrated in a single area. It must be disseminated immediately, so that it is not as obvious that we are being conquered — and so that the invasion cannot be reversed.

As for the cost, Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is considering diverting money from the border wall to finance transport for the incoming hordes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

/nsg/ ϟϟ Natsoc General ϟϟ #racist #wingnut #crackpot #psycho 16chan.xyz

ϟϟ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to /pol/ ϟϟ

Thread for discussion of
Race Realism
the Aryan Ideal
National Pride
Racial Identity Movements

Improve yourself - Comrades, community, and folk!
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))

ht tps://pastebin.com/u/ProjectWhite

> What is National Socialism?
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based in the unbounding love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities which are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.

ht tps://projectwhite.org/

tsirorreT #wingnut #racist #psycho ncu.su

Pandora's Box

The loss of Donald Trump, the yellow conman, has awakened many whites to the realization that there is no one coming to their aid, as their countries fall to the final stages of the great Jewish plan. I've been following the networks of various extremists within the United States, and I can attest to the fact that their rhetoric is becoming more militant, calling for real life action rather than spreading memes online. It is glorious to watch unfold. All those young men who were mocked by the jewish media are now increasingly joining these groups.

Here is some of what's being posted:

/pol/ - How Vulnerable Are America's Power Grids?
/pol/ - The Accelerationist Manifesto

The elites know this, and are paying close attention :
Jan. 6-Inspired Domestic Terrorism Could Threaten U.S. for Next Two Decades - Homeland Security Today.us

a MightyAdvisor of da Hebrews #fundie #crackpot #racist youtube.com

We got overthrown because OUR GOD who just happens to be the Creator of EVERYTHING allowed all these heathen, beast bloodline, dick sucking and condoner of other dick sucking nations, dog fucking, demon and demi demon worshipping- to over- take and submit US because we wanted to be like the heathens and did not follow the Commandments, Laws, and Statutes of YHWH, period! Dont Fret, its all part of a far sighted plan to save the Hebrew Israelites, the niggas, the nappy headed burnt brown people, hmmm the most talented loved yet envied people on the fucking planet... Question, whens the last you saw the world, yes the world, trying to copy and be like the fucking Sudanese? The Ethiopians,?The Somalis....NOPE! They and everyone else wants to like US, the Niggas, lol, cuz you know why? We REally ARe the HEbreW IsrAeliTes.... and its like that.... Its all prophecy and Guess what else, Christ Came Only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel! Paul was a negro, a modern day Jamaican or such..... YHWH and Christ who is a negro like the ones from the good ole cracker ass USA, HE chose US negros, not Hamites or sons of Ham, the ethiopian who is son of Cush, Egyptians or the modern Sudanese are Mizraim, and so on,,, Of course the West Africa colonies such as Camaroon, Nigeria, the Igbos/Heebos which means Hebrews, the Yorubas, The Falashas of Ethiopia, The Fulani which I am, the Lemba, are all Hebrew Israelites.................But ground fucking zero is America bottom line, starring Esau the white red man and his righteous brother Jacob aka Israel aka me and mine!, or still at war, and once the fallen ones are defeated, the negro (not the hamite, not the arab ishmaelite, not the china man) will be Forever rulers of this Earth under Christ!

Kimberley Hall #racist volkimmh.tumblr.com

It's disgusting how people will vandalize property over something that ended centuries ago.

When will black people shut the fuck up and get over slavery? I'm sick of hearing them bitch about slavery and use it to be worthless lazy parasites looking for reparations/welfare.

Were you a slave?

If not,


Krixxset #racist reddit.com

[note: the link is to an image from the discord of r/conservative]

You are literally incapable of maintaining any kind of society at all.. your races brain is only able to manage a tribal hunter gatherer, stone age existence... your race literally never invented the wheel, never created writing, never developed agriculture and is consistently shown to be TOTALLY incapable of even functioning within another groups society while being baby sat.... you naturally create dysfunction and cannot even understand basic concepts such as "cause and effect".... You are by far the worst mistake of nature and if it wasn't for MASSIVE white charity your race would be extinct... Therein lay a prime example of your dysfunctional nature... The only people helping you are whites, your people depend on white charity and yet its whites who you hate and try to harm the most... You fail to realise that if whites are destroyed it will directly affect your group in a very negative way and this simple reality where the cause and effect are absolutely clear is too difficult for you to understand... Useless creature you are..

