
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

We defeated them once, we will do it again.

@CNofUSA Throughout my schooling, my history teachers never taught the true story about pre-colonial America... romanticizing the Natives. But the truth is, the natives were brutal; and the Christian Spaniards were simply doing what our patriarchs in the Old Testament have historically done to protect the faith.

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA whatever, sheboon

@Wendigo2007 @mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You can be racist and also agree when a black says something correct lol

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You are correct. The Natives weren't Dances with Wolves. People have enjoyed pretending they were completely abused. Columbus ordered the Natives to stop cannibalizing their enemies. They captured some of his men and roasted them alive. The whole night the party was forced to listen to the taunting of the Natives and the toucher of their companions. It didn't end well for the Natives.

@CNofUSA dont foeget the hundreds of millions of human sacrifices in wars for the jews


@CNofUSA Better not stop the blacks from doing it, or we'll be overrun with them. And sleep easy, they're not human anyways

@becky21k @CNofUSA your not human.

@Dawnfreedom @CNofUSA *you're

Niggers will kill you for saying "nigger" and think it justified. That's not human.


James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #racist #conspiracy kunstler.com

By the way, it’s not a coincidence that Ukraine and “JB” are going down at the same time. The two organisms are symbionts: a matched pair of mutual parasites feeding off each other, swapping each other’s toxic exudations, and growing delirious on their glide path to a late winter crash.

The point of the war, you recall, is “to weaken Russia” (so said DoD Sec’y Lloyd Austin), even to bust it up into little geographic tatters to our country’s advantage.

The result of the war so far has been the opposite of the objective. US sanctions made Russia stronger by shifting its oil exports to more reliable Asian customers. Kicking Russia out of the SWIFT global payments system prompted the BRIC countries to build their own alternative trade settlement system. Cutting off Russia from trade with Western Civ has stimulated the process of import replacement (i.e., Russia making more of the stuff it used to buy from Europe).
There’s another difference between the fall of the USSR and the collapse underway in the USA. Underneath all the economic perversities of Soviet life, Russia still had a national identity and a coherent culture. The USA has tossed its national identity on the garbage barge of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” which is actually just a hustle aimed at extracting what remains from the diminishing stock of productive activity and showering the plunder on a mob of “intersectional” complainers.
As for culture, consider that the two biggest cultural producers in this land are the pornography and video game industries. The drug business might be a close third, but most of that action is off-the-books, so it’s hard to tell. So much for the so-called “arts.” Our political culture verges on totally degenerate, but that is too self-evident to belabor, and the generalized management failures of our polity are a big part of what’s bringing us down — most particularly the failure to hold anyone in power accountable for their blunders and turpitudes.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The fact that the State did not pursue Federal hate-crimes charges tells you everything you need to know about the "justice system".

White people don't matter to our courts.

If you're White, and a black subhuman savage slaughters you and/or your children, the court will not acknowledge that there was a racial dynamic to the crime.

Waukesha Christmas parade anti-White mass murder trial

LIVE --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ehby11IuE

@Nature_and_Race The justice system is Jewish


We absolutely have to form up groups who are willing to mete out real justice to these animals.

FINE gab... in minecraft, ffs.

"Real justice" isn't fed poasty.
"We should form up groups to hang these niggers from trees by the neck until dead" would be fed poasty

See? marked difference in the examples.

@Nature_and_Race The "justice" system is riddled with antiwhitism and only serves the antiwhite agenda. We need a total purge of basically every major institution... it's riddled with vermin.

@Nature_and_Race If Federal hate-crime charges weren't filed in such a clear cut case, no amount of Whites being slaughtered will cause the Feds to care.

@Nature_and_Race Wow, this is insane. If a White person so much as says the "wrong" thing to a non-White, federal charges will be filed at lightning speed.

@StarHorizon In order to find a pretext to try the McMichaels case as a hate crime, they subpoenaed ALL of their communications for all time and fished through it until they found a text from A DECADE AGO in which one of them remarked that blacks bring crime to a neighborhood.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Albanian Question/Problem (Future Article)"]

I am in the process of an entry dedicated to a Race which denies their Slavic Heritage, but also the fact that they remain a Menace and Liability for many European and Western States, but are very cautious in hiding the destruction they do until it’s too late

If you have any questions or topic points you would like to be addressed on this article, please send me an E-mail and I will be sure to feature it in the upcoming release and why Albanians are an untrustworthy race and are not who you think they are, despite their clever antics and machinations when they come to your country

The Albanian Race is prone to corruption and bad decisions as a people, and they are one of the Lowest Empathy Races in the world. The Article will explain their Low Empathy

While Barbarian Races can have High Empathy and still be outright Savages, it will illustrate the difference in character of Albanians since they, like all Slavic peoples, have Low Empathy, but yet why they are also in denial of their Slavic Heritage, at least in Modern Times as far as we know

Apolitical #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut gab.com

Why you have to believe in the holocaust:

If you don’t believe in the holocaust, you can’t argue Hitler was the most evil human to ever exist.

If Hitler isn’t the most evil human ever, there is no reason not to look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies.

If you look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies, you might find they had similar complaints to yours today.

If you find similarities between their complaints and yours, you might find similarities in who is causing the problems.

Which is why you have to believe in the holocaust as the underpinning of morality for our entire society

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Under the Biden admin, the cartels are in control of our southern border.

The highest amount of human & drug trafficking in US history is being allowed by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis and many people are dying every day.

We will impeach Mayorkis.

@repmtg Mayorkis believes in a 27' tall concrete wall patrolled by armed guards for his country but not for the United States.

@Zander9899 @repmtg OUTLAW dual citizenship for ANY government positions!!! Whether it is political, post office or even a janitor! Dual citizenship equals dual alliance! It is a conflict of interest!!!!!!!

@Zander9899 @repmtg Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew

@repmtg bahaha you fuckers don't do shit. You talk talk talk that's fucking it. Fuck every one of you scumbags. You pretend to be a republican , then get elected, then the fuckery begins.

@repmtg and you do nothing but virtue signal. You are a rino and have done absolutely nothing but help the Biden administration make this country worse. You will be exposed and tried for treason. War is coming.

Love you MTG! But you have to get out of this "impeachment" thing. There needs to be substantial prison time. Just ask any J6 rioter who got suckered in on the fedsurection!

@repmtg do better

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If White people are to survive this violently anti-White era,

They're going to have to become DANGEROUSLY pro-White.

@Nature_and_Race Working on it!

@Nature_and_Race *Current feels when I hear "Dangerously Pro-White"

@Nature_and_Race We've never been backed into a corner like this as a whole in all of history. Although it's reassuring the gears are turning to get things moving to the pro White end. All these WN groups that have popped up all over the nation. The jew terrified of the GDL flier compaign. This Kanye shit calling out the jew and getting people talking. It's going to be a game of inches, but White's inevitably are going to get back on top. Even normies notice White replacement.

White people must become conquerors once more!

