Hive Mind Games #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo

The War Between Stellar Kingdoms and Electromagnetic Hive Minds

The sun tries to shine, but they block out and ecclipse the light (limit spectrum intake from greater universe)

Stay inside under florescent and LED lights to become accustom to that frequency instead...

Devote life energy to the hive mind system(s), rely on the power grid - become further removed from Nature and under control of electromagnetic vibration

Money mind games - feeding silicon devices stemmed from Roswell - much loosh and attention

This is how slow burn planetary / human species takeover works

They rape the Earth and humanity through their human pawns, control systems, religious programming and various forms of 'blood offerings'

Humanity is crucified upon the crossing between material and spirit

Extend arms to shine your heart - priesthood inverted this into dark human sacrifice ritual atop their occult symbol of the cross (containment)

A dark curse is upon humanity

Anonymous Coward #57977784 #conspiracy #quack

The no masks prove shedding is real

Why else would they give so much control away, they already know the freedom loving patriots who would never get vaccine are already not wearing a mask and won’t start wearing masks all of a sudden.. so now they have created an environment where no one will be wearing a mask, so whatever they want transmitting will be daily transmitting without any barrier whatsoever.. they are trying to kill us not the vaccinated.. why would you want to kill the sheep and leave the patriots alive who are armed to their teeth... this is not good

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #quack #conspiracy

Me: Ivo and I would like to offer our sympathy to people who are splitting up with their families over mask and vaks issues.

I want to discuss this topic because it's happened to me as well, but I'm hearing from other people that they're having difficulties with relatives, in fact some have given them an ultimatum: Take the jab or never see us again.

In my family, I've had arguments with family members as I've desperately tried to get them to open their eyes. Children I've loved since the day they were born are now turning on me, saying “the conspiracy theorists got to me.” No, actually, the aliens got to me first. Yes, some humour in a not very funny situation.
Me: I look at my family, Ivo, and they just think everything is normal. There's just this inconvenience of having to wear a mask every time they want to go in a store, big deal.

Ivo: Yes, they have no clue what is going on. You are all prepared because you are earth's future. That is why you were told first and that is why you understand what others do not. You are stronger, they are the weak ones that have been misled. The lambs, not the sheep. The innocents.
Ivo: We of the Galactic Federation offer our heartfelt sympathies to you who are experiencing loss within your lives due to the current circumstances. We attempt to keep loss at a minimum but losses are being experienced due to the choices people are making – little force is being used to keep you under lockdown and wearing masks. You are simply complying. And it is because you can be manipulated that you are weak and making the incorrect choices now.

comite espartaco #conspiracy #moonbat #racist

It's funny how Barnier is proposing suspending immigration from outside the EU and allowing immigration from within the EU to continue, while Boris's plan is the reverse.

That is because these 'anti-immigration' policies are being implemented by the same people that implemented the 'immigration' policies. In reality the oligarchies will not renounce to the free importation of labour, as they have found in it a magic silver bullet to dominate and destroy their working classes. The truth is that we are defenceless, at the mercy of these victorious elites. That was the importance of having a PROPER socialist Labour Party, but most people has surrendered. They will hit us from inside the EU or from outside it. As they find fit.

Bruce Cameron #crackpot #psycho #racist

Hans already messed up, when he allowed "greeks" and "italians" to enter during the 1950s.

Greeks and Italians are at least Europeans. Arabs and Negroes are not.

I do not agree with that at all. I do not consider those below the Alps to be Europeans. Celto-Germanic nations are not suited for people with mongrelised genome and dark uneuropean looks. Racial purity and eugenics are our ultimate goals and we can't compromise on that by allowing ethnic groups that failed the very same test of the time in the past to live among our own. Btw South Italy and Greece tend to have North African level IQ and inbreeding issues. There is no such thing as "way too much non-European admixture" since none is acceptable. If you have non-European ancestors - that means that you have no Racial Soul and at least five-eight generations of your "bloodline" were degenerate race traitors that mixed with visibly non-European creatures.

Not talking about Arabs and Negroes. talking about Greeks and Italians.

I know what you are talking about. Living, working and even visiting Northwest Europe is not your birthright, if you are not of our Blood. And for those who wish to bed down with non-Europeans we can always apply good ol expulsion to some shithole like Brazil.

You can keep Germany since your people are too cucked to help themselves.

Not only we will keep entire Northwest Europe to ourselves, but we will also reclaim our settler colonies like AUS/NZ and eventually Canada. Who said that Celto-Germanic race of conquerors should ask whether we belong somewhere or not? "Stop sowing the seeds of disunity" laughable garbage. we don't need mixed bloods and economic migrants. look for work somewhere else

Junkhead #psycho #racist

A Dunkin’ Donuts store manager has been charged with manslaughter after he fatally punched a 77-year-old customer who he said repeatedly called him a racial slur.

The elderly man must have been White because we all know blacks don't mind being called the N-word by another black.

Here we have a black man with a job, manager no less, and yet he still acts like a ghetto thug from simple name calling. That's why I don't believe in the myth of the "good black." There is no such thing.

Whenever I hear some White liberal try to say some blacks are good I have to ask them who they think supports and endorses the bad blacks. Who do you think sends money to Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other race grifters? It's not the drug dealing gangster blacks. It's not the blacks in prison. It's not the ghetto queen with her ten children. It's the "good blacks" with jobs who send money to black organizations and other race hustlers.

Blacks always take the side of other blacks regardless of the crime or situation. Look at the recent knifing incident where the cop killed a black to save a black. The "good blacks" still wanted the cop charged with murder.

There is no such thing as a good black. It's a myth. Every black has the attitude that name calling justifies violence. That's not how evolved civilized people think.

Vermin #elitist

[From “Why Don't Short Men Just Kill Themselves?”]

… It is suspected that women prefer tallness either because it signifies strength and good genes or because it signals a high-quality rearing environment with proper nutrition.

All you 5'6 midgets with your poor cognitive skills know in your heart that this study is true. Women just don't want to poison their offspring with your inferior genetics. Don't take my word for it though. Feel free to do your own research on the matter. There is only one scientific conclusion you will reach: Tall men are far superior than short men in every way.

