
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo #quack 2012portal.blogspot.com

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Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:

Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.

During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:

One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:

Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:

Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.

The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.

If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:

Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.

Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.

If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:

Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.

On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.

Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.

Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:

Eschewcel #sexist #quack #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] The ONLY reason why men never get child custody. (MGTOWs GTFIH)

It's because they would rape their daughter. Hard blackpill to swallow, but it's absolutely logical and justice is blackpilled too when it comes to be against men.

Every married man is fighting against his instincts, not to rape his daughter. The only thing keeping him away from raping her is the fact that the consequences would be disastrous if he wanted to do it while being married.

But once the foid is away, he could seriously think of it. It's a biological instinct, and I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure that daughter-rape happens more often when the dad is alone than when the dad is married. The dad is usually thinking he'll get away with it, and he will most of the time.

What do you think of that?

Anotheruser84 #quack #sexist reddit.com

These poor idiots can't do logical processing.

They assumed there would be a vaccine...oblivious to the nuances involved that make that virtually impossible. Not just in the next year or two, but ever.

They can't think even one step ahead. They don't see that no vaccine + limited hospital capacity = shutdown = slowed herd immunity....and at the current rate of infections in this social distancing + masks + shutdowns shithole, that's a literal lifetime away.

Literally every non-essential business will permanently shut down in the next few years. The entire world will take place online.

And many of these basement-dwelling, autistic soys will be on the street with their broke parents.

So while they repeatedly told us to "go outside," when the only notion of outside they ever head was shoveling dog shit in their parents' yard, it will in fact be they who are forced to give up their faggoty video games and their anime and their Reddit LARPing.

JunkyardSam #ableist #quack #conspiracy #mammon #psycho reddit.com

The majority of deaths are sick people over 75. It might make sense for them to stay indoors, to wear hazmat suits when they go out.
But what about the rest?
•In USA only 9222 people under 55 have died.
•Only 3201 people under 45 have died.
•Only 1032 people under 35 have died.
•Only 188 under 25 have died.
Remember: We are a nation of 327,167,434 according to the same source.
(Source https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex as of yesterday, will be a little higher today)
We are asking young people to give up a year or more of their lives for what? So very old and sick people can live forever, like vampires?

["This can be argued that every American who suffered from this pandemic should be given at least 10,000 dollars for their pain and suffering. Just tax all the worthless celebs and big tech for the money. Black Friday should be called Splurge Day."]

Indeed, though I wouldn't trade my time for just $10k.
I have lost more than that in terms of memories, and increased stress during this work-from-home nightmare in a small house with 4 kids.
And before someone says, "WELL. No one FORCED you to have 4 kids." No, they didn't. But they forced us into lockdown.
Remember, there are people who want to participate in the economy right now. There are businesses who wish to open and serve them.
I know it's a meme-joke, now, so we're not allowed to talk about it -- but what about the freedom of letting people make their own choices?
If this virus was as threatening as they make it out to be it wouldn't need a marketing campaign.
Those who fear it should definitely stay indoors and wear hazmat suits when they go out. But me? I'm 45 and healthy. We are a nation of 327+ million and less than 10,000 people under 55 have died. And ~90% of those has 2.6 serious health conditions already.
Most deaths are sick people over 75.
Every day I grow more angry, more frustrated, and more depressed... and I know I'm not alone.
It will be interesting to see what happens in November.

various incels #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is

Even when I was younger and more of a normal man, not a sexually frustrated nihilistic misanthrope, I didn’t think rape was that bad. I thought it was wrong, like stealing a loaf of bread or maybe an expensive TV at worst, but I never thought it was a crime worthy of jail time. I never thought it was a crime that was unforgivable. I always thought it was ridiculous when rapists got lumped in with murderers and child molesters. Rape is really not that serious. Women just don’t like it because the men are ugly. If I was raped by an ugly woman, I would take it as a compliment. Now if she was really fat, elderly, and had smelly genitals that she forced me under gunpoint to lick, I would be mad. I would probably vomit. But I wouldn’t be traumatized for life or believe that the woman deserves to be in prison for 10 years. A hefty fine would be enough. Women who get raped are no virgins. women who get raped have sex with at least 10 men by age 20 so how is it traumatic to take just one more penis? It’s not. Women have too much time on their hands to dwell on things and become neurotic about unimportant situations. If women were in a tribe, they would get raped all the time and wouldn’t even care anymore after one point because they would have more important things to worry about like surviving in the harsh environment. By the way, I don’t want to rape anyone. It wouldn’t turn me on to be with someone who is repulsed by me. I Would never rape someone even if I could get away with it. I’m just thinking out loud. Rape isn’t that bad. By the way, I know a woman who got raped by a black man when she was a teenager and she turned out okay. She is a happy wife and mom now of 3 kids.

depends on the rape, if the rape is brutal with alot of physical harm and injuries then there should be a prison sentence since its the same as assault or something.

but normal rape is just what all animals do, you think the dog or elephant waits for consent? no

same with early humans, im convinced most babies come from rape because woman had no protection from the law, so the strongest male could just take the women and rape her because he is stronger, and since there were no abortions back then they had to deliver the baby,

so most modern women are descendants of women being raped. thats why they like being submissive, its an evolutionary trait passed down from all the females that have been raped for thousands of years before the law was invented

LOL based, women know this is true, they just crave attention and validation and also shit-test constantly, and thus must always put max effort into appearing to be victims at all times.

My only problem with your post is when you claimed, "Women have too much time on their hands to dwell on things and become neurotic about unimportant situations. If women were in a tribe, they would get raped all the time and wouldn’t even care anymore after one point because they would have more important things to worry about like surviving in the harsh environment."

BS. They're not "neurotic", they don't mind it that much. They may convince themselves that they are victims, but deep down inside they know they're not. They don't "care", they're just using shit like #MeToo to shit-test and gain attention and validation, not to mention ensure that virgins can never ascend.
>Assuming women tell the truth when they say they don't like rape and it's "the most horrible thing ever"

One more note, men take care of women entirely, so they're entitled to pussy 100%. The only problem with rape is that it's disorganized, creates hierarchies, and instills no responsibility to caretake on the part of the rapist (there are a few more, can't think of them right now). Therefore, rape damn well should be illegal and is immoral, but under Betrev (beta revolution), women would be paired involuntarily with men who chose them based on a decision made by a bureau of deciding which man is more productive to society, and they would not be obligated to work (in fact making women enter the workforce would be illegal, JFL at MGTOW and MRA who want women to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work just as hard as men, that will never happen and never should).

Women should not even be obligated to do housework, JFL at maledoms who think their "house/tradwaifus" aren't hiding broken glass in the couch cushions to shit-test. In return, every man is entitled to 1 sex a day, no strings attached.

Ugly_equals_Death #sexist #quack incels.is

Womens instinct is to support violence. They dont care about any success, nether groupsuccess or family success, they just want the most primitive man. Unlogical for men but for woman its just natural to want violence and misery the only archetype a woman desires is a warlord sociopath like those baboons.

If a man fantasizes about the perfect night he thinks about the most caring altrustic girl loving him and healing him.

If a foid fantasizes about the perfect night she thinks about her boyfriend getting beaten to death by a stronger more attractive man before her eyes and raping her afterwards (beleve me the majority of porn women consume is rape fantasies and violence)

Woman dont give a shit on families and have no altruism. They would kill their sons if they are weak and fuck them if they are strong a woman has no values morals or principles.

They shouldnt be allowed to make any decision.

Light Mandalas Co., Ltd. #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon light-mandalas.com

Light Mandalas Tools were developed by a team of international scientists dedicated to sharing previously unreleased research and studies in the martial arts, resulting in the Mandala healing tools. We combined years of scientific knowledge normally suppressed or completely hidden from the public, in order to develop tools that enhance life.

Sacred geometry is the sacred language and blueprint of creation, based on shape, form, wave, and vibration - and from it the entire universe and all matter is formed. The science of sacred geometry can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, and it continues to be studied today in the modern science of fractals.

Highly organized water plays a vital role in the body, and our DNA codes are transmitted to messenger RNA through the emission of mini-ultraviolet light bursts - via the medium of geometrically structured water molecules. Sacred geometry indeed!

We are dedicated to enhancing your experience on earth.

Instead of focusing on aging & disease, Light Mandalas focuses on quality of life, health, and longevity. We realize that the only sensible approach is to keep the body, mind, heart and spirit integrated and healthy so they can resist all intruders, thus preventing decay and disease. Our principal is prevention. We invest our time and energy in devising detailed and comprehensive tools for prevention through the process of psycho-physiological healing, using the Mandala tools to clear and harmonize your life - emotionally, physically, mentally and psycho-spiritually.

Light Mandalas crystals produce harmonically down-scaled light fields, allowing their beneficial effects to be conveyed to the bodies energy field.

is implemented on especially prepared crystals, full-range white lasers, and hand crafted gold-plated wave guides, cut to sacred geometric proportions

Sacred geometric mandala fields deliver informational resonances, received through the human energetic and informational fields (aura), which produce substantial mental, emotional and physical benefits

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #quack garydbarnett.com

The Covid Set-Up Is Now Fully in Play as CDC Outlines Plan for Death

“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through. And when I’ve said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don’t understand what I mean… We’re going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time.”

“I am worried. I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 are probably going to be one of the most difficult times that we’ve experienced in American public health because of what you said — the co-occurrence of Covid and influenza, and this is where I’d like to continue to work with you to get the American public to embrace the influenza vaccine so we can try to minimize the impact of inluenza, because I think those two respiratory pathogens hitting us at the same time do have the potential to stress our health system.”

The CDC Director, Robert Redfield, made both these ‘predictive’ statements about the future of this orchestrated coronavirus pandemic. The first comment was a few months ago as reported in this article on April 21, and the second quote was from an interview held yesterday with the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association. In my opinion, these are not simply prognostications, but are warnings of things already planned and known. Part of the reason for these announcements is to set the stage for the final nail in the coffin of freedom, and to prepare the sheep for mass death purposely created to advance this sinister agenda of total population control. The CDC, and therefore the state, will recommend the flu vaccine followed by the Covid vaccine, and both will infect all recipients with multiple viruses and poisons at a time when the bulk of society is most vulnerable. This is by design.

The state’s scandalous pandemic response is the major part of this plan that can guarantee more sickness and death; sickness and death purposely sought by the perpetrators of this fraud in order to perpetuate great harm through the manipulated weakening of the immune systems of most all Americans. After several months of lockdowns, a carrot was dangled for a brief period, with promises of reopening. That reopening never actually happened in full, as the restrictions remained during the pause, and then the stopgap plan of arranged fake racial strife, rioting, looting, and property destruction was allowed to continue until the next part of this plot could be released on the public. The beginning strategy of this second phase was based on false case increases, enough to instill fear in an already beaten down populace that is once again being told to isolate, mask, distance, and lockdown. The final part of this second phase will come with the first sign of cold weather, and this has already been put into motion due to the near complete decimation of general health due to the government response to this hoax.

