Donald Trump

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

I believe I've come up with a game-changer: an idea that has the power to save America from destruction and collapse at the hands of our enemies (domestic and foreign), an idea so powerful that if former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump adopts it as a centerpiece of his campaign, it will catapult him to reelection as the 47th president of the United States.

This idea is like kryptonite to the deep state. It threatens the power structure of the entire American political system and U.S. government.

Because it will prove virtually the entire D.C. swamp, deep state, Democrat Party, U.S. government and even large swaths of the GOP are traitors to the American people.

How do I know this idea is that good, that powerful?

First, because I unveiled it recently at my speech in front of over 1,200 attendees at Club 47, the world's largest Trump fan club, in Palm Beach, Florida. My speech ended with a standing ovation — and this idea received the wildest ovation of the night.

After the event, there was a one-hour line for my book signing. This was the idea everyone would not stop talking about!

Second, days ago I laid out this idea for the first time as a guest on a YouTube show aimed at military veterans. This show was INSTANTLY banned and deleted by YouTube. This has never happened in the history of this YouTube show. That's how powerful this idea is.

The idea is simple. If we want to save America, we must demand politicians and government officials take periodic, random...


I believe our politicians and government officials have sold us out. They're on the take. They're bribed and blackmailed. They're playing for the other side. They're traitors. All the bad things happening to our country are happening because we've been sold out.

I believe I know who has bought our politicians and government officials. They are owned lock, stock and barrel by either China, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), the Mexican drug cartels, multinational corporate interests or Big Pharma.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger

In 2011, DC Comics have stated that Superman intends to renounce his U.S. citizenship before the United Nations in Action Comics No. 900, “I’m tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy … ‘truth, justice and the American way’ - it's not enough anymore.” DC Comics issued a statement saying "Superman announces his intention to put a global focus on his never-ending battle, but he remains, as always, committed to his adopted home..." [9] Superman, a symbol of American exceptionalism, now leads moral relativism by joining the “blame America first” league, however, since Superman is an alien from the planet krypton. The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.

In addition, around 2003, Mark Millar wrote an "Elseworlds" story arc called "Red Son" where Superman arrived 12 hours earlier than before and landed in a Ukrainian farm under the USSR, and fought under the command of the Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin, who is depicted in a positive light.

Very recently, one comic in an anthology called Superman: Red and Blue, acting as a sequel to a World's Finest story during the 1970s, became notorious for it subjecting Superman to implied prison rape at the hands of his Red Army captors in a flashback, as well as the writer of the comic, John Ridley, strongly implying it was meant to be his commentary on the events of the so-called "insurrection" on January 6 by Donald Trump supporters.[10] Likewise, although not pertaining to Superman himself, his son was made bisexual in one of the more recent comics, and also infamously had his motto of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" altered to "Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Many Christians are not aware that the letter ‘X’ is directly connected to Antichrist, and minions like Elon Musk are working feverishly to bring it to life.

Perhaps you’ve heard by now that Elon Musk, the world’s richest and arguably the most influential man alive, has changed the name of his company Twitter to X, everyone is talking about it. But what you may not know is that X is one of the things that represents the coming Antichrist. Am I saying that Elon Musk is the AC? Nope, but he is one of the many minions doing advance work on that coming kingdom. 666 is the number of the Beast, but his letter is ‘X’ as in ‘x marks the spot’. When you know, you know.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, for years now we’ve been bringing you story after story on amazing end times events connected directly to the letter ‘X’, as you can see in the Study Helps and Links section below. This is not new, and it does not originate with Elon Musk, but pardon the pun, the SpaceX man is taking the letter ‘X’ to brand new heights. While ‘X’ is our top story today, and for good reason, it’s far from the only topic we have to talk about, not the least of which is the making of an idol out of Donald Trump. Our world is literally coming apart at the seams, and on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we bring it all to you in living color. Buckle your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride today.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )

( @Kaiser_Rotbart )

( @NatPop )
@Kaiser_Rotbart @realdonaldtrump How, without closing the border which has always been Trumps top priority?

( @SpookyMuffin )
@realdonaldtrump Shut the fuck up you zogged nigger lover.

( @kirkcp )
@realdonaldtrump we all know you're "Make Israel Great Again," (((MIGA))) you shabbos goy race traitor.

( @Jb100 )
@realdonaldtrump You spelt Israel wrong.

( @Gentrific )
@realdonaldtrump RELEASE THE J6ERS!!!

( @Figment_Of_Your_Imagination )
@realdonaldtrump America will be great again once White man (Europeans) has this country back as OUR forefathers intended and not full of every damn shitskin from other countries. You fuckers are going to pay for fucking our country up.

( @JimSerafin )
@realdonaldtrump Make America Godly Again is the only way...

( @kirkcp )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Trump bends the knee to loxist jews.

( @AnkokuKishi )

Yeah shut up traitor. Keep sucking off Israhell and pushing your depopulation program Operation warp speed like the fucking murderer you are.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Why does anyone read the National Review? They are so negative to Conservatives and me, and are seen as being led by lightweights that couldn’t shine the shoes of Bill Buckley. They have absolutely nothing going, it is failing fast, and my only question is, who is paying for the losses—when it loses plenty of money and serves no purpose at all. People are tired of haters—let the National Review die peacefully!

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@realdonaldtrump Lmao at you orange kike. Kvetch harder about your bad press. Nobody gives a fuck you vaxx shilling nigger loving cuck.

( @TheMajorityWillSpeak )
@realdonaldtrump So when the fuck are we taking back our country?

( @3_1415 )
@TheMajorityWillSpeak @realdonaldtrump I wouldn't be counting on Trump.
It will be a counter Revolution to take it back from the Commies and Globalists, if it ever comes!

( @AquilaNonCapitMuscas )
@realdonaldtrump 🖕🏻you best zionist president ever ✡️✡️✡️💉💉💉☠️☠️☠️☠️


Just fuck off Kike

( @kungpowkitty )
@realdonaldtrump hey isn't there a wall you can pray on while wearing a small hat?
Say while we are at it, Why should any White vote for you?
You and Bibi are hell bent on draining America, and who is paying for that but the very Whites you left in the dust.
You sir have blackpilled more people than you know.
Let your campaign die a slow death.

( @solarflaredragon )
@realdonaldtrump no one cares until people in the ds are arrested and our country is taken back. You have let us all down Trump, all of your supporters. Im tired of "the plan". The only thing that awaits this country is another civil war and its you and the military's fault. Its not time for waking people up, that time has long since passed. If you are still asleep than you will never wake up at this point. Its time to take the country back, by whatever means necessary. Our children deserve a future full of hope, not full of despair.

Brent Cates #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia

TAKE WARNING! I am about to provide the Reader with a VISION of what the enemy has done, IS DOING, & wants to do to a CAPTURED Humanity.

And it is, simply put, terrifying.

What I’m about to describe has been happening for centuries.

But SOMETHING happened in recent history to INTENSIFY all of this.

That something is this man. President Donald Trump. He has dragged the hidden Security State into the BEAM OF LIGHT, kicking & screaming.

This has forced them to accelerate everything they’ve been doing TO US into (OPERATION) WARP SPEED!

So, what exactly have they been doing? I’m glad you asked that.

I have wandered in a wilderness of confusion, misdirection & malice most of my life as I struggled to comprehend WHY things are the way they are.

The moment I started questioning reality itself is the moment I woke up & stopped being (behaving like) an NPC.
THE MATRIX has been lauded as visionary. It IS a vision. and a message. YOU. ARE. SLAVES. TO. THE. MACHINE/MATRIX.

The Elites didn’t realize what this movie was until it was FAR too late.

Remember the Warchowski BROTHERS? Who wrote & directed The Matrix?

That stunning masterpiece depicting human beings waking up to fight an insidiously deceptive SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS that had enslaved them?

Choosing the Red Pill?

“You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo….”

So much of MAGA & American First is tied to the ICONOLOGY, SYMBOLOGY & POLITICS depicted in that film.

Well, the Warchowski brothers are now the Warchowski SISTERS.

This is the Elites REVENGE upon them. Murdering them would simply be too quick.

So they MIND-RAPED THEM & corrupted their Humanity/Souls.
Here is your Matrix Moment.

Our Creator’s vision for his children, US, has been hijacked.

If you thought Trump was struggling to KEEP us free, think again.


