
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Various Commenters #transphobia #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho ovarit.com

Indian surgeon plans to transplant womb into a TRANS woman and get them pregnant in world-first op that could pave way for biological men to get pregnant

( MadSea )
Very much looking forward to the deaths this fool will cause with his mad science experiments.

Also, how is it a transplant if there was never one there to begin with? Wouldn’t it just be an implant?

( hmimperialtortie )
Someone should say he’s a TRANSPHOBE 😱 because he’ll kill the poor helpless twans wimmin who Just Wanna Have Babies doing this.

( Stealthygal )
Clearly he's doing this to kill TW on purpose

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s his cunning plan to get rid of them. Muahahahaha!

( RusticTroglodyte )
Only a total deluded fuckhead would voluntarily sign up to give birth and I say that as someone who has a kid look

Jk but Srsly how fucking privileged can these ppl get

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth.

Far as I’m concerned it’s Schadenfreude all the way if these filthy scrotes do finally suffer the consequences of their perversions and misogyny.

( RighteousIndignation )
good point its an implant and it will rot and be attacked by the body, they cant even keep their neo virginas open without dilating them daily to stop the body healing them like the wound they are, how the hell is a uterus not going to get attacked by the immune system and shrivel up into a little rotten ball that causes blood poisoning.

( crodish )
Seriously, with other organs like the heart and liver etc the body at least has DNA blueprints for those, because both sexes have the same organs. A male body is going to have zero idea what to do with a female uterus. The person is going on have to be on a ridiculous amount of anti-rejection medications and hormones and blood transfusions.

I like too that somehow we're not hearing a huge outcry from the ethics boards about this...

Scott Lively #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger scottlively.net

Masculine Homosexual Men, AKA “Gay” Bullies.

Moving toward the opposite extreme of the scale, the male categories are measured by their degree of rejection of females and femininity. These are masculine-oriented homosexual men. The existence of this type of homosexual comes as a shock to some people. When they think of homosexuals, they think of effeminate men who act like women, but, in my observation, there are at least as many masculine-leaning homosexuals as there are effeminate ones.

But these are not simply masculine men, they are anti-feminine men. Importantly, they are less against women per se than against effeminacy — especially in other men. The further one tends to the masculine extreme, the greater his rejection of and hostility towards effeminacy. (In my observation, effeminate homosexuality and transgenderism seem to be a product of childhood gender identity disorder as described above, while masculine-oriented homosexuality in men seems to be a product of childhood or adolescent sexual abuse.)

The first category therefore is the classic “gay” bully, and his victims are often effeminate homosexuals. It is very common to hear “gay” activists refer to these “gay bashers” as “latent homosexuals,“ and I believe they are correct, though I suspect that many of these men are not latent, but active (though often self-loathing) homosexuals.

Many people wonder how the Nazis could have been homosexual, when homosexuals were among the targets of their brutal social engineering policies. The secret is that many of the Nazi leaders were masculine-oriented homosexuals, while many of their political enemies in the German Communist Party were effeminate homosexuals.

@Generic_Gay , @AGPawarenessDay & @LoveHerMadly #transphobia gettr.com

The mentally ill #buckangel contributing to the lie that is gender dysphoria is not curable but science says it is!
I was suicidal and I couldn't do anything anymore with my life anymore because I was a trans "men" and had gender dysphoria, But thank god I didn't know about this made up lie or I would have believed it and kill myself or cut off my boobs and uterus, Buck is not helper of gender criticals or to lesbians like me, she uses fake facts to justify her fetish and trauma hurting other girls while pretending to be a "good trans" but there no good trans its just a illness

#transgender #detrans #detransition #desisted #desist #LGB #genderideology #gendercritical #genderdysphoria #trojanhorse


She says she’s honest about who she is, but she clearly isn’t. She’s a woman with a frog voice and messed up internal organs. She’s not "living as a man" since there’s not such thing

Does all the hardcore porn help her "live at peace" too? I would think that would traumatize a woman.

Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #fundie massresistance.org

Pro-family resolutions

These problems needed to be brought out into the sunlight. Our group introduced four strong pro-family resolutions to the convention that deal with the LGBT agenda targeting families:

Remove the law that exempts public schools and libraries from the ban on obscene materials disseminated to minors.

Oppose the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” being in any policy, ordinance, guideline, or statute – and protect people’s beliefs on those issues.

Stop transgender indoctrination in schools and “transgender” participation on female teams in school and college sports.

Ban mixed-sex bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms in the public schools.

Snake Baker #transphobia dailystormer.cn

Christians can’t just ban people from mutilating the genitals of children.

This isn’t their country.

America is Satan World.

That isn’t even an exaggeration, really. It is literally the mainstream view in America that children should have their genitals mutilated if they become convinced they are trapped in the body of the opposite sex.

As we’ve said many a time, there is no explanation for what it means to be trapped in the body of the opposite sex. It is some kind of soul displacement. No one has explained who is responsible for putting these souls into the wrong bodies. It must be some kind of an entity doing this – a kind of trickster creature operating in the ethereal realms.

It seems the logical thing would be to find a way to fight this entity and get it to stop switching these souls around. That seems much cheaper and more practical than mutilating all these kids. But the mainstream medical professionals refuse to even describe the nature of this entity, let alone put together a plan to fight it.

various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: New poll shows more than 52% of likely Democratic voters in Florida back 'Don't Say Gay' bill | Daily Mail Online

(hard_headed_woman )
I've seen some non-binary, crazy young women who claim to be teachers, and the things they are telling their students is awful.

I'm truly starting to wonder whether I support full employment rights for "transgender" crazies.

(NoOneSpecial )
The T literally cannibalized the LGB and destroyed all the hard work that has been done to gain our acceptance. Shame on these sexist proliferators of the gender divide.

Same thing happened with the Equality Act. They mashed gender ideology with basic understanding about same-sex attraction, making the protection of one (LGB folk) dependent on the peddling of the other (transgender nonsense). Horribly, "protecting" transgenderism as these people claim to be doing directly removes the safeguarding of the LGB community. You cannot protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation if sexual orientation doesn't exist. They handed a win to all the religious homophobes.

This is what happens when you don't protect sex as a class from discrimination, but you're more than willing to protect sexist gender stereotypes.