What the CDC head is indicating with his comments is that he knows that the flu season coming will be much more devastating than normal, and that all sickness and death will be blamed on a virus that has never been properly scientifically isolated, identified, or verified. That will matter not, as after 8 months of mandated isolation and lockdowns, deadly oxygen-stealing mask wearing, of vitamin deficiencies, lack of exercise, job loss, depression, and extreme stress, the entire population will be at great risk of becoming sick, and the evil controllers of this fraud that plotted this outcome from the beginning, will use the purposely created weakness of the masses to advance their agendas of control.

This coming flu season will not be like last year when total deaths were close to normal, even with the introduction of a fraudulent virus. This next flu season will see not only the old and infirmed getting sick and dying, but people of all ages will be highly affected due to deliberately introduced lockdown measures implemented by the elite controllers. These controllers include the big banking sector, the government at every level, the WHO, the CDC, the pharmaceutical companies, the medical and healthcare industry, the giant tax-free foundations, and others. These are the only entities that will benefit from this great reset and new world order. They will still benefit monetarily of course, as the wealth transfers will continue in earnest, but they will benefit most by gaining total power and control over all aspects of society and people worldwide.

This Covid set-up is going forward without pause, and the governing system’s anticipation of carnage is based on reality and the desired expectation of mass death and destruction. The children, young, and somewhat healthy were spared this past year because there was no real pandemic other than the one created out of thin air. That will not be the case this coming year, as the government response, mandated isolation, and restrictions have been effective in weakening the entire population, and that will lead to an immune system breakdown that will not be exclusive of age. The state fully understands the implications of what they have created, and are using it to continue to advance agendas meant to destroy all that is held dear by humanity. The fact that so many will die is not any concern of those perpetrating this fraud, as they know exactly what they are doing, and they know exactly what they seek.

This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths against all mankind, and it is being advanced by a small group of monsters that have taken control of the minds of the masses through long-term indoctrination and policies meant to breed dependency. Fear is the new weapon of mass destruction, not because it is legitimate, but because the people have lost all will to be free, have lost all ability to think, and seek shelter and comfort as a collective herd only capable of existence in a society that is based on totalitarian rule.

“Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives. All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you.”

Excerpt From: Étienne de la Boétie. “The Politics of Obedience.” iBooks.

The people of this country are teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Hundreds of millions of American citizens hide under their beds, cover their face until they cannot breathe, submit to forced financial ruin, succumb to obvious lies and deceit, allow their property to be plundered and burned without resistance, allow their children to be poked and prodded, and injected with poisons, and voluntarily imprison themselves, never again to live a free and normal life. All this is done on orders from a few, from a criminal and corrupt government that is evil beyond imagination, and that is vile and immoral at its very core.

The blame for this travesty falls not so much on those that have fooled the people, but on the people themselves. Voluntary serfdom is deserved, because people unwilling to defend themselves, their families, their neighbors, their livelihoods, and their very freedom, are not worthy of respect. Longing for freedom without the courage to claim it is a meaningless endeavor, as any real demand by the masses would leave the governing elite naked and afraid. All that is necessary to achieve liberty is to want it, and this alone can defeat tyranny.

Danny Wang #psycho #quack latimes.com

Boy, 16, was given estrogen for behavioral disorder while in L.A. juvenile hall, suit alleges

A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic, according to a lawsuit filed last month.

The teen, whose identity is being withheld because of his age, was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, two days after he was arrested and housed at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in June 2019, the lawsuit said. Medical records reviewed by The Times show that the teen’s testosterone levels were “slightly high” when the doctor who diagnosed him prescribed daily doses of estrogen.

After taking approximately 13 daily doses of the hormone, the teen was diagnosed with gynecomastia, defined as the enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males whose estrogen level is too high, medical records show.

ODD, a behavioral condition that is sometimes suffered by patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is normally treated with therapy, said James McGough, a professor of clinical psychiatry at UCLA.

“Estrogen is not a treatment for ODD. I can’t be more emphatic about that,” McGough said. “You won’t find a reference anywhere that supports the use of estrogen for ODD.”

The lawsuit described the treatment as “experimental.” The doctor who prescribed the estrogen, Danny Wang, could not be reached for comment.

Probation officials and the teen’s attorney, Wesley Ouchi, declined to say why he was in custody. Ouchi said the boy, now 17, was released in April and will require surgery to treat the physical issues he developed as a result of the estrogen treatment.

Wang prescribed a daily regimen of 2 milligrams of estrogen to be taken in pill form, according to medical records. The boy’s parents were not aware that he had been diagnosed with ODD or was undergoing treatment until late July 2019. Doctors said the treatments should not have been carried out without the parents’ consent.

“When I found out they were giving him the pill, I was like, why didn’t they ask me? When I found out what kind of pill was it, I was like, this is terrible,” the father said. “He’s only 16, and they were forcing him to take it.”

The father said he later confronted Oh, the medical director, over the phone. Oh admitted that Wang had made “a mistake,” the father said. The health services representative declined to comment on Oh’s alleged remark due to the ongoing litigation.

The treatments stopped last July, after the teen began to complain of negative side effects and refused medication, records show. Prior to that, Ouchi said, his client felt compelled to take the pills because he feared that disobeying Wang would have a detrimental effect on his pending criminal case.

Ouchi also alleges the boy was bullied by other youths in custody once his gynecomastia symptoms developed.

“As a teenager, he felt self-conscious already,” Ouchi said. “Going through these changes made it a lot more traumatic for him.”

Sara Coffey, director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Oklahoma State University, said ODD is normally diagnosed in children between the ages of 6 and 12. Children diagnosed with the disorder often struggle with authority, in school or in social settings. Common treatments include family therapy or medications that have had success in aiding juveniles with ADHD, including Ritalin and Adderall.

Using hormones to treat ODD might actually worsen the situation, Coffey said.

“The other concern I have, as a psychiatrist, is that we know hormones play a role in mood,” she said. “If his mood got disrupted, that could only further complicate things.”

The boy’s father said the hormone therapy has had a long-term effect on his son, who now scares easily and has become antisocial.

“He’s like a different person. He just wants to be in his room, and he don’t come out for nothing, all day in his room,” the father said. “He was never like that.”

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Ashtar Galactic Federation Commander,

I am happy to be here and deliver this message to you today. You noticed that a lot is going on in your world and the world you live in has changed and continues to change. Somedays, you feel that your life is now, so drastically different than before, that it doesn't even feel the same or look normal anymore. You know why, since March you were stuck at your homes, the whole world got darker and you were affected by it a lot. Your life and your families got separated by the mask and social distancing, you can't even hug each other anymore, because of the restrictions your governments put on you. The government leaders have their own agendas and it's not in the best interest of your needs. All they do is create more problems and obstacles for you to overcome with their new rules. They want you to be staying at your location and be controlled by them, and this is nothing new for you. You have been seeing that for the past 3 months now.

You are now in the second phase of the Coronavirus, I mentioned before that We, The Galactics eliminated over hundred viruses in my previous message and we did. This one is just leftovers from the main virus and it's not so dangerous, what the media claims to the public, your immune system can handle this and it can adopt to this new threat. The only people who had issue with the Coronavirus are the ones who already had a lot of health issues before it was released on humanity by the Dark Forces, so please trust us and trust yourself. Don't panic and don't buy what your governments are trying to sell to you with their scare tactics.

We are working very hard behind the scenes everyday and we are receiving and adding more tasks to do in our mission here on Earth, because of all the chaos going on right now on Mother Gaia our workload is increasing with each day. The Galactic Federation is preventing catastrophic events that would end life here on this planet on a daily basis. We are committed to our mission here
and want to make sure that humanity stays safe and sound, and that nothing would stop them from reaching their goal of Ascension.

Ben Garrison #quack #conspiracy soonerpolitics.org


1) "It's the new normal! Wear a mask!!" yells an alien facehugger as it attacks someone
2) A chestburster labelled "Forced Vaccines" and "Global Agenda" bursts out of his chest.

I happened to read our local newspaper recently. In their Letters to The Editor section, a woman implored us all to start wearing masks. She said it’s time to do our patriotic duty. Everyone must wear a mask outside their homes! If we all wore them the virus would quickly be defeated. During World War II all citizens came together and sacrificed for the war effort and we were victorious. She implied the war on the COVID-19 virus is no different.

It is different.
Fake News mass media pumps out non-stop fear. Everyone is suspect. Danger from an unseen thing lurks everywhere. Social distancing is simply division designed to prevent us coming together and protesting. The masks are not a sign of patriotism. Rather, they are a sign of defeat and submission to an evil power elite. They hate humanity and they want us to hate ourselves. A mask is a symbol of that self-hatred.

The masks are not only an affront to our human dignity, they also take away our humanity and they are also a precursor of things to come. If we accept the unconstitutional ‘orders’ that we have to social distance and wear masks when we’re out of our homes, the Deep State will also think we will then eagerly accept digital tagging in some form when the time comes. Big global corporate stores such as Costco require masks on faces before entering. That will become the ‘new normal’ they love to promote. They want the mask nonsense to be widely accepted before forcing their vile and endless vaccines upon us. Soon, people will have to prove they’ve been vaccinated before shopping for food.

What do you think Bill Gates was talking about during those Bilderberg meetings? Why did they erect those Georgia Guide Stones telling us about their plans for a great population reduction? The satanic monsters are required to tell us what they’re going to do to us. They think we’re cattle who can be easily herded. The eugenicists’ planned-demic is designed to defeat us once and for all. The time to resist is now. Your chances of dying from their virus is very small, but the chances of our liberties dying are much greater. Just say ‘NO!’ to the masks. Say ‘HELL NO!’ to forced, life-shortening vaccines, a cashless society, and a Chinese-style social credit system.

Don’t let the monsters have their way.

Ben Garrison #quack #conspiracy facebook.com

What does YOUR facemask say? The masks speak:

"I live in fear"
"I believe CNN"
"I will snitch on you!"
"I believe in agenda 21"
"I want safety, not freedom"
"I want medical tyranny"
"My parents are hurting my immune system"
"I love Bill Gates"
"I do what I'm told"
"I want mandatory vaccines"
"I enjoy virtue signaling"
"It's all Trump's fault!"
"The New Normal"

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack projectcamelotportal.com

What is it exactly? For example, bat DNA, another animal DNA mixed into a solution that is then administered to humans SOMEHOW… through the air (aerosol) or through the water or injected etc. It seems as though some think this “bioweapon” was then somehow organized by an AI into a packet of waves (frequencies) (scaler waves?) that are sent through and move through a network of IOT (internet of things) (computers, cell phones, 4G/5G wireless) which then connect to humans via TOUCH with their devices or mentally through AUDIO and MEMES… convincing the humans to become sick. Those frequencies emit radiation which results in Flu-like symptoms in some humans but not all.

