
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

OrthodoxNetwork Blog Editors #fundie #wingnut orthodoxytoday.org

Deposed Deacon Puhalo, who masquerades as an “archbishop” with the blessing and implicit consent of the OCA <Orthodox Church in America> Synod, continues to spread heretical and false teaching, using the authority granted to him by the same Synod, to directly contradict the truth, the Scriptures, and the teaching of the Orthodox Church.

On October 26 on his Facebook page, Lazar Puhalo made several outrageous and categorically false statements about morality and virtue. Here’s a sampling of his latest non-Orthodox and non-Christian declarations:

“Morality is an evolutionary construct, it is not a product of religion.”

“Basic moral concepts are practised to one degree or another throughout the animal kingdom and not just among primates.”

“Moral concepts evolve the same as the organism that has and develops those concepts. The argument that we would not have morality without religion is simply fraudulent and completely untrue.”

“Both morality and concepts of virtue are evolutionary constructs”
Puhalo brazenly teaches falsehoods that undermine the truth and directly contradict the right theology and teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church. He has done so repeatedly in the past without any consequence from the OCA Synod. Many of his teaching are not only not Orthodox, they’re not even Christian!

Puhalo has a long history of scandalizing the Church and teaching falsehoods. How much worse does it have to get before the lukewarm bishops on the OCA Synod finally act and defrock this impostor?

vercingetorige #racist #fundie #conspiracy #psycho realjewnews.com

The Jews in America are approximately 6 million (magic number of the Jewish cabal).

It would be enough to take them, one by one, (all of them, not just the billionaires, because even the common Jew is necessary for the realization of the delirious messianic plan) and expel them, FOREVER banning their return to America. Before Russians and Chineses do it with their hypersonic missiles.

The Jews of 2000 years ago (but also today’s ones) condemned JESUS CHRIST, the incarnate Son of God, to death. Until they do recognize Him as the only and true Messiah prophesied by the Holy Scriptures, they must resign themselves to doing what they have done for almost 2000 years, that is, to never find peace on earth and to wander aimlessly, like Cain, the killer of the innocent brother Abel.
How is it possible that more than 300 million Americans do not understand that the Jews are their most cunning executioners and that any other alternative out of expulsion means their death (because the Jews occupy all the key positions in American society, in addition to tens of thousands of guillotines ready for use!) and find the courage and determination to act (for the survival of themselves, their children and future generations) accordingly?

We are ever closer to the Third World War, the main cause of which, if not the only one, is the eternal Jewish question, which non-Jews are unable to resolve because, for the most part, they have sold their souls to Jewish money and its filthy materialism.

Without forgetting that the possessed Hitler and his hunt for the Jews was a character created by Judaism itself (sacrificing without any scruples, a limited number of Jewish “brothers”), to raise that formidable victim shield called the Holocaust, which compared to the 27 million of Russian victims in WWII, it is an authentic and gigantic antics.
This is not at all anti-Semitism. This is the legitimate defense of the Goyms from the hellish Jewish barbarism.

Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

“There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Romans 3:18)

Today, we can apply this verse this way:

“There is no fear of God before their [Joe Biden and his Administration’s’] eyes.”

Christians call today “Resurrection Sunday.”

Joe Biden has proclaimed today to be “Transgender Day.”

In his official proclamation published on the White House website, Joe Biden:

1. Celebrates redefining marriage that God created and defined.

2. Celebrates redefining gender that God created and defined.

Joe Biden is not God but has set himself up as a god in opposition to the true God.

PAUL DERENGOWSKI, PH.D. #fundie #wingnut capro.info

Judas pretended to support Jesus; Pence pretended to support Trump.

Judas later regretted his treachery; Pence is going to regret his treachery.

Now, some of President Trump’s critics will say, “Oh, so you think that Trump is the equivalent of Jesus. He’s your ‘Orange Jesus,’ in fact.”

My retort is that President Trump is nowhere near Jesus, as a person, much less a Savior, but Mike Pence has all the earmarks of another, traitorous Judas Iscariot.

That being the case, whether it is today or tomorrow, Mike Pence will want to give back the “thirty pieces of silver” the haters of Donald Trump paid or will pay him, so they could take him down.

Their response to Pence will be, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.”

Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

This is so evil I thought it was fake. Had to verify on the White House website that Biden actually is desecrating Christ’s resurrection by promoting the satanic transgender ideology on Easter Sunday. Biden is quite literally doing the work of the Devil.


