Rev. Jackson Lahmeyer #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Pastors for Trump leader Jackson Lahmeyer, a key Trump ally who has been visited by members of Trump’s inner circle, recently warned followers that a Jewish politician will be the Antichrist[…]
Lahmeyer is a right-wing commentator and the pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the founder and leader of Pastors For Trump, which, as its name indicates, seeks “to continue to build the relationship between Christian leaders and President Trump during his bid for the Presidency”

Lahmeyer has a history of making toxic remarks, including calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “lying whore”; claiming Democrats are “demonic”; and lobbing bigoted attacks at LGBTQ people, Jewish people, and Muslims

He continued that pattern during a sermon that was posted online on October 8, which carries the headline “Revelation 13 | Verse-By-Verse | Antichrist + False Prophet | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer.” During the sermon, Lahmeyer portrayed Jewish and Muslim people as a future threat to Christians:

JACKSON LAHMEYER: This is the opinion of Jackson Lahmeyer. The Antichrist will be a political leader. This is just Jackson's opinion. The Antichrist will be a political leader of Jewish descent. That is how the Jews will worship him

The false prophet, I believe, will be an Islamic imam. I believe that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader who will lead the people to worship the beast. That's just Jackson's opinion. And he will implement some form of one world religion, an Islamic caliphate. And if you do not take the mark, you will have your head chopped off

There's only one group of people today that still chop off the heads of people, and that's radical Islamic extremists. And I believe they will implement that form of religion when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone. So it's my opinion that the future Antichrist will have some form of a Jewish descent, that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader

ANPC International #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon


1) Be sure you have gotten your car titled into a foreign trust and understand how this process works. The step of registering your car in a foriegn trust is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE for your safety when being a private traveller as it removes your car from the corporate jurisdiction. If one attempts to use the private travel tools using a car that has not been removed into a foreign trust, it is setting them up for possible trouble if stopped by a police officer. Please use the Foreign trust, the ID card with its authentication papers AND International Drivers Permit and be sure to put a Private Trust Lien on your car.
So here is an IMPORTANT FYI:

When an officer makes a stop, he asks for: 1. Foreign Drivers License-You then present the ANPC < Alliance of Nations helping People & Communities> FDL. the IDP (WITH the packet of authentication papers from US Dept of State that you received with your ID-Including your Copyright page) 2. Registration: Here you have the choice of actually registering the car into your foreign trust (which IS STILL outside their jurisdiction) OR Using the ANPC Private Car registration and tags which is available on the Travel Tools page. 3. Insurance- Here you have the choice of getting a monthly standard insurance or your BEST option which is using the ANPC Private Bond Insurance which the DMV actually enters into their database when you Title or register your car into a foreign trust.

Once you are sure you have those three areas covered properly, you should have no trouble with private travel, but people who neglect covering one of those important areas then are opening themselves up for trouble in not properly covering all bases in the private and ANPC shall not be held liable for any omissions on the part of any member and retains the right to deny service to any individual who does not appear ready to be act in a responsible manner using our services.

Daniel & Derek Salter/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy

Daniel Salter worked for over 20 years with the US Air Force before joining the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) in 1968 due to his expertise in electronic communications and tracking UFO activity. He spent over ten years working with the NRO, where he was part of a team of covert operatives whose task was to persuade witnesses not to talk about their UFO-related experiences. After completing his NRO career, Salter decided to go public in 1997 with what he had learned.

One of his initial disclosure activities was communicating with others to discuss events at a Deep Underground Military Base near the town of Dulce, New Mexico, where a hierarchy of negative extraterrestrials ran operations that included human captives. The subsequent Dulce Files were eventually found by Salter’s two grandchildren, Daniel and Derek, who were investigating his personal files which they inherited after his death.

The Dulce files reveal Salter participated in discussions about different extraterrestrial organizations competing with one another in influencing humanity’s evolution and controlling the Inner Earth. The Dulce files also reveal that American Presidents since Grover Cleveland (1895-1899 & 1893-97), have visited Telos, the capital city of an Inner Earth Civilization deep under Mt Shasta to conduct secret negotiations. The files also reveal the nefarious role played by high level Freemasons who have surpassed the 33rd degree initiation level known to the general public. Freemasons who have achieved 33+ degree levels interact with extraterrestrials and the Inner Earth. 33+ degree freemasons have also played a significant role in fomenting civil and international conflict both above and under the planet’s surface, and reached agreements with the Draco Reptilian Empire to escape predicted cataclysmic surface events.

Mandy #transphobia #fundie

Granted, pride festivals in Tennessee do not seem to have the wild flare of nudists and dramatics of Satanists that other Pride festivals boast about; however, there are still reasons to be alarmed about any Pride event, no matter the location – even in the heart of the Bible belt. Don’t get me wrong. I am proud. I am proud to be a Christian. I am proud to be raised in Tennessee. I am proud to be American. I am proud to be part of Gays Against Groomers. I am proud to stand up and fight for children and their safety! However, I am not proud to be associated with “Pride.” I am not proud of what pedophiles and genderqueer ideologues are doing to our children. I am not proud of the pride festivals we are seeing in Tennessee.