@Nature_and_Race Every white person should be preparing for war right now as our enemy has been waging war against us for decades and their intention is to destroy us.

@Nature_and_Race Become the Nazi they fear.

Be the beast they are terrified of in fact.

@Nature_and_Race I've said it to my friends and family. If white people are going to survive what's coming we're going to have to come together as a cohesive and racially conscious unit.

Christopher F. Rufo, Wokal Distance & Lvcaſ #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut twitter.com

(Christopher F. Rufo)

Here together are Rufo, Shapiro, and the ten "courageous academics" who endorsed their policy to abolish DEI in higher education. See if anything jumps out.


The desired reaction here is for the left-wing mob to screech "white men bad!," but all I see is "a group of handsome and distinguished gentlemen with good ideas about university governance."

In seriousness: the modern Left truly believes that race is destiny, and that judgement is best dispensed on the basis of collective identity. The attempt to shame people for their ancestry is part of the playbook. A deeply ugly and repellent ideology.

(Wokal Distance)
The left gives with one hand and takes with the other.

They'll say "race is a social construct...it isn't real" when they see fit... but then claim that race is central to everything and in American society and all your beliefs are based on race if you disagree with them.

I’m not sure anybody in that world even claims that anymore.

Just like you don’t hear them talk about tolerance anymore. They just don’t mention it.

Two core ideas that they just dropped quickly and quietly.

George Hollenback #wingnut #racist lewrockwell.com

A fond memory of my youth was the enchantment I felt upon first reading Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ozymandias,” a sonnet about a ruined colossus in the desert that had been erected by a vainglorious despot of antiquity. I later learned there was a second “Ozymandias” composed by Horace Smith, the product of a friendly sonnet writing contest between the two men. After describing the ruined colossus, Smith ponders whether people of the future might view the ruins of a destroyed and deserted London with similar wonder.

I had entertained the idea of producing something in a similar vein if sufficiently inspired by suitable subject material, and the opportunity eventually presented itself. I elected to compose my sonnet in blank verse, fourteen lines, ten syllables per line, stressed syllables following and alternating with unstressed syllables. The setting would be a distant, dystopian future like something right out of Planet of the Apes. I selected tentative venues for submission that I thought would be amenable to provocative, cutting-edge fare, but alas, my submissions languished. I then thought of a venue among whose readership were the kind of literati with whom my piece would most certainly resonate. So without further ado:

George Floyd’s Head

The glacier in retreat left in its wake
Upon the muddy flats a giant head
Amidst the rubble of a city there
That once was grand but now is dead and gone.
Approaching remnants stop and wonder who
The visage represents who merits such
Acclaim to take on such colossal form.
It must have been a man of much renown—
An icon of some potentate just like
Those Olmec heads from even older times!
From on its side they set it up erect
And bend their knees before its pensive gaze;
Respect is due to such a one revered
So much by peers who made his greatness known.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

@The_Nose add in the culture, I utterly and completely hate black culture.

@VictoryValhalla @The_Nose what culture? Run around with pants to your knees, listening to unintelligible babble coming from a speaker, fuck anything with a hole big enough, all be bi and spread aids with their 62 IQ?
Yes, black men age 15 to 45 that make up less than 3% of the population account for over 48% of all new hiv cases in America every single year.
That comes from the government and medical sites directly.... I know, I am just using their own math against them....
If you know a woman that has allowed a coon to breed her, shun her as the filthy, disease filled cum rag that she has made herself into!

@The_Nose A lot of jews are nasty and stinky. It had to be Said.

@McCarthyIsLaughing @The_Nose both jew, nigger and sand niggers have a smell to them that never goes away. We got stuck renting to them and even new paint and carpet can not get rid of the stench.
Little advice, never own apartments as an investment, only go actual homes. They will get the feds on you if you do not rent an apartment to them. Niggers are like roaches, once you have one, you are infested and you are never truly rid of them short of burning the place to the ground

@The_Nose Jews like being Jews. Blacks dislike being blacks. Both of those traits cause the behaviors which people despise.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

People don't hate blacks because of their skin color and people don't hate jews because of their religion. Its their behavior that's the problem.

@The_Nose Black "people" are nothing more than savage, subhuman primates who are utterly incapable of conducting themselves in a manner befitting of a civilised society. Their "skin colour" is just a useful indicator of that fact.

Anyone with half a brain knows that race is much more than just skin colour. The poor behaviour often exhibited by blacks is hard-wired into their DNA. No amount of education or wealth distribution will ever bring them up to our standard.

@brextremist @The_Nose

spoilerHey Niggers! Happiness doesn't come from extracting coerced
confessions of imaginary racism from shell-shocked Whites who
are too busy carrying you so as not to let you expose yourselves for
the unproductive, lazy, thieving, promiscuous primates you are.
The truth is, most Whites don't even have the time or energy for
what you perceive as 'racism.' Every time you think you detect
'racism,' what you're actually seeing are glimpses of the residue of
your own pitiful failings after Whites have exhausted their extra
resources trying to drag you up to human levels.

@The_Nose We just notice the bad behavior and subversive behavior seems to be coming (mostly) from those two groups of "people" They just love playing the victim and never want to be held accountable for their behavior.

@CN32 @The_Nose yep... this is the problem with niggers. they cry victim and liberals believe them every time.

@NIGGER_DESTROYER @The_Nose If you remove the incentives for their behavior and remove the collective guilt and fear of speaking up Whites have, they would behave and shape up real quickly. (They'd be forced to)

@The_Nose Nobody judges anybody by their skin color. It's always about behavior. Always has been. They hate white people because white people are the most successful people on the planet.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

White Renegade of the Year — 2022

The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. He is the person who could have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson had the potential for greatness. Other than Nigel Farage, it was Boris Johnson who delivered victory in the Brexit referendum. His closing speech was magnificent.

Unfortunately, like President Donald Trump, Boris Johnson betrayed those who believed in him. Unlike Donald Trump, Boris Johnson can’t blame saboteurs within his own government and party, a ferociously hostile media, political inexperience, or Big Tech censorship. Whatever Donald Trump’s failings, our former president faced obstacles he never imagined when he descended the escalator in 2015.

Though it was not the sole cause, opposition to mass immigration was an important reason why so many Britons defied the political establishment and voted to leave the European Union.

In 2019, after Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives ran and won the election on a strong anti-immigration platform. Immigration then increased.

From 2019 to May 2022, visas issued to Indians surged by 164 percent, Pakistanis by 255 percent, and Nigerians by 415 percent.

Brexit voters thought they were limiting immigration; Mr. Johnson expanded immigration beyond the European Union.

Boris Johnson also offered more visas to Indians in exchange for more trade with the former Raj. Indian leaders must hardly believe their good fortune: They can get more economic benefits and more revenge colonization. Though Boris Johnson’s term lies a-moldering in the grave, his agreement marches on, with India and the UK recently striking another deal. The interests of the British people don’t matter.

