
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Self-Appointed Cishet Savior Award

Calvin Hillesland #transphobia them.us

A South Dakota Teacher Told Students He Wanted to “Rescue” Them From Being Trans

High school students in South Dakota were stunned earlier this week when a teacher handed out letters to transgender students misgendering them and saying they needed to be “rescued” from transitioning.

On Monday, at least four students at Watertown High School, most of them transmasculine, said that they were given a letter by the school’s German teacher, Calvin Hillesland, as the Watertown Public Opinion first reported. A copy of the letter was posted to Twitter the next day by Lee Bruns, a local writer…

“When you asked me to call your friends by masculine names and I started trying to do that, I was wrong. It was a lie,” Hillesland wrote, comparing his failure to “rescue” the students from being trans to a failure to save them from a burning home or rattlesnake bite.

“[F]eelings are like a mirage,” he continued. “You don’t dare trust in them to guide you. They’re not an accurate reflection of reality.” What is real, Hillesland contended, is that the transmasculine students are “female — feminine. That’s the bilogical [sic] truth.”

The letter also references an enclosed piece of candy — “a symbol of the sweetness I hope and pray you’ll discover” — and an unnamed DVD that Hillesland claimed would explain “the spiritual as well as the scientific facts.”…

hufflepuff-poet & Jessica91 #transphobia ovarit.com

( hufflepuff-poet )

I'm not going to say the TRA grooming is abuse on par with CSA or other things that evil people do to children but

I think TRA grooming is on par with CSA and should be punished and ostracized and safeguarded against just like we safeguard against CSA. The movement promotes kid's dissociating from their bodies, especially their genitalia, isolates them from adults who want to protect them, and tells kid's that they only have one path to happiness and anything less will leave them suicidal; that their lives are only worth something if they can conform to the cult.

Just because TRAs aren't actively molesting and raping kids doesn't mean their actions don't have the same impact on kids. They are grooming kids for a lifetime of pain and suffering and disconnection from their sexual selves and prepping them for actual predators to easily take advantage of them. This is a predator rights movement and their main targets are children and women, especially lesbians.

( Jessica91 )
Also how many of us are in these TRA spaces?

Maybe I’m an old lady but back in the days of MySpace we were seriously warned about predators on the internet. There were guides and that to help us spot them. But all that seems out the window now and kids seem to have free reign access to the internet and adults free reign access to the kids.

I was so dumb back then I didn’t even know how to delete my internet history.

But these people are accessing kids and grooming them with their propaganda, if they’re doing that then it’s not at all out of the realm of possibility there’s sexual abusive involved especially with the heavy focus that TRA has on genitals and dysphoria. The way that they go about grooming both adults and children into trans ideology, it’s not far removed that they’d also be convincing children to send photographs, have web chats, sending extreme pornography or child pornography to them…

J. K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

Dear Jo
Why did I think lesbians (great people) were females of that ilk?
How did I go wrong in not understanding they were actually MEN???
As a beloved wordsmith please explain,
Emma N

Excellent question, Emma! Defining lesbians as same sex attracted women excludes and oppresses the most marginalised of all groups, ie, people with penises and beards who want to shag women. And before you say 'but aren't they straight men?' THEY'RE WEARING EYELINER, BIGOT. Jo x

Sharia Envy Award

Amy Contrada #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia massresistance.org

But in fact, as even a major international LGBT group admits, harsh penalties targeting LGBTs (including the death penalty) that are “codified under Sharia” are often “not known to be implemented.” In some areas, a penalty such as stoning “applies broadly for adultery, rape … incest … and homosexual sodomy” (and not just homosexual acts).

Only recently have “LGBT rights” – i.e., all forms of sexual and “gender” expression – been declared “human rights” by radical activists. So, it’s a stretch to claim that the 72 countries criminalizing “same-sex acts” are violating “human rights.”

Why is it acceptable for Pompeo’s State Department to attempt to force acceptance of this new “LGBT rights” ideology on the majority of countries around the world that dissent? Why does LGBT cultural imperialism get a pass?

Do the pro-LGBT views of the State Department represent most Americans? No. Pompeo’s incendiary vocabulary (homophobia, transphobia, biphobia) smears a majority of American citizens as irrational, deplorable bigots. The evidence:

When our citizens were still allowed a voice on same-sex “marriage” (before the Supreme Court’s 2015 overreach in Obergefell), voters had banned it in a majority of states. Congress has never passed an LGBT anti-discrimination law (though the Obama administration pushed the EEOC to interpret broadly the existing law against “sex discrimination” in employment, to include sexual orientation and gender identity). And only 20 states (plus D.C.) currently have laws banning discrimination on the basis of both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

So, where’s the public mandate for our State Department to push radical sexuality on the world?

It can be argued that all this goes against our nation’s values. So why didn’t Family Research Council challenge Secretary Pompeo on this issue, rather than focusing on global religious freedom at their recent event? Have they abandoned their 2017 demand for Trump “to launch a major purge of pro-LGBT diplomats inside Foggy Bottom”?

XX_Power #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

What a beautiful and not at all regressive thing to teach a child!

"child, that is a bog standard woman/man who's hiding their sex (in most cases, badly) and it is a red flag, especially for the male ones who are often groomers or paedo adjacent. Their cult demands you call them by obfuscating pronouns because only through this prayer will the gender deity save them from bad mental health. So it's basically a modern religion, or cult"

Aero the Alcoholic Bat #biphobia #homophobia #transphobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
(continued from https://fstdt.com/K4KBWRSPPJJDH)
There’s no reason why they need more “representation” in popular culture, much less in media aimed at children or families.