Children dressed as furries were not the only concern. Upon entering, a man could be heard giving a “speech” to a nonexistent crowd. He was passionate about stopping the trials and tribulations that face the “LBTQAIA2STTQF+ youth” today and how we can stop the hate together. There is nothing hateful about wanting to keep kids safe.

Erik Carlson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

As I write this, rumors are flying about Tim Walz. While these are unproven claims and should be treated as such, even the narrative of a Vice Presidential candidate being involved in any sort of abuse is damaging to the story of any campaign.

Additionally, as alleged victims come forward, the Deep State seems to be creating fake victims, who will be proven fraudulent. In so doing, every CNN, MSNBC viewing brainwashed cult member will believe ALL the accusers that come forward are frauds.

But if the allegations are true, why did the Democrats pick Walz to run as Kamala’s VP?
Q mentioned that Trump was now working with Putin and Xi to take down the Deep State Cabal. According to this logic, Trump hasn’t always been working with Putin and Xi.
It is obvious to most that Biden has been a CCP puppet for quite some time. It seems that Trump handpicked Biden to run against him in the 2020 Election, and again, according to Q, Trump and Xi are working together. Did Xi give Trump the receipts on the dirt he had on Biden, allowing Biden to be more easily controlled during his pretend presidency? If we fast forward to a few months ago, Biden was forced out as the Democrat nominee for 2024. As Kamala took Biden’s place, Walz became the VP candidate.

It appears Walz has been a CCP puppet for decades as well. He first went to China in 1989, and has made countless trips there since. There is strong evidence that the CCP controlled and funded the BLM and ANTIFA riots of 2020 that started in the state Walz was and is the governor.
What if Xi, who I and many Q followers believe is working with Trump, forced the Deep State to add Walz to the Democrat ticket, knowing Walz had the alleged history that is now being exposed? What if Walz was added to the ticket knowing his past would be exposed right before the election, too late to make any changes.

If this is true, it is brilliant. Would you expect anything less from a Trump-led plan?

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy

We live in terrible times when tiny horizons dominate the attention of so many. We do not think in grand terms anymore. Few appreciate splendor and overwhelming beauty.

Instead, many seek the tiny impulse, the momentary high or the insignificant trifle, as a means to provide that next tiny fix to get them through the day. These tiny things do not satisfy but engage us in a contradiction of intense emotion and exhausting frustration.
When everything is tiny, nothing can have serious consequences. Life can be lived by whims and randomness. Men can be women, and women can be men. Nothing can be certain because everything is possible. The ordered will is destroyed as fantasy takes hold.
The rule of the tiny souls is truly a tyranny since it accepts no opposition. Once embraced, all around must be reduced to littleness lest greatness reappear and challenge its absurdities.

The tiny souls are capable of the worst tyranny when others dispute the course of their lives or pronoun choices. They are capable of the greatest and most irrational hatred toward those who dare oppose their fantasies.

Indeed, we once thought that our downfall as a nation would be caused by the might of great powers. Little did we suspect we might fall due to tiny souls who, like termites, undermine our metanarratives and corrupt our moral universe.
It is time for the “why” to return to our discourse. It is the only way to overcome the tyranny of the tiny souls.

This return is not as difficult as it sounds. We are not made for tininess but have an eternal destiny. We are naturally attracted by grand ideas and noble causes. Above all, our yearnings direct us to the Eternal Why of Everything found in God.

It takes courage, but such a world is possible when extraordinary individuals dare to rise above beyond mediocrity and break its spell upon postmodern man. Then, with God’s grace (and only with it), we might be forced to make efforts, accept suffering and reevaluate our priorities.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

TRUMPZILLA: They tried to assassinate him. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to imprison him on false charges. Fake media slandered & demonized him. The polls are fake. Yet here he stands attracting 100,000 fans at rallies in PA and even in California...and wait until you see Madison Square Garden scene in NY!

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia

[From “Asheville, North Carolina: The Sodom of the Appalachians.”]

I’ve never visited and have almost zero knowledge of the Southeast. Apparently, Asheville, NC was a sodomite hellmouth. And now, it is a muddy ravine

Don’t be surprised if the Deep State redirects a few billion from Ukraine to the city of Asheville… just to get the gay bars and bathhouses reopened. Maybe rebuild a library so the trannies will have access to the children again

And remember, as St. Paul made clear in his letter to the Romans, it isn’t just the physical practitioners of sodomy, it’s also those who TOLERATE it, that share in capital crime:
@Romans 1: 24-32

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error[…]
Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them

loreal2922 #fundie

Please share this in every church and every where so the parents can stop letting the boys watching cartoons and Taz menia devil. Every body has to know this.with the Bible verses about it. It is a sin to watch those cartoons bcuz it leads people to hell. & The horror movie.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy

Boom! Another bombshell just dropped in Japan. This isn’t some cute, quirky cultural trend or another anime craze. No, this is dark. In Takamatsu, Japan, hidden away on the island of Shikoku, replicas of the infamous Georgia Guidestones have appeared—and you’d better believe there’s a sinister agenda behind them. The stones’ message, a cryptic warning from the global elite, reeks of population control, eugenics, and, let’s be real, a massive plan to wipe out the majority of humanity. Wake up! This isn’t just some “art installation”—it’s a freaking blueprint for our destruction.

