
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Atavistic Autist #conspiracy #quack incels.is

[Serious] Therapists are the capitalist equivalents of KGB informants

As social alienation has increased due to the dislocations wrought by liberal-capitalism, people have naturally become less capable of resolving disputes between themselves, and so have outsourced conflict resolutions to police officers and therapists and the like.

It is no coincidence that a therapist will not hesitate to call the police on you if you say too much, and betray your trust, because both professions are inherently rooted in the contradictions of a low trust society. Both a police officer and a therapist are ultimately working against you, and see you as something to be managed rather than made satisfied.

A therapist is the capitalist equivalent of a KGB spy in the Soviet Union pretending to be your friend, but who is actually just there to inform on any seditious words of yours, while you pay him to do so (whether through the vector of the state or the sham of paying for "mental health treatment").

Except there's much less pretense with a therapist, and at least a KGB spy did not personally force you to remunerate him as he shit-tested your faith in the prevailing system of power.

Karen Hathaway #quack lewrockwell.com

my question is this: Why isn’t anyone putting tape on the forest floors or defining corridors in the sky to direct these inconsiderate or ignorant animals into more appropriate social behavior? Not just for the benefit of the humans, but for the benefit of the poor animals. Won’t anyone think about their plight?

Speaking of human infections; even if people were able to isolate themselves in a way that would prevent a disease from passing from one human to another, does that keep the disease from spreading between the animals that were the supposed source of the disease? Won’t the diseases that allegedly originate with animals continue to be passed from one animal to another in nature until natural immunities develop within that species? But, since natural immunities aren’t good enough for the powers that be, shouldn’t they propose doing something about this ever-present menace?

Total Imbecile #sexist #quack incels.is

[RageFuel] I will never understand how working out your dick isnt a thing

As far as I know a dick is just a muscle, yet you can work out any part of your body to enaglerge it except your dick

God is so cruel to make us males like this

Paul and Lynn Shmaltz #quack #crackpot #mammon plasmaenergysolution.com

Plasma Energy is currently defined by a nuclear physicist, engineer and researcher as the “water” of the fields of the universe. Accessing these fields means tapping into that “water.” Plasma energy fields emanate like ripples in water and they have wind-like waves that ebb and flow.

Plasma energy has potential difference in magnetic gravitational strength when descending from a higher level to a lower level. It creates the same release of energy seen in hydroelectric dams. It has the same power as the nuclear essence; it has everything which we have tapped into according to this place in time and our current intelligence —and it has given us the ability to use it constructively.

It goes by several different names such as zero point energy torsion fields, magnetic and gravitational fields and others.

Plasma energy fields can be demonstrated with magnets. When these magnets are pulled together that is the attraction of their plasmatic gravitational fields. When magnets repel each other they are sending magnetic energy. When they reach equilibrium the repelling stops.

This action of the magnetic gravitational plasma fields is apparent throughout the physical world. It is what balances the position of the planets and keeps them from colliding. The molecules and atoms in the bodies of plants, pets and people act in accord with planets by attracting and repelling each other, always seeking a balance of plasma energy.

It is taught that the addition of non -toxic plasmatic fields to people, plants or pets that are out of balance due to disease or injury puts the body in the proper plasmatic environment so the body can restore health and reduce pain. The body only uses what is needed to restore and maintain balance. When attraction and repulsion stop balance is achieved and the body remains in natural homeostasis or balance.
More than 90% of the bodies of people, plants and pets are made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen — all of which have plasmatic fields.

When addressing support for various illnesses, various elements are used to make GANS, an acronym for Gas in Atomic Nano Solid State. These GANS which have very powerful plasmatic fields, influence the imbalance caused by disease or injury in people, plants and pets. In doing so, biological balance is returned, allowing healing to occur.

To utilize plasma energy in health issues it is necessary to break down matter into a mono-atomic state where all chemical bonds of compounds and molecules are broken and atoms that would normally be connected to other atoms in a molecular compound are now alone.

Atoms in this state send out a magnetic gravitational field trying to fulfill their electrical orbit that influences other atoms, molecules and compounds in an attempt to complete themselves. It is this magnetical, gravitational field of influence that we use to influence certain aspects of the human, animal or plant body to bring about a change in conditions that is beneficial to the human, animal or plant.

This concept is applicable to many areas of our life such as travel, agriculture, athletics and support for health conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and other eye issues, arthritis, wound healing, lung conditions, hormone conditions and many, many more.

Atavistic Autist #psycho #quack #ableist #transphobia incels.is

[Serious] Bring back the anachronistic diagnosis of "autistic psychopathy"

Us autistic celibates need every status halo that we can get, and I posit that if we are properly understood as being psychopathic again, rather than effeminate soys who "stim" to consumer trinkets by jumping up and down (or even worse: trannies who cut off our own dicks), then people will fear us and thus respect us, and foids will naturally fuck us.

We must stop the mental health establishment, as guided by the desires of the preening mothers of autistic children, from promoting the myth that "autistic men are no more likely to commit crimes than neurotypical men, and are even less likely to commit them." This stigmatizes us as high-inhib pussies who are not even good enough for betabuxxing. Because anybody who lives an autistic life and does not give thought to crime must therefore be a masochistic slave worthy only of contempt, and if it's said that this is true of most autists, then we are consequently degraded as a whole in the popular consciousness.

The related myth that "there are just as many autistic women as autistic men" must also be stopped for similar reasons.

This is our culture:


Executing one's mother and then going lone wolf is what it means to be autistic; not becoming a eunuch tranny, nor stimming to Star Wars action figures or anime figurines. And don't forget it, normgroids!

Richard L Amoroso #quack #magick #fundie vixra.org

Preprint: Submitted to The Ensign (An official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints),

LOVE ONE ANOTHER – A Spiritual Corona Virus Vaccine

[contact info]

Abstract. It is suggested that the Great Commandment – love one another, in conjunction with prayer or meditation, can be employed to act as a protection against viral infection by providing a spiritual energetic shield (domain wall) against viral attachment and transmission. Viral transmission is known to occur by processes related to adhesion to a variety of cellular receptors. Through sufficient love or deep meditation, a corona of the spirit (Chi, Ki, Prana) is maintained creating a noetic force that blocks viral adhesion to various receptors.

hurdleafterhurdle #sexist #quack incels.is

[RageFuel] Redditors think recognition of sexless people is "wrong" and "disgusting" (not sex, just recognition!)

I suggested on a Reddit that permavirgins of any sort should get officially recognised as a challenged or disprivileged class, and perhaps should receive some sort of tax benefit if they bother to go through a long application, and people caught doing tax fraud for this get higher penalty than normal tax fraud to keep our fakers. This is apparently "disgusting" and when I asked why, I got ghosted. Only people who blame themselves alone for sex are okay and they don't get recognition, only being ignored and mocked, and maybe supported by people who poison them with hurtful beliefs that is it themselves alone who are at fault and wrong and not the people around them.

Just so you know, recognition of people's struggles here is considered "disgusting" and "wrong". Nature and society is how it is and we should just not question it and accept it like sheep or dark ages people, no fairness for us. But people of many different minorities, refugees, and the (physically) disabled get plenty of recognition and them asking for help, benefits, job action, etc. isn't "wrong" or "disgusting". Our challenges are less important and less prevalent according to these people.
Everything stems from the idea that sex is a want and just a toy, basically, not a major milestone in life and social status not to mention necessary to produce children (and thus satisfy a family that expects this from you as well as friends, culture, society, religion, etc. expecting likewise).
So nature helps people for jobs but not us. Who gives ugly people jobs because of "fairness for the ugly" or "ugliness affirmative action"? Same for short people, mentally disabled people, poor people, so on.

Life is bullshit and all this "fairness" stuff we see is talk not action. Only the "in" or "good-looking/nice" minorities get help, the rest of us are left to rot whether socially, economically, or sexually.
This world is full of bigotry and double standards and yet WE"RE called the bad guys.
This hypocrisy makes me so mad I decided on a whim to flair this as ragefuel.

EDIT: Society wants us to blame ourselves and not other people or the "system" at large. Resist this cosmopolitan and self-harming way of thinking the elitists are pushing us towards. The system very much DOES affect if not control you, and you MUST fight it, peacefully if at all possible but DO NOT LET PEOPLE CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SUFFERING AND THAT THEIR ACTIONS ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE. THIS IS HOW YOU KEEP THE CYCLE OF HARASSMENT AND BULLYING OF UNDESIRABLE AND UNATTRACTIVE PEOPLE GOING.

