This is not going to be quick.
" - If COVID-19 isn't dangerous, then why are there SO MANY people dying from it in coutnries such as the USA and Italy? "
More than that die every year from influenza. Your being lied to. The numbers are estimated to be a minimum of 25% INFLATED BASED ON EXPOSED OVER REPORTING, FALSE REPORTING AND COMORBIDITY REPORTS. They bring a guy in, What happened? He was attacked by a tiger. Test him for Covid. Yep, cause of death, "Covid 19", check. That alone should be enough for you but no you've been hooked up to the propaganda teat too long. Another example, my kid works at a UPS hub, shit from all over the planet. People there got sick, just like last year. People pushed through the sickness with antihistamines, just like last year. None of them died on a ventilator in a hospital, they still work there... just like last year.
" Social distancing, as well as good hygeine and stopping people from touching absolutely everything, "
You are an idiot... there's no nice way to put this. Social Distancing is complete bullshit. People in Walmart, customer & employee touch EVERYTHING. A virus does not come on a fucking 6' leash. Everything I postulate is self evident. A person only has to rationalize. WE ARE COVERED WITH MICROORGANISMS. This is normal and healthy.
This next part is just sad and sick. You actually think like this. " we have been allowed to go outside the house, do exercise (even if it's just in the backyard) ..."
ALLOWED??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? No one "allows" me to do anything. It's my natural born right to keep right on going anywhere I went yesterday. That you would even tolerate someone telling you what you're "allowed" to do in that respect is again, sad & sick.
" rather, you are protecting others when you stop your COVID breath from going onto others " Surgical masks, bandanas, folded paper towels filter nothing. No Seal = No Filter should be obvious to you. Yet instead you behave as you feel, not as you know logic dictates. Someone "in authority" tells you to do it & so you do obediently even when you know a virus can pass through and around the material. Even you know that it filters nothing you'll continue to behave as you've been "made to feel safe" by a lying talking head on "TV" and a useless token face diaper.
America was founded on DISobedience, (not on "slavery" as our leftist rewritten history books now teach). That's the reason we still have what little freedoms we have here today. Not enough of us are foolish enough yet to let them disarm us. When's the last time you broke down your AR much less did a little training? Over here we build our own firearms LEGALLY. Now THAT'S freedom. It's also a good insulator against the corrupt and overpowered government we face in all countries today.
You're bragging about "obedience" of all things, qualifying it by pointing out what you're "allowed" to do and thinking of it as some token reward you earned. "OBEYED their governments and are and are being rewarded with their COVID-19 restrictions being taken down". Spoken like a true slave. You did what you're trained to do and you got a treat for it so you'll do it again next time your master tells you when & where you can go potty & when & where you can't.
Of course it's a scam. Holy shit they tried to attach every fucking Green New Deal agenda to the C19 false flag. It was practically an identical grocery list. That stunt was more obvious than a kid caught up to his elbow in a cookie jar and chocolate chip smears on his face.
Agendas evidencing the true purpose of C19 include but are not limited to: 5G push, intense ramping up of ever increasing surveillance of the common citizen. That one alone is enough but there's more: "Social distancing" is just testing our obedience and training us to fear contacting each other. It also provides the needed 6' margin between individuals that just happens to be the margin needed to differentiate between us via satellite surveillance. VAXXINES Has on one learned anything from what Bill & Linda, the CDC, the WHO and other vaxx pushing organizations have done to kill and sterilze people in Africa and India? Vaxxines are how you get autoimmune diseases. So what's the solution? More vaxxines that WEAKEN or DAMAGE our immune systems along with major components of our governing hormonal systems such as: pituitary, prostate, thyroid, thymus and many more glands. ID2020 chipping/dyeing/dna altering vaxxines are in no way good things. Do you really like the idea of your whereabouts and activities being constantly monitored? Your exact location known 24/ 7? Those who fall for the transhumanism movement will have their biometrics monitored constantly. The attack on us is as much psychological as it is physical.
Do you like Planned Parenthood? Hope so because that's where the gallons of albumin come from to manufacture those health sabotaging vaxxxines you beg them to control you with. Newsflash: It's not being harvested from the Planned Parenthood Chicken Ranch or the Planned Parenthood Calf Abortion Clinic. We are so far past Christianity's whining chorus of "they're killing babies". Our "dead babies" are PRODUCTS. Yes, Planned Parenthood routinely, daily, fills orders listing things like "complete left leg". Do you have any idea of the dollar amount attached to a pile of harvested dead baby parts? You think those eugenics motherfuckers are just throwing all those valuable parts & fluids in a biohazard dumpster for sterile destruction?
I'm stopping here because that list goes on forever.