(NO )
See? You trans people will make it so gay people lose rights. Can't you put your willy away for one second? I know you think your erections are more important than all women globally and all gay and bi men combined and here you're seeing the consequences.

Leave us gays the fuck out of your ideology.

( Ladylucy )
TRAs are doing more than causing gays to lose their rights. They’re trying to wipe gays by transitioning gay, lesbian and bi kids. I read that some gays are calling it the “gay genocide or gay eugenics.”

( Amareldys )
This goes beyond gay and women's rights.

They are asking people to literally lie in a major way and say things are the opposite of what they are. Not to pretend for the sake of niceness... but to literally believe a lie. Everyone. Not just gays. Not just women. Everyone.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Target is selling chest binders for gender dysphoric girls so they can crush their breasts to try and appear more like boys. This is no different than Walgreens selling laxatives specifically for people with anorexia. Abhorrent and insane.

Mike Braun #transphobia yahoo.com

GOP senator calls gender-affirming surgeries for minors ‘almost grotesque’ during hearing

Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) pressed Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra over health care for transgender youth at a budget hearing on Wednesday, during which he characterized gender-affirming surgeries as “almost grotesque” in an exchange.


Braun, a member of the subcommittee, began his line of questioning by raising concerns about the use of “puberty blocking and hormone therapy drugs for gender transition.”

“Anytime a physician prescribes it, they’re doing it off-label. Would you agree that off-label prescriptions for usages not approved by the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] are potentially dangerous for patients, especially kids?” he asked.

Becerra in response assured that the FDA “would raise alarms if they saw that a particular medicine or treatment were being misused” and added that, “at this stage, what we know is that for a drug to be out there available, it has to be safe and effective, as FDA has found.”

“So what I would simply say with regard to this particular subject is when individuals go in for care it is their physician who is making that decision with them about what type of medicine or treatment they should receive,” he continued.

Braun appeared to make a jab at the Biden administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic shortly after, before pressing the secretary about “sex-change surgeries.”

“If you use that same logic on what we’ve just navigated through COVID, it seems like there would have been a different point of view and, to me, for many parents across the country, this has more potentially tragic consequences, and it seems like it’s a double standard,” he began.

“Let’s look at surgeries that would be even more impactful, and I’m not going to mention the particulars there. It’s almost grotesque to mention what could occur. Could you explain what irreversible top and bottom sex change surgeries are and why that is on the portal as well?” he asked.


Various Commenters #transphobia gettr.com

(@SonofLiberty357 )
I am a man. There are a lot of things I can do. However, I can’t menstruate, get pregnant, give birth or breast feed. Neither can all the ‘pretend’ women. Time to get real.

Pretend women cannot get a Pap test, because….um, oh yea, they don’t have a fucking vagina, cervix, Fallopian tubes, or a womb. I am a woman, and I have all of the above, and more.

Wish men would learn how to "do" man well and stop thinking they can do better by being a pretend woman

Damn skippy! The pretend women have cells, every cell in their bodies that are male. A comment made to me recently, "when an archaeologist comes along in 200 years and digs them, they will be identified as male." True. As a woman, I find the pretend women extremely offensive.

These people got lost in the imaginary world and never matured into adulthood. And they want the rest of real world adults to acknowledge them or they throw fits like the children they are. But if we allow them their fantasy we put chuldren at rusk, period.

This entire topic is rediculous. You either are a man or a woman. No matter how you try to reconfigure your body you are still the sex you were born.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: instinctively repelled by trans people

( actualdyke )
I think it's absolutely a primal thing because I experience this too and I know a lot of other women do as well. you can thank millennia of evolution for hardwiring your brain to spot threats / danger / poison etc. if your brain reacts with disgust and repulsion when you see a balding middle-aged man with his beer gut spilling out of his crop top and PVC skirt, then congratulations, you are an evolutionary success!

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Oh this is definitely an evolutionary response.

I think we react with even more revulsion (compared to non TIMs) because what we're seeing is a fundamentally dishonest man, and dishonest men are dangerous and unpredictable.

( actualdyke )
not just dishonest dangerous and unpredictable, but almost certainly sexually perverted as well.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
I mean, they're inherently repulsive. They've deliberately chosen to reside in Uncanny Valley.

(XX_Power )
I have the same reaction to trans males, it's visceral. I think it's a mix of the uncanny valley response which is innate, and the experience that they're always huge misogynists. Female trans people i don't have that reaction at all, i mostly feel pity.

( MissMilotic )
Yes I have definitely noticed that MTF men are often far more narcissistic and difficult to deal with than FTM women. Obviously some FTMs can be insufferable but it seems quite a bit rarer, whereas MTFs often seem to want lots of attention and to feel sexually desirable.

( AGP_awareness )
Most of them are AGPs, so it goes with the territory.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( actualdyke )
trans people are some of the most vile, cruel, hatefully misogynistic individuals on earth. and no, i'm not making any addendums or exceptions to that statement. almost every single thing I hear from one of them just makes me more and more convinced that there isn't a single good person in this movement bc how can you support ANY of the shit they say and stand for without being morally rotted to the core?

( XX_Power )
For sure every trans male is a huge misogynist. You wouldn't appropriate womanhood if you're not a misogynist, it's really easy as that. Trans females I'd generally say are victims, although some of them are also abusers (looking at the ACLU TIF)

( KissMyOvaries )
Unpopular opinion, but many TIFs slip into the victimizer role pretty quickly. I don’t buy that they are simply victims. Most are narcissistic and don’t see the damage they are doing with their attacks on womanhood that actually make it harder for others to seek out treatment (because they are supporting the whole damn system that doesn’t allow treatment other than affirmation). The narcissism doesn’t end after desisting or detransitioning as they are unable to see the suffering of anyone but detrans people (Watson and Kiera Bell are two prime examples of this, as both still cannot see beyond themselves and those exactly like themselves, it’s COMPLETELY BEYOND THEM the widespread damage that the movement has caused to others). It’s maddening how damn self centered they remain. Like way to go, Kiera, telling others to “just be kind” when there’s a damn reason for our anger, even towards YOU now, simply for saying such crap. And for those who disagree with me, you haven’t been forced to endure continuing dysphoric symptoms because you know there’s no therapeutic help available if you are actually honest with your therapist, in the age of “affirmation ONLY” in therapy.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
I agree with this. For the sake of integrity, I will admit I'm partially biased because of first-hand experiences that were very traumatizing.

