
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

Wetwareproblem #ableist #moonbat wetwareproblem.tumblr.com

. I would love to insult you, but instead I'll inform u, why are you spreading false information abt ABA some of my closest friends help children eat properly, socialize, take care of themselves.How is helping some1 function in society a bad thing

“Look how gracious I’m being by not treating you like the subhuman I think you are. I’m going to inform you by demanding that you justify your position against child torture. Despite not actually being involved on any level, I’m an expert because some of my friends support torturing children to make them look ‘normal.’”

Notably absent from any of this is any sign that you’ve listened to what actually autistic people who have actually been through ABA have to say about it.

Fuck off out of my inbox, anon.

#answers #aba #abused because autistic #ashlyn isn't giving you brownie points for your 'restraint' either #Anonymous

Sudorsu #ableist reddit.com

Most People Who Claim To Be Mentally Ill Actually Do It To Themselves
Mental Illness is a bit of a grey area when it comes to the 'whodunit' opinion since most say that it is never the patients fault. However, after years of observation, I can safely say that the majority of people diagnosed with a mental illness have convinced themselves to adopt this mindset. Motive is variable, but the leading incitment seems to be to play a sick role. Funny enough, this in and of itself is actually its own mental illness but thats beside the point, depression, bipolar, psychosis and many other commonly diagnosed disorders are given to the wrong people, since research will be geared towards the wrong people, it isnt cool and its killed the already brain dead mental health system. As for how we could sort this out without risking being false about someones true intentions...I have no clue, which is why im not really pushing for a change but just to make others aware, seems like a viable middle ground

stonetoss #transphobia #ableist stonetoss.com

Faith Healing

[Doctor:”Your son is healthy.
Let's amputate the tip of his penis.”
Mom:”Well, if the acience says so.”

Doctor:”Your son finds school boring. Let's give him prescription meth.”
Mom: ”Well, if the science says so.”

Doctor:”Your son is your daughter. Let's give them hormone blockers”
Mom:”Well, if the science says so.” ]

David #ableist sencanada.ca

[ Adam is his autistic son ]

Autism is worse than cancer in many ways, because the person with autism has a normal lifespan. The problem is with you for a lifetime. The problem is with you seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for the rest of your life. My wife and I expect to have responsibility for Adam until we die. We lose sleep over what will become of him after we are deceased. Our financial resources are depleted, so our ability to provide for him is limited.

BummerDrummer #racist #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut #ableist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] If you don’t hate atleast 90% of the world you’re a faggot

hate (not in order)

1. Niggers
2. Women
3. Jews
4. Some Mexicans
5. Native Americans
6. Aboriginals
7. Most other people
8. Chads
9. Normies
10. Stacies
11. Lefties
12. Conservatives
13. Fake religious people who are faggots and smoke weed and shit but still claim to be christian
14. Faggots and the rest of the lgbtq mentally ill club in general
15. Everyone not identified as a blackpilled incel
16. Some retards identified as a blackpilled incel

If you don’t hate most of society (atleast 90%) you are submissive cuckold who’s mom gets fucked by Jamal. I can’t see being an incel and not hating literally everyone around you. I just simply cannot!
List read in a vocaroo: View: https://voca.ro/4SLr2JxZ6Ef


1. Europeans because they are too fancy
2. I hate animals cuz they’re dumb
3. I hate whoever came up with makeup and women’s rights
4. I hate anyone who doesn’t like hitler
5. I hate police cuz they fight for women
7. I hate BLM cuz they’re even worse
8. I frickin hate Indians. Never seen one really but I bet they stink
9. I hate anime and cuz of that
10. I hate Japs
11. I hate people with Down syndrome and people who are literally brain dead and mentally retarded. I don’t think they deserve to live because they are literally an anchor to society.

Atavistic Autist #psycho #quack #ableist #transphobia incels.is

[Serious] Bring back the anachronistic diagnosis of "autistic psychopathy"

Us autistic celibates need every status halo that we can get, and I posit that if we are properly understood as being psychopathic again, rather than effeminate soys who "stim" to consumer trinkets by jumping up and down (or even worse: trannies who cut off our own dicks), then people will fear us and thus respect us, and foids will naturally fuck us.

We must stop the mental health establishment, as guided by the desires of the preening mothers of autistic children, from promoting the myth that "autistic men are no more likely to commit crimes than neurotypical men, and are even less likely to commit them." This stigmatizes us as high-inhib pussies who are not even good enough for betabuxxing. Because anybody who lives an autistic life and does not give thought to crime must therefore be a masochistic slave worthy only of contempt, and if it's said that this is true of most autists, then we are consequently degraded as a whole in the popular consciousness.

The related myth that "there are just as many autistic women as autistic men" must also be stopped for similar reasons.

This is our culture:


Executing one's mother and then going lone wolf is what it means to be autistic; not becoming a eunuch tranny, nor stimming to Star Wars action figures or anime figurines. And don't forget it, normgroids!

Tom3858 #ableist #psycho reddit.com

I do not sympathize with depressed people, people who kill themselves, or dead people.
Let me give examples of each:


someone depressed seeks comfort from me but wont accept my advice. They chalk this up to their depressions

Someone makes repeated bad decisions that effect other people. They chalk this up to depression.

Someone makes bad decisions that affect them, and blame everything else. They chalk this up to depression.

Im not doubting your depression may impair your ability to think clearly and act raitionally. But I dont care. Why should that be my problem, why should I tolerate you, and why wont you seek help instead of looking for someone to comfort you?


Someone comes to me and tells me they are going to kill themselves. Ok you can do that.

Again, I don't believe it is my obligation to convince them not to, or even call the police or whatever it is your supposed to do. Morally and ethically I dont think im educated enough to decide whether or not a persons decision to kill themselves is "right" or "wrong" either, so im just not going to bother with that.


Someone kills themselves. Someone (or even me) brings up a dead person as an example of a person who couldnt handle life or as an example or conversation topic for any number of other things. Everyone around gets incredibly offended by this.

Im convinced most people who pretend to care about a dead person only because it the socially acceptable thing to do. "Don't talk bad about a dead man," they say, but its ok to talk bad about a person who is alive? I dont follow the logic. If I knew the person better than you did, and i knew the person was a crappy person, am I just supposed to lie and pretend they were great and I secretly always looked up to them?

"Well you could just not talk about them" I disagree with this logic. Im not willing to censor my thoughts to please a person who may very well be faking their sympathy for a dead person. Furthermore my beliefs on what is ok, and not ok to talk about, lean in the direction of the idea that you should be able to talk about anything. Much like dark humor, people try to put a label on the things they deem innapropriate, that states you cannot talk about them. Is it ok to joke about nazi germany? In my opinion yes. Simply cause the criteria for what is not acceptable as a joke, does not exist. And if it did, it would be just as opinionated if not much more, as my belief that it is ok. And so I apply the same logic to dead people in conversation.

I will admit im a selfish person. Ill admit that generally being around a depressed person makes me uncomfortable. And I will also note that in my family, when I was young, if one of my sibling were to day they were depressed, my parents would tell them it's in their head, and to get over themselves. Of course I dont believe that final statement, but my attitude towards depressed people has probably been influenced by this.

That's my unpopular opinion

Edit* Instead of keeping to your righteous ideals and exemplifying my final point, you could try to provide valid arguments to help me understand your perspective. (Im not so stuck in my ways as other people)

Or just call me a chad. You know it is the internet after all

The “Proud Boys” Idiot Bunch #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist wonkette.com

[WONKETTE HEADLINE: Proud Boys Tore Down A COVID-19 Memorial, Because Caring That People Died Is For Commies ]

In recent weeks, the covidiots have turned. Now, those at anti-lockdown protests are not only demanding their right to defy stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols, they're not only asking that they get to risk other people's lives, they are demanding that everyone else join them. They grab at the masks of reporters who cover the rally and at those belonging to counterprotesters. They get in people's faces. They scream. If they were leftists this would be a super big deal and Tucker Carlson would have had a thousand fainting spells by now, but they're not.

One thing that would be very big news if these people were liberals but is not because they're not is that last week, during an anti-lockdown rally in Spokane, Washington, a bunch of Proud Boys trashed a memorial to COVID-19 victims. A memorial made out of crosses meant to represent people who have died from the novel coronavirus, two of which they broke. Crosses. You know, like the one Jesus hung on?

The memorial had been put together by activist Tom Robinson, who runs the Stronger Together Spokane Facebook page. Robinson also attended the protest as a counterprotester, where he planned to simply stand with his memorial and not bother anybody. This did not work out as planned, because these people are the biggest assholes on earth. A video posted to the group's Facebook page show the protesters harassing Robinson, screaming at him to take off his mask and otherwise acting like the school bullies in a John Hughes movie.

The primary antagonist in the video was a Seattle Proud Boy who called himself "Milkshake," but whose real name is Daniel Lyons Scott. "Milkshake" wore a midriff bulletproof vest and a Hawaiian shirt — aka "big luau," get it, official shirts of "Boogaloo Boys," the far-right fanatics hoping that the pandemic will lead to a race war.


