
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Nuns with guns & 1440p Curved Monitor #biphobia #enbyphobia #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Nuns with guns)

most people who who identify as Non-Binary etc are mostly women who want to be seen as unique like the college women from 20 years ago who identified as bisexual because it was the cool thing.

There's still many women today that say they're bisexual because it's socially acceptable for women to compliment on other women's looks, despite the fact that they would never fuck a woman. But yes, non binary is the new “not like other girls” trend and it's super annoying. They're so low-effort,too.

(1440p Curved Monitor)
You're assuming that the troon that he's looking at is black. Its known that people think that those of a different race look alike, so I wouldn't be surprised if that extends to that the men and women of a different race can look similar especially since we know that Asians can clock other Asian troons while most Westerners have trouble telling the difference.

It is ingrained in black women's culture to put a lot of effort into appearance. I have personally never seen it to this amount with white women (exception is rich white women).

The black women that black men want are incredibly fabricated. Black men also typically don't want a black woman who's more natural (they want the baddies), therefore this behavior is encouraged in black communities. It's a running joke between a few friends and I that we can only catch white boys with our natural hair/looks because we know that black men are not attracted to it or want a girl that they can brag about to their peers. This means that the average tranny can fool a black man if he puts effort into looking like a baddie. There are more HSTS in the black community than AGPs anyways, so we already know that they will put effort into passing.

(Nuns with guns)
Negresses are known to look manlier than other races. You've seen the theories about Serena Williams and Michelle Obama being biological males. It also doesn't help that even your average black woman will go bald, has a flat nose, square shoulders, and huge hands.

Despite all of that, I've never seen any nigger tranny that actually fools me. If anything, they look like NBA players, which is too manly even for their women.

MTG #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Tragically, 300 Americans die of fentanyl poisoning everyday in America and Biden says and does nothing.

Tragically, 5 people were killed in a shooting in Colorado and Biden immediately demands a ban on assault weapons.

The solutions are this:

1. Secure the border and stop the drugs.

2. Defend our right to keep and bear arms so that people can defend themselves from killers who could care less about laws.

anothergclesbian & SecondSkin #transphobia ovarit.com

(anothergclesbian )
Talk of Homophobia absent on "LGB/T" networks.

Does anyone else notice how the so called "lgb/t" networks don't really talk about homophobia anymore? Everything is either LGBTQ- or "queer"phobia and everyone, even if it's more specifically LGB, lesbian, or gay men, are always called LGBTQ people. I was reading an article about the recent shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado to find not a single mention of homophobia, not even an acknowledgement of sexual orientation. They made it all about trans issues and of course had to say, "oh trans women of color the most targeted group". I don't deny that gnc gay black men aren't targeted but I hate how it's used to dismiss what we face on a whole (like it's not really a problem). People in that nightclub died because the shooter hates LGB people but no, the real hate is not wanting men in women's spaces or making it illegal for people to obtain unneccessary treatments and surgeries. Who cares if gay men still get targeted on subways and streets? If lesbians worry about being attacked or r*ped and now fear being told by men we turn down 'oh I id as a woman'? Nah, not getting your way is the real problem here. 🙄

It's almost like at some points trans-IDing straights don't want to pretend they face homophobia, just "lgbtq/queerphobia", but they also don't want homophobia to be talked about - probably because they don't want THEIR homophobia to be brought up. But now they try to dip what happened on us like it's our fault for speaking out against their bullshit. It's so messed up.

( SecondSkin )
Agree with you op.

One local secondary school has an lgbt+ policy that is all about the t.

Just got my kids schools RSE policies sorted out that seemed fairly successfully but now the bullying policy reference to homophobia is all tq++++

Am pulling my hair out and sick of needing to waste energy on this bs. Which must feel much more frustrating for the lgb women and men.

Candace Owens #wingnut #transphobia twitter.com

I just want to make sure I’m correct in understanding that the Left is using the tragedy in Colorado to make the argument that unless conservatives get on board with experimenting on children’s genitals with puberty blockers, then nightclub shootings will continue to happen.

Matt Walsh #transphobia twitter.com

Leftists are using a mass shooting to try and blackmail us into accepting the castration and sexualization of children. These people are just beyond evil. I have never felt more motivated to oppose everything they stand for, with every fiber of my being. Despicable scumbags.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #sexist gab.com

Men with autogynephilia: I'm a woman now! Look! I got fake tits and put on a wig and makeup! That's all it takes right?!?!

Feminists: YAS QUEEN.

Like shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen you stupid whores. You have done irreparable damage to womankind and you're too retarded to notice or care.

@SomeBitchIKnow I’m at the point I think we should all just roll with it. All White men roll up to work with giant M size tiddies and a fucking wig. UNFIRABLE

@SomeBitchIKnow It should be a crime for them to be around any child. Allowing these people to adopt is a crime in itself.

@SomeBitchIKnow Do you suppose that deep down they are actually repulsed, but don't dare say it in public or even out loud for fear of going against the manufactured consent?

@SomeBitchIKnow Women getting behind 'I can't say what a woman is' is really a shocking development.

Ha.....getting feminists to downgrade the value of being a Women ....

The Patriarchy wins again.....LOL

Kenneth Ruskin #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: transmaxxing manifesto v6 thoughts n words

Manifesto sounds like feminist cringe. Which is funny, since films like Jubilee (1978) accurately predicted the relations to come in the post-industrial fallout. Incels and feminists deserve one another, they have so much in common and you can barely tell them apart. Perhaps the one infiltrating the spaces of another can be seen as a final synthesis of the loser dialectic, the fleshy arm of the incel troon strangling a fat lesbian woman in sports finally making them relevant in the media while the Rowlingite kicks out the dressing room prowler with steel tipped boots. Both fighting to be the favoured bioleninist vanguard of capital and client group of oligarchs. It's nice to sit back and enjoy it, even if it gets stale after some time. Personally I root for the incels since they are the underdogs and don't have as much unearned social privilege, punching up against the harpies, but one shouldn't get too invested in it.

