
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

I’m a Jew (but different kind of Jew- I took Jesus as my savior 33 yrs ago). Which makes me Messianic Jew. Amazing that U.S. Jews don’t appreciate Donald Trump. Same exact attributes- Trump persecuted like Jews. Trump is relentless in face of persecution like Jews. Trump is warrior for Israel- which Bible says makes you blessed. Trump is successful in business & greatest Prez for economy & jobs. For all intents & purposes, Trump is “First Jewish President.”

Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #wingnut twitter.com

In 2003, laws against homosexual sodomy were ruled unconstitutional.
In 2004, a federal court held it was unconstitutional for a school to teach intelligent design theory as an alternative to evolution.
The New York legislature legalized gay “marriage”—joining other states.
The Supreme Court eventually legalized gay “marriage.”
The list goes on.
The “blessings” and the “curses” seen in Deuteronomy 28 embody the principles of our Holy Creator and Judge. While they were meant for the covenant people of Israel, I can’t help but see some similarities between what has happened in America to what we read in the Bible concerning Israel:

“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways” (Deuteronomy 28:7).
“Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you” (Deuteronomy 28:10).
“You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow” (Deuteronomy 28:12).
“The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:25).
“The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower” (Deuteronomy 28:43).
“He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him . . . .” (Deuteronomy 28:44).

I do believe America is under divine judgment. We could basically summarize today’s culture with this one verse from the book of Judges:

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).

Francis MacNutt #fundie #homophobia christianhealingmin.org

Homosexuality: A Cure?

The current debate on homosexuality in our society, particularly within the Church, is a painful one. Two positions on homosexuality are tearing apart many church denominations and Christians. These two positions are basically irreconcilable:

1. Homosexuality is condemned by the Bible. God's Word to the homosexual is, "Repent, and get your life in order."
2. Homosexuality is a given in some people's lives: "I can't change; this is the way I am, and I can't repent for that. Stop trying to heap shame on me! You are the one who should repent. If you were like Jesus, your compassion would lead you to accept homosexuals with open arms."

But there is a third position which we believe is the best solution: simply, homosexuality can be healed. That is, a homosexual can become a heterosexual; the homosexual orientation can be changed through prayer for inner healing and the power of the Holy Spirit. This solution, too, we believe, accords well with what Scripture teaches.

JAH #crackpot #ufo #fundie fifty8magazine.com

Although “Star Wars” is set as sci-fi, it actually refers to this galaxy and life on Earth and contains the truth, which is demonstrated symbolically.
What Luke Skywalker learns, during the “Star Wars” films Episodes IV-VI inclusive,
is what each and every one of you HAS to learn,to be able to survive, get out of here and go HOME.

The word JEDI is an abbreviation for JEsus DIsciple.
YODA is an abbreviation and refers to a training-book.

before you read these articles, i must inform you that this information might be controversial to those unawakened.
The purpose/intention of this information is for you to see/feel your potential and to connect to source/god - guardian of divinity.
this is not a religious article in anyway. the main purpose is to help end fear and the service to self/ego. To become selfless - a jedi.

as a light-warrior and volunteer to earth at this time of ascension, i am only here to serve and awaken souls with the highest intention possible - to go home.
we are all here for a reason and a purpose.
you are much more than you could possibly imagine.
this Book - The Way Home

BEFORE you read this Book, you MUST separate TOTALLY, in your own mind the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, GOD from ALL forms of organized religion and superstitious nonsense, and read it with an open mind,
WITHOUT any preconceived ideas.

This Book is fact, NOT fiction;
it is the truth about life in this galaxy and here on Earth.
It is the truth that you have, or should have, all been waiting thousands of years to hear,
what life on Earth is REALLY all about. It has been written to enlighten the whole world,
without preference to race, color or creed;
it is a Book for ALL human+beings,
including YOU.

If anyone is offended by this Book, then I suggest, for your own sake,
that you destroy your ego and learn humility; you will then no longer be offended.
If you do not destroy your ego; it will destroy you.
this information will be challenging to your ego.

Charles Haywood and C. Jay Engel #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

In a recent YouTube livestream for Chronicles, far-right wannabe “warlord” Charles Haywood declared that Europe is “doomed” because it took in “far too many migrants.” During this same livestream, Haywood revealed that while some want to return to the politics of a decade ago, he wants to go back much further — to “the world of 1880 or 1680”

In response to a viewer comment which said mockingly that “‘the woke’ is ‘going away’,” Haywood called it “ludicrously silly and wrong” to actually believe that

As evidence that “the woke” wasn’t “going away” on its own, Haywood reference the controversy over Google Gemini — the AI program which reportedly generated images of racially diverse Founding Fathers and Nazi soldiers[…]
Haywood similarly claimed that Google Gemini was “programed to spew anti-white hatred” and that its creators refused to apologize. “They didn’t apologize at all,” he said. “They just turned it off because people were ridiculing them because their anti-white hatred was too obvious. They’re just gonna make it less obvious and re-release the thing”

He added that the “woke isn’t going to be put away because the Left is incapable of any dialing back of its actions”

The show’s host, C. Jay Engel, agreed with this assessment, stating that “there’s this mentality in American conservatism” that peoples’ lives improve with each passing generation. “So the point is that no, you actually have to exercise will. You actually have to exercise power in order to get your way,” he said

Haywood then remarked that even if “the woke were put away,” it would leave us with the “world of 2015.” “What we need, politically,” he said, “is the world of 1880 or 1680. Not exactly. Not nostalgically. But the elements, the core beliefs, need to be rolled back to that era, not to 2015. That’s just dumb”

Rev. John MacArthur #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

John MacArthur, an influential right-wing megachurch pastor and author, told an audience at his church last week that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was “not a Christian at all.” MacArthur described the pastor and civil rights icon as “a nonbeliever who misrepresented everything about Christ and the gospel”