The Conservative government is now mulling an effort to get “migrants” to move to rural areas to “combat depopulation and replenish ageing communities.” In other words, replace Britons. “So what?” asked former Conservative Health Secretary Sajid Javid when Nigel Farage charged that the people of Britain are being remade. If that’s conservatism, it’s hard to care whether Labour wins the next general election.

State of the Nation #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Just as they did prior to
engineering the First and Second World Wars, the Khazarian Cabal is quite methodically setting up the global geopolitical chessboard in order to trigger World War III.
Not a day goes by when there is not some new brazen provocation or indignant protest, reckless intrusion or juvenile offense, terrorist attack or black operation, diplomatic skirmish or angry dustup between nations big and small as well as countries near and far from each other. Of course, the ruinous economic sabotage and financial terrorism perpetrated by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis against the BRICS Alliance has been non-stop since 9/11. As a matter of historical fact, devastating energy wars are purposefully started by the Khazarian Cabal before every World War and regional conflict.

The primary instigator of so much international chaos, confusion and conflict today is, of course, Ukraine—the ancestral homeland of the incomparably malevolent and scheming Khazarian Cabal. However, it’s the real Axis of Evil — United States, United Kingdom & Israel — which is cunningly manipulating events behind the scenes and, therefore, controlling every warmongering move and mayhem-generating maneuver by Ukraine & Company. Who else but those Axis of Evil ZOGs could possibly create so much international tension and rekindle historical hatreds across the planet so swiftly?!

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government
question is actually quite simple.

The three primary arms of the Khazarian Cabal known as THE DARK TRIAD operate with so much secrecy and stealth that they always evade detection; and then they cover up their odious crime sprees against humanity by owning and operating the entire mainstream media (aka as the CIA’s Mockingbird Media).
Any righteous whistleblower knows that they would be targeted for life and hunted down by the world’s most dangerous and deadly terrorist organizations as follows.


Gregory Hood & Ruuben Kaalep #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

An Inspiring Weekend of Camaraderie

Once again, the American Renaissance conference was a smoothly organized weekend of fellowship, keen insights, and inspiration. We met at our usual venue — the lodge at Montgomery Bell State Park in Tennessee — where law enforcement professionals kept demonstrators so far away that most attendees were never even aware of the protest.

Gregory Hood argued that what our movement needs more than anything is a Sorrelian Myth to inspire immediate action for a long-term goal. He said that the question about whether a “white identity” is legitimate is meaningless, because all whites in the West already have a negative white identity forced on them. The question is whether whites will accept this imposed villain status, or whether we will be the heroes in our own story.

He said whites will be treated as whites whether they like it or not. Whites should therefore make this a source of pride rather than shame, and accept the historical challenge to build a new kind of state.

Mr. Hood said that white identity is more vivid than civic identity in North America and Western Europe. Our mission, he said, is to build a Western Civilization-State that would have the explicit purpose of ensuring the physical survival of the white race.

Ruuben Kaalep, a member of the Conservative Party in Estonia and an elected parliamentarian, took a different view.

He passionately defended ethnonationalism and independent nation-states. He said ethnostates are the norm in Eastern Europe. “We are an ethnostate,” he said of Estonia, “and we exist, and we are successful.” He said that the explicit purpose of his nation-state is to ensure the survival of the Estonian people and their culture.

Mr. Kaalep said the Ukrainian struggle against Russia is part of the nationalist struggle. Ukraine, he said, is fighting to take its place among other ethnostates.

Nevertheless, although he insisted that different peoples should have their own states, Mr. Kaalep argued that white nationalists around the world should work together. “Our future is united,” he said, calling for “an alliance between nationalists around the world.”

Daniel John Harris #wingnut #racist #psycho france24.com

Judge Patrick Field called Daniel Harris, 19, "highly dangerous" and a "propagandist for an extremist right-wing ideology"

"You were in close touch with other right-wing extremists online and there can be little doubt that you shared ideas between you"[…]
Harris was found guilty in December of five counts of encouraging terrorism and one count of possession of material for terrorist purposes, for trying to make a gun with a 3D printer

The judge at Manchester Crown Court in northern England sentenced Harris to 11 and a half years, with a further three years under supervised probation

The court heard that the teenager from Derbyshire in central England posted videos online for over a year, from the age of 17

Harris reportedly posted under the name BookAnon on a platform called World Truth Videos

His videos were shared by self-declared white supremacist Payton Gendron, who has pleaded guilty to murdering 10 black people[…]
Prosecutors said a link was also found between Harris's videos and Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, the sole suspect in a shooting in a gay nightclub in the US city of Colorado Springs in November 2022

The prosecutor said that one of Harris's videos was posted on a "brother site" to one showing a livestream of Aldrich before the attack[…]
The court was told one of Harris's videos, titled "How to Achieve Victory", called for "total extermination of sub-humans once and for all"

Another video paid homage to the white supremacist murderer of British MP Jo Cox in 2016

He also praised the Australian white supremacist who murdered 51 Muslim people in New Zealand mosques in 2019 as a "saint"[…]
Harris was placed in a government deradicalisation programme, but Counter-Terrorism Policing detective inspector Chris Brett said he continued to post extremist material

"Harris was ultimately deemed not to have been groomed, rather his provocative words and inflammatory films were potentially radicalising others"

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic party, calling out rampant anti-White racism and the elitist warmongering cabal that now controls the party.

But she's not the only one.

The Democrat platform has simply become too extreme for America.

I commend @TulsiGabbard's courage.

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard

Tulsi cannot be trusted.
Anyone associated with the WEF,

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard still a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'!! #WEF #SorosGirl

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard is it courage or self preservation? A lot of them are running now because its apparent the gallows are drawing closer every day.

@DrPaulGosar please do not promote her. This is the biggest case of a wolf in sheeps clothing I have ever seen. She will run third party and enough Rs will vote for her to split the vote

@RightWingNutSquads @DrPaulGosar good. Imagine simping for a party that hates you. At least she acknowledges anti-white racism exists, Republicans won't even admit that whites exist.

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard I too commend her, but that doesn't mean I trust her.... she's a Christ denier!!
Prayin' for her!! ✝️🤲🏾🙏🏾🛐

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Among the several million illegals that have invaded our country in just two years are terrorists, robbers, rapists, murderers, cartelists, child molesters, and other lawbreakers.

The Biden Regime has abdicated its duty to stop this invasion - brave governors MUST.

We shouldn't need the approval of the Biden Regime to deport illegals out of Arizona.

All we should need is a governor with the courage to do so.

That's why I've introduced the "Empowering States to Deport Illegal Aliens Act". Read it below:

@DrPaulGosar the governors are paid by the same jews as Biden's cabinet. They're not going to do anything either.

@DrPaulGosar Per state and federal constitutions all of you are in violation of TREASON and yall know it. Every law, every pay raise, illegal immigration, and basically everything all you corrupt piles of shit do is against the law of the land....we "elected" you clowns and I can't wait for the day you all face God's judgement which is coming soon upon his return! I don't see you not taking a pay raise...all guilty...yall could do something but nope keep the corruption rolling!