Mike Adams, Andreas Kalcker and the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa #quack naturalnews.com

[From "BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide"]

Preliminary data from a clinical trial involving more than 100 covid-19 patients in Ecuador has resulted in a claimed 100 cure rate within four days, according to Andreas Kalcker who is closely following the results of the effort. The tests were carried out by the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa, a group of integrative medicine practitioners.

Ecuador has been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus, and the current “standard of care” promoted by Western medicine — largely based on the use of ventilators — has been killing the vast majority of critical patients while utterly failing to address the real root of the problem.

Covid-19 isn’t an Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD), it turns out. Rather, it often presents as an inflammation and blood clotting condition (see The Lancet research, below) which causes the blood to be unable to carry oxygen, resulting in patient hypoxia and eventual asphyxiation.

This is why intravenous chlorine dioxide — which immediately delivers a high dose of oxygen to blood cells — is believed to work so effectively against covid-19. It reportedly restores the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin and clears the clotting in the lungs, all while destroying pathogens.

Chlorine dioxide researcher and advocate Andreas Kalcker has posted a video (in Spanish) where he explains the findings. That video, entitled, “Mas de 100 Casos de Covid-19 recuperados con CDS por medicos de Aememi,” is found at this link on Lbry.tv.


In the video, Andreas explains that researchers were able to achieve a complete cure in just four days through the use of intravenous chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Here’s a photo of some of the researchers holding syringes of chlorine dioxide, which is then infused into the patients’ blood, where it releases a wave of oxygen that researchers believe saturates the blood with O2 while killing pathogens:


Andreas Kalcker explains in his video that chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant that destroys viruses and bacteria. The substance has long been used in water purification processes and is approved by various US government agencies for as a water treatment and purification agent.

This video frame shows blood cells being flooded with oxygen from ClO2, instantly reducing clotting / coagulation:

Ultimatepassivecel #sexist #crackpot #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] You will be retarted for rest of your life ıf u dont lose your virginity by 16

16 is the age where your hormones are the most developed and active.Your hormones have a massive lust for any physical contact with opposite sex,ıf you dont satisfy them in time your hormones will start fucking your own brain up and ruin your communication skills.
This will end up in two ways ıf u are not a incel your iether BetaBuxx or get arrested for trying to talk a girl.
Foids are literally giving us mental illness

Andry Rajoelina #quack france24.com

In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24 and RFI, Madagascar's President Andry Rajoelina defended his promotion of a controversial homegrown remedy for Covid-19 despite an absence of clinical trials. "It works really well," he said of the herbal drink Covid-Organics. Rajoelina claimed that if a European country had discovered the remedy, people would not be so sceptical.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly warned that the Covid-Organics drink, which Madagascar's Rajoelina has touted as a remedy against the deadly coronavirus, has not been clinically tested.

"What if this remedy had been discovered by a European country, instead of Madagascar? Would people doubt it so much? I don't think so," the president told FRANCE 24's Marc Perelman and RFI's Christophe Boisbouvier.

The drink is derived from artemisia – a plant with proven anti-malarial properties – and other indigenous herbs.

"What is the problem with Covid-Organics, really? Could it be that this product comes from Africa? Could it be that it's not OK for a country like Madagascar, which is the 63rd poorest country in the world... to have come up with (this formula) that can help save the world?" asked Rajoelina, who claims the infusion cures patients within ten days.

Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Niger and Tanzania have already taken delivery of consignments of Covid-Organics, which was launched last month.

"No one will stop us from moving forward – not a country, not an organisation," Rajoelina said in response to the WHO's concerns.

He said the proof of the tonic's efficacy was in the "healing" of "our patients", calling it a "preventive and curative remedy".

Rajoelina said Madagascar has reported 171 coronavirus infections and 105 recoveries to date, with no deaths.

"The patients who have healed have taken no other product than Covid-Organics," the president added.

E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick #mammon arhayas.com

Return of a classic! First published between 1999-2012, Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti features the original theoretical teachings of the Guardian Alliance as transcribed by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas (formerly published under Anna Hayes & Ashayana Deane pen names), and stands as the forerunner to the vast bodies of continuing information known as the Kathara® Bio-Spiritual Healing System, the MCEO-Freedom Teachings® Series, the Tan-Tri-Ahura® Teachings, and the ShiftMasters®, HostMasters® and Keylontic® Discourses for Daily Living/KDDL® Courses. This book was greatly expanded in 2001-2002 as the 2nd Edition, which was published until 2012, and now Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti -2nd Edition is back in print!

One of most informative, fascinating texts available on the purposes, processes and mechanics of human evolution, monumental events of 2000-2017, humanity’s extra-ordinary origins and evolutionary destiny, and the hidden purposes of the New Age Movement. This book imparts timeless insights into the nature of current events, with information even more pertinent now than it was in 1999.

Provides first revelation of the Keylontic® Morphogenetic Science paradigm, with detailed theoretical information on time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, integration of multi-dimensional identity, DNA mechanics and accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution.

This book also introduces Stair-Step Creation, a comprehensive model of 15-Dimensional universal physics and the corresponding 15 Primary Chakra System and 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix authentic human gene code. The Stair-Step Creation model provides a unified, holistic perspective on the Science and Spirituality of Creation.

Discover the secrets of humanity’s evolutionary destiny that have been hidden within our ancient, traditional and New Age sacred mystical and religious teachings, and explore unique perspectives on humanity’s lost history, the 3 Seedings of the 12 Tribes, the DNA Checker-board Mutation, and the Atlantean Final Conflict Drama that is currently playing out on Earth.

This book is a classic read of theoretical, historical, and practical significance that assists to inform and provide context for the many advanced Guardian Alliance programs which followed.

580 Pages – 1999-2002 original release

Dunning-Kruger Award

Wristlet 2 #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is

[Serious] Psychology as a uni degree is fucking stupid, since psychology can't be taught like that. Incels know more about suffering than any therapist.


People insists on making everything about credentials, diagnosis, college degrees... You mention you or somebody you know has mental issues, and the first thing normies ask is "is it diagnosed?", you mention a psychological concept that you've observed or learned, and they'll ask "where did you read that?" or may say "well a psychologist may know best" or something like that. You come up with a scientific law over endless consistent observations of the same pattern in several different contexts (the blackpill), and to normies it's not real science, because we're not sciencists, even though actual psychologists and psychiatrists are bluepilled and clueless as fuck.

To society, this doesn't matter. They make everything about official certifications, degrees, diagnoses etc. This may seem like a good thing, or something civilized to do, but actually, it's in line with a tribal instinct that's as old as time. What those credentials in general boil down to is social recognition, and the fact that people cares more about social recognition than the truth. In fact, to them, social consensus literally defines the truth.

This makes sense in the case of, for example, a doctor or a chemist. If they have a degree it means they've studied a lot of stuff on the field so it makes sense to trust them. However, in the case of psychology it's just retarded.

My therapist is clueless tbh. I go to her because it's free and to vent, but 3 sessions in, I can already tell there's no way this woman will be able to help me out. She's way in over her head, and I know a lot more than her tbh. Only way this person may be helpful is if you're a full normie and have never dealt with any adversity (or did suffer but didn't learn anything) and are completely unprepared, then sure, a therapist's knowledge may be a godsend.

Literally reading Elliot Rodger's manifesto is better therapy than any therapist for any incel. Or this forum. And this is because the idea of psychology as a college degree, aka teaching a bunch of beckys and stacys who live in tutorial mode about psychological concepts, people's feelings, how to help those who suffer, is just impossible, or at least the way they do it in college (memorization) is just wrong. It's just absurd tbh. You can't teach this stuff, only people who actually suffers knows what it's like. For example, even if the blackpill was socially recognized as true, chads and stacys could superficially learn it, as in memorize the concept, but they'd never know the true meaning of "brutal" or "suifuel" as they've never felt it, nor would they never truly understand what the blackpill is about or its implications. This is why therapy is bullshit.

