
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Adunaiii #moonbat #elitist reddit.com

From my point of view, even a sentence in a DPRK prison holds greater meaning and brings greater happiness than any "free" life outside Juche Korea. Working for the betterment of your people is always fun, no matter how small the contribution.

Ed Brodow #racist #wingnut #elitist reactionarytimes.com

Every other item in the news is about how blacks are oppressed by white people who are guilty of systemic racism. This towering falsehood is utilized by criminal groups like Black Lives Matter to excuse looting, arson, and murder. It is perpetuated by race baiters such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Oprah Winfrey in order to encourage white guilt and to inflame the black love affair with victimization. This narrative is completely upside down. Rather than exhibiting systemic racism, white Americans have bent over backwards to make life better for blacks. History bears this out. By giving their lives to end slavery, enabling the Civil Rights Movement, instituting affirmative action, and voting for a black president, white America has shown itself to be anything but racist. Based on the historical record, the demand for a blanket apology from whites cannot be justified.

The apology we deserve is from the group of blacks who have poisoned America with massive crime, violence, chronic anger and hostility, self-victimization, anti-white racism, anti-Semitism, and unwillingness to accept American values of hard work, family, and taking personal responsibility. Unfortunately, there are some blacks that expect to achieve the American Dream without having to earn it most of the rest of us. Instead, they insult us by calling our achievements "white privilege." If we continue to reward substandard behavior by blacks, America — and all the good things we associate with it — will go up in flames. It is time to receive appreciation from blacks for living in the least racist nation on earth. Remember what Muhammad Ali said: "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat."

TheIncelRepublic #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #god-complex incels.is

[Venting] We are literally the last bastion of hope left in humanity, and it's fucking scary.

I realised the Incel community is the only place left that is factually correct about society. The whole world is ruled by the elite, 1%, bourgeoisie, Rothschilds, illuminati or whatever you call them. While we are the last people to resist the bluepill and fight back against the system.

And our ideas of the blackpill, if implemented would turn human society back to normal. The fact that the whole world except here is bluepilled is just a scary thought.

Once based patriarchies are now falling to feminism and degeneracy, to points of no return. Everyone is animal with no moral views. Society is toxic as hell, you can't even critique it's flaws without being sent to jail, which is glorified concentration camp. When you present solutions, they call you a bad person. When you call for revolution or present any hatred against the State / Military industrial complex they call you a terrorist. When you advocate for strong patriarchy they call you a rapist.

If the past men of humanity could see us now, they would be proud. We as a community will carry the blackpill through the darkness and into the light!

The Distributist et al #elitist #dunning-kruger twitter.com

[Note: “this woman” is referring to Tomi Lahren; Athanasius is a self identified reactionary conservative on his Twitter]

The Distributist: after coming out as Pro-Abortion, why do people consider this woman a conservative?

Edward Blake: She was always a bar thot. Look up her "pop that p" posts while hitting the DC bars around 2013-14. She was never right wing.

Athanasius Goodman: The moment people bought into the dumb premise that conservatism is about "freedom" and "limited government" was the moment when conservatism drew its last breath.

Strong One #sexist #wingnut #elitist #ableist incels.is

[Brutal] Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. Stop coping with this Beta uprising nonsense.

Ever since, I believe 2016, I have never heard the end of it from some Incels about the beta uprising. I still remember hopping onto reddit and browsing r/Incels (R.I.P), hearing about how we're gonna strip Women of their rights.

Let me lay it out for you guys, alright? Men, collectively are a fucking JOKE!!! Yes, we could "THEORETICALLY" strip Women of their rights. Women are more agreeable, the average Women is weaker compared to the average Man and the strongest Man could easily defeat the strongest Women, anyone denying that is DELUSIONAL! This however ignores the general character of Men and therefore this idea shouldn't be entertained. Generally Men serve society, these Men are BETAS, unless you're living like an animal outside the confines of society or you're committing severe crimes without a care in the world, you're a BETA. BTW, LOL in chat at those Redpill copers who believe hitting the Gym and participating in "masculine" hobbies makes you Alpha, no you're just another cog in the machine just like the rest of us and your hobbies are an extension of your social contract.

Anyway, ever since the Age of Enlightenment, we've crossed a line we wouldn't EVER step back on, since then we've been heading towards inevitable permanent women's suffrage. Let me explain, during this Age of Enlightement because of inventions that allowed more men to educate themselves, there were an unprecedented number of autistic amateur Philosophers discussing their ideas about the world and within this group of autists, there was a severely more autistic group of Philosophers and Intellectuals by which we today adress as Liberals (Little connection to the modern Liberals). You see, these "Liberals" unironically believed in a stupid and autistic idea they called "rights" granted to all men by divine power, that's right God just so happened to have changed his mind and decided that the past 1000+ years of your ancestors slaving away as serfs used solely to benefit the tyrant nobility, which may I add gained nobility through divine power, was just for the lols. Anyway, this "rights" thing really caught on in Europe, Napoleon's invasion of Western Europe and his introduction of Napoleonic Code onto occupied territories really sealed the deal. Once Napolean was defeated twice, the rulers that were once suppressed under Napoleon's tutelage returned to rule, they came back to a populace that demanded "rights". The century afterwards, Western Europe amassed colonial empires covering most of the world which in turn expanded liberal doctrines throught the world. (On a side note, I find it entertaining that territories that were conquered by Napoleon became advanced while those under Tsarist sphere of influence, were underdeveloped, backwards countries.)

You see friends, when the Liberals stated that ALL have universal divine given rights, some took it literally. Men would gained these so called "rights" but some Men believed work had yet to be done, some Women even became envious that these rights were restricted only to Men so the natural progression to Liberals and Intellectuals would be to include Women in these divine given "rights". DO NOT FORGET, that MEN were responsible for giving Women rights, the greatest contributors to Women's suffrage were ironically MEN. Truly, WE are our biggest threat.

Here's the BRUTAL truth, we're not gonna strip Women of their rights, we're not shutting down dating apps, we're not banning social media. Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. We're heading on a full on collision to the "progress" that which the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! JFL at anyone of you who believe conservatives won in 2016-2018 or have a chance at winning, NOPE! You honestly believe those same cuckservatives that parade and praise LGBTQ+ are gonna fucking save us! Cuckservatives are merely a part of the plan that the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! We're all part of this Liberal vision and whether you like it or not, doesn't matter because YOU ARE EXPENDABLE!

Women's suffrage was inevitable, we're all apart of this Liberal vision crafted centuries ago. There's not gonna be a beta uprising, no ban on social media or dating apps, women aren't gonna have their rights stripped. It's OVER!

The Propertarian Institute #racist #sexist #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger propertarianinstitute.com

“The Natural Law of European Peoples”: A fully commensurable system of measurement across all disciplines that tests for reciprocity in display, word (truth) and deed (action); the extension of the logic of the physical sciences (realism, naturalism, equilibration) to the psychological (individual) and social (group) sciences using economic terms (acquisition, cooperation, reciprocity); thereby completing the scientific method (falsification of all possible dimensions of human cognition); thereby completing the Aristotelian program; and thereby providing the explanation for the success of Western civilization under that program: sovereignty, reciprocity, and truth – and the markets that result from their universal enforcement, along with the evolutionary velocity (adaptation, innovation) that results from those markets.