Life is not fair but God is not entirely without mercy. He did make fat ugly women and they have the same handicap as shorties: they are both lesser beings in His and the world's eyes. Shrimps and fatties are made for each other. Just as good-looking women won't date short men, tall men won't date fatties. The only problem with this scenario is that leaves the fatties and shrimps to breed together and spawn a squat, fat and ugly subspecies of human beings. As one divergent group of humans becomes taller, smarter and better looking, another becomes shorter, fatter and stupider. One day this will inevitably lead to war. This is why I suggest short men and fat women should have the common decency to get sterilized to save much suffering in the future.

Now please don't take the title of my post too seriously for I don't actually want shrimps to kill themselves. I do know personally I would have the dignity to end my shameful life if I was 5'7 or 5'8 or something pathetic like that, however I actually like the fact there are short men out there. It makes me feel better about myself when I look down on them.

Vijay Prozak #elitist

[From “Sociopathy”]

It goes this way with every mass revolution. Some wise guy stands up and says, "It's them" - the wealthy, or powerful, or good-looking, or gifted; take your pick, or combine - "they live well, while we starve. They oppress us! If we crush them, we will live in paradise!" And so the mob surges forward, and while they certainly murder a few people who deserve it, like decadent nobles and sex predator clergy, for the most part they exterminate or disable the few people with the brains to help them. Keeping your thumb on the fast-forward switch, you can see how in another generation, when the impetus of the revolution has run down, there are no more spoils left to divide, and no more excess wealth upon which one can feast. The nation is collapsing, and the revolutionaries are betraying each other in a desperate attempt to keep a grip on not wealth itself but the slippery concept of how to produce it on a consistent basis. At this point it becomes clear: being able to work a farm or factory does not imply being able to run one, from a design and decision perspective. Since the people are without direction, the demagogues rise, and soon authoritarian rule prevails.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #racist

[From “Pacifism (is for Undermen)”]

The undermen of course, come from within, and they're very present with us today. There are plenty of Indo-Europeans. The problem is the quality of today's Indo-Europeans. They tend to be small, snivelling people who are good at having office jobs and not offending anyone at parties, thus taking home enough bucks to buy their way out of the ghetto, to get their kids to college and have enough medical insurance to survive the inevitable cancers. If it came down to the line, they'd rather not miss a meal than take on a heroic quest. Although some of them are quite healthy, that number declines every year.

Indo-Europeans at this time tend to be people of mixed tribal heritage, more and more, and they are slowly (1%) beginning the infiltration, again, of bloodlines of other races. Consequently, we're getting even more weird looking people than ever before, because as is obvious, if you mix two differently specialized things, you'll get a weird offspring. We have one Halle Berry for how many million mixed race people? And there you go. Even more, look at the average "100% white" person in America. A mishmash of English, Slavic, Irish, German and French, ending up with something of uncertain origin and purpose. We're making generic people. The undermen love that, as it gives them a good hiding place.

Vijay Prozak #wingnut

[Frustration with Politics]

When I was younger, I was a Marxist. The simple reason was that Marxists, like the most vicious capitalists, recognize that "time is money," and I felt it a travesty that we all worked such long hours, waited in line at businesses and governments, and had too little time for our families. Most of my young friends were accustomed to Dad being something that showed up late, left early, slept until noon on the weekends and, if you were lucky, had an hour or two on Sunday for a game of catch or zoo visit. Some also had Mom in the same situation, and grew up in front of televisions, since there were no parents to ask those all-important questions.

The other reason for my Marxism was simple: I wanted a system of power that, while not totalitarian, wasn't afraid to enforce certain rules absolutely, to the point of machine-gunning those who transgressed them. This arose from the irrefutable experience of seeing the suburbs expand, plouging under the forest and erecting row after row of look-alike houses.


I now have a number of years of political and philosophical thinking and observation under my belt. I've given this issue several years of thought, and have explored every avenue from Marxism to Nazism to Greenism. While I am convinced of the superiority of National Socialism, and refuse to compromise my beliefs on that front, I see no need for extremism and correspondingly, a need for a holistic system of thought to enable us to move forward. I don't want a political identity; I want solutions, so I can go back to enjoying the forests and friends and music and other delights of life.

yeahskam #moonbat

(=In response to Gal Gadot wishing for a peaceful resolution regarding Israel and Palestine, and for the violence to end on both ends.=)

this is your not so friendly reminder that Gal Gadot has openly supported the IDF and posted a picture with the hashtags “we are right” and “I love the IDF” following a bombing of Gaza that left innocent Palestinians - including children - dead.

She directly and openly supports a genocidal state that oppresses and strips rights away from Palestinians on a daily basis.

So fuck her, fuck her “I want my neighbors to be safe” narrative that is simply untrue based on her past actions, and fuck white feminists for trying to paint her as this “girlboss!!!!!!” because she plays Wonder Woman.

Brother Nathaniel #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #transphobia

The “Great Reset” is just the beginning of our woes.

It sounds globalist but its members are cliquish.

It sounds bland but its stamp is a Jewish brand.

The gasbag of the “Reset” is Klaus Schwab, born of a Jewish mother, which rabbinically makes him a Jew.
This is Jewish hokum.

You see, the meaning of a “stakeholder” is one who owns controlling shares of a company with decision-making authority.

Do “communities” have the same corporate decision making authority as Schwab and his synagogue buddies?

Believe that and I own a Coca-Cola plant in Thailand.

The real “stakeholders” of this deceptive new brand of “capitalism” are a transnational cabal of Jews brandishing control over the goyim by crushing all independent thinking and behavior.

It’s “communism” with a Jewish ‘capitalist’ twist.

Fat cat Jews like David Solomon of Goldman Sachs, Charles Scharf of Wells Fargo, Laurence Fink of BlackRock, and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase—are your new corporate Jewish overlords.

And you’re not invited to the Bar Mitzvah.
Irene Rosenfeld and Dirk Van de Put, Jewish heads of the parent company of Chips Ahoy, got invited to that Bar Mitzvah.

That’s why they featured a drag queen to sell their cookies.
“Sustainability” for Schwab means getting Jews into power and making sure they stay in power.

Any time there’s a culture that passes down a stable heritage and tradition you’ll find Jews amassing there in droves.

Once they prosper in and by that culture they set out to debase and replace it with degeneracy and dung.

Jews barf and vomit it all out of the devil’s own tongue.

Like a squalid spout, that’s what the “Great Reset” is really all about.