Here’s the video
[Sadly I couldn’t post a video link]

The video also features a man old enough to have grey hair taunting Robinson and claiming that he "knows" that this is all a hoax and a very aggressive woman wielding a flag. Here are their pictures, should you happen to live in the area and want to avoid people who will probably infect you with COVID-19. Or, you know, if you work in human resources.


Tom Robinson told the Spokesman-Review that he felt afraid for his safety and so left the area. When he returned, he found his memorial had been destroyed.

Soon after, Seattle area Proud Boys Zac Staggs, Josh Hanks, and Daniel "Milkshake" Lyons Scott posted a video to TikTok in which they actually bragged about tearing the memorial down, writing "Antifa made a fear propaganda cemetery. We cleaned it up. We don't stand for COMMUNIST FEAR" as a caption on a picture of it. The image then switches to a picture of the crosses in a pile on the ground, with a hand doing the "OK" symbol now associated with "White Power" over it. Because of course.

[TikTok of the fromage-for-brains doing just that. Jerks.]

Charming people, no?

Robinson has since put the memorial back together, replacing the two crosses broken by the Proud Boys in their attempt to stamp out "communist fear." Most likely, unless these douchenozzles keel over and die from COVID-19, everyone involved will remain at an impasse. Because that's just how things are now.

Anonymous #wingnut #ableist #elitist #psycho boards.4chan.org

If the majority suddenly came into riches, they would lose the incentive to work because in their mind the justification for work is their pay. If this were to happen production would come to a screeching halt and the money they thought would provide a carefree life would become useless as there would be no goods or services available anymore. The average person does not want to work, they are compelled to by the prospect of hunger. So since the system by design obviously requires work, and since due to the nature of the common laborer is only functional if workers are given just enough to make make them comfortable but also feel it necessary to return, it becomes clear that human progress depends on the existence of different classes. I enjoy seeing failures suffer and starve. It is an example of justice at work. If you provide little to no value, but still put in a great deal of effort while still providing little value, then you are replaceable as you have nothing unique to offer and thus have nothing to distinguish yourself from the herd. And if you don't like it, too bad. Most people are brought into this world as unplanned accidents. Riddle me this. Why should bastards be entitled to what disciplined families have built over generations? You have no right to their possessions. You were brought into this world as a nobody and then you look at those who have established their names, have gained a reputation for success and have made their fortunes with complete envy. Basic people deserve basic lives. Instead of being inspired by greatness you feel threatened by it because you are pathetic and inferior. Struggle is the precondition of evolution.

EurocentricZionist #ableist removeddit.com

Autism for instance is not a death sentence, but it could certainly be considered a fate worse than death. I wouldn't blame a parent who wants to put their autistic child to sleep. We're talking 80 years of being a helpless vegetable who bangs his head against the wall and can't speak, only moans when he wants something. Or 80 years of being a socially inept, ostracized leper who has no friends and no hope of ever being "normal." Silicon Valley notwithstanding, ForeverAlone and unloved isn't exactly a picnic. And there's not even any treatment for autism that can "fix" the person to live a normal life and be a normal person, like there is medication for bipolar disorder or depression that can "fix" the person's mood. There's always some degree of spergishness about them that can't really be suppressed.

I mean really, would anyone want that kind of a curse for their kids? A life where, depending on how the coin is flipped, you're either Hulk 24/7 aka I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, or you're Sheldon Cooper and everyone hates you, and you know they do but you're so inept you don't get why (and therefore can't

The Neurotypical #ableist theneurotypical.com

The Bottom Line

The bottom line, as we've all come to accept and know it is: that anyone married to someone who is functioning with Aspergers:

1. You will be a caregiver only.
2. You will be subjected to, on occasion, flaring tempers which may or may not be harmful for you.
3. You will be living with someone who has only themselves as a focus in their lives and not their partner.
4. You will be subjected to periods of paranoia, thus becoming the focal point for such negative behaviour.
5. You will live with someone who doesn't 'get it' insofar as sharing their lives with you emotionally or financially in any supportive way.
6. You may possibly end up in the care of doctors for physical ailments related to feelings of neglect.
7. You will end up in therapy trying to learn how to live with someone with Aspergers because you will have been fully convinced by the AS partner that you are to blame for his or her problems, thus ending up with a massive case of self-doubt.
8. You will be charmed, subjected to an overload of initial attention so that you are made to feel special and then when you succumb to the this focused attention, make the commitment to join that person in your life's journey, will quickly discover that all the charm, the apparent loving attention is simply set aside and forgotten with the AS person off onto the next quest in their lives.
9. In the end, you may stay with the AS person out of financial concern for yourself only.
10. You may end up permanently depressed or build a life of your own within the context of what society calls a marriage.
11. You will end up cynical and going to your grave feeling blamed for everything in your life. Such a burden you can accept or not. Either way you end up angry.
12 People in general will not understand why you've been flapping around for however many years you've been connected to this AS person because it seems to the outside world you're the difficult one.

There is no 13.
If there was, 13 it would be: give it up before you get involved. Trouble is: there is not enough truthful information out there to warn you about the condition in advance.

“Mother of the Year”

For terrible parenting deserving of special distinction.

Patricia Ripley #ableist #psycho #racist miamiherald.com

Miami mother of drowned autistic boy admits leading him to canal
Patricia Ripley, the West Kendall mother who initially claimed her severely autistic 9-year-old son had been kidnapped, ultimately admitted she was to blame for the child’s death at a canal and said “he’s going to be in a better place.”

(Transcript of conference by Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle)
“The death of a child is tragic; the killing of a child is horrific. As Miami-Dade Police Director Freddie Ramirez, who is here with me today, knows all too well, nothing is more horrible then the death of a child. Our community is shocked by the killing of nine-year-old Alejandro Ripley and the story surrounding this crime. Alejandro had a developmental disorder commonly described as Autism. The 4'11" boy weighed one hundred and twenty pounds and was non-verbal, and his mother falsely accused two black men of kidnapping him. The police found Alejandro’s body Friday morning, wearing his blue Captain America t-shirt and a diaper in the area of 67th Street and 138th Court.

The police obtained a video showing Ripley push Alejandro into a canal of 103rd Avenue and Candle Drive at approximately 7.30 pm. Local residents heard screaming and went to assist, and they found Alejandro in the canal and rescued him. An hour later, she again brought him and led him to a different canal, located by Southwest 67th Street and 138th Court. Unfortunately, this time, there was no one there to save him.

Anonymous #racist #psycho #ableist boards.4chan.org

i'm genuinely curious but what exactly is wrong with people dying to corona-chan? why are we treating corona like its a bad thing?

overpopulation is a huge issue worldwide and covid mainly targets the poor, the unhealthy, the dirty and the old. how is it a bad thing if thousands of chinks, pajeets, old annoying social security leeching boomers, starving africans and muzzies dying off? most white people who can breed, NEETS like you and I are perfectly content staying home. and those who do go out and mass gather are usually retarded so it's also killing stupid people.

we are getting a 3 in 1 victory package, an IQ purge, a population purge AND a exposing corporate jews during this time as everyone is bailing them out and the people are ANGRY

I genuinely see no reason why 4chan shouldn't meme and encourage more people who are stupid enough to go out, to go out.

Why is corona being treated like its a bad thing?

moggables #sexist #crackpot #ableist incels.is

A parent who doesn't put their kids on HGH from a very young age is just as bad as an anti-vaxxer

One reason why the bluepill is bad is because it breeds a very harmful ignorance that allows parents to neglect their son's looks. There are probably a lot of men here who would be high-tier normie/Chadlite had their parents decided to do everything in their power to make their son looksmax from an early age. But they didn't, and puberty passed, and now you're stuck with whatever subhuman genes your mother gave you.

But society still wants to turn away from any looks-based theory because it doesn't sound as nice as some Disney-faggot Just World, where if you just believe and have le good personality, inkwell, you'll be happy. And future parents see that shit and then use it to justify their lazy neglect when it comes to their sons' looks.

Atavistic Autist #transphobia #sexist #ableist incels.is

[Serious] An autistic male transforming himself into a Machiavellian is the flip-side of an autistic male transitioning genders

Both are attempts of the autist to increase his social status, get attention/recognition, and fit in.

But what do they result in? In most cases, disappointment and failure.

Just as many transsexuals commit suicide, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in getting low tier normies to buttfuck them, many autists who try to become manipulative Machiavellians, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in it (as in a career setting), will just end up crashing and burning because they're not able to reconcile their lies with their true selves.

What the actual psychopath and foid have going for them is that their entire lives are lies. They aren't even pretending when they present themselves as artificial edifices: they are artificial edifices, the consummate NPCs.

But an autist has a true inner core, on the contrary. And rather than trying to be something you're not, self-actualizing through NEETdom and the cultivation of your special interests is the true way forward.

