
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

White people know they are under attack. They can feel it.

They are being murdered by minorities every day. They are being replaced by minorities through mass immigration. They are discriminated against legally by their government. They are passed over for jobs and promotions. They are told they are privileged and responsible for all the worlds evils. They are told they have no culture.

Race matters and you are under attack for yours


spoilerFrom Rome to Russia, empires have
fallen and yet Jews have persisted.
Why? Because they are racist. It is
precisely for this reason that they have
stigmatized racism in our minds they
know it's the best survival strategy.
Their position in our societies is a
testament to this.

@Apolitical And they have the GOP telling them that some violent negro who hates them is actually their savior.

@Apolitical 10-14% of earths population is white. The true minority. Gimme my reparations !😆🤣😂

@Apolitical They are not "minorities"... we're being invaded by global majorities...if they were minorities they wouldn't be coming here. Whites only make up 10% of the global population.

@Apolitical and yet ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

@whfla @Apolitical I love being White. It's a hard job though.

@Apolitical And everywhere there are more darkies everywhere, milling about talking their strange languages.

Who the fuck invited these people into my country?

It sure wasn't me.

I was never asked.

@hamburgertoday @Apolitical your elitest white brothers wish to replace you because you make piss poor slaves

@clarkmorehouse The Whites are all patsies and sycophants. The engine of global migration from the South to the North is Jews.

No Jews.

No mass immigration.


various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

👱‍♀️ Noble Aryan Woman About White Replacement

What a woman! Give her a like! 👍👍👍

ℹ️ Unfortnately, it seems as if she has disappeared, nobody knows what happened. This video is perfect for family members, friends or acquaintances who have not yet seen the truth. You will have a feel-good moment when watching this noble, Aryan woman, Lauren Rose, speak the truth. Finally, the world is waking up. The Aryan is no longer silent.

It should come as no surprise that Jews are the behind the replacement of Aryans. Both in Europe, North America and in Australia.

🔗 The death of America was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965: https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=50

Red pilling videos in the comment sections of these links

🔗 Jews (1st Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/107033325064007306
🔗 Jews (2nd Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/107648515577080118
🔗 Jews (3rd Archive): https://gab.com/BlackScorpionNationalists/posts/10819

@BlackScorpionNationalists Know who the real enemy is that promote the hatred of whites.

@BlackScorpionNationalists If this is truth, Its time for all Jews to move to Israel!

@forgottenshirt Yes, we are Zionists. We want all Jews to move there. 😂

@BlackScorpionNationalists Dad because of the border situation . I could not find a white man to try to date. And when I went on a white dating site I was called a racist.

Teutonic Heart #racist #conspiracy youtube.com

The number of crazed theories offered by Germany’s enemies about Germany’s alleged goals before the war, never ceases to amaze. People claiming that the Germans wanted mass world conquest have no knowledge or understanding of the internal-European colonial history of the Germans, nor of their intensely folk-first way of prioritizing actions. This video was very good, despite most of the sources being anti-German British, French, Jewish, and American politicians/propagandists.

Russ Winter #racist #wingnut winterwatch.net

The ideal of prudent distinction should insist that the ethno-European community be humanist enough to walk in the black community’s shoes and at least try to be empathetic and to consider their points of view. It must also hold out an olive branch of redemption to all peoples. However, the line is crossed and the gloves come off when the other communities engage in hostile, malevolent strategy and tactics that harm the white community.

The black community — and, in particular, its youth — largely convey their worldview through hip-hop and rap music. Given that this is their chosen method to communicate, it behooves the white community to examine it.
As such, the ethno-European community must carefully examine the spirit and mentality with which rappers convey this lifestyle. If the music was sad, sorrowful and introspective, then empathy is highly appropriate. But it’s not really even “woe is me.” In fact, unfortunately, upon closer examination, much of the gangsta hip-hop/rap music genre actually seems to rejoice and relish in a sick, twisted, sadomasochistic self-destructive world of violence, degeneracy and evil.
Unless blacks themselves are prepared to strongly disavow and censure this music within their own communities, then the white ethno-European community has no choice but to consider those (including the many useful-idiot whites) listening to it and supporting it as being heavily propagandized and influenced into being a hostile element to the life and security of ethno-European peoples. It leaves whites no other choice but to circle their wagons.

There are some blacks who see the downside and negativity going on in their own communities. But instead of owning up, they, too, often blame the music on “whitey.”

Winter Watch’s takeaway to the black community and the nature of the real threat: Man up and disavow.

Guest #god-complex #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: German Green Party Replaces Its Own White Male Justice Minister With Black Female Who Has No Law Degree or Political Experience

In the West, many of the White males who sign up for the agenda of multiculturalism, progressivism, and open borders are finding that they are too White and too male to be of use to the socio-political system any longer.

The latest case in Germany highlights this trend, where the Green party dismissed its own justice minister, Dirk Adams, in the German state of Thuringia.

What can one even comment on this kind of thing anymore? White people who are on board with any of this are unquestionably in favor of their own complete and total eradication as well as for a far worse world for all of humanity where the entire globe mirrors the kind of chaos, violence and dysfunction of Africa (or a mixture of Africa/Central America/The Middle East).

It's beyond clear that a large portion of Whites have an open death wish and want nothing more than to see Western Civilization be destroyed... Their anti "racism" is so hypocritical that they seriously cannot actually believe at this point they are the "anti-racists"... It's obvious they are flat out anti-White and thus are openly and proudly racist...

The dynamics of this whole situation are just mind boggling from:

How we have gotten to a point where the people who have lifted the human condition far more than all others combined and are the first and only people in human history to seriously give two cares about the well being of other groups and have provided others with more aid than all others combined and opened their doors to the most advanced civilizations in human history that they solely created to allow others to live vastly better lives than they would in their own nations are now considered the lone bad guys and all levels of society insist they be replaced by those who have failed everywhere...

Then the most glaring issue of WHY Whites have allowed all of this to transpire in the first place which one could write about for days...

The sheer lunacy is just beyond description...

To be on the opposing side of this issue one is either ignorant to the nth degree or is flat out evil...

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If you don't acknowledge the correlation between race and behavior, you'll never solve the current decline in society.

spoilerCities aren't dangerous.
Certain neighborhoods aren't
dangerous. The dark of night
isn't dangerous. Certain people
who inhabit them are.

@Nature_and_Race You'll discover evidence of the holocaust before finding a wealthy liberal moving to a predominantly black neighborhood.