You think the location of these stones is random? Think again. These stones stand at latitude 34°20’15.13″N and longitude 134°8’21.99″E, and—get this—they’re aligned exactly with the original Georgia Guidestones. Yeah, you read that right. Takamatsu, Japan, and Elberton, Georgia, sit on the same latitude. Coincidence? Not a chance. This isn’t just some geographical fluke—it’s a carefully calculated move by the global elite to send a message: their agenda stretches across borders and oceans.

What are the odds two sets of stones, built to dictate humanity’s future, are placed on the same latitude thousands of miles apart? This is no accident. These latitude lines mark the epicenters of control. They’re not just guiding stones; they’re the elite’s signposts, warning us that our future isn’t in our hands—it’s in theirs. And spoiler alert: their version of the future looks a hell of a lot like a global prison, with the rest of us begging to survive.
But why Takamatsu? Why Japan? Well, here’s a mind-blowing fact: Takamatsu is a sister city to Elberton, Georgia—the home of the original Guidestones. Coincidence? Please. This connection is no accident. It’s part of a global web of control, stretching across continents and aiming for one terrifying goal: complete and total global governance.

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #dunning-kruger

Also, as Michael Knowles explained, transing a literal clone (they are all made from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who raised one clone as his son Boba Fett) is a massive unintentional refutation of transgenderism's assertion that it is based in biology.

After all, because the clones are derived from a single male template, they are all genetically the same regardless of how they perceive themselves or develop their own personalities, so it is literally impossible for one to claim to be female.

But because the Star Wars universe has much more fantastical technology than ours, the Kaminoans (the aliens who were in charge of creating and training the clones) could seemingly make a female clone from a male template (or something) already because, apparently, Boba Fett has a sister in the form of "Omega," as revealed in "The Bad Batch" (my interest in Star Wars has been gone for a long time, so I read that for the first time today).

Even then, that just drives home Knowles's point further: if the Kaminoans wanted to make a female clone of a male subject, they could create one from scratch without the need to mutilate an existing male clone into a simulacrum of a female.

But that is too logical for the people pushing this nonsense.

various commenters #transphobia

( Torreflor )
Will a female walk-away movement get democrats to come to their senses?
I know some black people are walking away from the democrats and opening up to voting republican or 3rd party. Is there a female equivalent of the #walkaway movement? As much as I care about reproductive rights, I'm not convinced that dems are even working to do anything about that. They can use it as a carrot on a stick to get female voters riled up every 4 years, the same way they rile up black people with racism without actually delivering legislation that would improve your life.


For me, reproductive rights don't mean anything if a male patient can enter a female only ward and harm you and then call you a bigot for complaining.

( eatmypussy )
Serious question: what have the Dems done for women’s rights lately??? They’ve decriminalized prostitution in California with predictably awful results. Allowed TIMs to terrorize & impregnate women in prison. Tried to allow the state to take away people’s children if parents don’t put them on cross sex hormones as minors.

I can think of several issues related to women where Republicans are doing a better job legislating than the Dems: keeping women’s sports eligibility open only to females; age-verification for pornographic websites; passing the women’s bill of rights & codifying sex in law.

I grow more disillusioned with the Democratic party by the day. Defending abortion is about the only thing they’re good for.

( pennygadget )

Also, we all know that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if some TIM stomped into his office and cried, "Abortion is transphobic because i can't have one!!"

( J-Halleck )
You think Trump will improve things for women?

( Torreflor )
Is abortion access more important than preventing the rapes that would lead to needing an abortion in the first place? Poor and homeless and incarcerated women are being raped by men who pretend to be women. I’d rather deal with that and prevent rapes than just offer an abortion after the rape happens.

( pennygadget )
Democrats: "We're gonna force all you vagina people into intimate spaces with mentally ill penis people. But its okay because we will graciously permit you to have an abortion if you get knocked up! We're the feminist party!!"

Ken Ham #fundie #pratt

Everyone has a worldview—including atheists. Everyone has beliefs about life and the universe—including atheists.