Only way therapy for incels would work is if we were assigned an older or higher IQ incel as some sort of coach, or an ascended but blackpilled incel. And of course free whores. That'd be proper therapy. Not some becky who is way in over her head as she has no idea what suffering is like, and in fact any high IQ incel knows more than her just by virtue of his experience.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack projectcamelotportal.com

COVID19 is stimulated by 5G which links in with the AI network. However it is a pre existing condition of humans on Earth due to the toxic environment we live in involving, radiation and electronic smog from use of the negative side of technology which is rampant. All 5G does is further increase the levels. The dis-ease already exists in different degrees in everyone. This can be cured using chlorine dioxide (see Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble) youtu.be/I7iPm2JyXcw. Both explain 2 different combinations of ways to use this to cure just about everything. See their explanations for how it works and why. My distillation of what this does is cleanse and oxygenate.

The PWB have been steadily working according to an alien directed plan to take oxygen out of our atmosphere and substitute a radiation filled methane like atmosphere more conducive to Greys, Reptilians and Grey human hybrid life. Covid19 is a bioweapon created by US and China. China however released it to kill their own people but it is the milder version of a much more potent version (see Chinese Party whistleblower testimony located on my website in print version)

People are dying from this amping up of radiation-and methane in our atmosphere anyway… Those with underlying conditions are simply being ‘moved along’ as part of a depopulation agenda and were dying anyway albeit more slowly. The numbers of “infected” are lies pushed forward by worldwide media and there is ample evidence the biggest factor in this “infection” in the world body is in the MEME and propaganda aimed at convincing people they are “sick” and “infected” and “carriers” which they are but not of the virus. The so-called virus is not CONTAGIOUS through human interaction. Except through what one might call “RESONANCE” AND frequency which happens when humans are in sympathy –sympathetic or empathetic– to others who manifest symptoms (of any sickness for that matter). Because we are electrical-magnetic beings and we tend to take on the aspect of anything we are in close proximity to or resonate with. It is not dependent on distance by the way. You can resonate with a rock band like THE BEATLES for example as their music conveys messages and meaning that you resonate with. Therefore regardless of the fact the music is made by English men who lived in the UK and traveled the world you don’t have to be in direct contact with them to be “infected” or resonate with them.

Signal-nonlocality proves that time and space are illusions. The illusion of distance (even mainstream scientists will tell you) is just that an illusion. But a powerful one and in this what we call shared reality and therefore if you resonate (vibrate to the frequency) through a heart and mind connection you are “there”. That is why remote viewing works.

Noble #quack #conspiracy #racist renegadetribune.com

The legend of a technologically & spiritually-advanced Atlantis, and other similar lost civilizations like Hyperborea, may be a very real possibility. It is also probable that the Aryan race was receptive to receiving cultural gifts & wisdom teachings back from others who we have made contact with in the very distant past.

One thing for sure; all over the planet, indigenous tribes are carrying ancestral gems of advanced understandings that deal with the quantum universe and the protocols that relate to cosmic relationships between all living things. This “understanding” is sacred & universally understood by many native peoples who have kept their traditional spiritual practices in use, despite pressure from outside forces to integrate into the “civilized” Western World.

There is strength in unity (not Diversity) and living in accords with Natural Law. What is destructive and not natural is International Jewry’s attempts to force integrate races and people of different evolutionary & genetic backgrounds. That is White Genocide!

An important maxim is that “Nothing in this universe is static and everything in life is in constant motion.” This activity, on the quantum level, generated at the “Zero Point”, has the power to supply our communities with a source of Free-Energy that is clean for the environment, safe and unlimited. All in accords with Natural Law!

The innovative works of modern-day pioneer inventors, like Nikola Tesla, have paved the path for Free-Energy technologies to come forward after being suppressed & hidden for many thousands of years.

Books, like Lynne McTaggart’s “The Field”, documentary movies, such as “Thrive”, and YouTube videos by authors like David Wilcock are publicly disclosing to mainstream audiences the mechanics of how Free-Energy works. Again… be forewarned that these media outlets are interlinked with the Jewish-controlled field of New Age “Consciousness” & “Conspiracy Theories”.

Regardless, a new scientific paradigm is underway that will completely transform our planet, however, it will take National Socialism, in alignment with the Laws of Nature, to bring Free-Energy technologies into the public sphere.

Carol Croft #crackpot #quack #magick ethericwarriors.com

Orgonite is a material, a formulation, first developed by Karl Welz for his Radionics devices. However, Welz’ forumlation differs from the material that Don Croft pioneered. Welz’ employs formulation consists of powdered metal and quartz in a resin substrate. The formulation developed by Don Croft, with the assistance of his daughter Nora (at the time a gifted energy sensitive) rather employs metal shavings/filings/bbs/etc., with an equal of an organic resin substrate (typically polyester or epoxy Resins) with the addition of a small chip of quartz crystal. The fundamental components are the equal parts of metal particles of a macroscopic size (not a powder) and the resin substrate; however, though not required for the basic effects of the material, adding a simple chip of quartz crystal improved the effects produced by the material for general purposes, and “gifting” in particular.
Regarding the effects of Orgonite, a great deal of experimental data (almost all of it annotated in the forum archives), by many EW members, and others, have substantiated that Orgonite positively affects the Electromagnetic, and Etheric, environment in the locality of such a “device”. Orgonite has been shown to mitigate the effects of “Electro Smog” (DOR — a term by Wilhelm Reicha term by Wilhelm Reich — Deadly Orgone Radiation) transforming these damaging emissions into POR (Positive Orgone Radiation — also a term coined by Reich) also known as: Life Force/Prana/Chi/Lung/Elan Vital/etc., to substantially improving the growth rate of crops within proximity of an Orgonite device (as substantiated, again, within this Forum’s texts).

Orgonite’s effects, to a significant extent, are almost certainly attributable to the substantiated phenomenon of these device’s emitting of a stream of Negative Ions which a great deal of research has show to improve health. However, most of us believe that there are additional, more subtle, phenomenon involved which the Academic Community (which is almost entirely mired in a Scientific Materialist, Reductionist, philosophy) has largely ignored in funded research. Wilhelm Reich, until he was marginalized, and then “eliminated” by US Government action, produced a wealth of primary research substantiating the existence of “Life Force” energies, and refuting a great deal of the Materialist/Reductionist Mythology of Modern Science.

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Mandatory vaccines are “medical rape” in the sense that they violate your body against your consent, causing physical and psychological harm or even death. Those who advocate mandatory vaccines are medical rapists who are, in effect, committing acts of felony violence against an individual. (See full video, below.)

Medical choice is a pillar of Western medical ethics, and any government that would attempt to violate a man or woman’s body with a cocktail of potentially dangerous, foreign substances — including vaccine ingredients derived from aborted human fetal cells — is engaged in the kind of genocidal evil that the world witnessed with the Third Reich and the Holocaust. There, the Nazi regime believed it owned the bodies of all citizens and could decide what to do with them. To save money for the Reich, countless numbers of individuals were euthanized against their will, including the physically handicapped, the cognitively impaired and those with chronic degenerative disease. (See the Nazi propaganda posters below.) (If the same rules applied today, practically the entire U.S. Congress would be exterminated, come to think of it…)

Once a government claims ownership over your body, there is no limit to the evils it can carry out in the name of “serving the greater good.” This is the argument of the vaccine industry and vaccine mandates in America today. It perfectly mirrors the “scientific consensus” of the Third Reich and its campaign of mass euthanasia and state-run murder.

John Le Bon #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia #crackpot #quack johnlebon.com

[Taken from ‘37 things normies believe’]

Earth & Life
1) Humans evolved over many millions of years from simpler species.

2) Physical matter is mostly empty space, including our own bodies.

3) There are about 7 billion humans alive today and the earth is overpopulated.

4) Earth is a gigantic spinning ball hurtling through the infinite vastness of space.

5) Humans have sent objects into space and even walked upon the face of the moon.

6) Intelligent life likely exists on other planets (such as the red dot we sometimes see in the night sky).

7) A variety of lizard-bird creatures dominated the earth’s landscape millions of years ago.

8) Once they died, these lizard-birds eventually turned into the oil which is now extracted from the earth for fuel.

9) This oil is a limited and largely non-renewable commodity, and is running out.

10) The earth’s climate is changing dangerously due to human emission of gases like CO2 and CH4.

11) Characters like ‘Plato’ and ‘Strabo’ were real people who existed thousands of years ago.

12) The bible was written thousands of years ago.

13) State-funded/mandated vaccinations are primarily intended to save people from disease/illness.

14) State-funded/mandated water fluoridation is primarily intended to strengthen peoples teeth.

15) ‘Mental illness’ is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

16) ‘Cancer’ occurs by chance and is best treated via excision and/or intravenous/ingested chemicals and/or radiation.