@Nature_and_Race You can take the black out of the Savage lands, but you can't take the Savage out of black hands..

Conservatives- "We are all one race"

Also Conservatives... around blacks 👌


@Nature_and_Race We are being attacked by two sub-human races simultaneously, the high I.Q. Neanderthal mongrel jews who have taken over our institutions and their low I.Q. sub-Saharan niggers who are taking over our streets.

@RealAnnyIrish @Nature_and_Race Perfectly stated.

@RealAnnyIrish @Nature_and_Race I've been around many jews though while intelligent, their overall logic is usually flawed, corrupted by their talmudic beliefs which come out if you press the right buttons.

@Nature_and_Race cities don’t kill people, black people kill people.

@Nature_and_Race It's taken me a while to come around to the idea that 'thinking racially' is the correct way to think.

But now I see it's true.

@Nature_and_Race ..and they have been deliberately imported to spook the natives on behalf of the corrupt Control System that wants Whites to be genocided...They Come...They Breed,Rape,Terrorize,Defecate,Leech,Infect and Plunder....We DIE!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Blacks are a biological weapon of mass destruction.

We will never have a safe and peaceful society so long as they live amongst us.

I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.

NOTE: They refer to the black as a "teen", even though he's a legal adult. Why?, because the media ONCE AGAIN is running interference for these primitive subhuman creatures - trying to portray him as some innocent little kid who just made a mistake, instead of the violent savage psychopath that he really is.


@Nature_and_Race Anyone who claims that these subhuman primates are the same as us, and that our only difference is "skin colour", is either incredibly stupid or an enemy trying to deceive you.

@Nature_and_Race From a personal perspective, having lived among blacks for 25 years and then moved to an all white community, I can testify this is true. Stating that white communities are less safe when blacks are introduced there is not racist hate speech. It is a fact backed up by crime statistics.


@Nature_and_Race 100% no society with more than 5% blacks as ever survived.

@Nature_and_Race The only Justice I will accept for this man. Make medieval rat executions great again! https://allthatsinteresting.com/rat-torture-method



Bring back lynchings.
Hanged by a foot, dowsed in petrol, matchstick, poof.
Stabbed repeatedly with a hayfork while dying. Fear is the only language these beasts understand.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

As an American who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s I wonder what became of my country. We were a homogeneous Christian people proud of our history. We were unified with a common language, prayer in public schools, and monuments to dead white men. We were safe in our homes and schools, in our streets, and on public transportation. A five-year old child could walk to school safely. Public schools were good. Teachers had degrees in the subjects they taught, not in something called education. We looked to the future with optimism.

What happened to my country? It was torn apart by bitchy white liberals, by the influence of Jewish Marxists known as the Frankfort School, and by the 1965 immigration act that turned the United States into a Tower of Babel. These developments launched the denunciation and “unmasking” that branded America as “racist,” “exploitative,” and “misogynist.” Today our history is a compendium of crimes as the New York Times 1619 Project, now taught in public schools, illustrates.

Restitution set in, with the result being that white American citizens, especially heterosexual white males, have become second class citizens against whom it is legal to discriminate in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. White students and employees are also required to be re-educated in “sensitivity training,” but no other race has to be sensitive toward white people.
How far our country has collapsed! An immigrant-invader can walk across the border, get a job as a police officer, and arrest you, especially if you are a Trump supporter who wanted a wall built to keep him out.
What explains this collapse except the complete absence of white confidence?

People without racial confidence, which is what most white people are today, are a people whose future is extinction.

Matthew Boose #wingnut #racist amgreatness.com

Excusing his tendency to hyperbole, one finds it hard to disagree when Donald Trump talks about how much better things were before the “China virus” ruined his reelection effort and set the country on a path of decline. The America that existed before COVID, the George Floyd revolution, and the rigged 2020 election is not so far in the past, but it was a completely different world.

Gas was cheap, crime was down, the border was secure, and the country was a lot freer. Words like “misinformation” were seldom heard on the lips of bureaucrats or neighbors deputized by them, and one didn’t fear losing employment or the right to travel for refusing an experimental drug. Believe it or not, before those momentous, nightmarish months of violence and upheaval that changed everything, Trump was on a glide path to victory, having been cleared of impeachment over a long-forgotten “perfect phone call” with Ukraine.
A deceptive semblance of normalcy, with a corrupt Silent Generation zombie as its face, masks a radical new reality, a tyrannical, devitalized “new normal” of mediocrity. The economy is on the verge of collapse, the price of consumer goods has skyrocketed, and crime is higher than it has been in decades. The flames of George Floyd’s martyrdom have died down, but the revolution still burns with the imprimatur of power. Never has racial hatred been more overtly expressed with such authority to so wide a swath of the country.

We hear the labor market is hot, but service at stores and restaurants is slow to nonexistent. The smell of pot, with its stench of torpor and decay, is inescapable. If you live in the city, odds are your streets have been ceded to criminals and lunatics. The suburbs aren’t safe from the constant schemes of the busybodies, either. These incompetent thugs, equipped with dubious “expertise,” are now accustomed to making more and more intrusive demands of a public demoralized by years of constant, idiotic propaganda.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Whites Will Lose To Colored People For This One Specific Reason"]

The only people in the world who are careful and cautious about appearing Pragmatic, Righteous and Lawful are Caucasians

The Jews are using this to destroy Caucasians collectively, by guilt-tripping them through the Nobility of what it means to be Caucasian, and by the perpetual indoctrination of Christianity, and it’s destruction it has laid for over 2000 Years

There are very few Caucasian people left in this world who are willing to stand up as Pariahs against the rest of the world, let alone their own people for the sake of losing their reputations or being humiliated or ostracized for it

And when we look for such people like that, the most common class to find who are willing to be Pariahs are inevitibly the Criminal Classes

We couldn’t care less what other people think of us, let alone the Modern German or European Masses, or the World’s population itself

It should be known that the only Caucasian People which can ever expect to even have a whiff of a chance for survival, are those which are willing to be the most Ruthless, Daring Pariahs amidst the degrading, listless, mundane bourgeoisie and Corporate Drones which live their lives in Auto-Pilot

Even in the best case scenario, Displacement of most European Races is inevitable in some shape or form because of unwillingness to perceive or stand up for the task that must be done to ensure Future survival and relevance. With the exception of Russia, even all the other Slavic Nations will eventually be over-run, it’s only a matter of time[…]
Assuming of course, whomever or whatever remains alive in the case of Nuclear War

@Forever_Hitler_1488 #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

(Submitters note: profile of gab-user "@Forever_Hitler_1488")

I am a female Canadian National Socialist who will always fight for her Race from those who want to kill us Whites. I am a proud Pagan.