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Woke lib "slave ships were evil because they forced victims to lay down for the duration -"
Me "speaking of.... there was a recent fatal car crash on the Mexican border. 2 dozen people were inside the vehicle. A dozen died"
Woke lib "..."
Me "you know how they get 2 dozen people in an SUV, right? Take out the seats and lie down"
Woke lib "..."
Me "funny how human trafficking and lax borders looks an awful lot like slave trade-"
Woke lib "I will remain silent. Then I will awkwardly wait until I can spot a post where I can play gotcha on so that I can publicly get my revenge and masturbate over how just I am. "

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is


I am sick and tired of the "Slavpill" when in reality Slavs are CHADS on average.

:lul: Slavs are often ogrecels. It's really fucking hard to be a Slavic prettyboy. Our women would rather fuck curries than us, literally. Every foreigner in Poland won't leave without getting laid. Foreigners are turning them on.

I don't believe this for one second.

Me neither. Some of the users here make vastly outrageous claims.

„Gdyby Bóg dał mi wybór, wybrałbym biały kolor skóry” — 7 metrów pod ziemią

Watch this. It has English CC. He's literally talking about our white foids hitting up on him when he was working in a lingerie shop. Also, remember 'itsover', he ascended in Ukraine with gl foids we can't get while being fucking ugly.

He is lying about foids hitting on him, he definitely escortmaxxed.

Try living a Slav immigrant in western Europe :feelsrope:

try being a middle eastern ETHNIC IN SCANDINAVIA. I would murder to be slavic, how the FUCK is that bad. You live better than your fellow slavs. What is there to complain about???

(Teutonic Knight)
You have your own countries to go back to, Slavs have nothing.

As i said before, some slavs have access to the EU, so that doesnt apply to everyone.

Slavs have failo effect in rest of the EU. You think because some right wingers and people on 4chan and pol (almost entirely males) like Slavs that this somehow gives Slavs halo effect with women? Eastern Europe is just a shit-tier version of Europe for them.

If you go as a Slav to EU you will just be seen as another poor guest worker.

Agreed, Scandinavians are pretty bigoted against poles and balts, but being non-white is worse.

The blackpill should be replaced with slavpill and this site should be called Inslavs.ru

azakhan #racist #sexist incels.is

”Our women would rather fuck curries than us, literally.”

I don't believe this for one second.

It’s true, even curries in Poland have higher status than your average pole because they seem exotic and don’t speak Polish.
And blacks, even ugly ones, are gigaslayers. Almost every young foid has photo of her kissing or hugging a black guy on her instagram page. BBCs are seen as trophy for girls these days. Some clubs give black guys free entries to attract foids. I didn’t believe this at first but one of my friends who is a chadlite mentioned his girlfriend had a black ex. The conversation was about dick size and he said something along those lines “my gf slept with a black guy with 20 cm dick and said I’m better at sex than him, see? Size doesn’t matter”. I was like wtf your gf slept with a black guy? You guys probably won’t beleive it becuase it really does sound weird and like a larp but it happened.
Sometimes reality is even stranger than our memes.

tldr if you are a foreigner you can easily get laid in poland.

just fucking lol at that cuck chadlite

I'm still jelous because he had many virgin gf throughout the years. But what he said really fucking surprised me, like if I was living in matrix, especially considering you don't see that many black here and yet almost every foid my age dated or hooked up with one.
Clown World.

Maybe that's why you don't see them
Wow polish foods are gigawhores

yeah and the biggest whores always have super rich parents

Total Imbecile #racist #sexist incels.is

The slavpill is the most brutal pill produced by this forum to date, even the racepill pales in comparison

Look, just a year ago before being slavpilled I used to identify as white

Can you imagine that

But the slavpill explains it all

We get mogged by nerdics (swedes) and WASPs(dutch), also height doesnt mean shit if youre not white and look ugly as shit as most slavs are

Not being cucked doesnt mean anything, there are many users on this forum who are not cucked but were still incels, Id rather be cucked and have sex than be blackpilled and incel tbh

Who gives a shit about feminism when youre not getting any, my morals are entirely determined by my ability to get laid, Im very flexible, if becoming a feminist would guarantee me Id get laid then hurrah for womens rights!