One’s beliefs (even if an atheist) determine one’s worldview. Your worldview is the way in which you look at the present world and how you interpret the evidence of the present in relation to the past, its purpose, and meaning. Your worldview also determines your morality. Really, your worldview is your religion, and its foundation is either man’s word or God’s Word. And yes, atheists have a religion. They are very religious people.

crodish #transphobia

So much wrong with this post

That "girl" would still exist. Your "anti-trans" laws aren't marching people off to the gulags 🙄 only asking that you RESUME using the bathroom/sports/prisons you had zero issues with until genderwoo invaded your life. You're not stopped from sports or scholarships, just the female ones. You're not female = you don't qualify. It's not hard to understand.

The transman gotcha is an over used "card". Any TIF, no matter how much she's transitioned, is still female, and therefore still has the RIGHT to use female only spaces and female only services, because she's female. But she's not forced to - she can use male spaces if she wants - because (1) it would affirm her 🙄 (2) men face little to no threat from a female in a male space. If a TIF like Buck Angel walks into a women's space "presenting as a man", of course she's going to get pushback, but that's not on the women who don't and should not expect males to be in their female-only space. That's on the TIF for taking wrong sex hormones and surgeries to the point where she could possibly be mistaken for an actual man, and not just a masculine woman, a woman with short hair, a woman with a flat chest, or a woman with hirsutism. Because, TRAs, "masculinity" doesn't equal "man", and most peoples' sex, even after heavy modification, is still very obvious.

TIMs however are still the ones with a male body - and so they still can't use female spaces no matter how well they pass, or if they've gotten surgery, or if they were on blockers before puberty. There's not much to explain outside of "females are at risk from males and should have the right to female single sexed spaces".

If men want their spaces to be kept single sex only too from females, that's their fight, but I doubt many are going to bother since most of them WANT females in their spaces. See: Grindr, and anywhere else. Gay men can lead their own fight to keep TIFs out of homosexual male spaces.

This is a very tiring overexplanation constantly telling a lion tamer why his lion isn't welcome at the domestic cat contest even though both are cats. And that domestic cats are clear to enter the lion contest at their own risk and safety.

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho

CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide


It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.

Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.

The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers,

Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.

Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress,

EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.

Lev #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

As Karma Lords explained, there lies a cunning and insidious NAA trap, which they set on Earth back in Atlantis. It would seem that the answer is obvious: cumulative karma is the totality of all causal karma of all living people. That is, those who have a Soul and Spirituality of a Christ-like level, and who are on this planet LEGALLY, i.e. registered in the Earth’s Causal Matrix and have personal incarnation cells. But in that case, what about clones, phantoms, bio-robots, hybrids and other illegal entities who make up half of humanity?

If they don’t have causal bodies, then can karma be formed as a mutated substance of the Causal Plane purely technically? When they commit, for example, premeditated murder, karma must be formed. But this doesn’t occur, because they don’t have a corresponding body, in which it manifests and accumulates. It turns out to be a paradox, nonsense. Is this good or bad for the rest of humanity, Earth and the Local Universe as a whole? What happens in that case? What is the mechanism of rehabilitation? And what does it or does not affect?

Many protagonists are engaged in cloning earthlings. The main ones are negative space races on their orbital, surface, underground and underwater bases. And most actively – Grays, which for thousands of years controlled access to Earth for Souls’ incarnations, and built numerous labs all over the globe. To make a clone, Grays use the etheric DNA of a person with a Soul. Such copies also don’t have a causal body. All the karma, accumulated during their stay on the planet, is transferred to their DNA and energy donors.
In 2022, consciousness with Light increased to about 68%, and by the beginning of October 2024, – up to 85%. This confirms the systematic withdrawal of clones, phantoms, biorobots, etc., and the arrival of Light Souls, which decided to obtain new skills and experiences during the most dramatic period of the Earth’s life.

Heaven Updates #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot

(A transcript from the video about how cartoon characters are actually demons)
when we were here praying as this Vision
passed before my eyes I began to see
cartoons in the vision initially I saw
the Road Runner then I saw the devil of
Tasmania I saw many cartoons that are
shown to children on television in this
Vision these cartoon characters were
alive they were not just animated
characters they were living beings I saw
that they became alive and they were
turned to real demons brother we always
think that these animated cartoons are
made through drawings we think that
artists just imagine and draw these
cartoons which are then
animated yet in this Vision I saw that
these animated characters were alive
they are not just the imagination of men
they were no longer cartoons they were
transfigured into demons thus behind
every animated character that children
are watching there is demonic influence […]

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy

[From “He Never Did Nothing to Nobody”]