The question matters because if they are rapidly working on dispersing by the same process (through WAVES) ACROSS THE NET…And in order to stop a 2nd or 3rd wave, people need to know what they can do.

And in this war against our biology we should be able to create a COUNTER WAVE TO INTERFERE WITH AND SEND THEIR DESTRUCTIVE SOCIAL PROGRAMMING MEMES back at them (or back at the initiating AI). This would presuppose there is a CENTRALIZED POINT (such as the Wuhan lab) that is initiating this WAVE. We can do this through meditation and force of will.

Please stop saying humans can’t understand because they can… Underestimating others simply shows the limits in your own ability to think and reason. If you can’t see God in everyone including yourself you can’t see God at all.

Google/Youtube have taken down/deleted a number of my videos and those of others as well so it is by no means the first time they have done such a thing. You are not alone.

We know it is the RADIATION that creates the response in humans (flu-like symptoms) and that the frequencies emitted by devices and wireless…the electronic smog — acid rain which contains nano, various metals and other chemicals further act to degenerate cells etc.

This electronic soup we have been living in has been a constant now for a number of years. However, the release of this bioweapon and distribution (via AI using the IOT) must be DIRECTED by someone or something that is programmed to attack. I suppose, for example, Cyrus Parsa would think the AI is directed by the Communist Chinese from a central point within China or via a satellite network they control. If this is the case, then Trump and team should be engaged in disabling those satellites using our own satellites and scaler waves directed to again interfere with and send back to them their own destructive frequencies. In essence this is a frequency war….

bestgoyever #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #quack #wingnut reddit.com

Facebook is currently undergoing a siege of advertisement boycotts because they won’t censor the platform enough, but for some reason, investors keep pouring money into the company. Basically, the Israeli group “Anti-Defamation League” is threatening to publicly accuse anyone who continues advertising with Facebook of supporting the Holocaust.

After stonewalling requests to ban Donald Trump and everyone who supports him, Facebook stonewalled. Now, they’re beginning to do categorical bans. They will no doubt just keep slowly doing more and more bans, all the while protesting that they support freedom of speech, like a woman protesting between giggles as you slowly tear off items of clothing. It almost seems like the whole thing is just a stage play being acted out for the edification of the audience.

The latest categorical ban comes against people trying to help homosexuals.

Male homosexuality is a vice and hygiene problem that has occurred in society for a very long time, primarily oriented towards pubescent boys. Historically, the men engaged in this behavior did not break away and form a degenerate subculture, or have this sterile aversion to women and family life. They had wives and families like everyone else.

This was a side behavior, not a lifestyle or an identity.

It was like this with the Greeks, Japanese and others, and is still like this with most Moslems and religious Jews.

Homosexualism, on the other hand, is a foreign ideology that was invented in San Francisco in the 1960s. It is an identity cult built around a pathological fixation on a sterile sexual hobby, to the exclusion of the principle function of sex. It is a rebellion against the natural family order – like feminism for men. Since it is a belief system and a cult, it should be curable by psychosocial intervention.

However, Mark Zuckerberg would rather that young boys be lured into this cult, get diseases, be psychologically destroyed, and die young with no children.

It is a disgrace to the medical profession that the American Medical Association would cite these over-the-top, holocaustic claims.

There would be no need to do anything traumatizing to confused teenagers in order to teach them to act normally. Like any other behavior disorder, this could be mitigated with individual and group psychotherapy and group activities reinforcing appropriate behavior.

Not only is it impossible to advertise these services, but it is increasingly impossible to offer them in the West – they were banned in Germany this year.

TACHYONIS ADVANCED PLEIADIAN HEALING TECHNOLOGIES #ufo #quack #dunning-kruger #mammon tachyonis.org

Tachyon Products
Tachyon products presented here were developed by New Energy Tachyon, a research and development company based in Europe. Currently they focus on researching the effect of influence of exotic forms of matter such as non-ionized plasma, gluonic dark matter and neutrino dark matter on tachyon field. They also do research of behavior of tachyon field at extremely low temperatures, for example in liquid nitrogen. In suborbital and orbital space around Earth they study the effect of cosmic rays upon the tachyon field. The company is cooperating with leading companies from the civilian space research initiative, such as Bigelow Aerospace and UP Aerospace. They were present at the first commercial suborbital test flight for small companies thanks to their cooperation with ZG Aerospace LLC. They are participating in the Fly your stuff program of Bigelow Aerospace aboard their Genesis II orbital spacecraft.

What are Tachyons?
Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that infuse physical matter with spiritual light.
Tachionization is a technological process that infuses physical matter with an increased quantity of tachyons and permanently changes quantum properties of atomic nuclei which compose that matter. Chemical composition is not altered, the change occurs on subatomic level.
Because it decreases entropy of physical matter it reverses the aging process and strengthens the immune system.

Is the tachionization permanent or will the effects dilute after time?
This process is permanent and irreversible. It is not possible to remove tachyons by exposing them to heat, magnetic field or any type of chemical reaction.

Is the tachionization process safe?
This process is completely safe. It does not change chemical composition of matter and it does not create any type of electromagnetic field nor any type of radioactivity.

Why are tachyon products a good choice among wellness products?
Tachyon products are among the most effective means to improve our quality of life, removing physical causes of many diseases and imbalances in our bodies. Tachyon products cannot be misused and go well along with other wellness products. Since tachyons equally influence our physical body and our higher energy bodies, they improve our well-being and accelerate our spiritual growth dramatically.

Are there any side effects of tachyon products?
It is good to know that they trigger a purification and detoxification process that lasts uo to a few weeks and can have some mild side effects, such as headaches, sleeplessness,...This is just a sign that toxins are rapidly leaving your body which is in fact getting healthier! It is good to drink plenty of water during that time.

You can order Tachyon products directly from here. Payment is by PayPal. Flat rate worldwide shipping is 10 EUR per product. Please allow three weeks for shipping after your order is placed.

Tachyon water is treated with special tachionization proces that does not alter its chemical compostion, but with insertion of tachyons it causes its modification on subatomic level. Such water has enormous vital potential. It enables entrance of tachyons into our physical body and thus accelerates detoxification processes, strenghtens the immune system and increases bioenergy level. Tachyon water should not be used concentrated. Rather dilute 5-10 drops of tachyon water in a glass of ordinary water and consume daily. Store in cool place.

Contents 16 fl oz (500 ml). Price 36 EUR.

Tachyon beauty cream
Fantastic Calendula multipurpose cream protects and nurtures skin and accelerates its regeneration. It can be used as an anti-aging cream, protection cream for dry and sensitive skin, as a daily cream, hands skin care cream, after-shave cream, body cream, as a skin care cream for children… Strong tachionization accelerates skin renewal and because of syntropic properties of tachyons reverses the aging process.

Contents 1.7 fl oz (50 ml). Price 36 EUR.

Tachyon relax cream
Tachyon relax cream is proven to completely remove or drastically reduce pain in over 75% of cases. It was carefully designed using effective ingredients (vitamin B complex, arnica and etheric oils) and treated with a tachyonization process that enhances its efficiency significantly. Along with its ingredients tachyons penetrate into the body, accelerating healing and recovery processes. Tachyon relax cream is ideal for anyone suffering with arthritis, rheumatism and chronic inflammations. It provides relief from physical injuries, swells and muscle displacement, joint and backbone pain.

Contents 1.7 fl oz (50 ml). Price 36 EUR.

Tachyon cell phone protection

Tachyon cell phone protection is a tachyonized metal plate with a special energy symbol. This plate harmonizes harmful electromagnetic radiation, emitted by cell phone to its surroundings. Since tachyonization process changes the structure of atomic nuclei of atoms that compose this plate, it becomes a permanent tachyon antenna and thus a permanent protection against harmful EM radiation.

Size 1 1/2 "x1" (36x26 mm). Price 36 EUR.

Tachyon home electrosmog protection

Household tachyon electrosmog protection is an improved version of cell phone protection with an increased radius of operation. It should be mounted on the incoming safety fuse/circuit breaker division panel and it will harmonize the whole spectrum of electromagnetic wavelengths in the area covered with those safety fuses/circuit breakers. Therefore it represents an ideal electrosmog protection of households and business premises where it significantly raises quality of living.

Diameter 3 1/2" (88 mm). Price 100 EUR.

Paula Moore #quack #moonbat #conspiracy peta.org

According to a new study by an international team of researchers, your thoughts about marriage equality and racial justice could be linked to your affinity for steaks and sausages. In other words, if the idea of killing another living being for dinner doesn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth, then you’re probably not too bothered by other social injustices, either.

The study, “Rationalizing Meat Consumption. The 4 Ns,” published in the journal Appetite, found that people who justify eating animals by claiming that it is “natural,” “normal,” “necessary” or “nice”—even though it is none of these things—are more tolerant of social inequality in general.

Historically, these same “Ns” have been trotted out to justify everything from slavery to homophobia. For instance, as the study notes, “In defense of male-only voting practices in the U.S. opponents of women’s suffrage often appealed to the necessity of denying women the vote … to the natural superiority of male intelligence, and to the historical normalness of male-only voting as ‘designed by our forefathers.’ … Today, most people find such arguments in support of male-only voting ludicrous at best.”

This confirms what PETA has long maintained: The mindset that condones the oppression of other humans—whether Jews, women, gays or people of color—is the same mindset that permits the exploitation of animals. Prejudices of any stripe arise when we start to believe that “I” am important and “you” are not, that my interests somehow trump those of other living beings.

It’s not surprising that meat-eaters find it necessary to defend their behavior, which is increasingly coming under public scrutiny. In this day and age, anyone who’s been paying attention knows that raising and killing animals for food is destroying the planet, jeopardizing our health and causing tremendous suffering to billions of sentient beings. In today’s meat and dairy industries, animals know little else but pain, fear, injury and disease. Piglets have their tails and testicles cut off without being given painkillers, chickens and turkeys have their throats cut while they’re still conscious and calves are taken away from their mothers within hours of birth.

And the United Nations reports that a global shift toward a vegan diet is necessary if we want to combat the worst effects of climate change.