17) It is safe and healthy to eat cows which have been fed grain and raised/slaughtered in factories.

Government & War
18) State-funded/regulated education exists to improve the knowledge/welfare of the populace.

19) State-sanctioned ‘taxation’ is necessary/beneficial for the people being ‘taxed’.

20) Usury is necessary/beneficial for societies in which it is legal/practised.

21) Magical weapons exist which could destroy millions of humans instantly and suddenly.

22) These magical weapons can be transported long-distance by accurate, specialised missiles.

23) Countries like the US are ruled by individuals elected democratically by their fellow men and women.

24) These rulers have unilateral and direct access to employ the aforementioned magical weapons.

25) The same rulers are engaged in continual disagreement and feuds with one another; many of these rulers and their countries are enemies with one another.

26) A terrorist network exists with associated individuals constantly plotting to kill random, innocent civilians.

27) Twice last century, many powerful countries went to war against one another in order to take control of/defend the world and its people.

28) The worst victims of this warfare were the Jews – 6,000,000 of whom were intentionally murdered as part of a ‘final solution’.

Culture & Society
29) Pop culture content (such as films, television programs and music) exists primarily to entertain the public and turn a financial profit for those promoting it.

30) The 1960s ‘counterculture’ movement (including the ‘sexual revolution’) occurred/grew organically and was led by regular civilians.

31) Humans of different races are so similar they ought to live together in mixed communities.

32) Miscegenation is natural/normal; mixed-race children have similar health and welfare outcomes to their non-mixed peers.

33) Men and women are so similar they ought to study and work together in mixed environments.

34) Sexual promiscuity is normal/healthy and beneficial for individuals and/or society.

35) General access to medical centres dedicated to ‘aborting’ pregnancies is beneficial for society.

36) ‘Homosexuality’ is natural/normal and caused by genetics/biology.

37) ‘Homosexuals’ lead similar lives and/or have similar health outcomes to non-‘homosexuals’.

MountainGorilla #racist #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] The Psychology of Normies When Faced With The Truth

They're incapable of taking other people's perspective and yet they have the fucking audacity to spread mental health awareness.
All of these normies believe nurture > nature JUST FUCKING LOL. Your environment is only affects you like 20% while genetics affects your life by 80%. Don't believe me? Just look at African IQ scores vs White IQ scores and also search up the Flynn Effect. After adolescence, iq goes back down to normal and Africans IQ goes back to 85 and Whites IQ scores goes back to 90 thanks to the Flynn Effect because it doesn't matter if a African child was raised in a white household, further proving that it all comes down to genetics.

I think the lesson we can get out of this is that most people/normies are fucking mediocre, life is short and you are not going to do anything special with your life. These normies believe they are special because they love believing in a comfortable lie. Just wait until the agepill hits them and see them drop their beliefs. Normies are the most contradictory people ever and I'd rather take advice from a fucking goldfish than them.

But as for me, I'm thankful for learning that blackpill at a young age. Sure as I get older and I experience mogging and suifuel around me, I can be content that I learned the truth rather than wallow in lies. Unlike these normies who betray their own beliefs at the first sign of trouble, I will never betray the blackpill, it holds a special place in my heart, its in my blood and veins and I can feel a pulsing vibrancy and magical euphoria from it despite how brutal the blackpill is.

But I think the blackpill transcends the truth as well. The blackpill is the new forefront of mankind's search for truth and the meaning of life, the blackpill carries the torch from those of previous generations of philosophers and scientists.

To_Live_is to_Serve #sexist #quack incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Women and individual selective traits

Females are more individual selective than males. Males have a sense of truth and are more prone to self sacrifice by giving their live for the group. It is ironic that the group which is more individual selective more often gangs up to mercilessly genocide or hinder the group selective group. It is because of egoism, lack of empathy, lack of mercy and only looking to your own good, not that of the group, nation, humanity or world.

Females favour individual selection when selecting mates. Women favour violence, fear and the dark triad of personality besides good physique and health which are universally healthy. If the group got destroyed in war by a more group selective group, women would just have sex with the males of the victorious people akin to how lionesses mate with the male lion as soon as he has killed her kids and baby daddy. It lies thus in the male interest to increase group selection while female instincts which favour individual selective traits remain. This can be done by normalising a culture of arranged marriage or to execute males who practice abundantly individual selective behaviour.

jerek #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

As a bluepilled person i guess you could be "happy" if you found your ugly girlfriend in your late 20's. You could think you're special and meant of each other and, if you're lucky and she doesn't cuck you, you could enjoy a relationship without passion and a lot of starfish sex with your unkempt girlfriend that doesn't make any efforts for you (since you're not chad and you don't give her the tingles).

Also, if said guy got cucked he would probably become blackpilled.

And what happens if you absorb the blackpill? Well, you can't go back.

What IT doesn't understand is that, aside from the facade of shitposting, we are blackpilled because we CANNOT go back even if we wanted because EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS KEEPS SHOWING IT TO OUR THROAT.

We cannot delude ourselves into thinking that we are all equals, it's too late, especially if anything that happens proves otherwise! We know that an incel gets ghosted in the moment he shows his face (even if until that moment the woman was happy and interested), we know that chad can do anything and he will fuck because we did chadfishing at one point of our life.

Honestly i don't know what to do. The only solution i can think is cutting all ties from the internet (because the ones from society are already tied) and avoid at any costs all media that shows women with good looking guys (obiviously).

Seriously, there is no escape. You can do as much as you want, but in the moment you try to get a decent woman she will ghost you in the moment she sees your face, and you are back to square one.

Plandemic and Judy Mikovits #conspiracy #quack plandemicmovie.com



Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we'll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.

This has become so much more than just a documentary. This is humanity's chance to stand for free speech and integrity in all sectors. Please join our community and help spread the message.


Our videos are being taken down every minute. We appreciate your support. More coming soon...

In an effort to bypass the gatekeepers of free speech, we invite you to download this interview by simply clicking the button below, then uploading directly to all of your favorite platforms.

Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality.

Let’s back up to address how we got here...

In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?

Flash forward to 2020...

They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid contact. The plan was unfolding with diabolical precision, but the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing... the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.

The window of opportunity is open like never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world’s attention. Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature. 2020 is the code for perfect vision. It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.

Dr. Roger Callahan #quack #mammon #magick tfttapping.com

For the past 30 years, a simple technique called Thought Field Therapy has been rapidly healing negative emotions such as trauma and anxiety—and even disease—for people who are desperate to regain wellness and normalcy in their lives.

What started as a simple therapeutic treatment to stimulate the body’s own healing systems through the identification of a specific code and then tapping this code on various points of the body—using the same system Chinese acupuncturists do—has become a mainstream therapy accepted by medical doctors, psychologists, alternative healthcare practitioners and even military mental-health personnel.

Thousands of people have recovered rapidly from troublesome disorders like insomnia, gout or tinnitus. Others have eliminated stress, anxiety and phobias such as fear of flying and fear of public speaking—literally within minutes. Still others with life-threatening cancer have completely reversed the disease. Hundreds have regained their lives by curbing addictive urges for nicotine, controlled substances or obsessive behaviors. And those suffering the aftereffects of trauma—warfare, rape, injury or loss—have instantly removed the horrible emotions and feelings tied to that event which previously controlled their lives, sometimes for decades.

Mark S. Grenon #fundie #quack #psycho #mammon g2churchbooks.org

<Yes this is the Drink Bleach church people>
We at the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing have been involved in one of the most comprehensive, worldwide, cross cultural, broad spectrum, voluntary, human health studies of this world for the past 7 years.

Volume One This book is about my personal research and experience with thousands of people worldwide about why we have “dis-ease” and how to “restore health” in the body by practicing “self care” with the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing Sacraments.

This book covers the following topics:

What is the dis-ease of the body? • Why is the body dis-eased?
• How to stop the body from being dis-eased.
• History of “western medicine” that will open your eyes and hopefully motivate MANY start to do something about it!
• Who were the key players in developing vaccines and pharmaceuticals?
• Real written and video testimonies of REAL people with restored health from illnesses
• How to “restore health” by practicing selfcare NOT healthcare
• What toxins are doing to the body’s systems
• How the body was designed to work from “the pie hole to the butt hole”.
• Why NOT to trust your doctor
• Should we be afraid of cancer?
• How important is a clean liver?
• G2Voice Broadcasts covering 40+ illnesses that cause the body to be DIS-EASED!
• Genesis II Church 10 sacramental commandments fro “restoring health”.
• ALL the information about the G2Church you will need in ONE book!