Prabhupada/Mukunda Dasa #fundie #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger

URPORT: Since the beginning of creation, the demons and the demigods, or the Vaisnavas, are always the two classes of living beings to dominate the planets of the universes. Lord Brahma is the first demigod, and Hiranyaksa is the first demon in this universe. Only under certain conditions do the planets float as weightless balls in the air, and as soon as these conditions are disturbed, the planets may fall down in the Garbhodaka Ocean, which covers half the universe. The other half is the spherical dome within which the innumerable planetary systems exist. The floating of the planets in the weightless air is due to the inner constitution of the globes, and the modernized drilling of the earth to exploit oil from within is a sort of disturbance by the modern demons and can result in a greatly harmful reaction to the floating condition of the earth.
Prabhupada: Yes, we can think like that. Just like the plane, aeroplane, is flying. There is sufficient petrol stock. Is it not? So the world has got sufficient petrol stock. If you do not know how it is being used, maybe due to this petrol, it is floating. And if you take away the petrol stock, it may drop. Everything is there. There is a purpose. There is full purpose. Not that whimsically petrol is there within the earth. There is some purpose.
Devotee: What they do, Srila Prabhupada, is take the petrol out and put salt water, because they know there can be a imbalance. And then they put salt water in the holes.
Prabhupada: But water cannot produce gas. Petrol produces gas. Maybe due to that gas, it is floating. Because we have got practical experience. When there is gas, you can float anything.
Dhananjaya: Like a balloon.
Prabhupada: Yes.

R.Сам #homophobia #moonbat #crackpot

What’s more important— the freedom to have anonymous gay sex on demand, or abolishing the criminal racket we call Health Insurance?

“We can do both!”
Ok— but what if you could only do one? Which one is more important?

“I refuse to choose”
Means choosing the former over the latter considering we have the former & not the latter.

This is very simple. It turns out many people prefer their hedonic “opportunity” to sacrificing their “self-interest” toward a common good. LGBT ideology trains people to refuse to give up their private interests for any common good.

I would give up many things to eliminate our Healthcare System— but this is too much to ask of the Narcissistic Imperial Bourgeois.

“Video games or universal healthcare”
“Well I already have healthcare through my job... & I love video games...”

“Unlimited gay sex & video games are not luxury goods”

Red Youth #moonbat #crackpot #dunning-kruger

On the 23 February, one Andrew Roth, put pen to paper to write an article by the title of; “A lifetime sentence’: children of the gulag fight to return from exile.” The story he tells is of families with a “German heritage” being ‘rounded up’ during WW2 and sent to a closed village in the Kirov region, a gulag if you will. The name Gulag instantly throws up images of ragged prisoners being beaten, starved and worked to death because, over many years that is the picture that has been painted for us by people like Mr Roth. In reality, gulags were penal work camps, usually centred around a farm where prisoners could help to grow extra food for themselves and live out their sentences in homes rather than prison cells. The gulags were for criminals where the end goal was for them to be put back into society as useful members. This was a million miles from the chain gangs of the USA or the three men in a cell made for one in Britain.
Memorial are flooding bookshops, airwaves and newspapers with their lies. Another journalist who is knowingly or otherwise spreading their falsehoods is Vin Arthey, who on 5 March promoted one of their books in a review of “My father’s letters – Correspondence from the Soviet Gulag”, translated by Georgia Thomson. This waste of trees and paper is, we are told, a collection of letters from victims of the Gulags, i.e., the letters are from prisoners to their families. There are claims of innocence but there is no proof shown that the letters were from anyone other than criminals but that is not important to Memorial, they may be murderers, rapists, arsonists, or embezzlers but, if they were in the Soviet penal system they are “victims of the gulags!”

Dave Blount #wingnut #transphobia

[From "Why Moonbats Hate Mother’s Day"]

Moonbats hate Mother’s Day for the reason they hate all our holidays: it is an expression of a culture they are trying to destroy. Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, because it directly conflicts with the antifamily agenda. Also, it undermines LGBT dogma, according to which there is no such thing as mothers, only “birthing people” — who might be men. Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Shapiro is one of the few established media figures with the guts to call transsexuals by their proper pronouns; he understands that referring to Rachel Levine as “she” gives moonbats veto power over reality itself.

The British Government #psycho #wingnut

Immigrants to be stripped of right to challenge deportation using judicial review

Government accused of ‘grave injustice because the Home Office regularly gets decisions wrong’

Immigrants and refugees will be stripped of the right to challenge deportation orders in the High Court, under a new crackdown to speed up “removals”.

A Judicial Review Bill will overturn a Supreme Court ruling – nearly a decade ago – which allows tribunal decisions to be put forward before the court.

The government admits it does not know the success rate, the Queen’s Speech stating: “We are investigating how many of these cases result in a successful outcome for the claimant.”

It has briefed Tory-friendly papers that the crackdown is to stamp out “hopeless claims that have already been adjudicated by tribunal judges which frustrate removals at the last minute”.

But the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) attacked “a grave injustice, not least because the Home Office regularly gets decisions wrong”.

“People seeking protection in the UK deserve to have their voices heard, and their claims calmy and fairly assessed,” said Minnie Rahman, the organisation’s campaigns director:

“These plans will deny refugees rights and status and leave many more people in limbo as government’s asylum return deals with third countries appear completely mythical.”

Nazek Ramadan, director of Migrant Voice, said: “The government’s plans mean that a significant number of those who would have won their claim in the High Court could be deported.

“The government is taking legal rights away from people who need protection - with individuals deported to countries where they are at risk of harm or persecution. What does this say about us as a country?”

Ilana Mercer #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Conservatives Won’t Say It: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’

Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot hatred of whites:

That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the U.S.

The Critical Race project now pervades private and political life.

A further twist of the screw was delivered by Kamala Harris, who insists on yammering about white America’s historic racism.

Whites are being singled out for intimidation.

Too many conservatives euphemize our anti-white culture.

They will typically deflect from any anti-white outrage du jour by dubbing it identity politics: “Boohoo. Democrats are dividing us via identity politics.” This is an obfuscation.

Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Amerindians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. The multicultural multitudes are gunning for whites and their putative privilege.

In South Africa, inciters of black-on-white violence are known to rile the crowds with this anti-white chant. Is Marxism driving illiterates to slaughter whites in ways that beggar belief?