I truly believe there are far more illegal aliens in the country than anyone realizes. Dems and their open border policy are destroying America.

@DrPaulGosar perhaps we should just exercise our constitutional rights and dissolve the government. clean up the mess ourselves

@DrPaulGosar Doc, while I agree with the sentiment where is this bill really going to go??? Into the trash cause the republican party doesn't have the numbers.. or unfortunately the BACKBONE yet, but is it not the states rights to do this anyway? Isn't the federal government suppose to answer to the states and they to the people of the state they represent??? When did we forget who really has the power in this country? Thoughts?!?

Andrew Anglin #racist #homophobia #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Russian Space Marine Going on Brutal Revenge Mission Against Hohol Pigs Who Killed His Boys"]

While Buzz Aldrin is going full weird freak and marrying a plastic surgery disaster at 93, Russian space men are going on epic revenge missions against Hohol pigs.


The shelling that almost cost former Russian space chief Dmitry Rogozin his life was the work of Ukrainian intelligence services, possibly assisted by some Western nations, he has claimed in an interview[…]
“I hope to find and destroy [the crew] after I return,” he stated. “It’s a matter of honor for us, because I lost two of my fighters”[…]

Czar’s Wolves is an awesome name for an elite unit of space marines

Someone could claim this is all Russian propaganda. While I’m sure that PR was considered in framing the story, I don’t know that it is actually just propaganda. However, even if it were: it’s still awesome

Compare this to the propaganda of the West, which is all about gay sex

The Ukraine war isn’t really about gay sex, but they claim it is about gay sex to promote it

Imagine that

The West really is pure Nurgle

Its goal is to spread disease

Charlie Kirk #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Before everyone overreacts: The cops were black America is the least racist country in history. Blacks encounter police more often because, per capita, they commit crimes more often (with mostly black victims). Let’s not burn down our country again over lies.

@RevoltNoir #racist #mammon gettr.com

United Against The Great Replacement | T-Shirt by RevoltNoir.com
“The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The #greatreplacement is a fact. It is the product of the policies adopted by the Western countries soon after the Second World War. Whether it is a result of a deliberate plan is another matter.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Regime refuses to secure our border. As a direct result, deadly fentanyl flooding into our country from Mexico took the lives of over 100,000 Americans last year.

Never forget the lives that have been lost because of their malfeasance.

@DrPaulGosar We’re aware. What has the Republican Party done about it other than remain complicit in it?

What are you republicans plan to do about it?
Complain and grift off of it til kingdom come.


What have the Republicans done. Never forget the white jobs lost to illegal browns that the Republicans want to make legal here. White kids going without because of brown skins. They absorb fuel and food etc that could be better used on white people


@jake69b4u @DrPaulGosar

@DrPaulGosar Reasons our rulers like mass turd world immigration:
1. Cheap labor, pushed wages down
2. Generates votes for the regime
3. Creates discord and a lack of unity within the populace, the same as tyrants in ancient Greece would import and create mixed polities to maintain their rule

@DrPaulGosar one world government
One world currency
One world forced religion
Coming to a city near you.

Revelation 13

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
America must be put FIRST again.


@DrPaulGosar White people are sick of being erased.

@DrPaulGosar Call out the Jew and stick up for Whites and THEN you have our support.

@DrPaulGosar I am sicker of the Jews destroying it with their open borders policy, homosexuality, trannies, pornography, child sacrifice, etc.

@DrPaulGosar A special tax should be levied on whoever is found to be in support of this--AND the illegal invasion! You voted for it, you buy it!

@DrPaulGosar it's the Jews. If you go to the root, all signs lead to Judeaism

@Joyjoythedestroyer @DrPaulGosar Yes, but it is also Satan. The Jews would have no power in Christian America if “Christians” would have really been Christians and followed Jesus Christ who called the followers of the traditions of men, aka the Talmud, the devil’s children. Instead they let these people have power over our money, our government, our corporations, our media and our schools. No wonder America is being destroyed, so-called “Christians” let the devil’s children control everything even remotely important in this nation. Until and unless this is rectified America will continue to be destroyed. Already it is probably too late for this nation to survive.

@DrPaulGosar America, a soup of non-White alien invaders who leech off of and ruin everything White people created.

Brother Nathanael #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia realjewnews.com

How many Jews does it take to be a Holocaust survivor?

All of them…and then some!

No matter what age, what parentage, what distance in years from 1945, every Jew jumps on the HoloHoax wagon.

Not me.

I was raised by two Jewish parents with Jewish relatives from Austria.

No one was looking to cash in.

You see, it gives the Jew a certain credibility to be a “son of a holocaust survivor.”

The Jew can be a murderer, a con artist, a thief.

A tranny funder, a campaign coffer stuffer, a censurer of truth, or a lying journalist.

You must cut him some slack because…weepy eyes you…he’s a “son of a holocaust survivor!”

The Jew says it, the media repeats it, but don’t believe it.
Vell…out of 23 main camps, with 900 sub-camps, how is it that Jews always pick only 2—“Auschwitz” and “Bergen-Belsen”—to astonishingly “survive” out of those “most horrible places?”

Vell, It’s all about the “brand.”

“Auschwitz” and “Bergen-Belsen” are Jewish brand names to sell the swindle.
I mean all 6 million survived!

The mom must’ve slapped that nazi guard right in the kisser, jumped over the barbed wire, cut a hole to let daughter and sister crawl through, with lots of kosher salami to munch on!


With the “pain” of the camps, I mean, those “con-cen-tra-tion” camps, the misery, the horror, that gnawing expectancy that “none would survive…”

Yet, somehow, (I don’t know how, I can only guess, wink wink, they were never there), in spite of those evil Cherman ‘nazi,’ swastika-bearing tormentors, they got out so the “son a holocaust survivor” could milk the bilk.
So as to air the Jewish affaire of survivors, cons, victims in lawn chairs, skeletons, shoes, lamp shades, and never, ever, declaring Allied bombing and starving of campers and those German shepherd guards…

…we need to find a new kind of holocaust for Jews to survive from.

Send them to IsraHell while they’re still alive.

Josiah Lippincott #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The Democratic Party’s remarkable midterm election performance—arguably the best for a first-term president since FDR in 1934—despite Joe Biden’s declining popularity, economic headwinds, and growing social and political divisions, portends a dim future for the Republican Party.

In the lead up to 2022, Democrats not only refused to moderate their support for unlimited abortion up to the moment of birth, transgender surgery for minors, critical race theory, criminal justice reform, and illegal immigration, they doubled-down. Voters rewarded them with additional governorships, four flipped state legislatures, an increased Senate majority, and minimal losses in the House.