MacArthur, considered one of the most influential evangelical preachers in modern times, has been under fire in recent years for having “repeatedly shamed or ignored victims of abuse while protecting their abusers.” He has a history of preaching what Baptist News has called “cringe-worthy” things about race and slavery. He made his most recent appalling comments during Black History Month while he was criticizing a now-defunct evangelical pastors conference for having honored King several years ago, which MacArthur described as evidence of “the impact of the woke movement.” Video of MacArthur’s comments was posted on social media by a Christian podcaster and reported by other Christian outlets[…]
MacArthur, who heads Grace Community Church in southern California, has long mixed his preaching with right-wing politics. In 2018, MacArthur led an effort that rallied thousands of conservative evangelicals to denounce the pursuit of social justice as a threat to the gospel, and criticized churches that address racism as a social justice issue. That same year, MacArthur’s Master’s Seminary was placed on probation by an accrediting agency, which cited a climate of fear, intimidation, and bullying among faculty and staff[…]
MacArthur flatly declared his opposition to religious freedom. “I don’t even support religious freedom,” he said in a 2021 sermon. “Religious freedom is what sends people to hell. To say I support religious freedom is to say I support idolatry. It’s to say I support lies, I support hell, I support the kingdom of darkness.” He added, “No Christian with half a brain would say, ‘We support religious freedom.’ We support the truth”

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

We need to focus on voting on our biblical principles.

We have two wicked evil candidates for president. We have an incumbent president who let openly perverted effeminate sodomite men on the White House lawn, who sponsored wicked Bud Light tranny queen Dylan Mulvaney, who wants linebacker sized men to play sports and shower with and molest women in the locker rooms and beat them up bloodily in football and boxing, and everything else like “non-binary” passports that will cause national security risks because real governments don’t recognize made up fancy candy land fake genders!

We also have a RINO running who lied about everything he said he was going to do. He said he was going to build a wall to promote border security, he was going to ban imports of Chinese junk, he was going to ban pornography from every store and computer system in America, and ban LGBTQIAPP1234+++ propaganda from every facet of public life, and bring back sodomy laws! Instead he promoted the anti natural law agenda, promoted a campaign to decriminalize sodomy worldwide, did nothing to stop effeminate sodomites from stealing women’s spaces, and he did nothing but serve his ego and cheat on his wife with the “actresses” from the very porn he pledged to eradicate like the plague it is! Young men and now even women are adopting alternative lifestyles from sodomy to “furries” where kids identifying as cats want litter boxes in school bathrooms and all this other total moral degradation!

Voting the Bible means accepting neither one of these octogenarian perverts who will do active harm to bringing Christ back to the public square! They both will take us further on the road to perdition and to moral decline! Joe Biden has us on the brink of nuclear annihilation by promoting both a proxy war against another nuclear power to protect a Zionist sodomite sympathizing ”president” in Ukraine and also a wretched Zionist AIPAC fueled genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza and Donald Trump would continue the same and make it even worse! We need to either vote for a sane third party who is Bible believing or stay home and not support evil!

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve had people ask me in recent times, “Is the West under divine judgment.”

Let me give you some insight in regard to America first.

Is America under judgment is a question I’ve been pondering, especially when we find examples like an evangelical pastor who was reported to have said the following according to a Christian news outlet:

“Materialism, drunkard pleasure seeking, arrogant conceit, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, and corrupt leadership . . . . Do you not see [them] in America? . . .
“[P]eople [ask] what is wrong with this country? . . . They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself.”

In explaining the use of his words arrogant conceit, this pastor added that America was largely guilty of this sin because: “When a society does not want to hear from God, but wants to be its own authority where every man does that which is right in his own eyes and feels that he is the ultimate authority, he is the ultimate source of truth.”

The pastor further observed: “We are not a covenant people in America, but we have been a privileged people.” He stated that while America did not have a “divine promise as a unique nation called out,” it had nevertheless been given “exposure to the divine promises of the gospel in Jesus Christ.”

The pastor further explained: “No other nation has literally been born out of a desire to be faithful and obedient to the living and abiding Word of God.”

Yes, I believe America is under divine judgment. To show you how, just consider some of the ways America has progressively been trying to remove God from this culture:

In 1962, school prayer was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 1963, Bible reading in public schools was also ruled unconstitutional.
In 1973, restrictions on abortion were lifted, and abortion clinics began to permeate the nation (through the infamous Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court).
In 1985, nativity scenes in public places were ruled to violate the so-called “separation of church and state.”

Robert Stacy McCain #conspiracy #fundie #pratt theothermccain.com

Why will you never hear April Bradford’s name mentioned on CNN? Because she is something that the liberal media wishes us to believe is non-existent. April Bradford is a lesbian child molester

And as I said when gay activists Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock were arrested for pimping out their two adopted sons, “the media want us to believe that there is no such thing as a gay pedophile.”

Because gay people are presumed to be constituents of the Democratic Party, there is a see-no-evil stance toward gay people in the media. Therefore crimes like this never get national coverage, but are treated as strictly local news. But if a gay person claims to be the victim of a crime? Well, Jussie Smollett could not be reached for comment.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy theunexpectedcosmology.com

THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now. For the remainder of this read, I am more than happy to play the part of the tour guide and show you the hidden reality buried beneath us. You have been warned though. The implications are glaring. We have been lied to, again. His-Story has been hidden from us. Therefore, it is not, nor will it ever be my intention however to convince you that it happened. Many will kick and scream and only move forward should somebody drag them
by the hair, but I refuse to do that. Debates are elementary. Sometimes a gentleman scholar simply offers to hold the door open, which is precisely what is happening at this very moment. At the very least it can be said that you noticed. And so, here is your offer. It is entirely up to you to walk through.
It took an entire year of investigating the mud flood before I was willing to go with my gut instincts and declare my intent to investigate the literal reign of Yahusha HaMashiach as already having happened upon this earth. If you are wondering where that pits us on the timeline, we would be those souls inhabiting the short season. Sounds legit if you ask me. Look around. We’re being lied to about everything.

Once more, the aim of my writings is not to convince you that the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah happened upon the earth. I mean, I believe it went down, or else I wouldn’t have written a book on the subject. A literal and physical thousand-year reign with Yahusha HaMashiach holding the scepter. That is why the mud flood is so important to the discussion. It serves as a divider of sorts—a mile marker. The mud flood was a reset, more like a series of interconnected resets, intended to erase the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah from our consciousness so that HaSatan could go about doing his work. Perhaps you have come to the same conclusions as I have. If so, then awesome. Woot-woot.