American “analysts” have coated the sustained ethnocidal attacks ongoing against white South Africans with this more respectable intellectual patina.

The ANC's problem is not communism; it’s white-hot hatred of whites.

Crippled by self-serving fear, conservatives have accepted the Left’s terms of debate. To warn of systemic hatred against browns and blacks is racially virtuous; but to fear the same for whites is incorrigibly racist.

For fear of being dubbed racists, media conservatives look the other way, refusing to acknowledge anti-white hue of American society.

Missy #crackpot #racist

84 percent unemployment. We're about to witness the thresh hold of how many whites are needed to keep a nation functional. It seems to me South Africa has already collapsed as a nation (because blacks are 90% of the population and have destroyed 90% of the infrastructure), but the small remaining areas where whites live are still functional.

Stop being part of the problem and become the solution. Begin mustering in White rural enclaves and arm yourselves. Let the precious PoCs consume themselves for a bit and then see who is still standing at the end.

The cities will break down, and we're already seeing this in the US. The Boers in Orania had to create all of their own infrastructure from scratch. They are legally able to keep blacks out. We should create our own legal ethnic states, one for each European ethnic group, or one for the distinct white American (who is a mix of all Europeans). It may start small like Orania, but will one day probably grow enormous as the only legal place where you can keep the 3rd world out of your nation.

Only reason I do not recommend creating a White Area officially in the US is because once one is made it will be under attack and legally there is no way to defend such a place.

I agree, but Orania has been shielded from the anti-whites due to preservation of a distinct ethnic group. So it would be crucial for this US Orania to have legal definition as preservation of unique human culture, religion, with it's own people and language, just like the Indian tribes. I agree that otherwise and if not defined correctly, it will be attacked by the entire anti-white US military.

DengistK & Colonizadounion #moonbat #racist

If you're white you're part of a global colonizer class, it really isn't that complicated.

I think it depends. In Europe it's more nuanced, there are Saami, Romani, Karelians, Komi, Gagauz, and depending on context some groups are white and some aren't. However, if they're white outside of Europe that is always the case without much nuance.

Actual white colonizers and their descendants usually belong to the upper class.

They still have a degree of white privilege that stems from colonialism.

Image has become an issue in the virtual world more than in reality. The whole concept of privilege in skin color is racist. Most "white power" people are powerless and real power is economic, China owns the 4 largest banks in the world and thats not because of skin color.

Even the richest man in China is a victim of US imperial aggression that benefits the poorest whites.


It depends on your definition of whites . Southern and Eastern Europeans are not considered as whites just 50 years ago.

Also it's mostly western European countries engaging in imperialism

Italy has been colonizing for centuries...

Russian empire has colonizing for centuries

Just face up to it global colonialism has Been the fact of europe for more than 50 years and are still doing so now

In this case japan is part of the coloniser class

nope Japan, just like Saudi Arabia or Colombia, Neocolonial governments sacrifice the poor and working class colonized masses of their own nation for the european cracker colonizers benefit

BH Times #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist

What’s occurring in Palestine is not a struggle of Islam vs Judaism.

It’s settlers vs Indigenous people.

It’s kkkolonizer vs the colonized.

The pilgrims all used the excuse of religious persecution in europe to dispossess Indigenous peoples of our land and resources, and colonize the americas. The same is playing out in Palestine.

Yt jews are using a settler colonial myth that they are indigenous to lands of which they are indeed foreign. This is used to advance the genocide and land dispossession of Palestinians. The same has played out in the americas.

Both the united snakkkes and isntreal were founded as settler colonial outposts, created through the ethnic cleansing of Native people. This colonization continues today through racist policies, state violence, mass incarceration, forced displacement, and cultural erasure.

From racial profiling to police and military brutality, to corporate profiteering off of mass incarceration of youth, the systems that oppress the Palestinian people and Colonized communities in the united snakes are rooted in colonialism & yt power.

Our struggles are linked to the same structure of colonialism dispossessing, oppressing, and genociding us in the united snakes and worldwide.

It’s because of this common struggle we have always had solidarity with the Indigenous people of Palestine. Chants like “from Ferguson to Palestine, end racism now” and “from Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go” are not slogans; they are shared realities.

While isntreal continues to displace Palestinians and build illegal, Jewish-only settlements on stolen Palestinian land, gentrification in the US continues to push Colonized peoples out of our communities in order to “develop” areas for the affluent.

John Piper #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #psycho

The supernatural monster who orchestrates the kidnapping, enslaving, and thousand-fold drugging, selling, raping, and killing of girls around the globe is the same one who has masterminded the murderous cultural delusion — from the highest court to the lowest porn-flick — that the practice of sodomy is delightful, not deadly.
Carefully Chosen Words

Among the several carefully chosen, understated, inflammatory words in that sentence, let’s start with “monster.” I’m talking about Satan. We do not feel what we ought to about this fiend.
The word sodomy has two advantages: It refers to the act of same-sex copulation, not same-sex orientation, and it still carries the stigma of shamefulness. Those who love people with same-sex attraction should want to preserve the stigma of shameful practices which destroy them — just as we should try to preserve the stigma of stealing and perjury and kidnapping and fornication and adultery. It is a gracious thing when a culture puts signs in front of destructive behaviors that read: Don’t go there; it is shameful.
He is a murderer. And his main weapon is deception. Sexuality is one of his main killing fields. The carnage that Satan is causing is literally indescribable. Therefore, we must search for words to describe the horrors of the tragedy around us. For it is flaming with destruction worse than any inflammatory words can express.
Therefore, we have the happiest and most horrible news in the world. In Christ there is light and freedom and life. Outside there is darkness and bondage and death. Failure to name the beauty of the light and the dreadfulness of the darkness is an abdication of truth and love.

Judge Anna von Reitz #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #magick

Remember the Harry Potter movies? Remember when Harry stumbled into an attic room and found the mirror that showed him his fondest desires? Well, that’s “Project Looking Glass” in the actual world. It also shows the “Lookers” what they want to see, but not what is true.

So no wonder that nine out of ten “Lookers” saw a future in which they were exalted and in control of the whole world.

No wonder that they saw the population of the world vastly reduced. Their own ego-centricity and false beliefs mandated that.