1. I am not a Trump, Biden or Trudeau Supporter
2. I hate niggers, Kikes and faggots
3. I love George Rockwell and Hitler
4. I follow the Laws of National Socialism
5. I block Flat Earthers!



@BlessedHope23 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut gettr.com

Is the “ #GreatReplacement” really just a “theory?” No – #Americans really are being #replaced with #migrants …What the theory suggests is that the #Democrat left has been using mass immigration to literally #change the face of our country by watering down and eliminating the ‘evil white majority’ and replacing it with third-world poor migrants of color who will, theoretically, support Democratic policies that include #welfare, #dependency and a lack of upward mobility.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

White people,

If you haven't already, buy a reliable firearm. Take a fighting pistol and/or fighting rifle course with a trained professional. Go to the range at least once a month to practice what you learned in class. Dry-fire practice at home every single day.

Get a quality holster and a light. Carry your firearm whenever you leave your house, FOR WHATEVER REASON.

America has become a warzone. Act accordingly. Don't wait for tragedy to strike before you make significant lifestyle changes. MAKE ALL NECESSARY CHANGES IMMEDIATELY.

Chicago, IL

@Nature_and_Race I would also recommend that you DO NOT post pictures of your weapons on social media and pay in cash. Because the anti-White regime will use what ever means they can to track you down.

@StoppAntiHvitismen @Nature_and_Race Get a 3d printer, and print your frame. Buy the rest of the parts in cash at a local store.

@Nature_and_Race was hoping this was going end up with the nigger shooting himself

@Nature_and_Race If white guys posted videos like this, FBIATFDOJ would be on them like white on rice.

@Nature_and_Race I'm willing to bet the ATF isn't going to be raiding his house any time soon. Too busy threatening white guys who buy solvent traps.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist gab.com

We are the ones you couldn't teach to hate their ancestors.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to hate themselves.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to work against the interests of their children.

We are the ones you couldn't teach to celebrate faggotry and degeneracy.

And we are the ones that are going to teach you a lesson.


@Apophis22 @RealSixMillion Tick, tick, tick. Tock.


@RealSixMillion we are the few, the chosen, the frens.

@Irish_American_Patriot @RealSixMillion and we are the incorruptible purebloods 🤍

@RealSixMillion #WhiteLivesMatter

( @Lord_Timothy_the_Patriot )
@RealSixMillion Then let's bloody get to it then! All this talk and no action. Let's light this candle and get this civil war bloody started already! I've no plans to make it back, but damn it my kids deserve to grow up without fags and tranny trying to rape them, without paying 1/3 of their salary in taxes, etc.

Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Janet Kira Lessin #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #racist enkispeaks.com


After the Deluge of 13,000 years ago, the lands that had been spaceports for the Anunnaki goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth were
ruined–covered with mud and water. The Mission Control Center in Nippur [Iraq] was buried beyond recovery. Only the Lebanon Landing Place of their old airbases functioned. The Anunnaki needed “a new Mission Control Center to replace the one that had existed before in Nippur.”

The Anunnaki decided to build a new spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula, with its long flat landing area and a new Mission Control Center in Mount Moriah, the future Jerusalem. These new space facilities were supposed to be under control of Commander . The Council selected Jerusalem on the basis of geometry; it was the place “equidistant from the space-related facilities. Jerusalem was to be the new Mission Control for Earth-Nibiru travel and communication.
Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones in 957 BCE on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved). Solomon’s Temple became the center of governance for the Jews for the next 410 years, when Nebuchadnessar destroyed it.
When the workers completed the temple, Enlil killed them all, lest others use them and brag of it. He broadcast that he’d give these slain craftsmen eternal life in the next world.

This structure, the 20-story high Portico, housed the Sanctuary, which in turn housed the “Holy of Holies”–Moses’ arc, a holographic image of the box with Enlil’s communication device and Enlil’s commandments to worship only him, etc..


<* - Author means not Khazarians Hebrews>

Just Empower Me/Kim Goguen #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim breaks down the global taxes and addresses Congress’ bill to abolish the IRS and how they aren’t helping the people, rather they are helping the Black Sun switch the tax collection from the Department of Treasury to Treasury of USA. But the cocky operatives running this scam won’t succeed! Many agreements related to the FED and IRS already expired! So Black Sun operatives stop salivating! The not so clever plan of theirs to obtain money for their black ops ain’t happening! Nor will their other not so clever plan of taking control of all Agencies by replacing Mayorkas with their guy is irrelevant. The GIA <Global Intelligence Agency> sits above all Agencies and already has a director. And she isn’t interested in funding wingnuts who are intent on hurting people!
And Kim already disabled the IRS, so members of Congress can go to the National Archives and see that the IRS has already been dissolved. In addition to the IRS, the Global Structure of Taxation and Causation system has already expired, as well as the Monetization of Leveraged Assets, and all that information is in the Archives.

Congress can go ahead and say they are abolishing the IRS, to make it look good for the people who don’t understand what Kim is telling us. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO SWAP OUT DRAGON FAMILY ROTHSCHILD PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GO AWAY FOR ANOTHER GROUP THAT ALSO NEEDS TO GO AWAY, AND THAT IS TREASURIES OF USA. If they think for one red hot second that Kim is going to ratify and pay for the Black Sun people to take over, they’ve lost their ‘bleeping’ minds.

Darth_Aurelius #wingnut #sexist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Why Nazi Germany was actually awesome

* Its highest leadership were all essentially incel type men, though for different reasons – Goering was a morbidly obese morphine addict, Goebbels was a club footed manlet, Himmler looked like the epitome of a lanky jew and even the Fuhrer himself was very probably a life-long virgin and syphilitic through his mother.
* Women were subordinated in every facet of society – they had to attend to the menial tasks which their biology and physiology has suited them for, kinder kuchen und kirchen (kids, cooking and going to Church). No woman ever outranked any man in Nazi Germany, either socially (de facto) or in any of the paramilitary organizations (de jure).
* Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines.
* Rank and status were not predicated on money nor were they reinforced by ostentatious displays of wealth but rather were acquired by honorable and manly service to the state which all self respecting men should strive for.
* Degeneracy in all of its putrid and corrupting forms was cast out and destroyed by the Nazi party which understood that the people needed to be protected from the perverse influence of modern art, jew propaganda, homosexuality and any other cultural contaminants.
* If that’s not enough, also bear in mind that his noble honor, Sir Rodger admired the efficiency, glory and power of the mighty Third Reich, so Sieg Heil!