Anderson Lee Aldrich #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #fundie #psycho #wingnut cnn.com

Gunman kills 5 at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs before patrons confront and stop him, police say

(CNN) -A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five people and injuring 18 others, before patrons confronted and stopped him, police said Sunday.

The suspect in the shooting at Club Q was identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, according to Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez. He used a long rifle in the shooting, and two firearms were found at the scene, Vasquez said.

At least two people inside the club confronted and fought the gunman and prevented further violence, Vasquez said. “We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he said.


Of the 18 people injured, several are in critical condition with gunshot wounds, though the exact number was unclear, officials said.

The suspect is being treated at a hospital, police added. Officers did not shoot at him, police said.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

What to do if wokes turn all bathrooms into unisex


( carpetplaydohx2 )
Something tells me the transbros will not be happy about this either. Well, half of them, anyway -- they'll be faint with "dysphoria." The other half will be falling over themselves to get at the blood for their own fake periods.

( Radical_Phoenix )
Check out their penises while they pee and then share the intel you gained around.

( Owlchaser )

( Boudicaea )
As loudly as possible

( RighteousIndignation )
dont forget to laugh.

( Lipsy )
Needs moar contingency plan for when middle-aged AGPs start fishing through the trash and otherwise combing the premises for discarded cups to... idk shove up their butts or something ((shudders))

( Eava )
That is why they don't want separate bathrooms. No used products to find.

( pellucidar )
I've only ever seen disposable discs, but you can rinse those first, too. There's no stopping men from buying new ones anyway.

( Lipsy )
I don't think brand new ones would rlly scratch their proverbial itch, tbh. Although I'm happy to say i am not any kind of expert on this 🤪 and could be very wrong indeed.

( Carrots90 )
Unfortunately, I agree with you

Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia philstar.com

In filing House Bill No. 5717, evangelical pastor Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) pushes for the State to protect heterosexuals or straight people's right to freely practice their religion and express their views, particularly opinions concerning the LGBT community

From the get-go, Abante begins his explanatory note arguing that "God created man in his own image and created male and female only and gave the decree of procreation to a male and female only, [and] it is clear that God created only two genders." He went on to call the LGBTQ community a "detestable reality [that] was virtually unknown and unimaginable since time immemorial"

"If, therefore, we seek to ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders and queers, in the spirit of justice, equity and fair play, we must also ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to heterosexuals who are the actual and direct creations of God," he wrote

Abante also claims that it is the right of heterosexuals to "enjoy their religious profession and worship without interference or abridgement with the right to exclude therefrom others of different beliefs or faith" and "impose [these views] when running or operating their churches, businesses, schools or workplaces"

The bill penalizes any violations of those rights with imprisonment of up to seven years and a fine of at least P100,000

The bill has since been referred to the House Committee on Women and Gender Equality chaired by the transgender Rep. Geraldine Roman (Bataan, 1st District)[…]
The conservative lawmaker indicated opposition to the SOGIE Equality Bill once more in his latest bill, writing in its explanatory note: "Bills are now before us that smacks God’s laws and standards, particularly on creation, human dignity and morals. These Bills not only recognize, but worse, promote and give reward to ‘genders’ not created by God"

@Hofix #transphobia #homophobia gettr.com

(submitters note: translated from German)
“Germany in #Rainbow-Delusion: on all channels, in advertisement, in sport, in the news - everywhere one is confronted with the garish propaganda of the #Homo-, #Trans-, and #Gender-Lobby. The #LGBT-Freaks intruded from the fringes into the midst of society. A new law by the Traffic light coalition allows the self-mutilation of children and teenagers”

A lot of therapy places are missing. . . .
many many . . . .

Can one still say "closed institutions"?

(submitters note: untranslated original)

spoiler"Deutschland im
-Wahn: Auf allen Kanälen, in der Werbung, im Sport, in den Nachrichten – überall knallt einem die grelle Propaganda der
- und
-Lobby entgegen. Die
-Freaks sind vom Rand in die Mitte der Gesellschaft vorgedrungen. Eines neues Gesetz der Ampel erlaubt nun die
von Kindern und Jugendlichen."

Es fehlen eben viele Therapieplätze . . . .
sehr viele . . . .

Darf man noch "geschlossene Anstalten" sagen ?

cousinanger , IrishTheFrenchie & ceridwens_cauldron #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Cis is totally a neutral term because everyone has a gender identity and should accept being reduced to stereotypes

( cousinanger )
I can't read the linked thing, for some reason. But I can give a few general opinions: 1. There is zero evidence that everyone has a gender identity. This is an axiom or assumption a trans theorist has made. We don't have to believe it as it is probably not true. 2. Those who have never transitioned and who feel that they might have a gender identity seem to base it on the experience of living in a sexed body. In other words, that identity doesn't just somehow happen to match the sex of their bodies but is BASED on it. So all those people and all those who have no gender identity but just a biological sex are erased when faux wokes erase all names for the female sex. We become bleeders, ovary-havers, egg-producers and individuals with a cervix. 3. Being reduced to stereotypes is what **will ** happen with the gender identity cult, because there is nothing else that gender could be based on once biological sex is erased. Or at least nothing else someone could 'perform' to show what gender they want to be seen as. So now every single woman who accepts being called a woman is assumed to be passive, submissive, emotional and nurturing (all parts of defining femininity). Or something far worse in terms of sexist stereotypes.

The 'cis' shit is really so much nastier than how it looks. It's like those boiling-the-frog-slowly examples, i.e., doesn't seem that much to ask from us, but when we think it through it's about as regressive as anything coming from the MRAs or the anti-feminist religious extremists. And accepting it means we agree with the underlying beliefs.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I report every single TRA/TIP that calls me cis for "misgendering". Every single one.

Sorry if you don't like your own weapons turned and used on you, but thems the rules!

Cis is 100% a slur because it's like calling atheists "Godless". It insinuates there's more to it than simply not believing in someone else's religion.