No wonder they saw what was left of humanity (after they themselves spawned a “limited” nuclear war and hid out from the results in Deep Underground Bases (DUMBS)) subjected to their rule.

And so on.

They even coined their own special code phrases — like “future proves past”. and “rule of destiny”.

It never occurred to them that all the Looking Glass reveals is them— their evils, their prejudices, their intents, their desires, their beliefs.

That is the purpose of the Looking-Glass technology– to tell the truth about them, and reveal the inner eye of the Beholder, not to show the truth about anything else.
The Looking-Glass can only reflect back what it sees in the Looker.

So what these men have seen via Project Looking Glass is only their own ego revealed. Nothing more.

And they even missed the point of the revelation: judgment.

In ancient times this technology was used to judge the motives and guilt of individuals by revealing their true desires.

Thus a righteous person can look into the mirror and nothing but compassion and justice and kindness will be revealed, but a madman’s ego will also be revealed.

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie #quack #wingnut

[From “Socialist synchronicities”]

Hitler denied the National Socialists were Fascists. Mussolini likewise denied it. Both men insisted that they were socialists. But what did they know?

The fact that our society has moved significantly to the Left since FDR does not change the fact that things such as mass public education, social security and progressive taxation are the primary elements of a left-wing ideology. Considering that 40 percent of the American landmass is not privately owned, it should come as no surprise that we find it hard to admit the socialism of the WWII-era monsters, because when we actually examine their ideology and governance, it is far too similar to looking in a mirror.

As monstrous as the Holocaust was, it was not the be all and end all of National Socialism. While Hitler was obsessed with Jews, killing them was obviously not his top priority, considering that he didn't get around to it until he'd been power for almost a decade and gotten a few minor details out of the way first, such as conquering Western Europe.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho

[From "Maryland: Wormlike Republican Governor Issues Pardon for Dead Black Rapists"]

Republicans promoting a black Marxist revolution by attacking our nation’s history is the worst thing ever

Or rather it was – before Sean Hannity did a serious political interview with poor Bruce Jenner[…]The tranny thing is at least six million times worse
Washington Post

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) on Saturday granted posthumous pardons for 34 Black victims of lynchings in the state
He read each of the victims’ names aloud before signing the pardons, ending his list with a 13-year-old boy named Fredrick

Did he cry a tear for Fredrick, the innocent rapist who was killed for the color of his skin
The blacks that got lynched were at least accused of rape[…]Most of the cases it was technically the white woman’s fault, because white women are sick and deranged and love black dick
I am not pro-lynching[…]I think we should live in a society of laws[…]I also think juries would have convicted these blacks anyway
Anyone involved in a lynching had at the very least a pretty good reason to believe that the black in question had done something worthy of a lynching
Only 73% of lynching “victims” were black. That means that 27% were white
Blacks were lynched proportionally to the whites if you consider their respective sex crime rates
I think lynching was literally biased against whites

Ella Cruz #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut

Black Adrenochrome, The Unholy Walnut Secret of The Elite

1-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two organizations; Planned Parenthood and Child Protective Service CPS, people will know two national-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
2-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two Organizations, people will know two National-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
Our source had witnessed stealing hundreds of black babies at the borders. Why black babies?

3-Why could we feel “the predators saliva in Podesta’s emails running off their mouths when talking about black babies
The answer is the Walnut Sauce.
The Adrenochrome produced by the pineal gland of the black race and Asians is thicker and more creamy.
8-Another recognized factor according to the report is Melatonin. The pineal gland regulates the entire endocrine hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland and many hormone-related substances have been identified in the pineal tissue which Melatonin is the most important one.

9- Melatonin is also another changing factor in Adrenochrome’s structure. Higher the Melatonin, thicker the Adrenochrome texture.
Pineal calcification starts in early childhood and progress with age.

Stop The Cabal #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut


Because of apparent incompetence during experiments with time, the planet Earth has been displaced from its original timeline to a new random timeline. The events that were scheduled to occur appear to have been erased from time and the original timeline may not be recoverable.

Here are the two timelines as described by men who visited them:

ORIGINAL: Robert Monroe – year 3000 [4]

The planet exhibits natural spiritual evolution. People mainly use their Astral bodies and “park” their physical bodies in some safe place. No technology is reported. You would expect to find this in any advanced culture because advanced creatures have no need for technology. Technology is not an attribute of a Spiritually advanced civilization. Refer to the books on out-of-body experiences authored by Robert Monroe.

CURRENT: Al Bielek – year 2749 [5]

The planet has stabilized in conformity with the Georgia Guidestone. There are only 500 million people living on Earth. Technology is extremely advanced and the people are governed by an artificial intelligence computer which controls everything and dispenses justice. The world is similar to the fictional world of “Logan’s Run” except that you do not have to die at thirty years old. There is no money or financial system. All necessities are free and guaranteed. Reasonable access to luxuries is also guaranteed. However, the world is Spiritually barren. There is no indication of any knowledge of or desire for Spirituality. The elders worry that the culture may become unstable because – except for
comfort and pleasure – there is no purpose to life. Refer to the free YouTube videos by Al Bielek referencing his trip to the year 2749.

DeAnna Lorraine and Stew Peters #wingnut #conspiracy

DeAnna Lorraine: They’re gonna start dividing up their sections of sporting events, churches, and other areas of public interest and it’s gonna say vaccinated people or non-vaccinated people. And we know that—because there’s so many mindless sheeple out there—that the vaccinated section is going to be a hell of a lot bigger than the non-vaccinated section, but that’s how it’s going to be. So, sporting events, if you go to a baseball game, a football game, etcetera, you can expect to be put in a different section, whether you’ve been vaccinated or not.

Stew Peters: I’m actually okay with it, because I don’t really want to be hanging around these vaccinated people. All this talk about transmission and shedding and all of this other stuff, I mean, this is a contagious vaccination, it’s a self-spreading vaccination.

DeAnna Lorraine: Exactly. Don’t shed on me. We need to start having ‘Don’t Shed On Me’ flags everywhere.