Ken Ham #fundie #pratt twitter.com

Over the years, atheists have mocked me for teaching children to ask the question “Were you there?” in regard to talking about origins, the age of the earth and so on. In fact, atheists have gone ballistic over me teaching children this because I’m teaching them how to think correctly about origins. And atheists hate that. They don’t want children to understand that evolution and millions of years are beliefs—all part of the religion of naturalism (atheism).

How can anyone know what happened in the beginning if none of us were there?

Now I’ve had atheists say to me, “Were you there?” in their efforts to mock me.

Well, the simple answer is “No, I was not there.” And I have never claimed to have been there.

This question, “Were you there?” is based on one that God asked Job, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:4).

By asking a series of rhetorical questions, God demonstrated that Job’s knowledge was finite—compared to God, fallible humans know next to nothing!

Job responded correctly when he stated the following:

“I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, “I will question you, and you shall answer Me.’ I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:1–6)

Reverend Glynn Adams #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There is a war going on against the Body of Christ and God whose absolute goal is to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ and America. These demonic globalists elites started out using the Frankfurt School to systemically change America but in these last days.

God is not coming down from heaven and fix In the real Greek World in Jesus’ day on this earth, a group of Greek citizens called the ekkelsia, would gather, as a legal entity, at the gates of their city to discuss the governmental, legislative, and judicial ways they would lead their nation. They determined what their nation would be like, what their culture would be like, what traditions they would live by, the laws of the land, and the responsibility of the Greek citizens to their nation. This group of Greek citizens which is called the ekkelsia literally determined what type of culture, city, or nation they would have as they set the standards before the Greek people!!!

This is what God had in mind for His ekkelsia. The ekkelsia, what we call the church, is to be God’s direct governmental, legislative, and judicial representatives, His legal entity, His ambassadors, on this earth. We are to have dominion, to expand God’s Kingdom, to make disciples of Christ, to set the standards in which we live by, the morals we live by, we raise up disciples in our culture who would represent us in our Republic Constitutional government, we ensure God is in our schools that will educate and make disciples of our children to be the generations that continue the ways of God in our nation, our form of government, and our family structure.
Instead of the peace of God, we now have the violence and open manifestation of demons in our nation, our cities, our culture, our churches, and in our children. Demons and demonic strongholds are getting stronger each day to launch Satan’s ministry of death against our nation because there is no sufficient spiritual opposition.

Lori Kauffman and Jim Rizoli #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Lori Kauffman is an unabashed Neo-Nazi[…]Has vowed to “exile” Jews and[…]said “we need to overthrow the government”

Kauffman’s bizarre candidacy was first reported on by Boston Broadside, which pointed out her pro-Hitler posts on X[…]She used her @Jews4Ye24 account[…]to declare, “I’m a Jew. Whatever the ‘holocaust’ was, Israel and J-ws are guilty of worse crimes against humanity. I love Hitler”

Kauffman uses a second X account, @LoriKauffman13, to spew antisemitic rhetoric as well[…]Before her conversion to Christianity, Kauffman wrote, “Yes I’m Jewish, but I have Christian values and believe Jews are destroying the world”[…]
She boasted that, if elected, she will ban same-sex marriage, criminalize transgender people, and “exile all Jews”[…]
Kauffman once posted a photo of herself holding a book called Life in the Reich, by British Neo-Nazi Michael McLaughlin[…]
She went on Hoaxbusters[…]During this appearance Kauffman explained why she rejected her Jewish upbringing, and what inspired her to run for office

Kauffman claimed that what “redpilled” her was rapper Ye[…]
“And everybody should’ve really woken up at this point when he sent a, we like to call it a sleepy tweet[…]about the Jews. And the next day — saying they hold all the power in the world — and the next day he loses like $9 billion of his own money”[…]
Massachusetts Republican Committee passed a resolution condemning Kauffman’s “prejudiced and antisemitic statements” and calling on her to withdraw her candidacy

Co-host Jim Rizoli eventually spoke up to suggest Kauffman actually had an “advantage” due to her “Jewish name.” He explained that, “Unless they read the Boston Broadside they’re not gonna really know who the hell ya are, probably. But, having a Jewish name — you gotta understand that the Jews are tribal. They vote for Jews. So you could actually do well”

Later in the show Kauffman expressed an interest in overthrowing the U.S. government and instituting a monarchy

Earline Moody #fundie demonbuster.com

Sex with beasts creates a very degenerate mind, physical deformities and is a form of Satan worship. Satan hates us and wants to make us lower than the animals. Some families have animal physical features. When questioned once about club feet, one demon said he was there because a great grandfather had sex with horses. It is confusion, perverse and degradingly carnal.

EchoChaos #fundie #sexist #psycho datasecretslox.com

I disagree with Maimonides that [Leviticus] allows battlefield rape (as opposed to forced marriage of captive women, which it clearly allows), but if I were convinced that it did, I would say battlefield rape was good, yes.

I agree with Maimonides that my intuitions may disagree with God's Law, but that puts my intuitions in the wrong, not God's Law.

Robert Larson #homophobia #psycho #fundie youtube.com

What does God say the homos deserve? In Leviticus 20:13, a famous verse, it says, ‘If a man also lie with a man as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.’ That’s what faggots deserve, is the death penalty. They should all get the electric chair.

You know, a couple of my friends in the New IFB got in hot water because they said they should line up all the faggots and put them in front of a firing squad. I think that’s too easy! I think they should get the electric chair, make it a little more painful! Bring back the electric chair!