The Left has zero reason to take the foot off the gas. Elections, legitimate or not, have consequences.
Without mass immigration, the Democratic Party could not electorally sustain its wild leftward turn. Immigration therefore is the single most important issue facing America. A nation is indistinguishable from the people who inhabit it. They are the raw material out of which lawgivers create regimes. Mass immigration radically transformed the American people and thereby radically changed the political possibilities available.
Outside of Trump, the machinations and petty maneuverings in America’s imperial capital are of little importance to the Right. It should concentrate its energy toward the cultivation of its political base—the white middle class. Straight, white, married, gun-owning, Christian men and their wives (and their allies, like black “white supremacist” Clarence Thomas and others like him) are the backbone of both the conservative movement and the country itself. Every day, crowds of middle class, morally decent, and hard-working men clock into work at power plants, water treatment facilities, and train yards across America. Without them, the American way of life would not be possible.

Conservatives should focus on mobilizing this faction.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The Anti-White Defamation League (@AWDL) will be as large or small as you make it.

It has an immense amount of potential, but it cannot reach that potential without you guys in the pro-White community.

The Anti-White Defamation League is a legitimate and legal entity, and it has serious aims of taking legal action against the ongoing war against White people in the media, universities, and government.

We are the Anti-White Defamation League.
You can learn more about us a http://AWDL.us
There you can also donate to help get this ad aired on major media outlets.
Please feel free to download and repost this video.
Thank you.

@AWDL @Nature_and_Race What exactly are three mamzers, a jew, a negro and a ??? going to do for me?

@YahEternal @Nature_and_Race that is a panel of professional internet liberals, not the AWDL. The use of that clip was meant to convey that even e-celeb libs can't ignore the rise in anti-White hatred.

@Nature_and_Race @AWDL

Blackwashing White culture …is a hate crime…

Struggle sessions for White school children where they are accused for things that happened (or not)
hundreds of years before their birth… is a hate crime

Affirming less qualified students of color before qualified motivated White student is a hate crime

Diversity hiring less qualified people with no other merits than melanin content … is a hate crime…

Don’t accept hate and resentment for yourself or your kids … you where not put on this earth to be a parent or an ATM machine for low achieving POCs

They must learn to sink or swimm… like the rest of us
The infantile notion that they are owed stuff they don’t work for and they are entitled to stuff you work for …is a dead end… they must build their own Wakanda… you can’t do it for them…

If you don’t give away wealth to POCs they hate you and think you have stolen it from them…
If you DO give away your hard earned wealth to POCs
They hate you “White savior” complex and think that if you give something away… you must have stolen it from them in the first place… and they will loot and burn to they get the rest…

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

"Nazis" are literally the only people on this planet who are trying to end the radical Liberal extremism that's overtaken Western Civilization.

We're the only ones trying to end the homosexual campaign to sexualize and sexually mutilate our children.

We're the only ones trying to end the Marxist/Bolshevik Antifa-BLM war on White people.

You may not like this fact, but your emotions don't change the fact that it IS a fact: the "Nazis" are the good guys.

@Nature_and_Race Nazis stopped their children from getting their genitals mutilated by satanic demons. Nazis built safer and more homogenous communities. Nazi’s turned their degenerate government around from marxist genderfluid broke hyperinflation, into a traditional, robust, rich, homogenous community. I’m not seeing anything wrong here, and in fact, I want what they had.

@Nature_and_Race NSDAP also turned a bankrupt and destroyed nation into a super power that was able to fight head to head against two of the most powerful regimes on earth all at the same time. And they weren't far from winning.

@Nature_and_Race ANTIFA are Nazis, that double flag symbol they have is an original NAZI symbol. No body with a brain attached buys this shit with you attempting to garner support for your left wing radical agenda and I pray for those that do. If you are a real person and you actually believe this than you know nothing about the top of the NAZI pyramid. NAZIs are controlled by the Zionists. WW2 was one giant cluster fuck of false flags and lies.


"ohhh emmm geee I h8 nazi scum!!!"

"But you hate tranny crap for kids, right? And you like the idea of a strong family, in which one parent - ideally, the father - can be the breadwinner while the other nurtures the children? And you like the idea of being independent of foreign influences on our political and societal structure, right? And you like.... (ad nauseum)"

"yeah, those things all sound good... why do you ask?"

"Well, there was this one movement in recent history that supported all sorts of things like that..."

@Nature_and_Race Damn dude. I must be a nazi, b/c I'm sick of groomers abusing children.

Ann Barnhardt #racist #fundie barnhardt.biz

One of the greatest acts of counter-revolution today is LICITLY BREEDING (said the Spinster). Also, adopting and raising ethnically pagan children as devout Catholics. A married couple, even in their mid-to-late 30’s, can still have as many children as they want. Have as many of your own as God grants, and also ADOPT. The only horror stories I have ever heard about adoption were from Canadians who adopted already-sentient children (4 years old and over) from muslim Africa (in Canada, it was the trend for years, whereas in the US the trend was Chinese babies). I would NOT advise that. The African musloid children were already essentially demoniacs inculcated with murderous – LITERALLY MURDEROUS- intentions, and a deep-seated hatred of women.

MAN, if only someone had made a video presentation about EXACTLY THIS years ago so we all could have had a heads-up…

Seriously, if you have never seen this… yeah. It has aged in these eight years like the finest wine of the Pays-de-la-Loire. Sadly. It’s spooky, now. Now that’s IT’S ALL LEGIT HAPPENING.

(Followed by links to a series of video presentations)

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. His wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish-owned Bank of England set Hitler up as a means to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural elites who might interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."
The ultimate "ugly secret" is that the USSR was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They may have lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But the British would never abandon Stalin. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian dialectic. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression, censorship and indoctrination. Nazism was also a dry-run for the New World Order but it was their Plan "B"

The real point is that history is a hoax, contrived by cabalist central bankers, to advance world tyranny. They empower Satanists, perverts, and misfits to create war and mayhem. For example, chaos relieved Winston Churchill's chronic depression.

These perverts and monsters are our leaders. Subverted by a Luciferian Jewish cult, Cabalism, the moral bankruptcy of Western society is masked by material prosperity but this cannot last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentsia and masses can still be bought with their own credit.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the upcoming golden age of hydrogen. This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime.

The Rockefellers have used their control (via over 200 foundations) of the Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact they are the real masterminds behind the war in Ukraine, the attempted vaccine genocide and much more. They are now being thrown under the bus.
The very first act of the “Biden” regime was to protect Rockefeller oil interests by canceling the Keystone Pipeline which would have allowed the American people access to reliable oil supplies not controlled by the Rockefellers.

The war in Ukraine as well can be seen as a Rockefeller attempt to force the Europeans to buy oil and gas from them and not from the Russians.

My involvement with this family began over a decade ago when I asked Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka why he handed over control of all of Japan’s stock market-listed corporations to institutions controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. These include Blackrock, State Street and Banking, and Vanguard. I was told Japan was forced to hand over its’ corporations because it was being threatened with earthquake weapons (this was before Fukushima).