Caught by Luciferians determined not only to rule us, but RUIN us completely.

To win their rebellion against Heaven.

Danlboon #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

Sun. 23 July, 2023 is to be the official public Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. then the EBS must be less than 10 days or be put off till after the Inauguration.

For my recent post of; ‘My Version of Republic Timeline’ it is coming out to not be real facts of what is to be happening as the EBS has not happened as of yet and nothing as what was mentioned on the posting as it appears Biden is alive and still the US CORP President.

Info is still going on with the internet still available so if and when the EBS comes about then many people that have only access to the internet cannot receive any info or just from friends and associates.

Will the EBS include the official public Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. so everyone can know it is happening?

If the EBS is after the Inauguration with no interruptions then it will end by August 2-4, 2023 with either the 10-12 days.

If NESARA is announced at the end of this later EBS then Tues. 28 November, 2023 is the USA Republic elections, but how can it if we are to find out everything about it during the EBS.

Posted: “Member: I hear NESARA is supposed to be announced on the 15th also!!!!”

If this is true then the EBS should come immediately after it and thus the USA Republic elections should be on Tues. 7 November, 2023.

If GESARA is happening all over the world then it just cannot hold out in America for the true NESARA as it started with, and they cannot keep it silent for months on end.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Alt-Left Angry: 'Hazards of Homosexuality' Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit"

Thank God for Trump and Dr. Church. May God keep and bless them.

(NBC News story follows)

A flier distributed at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday that promoted a book titled "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" prompted outcry when photos surfaced on social media.

The flier was given out to attendees at the gathering where President Donald Trump spoke in complimentary tote bags that also included a sticker saying, "I don't believe the liberal media."


MassResistance, a group based Massachusetts that identifies itself as "a pro-family activist organization that educates people to help them confront the attacks on the traditional family" on its website, created the fliers to promote the book by its founder, Bryan Camenker.

A request for comment from MassResistance was not immediately returned. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated MassResistance a hate group since 2008.


According to its preface, the book "aims to alert the public — especially young people and their parents — on the serious physical and physiological health dangers inherent in adopting a 'gay,' lesbian or bisexual (GLB) identity."

The book says the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that resulted in the legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, made "sodomy a right and a legitimate basis for marriage."

It also claims homosexuality is a mental disorder and the truth is being suppressed by "the homosexual lobby and their allies," including the "radicalized" entertainment industry, press and educational establishments.

The book touts an official endorsement from a Dr. Paul Church, where he is listed as "Urologist, Asst. Clinical Professor of Surgery (part-time), Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016." A spokesperson for Harvard Medical School told NBC News that Church has not been affiliated with the school since December 2015.

Church was fired in January 2016 from his position as a urologist at Beth Israel Deaconess, one of Harvard’s affiliated hospitals, for sending anti-gay emails to staff (i.e. it seems true medical science is rejected when it doesn't fit the alt-left's narrative...hypocrites).

Trump received a standing ovation at the Value Voters summit, which was organized by the Family Research Council (FRC), when he said in his remarks Friday that Americans "don't worship government, we worship God."

He became the first sitting president to address the annual gathering of evangelical conservatives, a powerful bloc that helped propel him to the White House in November.

According to its website, the FRC "does not consider homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and transgenderism as acceptable alternative lifestyles or sexual 'preferences'; they are unhealthy and destructive to individual persons, families, and society."

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

various commenters #wingnut

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
Trump has tens of millions of people who follow him. What has he done?

- Raise money to defend J6 political prisoners?
- Use his clout to elect closed borders candidates?
- Use his power to create an organization to fight anti-White hatred?

All he’s done is hold rallies, sell his endorsements to shit candidates, and collect money that never helps anyone but himself.

When you think about all he COULD do, vs what he has done it’s clear there’s no future with him.

( @DMitton )
@Stanleymitchell90 POTUS Trump, made the US oil independent... And the largest supplier in the world... Held China accountable... Took on the Cartel big pharma... Secured our borders... And put the American people FIRST... Just to name a few...

( @jcmarkham )
@DMitton @Stanleymitchell90 and that’s why the democrats hate him! Trump is a winner!

( @xvart )
@Stanleymitchell90 wonder if he plans to bring his jew son back in to fuck it all up again

( @RebelScience )
@Stanleymitchell90 Trump will go down as one of the biggest traitors in US history. With his popularity, he could defeat the jews in the US in less than a week if he wanted to.

( @844steamtrain )
@Stanleymitchell90 He needed to go scorched earth, be cunning and wield power effectively. He failed. He left our people to rot in prison. If he's not going scorched earth immediately, I'm not interested.

( @VettesRbad )
@Stanleymitchell90 and the POS won't come out against the genocidal "vaccine's".

( @12XU )
@Stanleymitchell90 if the Red Hats didn't figure out that Trump was just another Zionist puppet when he said that Israel "rightfully" owned US Congress they're never going to.

Donald Trump, the hope of America! 🤡

( @StudiousKen )
@Stanleymitchell90 Trump is far from perfect. However, to argue he has done nothing good is foolish. He's easily the most pro-American citizen president of our lifetime.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
I am proud to give my complete and total endorsement of President Trump. He was there for America when we most needed him. And we need him again more than ever. We are blessed to have him.

( @ConservativeSasquatch )

When we needed him most he cucked.
He failed to use the insurrection act during a coup.

( @JoeyCamp2020 )
@DrPaulGosar can we maybe disban the J6 Committee?

( @ChristTruther )
@DrPaulGosar Too bad the elections are rigged, making Trump's chances of winning in 2024 near ZERO. Just like Trump's LANDSLIDE win in 2020 that was stolen from him (thanks also to the spineless/traitor RINOS) along with the countless 2022 GOP election wins that were BLATANTLY STOLEN. As long as McDaniels, McConnell and McCarthy remain in GOP leadership, they will continue to do everything in their power to undermine the will of the people. America is lost and we can't win it back when the elections are rigged in the demonrat's favor.

( @Elkinsknight12 )
@DrPaulGosar He’s enriched himself, says the vaccine is the greatest achievement in mankind, and only cares about the black and Hispanic vote…

( @joehemp22 )


( @Sonnenrad1488 )
@joehemp22 @DrPaulGosar Of course he wont, he helped create it with operation warpspeed

( @AntiSatanic )
@DrPaulGosar If you truly are the man of integrity and America First you seem to be, then I hope that someday the whole world knows who Paul Gosar is!

Stay strong, stay true, and stay American First!

( @SandyDeee )
@DrPaulGosar Please urge him to run as an Independent. I can no longer support the GOP establishment party.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy


J.B. Shurk #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid...but only a little. Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:

(1) In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy."

Hear that, plebes? "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed. The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential." To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!
(2) Pretend President Biden stumbled into California to push his plans for gun confiscation and mocked the idea that the Second Amendment is an essential check against government tyranny. "So what's the deal with the idea that it's an absolute?" Dementia Joe mumbled. "You know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16."
(3) A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders." The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."
(4) Finally, the CEO of Raytheon — one of America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that "decoupling" from China is impossible.
If only there had been an American president who had warned about the dangers of depending on communist China for America's own defense. Oh, right! — that was one of the major planks of Donald Trump's America First campaign.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy



Rep. Joe Donnell (R-South Dakota) #fundie #crackpot

“If you go back and do some search history on Mount Rushmore, it actually is a Freemason shrine,” Donnell said. “It was set up to enshrine democracy or the Declaration of Independence. … How do we worship the great thing we did with our government? So that was the idea behind it.”

“What the Lord revealed to me is that Mount Rushmore has a direct ley line to Washington, D.C.,” he added. “And he said, basically, that as we continue to work in prayer and do the work of the ministry, that God was going to break that connection. Because in order to understand the spiritual realm of what we’re facing, we have to realize that in order for the enemy to do anything, he needs the agreement of human beings. In order to be empowered to do more damage, he needs the agreement of human beings, and oftentimes that comes in the form of an altar, an active altar that acts as a portal for demonic things.”