Anonymous #ableist boards.4chan.org

(Regarding a picture of Greta Thunberg)

damn, I just got a stiffy seeing her sit directly on her mothers lap like that. really, I'd like to see her sitting on her daddy's lap. that would be really hot

besides, her mother would never consent
then you'd find out how loose it was from the pounding she's taken from her father

why would they ever consent? she's their meal ticket. plus she's retarded. retards should be aborted. sorry not sorry. retards can't ever have a normal life. she's going to end up incredibly unhappy later in life. she'll be told that she should not have kids. she'll see everyone around her happy starting families. she'll end up being an old maid to her parents. at best she'll be some dudes fuck toy.

Novuso #ableist deviantart.com

Why is Eugenics considered a bad thing? Shouldn't we want to breed out negative traits within the human species so future generations don't have to suffer the same diseases and disabilities we have now. What if it were possible to breed humans into a perfected state with healthy bodies and high IQs. Imagine a world with no mental illnesses or children born with debilitating disabilities. These things simply wouldn't exist if had a proper Eugenics program.

Almost every developed western country practiced Eugenics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to great positive effect. It was a common practice for doctors to sterilize patients with hereditary diseases and especially the mentally ill. Many criminals were sterilized along with vagabonds and the indigent poor. This was still being practiced in Switzerland upto the 1970s. As a result of the sterilization program Switzerland virtually eliminated all poverty and social ills. Yet the morals of the 21st century tell us this is wrong.

Eugenics fell out of favor with the general public as an overreaction to events in WW2. However, we need to have a serious discussion over whether that was the right decision. Part of the reason there is a mental health crisis going on these days people with mental illnesses are breeding again and passing on their anti-social and violent tendencies. What do the mass shootings in America and the stabbing epidemic in London have in common. It is mental illnesses running rampant. What is clear is that drugs do not work. Do people really want to live in society where this is normal. I certainly don't.


Agricultural Eugenics has been growing by leaps and bounds. Crop yields are ten fold what they were 100 years ago. Famines are largely a thing of the past. Look at the difference between the fruits and vegetables of our ancestors and what we have available now. This should not be seen as a bad thing.

There human equivalent to this and it is called Eugenics. Instead of improving the the human genetic stock has crashed.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child and X-Site Energy #sexist #ableist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The Greta Decal"]

You probably never heard of X-Site Energy before this week. I certainly never had, though I've certainly driven by their Red Deer offices a few times, probably their Edson offices (since all Edson businesses are within a stone's throw of Highway 16), maybe even their Grande Prairie offices. They're just another oilfield services company.

Well, until this week, when they had to apologize for a decal seemingly depicting Greta the Swedish Retard. Getting fucked from behind. While the phantom sketcher/photographer pulls her pigtails.

If you haven't seen the decal, here it is:

NSFW contencious picture being repeatedly embedded with several graphical treatments:


So now that we've had some fun with the decal, let's be very very sad that X-Site CEO has apologized. You never apologize. Ever. That just emboldens them for next time.

I guarantee I will never apologize for this post. Greta the Magic Retard demands an audience with politicians and media and made herself a public figure. Eat it. Eat every last ash-filled bite of it, just like the cartoon version of your vagina is clearly eating X-Site Energy's meaty dick.

Because let's remember that's what this is: a cartoon version of a public figure. Apparently some whiner in Queerbec demanded a police investigation. The same people who coo and cheer when child molesting faggots dressed like women read sick sodomite stories to kids in the public library apparently don't think it's now kosher to sexualize a cartoon depiction of a 17-yr old who wants to have her arguments treated like an adult. For half a decade now Greta the Magic Retard could murder her unborn baby without parental consent. Girls a third of her age are being given hormones without parental consent because they are delusional enough to think they aren't girls. (At least Greta's delusion, that CO2 is real, doesn't require any disfiguring outside the massive estrogen boost she wants to give the world economy).

Forgetting that this is actually a tattoo whose artist loved the idea that it was sexual up until about 18 minutes ago (and good luck with your lawsuit for this same reason), public figures are open to condemnation and ridicule. Just look at cartoon Trump and Putin as a minor example. Nobody went apeshit that Trump's likeness was being used in a pornographic manner without his consent. They only do this to whiteknight Greta in order to attack the oil industry that they know does good deeds and needs to fight for its survival. We tried fighting nice, and ignoring these little fascists. That didn't work. So now we ridicule them with stickers.

And we can keep going. Remember the Kathy Griffin Trump head controversy? Let's re-create that with the Right Honourable Stephen Harper (pbuh) and Greta the Magic Retard:

[Several memes attacking Greta:

(Someone holding Greta's head, Kathy Griffin-style)

("This is Alberta" stickman kicking "This is Greta" stickman in the head)

("The oil industry" holding "Greta" by the throat)]

Okay okay, enough fun. Now time to get a little serious.

Where can I get the decal? Not the mockups or the screengrabs? Where can I get the original? Or at least a high-resolution scan of the original?

Because I am going to resume the distribution of the decals. X-Site Energy sheepishly announced they were going to try and collect all the previously distributed decals. I hope they aren't wholly successful. Like those "Indian Hunting Licences" from the late 70s, I hope some hoarders keep them around. And that sooner rather than later, those physical decals or at the very least high rez copies come into my hands.

Because it's time to fight fire with fire. They blockade trains and we're the bad guys for making fun of them in sticker form? I don't think so. Greta the Magic Retard is fair game. The stickers were hilarious. They need to remain in the ecosystem. So if you find one on Kijiji, or know somebody who got their hands on one, please leave a comment below.

Together, we can humiliate the eco-terrorists who thrive on lies.

TheBasedCel #sexist #ableist #racist #conspiracy incels.is

[Serious] Eugenics for ugly women

Brutal how most men have such low standards when the only thing modern women can provide are looks since they won't raise children and clean house anymore while staying at home since Mr Shekelberg wants them to make more shekels for him.

It should be very dificult for ugly and fat women to find a mate and they should be bellow incels.

Send_Ford_To_The_Chopshop #elitist (reverse) #ableist wehuntedthemammoth.com

The very reason neurotypicals are considered “typical” is BECAUSE they’re abusive. They built civilization, which is to say they took more from nature and their fellow humans than they deserved, bullied everyone around them into following their ways and raped anybody they could get their hands on to spread their poisonous genetic material far and wide. Hatred and revenge should be human rights provided they’re against those responsible for bullying.

OnlyTheGhosts #ableist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

Your "aspie" community is nothing but nerdy folks tricked by the media and medical quackery. But you don't give a damn about truth when it gets in the way of your fantasies of being "special", even when that "specialness" is a manipulated bit of propaganda to get you on the side of those doing the manipulating.

YOUR president, who you apparently know so little about, that you use a manufactured insult that comes from talking heads on the side of the corporations that promote the lies of globalism. Those same lies which outsourced jobs from YOUR country, while pretending that they were improving it.

Not mine, if you'd been smart enough to actually read my profile - but of course, you're not a real high IQ type. You NEVER looked. You're a fraud who thinks he's smart as you parrot the lies of the manipulated crowd, the lies spoonfed to you everywhere which you NEVER got around to exercising the slightest scepticism about. You just "believed" and thought that parroting the same belief made you "smarter" than those who have been derided and attacked by globalist corporate media.

The rest of us are not limited to a few newspapers, a few TV networks, which are all owned by only a very few rich people whose interests are best served by pandering to the same agenda as the political authorities which they helped to get elected. We have choices now that we didn't have before. People have learned that almost everything which they were taught in the western nations is filled with propaganda, distortions about history, and continued lies in the corporate media. The rest of us are waking up and noticing when the bullshit we're being told isn't true, and the bullshit we're told NOT to believe actually IS true. When enemies of the common people are portrayed as the people you should be listening to, and the people who are fighting for truth and real change (not the fake kind like Obama promised - and didn't deliver as he sent the USA into more wars) are portrayed as the bad guys.

That "cheese puff" you have been nicely trained to dislike has not started even a single war since he became president. All of the sabre-rattling, all of the rhetoric done for show - and NOT ONE WAR STARTED. Yet you would believe the lie that he's a "war monger" no doubt. The "cheese puff" managed to create a situation in which more blacks and hispanics have jobs than at any previous time in USA history, with the lowest unemployment rate ever in their communities - but you'll call him a "racist" like a well-trained dog. Ring the bell, you do as your masters call you to do, without questioning, without scepticism, without the slightest doubt.

You're a sucker, and are in denial of how deeply you have been suckered.

I'm glad that I'm not living in your country because there are too many fucktard fools like you in it that only know how to be heavily indoctrinated NPCs


You let your ego get in the way of clear thinking.

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #ableist deviantart.com

After the MMR scandal back in 1992-1993, when it came out that thousands of children were brain damaged by the vaccine, not only was the MMR banned, but the number of vaccinations per child has been fixed at 12. It never goes up. How many vaccination shots does the CDC recommend for USA children these days? 70+ isn't it? Right now, the HPV vaccines aren't allowed to be recommended by any Japanese doctors because a couple of thousand young women were injured by the vaccines.