7:00 AM · Mar 31, 2024 · 149.5K Views
2,222 Reposts 123 Quotes 8,169 Likes 69 Bookmarks

Hibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #god-complex #sexist theguardian.com

Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror

The Taliban’s announcement that it is resuming publicly stoning women to death has been enabled by the international community’s silence, human rights groups have said.

The Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, announced at the weekend that the group would begin enforcing its interpretation of sharia law in Afghanistan, including reintroducing the public flogging and stoning of women for adultery.

In an audio broadcast on the Taliban-controlled Radio Television Afghanistan last Saturday, Akhundzada said: “We will flog the women … we will stone them to death in public [for adultery].

“You may call it a violation of women’s rights when we publicly stone or flog them for committing adultery because they conflict with your democratic principles,” he said, adding: “[But] I represent Allah, and you represent Satan.”

He justified the move as a continuation of the Taliban’s struggle against western influences. “The Taliban’s work did not end with the takeover of Kabul, it has only just begun,” he said.

In the past year alone, Taliban-appointed judges ordered 417 public floggings and executions, according to Afghan Witness, a research group monitoring human rights in Afghanistan. Of these, 57 were women.

Most recently, in February, the Taliban executed people in public at stadiums in Jawzjan and Ghazni provinces. The militant group has urged people to attend executions and punishments as a “lesson” but banned filming or photography.

Elijah Schaffer #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie angrywhitemen.org

On his Nightly Offensive show[…]Elijah Schaffer went on an ugly, antisemitic rant about Jewish people[…]
Schaffer said that he used to consider himself an “extremely strong Zionist.” But he claimed that his views changed when he realized that sources he “trusted” had been “subverted by Zionist influence into conflating American support with Israeli support”[…]
“There’s never been a direction in my mind where I’ve been against Jews.” But, he said that he “didn’t realize how many centuries back these people had subverted and sort of destroyed our Western civilization”

“And I didn’t realize that we were lied to about World War II, right?”[…]
“Like many of you I just didn’t — I was ignorant of the fact that we weren’t the good guys, right?[…]
He criticized non-white streamers who discuss these same topics, stating that it’s “only hurtful to your brand if you are white and you talk about this stuff.” He complained that minorities are allowed to discuss things like “the JQ pill”[…]
“And the reason why I care about this is not because I’m on some antisemitic trope like they’ll accuse me of”[…]“Or that like ‘He hates Jews!’ which I don’t. It’s that I love my people. … I really am deeply, deeply troubled on what’s happened to white countries”

Schaffer said that he doesn’t believe “minorities in general like us,” and that the “Black community hates white people.” Schaffer reached this conclusion in part because of “the way they interact with me on the Internet on a regular basis”[…]
Schaffer then went on a tangent about how diversity has ruined “our countries”:

Diversity has not made our countries stronger. They’ve made our countries unsafe[…]

Schaffer said white people are being held in “bondage” by an “elite class of people” who are “mostly of one ethnicity.” This group of people[…]“continue to destroy our society” and “hate Jesus Christ.” He went on to say that “any group of people that’s against Jesus is Antichrist, and I am against them”

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Francis Key Bridge fell today on Nancy Pelosi's 84th birthday at 1:28 AM the 88th minute of the day.
"Jesuit" = 84 (Ordinal)
"Moscow" = 88 (Ordinal
"Purple" = 88 (Ordinal)
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

The path of solar or lunar eclipses is the shape of an 8
First eclipse 8/21/2017 Second eclipse 4/8/2024
The two solar eclipses make an X and 88
8*21+20*17+4*8+20*24 = 1020
"World War Three" = 1020 (Sumerian)

The bridge was opened on 3/23/1977 it is 17,170 days old today.
"God" = 17 (Reduction) "God" = 17 (Reduction)

Pelosi's 84th birthday
"Jesuit" = 84 (Ordinal)
Jesuit Pope Francis is number 266
"The Francis Scott Key bridge" = 266 (Ordinal)

Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"
" Star Spangled Banner" = 666 (Latin)
"prophecy" = 666 (Latin)

"Francis Scott Key bridge" = 233 (Ordinal)
"Babylon the Great Has Fallen" = 233 (Ordinal)

51st Prime!
13th Fibonacci!

The two solar eclipses make an X and 88
1st eclipse
8*21+20*17 = 508
"Eclipse X 8 8" = 508 (Latin)

"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 333 (Reverse Ordinal)
Biden text number 30330 = 333
"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 911 (Satanic)
"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 211 (Ordinal)

Bridge on highway 695
"Real Donald Trump" = 695 (Latin)

RichieFromBoston #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

NEW RichieFromBoston (3/27/2024): Civil War 2024 Has Begun — Take Out the Infrastructure 101

“They are prepping the battlefield” —RFB
The Key Bridge/I-695 interstate was the route for hazardous materials trucks to bypass the I-95 tunnel that goes under Baltimore Harbor. Are we now set up for something to happen in that tunnel? That would shut I-95 down forever, which is the main artery on the East coast for traffic going north/south. Look back at 9/11 and all the things put into place to make that a go, including the 1993 “terrorist” bombing in the WTC basement. All by design, right before our eyes.