Propertarianism consists of:

1 – The completion of the scientific method and all that it entails – which is a lot – hence why P is such a big program: it touches every discipline, and it converts almost all psychological, social, and political speech into economic expressions – which is counter-intuitive because it’s scientific whereas our current psychological, social, moral, and political speech is only normative or, in the case of psychology, sociology, and politics, both pseudoscientific and sophomoric.
We call this Testimonialism (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Psychology, Ethics, Sociology, Politics)

2 – The explanation for Western success in both the ancient and modern worlds (adaptive velocity because of our individual sovereignty resulting in the traditional law of property/tort) and the explanation for the Dark Ages as well as the current attempt to repeat them that we see as undermining Western civilization.
We call this the Western Group Evolutionary Strategy.

3 – The explanation of the different systems of argument used in the different civilizations, and in particular, the Abrahamic means of deceit used in the ancient world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in the modern world (Marxism, Feminism, Postmodernism, Denialism/Political Correctness).
We call this The Grammars (deflationary, testimonial, ordinary, fictional, and the fictionalisms)

4 – A constitution, body of law, and attendant policies that restore the American, English, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Western Indo-European, constitution (contract among sovereigns) and hardens it from future undermining by creating a legal means for the prosecution of the crimes of undermining, including religious (Jewish and Islamic), pseudoscientific, and sophomoric (Marx, Freud, Boas, Adorno, Derrida, Friedan, plus Marxism, Postmodernism, Feminism, and Denialism/Political Correctness) methods of undermining, as well as the financing of undermining through prohibiting rent-seeking, privatization of commons, and socialization of losses.
We call this a new or updated constitution.

5 – A set of policies (Acts) under that constitution that form the most substantial political, social, economic, and financial reform since the Roman era – restoring the civil society.
We call these the reforms: the policies under the constitution

6 – A set of Restitutions and Punishments that serve to return wealth to the American people, punish those who have engaged in undermining our people, and prevent repeats of undermining our people – or other peoples – in the future.
We call these the Restitutions

7 – A program of revolution and the restitution of the constitution of natural law and our European strategy that we have used to drag ourselves and mankind out of ignorance, superstition, oppression, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the chaos of a nature all but hostile to our existence. And an explanation of why the world is our debtor and hates us for it.
The Law of Nature
The Natural Law of Sovereign Men
De Lege Naturae : The Law of Nature
De Arte Testimonii : The Science of Testimony
De Philosophia Aristocratiae : The Philosophy of Aristocracy
De Scriptura Nobilitatis : The Scripture of Nobility
De Professione Regum: The Art of Kings
Viridis Bibliis Homines Europeii : The Green European Bible

The Talmud to deceive
The Bible to undermine
The Koran to conquer
The Manifesto to steal
The General-Theory to impoverish
The Critique to exterminate

The Truth to make us free
The Law to keep us free

The Natural Law of Reciprocity
The Inviolable Law of the European People
“The White Law” to Replace the Talmud, Bible, and Koran

MABTW #psycho #elitist reddit.com

This is my reasoning, I believe when someone violates the property rights of another, it is the victim, and only the victim, who can decide what a just punishment is. Justice and revenge are synonyms to me. Just because you may think a punishment is "too harsh" does not give you the right to intervene in someone seeking restitution when they have been wronged.

I don't believe in protecting the rights of people who have violated the rights of another, when you violate someones person or property, you lose all claim to personhood and property yourself. Anything else would be hypocracy.

So if someone were to steal an item from someone else, the victim says "you owe me 100x the market value, for violating my property", if the theif[sic] cannot pay, he remains in debt, if he fails to meet his repayments of that debt, he should be sent to a forced labour camp, so that the debt can be payed off.

If anyone doesn't like this, just remember, you are fighting for the "rights" of someone who violated the NAP against someone who was a victim of a rights violation. Secondly, if you believe you have the right to defend your personhood and property, the victim has every right to kill their agressor in self defence, forced labour would be a less extreme resolution. And if you think, "well the theif should only have to pay back market price", remember value is subjective, you have no right to tell the victim how they should value what was stolen from them.

York Catholic High School #racist #elitist foxnews.com

A Black teenager said he was forced to take off his Black Lives Matter face covering during his private high school graduation ceremony in Pennsylvania last month.

Dean Holmes,18, donned the mask prior to the July 28 ceremony for the York Catholic High School in York, Penn., in lieu of a face shield. But as he lined up in a procession before the ceremony, he was told by the school principal to remove the covering, Holmes told Fox News.

"I was so mad," Holmes said. "That's pretty much them saying 'No, we don't care about you at all. We don't care about your health... and we also don't care about you as a Black man.'"

In a lengthy Facebook post after the incident, John Holmes, Dean's father, took issue with the school's actions.

"In my opinion his health and safety were jeopardized when he was forced to remove his Covid-19 protective mask," he wrote. "Secondly, his freedom of expression was censored when he was compelled to remove his mask or face the very real possibility of not graduating."
The school said it gave everyone a face shield in lieu of a mask, and that two other graduates chose to wear masks and sought permission before doing so. Dean Holmes said he wore his mask prior to the ceremony for nearly an hour and wasn't told anything by school administrators.

"There's a lot of really good support from the school community," Holmes said of the reaction to the incident and the Black Lives Matter message on the mask. "But on the other hand, there are also people who are against it."

John Holmes and his wife both wore Black Lives Matter masks during the ceremony, he told Fox News.

In his social media post, he detailed racist incidents his son was subjected to at the school, including an essay he wrote for English class but wasn't allowed to read at a speech contest because it "was too controversial."

"As a parent I will not stand for my son being humiliated publicly, having his basic human dignity crushed on what should have been one of the happiest days of his young life," he wrote. "My son literally was discriminated against in plain sight based on his race and his prior civil rights activism, and this latest action is part of a pattern and practice of discrimination at York Catholic and it cannot stand unchallenged."

In a statement on its website, the school said caps or gowns - and now masks - with messages are prohibited at graduation ceremonies. The school said Dean Holmes was asked to remove his mask privately, away from the other graduates and guests.

"The graduate mentioned in the statement by the parent did not seek permission to wear a face mask in addition to the face shield, nor was the face mask worn at all during the 45 minutes prior to the processional portion of the ceremony," the school said. "It was not until the last minute, right before entering the church, that the face mask with writing was put on."

John Holmes argued that the Black Lives Matter message on his son's mask was not a political statement.

"It's a political statement to White folks who are uncomfortable with Black issues," he said.

Homles plans to attend New York University in the fall where he will study economics. He is planning a march at the school next week over the incident.

AAAAAAAAAAAcel and various other incels #elitist #psycho incels.is

[Discussion] Do you think normies have souls?

Obviousy if you use the normal religious definiton of soul, so a thing that everyone has and is born with no matter what, normies too will have (rotten) soul.

But personally I like to think of a soul more like something we build up while living, something made by our experiences, emotions, thoughts etc. Normies surely have more life experiences than us, but they are completely unable to reflect on them or to even realize they are having them, they live life with the autopilot and never think about anything. So by using this definition normies surely won't have a soul

What do you guys think?

(I'm using normie in the general sense of non-blackpilled-incel person)


Yes 1 vote 3.8%
No 18 votes 69.3%
I don’t know 2 votes 7.7%
Only some (explain) 2 votes 7.7%
It’s us incels who don’t have souls 3 votes 11.5%

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist #dunning-kruger amerika.org

History provides a grim hint: Day X never comes; instead, you get gradual degradation to the point where the people screaming “white power” are short, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have Asiatic features. Sort of like most of South America or Southern Europe where the far-Right look more like Turks or Arabs.