“And so that’s what we’re dealing with,” Donnell declared. “I just know that God is doing something. Even Donald Trump’s landing in the Black Hills at Mount Rushmore on July 4, when the governor Kristi Noem put the message out that fireworks are returning to South Dakota, that was a prophetic word. And God spoke to me said, ‘When Donald Trump steps foot on this territory, there’s something that’s going to be done as far as the Constitution being upheld. It’s gonna bring a breakthrough with the Constitution.’ And I kinda got the feeling that what we’re really dealing with in that portal was communism. That witchcraft altar and those things that are happening in the Black Hills; what we’re really dealing with is communism; it’s the ideology and all the demonic entities and spirits behind that.”

William Grimes #fundie

Sermon 2: Purity and Chastity
By Rev. William H. Grimes
It's time that we discuss a very important chapter in the Bible: I Corinthians 7. I Corinthians 7 talks about married life and the single life. Liberal theologians take this passage as meaning that there is inherent value in marriage, and that marriage is better than being single. The command to "be fruitful and multiply" was ONLY for the immediate descendants of Adam and Eve. It was NOT meant to be a command in 2017! Yet people are breeding like rabbits! Fornicators such as US President Donald Trump are partially to blame for the emulation of wicked behaviors because in the eyes of the Lord Trump was never married, thus guilty of fornication, and his current "marriage" with Melania Trump is an adulterous affair!
I Corinthians 7:1 says that "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman." Clear as crystal, plain as day! Yet these liberals are insistent upon theological sloppiness. IT IS GOOD FOR A MAN NOT TO TOUCH A WOMAN. What in the world do you think that means besides the fact that IT IS GOOD FOR A MAN NOT TO TOUCH A WOMAN?! Can Paul articulate this point any clearer?! Are you liberals dense?!!!
I Corinthians 7:8 likewise states "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I." Even the liberal NIV says that "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do." If even the liberal pro-abortion virgin birth denying NIV can be correct about this crucial issue, what is the excuse of these scores of other liberals who do not recognize the fact that this passage says that it is not good for a man to touch a woman, and that it is BETTER for men to stay unmarried and live lives of celibacy?
Liberals love to clap back with the following verse, which says "But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." However, this does NOT say that most or all men should marry. Only men who absolutely lack self control and cannot remain chaste and then fall into fornication shall marry. A very different concept, right?! These men are seen as weaker in the Kingdom of God, and they get less reward in heaven for they had the reward of sexual gratification on Earth. Heaven has treasures far beyond the simple and fleeting pleasure of sexual gratification, and sexual gratification is completely unnecessary for humans, and people live fine lives and accomplish great things without it. Christian Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most brilliant minds that God has blessed this world with, and he never desired sexual gratification and lived a life of excellence for God and also his fellow man. This is what we need to set kids up for, not for ignoring God in favor of sexual gratification, marriage, and childrearing! It takes up a lot of time that could be spent worshiping God instead!
Back to the Trump situation, this chapter also says that "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him."(I Corinthians 7:10-13) Donald Trump "married" Ivana Trump, but that was even a sham marriage because she is still married to Alfred Winklmayr, who she "divorced" right before marrying Trump, and after Ivana divorced Donald, she had two more "marriages" and "divorces" that are shams unto the Lord, as Ivana is still married to Alfred! Since Ivana has never reconciled with Alfred, and Donald has never been validly married in the eyes of the Lord, Donald is guilty of fornication and Ivana is an adultress! "First Lady" Melania Trump is "married" to Donald Trump in the eyes of the world, and Melania is nothing but a porn star and a trophy wife who has never glorified the Lord! Say what else you want about Michelle Obama, but at least she had some class and dignity, and was not an adulteress! Such a sinful and wicked and prideful man the "godly" have elected to lead the USA! Woe to America! Melania Trump is WICKED AND DECEITFUL AND SINFUL AND LACKS CLASS AND DIGNITY BECAUSE SHE HATES THE THINGS OF GOD AND LOVES MAMMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To conclude, the wicked Americans need to WAKE UP and realize the sham that is excessive marriage and fornication and adultery because sexual gratification IS NOT A HUMAN RIGHT and Onanism and other forms of impurity are NOT FOR THE GODLY and marriage is only for WEAK MEN WHO CANNOT CONTAIN THEIR PASSION LEST THEY FALL INTO FORNICATION, and if you marry and have sexual exploits, YOU WILL BE A LESSER BEING IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN PROVIDED YOU CAN BE A MAN WHO ONLY HAS ONE WIFE AND ONE LOVER! God's people said AMEN!

various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @vaccineregrets )

spoilerMy husband died from his first jab. He
took it so he wouldn't lose his job. I'm
an unvaxxd RN. I'm not allowed to
work in Canada so I'm in Europe
working ATM SO that can support my
3 kids. They lied to all of us. The Vax
kills. #TrudeauMustGo

( @Kim62 )
@vaccineregrets My husband lost his job in NY for refusing the Vax. We are now moving out of the state.

( @ernest4882 )

( @Andersonsmisstress1 )
@vaccineregrets It’s become blatantly obvious!!! Yet the government wants us to take more to cull the population. At this point it’s what’s happening. Read about the NWO!!!! You will realize we’re living it right now!!!

( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Andersonsmisstress1 It's more properly called the JWO. Strike the root.

( @1488Mussolini )
@vaccineregrets ...and that was it's purpose from the start......👇 👇 👇

( @HauntedHighway216 )

spoilerAnd they knew what the vaccine
would do. They knew that people
would get sick and die. They knew
about the cytokine storm. This
was intentional and by design.
Dont let them fool you.. They hate
that much. WEF and all their
secret clubs are pure evil.

( @Immamessenger )
@vaccineregrets Donald Trump is Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful time to be alive

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault. Spending money to defeat great Republican candidates instead of backing Blake Masters and others was a big mistake. Giving 4 Trillion Dollars to the Radical Left for the Green New Deal, not Infrastructure, was an even bigger mistake. He blew the Midterms, and everyone despises him and his otherwise lovely wife, Coco Chow!

( @AnkokuKishi )

It's your fault for operation warp speed you fucking kike owned murderer. When are you going to take responsibility for the millions you murdered and maimed?

( @CDMele )
@realdonaldtrump Let us know when you plan to do something more than talk. DeSantis 2024 is sounding pretty darn good at this point in the people's abandonment.

( @My48 )
@CDMele @realdonaldtrump
He's a plant. Research him. When something is too good to be true, 99% of time it's a setup.

( @CDMele )
@My48 @realdonaldtrump No forces medical experiments (on the children). No rigged elections. No fragonian lockups. Booming Floridian economy. I'm sold. DJT did the exact opposite, "Gotta get the (toxic) shot. Warp Speed. Gotta get the other trillion dollar profit, toxic gene therapy shit. Gotta live with the stolen elections. Don't worry about the demolition of your country, career, school system and let you children go. Fuck that!

( @SolidAF )
@realdonaldtrump It’s your fault! We elected you to lock her up! You did good things but not any of things we elected you to do. We chanted drain the swamp and lock her up and you did nothing. You failed

( @Vegasmar6 )
@SolidAF @realdonaldtrump I agree. The democrats were on him 24/7 but he could have done the same to them. Crickets. Republicans were getting locked up and democrats smirking at all their crimes. We knew the election was going to be stolen and he should have had precautions in place. Democrats stole the Nevada election again! It’s either War or we’re done.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
RIGGED ELECTIONS, OPEN BORDERS = Third World Countries. The USA is a failing Nation!

( @Battlehorn1776 )
You should’ve rolled in the tanks when you were the CnC but you didn’t. Now you’re just a sad cuckold crying on social media sites.

( @CriticalMemeTheory )
@realdonaldtrump bro, you endorsed Mitch McConnell and Andrew McCarthy

@realdonaldtrump over the last 2 years I noticed the Democrats never seemed worried because they knew they got away with it in 2020 so why not just cheat again!

( @ReneeRose )
@realdonaldtrump Yeah well, how many actually thought our military would handle this and we were "watching a movie" & were told to grab your popcorn? How many thought one big sting operation was playing out before our very eyeballs? MANY. Nothing is going on. There is no investigation & the corruption just gets worse. Votes do not count when you can take extra days to find the ballots you need to win.

( @GoToHellFeds )
@realdonaldtrump The US hasn't been a 'nation' since the mid 1960s.

It is a borderless corporate economic zone. nothing more.

( @GreyGhostJustice )
@GoToHellFeds @realdonaldtrump since 1913 when the Jew Federal Reserve Act was passed for the jew Private Bankers!