Two huge bridge pilings go down (“is fallen, is fallen”) and take down the Francis Scott Key Bridge with them; the author of the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner. That’s an omen folks…a very ominous omen…in my opinion.

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2)

Donald J. Trump quoting supporter #fundie #god-complex #wingnut truthsocial.com

Received this morning—Beautiful, thank you!

“It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?”

Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV):

They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,

And fought against me without a cause.

In return for my love they are my accusers,

But I give myself to prayer.

Thus they have rewarded me evil for good,

And hatred for my love.

Set a wicked man over him,

And let an accuser stand at his right hand.

When he is judged, let him be found guilty,

And let his prayer become sin.

Let his days be few,

And let another take his office🇺🇸


“I’m praying this over you daily. So many praying for you. Thank you again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you 🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸”

8.74k ReTruths 28.4k Likes Mar 26, 2024 at 1:30 AM

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

In the Fox News article, Harris is quoted equating abortion with "reproductive healthcare." But abortion is death to a human being--it's the murder of a child.

Harris claims, "attacks against an individual's right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous, and in many instances, just plain immoral."

First of all, a child developing in it's mother's womb is not part of the women's body. Harris doesn't understand science or the reproductive health system. A fertilized human egg is looked on by the mother's body as foreign tissue to reject. The same sort of thing happens if someone has a kidney transplant, which is why they need anti-rejection drugs. But the woman's body has an inbuilt anti-rejection system God created to enable the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus to develop the body of the individual.

Secondly, once an egg is fertilized, no new information is ever added, so the fertilized egg is 100 percent a human being made in God's image.

Thirdly, the genetic information in a fertilized egg is a very different combination to that of the woman or the man. This is a unique individual different from any other human being ever, now, or that will exist.

Fourthly, if the fertilized egg is male, the Y chromosome came from the man, not the woman, so how can this be a part of the women's body when she has a different combination of information?

Notice also that Harris uses the word "immoral." What does she mean by that? What is her absolute authority to claim something is "immoral?" If the God of the bible is not the absolute authority, then morality is relative and her statement about something being "immoral" is meaningless as it's all subjective depending on what a person decides.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #quack #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 25, 2025 – The dark ECLIPSE casting a shadow across human civilization will be VANQUISHED by the eternal LIGHT of our CREATOR

- The symbolism of an #eclipse and its relation to global events. (0:03)

- Spirituality, illusions, and obedience to God. (3:28)

- #Faith, purpose, and serving as an example. (9:18)

- Surviving a post-apocalyptic world and rebuilding society. (14:08)

- Sulforaphane: Broccoli's anti-clotting properties and natural medicine. (18:46)

- Cancer diagnosis and medical sacrifice in the royal family. (26:13)

- Cancer treatment poisons and Big Pharma's sorcery. (30:12)

- Choosing between God and Satan in medical decisions. (35:28)

- Purpose, morality, and AI technology. (39:47)

- Building tools for knowledge and self-reliance. (45:30)

Lahore and Gujranwala courts #fundie en.dailypakistan.com.pk

A court in Lahore has sentenced a woman to life in prison after finding her guilty of burning pages of the Holy Quran

According to government prosecutor Mohazib Awais, the Muslim woman named Aasiya Bibi was arrested in 2021 on blasphemy charges after residents claimed she desecrated the Holy Quran by burning its pages. On Wednesday, the court announced its verdict against Aasiya in Lahore. Aasiya denied the charge against her during her trial and she has the right to appeal

Under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, anyone found guilty of insulting the religion or religious figures can be sentenced up to death[…]
In 2019, a Christian Aasiya Bibi was acquitted of blasphemy after spending eight years on death row in Pakistan. She moved to Canada[…]
Earlier this month, a court in Punjab's Gujranwala city sentenced a 22-year-old student to death and gave a teenager a life sentence in two separate cases of blasphemy

Ariel (Prolotario1) #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Year Of The Dragon: Purim & The Patriots Did you all know that prior to 1752, the New Year began on March 25th according to the Julian calendar.

This date was known as “Lady Day” or the Feast of the Annunciation, which commemorated the angel Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to Jesus. However, in 1752, England and its colonies switched to the Gregorian calendar, which moved the New Year to January 1st.