Amerika-In-Exile #wingnut #ableist #racist #psycho amerika-in-exile.blogspot.com

For us to mature as a species, we need to get beyond this fear of genetics, mortality, and reality. These are scary things: we cannot be whoever we want to be, but are limited by our
genetics; we all die, and we will never have firm answers as to whether an afterlife exists from within this life; finally, reality is the arbiter of what is true, not what we and our friends think. Part of self-actualization involves acceptance of these.

One ugly truth is that we have too many people, and too few of quality. Abortion is ugly, and its use as retroactive birth control is morally reprehensible, but it is also useful. Until we can get to a time where it is possible to repatriate those of other races, ethnic groups, and religions, and then exile the mental defectives and Leftists among us, it makes sense to pare down the population by removing non-contributors.

Every dollar we spent on aborting retards, locking up criminals, and isolating the insane goes a long way toward our health. Society is for those who are capable of society. Those who are not are a threat. This is an unpopular truth but an essential one.

As an intermediate, we might consider the brilliance of exile. We keep around our worst criminals, paying for them to survive, when what we really want is for them to disappear forever from among us. Exile is the kindest method of doing this, and luckily Canada and Mexico, both of whom laugh at our immigration laws, are right next door. Send away the bad. We could even boat them to Cuba, as Cuba once did to us.

We have spent too long in a humanistic time where because of our universalist outlook, we assume that all are good. In the future, a great filter is coming, with those who are functional on one side and the dysfunctional on the other. This will make us healthier, stronger, and smarter, and will remove the people who thwart much of everyday life by being incapable of it.

Eugenicist #ableist #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] I think autism increasing in America actually makes women more superficial, more materialistic.

Since autistic people can't really grasp abstract concepts, most girls in geek culture, or some kind of neuro-atypicality are more materialistic. Genetics/ dominance/ etc. obviously matter more to the autistic brain than someone with perfectly traditional empathy/ sweetness/ wholesomeness.
Autism = hyper male brain which means eliminating threat and females are supposed to be reasoning, discussive, talkative (at least traditionally).

This is js something I am speculating.

Anonymous, KatieMarie999 #ableist katiemarie999.tumblr.com

Anonymous: Wow, it must be hard to have an autistic person on your family. I've seen how autistic kids act and gods.... it was painful to watch the parents get distressed and hopeless.

ProLifeProLiberty: It’s actually not hard. I don’t know if you’re being genuine or sarcastic, but I am by no means complaining about my brother or his autism.

All I’m saying is I’m glad his therapist was able to help him communicate with us and help us communicate with him so we could better understand what he needed and wanted.

And if you were being genuine, please know that autism isn’t the tragedy that Autism Speaks makes it look like. Autism is a spectrum, and every autistic person has a unique experience with it.

KatieMarie999: Actually it is really hard. It’s hard on the parents seeing their kid having goals and dreams he’ll never achieve because his lack of social skills prevent this. It’s hard on the other kids all getting a lot less time with their parents because they’re too tired or too busy with the autistic kid. It’s hard on the siblings, who have to deal with this every single day and have people uncomfortable around them or at their houses because of that sibling.

It’s hard. It’s painful. It absolutely sucks. I have no relationship with my brother and his effects on my childhood still affect me as a person and prevents my family from being close. We can’t even have family time because he ruins it and my parents refuse to exclude him, so none of us ever wants to spend time together because it means him talking over us the entire time and saying inappropriate things and getting offended if we try to do something he doesn’t want us to do.

It 100% depends on the situation. Some families with autistic members do really well. Some suffer. Some are ruined by it. There are way too many factors to say outright that it’s either a good or bad thing. It’s a thing. And sometimes it’s a horrible thing. Sometimes it’s the one thing that dramatically changes someone’s early life from really good to nightmarish.

MarinBeckons #ableist #wingnut #racist m.sfgate.com

[In response to an SF Gate article about some SF restaurants adding climate change surcharges to diners’ bills for funding sustainable agricultural practices]

Greta, the alcohol fetal syndrome girl, too young to dare criticize her childlike condemnation of global capitalism, yet somehow old enough to have valid scientific credentials, wants you to give up all your carbon emitting activities so that the elite who sponsor her bratfest won't have the goi-polloy getting in their way on the roads, in the air and at resorts.

janeknowitall1 #ableist #quack janeknowitall1.wordpress.com

Autism is Neurological Damage. Let that cross your blood brain barrier and sink in.

What do you think neurological damage should look like? I know I sound like a broken record, but the average person cannot begin to understand that vaccines might be causing autism, until they fully understand what autism is.

We have a bad track record in this country –and I suppose the world, when it comes to chalking up things we don’t understand to mythical powers or medical mysteries. One example, for most of history, epilepsy was seen as something divine –until we figured out it’s neurological.

Today the entire field of psychiatry fits into this box. If we can’t see the obvious medical connection we tell the patient that the problem is all in their head.

Autism got tossed into the psychiatry box. The first theory to be accepted by medical professionals was that it stemmed from bad parenting –mainly a cold “refrigerator” mother. Luckily, Dr. Bernie Rimland came along –his son was autistic and he knew damn well his wife was a great mother. Bernie changed that mistaken theory –we suddenly realized that autism was neurological.

But from there, “professionals” chalked it up to kids being differently wired. That never sat right with me. The brain is amazingly plastic. If they were differently wired they’d still be functional –and I wasn’t seeing “functional” in my own son and the children of others. I saw tics and odd body postures and disordered speech and language –I saw brain damage. Also, we noticed that changing the diet and giving certain supplements helped or even made some kids lose their diagnosis. This wasn’t ‘hard wiring’ –this was medical, metabolic.

It was 2000 when I finally started listening to my new friends about vaccines. I didn’t understand how a vaccine could cause a brain disorder. My lack of comprehension was directly related to my lack of knowledge. First off, I had no clue what was in vaccine. I had NOT ONE CLUE that there was mercury, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, aluminum, human DNA, chicken DNA, etc. I had no idea that our immune system is in our gut. I had no idea that damaged guts can lose that tight juncture in their cells and ‘leak’ proteins out into the blood stream where they should never be. I had no idea that these proteins could slip past the blood brain barrier. I had no idea that the mercury could cross the BBB. I had no idea that there were kids with MTHFR and other genetic mutations that would make them more susceptible to damage –who couldn’t detox those heavy metals as well as other children. The more I read, the more it became obvious that vaccines causing brain damage that presents as “autism” is biologically plausible. I admit to being ignorant.

I know that some of you still are. That you sit back and listen to the news anchors on the TV tell you what was found in the latest study –and you with your lack of medical knowledge and lack of knowledge about the politics of this all, and the history of vaccines, you take it at face value. Why would they lie? They lie because either they are ignorant, too –or because their fat paychecks depend on it.

But back to autism. How can you not see that autism is brain damage? Autism isn’t a thing in and of itself. Time to sound like a broken record again… Autism is a label that is slapped on a box, and in that box is a pile of symptoms, and if you have enough of those symptoms you win the diagnosis. There is no such thing as “Autism” –it is a classification system, a label.

So let’s look at autism…
By looking at other neurological disorders and diseases and injuries.

Looks like autism.
Looks like autism. But it’s a mercury poisoning victim from Minamata Japan.
I remember 2000, when I still needed a little more convincing. That is when a friend sent me a link to a video, a video showing children who were exposed to mercury in Minamata Japan. (If you are unfamiliar, Google is your friend) –and what caught my eye right away was how similar a lot of the body postures were in those mercury poisoned in Minamata and our “autistics”. Mercury damages the brain. Autism is brain damage. Now, a lot of people died in Minamata, some were severely affected… some slightly. And those slightly affected all looked like autistic kids to me. In the following video at minute two… if you didn’t know this was a Minamata video, you’d think it was an autism video. I suggest you check out all the videos on youtube concerning Minamata “Disease”

This is a great one too:

So, Minamata popped back into my head last night while I was rewatching “Silent Epidemic, The Untold Story of Vaccines” you really need to watch the whole thing. But check out the montage at minute 16:55 –that is what neurological damage looks like. And that is called “autism”.

Now let me say, I don’t agree that vaccines are the only thing that’s changed in the last 25 years –they are the major player and biggest culprit, yes. But we also don’t eat real food anymore and the food we eat is mostly poisoned and nutritionally void or genetically altered. We are dealing with thousands upon thousands of chemicals in our environment that were never tested for long term safety. Babies today are born with hundreds of chemicals in their cord blood… BUT… If we are willing to admit that there is an environmental trigger –that something we are eating, breathing or touching is causing this rise (and most scientists and doctors DO admit this) THEN WHY do we snap to attention when vaccines are mentioned, and toe the company line with a loud chorus of, “Oh, but we know it’s not the vaccines!” Injecting chemicals into the body is much worse than eating, breathing or touching. We don’t “know it’s not the vaccines” because the proper studies HAVE NOT BEEN DONE.

Looks like Autism.
Looks like Autism.
Looks like autism.
Looks like autism.
Autism is brain damage.
Here, at 4:35 is a child with an auto-immune encephalitis… brain damage… it looks like autism:

Here is a child with cerebral palsy, it looks like autism.