Overall what I see is a lot of damaged girls and young women trying to find a way to navigate that damage. Sure, a lot ARE victims who are frantically searching for a way to avoid future assaults. But a growing number of them choose the path of victimizer. Why they do this, I don't know. There are a multitude of reasons in my opinion.


Stefanie Bode #transphobia 4w.pub

Four Reasons To Stop Saying “Gender Dysphoria”
(continued from https://fstdt.com/QMJZZ9.QX4B3C )
The diagnosis and concept of “gender dysphoria” itself is 100 % intertwined with today’s gender identity ideology. It is inconsistent to condemn the latter and preserve the former as right and valid. The label is so strongly connected to the gender industry, that we put a woman in danger of undergoing harmful chemical and surgical interventions, once we use or repeat the term “gender dysphoria” in reference to her.

4. The label of “Gender Dysphoria” others women
When feminists use the concept of “gender dysphoria” to explain other women’s distress, they define them as having a psychiatric illness; this is not only pathologizing, but also othering, in declaring someone is fundamentally different from us - something is wrong with that woman and must be either fixed or tolerated.

As feminists, we know that it’s perfectly healthy, and indeed useful, to feel uncomfortable with sex roles and sex role stereotypes. We know that it is normal - albeit not desirable - to not feel at ease with one’s female body under male supremacy. Furthermore, in referring to these women as “people with gender dysphoria” we reduce them to these experiences and contribute to them identifying with an apolitical sexist psychiatric narrative.

Instead of othering women, we could point out the commonalities in our experiences. When we de-pathologize women who claim to have “gender dysphoria,” we help them to understand that their experiences make perfect sense in a misogynistic world and that there are always alternatives to self-harm. The advice given by Elie and Nele here goes in this direction again. They recommend women to search for role models with similar bodies and observable nonconformity to sex role stereotypes, in addition to developing a feminist awareness and to questioning internalized sex role stereotypes.

Use clear language to address the practices of transgenderism
If feminists want to attack the ideas and practices of transgenderism, it’s time to refrain from using the misogynist psychiatric concept of “gender dysphoria” and start criticizing it instead.

Instead of relying on diagnostic labels, specifically describe the behavior and experiences of the women and men involved.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What if the word we suddenly couldn't define anymore was "children"?

( actualdyke )
I know this is a hypothetical at the moment but I don't put it past them for one second that this is their next step. They're already doing everything they can to push the idea that children CAN consent to things being done to their body. They're also trying to convince everyone that children have a fully formed identity by the age of fucking 2, which is clearly an attempt to adultify children and make them seem much smarter and wiser than they actually are. do you see where i’m going with this?

add to that the disturbing amount of TW who identify as little girls and wear diapers and suck on pacifiers... I would say the next logical step in this thinking is to claim that age, much like a gender is a social construct, and since toddlers are smart and wise enough to consent to being trans, and since transage TW are completely valid and stunning, what's to stop a real toddler and a trans toddler from ... i'm not going to finish the sentence but you and I both know what their endgame here is.

( pennygadget )
Agreed. Abolishing the age of sexual consent is the logical next step after legislating that literal toddlers can consent to legally changing their name & gender and that an 8 year old can consent to drugs that will permanently alter their genitals and sexuality.

Also, I suspect the rise in puberty blockers is partially to create a generation of young people who are legally adults but have the minds & bodies of children due to being artificially delayed with drugs.

( XX_Power )
This is the endgame of the transhumanists and paedos and perverts leading this cult. The end goal is both the disappearance of women's rights and the legalization of child abuse and child rape, obviously both of these are deeply connected.

( SecondSkin )
Queer theory has always been about breaking down boundaries. The MAPs have long been pushing their legitimacy and many tq are all for it (or are them). And if trans kids can consent to life altering medical treatment then they can consent to sex can’t they? That’s always been where this was heading, and it’s never been hidden. Drag queens twerking in school and libraries in lingerie-not subtle the agenda being pushed is it?

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TiM is "furious" that female children "get to experience [girlhood] daily without any effort"

( butchplease )
"I'm all "No, I don't wanna go home!" but my mom and the birthday girl's mom tell me "it's a sleepover party. Boys aren't allowed at a girls' sleepover." I was so, so far from understanding that I'm trans at the time that I just didn't have any reply to that. I knew it felt wildly unfair. Like, why? Why is that a rule? But, that was the rule, so I left, just utterly crushed inside for not being allowed to stay. For not being allowed, as I understand it now, to just be "one of the girls" with the rest of them. It's been forty-five years, and I'm still not letting that one go."

This is so beyond pathetic 🤣🤣🤣 oh the childhood trauma of encountering a female space and being told no for the first time in your entitled violent boylife, so you decide to become a skinwalker who intrudes on EVERY intimate female space and destroys all female human rights! Nothing screams "lowlife woman-hater with the potential to murder a feminist one day" like a fifty-year-old manchild who's still throwing testerical fits over that one time he wasn't allowed to intrude on the girls as a child.

( DishonorableTofu )
That comment really disgusted me on another level...

( Earthmoon )
“There is a girl at school I would have literally killed to be”

Why are we supposed to accept these males who regularly talk about how they want to murder us out of jealousy? Plenty of women are jealous of other women and it doesn’t manifest in this kind of talk.

It also couldn’t be clearer that this is a fetish. Sleepovers and trying on clothes? Go do that with some other perverts if you want it so bad. Are those things something that’s portrayed often in porn or something? It really didn’t figure into any girl’s life that I know and it didn’t figure in media much either. I don’t understand where they get it from.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Ahh, so he didn't want A girlhood, he wanted HER girlhood. Or his fetid, fervent imaginings of her girlhood.

Likely porn, and anime, and anime porn. Anime plays up the cute airheaded giggling young girls trope bigtime, generally for male eyes and male desires.

( gncautistic )
If men could cut us open and crawl inside our skins and wear it, they would.

Always be cautious of TIMs. Always.

( mountainwitch )
IRL Skinwalkers

@displayname000 , @zelosaletheia & @Shrikeunbroken #transphobia gettr.com

This guy got kicked out of his masters in psychology and a child hotline for having safeguarding concerns re: transing children. He buys into "trutrans" though, so if this guy got kicked out, what hope is there for counselors who are truly gender critical?