This change was implemented in September 1752, resulting in that year being only 355 days long in England and its colonies. March 25th was not celebrated as the first day of the calendar year in England and its dominions, including those in America, until 1752.
Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from a plot to destroy them in the ancient Persian Empire, as recorded in the biblical Book of Esther. The holiday is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, which usually falls in February or March.

Check This Out Chapter 1-2: The Stage is Set King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) depicts a powerful, global ruler, which could parallel the Antichrist figure in the end times. Queen Vashti’s removal from her position could represent the removal of the church (Bride of Christ) before the tribulation period. Esther’s rise to the position of queen could symbolize the rise of the faithful remnant during the end times.

Chapter 3: The Rise of the Adversary Haman, the Agagite, is introduced as a high-ranking official who despises Mordecai and seeks to destroy all the Jews. This could be seen as a type of the Antichrist who will persecute God’s people in the end times. Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews on a specific date could parallel the intense persecution believers will face during the Great Tribulation.

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

I doubt it has ever occurred to these scientists that perhaps these people do not have a medical condition, it is merely that, unlike normal people, these individuals have the ability to see what is actually inside a person.

Do these faces look like demons to YOU? Doctors say you might have an extraordinarily rare condition.

Their distorted features would be the stuff of nightmares for many. But this is what everyday people look like to people with a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia (PMO).

For the first time, researchers have been able to create realistic clinical pictures based on a patient’s experience of the facial distortions experienced by an individual with the ultra-rare condition.

‘Prosopo’ comes from the Greek word for face ‘prosopon’ while ‘metamorphopsia’ refers to perceptual distortions.

Perhaps what these people are seeing is merely a perceptual distortion, but given the historical lore and the complete absence of any material cause, logic suggests that it is more likely – especially in light of the fact that Clown World is literally demonic – these scientists studying PMO have been ordered to get out in front of the revelation of the true face of the clown-servants of Satan.

Missouri Republicans #crackpot #fundie #forced-birth stltoday.com

Despite recent blowups among Republicans in the Missouri Senate, the majority party remained unified Wednesday to block a Democratic effort to legalize abortion in cases of rape or incest.

All Republicans present voted down amendments by Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, to legalize abortion in cases of rape and incest.

Sen. Sandy Crawford, R-Buffalo, said she opposed exceptions for rape and incest because life is precious. “God is perfect. God does not make mistakes. And for some reason he allows that to happen — bad things happen,” she said. “I’m not gonna be able to support the amendments because I am very pro-life.”

The Senate ended debate for the night before a vote could occur on an amendment by Sen. Doug Beck, D-south St. Louis County, which would authorize abortion if the pregnant girl was 12 or younger. Beck raised concerns about health issues for child rape victims forced to carry their pregnancies to term.

The amendment led to a pointed exchange between Beck and Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, who is running for governor.

“You want to bring back the institution of abortion so that kids can get abortions in the state of Missouri,” Eigel said to Beck. “A 1-year-old could get an abortion under this,” Eigel said.

“I don’t know that a 1-year-old could get pregnant, senator,” Beck said.

“You’re OK with forced birth of a child being raped, right?” Beck asked Eigel.

“I don’t support the institutions of rape or of incest. But your amendment doesn’t address those,” Eigel said.

Vox Day #racist #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt voxday.net

[From “The Paper is Not Magic”]

And, as Liberia has proven, it doesn’t make the dirt magic either

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other[…]

Andrew Torba is correct. The power is not in the paper, the power is in the ideas and those ideas have been adulterated and perverted wherever they haven’t been abandoned. Neither the words nor the ideas have ever applied in any way to newcomers, immigrants, citizens, illegals, invaders, foreigners, or the children of those diverse peoples, they only ever applied to the Posterity of the Founders, the direct genetic blood descendants of the men who fought the American Revolution against their British brethren for independence from the King of England

The Constitution was written to safeguard the liberties of the sons and daughters of the American Revolution and no one else. That’s what the Preamble to it says and that’s literally what Posterity meant. And that’s what it still means today, the legalistic fantasies of the would-be inclusive midwits who overrate the importance of their credentials and their own cognitive capabilities notwithstanding

The words of the U.S. Constitution have never applied in any way to most of the “Americans” who are reading this now. So to fetishize it, to place any trust whatsoever in it, is to fundamentally fail to understand what it is, why it was written, and why it is no longer even remotely applicable to the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2024

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

I have often found that since the evidence is not on their side, some skeptics resort to using fear tactics to attack Christianity.