Race is everything because heritage is everything because natural selection is everything; genetics reflect who we are and how we act. Egalitarian societies hate this and deny it; in place of natural selection, they suggestion social equality, or that anyone who can socialize must be accepted.

When you become outbred, nothing remains of the original culture, which like everything else in complex genetics is formed of intricate patterns or frameworks. Individual genes taken alone code for traits, but patterns of traits provide characteristics, and these are lost with the intrusion of foreign DNA.

Day X is now and has been with us since before Charles Martel or Frederick II. It is the gradual erosion of our actual framework, genetics, by the rest of the world which, seeing our success, both resents us and wants to be us, leading to a mentality of passive-aggressive conquest.

Immigration is just the latest invasion. Your leaders will not turn it aside because to do so rejects egalitarianism, or the idea that all people are equal. This is a replacement framework. Instead of genetics, heritage, family, culture, continuity, and other organic things, we have dogma.

Douglas H. Plumb #wingnut #fundie #elitist henrymakow.com

The asshole problem can be looked at using Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development.

In stage one, you have the pre-adolescent stage, which is the go-along-to-get-along stage. The child seeks to please himself and those around him.

In stage two there is the recognition for the need for rules for the good of society. This is called the "conventional stage" and is the stage most people reach.

The third stage is the recognition that laws are necessarily universal and that written laws and rules cannot always express it perfectly. This is the regulative nature of Christianity and I suspect Christianity not as popular because it has a low cognitive availability. Both the science of jurisprudence and Christianity can only be truly understood by those who have reached stage three of Kohlberg's stages of moral development.

Private bankers took over Western societies. They retarded us to create a society of assholes, they reduced people to operating at the earliest pre-adolescent stage one. Most of us "go along to get along". Politicians depend on a voting public that operates at stage 3 to maintain a juristic system of laws. Stage 1 politician has the singular responsibility of representing those who brought him to power to get re-elected. The politician is nothing more than an expression of the people and we keep electing assholes because we are assholes.

Evidence of retarded development is

(1) Lack of rational debate. People don't understand that communication stops bullets.

(2) People are rejecting universal law on a mass scale but hold the belief that they are recreating it in a new ethical society.

(3) People believe a Utopia can exist, specifically their Utopia which is incredibly narcissistic and hubristic and therefore completely in opposition to actual wisdom if humility is a necessary part of wisdom.

(4) We keep listening to known assholes. This is evidence of mass hypnosis.

Non-assholes will not be ruled by assholes so a society of assholes needed to be created and the people that have done it are master the bullshitters of Hollywood, Network News, and Public Education.

The retarded development society is a society of assholes, ruled by assholes.

Can we stop being the assholes in time?

Based Frog #psycho #sexist #ableist #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #elitist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

I Reject Fat Acceptance: It’s Not Okay to be Fat

This may sound like tough-love to encourage healthy dieting or some sort of garbage like that, but this certainty isn’t my intended purpose. I truthfully just believe that fat people are degenerates who are on the same level as alcoholics, smokers, poor people, divorced people, and; worst of all, scum who drive foreign-made automobiles. Yes; that’s really how disgusting I feel fat people are, because fat people are destroying civilization; and if you don’t agree, then perhaps this will change your mind.

For years now, we’ve seen the communists promoting the fat-acceptance agenda; glorifying obesity and brainwashing people into being accepting and tolerant of fatties. Fat people believe that we should become tolerant of obesity and endorse societal acceptance of being overweight. In fact, advocates of the fat-acceptance agenda have adopted the ideology of ‘obesity is beautiful,’ with their underlying goal being the destruction of civilization and degrading our culture through the obesity epidemic. The root evil of the fat-acceptance movement is a belief in accepting people for who they are, and not judging people for being overweight. Here’s the truth though: We don’t have to be tolerant of fatties, and obesity is disgusting.

Hatred of obesity is not only morally acceptable, but hating obesity is in fact a moral obligation of every individual. There’s nothing wrong with shaming obesity; especially not we direct our ridicule at the poor life decision of obesity itself rather than degrading actual individuals. It is completely inexcusable to be overweight because obesity negatively impacts society, and as such, it is society’s moral duty to shame it. After all, if fat people should be accepted by society although obesity degrades our culture, then by the same token, sluts should be accepted and viewed as “people” too. And even to a further extent, if we are to be accepting of fat people, then how about the equivalently absurd proposition that we be accepting of single mothers and alcoholic fathers? Surely if a cancerous trait such as the obesity epidemic negatively impacts society, then society has a moral obligation to ridicule and shame that negative trait through any means possible.

Obesity is a choice; just like poverty is, and likewise – just like poor people; fat people are lazy and gluttonous, but that’s only the beginning of their issues. Worst of all, it’s clearly an overarching trait that fat people are irresponsible and immature. Rather than admitting that they have no self control, fat people fail to take responsibility for their poor lifestyle choices and always make excuses for why they’re not in perfect physical shape. Fat people always conjure up absurdly stupid excuses pertaining to medical conditions, body-type differences, or genetics, and through all of these excuses, fat people claim that they’re just genetically inferior to normal specimens of the human race and thus inherently incapable of achieving a normal body shape. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that fat people aren’t on the same level as normal people and that we’d be a lot better off without fat people, yet their own admission of this still doesn’t change the fact that obesity is only ever caused solely by massive overeating on a continual basis. I have personally never observed a fat person NOT eating, and that’s because eating is all that fat people do all day. Fat people eat, and eat, and eat; there’s just no end to it – and as we all know, obesity is purely caused by consuming more calories than you use up. Meanwhile, people who believe that there are legitimate excuses for being overweight are delusional, because obesity, even in mild forms, was extremely rare until the 1970s. If obesity was caused by genetics or medical conditions, then there’d be lots of morbidly obese people in the past; but in truth, it wasn’t until fifty years ago that people began gorging themselves on 3 hamburgers in one sitting, and once people started doing that, the disgusting proletariat class of society has ever since been degenerating into morbidly obese human-like creatures. Being overweight takes a lot of effort on a daily basis, and the truth is that being overweight is caused entirely by a self-destructive lifestyle, and nothing will ever change that. Fat people don’t seem to understand this however, because fat people are also stupid, which is why they make up excuses for not being in shape. In fact, it has been proven by science that an unhealthy proportion of body fat destroys the brain of an overweight person and actually cause them to become less intelligent. This is a clearly observable fact which is actually very easy to believe and is the conclusion that most people would come to simply be observing fat people.

Not only that, but obesity is immoral, and in fact; obesity itself is evil. In every religion in existence, obesity is condemned as a sin; and there is no religion that condemns obesity more strongly than Christianity. The Bible often harshly ridicules laziness and gluttony, and there’s even a story in the Bible where God rewards a man for assassinating some morbidly obese king. Fat people are deliberately unhealthy and grotesque; they have no willpower; they’re quitters; and they’re nothing more than a drain on society since they’re useless. Fat people also are horrible to be around because they take up so much room and smell so bad. They don’t even practice basic hygiene because they’re too lazy, which is how fat people spread diseases; and even if they did practice basic hygiene, they’d still stink because all they ever do is sweat profusely from preforming basic tasks like walking into a McDonalds. Indeed; as useless eaters who eat exponentially more food than normal people; fatties are at best nothing more than a complete burden to society. For fat people, even basic everyday tasks require exorbitant effort, which only causes them to be even lazier and to become even more morbidly obese since all they feel like doing is eating all day.