There’s no reason why it needs to be taught in public schools, especially since the LGBTQ community is increasingly reluctant to disavow predators and groomers in their midst. As miffed as they are at the notion that homosexuality and transgenderism is a slippery slope to pedophilia, they are rather slow (if not outright unwilling) to disavow things like Queer Kids Stuff, Drag Queen Story Hour, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir, etc. Or to support Florida’s anti-grooming bill. They consistently botch any opportunity given to them to disprove the notion that LGBTQ and pedophilia are connected to each other, other than protesting too much. Actions speak louder than words.

With that said, with homosexuality unable to carry human society the same way heterosexuality does, with the fact that homosexuality may actually be unhealthy, both for those who practice it, and potentially for society at large, gays should simply be grateful that society tolerates them at all, that they can cohabitate in peace without the police barging into their homes.

They should shut the fuck up and leave everyone else alone.


Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What trans ‘influencers’ post vs reality


Oh lord. My stepson told me something like "most of the time you can't even tell who's trans" and I audibly snorted. He absolutely must believe the bottom pictures are real. Lies on lies on lies.

These are the same people?! Holy shit in the top pics they look like jocks who decided to “dress as the cheerleaders” for Halloween as a sexist joke…

Another reason this stuff can only make sense long-term online - the light of day exposes the truth. When you're out in the real-world, being seen from all sorts of angles, and crucially moving around in all kinds of natural light, these camera tricks stop working. I've often been somewhat convinced by someone, only for them to move or see a clip of them walking and it all become clear.

Holy crap.

Someone should start a collection of these. Maybe me, who knows.

Let's make a circle o/TIMstagramReality

Antoons #ableist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #racist #transphobia #psycho reddit.com


First panel: “Happy birthday Billy” says Mom, giving her kid a smartphone as a 12th birthday present. “Wow! Internet on the go!!” says the kid.

Second panel: It’s the kids 13th birthday and she says “UGUU- ^_^ I’m a gay, trans, autistic, Muslim, disabled, antifa, feminist, furry. I make art and my commissions are open.” as her crying mother has her euthanized by lethal injection.

incinium z #transphobia #dunning-kruger youtube.com

Not everything is trans or LGBT stuff, something we look into it far too deeply. Is mettaton transgender because of HIS new body? No, it's just an incorporeal being inhabiting a body. And Mad Mew Mew isn't looking for self acceptance, she's lookin' for a better body. And do you all want to know what I think? What I really think about all of this, even though everyone will hate me for it? You can't truly change your gender. It's born in you, and it's not gotten wrong, you all just let your feeling dictate everything, versus thinking and just being happy with who you are. If you're not, there's no need to change your body or identify as something you aren't, instead of forcing the change or creating a fake change, make it in yourself, change yourself internally. Work to be the kind of person you want to in live. Maybe then you'll find you've become happy with yourself. I can't covince any of you this, and you'll all call me a hateful bigot for daring to speak ill of the glorious and perfect trans community, but I have to say these things. Mad Mew Mew is only trans if you use the right lens, otherwise they're nothing there to say it. And you all have much, much bigger issues in life than worrying about gender, whether yours or not. If you dwell on these things, you'll be oblivious to actual issues in the world.

Aero the Alcoholic Bat #transphobia #biphobia #homophobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
I digress, but the point is, if the culture tells children that it’s cool to be a sodomite, they will take it to heart. They seldom have the cognitive ability to withstand that propaganda on their own. If sexual orientation were truly inborn or innate, this would be extremely harmful, probably even more so than forcing heterosexuality on adolescents who are clearly gay. They’re essentially persecuting those who carry society, carry the human population. Just because they’re jealous and angry at them. And said kids are only identifying as LGBTQ because it’s the cool thing to do, NOT because they actually are sexually attracted to the same sex or because of persistent gender-confusion.

But if homosexuality were made, not born, that provides an even stronger incentive to not normalize homosexuality. Like I said earlier, for even a large minority of the population to be LGBTQ is a disaster for any future population growth, or the well-being of future generations, as few in number as they may be. If homosexuality were made, not born, the last thing that you want would be an environment that actively fosters homosexual orientation in children. It doesn’t fucking matter how much society kisses the LGBTQ community on the ass. Being gay, or especially trans, significantly reduces your quality of life.

And the fewer people who are willing or able to bear children the natural way, or at least provide existing children with a stable home environment with parental role models of both sexes, the more likely society will collapse.

The solution? We just need to accept the fact that homosexuality isn’t normal. There is no reason why our institutions need to normalize it, or treat it as equal to heterosexuality.

There’s no reason why marriage, as an institution, need to include homosexuals. Marriage is not a human right. Marriage was designed to provide the most ideal environment for healthy families to flourish, not to validate the feelings of those with disordered sexualities. Even if heterosexual marriage as an institution were failing due to high divorce rates, or the increasing acceptance of polyamory/cuckoldry, the solution would not be to implement further perversion of the definition of marriage. Marriage, by definition, is DISCRIMINATORY.


Aero the Alcoholic Bat #transphobia #homophobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
(continued from https://fstdt.com/WR.D$RZSM7V.J)
One, said kids do it because it’s trendy. All their friends are doing it. The mainstream media presents it as fashionable or glamorous to fuck those of the same sex, or to be willfully confused about what’s between your legs and hard-coded into your DNA. To sexually identify as an alien hermaphrodite with a barbie doll crotch. We do think of kids as being rebellious and so quick and eager to stick it to the man, or those in authority.