( @r_oleks )
@realdonaldtrump you had 4 years to use your powers to influence the republican governors to fix the voting process. Sad truth.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Idiot, and possibly corrupt, officials have lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona. MACHINES BROKEN IN REPUBLICAN AREAS. A NEW ELECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR IMMEDIATELY!

( @Nix67 )

( @lisa1truth )
@Nix67 @realdonaldtrump

I really believe Americans must do SOMETHING….get together and be like BRAZIL ….pour out into the streets as one and say no to the cheating

If you do nothing it’s your consent for them to fuck all of you more

( @Nix67 )
@lisa1truth @realdonaldtrump jan6 has scared alot of Americans into standing up. Also operation mockingbird has been a complete success and this nation is so divided that I don't see any coming together. The majority of this nation is blinded to the facts and conditioned and scared or selfish. I pray I'm wrong but I jus don't see it happening. If it was then it would have happened after they performed the pandemic and the vaxx genocide. The solution I found is making sure I'm close to Christ and my family is to because we r close to His return. I believe this with all my heart

( @myrkvidr )
@realdonaldtrump all talk, no action. they did this same shit to you, dude, and you did nothing

( @GoggyBog )
@myrkvidr @realdonaldtrump yeah no action cause he doesn’t hold any power. Lol you are one retarded ass nigger loving jew

( @JohnChance )
@realdonaldtrump What we need is military to destroy the globalist coup orchestraitors!! Though, they seem to be complicit, so enjoy slavery peasants.

Judy Byington/Exposed Secrets from Area 51, Telegram #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

Sun. 18 June GESARA/NESARA announced during EBS Disclosure implementation.

On Mon. 19 June 2023 the Bank of England would migrate to the International Payment System ISO 20022.

Wed. 21 June Special Counsel John Durham to testify on his report to House Judiciary Committee (1788 became law on June 21). This was also the Satanic worshipper’s Summer Solstice, one of the most important Satanic Holidays of the year celebrated with sexual orgies using both adult and child victims, followed by a human sacrifice of any age, male or female.

Thurs. 22 June Supreme Court to consider whether or not to hear the Brunson Case – that could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.

In June 2023 Social Security increases would begin, plus Restitution Allowances and Med Bed appointments would start.

The first part of July the new Quantum Financial System will be completely interfaced in computers around the World that would be coordinating currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.

Sun. 23 July Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.

Tues. 25 July Queen Diana’s Coronation.

In Mid August Jim Rickards said BRICS is releasing their new commodity backed International currency. This is the death of the Petrodollar.
Spit Ball, Big Picture, Trump Indictment, Step back and look at the big picture.Trump is in zero danger. Zero!

What are the advantages to a possible Trump indictment by the Feds? Precedent setting! Trump is literally destroying the two tier justice system by “allowing” himself to be a target.

People are worried about Trump and he’s not worried at all. Why???? Nothing happens to Trump unless he “allows” it to happen. And I mean nothing!!! This is war!

Trump isn’t surprised by any of this and can stop it any time he wants. Why doesn’t he? This is all about the normies.

JE Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Today is Trump's 77th birthday. Trump declared a National Emergency on 3/13/2020. Today it is 1189 days from then. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. "Donald J Trump" equals 1189.

The cornerstone on the Washington Monument was laid on 7/4/1848
The mason numerolgy of the cornerstone date and Trump's 77th birthday date added together = 7777
7 × 4 + 18 × 48 + 6 × 14 + 20 × 23 = 1436 + 6341 = 7777

Queens funeral was on 9/19/2022 add 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days you get today Trump's 77th birthday

The Georgia Guidestone cube was taken down on 9/25/2014 from then to Trump's 77th birthday today is
September 25, 2014 To June 14, 2023 = 3185 days
Trump was the 45th President so divide it by 45 (3185 / 45 = 7.07) = 77 Trump 77th birthday

The Washington Monument capstone was laid on 12/6/1884 from then to 6/14/2023 is...
138 years "Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6 months, 8 days "Donald John Trump" = 68 (Reduction)

The SWIFT Banking system was founded on 5/3/1973 "Swift" = 77 (Ordinal)
It is 619 lunar months old on Trump's 77th Birthday
5/3/1973 to 6/14/2023 = 18304 / 29.531 = 619.82
Divide it by Scottish Rite degree 32 ( 18304 / 32 = 572 exactly)
"Egypt" = 572 (Latin) "SKull and Bones" = 572 (Latin)

On 6/19 the capstone will be 138 years, 6 months, 14 days old
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6/14 is his birthday
(6/19 is King James' 457th birthday) "Darkness Falls" = 457 (Latin)
(457 is the 88th prime number) "Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
"mystery Babylon" = 196 (English Ordinal) 19/6

From SWIFT to 6/25 is 18315 days divided by 33 = 555 exactly
Washington Monument is 555 feet tall
It turns 555 on June 25th and 556 on Tishabav
Days divided by 33

Rachel Hamm #wingnut #fundie #psycho

In 2022, Rachel Hamm decided to run for secretary of state in California because, she claimed, “Jesus himself” appeared in a closet in her home[…]
Certain that she had been anointed by God, Hamm repeatedly warned that nefarious forces were going to try to “steal” the election from her. When she did inevitably fail to make it beyond the primary, Hamm predictably insisted that the election had been stolen[…]
Hamm has since become convinced that she is destined to serve as press secretary for former President Donald Trump, whom she believes God has “anointed” to be president again. She has urged her viewers to pray daily for Trump and against the people she says are partnering with Satan to keep him from getting elected again[…]
In March, Hamm released a video in which she claimed to have learned that “globalists” plan to kill most of humanity, which prompted her to ask God how she should respond[…]
“[An angel] said, ‘I’m here to tell you your prayers and decrees have been heard and the date has been set. The death angel will visit the Capitol in the month of May,'” Hamm announced. “I’m here to tell you that an angel came to our house and told us that the death angel is visiting the Capitol in the month of May”

When most of May passed without the prophesied deaths taking place, Hamm posted another video in which she literally prayed that God had not changed his mind and would, in fact, send the “death angel” to “kill these globalists” as he had promised

“Lord, please don’t change your mind,” Hamm prayed. “Lord, even now we do agree in Jesus’ name, please send this death angel to kill these globalists who have told us they want to kill 85 percent of us. And so, Lord, we need you to intervene. We need you. We need you. We’re completely lost without you. We need you to step in and send the death angel, in Jesus’ name”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The US Corporation really did go bankrupt earlier this month and what we have been watching on our so-called news is corporate theatrical performances. The evidence for this is clear.
Asian secret society sources explain the attempt to use Taiwanese and Thai royal gold to keep the US Corporation going has been stopped. That is why exports to the US have been stopped. They say they will restart trade if Donald Trump is made public president again. This has been promised before July 4th, but don’t believe it until you see it. We have heard this story before, so let us see if it really happens this time.
The “Trump indictment” is clearly part of a sophisticated campaign -by his Rothschild/Harriman backers- to take down the Rockefeller “Joe Biden” avatar. By creating a legal precedent with trump they can now go after “Biden”. That is why corporate media widely reported Congressional hearings about how Biden accepted “$5 million in bribes.”-simultaneously with the Trump indictment.
We talked to the creator of the Quantum Financial System who explained “An awful lot of people owe an awful lot of money and they want to kick the can down the road, The yield on the sovereign bonds is artificial. The T bills don’t have any value; they are money laundering. Everyone goes to the 18th floor [at BIS headquarters] in Basle [to get their fake money]. The cartel is the Rothschild family. This entire geopolitical landscape is all families refusing to give up their territory.”
Next, we notice King Charles has gone to Transylvania -the home of his ancestor Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula- “on a walking holiday” without his wife. This came immediately after he was caught forging documents to keep the KM show in Ukraine in business.

Another high-profile person to now officially vanish is George Soros. We know he has been gone for a long time but now the corporate media is acknowledging his son Alex has taken over.