( ceridwens_cauldron )
No, I don’t call myself cis as I clearly don’t fall understand your ‘cis’ definition of ‘someone with a gender identity that aligns with their sex’


@GraCoDG & @memorypeg #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gab.com


spoilerGod destroyed
Sodom and
Gomorrah for
the very things
we are
celebrating and
teaching in

@GraCoDG The Serbian tipping point

There is a reason why societies throughout history kept people with sexual & gender identity disorders in the closet through the collective tactic of taboo enforcement. Once members of these "communities" come out and organize, their ultimate goal is to institute normalization throughout the society. Understandably, they seek safety & security through general acceptance.

Naturally, they degrade the perception that their behavior is taboo by establishing themselves as no different than any other oppressed minority who deserve various legal rights and protections.

Once protected by the legal system they further their cause by openly seeking positions of authority and influence in government, the judiciary, law enforcement, the military, the media, educational institutions and even religious institutions.

The age old irreconcilable problem that will always set them apart from all other law abiding minorities is the inherent discord that exists between their behavior and that of the nuclear family. Just ask any parent faced with the deeply disruptive task of dealing with a 9 year old who just witnessed 2 homosexuals caressing each other, or a teenager who just encountered a bearded man in a dress.

The notion that the only ingredient needed to solve this fundamental dilemma is early childhood reconditioning (grooming) is utter foolishness. Why? The parents will instinctively and rightfully always perceive them as a threat to traditional family life. The child will instinctively react to such behavior as abnormal and confusing.

Let's pray we can peacefully return to the traditional arrangement that has proven itself through the test of time before we reach the Serbian tipping point.

Be well.

America First Legal #transphobia aflegal.org

HUGE VICTORY: Federal Judge Rules that Biden’s Edict Forcing Doctors to Treat Patients Based on “Gender Identity” is Unlawful

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night, America First Legal (AFL) secured a massive victory for its clients and for doctors across the United States when the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a decision declaring that the Biden Administration’s edict requiring doctors to provide transgender medical services–including requiring doctors to prescribe “puberty blockers,” “hormone therapy” for children, and referrals for surgeries that result in castration, sterilization, and genital mutilation–is unlawful.

Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discrimination in health programs that receive federal funding “on the basis of sex.” The Biden Administration unilaterally determined–based on an atextual reading of the statute and a misinterpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock–that section 1557 of the ACA also prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and discrimination on the basis of gender identity. In practice, the Biden Administration planned to use its interpretation to force doctors to provide medical care against their best medical judgment or face the loss of access to any medical plans that receive federal funding.

AFL filed a [url=https://aflegal.org/afl-sues-to-block-radical-biden-edict-forcing-doctors-to-provide-unethical-transgender-treatments-erasing-bioligical-sex-from-medicine/class action lawsuit[/url] against the Biden Administration on behalf of a class of doctors, seeking to prohibit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from forcing medical professionals to provide transgender-related medical services. The Court’s decision last night was a resounding loss for the Biden Administration and a tremendous victory for doctors across the United States.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Prenatal yoga class I was looking into uses the term “carrying persons”

( Feministunderyrbed )
I used to feel sorry for TIFs, they’re not a threat to me, victims of misogyny too, and all that. But when I think of the kind of pressure it has taken to impose these farcical speech codes on every business, government and institution serving women, I don’t feel like being in a room with TIFs any more than with TIMs. The delusions and aggression are almost equally creepy.

( femlez34 )
Honestly I think it's TIMs pushing for this as much if not more than TIFs. They know they can never be women because they can't get pregnant. They're desperate to divorce womanhood from female biology and turn it into an outfit, that's the only way they can participate.

( NoDayForADo )
More and more I find them practicing the worst kinds of misogyny. Skyler Bailer - HUGE supporter of Lia Thomas - given the voice of credibility because "he's a trans man athlete!" Think about it a little deeper and you'll see someone who hated being a woman so much she lopped her own tits off, who is now pushing for rules to hurt and humiliate other women.

( fiordisappho )
Same, plus I find their obsession with opting out of womanhood to “become men” particularly pathetic and enraging.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
What's frustrating is 90% of them don't actually want to become men. They're literally scared of men (like more so than the average woman IME) and refuse to use men's spaces because they don't like the misogyny, bro talk, male mannerisms, etc. They basically don't like anything about men, they just REALLY hate being treated like a woman.

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

( pennygadget )

They obsess over male characters written by women, male representations that don't actually exist. That's what they want to be.

They want to be like the yaoi boys in their Manga. Just like how the TIMs want to be giggling hentai sluts

( Feministunderyrbed )
Equal parts pitiable and infuriating, yeah.

( hmimperialtortie )
Same. My pity has largely been replaced by contempt.

Procrastinhater #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

There is a literal tranny god there though.

Yes, Slaanesh, and he/she/it seems to have been memed into reality in our world too since the LGBTQHIV+ resemble nothing less than a Slaanesh Cult, dont believe me, look at "Pride" parades.

Per Andy Ngo, the one screaming is a model for Coach

Our society fucked up when we stopped beating and ridiculing these faggots for going outside like that.
Once they started to feel safe to parade their fetishes it was obvious these histrionic attention seeking cunts would just get worse and worse.
They used to be afraid to be exposed as perverts, tolerance was a mistake, it turned to acceptance, then normalization, then promotion and indoctrination.
Now we have fucking freaks like this.
We need to bring back public ridiculing of these freaks.
If they want to be perverts they should keep it in private where sane people don't have to be subjected to deviants.

Linda Harvey #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

The first few weeks of school are hectic but also exciting. New backpacks, new outfits, new friends, new pronouns....

Wait, no. Hopefully not. Hopefully your child’s teacher won’t demand affirmation of “woke” ideology from your son or daughter and will show respect for settled science and biology.
your child’s classroom transforms into a propaganda session, your daughter or son needs to be ready, equipped for this line-in-the-sand moment.

Because that’s what it is. If you have your kids in the public schools (or even certain private schools), now is the time to train and equip them to be ready to take a stand for sanity and for God’s binary design of male and female which still (unsurprisingly) works just fine.
"For grade schoolers:

“I was born a boy (or girl) and I’m happy to announce that I will remain that way.”

“My parents filled out a form when I started school. Please use that information.”

“I am a girl (boy) and that’s something that will never change.”