Every single sodomite, every single homosexual should get the electric chair. And they should do it publicly for everybody to see, so that they know that’s what happens to these freaks! These rapists, these child molesters. They are God-haters. It’s the reason why they’re even like that.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.”
By Assistant Editor Feb. 29, 2024 12:00 pm 1890 Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root

“Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics. History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles…and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost- even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

Laura Wood #racist #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From “The Talmud and Non-Jews”]

THE TALMUD, the sacred text of Judaism, is comprised of rabbinic commentaries that were written over a period of hundreds of years and contain the oral traditions that have shaped Judaism since shortly after the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D

Americans, including many Jews, are generally unfamiliar with the Talmud’s content. While it is widely acceptable to criticize the intolerance of the Quran, the Talmud is off bounds for mainstream commentary. Thus many do not know just how intolerant the revered text of the official religion of the state of Israel is

Benjamin Freedman was a successful Jewish businessman and Zionist activist who lived from 1890 to 1984. Later in his adult life, he became an outspoken critic of the Judaic mentality and eventually converted to Catholicism[…]
“The Talmud today virtually exercises totalitarian dictatorship over the lives of so-called or self-styled ‘Jews,’ whether they are aware of that fact or not,” he wrote in his 1954 work “Facts are Facts,” which is an extended letter to another Jewish convert. “Their spiritual leaders make no attempt to conceal the control they exercise over the lives of so-called or self-styled ‘Jews’. They extend their authority far beyond the legitimate limits of spiritual matters. Their authority has no equal outside religion”

Not only does the Talmud, which includes more than 60 volumes of commentaries, regulate the thinking and daily lives of Jews, he wrote, it inculcates in them hostility toward gentiles, or non-Jews, in general

Using the translation from the Hebrew by the Latvian priest and eminent scholar, the Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg, Russia, Freedman proved his point by listing summarized Talmudic references for some of the specific laws regarding Christians, and gentiles in general

Edward Hendrie #racist #fundie #conspiracy hendrie.substack.com

English-speaking devotees in the Hebrew Roots movement eschew the name of Jesus. They replace the name of Jesus with Yahoosha, Yehoshua, Yahshua, Yeshu, and many other variations. One variant for Jesus’ name used by many Hebrew Roots movement adherents is Yeshua. They have been taught that, as a Jew, Jesus’ actual name in Hebrew should be Yeshua. Jews indeed render Jesus’ name in Hebrew as Yeshua. Although Jews often drop the “a” and call him Yeshu, which is an epithet against him.

A little known fact is that one of the names used for Jesus by the Hebrew roots movement, Yeshu, is used by Jews as a curse against Jesus. Tuvia Pollack, writing for Kehila Times, reveals that “the name Yeshu can be seen as an abbreviation of ‘Yimach Shmo Uzichro,’ may his name and memory be blotted out.” Jesus is regularly cursed in the Jewish Talmud by the name of Yeshu. Indeed, there is an ancient Jewish text that is called the Sefer Toledot Yeshu. The Sefer Toledot Yeshu alleges that Jesus was an illegitimate child, whose miracles were by means of sorcery, who taught a heretical form of Judaism, seduced women, and died a shameful death.

The Talmud, which calls Jesus Yeshu, as an epithet, is the authoritative religious book in Judaism. The Talmud memorializes the traditions of the Jews. Jesus upbraided the Jews for replacing his laws with their man-made traditions.
The practice of English speakers to call Jesus Yeshua is part of a sinister scheme. It is a devilish stratagem by Judaizers to corrupt the gospel of grace.

The religion of the Jews is a mixture that, on the surface, appears godly but is, in fact, a wholly leavened loaf of heathenism.
What more proof does one need to understand that Yeshua of the Hebrew Roots movement is NOT the Jesus of the Bible? Changing Jesus’ name to Yeshua is a change in who Jesus is. Yeshua of the Hebrew Roots movement is a devilish Pharisee. Jesus Christ states his unequivocal opinion about the Pharisees that they are vipers and children of hell.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #elitist #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

It's been difficult at times to feel super jazzed about reporting on the news lately except when the narrative boom comes along like with the Putin interview and the Epstein documents. In between the huge moments has been a dull: Oh look they are sending more of our money to Ukraine or more disheartening news about the border or Trump's legal persecutions.
Your money was being siphoned by the military-industrial complex underneath your nose for generations. The foreign wars we fought were shams.

This was clear to conspiracy theorists before but now this truth has become so blatant that many are joining our intellectual side. I mean they are now giving billion to an unwinnable war to literal nazis in Ukraine while Biden can barely complete a coherent sentence. Us conspiracy theorists told you President's were puppets but Biden has manifested this reality like no one thought possible. You can practically see the strings attached to the corpse of what used to resemble an idiotic person.

When you detach from the everyday happenings though, you find it almost miraculous that we have come this far. The country has inexplicably not imploded despite all that she's been put through. America still stands.

And so do anons.
2020 was years ago. It's 2024.

And the election is right around the corner. And God knows what else.

I take solace in the breadcrumbs that God leaves along the way.

Like the fall of Roe v Wade, the prophetic event of the Georgia Guidestones blowing to smithereens, and the massive awakening occurring around the world.
Don't let the draining news of today rob you of the ability to extract joy. Just think of how far you've come. We've all had transformational experiences along the way. God is using these hellscapes, these trials and He's creating a path forward. A proverbial parting of the waters. Onwards to an Exodus. A fall of Babylon. A great jubilee with hardened and tried and tested people.

We will make it.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 02/27/2024
Signed Prints Available

It seems to me the Democrats should start beating the drum for Hillary to enter the race. After all, the Clintons had sway over their party for a long time. They got pushed aside by Barack and his operatives, but who does Obama have to offer right now? That’s right, Big Mike. That’s it. Many want her to run, but she won’t because she will be a disaster and he/she knows it. It has nothing to do with whether or not she’s a ’trannie’ )and that’s “OK” according to the late Joan Rivers), it has to do with her lack of experience and, well, she hated America until Barry got in. It would be fun to see her debate Trump, but no, she won’t run.

MeltyTW #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie kiwifarms.st

i never realized just how miniscule breadtube really was and how astroturfed the push for it from youtube to replace right wing content was. i checked their sub counts and i think donught operator alone probably has all of them combined counting vaush xanderhal even bigger ones like contra and hbomber maybe pushing it including philosophy tube. seems like any right wing leaning channel that wasnt banned for being too political too often is just leagues more popular. they dont understand the "rw pipeline" was just peoples natural preferences and the only artificial pipeline is breadtube and hasan where corpos try to lead their audience to tainted water and make them drink.

and even then hasans only popular for the same reason kpop stars are, and even then iirc hes starting to be eclipsed by people like kai cenat who openly hate trannies and tranny faggots.

edit forgot to say what prompted me to glance at views and subs was hearing alot about xanderhal only to see him with apparently under 100k subs.

edit edit apparently not homophobic just told some faggot to not mock christianity and some people got uppity because he almost said the faggot word, because someone can mock your sacred holy beliefs that inform your entire life and unites you and a community of worshippers but forbid you almost disrespect cocks going into bumholes. silly me i forgot that in current year words (like homophobia) dont actually mean things.