ThoughtfulCel #sexist #conspiracy #quack incels.is

We live in a society where its a competition of who can be the biggest victim.

It's a slow process of feminizing men, making them more docile and soft. And giving women fake empowerment.

Women are too stupid to realise they are being manipulated for government and corporate gain, so they welcome this empowerment. Why wouldn't they? They get to fuck chad and be considered equal to a man for doing absolutely nothing.

This is why there is no going back.

Men in higher power have convinced women that they can be men to, forever ruining the balanced structure of female and male relationships.

As a result men are becoming softer, less masculine. If men are less masculine this means they will be less outspoken and more willing to accept terrible work conditions and environments.

If you want to blame anyone for society as a whole shifting to being offended by stupid shit like "sexualization" or "toxic masculinity", blame the government that is purposefully making you lose more and more testosterone every year for monetary gain, pushing gay and transgender agendas, and censoring everything, thus reducing any artistic or cultural value.

In short, humans deserve to die and I deserve to rule what's left of earth

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

[When you claim that vaccines cause autism,
despite countless studies that point to the contrary.]

According to who exactly? Oh, that's right, the same people who are SELLING THE PRODUCT. Couldn't possibly be true that a trillion-dollar industry is lying, right? Nor could it possibly be true that the CDC is lying either, hey?

It's not like the CDC hasn't been exposed as corrupt already, and run by crooks.





It came out in a USA Congressional Hearing that the CDC was lying about the MMR vaccine, that they destroyed the evidence even when their own studies showed that the MMR was linked to Autism!



Most of what the public is told about vaccines is unscientific, science-denying propaganda.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrmKUk_aqW8 (Dr. Toni Bark vs low information

The scientific reality is that there no studies that refute the link between Autism and vaccines. It's just claimed to be lots of them, but in reality there are none.

Not one study exists which actually clears vaccines of any link with Autism nor any other form of neurological injury that has been linked to vaccines. I have seen misrepresented studies aplenty. I have seen attempts to mislead. I have seen the CDC and various pharma lobby types trying to pretend that a study totally clears vaccines, and I have seen that every time so far, none of those studies so presented really show what the pro-vaccine industry folks claim that they do.

I have seen studies and fools claiming that because they found no link between MMR and Autism, that "all" vaccines are not connected to Autism. This lie of theirs *FAILS LOGIC!*

I have seen studies and fools claiming that because they found no link between Thimerosal in vaccines and Autism, - while ignoring that the Thimerosal was replaced by another experimentally proven neurotoxin (Aluminium) - that all vaccines are not connected to Autism. Yet again, this lie of theirs *FAILS LOGIC!*

Then there are studies that pretend it's only the MMR and/or Thimerosal, again ignoring the Aluminium. You just got another big dead elephant in the living room.

Thimerosal still is used in some vaccines, it was removed from 'most' vaccines, but not 'all' vaccines. Aluminium salts are neuro-toxic as well, and are now widely used in vaccines. So, your line ["When you claim that preservatives which have not been used in almost any vaccine since before you were born have damaged your child,"] is not sticking with the truth. I can cite plentiful peer reviewed studies showing how dangerous these are. The CDC lies and pretends that Thimerosal is safe despite admitting to the FDA that there was too much mercury in the shots. Which is why it was removed from most of the vaccines in the 1990s, then replaced with the aluminium. Both are neuro-toxic, so replacing one with the other doesn't make vaccines safer at all. There's a common furphy among pro-vax nutters claiming you can get more aluminium from food, it's utterly stupid to claim and a lie; only 0.3% of the aluminium in food will get into your bloodstream through the digestion system. Pro-vax websites are often pushing propaganda instead of science. Can't let that trillion dollar industry suffer any loss in profits, can we?

The pro-vaccine industry folks will argue that correlation doesn't equal causation when it shows vaccines are harmful, but claim correlation does equal causation when they want to claim vaccines reduced disease. Can't have it both ways, make up your bloody minds!

The devastating truth is that there is not even one peer reviewed scientific study with randomised double-blind testing with control groups of totally unvaccinated versus vaccinated that shows vaccines work at all.

You’re all just running on faith in the advertising. You believe in "authority" without verifying the authority's claims. Your "authority" is often corrupt. There's too much MONEY involved.

By the way, there's a huge difference between "Intelligent Design" and "Creationism". You wrongly conflate the two as if everyone who questions the mainstream is only a Christian and no other beliefs or scientific views exist. That's just plain ignorant. The logic of claiming that disease proves people weren't created by something or someone doesn't work either. The Zoroastrians believe that the world was created for evil purposes, for example. It could also be argued that an "intelligent designer" was trying their best, but wasn't perfect or perhaps not aiming at perfection. The argument is flawed.

Literally Mad as a Hatter Award

Prof. Pawar Prabhakarshivram #quack esamskriti.com

From "Un-considered objections related to Ayurveda", also titled "Why use of Mercury in Ayurveda should not be objectionable"]

We are looking from some days about ayurvedic treatment and drug. Some concerns are being raised, some articles are also published and social media being used for this purpose. The reason is very clear. Good days are coming for ayurvedic science and by opposing it all cheap popularities may be obtained.

Well. It is necessary to have a classical discussion.

While talking about ayurveda the objectionable issues are related to use of Mercury and heavy metals in ayurvedic drugs. In modern science according to chemistry these substances have a property of poisoning. According to chemistry and modern Medical Sciences it may cause liver and kidney failure. From this view, it seems that Ayurveda is not a science. Hence it is necessary to know the other side of the issue.

1. We know the objection holders are knowledgeable persons, others are reporters and laymen. Whether they are giving such type of statements against Ayurveda after studying or practicing Ayurvedic science? The answer is no. All scripture have to accept that one should comment after the perfect knowledge of that particular science.

2. There are many established and unestablished medical sciences present in the world. But for all the medical sciences the sources of medical drugs are same i.e. herbs and animals and metal or minerals. So if the sources of drug production in the world are same for every medical science, then what is the difference between the scriptures?

The answer is that though the sources of drugs are same but the method of preparation of the drug is different in every science.

3. Metals and mercury are poisonous according to chemistry. The atom of Mercury or metals, as it is, is poisonous. The question is, whether Ayurveda is using it as it is in preparation of medicine? The answer is no.

4. If we burn the herb to ash it is a non-reversible chemical reaction. While preparing Ayurvedic drug there are some procedures performed on the raw materials. Such drugs made from Mercury and metals are converted into the form of Bhasma, broadly we can say Bhasma is as good as ash of that substance. There is no reversible process from Bhasma to original substance.

While processing to make Bhasma, there is a process of purification of substance with the help of herbal and animal products, like oil, buttermilk etc. One of the important processes of purification of substances is Maran. The word Maran means the process of death that implies it will not be converted again in the original form. This process takes place with the help of herbal and animal products. Herbs and animals are living bodies. And hence Bhasmas are made familiar to the body elements.

In short, the Bhasma are not equal to Mercury, copper or iron. It shows that metals are not used in ayurvedic drugs in form of an atom. It is converted and irreversible form of metal.


It is found in the history that in the 16th century the lady dancer of the England were using Mercury for their beauty and longevity, but in what form they were using it is not mentioned.

Donald Trump #quack npr.org

President Trump took the old saying that "sunlight is the best disinfectant" to a whole new level at Thursday's briefing. He had William Bryan, the science and technology adviser to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, give a presentation about admittedly "emerging" results that the spread of coronavirus could slow with direct sunlight and humidity.


Here's what the president said:

Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you could do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you were going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds — it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it goes, the way it kills it in one minute, that's, uh, that's pretty powerful.

He went on to ask Dr. Deborah Birx, response coordinator of the coronavirus task force, if she'd heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," she responded.

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger jennifermargulis.net

[From "Connecting the Dots: Glyphosate and COVID-19"]

The pandemic that we have long been told is coming any day now has unfortunately arrived. A new strain of coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2, causing the new disease called COVID-19, has taken the world by storm, practically shutting down the global economy and overwhelming hospital systems.

I am a senior research scientist at MIT. I have devoted over 12 years to trying to understand the role of toxic chemicals in the deterioration of human health. I have been particularly focused on figuring out what has been driving the skyrocketing rates of autism in America and around the world. My research strongly suggests that glyphosate (the active ingredient in the weed killer Roundup) is a primary cause of the autism epidemic in the United States. When the COVID-19 pandemic began its march across the world, I started to consider whether glyphosate might play a role.