Yes, he actually said it: creationism “may pose the greatest threat to the future of our children, your health, and the nation’s economy.”

This remarkable quote came from Arthur Caplan, who was chairman of the medical ethics department at the University of Pennsylvania and frequent TV commentator, when he once wrote in a major newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer. What prompted this venomous attack? Vice-presidential candidate at the time, Sarah Palin, apparently believed in creation and was on record as having said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question. She also added that creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

In Caplan’s eyes, this simple desire to allow children to discuss both sides of the issue meant “a vote for Sarah Palin, or any creationist, is a vote for change, all right, a change back to the lifestyles of the 19th century.” Attacks like these demonstrate better than anything I could ever say why the biblical apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis is so crucial. We must be out on the front lines to combat the mixture of hysterics, misrepresentation, and scare tactics presented by secularists everywhere.

Lioness of Judah Ministry #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy lionessofjudah.substack.com


April 25, 1945. (4/25/ 4+2+5=11) Delegates from 50 nations met in San Francisco on April 25, 1945, for what was officially known as the United Nations Conference on International Organization. During a two-month period, they completed a charter consisting of 111 articles.

The charter was approved on June 25 (6/25=6+2+5=13) and signed the next day; it became effective on October 24, 1945, after ratification by a majority of the signatories. The bonds of the wartime alliance undoubtedly hastened the agreement on establishing the new organization. In December 1945 the Congress of the United States invited the UN to establish its headquarters in the United States.
Number 11:

In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. (Lucifer tried/wanted to be equal to God)

Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities. Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, (system of the Anti-Christ) is gifted as the "Light-Bearer".
Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year.

Jeff Younger #transphobia #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Jeff Younger’s battle against gender-affirming care in Texas became a cause célèbre[…]Become even more radicalized[…]
Claimed that “Jewish students and others have called for the elimination of White people for three decades now”[…]
Professed a belief in “racial differences in intellectual ability.” When[…]Sameera Khan wrote “Authoritarianism is good,” Younger reposted her statement, adding “Analysis: True”[…]
During his interview with Stew Peters, Younger claimed that the question of gender-affirming care for minors is a “more morally obvious question than the slavery question.” And he complained that “you can’t get legislators in conservative states like Texas to protect kids”[…]
“Christian, white males need to be pumping out a future generation of post-apocalyptic warlords, because that’s exactly where we’re heading,” he said

Peters then asked Younger what “entity” or “group of people” is “behind all this”

Younger replied that, according to The Transgender Industrial Complex, it’s “mainly Jewish-controlled NGOs in cooperation” with the “far-left”[…]Added that the “same NGOs that are bringing in illegal immigrants in the United States are the ones that’ve pushed transgenderism,” and that the “largest donors to the Republican Party support this”[…]
Peters asked Younger what the “mechanism for victory” is, since his ex-wife and children reside in California. “I think the mechanism of victory, though, is not in the courts”[…]
“So the interesting thing here is, like in chess they say that the threat of a move is stronger than the move itself,” he continued

“It forces the opponent to weaken himself by making mistakes. … ‘Cause he fears this thing. So the whole concept here is we have to keep alive the threat of political violence. And I wanna make it very clear, I’m not making any specific threats. I’m not making a call to violence. I’m simply saying what the Founders said. And if you actually want to make change, people have to be afraid of you”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #magick #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Virtually everyone in power is against him- from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him- Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him- George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #pratt twitter.com

As much as evolutionists wish otherwise, life doesn’t evolve around Darwin—or at all.

Let me make a few observations about the culture in the West today. For instance, at Christmas, we don’t sing carols such as the following, do we?

Silent Night, Holy Night,
All is calm, All is bright,
For Charles Darwin we just want to say
Thanks for showing us the evolutionary way,
We’re glad we know we’re an ape
We’re glad we know we’re an ape

And we have never heard of anyone constructing a calendar like the following, have we?

BC (Before Charles) and AD (After Darwin)

If someone used this kind of calendar, we would of course be living in the year AD 200+ On this basis, Abraham lived around 3,800 BC.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