The only problem is, kids tend to only direct that rebelliousness towards their parents. Not towards the man, nor the establishment, nor towards crony capitalism, except maybe in word. As much as we like to make fun of the regressive left for pretending to be edgy and rebellious despite having BEEN the establishment for a decade or longer, it’s easy for children to forget that. Many of them lack the maturity or the experience to understand that they are not being “liberated” or “freed” or being “authentic” or “true to themselves.” They’re just tools, being manipulated by demagogues in the public schools, popular culture, and the corporate mass-media.

Their propensity for being rebellious might be idealism or naivety, but it’s just as likely that they’re simply angry with their parents because their parents are less likely to indulge them in their bullshit than other adults in their life.

Many of them will gladly accept any authority figure in their lives other than their own parents. An even more extreme example being the youth that were manipulated into committing terrible atrocities during the Cultural Revolution in China. Familiarity breeds contempt, after all.

They also make war on reality, since so many of them have existential or identity crises in adolescence, and too many parents do a shitty job at keeping them grounded during that tumultuous time. Almost as if they have forgotten what it was like to be a teenager, are too boomer-ish to stay in touch with the present day and the new challenges that teenagers have to face that they themselves never did at THEIR larval stage, or just plain don’t give a shit.


Jessica91 #transphobia ovarit.com

“What defines a woman” is stupid

I’m honestly just so tired of having to repeatedly chew over this stupid statement because no one can ever answer it and whatever you say TRA can twist to use for their own narrative and it ends up with us just being dehumanised and reduced to our wombs.

The issue is that everything a man knows or thinks he understands about a woman’s experience has come from a lifetime of being socialised to believe he has some kind of right over her, even to the point he can mock and dehumanise her further by performatively wearing her clothes and accessing her spaces. His humiliation fetish off the charts because what could be more humiliating than being a woman.

Women themselves can’t even define it because how do you explain something that just is? Anytime we’ve ever attempted to discuss anything that affects us it is mocked or fetishised, even down to things we can’t control like our periods, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Anytime I hear trans “women” discuss femininity it is always from the perspective of a man’s ideal sexualisation of women. It’s hair and makeup, spinny skirts and high heels. They pick up talking points like cat calling with no true understanding of how it feels because they’re never really in danger. How are they able to access (on at least some insurance providers) laser hair removal? How can they possibly feel more Dysphoric than say a woman with PCOS who has to shave her face everyday?

Womanhood isn’t something I get to switch off, it’s mine because it’s my birthright. I am a woman always and the world never mistakes me for anything else. Womanhood isn’t dresses and makeup and giggly sleepovers with your friends. It is raw, wild and untamed, it’s ruthless and unapologetic, it is both fierce and afraid at the same time.

And even in all of that, in all the rawness womanhood boils down to, there will still be a man who would read that and masturbate to it.

Apologies for the rant and my dyslexic mistakes

Ishahchai #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans mod on a sub against religious fundamentalists ironically encourages reporting ‘TERFs’ for their gender heresy.

There was a situation with my takeout order, so I’ve got some time on my hands.

Lesbian = female homosexual: it may look innocent at first but it is how terfs communicate that they believe that lesbians can only be attracted to their same sex.

Yes, female homosexual is exactly what lesbian means. A female attracted to another female. Full points.

Biological sex/biologically male or female: another term to demean and reduce trans people to their sex instead of their gender identity. Trans people already know the difference between sex and gender, but terfs cannot tell the difference.The appropriate terms instead to use are: AMAB or AFAB (assigned male or female at birth) if you really have to talk about the trans person's past.

Emphasis mine. No, trans people equate sex and gender all the fucking time. So do many people, as gender became a euphemism for sex. Radfems believe in sex, because biology is a terf, and know that gender is a social construct.

Gender critical/gender abolitionist: may sound good at first but this is primarily used to criticize trans people that do not "pass", and that all people should be referred to by their sex.

Well, yes, all people should be referred to by their sex. Because sex is real. No trans person passes because changing sex is not possible.

TRA: trans rights activist. Used derogatorily by terfs to refer to 'big scary transgenders trying to bully them'

I mean, it’s more because trans rights activism is a direct offshoot of mens rights activism. But partial credit for accidentally acknowledging that TRAs are indeed big bullies.

Getting really angry at being called 'cis' or angry at cis in general: This one, to me, is a no brainer. If someone insists on being called a woman or a man and that 'cis' is bad, they're a terf.

This is great, because I’ve seen a lot of libfems express discomfort at the word cis, even as they pad that expression of discomfort with subservient praise, TWAW, they have it soooo much harder. But yeah, go on and call your supporters terfs. I love a self-fulfilling prophecy.


ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Actual numbers on "trans genocide"

When you compare the homicide rates of TIMs "of color" in the US to the homicide rates for black males and Latino males of their same ages, backgrounds, locales etc in the US, you'll find that black males and Latino males who "identify as" women in the USA both have much lower homicide rates than other males in the US like them who do not "identify as" women. Because most people "of color" believe that the TIMs "of color" from their own communities are unhinged, unstable and quick to fly into fits of rage, so they steer clear of these guys and give them wide berth!

Also, when you drill down into the specifics of the cases where the identity of the killer has been determined, what emerges is that these men were mostly killed by their male BFs, roommates, husbands, friends, acquaintances and partners in crime that they were in violent, abusive, exploitive relationships with. Sometimes, the TIMs got killed in altercations that they started.

Scott Lively #dunning-kruger #transphobia scottlively.net

The court’s normalization of transgender insanity was a foregone conclusion because 1) the global elites have long “owned” the swing voter on the Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy and now Roberts) and 2) the “sexual revolution,” of which the LGBT agenda is the point of the spear, is the elites’ primary weapon to dismantle the natural-family-based societal foundation which has always been the Achilles Heel of Marxist totalitarian systems. (History shows that if you leave the family fabric of society intact, the people will always eventually overthrow you, so eliminating the natural family is the real key to ultimate Marxist victory.)