“My mom and dad (or mom, or dad, etc.) said they don't want me discussing this and if you have any questions to please call them.”

"I just want to learn school lessons, not this pronoun stuff." 

“My dad (mom) says there are only boys and girls and that’s how God made us.”

For middle and high school:

"I believe there are only two genders, and only two sets of pronouns for people.”

“I'd really like to enjoy my childhood/youth/last year of high school (etc.) and not delve into such matters.”

"Is this a legal requirement?"
"Is this in the school handbook?""
And others suggested an obvious solution—get your children out of public schools:

“My suggestion is to parents: pull your children out of any classroom or school that would ask them their preferred pronoun. Your children, even teens, are too malleable, too vulnerable to be placed in these Marxist indoctrination centers. Children are too young to take on these ideologically-driven adults in their schools. Get them out!”

@DragonKitigan #transphobia #pratt gettr.com

Yeah, & I have many reactions to you, a straight woman, helping to destroy women’s rights, & sterilizing kids, you groomer! Thanks for helping women incarcerated to get raped, by men pretending to be women. Thanks for spurning a generation of people who will never have kids if they want them, & never have satisfying sexual relations. It’s going to lead to whole swath of very angry people once they realized they were groomed into this noncery. Giving puberty blockers to kids is a child pervert’s dream. They can keep their victims in a permanent child like state. I absolutely hate everything you do, Strangio. So, fuck off. Fuck off for good. No real gay man wants you. You don’t have “the goods”, & you never will. Deal! Take your stupid looking pornstache & shove it.

Bloody fucking Hell!

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia paulcraigroberts.org

For Democracy to work, those who control election procedures and vote counting must believe in a fair vote. They must believe in democracy. If instead they believe in power, which Democrats do, there cannot be a fair election. The Democrats are more addicted to power, because unlike Republicans they have a revolutionary ideology that seeks to normalize perversity and demonize normality–thus Democrats normalize sexual perversion and teach critical race theory and transgender theory to school children in order to confuse them about their natural gender and to inculcate guilt for being a white racist. By indoctrinating the young, the Woke Democrats remove people from opposing their gradual and ongoing revolution.

Another feature of the Democrats’ revolution is open borders that are flooding the US population with non-whites, essentially turning the US into a non-white country, thereby dispensing with the “reactionary values of Western civilization.” At the hands of Democrats, white Americans are facing civilizational genocide. Is it possible that white people are too stupid to see this and take no action at the voting booth to protect themselves?
I know the Republicans are far from perfect. But they are not anti-white. If white Americans don’t start paying close attention, they are history. The British didn’t pay attention, and now they are ruled by an Indian Hindu Prime Minister and their capital, London, is ruled by a Pakistani. Both might be good and capable politicians, but they are not British. The “British” prime minister has already held a Hindu religious celebration at 10 Downing Street. <...> Is America becoming a country that serves an armaments industry, Jewish bankers, immigrant-invaders, and abandons the moral high ground to LGBT sexual perversity?

various commenters #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us ovarit.com

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

( crispycherrypie )
People who live on the internet, without a shred of irony: "Wow, there are a lot of lifelong leftists coming out as fundie Christians. Could it be that I'm mistaken, that I'm misinformed?

...No, it's the bigots who think males shouldn't be in women's spaces who are wrong."

( crodish )
I'm surprised none of them have peaked reading us.

We aren't anti-trans, we're anti-lying.

( Nibaiz )
Some of them really like futa porn and they don't want to be called gay about it. Ha.

( NewMa )
I'm scared to google that.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Futa is just "chicks with dicks" but an anime version.

( TheDirtyYumejo )
Unfortunately most of those people are so far up their own ass with their beliefs that no amount of logic can save them, they'll block it out at any cost.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Because ironically, they're very religious.

( Committing_Tervery )
I’m sure some have probably peaked, but they are too afraid to say it on the website. Or perhaps they got banned, or the comments were removed.

These people (just like those on r/GenderCynical, a sub making fun of r/GenderCynical) also frame our stuff or take it out of context and misrepresent our views though. They try to make us look as bad as possible.

( sojourner_truth_ )
For a lot of people, the sole reason they are on Team Trans is because they think the only people opposed to transition are religious. I see similar "logic" being used in Eastern Europe when it comes to gay rights. A lot of people think the only reason to oppose is religion, so therefore they support it just because they hate Christianity so much.

( strawberryfields4evr )
Imagine our posts being peppered in between people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia.

( Committing_Tervery )

people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia

Sounds like TIMs to me. Checks all the boxes

( ladyagatha )
Omg. When I first read this, I assumed the target of the ridicule was the TRAs, not the people on this site with common sense. Amazing. Yeah, we’re the fundamentalists alright 🤣

@LilyDaisy & @ASTwistedFemale #transphobia gettr.com

I’m convinced that these young girls recruited into the gender ideology cult are incredibly dangerous. They engage in self harm, denial of womanhood, advocate for fetishists & help break down safety boundaries in schools & in relationships. They remind me of the women who recruited for the Nixim cult but they are so young that it’s often other minors they are breaking in …..think about how it’s peer to peer contagion with young girls identifying as trans men …u have groups where out of 100 there are up to 30 converts

( @LilyDaisy )
It’s girls as young as 10- seeing it in person in daily life and now it’s in the news - the girl bully that attacked a boy for “misgendering” a female peer who thinks she is a man; the girl attacked by her female peers in the UK etc. Kids all over the USA are being suspended for not stepping in line

( @ASTwistedFemale )
They absolutely are dangerous. Men would have NEVER gotten their foot in the door if it weren’t for these

@DragonKitigan & @LoveHerMadly #transphobia gettr.com

If everything created in “the West” is supposedly socially constructed and racist and must therefore, be deconstructed, then why isn’t the most racist ideology to ever be “socially constructed” called transgenderism, not getting the same deconstruction? Ooops, my bad. I forgot. Because to support “transgenderism”, one must be a massive fucking hypocrite. As well as a conscious or unconscious, woman and child hating, pedo supporter.