I don’t want to be hanging out with the vaxxed anyways, but just imagine a year ago, did we ever think that this was going to happen? If we did think that it was going to happen, we were labeled conspiracy theorists with tinfoil hats. But imagine what the Jews experienced, right? Again, we go back to the Holocaust, where they had to show their papers. They had to show their papers, they had to wear the gold star. Isn’t this eerily familiar to that? We have to show our papers, we have to show proof of vaccination, and it’s going to be separating people from vaccinated versus unvaccinated. This is also [like] back in the day where racism was paramount and they had separate water fountains, separate schools, separate eating areas for blacks and whites. How is this any different?

Rambetter #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

Why Mexicans are so severely mentally retarded.

Have you ever wondered why Mexican pupils lag behind in subjects where language barriers cannot be used as an excuse? Why 30% of inmates are illegal immigrants? Living in Mexico for the past 2.5 years I have been studying the pathetically retarded creature known to us as the Mexican.

The answer has to do with how the Mexican brain works. Mexicans hold in high esteem their ability to take advantage of others. Mexicans are parasites and they’re proud of it.

In Mexico, the first thing needed when building an expensive home or a business is a wall around the property. Would it not be better if people just stopped stealing? Mexicans are too stupidly retarded to understand this.

For every theft, society loses more than the robber gains. Mexicans are too idiotically self-centered to care about that. On the contrary, retarded Mexicans have told me that they need to steal because Mexico is such a poor country. What these retards fail to realize is that their poverty is caused by theft and not the other way around.

Mexicans spend a significant percentage of their brain cycles thinking of ways to take advantage of others or thinking of ways to defend against such practices. In Northern Europe, the atmosphere allows an individual to think creatively.

It is no wonder then that no noteworthy inventions have come from Mexico. All of the technology in Mexico today has been invented and mostly imported from elsewhere.

The Mexican has no values because it cannot think beyond taking advantage of others. To the Jew, the Mexican is the perfect slave. This is precisely why the Jew is allowing the Mexican scum to enter the USA.

And unfortunately Mexicans are too stupid to understand these theories.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life

Why do they hate Elon Musk? The head of Tesla and SpaceX should be a progressive hero. He's even an immigrant. He’s the most successful African-American in the world. It’s especially impressive because he doesn’t get affirmative action.

Elon Musk wants to make humanity a multi-planetary species. Bernie Sanders wants higher taxes. We must choose: greatness or equality.

White America could do great things if it were not saddled with this moral and demographic albatross. By 2100, half the world’s population will be black due to misguided foreign aid that disgusts even many Africans. Policy-makers almost never talk about this except for Bill Gates, who thinks that turning Africans into Asians is only a matter of finding the right “formula.”

There’s nothing moral about piling up dependents while the Western Civilization that sustain them declines. As resources shrink and the black population grows, the result will be war, famine, and mass death. It will be even worse if the environmentalists are right about “climate change.” Reducing African population growth might deprive progressives of the pleasure of ending Western Civilization, but it would mean a better future for actual Africans.

Of course, by actual Africans, I exclude Elon Musk, but I wonder if living in South Africa shaped his thinking.

Sadly, no one talks about these major issues, but you can glimpse them through these tiny battles in the culture wars. The fact that an eccentric billionaire with multiplanetary aspirations is “dangerous” to our petty tyrants makes him interesting. I’m sure he’s no white advocate, but at least he understands that there has to be some form of escape from a system that chokes off accomplishment.

BH Times #mammon #moonbat #racist

When will yt people on stolen indigenous land stop pretending they’re “communists”? If y’all were communists, you’d be back in europe, not on stolen land doing the work of the devil day in and day out

At Black Hammer, we are ANTI-COLONIAL communists, with the emphasis being on anticolonial first and foremost. We are a colonized and dispossessed peoples and all snow cockroaches are to blame.

Just because you call yourself a communist while propagating against our nations from your mom’s basement doesn’t make you on our side. Ever since krackkkas have put pen to paper, all they’ve been doing is propagating against our nations.

This includes China, DPRK, Vietnam, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. all to justify further colonization of our lands. Yt leftists be calling themselves “anti-imperialists” yet be the first ones regurgitating imperialist propaganda against China & other nations

This is why we’re anti-colonial first and foremost. We understand there exists a colonial structure over us, of which there is a propaganda machine that works against us. And yt people, even ku klux kkkommunists, will regurgitate and spread this propaganda to get us killed.

If you truly want to end genocide and capitalism, which is born from colonialism and maintained at the expense of us, the Colonized, join our reparations corps

BH Times #moonbat #psycho #racist

Now we talking about Lakeith Standfield bending down to backlash calling him "anti-semitic" "how much backbending do these colonizer jews need us to do for them?

Antisemitism is just a tool to keep yt jews from getting principled criticism and understanding their material reality to the world. No one sticking them in ovens anymore.

We talking about what's going on in Palestine!! Down with the huhuite jews!!

Yt jews will be criticized, Palestine belongs to Palestinians -- and nothing will be compromised for that!!

#Palestinian health officials in the #Gaza Strip said 20 people, including nine children, have been killed in recent bombings by the parasites that have invaded their land.


isntreal forces say they’re targeting “a Hamas military operative,” but this is just an excuse for these bloodsucking parasites to kill more and more Palestinians whenever they want and take their land.

We stand in full unity with the Palestinian masses as they resist & fight against this settler-kkkololonial terrorism in their lands. If you’re Palestinian, or Colonized person, looking to smash yt power join today!

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho #wingnut

[From “The Undermen”]

... do we really need the pretense that says those who do not lift a blade are better than those who do? Whoever wrote that clearly cared more for his own ego than the future of his people! Undermen do not desire sensible world orders. Like Jews and insane Christians, they are morally empty, because they are so fixated on their own lack of self-confidence and their own neediness, a need for reinforcement, that they've forgotten about the world. They will not mean to destroy it, but destroy it they will - it's one of Agatha's simple patterns, like a cross-stitch, that shows up in every population. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The only way to transcend hell is to aim for higher goals; to recognize reality, and act heroically upon it. Undermen oppose this. Unless they are eliminated, they will destroy us all, and our planet besides. THE UNDERMEN MUST DIE. Every generation in every population, no matter how wonderful and high quality, will produce some experiments that fail - mediocre is worse than evil, and if these mediocre are tolerated, they will soon become Undermen. THEY MUST DIE. To love life is to remember its primal rule, which is that without evolution, a backward process begins. Life as a whole, as an organism, is more important than the loss of individual lives. We must produce better lives or we will fail, evolutionarily, and will regress toward mediocrity. To praise life is to praise necessary death. By doing what is necessary, we will grow stronger. Those who oppose us are the Undermen. Those who brought this upon us are the Undermen. The only solution is to remove the Undermen. DEATH TO THE UNDERMEN.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho #wingnut