Kari Lake #wingnut #psycho

The Arizona Republican Kari Lake’s vow of armed resistance over Donald Trump’s indictment for retaining classified records “threatens the very core of our democracy”, an Arizonan Democratic congressman said[…]
Lake, a TV news anchor turned far-right firebrand, lost the election for Arizona governor last year. She continues to insist without evidence her defeat was the result of fraud

Speaking to Georgia Republicans on Friday, she said: “I have a message tonight for [US attorney general] Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden. And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me

“And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA [National Rifle Association]. That’s not a threat – that’s a public service announcement

“We will not let you lay a finger on President Trump. Frankly, now is the time to cling to our guns and our religion”

Lake was speaking in place of Mike Pence, Trump’s vice-president who escaped the mob Trump sent to the Capitol on January 6[…]
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Lake’s remarks in Columbus on Friday met with a standing ovation

Responding to a reporter, Lake tweeted: “I meant what I said”

Indian in the Machine #wingnut #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Donald Trump And Jeffrey Epstein Friendship… What Is Really Going On??!!
<clearly altered pic of two together>
Secret triple or even quadruple agent Donald Trump was a chosen boy of sorts… think Richie Rich, but perhaps not as rich as Richie Rich.

Trump was always a super genius… although he still has to learn stuff like the rest of us, his gifts were evident from early on.

Trump’s relatives were basically part of a goodguy network… but also dealt with the ‘bad guys’.
So secret agent Trump… well, the secret upon secret, is that Trump’s Higher Self is St. Germain. Don’t believe it? Trump and St. Germain both share several qualities, most notably, their ability to create wealth, to lead the world… Germain in fact, was known to give council to royalty… he was the man that never died… a mystery genius who had great influence on the world.
You must comprehend this now… the war against Trump is a war against humanity..

Does Trump know he f’d up real bad with the vaccine engagement??

Pretty sure, yes.

Trump has to live with the fact, that he also is not perfect, and that he led many people to their death via his vaccine promotion. The US military too, was severely affected by the jab… the whole jab mess has put the US under a realization that they underwent a massive stealth chemical attack… some of them were likely jabbed with the things that create Homo Borg Genesis.
So now you can see the connection between Trump and Homo Borg Genesis.
Years ago when Trump and Epstein partied and dined in limos and at the finest New York has to offer… Trump knew he had evidence on Epstein… he passed it all on to his handlers, and now here we are today… a moment before the public is dumped with an avalanche of intel, where they will hear about human trafficking, cannibalism, vampires, zombies, monsters… and who is against humanity, itself, and God.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Hillary Clinton Celebrates Injustice of Trump Indictment"]

It wasn’t enough to indict Donald Trump and possibly throw him in prison for being the leading candidate of the opposition party, as is the practice in banana republics. The charges had to be outrageously unjust and hypocritical, so as the provoke maximum outrage. That’s why they indicted him for something leading Democrats Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are at least as guilty of but face no punishment for doing

Because injustice is the point, they don’t try to hide it. On the contrary, they rub it in our faces:

Hillary Clinton[…]shamelessly celebrated the indictment of former President Donald Trump by capitalizing on her infamous “But Her Emails”[…]

Why are Democrats going out of their way to enrage the public with this gross display of injustice heading into an election year? Maybe they have been reading Sun Tzu:

If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him

They already used it in the 2022 elections to great success by donating over $40 million to Trumpian candidates during GOP primaries. Trumpian candidates allowed Democrats to place cognitively disabled psychiatric patient John Fetterman in the Senate and to install leftist kook Katie Hobbs as Governor of Arizona

The more outrageously unjust the treatment of Trump[…]the more likely he is to win the 2024 nomination[…]
Non-Republicans are sick of Trump[…]
Once Trump has been positioned to win the GOP nomination, all Democrats have to do is pull a switcheroo and dump the conspicuously loathsome Biden before the election, ostensibly for health reasons

Trump wins the nomination but loses the general election — and Congress goes down with him. That’s the game plan. That’s why he was indicted, and why Shrillary is gloatingly selling her hats

Donald Trump #wingnut

Virtually everyone is saying that the Indictment is about Election Interference & should not have been brought, except Bill Barr, a “disgruntled former employee” & lazy Attorney General who was weak & totally ineffective. He doesn’t mean what he’s saying, it’s just MISINFORMATION. Barr’s doing it because he hates “TRUMP” for firing him. He was deathly afraid of the Radical Left when they said they would Impeach him. He knows the Indictment is Bull…. Turn off Fox News when that “Gutless Pig” is on!

@Brian4America #wingnut #conspiracy

Your hopes. Your dreams. Your plans. Your optimism. Your fun. Your patriotism. Your freedom. Your security. Your income. Your net worth. Your retirement. Your children. Your grandchildren...
It isn't just Donald J. Trump under attack. You are under attack. And it hasn't stopped. And additional enemies joined the fight against you. The #Deepstate #NWO The #Globalists The #WorldEconomicForum #China
* this is about you

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
On top of the lost "Clinton Hard Drive," there are also tapes from the George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan Administrations which were lost AFTER having been ordered preserved by a Federal Judge. Some hard drives were even "damaged by sloppy handling in the transfer"! The National Archivist actually gave George H.W. Bush "exclusive legal control over all Presidential information." Compare that to how unfairly and illegally the 45th President, me, has been treated!

@realdonaldtrump Let's talk about this and hurricanes, shall we?

@PresidentElectKraken @realdonaldtrump has anyone consider that these chemtrails are causing drought?
They justify they help rain. But are they destroying the atmosphere?

@MonicaTowne @realdonaldtrump These chemtrails, along with Haarp, doppler radar, nexrad, and other devices cause all rain, hail, droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. They are 100 years in on this crime and all weather is now at their bidding. As far as the atmosphere, I don't believe in their so-called "layers" as presented to us by NASA (SATAN t minus) as it is false just like the spinning ball where water is forced down by gravity but a tiny fly can break free and fly. The space between us and the dome is destroyed by their evil. has tons of information and footage.

@realdonaldtrump I'll care about as much as you did on Jan 6th. #Fuckoffalready


@realdonaldtrump Trump Won 2020

Archbishop Viganò #fundie #quack #conspiracy #wingnut


The modification of the individual’s DNA caused by the experimental serum with new mRNA technology is perhaps the most alarming aspect of this epochal battle. If there are economic powers that have no qualms about targeting the world’s population in order to weaken their immune systems, cause sudden deaths and make us all chronically ill in order to sell their concoctions or their health care services, on the other hand there are people who are devoted to evil and who are well aware that they work in the service of a hellish plan, for the advent of the Antichrist through the synarchy of the NWO.

In the attempt to genetically modify man, we see Satan’s aversion against Creation taken to extreme consequences, and in particular against man himself, who in the economy of salvation was chosen to be the temple of the Most Holy Trinity.

In your letter to then-President Donald Trump, you spoke of a confrontation between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Where do we now stand in this confrontation? What are the conceivable outcomes of this struggle? What can we, who want to strengthen the light, do?

Spiritual events intersect with earthly events, history intersects with the eternity of God, human events are the battlefield in which the children of darkness fight the children of Light: a battle that for humanity began with the fall of Adam, deceived by Satan and deluded that he could be like God. That temptation is repeated over the centuries to every man, whenever the Enemy tries to persuade him that he can decide for himself what is good and what is evil, attributing to himself the sovereign rights of the Lord over creatures. It is the battle that is being fought even today, after centuries of rebellion against the Law of God and refusal to recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the end, everything comes back to this discrimen, to the Lord’s statement, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me,” (Lk 11:14) and to our free response to the love of God the Creator and Redeemer.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia

[From “Put Not Your Trust in Princes: In The Children of Men, In Whom There is No Salvation”]

We have not been baptized and confirmed to bear witness to Donald John Trump, who believes in many things, starting with his love of all things Zionist and his complete support for sodomy as a legitimate expression of “love,” that are inimical to the good of souls and thus to the true of his nation.
While, yes, the 2020 presidential election was rigged against the re-election of President Trump even more than it had been in 2016, the president was wrong to raise the hopes of his voters
Central to the agitation was the president’s reliance upon the Electoral Count Act of 1887
Lincoln[…]engaged in an exercise of American fratricide that reduced the eleven Southern states of the Confederacy to vassals of the Federal government during the horrific period of “Reconstruction”[…]an effort to punish the Southern states and to exploit the newly freed slaves to the monetary and political advantage of the northern carpetbaggers who followed in the wake of the end of a war wherein the northern forces used wholesale terror
As the United States of America is founded on a welter of Calvinist and Judeo-Masonic errors, there was widespread acceptance of chattel slavery among Catholics in the South
This is a very, very long way of saying that one has to really, really stretch to think that the Vice President[…]has the power[…]to reject the electoral votes
As could be expected, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is a perfect stooge for Antichrist’s forces of the One World Governance and its subsidiary, the One World Ecumenical Church, denounced the Capitol rioters after praising “social justice” “protestors” in the United States in general and Marxist, pro-sodomite “black lives matter” in particular

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy


Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
Incredible how dishonest the Fake News Media is. The Failing New York Times has gone crazy. So many of the people I Endorsed went on to victory on Tuesday Night, nobody was even close, and they literally make up a story refusing to write the facts, and only quoting enemies and losers. Almost all of the people I endorsed WON, yet if you read the story from two Trump hating writers (who only do as they are told!), you would not even recognize the truth. They truly are, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!