Those shocked by the reframing of an obvious behavioral disorder into a fundamental constitutional right deserving of legal protections SUPERIOR to those actually enumerated in the First Amendment just haven’t been paying attention. We lost this battle a long time ago, and SCOTUS is simply aligning itself with the culture that is already imposing LGBT dogma upon us.

Aero the Alcoholic Bat #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
(continued from https://fstdt.com/T.NP2DN9GX_KG)
If homosexual parents were just as good as straight parents, why do children of homosexual parents frequently face the same problems that those of single parents do? Why would we knowingly place children in such an environment when there are many more stable heterosexual couples? Does the emotional gratification of gay people really matter that much that we’d deprive a child of a proper childhood in order to do it?

You get the idea.

Another meme that should be dissected is that gays are “born that way.”

First of all, even if it were inborn or immutable, your sexual orientation does not override your free agency. It’s not “bigoted” for religions to preach against homosexual activity, since you still have the choice to act on your sexual urges or not.

I will gladly concede the fact that attempts to “cure” homosexuality have only ended in failure, and more emotional and mental distress for the patients involved. That’s not because I consider homosexuality to be innate or inborn. It’s entirely possible to doubt that gays are “born that way” and to oppose conversion therapy at the same time.

Hell, the mere fact that a huge percentage of zoomers, as high as 40% of them, identify as LGBTQ, casts reasonable doubt on the meme. If homosexuality were truly 100% inborn or genetic, it would be impossible for homosexuals to make up more than a very, VERY small fraction of the population, since homosexuals and transgender people have a snowball’s chance in hell to pass their genes to the next generation.

What’s more, even troon activists and apologists are perfectly willing to openly dispense with the notion that sexual orientation is inborn or innate. They do it whenever they complain about lesbians or straight men who refuse to fuck trans “women.”

Even bisexuality wouldn’t provide that much incentive to pass your genes along, and if you chose to not indulge the gay half of yourself, why identify as bisexual at all?

There are only two reasons why so many young people would identify as LGBTQ, and either reason provides a very solid justification for opposing any effort to normalize homosexuality.

Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, is the world’s best-selling writer. Dave Chappelle is, arguably, the top stand-up comic in America at present. Neither is a dreaded white man.

How insane is it that the fetishists in frocks who want to shut them up are treated by the press as the Good Guys Gals?

As I’ve pointed out before, when it comes to sheer masculine obsessiveness and aggression, man for man, the ex-men are the Seal Team Six of cancel culture.

But nobody gets that.

Sourceress #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Oh, they know - I would bet money the activists organizing this shit know that this isn't a law, but they have a vested interest in lying about it and making sure that all you see in the media is the lie, and never the truth. If people actually looked into the guidance and why it exists, they would realize that it's reasonable, because most sane people would agree that pumping your kids full of dangerous chemicals and sterilizing them is child abuse. So they have to sensationalize - it's not "the Texas AG says sterilizing kids is abuse," it's "Texas made a law that if you send your son to school in a dress CPS will remove your child from your home and massacre your family!! But don't look at their Evil Fascist Materials, just take my word for it!" 90% of liberals live in social media bubbles and will never be exposed to the reality of the issue anyway, so it works.

They're doing the same thing with the bill in Florida that they're calling the "don't say gay" bill. Of course, it has very little to do with homosexuality, it's about protecting kids from trans activists and their agenda of sterilizing little kids. If you actually read the text of the bill (Kara Dansky provides a link here) it basically says you can't teach gender and sexuality to kids before third grade and, more importantly, that school employees (faculty, counselors, etc.) are not allowed to keep important shit like mental health issues from parents or institute serious changes without parental notification and consent - in other words, no more school counselors helping kids change their names behind their parent's back, no more hiding from parents that the school counselor helped their daughter get hooked up with exogenous testosterone, no withholding from parents that little Jimmy is threatening suicide unless everybody calls him Jane.

John C. Wright #dunning-kruger #homophobia #transphobia scifiwright.com

{from 2017}

(Please note that concluding from the fact that an alien has a male sexual organ, therefore he is of the male sex, is here called a ‘stupid gender construction’. When it comes to organs used in f**king, clearly girls from Marvel f**king love science.)

Please note that Iceman had perfectly normal heterosexual interests and soap opera girl problems before this point. Many fans think Jean Gray simply mindfrelled him into sexual disorder for reasons of her own. After this point, Iceman turns into the a stereotyped flaming homo limpwristed sissyboy that only exists in Leftist imaginations, nothing like any real gay man ever. It would be as if Jean Gray turned him into a black man, and he started acting like Steppin Fetchit, or a clown from a Minstrel Show.)

Michael Brown #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

There really is an all-out war on our children. We can hardly overstate it and we dare not ignore it.

They are being slaughtered in the womb. They are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. They are being raped and abused and neglected and used. They are being brainwashed by their teachers and bullied by their peers. Their innocence is being robbed and their security is being stolen.

Without exaggeration, we can say that no generation in American history has been subject to such a concerted, demonic attack.
The demonic attack against you is especially acute if you are a black baby. You have less than a 75% chance of making it out alive because of abortion. If you are a black baby conceived in New York City, you have less than a 50% chance of making it out of the womb alive.
A couple of years later, in your pre-K class, the teacher reads storybooks to you, pretty books with colorful pictures. Some feature boys wearing dresses; others depict a little girl with her two daddies. And your teacher refers to all of you as "friends," since calling you "boys and girls" makes unnecessary gender distinctions — whatever those are.
Somehow, you manage to graduate from high school, enrolling in one of the top colleges in the nation. There you will learn that America is an evil country, that all whites are guilty, that belief in the Judeo-Christian God is a joke, and that there is no such thing as absolute morality. Or absolute truth. Or absolute reality. Things are what you perceive them to be. You define reality. And truth. And morality. That's what you're getting for $40,000 a year.