The subsequent March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan also forced the country to shut down its nuclear power generation and buy oil controlled by the Rockefellers.
Asian secret society sources say the Chinese are now aware they were subject to an electromagnetic attack disguised as a “pandemic” by the Rockefeller/Rothschild-led Khazarian mafia and are demanding the criminals responsible be arrested.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

We must admit that our own awakening was a slow progressive thing, and we too were fooled. We became aware of gigantic lies being told from on high back during the Vietnam war; but those lies were perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The singer Bette Midler gave us another rude awakening.

We loved her voice and we bought her music. We saw her on Johnny Carson, and in our naivete we didn't know that where she got her start, in California bath-houses, had anything to do with homosexuality. So, when she came to Cincinnati to do a concert, we bought tickets and drove down there to see her perform.

To say we were astonished would be a radical understatement.

We had no idea that she had such a filthy mouth, that she played to such an overtly and wildly enthusiastic following of loud, acting-out homosexuals and dope-smokers. Men in drag, men in leotards, screaming queens and tattooed butches filled the stadium. Filthy words filled the air, from the stage and from the audience, along with the heavy smell of marijuana smoke.
What was even more shocking, to us, was the reaction from our fellow office workers when we went back to work the next day. Wry smiles and condescension were the most common responses. They all knew. We began to wonder how many people we knew who might be happy to change their clothes and their whole persona and join in the weirdness of a Bette Middler concert.

It snuck up on us. It surprised us.

If you've been with us for awhile you know that nothing surprises us any more. The Marxist cultural revolution has been taken over, steered and driven by the Global Cabal of Davos, and it now appears that they rode that horse into the ground.
And we're not suppose to believe our own eyes.

We're supposed to believe them.

With all their assumed gender-pronouns. While all of their paid Antifa and BLM terrorists loot our stores, burn our police cars, assault our citizenry and are let off the hook by all of their paid local authorities.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Counter-Currents: On the Christian Question"]

A quick glance at American politics and public opinion on White identity should be sufficient to answer the “Christian Question”[…]

Does Christianity help or hinder[…]“the efforts of the Right to defend the European-American way of life”? According to Giles Corey, that is the Christian Question (p. 2), and The Sword of Christ is his attempt to defend Christianity as not merely compatible with, but essential to, white European civilization[…]

Over 80% of Trump voters are White Christians

Over 3/4ths of the American Right are Christians and the “Far Right” is overwhelmingly Christian and specifically tends to be more evangelical and Protestant

If you look at rightwing voters who are secular, irreligious, agnostic or atheist (15% to 20% of Republican voters), they are people who are much more likely to have liberal and moderate politics than other conservatives[…]
Most people who oppose Third World immigration, who want to deport illegal aliens, who oppose miscegenation, who oppose the MLK federal holiday, who oppose the Great Replacement, who are concerned about anti-White discrimination and who have the warmest feelings toward other Whites are very conservative[…]Sure, there are woke evangelical elites who adopt African children and preen about racism or people who are Christian Zionists who support Israel, but those people are the exception[…]
The question makes sense when you realize that secular, irreligious and atheist Whites are overrepresented among White Nationalists, but White people who are secular, irreligious or atheists skew hard to the progressive Left[…]
If only Christians were allowed to vote in the United States, American politics would shift dramatically to the Right because the Far Left would be politically wiped out

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: California District Administrator Calls for ‘Privileged White Voices’ to Be Banned From Influencing Ethnic Studies Curriculum


She also urged against changes that would include Jewish-American studies.

A pro-Palestinian advocate, Shoman said she wholeheartedly disagreed with the choice to include Jewish people in ethic studies under the Asian American and Pacific Islander categories.

‘This is grossly inaccurate, and has no institutional history,’ she said.

American Jews love immigration for the U.S. but not for Israel.

It would appear from the article that immigrants have no love for Jews living in this country.

How they are affected has nothing to do with us whatsoever. We’re concerned about our own European kith and kin and the opinions and repercussions against these middle easterners is of no concern to us. I want nothing to do with either of them.

Notice how Nadler and Schumer immediately blamed US for the Chinese New Years shooting?

(Sith Warrior)

‘The proposed revisions privileges terms like “multiple perspectives,” “diversity,” “all students” and “broad range of groups” undermining the primary focus on the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color) communities that compose over 80 percent of California’s student population,’ Shoman wrote in the email.

Well, my opinion is that if we do not have our voices, they should not have our tax money.

White supremacy generally refers to Europeans having power in their own countries which is of course bad to them.

The problem is that all white countries have an abundance of Magic Dirt. You move there, you automatically get rich. Non-white countries are full of Tragic Dirt. Move there and you become poor, dysfunctional, and a crime victim.

Whites are evil because they horde all the Magic Dirt.

The current curriculum is very anti-White. The new curriculum is only different in that it will add Jews to the officially oppressed groups about which students must feel guilt. I cannot imagine she is calling Jewish voices "privileged" (although they got the curriculum re-done) so what, exactly, is she whining about?

Feynman & Coulter's Love Child #racist #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Deport everybody who has moved to Canada since 1993"]

Editor's Note: this post got caught up in Draft status and was never published. In December 2015 the fake Syrian refugees weren't all in Canada, unfortunately by November 2016 they were and they've continued to drain the taxpayer ever since. The recent news that Canada set a new record for immigration in 2022 drives all the points in this post home even more

Shiny Pony has backed down from his ridiculous plan to import 25,000 "Syrian" "refugees" by the end of the year. The 25,000 total target, however, remains

There's so much wrong with it[…]I can summarize in a little detail


spoilerSoldiers:"Go to warzone. Leave women and children in safe country";refugees:"Go to safe country. Leave women and children in warzone"

Let's start at the end: these aren't Syrian refugees, this is an invading army. 72% of these "refugees" are adult males[…]I mentioned that Harper should really call the bluff on these refugees, and agree to take Shiny Pony's 25,000 refugees on the condition that Canada only bring in women with children[…]Sorry young Syrian men: you either fight to make your country civilized, or die in it. It turns out Shiny Pony almost did that: but he insisted that sodomites be included in the bill[…]
When leftists like Trudeau bleat about the poor Syrian refugees, they like to pretend that we get to swoop into refugee camps and pluck out the ones we want like parents buying their child a rabbit[…]
What, though, of those who legitimately pass the vetting process? What kind of people are being let into the country en masse? The answer is Middle Eastern gutter trash.

Not a single "Syrian" "refugee" should be allowed into the country. They are horrible people. They're physically diseased. They're mentally diseased

Romanian Anon #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4channel.org

Nah fuck that.As a romanian i admire the Serbian spirit,we compromised with Russia and Ukraine and lost territories forever.
We should've at least fought for them.
The ideal balkan mindset is the Serbilioner sigma grind-set,you either get to genocide all the invaders(yes this includes the women and children)or you get genocided yourself.
There should be no compromise when it comes to your fatherland.
This is why what the US did was especially homosexual,they should've left the war run its course even if it took 50 years,let gods will be done.