[From “The Undermen”]

This isn't to say that killing the undermen ("DEATH TO THE UNDERMEN") is the only solution. Clearly we must outbreed them - killing them helps that, y'know. But there's also the need to find quality people and get them to breed. Even more important however is resurrecting evolution. Bring back adversity, and stop making daily life so safe. Let death take the unwary, the perverse, the delusional. Let the non-insane Christians separate from the rest, and have their own elite churches, where no apologies are made to the poor and retarded and Undermenschish. Nature rewards long-term thinking, such as preparing for winter or breeding selectively or developing inner strengths, so let us resume a society that does that. Anyone who pursues money as a goal above all else is an Underman - THEY MUST DIE. Anyone who objects to this platform is an Underman - THEY MUST DIE. Anyone who squawks "How dare you?" or starts talking about equality is either an Underman, or rapidly descending to be one - THEY MUST DIE. THEY MUST DIE NOW. Mercy is pretense, pity is egoism - you do not need these illness, or you will become an Underman as well.

Vijay Prozak #wingnut

[From “The Undermen”]

There is no question that Alex Linder and Adolf Hitler are genius intellects. Likewise, there is little doubt that Aristotle and Nietzsche were anything less, and it is widely known that Arthur Schopenhauer is perhaps the smartest man on record within recent centuries.

littleowl12 & ramani #moonbat #sexist

Woke people who think they live in a matriarchy

I’m still mad about that stupid “Cooking with Trans Women of Color,” mostly about the Colombian dish that stated families ate it under “matriarchal leadership.” In other words Mom telling everyone that dinner is ready. Every culture in the world has mothers that tell you to sit down and eat your damn spaghetti. This is a common pattern I see with woke people. They claim most other cultures are matriarchal. They claim their own are, or their families are. If Colombia were a matriarchy it wouldn’t have a high femicide rate. Or rape. It's such a great way for men to absolve themselves of any responsibility to try to do better. They'll take this one sliver of benefit of colonization- they can blame someone else for their own misogyny.

You’re right. My tribal group actually did afford legal rights to women, BUT, that did not mean they had actual power, or even much agency in their lives. “Woke” people just make up histories of nations and cultures of which they really know nothing, even if they have ancestral connections to them. I’ve seen this in my own cultural group. It’s bizarre and ridiculous. They create some mythological “monster” - Colonialism, for example - before which they theorize everything was wonderful and equal between the different groups of people, and of course there were no binary sex categories and distinctions, etc., etc.

Sometimes I honestly wonder whether it’s because a lot of these people live too much online, and this has distorted their sense of what real life is, especially for women in poor countries in the global south. I’ve lived in both kinds of societies, and the sheer cluelessness of “woke” people is unbelievable.

Alecto #moonbat #sexist

Here's the thing--if they can say matriarchy exists in places that aren't colonized by white people, then they can deduce misogyny is just a side effect of white supremacy. It isn't men who are the problem around the globe--it's white people.

⬆️ why i don't bother with black nationalism and allying with black men on the issue of race. ill take my chances with women tyvm ⬆️ there are black men who say these exact sentences over and over ⬆️ like bruh what is stopping you from treating women like human beings today? what does colonialism have to do with you?

This is a perfect point. What racist made you hit your girlfriend?

I rather liked your idea of female nationalism. Men will take any excuse to avoid confronting their own supremacy. It's why so much of male 'feminism' is somehow all about ensuring male sexual access to women.

This is why so many of my black sisters are divesting from black men. They want racial unity to fight white supremacy but that’s not possible when they keep treating women like sex objects.

It infuriates me to see women accused of bigotry for calling out sexism in minority communities, even if they're a member of those communities themselves. They're shamed into staying silent because you want to present a united front against the oppressor, don't you? It's very abusive to the women in those communities.

I’ve also seen it argued that people from traditionally oppressed groups don’t have to bother with any other social justice, environmental or other ethical issues. Somehow that argument never applies to women though.

Well obviously not, because women are the fucking helpmeets of the entire goddamn world.

Prof. Anatoly Fomenko #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

We thought that the C14 radiocarbon method will give us the independent irrefutable dating of objects, but it doesn’t because the historians have smuggled therein their erroneous chronology.

We have the remnants of a Supernova explosion called the Crab Nebula that shone for a couple of months above our heads about 1000 years ago. Alas, the date of this Bang is approximate, AKA +/- 100 years calculated on the basis of changes in photographs for the last 150 years.

Astronomy is precise by definition, therefore if a date can be calculated from the irrefutable, verifiable, and independent information contained and extracted in the event, it is considered true.

The date of such an event may serve as the origin of coordinates to fix historical events to their more probable positions on the time axis. The sky provides us with such a visible phenomenon.
Dozens of ‘ancient’ learned chroniclers and astronomers report about the appearance of very a bright star approximately 1000 years ago. These reports are often conflicting as they used real or an imaginary phenomenon in the sky to stress their local events.

Corollary A: an irrefutable astronomical phenomenon itself serves as the reference point for the dating of historical events and not the dates of astronomical events found in chronicles of refutable dates and/or origin.

Corollary B: taking into account the irrefutable events only, confirmed by exact sciences the true timeframe of human history does not exceed 1000 years. All ‘ancient’ histories are ‘on agenda’ produce of XVI-XXVIII centuries.

Corollary C: the explosion of the Crab Nebula Supernova is a reference point for datings events on the time axis. Today we are in 966, not in 2020 AD.

Camp Hikon and Naftali Schwartz #dunning-kruger #quack

Camp Hikon is aiming to prepare yeshiva boys for what it calls the “political, environmental and economic” changes to come. Despite its stated interest in preparing campers for “natural disasters,” it will not allow any vaccinated campers or staff to attend.

Naftali Schwartz, the Brooklyn-based self-described “health coach” with no formal training in medicine or public health who is launching the camp, said the rule is unlikely to keep anybody away.