Very good point! If all the Western ideas of freedom and individualism are "racist hate," then surely telling people they can change sex is the most harmful individual freedom EVER. The Woke are just consistently in support of bad ideas.

sarstan #transphobia ovarit.com

Company comes out with "women only" club night that panders to trans/non binaries. Trans idiot submits anonymous post complaining about how it's not "inclusive to trans men". You can't win with these people


TIMs are the most aggressive, hateful men on earth, claiming womanhood as their own. "strictly no men" allowed in a space where are men are allowed.

@DragonKitigan #transphobia gettr.com

Looks like they’ve found a way to harvest young healthy uteruses: offer young girls a way to escape womanhood by offering them free flesh tube surgeries as well as double mastectomies. You’ll never have an orgasm. But hey, isn’t it all worth it to avoid cat calls?
Hmmm, never hear a cat call or never have an orgasm? What a great option for women. Thanks, dudes. No orgasms, but you’ll feel a lot “down there” in the form of chronic UTIs. Chance of a “piss bag” is high as well as getting a companion colostomy bag. What percentage of a very young population will be disabled? It won’t be just the initial surgeries snorting up your tax $$. All so the linebacker in a miniskirt can have a uterus that doesn’t belong inside him. And kills him. Like “The Danish Girl.”

I thought the NHS was broke? It can now afford to do 70,000 dollar surgeries to create a penis made from arm skin?

Apis mellifera #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

they don't get told "You have underlying trauma you're not dealing with/Your logic is flawed and we need to deal with how you picture male and female/ You're an emotionally manipulating piece of shit" like they should

You've hit the nail on the head. This is my issue with the Trans Rights movement, and including it in with the LGBs at all.

Transsexuality/Transgenderism is treated as something innate to a person, rather than a very complex and troubling mental illness. I am living proof that even the most traditional case of "Gender Dysphoria" is not something you're born with, even if it can manifest in very early childhood, and every time I try to speak publicly on this matter I am told I wasn't "really trans", that "putting people on cross-sex hormones and cutting them up is totally a good idea, guys!"

When you affirm someone who is deeply unwell it does a couple of things:

1) If they are the insecure or self-absorbed sort, it encourages rabid defense of one's "identity" and further closes them off to future help.

2) It pushes vulnerable individuals down the path of hormones and surgery, because everyone is telling them they were just born broken, and they'll be stuck like this forever, unless they undergo dangerous and experimental body modifications, which don't even help in the long run.

You know why the 'true GD' trannies, the ones who aren't doing it for a fetish, feel a sense of "relief" when they start developing secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex? It's because they're tortured by all this baggage they attach to their sex, from unresolved trauma, and this "relief" is a method of dissociation. Which fades quick, for as long as a transgender-identifying individual possesses any evidence of their past and their natal sex- name, pronouns, breasts or lack thereof, skeletal structure, they'll be reminded of whatever trauma or conditioning caused this, and they'll eat themselves alive trying to cut it out.

Hormones and surgery can't cure this, and if people say it did for them, they are lying or still caught up in the temporary relief of cutting out some part of themselves that offends their ill psyche.

This treatment plan helps nobody. Obviously.

Owlchaser , yikesforever & Tortoisemouse #transphobia ovarit.com

We don't believe TWAW, that's the whole point

( Owlchaser )
Lol. Their argument is that "trans" is simply another identifier, like "old" or "black". Ok, so what does "trans" mean? It means something which is on the opposite side. "Black woman" and "Old woman" describe the type of woman but "trans woman" literally means "opposite of woman". SO NO FUCKING SHIT nobody thinks they're women! You cannot be both a transwoman and a woman! It's in the name itself!!!

And, any other qualifier would literally point to "male woman". Or, "not female woman". I'm headdesking so much I have a red mark!!!!

( yikesforever )
They also want all the stuff for trans people (like acting roles, beauty pageants, awards, groups, etc), and what women have.

Like even they somehow want both and yet demand everyone to think of them as women? fucking whack

( Tortoisemouse )
Yeah because it's "intersectional". They are extra marginalised because they're women AND they're trans.

Except, they don't understand how venn diagrams work. The circle representing "all trans women" is outside the circle for "women". That's literally what "trans" means. The two circles DO NOT INTERSECT. So screw your intersectionality.

They aren't extra marginalised they're just extra stupid.

various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

(@NoBolloxology )

There is no 'reasonable compromise'. Spaces and services are either single sex or mixed sex. The inclusion of men who claim to be women, with dangly dicks or surgically installed manholes, makes them mixed sex. Compromise means women lose to paraphilic men. Why should we? I should be able to walk into any space marked 'women' knowing it is single sex and that if a man is there I will be able to get him removed. 'Trans' is a lie. Men who imitate our bodies and use our spaces are eroding boundaries, just as all abusers do.


( @SisypheanTask )
It’s easy for him to tell women to compromise, he’s not the one having his rights eroded or his safety threatened.
It annoys the hell out of me when men tell women to “comproise” when it comes to our rights. No Mr. Scrote. YOU compromise. YOU share YOUR spaces with these guys. Don’t tell us to compromise, we’ve been doing it for centuries and it’s gotten us jack shit.

( @UnaDavey11 )
'reasonable compromise' my arse. Women give an inch and men crowd in, pile on, shove and push. Those who believed the lie that TiM only wanted to pee are responsible for the destruction of women's sports, the removal of all safeguards from women and children, the mutilation of uncounted thousands of children who were not old enough to make life-changing medical decisions.

@tonysam1 )
"Paraphilic men." This is a sanitized phrase for perverted men or sexual deviants. We need to bring back the real language.

( @Caro100pcXX )
This is so true. How can women ever again object to a man in our space, when they only need to say they’re trans? How are we supposed to prove they’re not? If they just stand still and observe us, that is not a crime, even if it makes us uncomfortable. If they touch us, it’s not a crime. “they just brushed past.” Do we have to wait until we’re assaulted or worse? We want and deserve female only spaces.

Queenofdogs & [Deleted] #transphobia ovarit.com

( Queenofdogs )
Something I've noticed...