Larry Tomczak #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy charismanews.com

In this back-to-basics plan, we must do the following:

1. Re-consecrate ourselves to the Great Commission given us by Jesus. The Pilgrims prioritized this in the original Mayflower Compact: to proclaim the "gospel of the kingdom" to see lives transformed, not merely affirmed, by the power of the living God.
3. Cast off Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mandates. These are false criteria for our institutions because they are inherently racist, giving people preferences and positions that belong to achievers applying themselves to merit advancement in our nation that affords equal opportunity for all willing and able to work for it.

4. Replace destructive Marxist, Islamist and Globalist elements. These have poisoned our government, schools, media and corporate boardrooms. We must put leaders of integrity and convictions mirroring those of our truly great and revered statesmen and stateswomen, recognizing that they, like all of us, had flaws yet deserve honor because of their overall character and achievements.

5. Put an end to propaganda and promotion of unbiblical socialism. We must return to a constitutional republic that has undergirded us successfully for closing in on 250 years—longer than any nation in world history.
8. Unapologetically affirm man/woman marriage and the nuclear family. "One man and one woman" is the explicit design for this sacred institution recognized worldwide and honored for thousands of years as the divinely ordained foundation of a stable society. Biology and science recognize male (XY chromosomes) and female (XX chromosomes) genders throughout history.
10. Expose as demagogy the leftist tactic of regularly dismissing valid opinions and perspectives as "destroying democracy," "racist" and "tyranny." Slandering traditional conservatives, Christians, and patriotic Americans as "right-wing extremists" while weaponizing agencies to run roughshod over basic civil liberties, censor free speech, violate the Constitution.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

You know what life is like living here in America under the government of the United States, if you live in some other country, you know what life is like under the rule of that nation and those leaders. But have you ever stopped to consider what life would be like during the Millennium where King Jesus will be ruling over the whole world from the throne of David? Ever stopped to think about what laws, rules and regulations might be in place? Your King James Bible has the answer.

“And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” Revelation 19:15,16 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, the Bible has a lot to say about the coming Millennial reign of Jesus when He shall have received the kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world. It tells you how Jesus will rule, how government will be administered, and what the likely constitution of that government will be. In America, we have the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with the various amendments. In the Millennium, you will have the beatitudes from the gospel of Matthew. Not only that, but King Jesus will have the redeemed saints who will rule and reign with Him, functioning as His administration. Sound wild? You better believe it.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

For the same reason that the DOJ/FBI/CIA and a lot of other US agencies play act at being aloof from and independent of the US government: they are part of the anti-American Marxocrat Party's so-called "Permanent Government", alternatively known as the Deep State.
Behind the scenes, they will put the brakes on any President or other official who tries to condemn diversity or fails to be inclusive of either anti-American Marxist "revolutionaries" or anti-American Islamic Jihadists. The Marxocrat Party is, after all, anti-American, pro-Marxist, and pro-Islam. More than that, they are pro-sodomy, pro-abortion, pro-climate change and they stand with every other fraudulent program that is anti-humanity, anti-nationhood, anti-American, anti-family, anti-male, anti-white people, anti-Christian and antisemitic.
Diversity, inclusion, multi-culturalism, etc., all attack identity.

It began with the blurring of the identity of God; it all ends with the blurring of the identity of human beings and humanity.

Look at diversity's blurring of holiness, and what it means to be holy.
It was this deceptive and deceitful all-inclusive, diversified identity thinking that brought the condemned heresies of Protestantism into the Catholic liturgy in Pope Paul VI's Novus Ordo mass. And it is this same evil diversification of Catholic identity that today seeks to suppress and eradicate from memory the Latin Mass.

The new mass is inclusive; the old one was exclusive. Can't have that.

Today, the Catholic Pope and his Vatican, the American Presidency and his administration and all professional teachers everywhere, join the globalist efforts of the Davos WEF, COMINTERN, the UN and the EU to bless, approve, protect and advance the causes of not only sodomy and licentiousness, but transsexualism and transgenderism. In open defiance of biology and human physiology they hopelessly and permanently blur the identities of male and female.

What does it even mean to be human any more?

TM #fundie #ufo #wingnut #quack #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

… Father, Forgive Them Fore They Know Not What They Do …

… What Chance, Do Humans Have Against A Diabolical Machine That Uses All Within Its Command…
All Disease .. All Parasites and Blood Suckers Were Created In Order
To Punish Creator’s Creations
For Being So Loved

… How Deep Must Each Of Us Reach Within In Order To Find The Compassion To Forgive …
Those Who’ve Trespassed Against Us
As We Have Also Trespassed Against Them…

These Demons…
These Inter Dimensional Entities Always Attach To And Attack The Weakest And Most Vulnerable…

… As We Are All Of Us
Of Our Creator

It’s Time To Take It All Back.
Nothing Less Than UnConditional Surrender…
Eradicate Evil Once And For All …
Restore Creation
Allow Us To Play Again Within An Untainted Game.

God Will Recognize His Own…
Free Us All

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[Commenting on a reference to Revelation in Ghostbusters, a Legend of Zelda image showing a crucifix, and similar items]

Those last works of Christendom had been inviting Gen Y to look deeper for the Truth & Beauty that inspired those media. So the real crisis was Gen Y missing that invitation. Instead of illumination, Gen Y were benighted with geekdom. Instead of entering into the true Mysteries of which their beloved pastimes were shadows, they fell into the Pop Cult. Now, like abusive exes, the Pop Cult high priests don’t want their aging supplicants anymore.

Geekdom is dead. It’s been dead for years; it just wasn’t broke yet. The media megacorps behind Pop Cult IPs have known the ship was sinking since the middle of the last decade. They just wanted to squeeze the last few drops of milk from the cattle before bringing in your replacements and leaving you to rot. Reality is giving you a wake up call.

The 1980s creators who still had an artistic vision to share have long since been replaced by corporatist bugmen who hold you in contempt. But the postwar artificial bottleneck has been circumvented. Newpub and indie film and gaming have made end runs around the old gatekeepers. And many are drawing inspiration from the pre-1980 classics that retained healthy Christian themes.