Black guy slayed 17 girls in Croatia in 50 daysimageimage Another Black guy talking about how easy it is to fuck girls in Croatia:image

Black guy Simon Mol fucked over 300 girls in Poland and spread HIV to over 40 of them: Simon Mol

Blackcels should go to Slavic countries to ascend Even Ricecels are ascending with Russian foids: Ukrainian women seek Chinese husbands through dating club

Slavic girls are literally public cumrags JFL

Francis Galton #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: Genes, Brains, and Intelligence: What’s New?

These findings are about associations between traits in individuals, not ancestry group averages, but if one were to extrapolate within reason, one conclusion could be that group — or racial — phenotypic differences reflect genetic ones. Despite many lies and obfuscations, mainstream science is increasingly siding with the hereditarians on many of their central claims.

Great article. The antiWhite elites are doing their best to suppress the results of intelligence research, but I think when enough people become aware of group differences and their genetic basis, we will reach the critical mass necessary to achieve a massive societal change. As Jim Goad commented in a recent interview with Greg Johnson, we are destroying the entire fabric of our society, because people are too scared to admit that blacks are dumb.

BTW, another excellent book on the subject of human intelligence came out recently. It's called In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths about Human Intelligence by Russell T. Warne. It has not received much publicity, perhaps because it is too honest. The author bravely includes a section about group differences. After apologizing for that reality, he reports that group differences do indeed exist, and a 100% environmental explanation is untenable.

It must be more than environment, Wherever you find blacks in the world you see consistent patterns of behavior. The same goes for other groups, including East Asians and Whites.

Yes. That is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that never gets mentioned.

Fritz Berggren #racist #conspiracy #fundie bloodandfaith.com

[From “Jewish Fragility”]

Jewish Fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a Jewish person experiences when they witness discussions around race and theology. This may trigger anger, fear, guilt, and violence. Some Jews may become insecure when other people groups claim privileges that Jew people enjoy.

If a Jewish person becomes defensive, a non-Jew may feel obligated to comfort the Jew. For example, some Christians comfort Jews by telling them they are “God’s children,” while some Europeans speak words establishing racial self-hatred. These non-Jews seek to unburden themselves from socially constructed sin accusations (racism or anti-semitism).

Manifestations of Jewish fragility commonly include accusing others of what they do themselves. These include, but are not limited to:
•Inventing a social sin that only applies to non-Jews (anti-semitism).
•The privilege of their own racial homeland while accusing others of a social sin (racism) for seeking the same privilege.
•Establishing organizations promoting the interests of their own race while denying that privilege to others, specifically Whites.
•Violence toward those who do not submit to religious, historical, and cultural narratives promoted by the Jews.

One manifestation of Jewish fragility was the reaction to Jesus Christ, who verbally chastised them for hypocrisy. As a result, the Jews used their power and influence (Jewish privilege) to have him executed.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Immigrants and Their Children Shift Toward Center-Right in Germany

(Francis Galton)

People of foreign background are natural conservative voters, said Serap Güler. Most hail from Turkey, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union and North Africa—communities that are comparatively conservative. Many reject progressive issues such as drug legalization, criminal-justice reform and nontraditional family models.

Reminds me of the claim that Latinos are natural conservatives. We know how that has worked out for the Republican party. Also, keep in mind that "center-right" in legacy-media-speak actually means far left.

(Jeff Coffey)
Yes, open your ranks to Muslims. Brilliant idea. Let's see how open the Muslims will be to you once they have the numbers. Is it really so difficult for these dunderheads to understand that the Muslims hate, loathe, and despise them? That western way of life and culture are as disgusting to followers of allah as rolling around in excrement? They are NOT joining you. They are replacing you.