When TiMs get misogynistic abuse they feel 'euphoria' and go 'tehee I pass!' But when you say 'I hate men' TiFs go 'nooo you can't hate men it hurts my feelings I'm a man'

I wonder why this could be 🤔🤔🤔

( [Deleted] )
If you really want to piss off TIFs you say "i hate men except transmen", omg they HAAAAATE it 😂😂 "no were real evil men!!! We will totally rape you!!!!" Lmao sure girl

@AthenasWrench & @Syephanie #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
UK, Trans Toolkit for schools. If a young girl doesn’t want to change with a boy with a pronoun remove the girl. The boy has always been a girl and she’s a bigot who needs re-educating. Only his comfort matters. Girls are crap and boys make better girls. Trans is full misogyny.

( @Syephanie )
Or, all the girls could let their discomfort at being ogled by a random male known. Let the school find alternative changing arrangements for the whole class of girls. Oh wait, wasn’t that how it always was? Parents need to get together, and encourage their girls in the notion of being able to set their own reasonable boundaries. The notion we all held until yesterday.

Michele Blair #transphobia missingpersonscenter.org

Sage was taken to the ER for treatment and sent to a detention center. Why? She had no criminal charges. I was called by the FBI to come and get Sage and take her back to Virginia. However, upon my arrival I was told my granddaughter would not be allowed to return to Virginia. Sage was now being represented by a juvenile attorney and my husband and I were going to be investigated for "abuse" because my husband and I called her Sage and not Draco. Sage now identified as a boy and the judge demanded we use the “he/him” pronoun and call her Draco. Sage was being represented by an attorney whose actions from the beginning were unethical and unprofessional.

Abuse charges were filed against my husband and myself and Draco was put in the Children’s Home

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIM is offended that mothers don’t want him around their little girls in the public restroom

( legopants )
She's teaching her kids to be safe around men, not to fear women. She's doing everything right. die mad about it

( Sailor_Paradise )
There are videos of men jacking off in public bathrooms on porn sites and installing hidden cams as well.. So the fact they're saying there's no reason to fear a man in female's restroom with their child really shows how dumb they are. Fuck this guy. There's a reason why you see mother's bring their sons into the bathroom with even if they're 8+ because of the fear the moment they're alone they can get instantly raped or hurt by a strange man. If you're really afraid of transphobia don't use the bathroom or go to the gender neutral one. The op clearly doesn't pass as a woman at all not even a masculine one.

( redacted )
men in the bathroom is not a grey area, its a violation of boundaries.

i hope his mum was just trying to prevent him going off at her and doesn't sincerely believe that, but she should be telling her adult son to respect female only spaces.

( RusticTroglodyte )
She's probably scared of him. I would consider myself a complete fucking failure as a parent if my son grew up to be an autogynephile. His mom is either deluded or just drinks herself to sleep every night wondering where she went wrong

( Apricot_Ibex )
“Women who look like you” aka MEN have sexually assaulted children countless times in restrooms, you freak.

Cope and seethe that mothers are teaching their children to avoid/be cautious around strange MEN who are creepy, entitled, and aggressive enough to barge into a space where they don’t even belong.

( suupersami )
They always seethe the hardest when they're denied access to vulnerable populations, especially children. You don't see TIFs focused on getting unconstrained access to children.

( shewolfoffrance )
It says a lot about this movement that they demand concessions not from the relatively powerful, but the relatively weak.

( realityismykink )
also they're pedophiles

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

A burn for the ages. So to say.

( suupersami )
That's true, this is the first time I've heard a TIM advocate for a women's-only space.

Also, lol at "terrorizing". Only a male could equate the act of being denied with terror.

( MagnificentMildew )
It reminds me of that one quote: men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.

Transwomen are afraid women will "misgender" them, actual women are afraid transwomen will rape or kill them.

( blahblahgcer )
Unfortunately, this is an actual woman. She was in A Very Potter Musical as Cho Chang and on Buzzfeed's Ladylike.

( pennygadget )

Unfortunately, this is an actual woman. She was in A Very Potter Musical as Cho Chang and on Buzzfeed's Ladylike.

Ugh. These attack dog handmaidens make me so sad. She'll screech all day about the imminent threat posed by TERFs. But I'll bet she has no idea about the female suffering in Iran or the two women impregnated by a TIM inmate in New Jersey

( Novemberinthechair )
Cis women terrorize Tim's? Oh, fuck off.

( Committing_Tervery )
Exactly. TIMs rape and murder us, and also threaten us with those daily.

( wishforsanity )
"Terrorizing" to them is being misgendered on the internet. Because they're not mentally ill, but, if you hurt their feelings they will commit suicide and it will be all your fault, of course.

( KittyC22 )
I used to love Lady Like but they have gone very 'woke'. I'd love to see her comments on the lovely speech that comes from the otherside.

I have no doubt there are women out there who are nasty and genuinely don't like TW, but I have yet to see anything as vile as the rape threats, doxxing and firing requests by TRA's.

( hmimperialtortie )

I have no doubt there are women out there who are nasty and genuinely don't like TW

Not liking TIMs doesn’t make one nasty. What is there to like about perverted misogynists who larp as women?

@JonKUhlerLPC #transphobia #conspiracy gettr.com

The Trans Deception is the greatest lie, scam, ruse, and scheme ever devised to make evil unethical surgeons filthy rich from slicing off the breasts of untreated mental health patients, to make Big Pharma even richer, to make PornHub even richer, and to make sexual predators even happier... all which leaving vulnerable women and children forever sterilized and scarred, both emotionally and physically.

@joolzzt #transphobia gettr.com

I suppose I should start with the chore of uploading all my #QuestionsTheyNeverAnswer graphics.😁

For anyone who doesn't know me, I got fed up typing the same questions again and again to TRAs without getting a reply. So I made images to save typing. I've shared them in various threads on twitter before my ban, but STILL didn't get replies.

These questions often make TRAs run away, because they simply can't answer them. They have no answers that won't expose their ideology as smoke and mirrors.

Feel free to help yourself to any and use them as you wish. I have a few more ready to create and will add them to this thread when they are done.

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: A prediction.

