various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist
We defeated them once, we will do it again.
@CNofUSA Throughout my schooling, my history teachers never taught the true story about pre-colonial America... romanticizing the Natives. But the truth is, the natives were brutal; and the Christian Spaniards were simply doing what our patriarchs in the Old Testament have historically done to protect the faith.
@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA whatever, sheboon
@Wendigo2007 @mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You can be racist and also agree when a black says something correct lol
@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You are correct. The Natives weren't Dances with Wolves. People have enjoyed pretending they were completely abused. Columbus ordered the Natives to stop cannibalizing their enemies. They captured some of his men and roasted them alive. The whole night the party was forced to listen to the taunting of the Natives and the toucher of their companions. It didn't end well for the Natives.
@CNofUSA dont foeget the hundreds of millions of human sacrifices in wars for the jews
@CNofUSA Better not stop the blacks from doing it, or we'll be overrun with them. And sleep easy, they're not human anyways
@becky21k @CNofUSA your not human.
@Dawnfreedom @CNofUSA *you're
Niggers will kill you for saying "nigger" and think it justified. That's not human.