If there is indeed a connection between glyphosate and COVID-19, understanding why and how they’re connected could play a critical role in combating this pandemic.


My hypothesis is that the biofuel industry is inadvertently introducing glyphosate into fuels that power our cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, and ships. While it has long been known that exhaust fumes are toxic to the lungs, there has been a transformation in the fuel industry over the past decade that may have led to a critical increase in the toxicity of the fumes. Specifically, aerosolized glyphosate may be causing damage to the lungs that makes catching what should be a mild cold into a serious health crisis.


Is this all just coincidence? I don’t think so. Instead, I strongly suspect that the degree to which a person is susceptible to COVID-19 is proportional to the degree to which they have been exposed to glyphosate. Eating a certified organic diet and staying away from major highways may be among the best tools for protection from an acute reaction to COVID-19.

JoeDubs #quack #dunning-kruger joedubs.com

[From "The Fallacious Germ Theory"]

The Germ Theory is the belief that germs are the primal cause of disease. Nutrition and exercise play a small role, but it’s really the all-pervading germ that makes you sick. That’s why we “catch cold”, thereby expelling the responsibility outside ourselves.

With this mistaken ideology we lose our innate power to heal ourselves, what Hippocrates called vis medicatrix naturae. After all, since it was something outside of your body that made you sick. In order to get well you must also seek help from an outside force, namely vaccines and doctors in general.

Luckily we don’t live in a bizarro reality like that. We don’t “catch disease”, we create it. It is not a sick person’s fault for being sick, since they never learned how the human body actually operates, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the individual.

Germs do not cause disease. The precautions we take to eliminate germs do. These include but are not limited to: antibiotics, disinfectants, food irradiation, hand sanitizers, and vaccines which are designed to protect us from the nefarious germ. We also get sick from our compromised food supply, malnutrition, and inability to recognize what the human body needs.

When we think we “get sick”, what is really happening is our bodies are attempting to discard toxic material. “Getting sick” is allowing the body to detoxify itself from toxemia (toxic blood), which is caused by living a toxic life, as well as not absorbing the nutrients our bodies require.

Germs do not cause disease, disease causes germs. Germs are the body’s scavengers, the garbage men of your cells. If they are present that means that the conditions where they lie are unfavorable. Change the conditions of the ‘terrain’, and the germs will morph back into their healthy state.

It is easier for us to put the blame on an outside invader, thereby shifting the responsibility outside of ourselves. But health can only come from within. As Antoine Béchamp said: “Disease is born of us and in us.” That same is true for health.

The immune system is a conceptual bodily system we sort of just made up. It doesn’t actually exist, at least not in the way we think of it. The respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, etc, these are all clearly distinct systems of the human body. Where is the immune system? Can you point to it? What composes it?


What is the evidence that vaccines work?

Because after they were introduced, the incidents of these diseases declined, precipitously. But, is that, in and of it’s self, not a logical fallacy?

We’ve learned that the healthier a person is the less likely they are to get sick. This aspect of the immune system is correct, but the naming of it is all wrong. Immunity does not exist. Germs don’t invade your body and cause disease, so “building up immunity” and “strengthening your immune system” to ward off those nasty germs is a lost cause. We can only build our health by providing the body with what it needs, and steering clear of chemicals, vaccines, medicines, and other magical allopathic potions that are supposed to lead to a salubrious life, but only cause more iatrogenic deaths.

Science is like a new religion. Once originally called ‘Natural Philosophy’, this new form of worship disregards common sense for the appeal to the authority and other logical fallacies.

Roy Holman #quack #conspiracy #magick holmanhealthconnections.com

The globalists want total control, and one aspect will be either a one world currency, or more likely, a global credit system with no cash.
Do not be conditioned into a “new normal”, with ever less freedom, evermore surveillance and control.
If there is a UBI, or Universal Basic Income, be wary of it being restricted to only those who prove they were vaccinated.
There eventually may be calls for a one world government to address and fight global concerns like pandemics, financial collapses and climate change. It may sound attractive to a frightened populace, but this idea has been in the plans of the globalists for some time. Beware. Do not let your fear make these decisions. We are being herded like cattle, which reminds me ….
Have you heard about the two cattle being led to the slaughter house? Suddenly one turns to the other and says, “Hey, I just had an intuitive hit. They are going to slaughter us and make hot dogs out of us.” The other bull says, “There you go, another one of your wild conspiracy theories again.”

I say, nooooooo, or mooooooo; don’t be herded into fake cures, mandatory vaccines and one world governments, and say no to 5G.

Lastly, but most importantly, remember that the light is always bigger than the dark, and there are possibilities and even probabilities for HUGE shifts in the days ahead. Fasten your seat belt and prepare your nest. After the dust settles, we may have a chance for an awakened Earth.

China's National Health Commission #quack france24.com

China has approved the use of bear bile to treat coronavirus patients, angering activists and raising fears it could undermine efforts to stop the illegal animal trade which is blamed for the emergence of the new disease sweeping the globe.

The move comes just weeks after China banned the sale of wild animals for food, citing the risk of diseases spreading from animals to humans.

But the National Health Commission in March issued guidelines recommending the use of "Tan Re Qing" –- an injection that contains bear bile powder, goat horn and three other medicinal herbs –- to treat critically ill coronavirus patients.

It is one of six traditional Chinese medicine products included in the directive.

President Xi Jinping has been keen to promote traditional medicine, calling it a "treasure of Chinese civilisation" and saying it should be given as much weight as other treatments.

The active ingredient in bear bile, ursodeoxycholic acid, is used to dissolve gallstones and treat liver disease but has no proven effectiveness in treating COVID-19.

China has used both traditional and Western medicine in its battle against the novel coronavirus, which has killed more than 3,000 and infected more than 82,000.

But activists say greenlighting a treatment that uses an animal product is "both tragic and ironic" given that the origin of the deadly coronavirus is linked to the trade and consumption of wild animals.

Dr Candice Smithyman #fundie #quack charismanews.com

On Saturday, April 4, at 4 a.m., I was abruptly awoken by God after an encounter with a strong demonic force that came into my bedroom and tried to put a sickness upon me on my chest. I cried out in my sleep three times as I rebuked this demon. I knew it had something to do with the coronavirus. The strange thing was that I went to bed with a communion cracker in my hand, which I never do, and I had been up praying for about three hours before I fell asleep and had this demonic encounter. I took the cracker before the attack.

The next morning my husband told me I had been rebuking demons because he heard me cry out in the night against them while I was in my sleep. This dream was not because I was receiving the coronavirus; it was a warning dream, to tell the people that this virus is a demonic force and there is a way to deal with it spiritually, as well as biologically.

Ap0calypse #sexist #quack #crackpot incels.is

there is something terribly wrong with the average human male

A month ago before the pp183 virus closed everything I was walking around campus and noticed that 90% of males gave off no masculine presence at all despite being grown up, their facial structure are like a childs. Their spine and reproductive organs may have grown into a masculine form, but they still retain their child skulls. They are not intimidating at all, your brain only registers males as sexual rivals when you see chadlites and chads, mostly due to their distinct skull shape

its like our puberty was incomplete, androgens are supposed to interact with your skull to give your jaw and brow ridge a masculine structure. You only see this to a noticeable extent in chadlites, or in to a extreme extent in true genetic chads.

I think we need to start treating males with hgh and testosterone during early puberty to trigger any remotely noticeable masculine skull growth, the average male is not developing normally. This will likely trigger balding in many males, but that is an issue for later.

There is no way this is normal

EU Times #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot eutimes.net

According to a Reuters article, Japan wants to have at least 160 hydrogen stations and 40,000 FCVs on the country’s roads by March 2021. By 2030, it aims to have 900 stations to service some 800,000 FCVs, buses and forklifts.

So Japan is the first country in the world which wants to move away from all this electric car nonsense and “fossil fuel” scam. The water engine has been invented for years now yet due to the fact that Satan runs this really f-ed up planet of ours, this tech is having serious problems seeing the light of the day because its not profitable.

They wanna sell you either gasoline or electricity and batteries, but water??? How would they profit off of that? In your dreams, how would fat pieces of shit like the Rockerfelons and the Rottenchildren pile up trillions in wealth anymore? Did you even know the Rothschild family has a wealth of AT LEAST 500 TRILLION DOLLARS yet they do not even show up in Forbes top rich list? For the same exact reason they are keeping the cancer cure hidden as its found in nature and they can’t make an artificial treatment that can be patented for profits. So they would rather have you die.