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #racist #crackpot #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

The Super Jew Rabbi High Priest of the Temple Bone GeneratorÂŽ:

The Kabbalah states that Shaddai created the Satanic Jews the Tohou, Shaddai being the Chaos intelligence from the seminal darkness of Chaos this evolved to Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth) by the use of fire (quantum fluctuations in the dark Sea of Awareness, quantum vacuum); ‘darkness was upon the face of the deep,’ to cause inflation (cold) of the quantum vacuum which turned hot (fire) as the Higgs Field dumped energy into the inflating quantum vacuum so Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth) created the Bohou, the rest of the Jews. So one can see the chosen race are the creation of Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth). The light energy matter manifestation being corrupted by the Chaos intelligence of Elohim, the Master of all wageslaves (Yaldabaoth).
This Bone GeneratorÂŽ Service downloads into the Hassidim Psi-Master the power of prophecy and miracles sequestered from Tsabaoth, Sabbaoth to enable you to see the future and to carry out miracles like the Hassidim by sequestering Tsabaoth, Sabbaoth as your personal bitch to give you the power. As the creator of the Bohou, it also gives you power over the liberal Jew West that preaches democracy as a front for the neo con Tohou Satanist Jews to buffer them from being seen as the perpetrators of evil. So all arts, media, pop, liberal arts, sociology, movies, psychology aspects of Western Judaism are yours to command.
This limited edition Service allows your Bone GeneratorsÂŽ to sequester the 10 top places in Judaic Satanism from the Hassidim in Israel to the 10 new Anti-Hassidim Super Jews who now have all the magical powers of Israel and the Jews as their own and use the 10 Jewish Hassidim as Total Deathgoat Jews, toxic waist dumps with the whole of Israel well as the Insectile installations in Goyim the so called shells, larvae of Edamic Amalek Kings, (the other God) origin that are the minds of all Goyim.
$1000 with Certificate, limited to 10 only.

Scarlett Johnson #racist #transphobia twitter.com

How is this hateful content @elonmusk?



“Abby Martinez tried to fight back when a Los Angeles school, county social workers, and a group sought to transition her confused 15-year-old daughter. But once Yaeli Martinez was moved into foster care and later injected with testosterone, the heartbroken mother could only watch helplessly as the girl spiraled into depression that ended when she stepped in front of an oncoming train.”

The woke have every reason to be concerned when Latinas like myself expose the truth.
Traditional Hispanic families are not able to be manipulated by white guilt, so they will not sit quietly as their children are indoctrinated into a cult that rejects biological realities.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Wanna guess who rules over you?

@Nature_and_Race The headline should rightfully read: "Only jewish schools will be permitted. All other religious schools will be banned"

@Nature_and_Race didn't know sweden was predominatly a jewish country learn something new everyday

@Nature_and_Race So kikes don't fall under all religions?

@Nature_and_Race Tells you who exactly is in charge. Maybe those asylum seekers can destroy those jewish schools. And those jewish kids ALL deserve to die. As do all their parents.

@Nature_and_Race Not even 7 billion goyim can make a law a Jew is obliged to respect.

@Nature_and_Race so not banning religious schools, just Christian schools.

@Nature_and_Race could not be more obvious to some of us but for most others they can't see it

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

All anyone has to do to get the USA back under her own constituton is:

1. Declare all laws, regulations, executive orders and supreme court legal precedents that violated any part of the constitution to be unconstitutional, null and void from this date forward.
2. Declare all federal bureaucracies and agencies who's purpose for being or authority for regulating violates any part of the constitution to be unconstitutional, and shut it down, firing everyone in it and denying retirement or other benefits associated with the job from this date forward.
3. Declare all federal office holders who violated the constitution by bringing any of these laws, regulations, bureaucracies and agencies, executive orders, supreme court legal precedents into being, or who violated any part of their sworn oaths of office, to be impeached from office and possibly indicted for crimes where appropriate.
4. Declare all Political Parties to be unconstitutional, anti-constitutional and illegal entities and shut them all down, with all funds and property of any kind to be forfeited to the US treasury.
5. Declare Socialism and all forms of Marxism to be anti-American, anti-constitution and outlawed in America. Consider decitizenizing and deporting Marxists.
6. Declare all forms of Islam to be anti-American, anti-constitution and outlawed in America. Consider decitizenizing and deporting all Moslems.
Secularism is an unconstitutional, anti-constitutional and therefore criminal form of militant and militating atheism. "Separation Of Church And State" is a criminally established attack on America's foundational Ethos. Since it's illegal establishment in American law it has been used as a legal political weapon to religiously cleanse America of Christianity.

In other words, a legal and political cleansing of the very basis for all of American law, which is supposed to be representative law. It was established by and is being maintained by criminal traitors to America.

@StephenB857 #racist gettr.com

So according to channel 4 news this fucking mutt (25:30) is a Ukrainian refugee. She left the middle East for Ukraine and now claims to be Ukrainian and is trying to get into Britain claiming to be Ukrainian. Lol. They really do take us for mugs don't they. Just more and more brown and black people. They'll never stop until we've been completely replaced.

#refugees #ukraine #wearebeingliedto
#whitereplacement #immigration #antiwhite
#globalists #russia

Video below. Go to 25:30

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

A brown professor can keep their job after calling to “abolish Whitesness.”

A White student will be expelled and get a visit from the FBI for posting an “It’s ok to be White” flyer.

Whites don’t have privilege, we are under attack

@Apolitical here a black publication can call for the genocide of whites and corporate America still gives them millions.

@Apolitical Anyone talking about white privilege should just be laughed off the stage at this point.

It's gonna take that level of contempt.


spoilerWhen you're white but the
cop still gives you a ticket.
"I was told there would
be privileges?"

I love explaining to FBI agents why they should hate jews and niggers.

@PizzaJohns they actually have to regurlarly undergo "deradicalization therapy" because we're always so fkn right about it being the jews and their pet niggers.


Soon it will be punishable by death to be:

- White
- Straight
- A white man
- Have right-wing/conservative political viewpoints

This is all coming, and is already here. They just need to do a 9/11 scale domestic false flag to pass Patriot Act 2.0 to justify the Mao style mass killing of all political opposition they are going to do.