Why is there so many people in psychology who buy into the tru trans BS? How would anyone ever know to tell the difference in a scientific way? Just some cases seem more believable to him than others? That's not science!

Many people can't stand men being denied anything they want and if some men are willing to whine and whine and whine and make everybody else around them miserable, those people decide that the easiest thing to do is give those men what they want.

femlez34 , pennygadget & AngelFoodCake #transphobia ovarit.com

🍎 how can you tell

( femlez34 )
Easy, the ones who start hurling slurs and rape threats when you refuse to date them are not the women. The ones talking over everyone else and demanding that everyone walk on eggshells to protect their feelings are not the women.

( pennygadget )
The "cis" women won't be dressing like middle school girls at an anime convention

(AngelFoodCake )
By referring to everyone as a he and see who loses their shit.

Stefanie Bode #transphobia 4w.pub

Four Reasons To Stop Saying “Gender Dysphoria”
(continued from https://fstdt.com/793452YBWLTF3 )
There may be other ways to deal with the distress that comes from being at odds with sex role stereotypes. Despite personal anecdotes of overcoming this distress through learning about radical feminism, this is not pursued even by gender critical psychotherapists as a potential remedy or a way to channel this distress. None recommend feminist activism, or participation in radical lesbian communities.

Usually, the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic communities do not recognize psychotherapy’s unwanted side effects, as for instance its negative impact on the liberation and feminist awareness of women, as Celia Kitzinger and Rachel Perkins have warned us long ago.

Instead, those who refer to the psychiatric concept of “gender dysphoria” when discussing the problems of transgenderism demonstrate uncritical views of the whole system of psychotherapy and psychiatry itself, which includes the institution of psychiatric diagnoses.

As feminists, we have to criticize these systems and the concepts they use, work that feminists like Phyllis Chesler and Celia Kitzinger already started many years ago. This is especially true on issues related to sex and sex role stereotypes, which Sheila Jeffreys has spent decades documenting.

Upholding the label of “gender dysphoria” confirms the psychiatric notion that the body is the actual problem and used in feminist circles it suggests that mitigating suffering on an individual level should be feminists’ main focus of concern.

In addition, it seems that the diagnosis itself creates the symptoms that it tries to describe. Some women reported that the aversion against their body started only after others assigned the label “gender dysphoria” to them, which is an example of the strong constitutive nature of concepts and ideas. As Emily Köhler testified in her talk at Women’s Declaration International, relating to the concept of “gender dysphoria” taught her to dissociate from her body.


@bjportraits #transphobia gettr.com

Why is everyone still talking about “gender dysphoria” when TRAs claim that many ppl claiming synthetic sex identities have no dysphoria. In other words drugs & surgeries to alter the appearance of human genitals are now “self-expression.”
How quickly that needle moved.


James Lindsay #transphobia twitter.com

Amanda Knox: Talking to parents who refuse to accept their trans kids is the second hardest part of my job. Talking to the kids of those parents is the hardest part. I've met youth living in shelters, parks, storage facilities, etc because they could no longer live at home.

James Lindsay: Ok groomer

Desmond E.S.: This is horrifying. Just mass grooming on an unbelievable scale - @GadSaadcoined the term, ‘idea pathogens,’ and he was absolutely right, these ideas are spreading, light-speed (thanks to the internet), and it’s destroying the family unit (as intended, duh.)

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

It is worth revisiting that old debate. My position at the time was that the triumph of legal abortion in the United States in the 1970s was a consequence of the ascendance of the left-libertarian bohemian counter-culture in the 1960s[…]Wider context of the loosening of our immigration laws (1965), the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement (1965), the legalization of interracial marriage (1967), the increase in drug abuse and the rise of feminism and the gay rights movement[…]
The idea that professional class White women who support aborting their own children[…]are going to somehow care about the identity and welfare of their more distantly related racial group and that the overall effect of this would be “eugenic” was always absurd[…]It has led to a world of childless DINKs, wine soaked dog moms and sterile tattooed lesbians[…]
What did America look like in 1970 before this “eugenic” shift?
The country was the whitest it had ever been in all of American history before the black minority had access to legal abortion[…]Deep South states like Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi had never been whiter[…]
I am celebrating the demise of Roe. I hope it signals a cultural shift away from the rotten left-libertarian expressive individualism[…]
The idea that race is a meaningless social construct rather than a biological reality of our species led naturally to the assertion that sex is also a social construct and that gender can be freely chosen. The triumph of legalized interracial marriage led inexorably to legal abortion and gay marriage and “trans”

Kurt Schlichter #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #racist townhall.com

Have you noticed the absolute freakshow quality of the people who want to keep us in chains? Perhaps it’s one thing to be repressed by people who are at least nominally badass, like Romans or Mongols. But these geebos who make up the Democrat Party’s loudmouth wing? The sexually hopeless toads outraged because other people who might someday know the loving touch of another human can’t whack their babies? No. Not only does their tyranny fail the freedom test, it fails the aesthetic test.
Look, I’m not saying that our society should bring back bullying nerds. I am simply observing that when nerds were busy trying to avoid swirlies in the boys' room, they did not have the time to devote to getting their groomer allies access to Kindergarteners. If Melvins and Pointdexters living in fear is the price of little kids not getting chatted up by pedo-adjacent strange-os, I say that’s a bargain.
And that’s true of the rest of the salty commie crew. Pierced beings with blue hair. Fat-positive behemoths in spandex. Daddy-issue goofs of all genders who can’t do a push up. If we are going to lose our country and our freedom, it can’t be to this gallery of goblins. At least with proper enemies – like, say, the Hessians – you could get some satisfaction shoving a bayonet into their guts. With these weebles, you fail to call them by their bespoke pronouns and they collapse into a sobbing heap. Where’s the challenge?

We simply cannot lose to these people. It’s undignified.
You weirdos, losers, and mutations could have been cool. You could have done your own thing and ignored us like we ignored you. But no. You wanted to be the Big Non-binaries on Campus. Except you don’t get to, because you suck and we’re not going to be ruled over by theater dorks, infanticide fetishists, and bitter fringies.