To be fair, though, you will learn some very helpful skills, like remembering everyone's preferred gender pronouns, such as xe and zer and hir. On the other hand, should you question anything you're being taught, you'll learn something else very quickly: dissent is not permitted. Now you're ready to be an adult.

Argentinian Anon #quack #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Ex-tranny here

For as long as I can remember I felt like a girl. I was on the verge of going into HRT but I knew it wasn't healthy and I knew gender theory was bs.
I thought that maybe my brain wasn't androgenized correctly, either from low T levels or low sensitivity to T.
I decided to hit the gym. Eventhough I felt slightly more masculine, I still felt like a woman. So I upped the stakes. I had to choose between trying something radical and becoming a cheap imitation of a female.
So I did the thing: I went on TRT. In just a week I started to feel WAY more masculine. Six months in and I had "become" a man.
No one is trying this because of political correctness. TRT for trans women is a life saver.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist ovarit.com

RE: What do they get out of transing kids?

(mathlover )
Transing kids provides propaganda so they can claim that being "trans" is natural and normal because, after all, kids obviously know from very young ages that they are the opposite sex. It's total nonsense, of course, and it destroys bodies and minds. But the TCult doesn't care; the kids are just collateral damage.

Transing kids also deflects public focus away from the fact that the vast majority of "trans" are autogynephilic heterosexual men trying to force everyone else, especially women, to help them live their fantasy which gets them off sexually.

( notyourfetish )
Big pharma gets money.

Trans Pedos get adult children who can legally consent to thier depravity.

Evil narc parents get woke points, praise, and attention.

( LilianH )
And for a lot of parents they get a straight kid instead of a gay kid. Homophobia does appear to play a part in many parent's decision to trans their children.

(SecondSkin )
Trans peadophiles get adults with children’s bodies and minds in many cases. Non binary is perfect for this. Take hormones to block puberty but not cross sex ones, child brain in a child body still when old enough to consent to sex.

And if children can consent to gender affirmative care, then they can consent to sex- will be the next argument.

(TheLastUBender )
This is a sinister thought, but for adult TiMs especially - or adult AGPs - this is an alternate past fantasy. If I had transitioned in childhood, if I had skipped male puberty, I would now be a more desirable young woman. They're living vicariously through the likes of Jazz Jennings. They really want this alternate past dream to be attainable. They lose interest when the evidence that you don't just grow up into an idealized version of the other sex becomes too obvious to ignore.

( starstuff )
It is probably not possible for us to really understand. The male brain is dysfunctional; a waste byproduct of nature. Just like they'll never understand what it's like to be capable of higher thought, we'll never understand what it's like to be capable of absolute depravity.

(mooncakey )
gender ideology 🤝 pedophilia

@WomenReadWomen #transphobia twitter.com

The reason TIMs bang on about making a paid rape industry "safe" is because they don't actually want sex trafficking to end. Like punters, they support male sexual entitlement; in fact, some even fetishize sexual slavery "as a woman" as the ultimate humiliation fantasy.

Aero the alcoholic bat #transphobia #homophobia archive.ph

Jacob the pedo is deliberately conflating LGB and T (let alone the QP+++).

We didn't even have to do it. I didn't want to persecute gay people for being gay. Hell, as much as I hate trannies, I didn't even want to persecute them for being willfully confused retards.

They were the ones that constantly conflate LGB, troons, and pedophiles. Not us.

Heart Communicators/Elana Freeland #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut heartcommunicators.com

BEWARE – this is a really ugly subject matter (SODOMY on children & Satanic Ritual Abuse) on this page but needs to be discussed as our leadership lives their lives with ritual and occultism and the sodomy practice. They do this with their piers and with pedophilia is big amongst these New World Order WANNABES. It is outrageous on its best day, it destroys lives – young and old. THIS SUBJECT MATTER IS ABOUT SODOMY WITH CHILDREN TO SPLIT THEIR MINDS AND CONTROL THEM FOREVER.

This is a part of the NEW WORLD ORDERS trans-gender luciferian agenda being put out and being enforced by our leadership, the military complex,and police forces with quite the vehicles and technology to do their jobs with these days.

“The”Key of David” is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain”.
You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from.
Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing.

Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.

Confederate Farmers #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie forum.nationstates.net

The left is insane with their social liberalist agenda of forcing their beliefs on other people; it's absurd. I was only ranked a libertarian on a quiz when I opposed government same-sex marriage. Evangelicals and I almost want to say Christians should oppose government same-sex marriage because unless the government is going to return marriage to the churches, it is an example of the government actively endorsing homosexuality by changing the definition of marriage. Furthermore, those groups aren't satisfied when agreeing to leave the individual alone they prefer active lobbying forcing their corrupted morality on other people. When Congress or the states won't do something the left will cheat through judicial activism. I would favor something like a domestic partnership or civil union that is something like a business pack where 2 males agree to be responsible for each other that isn't necessarily homosexual.

If i ran for president while I hate porn there's nothing or onley little i can do to oppose it as president. Liberals now wish to indocranate children with homosexuality through books and tv shows.

Transgendersim for children use to be seen as child abuse now its a human right to a demcrate.

Senpai Noticed Us!