@Apolitical But it's not ok to be white!
It's fucking brilliant. I was born into ancestry that built all you see today, all scientific advances and all successful societies. It might be just ok to be black but it's fucking great never looking in the mirror wishing I was from somewhere else. Maybe another time due to the degeneracy of today but not another creed. Proud white beserker Viking of Christian English upbringing.

@Apolitical Can you imagine students trying to set up White student unions on American campuses like black students have for years? Dual standards.

David Cole #ableist #racist #wingnut #elitist takimag.com

When I’m asked why I never had kids, my standard answer is, I’ve spent my life in mortal fear of being tethered to another human in a manner from which I can’t legally walk away if I choose.

That’s an honest answer, but it’s not the complete one. The second part, which I always leave out, is that I was petrified of having a tard. There’s no history of tardiness in my family. But no matter your family history, having kids is always a roll of the DNA dice, and I couldn’t face the possibility of having a child who would be, shall we say, more work and less payoff.

Yes, that’s a terribly unflattering thing to admit. But it’s true.
There’s no changing the reality of the child’s condition, so put the best face on it. “That millstone is a blessing! That albatross is actually a majestic eagle.”

When a problem is intractable, when “fix it” isn’t an option, you cope, and sometimes that means detaching from reality
That’s why the mentally ill shooter problem is intractable. Parents saddled with defectives must live with the hope that the condition is reversible. And most of the time they’ll live with that hope in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
The big nightmare is the very real possibility that the problems with black America are intractable. That there’s a disproportionately large segment of black America that’s simply not salvageable by love, lucre, or religion. A segment that at best can be kept in check with rigorous sifting via lifetime imprisonment of the worst elements, and even that’s a half measure.
Black unsalvageables are America’s “special needs” children. And we’re tethered to them. We can shift them from one city to another, one state to another, but there’s no avoiding the obligation. We birthed it, it’s ours. And I want to be very clear that this is as much a problem for high-functioning blacks as it is for whites. Hell, they have to deal with the burden of their special-needs kin more than anyone.high-functioning blacks as it is.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "New Video: The absurdity of “Non-Germans” Demanding to be Recognized as “Germans”"]

What's the hardest part of life in Germany?

Asians wanting to be recognized as “Germans”. Something that could only be concocted from the Liberal Ideology, since no natural person even born in the Orient would ever even think to be considered “German” when they are Asian

Imagine us Germans going to China, Japan or Korea and telling them we really are of their ethnicities, it just so happens to be that we are from “Germany”

Also as typical outside of Germany, many people even among other White Nations are ignorant to think Red Hair is a native feature of Germanics, when it is not. That’s why red-headed Germans are rare, it is not native to our bloodline except in territories where Celtic settlements existed prior or along-side Germanic Tribes[…]
Freckles, Red Hair and Ultra Pale Skin [Pinkish skin] are Celtic/Jewish Trait, not Nordic ones

This video makes me sick and is nauseating, and any German that still has semblance of honor and despises what is taking place in the Vaterland also would naturally have this same reflex[…]
The Hispanics in the video also illustrate exactly how different Barbarian Peoples are about “follow rules”, compared to how Germans behave[…]
In Purer Eras, these clowns would be viewed for who they truly are, especially as the video thumbnail, such a person would be viewed as someone walking into a store trying to convince others that they are a Helicopter but nobody believes them

Mark Alan King #crackpot #conspiracy #racist markalanking.com



God YHWH And Higher Sources Are Communicating Important Messages Above Top Secret In Real Time via gematrix.org database

The Matrix And Gematria Is 100% PROOF OF GOD YHWH

The Holy Spirit Decree That All Peoples Shall Be Set Free From Rothschild Slavery

Gematria Revelation Opens The Door For Those Trying To Find The Truth

Gematria Is The End of Days Message From God

There Are No Coincidences True Messenger Of God

Satanic Jewish Bankers Of The Federal Reserve Corporation Created The Atomic And Nuclear Bomb Myth

People Have Taken Their Own Lives Because Of This Highly Immoral Pandemic Deception Its Time To Bring Justice Upon The Wealthy Satanists

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

The most effective way to talk about race is not IQ statistics or even race and crime.

The most effective way is to show video of how black people act.

Show video of them randomly punching elderly White people. Show video of them swarming and looting convenience stores. Show video of them twerking on cop cars.

These are things that do more to speak to the differences in race than any hard data because it’s shocking to see these people acting in ways they’ve never seen Whites act and never will.

@Apolitical 100% this.

You will do more to wake White people up by showing them a marathon of niggers acting like niggers (demons) then you will with any amount of statistics.

The truth is that even those Whites who want to believe themselves logical are still more driven by emotion than by logic.

Humans are unreasonable creatures, internalize that.

If you try to treat Whites like an AI that will just take in the data unbiasedly and make a logical determination you're not doing us any favors.

We are human and they will react to the vicious savagery and pure evil of the niggers when submersed in it.


Videos of smaller nigglets being mean to White kids is very effective.


iTs NoT aLl Of ThEm

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical

That's why you've got to highlight both.

Videos of individual acts so they viscerally understand, on a gut level, what the consequences are--that the problem isn't just some abstract number.

Data and statistics so they can see, without having to watch 1000s of hours of video, that these aren't just isolated incidents but a fundamental, categorical difference.

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical true but the point is the animals need to be dealt with like the criminals they are. They torture old white women in prison too. Guards are nogs as well and dont care.

They cry racism and get off. Seattle lets black off crimes at 10X the rate of whites to make their #s not look racist.

@Apolitical I do agree but there’s also…

spoilerI don't argue with people anymore. I just call them a Jew and move on

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

Any man claiming to be on the Right, that is disgracing & vilifying White Nationalist women, is either utterly miserable & self sabotaging or here to subvert & disunify. Any nationalist worth their salt understands that we are always better together.

I want a white nationalist wife. How do I find one?

@SurvivingClownWorld you find a girl you like & 'make' one.

@ElfReich hmmm. Interesting. Do you think many women have the ability to shed their liberal brainwashing? It’s often very, very deep.

@ElfReich @SurvivingClownWorld First ask he if she has been blacked. Many women currently in the WN have actually been blacked.

@SurvivingClownWorld @ElfReich

Girls go for guys of higher status.
Status is situational.
Looks matter, 5 seconds determine if you are hot or scum, look confident.