It’s simpler to make excuses—“I grew up eating meat; it’s normal,” or “A plate of spare ribs is so nice after a hard day”—than it is to change behavior. It’s easy to shake our heads in disbelief at what others before us have done but not so easy to examine honestly the biases and prejudices that we hold today.

But there’s hope. As more consumers begin to question the status quo and reject the inherent violence of eating animals, the world will become a kinder place for all of us.

A previous study found that vegans and vegetarians have more empathy than meat-eaters do—for both animals and their fellow humans. Researchers in Europe placed volunteers in an MRI machine and showed them a series of random pictures during scanning. The scans revealed that when observing animal or human suffering, the “empathy-related” areas of the brain are more active among vegetarians and vegans. The researchers also found that there are certain brain areas that only vegans and vegetarians seem to activate when witnessing suffering.

Compassion begets compassion. Change can happen when we begin to recognize that all oppression, prejudice and cruelty are wrong—and that all are connected. We can start with dinner.

Worldwithoutcancer #crackpot #quack worldwithoutcancer.uk

According Cancer Society, this year 550,000 Americans will die from cancer. One out of every three will develop cancer in their lifetime. That is eighty-eight million people in the United States alone.

What you are about to read does not carry the approval of organised medicine. The Food and Drug Administration, the American Cancer Society, and the American Medical Association have labelled it "fraud" and "quackery". In fact, the FDA and other agencies of government have used every means at their disposal to prevent this story from being told. They have arrested citizens for holding public meetings to tell others of their convictions on this subject. They have confiscated films and books. They even have prosecuted doctors who apply these theories in the effort to save the lives of their own patients.

The purpose of this web-site is to show that this great human tragedy can be stopped now entirely on the basis of existing scientific knowledge.

The information you are about to read marshals the evidence that cancer is a nutritional-deficiency disease, like scurvy or pellagra. It is not caused by a bacterium, virus or mysterious toxin, but by the absence of a substance that modern man +

[sic?] has removed from his diet. That substance is Vitamin B-17, also known as Amygdalin or Laetrile. If that analysis is correct, then the treatment and prevention of cancer can be made simple. All that needs to be done is to restore that easily obtained and inexpensive food factor to our daily meals. An increasing number of doctors all over the world are now are testing and proving 9in their own clinics that the vitamin concept of cancer is true.

As you shall see in the pages that follow, there is a great deal of evidence supporting the nutritional-deficiency concept of cancer -- more than enough to convince most people that the thesis is proven. This concept is not approved by orthodox medicine. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.

Devin Palladino #wingnut #quack libertayoverauthoritah.blogspot.com

Hi! I have decided to continue this blog full of freedom and liberty! I will explain "clown world" in my own words. I hope you enjoy this blog! I hope it is informative. I doubt not too many people will read it. Ready? Well here it is! I'm gonna write a lot here, so bear with me! I hope you enjoy what you read. You most likely will not agree. That's okay. I'm not going to convince you to agree with me. Perhaps I might change your mind, but I highly doubt it.

It turns out that liberty is needed more than ever in this crazy "clown world" we are subjected to live in. People have low and negative energy vibrations all around and it's absolutely bonkers. It's a truly mad mad mad mad world in the first couple of decades of the 21st century. What went wrong? You tell me. I honestly don't know. We have a U.S. President who is an absolute joke. Let me tell you my experience with Trump supporters... they're no better than Obama supporters. I thought Obama supporters were mad. Trump supporters are just as mad or even more mad. I realize that as time goes by. You thought I was some conservative fuck? Think again, buttercup. I'm not for the left-right paradigm at all. If I had to be highly honest, I lean a bit to the left... I was never a rightist or conservative. It's weird, there's some things I agree with on the left and there's some things I agree with on the right. However, I despise the 'Squad', which I know consists AOC and that Omar lady. I also cannot stand Bernie Sanders as well.

I'm also not a Trump supporter. I do not have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" at all. I was not a Trump supporter in the past, I'm not a Trump supporter in the present and I'm not going to be a Trump supporter in the future. I find him to be the leader of "clown world." He's a waste of space President just like Obama, the Son of the Bush, Clinton, Daddy Bush and Reagan. I can't say anything about Carter, he was before my time. My mother calls him "do nothing President. Come to think of it, I don't remember Reagan in the 80's. I was in my early childhood and I have very little memories of my early childhood from 1984-1989.

"Clown world" needs to get dismantled. It's not a cool world whatsoever. It is an infringement on liberty and freedom to the max. It consists of people who are absolute and total idiots from the left and right. I have no idea how these people got into power. This is not how the United States of America is supposed to be at all. We have been warned about a two-party system. The two-party system is not working at all. People keep on voting these people in and we are making zero progress. Oh I'm not a Libertarian either. Libertarian Party is an absolute waste of time that no one needs to be involved in. I'm more of a libertarian (lowercase L). How about we ALL STOP PAYING TAXES. Let us all simultaneously stop paying taxes in the United States of America. How about that? Then let's make the "clown world" politicians and anyone else involved with the world do more productive things.

I'm extremely optimistic. I know for a fact that "clown world" will not last forever. I know it will not last forever. How long will this last? I have no idea. I don't know at all. I hope to report to you in a future posting that it's finally over and we're going in a better direction. So far, it's not a good direction at all. We'll never ever have true liberty and freedom in the best country in the whole entire world. I'm not an anarchist anymore, by the way. I was until I read more up on it. I was specifically an "anarcho-capitalist" and I have decided that it wasn't for me. It's an oxymoron to me. It's a bunch of conservatives who have hijacked anarchy and claiming it as the "true anarchism" and I know for an extremely good fact that "anarcho-capitalism" is the falsest of the false anarchy. Capitalism fucking sucks and it's really sucking in the early portion of the 21st century. Two decades into the 21st century it sucks. OK, my case on why capitalism fails will be in a future posting.

In conclusion, let us stray away from the "clowns" who are creating this difficult world for liberty and freedom to shine. We need to get away from it. I have nothing else to say here. That's pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thank you for reading this!

Andrew Anglin #quack dailystormer.name

[From "Self-Help Sunday: Don’t be a Foam Cuck, End Soap Use Now"]

I have not used normal industrial soap really in my entire life, due to the estrogens in it, instead buying natural soaps. These don’t tend to be much more expensive than the estrogen soaps, but they are difficult to find. Due to the idiotic coronavirus hoax, I was unable to get my normal soap, which is made of olives.

I wasn’t going to use the industrial petrochemical soap, so I just didn’t use any soap at all. I scrubbed my body with a rough pad, and as if a miracle, my skin became significantly healthier. I am now more than two months into #NoSoap, and I can guarantee you, this is a superior way of living life.

The musk will become you, and your essence will be the musk itself. That is to say, your musk will be your true essence.

I have very sensitive skin, and would typically get various kinds of small irritating rashes and zits and so on, and virtually all of that is gone now, completely. The only place I get any problems at all is on my hands, where I still use soap.

But Do You Stink on the #NoSoap Train?
I don’t know how badly I stink because I cannot smell myself. I am surrounded by underlings who would not honestly answer questions about my musky odor. But I did ask someone who would have answered honestly recently, and he told me I smelled better than usual. (Note: I have never used deodorant, so there has always been a potential for body odor.)

It makes sense I would smell better than usual, as even the natural olive soaps were messing with the balance of my skin bacteria. Now that the skin bacteria is achieving its true natural balance, I should be smelling like a true natural man. I have also been strongly attractive to women as of late. This is always true, because of my handsomeness and charming demeanor, but it’s been even more true since I quit soap. Girls I speak to in public are becoming smitten, and getting aggressive with me. I believe this is due to my manly skin bacteria emitting a healthy musk filled with pheromones.


But I Work and Wear a Suit?
I still don’t know the answer for people who have to work in a white collar job and wear a suit. Probably, such individuals are forced to wear antiperspirant deodorant, which is literally the worst thing on earth. It is much worse than even the worst petrochemical soap. However, if you are wearing that deodorant, you can still cut the soap, because your natural skin bacteria will not create a stink other than through the sweat of the underarms.


You do need to take a shower regularly, and you might want to take it more often. You need the water on your body to remove the stench of the sweat, and you need to scrub under your arms and on your crotch to remove some portion of the musky bacteria that is created from the musk-zones. The concept of a “stench” like the one that black people have from not bathing is created by letting dead bacteria rot on the skin and letting bad bacteria grow by feeding on excessive dead skin cells. That is the secret: you have to remove the dead bacteria and the dead skin cells through regular harsh scrubbings of the underarms and groin. Scrub between your buttocks as well. In fact, scrub down everything, completely.


Let Me Tell You a Story…
In a moment of weakness, I recently washed my crotch with soap, and I got a bunch of little zits on my thighs. It was horrible. Little infected hair type zits, all along my inner thighs, because my healthy bacteria did not know how to respond to this abuse.

I want you to understand: I have told you this story not to weaken you, but to strengthen you. Now it is up to you.

Never again.
[Picture of Holocaust monument reading "Never again!"]

Jen Mccarty #conspiracy #magick #quack #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

One of the main areas this is being played out is within the current school system, the deep state's agenda with the current school system, on the whole, is attempting to desensitize children to all that is Sacred holy and true within their divine blueprint. One way this is being implemented is by the use of temperature guns which are being aimed at the children's third Eye/pineal gland /foreheads.

This one act alone is is Abominable in mother-father God's eyes as children are like sponges and automatically believe every single thing adults say and perpetuate, and this is installing a notion in these children on an unconscious level that there is something wrong with them, they are unsafe, they are unclean, they are not wholesome and healthy, and also that it is ok for someone to fire a laser beam into their pineal gland.....In many ways, this one action could be viewed as programming them to receive the mark of the Beast, as this Antichrist agenda is Instilling a notion in them that there is something inherently wrong with them, which is a lie of the highest order..

This targeting of children's pineal gland is very much at the forefront of this spiritual war that is taking place currently on the lower dimensional planes of consciousness, as the pineal gland is the gateway to full god remembrance and alignment with our multidimensional Avatar self.

Children in schools are also being encouraged to practice social distancing which is indeed a CIA torture program. Isolation is used in prisons for prisoners who are being punished for their behaviours within the prison, and is seen as the most intense form of punishment a prisoner could receive, again this notion of social distancing and isolation is part of the deep states agenda to groom children to be completely switched off from their divine child codes, through instilling the false notion of punishment, which again taps into the illusory notion that there is something inherently wrong with them, and this is extremely damaging to the beautiful sacred divine child, as children are like sponges and automatically absorb and take on as truth every single thing that adults say and perpetuate.