Julie92845 #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us ovarit.com

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

I don't know if I can post directly to it, but FSTDT stands for Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It's a sad shadow of its former self, but it's a collection of posts from religious nuts and right wingers from all over the internet. And Ovarit is often quoted for our anti-trans comments.

The best part is that people can comment on our quotes, and you'll find a lot of good stuff for o/translogic there as well. I've been having fun reading through them and seeing their insane takes, like we are denying reality and substituting our own.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Transgender woman, 79, can claim Maine nursing home discriminated against her

( IrishTheFrenchie )
These facilities can't win. Just like all other women-only places such as gyms/spas... etc.

If they let him in and he assaults women, they get sued.

If they don't let him in, they get sued.

If they let him, even if he assaults NO ONE, families might pull their female relatives to prevent sexual assault from happening, and the home loses money.

The ZERO SUM game is, everyone loses except the perverted male.

( ProxyMusic )
But the issue here isn't just the risk of sexual assault. It's women with no other place to go, literally no escape, being made to room and share all their intimate living spaces with men. This guy doesn't have to put a hand on a woman, expose his genitals to women, or to spend his time jerking off under his blankets, for him to cause women in nursing homes discomfort and distress. The threat men like this pose to the privacy, dignity, comfort and peace of mind of women are as much a problem as the threat of sexual assault.

Moreover, rulings like this mean that residents and staff in long-term care facilities will be subjected to speech restrictions, coerced into saying what they know to be untrue, and psychologically and emotionally abused through constant gaslighting. Staff and residents will be forced to participate in the gaslighting of others too.

( Hollyhock )
and that enforced speech and gaslighting around elderly people w/ dementia and/or Alzheimer's is particularly cruel.

( ArtemisCitrine )
The key sentence is here: "But after the administrator learned that King is transgender, she allegedly told the social worker that she was rejecting her application because she did not want to place her with a cisgender-woman roommate."

So now, with this ruling, will elderly women be forced to room with males LARPing as women?

( thedarkhorse )
Hopefully they can find him another TIM to room with.

( jvsmine )
wouldn't be validating enough and I'm sure both those old rotting TIMs would put up a stink about how they're being discriminated by being isolated from the women.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia archive.ph

This Halloween season, a frightening tale has unfolded in Texas. Everyone has been following with a profound sense of horror the terrifying saga of James Younger, whose demented mother wants to raise him as a girl named “Luna.” This child-custody case from Hell went to trial and a jury sided with the mother, so the 7-year-old boy is now being ordered by a court to be brainwashed and castrated to satisfy his mother’s transgender mania. Who is this monstrous mom?

If a man wished to become a father, certainly he would best be advised to seek a partner much younger than Anne Georgulas, and the fact that Jeff Younger was ever involved with her counts as a strike against him, causing me to question whether he is acting in good faith.

None of this can be viewed as evidence in support of this deranged woman’s plan to raise her son as a girl named “Luna,” but it might help explain why family courts keep ruling against Jeff Younger.

People must consider the consequences of their choices. The path that led to this sad situation had more red flags than the May Day parade in Beijing. Every circumstance warned that the Georgulas-Younger marriage was a bad decision, and we should also question the judgment of the doctors who provided this couple with IVF treatment.

If Jeff Younger ever complains his ex-wife is crazy, the appropriate reply would be: “Yes — crazy enough to marry you.”

Daily Slave #transphobia archive.ph

It is hard to believe that the people signing this petition actually want to make it illegal to give psychological treatment to people with gender identity disorder.

So now gender identity disorder is a trendy lifestyle choice that should be celebrated and not looked at as a mental illness.

What is wrong with all of you people?

Jeremy David Hanson #psycho #transphobia abcnews.go.com

A California man was arrested this week for allegedly threating to bomb Merriam-Webster's offices and kill its employees over the dictionary publisher's definitions for women, federal prosecutors said.

Hanson allegedly used the handle “@anonYmous” to post the a message on Oct. 2 on the comment section of Merriam-Webster's webpage for the definition of the word female stating that "Merriam-Webster now tells blatant lies and promotes anti-science propaganda," according to the U.S. Attorney's office.

"There is no such thing as 'gender identity.' The imbecile who wrote this entry should be hunted down and shot," he allegedly wrote in the comment section.

Hanson also allegedly wrote a message on the "Contact us" page stating the company's headquarters should be "shot up and bombed," federal prosecutors said.

"It would be poetic justice to have someone storm your offices and shoot up the place, leaving none of you commies alive,” he allegedly wrote.

The suspect allegedly sent related threats to other companies, non-profits and individuals including the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Land O’ Lakes, Hasbro, Inc., IGN Entertainment, the president of the University of North Texas, two professors at Loyola Marymount University and a New York City rabbi, according to prosecutors.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner reacts to PenisNews accusing him of transphobia by saying "at least I have the balls to defend women in sport"

( notyourfetish )

. Sure, I know it's important that he speaks out, a way for normies to get closer to peaking

Nah. Women here will lecture you about the importance of allying with every walking dumpster fire on the planet, but I'm right there with you.

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Imagine if the Grand Wizard of the KKK decided to support gay people. Should my black ass shake his hand and call him an ally because I'm also gay?

( TiredWoman )

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Exactly. I am willing to agree to disagree on some things but that is just flat out degeneracy and it's sickening how comfortable he felt sharing it with the world. I'm not going to celebrate a homophobic and delusional creep.

( XX_Power )
I have said before no trans who uses wrong sex pronouns and wrong sex spaces is any kind of ally to me. Ever. I'll make one exception for TIMs who call themselves men, he and only use male spaces. I have encountered exactly one of those. They are rarer than detransitioners.