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine


spoilerPanel 1: Neo asks Morpheus: “What are you trying to tell me? That I can check the 'Early Life' section on their Wikipedia page?
Panel 2: Morpheus answers that “No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to”

pepelivesmatter #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy

It was around 2017 that I first had an experience with God where I witnessed something spectacular, an extraordinary happening in my life. I saw that Babylon was falling/would fall. I did not yet understand exactly what that meant in its entirety and likely do not even to this day but the more I began to peer into the political world, the greater the scope of my understanding began to enlarge. I realized that America and almost every nation in the world had been captured and put under subjection by what can be described as a shadow cabal of leaders, and priests of Babylon, in a very real sense. <...>The shadow cabal’s power derived from Satanic forces, yes, but they always thrived off the people’s ignorance. This is why I have said for years that Apocalypse actually derives from the word ‘Unveiling.’ A revelation of reality. A truth has been exposed to millions and millions for those with eyes to see. The veil has continually been lifted over our time together. When people tell me that it’s only going to get worse, I challenge that. Because the world was truly horrific for thousands of years. The rich elite, the Rothschilds, the ‘families’ all lived off the backs of the peasants and laughed at our ignorance. The trafficking of children, the secret occult ruling class, and crimes against humanity were always the norm. We just didn’t know it was happening. They called us sheep because we were clueless.
I believe that Babylon is falling.

I believe that the humble in heart will inherit the earth, just as Christ said.

I believe Trump is a wrecking ball, a modern-day Cyrus who is playing a major part in paving the way for something even more incredible that God is planning to do.

I cannot say exactly what will happen during this election season. <...>It has made us all stronger. We have grown drastically in both knowledge and character. Whatever may come, I know and I can truly say without hesitation that I believe the best is yet to come.

Nazarene Bloodline 7777 #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The bloodlines of the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” and the “Serpent Bloodline” of Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge were separate bloodline groups. These gods known as the “gods of Eden” were separate dieties which have been blended together for a long time. The Deutoronomy Revisionists did a very sloppy job blending the two god groups and in doing this became guilty of what is referred to as the “Pious Fraud.” To cut corners the Deutoronomy Revisionists took the names of these gods out of the Old Testament and left their titles in instead, such as Lord, LORD, Lord GOD, LORD God. GOD, God etc. It is obvious that the “Serpent Bloodline” of Cain carried both Reptilian and “Fallen Angel” DNA. Remember that it was the “Serpent Bloodline of Cain” that was abducted, raped and experimented on by the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers.”Today this bloodline can be found primarily in Iraland, Scotland, the British Isles and all over the world. Their bloodline is a contaminated RH Negative line that represents approximately 5 -7 % of the total human population today. They have been known by many names such as the Celts, Scythians, Atlantians, Lumerians, Nordics, Aryans, Vickings etc., and have their own resource called the “Kolbrin Bible” their followers are promoting today.All of our human DNA has been incoded with E.T. Junk DNA. It is very possible that these evil entities shortened our BIG STRAND down to 3 % and replaced 97% of our BIG STRAND with their contaminated E.T. Junk DNA. It is their DNA which causes us to age, get sick and die. It is their E.T. Junk DNA which causes deformities in human beings and THE LIST GOES ON.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #sexist #quack #conspiracy

Vince Lombardi famously said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all," and it's true. Look at what happened during the fake pandemic. People hid behind face diapers, locked their doors, and cowered in fear over a non-existent virus. They were so physically and emotionally depleted, they had no energy to resist.

That level of fatigue isn't natural. It's been planned by our enemies for decades.
Protocol X states: ". . . So as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so the the 'goyim' see no other issue than to take the refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

The fatigue that Americans are feeling was planned over a hundred years ago. Today American men are overworked like never before. Many are working two or three jobs just to survive. And almost everyone has a side hustle. On top of that, their bodies are depleted from drugs, processed food, and alcohol, and from constant exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. Remember the chemicals that Alex Jones said were turning frogs gay? American men are consuming those chemicals on a daily basis and it's leading to their fatigue.
Brainwashing has caused American men to abandon their children by refusing to homeschool them. It's caused them to abandon their women in favor of pornography. It's caused them to abandon their country by refusing to fight the very people who want to see them dead.
As I've said many times, nothing is going to change when Trump wins the election in November and resumes the presidency. That's because American men are going to act even more cowardly, if such a thing were possible, with Trump back in the White House, falsely believing that he is going to solve all of their problems. American men are exhausted, selfish, and brainwashed to the point where they are never coming back to reality. God help us all.

JL #transphobia #homophobia

Writing on Substack this week, James Esses, detailed several horrifying examples of schools in England that are teaching gender identity as fact to their pupils and indoctrinating even very young children into this harmful ideology.

St Jude’s Church of England primary school in Southwark, SE London, for example, operates a ‘wider curriculum’ which involves shoe-horning ‘inclusion’ and ‘pride’ into a variety of subjects. For example, in History, children will be taught about “The history and meaning of the rainbow flag” and in art lessons, children “Study LGBT+ performance art and fashion, including drag queens and kings”.

Exempli_Gratia & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia

Language is important and this time, it's accurate

( Exempli_Gratia )
Your existence is an act of aggression against women. The very fact that you believe you can just skinwalk into our spaces pretending you're one of us is aggressive, hostile, and evidence of a complete lack of empathy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Maybe we're hostile because you're invading and colonizing spaces that are not for you.