I for one have been producing that kind of morally grounded but not preachy; action-packed but not gratuitously brutal entertainment for years. Now you can get first access to my works in progress each month. Join my elite neopatrons now to read the first draft of The Burned Book as it’s written. Join on Patreon or SubscribeStar now.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Many people will recall one of the most horrific acts of school violence in America in 1999. Beginning at 11:19 AM at suburban Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher, and wounded 23 others. It was a massacre that shocked the United States—and the world.

Serial killer Eric Harris wore a T-shirt on the day of the Columbine massacre that simply declared “NATURAL SELECTION.”

Such acts as this—and numerous others since—sent a warning that something was happening in our culture—something many were perplexed about. Why would such situations occur?

From a biblical perspective and an understanding of a sovereign God, the ultimate answer of course is sin. The Bible makes it clear we live in a fallen world, and because of the effects of sin and the Curse, we now experience violence, suffering, disease, catastrophes, and so on.

But on the individual level—even understanding we are sinners in a fallen world—we ask what could lead persons like Harris and Klebold to kill their fellow students?

In 2007, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, a teen in Finland, shot and killed students at a high school in another shocking act of school violence. In a video posted on YouTube prior to the shooting, Auvinen stated:

“I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the truth is that I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!”

We live in an era of history in which the idea of atheistic evolution is taught as fact in much of the education systems of the world. In the USA, it is claimed that by removing teaching about creation, Bible reading, and prayer from the classrooms in public schools, religion has been removed and students are only educated now in a “neutral” environment.

However, the science textbooks used in most public schools only explain things in terms of natural processes—the supernatural is not considered. That’s not neutral. Students are being taught the philosophy of naturalism, which is—in essence—the religion of atheism.

LordsOfLastLight #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

American Slaves had better quality of life than many free African-Americans do today

Under the Plantation Slave system the slaves were guaranteed productive employment, food, and shelter. Can people in modern urban ghettos say the same? Many poor African Americans today are obese, suffer poorly managed diabetes and other chronic conditions related to morbid obesity and poor nutrition. On the plantations the slaves got plenty of exercise and ate more natural less processed foods and were healthier for it. All the horrible street drugs that cripple with addiction and kill by overdose didn't exist on the plantations.

While disobedient slaves may be punished with a whip is that really worse than being punished with homelessness and years in prison? I don't think so. A wise Master would never seriously injure his slaves as punishment because the slave was an expensive investment. Today Police, even black Police, brutalize and kill African Americans quickly and with little consequence largely because they have no wealthy, influential Master who values and protects them.

In the Plantation days children were sometimes separated from their father due to him being sold, but there was still much less fatherlessness than there is among black families today. Wise Masters taught their slaves to be obedient, God-fearing Christians and live by Christian family values. Today the rappers glorify promiscuity, wanton hedonism, street violence, and indulgence in every vice. Today many African-American Churches are just schemes to provide the preachers with money and women. Many, likes the Black Muslims and Black Israelites, also encourage radical Politics and Black separatism. Nothing good can come of this ignorance and corruption of Christ's message! Also note that the Bible never explicitly condemns slavery as an institution, it just condemns certain specific slave-owners like the Egyptians.

The Rev. Steven Roland #conspiracy #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 9: End the Occupation
By The Rev. Steven Roland
Our government in America is occupied. It is occupied by the Zionists/AIPAC who hate Jesus Christ and hate Christianity and Christians!
Their unholy book, the Talmud, says that Jesus was born to a whore and was illiterate and is boiling in excrement for all eternity! This unholy book even worse than the Quran says that it is okay to scam the gentiles and to engage in incest as long as the victim is under 9 years old! How utterly repulsive and ungodly!
Their ungodly “state” of Israel supports abortion until the moment of birth, sodomite “rights,” stealing land from innocent people and rampant legalism! Makes sense as these are the descendants of the Pharisees who reviled Christ and caused His execution!
These are the sick freaks controlling our government and media apparatus and financial institutions with usury who support the wholesale slaughter of innocent life in Gaza and spit on Christians and mock and revile them! These are the ones weakening America with these bogus wars and homosexuality and transsexualism and feminism and fake GMO Monsanto foods/fluoride in the water and Pfizer death/autism vaccines and all these other forms of moral decadence like pornography including these wicked sinful crypto-Zionist Japanese sexualized cartoons! Then cry about when anyone calls them out on it citing the fake holocaust and fake calls of “antisemitism” when all that is being stated is the TRUTH!
We need to END the occupation and end the wars and banish AIPAC and these sick freaks from our country and return to the godly Christian foundation we had!

Bride Ministries International #fundie #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father, I come before You in prayer to thank You that the earth is yours, and the fullness thereof! I enter into Your gates with thanksgiving and enter into Your courts with praise. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, my dwelling place, my current/future spouse, my vehicles, my technological devices, my finances, every bit of provision presently coming to me, and everything under my stewardship. I pray that Your heavenly hosts, Your angels, would guard this dwelling place round about, above and below, and against every dimensional access point in Jesus’ name.
You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank You that You set a hedge of protection round about me, and that no plague will come near my dwelling. I thank you in advance that every curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art, or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me would be reversed upon the heads of the non-human senders seven-fold, that they would know that Jesus is Lord.
I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication, thought and dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic, telepathic and technological intrusion in the name of Jesus. In the spirit, I establish a matrix of protection around me, my family, both spiritual and natural, and my realm that hinders and blocks any and every attack of technology and physical waves of all sorts, including sound, EMF, radiowave, microwave, light wave, gamma wave, and all other wave forms.

I declare that this matrix also acts as a filtration system for any corrupt or contaminated food, drink, air, or gases of any sort. In addition, I infuse this matrix with the blood of Yeshua, and deploy the heavenly hosts to reinforce it.
I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, and seal this prayer in every realm, age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. Amen!

James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy charismanews.com

In a move that has left many in the state of Texas shocked, the golden abortion-goddess statue titled, "Witness," is scheduled to be on display at the University of Houston on Feb. 28 through Oct. 31, 2024.

The 18-foot-statue hails from New York City, designed by Shahzia Sikander, and now endangers Texas with the establishment of a spiritual stronghold.