We’re going to rule ourselves, and my advice is to keep the hell out of our faces lest you figuratively end up hanging by your Fruit-of-the-Looms from the flagpole.

sojourner_truth_ #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans rights are the ultimate 'First World Problem'

You're right, and I'd add that forcing working class people to trans pander and do your pronoun prayers on top of the real problems they have is abusive. The mental load of living paycheck to paycheck takes a toll. Then comes the narcissistic pervert TIM or the special snowflake enby who gets to flex on this person and make stupid demands, and pitch a screaming fit if they get their pronouns wrong, or if the mentally fragile TIP even thinks they don't fully believe the larp. It's disgusting to me. So classist on top of every other vile characteristic wrong with Gender Identity Extremism.

I'm an expat, which is a more priviliged version of an immigrant. When I botch things speaking the local language, people are very kind and forgiving, and are just happy I'm trying. What about the immigrants who aren't as privileged, who might struggle with normal pronouns in English? Chinese people and Finns for example just literally cannot reliably get pronouns correct, it's too much mental calculus for them because they have only a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun in their native languages. Now add this insanity on top of it, with the threat of having a TIP go psycho and try to get you fired or arrested for getting it wrong. That's nowhere near fair. All to indulge someone's delusions or kinks, you'll put working class people and foreigners through hell on Earth?

God, I hate everything about this bullshit.

@RadfemBlack #transphobia twitter.com

What these trans activist kiddies love to selectively forget is that identity by nature is collectivistic, not individualistic.

When you identify into a group, you are saying something about that group. You are implying that there is some shared trait that unites into this common class. Likewise, when you identify out of a group, you are saying something about that group, that you share no quality.

Individual identities do not and cannot exist in a vacuum, by definition they need other people to be meaningful. Like, you can’t be “non-binary” unless there is a binary and other people to put into the binary. It’s the compare and contrast that creates distinction.

When an nb-identifying female claims that she is “not a woman” for whatever reason, she is making a bold ass assumption about every single female human being to have ever existed on Earth — something invariably sexist. For her to not be one, she must be different from all women.

Like ok, if we are all the masters of our own identities and can be whatever we want, why are trans activists pressed over women choosing to call ourselves adult human females? Why must we be labeled “cis”? If you don’t want to be identified by sex why must we be by “gender”?

Well of course, because identity is defined collectively and not individually. People have never gotten to pick whatever they want off of the buffet, it’s a matter of who’s setting the meal. In other words identity is enforced, the question is by who. Whose vision gets to win?

Obviously, trans activists do not and cannot accept women defining ourselves by our sex and rejecting “gender identity” because that’s an affront to their entire ideology. Any women saying we’re women because we’re female implies that males are not women, by basic logic.

By basic logic, if I am ABC because I have XYZ, anyone who does not have XYZ is not ABC. Everyone has to play along to hide the fact that the emperor has no clothes. Individuals setting the standard for their own identification is unsustainable and makes no sense.

So yes, how you identify yourself absolutely has implications for others. Trans activists reveal as much whenever, say, they get upset over trans men calling themselves lesbians. Just admit that rather than playing this “hOw sOmeOnE iDentiFieS dOeSnT afFecT yOu omG” charade.

@RealityGirlZine #transphobia twitter.com

"why are so many girls deciding they'd rather be boys?"

"could it be society's expectations of women and girls?"

"maybe the internalized so many conflicting messages about how women are supposed to be that they'd rather opt out!"

"could it be internalized homophobia?"

"could it be the feel safer in the world being perceived as male?"

"could it be that most books and movies have male heroes and the girls only play supporting roles?"

"could it be because they want to be taken seriously?"

"could it be from all the regressive stereotypes they're taught in school?"

"could it have anything to do with social media influencers presenting transition as a cure for all kinds of unhappiness?"

"could it be because mommy or daddy wants attention too?"

"or because greedy doctors and pharmaceutical companies see a lifelong income stream from children who head down this path?"

"could it be normal teen angst exploited by adult groomers?"

"could it be magical thinking? Escapism? Intense curiosity?"

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

'Don't Allow Grooming' Bill Exposes 'LGBTQ" Child Agenda

Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.

Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.

And we know the answer is yes, when and where they can get away with it. Radical educators have already been doing this, hence the need for the bill. Lately, grooming techniques have gotten much more overt in schools nationwide. But to see such honesty from these advocates about their goals is a teachable, if tragic, moment.

“Get out of our way while we recruit/convert/corrupt your children! You have no right to stop us.”

This bill in no way prevents any child from being “seen” and will allow greater chance for academic success. Does HRC really take the position that K – 3rd grade children deserve to identify as homosexual or “trans,” regardless of parental consent? That would be a jaw-dropping advocacy of essentially criminal conduct.

GLSEN decries the “...continuing pattern of openly targeting LGBTQ+ youth from Governor DeSantis...” No child is being “targeted” but instead, protected.

And right on cue, the National Education Association is screaming “discrimination,” even the horrifying prospect that a homosexual teacher may not be able to reveal his/her chosen identity to young children. If only! How refreshing such schools would be!

NEA may want to inform “LGBTQ” teachers about the option to overcome these attractions/identities and becoming an ex-“gay” or ex-lesbian.

Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming. And in the not-too-distant-past, such actions would qualify as a crime of child corruption, subject to criminal penalties.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy scottlively.net

Ironically and cynically, our “progressive” opponents in the culture war – the ones most thoroughly indoctrinated in the elites narratives and most dedicated to its goals – exploit the CONCEPT of self-determination and appeal to it in the battle for “transgender rights.” The core of their argument to the public is that even (especially!) children have the right to self-determination to choose their “sexual orientation and gender identity.” But it’s only a one-way street, because these same groomers violently insist that once children have self-declared as homosexuals and transgenders, they have NO right of self-determination to recant and reorient to a normal binary, heterosexual identity. Even while these sick perverts are manipulating vulnerable kindergartners into “coming out” as “gay” or “tranny” – in captive-audience pressure sessions that would put time-share salesmen to shame – their LGBT movement is working aggressively to ban “conversion therapy” worldwide.