The lower-dimensional enforcement of face masks for children and adults is also a very powerful symbol. They symbolise -silence, oppression, herd mentality, and The killing of one's individuality... it has been scientifically proven that the masks do absolutely nothing to protect anybody from a virus (a virus which the body has created in order to cleanse itself and expel toxins, a virus which is a sign that the body is indeed working and functioning perfectly), if one truly wanted and needed to protect oneself from ever catching a virus they would have to wear a complete body suit much like a space person would wear whilst visiting the moon, it is only this level of protection which will entirely stop you from picking up any virus.

Uglyme #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

[Theory] If you live with older sisters or female cousins, you should sleep with a knife under your pillow

Your sisters are sick of seeing your ugly face everyday, even if you spend the whole day in your room, the fact that they share the house with a subhuman is painful for them. Remember they're in their prime reproductive age so every subhuman is garbage to them. One of these days, they might snap and kill you to get rid of you forever. And the worst part is that they won't go to jail cause they just need to create a story of how you touched them when they were kids or how they found out you're an incel and that's it. They would be heroes. Be careful.

Even Jesus said: "a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

Stan Chappas #conspiracy #fundie #quack youtube.com

pizzaGate. Hillary Clintons campaign manager and former staff of Bill Clinton (John Podesta) emails were hacked, they used cryptic talk words like pizza and ice cream referring to little kids. You have to make the decision yourself if u believe this is true. Me personally the evidence is clear especially epstein's molestation of kids and the elite who traveled to his island. Sealed that fact then ofcourse his mysterious death... Anyways john podestas emails were full of this cryptic talk. Also ever hear of spirit cooking? Marina Abromovic was emailing him asking if his family was coming over for the spirit cooking.(youtube all this for your own judgement) But she is worshipped by many celebs and funded by elites of the likes of Bill Gates. It is really sad and disgusting and a true pedophilia ring. Also Covid 19 is it, it will not get better from this point unless we the people overthrow our worlds tyrannical governments. Alex Jones has some good messages but he make people who know the truth look bad. The truth is out there its just what do u personally accept. Im a believer in Christ, and the bible shows the things to come and all of the New World Order so called "conspiracy" is in the new testament (king james version). But if you are questioning things good i can point you in a direction but once your down the rabbit hole your down down down.... The federal reserve (is not federal and USA lost its power when we accepted a centralized bank), JFK assasination (he tried to rid the federal reserve) operation paperclip( we brought nazis to america to work on government projects) The Rockefeller family, the rothchild family, The astor family, 13 bloodlines of the illuminati (first hand evidence can find George Washington's letter about the illuminati google that to pull up goventments library of congress website for his authentic letter, Bill gates and id2020.org and how id2020 had a summit with merging digital id with vaccinations look at the offical website of id2020 will see GAVI the vaccine Alliance, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft funds it, cryptocurrency bitcoin funds it (its happening right now from covid19 the petrodollar has collapsed and digital currency in vaccination form is transpiring articles on the summit that joined digital currency with vaccination)then you will find agenda 2030 mandated id2020, Bilderberg committe, council of foreign relations, trilateral commision, baphomet worship, satanic symbols of celebrities, the scientific research of cern, the roman catholic church, pizzagate, united nations (agendas 21&2030), george soros, the world trade center conspiracy, the freedom act and the patriot act, the bush family and John Kerry and many more in the frat Skull and Bones at Yale University, 5g. Conspiracy and the amount of gigahertz 5g uses compared to 4g and the harmful effects of gigahertz, the lies of historical science(trying to disprove God).....all of this is linked and all of it is the same big ugly truth its just do you want to go down that rabbit hole and have eyes wide open? They are admitted satanist and worship evil. They run the world and they are pedophiles which is a part of satanism. They have always wanted to have a one world government and one world currency( is in our holy bible this will happen) and depopulation it is here.... henry kissinger, david rockefeller, and the united nations have been pushing this and now its here thanks to Covid19. Obamas chief of staff once said dont ever let a crisis go to waste....obama administration funded wuhan lab 3.7 million dollars all on record. All of this ive mentioned is documented you personally just have to look it up. By the way this year zero album was made in 2007 Trent Reznor made this album for what he saw the world would be in the 2020's scary right? He made a interview for year zero album explaining it (its on youtube). Hope i can relay info ive read not from conspiracy but from documents and factual evidence whether looking up official sites, documented operations of government, recorded or videotapped footag, records of the library of Congress' website. Im writing all of this because people who want to know need to know, and ive spent years finding facts not a dog chasing his own tail. Thanks for reading goodluck and God bless.

BummerDrummer #wingnut #quack #racist incels.is


Fellow southerners and Texans alike, the fucking NIGGER LOVIN JEWISH KIKE MARXIST STATE is fuckin mandating that we PUT ON MASKS DESPITE COVID-19 BEING A FUCKIN HOAX.



I am NOT wearing a mask. If that means I have to stay inside so be it. I would rather starve and die than wear a god damn mask. MASK ON=THE GOVERNMENT HAS ITS DICK UP YOUR ASS


BummerDrummer #sexist #quack #conspiracy incels.is

[Blackpill] People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power. You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to. They are
Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide.

[links to youtube videos denying the pandemic]

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.

How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity.

It is important to consider that any new Covid vaccine will not only be tainted with several different deadly viruses, but will also be filled with deadly adjutants as well, possibly including mercury, aluminum, and other poisons. In addition, tracking and tracing technology, biological nano-particles, and other unrelated toxins could be an unknown part of any possible gene-altering injection. Whatever the makeup of this vaccine, it is certain that everything in it once given will then be inside the bodies of all those inoculated. Once these viruses and other agents are inside the body, weak or compromised immune systems due to the stress of isolation and quarantine, lack of exercise and sunlight, additional and continued job loss, oxygen stealing masks, and other factors will allow for those newly injected viruses to attack those vaccinated by replicating and causing sickness and disease. This will be especially deadly for the old, sick, and infirmed, but those people are already being murdered by the state due to the inhuman response to this fabricated coronavirus pandemic hoax. This was no accident, and exposes that the ruling elites and the government eugenics agenda is already being implemented.

ItsNotADream #sexist #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] divorces are a huge reason to why women need less rights (also debunking jewish-marxist myths)

Tradition is the best thing to our society, it went through natural selection and is adapted to human nature, without it, (I am saying all of this as an agnostic)
societies become vulnerable and at the end collapse, with tradition also incel looking guys had easier time, because foids cared mainly about money and they couldn't risk having a divorce, because they couldn't get a job and because of stigmas
and males also had more money and could actually finance a house, and because now foids can also have a job and make money, salaries got lower (because of a bigger supply and a lower demand)

and guess what, foids are supposed to be the ones who are submissive, nature made them that way, and it has been like that for thousands of years for reason
(and yes IT, I also support stoning homosexuals who are open about it in minecraft)

[rambling follows in the link]

vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

People improving their lives by transitioning is a beautiful thing

Usually when someone live a shit life as a male he will just complain about how women are unfair to him or he will spend his time on various copes such as videogames and anime.

It's very rare for miserable males to actually improve themselves via medical transition, it usually takes pretty bad gender dysphoria for them to actually take action and even then many fail to act in time.

1.Males transitioning to female makes the world more beautiful (less disgusting males).

2.People that transition and become beautiful benefit from it

3.people around them will see them improve instead of suffering or killing themselves.

4.males that transition are politically useful for my goals (maybe also your goals).

5.trans girls are high in demand and can allow cis lesbians to have biological children with a partner they find attractive.

6.voluntary chemical castration makes a male less likely to hurt other (and himself in the process).

I find it strange that people rarely object to psychiatry that outright harms people and costs billions of dollars each year but they complain about the government helping trans individuals transition even though it's one of the few mental health interventions that actually works.

Forced feminization

A lot of individuals cannot make it as males and will thus be forced to live as female or suffer the brutalsocial consequences of being male, this is especially true for females with gender dysphoria, they mightnot like their female bodies but medical transition would still be a disaster for them.

Most males are no longer needed in our modern society, technology has made name strength mostly obsolete and most males do not have any mental abilities not commonly found in females. Less than 10% of males are needed for sex and reproduction, most males are just a burden to society and thus we need to increase the number of males that transition to female, especially individuals who would clearlybenefit from changing their biological sex.

Most males hold into their male pride but that will soon crash down as females raise their standards (because they can) and even more males lose their jobs to automation.

Currently forced treatments are justified by "danger to themselves and others", you do not need to be convicted of an actual crime. If we are going to treat people against their will that shall include HRT.

A nurse will regularly visit your home. Your pants will be pulled down and soon you will feel a needle inside your muscle and soon the injection, estradiol valerate, it will be slowly absorbed by your body.

At first it was just pills given orally, now it's injections and at this point hiding the breasts is very difficult. The estrogen will make you more emotional and thus you will probably start crying due to theintense humiliation you received by the new government controlled by believers of vintologi. You crying and begging will of course not stop the nurse from doing the injection.

After a while you will stop resisting and accept your face as a girl. It will become increasingly difficult to hide what's happening to you, your breasts getting bigger, face feminized, brain feminized. Once you have been forced to be on HRT long enough there will not be much left of your old self, the hormones have changed your brain beyond recognition and now there is no longer any going back, not only do you look like a girl now, you are now also like a girl mentally.

There are a lot of males who would benefit from transitioning but they are not willing or able to actually transition, this can be due to social factors but in most cases the issue is ignorance, people simply don't know what's best for them. It's a difficult and scary decision to make to start HRT and this is why a lot of people fantasize about forced feminization, often they try to brainwash themselves via sissy hypno porn.

Chemical castration drastically reduces testosterone and thereby sex drive, sexual desires and aggression. Thus a lot of males that are currently dysfunctional in our society would become functionalif they start on HRT, this would allow them to avoid being jailed

Child molesters have drastically low recidivism rates when chemically castrated (1-4%) vs non castrated (40-65%)



Currently just being suicidal alone can warrant forced treatments by harmful and dangerous psychiatric drugs, forcing some males to take hormone replacement therapy can thus be justified in an attempt to prevent them from killing themselves using the same standard.

Innate gender identity?

Studies on intersex children show that about 40% will identify as female when raised as one, thus gender identity is only partly due to genetics


This tells us that a lot of people are able to adapt to living as either sex, the brain is flexible and we can adapt to a lot of things. Whether or not an individual will transition is only partly determined by genetics (33% in the case of MtF)


vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

The male gender role is broken

Let's face it, if you present as male, there's exactly one personality that will earn you social approval: Chad. Assertive, dominant, successful. Nobody will be impressed by a male that is meek, submissive and struggling. Such males are not considered gender trailblazers; they're just derided as incel NEETs.Nobody is offering an actual solution to this. Tradcons tell you to just man up. TERFs tell you to just abolish gender. Liberals deny this reality altogether.