These kids with TBI have “features of autism”

Brain Injury from a drug overdose, looks like autism

Look at the poor motor planning in an apraxia patient after a stroke. I was told in my speech path classes that apraxia/dyspraxia
is more common in kids now, but it’s controversial because in adults it follows a brain injury and in kids there is NO BRAIN INJURY. Says who? Vaccines cause brain injury. The adult:

Here is a child –both look like autism:

OMGosh, look at this, we even have a new disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder. –It is all brain damage.

Autism. Is. Brain. Injury.

Vaccines are known to cause brain injuries.
Why do you deny that some of us watched our children regress into brain injury right after receiving vaccines that have possible brain injury as a known AND COMPENSATABLE side effect? Compensatable through the NVICP which has paid out over $3billion in damages to vaccine injured…

–all because you do not understand what autism is.
–what ALL this is.

Set aside the debate for a few minutes now and really think about what is happening to generations of children. Just think about it.

Watch that full length movie above, The Silent Epidemic.
Also, watch The Disappearing Male.

Here is some kids dissertation on Minamata, check it out, it’s well worth the 13 minutes.

Also… the old argument back in the day was methyl vs. ethyl mercury. I am not even going to get into that. That is a whole other blog post… or book chapter… or book. You can google. Bottom line, they can cause the same damage.

I say again, autism is brain damage. Vaccines can cause brain damage. Vaccines can cause autism.

What don’t you understand?

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #ableist jesus-is-savior.com

God Allows Pain and Suffering to Conform Us Into His Son's Image


Image: A woman sitting on a railroad track and cradling her head in her arms. Stewart has blacked out the woman’s legs.

Nobody likes to suffer, but the Bible teaches that God won't allow us to bear more than we can handle. (The young woman in the photo to the right was wearing pants, but I painted a dress on her instead using Microsoft “Paint”. Now she won't be depressed...lol. I know, I'm crazy! Oooaaahhh) 1st Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” Life is often a yoke of wood (burdens), and I hate it; but it beats a yoke of iron (unbearable burdens) that the Devil wants to enslave us to! Jesus promised us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” One of my very favorite sermons on this Scripture passage is by Dr. Jack Hyles is called: “It Doesn't Matter How You Got There.” I hope you will take the time to listen to the message, I am confident you'll be glad you did!

America was strong during The Great Depression ear of the 1930's and 1940's. People who survived those hard times think very differently than the Baby Boomer generation does, and succeeding spoiled generations of American brats...lol! Seriously, people like my father (1933-2010) and Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), who both grew up very poor during The Great Depression, thought very differently than the Vietnam War generation did a few decades later. My father grew up in an orphanage. The older folks learned how to “USE IT UP, WEAR IT OUT, MAKE IT DO, DO WITHOUT!” Nobody came to the rescue to help them, they toughed it out! One of my favorite sermons by Pastor Jack Hyles is called: “WHY MAMA WAS SO SMART,” all about her suffering through The Great Depression, and how God used it to make her a very wise woman.

My voice counts too as an American and a believer! I preach against everybody, including myself. If you want to find a big sinner, you found him. I am a guilty sinner, deserving of Hell, a diamond in the rough, and the Lord still has a lot of work to do on me. I thank God every day that He loves a lonely misfit like me. As Christians, all we have is each other. John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Religion is one of the worst things that has ever happened to this world. True Christianity has nothing to do with religion. The Bible only mentions “religion” five times, and only once is it well spoken of in James 1:27, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Nobodysfool777 #psycho #ableist reddit.com

Colicky and weak babies should be fed to wild animals

We have plenty of infants to spare —literally billions. Feeding our lesser offspring to animals would serve several beneficial purposes.

1. Tired parents (and unfortunate passerbys) would no longer have to deal with a particularly loud and troublesome infant.
2. Animals get good succulent treats.
3. It could potentially assist with the human overpopulation problem.
4. Colicky babies are more likely to have low iqs and mental disorders such as autism than calm babies. Getting rid of them could lower the amount of adult sickos and idiots in the future.
5. Premature infants are also more likely to have low iqs, autism, adhd, and poor adult health. In other words, they are more likely to be pathetic wastes of space.

Whitney Ellenby, “Autism Uncensored: Pulling Back The Curtains” #ableist #psycho washingtonpost.com

(Remember Judith Newman and her book “To Siri With Love”, where talking about how she would like to have her autistic son castrated is far from the worst thing she does, while completely assured of her own self-righteousness, and yet got praised by the neurotypical critics and public? By all accounts, this book is even worse. Far worse.)

Bystanders were horrified. But my son has autism, and I was desperate.

What I did to help my 5-year-old autistic son overcome his intense fear of indoor spaces might not have been right or even safe. Doctors didn’t recommend it. The people who witnessed it were appalled, understandably. I don’t suggest this for others.

I could have been more patient with conventional methods, but I wasn’t. I am not certified in restraining children, though doctors say anyone attempting what I did should be. They would also recommend a much slower approach.

I am writing this because I hope to educate people about the burden families face when their autistic children have tantrums in public spaces, so next time you witness such a struggle you don’t immediately resort to blaming the parents. I’m also reaching out to fellow parents in pain to remind them to cast off shame, because I believe nothing is more important than getting your autistic children out into the world.

It was a desperate time. Nothing else had worked for Zack — flashcards, photos, play therapy. gradual exposure to feared indoor spaces. That is how, very much against his will, I ended up physically dragging Zack into Verizon Center (now Capital One Arena) one day 10 years ago to see his favorite character, Elmo, perform as part of a “Sesame Street Live!” show.

There is nothing anyone could have said that would have convinced me my son was anything other than precious and worthy of the extreme measures I intended to take to save him from a life entrapped by autistic phobias.

My mind-set that day: If I can get him through this without either of us getting physically hurt, his fear of this place will be behind him for good. He will reset his association with this arena, and it will no longer be frightening. I believe this deeply, but getting him over the hurdle is terrifying.

‘I have this thing called autism’: A boy’s eloquent message to his fourth-grade classmates

We enter Verizon Center, and the moment the exterior door closes behind us, Zack reels back and plunges toward it, trying frantically to get back outside. At 50 pounds, his furious strength is a troubling match for mine. He is a thoroughbred of resistance.

My usually buoyant child is slamming his fists and clawing at the metal door’s push bar. I quickly seize him by the shoulders and pry his fingers from the bar as he jerks his head back in a sudden motion. His skull smashes into my chin, and I taste the metallic taint of my own blood.

I give up trying to pry his fingers away, wrap both arms tightly around his torso and yank him back fiercely. We both tumble to the floor. Zack momentarily escapes my grip and scrambles back toward the door, but I leap on top of him, pinning his entire body flat to the ground. We are still in the vestibule.

This was a mistake, too ambitious, I think to myself. Everything is happening too quickly.

Breathlessly, I pivot myself to secure Zack’s entire body between my thighs as I clamp down tightly and interlock my feet to prevent him from breaking free. Zack is shrieking at an alarmingly high pitch, but I keep heaving and dragging us both, inch by dreadful inch, closer to the show’s main entrance area, which we are separated from by a red curtain. I can hear voices around us.

“Hey, lady! Your kid obviously doesn’t want to go to the show!”

An icy shock sprints down my back, and I reflexively arch and look around wildly. Someone has just thrown their soda at me.

No, I’m not giving up.

Suddenly, I feel an imaginary cloak descend and slowly envelop me. These are the moments I’ve been dreading, but also building toward, and I don this invisible armor, now impervious to ridicule because I don’t care what anyone thinks. My singular focus is getting Zack where he needs to be: inside the main area, looking at Elmo. The show has already begun inside, and I know Elmo is on the stage.

Okay, get in his head now, talk back to his thoughts. Keep it simple.

“Zack, you are doing it! I know you’re afraid, but all you have to do is stay here, you’re already doing it, you’ve already won. Just stay and watch, sit and watch, that’s it. You did it. You’re doing it. You did it!” A simple and repetitive mantra to penetrate the panic and break through the force field.

In a now recovered and controlled voice, I loudly announce, “My son has autism and he’s terrified. I’m working with him to get his fears under control.”

A manager strides toward us, summoned to calm the explosive scene.

“Miss, I’m afraid this is too disruptive to the other patrons to let this continue, you’ll have to leave.” No response. Repeat with emphasis. “Miss, you are creating a public disturbance, and I need to escort you and your child out of the auditorium right now.”

“No,” I respond calmly without looking up. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m a paying customer too, and I have a right to be here, and so does my autistic son.”

Suddenly, from the far reaches of my mind, the legal jargon jettisons to the surface. What was that ADA language about the right of disabled people to access public facilities? That they have a right not be discriminated against because of their disability, a right to reasonable accommodations to access public venues. My son is not legally required to enter the auditorium quietly. He’s allowed to enter on his own disabled terms. I am his reasonable accommodation.

Zack will ride in on me.

Okay, one more push forward with Zack squeezed between my legs, and that curtain that separates the hallway where we are and the seated auditorium is within arm’s reach. Once the curtain is pulled back, he will see all the children in their seats, and he will see Elmo on the stage. But I am on the floor and I can’t reach the curtain.