Lilith-Fair & SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

(Lilith-Fair )
Pro-Choice TRAs Are Not Your Allies
I've noticed this for quite some time now how TRAs, including woke "mainstream media" completely ignore a lot of women telling them we don't want people using dehumanizing languages to describe us. It is mind-boggling to watch them completely ignore women's complaints. When women point out they're using disgusting dehumanizing languages, they simply ignore women under the auspice of "transphobes". The so-woke Francesca Hong doesn't even bother to delete her tweet when people tell her it defies logic to call women seeing abortions "birthing bodies". WaPo, NPR, NYT, NY Mag, all of them continue to ignore women's complaints and use demeaning dehumanizing languages and languages that erase women like "birthing people", "uterus havers", "people with uteruses", and "pregnant people".

When people tell you who they are, believe them. They may be pro-choice, but have no mercy or compassion for women. These are people see us as breeders and bodies, not full human beings. Biological women who aren't onboard with them are "transphobes". "Transphobes" are not human with rights and deserve to be punched and killed.

For the same reason conservatives against genderwoo are not your allies, pro-choice TRAs are not your allies. They don't care about you.

(SakuraBlossoms )
It's more than just dehumanizing. They are blatantly helping conservatives by refusing to call abortion bans what they are, misogynistic attacks on women.

If someone opts for terminology like "birthing bodies" at a time like this, which requires them to intentionally avoid any mention of the misogyny inherent to policing women's health decisions, they are literally willing to sink all of our reproductive rights to virtue signal to a deluded superminority. Very recently would everyone correctly be calling this a "War on Women," yet now this type of language is largely absent from many major news organizations. If it is more important to them to score woke points than use the concise language necessary to fight for women's rights, they are betraying all women, including the deluded ones who think they are men. I've seen enough of them stumbling over words to know that these people care more about their own self-image than women's rights.

Stefanie Bode #transphobia 4w.pub

Four Reasons To Stop Saying “Gender Dysphoria”
(continued from https://fstdt.com/7GNYSNR_YM$SB)
There are many other ways to refer to someone’s mental distress in relation to sex or sex role stereotypes. For example, this person experiences sadness, despair, suicidal thoughts, the belief that she must fulfill a specific sex role, the distress over not fulfilling a socially expected sex role, insecurity, fear, body dysphoria, rejection of one’s sexed body or, in the words of Jennifer Bilek, dissociation from one’s body, being glorified and promoted by a huge industry.

There is no need for using a psychiatric term that conveys only sexist notions and reveals no specific information about what one is referring to. When others refer to “gender dysphoria”, we need to ask them: What do you mean by that? Seeking clarification helps the speaker and audience more clearly understand the socially constructive nature of transgenderism and enables a critical view of it, including in conversations with people who use the label for themselves.

The feminist activists Elie and Nele from the campaign Post Trans report that many affected women find relief in naming each feeling “for what it is,” instead of referring to the term “gender dysphoria.”

They explain that women can specify their experiences, for instance by saying they feel “discomfort from being seen as a woman” or “feeling uncomfortable with my breasts.” Breaking down psychiatric terms to specific experiences and perceptions is a great way to de-pathologize women, to stress our common experiences and to connect with each other.
3. It supports the ideas and practices of transgenderism
Use of the term “gender dysphoria” is accompanied by the assumption that the perception or experience at hand needs some form of clinical intervention. It is, after all, a clinical diagnosis.

The so-called “treatment” recommended by the clinical community in 2022 consists of hormone blockers, affirmation of cross-sex fantasies and invasive surgery. But even if psychotherapy is recommended instead of medical interventions, this still operates within a psychiatric misogynistic framework.

@barriobougie #transphobia gettr.com

Kansas lawmaker expressed discomfort with 'huge' transgender colleague in women's restrooms

When complaining to the manager about males in our sex-segregated spaces it is important to use appropriate language. I’m partial to “enormous Hulk-looking male” because TIM’s gender feelz shrivel at the sound of the reality they’re trying to escape.
Kudos to this Kansas TERF.

Raymond Wolfe #transphobia lifesitenews.com

If the bills become law, they could save tens of thousands of children with gender disorders from lifelong damage caused by transgender drugs and surgeries.

No medications have ever been studied in clinical trials with gender-confused children or approved by U.S. regulators for gender dysphoria. But referrals to novel transgender clinics have surged to unprecedented levels in recent years, driven largely by young girls with other psychological issues, like autism or trauma linked to sexual abuse.

Many are quickly placed on off-label hormone-blocking drugs that halt their natural puberty and come with permanent side effects, such as osteoporosis and fertility problems. Sterilizing cross-sex hormones almost always come next, followed by irreversible amputations of sexual organs – performed on children as young as 13 years old in some states.

The devastating, experimental procedures are nothing short of criminal child abuse, top experts have said. Dr. Quentin Van Meter, a Johns Hopkins-trained pediatric endocrinologist and president of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), recently told LifeSiteNews that giving puberty blockers to gender dysphoric kids creates a “disease state” and should be outlawed.

“I think the steps that have been proposed in terms of making this an offense and considering it to be medically unethical should be pressed to the max,” he affirmed.

Edward Dutton #wingnut #transphobia vdare.com

Every cloud has a silver lining. When, in response to the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian government announced that no male aged 18-60 would be permitted to leave the country because they were to be conscripted, nobody in the West, it seems, asked: “What do you mean ‘male’? How are you defining it? Does it include ‘transmen’?” Perhaps the usual Twitter alphabet mob did ask this, but it wasn’t amplified by being reported in the Anglosphere Main Stream Media—because, all of a sudden, there was a war. Life was serious and such self-indulgent, decadent concerns were no longer considered important. Is this a Trend?

Massresistance #transphobia #conspiracy massresistance.org

On November 17, the younger daughter (who turned 11 only a month before) came home from school and announced to her mother and grandmother, “I’m a transsexual.”

A few months earlier, Janice had talked to the elementary school counselor about her concerns that her granddaughter had said she’d been “looking at things online” and seemed to be going through a phase of thinking she would like to be a boy. But Janice was hoping for help from the counselor, not further harm!

Janice took her granddaughter aside to ask her about her “decision.” The girl said her elementary school teacher and school counselor both completely support her decision. She insisted that it’s “who she is.” She said they both told her, "I will accept you for who you are."