Maybe if you'd stay out of places you don't belong and are not welcome in, no one would be hostile.

Just a thought from your unfriendly neighborhood exclusionary ovary haver.

This is the exact same kind of post Brits would make about Native Americans if internet existed back then.

Jay Bartlett #fundie #magick #mammon

Freedom Fighter World Class Training

The Freedom Fighter Global Training program consists of three training levels: Understanding the Basics, Investigating the Miracles and then our advanced level --Exploring the Mysteries of the Faith. New content will be released forthcoming.

We are also offering our special "Third Heaven Teaching" series. See below for more information on how to purchase.

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Freedom Fighter Training Subjects & Mysteries

* Exploration of Basic Christian Doctrine

* Understanding Authority & Power in Christ

* Mysteries of Deeper Deliverance

* How to Raise the Dead

* How to Cast Out Evil Spirits

* How to Expel Soul Invaders

* How to Evangelize

* How to Heal Broken Hearts

* How to Minister to Ancestral Dissociation

* How to Drive Out Diseases

* How to Utilize Holy Angels

* How to Perform Extraordinary Miracles

* How to Combat Witchcraft

* How to Overcome Satanic Plots

* How to Escape Death & Devices of Devils

‘ How to Master the Miraculous

* How to Perform Signs & Wonders

* Utilizing Supernatural Weapons

* Strengthening One's Spiritual Immunity

* Understanding the Power of Holy Communion

* Guiding Souls to the Heavenly Realms

* Deeper Mysteries of the Third Heaven

Charlie Kirk #forced-birth #wingnut

If you are a Christian sitting out this election because Donald Trump is not sufficiently pro-life for you, congratulations, your decision will result in more dead babies.

Do you know that 10 states have the most pro-life laws EVER thanks to Trump? They will all go away if Kamala wins.

Pregnancy centers will now be under assault. Pro-life activists will be under constant threat of legal assault.

What about the hundreds of thousands of kids who are trafficked over the border?

Vote like millions of lives depend on it, because they do.
11:28 AM · Oct 10, 2024 · 888K Views
12.6K Reposts 461 Quotes 44.4K Likes 725 Bookmarks

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger

When you consider the debates, the context of "who won" should be determined by "what's talked about next month.
And what's talked about is people finding out what's going on in Springfield, and a giant cat meme perpetually forcing attention on the issue
Pretty sure that means Trump won. The narrative went exactly where he wanted it to.

Guardians of the Galaxy via Jahn J Kassl #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy

Because with the Earth, the entire galaxy in which the Earth is embedded rises, and this means that the entire galaxy is involved in this process and all planets and forms of being involved are supported and accompanied by the Guardians of the Galaxy in their desires and in their alignment with the light. Neither the individual human being nor the planet Earth are left to fend for themselves.

It is necessary to see the ascension in a larger context, because there are still too many people who see themselves as lone fighters instead of perceiving the vast number of like-minded people on earth and related worlds. The fact that the ascension must be thought of on a larger scale and perceived more widely means that the ascension cannot fail.

Those who stay away from this process have good reasons. Those who do not attach importance to this elevation know why. Individual entities will neither enter into their history nor exit it. They fear the light instead of welcoming it. They want to stay in the earthly game until they too come to an end with their individual experiences. Then the fog will lift and man will see his soul in its true light.

What needs to be done will be done, what wants to be experienced will be experienced, what needs to be completed will find completion at the appointed hour – for many people in a time after this time:

● Therefore, these people cannot be reached by your help!

● That is why people do not want to be saved, but rather to be understood and accepted in their decisions!

● That is why they reject your invitation to inner reflection, because what has not yet reached maturity cannot be harvested.

● As you attune to ascension, these people are diving deep into this matrix.

● While you are looking for the light within yourself, these people are blinded by the light outside.

● While you are diving into the ocean of GOD’s love, these people are colliding with their self-chosen godless reality.

Michael Tellinger #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making groundbreaking discoveries about ancient vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa.
In his book Temples Of The African Gods and African Temples of The Anunnaki, he graphically exposes his discoveries that will be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history and provides the physical evidence for much of Zecharia Sitchin’s work. Tellinger’s books, which include Slave Species of god (Slave Species of The Gods) and Adam’s Calendar have become favourites with readers in over 30 countries.

How do we connect the origins of our species to the confusing world we live in today?

Only by understanding our mysterious past, the origins of money and the rise of the royal bloodlines, can we make sense of where we are heading today. Why life is so hard and why we have to struggle so much to stay alive. Tellinger presents a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU and proposes how we should move from a moneydriven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community – and money has no meaning. Tellinger has been one of the leading activists against the banking cartels in South Africa since 2010 and his personal experiences in the High Court has helped him to expose the unlawful and corrupt banking sector.