( Amareldys )
No, but I bet a lot of people would be like, "Even the Grand Wizard supports gay people! You don't want to be even crazier than the Grand Wizard do you?"

( vulvapeople )
What's incredible is that his word isn't enough to placate female TRAs. They think he doesn't have any business weighing in because, since he was such an incredible athlete, he assumes all TIMs have the same advantage. These women are so deluded, they think TIMs' genderfeels somehow give them female physiology.

Katherine Deves #transphobia news.com.au

“Transvestism is very common amongst sexual predators, even serial killers,” she said.“So how are we women supposed to tell the difference between the ones who are a threat and the ones who aren’t? Easier for women to exclude all males from spaces where we are vulnerable.”

Kylee Zempel #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia thefederalist.com

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers
(continued from https://fstdt.com/QC.N4CR.8_B_3)

We’re Old Enough to Remember
The left’s record on morphing natural sexual mores, however, didn’t start yesterday. So we don’t have to speculate about whether this might be some sort of unfortunate fluke that leaves an otherwise spotless enterprise with egg on its face.

Have the “conservatives” resisting the use of the “groomer” label forgotten about the concerted effort by gender activists to host drag-queen story hours for little children in taxpayer-funded libraries or “drag-tastic” camps at museums? Have they not seen the pornographic books introducing kids to gay sex and masturbation?

How about government schoolteachers’ documented cult-like allegiance to gay pride? The cover-up of sexual assault resulting from trans bathroom policies? Or the coaxing of children into sex confusion and dangerous gender-bending interventions and then hiding it from their parents?

Have they not heard stories of young people who internalized backward notions about human sexuality during their formative years, were utterly failed by every institution that should have helped them correct course, then underwent destructive procedures that left them full of regret, just disfigured shells of the unique and beautiful people they were created to be?

How about tongue-in-cheek confessions from choruses of gay men that they’ll “convert your children”? Or even manipulation by the president of the United States that those who don’t abide by LGBT orthodoxy “don’t see” and “don’t respect” transgender people and that so-called gender affirmation is the best way to keep kids “safe and healthy”?

There’s a word for adults who build trust with children then condition them in sexual matters without their parents’ consent or knowledge in order to manipulate them for their own pleasure: It’s groomer.


Florida Department of Health #transphobia #interphobia floridahealth.gov

The Florida Department of Health wants to clarify evidence recently cited on a fact sheet released by the US Department of Health and Human Services and provide guidance on treating gender dysphoria for children and adolescents.

Systematic reviews on hormonal treatment for young people show a trend of low-quality evidence, small sample sizes, and medium to high risk of bias. A paper published in the International Review of Psychiatry states that 80% of those seeking clinical care will lose their desire to identify with the non-birth sex. One review concludes that "hormonal treatments for transgender adolescents can achieve their intended physical effects, but evidence regarding their psychosocial and cognitive impact is generally lacking."

According to the Merck Manual, “gender dysphoria is characterized by a strong, persistent cross-gender identification associated with anxiety, depression, irritability, and often a wish to live as a gender different from the one associated with the sex assigned at birth.”

Due to the lack of conclusive evidence, and the potential for long-term, irreversible effects, the Department's guidelines are as follows:

* Social gender transition should not be a treatment option for children or adolescents.
* Anyone under 18 should not be prescribed puberty blockers or hormone therapy.
* Gender reassignment surgery should not be a treatment option for children or adolescents.
* Based on the currently available evidence, "encouraging mastectomy, ovariectomy, uterine extirpation, penile disablement, tracheal shave, the prescription of hormones which are out of line with the genetic make-up of the child, or puberty blockers, are all clinical practices which run an unacceptably high risk of doing harm."
*Children and adolescents should be provided social support by peers and family and seek counseling from a licensed provider.

These guidelines do not apply to procedures or treatments for children or adolescents born with a genetically or biochemically verifiable disorder of sex development (DSD). These disorders include, but are not limited to, 46, XX DSD; 46, XY DSD; sex chromosome DSDs; XX or XY sex reversal; and ovotesticular disorder.

The Department’s guidelines are consistent with the age requirement for surgical and non-surgical treatment. These guidelines are also in line with the guidance, reviews, and recommendations from Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, and France.


Aero #homophobia #transphobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

It’s because we fucking let them. It was a concession we granted them to them because we felt sorry for them. Because they told us that they were “born that way,” and just wanted to get married. Because they took advantage of the goodwill of their neighbors.

It was a lie. It was a fucking lie.

Aside from the fact that they are statistically unlikely to actually stay monogamous, aside from the fact that they hardly show hardly any respect to an institution that is supposed to foster a strictly closed relationship as opposed to a poly-amorous one, they were NOT content to just get married.

If they could be satisfied, they wouldn’t have even fought for gay marriage. They would have been content to simply cohabitate in peace and not have to deal with the police barging in and dragging them out of their bedrooms. They would have stopped there and shut up forevermore. Homosexuality is an abnormality in human sexuality. It did not, it does not, and will not ever carry human society the same way heterosexuality does. If they were truly at peace with their sexuality, that simple fact would not bother them. They wouldn’t feel the need to normalize homosexuality, as homosexuality is anything BUT normal.

But no, they demanded that they be treated as equal to heterosexual married couples. Hindsight is 20/20. It was a huge mistake to validate homosexual couples as marriages, since it misses the whole point of marriage, which is to keep a mother and father together to create children, and to ensure that those same children grow up in a stable household with parental role models of both sexes. Even adopted children can benefit from the latter, if said couple turns out to be infertile.