Hating fat people isn’t even mostly about being disgusted at how they choose to become grotesquely obese. Rather for the most part, hating fatties is about encouraging the continuation of an able-bodied and free people. Fat people can’t even run, much less walk, without panting and gasping for breath, which is one reason that they’re a lot easier to kill off; and that’s probably why fat people can’t be firemen or even policemen; because fatties are nothing more than a burden and fat people just get in the way whenever there’s an emergency. And as for overweight women, they’re wholly incapable of giving birth to healthy children, and to add to that, overweight parents always raise children who are even more morbidly obese; sometimes to the extent of being several times more overweight. Meanwhile, those same families raising children who look like they’re three donuts away from a heart attack are the same types of families who don’t even know what vegetables are while at the same time ranting about genetic unfairness.

Obesity is a self-perpetuating problem, and the way I see it, fat people serve no practical purpose besides consuming vast quantities of food. In fact, fat people are nothing more than a drain on society since they bleed the healthcare system to death and take up extra room literally everywhere that they go. And speaking of how much fat people drain the healthcare system, let’s not forget that obesity is the #1 cause of death in America, and most health issues are caused entirely by being overweight. In fact, the vast majority of health issues, such as all cardiovascular diseases, nearly all diabetes, most types of cancers, and so on; can all only even be caused solely by obesity. Fat people are not normal; They’re simply slobs who don’t care about their lives, and fatties are simply sloths who gorge themselves to death in a deliberate attempt to ruin their bodies.

Obesity simply goes to show that good times create weak people; and as we all know: Weak people in turn create bad times, which is how fatties are one of the many groups contributing to the destruction of civilization. Obesity is not normal and it is entirely inexcusable. Obesity is a choice; a decision made on a daily basis by people who don’t care about their lives, and fat people are not the type of citizen that we want in this country. However, it’s actually compassionate to tell people all of this, because that means they can be encouraged to do something about their lifestyle. Then again, if people actually cared about their bodies, then they wouldn’t get fat in the first place, and it’s disgusting that some people want to live like that. You can confront fat people with any of this, and they won’t deny it; but of course, fat people always have the same old response to criticism of obesity:

[A picture of a comically overweight Pepe saying he’ll start the diet tomorrow]

skimmingway #ableist #elitist #wingnut wehuntedthemammoth.com

An Autistic Giraffe: “What would really scare me would be if you cleaned out your bank account and gave all the money to me. I would be so owned if you did that, please don’t.”

Skimmingway: Seems rather fitting that, amongst all of these people warning me of the supposed dangers of parasites, that I should find one in this comment section. Why not give you all of my money, in all likelihood, you are probably already plundering it from me through the force of taxation and other assorted methods of government-sanctioned protection schemes and racketeering. You think nothing about using the faceless hand of an iron bureaucracy to shake down the makers of society so you can take the easy road to Sofa Town. I make wise decisions in virtually all matters pertaining to my life, I am gainfully employed, using my unique set of skills to perform labors and produce services the likes of which you could never come close to emulating, neither in this world or in the surely uneventful and sparsely populated one in your head.

skimmingway #quack #elitist #crackpot wehuntedthemammoth.com

A man can, in fact, live off a diet of raw meat. They have done it before, and there presently exist men who are doing it at this very moment. Now, I only take my meat raw on rare (haha) occasion, but I applaud any man who can eat meat like this regularly – a fine display of old world, masculine zest if there ever was one.


I am defending a WAY OF LIFE from the verbal slings and arrows of ineffectual intellectuals and other assorted effete pointy-headed snobs who are, in a likelihood, more concerned with the aesthetic dimension behind consuming raw meat than they are with the actual nature of the act in itself. The very thought of some betesticled man’s man, oozing testosterone and animal magnetism as he bites into his dinner with ursine hunger just makes your kind go flailing back into your drawing rooms, fan in hand and couch in perfect position for you to faint on as you contemplate what “horrors” have just vexed your delicate little nerves. This whole thing has little to do with the actual health of the men in question, it boils down to the fact that they reject your Bismarckian pretensions and make a mockery of your obsessive desire to use whatever “facts” you deem appropriate to impose order on people you see as your inferiors, you people who show up to a boxing match with a Jeopardy buzzer. You can’t take the man out of the man.

I will not be getting E. Coli, however much it might please you for the inverse to be true, because, as I’ve delineated above, men who have properly trained their immune systems are unlikely to acquire any sort of lethal or exceptionally cumbersome malady. The safety rules which you have tried to foist upon me with your condescending wiles were made for more delicate sorts of people, such as the one you see in the mirror. I will not likely be getting ANY kind of disease to “own the libs” I will own them precisely by doing that which they insist, from their ivory tower perches, is impossible for me and my kind to do. Keep chortling, Nagglefart.

Paul Bury #fundie #elitist familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. We have long supported obedience to God versus all of the variety of ways some people find ways to rebel against God. Which is why I am dismayed to hear such horrible, evil, vile, and wicked rebellion against God in some circles. I hear some people say: “we must boast and be proud. It is loving to be proud.” I strongly disagree with that. Are you familiar with the Love Chapter in the Holy Bible?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love does not boast and love is not proud. Those out there claiming it is loving to be proud, and boastful are rebelling against what God set in place for us humans. They are preaching the exact opposite of what the Holy Bible teaches. We are to stand up against pride since it is evil. We should work on being humble in our lives. That is why Family Friendly Gaming supports humility. We do not support pride. We do not support boasting. Boasting and pride are not loving. They have no part of love whatsoever.

It dismays me deeply that some people have twisted words and definitions so badly that they now have the exact opposite meaning when those redefiners speak or write them. This is another reason why Family Friendly Gaming continues to stand up against those trying to redefine words, institutions, morals and ethics. The Holy Bible is clear on what love actually is, and what it is not.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #ufo #magick #elitist spiritualselftransformation.com

There are lots of things shifting. We had a lunar eclipse that was particularly brutal. Sunday my laptop blew up (probably the power supply or battery) and energies were super super dense, yesterday was super light and flowing. Things alternate between super super heavy and light & flowing.

I’m also going through major shifts, closing a major chapter and waiting for what’s next. I’ve withdrawn my astral position and energetic presence, so 15000 other energy workers are instead taking that weight on their shoulders. 5% of energy workers will work on building things forward, while 95% will go through a karmic cycle to learn to deal with things and address reality without fear.

I’m also getting to a place where I’m fed up of spiritual people. I’ve had my dose of dysfunctional behaviors, people wanting attention instead of help, people with completely screwed up thinking around money and power, people doing nothing with their gifts, and people not dealing with reality.

Up until now, my path was 75% White Light and 25% Red Light. It seems my path is shifting towards 65% Red Light and 35% White Light, to compensate for a world that is tilting too much on the White Light side.

Which makes this a perfect time to write on this topic that is way overdue: White Light vs Red Light.
White Light represents Oneness in its pure form, and Communism in its shadow form.

Red Light represents Divine Creation in its pure form, and power abuse in its shadow form.

The energy of Venus is 95% Red Light, and the energy of Mars is 97% Red Light.