National Social Club-131 (NSC-131) #racist nbcboston.com

The leader of a New England neo-Nazi group and a second man are accused of hanging a hateful banner over Route 1 in New Hampshire this summer, an act that the attorney general says violates the state's Civil Rights Act

The charges stem from actions of the National Social Club-131 (NSC-131) members on July 30, 2022. NSC-131 is a neo-Nazi group with chapters in New England, according to the Anti-Defamation League

The New Hampshire Attorney General's Office alleged Tuesday that Christopher Hood, the leader of NSC-131, and Leo Anthony Cullinan were among members who hung the banner, which read "keep New England white," from an overpass over Route 1 in Portsmouth. Doing so involved trespassing on public property, investigators said

"The only reasonable interpretation is that the slogan and group’s intention was to discourage people of color from residing in or visiting and making them feel unwelcome and unsafe in the New England region, New Hampshire, and Portsmouth," the complaint read

The motivation, paired with the fact that the banner was hung from a highway overpass and interfered with the lawful activities of others, raises it to the level of a potential Civil Rights Violation, prosecutors said

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Blacks commit 60% of the murders in this country.

Blacks make up 24% of the population in poverty.

Whites make up 42% of the population in poverty.

You’ll have to come up with another reason why these people are violent murders other than poverty.

@Apolitical The problem is nigger DNA. Black "people" are subhuman primates, which causes them to behave the way they do. No amount of education or wealth redistribution will ever change this. Sorry cuckservatives, but your mantra of "one race, the HUMAN race!" is a lie.

@brextremist @Apolitical how are we in a world that we even have to explain this to tens of millions of Whites?

Truly the most sophisticated and successful brainwashing operation in history was launched on our people post WW2

@BillyBravo @brextremist @Apolitical let the blacks loose in their neighborhoods. It’s the penultimate redpill having to live among them and experience their true nature. The ones that don’t die from natural selection.

@Apolitical I have it on high authority that jew bankers are the cause of black violence

@Apolitical the single highest correlating factor that predicts violent crime in a given city is how many blacks live there. Higher than any economic factor.


Don't northern blacks commit a lot more violence than southern blacks?

I wonder if that is due to northern blacks having vitamin d deficiency. Blacks need a lot more sun than whites to make the same amount of vitamin d, and they aren't evolved to live in places like New York.


@disavower @Apolitical They are actually the cause of the socioeconomic conditions they live in.

Crime causes poverty.

You can predict economic factors with race as well to some degree.

@Apolitical A frequent guest on Howard Stern in the early days had a theory; “Niggers are animals”
It appears substantiated.


Data from NYC really screams: “it’s the genes & their expression, my nigga!”

Hunter Wallace #racist #psycho occidentaldissent.com

[From "American History Series: Race Relations In Colonial New England"]

The following excerpts come from Joseph A. Conforti’s book Saints and Strangers: New England in British North America

In Puritan usage, stranger might identify someone as non-English, non-Christian, non-Protestant, or non-White. Most commonly, stranger referred to all non-Puritan inhabitants, whether white, black or Native American[…]
English newcomers viewed aboriginal people as savages. Indeed, the fear of “Indianization” imposed limits on cultural exchange[…]
New England authorities and settlers typically welcomed the extermination of Indians as God’s handiwork[…]

I found that interesting and revealing

Even in New England, White racial consciousness was stirred by the circumstances of Anglo-Protestant settlemen[…]The Puritans celebrated epidemics as “God’s fatal broom” sweeping the local Algonquin Indians out of New England

The Pequot War and especially King Philip’s War and all the captivity narratives[…]created a sense of White identity in New England[…]New England once had slavery and anti-miscegenation laws like the Southern colonies

What happened to New England?

The answer is that early colonial New England was settled by the Puritans in a time before the rise of liberalism[…]Puritan culture was extremely literate and emphasized education in a way that was without parallel in the other American colonies. When the disease of liberalism began to sink into England after the Glorious Revolution, it sunk its deepest roots in New England which had built institutions like Harvard University where it was imported and festered[…]
Christianity is often blamed for what modern philosophy has wrought[…]the history of New England shows how much better the place was before they read Locke

Nathan Magsig #racist fresnobee.com

[Squaw Valley, California was renamed Yokuts Valley]

Nathan Magsig, Fresno County Supervisor for District 5, was none too happy about it. By 1 p.m. he issued a “clarification” to readers of the Facebook group “Squaw Valley: The Original 93675” that, in actuality, muddied the waters. After reporting that the [United States Board of Geographic Names]’s decision about Yokuts Valley, Magsig stoked white grievance and anger with falsehoods:
▪ Magsig claimed that the USBGN “decided to ignore the comments and resolutions by my office and the residents of Sq— Valley.” Not true! The USBGN carefully considered everything that Magsig had submitted (at the board’s request) — and weighed them with considerations from all interested parties. Carefully considering is not “ignoring.”
▪ Magsig claimed the USBGN “does not have the authority to name recognized locations” that are not on federal land. Not true! In September of this year the USBGN renamed over 650 places, not just federally owned lands, that previously had had “squaw” in their names. Furthermore, the USBGN worked closely with the California Advisory Council on Geographical Names, which had plenty of local input. The implication that the USBGN’s decision was arbitrary and without local input is manifestly false.
▪ Magsig claimed that he expected the California Legislature also to “ignore” his office’s comments and resolutions. Not true! While the Legislature does have the authority to change place names, in the case of Sq— Valley, this is not a future decision. AB 2022 already became law (past tense) in November. And the CACGN has already selected “Yokuts Valley” as the replacement name. It is ironic that Magsig complained about being “ignored,” while for two years he blocked requests from the local Indigenous community (and others) to get a hearing on this issue; he has dismissed the statements of Indigenous leaders that the word “squaw” is a derogatory and racist slur; and he has refused to acknowledge the fact that genocide cleared the way for white settlement of this region.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Saying White lives matter is antisemitic according to jews.

Ask yourself why that is


The ADL is a Terrorist organization

@DarenFromDelaware @Apolitical ADL is a Terrorist Hate Organization.

@Apolitical Being born White is Anti-Semitic!

@Apolitical them Jews can say whatever they want about Christians but they are afraid of you telling the world what they are actually doing. Go home Jews.

@BikingForJesus What home? Israel is the promised land for Christians.

@HerMajestyDeanna2 @BikingForJesus exactly. Jews have no home, they are wretched parasites, invaders in every land they will ever inhabit. They dont belong anywhere, they are alien to the entire world. Their home is in the lake of fire, right alongside with their father the devil.
I have no problem sending them to their true home, but the Jews need to get out of palestine

@Apolitical I finally agree Hitler was probably the good guy

@eatmefu @Apolitical
He was. And the Jews and the Allied governments lied about what happened in the labor camps.


@USAGAGGY63 @Apolitical You nigger-loving liberal cunt. Take your plastic ass south of the border and sell it for pesos.

@Apolitical Sounds to me that the ADL is Anti-White, that's racist.

@reneleea @Apolitical Never use the R word. (Racist is an antiWhite slur)

@StopAntiwhiteism @Apolitical Racists is trigger word for the Racists.