(Frank Jones)
Unless they are actively supporting parties planning on deporting them I don't care how they vote.

(Question Diversity)

Note that an immigrant who votes for the CDU is voting for his "values and personal preferences.” I wonder what they say about immigrants who vote for AFD because they don't want their new homes swamped by their low IQ cousins.

It's only because the CDU has watered itself down so much. Of the people "with foreign roots" who vote AfD, it's mainly because they tend to be Eastern European and non-Gypsy, who would be voting for those kinds of parties and be active in pop-nat sectors in their native countries. "Cosmopolitan patriotism" is really nothing more than German parlance (translated into English) for civic nationalism, a concept historically alien to most continental Europeans.

DolicoCel #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

The slavpill ripped me apart.

I dont hate the fact that im slavic, since in the west you live by western beauty standarts (and slavs are just not fitting in it) but the things that i absolutely fucking hate is the fact, that online dating is now so accessable, that the women in EE are getting brainwashed into getting a progressive, white men in the west. Also, by western standarts slavs are absolutely subhuman. bad maxillas, big noses, balding at a early age, yet the women are widely regarded as the most beautiful race there is.

slavs will be outbread by 2100, and ive been raised nationalistic. It just hurts so much. Slav women are literally the worst, the fuck niggers, germans, arabs, every single race besides their own men (just DONT be slavic theory).

The difference how the average slav foid and slav men live is just so fucking big. The average slavic foid is skinny, looks white, is makeupmaxxed, tradfraudmaxxed, etc. and the world is literally spinning around them. If your a slav foid in EE, you can just instamaxx, get a ugly westerner to simp for you, and fly you out. Ever noticed how many slav women have pics uploaded in dubai, america, etc? What are they doing there?

While the average slav men barely makes month end, because everyone dislikes him solely for the fact that hes not European looking. While young slavic men enroll in the army, to defend their country from jews trying to enrich themselfs, their looksmatch is getting railed by an ugly american. Slav men are the less desired aswell. Im instantly dislike, just for my lowclass-high fighting success face. I literally have trouble finding friends because I look I would stab u in the back, eventhough im really empathic. The slavpill is literally just so fucking unfair, its not even funny. The disparancy between the women, and men is just so fucking big. The women live life on pilot mode, wheres the men go through hell.

Darkleet #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: The slavpill ripped me apart.

This pill is extremely true and real, I for all my years have experienced it. Enforced military for males - you lose a fucking year depending on the country, toxic society where you’re actually pressured by family to marry and if you can’t find a date/are a virgin with 20+ you’re ridiculed by everyone. Foids worshipped literally everywhere, in education, workplace, families AND THEY STILL WANT MORE. And in the end they’re still not satisfied and go and find some cuck in the West or some rich criminal gorilla that can take her “personality”.

The worst thing of all - you have no power over anything and you’re given minimal amount of money to survive a month, even with high education and working in high demanded jobs. You can’t even cope properly. Jails in EE are worse than Nazi death camps. You can’t get a decent apartment/house unless you work like 20 years and spend 0 money from your salary.

If you don’t slave (won’t even call it wageslave, because the wage part is so pathetic that it’s unreal) you have 0 chances of surviving a month - paying rent/food/bills, without clothes/entertainment/games or anything else.

If anyone here would ask me is it the rock bottom of life, I would agree, but life always can get shittier it seems, no surprises there.

slavcel11 #racist #sexist incels.is

Slavic men are literally niggers among white people. Except that niggers own their women. I wish I was a proper white man, tall, rich, masculine, not balding. Even seamaxxing is not an option for the likes of us, for we miss all men's beauty standards you can imagine. We're literally urks.

Some may cope that slav women are just as ugly because we share the same gene pool. Total bullshit. If I got to be honest, of all caucasoid women slav women are definitely not the worst looking ones. They are far more prettier than brits, balts or germans for example. A slav woman can easily find a decent looking western man and get herself out of the slavic commonwealth of post-soviet shit holes. Not to mention that the ones who usually aim at moving out in the west are almost exclusively white worshippers and want to white wash their genes off this slavic filth and pray that their son doesn't look like their father.