Between the ages of 18-24 they are biologically programed to be brainwashed, hence college education destroys them.

Act accordingly, play dirty, play to win, your children are counting on you to be hot.
(never loose frame)

@ElfReich - Either this guy, or took his pill:

@ElfReich my problem is we need to find MORE White nationalist women.

@indigowavve @ElfReich WN women are made by WN men. My wife came along happily when I gave her a life raising kids instead of making powerpoints.

@ElfReich The split between men and woman is a trait of liberalism and the hypercompetitiveness it brings. Men and woman are complementary to one another, we are intertwined. Rather than fight each other and tear down, we must help one another, lift one another up.

@ElfReich I've never met a white nationalist woman in real life. Most claim to be "conservative" but they're still dumb cunt feminists. I live in the southeast too.

@Redpilled_AF @ElfReich
They’re not the majority but there are a lot of them. More will pop up as anti-white policies become more frequent/noticeable.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Nelson Mandela, the bloodthirsty literal Communist, was the very man who launched the genocide of White South Africans in the 1990's.

But go off, king...

--> https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2013/12/10/putin-calls-nelson-mandela-greatest-humanist-of-our-time-a30346

@Nature_and_Race Don't you understand?! Hitler had Africa corps that made the allies lose their colonies so when Putin says Mandela he secretly means HITLER. He's playing underwater backhanded upside down checkers! Trust the Putin plan goys, I mean guys!

@Nature_and_Race Putin is just a pasty faced Mandela, the same savage Bolshevik instinct a common denominator

@Nature_and_Race putin is not our friend. Just like jew-controlled Mandela wasn't...
They are all globalists... including Putin, and despite him rambling on about "multi-polar world". It is still the same Rothschilds creation supported by globalists. They are trying to create one world order, no matter what the path is.

@Nature_and_Race speaking from South Africa, Nelson Mandela was and always will be a terrorist.

He wasn't a very good one, which is why he was caught and sent to a island cut off from the world.

It was the western media, that made Nelson Mandela a star. His party, under the influence of Russia, used this stardom to good effect.

Other than that, he was just a frontman for the corrupt and kleptocrat comrades in the ANC, who since 1994, have turned South Africa into a failed African state.

@Nature_and_Race Soviet Union supplied and backed black communists all throughout the dark continent, they majorly helped end White rule in Africa. This in turn did nothing but bring pain and misery by turning first world nations into third.

@Nature_and_Race he is also the man that put South Africa on the trajectory to being another sub Saharan African disease, famine, crime, and AIDS infested corrupt third world shithole.

Victor Davis Hanson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

This fixation with constructing identities is one of the great pathologies of our woke era.

When we obsess in neo-Confederate style on race, ethnicity, or religion as the defining element of who we are, and we do this to leverage political advantage, then we set off a chain-reaction of Yugoslavian- or Lebanese-style tribalism. Like nuclear proliferation, once one group goes tribal, then all others will strain to find their own deterrent tribal identity.

There are warning signs all around us of our fate to come if we do not stop this nihilism: Latino members of the Los Angeles City Council caught on a hot mic of matter-of-fact venting tribalist hatred and mocking of non-Latino tribes—blacks, gays, indigenous people, and whites. Read the comments posted below news stories of rampant swarming smash-and-grab, knockout game, or carjacking crimes—and be warned of the venomous and tribalist backlash to venomous tribalism.

How ironic in their places, the reactionary Western world has simply created new exemptions and privileges, calibrated on premodern criteria such as race and sex that will set off chain tribal reactions as we degenerate into Hobbesian factionalism.

Anytime perceived merit, or something close to merit, was not the standard, a society either imploded or became impoverished and calcified. The racial, one-drop categories of the Old South or the Third Reich, or the colorized spectrum of the old apartheid South Africa, or the racial chauvinism of the new tribal South Africa, or the commissar system of the Soviet Union, or the religious intolerance of fundamentalist Islam, or the familial gangs and clannish tyranny of prewar Sicily ensured that all were dysfunctional societies, and often much worse than that. Opportunity was instead guaranteed, and excellence defined, by something other than demonstrable talent and achievement.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "France: Hajis Persecuting Michel Houellebecq for Saying They Should Go Home"]

Houellebecq is the greatest living novelist and possibly the greatest fiction writer ever in history. He is a very intelligent man and he deserves respect

If he says that Moslems should leave Europe, it’s something that should be considered very seriously

The fact that these sicking, savage people can come into our countries and start using our own legal systems against us is absolute proof that this system is broken beyond repair and it needs to be replaced with a totally new one


The Great Mosque of Paris has filed a complaint against Michel Houellebecq, considered France’s greatest living author, after he said that the native French population does not wish for Muslims to assimilate but to “stop stealing from them and attacking them” or, if the Muslim population cannot manage that, then they should simply leave France

Houellebecq made the remarks during an explosive interview in November[…]

Houellebecq is currently entirely in control of France’s cultural history, as he is the only living cultural figure

The groundbreaking November interview, published in a special edition of Front Populaire magazine, was 45 pages long[…]

This is the worst imaginable outrage

Islam has offered our countries precisely nothing, and they think they have a right to tear down our most important cultural figures? To silence and imprison them, because their feelings are hurt?

We deserve a civil war and we deserve a revolution

This is simply not acceptable, and it cannot be allowed to continue

@StephenB857 #racist gettr.com

Why is it that out of the first ten "refugees" from Ukraine 4 were brown despite Ukraine being basically 100% white and now this story shows Germans collecting Ukrainian refugees to house in their spare bedroom and well, well, don't these "Ukrainians" look a lot like Arabs.