“Because of the kinds of demographic that I’m drawing from, most people who are coming will not have taken the vaccine,” Schwartz told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Drawing on a debunked theory spread by the anti-vaccination movement, the camp’s website cites the “experimental nature” of the COVID-19 vaccines. According to the false theory, living in close quarters with vaccinated people could “enhance” the spread of the coronavirus. The website refers readers to a site called NutriTruth, which claims vaccines are a “biological weapon,” and to a livestreamed discussion between several notable anti-vaxxers.

“We regret that we will be unable to accept campers or counselors who have already received any of these injections,” according to the website.

Schwartz said he made the rule because of “suspicious symptoms that occur to unvaccinated people who have spent a lot of time in the company of vaccinated people.”

“It’s also been reported to me from parents of my to-be campers that this is a real thing and it’s worrisome,” Schwartz said.

Dr. Michael Salla/Corey Goode #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo

Below is a video featuring an interview with Corey Goode about the latest Secret Space Programs (SSP) Alliance updates. Corey describes being taken on board a Mayan SSP craft where he met with his long time contact, Gonzales, who briefed him on the current situation on the Earth, Moon and Mars, activities of the Dark Fleet, and what is happening outside of our solar system.

The situation in our solar system is one of heavy repression and lockdowns as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is interrogating personnel to find saboteurs and infiltrators from the SSP Alliance. Corey explains that the human workers on Mars are too beaten down and intimidated to offer much resistance to the ICC. He further explains that while Dark Fleet bases on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system have been taken over by the ICC—due to a solar system-wide lockdown. However, the Draconian extraterrestrials still continue to operate, and their underground facilities have not been taken out.

The news from outside of our solar system was more encouraging with the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) finding extraterrestrial allies and becoming more autonomous in their operations due to being cut off from our solar system. Corey states that the GGLN has broken away from ICC control, is now actively working with one or more Galactic Federation type organizations, and has fulfilled its Continuity of Species purpose in the event of catastrophic events in our solar system. Corey has previously discussed prospects of a powerful solar flash event taking place in our solar system.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The American Establishment uses the presstitute lie machine to control the narrative for most of the world by broadcasting disinformation in 59 languages. Countries and their news services rely on “news” from the US to comprehend world events. Most of the world has little alternative to American news sources except for the BBC which is part of the US presstitute network. In effect, the US has been effective in brainwashing the world.

Just as the US controls the international payments system, the US controls world opinion. Despite the facts that the felon George Floyd died from a fatal overdose of the dangerous opioid fentanyl, which is 100 times more potent than morphine, the world believes police officer Chauvin killed Floyd by holding his knee on Floyd’s neck when in fact the police videos show that Chauvin’s knee is on Floyd’s shoulder blade, an approved holding technique. The jury was afraid to go against the opinion created by the presstitutes and convicted Chauvin despite the powerful evidence of his innocence. The powerlessness of facts in America today has sealed our fate.

The world believes this falsehood of Floyd’s death, because the presstitute US media repeatedly showed a video conflicted by “camera perspective bias” that from its perspective makes it look as if Chauvin’s knee is on Floyd’s neck.

Wherever you look in the world you see that US presstitute lies—fake news—have succeeded in controlling world understanding.

Chris1889 #pratt #wingnut

There is an obvious contradiction between holding a progressive immigration policy and championing workers rights, better pay and better public services. If socially democratic politicians truly want to improve the lives of working class people then they should want to restrict corporate demand for more cheap labour.

The left appear confused on this and have done for 20 years and this explains much of there decline in popularity especially amongst the working classes in recent years.

D.B. Cooper & Pavel #racist #wingnut

(D.B. Cooper)
When people suggest returning the Americas to the natives, I tell them that has already happened in some places. However, Nigerians, the Congolese, Mexicans, Haitians, Hindus, and other "independent" third world types can be seen on overcrowded rickety boats, heading to any country willing to take them in.

Is that what we can expect from Native Americans? I'm already picturing Kayaks full of Indians trying to cross the Atlantic, following the white people to Europe.

As an European, I say this to my American white brothers and sisters:

Agree with ones who want to return America to immigrants, now called "natives" or "first nations", who came to the continent before whites. Agree, but on one condition: all current population of the US needs to get out, nobody but "first nations" shall remain. When it happens, ask them "first nations" who they want to see back, and only those who they want to see back shall return.

Something tells me that if it happens, the US will be whiter than the Czech Republic.

European Son #racist #wingnut

”There was a thread full of people on FB recently ranting about white colonization and how those homelands should be returned to the Native Americans, Aboriginals, et al.

I dropped a comment to the effect of 'Maybe you guys are right. So if colonizers return those territories , does that mean we all can return to our ancestral homelands, including Europe for Europeans only?'

I got no answer.”

They don’t answer that because deep down they want all of our homelands.

As we all know, their logic isn't about homelands or natives and self determination in ancestral lands (How could it possibly be when you support migrants and mass migration?) ... It's simply fervent and envious hatred of Whites and therefor Whites don't have a right to a homeland (anywhere) unlike everyone else and anything that Whites want or is good for Whites is also therefore "evil" by its very nature...

The idea of White people having their own lands and in control of their own destinies drives them absolutely crazy.

We're not like everyone else who deserves these things as a unique group because we are not special like other groups... We Whites are indeed unique as clearly we are uniquely horrible but we are not special, we are in fact solely UNspecial and therefore undeserving of anything or any kind of consideration at all... Truth be told our existence as an actual group is often only affirmed when being vilified, blamed and condemned...

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut



The mega billionaire Bill Gates continues to play God. The company he funded plans to release around 20 million genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys this year. Ostensibly the purpose is to lessen diseases spread by the mosquitoes, but there is also talk about using mosquitoes to administer vaccinations.

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Yes, whether you like it or not, Gates will use mosquitoes to inject substances into you that you may not want in your body. Far fetched? They already put fluoride poison into public drinking water in many cities throughout America. They falsely say it’s good for people’s teeth. No matter how many times it’s proven that fluoride does harm and no good whatsoever, it stays. Just like the face masks. Dr. Fauci wants them to become permanent.

It’s medical tyranny.

Liberty Hangout #wingnut

Stop basing your politics on rights and start basing it on what IS right. The left uses their 'rights' to ban us from their businesses, starve us, and make our kids demonic perverts - but such behavior is not right. Culture and morality matter more than legal rights.

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