By embracing girlmode, you actually become free to be your authentic self without shame. Society at large requires men to keep grinding and struggling to keep the lights on, so obviously no serious and respectable person will encourage you to just drop down the pink vortex, but it's possibly the only thingthat will actually help you if you're stuck being a shitty male with no prospects.

Life outcomes of people that transition

Trans-women will benefit from the increasing female privilege, thus in the future more males will benefit from transitioning while it becomes less beneficial for females to transition to male despite trans-men becoming more accepted by society. Trans-women that are supported by their parents have good life outcomes as society becomes more accepting of trans-women the outcomes of people that transition from male to female will improve.


But what if people around you are not supportive of you transitioning?

Avoiding social difficulties while transitioning

The focus of transitioning should be on changing your secondary sexual characteristics (hormones, surgery, etc.). You should regard it as a body modification similar to “bodybuilding”. This is the only sensible approach if you value your social life, integrity, and self-respect.

If you believe that there is an “innate gender” which is unrelated to biology or society then you will inevitably create social problems for yourself. People might understand that one might want to be (or look like) a woman, but almost everyone takes “born in the wrong body” as a joke, especially if you were not previously flamboyant.

If you do not look and are socially regarded as a woman, claiming that you are a woman in the inside and that people should respect your innate gender regardless of how you look is meaningless and futile.

This at best makes people pity you and at worst makes them mock and bully you. The situation worsens if you dress in women's clothing but still look like a man. This should be avoided first and foremost out of self-respect, and second out of respect for fellow trannies. You will also hurt yourself for thinking that people do not treat you the way you should be treated.

You do not have to come out in any way to your family or other people who know your real identity.

Whether or not you should transition isn't something you should discuss with people who have not properly researched these topics, most people including your family will be utterly ignorant and thus they will not be able to give you any real help. If you announce that you plan or think about transitioning people around you may push or outright coerce you into not doing so even though it would be beneficial for you.

Thus the solution is to start medication without telling anyone about it that knows your real identity, later if/when they start noticing changes you can tell them that you are transitioning.

If you currently live in a transphobic environment you may want to relocate before socially transitioning. You may want to just leave everything behind to start a new better life if/when you can pass fully as a girl, being stealth allows you to escape transphobia and be treated just like another girl.

How society benefits from people transitioning

People that wish to transition usually have comorbid mental disorders 105106 thus future generations are likely to benefit from letting these women transition and sterilize themselves in the process, this comes with the cost of using tax-money for these medical expenses and losing women that could provide sexual satisfaction to other people.

Males transitioning to female is beneficial for society since it would allow people to have fun fucking them. Incels transitioning to female is good for society since they will become less likely to develop or maintain problematic political beliefs or become violent, they will instead benefit from accelerated hypergamy and gynocentrism.

Less incels trying to force females to waste themselves on losers is a good thing.

It has been proven safe to allow trans-women inside spaces reserved for women 01 trying to exclude them would harm natal women too 234

Not using tax-money to pay for medical transition would be dysgenic since it would make it more difficult for poor people to transition.

Eric Peters #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

How will our actual world differ from Orwell’s fictitious world when you aren’t permitted (hideous word; how did America get to that point?) to go outside without a Face Diaper occluding your individuality and visually confirming you as a member of the frightened, obedient herd?

Your face will be indistinguishable from other faces. No one will know whether you’re smiling or frowning.

Most of all, no one will know you oppose what’s been imposed, since you’ve been forced to submit to it. Since everyone has been forced to submit to it.

Universal Diapering will eliminate any visual evidence of dissent, making dissent itself seem abnormal.

Everywhere you go, the impression of consent, which implies the legitimacy (the reasonableness) of the thing itself.

That it has been imposed without consent is irrelevant.

Matt Staver #fundie #conspiracy #quack lc.org

The top 5 COVID vaccines are made using the livers, thymus, lung and eye tissue of aborted children. Our client Sandra Merritt is right – murdered babies are being sold for profit and now their tiny body parts are being used to create "humanized mice" for the COVID vaccine.

As you may recall, our client Sandra Merritt is the whistleblower who videotaped and exposed Planned Parenthood's outrageous "Baby Parts for Sale" scheme.

We continue to defend Sandra from the onslaught of lawsuits and trumped-up criminal charges Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion prosecutors brought against her. However, Sandra's explosive work continues to reveal the dark underbelly of the medical world even to this day.

Documents just obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that aborted baby parts, like the ones Sandra exposed as being sold by Planned Parenthood, have been used to create "humanized mice" and the COVID vaccine.

One of the companies exposed by Sandra's undercover videos was Advanced BioScience Resources (ABR). According to the new FOIA documents, ABR sold "fresh, never frozen" aborted baby livers and thymus to the National Institute of Health. Those aborted baby organs were then spliced with rodents to create "humanized mice."

In fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci's own NIAID held seminars on the benefits of those humanized mice back in 2018. Humanized mice, it turns out, are the basis for the top 5 COVID vaccines currently under development.

Moderna, Inovio, CanSino, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceuticals and others are using aborted baby cells to fuel their research and build their vaccines, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and other sources. And a quick search of the internet shows that "humanized mice" are a readily available, "hot" commodity among researchers.

Two of the vaccine makers mentioned above, AstraZeneca and Janssen, have been approved for the Food and Drug Administration's "warp speed" program, meaning their aborted baby-derived vaccines will likely be the first to market… and the first to be pushed as a mandatory vaccine. The DNA of murdered children will be injected into the bloodstream of anyone who takes those tainted vaccines.

Certainly, the decision of whether to inject a vaccine into ones' body is a deeply personal issue and there are many who object to vaccinations not just for philosophical and religious reasons, but for medical reasons as well.

But such a decision should NOT be forced on people, especially when the impetus for mass vaccination may be nothing more than sheer profit-making on the part of Big Pharma.

As I mentioned above, Liberty Counsel continues to defend Sandra Merritt from the onslaught of lawsuits and criminal charges trumped-up by Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion prosecutors. Sandra's case has been the most expensive legal case in Liberty Counsel history.

While the death culture abortionists have hundreds of millions of dollars to fund their lawsuits, Liberty Counsel has God's grace through generous donors like you. YOUR donations allow Liberty Counsel to defend the sanctity of life, family values and religious freedom free of charge.

One of our generous supporters has established a Challenge Grant whereby every dollar donated to our legal fund right now will be doubled in impact! Please, take a moment now to donate generously today. America's future relies on it.

no fire #quack youtube.com

Lol the better idea is to get antibodies by intentionally getting coronavirus and then quarantining fir several weeks, even if the antibodies only last 3 months you can just rinse and repeat. I'm not wearing a garbage mask when there is an infinitely better solution

Peter Koenig #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This is leading to a total control of every individuum on the planet. It is sold to the public as the Internet of Things (TIT), meaning self-driving cars, robotized kitchen equipment, artificial intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything. What the sales pitch doesn’t say, is how humans would be marginalized and enslaved. To carry this masterplan forward, high frequency electromagnet waves are needed. Therefore, rolling out of 5G is a must, no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be – and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like possibly the current COVID19.

WHO remains silent, although they do admit that no independent official study has been carried out on the dangers of 5G – and electromagnetic fields in general. Does that mean that WHO is coopted by the Big and Powerful into this deadly spiel? – Let it suffice to say that unlike other UN agencies, WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) – see The Lancet. It might be also noteworthy that about half of WHOs budget comes from private interest sources, mostly the pharma industry, but also others, like telecom giants.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Most in this country are instructed to distance themselves from everyone, remaining six feet or more from all. They have been instructed to wear masks at all times, this a very detrimental and sometimes dangerous thing to do considering health. These things can lead to not only despair and loneliness, but cause a lack of closeness, expression, familiarity, societal needs, and of personal isolation. As humans, we are communal by nature, and contact, including intimate interaction with others, is of great importance to our being. It is how we communicate, learn, and congregate for many purposes, including experiencing the pleasures of life. Without close contact, a feeling of being alone sets in, and this feeling causes not only much stress, but also leads to desolation and a withdrawal from community. This can be very devastating to one’s psyche.

The political class mandated that many businesses nationwide close their doors and shut down. This was damaging in a multitude of ways, and of course caused mass economic harm to all those businesses, and all those employed by those businesses. The economic and psychological damage inflicted due to these closings have been tremendous, and will take years to correct if in fact it can be corrected at all. Many jobs are lost forever, and many small and medium sized businesses have closed their doors for good. This was the livelihood of millions of people in this country, and now much of that is forever damaged or lost entirely. The harm caused by this will continue to grow and to cause great stress to many millions of Americans well into the future.

vintologi #sexist #transphobia #quack reddit.com

Why you should transition

Becoming MtF tranny is a way better option than living another 40+ years as male incel.

Step0: watch tsf monogatari
step1: go to a gender clinic so you can get proper diagnosis.
step2: begin having fun with dildo, shove it up your ass.
step3: back up your sperm.
step4: start hormone replacement therapy.
step5: removal of unwanted hair.
step6: facial feminization surgery.
step7: social transition.

The experience of becoming female

Honestly this was even harder to decide to post than my attempt to be gay 8+ months ago. Because the implications and outcomes have been completely different. The experience has been completely different.

Disclaimer: Before all of this I 100% completely identified as a man, a man's man type of internal mindset. Very heterosexual. And gay stuff just did nothing for me. It was only out of desperation and having the right features that I attempted this gender transition. By right features I mean I was only 5'8 starting out and had a 2.7 inches erect penis. Plus all my facial features are feminine and I was pretty cute even as a guy. With 4 inches to my height and dick I could have been a normie or even chad lite. Yet reality is cruel sometimes. Since being on hormones I have lost some height, so I'm closer to 5'7 now, a true manlet if I ever decide to return to manhood.

I have been on estrogen for about 6 months now. It all started when I got my new therapist three months before that. Who referred me to a new general practitioner he knows. Obviously I told him nothing about being incel or hating females. Only that I always felt like a girl, which was a massive lie. I just wanted to get hormones to attempt a gender transition and hopefully become attracted to dudes like the other trans on reddit. Who so ironically betray themselves and their cause by casually posting truth.

I just want to say for the record I don't believe in any of the trans bullshit about being born that way. Maybe an exceptionally small amount of them are. Yet if you read their forums or subs its so extremely common how many of them are just guys who wank to shemale porn and have autogynephilia. The vast majority almost always speak about how their brains get changed by hormones. Further proving they are truly male in the brain. Basically they are mostly cross dressing fetishists. Maybe a very few of them really were born with a fucked up brain but its hard to weed out the liars. Since the fake trans just copy what the real trans say. Yet they let it slip in their posts how much they love tranny porn or wanking their she cocks. Not that it matters, more trans is always a good thing. Less beta orbiters and sometimes even trans that are hot.