Spiritual people as a whole are 95% White Light and 5% Red Light. Daoist Masters are 98% White Light and 2% Red Light. Buddhist Masters are 99% White Light and 1% Red Light. The Naga guardians are 95% Red Light and 5% White Light.
Lately, the High Tribunals in the higher densities had to intervene to neutralize parties that were too far off on either side. Even at the Federation of Light, there were some problems because the Federation of Light is composed of 3 branches, and one branch is 95% White Light and was clashing hard with Red Light people in ways that were out of integrity. That department had to be arrested for now. Other individuals that were 95% Red Light also had to be arrested because of the chaos they were causing.

The Federation of Light, Orion Federation, and AnLePleia Alliance have been working hard to rebalance themselves between the Red Light and White Light. Right now, the Orion Federation is 50% White and 50% Red the AnLePleia Alliance is 65% White and 35% Red, and the Federation of Light is 62% White and 38% Red.

I think the ideal balance is within a 75/25 ratio on either side, with 50/50 being ideal.

The Great Consciousness Shift we’re going through is the end of a Red Light cycle as we enter a White Light cycle. The Universe works like a pendulum between the Red Light of Creation and the White Spiritual Light. When you swing too far on one side, the pendulum swings back to the other side to the same extent, until you find the center to stop repeating the cycles. Society also swings between White Light and Red Light in 40-year cycles, as explained in the book The Pendulum.

goydivision #elitist #fundie incels.is

[Venting] I seriously doubt that even 2% of the population are conscious

If you have ever really thought about it (if you are capable of doing so), a lot of normtards, both male and female, are completely incapable of thought. They are just little sad lumps of meat with tubes running through them and a voice box which flaps and says stupid shit.

To truly know the truth is to know God and recognize the failings of human society. These rules, these “morals” are all trappings of mortality and their little restrictive meat thought.

In contrast to these unintelligent, fleshy, masses, I know God. I have had an encounter with an entity from Beyond the Walls of this physical world.

Even seemingly intelligent members of thought, such as incels, anarchists, true Christians, etc, have failings, in the sense that they parrot those methods of thought without even bothering to think about it. A good amount of incels have never really thought about the blackpill, they instead, just as they would have the blue or red pills, use it as a crutch to explain their own failures in social interactions.

But back to my main point, I want everyone who reads this, to try out an experiment. Try and see beyond the facade. Pull back the curtain; tear off the skin; peel back the layers; uncover the wire frame Beyond. I want you to try and see everyone else around you for what they are: simple automations of gauze, wax, and steel wire. See them as what they are, and treat them as such. Only with this awakening can we truly “know”.

Piece be with you, schizocel out.

Kurt Nimmo #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist thefreedomarticles.com

I have decided to post my thoughts on the destruction of America (and Europe) before the election. If current polling is any indication, Donald Trump will not be re-elected. Joe Biden will be the establishment’s teleprompter reader. The Senate will swing over to Democrat control. Democrats and their “progressive” (corporate-financed) allies will go after anyone to the right or left of the establishment, with the exception of groups like Black Lives Matter, which now receive millions of dollars from the likes of Citibank and the Ford Foundation, the latter long known to be a front operation controlled by the CIA.

“The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition,” reports The Washington Times.

The COVID virus is a biological weapon deliberately released in China and from there spread to much of the rest of the world. It did not escape from the Wuhan lab. It was released by the US military while participating in an athletic event in Wuhan. However, it is believed the virus was circulating in November of 2019, possibly earlier. In April, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) concluded the COVID virus contains features not present in other viruses. Moreover, the paper argued the virus has no known ancestry and contains elements present in MERS, which the authors say “was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.” In other words, the virus is an engineered bioweapon and not a freak of nature. [This is assuming the virus actually exists – see my article here – Ed.]

However, this military-industrial lab-created disease was not designed to kill millions and become the 21st century’s version of the Black Death. It is far more useful as a fear-inducing mechanism.

Here is the game plan as I see it:

1) bring down teetering fiat money and toxic asset driven economy and blame it on the virus.

2) destroy Main Street business in competition with corporate behemoths (recall John D. Rockefeller—his operating maxim was that competition is a sin).

3) create massive and sustained unemployment.

4) normalize the idea of house arrest and the negation of core constitutional rights.

5) enhance already intrusive and unconstitutional surveillance with “contact tracing” via smartphone and Bluetooth technology (check out this article which details how Michigan authorities used contact tracing against anti-lockdown protesters).

6) foment unrest and exacerbate social ills as a diversion from the planned globalist reformulation of the world economy and society (i.e., “global governance,” aka New World Order).

7) direct the corporate propaganda media to obsessively dwell on irrational race- and gender-based ideology and conflict, thus widening an engineered political divide, creating social chaos and violence, and thus diverting and reducing the threat posed to the elite and the national security state apparatus.

8) keep the narrative focused on Donald Trump; downplay the evolving economic depression, distract attention, and debate away from the elite’s endless wars and neoliberal predation (this was accomplished during the Obama regime).

9) continue to manufacture foreign enemies—Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria—and crackdown on “domestic terrorists” and “conspiracy theorists” now conflated with ISIS.

After Democrats take back Congress and the White House, this last point will kick into overdrive. MAGA, already maligned as Nazis and white supremacists, will be investigated and supporters will be prosecuted and imprisoned. Ditto folks on the left, or those not associated and bankrolled by elite foundations and corporations.

David DeGraw #crackpot #conspiracy #elitist #mammon #wingnut daviddegraw.org


Former investigative journalist on political & economic issues… ipso facto, now an evolutionary.

I’m horrified by all the corruption and unnecessary suffering in the world today. It weighs on my conscience HEAVILY. It drives everything I do.

I’m a hardcore optimist who sees many fixable problems. For all the crises that humanity faces, there are viable solutions. We can make everyone’s life significantly better.

People vastly underestimate four things:

1) How mentally conditioned we are;
2) How corrupted our economic & governmental systems are;
3) How much wealth there presently is;
4) What is possible with modern technology.

Once you get an in-depth understanding of any one of these four things, it is a red pill style consciousness-expanding paradigm shift.

United States of America Republic National Government #wingnut #crackpot #racist #elitist unitedstatesrepublic.us

The Preamble

We, The People of the United States of America Republic,

with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more Independent and Perfect government; establish Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; insure tranquility; Provide for the common defense; Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America Republic. As the Law of the Land, We, The People of the Moorish American Society, pledge Our Lives and Property to each other; to gain equal footing in the affairs of men and for other purposes in order to establish justice, promote the health, safety and welfare, secure the Blessings of liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity do by Our representatives in Convention, ordain and establish the following Constitution Republic form of Government and mutually agree with each other to form Ourselves into a Free and Independent State by the name of: United States of America Republic and we do hereby ratify the boundaries assigned to such State by the Act of Redemption at the Pan American Conference in 1928; the aforesaid which are as follows to wit: Extends from North-East and South-West Africa across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South and Central America and also into Mexico and the Atlantis Islands; Amexem, Turtle Island, Frog Island. The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under the Creator of the Universe, on the conduct of this Sovereign Nation State of Moorish American Nationals and Citizens, Let us, therefore, animate and encourage each other and show the whole world that we as Moorish American Nationals and Citizens are contending for Liberty as Moors on grounds superior to any nation on Earth; We now renew our Covenant with our Creator.

DAK-Rommel #conspiracy #elitist deviantart.com

Well, you have all heard this.
They say that a picture is worth 1000 words, right?