If this man here can make a freaking water engine himself and even use dirty water from a river, you’re telling me with your stupid pathetic altruistic gullible mind that a company like Mercedes or Ford can’t develop such an engine??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Man if this is you thinking these things, then its because people like you this world is so messed up! Its YOU who is to blame!

(RT video of a man who allegedly created a water-powered motorcycle)

So Japan found a way to profit off of this water engine too, instead of selling water engine cars which makes the separation of Hydrongen and Oxygen themselves, they sell the Hydrogen engine where you still have to go and BUY BUY BUY. Profit profit profit…. pfff pathetic demon world.

Its sad that we’ll still take part of this satanic consumerist market but its still better than oil and electric cars with lithium blowing up randomly.

While this may not be technically the water engine where you just pour some water and you drive, this is still good! Hydrogen is the safest, cleanest and cheapest to produce infinitely so this is still a major positive step which we fully support! Good job Japan!

Jonathan Shuttlesworth #quack #homophobia #fundie lgbtqnation.com

Jonathan Shuttlesworth, a televangelist who co-founded Revival Today TV, called out European churches that are taking measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“Shame on every European full gospel church, bunch of sissies, that shut down during this thing,” he said. Italy is the country with the second-most confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world, after China, and churches there have taken steps to prevent the spread of the virus, like removing holy water and canceling large events.

“Catholic Church not having holy water in the lobby — how holy is the water then?” he said in his rant. “That should be a sign to you that your whole religion’s a fraud. Any faith that doesn’t work in real life is a fake faith. Totally fake.”

“If you’re putting out pamphlets and telling everybody to use Purell before they come into the sanctuary and don’t greet anyone, you should just turn in your ministry credentials and burn your church down — turn it into a casino or something,” he said. “You’re a loser. Bunch of pansies. No balls. Got neutered somewhere along the line and don’t even realize it.”

“Let me tell you if the devil doesn’t want there to be mass gatherings — it’s time to hold mass gatherings. If I lived in Italy I would call an open-air crusade to pray for the sick. If you have to go to jail, go to jail.”

“They can say whatever they want, he honored Israel. Obama honored the enemies of Israel; Trump honors Israel, and it’s a massive difference. And because of that, I predict America will be minimally affected by coronavirus,” Shuttlesworth said.

He said that “Pacific Northwest, California, and New York” are “four places” that will not be protected by Trump’s views on Israel because they gave “God the middle finger in the shape of an Empire State Building lit up in pink to celebrate the passage of the [legislation] that you can kill a baby.”

Levi Quackenboss #conspiracy #quack patreon.com

[From "Seven Silver Linings of the Pandemic"]

A few weeks ago, as I was desperately looking for an upside to a national shutdown, a post about the Earth healing from pollution came my way. The world’s air was cleaner, the water was getting clearer. That was nice, I suppose. That was something to hold on to in such a crap situation. And then people finally started washing their hands for the first time in their lives, which was a miracle in itself, hopefully that habit will stay. Then homeschooling and homebirth came to the masses; both significant sub-movements of the health freedom and parental rights movement. As long as one has money to put food on the table, it’s lovely being home in the evening to go on a sunset walk and read books to your kids and tuck them into bed.

I try to hold onto these thoughts because this shutdown has been more divisive—in my personal life and in this community of ours— than the 2016 election. I have felt friendships die. I have read accusations that I don't think I'll ever get over.

But it’s been three weeks now and I’m happy to report that my relentless optimism has bounced back three-fold on this wild ride, and I want to give you all my seven major pandemic wins to bounce around in your brains while you wander from your pantry to the sofa and back to the pantry again.


3. Infants are missing vaccination appointments and SIDS rates are dropping.

Not every infant, don’t get me wrong. Pediatricians are doing a full court press begging new parents to keep their “well baby” appointments as an essential reason to leave the houses. Do you remember what it was like to have a two-month-old in your house? Would you have taken your precious baby to a doctor during a pandemic? Me neither.

Some will, some won’t, but here are the facts: 3,500 babies die of SIDS each year. That’s almost 10 babies lost per day, every day of the week. If half of all new American parents skip the two or four-month vaccination appointment from March 15 to May 1, that’s 221 babies who don’t die in those 45 days. If more than half skip, that’s more babies who don’t die. If all parents skip, it’s 442 babies saved in six weeks.


4. The Average Joe is facing mandatory vaccination and it doesn’t look good for the CDC.

The numbers of our movement are about to increase exponentially if states attempt to require this dangerous vaccine. We’ve all seen Paul Offit, Ian Lipkin, Peter Hotez, and finally Anthony Fauci himself warning the public about the “paradoxical immune enhancement” caused by an early version of the coronavirus vaccine, which is a common reaction with respiratory virus vaccines. It means that if the vaccinated person encounters the virus in the wild, they get far sicker than average, and die. Who the hell wants that vaccine?


Then what will happen if people are hurt or killed by this coronavirus vaccine immune enhancement phenomenon? The entire vaccination program will implode, just like it did in the Philippines after the dengue disaster—that’s the only reason Paul Offit is losing his mind over fast-tracking this vaccine.

5. The Gates Foundation got exposed conducting tobacco science.

We all know that science has been for sale for decades, but this revelation couldn’t have come at a better time. The Gates Foundation is conducting a study on people sickened with COVID-19, to see whether hydroxychloroquine, the darling of the pandemic, is more effective than a placebo at saving lives. But guess what the placebo is? It’s vitamin C, which is, in itself, has been a successful COVID-19 treatment! Gates has all of his eggs in the vaccine basket, naturally, and is attempting to defeat hydroxychloroquine in the media, so stay tuned for the results of his study to be released in a few weeks or months.


6. Immunity badges are going to destroy the adult vaccination tracking system.

Surely you’ve seen this outrageous Bill Gates idea being parroted in our Congress: people are supposed to IgG test for past COVID-19 infections, and then obtain “certificates of immunity” or “immunity badges” before being allowed to return to work “with confidence.”


7. America is learning the importance of not eliminating the control group from the population.

How often have we said that states like California and New York have eliminated exemptions in attempt to eliminate our healthy control group from society? A parallel story is playing out in Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and even in Sweden and Belarus. They have refused to lock down, not that most people aren’t taking the virus seriously. The seriousness of the situation isn’t the issue; stripping people of their freedoms is the issue.

But the "control group" is why you see the media screaming about how the center of America isn’t threatening their citizens enough. It started with Bill Gates a few days ago, and was quickly picked up by his minions.

derasa #conspiracy #quack #mammon changeaview.com

@+27660432483 SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS/ACTIVATION POWDER IN UK & DENMARK Polokwane Port Elizabeth Potchefstroom Pretoria Randburg Roodepoort Rustenburg Sebokeng Soshanguve e, Harare, Namibia, Windhoek, Botswana to purchase Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes Dollars WE ALSO? SALE CHEMICALS LIKE SSD AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FORM CLEANING BLACK DOLLARS CURRENCIES. I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money in currencies such as U.S Dollar, Euro, Pound, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 20 years old, WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE TOURMALINE, S.S.D. Chemical / Solution , CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIVATION POWDER & SSD SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY Chemical and Allied product incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money,defaced money and stained bank notes with anti breeze

Sabrina Strings #moonbat #quack #conspiracy amazon.com

[From the Amazon page for the book Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia]

There is an obesity epidemic in this country and poor black women are particularly stigmatized as “diseased” and a burden on the public health care system. This is only the most recent incarnation of the fear of fat black women, which Sabrina Strings shows took root more than two hundred years ago.

Strings weaves together an eye-opening historical narrative ranging from the Renaissance to the current moment, analyzing important works of art, newspaper and magazine articles, and scientific literature and medical journals—where fat bodies were once praised—showing that fat phobia, as it relates to black women, did not originate with medical findings, but with the Enlightenment era belief that fatness was evidence of “savagery” and racial inferiority.