I hate the west on the whole, but don't blame it. I'm firmly convinced that men's beauty standards are universal and the jews had no hand in creating them. I'm also not proud of being russian and I don't feel particularly attached to my culture/country/history/etc.

Proof of this? Slavic women fucking germans and other cumskins are correct. but blacks and Arabs fuck no that's bullshit.

there's a meme about tunisia, egypt and turkey being major sex tourism destinations for women (at least in Russia). It's true to a large extent.

Saudade #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

If you are redpilled you should support Lukashenko. You ever wonder how majority in Belorussian colored protests funded by US State Department (through NGO's) are exclusively naive young city women followed by small number of their simps who were explicitly targeted through their naive consumption of Western social media? They want to make a sovereign country with normal family values like Belarus into a huge cannon fodder and brothel for them.

What did Ukraine get after 2014 except war, more poverty, more McDonald's, sexpats and gay parades? They use human rights and democracy as pretext for a colored revolution but what they want is to open up our economies so we could be dependent on their consumerist culture where we will get the bottom of the barrel scraps wrapped with the rainbow flag and they will take all of our riches while indebting us through IMF and their forced military-industrial complex deals.

Western elite through history has always exploited Eastern Europe and will never respect Slavs, they always saw this place as material and human rich resource, men who will do hard labor they wont or go to war for them and women to be treated as pretty fuckdolls and be discarded thereafter (Why are majority of construction workers and prostitutes in West Eastern European?).

They want us weak, divided, poor, turned against each other and to exist as their servant cannon fodder. That's why they were scared shitless of Peter the Great or post-purge Soviet Union, because Slavs for once decided to take faith into their hands and told them to fuck off.

Fritz Berggren #racist #fundie #conspiracy jta.org

A U.S. State Department employee named Fritz Berggren has been moonlighting as a blogger devoted to attacking Jews and promoting white Christian nationalism.

“Jesus Christ came to save the whole world from the Jews — the founders of the original Anti-Christ religion, they who are the seed of the Serpent, that brood of vipers,” Berggren wrote in an Oct. 4, 2020, post on his website titled “Jews are Not God’s Chosen People. Judeo-Christian is Anti-Christ.”

Later in the post he writes, “Jewish ideas poison people.”

Berggren has been sharing his extremist and anti-Semitic views under his real name for years while working as a mid-level civil servant. Politico first reported the connection on Friday after being tipped off by current and former State Department officials.

Berggren espouses the idea, common among the far-right, that white people are at risk of being eliminated through demographic change and organized persecution. He commonly rails against Black Lives Matter and other social movements identified with the left.
Politico reported that Berggren works for a State Department unit that handles special immigrant visas for Afghans. He has been identified as a Foreign Service worker since as early as 2009.

Pontins Management #racist independent.co.uk

Boris Johnson has denounced as “completely unacceptable” a blacklist of Irish surnames drawn up by Pontins to keep supposedly undesirable guests out of its holiday camps.

An investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission found that the company had been using the blacklist as part of a policy of refusing bookings by Gypsies and Travellers to its holiday parks.

Responding to the case, detailed in an EHRC report published today, the prime minister’s official spokesman said: “This is completely unacceptable. No-one in the UK should be discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity.”

The EHRC said that by declining to provide its services to guests of a certain race or ethnic group, Pontins was “directly discriminating on the basis of race” and had “breached the Equality Act”, which recognises Gypsies and Travellers as distinct racial groups.

Discriminatory practices included:

- Monitoring calls and refusing or cancelling bookings made by people with an Irish accent or surname;

- A blacklist of Irish surnames, published on its intranet page, entitled ‘undesirable guests’ and requiring staff to block any potential customers with those names from booking.

- Using a ‘no commercial vehicles’ policy to exclude Gypsies and Travellers from its holiday parks.

EHRC executive director Alastair Pringle said: “It is hard not to draw comparisons with an ‘undesirable guests’ list and the signs displayed in hotel windows 50 years ago, explicitly barring Irish people and Black people. Banning people from services based on their race is discrimination and is unlawful. To say that such policies are outdated is an understatement.”

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