I am grateful for the invitation of Professor Massimo Citro della Riva to offer my greetings to the participants in the Health Holocaust Remembrance Day. You know well that I have never been shy in offering my interventions since the beginning of the psycho-pandemic farce, and that my complaint – since May 2020 – anticipated everything that has emerged in these four years regarding the criminal management of this social-engineering experiment of neo-Malthusian origin.
We have seen the false Bergoglian church totally subservient to the genetic treatment agenda, a treatment that was produced using aborted fetuses. We have seen doctors and paramedics killing frail and elderly people in intensive care through the use of anesthesia. We have seen rulers, magistrates, and police forces unleash an unprecedented criminalization of those who did not allow themselves to be “marked.” We know who is behind these people, who pays them, and who blackmails them: their names are well known. These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God, whom they hate and whom they would like to replace, in a mad delirium of omnipotence that is an inexorable prelude to their eternal defeat. The children of darkness, the conspirators of the World Economic Forum, and the globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth, as an obscene counterfeit of the Kingdom of Christ Our Lord.
Therefore, continue in your courageous commitment, but never lose sight of the overall picture of this epochal battle. It is important to understand that the psycho-pandemic farce was only one of the means of imposing this infernal plan, and that it is accompanied by other threats that follow the same script under the same direction. Demonstrate to people this overall coherence and even the most distracted will understand and rebel against what has been imposed on them through fraud and violence.

PAUL DERENGOWSKI, PH.D. #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut capro.info

Mike Pence: Modern-day Judas Iscariot



Trump was “reckless” and Pence was “endangered,” which was pure nonsense, given that all a person has to do is go back and watch the video of what Trump was saying at the time all the rioting was taking place.

I have characterized Mike Pence as a modern-day Judas Iscariot, because he, like all traitors, share a number of the same characteristics.

Judas was among those of Jesus’ inner circle; Pence was among Trump’s inner circle.

Satan compelled Judas to betray Jesus; Satan compelled Pence to betray Trump.

Judas played “Let’s Make a Deal” with Jesus’ archenemies; Pence played “Let’s Make a Deal” with Trump’s archenemies.

Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus; Pence sought an opportunity to betray Trump.

Hanne Nabintu Herland #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Former Pope Benedict XVI often pointed out that the secular focus on scientific and technological progress alone has created a moral vacuum in the West. It has produced an atheist culture that suffers from a lack of moral energy and compassion.
The traditional moral codex taught firm borders between right and wrong. Truth was universally objective – a category that applies to all men regardless of culture, gender, race or social standing. The concept of the law of nature outlined each individual's right to freedom and obligation to do his duty – to do what is right. It taught the importance of humility, self-restraint, self-control, patience and unselfish love. This moral codex taught that the heart of man inhabits the seed of evil and, therefore, the war against one's own lower nature is of utmost importance.

It strengthened the mental, inner war against greed, gluttony, lust and fundamentally instilled the fear of God as the eternal judge of humanity. The idea was to fear God and therefore treat one another with respect and dignity, as judgment is awaits all in the afterlife.
The central commandment in the Christian faith is the definition of how to overcome the darkness in the world and live the best, possible life. The idea is that by coming closer to the source of light, God the Creator, His eternal light will find its pathway into the demonic darkness that engulfs this world. The stated aim is always to spread love.

This religiously motivated ideal that millions in the West strove to achieve was slowly removed as atheism gained ground among the elites. The Western intelligentsia slowly substituted humility with pride and the Marxist belief in the idea of the "inherent goodness" of humankind.
Yet, religion is not as easy to root out as many an atheists hoped for. According to a Pew Research Forum study, as few as 2.4% among the world population say that they are atheists. Yet, those atheists are currently allowed to tyrannically rule the West.

Tommy Tuberville #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #racist msn.com

Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville described his opponents as a “Satanic cult” in a speech he made on Friday in Utah. Armed with an upside down copy of the U.S. constitution, the diehard Trump ally addressed about 100 GOP delegates. “I’ve traveled all over the country—all 50 states—I’ve been in good places and bad places. The one thing I saw, we are losing our kids to a Satanic cult,” Tuberville said. He was campaigning for Trent Staggs, one of the Republican candidates vying for Mitt Romney’s soon-to-be-vacated senate seat. Tuberville added that the 2024 election was really a contest of “anti-American versus American.” “There’s not one Democrat that can tell you they stand up for God,” he said, before launching into tirades about transgender people, immigrants, and left-wing mobs. He also claimed the justice system was corrupted by the federal “cult” to let criminals walk free but hunt “innocent people who really love this country”—an apparent reference to Jan. 6 rioters.