The month after that things got even more intense. It was clear to me that females experienced sex with far more joy than men. Its like having a dick with sensory feelings that reaches all through up the body and hooks in the heart. My first experience with a guy was a non chad friend, who knew I had started a transition and thinks I am actually trans. We didn't have sex or even oral but we kissed a few times and cuddled for a few hours. It was magical, the cuddles were even better than the endless orgasms. Waves upon waves of mental emotion mixed with sexual waves of pleasure. Its so extremely addicting.

I'm beyond words enjoying my experience on female hormones. I still hate females, cucks, and chads. This is the turning point for me. If I don't quit now I will probably end up sterile and unable to break this intense addiction to female hormones and to men. Finishing transition will take work but leads to a life of happiness. Not finishing means going back to a hell after experiencing a heavenly paradise the likes of which I could have never imagined.

I feel like any choice I make is life wrecking but I was already totally fucked to begin with. Its so fucked up to crave men, to think of being dominated by them. My brain so fucked up on female hormones its telling me it would feel amazing to swallow semen and get creampied. I only have one cuddle buddy right now but I think about cuddling other guys too.

Things look potentially so good, at least better than when it was hopeless. I don't know if I can ever go through with having my genitals cut off. I just have like a mental block over such a barbaric surgery. I think I could live fine with just having male parts. I partially identify as female but know deep down I'll always be a man because men are awesome.

I could see this as being the best cope for manlets who are cute. As long as their face isn't too masculine. I'm not saying its perfect, it has downsides like having to pee more. Its still a lot better than being incel forever.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack #wingnut deviantart.com

This is not going to be quick.

" - If COVID-19 isn't dangerous, then why are there SO MANY people dying from it in coutnries such as the USA and Italy? "

More than that die every year from influenza. Your being lied to. The numbers are estimated to be a minimum of 25% INFLATED BASED ON EXPOSED OVER REPORTING, FALSE REPORTING AND COMORBIDITY REPORTS. They bring a guy in, What happened? He was attacked by a tiger. Test him for Covid. Yep, cause of death, "Covid 19", check. That alone should be enough for you but no you've been hooked up to the propaganda teat too long. Another example, my kid works at a UPS hub, shit from all over the planet. People there got sick, just like last year. People pushed through the sickness with antihistamines, just like last year. None of them died on a ventilator in a hospital, they still work there... just like last year.

" Social distancing, as well as good hygeine and stopping people from touching absolutely everything, "

You are an idiot... there's no nice way to put this. Social Distancing is complete bullshit. People in Walmart, customer & employee touch EVERYTHING. A virus does not come on a fucking 6' leash. Everything I postulate is self evident. A person only has to rationalize. WE ARE COVERED WITH MICROORGANISMS. This is normal and healthy.

This next part is just sad and sick. You actually think like this. " we have been allowed to go outside the house, do exercise (even if it's just in the backyard) ..."

ALLOWED??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? No one "allows" me to do anything. It's my natural born right to keep right on going anywhere I went yesterday. That you would even tolerate someone telling you what you're "allowed" to do in that respect is again, sad & sick.

" rather, you are protecting others when you stop your COVID breath from going onto others " Surgical masks, bandanas, folded paper towels filter nothing. No Seal = No Filter should be obvious to you. Yet instead you behave as you feel, not as you know logic dictates. Someone "in authority" tells you to do it & so you do obediently even when you know a virus can pass through and around the material. Even you know that it filters nothing you'll continue to behave as you've been "made to feel safe" by a lying talking head on "TV" and a useless token face diaper.

America was founded on DISobedience, (not on "slavery" as our leftist rewritten history books now teach). That's the reason we still have what little freedoms we have here today. Not enough of us are foolish enough yet to let them disarm us. When's the last time you broke down your AR much less did a little training? Over here we build our own firearms LEGALLY. Now THAT'S freedom. It's also a good insulator against the corrupt and overpowered government we face in all countries today.

You're bragging about "obedience" of all things, qualifying it by pointing out what you're "allowed" to do and thinking of it as some token reward you earned. "OBEYED their governments and are and are being rewarded with their COVID-19 restrictions being taken down". Spoken like a true slave. You did what you're trained to do and you got a treat for it so you'll do it again next time your master tells you when & where you can go potty & when & where you can't.

Of course it's a scam. Holy shit they tried to attach every fucking Green New Deal agenda to the C19 false flag. It was practically an identical grocery list. That stunt was more obvious than a kid caught up to his elbow in a cookie jar and chocolate chip smears on his face.

Agendas evidencing the true purpose of C19 include but are not limited to: 5G push, intense ramping up of ever increasing surveillance of the common citizen. That one alone is enough but there's more: "Social distancing" is just testing our obedience and training us to fear contacting each other. It also provides the needed 6' margin between individuals that just happens to be the margin needed to differentiate between us via satellite surveillance. VAXXINES Has on one learned anything from what Bill & Linda, the CDC, the WHO and other vaxx pushing organizations have done to kill and sterilze people in Africa and India? Vaxxines are how you get autoimmune diseases. So what's the solution? More vaxxines that WEAKEN or DAMAGE our immune systems along with major components of our governing hormonal systems such as: pituitary, prostate, thyroid, thymus and many more glands. ID2020 chipping/dyeing/dna altering vaxxines are in no way good things. Do you really like the idea of your whereabouts and activities being constantly monitored? Your exact location known 24/ 7? Those who fall for the transhumanism movement will have their biometrics monitored constantly. The attack on us is as much psychological as it is physical.

Do you like Planned Parenthood? Hope so because that's where the gallons of albumin come from to manufacture those health sabotaging vaxxxines you beg them to control you with. Newsflash: It's not being harvested from the Planned Parenthood Chicken Ranch or the Planned Parenthood Calf Abortion Clinic. We are so far past Christianity's whining chorus of "they're killing babies". Our "dead babies" are PRODUCTS. Yes, Planned Parenthood routinely, daily, fills orders listing things like "complete left leg". Do you have any idea of the dollar amount attached to a pile of harvested dead baby parts? You think those eugenics motherfuckers are just throwing all those valuable parts & fluids in a biohazard dumpster for sterile destruction?

I'm stopping here because that list goes on forever.

" And even when we couldn't do the things we wanted to do normally, we were given alternatives (Houseparty, Zoom, Internet, Online Shopping) to replace what we had taken from us. " again, a slave happy with the garbage master slopped you with. It doesn't even occur to you that none of those things are good for us. Jerking off online does not bring people together. "Gathered apart"??? What sort of drone could find such a ridiculous load of shit suggestion even acceptable? Every option you described is social masturbation, an empty and pathetic pacifier compared to the nutritious titty of real life. The movement to literally repress natural breastfeeding and make mothers and babies dependent on bottle feeding, thus depriving babies of their first NATURAL vaccination, antibodies from mother's milk was put into place decades ago and today we see the effects. Scared sheep with weakened immune systems.

" However, when people disobeyed, such as the United States, the consequences hit them hard. *cough* high death toll *cough* You're just wrong, wrong and stupid. I'm HERE. There's NOTHING GOING ON. It's all overreporting bullshit. My not dead, UPS contaminated kid is evidence. I've been out in this big scary C19 contaminated world the entire time, jogging, doing whatever, going wherever. Not dead yet. I still met weekly with my friends and groups in Dallas. So far I haven't even found a single person sick with C19. No one I know knows anyone with C19. That's 2 tiers deep in people getting into the 100's and no C19. Where's my epidemic? Where's my disease? They promised me pestilence and likely death and I can't even get the snots. Incidentally all my annual sinus infections stopped cold turkey when I started taking care of my health instead of living off depopulation food and box o' wine. The only sickness I've had in years was food poisoning, (bad chicken). No vaxxinations for 2 decades now.

Here's some numbers for you . Less than 1/10,000 die from C19. 9/10 deaths are over age 65. 90% of those infected experience little or no symtoms. You're probably actually scared by that. THAT'S what HERD IMMUNITY IS. America has a few hot spots, everybody did and that's all you're seeing because that's all the Globalist owned media shows you.

Why the hell would I be afraid of something less dangerous than our annual flu.

Another piece of the puzzle. The hydrochloroquine study was sabotaged. It was only given to patients who were already on death's doorstep. They literally gave it only to patients who were on the way out to fuck the study. Why would they keep a tested, proven and effective treatment like hydrochloroquine from us? So we'll line up and let them stick our ass with unsafe, (no double blind study done to evidence vaxxine safety ever), heavy metal contaminated, tracking chip included, vaxxines.

Simply put we find the obvious underlying theme of you post is "OBEY, OBEY, OBEY". If you cannot look at the agendas being pushed down your throat and not recognize the "Create the crisis, provide the solution" dictoral takeover tactics I don't know what to tell you.

So many things I heard about over the years and dismissed, just like I was trained to do, vaxxine dangers, GMOs, fluoride neurotoxin, all I ignored for most of my life. I've learned late that there most certainly is truth to all those issues and many more connected to them. Make no mistake, there is disinfo mingled in, makes effective camouflage for the truth.

In the end a person recognizes all these things I talk about here, not because some talking head told us, not because of any single scrap of so called "evidence" that idiots will endlessly corrupt, twist & misepresent, but because it really is self evident. It's as obvious as the controlled demo of the Twin Towers and Building 7. A building collapse cannot reach terminal velocity. Resistance is present in a collapse and prevents that. There are a million & one pieces of "evidence" like that but because many allowed themselves to be programmed on 911 they still buy the "Aunt Jemima" joke put forth by NIST. You've never even seen an example of the rarest building failure in architectural history and even though you have the sense to know that nothing looks like a controlled demo BUT a controlled demo you're still wired to believe the false flag cover story. These things are self evident. One has only to pay attention.

Yes, the same group of families responsible for 911 designed C19 and a world of other dangerous pathogens, GMOs, dangerous vaxxines, 5G social police system in China being retailored for the United States. We've got rampant adult mental retardation in the US due to fluoride/lead issues PUT INTO in our drinking water. In the US if you're not detoxing you're being mentally retarded. Heavy metal neurotoxins are bad enough for our frontal lobe alone but damage to other organs, renal system, liver, etc. are not to be ignored.

Now that's a big pile of nasty highlights to think about. You have some unpleasant awakening to do. This world is not what they told you it is. What is in the box is not what's on the box. People have been compliant with the dumbing down of our species and many have lost the ability to rationalize for themselves making them dependent on believing what the talking heads tell them. What's in the box they give us is not good for us. This rabbit hole has no bottom.