#wearebeingliedto #wearebeingplayed #antiwhite #whitereplacement #globalistagenda #ukraine #russia #ukrainiansarenotbrown

speculareffect #elitist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut specular-effect.com

As I’ve explained before, Christianity, like Communism, is a feminine construct for the weak. So, too, is the “climate change” doctrine pushed by the Neo-Malthusisnist cultists. The racism against the human race ideation is nothing more than moral-fagging and moral-shaming. They are the lifeblood of each previously mentioned. After all, morality is a construct of the weak for the weak. This is especially the case with regards to moral absolutes pushed by Christrannies in order to achieve dominance and transcend being dominated. It is what is known as ressentiment—the fox and the grapes syndrome—a psychological gymnastics to feel better about being inferior. The trick is to then demonize and criticize your counterparts who dominate you, by claiming their behaviors and ways of life are immoral. From this gay, feminine psychological gymnastics, a life of asceticism is pursued “for the greater good” (an afterlife) (heaven).
The Techno-Communist agenda that envelopes the entire planet, its accompanying Neo-Malthusianist cult ideology and Cultural Marxism, each possess slave morality leanings. Marxist Communism is primarily concerned with the haves vs. the have-nots and creates a classwarfare where ressentiment is showcased by its most ardent adherents—the social justice warrior. Landlords are seen as evil parasites and usurpers. Whites are racist bigots . The rich and wealthy became rich and wealthy through exploitation. If not by their deeds, by the deeds of their forefathers. These social justice warriors are professors, doctors, lawyers and not just the cat glasses-wearing, pink and blue-haired freak at your local Trader Jews, who has her septum pierced. These weaklings are everywhere and their slave morality—ressentiment—is pervasive. Communism has taken over. Feminine values have taken over.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

The Flight from White

Hispanics are rushing for the doors.

Charles Murray recently posted this graph based on data taken from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.


He thought it was remarkable that suddenly in 2020, millions of Hispanics stopped identifying as white.

He wasn’t the only one who noticed. The Los Angeles Times asked, “Why did so few Latinos identify themselves as white in the 2020 census?”

In 2014, the New York Times ran the opposite headline: “More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White.” The article went on to say that “if Hispanics ultimately identify as white Americans, then whites will remain the majority for the foreseeable future.”

How nice. If enough Mexicans and Salvadorans say they’re white, America will stay white forever.

So, back to why Hispanics are suddenly refusing to be white. The authors of that LA Times article think the reason could be “a xenophobic political climate that has made many Latinos aware that whiteness may not be easily within their reach.”


Black-and-brown unity is fantasy, of course, but Hispanics have surely tumbled to the fact that being brown makes you a cherished diversity asset, and that the race that is supposed to be lathered with privilege has become the national whipping boy.

Who on earth would want to be white if he had any other choice, with every institution giving you a leg-up for not being white, and people at Harvard trying to abolish the white race?

Some people abolish the white race, beginning with themselves. You remember Senator Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal, but what about Jennifer Benton?

Professor Jessica Krug of George Washington University got caught because she couldn’t decide if she was Algerian or Caribbean.

Just last week, a “queer indigenous artist” who made up an unpronounceable Injun name for herself, turned out to be white.

All these people — and plenty more — knew they’d be better off being anything — anything — but white.

White privilege? Hispanics want none of it. A la mierda eso, as they might very sensibly say.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MerleMerlot - By your logic we're about to have a lot of negroes in jail"]



A 23-year-old Mississippi man has been charged with a federal hate crime after burning a cross to threaten a Black family, according to the U.S. Justice Department

Put him and his parent(s) in jail
Sep 28,2002

When one of the rare instances of an actual anti-black hate crime occurs in the United States (possibly the only one in 2022!), fudge packer MM here wants the suspects parents similarly imprisoned. Okayyy…

What's the logic here? Sins of the father coming back into the world? Or just that he wants the whole bloodline locked up?

In either case, let's continue playing this game shall we? This tweet was made September 28th 2022, let's see what other crime stories in America occurred on that date shall we?

28 year old Martre Tirik Oliver was arrested the night before on a murder charge in Portland. We can't throw his brother in jail (guess who the victim was), but we can throw both of his nigger parents into the prison alongside him, right?[…]
September 28th saw three niggers charged for armed robbery in Chicago: two of the niggers were in their early 20s, a third was only 12 years old. Okay so we only get to have eight people in jail under MM's rules…though wait, I'm confused: if we can now jail parents for what their adult children did can we also jail underage children for what they did? Or does this rule only apply to those 18 and over?[…]
Now let's end with a heartwarming reminder of what happens when you let a nigger out of jail for any reason: he's back trying to rape and abduct multiple woman within 24 hours[…]
Thanks, MerleMerlot! You may be a scumbag sodomite, but you've at least figured out a way that we can cut back on crime by putting more niggers behind bars

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Putin Commits To Long Haul War"]

It became very obvious to us early on from looking at every angle of the situation and outbreak of WW3 for what it really was, and we saw imminent factors that the conflict in Ukraine would be dragged out as long as possible[…]
I believe at this point they have gotten people bored to tears with the conflict so as to keep the naive for the carnage and bankruptcy of the West of which this war and economic factors have played a massive role along with COVID Lockdowns

Ukraine[…]could be used even within this confined territory to finally drag the rest of Europe down, and America of course[…]
Putin is completely obedient like a dog to his Zionist masters, so he is performing a slow-burn of Ukraine insteiad of Conquering it

Make no mistake, slow wars are occupations. Conquering or reclaiming land is done quickly

One must understand what kind of Man Putin is, given his background and upbringing, and that he is a Man who has both vested interests in Russia but also cares to line his pockets[…]
Putin may be a smart Man but also not all that smart, as is often the case with Slavs. He is obeying his Jewish Masters like a good goy

He could very well deploy his more powerful weapons and take Ukraine overnight, but he does not because he is going along with the Israeli script

The Slav can never be trusted or relied upon when it comes to the Jewish Question, not only because many of them are even sometimes mixed with Jews, but that their desperation and behaviors have historically always relegated them to aggressively defending and protecting them. This is true not just in Russia, Ukraine or Poland, but even in partially Slavic countries like Albania, who protected the Jews and Albania became temporarily a hotbed of Jewry [refugees] in and after WWII

As such, the Jewish Question remains permanent a German problem and of which only Germans can offer a solution to it

Two unknown men #racist #psycho vice.com

On Monday night, a Ring surveillance camera captured two men dressed in black with masks covering their faces walking up to Servicio de Inmigracion in Bakersfield, California. The two men proceed to dump the accelerant over the side of the building and parking lot in front.

As one of the men continued to spread the fuel, the second squatted over a puddle of the accelerant and tried to light it on fire, the video shows. The fire ignited violently t and the man sprinted away with his leg on fire. The second man panicked and fell down twice, and like his comrade, sprinted away from the scene of the crime on fire.

The man could be heard screaming as he ran into the night.

The owner of the business said Servicio de Inmigracion told a local Fox News outlet they help their customers work with the immigration process and pay their income taxes. Another worker said that the suspects dropped their phones as they fled the fire and they are now in the hands of authorities.