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From “The End of Liberalism”]

The satanic seeds of the Enlightenment have finally blossomed to the point that they are killing entire nations. We’ve already learned, much to our surprise, that Communism is less fatal to a nation than the financial capitalism, neo-liberalism, and globalism of Clown World, now we’re discovering that even the insane ideology of the Juche, the state ideology of North Korea, is observably better for a nation than the best that the modern West has to offer

I think it’s so funny that Korean women are so done with Korean men that they’re literally just deciding to die out. Y’all heard of the 4B movement[…]

She says that Korean women are mad at Korean men, but they’re actually mad at God, and if you don’t like that word, just call it the universe[…]
What these women are saying is I want resources and money and power and everything, I just don’t want to provide men with what they need in order to continue creating them[…]
Korea has the lowest birthrates in the world but I just think that’s so funny… Korean as an ethnicity is about to go away. It works the same every time you fill your mind with entitlement, you blame somebody for what you don’t have, and then you use the government to take it away from them

Except Korea will not die. The Korea that will survive is Best Korea. Scientific, evolutionarily-superior Korea. It’s very unlikely that South Korean women will be permitted to simply die off and end Korean civilization, the odds significantly favor them instead being enslaved and utilized by the North Koreans to ensure national survival. And the great irony is that these women will apparently be happier as slaves than as free women allowed to pursue any path they wanted, because, when given complete freedom to become anything they imagined, they consciously chose rebellion against their Creator and suicide

Clown World is a satanic global fail

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie voxday.net

I don’t even have a debit card, much less one of those smartphone app payment methods. And this isn’t because I’m a Boomer who hates and fears newfangled technology, but because I understand exactly where all this “contactless” electronic payment tech is ultimately heading.

Don’t help pave the way for the Mark of the Beast. Don’t participate in it. Don’t make it easier for them.

Stephen Kneale #fundie buildingjerusalem.blog

Why doesn’t God make his existence more obvious?


It is a common objection to the existence of God: why doesn’t he make himself more obvious? And, of course, if God was inclined he could spell out ‘God exists’ using stars to make himself known if he wanted. So why doesn’t God make his existence more undeniably obvious?

Enough already

One answer the Bible gives is that everybody has enough evidence of God’s existence through the natural world. Paul writes:

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

We might not be content with that, but it is one of the answers the Bible gives us. God’s existence is plain enough so that anyone with eyes to see can draw the evident conclusion that everything did not come from nothing and a creator is behind it.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Kamala Harris is touring a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

ZERO Christian can ever, ever vote Democrat.

Democrats are literally celebrating the butcher of unborn children in an effort to win votes.

It’s the epitome of evil.
1:50 PM · Mar 15, 2024 · 104.3K Views
1,167 Reposts 55 Quotes 4,584 Likes 28 Bookmarks

Bryan Starr #fundie #wingnut quora.com

You have to realize most people are idiots.

Millions of people will vote for Biden even knowing he has basically destroyed the country in 3 yrs, along with his Democrat lackeys.

That's millions of idiots.

So, evolution is also where most of the atheists hide, because they think it means God doesn't exist.

The problem though is that macroevolution and abiogenesis are shot down pretty easily. They're both complete bullshit and imagination.

So, if macroevolution and abiogenesis don't exist what does that leave? God.

You have to be real stupid to think all this just came about by chance.

Ask a evolutionist how invertebrates became vertebrates - ask them for proof.

Ask a evolutionist to show you the transitional fossils between the last whale ancestor and a whale- they will show you a picture of a four legged creature and a picture of a whale- with nothing in-between

Ask a evolutionist to show you proof that abiogenesis is possible- and they won't be able to.

Ask a evolutionist why, after gazillions of generations of fruit flies they've tried to make evolve, none evolved.

Wake up.

Hannah Michaels #crackpot #fundie #racist #conspiracy vtforeignpolicy.com

The United States of America and Great Britain are God’s Israel. To say “Americans are Israel” doesn’t mean Americans are Jewish. It’s a Christian nation, made up of the descendants of Jacob-Israel, who are part of the 10 lost “forgotten” tribes of Israel.

Jesus instructed his disciples to go minister to these lost sheep, the scattered abroad descendants from the ten lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. These descendants would accept Jesus as Christ, and become Christian nations – unlike the Jews of the remaining two of the twelve tribes who were in the Southern Kingdom and had rejected Him.
We have literally accepted that most of Israel vanished, leaving only the descendants of Judah. This cannot be possible given Biblical facts that Israel was going to be multiplied like the “stars of heaven” and “dust of the earth”, while the sons of Judah were going to become a remnant.

What really happened to the other 11 sons and their descendants? They are also listed in Revelation, Chapter 7. This sealed roll-call clarifies that these tribes will be around in Satan’s “end of days”. So where are they?
Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called [(I)saac’s sons – Saxons].

The English and the Anglo-Americans are Engel-o’-Saxons. And eventually, the British Empire would come to rule the world’s sea-gates, with its empire and commonwealth so large that the sun would not set on it (Psalm 89:34-36). The word “BRIT – ISH” means “man of The Covenant” in Hebrew.
The United Kingdom became a Commonwealth of nations headed by Ephraim – the English, Great Britain. The British Flag is made with the “Alpha and Omega”. The Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the Tau is the last. The flag is also rightfully called the Union Jack, which is short for the Union of Jacob-Israel.