The counselor also admitted to Janice that the principal and other school officials had known about this but purposefully not told the family. She said that the girl had told her teacher some time ago that she wanted to be addressed as a boy, with a male name and male pronouns. The teacher and counselor asked the principal how to proceed. Assuming that the mother would probably not agree, the principal consulted the school district’s attorney. The attorney said that the school could not call the girl by a boy’s name without informing the parent. So the decision was made by all four of them not to call the girl by a boy’s name – so they could avoid informing the girl’s family of what was happening. Furthermore, the relationship was to be “private” so that the counselor could be a “safe space” for the girl – “safe” from her mother and grandmother!

Charlie Kirk #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

While the Court is at it, they should overturn their 60-year-old ruling in Engel v. Vitale and return School Prayer back to states and parents. What better way to combat the sinister presence of trans ideology & CRT in classrooms? Organize. Seize the momentum. Take more ground.

JimmerSnail #transphobia #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

Imagine having to apologize for a single joke you made so many years ago that probably nobody remembers nor care about.

Alan Pardew said:
also sure apologizing for a trans joke can be dumb but likely to avoid big backlashes.
Yes, he most probably did that because of it.
"So you said something some years ago that now we find offensive? ask for our forgiveness!"

Pretty much the whole LGBT\SJW community in general, hell they're annoying. they're killing everything they can, the gaming industry is ruined, the movie industry is damaged beyond repair, the music industry is... hell, does it exists anymore? You can't say or do anything without having these ones crying for a protest, because they're bored out of their mind since they have no life, and because they actively do everything to prevent them to be happy, then nobody should as well.
I wish people would've silenced them back when they started being annoying instead of falsely agreeing.

Fat Link #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

The Official State of the Incels.is Union Address!

6 months ago to the date toxic leftist shitheads doxxed and destroyed the lives of our two most beloved incel heroes and benefactors SergeantIncel and the Master of disaster himself…well…Master lol.

I’m sure you all remember that this was in relation to butthurt over the noble Sanctioned Suicide website the two heroes of our royal lineage had also once run together.

Leave it to missplaced anger to almost always destroy the best things in life be they people or places but not to fear as I’ve heard it through the grapevine most recently Serge and Master are doing well now and perhaps will one day be able to emerge from the proverbial Pulp Fiction bowl of rice they have presumably been hiding in all this time in Indo China, to live relatively normal lives once again, so three cheers for them my friends!

Honk! Honk!! Hooray!!!

While the past six months of my administration has been rocky to say the least, plagued by one scandal after another and perhaps most of which by my own making, give yourselves a round of applause because to quote nigger boy Morpheus from the Matrix trilogy of modern blacksploitation flicks…


So tonite we provide the list of Xbox Acheivements @Infinity and myself @Fat Link have accomplished in the past contentious but also exhilarating 6 months of time!

Saved the website? 100 Xbox gamer score.

Rebuilt the mod team from the ground up? 1500 gamerscore.

Instituted policy to stop faggots, trannies and other scum from joining that never existed before prior? 3,000 gamerscore.

And a special shout-out goes to my beloved mod team.

You guys are the best selection of chinks, niggers, mongrels and degenerate scum a h’white knee O Notsee soup prey myst like myself could ever hope to be in charge of!

Fuck Jesse Jackson and the libtards!

WE are the TRUE “Rainbow Coalition” here.

Dixie Anon #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The Young Fire-Eaters"]

As someone included in the Gen Z generation[…]I see my generation get a lot of heat[…]I would like to give an applause to those in my generation who have embraced the call of Southern Nationalism[…]
Let me provide a label to the young Southerners of today who, despite overwhelming pressure to sacrifice their Southern identity to hordes of gender confused freaks, have nonetheless stood strong in their Dixian culture[…]“Young Fire-Eaters”[…]I observe this younger batch of Southern Nationalists to be more in line with those of the 1850s than our older compatriots[…]have no good memories of the Empire[…]bombarded with anti-Southern hate our whole lives. Many actually found our Southern identity during that hot summer of 2015[…]
Unlike those a few years older than us, we also weren’t able to do activism or be involved with “boots on the ground” projects that the League took in the 2010s. I think that has shaped us into a more aggressive group of hot-heads, similar to the original Fire-Eaters who cheered for a chance to “whip the Yankees” in the aftermath of Lincoln’s election[…]
I, as well as my social circle, have almost no fond memories of the “Old US of A”[…]By the time most of us were even old enough to understand, or even care for politics, it was the era of Trump, and we know how that triggered the nationwide political turmoil into overdrive[…]We aren’t hampered by the nostalgia of “God Bless ‘Murica.” The status quo for “Americanism” is to be politically correct, pro-homosexual, and anti-White/Southern[…]Can you imagine going back to any 1980s or 1990s high school and telling people you believe[…]that a man in a dress is actually a woman?[…]
The Thermidorian Reaction of this will be a generation of Southerners who would like nothing more than to watch this spiteful empire and its wicked institutions burn to the ground

butchplease , OwnLyingEyes & notyourfetish #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Detrans woman says she was irresponsibly allowed to have a mastectomy at age 16. Then a TIM called "f terfs" butts in to whine "...B-but I didn't consent to puberty!!"


(butchplease )

Female body surgically and medically abused; male body saved on account of its maleness. That's privilege in action.

( OwnLyingEyes )
FFS. This sounds like repurposed incel whining that they didn't consent to not having sex, trans addition.

Your body doing something it does all on its very own is not the same thing as someone doing something to your body.

( notyourfetish )
These people are completely and totally self-absorbed. They don't care about anyone else at all.

A woman had her body irreversibly mutilated, ffs.

Various Commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

Reject the evidence of your eyes

( LunarWolf )
Anyone think that maybe all those law and policy makers are pushing this so hard because it mentally prepares us for authoritarianism? If they can get us to believe that the obvious man standing in front of us is a woman because he says so, then we have lost touch with our most basic ability to trust ourselves and must always turn to outer authority to tell us what to do and what to believe?

( haruspex )
The last time I suggested this, I got called a tin-foil hatter conspiracy theorist 🙃

( kalina )
Yes, at this point it really feels like a social experiment to see how far you can push people.

( bossythecow )
I absolutely do. I think the massive success of trans ideology cannot be solely attributed to sexism. I think there are opportunistic powerful people leveraging this ideology because training people to ignore their instincts, shut up, toe the party line, etc helps consolidate global hegemonies. It also divides and weakens the left and removes a potentially massively powerful source of resistance (women united) from the public sphere. Call me paranoid, but if you know anything about information warfare, it makes a terrifying amount of sense.