LGBTQ activists only got bolder and more brazen once gay marriage was legalized. In that same year, a closeted pedophile by the name of Lindsay Amer started a web series called Queer Kids Stuff. Not even the overwhelming negative reception she got was enough to deter her in her quest to ruin as many childhoods as possible.

{archive of this link: https://archive.ph/Za2qt}

Areo the Alchoholic Bat #transphobia #conspiracy transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

To the left (and more especially, Taylor Lorenz), Libs of TikTok was run by a horrible, evil woman who caused many poor, innocent queer people to lose their jobs, so she herself deserves to be doxxed, and her family members deserve to be harassed.

I challenge anyone to name me a single person that she “canceled” that didn’t deserve it in some way. I also challenge anyone to name a single person she actually doxxed.

{archived link: https://archive.ph/scrgx}

femlez34 & leaf2950 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIFs declaring they're nothing like "cis men"

( femlez34 )
I mean, TIMs know they aren't us as well, otherwise all these "transbians" would be dating each other. Forcing women to utter lies like TWAW and minimize our own unique experiences under the threat of being labeled a bigot is a power trip for them. They enjoy humiliating women and crossing our boundaries, I think that's a huge draw of the identity for a lot of AGPs.

Unlike TIMs, it seems like most TIFs are homosexuals. They aren't transitioning to invade male spaces and spend time with men, they're transitioning because of internalized homophobia. Straight TIFs have started taking from the TIM playbook and accusing gay men of being transphobes, but it's been pretty weak in comparison to what lesbians deal with, probably because 1) TIFs weren't socialized to feel entitled to the opposite sex, and 2) TIFs know that men can beat the shit out of them, so they're understandably cautious.

I have a close TIF friend that I knew as a lesbian for over a decade before she transitioned. She always made comments that she presented as butch because she assumed she would get more women that way, and she seemed most excited to transition because she thought she would suddenly have a bigger dating pool. I wonder if a lot of TIFs feel that way. Like they don't have anything in common with men and don't want to hang out with men, they just think women prefer man-like people and they view transitioning as a way to appeal to us. Sadly for her, her dating pool is way smaller now. She seems shocked to learn that lesbians don't want to date her, and straight women also don't want to date her. She didn't need to amputate her breasts and go bald just to attract bisexuals..

( leaf2950 )
There's an army of TiF straight women now. Theyre hyper aggressive and even more homophobic than TiMs. TiM's use misogyny and rape threats, these TiFs use homophobia and dehumanization. They try and encourage everyone to spread it. It has a "it's ok! im a gay trans man! i encourage everyone to use the word fggt! it's normal and fun!".

Theyre too afraid of going after gay adult men so they like to invade spaces for vulnerable, gay young boys to attack them. There's quite a bit of an age difference between the adult TiFs and the young gay boys.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIFs declaring they're nothing like "cis men"

Has anyone noticed, that on Tiktok predominantly, TiFs work so hard to differentiate themselves from “cis” men? They do the complete opposite to TiMs who argue there is no difference AT ALL from them and women. But I saw one video where a TiF was acting out a scene where they were imitating an aggressive man chatting up women and all the comments from other TiFs were like “Ugh hate cis men” and “trans men are just elite, we understand women”. Saw another video where one TiF out right said they struggled relating to men, and all the comments from others were agreeing and asking what do they even talk about, and some even saying they were scared to talk to men.

To me it is just so telling, deep down they know they’re not men. They don’t act, talk, or think like men. This is why I’m convinced they are stuck in a bubble of only hanging out with other TiFs (which they consider bro time!) and talking non-stop about their transition. The fact they’re trans IS their identity, because the moment they don’t mention it is when they realise they are alone and don’t fit in with men AT ALL even if they “pass”.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Suspect a big part of it is they're scared if they go too hard I'M A REAL BOY, RARGH!!! they'll get kicked out of all those women's spaces they want to keep using because men are dangerous.

( Calliope )
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a huge part of it. They know they're not actually men, and they know the dangers men present to women.

( mrsmeyers )
And yet they advocate for throwing their fellow women to the wolves. I've run out of empathy for TIFs, tbh.

( iCONIC )
TIFs stab their fellow women in the back by implying that womanhood is a clothing one can take off. They are misogynists. I have no sympathy for my past TIF self or any TIF

( hmimperialtortie )
Well of course you aren’t like men, you’re women. Yes, you’re misogynists, but that’s all.

BettERtoreigninhell & HikikunDeformis #sexist #transphobia blackpill.club

Another paradox of IT about personality

"so my problem is personality right?"

Yes inkwell!

"how do I get a good personality"

You just have to say and think everything our current ideology teaches to the point of being unrecognizable from the next soy spewing the same regurgitated ideas inkwell!

"But wasn't personality about having a strong individualistic mind and behavior at the cost of rejecting commonly agreed values and ideas?

That's why you're incel!

"ok let's admit I do what you say then why among all the politically correct unproblemating men she should go for me when I am ugly?"

Because of you're unique personality!

"Why is my head spinning?"

Tehehe who cares I'm gonna screenshot this conversation

"can you suck my dick?"

Of course inkwell! I'm a real girl and not a tranny trying to groom insecure young men!


You have an easier time finding a woman that fits your niche belief system or obsession that one that prefers men who look like you.

There are "neo-nazi" girls, women who believe in reptillian conspiracies, women who eat raw meat, women who like watching gore etc.
They are rare because women are the biggest normies of all but "different" women exist.

And yet I have never in my life came across women who like bald guys, guys with small dicks or guys who have a weak jawline. Because attraction is nature. All women are hard wired to like very similar few types of men. Only mentally ill women might be into us. But I d say those are less common than female necrophiliacs

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