Tellinger shares evidence of advanced ET technology: millions of stone circles of free energy and evidence of vast gold mining activity in south Africa that connect us to the Anunnaki . He gives the location for the Lost City of ENKI 280,000 years ago. He also tells of his legal action against the banksters in South Africa to free humanity from financial tyranny and economic slavery:free energy and the UBUNTU Contributionism movement.

legopants #transphobia

1. Women who are afraid of men in their bathroom need to STFU & deal with it, but "transwomen need women's bathrooms because they're unsafe in men's"

2. Trans people can decide to declare someone isn't actually trans and/or that's not what being trans is, but women defining why someone's post/behavior isn't gender critical or radfem are told the person is 100% GC/radfem no matter what even obvi trolls

3. if you aren't trans you can't speak for them or about their experiences, but they can speak for women and about exclusively female experiences

4. TiP can make any claim, say anything, and it's automatically the truth despite no evidence and if you ask for proof you're told to "educate yourself", but women who make a claim about something have to provide tons of proof & evidence to be told anyway that it's somehow fake and trans ppl never have to educate themselves on what GC or Radfem actually means/believes

5. transwomen deserve to have the opportunity to participate in women's sports because men's would invalidate them and hurt their poor feelings or somehow make them "unsafe", but women have to compete with men feeling the same, get over it, and miss opportunities to sport so a man can take her spot

6. you don't get to decide if something is transphobic or not but TiP can tell you clear misogyny isn't misogyny and same w sexism

7. women aren't allowed female only online communities for any reason whatsoever even discussing female health, being lesbian, or sexual assualt, but TiP can have thousands and for anything reason even video game discussion or for their pets that are just for trans people

8. TiMs get to talk about porn fetishizing, dehumanizing, and degrading them and it's a serious issue many are disgusted with, reportable/bannable offense but women can stfu because porn doesn't hurt them whatsoever and literal abuse & rape porn is fine

9. cosmetic surgery for breast implants because you want it must be covered for transwoman so they don't experience "mental distress" and "affirm their identity" + it is "essentialal/life saving" but women experiencing pain every day of her life due to large breasts can't have reduction covered or performed or even get a referral because it's cosmetic surgery

Do you know of any others?

various commenters #transphobia

RE: The things I cannot forget.

( moonlust45 )
This is why I don't feel empathy for TIMS. Straight men kills TIMS? Don't care. Violence between men is not women's problem. They are men. They can defend themselves. Feel insecure in men's bathroom? Don't care either. Feel afraid in men's prisons? Don't care. The lives of autogynephilic, entitled and narcissist males are not my problem. They threaten to kill us and dismember us just for not tolerating their bullshit. And nobody says nothing. I am glad that they are starting to date each other. If they would do the same with other things. For example, go together to men's bathroom, prisons, shelters, etc. And leave female spaces alone.

( Jane_Merrydaughter )
The attempt to memoryhole “popular transgenderism” is going to be epic.

It’s a case study of Internet-era ideological production, projection, and uptake, though. Way to cynically exploit the spirits of sisterhood and feminist inclusiveness.

Women had better name, discuss, document, archive, and remember this stunning and brave era of male supremacist campaigning, because WTF DUDES.

Never forget.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Archive, archive, archive! People are going to try to sweep their involvement under the rug and claim that they never had anything to do with it. It’s not hard to imagine that when we produce proof that they were involved, they’ll call us mean for calling them out and say that we should let the past go or something, that it was a mistake. That they were only following orders.

Regardless, we need to save as much as possible.

( RusticTroglodyte )
This will be discussed in future history classes right alongside the dancing epidemic and lobotomies

( Exempli_Gratia )
...and everyone will pretend they have no idea how it could possibly have happened. "How were people so stupid?" they will ask, and they will pretend they weren't the stupid, even though they were. It's all so fucking frustrating.

Gaedhal and C.T. #homophobia #kinkshaming

[From “Contra atheismum”]

by Gaedhal

As much as I criticise Christianity, atheism is probably worse. At around the 1:06 mark [of this YouTube video], objectively Dan—who has a nose piercing, even though he is a man—says that he is ‘unironically antinatalist’[…]
Veneloid, Rachel Oates, Captain Cassidy, Rationality Rules all appear to be antinatalists, at least practically

And so if you find the atheist movement distasteful—and I do— then, demographically, it probably won’t be around for much longer

The reason why I personally reject antinatalism is because I do not positively affirm materialism

Transgenderism is also, arguably, a form of antinatalism, as is homosexuality, and we know how frequent these pastimes are in atheism[…]
Such behaviour, in my view, is wholly consistent with atheism. The sun will eventually explode, its protons will eventually decay, and the universe will eventually be a uniform temperature. As Bertrand Russell says: this is a philosophy of unyielding despair[…]
As I said before: I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion and the gods of classical theism. However, there is still a wide gulf between this and atheistic materialism[…]
Given the heap of ruins that, anon, the universe is fated to become—The Atheism of Astronomy calls this: ‘drift’—then why not neuter oneself and dedicate one’s life to orgy and fetishes?