I quickly gesture with my hand to the woman guarding the entrance to please pull back that curtain so my son can finally see inside and glimpse the purpose behind the long, bitter altercation. I need her to act quickly. She tries a few times to reach my son with chirpy words that fall on deaf ears.

“LADY, he’s got AUTISM, please just pull back the curtain!” I hiss.

She wordlessly pulls back the plush red velvet in a single swoop to reveal a bright-red, singing caricature on a large stage, clearly visible even from our long distance. I quickly point Zack in his direction and exclaim, “There’s ELMO! Elmo is singing! Look, Zack, it’s Elmo!”

Zack’s eyes catch hold of Elmo, and suddenly he’s too stunned to scream or speak, his hysteria abruptly interrupted by the sight of a familiar friend. Transfixed by the furry creature, Zack sits still and stares intently.

I quickly move to slide him further along the floor, closer to the cushioned seats. The rigidness in Zack’s body gives way as he relaxes, a literal crossover to the other side.

Zack is as smooth and malleable as liquid as he sits upright, almost unaware of his own physical existence and wholly locked in on Elmo. I calmly walk him to his seat. The past and future are of no consequence; for him, there is only the present.

As I gaze around the auditorium, Zack is indistinguishable from his peers. In these precious moments I can savor the reality that Zack has succeeded in the greatest challenge of his life — overriding his intense phobia of indoor spaces — long enough to access something beloved.

It took 36 minutes and 45 seconds. And, yes, it was worth it.

‘I’m more awesomer’: How kids with facial differences are reacting to the movie ‘Wonder’

It was the first in a series of exposures to crowded public places for Zack and me. His transition at the Verizon Center allowed him to enjoy the Elmo show, and also return repeatedly to that auditorium without fear, because he replaced his previous negative association with a positive one. For Zack, the gradual exposure approach was not effective. What worked for him was a single, traumatic episode in which he could grasp the purpose of the exposure and feel good about it.

I spoke with his doctor afterward, and he confirmed that by refusing to allow Zack to escape the place he feared, I broke the pattern of negative reinforcement and allowed him to “reset the record.” I also learned that, as a last resort, in a controlled way and only after years of therapy, a licensed behavioral clinician might have physically restrained Zack to force him to confront his fears, had he not responded to more gradual methods.

In the past, when I’d retreated home with him during a tantrum, I was unintentionally reinforcing his phobia. But the doctor made it clear to me he would not recommend this method for any child unless all other methods had been exhausted, and the child was able to handle it without causing harm to himself or others.

For us, the Elmo success paved the way for outings to other indoor places he feared — Disney World, movie theaters, airplanes, the Baltimore Aquarium. Each exposure required less time for him to acclimate. We found that while Zack was initially confused and frightened, he always adjusted. Over time, he became less fearful of all indoor places. He also gained self-esteem once he realized he was conquering his fears and accessing more of the world. And in possibly his biggest win, his overall demeanor became as calm and predictable as his perception of life itself.

Ellenby is a lawyer, writer and mother based in Montgomery County. This piece was adapted from her upcoming book, “Autism Uncensored: Pulling Back the Curtain,” which details her struggles and triumphs with her son’s autism.

KatieMarie999 #ableist katiemarie999.tumblr.com

Hey all, can we please stop lumping autism and ADHD together?

I feel like there’s a lot of people who are drawing attention to comparisons and fair enough, as they do have overlap, but they are two very different conditions. They can coexist. They can also exist independently of each other.

I have ADHD. My brother has autism. My brother does not have ADHD. I do not have autism. I’d like to stop being lumped with him as if he and I think the same way when we differ wildly and do not get along.

He has sensory issues and struggles to understand when things are too loud or too quiet. I do not.

He has repetitive movements that cause him to smack himself or make faces. I fidget sometimes, but I do not have repetitive movements or tics.

He talks to himself constantly, compulsively. Out loud. At full volume. I do not. If I talk to myself, I do so very quietly or in my head.

We both struggle with filter, but my filter is infinitely better than his and I am good at remembering what ticks people off. He constantly forgets and has to be told repeatedly what annoys people.

He does not understand facial expressions or tones and constantly gets them confused. I do not have these issues and I am perfectly capable of reading someone’s facial expression. My issue lies in missing signals because I’m not focused on the right things.

I struggle to focus on tasks that are uninteresting. He can focus if he needs to, but he has to decide to do so. I cannot make this decision for my brain.

One of the biggest reasons ADHD and autism are often confused for each other is the fact that they may do some of the same things but for completely different reasons.

Talking too loud? Autistic people might not even be able to sense that they’re shouting and may continually shout again after being reminded. People with ADHD may not have noticed that their voices are louder and will be able to tell they’re too loud if it’s pointed out to them.

Missed a social cue? Autistic people saw it but didn’t understand it. People with ADHD didn’t notice it, but it’s more than likely that they would have understood it if they had.

My point is that autism and ADHD are not the same disorders and it’s harmful to lump them together as if having one automatically means having the other. Please please please consider the WHY and understand that an autistic person’s reasons for a symptom may be completely different from someone with ADHD’s reason.

just a rant from someone who has spent her ENTIRE LIFE being compared to her autistic brother and is really sick of it
i'm not him
he's not me
we have almost nothing in common

Known_Researcher #ableist #sexist reddit.com

Greta Thunberg is a retarded bitch who needs to be silenced

I actually support her beliefs regarding climate change, I just can’t stand HER. She is a sociopathic idiot autist who brags about hating small-talk, thinks being socially retarded is a ‘superpower’, lacks ANY scientific expertise but accuses others of ignorance, and CONSTANTLY talks down to the very people she is trying to persuade to join her cause. If anything, she’s only making global-warming deniers even more angry and apathetic towards the idea environmental reformation. While she’s really just making things worse, she continues to guise her aspertard wailings as a “genuine effort to save the planet.” My distaste towards G. Thunbitch has nothing to do with ‘sexism’ or political party, it’s just that her personality/attitude is plain shit. Meanwhile, most people overlook and defend her downright narcissistic behaviors just because she’s 16 ( which is definitely old enough to know better). She also gets away with so much bullshit due to having autism, even though she clearly knows exactly what she’s doing. Thunbitch parallels Donald Trump (personality-wise) in so many ways, but she doesn’t receive nearly the same degree of criticism.

fullbloodedwhitemale #wingnut #ableist reddit.com

Eugenics is nature. Everyone, including you and your parents, practice Eugenics. The most common eugenic practice today is “therapeutic abortion.” via amniocentesis. Societies that refuse to practice eugenics will be certain losers. Previous generations were not squeamish about distinguishing between desirables and undesirables. After WWII, eugenics was mistakenly associated with Nazism, even though Nazis were late to the game. All societies practiced Eugenics. But opposition to eugenics is irrational. Asians are the least diverted from eugenic thinking. Premiere Lee Kuan Yew gave generous tax incentives to better-educated women to have more children, and succeeded in increasing the percentage of births that were to women with secondary education from 36.7 percent to 47.7 percent. The women who get the most education are the more intelligent, and they marry smart men. Many accepted practices in the West are plainly eugenic. In Britain, for example, parents of a retarded woman can have her sterilized, which implicitly recognizes that some people should not have children. From 1970 to 1986, German judges gave sex offenders the option of castration rather than jail. From Eugenics: A Reassessment, Richard Lynn, Praeger Publishers, 2001: "There is great irony in frantic opposition to eugenics, per se, when many accepted practices in the West are plainly eugenic. Infertile women seeking donor eggs advertise for them at elite universities, and are prepared to pay huge premiums for them, once again recognizing that some genes are better than others. Prof. Lynn has found offers of eggs from fashion models at $90,000 each, and reports there are exclusive sperm banks stocked by Harvard and MIT students."

David J. Stewart #fundie #ableist #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

America is Mentally-ill

Luke 8:35, "Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid."

We see in Luke 8:35 that even those possessed of demons come into their RIGHT MIND, and put their clothes back on, when they trustingly sit at the feet of Jesus Christ.

Americans have lost their minds! Any society that murders its babies by abortion is mentally-ill. We've now quietly passed the 50,000,000 mark for babies murdered. Only a mentally-ill person would sincerely expect God to bless a nation as sinful, rebellious, arrogant, thankless and wicked as the United States of America. Mentally-ill people sell diced up baby parts. Americans are out of their minds!

How do we show our appreciation to God for our freedoms? We teach our children that they originated from stardust, formed into slime and then somehow evolved from primitive mindless creatures into intelligent human beings. Only a complete idiot would even try to legitimize such nonsense. Only a mentally-ill person could believe that there's any truth to the bogus claims of evolutionists, especially considering that there's not even one credible shred of evidence to support it. The Bible makes more sense than any secular explanation for the origin of the universe... “In the beginning God” (Genesis 1:1a).

Any society that legalizes porno, gives honor awards to pornographers and recognizes porno as a legitimate business is mentally-ill. Tragically, pornography has become a multibillion dollar lucrative industry in the United States. And now the sickos have made their filth accessible from your cellphone. A society which legalizes public nudity is mentally-ill. It would be a blessing if God cursed America, to wake us up!