219 WINS against 16 LOSSES IN THE GENERAL ELECTION, and yet the Fake News writes only unrecognizable junk. No wonder they are all doing sooo badly!

( @CrossReaper )
@realdonaldtrump are you going to go kiss the jew wall again or are you going to do something about the US being a vassal state to Israel?

( @Iceman876 )
@CrossReaper @realdonaldtrump When the jew world order installs him in 2024 he'll finish the wall to hold all the 3rd world's trash in.

( @Pern1121 )
@CrossReaper @realdonaldtrump he's gonna kiss the Jew Wall and party with the Saudis. That's a requirement to get on the ballot.

( @NSSAP )
@realdonaldtrump -- Ever noticed that all the media repeats the exact same narrative? That's because it is controlled by one group of people only. It is time for you to start naming them, Donald.

( @NSSAP )
@realdonaldtrump -- "The failing New York Times" as you described it, Donald, is controlled by jews, just like the rest of the media. Even you admitted that at one point. Name the jew, Donald.

Unnamed Black Lives Matter Preschool Teacher Activist #racist

A self-proclaimed preschool teacher grabbed a megaphone and reportedly told a crowd during a protest against Republican President Donald Trump that “we need to start killing people” and “we need to start killing the White House.”

Wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt, the teacher unleashed the F-bomb-laced rant against whites, the White House, presidents, capitalism and police reportedly in Seattle on Saturday night.

“F*** white supremacy, f*** the U.S. empire, f*** your imperialist ass lives. That s**t gotta go,” the teacher said, before adding that white people need to give reparations to “black and indigenous people right now.”

“White people, give your f***ing money, your f***ing house, your f***ing property, we need it f***ing all!” the teacher continued, adding, “Pay the f*** up. Pay the f*** up. It ain’t just your f***ing time, it’s your f***ing money, and now your f***ing life is devoted to social change.”

That was just the warm-up.

“And we need to start killing people,” the teacher soon added. “First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your f***ing White House, your f***ing presidents, they must go! F** the White House!”

The rapt crowd let loose cheers as another protester said: “Burn it!”

Before slamming the crowd for being “fixated” on an over-and-done election, the teacher actually criticized former President Barack Obama, noting he “deported so many f***ing people” and soon added that “capitalism is — f***ing racism.”

The teacher also urged the crowd to “throw that f***ing cop car in the garbage. That s**t has got to go. That s**t has got to go. F*** all that s**t.”

And for the finale, the teacher said “f*** your respectability. F*** you side-eyeing motherf***ers, ’cause I know — in the back of your f***ing head y’all got s***t to dismantle, whether it’s your motherf***ing patriarchy, your motherf***ing anti-blackness, anti-queerness — not recognizing black and brown trans, queer, women and femmes and non-binary people have motherf***ing led the f***ing way. So kiss their motherf***ing feet and give them your f***ing money and walk the f*** away after.”

Kingdom In Politics and Aamon Ross #fundie #wingnut

An outgrowth of a prayer movement that began in the wake of the 2020 presidential election when religious-right activists began to gather together several times a week to pray for God to intervene and overturn former President Donald Trump’s loss, the World Prayer Network has since transformed into a bi-weekly livestream[…]
Wednesday night’s program featuring a conservative Christian political strategist named Aamon Ross who runs a political consulting business called Kingdom In Politics, the purpose of which is to “prepare and inspire believers to take an active role in politics”

Ross revealed that he got involved in politics in 2016 after literally hearing the voice of God instruct him to do, prompting him to team up with his good friend Kevin Stitt to run Stitt’s successful campaign for governor in Oklahoma[…]
Ross’s reference to putting “godly leaders in positions of authority in the political sphere” seems to be a reference to Seven Mountains dominionism[…]
Ross then revealed that it is the goal of his organization to recruit “1,000 churches to commit to run one person for school board” and to “raise up 100,000 believers to run for office over the next 10 years”

“They are trying to cancel Jesus,” Ross declared. “We want to be leaders, and we want to set the tone and set the country on a path to kingdom [principles]. The Lord’s Prayer, right? Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. How does that happen if we’re not the ones bringing Heaven to Earth? … What if the world of politics is the next big mission field? What if we viewed this as we’re sending missionaries into city council, we’re sending missionaries into the state House or Senate, we’re sending them to Congress. If we started viewing the world of politics like the next big mission field, I think we could make a dramatic difference in just a couple of short years”

[Original livestream here]

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Elon Musk gets approval from the FDA for his Neuralink brain chip that will function as a ‘bridge’ to the soon-coming Mark of the Beast
In case you haven’t been paying attention, the global community of science, so called, Silicon Valley and nearly all world governments have been absolutely obsessed with injecting things into human beings. We have just lived through the most contentious period of time in modern history where hundreds of millions of people were locked down against their will and forced to receive an injection from their government. Donald Trump takes the lion’s share of credit for all this. Now the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has government approval to being installing microchips into people’s brains with his Neuralink technology. Almost makes you think all these unsaved people have been reading Revelation, doesn’t it?

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the world is rushing headlong and at breakneck speed into the soon-coming Mark of the Beast. Is Neuralink the Mark of the Beast? No, but it’s one of the end times ‘bridges’ that’ll take you there. We are in the final stages of preparations that have been made over the last 30 or so years to put in place the Mark of the Beast System, and it is stunning to take it all in. As Elon Musk has famously said, “we already have become part-cyborg” due to our adoption of mobile devices and our dependence on things like the internet and social media. The last thing that was needed was a super-intelligence to bring it all together, and AI is meeting that need quite nicely. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we show you just how close we are to what comes next.

Gavin Wax #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

There’s a reason that national and Florida polling shows that Republicans who want a candidate able to "challenge woke ideas" overwhelmingly favor President Donald John Trump.

Often, the left asks conservatives to define "woke" and laughs at their inability to capture it. In summary, though, "woke" is the new term to describe irrational political correctness.

It most clearly manifests as a left-wing obsession with race and gender that puts all other policy considerations aside.

You might want more policing in your neighborhood, but, if that means too many Blacks get put in jail, then that’s a bad policy. You might want a secure border, but, if that means you have to deport Mexicans, then that’s a bad policy too.

That’s wokeism in a nutshell, and no other Republican can take the mantle of being the preeminent anti-woke candidate from President Trump.
And for this sin of wanting to secure our border and protect our nation from criminals and drugs, globalist corporations lashed out against President Trump. Companies such as NBC and Macy’s cut ties with him.

President Trump didn’t stop.

The forces aligned against him included the FBI, which would launch the bogus Russian probe. This never deterred President Trump. While in office, he not only secured our border, but he also implemented policies to combat the Left’s woke agenda.

It’s President Trump who began the fight against critical race theory.
On the other hand, President Trump is fully aligned and committed to unabashed America First values. He will shamelessly pursue them.

He has shown us his strength of character and fortitude.

The right team will uplift him to achieve heightened levels of success. Other candidates, namely DeSantis, will claim to be the "anti-woke candidate."

They are just a tribute band. Americans want the real deal.

Golden Calf Award

CPAC attendees #wingnut


A golden statue of Donald Trump, wearing shorts in the print of the US flag and carrying a wand, has caused a stir on Twitter since a video of it being wheeled into the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) conference surfaced on the social networking site.

A Bloomberg reporter shared footage of staff at the conservative conference wheeling a golden statue of the former US president across the conference floor.

Voices in the background can be heard saying “awesome” and “that is so cool” in reaction to the golden model of Mr Trump. Others laugh and someone chants: “Four more years!” In reference to a chant popular with Mr Trump’s supporters when he was America’s president.
Launched in 1974, the annual CPAC conference calls itself the “largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world.”