The Atheism of Astronomy’s image of ‘drift’ is certainly a dreadful one. We are all slowly drifting into non existence. It is like there is a malevolent god, with a rubber eraser, rubbing us out, and thus erasing us

[b}Editor’s two cents:

That is why I don’t consider myself an atheist and why Hitler and Himmler also repudiated ‘atheism’. Instead, I respect the archetypes represented by the Aryan Gods, and there is a category on this site (genuine spirituality) which shows that it is possible to reject the god of the Jews and, at the same time, intuit a kind of panentheism in the universe

Massresistance #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy

Arthur was there and reminded everyone of the basic lie by the Left: No books are being “banned” – they can all be easily purchased online and elsewhere. But they should not be in the children’s sections of taxpayer-funded libraries. The aim of the lie is to force the LGBT and sex agendas into libraries and schools through shame and coercion.

nonenosome2 #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth

First off, Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump. Find something new to complain about.

Second, the fact a doctor doesn't understand the law and refuses to do what they are legally allowed to do, isn't the fault of the law.

It's almost funny how the same doctors who were saying they would violate the law to give kids "gender affirming care" suddenly decide that literally anything having to do with a child is an abortion and they totally don't want to violate the law. It's almost like they are playing politics with women's lives because they really hate not being able to kill babies.

Soloma369 #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

A Declaration of Liberation, a conspiracy of the people.
This plan considers all parties and governments of the world and the enigma that is Q, it will be a simple willful intention of the people to free themselves of the shackles that are government and the monetary system. This plan ignores religion which we acknowledge will thrive/wither on its own vine, it will work itself out. The work is done with love and gratitude, it will be an understanding of Alchemy/Majik realized by participating in the conspiracy to free your Self and by extension Others.

We accept Q as a psyop that is working as intended[…]

The three demands are surrender of all world governments to the people, a symbolic reflection of this by moving to the third-party/middle and full unredacted release of all their information. Supposedly Q is doing this, we should support it and demand it of all the governments. In this way we will find out who serves who.

This plan is reflective of my own work and understanding of "how things work" or the way of things, I perceive myself as a philosopher/alchemist. I suggest making these three demands in any way you see fit, take it as far as you perceive you need to to make it go viral. Take responsibility for it, own it or blame me, either perspective is fine. Once you have made your push, walk away from all of it (10 days) to the best of your ability. Turn it all off, do some-thing else, let Source/Spirit/God do It's Work. In alchemy, this is reflective of the digestive stage, it is a time for reflection and inflection. Get with family/friends, if you think/fee like sharing what you are doing with them, go for it but do not be combative, you are not trying to make any-one believe anything, you are simply sharing you are taking responsibility for your life and this is how you are doing it, thus setting example.[…]

lyamc #ableist #transphobia

[submitter note: in reply to “There are a lot of transgendered people in FOSS and who work with computers in general.”]

The actual connection is that the rate of autism is higher in software development than in other fields because people with autism have a much higher interest in things. Autism has more social anxiety, self-regulation and social issues, meaning they have trouble fitting in, and that sets them up for acceptance within the gender cult.

There's a few pathways, I'll give you two of them:
1. "I am constantly social anxious", "your anxiety is gender dysphoria" --> you're trans (is accepted by gender cult)
2. Porn addicted --> stops working as well, needs more exotic content --> cuckhold/sissy pron --> AGP --> you're trans (is accepted by gender cult)

Kaelman #ufo #magick #conspiracy

"The Reptilian Chronicles: The Secret History of the Devil Revealed by Extraterrestrial Beings" is a non-fiction work that offers a fascinating and provocative exploration of the hidden history of the 'Devil,' exposed here as a reptilian being from another world. Based on 50 years of information obtained through a contact group with extraterrestrial beings during expeditions to various places on the planet, this book challenges traditional beliefs and invites us to reconsider the historical and spiritual narrative of humanity.

The author takes us on a journey through multiple intriguing topics, from methods of communication with extraterrestrials and documented evidence of contact, to a detailed description of the organization and way of life in other worlds. However, the primary goal of "The Reptilian Chronicles" is to reveal the true identity of beings such as God, Jesus Christ, and especially the origin and history of their antithesis, the Devil, as well as offering unique information on how reptilian and other extraterrestrial races have interfered since ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis up to the present day.

The work also addresses the creation and genetic manipulation of humanity by advanced extraterrestrial races, the cosmic wars that have altered the course of our destiny, and the abilities and powers that humans once managed to awaken. "The Reptilian Chronicles" is a book that invites the reader to expand their perception of the universe and understand that our history and spirituality are deeply interconnected with beings from other planets.

It is an essential read for those interested in ufology, spirituality, occultism, conspiracy, Christian faith, and Satanism.

After opening this treasure chest of knowledge, you will never be the same.