Only a mentally-ill society praises sexually suggestive music, sang by immoral freakish singers, who hate God and live wicked lives of whoredom and fornication. Madonna has been an icon and role model to tens-of-millions of America's daughters over the years, a sicko freak who published a book called, Sex, in which she is portrayed as receiving oral sex from a dog. Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that American society is not mentally-ill for praising and honoring such a person? Certainly, someone who pretends to receive oral sex from a dog is mentally-ill. Yet people walk around like idiots singing Madonna's hit song, LIKE A VIRGIN, all across America. You mean, like an idiot! I just typed in “Madonna honored” on Google and 362,000 webpages were found. I could list HUNDREDS of groups that have honored Madonna. May I ask, why? Madonna ought to be publicly reprimanded and shamed. Instead, Americans honor her wickedness by playing her music in nearly every workplace, store and public place. This is evil.

I don't judge or condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as rotten, hell-deserving, guilty sinners. I am just saying that Americans who praise sick-minded people are sick-minded people. The naked crazy man in Luke chapter 8 found Jesus Christ, went and put some clothes back on, and then came in his RIGHT MIND and sat down at the feet of Jesus. Amen! When Peter was fishing naked and then saw Jesus, he immediately grabbed his fisherman's coat and jumped into the sea (John 21:7). Jesus is the cure for nudity. In America's mentally-ill society, people are going naked. We've got plenty of religion these days, but America needs Jesus Christ.

People don't care anymore because their hearts are not right with God. As Christians we must look beyond the words and actions of people and consider what is going on in their heart. Because people have forsaken the God of the Bible, they have consequently lost their minds and have become mentally-ill. So don't be surprised when people act weird, don't care, trample upon your feelings, treat you like garbage, slander and persecute you and try to hurt you—they're mentally-ill as part of an entire society that has gone insane. Sin always brings a culture to ruin.

PissedoffThrowawaii #ableist #psycho #homophobia reddit.com

People with sOCiAL aNxieTY are just pussies who need a good stabbing

Seriously, I propose we give these wastes of cum something that's actually worth getting a panic attack over. The things that put these idiots on edge are so fucking pathetic.

"Oh god, someone asked where the bathroom was and I wanted to die in that moment"

"I was going to ask the cashier for a straw, but I started sweating at the thought of talking to another person"

"I literally cannot look at someone in the eye for more than 5 seconds without not being able to breathe"

Meanwhile, there are people fighting wars and battling serious illness (aka people with have REAL problems) who have 10x the level of coping skills and strength than these whiny faggots. Every time someone bitches about their social woes, I want to beat them into coma. Maybe they'll wake up reformed lol.

Nobodysfool999 #ableist #psycho reddit.com

Autistic people are disgusting, and they should be locked in cages like the sick dogs they are.

Whenever I encounter those sad shit-sacks in real life or online, they are either:

1. Talking about some hentai or furry porn
1. Complaining about everything wrong in their life, and then explaining how it's somehow linked to their autism, even if it is something completely normal (i.e taking a wrong turn on the highway)
3. Bragging about being literal sociopaths (i.e saying stuff like "My aUTisM makes it difficult to care about other people's welfare and I consider that an advantage")
4. Bitching about their "social anxiety" or "fear of touch", but completely lacking sympathy for people with real problems like AIDs or schizophrenia.
5. Dying their hair some retard pastel color in order to get attention or "look edgy."
6. Cross-dressing or shitting themselves in adult diapers.

They also talk about themselves in such conceited ways, saying things like "Autism is my superpower that makes me smarter the teh normies lel." Meanwhile, half of those fuck-ups would easily have a mental breakdown over their favorite loli girl being outed as a trap. Autistic people are arguments against evolution, and it genuinely makes me sad that they are allowed to exist alongside us as equals.

Kevin Swanson #fundie #ableist #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Kevin Swanson Suggests That Greta Thunberg Is Demonically Possessed and ‘Needs Jesus’

Radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson declared on his radio program yesterday that Time magazine’s decision to name climate change activist Greta Thunberg as 2019’s Person of the Year is a sign of “the unraveling of the Western world.”

Swanson, who normally uses his radio program to declare that the proper biblical punishment for homosexuality is death, seized on the fact that Thunberg has Asperger’s syndrome, and suggested that she is demonically possessed and in need of Jesus.

“She’s psychologically disturbed,” Swanson said, likening her to the young boy in Mark 9 who was healed by Jesus after being possessed by a demonic spirit.

“I have to say there is something very disturbing about the appearance of and the presentation of this Greta Thunberg,” Swanson commented. “The other demonic spirits are using her to lead the world wherever it’s going.”

“Friends, if this isn’t a quintessential demonstration of the death of the West, or what an entire empire, what multiple empires, look like at the verge of collapsing, this is it,” he added. “It’s ridiculous. On the one hand, we want to be compassionate with Greta. I truly believe that Greta needs Jesus and short of her coming to Christ, I don’t know what is going to happen to this young lady. It is sad to see her in the condition that she is in.”

ProphofBonald #wingnut #psycho #ableist reddit.com

I'm sorry. I'm not in favor of the "988" shortcut for Mental Health issues. The Suicide prevention lifeline is nothing short of an on-demand safe space, and we need to work on educating men and women to handle their problems on their own.

I don't get it. We constantly complain about snowflakes and safe spaces and immature crying Democrats getting their fee-fees hurt. And then President Trump does something that directly benefits them.

I know this is going to be very "OK boomer" of me (well, I'm 54, so if the shoe fits) but this isn't how people of my generation were raised. We were taught to man up, and if we have a problem, we solve it. Not run to a therapist and bitch about all of our issues and get prescribed pills. That's not living, and it isn't America.

Compassion only should go so far. Put a man on the right path and have them fix their problems on their own. Creating an outlet to vent and bitch about one's problems, which are usually one's own fault, is just breeding the weakness that has infected an entire generation.

WawelDragon1683 #ableist #dunning-kruger incels.is

I'm a true genetic abomination. I have klinefelters

I was truly cursed at birth. I have klinefelters. The XXY syndrome. I have an extra female chromosome. I'm fucking intersex.

[Article on Mayo Clinic on Klinefelter Syndrome]

I'm truly fucked beyond belief. Nothing i can do can change this.
I got all of the bad symptoms

- Longer legs, shorter torso and broader hips compared with other boys
I look like an abomination. If a woman saw me naked she'd probably vomit.
I look exactly like this.
- After puberty, less muscle and less facial and body hair compared with other teens
I have extreme problems with gaining muscels. Therefore i've been alwasy the weakest out of my peers.

- Small penis
The cruelest dickpills of them all. My manlet father most likely dickmogs me to oblivion.

- Enlarged breast tissue
Man tits. What can i say? Just kill me. I'm skinny as fuck and still have them.

-Low energy levels
I'm tired all the time. I can sleep for 12 hours a day and i'm still fuuking exausted. This shit will never end.

-Tendency to be shy and sensitive
I'm sure that helped me with women

-Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings or socializing
Fuck me
Klinefelter men are more prone to depression as well so that's great.
Mix all this shit with a below average face and i'm truly fucked
Literally the only positive thing is that most men with klinefelters have

- taller than average stature
Of course not me because my father was a manlet so i'm 5'11 which is an average in my country . I couldn't even be a tall fag.
This makes my testosterone levels probably the lowest from everyone on this site. IT'S OVER :feelsrope::feelsrope:

Pomidor Quixote #ableist dailystormer.name

[From "'Pope' Francis Says Disabled Persons are Good for Society"]

When true Christians are asked to name one thing that is definitely good for society, they immediately think of disabled and retarded persons.

But it’s not just about physically disabled persons or Down Syndrome Creatures; it’s also about every possible kind of mental retardation.

What’s a better contribution to the common good that deformed lifeforms damned to suffer and to burden everyone around them?


“We are called to recognize in every person with a disability, even with complex and serious disabilities, a unique contribution to the common good,” Pope Francis said Tuesday.

To mark the World Day for Persons with Disabilities, the pope issued a message saying there is no such thing as first- and second-class citizens, since a people’s human dignity does not depend on how healthy or productive they are.


According to the Pope, it is “a very grave sin” to prevent the suffering of the disabled and of the people around them, because, apparently, True Christians are needlessly masochistic.


That is HERESY.

God didn’t make retards. God created beautiful beings in His image.

We know there are things that affect health and pregnancy and we know that many of those things can be avoided. Saying God is behind everything bad that happens is the exact defeatist attitude that Francis wants people to adopt.


Nowadays we have the boomer kind of elderly that can’t really be considered wise and whose contributions to society amount to stealing its wealth and spending their last days in some beach condo complaining about white people not being more like Mexicans.

Maybe after the last boomer dies, the elderly will go back to being venerable.