Designing the pagan statue as an ode to the late-Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sikander wrote in her artists statement that the work was to continue the fight in ensuring abortion does not leave America.

"The luminous figure is a nod to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as seen in the detail adorning her collar. With Ginsburg's death and the reversal of Roe, there was a setback to women's constitutional progress," Sikander's statement reads.
While the fight for the unborn continues, what many are overlooking is the establishment of spiritual strongholds that will follow in the footsteps of the golden idol in Texas.

For too long, many in America have brushed aside the dangers of the spiritual-side of life. Even though it is written clearly for people by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12 which says: "For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
Spiritual warfare is not some hokey nonsense that is a recently made up experience, the Bible written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit warns believers about it, and extols them to take part in it!
Yet fewer and fewer Christians in America are engaging in it. It is being relegated to the sidelines as nonsensical practice of the deranged, meanwhile American society continues to delve deeper into satanism.

MassResistance #homophobia #fundie massresistance.org

As a country we are prepared to resist the hypocrisy of the wealthy nations. But we need MassResistance to partner with us in ensuring that the wealthy nations of the world don’t use their financial strength to bully us into submission. Therefore, we are ready to forge a partnership with MassResistance against LGBT activities in Ghana.

We are encouraged by your timely intervention in Sri Lanka and we are confident that you will not disappoint us in resisting those disobeying God who Himself condemns homosexuality as a SIN.

Since then we’ve worked with Freedom International to move forward! One of the first things that foreign-funded groups do in an African country is attempt to indoctrinate youth with LGBT ideology. So the most important project would be make sure that children are well prepared to reject it and proclaim the truth. Frank and his group decided that the best way to do this would be to form “anti-LGBT clubs” in every secondary school – just the opposite of what the West does!

Frank and his team have been working with teachers across the country. They have already set up clubs in a few schools – and more are on the way!

As Frank has reported back, they are going strong. The clubs meet for two hours per week. They use resources by MassResistance, Freedom International, and other pro-family groups. Students often are divided into smaller groups for effective teaching and learning. Healthy relationships are a key part of the learning. The other key goals are to expose, confront, and stop the LGBT propaganda coming from the multinational corporations and foreign embassies.

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie voxday.net

After an NFL tweet appeared to show rapper Ice Spice making “devil horn” hand gestures while wearing an inverted cross at Sunday’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, fact-checking site Snopes and entertainment news site TMZ both ran stories pushing back on responses to the viral video.


When the satanic globalist pedophiles get literally caught in the act of sexually abusing children and sacrificing them to the Devil, I have no doubt whatsoever that Snopes and TMZ, along with the rest of the mainstream media, will be declaring that it is “harmless” and there is “nothing at all satanic, or even religious, about human sacrifice to a being that is nothing more than a

Frankly, far from soothing anyone’s supicions, these attempts to whitewash celebrity satanism raises some serious questions about whatever this “quiet coyote” hand signal that is being used by teachers – that’s not at all suspicious – and other adults happens to be. So, who are these “other adults”, exactly, and in what context are they making hand signals to children?

Logan B #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The story we have been told is that 200 Elohim Watchers were asked to watch over their creations, us, for a while while the gods who we were worshipping at the time and still do indirectly were called away for some reason. We are told that the Elohim Angels were so enamored by female humans that they gave up their stations in Heaven to come down to earth and have sex with them. Really.
The Nephilim destroyed all the pyramids. The gods considered rebuilding the pyramids and continuing their dumb down plan for humans because they still needed them but the Nephilim had taught humans powerful magic so they had to go too. One human and his family was spared from the flood because he was the son of one of the gods and he didn’t practice the others wicked magic against the gods. A few other humans and Nephilim managed to survive and skirmishes and resets have been going on periodically ever since with the mud flood and the two world wars being the latest ones. The real reason for the two wars was to destroy all evidence that free energy and the people that used it ever existed.

There is another whole beyond the ice wall story to this but that involves interdimensional aspects that is an essay unto itself. Fact truly is stranger than fiction.

The Egyptian historians apparently did get the date that the three great pyramids were built right. 2550 BC. The Galactics don’t say that that they got 10,000 workers toiling day and night for 20 years to build them. They basically say we would tell you the Light technology we used to build them but then well you know how the rest of that saying goes. Forbidden technology that we don’t need to know for obvious reasons that there are many humans that can’t be trusted with it.

Need another space agency is supposed to tell the world on April Fools Day that they have been lying to us the whole time and there really is an impenetrable dome (firmament) 100 kms above our heads that they can’t break through. We’ll see how that goes.

New Friedetopia #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy forum.nationstates.net

I am an Italian Catholic. Maybe you are also Italian. But my mother is Romanian and I know a little bit about the culture of the East. People in Greece tend to be traditionalist and conservative as in most Orthodox countries. The fact that such a law passed despite the negative opinions of average people means that most of the elites, while talking about democracy, don't give a damn about the opinion of the people.

The truth is that homosexual activist NGOs are favored by powers such as the U.S., France and the U.K., and the rulers of countries affected by their influence often adapt under their pressure. The map of countries where homosexual "marriage" is recognized corresponds almost exactly to the list of countries under the influence of U.S. foreign policy. Exceptions are only a few cases of countries where there is exceptionally strong resistance to such laws, such as Italy, Poland and Japan. One likely reason for this policy is that homosexual activists are considered a reliable ally of Western countries: only Western powers defend and, often, favor them, so it is understandable how gay activism has every interest in exporting Western mindsets and interests.

I personally believe that recognizing homosexual "marriage" is a failure not only religiously, but humanly.