The author argues that the contemporary ideal of slenderness is, at its very core, racialized and racist. Indeed, it was not until the early twentieth century, when racialized attitudes against fatness were already entrenched in the culture, that the medical establishment began its crusade against obesity. An important and original work, Fearing the Black Body argues convincingly that fat phobia isn’t about health at all, but rather a means of using the body to validate race, class, and gender prejudice.

dreamfires #wingnut #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

Government sponsored health care that is meaningful? Are you kidding? Not one soul in the US government has the foggiest notion of how to effectively apply the concept. I watch in many ways a world gone mad...literally.
All health care as currently envisioned by government is doomed to failure as it is built on premises promoting profit, not potency. They say the stakes could not be higher, that health care costs the economy more than anything else (I thought supporting Israel with gazillions of dollars while the US has crumbling roads costs us more?). But if the stakes are so high, why not get this right once and for all? Imagine the US setting an excellent example for all to follow. People debate passionately socialist vs. capitalist models, while leaving the most important arguments--namely, naturopathic versus allopathic medicine--wholly ignored.
Why? This is just a sick money grab. The pharmaceuticals pay off politicians, financing their campaigns. So guess what? The politicians will help insure health care costs are nuts on drugs. The main elements of cost are all wacko: insurance; drugs; doctors; and big science. US Health Care is now an applauded criminal enterprise. Last I checked, extortion was a crime. And that is what this is. Demand money from the healthy to pay for the less healthy, or punish them if they refuse. Never mind asking them for their best ideas…GIVE US YOUR DAMN MONEY—WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU DO WHAT MUST BE DONE! Right. Insurance? My knowledge is my insurance. I have often said all that insurance insures is that you pay for insurance. For years I watched a richer friend of mine spend at least $50,000 on doctors. Me? Nothing. I have been healthier. I have learned nutrition, detox, acupressure and more. Anyone can, no matter what they say. The best innovators in these areas have been erased from the school system, though their truths remain. Drugs? Not needed. Too many side effects, not the least of which is suicide and school shootings. Cost a fortune--all for no reason. I scoffed recently watching this naltrexone situation. Naltrexone was developed by DuPont long ago. It blocks brain receptors, preventing addiction. So why have you not heard of it? It was too good. Rehab clinics would go out of business. Too much profit lost, so no go. Only allow garbage on the market. But now naltrexone is out on the market again. Why? To stop obesity. Really? And they mix it with a screwup drug with bad side effects? Brilliant! But now they are actually considering spilling the beans and having naltrexone help addicts. Why? All the opioid addiction. Guess after zillions of corpses someone is thinking maybe now we can cash in? Wonderful people in this world.
What is big science? That is when you ignore urine, saliva and hair analysis and do whopper chem tests, x rays, PET scans, tossing in MRIs and other junk to help your doctor buy a yacht.
The biggest costs in health care are problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's--and all of these could be wiped out with the slightest effort. Cost mere hundreds of dollars, sometimes less if you are really good. There are about twenty different ways it can be done...but Congress remains silent. Never mind that Gerson testified about nutrition beating cancer before Congress decades ago...no one knows a blessed thing. Never mind that Thompson could testify that vaccine stats are bogus, and that Valentine, Doyle, Bystrianik and others proved vaccines did nothing positive in history--improved water and sanitation deserve all the credit. Just keep killing people--especially blacks, and pocket the change.
Western medicine is a special form of genocide. Why? Because unlike other forms of genocide, the public cheers it on. More than that, if you try to educate someone about vaccines, for example, they will flip out on you. Some even go so far as to insist your unvaccinated kids could sicken the vaccinated ones. But you know what? THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE! Hopefully more will watch VAXXED and read writings like those of Heckenlively in Inoculated.
Even when people sound like they mean well, they are often way off. For years people asked me why I was not shouting about gluten woes. So why did I not jump on the bandwagon and be cool? Because I have learned my lessons, that’s why. Trust nature. I have said it many times: Nature is often slandered by the ignorant and later exonerated by the wise. People insist they cannot drink milk—but give them raw milk from healthy cows—no problem. And now people are squawking about gluten. Yet I just read an article claiming a woman dug more deeply, and guess what she found? People in Europe eat wheat and its gluten and are just fine! How about that? So what was the problem? Roundup. What is Roundup? A freaking pesticide the agrobusinesses love to dump on wheat before harvest. There you go! It is a lesson man is just too stupid to learn. Sling those pesticides and herbicides! Who gives a rat’s ass? What is a little lead, arsenic or mercury? Who cares if it ends up in breast milk? What are you bitching about? You got cheap food, right? Not like we can do any better, right?
Oops! As always, we could have done better. Way better. Julius Hensel showed us exactly how BEFORE THE END OF THE 1800S! When he was silenced, it was a death sentence for millions, not to mention the sheer pitiful plunge in quality of life. All you had to do was grind rock to powder (granite was best) and nourish the soil. That’s it. No need for pesticides, or herbicides. Not even manure (pathogens grow in crap, geniuses!) was needed. We all would have been stronger, healthier, happier. But they squashed Hensel and favored Liebig. Why? Anyone can crush rock and sell it cheap. But sell NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in industrial forms, and you can just sit back and rake in the profits. Never mind the obvious fact that if NPK was as great as its advocates brag, the plants would not need herbicides and pesticides. But they do. The three minerals make plants big, not healthy.
Drugs cannot work with nature. You cannot combine methods. Why not? Because drugs are asinine. Take drugs and they beat up on each other… and then they beat up on your liver, and then on the nutrients in your foods. Many nutrients cannot be absorbed when a person goes on drugs.
Trying to get people shaken out of their arrogance and their brainless celebrations of man’s technology is apparently futile. They now tout genetic engineering. This is also doomed. Create the perfect genes and set your creatures loose in an environment of poisoned air, water and soil and guess what? Everything dies. Every time.
But harmonize with nature, mineralize the plants and positive builds on positive. Poverty and famine disappear. Disease vanishes. Visit my website, polytope.www1.50megs.com and check out the recommended reading. See for yourself. The mainstream media and government sure as hell are not going to tell you anything comprehensive.
Vaccine spread autism is now so insane that in the next decades one in two people may be out of their minds. One in two!
Stop going to town halls and yelling at others to fix your life. Empower yourself and you will be far better off.
Learn while you have the chance.
A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste….

Acupuncture Today #quack acupuncturetoday.com

[From "Galena (mi tuo seng)"]

What is galena? What is it used for?

Also known as litharge or lead oxide, galena is a type of ore. Galena has several industrial uses, including the creation of storage batteries, crystal radio sets and some types of glass, as well as a pigment. In addition to its industrial qualities, galena is sometimes used as a medicinal. Typically, it is mined, washed thoroughly, then crushed into a powder before use.

According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, litharge has salty, spicy, and slightly toxic properties, and is affiliated with the Spleen and Liver meridians. It helps to eliminate toxins and kill intestinal parasites. Conditions that can be treated with galena include ringworm, skin rashes, rosacea, eczema, sores, ulcers, and other skin disorders. There is also evidence that galena can kill some types of fungus. It is usually combined with other herbs to achieve maximum effectiveness.

What can happen if I take too much galena? Are there any interactions I should be aware of? What precautions should I take?

Because of galena's high lead content, it is considered toxic. Long-term use, or short-term use of high doses of galena, is strongly discouraged. As always, make sure to consult with a licensed health care provider before taking galena or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.

Woodsy_Flames_Boy #conspiracy #quack reddit.com

It doesn’t matter if you wash your hands, but not for the reasons your roommate says. This has NOTHING to do with a virus, and you’d all just WAKE UP, you would know why. 5G networks are causing all the sickness, and the government is covering it up. I’m not saying you have to believe me, but do your own research.

Rabbi Sholom Blank #fundie #quack jewishpress.com

What is Hashem <God> teaching us with the coronavirus? Here’s my take:

When Moshiach <Messiah> comes and we can fulfill all 613 mitzvos, one mitzvah <act of good> will be harder to keep than the rest: taharah <ritual purity>. Not only is it not understandable; it inhibits movement. Don’t touch this! Don’t go there! Dip your clothes in the mikveh <community ritual bath>! It’s a hard sell.

How do you get the world to accept it? It seems impossible! So along comes the coronavirus, and all of a sudden the whole world is practicing similar restrictions, religiously, as if it were second nature.

Moshiach is preparing the world for a new elevated life of taharah and kedushah! Get ready! It’s coming!

Rabbi Sholom Blank

Stacey McStationary #quack twitter.com

Germ theory has been around since the fraud Louis Pasteur, but it’s never been proven. After the Spanish Flu, they tried to make well people sick by exposing them to sick people’s mucus, and they were not able to make even one person sick.

After 160 years, germ theory is still just a theory!

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