Sincere good luck. You have a nasty hill to climb. Or you can go right on "obeying" without feeling a hitch. I spent well over a decade "waking". When I actually crossed that line, realization, it was not pleasant but things were finally put into perspective. I've hated being manipulated since I was a kid. I think that's what made me take issue with enough inconsistencies, lies & coverups to start seeing the greater beast. When a person wakes up to their first "deception", their first false flag, that's when we get our first skin of armor against the very real brainwashing that's going on globally. It's not pleasant realizing one has been tinkered with mentally but it's better than not realizing it.

Again, good luck.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

“They” are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rothschild Foundation, the Trilateral Commission, Harvard and Yale Universities, the CDC and the WHO, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, among others. These are the people running the world. These are the organizations responsible for the falsified and purposely manufactured fake Covid-19 pandemic. And these are the people and organizations that have organized and set loose the low life bands of rioters, looters, and marauding criminals in the BLM and Antifa movements that are terrorizing this country today.

This country is late in the process of total ruination, and heading straight toward annihilation. A new order is sought, and is gaining ground ever so quickly. If not stopped, all current systems will be replaced, including money, the entirety of the monetary system, agriculture, social behavior norms, private property, all medical care, travel and movement; all with mandated and enforced restriction of every individual. This means a complete loss of all freedom and liberty for the planned goal of unlimited worldwide societal control. If this is allowed to come to fruition, we are all doomed

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi #quack #god-complex #mammon #conspiracy news.bbc.co.uk

(Submitter’s note: This happened in 2008. He was released early in 2011.)

Jail sentence for Beslan 'healer'

Grabovoi was convicted of all the fraud charges against him

A self-styled healer who claimed he could resurrect children killed in the Beslan school siege has been sentenced to 11 years in jail in Russia.

A Moscow court found Grigory Grabovoi guilty on several counts of obtaining money through fraudulent means.

Beslan residents were among those who accused Mr Grabovoi of accepting money for promising to bring back the dead or cure serious illnesses.

He denied all charges, saying he was a victim of religious persecution.

Nearly 200 children and 150 adults were killed when Russian forces stormed the school in Beslan in September 2004.

Security forces entered the building to force out Chechen rebels who had taken more than 1,000 people hostage.

Hierarchy of healers

Grabovoi was convicted on 11 counts of fraud by Moscow's Tagansky court, Russian media reported.

In its verdict, the court said Grabovoi "deceived" people, "guaranteeing" a happy outcome to those who turned to him after the death of a loved one or close relative, Interfax news agency reported.

His methods included the use of "psychological pressure" and amounted to the theft of property and ownership rights, the court's judge added.

The prosecution said Grabovoi established a pyramid-style hierarchy of trained "healers", each of whom pledged to spread his teachings around Russia, for a suitable fee.

Grabovoi himself received a fee of 10% of the profits made by regional organisations.

Each person who used Grabovoi's services paid almost 40,000 roubles ($1,700).

Defence lawyers said Grabovoi was not guilty, describing his work as "political, public, religious and research activities", Interfax reported.

They said there was no evidence to suggest that Grabovoi actually received any money for his services, Itar-Tass reported.

He will be sentenced at a later date.

Jim #psycho #quack #sexist #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

Monogamy and chastity can be understood as socialism in pussy, the seizure of the means of reproduction by beta males.
The King is worried that men do not seem keen on working, paying taxes, or soldiering. So he price controls pussy down to something ordinary men can pay. Bride price shall be low or zero, women shall obey their husbands, not their fathers or their own whims. Price control causes a shortage, as always, so the King and the high priest introduce rationing. Only one pussy per customer.
This works if you have non consensual marriage, if marriage is handshake between the groom and the father of the bride, or between the father of the bride and the father of the groom. But what if you have, partially or wholly, romantic and consensual marriage? In which case the woman is likely to delay marriage hoping for a booty call from Jeremy Meeks until her eggs start to dry up.

infiniteorwhatever #sexist #quack incels.is

Do you think men like polygamy? Of course not, almost all men just want one women. Only one is enough for them and they're really open about that: they just want to be loved and respected. On the other hand, women don't care about men, their desire is only for the top, (statuts, looks, money too), others men have no more value than any lost dog on the street.

War FOr the Worlds #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

CoVid19 is cover for largest Theft in World History


What the Bankers did in 2008 Housing derivative crisis is nothing compared to The Property Seizures that are about
to make Tens of Millions more of Americans deprived of
Jobs/Income/Security,Home/Shelter,Vehicles and Property.

while depriving people of
-Security in Income(STRESS from closing business)
-Freedom to Travel and Meet Hug, Shake Hands
-Talk at Dinner in a restaurant with Family and Friends
about the S*it that is happening, and how to fix it.
-Freedom to be secure in Person/Papers (Employer Health Checks)
-Good Nutrition (Food Supply and supplements being harmed long term by hoarding and creation/supply parts disruptions)
-Food(Michigan Governor banned retail store seed sales)

All using Fear as a Weapon to Destroy America and the World's Economy. The Bio-Weapon Virus may be Real, but Unconstitutional harmful actions by Government has
been infinity far more Deadly and Destructive.

Even Real methods of treating Illness by boosting the Immune system with Nutrients and Detoxing GMO's, Poisons in/on food and throughout the environment are censored or ignored by the Media/Government because they Violate the Controlled Agenda to Sicken and Destroy people and kill(silence) those they can not control.


Just as the original War of The Worlds instilled Fear to make people do crazy things, CoVid19 is a modern Version of this Psychological Operation that has no end in Sight.
Just like the War of Terror.


Anonymous MG #quack #dunning-kruger incels.is

Autists who once had dreams and ambition, would build great things to contribute to civilization such as the telephone, the mathematic system of Calculus, modern medicine, the internet, etc. They're being openly hated during this point in time by psychopathic elites, relegated to a life of eternal loneliness for having the audacity of being born wrong during the wrong era.

What did Chad do that entire time?

Fucking nothing, he didn't contribute shit that entire period of time. Yet he is the primary benefactor of a new age civilization that outcasts and shuns autists, consisting of the oxymoron of degenerate eugenicists in the form of a female selection of the dating pool.

Andrew Schafly #quack #wingnut web.archive.org

Hydroxychloroqine (C18H26ClN3O), also known as hydroxychloroquine sulfate and HCQ, is a drug sold under the name Plaquenil Prior to COVID-19 it was most commonly used to treat malaria, and also currently to treat lupus. The package insert for Plaquenil describes its mostly minor potential side effects some of which occur at much higher doses than what is used to treat COVID-19.

It has been used by the physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as a part of successful treatment for coronavirus and was recommended for such by President Trump (see: Vladimir Zelenko's coronavirus treatment). Specifically, Dr. Zelenko used hydroxychloroqine, azithromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc as a part of his treatments to his patients.

China, South Korea, and India all use hydroxychloroquine to successful combat the effects of COVID-19.

Never-Trumpers in government and hospitals block early use of this medication, and instead either withhold it from patients entirely or delay it until the end stage of the patient's life when medications are least effective. Other governments (such as Texas), wanting to make sure current patients had a supply for their pre-existing medical needs, permitted it only with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

Becky Akers #conspiracy #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

No matter. I long ago ceased caring whether masks protect me or anyone else: I will not wear one. Nor would I even if the facts staunchly supported their efficacy: whatever Leviathan orders, I do the opposite as far as possible. Lovers of liberty bristle at mandates, especially those pertaining to something as personal as wardrobe. And when a store, restaurant or church enforces the State’s diktat, I head elsewhere, preferably after explaining why.

Why am I so adamant? Because of what this “fetish object … signifies [about] a person’s politics.” Masks scream, “I’M A SLAVE WHO LOVES MY CHAINS! Kneel with me and lick up the Kool-Aid!” They advertise that the wearer watches too much TV, that he’s foolish and gullible. I’d as lief waltz about the streets in a Che Guevara T-shirt as a mask.

Whether masks help or hurt is irrelevant to Our Rulers: only our deference concerns them. They are determined that we will comply, however senseless or disastrous their commands. Which prompts us to question whether the early contradictions regarding masks were deliberate (Jerome “Obedience is Freedom” Adams announced in February, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”). Maybe such inconsistency wasn’t as incompetent as we thought; maybe it was conditioning the sheeple to acquiesce no matter what.

Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. #quack lewrockwell.com

What seems universally clear is that no one is taking into account that the vast majority of us have immensely powerful immune systems that play a critical role in keeping us healthy and alive.

One plan calls for using sanitizing spray on all classroom surfaces multiple times per day, that children use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the classroom, and that all children and staff wear masks for the entire school day and of course, ensure social distancing. The bureaucrats at the CDC would be proud of the results.

But all of these “specialists” would have ignored the fact that from the day we are born we are assaulted by germs — by the millions, if not billions. Our very existence is dependent on a robust immune system — that is, the ability of our bodies to fight off any invasion of bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, and other pathogens. Fortunately, we were created with a powerful internal standing army of cells ready to protect us in each battle and capable of winning most wars.

Bear Grylls Award

Coronavirus? Better drink my own piss.

Beijing Health Commission and Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine #quack supchina.com

Last week, health authorities in Beijing unveiled a set of proposed regulations on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for public consultation.

The new rules, proposed by the city’s Health Commission and the Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, are mostly in line with an existing campaign by China to promote TCM at home and abroad.

But one specific article has drawn the ire of legal experts and people skeptical of TCM practices:

Article 54 stipulates that those who “defame and slander” TCM are subject to punishment by public security departments or even face criminal responsibility for “picking quarrels, causing trouble, and disrupting public order,” a vaguely defined crime often used by Chinese law enforcers to police online speech.

The backlash was swift and severe, with a large number of observers calling the regulation an aggressive move on the government’s part to make TCM “beyond criticism and speculation.” Some also raised questions about the ambiguity in the definition of defamation and slandering, claiming that the vagueness would allow the government to interpret the article in any way it sees fit.

A Weibo user wrote (in Chinese): “It seems that TCM is not a science subject, but a political issue. I guess that’s why TCM advocates always say its effectiveness can’t be measured by scientific methods.”

In interviews with Caixin, a few legal experts cautioned that the draft regulation could “leave citizens criminally accountable for expressing criticism” about TCM, which has a reputation for “questionable scientific foundations and lax regulation.”

In response, a spokesperson for Beijing’s Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine told (in Chinese) the Beijing News the regulation was “misread” by its critics. “Defamation and slandering are different from criticism and false arguments,” he said. The official also noted that the government was aware of the negative feedback and was open to make changes after the public consultation.

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