Paul M. Dohse Sr. #ableist #quack paulspassingthoughts.com

The very definition of mental illness follows: it is an inability to deal with, or cope with reality. As will be documented in the book according to those who followed Mowrer, guilt is the lynchpin of mental illness. Guilt leads to all kinds of fear, and fear/anxiety is present in EVERY mental illness.** Conditions such as schizophrenia are attempts to replace a guilty party; namely, yourself, with someone else. If you are “Bob,” you didn’t do it, your other personality, “Joe,” is guilty. The book will show case histories of people cured of schizophrenia by dealing with Bob’s guilt, and thus making Joe unnecessary. Dr. Jay Adams, the father of biblical counseling which was inspired by Mowrer though Mowrer was irreligious, called schizophrenia “a lie” and was able to help many with that problem accordingly. Of course, this does not include physiological problems that cause hallucinations and affect the brain in other ways.

** This is not the same as physiological problems that affect the brain.

Twocents #psycho #ableist wbur.org

I am concerned that our society (and I don’t just mean parents and teachers, both overworked and under-compensated for their efforts, but our society as a whole, all of us combined) is producing a generation of youth transfixed by their own navels. Of course they are, we encourage them to be! They don’t see the suffering of the world around them, only their unique brand of suffering. And all this talk of chemical imbalance in the brain and no personal responsibility infuriates me. Research has shown that talk therapy changes brain chemistry as well as any drug, and this to me means we do have power over our own thoughts. When I heard the hushed “oh, so tragic” and the community depression hanging like a cloud, I was desperate to hear some anger, too, and not just at parents/ teachers/ drug pushers, but at the youths themselves. So let me be the voice of anger. I am not talking here of the tragic situation of a person who is in unmanageable pain due to some terrible, incurable disease, that is a different circumstance. But let me tell you, if you are a teen contemplating suicide for emotional reasons, what you are doing is not romantic, it is not self-sacrificing (just a waste of yourself), and it is not thoughtful. Your act is an act of extreme violence against the very people who love you and who put so much effort and time into your well-being, and whom you love so little, it seems. Maybe you enjoy the thought of your friends’ hurting after you? Oh, yes, they will hurt badly, but eventually they will get over it and lead normal, productive lives. Get a hold of yourself, look outside of yourself for a second and find some meaning in your life by helping others in need. There is plenty you can do to help, but I suggest you start at the menial jobs first, because these need to be done, too. And, oh, go visit some poor places in the world with your parents’ money and see how other people live and suffer and work through their suffering, before you make any more plans to die.

Various incels #sexist #ableist incels.is

[It's Over] Paralyzed hole gets man

[Video on two women with Fibrodysyplasia Ossificans Progressiva, an extremely rare, incurable and fatal degenerative genetic disorder in which muscles and connective tissue get replaced by bone, and how they found their husbands]

Her body is turning into bone and she has a higher SMV than us. It's over

It must be like having a fleshlight with a body attached to it, and not a good one at that

(Monk of Failure)
Meanwhile, physically handicapped guy like me can never geta girl even if I try betabux. Damn, life on tutorial for hole.

(Pai Mei)
That's fucking awful for those women, I wouldn't wish that kind of disease on anybody...those are some dedicated husbands, for sure.

I have to wonder what things would be like if the genders were reversed and the males were similarly situated. I feel that most women today wouldn't show this level of fidelity and dedication if their spouses ended up like this. I have even less faith that women would enter into a relationship of this nature if the man was in this condition before they took their marriage vows.

@Pai Mei

I have to wonder what things would be like if the genders were reversed and the males were similarly situated.

He'd just rot until the hospital staff just decides to kick him out and throw him in a river.


It must be like having a fleshlight with a body attached to it, and not a good one at that

and not even a good fleshlight

@Monk of Failure

Meanwhile, physically handicapped guy like me can never geta girl even if I try betabux. Damn, life on tutorial for hole.

Its over for most men while all holes get to breed. What a fuckin joke.

Paralyzed hole is still a hole. Volcel if you wouldn't. She is decently cute too. I wish I could get that lucky ngl! Also give her a break, she legit lost the genetic lottery just like us.

that guy is either a cuck or betabux.
i guess the power of pussy was too strong for him to resist.

Jenny McCarthy #conspiracy #quack #ableist nautil.us

(as reported by Paul A. Offit)

Right before his MMR shot, I said to the doctor, “I have a very bad feeling about this shot. This is the autism shot, isn’t it?” And he said, “No, that’s ridiculous. It is a mother’s desperate attempt to blame something,” and he swore at me, and then the nurse gave [Evan, quotee’s son] the shot. And I remember going, “Oh, God, I hope he’s right.” And soon thereafter — boom — the soul’s gone from his eyes.

5arge #ableist reddit.com

Autistic people are not illegal, but we don't pass special snowflake laws for them just because they are socially awkward. Pay for your own therapies, or hide in the basement.


If that's what you have to say, don't say it. It's pretty rude and ignorant.

You asked a question in an open forum, you don't get to control the answers you receive, prick. The basement is the right place for you.


Wow. This is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen on reddit. I hope insurance covers your therapies so that whatever is hurting you so badly can be resolved and you can be ready to come out of the basement.

FYI, autists can have hundreds of dollars in medical bills per month, even after insurance, and they go to those therapies because the world is speckled with cancerous attitudes like yours, and they need help coping in a world that has more tolerance for your closed-minded abuse than for a diverse brain.

Please know that whatever you think of autists is a reflection of your own self, and not a statement of any truth about others.

All of the autistic people I grew up with got NO THERAPY and NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. When I was a kid, they were just called "retarded" as if that was ok to label another human. I never treated anyone poorly because of their developmental disabilities. They are people, just a little different, but still people. That being said, OP is a fucking leech. A human parasite. Looking for handouts because it's just easier to make society pay for your issues, it's their fault for not being understanding of your condition. I will always advocate for people to get the fuck off of Reddit and find a way to pay for their own shit. There are people in greater need, who can't even afford to surf the fucking internet, and those public funds should be reserved for those folks in greatest need. Socially awkward weirdo is not a fucking prognosis worth throwing money at...

Gotta love your virtue signaling though, you are a super awesome person with super great ideas... and you're totally going to change the world by whining on Reddit to strangers.


The real issue here is your complete ignorance of what autism even is. And I'm not virtue signaling--this is a daily issue in my life. I'm legitimately upset by your ignorance and ableism.

Oh, I get it, you're in the spectrum yourself. Grow the fuck up kid, it's a tough world out there for NTs too. You can't take offense anytime someone won't kiss your ass because you are special. There are people with deeper problems that are more difficult to overcome out there who are making their best go at it and we will never hear them bitching and complaining because they are too busy getting it done.

Ableism is a word that fucking cowards and weaklings use to shame people who have any success in life despite opposition.


I'm 33. My husband and I make plenty of money. Nobody's asking for special laws, just wondering where insurance will cover what's needed and where it won't. ADULTS plan ahead for expenses like that. I don't want my ass kissed. I want you to learn about disabilities and stop being incredibly rude on the internet on subjects you're very ignorant about. Also, you're literally bitching and complaining on this person's post. I'm pretty sure the coward is the one hiding behind a keyboard and yelling at someone asking simple questions about laws, services, and the general mien of an area.

Go get something done, like learning a bit about autism, or maybe just practice being kind.

I know enough about autism to know that YOU exemplify the worst kind of person in the spectrum. Selfish, bitter, and high functioning enough to cast judgement on others, but soooooooooooooooooo fucking disabled that everyone needs to provide for your well being, just because. You totally do want your ass kissed, it's pathetic. I'm not a bad person, I don't do bad things to people and you honestly have no clue what kind of husband and father I might be. I just have no problem telling anyone who's got enough going for them that they can hang out on Reddit, that they have enough and don't deserve a handout from the rest of society.

Eugenicist #sexist #racist #ableist #psycho incels.is

Schools need toxic personality classes. Classes which deal with toxic types of people. Homo-Toxicology.

Autists: Irritable, selfish, sociopaths without a leg up of social cognizance to manipulate, but it varies, this is the generla scenario..
Blacks: Impulsive, numb, dense, selfish, etc.
Rednecks: Basically the same as blacks but with more of an affinity to glorify ignorance through complex pseudoideologies and are more happy being outgoing, low tier shit gene white people
Foids: Manipulative, materialistic, selfish, euphemistic, judgy, criticizing, secretive, make pseudo-ideological justifications for what they do, and pseudo-stances to justify getting away from who they want, and getting close to who they want with their superficiality.
Slavs: Drunken, depraved, basically rednecks as an ethnicity only a little bit more sociopathic, and slightly better genes if there's more norwegian.
Asians: Superficial, materialistic, stoic, fake, white worshiping, lookist, wooden with things without power, dominance, wealth, totalitarian, paranoid, insecure
Jews: Basically asians only far more cunning and well hidden.
Arab/ Indians: A mix between blacks and jews. Half are manipulative, cunning, materialistic and the other half are just plain crazy/ abusive.

Did I miss anyone?

There needs to be classrooms telling people how to judge the reality of mankind without having us to do all the heavy lifting mentally ourselves. What do we pay tuition for?

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