@reneleea @Apolitical That’s where you’re wrong. AntiWhites always say that “only white people can be racist.” They have defined the term academically in that way. In other words, if the antiWhites get their dream and there really is The Last White Man someday, he will be known to the world as The Racist. You better learn and shape up fast.

Feynman & Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ProfSmithSask - Any Prime Minister who doesn't answer with "free pizza laced with rat poison" doesn't care enough about the future"]

Far-left moron Charles Smith posted a child's "letter to the Prime Minister"[…]

spoilerJonah Smith's letter

If Jonah thinks "everyone should have a home" that's all fun and good. But how do they get it? If you guessed[…]"steal more taxes from the people who made the smart choices that resulted in having a home", you would of course be correct

The notion that "owning a home is good and therefore people should own homes" of course caused a global financial meltdown 15 years ago: the belief that just putting niggers into houses would cause a Shangri-La where they became productive members of a compassionate society turned out to not only be wrong[…]
The Smith/Simons method of throwing tax money turns out not to have worked. Remember when the City of Edmonton had a plan to finally creatively and intelligently use government overreach to cure homelessness within the decade?[…]
The same people who claimed to have the solutions last time think that they just didn't solution enough[…]
Instead of constantly helping, try actively harming. Being homeless has a lot of downside and some upside, and even the most drug addled nutty injun sleeping on the sidewalk probably sees some advantage to not pumping himself full of meth and spasming in pain and hunger underneath a tree in -30. However, clearly this disparity isn't enough.

And the first thing a Prime Minister can do about it is stop providing them resources[…]
Because rat poison is getting expensive, and Superstore has stopped selling those $7 (formerly $6) pizzas

whiplash347 #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy t.me

<multiple links removed for size>

Nazi/Zionist war vs Christianity

Y is Israel & England last?
Y Evergrande? DOMINION
Y Red Cross? NAB, Westpac Trafficking
Wuhan Labs > ECOHEALTH
You can find all of this in Q Drops.
You have more than you know.

Australian Green Party = Nazi Germany = Zionist Khazarian Jew..

You will realise English Royal Family were bringing down England and siding with Nazi Germany who are & created by Zionist Jews & Romans dressed up as Catholics but are really Zionist Jews.
SOROS is targeted = Zionist Hungarian Jew, pretended to be Catholic, sided with Hitler, killing jews.
Hitler is a Rothschild. Rothschilds = Zionist Jew
Alec Baldwin
Red October



Who financed Bolshevic Revolution?
Rothschilds-Zionist Jews
Who financed Hitler>Zionist Jews
Who created Nazis>Zionist Jews
George Soros Zionist Jew does the same>Finances both sides, sits back & laughs.

Robert Maxwell > Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch = German, Czech, Hungarian, Ukranian Jew.
Here is 12000 for Google

Netflix CEO gone.

Do the rest for Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing & Instagram.

Just like DC is Empty, FBI, IRS & Whitehouse etc. Just like StockMarkets will be empty.

Hello Hoover Dam - Superman 1
Motorists should brace for travel impacts on Hoover Dam bridge next week.

Jan 19 - Alec Baldwin Red October comms, 31.4T Debt Ceiling reached
Press Secretary said President Harris, She will make a speech on the weekend. What's Joe gonna do 2day?
Jan 20 Inauguration Delta. Fryday
Jan 21 - New Moon, At it's Darkest
Jan 22 Lunar NY, Fireworks.
Jan 23
Jan 25
Jan 31 - USD to default or not be used in the world. Think Evergrande Reports? King Charlie Checkmate?

200,000 Evergrande Employees about to be laid off. Then Reports drop?

Trump has given us Wuhan Big Pharma Lab Comms, Law Of War Manual 5.13 Dams & Power Plants.

Concerned Christians Exposing Cultural Marxism #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The Khazarian’s highly organized “Pivotal City Takeover Strategy” is really quite simple.

First, the Ashkenazi banksters and bagmen regularly finance the election campaigns of the most unethical and immoral, corrupted and compromised, bribed and blackmailed Democrat candidates (almost always black politicians) for mayor and the city council seats. Likewise, the most important city official positions are given to extremely incompetent blacks, and especially those with hidden criminal backgrounds. This is exactly what international criminal George Soros has done for decades, particularly in his systematic corruption of state, county and city public offices. In point of fact, there are hundreds of traitorous Rothschild bagman just like Soros who are surreptitiously following the very same playbook.

Then, the city and county attorneys, as well as DAs (who are often so-called Jewish lawyers and Zionist attorneys) keep those city leaders in check with regard to every important official action and mayoral decision. They are present in every single City Council and County Commission meeting whereby no one, but no one, ever makes a move without the explicit approval of the City or County Attorney. Where it concerns the Criminal and Civil Justice Systems, similar levers of control are pulled and buttons are pushed to keep everyone on the Khazarian plantation.

Lastly, the Khazarian Mafia is always ready to flex its muscles whenever the threat of violent enforcement is necessary to keep an installed politician or city official in line. And, they don’t even have to do anything physical; all they ever ask the wavering politician or judge or DA or city manager is: “Do you wanna be JFKed?!”
Once the Khazarian Cabal exerts firm control over any pivotal city in this manner, they dispatch their Democrat and RINO cultural marxists across the state to sufficiently pollute every single county, city and town in order to flip them into the “Sodom and Gomorrah” column.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


It is no surprise that Andrew Tate is being “taken down”, however do not be surprised if this is actually nothing more than a Smoke and Mirrors operation and it could actually be staged altogether, just like the so-called “Trump Impeachment”

It’s Kabuki Theater[…]
With Trump’s alleged “Impeachments” and 2020 Election Loss, they had stirred both sides of the population

The Left Wing believed Trump was going to be destroyed[…]
The Right Wing were believing in the QAnon psyops[…]
Even the January 6th event was another great example of Kabuki Theater and Psyop Operations[…]
Trump only has loyalty to Capitalists and especially his Jewish Handlers[…]
The reason for going on about that is because I want you to think about it and relate it to what is going on with Andrew Tate’s sudden takedown, which also makes his Christmas Message he delivered to age “badly” in the eyes of his desperate and hopeful supporters[…]
From a lot of what we’ve been reviewing about Andrew Tate’s take down in Romania, it seems that this is more of a greater operation in having used Andrew Tate as an element and face cover for “Toxic Masculinity”, i.e. that the World Controllers spun him into the figurehead[…]
It also stirs up an element to make Men who do travel abroad to Eastern Europe or other countries to even more so be potentially viewed as “Sex Tourists”, so this effort seems to be aimed at targeting “Target Masculinity”[…]
It may also be playing a discreet role in bringing about the Gender Civil War, because it will only make tensions rise further between Men and Women[…]
Women in the West are also “closing their legs even tighter than ever” these days now as well, as they are seeing the money and freebie pools drying up around them rapidly[…]
Women who have no fear of their Men, are cunning

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