S.A. McCarthy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

It’s an election year in America, which means that the political Left is trotting out its favorite fearmongering apparatuses again. For the past few years, politicians and pundits alike have leaned heavily on terms like “far right,” “bigoted,” racist,” “transphobic,” and “extremist”; but topping the list of late has been “Christian nationalist.” But what is a Christian nationalist?
If the defining characteristic of a Christian nationalist were a belief that “our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority” but “from God,” then the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would be tantamount to Christian nationalist manifestos.
While Christianity has suffered a drastic decrease in recent years, a new religion has risen to take its place: Leftism. Yes, Leftism is a religion. Much like Catholicism, it even boasts a clergy, sacraments, and dogmas. Its clergy are elite power brokers: media personalities are its preachers while politicians serve as priests, legislating sacrifice to their gods. Its sacraments are multitudinous: from transgendering children and stocking school libraries with pornographic picture books all the way to its highest (or, rather, lowest) form of unholy prayer, abortion.
Despite all the hyperinflated fearmongering, those derided by the White House and its media mouthpieces as “Christian nationalists” are not trying to force all Americans to attend Mass weekly; we are not endeavoring to install altar rails in the Capitol building; nor are we attempting to replace the Star-Spangled Banner’s stars with rosary beads.
Certainly, we want to legislate Christian morality—to end the slaughter of unborn children, to ban the scourge of pornography, to keep little boys and little girls from having their sex organs hacked off or hacked open. These are measures which the Founding Fathers might have called “the basics” had they ever lived to see the horrors of the modern age.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Bible already gave the warning: Those who bless Israel will be BLESSED…those who curse Israel will be CURSED. Kamala & Democrat Party are cursed to hell. Perfect. Same radical extreme Marxist TRAITORS who hate God, America, Constitution & capitalism.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Kamala Harris breaks from Biden and calls Gaza Strip a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and said a ceasefire must happen to end the 'suffering'

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

If we continue to have generations of students going through a public education system that teaches them they are just animals and the result of natural processes (a Scientific American article stated, “We are all animals, descendants of a vast lineage of replicators sprung from primordial pond scum”), we will continue to see a growing moral collapse in society.

The horrible school shooting in Finland in 2007 was a prime example. The killer stated: “I am prepared to fight and die for my cause, . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. . . . I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!”

Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.
This student was only carrying out in practice what he had been taught concerning origins, as well as the lack of purpose and meaning he found in life. Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

As I lined up with hundreds of others to get inside London’s famed Natural History Museum to visit its new Darwin exhibition when England was celebrating Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday in 2009, I couldn’t help but wonder: was this going to be some kind of attempt at mind control? After I went through the exhibition, there was no doubt!

The Darwin exhibit reminded me of one of those bizarre science fiction movies where people line up to be placed in a special machine and emerge like robots; these people now can’t think for themselves, and they end up being like those people who brainwashed them.

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia godhatesfags.com

[From “Friday, March 1, 2024 - NEWS RELEASE”]

16 years ago, God blessed the parents of baby girl Nex Benedict with her birth. It’s not a close question as to what the duty of those parents was to that baby girl, and they failed to meet that duty. WOE! unto those parents! Then the baby girl’s grandmother took her to raise and in great detail spread out into the media how she failed to meet the duties of that job – including expecting the baby girl to set standards and “teach” the grandmother about tranny perversion. WOE! unto that grandmother! And then the school got involved and made the situation far worse. WOE! unto the school staff, the school board, and the whole city of Owasso! Then came on a recent day, that the young girl Nex stirred up a hornet’s nest, purposefully fighting with other girls at the school, committing criminal acts in the process, and got the trouble she went looking for. Then she got some medical evaluation and went home. The next day[…]she was dead. Woe! unto every adult who had responsibility for that young girl and the systems she lived her life within. You failed her – deeply, abidingly, sorrowfully – every one of you. You thought you were smarter than God[…]more modern than God; and/or you didn’t want Nex looking closely at your messy lives, so you left her flailing around in gross darkness and confusion, even to whether she would gratefully honor her one and only gender, assigned by God

God’s words are clear; his commandments are rock-solid; they apply to each of you, today, right now!; and the only option you have is to obey them. Blessedly simple and peaceful! WBC, the Lord willing, will remind the people of Owasso and surrounding that the God of Heaven and Hell abides today, and obedience will bring life, peace and health


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