On Sunday, it will welcome Mr Trump onto its stage to give his first post-White House speech.

Mick Williams #wingnut #conspiracy

Today's Laugh 4-10-19


(Difficult to describe this "comic" but I will try. Superimposed in the middle of the screen is a picture of a newscaster with a headline below reading "Bernie Sanders: Trump Racist". In the main picture a man with a wizard outfit on and a hat with a hammer and sickle on it (who might be George Soros) is saying in tandem with the figure in the superimposed picture "Pay no attention to that globalist behind the curtain!" We see Donald Trump parting the curtain and flames in behind it.)


I met a beautiful African woman. She was kind and smart. She was elegant. She was simultaneously frugal and generous. We dated, and in time, married. For a time, things were good: We were carefree and silly, danced and rode our bicycles together regularly. But at this point, we have spent more time angry at each other than we ever did happy. The fights are terrible. She screams at me relentlessly and at times I simply cannot take it anymore and flee my own home. There have even been times, I am ashamed to, that things have gotten physical too.

I used to believe that it was the strain of our careers that had taken its toll on our marriage, and that if we could take time off from work and have some quality time together, somehow someway, things would get better. However, we have tried this, and nothing ever changes. We only manage brief moments of happiness that give us just enough hope to keep trying. I find myself haunted by something my wife says in her times of quiet despair: “We are just too different”. A thousand times she has said this, and a thousand times I have brushed it aside as inconsequential. But even so, the question lingers within me, filling me with doubt.

Further worsening everything is the current political situation in America. Ever since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and the frenzied anti-white media overdrive that followed, my white identity has come to matter to me more and more. I am proud to be white. I do not wish harm upon any race, but I believe white people have the right to exist, and have the right to proclaim a homeland. My poor wife has, to her horror, noticed this change in my worldview, and it is now yet another pressure point on our already strained marriage.

It would be dishonest and cowardly of me to blame my marital discord entirely on racial matters. I have not been a perfect husband and she and I have many problems unrelated to race. But more and more often I ask myself: Is she right? Are we just too different? And are these differences biological — and more importantly — can they be overcome for the sake of our marriage and the love we still have for one another? Would it have been better to have persevered through my periods of crushing loneliness and only dated within my own race? Would it be better to separate now and save ourselves future heartache?

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Can you imagine that I am constantly under investigation for “bullshit,” while Hunter Biden, whose Crimes are MANY, DEEP, fully documented on his Laptop from Hell (and elsewhere!), and often times directly involve his father, Joe, “the Big Guy,” sits back and doesn’t have a care in the World. The U.S. Attorney in Delaware has been told to do NOTHING, other than make a “sweetheart” deal, if even that. There are two sets of “Justice” in the now Communist USA. Our Country is going to HELL!!!

( @AAron_Burrrr )
@realdonaldtrump and you had 4 years in the executive branch to fire the vast majority of these people and did nothing but hire them to your cabinet (see John Bolton) ... fuck off

( @mlogan1845 )
@realdonaldtrump I wish you would have jailed them all while you had the chance.

( @TwoTheMoon )
@realdonaldtrump Which is WHY you should've had the National Guard PROTECTING the ballots in the 6 "swing" the 2020 Election. And there should've been National Guard at every ballot counting machine.....until every last ballot was counted.....ON ELECTION NIGHT! Then....if issues have the DOMINION VOTING MACHINES confiscated for an immediate Forensic Audit. 🇺🇸

( @jrt67 )
Why didn't you call out COVID as the bioweapon scam it was instead of funding a vaccine?

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump Well, you should have done something about it during your four years as president.

( @Dyanndr )
@realdonaldtrump Weren't you the one, who in a State of the Union address on National TV said " The United STATES of AMERICA will Never become a SOCIALIST country" !! ..Does skipping Socialism and going right to Communism not count??.. or is that your loop hole!

( @Gemkitty )
@realdonaldtrump 60 years ago our Fathers would have been shooting these mother fuckers and rounding them up and Hanging them!!!!

( @Laurel_Landess )
@realdonaldtrump If you really want to get back at them, denounce the Clot Shot. Admit that you were wrong.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie

[From "Axios: E. Jean Carroll Wins Lawsuit Against Trump"]

For better or worse, we are stuck with Donald Trump

I’m hardly a Trump cheerleader. I just see the writing on the wall. I’m resigned to it. We’re going to be slogging through the Revenge Tour through at least 2025 and possibly through 2029


“E. Jean Carroll’s win in her lawsuit against former President Trump is also a victory for a #MeToo-era New York law that temporarily lifted the statute of limitations on sexual abuse complaints[…]

The only positive thing that I can say about this is that it is steadily increasing polarization and undermining confidence in national institutions. Even if you despise Donald Trump, he continues to drive his enemies insane who react to him in ways that undermine faith in Our Democracy

I woke up to Joe Scarborough handwringing on MSNBC this morning about the erosion of confidence in the jury system. No one has any confidence in the “rule of law” anymore. It is a joke. Perhaps God is using Donald Trump as his instrument to sow enough division to dissolve the Union?


“Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who represented E. Jean Carroll in her lawsuit against Donald Trump, is a lesbian who’s a longtime champion of LGBTQ+ and women’s rights, most notably as the attorney who brought down the main part of the Defense of Marriage Act[…]

Oh, and onne last thing

Guess who represented E. Jean Carroll in her lawsuit?

It was none other than Roberta Kaplan from the Charlottesville trial. Once again, even if you passionately hate Dump, this only shows that our fates are still bound in some way

Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #quack #wingnut

Anti-Vaccine Activist Says Trump Asked Him to Head Commission on Vaccine Safety

After meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower Tuesday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told reporters that Trump has asked him to "chair a commission on vaccination safety and scientific integrity" and that he has accepted.

Both Trump and Kennedy have spread fringe theories linking vaccines to autism in children, an idea that medical experts overwhelmingly reject and have warned is endangering public health by discouraging parents from immunizing their kids.

"President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policies and he has questions about it," Kennedy told the press. "He says his opinion doesn't matter ... but the science does matter, and we ought to be reading the science and we ought to be debating the science."

A spokesman for Trump, Hope Hicks, told NBC News later that the president-elect was "exploring the possibility of forming a committee on autism" with Kennedy but that "no decisions have been made at this time."

Kennedy drew fire last year for describing a "holocaust" of children allegedly hurt by immunization at a screening of a film on the topic (he later apologized for the term).

Trump tweeted several times in 2014 that the use of multiple vaccinations caused autism, claiming at one point "the doctors lied." Doctors and researchers who specialize in infectious diseases expressed concern after Trump and other candidates promoted the theory in a Republican debate in September 2015.

"Just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic," Trump said at the time.

He offered no details or evidence on the case. The American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement after the debate calling his comments "dangerous to public health."

On Tuesday, the AAP's leaders offered "to share the extensive scientific evidence demonstrating the safety of vaccines" with the new commission.

"Claims that vaccines are linked to autism, or are unsafe when administered according to the recommended schedule, have been disproven by a robust body of medical literature," the group said in a statement. "Delaying vaccines only leaves a child at risk of disease."

Autism Speaks, an organization that advocates for individuals with autism, released a statement to NBC News after Trump's meeting with Kennedy, reiterating its conclusion that vaccines were unrelated to the condition.

"Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism," the statement said. "The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism."

Doctors trace the popular fear to a debunked 1998 study in the British medical journal Lancet that the publication later retracted after discovering its lead author was involved in a lawsuit against drug companies and used flawed methods.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there is no link between autism and vaccines, citing numerous subsequent studies. An Immunization Safety Commission organized by the Institute of Medicine examined the issue and reached the same conclusion in multiple reports.

But the theory persists, aided in part by celebrity advocates. Experts have warned that this small but vocal group of doubters is helping fuel outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough in communities where parents decline to vaccinate their children.

Health experts who have worked on vaccination policy and science strongly criticized Kennedy's reported new role in interviews.

Marie McCormick, a Harvard professor of maternal and child health who chaired the Immunization Safety Commission, expressed concern that Trump and Kennedy might lend a presidential seal to misinformation.

"If the committee comes out saying there is an [autism] association, there will be people who avoid vaccines," McCormick told NBC News. "There have been actual deaths attributed to lower immunization rates."