James O’Brien #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Lucifer’s kingdom is an artificial, counterfeit one. The Globalist Davos set dream of immortality within a digital machine. Anton LaVey also wrote of a future where individuals would live in designer realities based on their own interests. Yet, what fuels the machine that perpetuates all of this machine immortality? Since technology is constantly being updated and outdated, where are these souls supposedly ‘kept’ in the distant future? In some old pile of hard drives no longer used? In dead letter office storage somewhere, or in a garbage pile in the remote smoky outlands of some Blade Runner dystopia? A pulse of energy could end their entire dream of forever, as a ghosts in the machine, in a mere nanosecond.
That said, technology (including A.I.) could serve humanity in spectacularly positive fashion if the Good forces of the world were in charge instead of the Evil ones. The real bigger picture here is that we all have a cosmic lesson to learn from this, since Lucifer is less significant as a single entity as it is as a latent conceptual possibility within each individual soul, which they must assess and come to terms with so that they can proceed on the path of enlightenment. We are on the Hero’s Journey in our incarnational adventures and this journey involves encountering Gatekeeper challenging forces which must be dealt with. The treasures of wisdom from this quest involve understanding that all of reality comes from within. Even our so-called Enemies are part of ourselves.
As far as the Luciferians go, they play an important role in the journey of the Hero with a Thousand Faces. We contend with these Gatekeeper forces as we cross thresholds. What indeed will challenge us to the core to embrace our own indestructible divinity, if not these principalities with the fearsome masks?
There’s no need to rush this lesson. After all, we do have Forever. And it’s not inside a computer program, but within the very Source of Life itself.

Godspeed, Patriots.

Todd Friel #fundie twitter.com

Your ancestors didn’t climb out of goo, go through the zoo, and eventually become you. God custom made you in your mother’s womb.
6:05 AM · Feb 16, 2024 · 5,119 Views
48 Reposts 1 Quote 257 Likes 5 Bookmarks

Michael Voris #homophobia #fundie x.com

The issue is not clericalism. The issue is HOMOSEXUAL clericalism. The homoheretic cardinals like Cupich are spinning that PR line about clericalism. We don’t need procedures to properly address the issue of sodomite clerics raping people. We need a policy of getting rid of them.

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie voxday.net

What appears to be happening is that AI has picked up the idea that genetic science requires 45 to 225 million years to cover the genetic ground – and it’s definitely closer to 225 million – but we already know that the geo-evolutionary timescale may be limited to only three million years.

So, it’s interesting to see that AI appears to already have a better grasp on evolution than the average biologist, although it’s not that surprising since we already knew that biologists are not very intelligent, given that they have the lowest IQs of all the scientists. And while AI is innumerate, so too are the biologists.

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

Oh, the IRONY!
An Atheist just posted this about Creationists discussing Darwin:
"For something they don't believe in they sure waste a lot of time talking about it. They're obsessed."


3:49 PM · Feb 14, 2024 · 4,338 Views
5 Reposts 5 Quotes 36 Likes 1 Bookmark

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut voxday.net

[From “Free Speech is Blasphemy”]

Free Speech doesn’t sound quite so appealing once you realize it literally means Blasphemy

The only reason the concept of “free speech” was created as an ersatz human right during the Enlightenment was to permit secret satanists to blaspheme against Jesus Christ despite the many laws of Christendom that forbade them to do so

And now that they can blaspheme freely and legally, we have all seen how genuine their philosophical commitment to the concept was. Like free trade, free speech is just another inverted satanic lie that delivers the exact opposite of what it promises

Whenever Clown World promises “freedom” it delivers chains


spoilerPicture of a demon speaking in front of white, black and red flags featuring pentagrams and stars o David

Just exercising his god-given right to free speech…

UPDATE: In which a dictionary from 1919 is consulted

A friend gave me a copy of Webster’s Elementary School Dictionary from 1919

Words not included in it: racist, antisemitic

Words included: antichristian

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Upon the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Founder Records were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records about the alien invasion events. Truthful accounts about the alien invasion were twisted into a ‘humanity as sinners’ narrative, in order to set forth an assortment of religious mind control dogmas throughout the world religions. The Thothian groups groomed their preferred illuminati race lines with hermetic knowledge and partially falsified information to begin the indoctrination of humanity, to worship Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics or Luciferian entities as the one true God. Esoteric knowledge of the Universal Laws was given to the secret societies and ruling classes through Thothian based Hermeticism, some revealing Lucifer at the top of the pyramid of control, while the common man was intentionally subjected to the slavery mindset that was embedded in the salvationistic theology of most organized religions. Since the Atlantian Flood, humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis and forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins in favor of the Negative Alien invasion’s Propaganda used to promote a false historical narrative, along with promoting a jealous and angry patriarchal God to be worshipped in violent religions.

Therefore, the NAA methodically set forth a series of new religious mind control dogmas from the Council of Nicea timeline, such as spreading disinformation that the Annunaki are the Creator Gods of humanity, and promoting the worship of the False Father Alien God disguised behind many names, supposedly revealed in sacred manuscripts claiming to be the absolute Word of God. Two examples of this are the Annunaki Jehovian group, and the Annunaki Yahweh Collective. Thus, it is important to understand that the world religions of today have been set into motion by the NAA intruding races, and are being controlled by primarily anti-human forces representing themselves as imposters of Christ or a False Father God.

Various Anonymous Cowards #sexist #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #86853360)

*Unintelligent "equality" ideas
*Lack of chastity

These are just a few summed up reasons from the video below. If our fore-fathers saw the way the world was today, they would absolutely completely agree. I believe it is womens behavior and the tolerance for homosexuality/sexual perversity and tolerance of other religions that destroyed the USA.

(Anonymous Coward #84666181)
They don't. The homosexual Baal worshipping men's only freemasonry cult does.

(Anonymous Coward 86746335)
Hate to be the devils advocate here, but women only have rights when men allow them to.

If women have gained too much power and influence, it's because men allowed it to happen.

Who's at fault for the chickens getting eaten? The fox, or the guy that built the half-assed fence and coup?

When SHTF we will all revert back to our gender roles simply for survival.

There won't be any feminists when the world is on fire. You can bet on that.

(Anonymous Coward #84948458)
Why are the 144,000 in the Bible who are victorious over the Beast/Satan described as virgins who never slept with women?

When someone truly understands this, they will know why women are the root cause of all the evil we see in the world now.

And it goes all the way back to Genesis.

Women are only good for sex and sex is only good for procreation. Both are irrelevant in the very near future.

Women are just men who can bear children. A weaker, inferior version of men.

Ray Comfort #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Which came first, the blood, the heart, or the blood vessels? If the heart came first, why did it evolve when there was no blood? If the blood came first, why did it evolve, and how did it get around without blood vessels? And if blood vessels came first, why did they evolve when there was no blood?

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