( Amareldys )
I sometimes wonder if it is a psyops by the far Right or Russia to discredit the left

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Recommend watching Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis.

( bossythecow )
I don't think trans ideology was created whole-cloth as a psyop, but I do think it's being exploited and leveraged by those in power who wish to weaken the left, hence the absolute explosion in prevalence in discourse over the past 5-10 years.

( TheactualNovember )
Yes. It's Maoist as fuck. Big pharma and the western medical complex also has a stake in this because transhumanism could be very lucrative.

( TheactualNovember )
I would say that's absolutely correct.

( Amareldys )
Yes. I wonder that all the time. And it makes me seriously question voting democratic... not just because of the harm to women and feminism, but because it seems like they're trying to get us to deny reality across the board.

But the republicans have Trump... and keep rolling back environmental protections...

Stefanie Bode #transphobia 4w.pub

Four Reasons To Stop Saying “Gender Dysphoria”
(continued from https://fstdt.com/633$N38RV7VS)
The definition for “gender dysphoria” in children sounds very similar, but adds “preference for cross-dressing,” toys, games, and activities that are culturally associated with the other sex. For all age categories, the DSM-5 stresses that “in order to meet criteria for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, the condition must also be associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”

“Gender dysphoria” is no less a social construction than “gender” is. The concept of “gender dysphoria” on the one hand focuses on distress and on the other on a story that is supposed to explain this distress—the mismatch between sex and sex role stereotypes.

Using the term “incongruence” within these criteria suggests that everyone fulfills or should fulfill a sex role. It does not reject sex roles or sex role stereotypes themselves. It affirms them and just problematizes a probable distress with them. It also is based on ideas how congruence between sex and sex roles would look like which affirms the idea of traditional sex roles.

2. The concept of “Gender Dysphoria” is vague
Talking about “someone with gender dysphoria” could mean multiple different things. For example:

* She doesn’t conform to traditional sex role stereotypes and realizes that others accept her more if she pretends to be a boy
* She gets the constant message that homosexuality is a horrible thing and she gets rewarded when presenting as the other sex instead
* She has the urge to mutilate her body or feels a deep disgust towards her physique
* He has developed an autogynephilic fetish from the consumption of pornography
The term “gender dysphoria” is an umbrella term in the same way as the term “transgender.” It is basically useless when we strive to educate others on transgenderism.


Stefanie Bode #transphobia 4w.pub

Four Reasons To Stop Saying “Gender Dysphoria”

The vague and sexist concept creates the very symptoms it claims to describe

The gender identity debate is inherently a debate of language and concepts. Concepts like “transgender” and “transsexual” are hotly debated among radical feminists.

Many advocate against the use of these concepts as upholding the false premise behind them — that a person can change their sex.

In the search for accurate terms to question the practices and ideas of transgenderism, gender critical and radical feminists may fall back on another term: “gender dysphoria.”

Recently, I saw one woman announce on social media: “I just had a wonderful idea. From now on, I try to use the abbreviation PGD - people with gender dysphoria - instead of ‘trans people.’”

As a trained and practicing clinical psychologist, but above all a radical feminist, I reject the concept of gender dysphoria.

Rather than relying on it, I suggest we start debating the underlying assumptions of the clinical term “gender dysphoria” and stop using it in favor of clearer language describing and criticizing the practices and ideology of transgenderism. Here is why.

1. The concept of “Gender Dysphoria” is sexist
The 5th Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” uses “gender” when it means “sex” or “sex role.” It is unclear whether the authors see a difference between these two.

By using “gender” at times for “sex” and at other times for “sex roles,” they ignore the feminist definition of sex roles as patriarchal tools of control over women. By using “gender,” when they mean “sex,” they reveal that they do not believe in the material reality of sexed bodies, but are members of the cult of “gender identity.”

The DSM-5 defines “gender dysphoria” in adolescents and adults as “incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and their assigned gender lasting at least 6 months.” This state should be manifested by at least two of the following (my own translation is added in brackets):


@TerfinHell #transphobia gettr.com


spoilerDescription: a Drawing with the word "children of the Qorn", depicting a schoolscene with the children all uniform with trans-flag-coloured hair, a trans-flag hanging and the teachers being the gender-unicorn and the gender bread man. The gender-unicorn thinks of "egg-cracking". Above the Blackboard is the acronym "TQIP2SAA+" and on the blackboard is the word "pronouns" written as well as and the acronym "LGB" and the symbols for male and female stricken through

Matt Walsh #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host warns that “the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased”

But, as it happens, you know, actually, as much as the left likes to claim that they're being erased -- you're erasing me -- lesbians actually are -- the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased. And, if you follow the demographic trends, in another 30, 40 years, they just won't exist anymore. And you look at the younger generations - Gen Z and Millennials - while LBGT identification has skyrocketed and trans identification has skyrocketed, lesbian identification has fallen off the cliff. And why is that?

Well, it's because every girl, every woman, who in the past would've identified themselves as a lesbian, now they're being told, that oh no, you're actually a man. You're not a lesbian, you're actually a -- not only a man, a straight man, it turns out. So this is -- if you want to talk about conversion therapy, this is, really, the only kind of conversion therapy that goes on. You know, on top of the most insidious form which is, in general, the way in which kids are recruited into the LGBT fold. But here's conversion therapy. Essentially what the left is doing is they're taking lesbian women and they are converting them into straight men or trying to, anyway.

@AthenasWrench & @ljlyon #transphobia gettr.com


Absolutely terrible 👇
Greens council candidate says women should ask trans people where to buy 'black market' HRT drugs

If men like you stopped stealing what’s for actual women we would not have this situation. No women are “cis” and you are very very clearly a man, Heather.

The only reason there is a "Black Market" for HRT is because male twanny genders and the non binaries have depleted the supply of HRT for women.
Trans. What. The. Fuck. Evers. (vestite, sexual, gender Female impersonators, drag queens) are all the same thing; they are Men with a fetish for the female body. They are making a mocking parody of women and womanhood.
ENOUGH!!! I say, ENOUGH of men abusing women. ENOUGH of men depleting the already scarce resources for women's health and safety. GET THE FUCK OUT OF WOMANHOOD!!!!!!!

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