Dr. Peter Hotez, president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute and father of an adult daughter with autism, said he feared the commission could provide new momentum for vaccine skeptics at home and abroad.

"By appointing [Kennedy], it's going to create a new national 'anti-vaxxer' movement," he said.

Trump has generally been skeptical of scientific expertise, however. He has repeatedly claimed the overwhelming body of research linking climate change to human activities is a hoax.

He is one of several politicians to draw rebukes from medical experts in recent years for entertaining vaccination and autism links. Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann claimed an HPV vaccine caused a child to become "retarded" after a Republican debate in 2011. More recently, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), an ophthalmologist, and Dr. Ben Carson, a surgeon, also raised concerns that too many vaccines pose a danger.

In 2008, then-candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain indicated to activists concerned about the issue that they supported research into the matter. Obama and Clinton later said that the science was settled and urged families to vaccinate their children.

Jerry Derecha/BiffDon #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot

@BiffDon is a great addition to the Twitter feed. There is some good new content on there these days believe it or not. I’m sure most are cointelpro gatekeepers, but those guys often have the juiciest drops if you’re able to filter out the B.S. and deduce the angle they are attempting to deceive you from.

Anyways. Yeah… Trump is the father of the vaccine for anyone still smoking the poison-laced Hopium and clinging on to delusions of grandeur that the dude is somehow here to vanquish the non-human ruling EL-ites who he is very much cut from the same cloth as and who literally groomed him from childhood to be the “tip of the spear” for the Covaids/Quackcinne deception and to be the wildly popular public figure who ended up peddling the false hope that “White Hats” are somehow here to save the world. As if some shit like that could ever actually happen in this whack ass Clownworld. All while he mass manufactured a genocidal nano-tech laced bioweapon that he deployed on a massive scale in an unprecedented amount of time by utilizing the military in “Operation Warpspeed”.
Donald Trump ― 666 Fifth Avenue Mark of the Beast, Born on a Blood Moon!
Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? What do the Prophets and Bible Codes Say?

Trump born 6/14/46. When he was 666 months old, there were 19 years exact before the Covid 19 vax was released.

When he was 19 exact, there were 666 months before the Covid 19 vax was released.

Trump born during a lunar eclipse.
Vax released during solar eclipse.

When Trump was exactly 666 months old on 12/14/01 which is 19 years exactly before the Covid 19 vax was released…. take a guess at to what there was. Come on. I know before I even look. Its always there. Matrix hacked.

Dr. James Dobson #wingnut #fundie

I have read a new editorial published by Christianity Today that promotes impeachment of President Donald Trump. The editors didn't tell us who should take his place in the aftermath. Maybe the magazine would prefer a president who is passionately pro-abortion, anti-family, hostile to the military, dispassionate toward Israel, supports a socialist form of government, promotes confiscatory taxation, opposes school choice, favors men in women's sports and boys in girl's locker rooms, promotes the entire LGBTQ agenda, opposes parental rights, and distrusts evangelicals and anyone who is not politically correct. By the way, after Christianity Today has helped vacate the Oval Office, I hope they will tell us if their candidate to replace Mr. Trump will fight for religious liberty and the Bill of Rights? Give your readers a little more clarity on why President Trump should be turned out of office after being duly elected by 63 million voters? Is it really because he made a phone call that displeased you? There must be more to your argument than that. While Christianity Today is making its case for impeachment, I hope the editors will now tell us who they support for president among the Democrat field. That should tell us the rest of the story.

Matt Forney #homophobia #racist #wingnut

Today marks one year since the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. An ISIS terrorist barged into a gay club during Latin Night and opened fire, killing 49 homosexuals, cruelly keeping them from killing themselves with HIV and meth. The response from Western civilization’s erstwhile defenders was swift: this was a tragedy! A horror! We must fight the Muslims and keep them from attacking the most disease-ridden and predatory part of our population! Deus vult!

Nobody knew it then, but that was the day the American alt-right, the New Right, and the alt-media in general began its slow death.

I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East. But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan. Homosexuality and sexual deviancy are the central reasons why Islam has become an existential threat to the white race. The barbarians at the gates only prey on those who are too weak to fight back, and right now, Western civilization is lying bedridden in the oncology ward as the relatives weep and pray.


In the year 2017, white nations possess weapons that can incinerate entire cities in the blink of an eye. We have drones that allow soldiers to conduct assassinations from the comfort of an air-conditioned break room on the other side of the world. Far from the famines and diseases that ravaged Europe during medieval times, we’re so well-fed that we’re becoming obese.

And yet, it is now, and only now, that we are crumbling in the face of Islam.

Even as Muslims attack our nations’ capitals on a weekly basis, we refuse to name them as the enemy. We not only refuse to expel them from our lands, we invite more of them in, and even elect them to run our cities. We’re so deep in denial that even at death’s door, some of us are more concerned with genuflecting to political correctness then actual survival.

The answers as to why this is can be found in the Orlando shooting and the alt-right’s response to it.

The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking. They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. In fact, as Common Filth revealed, one of the sodomites who died in the shooting was connected to Kenboy, one of the “stars” of The Gift, a documentary about gay men who deliberately try to get HIV.

Not only do sodomites have no loyalty to their societies, they have no loyalty to each other. One of the survivors of the Pulse shooting escaped the nightclub through a back door, then barred it, preventing anyone else from escaping with him. How many people died as a direct result of his actions?

If there’s a finer example of the nature of sodomites, I have yet to find one.

There’s no comparison between homosexuals and heterosexuals. When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. They are using their sexuality in the way it is meant to be used. When a man is attracted to another man (or a woman is attracted to another woman), they aren’t seeing another human being, they’re seeing a convenient way to get off.

Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.

The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship? This accounts for all the perversions, dysfunctions, and maladies that sodomites suffer, from bizarre paraphilias such as anonymous sex and coprophilia to horrendously high rates of domestic violence among lesbians.

A heterosexual man who sleeps around (or, for that matter, a heterosexual woman who sleeps around) is and will always be morally superior to any homosexual.

No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection. Due to their horrendously self-destructive lifestyles, most of the men in that nightclub would have died young anyway: gays have much shorter life expectancies than the general population.

The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else: our highest ambition in life is to be “veal wrapped in cotton,” as Common Filth put it. That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.

The non-cucked right couldn’t manage even this.

Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public. The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets (there’s no difference between the alt-right and the “alt-lite” when it comes to sodomy) declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). Donald Trump declared at the Republican National Convention that he was the “voice” of the LGBT community. Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.

The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.

They didn’t even get thirty pieces of silver for their betrayal. Despite all the outreach to homos that the alt-right did, despite the fact that Trump was the first GOP presidential candidate to wave a rainbow flag, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was being funded in part by Saudi Arabia (where homosexuality is punished with the death penalty), four out of every five LGBT voters supported the Democrats. Appealing to the survival instincts of gays is always a losing bet, because if sodomites had a sense of self-preservation, they wouldn’t be sodomites.

And now we have the likes of Theresa May declaring that Muslims should “integrate” into our culture. You mean the culture that puts five-year old children on hormone blockers so they can become a wretched facsimile of the opposite sex? The culture where lesbian teachers can prey on underage students and get a slap on the wrist, but a college kid can be arrested for rape if he doesn’t beg his girlfriend for permission to kiss her? It certainly isn’t the culture of blood, soil, and family values that they want Muslims to conform to, not when the “right” to infect others with AIDS is cherished over the right of parents to safeguard their sons from homosexual pedophiles.

Why should Muslims want to become part of this disgusting culture? Why shouldn’t they want to destroy it?

And remember: those Muslims are there because the same people who think being gay is okay brought them here, after bombing their countries to kingdom come. You destroy everything a man has, drag him into your house and force him to watch abominable acts, and you act surprised when he despises you and everything you stand for?

If nationalism is to win, it must confront the corruption at the center of the white soul. The white proclivity for numbness and hedonism—as represented by the sodomite, the tranny, the aromantic demisexual otherkin—must be confronted and cast out. The traitors and infiltrators in the right-wing ranks must be outed and removed.

I’m not that hopeful, not when I see more discussion of moral issues and sexual perversion on a “PUA” site like Return of Kings then I see on any soi-disant alt-right site, or when I see open sodomites like Grindr Greg Johnson trying to drive wedges between men and women. But I could be wrong.

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