Well, our problem is, clearly, that we cannot explain National Socialism, or WW2, or Adolf Hitler, or the USSR, or Historical Revisionism, or Zionism, or Racism and Fascism in 1000 words.

In the artwork that we upload there will always be some one that will critisize us negativelly because he/she doesnt have a full view of the picture, a view as rich and full as we do anyways.

I dont think that we can explain a whole lot in 1 picture, but only in several hunderds of thousands of words.
It is the reason of why i dont go into full argument mode with every idiot i see, and you dont as well because even if you do say "Hitler was 1, 2 and 3" they are always going to respond "yes but what about 1, 2 and 3?", and this can go on forever.

I am still buffled, on how we could successfully evade all this propaganda. None of us was born with the ideas of national socialism in his head, and yet we arived here.

It would be easy to say that we are just smarter than the others, (which we most probably are) but the problem is that the majority of the world is quite clearly not smart.

Yes we may be alot, yes we may be right, but we are still the minority.

What the hell are we going to do about all this!?
Hell, if it wasnt for the internet we would probably believe that 12 million jews were gassed and the turned into lampshades and soap! We would still doubt the numbers and methods but only on a theorhetical level, we could not have access to all this information to support our arguments, even if we had any arguments.

This is all just, random thohts clusterfucked together because every time i go on this debate i usually loose because i just need time to explain all this. I cant keep it short and simple to explain the truth! Why? Because no one actually cares about that! No one cares if jews were gassed, or whatever, they just know that its "bad" although its a lie.
They fail to see the importance of events that are over 70 years old to and their connections to our times, adn our way of life, our Television our films our newspapers! Everything!

Ach! I am always thinking about what could happen if true National Socialism was to rise again but i fail to see just HOW this would happen. Are arguments are so complicated for the average mind that we will just be dismissed as evil because no one wants to hear that what they have been learning their whole lives was lies!

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[TeeHee] [120Hz Pill] Proof that foids have inherent flaws that prevent them from being Good Gamers


* The difference between 120Hz and 60Hz is day and night
* Yet Foids cant tell the difference between 120 Hz and 60 Hz
* Gaming requires split second reflexes and a high refresh rate is indispensable in this regard
* How can an animal who cant distinguish between 120 and 60 be a serious gamer?????

Why this discussion is relevant to the Inceldom discourse

Inceldoms biggest cope in the 21st century is gaming, (its second only to porn), and foids have destroyed gaming by their mere presence and they dont even have the inherent physical capability to enjoy the games jfl. Gamergirls are a meme and no self respecting incel will acknowledge, subscribe to, or give money to gamer foids tbh ngl

Donald Trump #elitist twitter.com

We are trying to help Portland, not hurt it. Their leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!

tyr-opfer #elitist deviantart.com

For too long there has been this ridiculous anti-"nazi" thing going on where rather than taking on a legitimate problem these anti-fa people attack and blatantly insult all the decent National Socialist out there.

Honestly, all you National Socialist guys and girls out there haven't you realized all these "anti-" groups and people out there all they do is insult us or call us names or make up lies. Isn't it just annoying? Is that all those people are?

I don't mean to insult but i just mean to ask is what are you doing? National socialist are doing nothing to you and we are trying to make the world a better place. What is the point of this Anti- business if all you do is toss insults like a teen playing CoD; sorry for the insult but that is really all you all are doing.

Just do us a favor and stop spreading lies and propaganda. It's a waist of your time and ours.

How you all create propaganda against National Socialists as the fakes is exactly how you are acting. The image isn't the difference between National Socialists in WW2 and the fake national socialists it really is the difference between us and you.

Ex-Detroiter #racist #wingnut #elitist stormfront.org

You are thinking of us they way you have been told to think of us. Most of what you accuse us of, simply is not true.

Nevertheless, if blacks are to live in a white land, we expect them to behave in a civilized white way. Many of you don’t.

Years ago, blacks clamored for “equal opportunity.” For the most part you have it. Now, if blacks aren’t proportionally represented in the upper classes or in education or on boards of directors, you exclaim white oppression, with the certainty that since blacks are the equal of whites, the ONLY reason there remain differences must be due to racial discrimination.

Well, young lady, there are differences – substantial difference. We are beginning to build a list here:

Scientific Proof of Racial Differences

So, review the documentation and understand you only have yourselves to blame for the inequality of outcome.

Auguste Meyrat #elitist #wingnut thefederalist.com

If perpetuating a white, patriarchal culture in any capacity is enough to merit monument takedown, nearly all statues are subject to removal, not just those of Confederate generals.

When all is said and done, perhaps the most lasting effect of the riots, protests, and police walkouts across the country will be the removal of so many public statues. Each day, more of them are trampled and defaced.

In the wake of George Floyd’s death, many Americans now conclude that most of their institutions are stained with bigotry and oppression. Therefore, like the original iconoclasts in Byzantium seeking to remove venerated images in the fight against idolatry, today’s iconoclasts are toppling and destroying public monuments to fight hate.

Such was the reasoning in New Haven and Hartford, two Connecticut cities that have decided to remove statues of Christopher Columbus from public property. What was once a commemoration of the greatest explorer who ever lived, the founder of Western civilization in the Western Hemisphere, and a man who embodied so many virtues of the Western world, now “represents a time of colonialism and atrocities committed,” according to Mayor Justin Elicker. The history itself hasn’t changed, but people’s feelings about history clearly have.

Dianna Ploss #racist #wingnut #elitist wcvb.com

New Hampshire radio host off the air after racist tirade in social media video

A New Hampshire radio show host has been taken off the air after she posted a video of a racist tirade on social media.

Dianna Ploss confronted a landscaping crew Friday while it was working on a project on Main Street in Nashua, across the street from the WSMN radio station.

In the nearly 3-minute video, which has now gone viral, Ploss is heard complaining that the landscaping crew was speaking Spanish.

"Is anybody here illegal? Are these guys illegal?" Ploss asks the crew. "What's the name of this company? Look at this. Look at this. It's America. Speak English. Speak English!"

Ploss also had a confrontation with a Black man, who walked over and asked her to stop harassing the landscapers.

"He's a Black man and he's going to protect the Brown man from this white woman," Ploss is heard saying in the video.

WSMN 1590 said that it has no employees and notes that all of its on-air personalities broker and pay for their airtime. Regardless, the radio station said Ploss is no longer associated or affiliated with WSMN or Bartis-Russell Broadcasting, LLC.

"We at WSMN value freedom of speech, freedom of expression and assembly. We will not tolerate discrimination, racism or hatred," reads a statement from the radio station.

To see the full statement and the rest of the article, go to:

Assorted Monarchists (no, they really do exist) #elitist reddit.com

Kaiser Wilhelm was misunderstood
Everyone here knows this, The Kaiser was misunderstood. Most call him an angry psychopath but in reality he wasn't. He started no war, it was the Serbians, he loved his family, even his British relatives. Of course he had to choose Germanyover them, but they choose their own countries over him. His own generals lied to him and he had severe anxiety and doubted himself severely.