@KimErikMonberg #conspiracy #racist gettr.com

Everything about the Pentagon on 9/11 smells more like a missile-attack than that a Boeing 757-223(300,000-pound with a wingspan of 124,1 feet - Flying M 0.80(533 mph) hit DoD. The structural damage to the building was too minor to have been made by a commercial airliner and the biggest questions are why the plane, piloted by an amateur and how he even had the skills to crash into the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.
#Bushdd911 #Blairdid911 #Sharondid911 #ZOG #CIA #MI6 #Mossad #DancingJews

@OmniaVeritas #conspiracy #racist #mammon gettr.com

This book, with much additional evidence and fuller historical context, is the result of the personal experiences of a public figure who, in the course of his duties, discovered first-hand the existence of a centuries-old conspiracy against Britain, Europe and the whole of Christendom.

The Nameless War reveals an unsuspected link between all the great revolutions in Europe – from the time of King Charles I to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. It is shown that a source of inspiration, design and supply is common to all these revolutions. These revolutions and the world war of 1939 are seen as integral parts of a single master plan.
#jew #zog #politics #history #revolution

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Top Rabbi Calls on Jews to Flee Russia Before They Start Getting Blamed for Ukraine War"]

It’s cool that Jews have framed this persecution narrative as such that whenever they are about to get attacked for things they actually did, they can say “hey, fellow Jews – they’re about to start blaming us for these very specific things that we did not do”[…]
The Guardian

Moscow’s exiled chief rabbi says Jews should leave Russia while they still can, before they are made scapegoats[…]
Ukraine has a long history of antisemitism from pogroms[…]

The country is totally run by the Jews. It’s not just their supreme leader that is Jew. The whole government is Jewish. The reason the Jews left is that they are force-conscripting people to send them to the front lines. They are literally going to night clubs and grabbing people and forcing them into the military

At the beginning of the conflict, men were not allowed to leave – unless they could prove they were Jewish[…]
The Jews are always connected to neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazism is mostly a Jewish thing, actually. It is always a creation of the Jew media, but it is also usually run by the Jews[…]
Jews are completely responsible for the Ukraine war. Every person involved is Jewish[…]
It’s all nothing but Jews. It is even more Jewish that the war on Iraq, which was literally a war for Israel[…]
And before someone says “oh well, those are just Jewish leaders – the average Jew isn’t responsible!” That would be true if it were true, but it’s literally not true. Go ask an “average Jew” what he thinks of the Ukraine war. He will likely not only tell you he supports it, but will start talking about what he is doing to promote it

Jews hate Russians. It’s a deeply-rooted ethnic hatred that transcends politics

@loneshark #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

For a long time now the Jews have controlled Hollywood. THEY are the ones pushing the leftist agenda. Have been for a long time now and this isn’t new information. Remember when Mel Gibson made that same comment? It used to baffle me how many rich celebrities were Democrats. I mean, why vote for an administration that likes taxing the rich?? It’s because they want to keep their Hollywood connections (Jews) for money, fame, power etc.... And while the Hollywood elite are blurring the gender lines & ramming “woke” culture down our throats, the Jews tell their kids to “marry a nice Jewish boy (or girl)”. Are you connecting the dots yet?
#zog #freedomofspeech #livefreeordie

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

In May 1939, the passenger liner "St. Louis" carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana. The liner lingered near the coast of Florida but FDR refused to let it dock. Reluctantly, the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among four Allied countries, of which three were soon overrun.

The image of unwanted Jews was seared into the collective Jewish psyche. It argued the necessity of a homeland in Israel as insurance against antisemitism. Millions of Jews devoted their money and lives to wresting Israel from its rightful owners and building "a Jewish sanctuary" there. Millions of non-Jews were recruited to this cause.

A book, "The Holocaust Conspiracy" (1989) shows how Allied and neutral governments ensured that most Jews would remain in Europe and would die.
In this book, Perl argues that the Jewish holocaust was part of an international conspiracy. But of course, he didn't understand that the perpetrators were "the Illuminati," the highest rung of Freemasonry empowered by the world central banking cartel. Their goal is to create a world government tyranny dedicated to Lucifer with its capital in Jerusalem.

Holocaust means "burned offering." By what logic can we call this genocide a "sacrifice"? By Illuminati logic of course! They sacrificed Jews to hoodwink the world into establishing a Masonic state in Israel. The design of the Israeli Supreme Court is proof that this is exactly what has transpired. Modern Israel was Masonic from its conception.
As the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more perilous, the Illuminati (i.e. Cabalists, Freemasons) may be happy to use ordinary Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, we never hear about Freemasons, and Zionists did it before.

In conclusion, the holocaust was used to trick Jews into establishing Israel. It also gave Jews a moral impunity, where some think they have a right to kill non-Jews.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

As most of you know, I'm openly pro-Hitler.

But I've always maintained the position that I understand if you're not, and I'll never try to convince you to be. So long as you're pro-White, we're brothers/sisters.

But there's this strange clique in our community that claims to be Nationalist / White Nationalist, and yet they're hardcore pro-China. And so pro-China, in fact, that they refuse to allow you to be anti-China.

If they find out you don't support their pro-China agenda, they'll attack you and demonize you, as if you're somehow anti-White. You're not allowed to not be pro-China. It's fucking insane. And it's a serious problem in our community.

@Nature_and_Race Agreed. Though it's not quite the same situation, the same can be said for the strange fixation over Putin.

@freivolk @Nature_and_Race
When I talk to these types.. they make the argument that western whites are too tolerant and stopped containing African behavior. They believe that if the Chinese police the global order they will keep them in check because they aren’t as afraid to be racist. They also hold what they call “post white” beliefs.. meaning if we are going to breed with other races.. Asian peoples would be more desirable than blacks and browns. I kind of get it.. but it’s also kind of defeatist.

@Glassjaw83 @freivolk @Nature_and_Race In my opinion, it's not only utterly defeatist, it's subversive as well.


China is the enemy of pro-White people for many reasons. Simple as.

Russia is no friend of western Whites. Theoretically the pro-White people there could be seen as allies or even cousins but the Russian ZOG is an enemy.

I do think it's good that these enemies are opposing the Western ZOG's but they are still enemies in and of themselves..

Many people cannot view enemy countries in this manor. They think that because these countries oppose the Western ZOG's (to the extent that they actually do oppose them), that they are automatically on the side of pro-Whites. No, they are not.

Plus Nick Fuentes likes Russia & China so of course his sychophants do too..

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