( stirfriedkailan )
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but why are TIMs over-represented in tech/programming?

( [Deleted] )
In my experience it's an extension of toxic masculinity and incel culture. They are nerds who have grown up being bullied by jocks and "chads" and can't relate to their imaginary standard guy who likes sport and bbq, so they assume that they aren't men at all.

Some of them see affirmative action in tech firms and assume that women have it "easier" and others are just pornsick fetishists. Throw into the mix the fact that a lot of them are autistic or otherwise neurodivergent and you have the perfect environment to spawn Tim's.

( LadyLuck )
I remember looking at an Incel message board years ago and I think a lot of those guys have some form of dysmorphia. They would obsess over their chins or height when cleaning their rooms, getting a hobby and being considerate to potential partners would have taken them much further.

( NoDayForADo )
Because the autistic boys gets sucked into trans culture the same as the girls do.

various Blackpillers #transphobia #wingnut blackpill.club

RE: Can MtF trannies acquire female privilege? Do FtM trannies acquire male oppression?

MtFs regardless of quality get all sorts of attention and favors from desperate fools. Seen the sad phenomenon for myself. I don't know about FtMs, but "male oppression" is mocked wildly, men are supposed to take a nuclear apocalypse without wavering while women can complain about not getting the right clothes.

MtF trannies become women in order to escape inceldom and being treated like shit. this is why it's mostly ethnics or sub 5 white men who go down this path, if you talk to these trannies in SEA they will tell you that they became that way to escape poverty and receive positive attention everywhere they go.

FtM trannies are delusional women that ruin their lives to become men because they fell for the "women are oppressed" meme and they quickly realize that being a dickless manlet is a hellish existence.

In America MtF still have to serve in the draft whilst priviliged FtM are still considered foids.

This shows sjw and transphobia is an absolute joke, Biden is sending "foids" to their deaths but no one gives a shit.

If they look like a male then they might lose immediate privileges, but if their real sex is discovered they will retain a little bit of that automatic foid privilege.

Yeah, the wokecel and cuckcel to tranny pipeline has been well established and is pretty much known openly. Leftists openly mock and hate incel men because they want them to be trannies. If a wokecel hates being bullied and mocked by leftists they can convert to being trannies and then get higher on the leftist oppresion totem pole than a woman. So he can become a tranny and then tweet to JK Rowling that he wants to fuck her and then cut her throat and he'll still be allowed on twitter because he's a tranny and JK Rowling is a TERF and has less privilege than him on the leftist social totem pole. That is why being a tranny is often so appealing to leftwing incels and even women hating incels are accepted in the tranny community, as long as you frame it as hating on "TERF" (anti tranny) women. That's why I don't like/trust leftwing incels, they will inevitably become tranny freaks who end up stabbing the incel community in the back and become woke Antifa tranies.

@MariaMacLachlan , @nikkicraft & @thisXXmatters #transphobia gettr.com

To mark Autogynephilia Awareness Day, I have posted on my blog the horrendous and heartbreaking account of a woman who was raped and dehumanised by an AGP while she was still a teenager. Her abuser is now a doctor providing 'gender-affirming care'. It's very long but well worth reading and sharing. @agpawarenessday

Today is AGP Awareness Day. Sorry to have to say it’s time to educate ourselves about these mentally ill perverted miscreants that make up transgenderisms push of these disgusting fetishists into the mainstream of the culture along with all the other umbrella affiliate groups like pedophiles and rapists who, turns out the queers all embrace and don’t think they are half bad.

I twitted with hashtags, used correct hashtags, but put in header AGP WARNING, rather than awareness. Using awareness sounds like I sympathise, and I don't, but i think it's a dangerously common symptom amongst other men with other dangerous fantasies and perverse fetishes, that abuse women and children.

Dr. Naomi Wolf #wingnut #quack #transphobia lewrockwell.com

What is a “woman’s issue,” when it comes to state and national politics?

I have watched in astonishment as the Democrats, over the past 20 months, have systematically thrown away what has in our lifetime been their primary treasure: that is to say, the women’s vote.
But — what is a “women’s issue”?

As a feminist, it has amazed me that the gender politics of what has happened to us over the past two years has gone virtually un-analyzed. Lockdowns and medical coercion, vaccine mandates, the masking of children, the closures of small businesses by force — freedom itself, for Lord’s sake — are all, obviously, “women’s issues.”

(As CEO and cofounder of a non-partisan platform, I cannot tell you for whom to vote. But I can remind you what freedom looks like; and as a feminist, I can certainly do what I have done for decades, and urge women to vote “like women.” The conclusions you reach when you think about how this issue is at play now, may surprise you.)

Who was disproportionately harmed by lockdowns? Masking? Forced mRNA injections?

Women and their children.
This cruelty, misogyny and child abuse are reasons that rage-filled mama bear groups avenging children’s torture, such as Tiffany Justice’s Moms for Liberty, are growing exponentially. Though Moms for Liberty are caricatured as Trumpers, they are nonpartisan — see their website. When they urge community members to “Find your People” they don’t mention a political party. Theirs is a newly defined, awe-inspiringly effective tribal affiliation, deeper than party labels.

I know from being in contact with Moms for Liberty, that there is no way to characterize them politically, since partisan politics is not their organizing principle. Their home page shows women of all backgrounds. Their motto, “We Don’t Co-Parent with the Government,” resonates with moms in regard to any government, whether Left or Right. These furious ladies, now in chapters across the nation, don’t care what your label is.

[Deleted] & Luckystar #transphobia ovarit.com

When TRAs compare TIMs to black or disabled women

( [Deleted] )
I’ve heard that not wanting men in women’s spaces due to fear of male violence is as bigoted as not wanting to share spaces with blacks because of fear of crime. That specious analogy is a racist mess.

( Luckystar )
It's also a category error/logical fallacy.
TRAs want to maintain there being separate male and female facilities/sports/etc, but just allow people to pick which one they want to use. If we compare with racial segregation in the USA, that'd be like saying we should keep the white-only and black-only bathrooms, water fountains, sports leagues etc. but let people decide for themselves if they consider themselves black or white.