It was the British who started World War 1 restore the Jacobites

The Meme Policeman #elitist facebook.com

Many have highlighted the Ayn Rand Institute (and other similar groups) taking PPP funds as hypocrisy. Their thought process goes; Rand opposed welfare, they are getting government assistance, thus hypocrisy. This is a shallow and mistaken view of her philosophy and the reasoning behind taking these funds.
-The ARI didn’t secretly apply for PPP loans, hoping no one would notice. They wrote an article back in May proudly announcing the move, “we *will* take any relief money offered us. We will take it unapologetically, because the principle here is: justice.” So how could taking government money be justice?
-Ayn Rand herself explained in a 1966 essay. She explained the recipient in such a case is morally justified “so long as he regards it as restitution and opposes all forms of welfare-statism.” Those who support such handouts, “have no right to them; those who oppose them have. If this sounds like a paradox, the fault lies in the moral contradictions of welfare statism, not in its victims.”
-Rand recognized that the welfare state (the taking of some people’s money by force to give to another) was wrong. To advocate for or support this was also wrong, but what about those who oppose redistribution but are still stuck in the system? “The victims do not have to add self-inflicted martyrdom to the injury done to them by others; they do not have to let the looters profit doubly, by letting them distribute the money exclusively to the parasites who clamored for it. Whenever the welfare-state laws offer them some small restitution, the victims should take it.”
-Similarly, if someone advocates for private roads, but given the current system there’s only government roads, they are not obligated to refuse to use all roads, that would be absurd. To get taxed for the road and not use it out of some sense of principle would make one unnecessarily suffer. And for what? The same holds for programs like Social Security, Medicare and certain government scholarships and grants.
-As for the PPP funds, the government shut down most of the economy, adversely affecting virtually everyone (including ARI and their donors). They then offered money to virtually everyone to ease the pain. But the government has no money of its own, so essentially it is taking from all to give to all. Money that will likely not be paid for through taxation, but through inflation and deficits, which will effectively take from all productive people in the future. To refuse some of this restitution, so that others who might be indifferent or wholeheartedly support government redistribution can solely benefit, is not standing on principle, but enduring yet another sacrifice.
-Rand lists some other factors to consider in accepting money. One must not compromise their values or views and continue to advocate against the welfare state (the ARI was clear in their article that they would continue to fight for laissez-faire and their efforts wouldn’t be affected). And they shouldn’t take part in providing moral or ideological support for such programs, nor help in enforcing immoral laws.
-Rand admits these are often difficult moral questions. “It is a hard problem, and there are many situations so ambiguous and so complex that no one can determine what is the right course of action. That is one of the evils of welfare statism: its fundamental irrationality and immorality forces men into contradictions where no course of action is right.”
-One major drawback to these stimulus programs is it forces almost everyone into these moral quandaries. Essentially, it’s a free-for-all for government money, should you take yours or simply let everyone else benefit at your expense? There’s no purely virtuous move, but the fault of that lies with the stimulus programs themselves.
-She concludes with this caution in accepting government money, “The ultimate danger in all of these issues is psychological: the danger of letting yourself get bribed, the danger of a gradual, imperceptible, subconscious deterioration leading to compromise, evasion, resignation, submission. In today’s circumstances, a man is morally in the clear only so long as he remains intellectual incorruptible. Ultimately, these problems are a test, a hard test, of your own integrity.”

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist amerika.org

Many joys await those who wake up to the sudden recognition that they are living in dying civilizations. For most of us in the West, the fact that our civilization basically hit rock bottom after WW1 has slowly become clear, leading us to want to go through the re-written history to filter out the lies.

Most Americans — if they believe their televisions, teachers, celebrities, public “scientists” and “historians,” social media influencers, and compromised clergy; in other words, if they take this Leftist regime at face value — believe that America did good things in WW1/2 and set the world on a path to peace.

Realists see it another way: WW1 was an extension of the Napoleonic Wars, and like other democracy wars caused by the internal failure of Leftism and therefore its need to expand through conquest, and WW2 a direct result of the unresolved issues of WW1.
The victories in WW1/2 led to a complete disaster for American domestic politics: conservatives found themselves championing the cause of worldwide democracy and equality, a Leftist idea, and adopting Leftist notions of total mobilization of the population as “good.”

American conservatives have never recovered from this, whether in our dogmatic patriotism, our embrace of mass mobilization, acceptance of racial integration and women in the workforce, or our increasing reliance on a powerful centralized state as the only means of policy application.

Many have longed for another conflict like WW1 or WW2 which would unify the nation, make us unite in patriotism, and point us toward another glorious future like the postwar years. However, in those years, we clearly won the wars, but in doing so, adopted the toxic Leftism that then took over the world.

FuriusJorge/DarkBulb121 #conspiracy #elitist deviantart.com

Parent comment here for context: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/840462142/4855436049

You blocked my DarkBulb121 acct? You are such a flaming, buttfucking pussy you actually blocked me from responding??? I'm arguing with a self neutering leftist.

I'll give you this last one & your self neutering ass can go eat a a bag of baby dicks for all I care.

Holy shit it was painful just getting through that post.

The simple fact is that most of us have been out in whatever you sad sheep are terrified by for half a year and we're doing fine. Evidence undeniable that C19 is nothing special. You NEED it to be bad to prop up your self esteem. Otherwise you've have to admit to yourself that as many have stated, you've been had, fooled, manipulated. You don't give a shit what I think about you but you yourself? Doubting your own ability to deduce such a clear sham from the truth? That doesn't sit well. Years spent in psychology were not wasted on me. I find human minds & how they're manipulated very interesting. When I realize something's being done to me without my knowledge I like to understand it clearly. You might consider learning some of that yourself.

" And trust me, if I were the one who was in charge, I would close all borders, put everyone in lockdown and get everyone tested to make sure no one had this virus before I let everyone go. That way, it would be over and done with. "
You'd be killed for it by the masses of your own constituency before getting very far with it. Your own military would turn on you. That's why we don't put people like you in charge.

If you can't understand that whatever you consider "TV" is how they're programming you don't even bother thinking about it. Sit back, enjoy your depopulation food, don't forget your soon to be mandated weekly vaxxine update or your daily fluoride regimen.

Answer this please: Do you even own a rifle? If someone provided you one could you even use it much less build or service your own? What happened to your freedom?

Worse yet what happened to your sense of freedom, your understanding of the word? Are you really alright with 24/7/365 surveillance? We're pretty big on Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear over here in the US. You will see civil war before the American citizen allows themselves to be pantsed from our right to defend.

Sheltering in shame, voluntary house arrest, senseless virtue signalling with useless masks made law in some places... you are a slave, a prisoner, a blind fool. You pussies are already dead you just don't know it. If SHTF over here people like you will be used to fertilize crops for people like me.

BookieOclock #elitist reddit.com

The chief complaint against monarchy I hear raised by these republicans is that under a king, few people have a say in how the nation is run. I say, why should they? Are passengers more qualified to captain an aircraft than the pilot, ensconced as he is away from the masses and in singular control of his craft? This is not a valid criticism of bad rule...this is the petulant whine of children who don't always get their way.

BoogieOClock #elitist reddit.com

Above the text is an image of cookie monster in royal regalia

Me not impressed with this new republicanism. You call yourselves 'reformers'; reform what? Reform INTO what? You want nation exist in perpetual revolt? You want society locked in race to the bottom, laws determined by lowest common denominator? Oh yes, that sound like a FUN place to live. You want to destroy functioning, moral, high-trust society so you can have bread and circus.