" And even when we couldn't do the things we wanted to do normally, we were given alternatives (Houseparty, Zoom, Internet, Online Shopping) to replace what we had taken from us. " again, a slave happy with the garbage master slopped you with. It doesn't even occur to you that none of those things are good for us. Jerking off online does not bring people together. "Gathered apart"??? What sort of drone could find such a ridiculous load of shit suggestion even acceptable? Every option you described is social masturbation, an empty and pathetic pacifier compared to the nutritious titty of real life. The movement to literally repress natural breastfeeding and make mothers and babies dependent on bottle feeding, thus depriving babies of their first NATURAL vaccination, antibodies from mother's milk was put into place decades ago and today we see the effects. Scared sheep with weakened immune systems.
" However, when people disobeyed, such as the United States, the consequences hit them hard. *cough* high death toll *cough* You're just wrong, wrong and stupid. I'm HERE. There's NOTHING GOING ON. It's all overreporting bullshit. My not dead, UPS contaminated kid is evidence. I've been out in this big scary C19 contaminated world the entire time, jogging, doing whatever, going wherever. Not dead yet. I still met weekly with my friends and groups in Dallas. So far I haven't even found a single person sick with C19. No one I know knows anyone with C19. That's 2 tiers deep in people getting into the 100's and no C19. Where's my epidemic? Where's my disease? They promised me pestilence and likely death and I can't even get the snots. Incidentally all my annual sinus infections stopped cold turkey when I started taking care of my health instead of living off depopulation food and box o' wine. The only sickness I've had in years was food poisoning, (bad chicken). No vaxxinations for 2 decades now.
Here's some numbers for you . Less than 1/10,000 die from C19. 9/10 deaths are over age 65. 90% of those infected experience little or no symtoms. You're probably actually scared by that. THAT'S what HERD IMMUNITY IS. America has a few hot spots, everybody did and that's all you're seeing because that's all the Globalist owned media shows you.
Why the hell would I be afraid of something less dangerous than our annual flu.
Another piece of the puzzle. The hydrochloroquine study was sabotaged. It was only given to patients who were already on death's doorstep. They literally gave it only to patients who were on the way out to fuck the study. Why would they keep a tested, proven and effective treatment like hydrochloroquine from us? So we'll line up and let them stick our ass with unsafe, (no double blind study done to evidence vaxxine safety ever), heavy metal contaminated, tracking chip included, vaxxines.
Simply put we find the obvious underlying theme of you post is "OBEY, OBEY, OBEY". If you cannot look at the agendas being pushed down your throat and not recognize the "Create the crisis, provide the solution" dictoral takeover tactics I don't know what to tell you.
So many things I heard about over the years and dismissed, just like I was trained to do, vaxxine dangers, GMOs, fluoride neurotoxin, all I ignored for most of my life. I've learned late that there most certainly is truth to all those issues and many more connected to them. Make no mistake, there is disinfo mingled in, makes effective camouflage for the truth.
In the end a person recognizes all these things I talk about here, not because some talking head told us, not because of any single scrap of so called "evidence" that idiots will endlessly corrupt, twist & misepresent, but because it really is self evident. It's as obvious as the controlled demo of the Twin Towers and Building 7. A building collapse cannot reach terminal velocity. Resistance is present in a collapse and prevents that. There are a million & one pieces of "evidence" like that but because many allowed themselves to be programmed on 911 they still buy the "Aunt Jemima" joke put forth by NIST. You've never even seen an example of the rarest building failure in architectural history and even though you have the sense to know that nothing looks like a controlled demo BUT a controlled demo you're still wired to believe the false flag cover story. These things are self evident. One has only to pay attention.
Yes, the same group of families responsible for 911 designed C19 and a world of other dangerous pathogens, GMOs, dangerous vaxxines, 5G social police system in China being retailored for the United States. We've got rampant adult mental retardation in the US due to fluoride/lead issues PUT INTO in our drinking water. In the US if you're not detoxing you're being mentally retarded. Heavy metal neurotoxins are bad enough for our frontal lobe alone but damage to other organs, renal system, liver, etc. are not to be ignored.
Now that's a big pile of nasty highlights to think about. You have some unpleasant awakening to do. This world is not what they told you it is. What is in the box is not what's on the box. People have been compliant with the dumbing down of our species and many have lost the ability to rationalize for themselves making them dependent on believing what the talking heads tell them. What's in the box they give us is not good for us. This rabbit hole has no bottom.
Sincere good luck. You have a nasty hill to climb. Or you can go right on "obeying" without feeling a hitch. I spent well over a decade "waking". When I actually crossed that line, realization, it was not pleasant but things were finally put into perspective. I've hated being manipulated since I was a kid. I think that's what made me take issue with enough inconsistencies, lies & coverups to start seeing the greater beast. When a person wakes up to their first "deception", their first false flag, that's when we get our first skin of armor against the very real brainwashing that's going on globally. It's not pleasant realizing one has been tinkered with mentally but it's better than not realizing it.
Again, good luck.