Or to look at it the other way around: What they are asking for is not actually "transgender inclusion" as they frame it. They want to completely abolish women's spaces and "integrate" them so there is one set of facilities that anyone can use regardless of sex.

Another huge reason why the comparison falls flat: Women's facilities were created by women, for the purpose of giving women safe spaces away from male predators, chances for women to participate in sports without being completely flattened by male competitors, etc.

By contrast, under the segregated USA, the "black only" spaces were created by whites, and the purpose was to keep black people from accessing nicer facilities they kept for whites only. The power structure and the purpose of the facilities is completely inverted.

It actually blows my mind how often they resort to the analogies to USA racial segregation when if one thinks about the comparison for more than 30 seconds it should be pretty obvious why the two situations are not only not comparable, but they're actually pretty much the exact opposite, in form and execution.

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

Still not on board with trans women being men? What if I told you they were literally pushing their testes inside out?

( Ptarmagant )
Well, the good news is that they are killing or damaging a lot of their sperm, so it might inhibit their entry into the gene pool if they do it enough. I'm inclined to encourage it.

( Tq231442 )
The part that sucks about this is that a HUGE amount of TIMs wait until their wife is pregnant or the kids are still young to declare they're demented perverts, essentially shackling their kids and wives to them. They do it on purpose.

( suupersami )
It's like it's part of the APG playbook because it's so common.

( Lipsy )
It also makes an infuriating kind of sense in terms of the evolutionary viability of AGP, insofar as the tendency might be heritable.
A trait that waits until dude has fathered kids to come into full bloom[1] is a trait that actually has a nonzero chance of being passed on to posterity (again, insofar as it's genetic).

The same thing may also contribute to the significant preponderance of homosexual men who stay closeted, even in 21st century progressive urban environments where there's little to gain thereby, until the same point in life—and why the same phenomenon isn't seen in lesbians.

[1]: As in algal bloom, of course.

( Hopscotch )
Gay men have been doing this to their unwitting beards since forever. TiMs are just so terribly male.

( Ptarmagant )
Of course they do, because...evil.

@PrinceLev & @SisterVigilant #transphobia gettr.com

The pronoun game is played by narcissists and sociopaths who get off on forcing others into indulging them in their self-inflicted and imaginary identity crises. It’s all about power and control.

Yes but the ones who go along with it without thinking for a second what it really means - coerced forced thinking and controlling language are also arseholes

Various Kiwifarmers #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Xanax and Wine)

Looking for troon bullshit on Reddit is so difficult. Must have taken me a literal 10 seconds on search to find this example of a true honest to god man.


Ah yes the... very male urge to be pregnant and being worshipped and coddled by your strong protector. I bet the guys really struggle with that one once they hit their prime age for babymaking. Must be hard :(

Always funny when the biological reality of being a woman and experiencing baby rabies completely stomps on these gender delusions


I don't "look" female, but I'll always be MTF transgender. There is more than one way.


You mean the other way of still hating what you've done to yourself every single time you look in the mirror, all of it for a fetish?

NGL I hope some mad doctor starts offering uterus implants for trannies. The more of them tear themselves apart in pursuit of their coomdreams the better.

They're already claiming this is happening, the uterus transplants. Recently, there's an insane black troon claiming to have had one and birthed a kid. He was mentioned here a bit but just screams of absolute schizo.


So is the artist saying that trannies are just incels who transition so they can get laid or have female friendships? Not very wholesome


Nash Romi had to re edit a comic because it wasn't progressive enough and whitewashed a black baby in her own comic, lol

I do like the casual admission they're fucking perverts.

Ridiculous that they gave him female hips/pelvis in the last panel. Did he exchange skeletons at the shop too?
All transwomen are built like a fridge because you can't change your bone structure. It's like saying glasses change your eye colour if you want them to.

I swear all pro trans content is.. breathtakingly stupid. I won't give them the benefit of the doubt to cite delusion. Just idiocy. Fantastic they all vote.

@shakerofsalts #transphobia gettr.com

If women are people with ovaries then trans"women" aren't women.
If women are people who menstruate then trans"women" aren't women.
If women are incubators/breeders/whatever else they come up with, then trans"women" aren't women.

Trans"women" are ejaculators, porn addicted sods, twig-and-berry havers, non-incubators, the non-menstruators, and so on.

They are men.

MenHaveItEasy #transphobia ovarit.com

r/AgainstHateSubreddits want to ban r/ SocialJusticeInAction for criticizing TIMs with lactation fetishes

It's the same reason they want KF to go away. They dont want everyone to see receipts and explanations of their fetishistic behavior. Especially behavior involving children.

they said a woman who's breastfeeding her child should have CPS called on her. And death threats. Yeah, those totally happened. Boo hoo

That is a TIM - a MAN - who posted photos of himself (to other sick TIMs) sexually abusing his newborn daughter, and admitted he felt aroused doing it. I reported him to the authorities, and I hope to god that sick fuck and his enablers are arrested for child abuse. And I hope the all too many pedophilic TIMs who inevitably jerked off to those pictures, are struck by lightning.

Nobody believes TWAW, not even you incel stalkers. That's why you panic whenever your pedophilia gets exposed to everyone outside your safespace.

@Jebadoo2 & @PixieTomTom #transphobia gettr.com

Gender is just biology denial

Biology denial is not Gay Rights 2.0

It’s homophobia 2.0 because it can’t handle camp boys or butch girls so it sends them to gender abattoirs

Biology denial is Biophobic. It’s directed at at all those who call us Transphobic. Biophobic is descriptive of their belief in gender & not biology. Transphobic is just a meaningless slur .

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

A doctor in India is planning to transplant a womb into a transgender woman, possibly enabling her to carry children, a report says.

New Delhi-based surgeon Dr Narendra Kaushik plans to perform the surgery at his clinic using a donated organ from a living or dead donor, according to The Mirror.

“Every transgender woman wants to be as female as possible,” Kaushik told the paper.

I thought sex was not the same as gender? That women don’t exist and men can get pregnant. Why do these sick mentally i’ll fetishists need womb transplants for their validation?

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