Anonymous #racist #elitist #wingnut #pratt #transphobia boards.4chan.org


(The image depicts a caricature of an intersex pink–haired communist giving the middle finger with the text:)

Yeah communism has failed every time and killed 100,000,000 people but you know what millions of people starve in thirdworld shitholes so. Guess that means market economies are evil for not feeding millions of violent sub 80 IQ blacks who would rape and murder if they had the chance checkmate capitalist pigs oh and btw IQ isn’t real because 100 years ago the test was flawed. The mountains of empirical evidence showing how IQ is both genetic as well as correlated with violence, financial choices and overall time preference is wrong because a white guy discovered it so that means it must be wrong

Anti-intellectuals on r/Conservative #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy reddit.com

u/optionhome: [332 points] Orwell’s timeless admonition, “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them,” has been given new life by the desperate efforts of pundits, scholars and Twitter blue-checks to defend the violence, looting, disorder and general monstrousness that have overtaken America’s cities.

anonocs [32 points]: American DEMOCRAT cities.
What you're seeing now is the sole products of Looney Liberal Loser cult ideology rammed down your children's minds by socialist academia.
At this level, everything begins in the classroom.

optionhome [25 points]
exactly. imagine living in one of those cesspools and voting for the very people that endorse the destruction of you own community.

subchop710 [16 points]
It's that they use their intellect and education to validate their emotional response.

Neues Europa #racist #fundie #elitist #god-complex #wingnut nseuropa.blogspot.com

Ten Principles of National-Socialist Thought

I. BE HONEST. A National Socialist faces a fact whether he likes it or not. Dishonesty is the mark of the enemy. National-Socialism above all represents living truth in its purest form.

II. BELIEVE IN GOD AND YOURSELF. The God of Destiny subjects only His strongest mortals to enormous tasks which would crush lesser men. God wills only the best to fulfil the highest task of life: to perfect mankind. Give yourself utterly unto Destiny, and God will shield you in your fight. God helps only those who help themselves. We will lose only if we lay down our arms due to our weakness and cowardice. There is only one true disgrace: submission to the enemies of our race.

III. BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR RACE. No one must be allowed to spoil what Nature created down through aeons of racial evolution. Your highest purpose in life is to carry on that evolution toward a stronger, better, more beautiful mankind. The purity and strengthening of the Aryan race is the basic requirement of every future higher evolution.

IV. FIGHT FOR YOUR RACE. Fight for the holy ideals of National Socialism, the heart of your great race. Only in this struggle can you prove your true worth as a man or a woman. Only thus can you fulfil your potential for courage, dedication, and ennobling self-sacrifice. Life's struggle for survival brought Man upwards from the apelike beings of the distant past to the height of Aryan culture and achievement. The Party's struggle will produce the revolutionary elite who will lead the National Socialist ideal to victory.

V. YOU ARE A SUPERIOR INDIVIDUAL. You will be outnumbered in this struggle, because the best are always a minority. History-making decisions have never been the work of formless masses, but always victories by active and dedicated minorities. You are both the servant and the spokesperson for your race. Make sure you set an example worthy to be followed in your person and your life.

VI. LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. You owe your existence to your racial family; let your love of them be your overriding passion in life. Do not fear the Undermen, the racially inferior, and do not persecute them. You are their superior, but you are not their owner. When the time comes to fight them, do not lose your senses through counterproductive hatred. Detach yourself, clear your mind, and destroy them completely, methodically, clinically, as if in a surgical operation. Nothing is more pointless than wasting time hating mud people; it detracts from the positive love of your own.

VII. IMPROVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. All Aryan men and women are your brothers and sisters, although not all are equally intelligent or courageous. It is up to you to inform them, to encourage them, and to instil their hearts with courage. Some of your kinsfolk have been misled and made ugly by the Judaic evil which is corrupting our racial soul. You must not hate them on that account, but rather strive to bring them back to their racial family.

VIII. REJECT THE DECADENCE. Decadence is anything which detracts either physically or spiritually from the health and the upward development of our Aryan race. You must hold your racial and spiritual purity above your very life, and not associate with anything which is decadent or which gives your life the appearance of decadence. Every aspect of life must be judged in relation to the survival and improvement of your race; anything hindering these attainments must be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed.

IX. THE BEST MUST RULE. All great achievements on earth are the product of great leadership, political or scientific or artistic. The racial community can gain strength only by applying the Leadership Principle and placing in front the men and women who have demonstrated superior ability, dedication, and tenacity in the racial struggle. Democracy is a sickness which leads inevitably to chaos, corruption, and the collapse of society; from democracy steps forth the cruellest of tyrants.

X. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Where there is a will, there is a way. Everything falls before the man of indomitable will. Suffering and sacrifice are necessary; we are hardening ourselves for the most decisive struggle in all of human history. Victory will fall only to the most truthful, the most fanatical, the strongest, the bravest, and the best. Be that.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #racist conservapedia.com

2020 Leftwing riots were an effort by the DNC and mainstream media to spark a race war in the United States in advance of the 2020 presidential election.[3] After the killing of a Black man while being taken into Minneapolis police custody, white liberal racists and social justice warriors nationwide began rioting, knowing that African Americans would be blamed for the violence.[4] The violence was discovered to have been pre-planned[5] and well financed. Democrat leaders and mainstream media refused to condemn the loss of innocent lives and property. The Antifa terrorist organization and other violent socialist groups hijacked peaceful protests and were responsible for the looting, burning. and lawlessness. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a key support group.

After the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman using a "non-lethal" choke hold approved by the city's Democratic administration,[6] the communist-dominated New York Times called for a movement to defund the police nationwide.[7] Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign spokesman immediately echoed the sentiment.[8]

It is certain the riots were non-spontaneous; the delivery of unbound pallets of bricks placed at strategic points in front of government buildings and affluent shopping districts in metropolitan areas throughout the country on the morning the riots broke out demonstrates a high degree of logistical coordination and financing.[9] The evidence suggest a classic communist revolution, which much of the world has suffered at one time or another over the past 100 years, but the American people has been isolated from and remains somewhat naive in dealing with such threats to preserving their freedom.

150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie #elitist godhatesfags.com

The Lord has still given this nation space to repent, though the cry of it is great and its sin grievous (Ge. 18:20). While there
is yet breath in your lungs, the servants of God at Westboro Baptist Church implore you to stop the sinning with reckless
abandon and repent. Do not riot in the streets against the officers and magistrates that the Lord has put into office. Obey the
laws of God and men. Cease from doing evil and learn to do good (Isaiah 1:16-17)!
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay,
saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)
Do you think that George Floyd or even one of the COVID-19 who perished were worse sinners than you? Jesus Christ
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:3)
Woe to you who have hardened your hearts against the Lord and His word. The destruction of this world is
imminent; you must believe on Christ, repent of your sins, and seek the Lord with humility. “For Gaza shall be
forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted
up. Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against
you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.”
(Zephaniah 2:4-5)
Repent or Perish!

ToxicPersonality #dunning-kruger #elitist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Avoidant personality disorder is not a disorder, it's a response to a hostile misandric society.

Many of us have at one point been fine socializing with people, especially before puberty, it's only after we got bullied and shit on for being incels that we avoid people. Calling it avoidant personality "disorder" is a psy op to trick incels into going out in public so they can get shit on by normies.

Idk. Alot of us just have minds that are beyond the scope of norman society. I regularly see people that i would classify as objectively uglier than me but that are integrated into soyciety (although in a sexless fashion). Theres more to it than a pure looks scale when it comes to being in or out in this twisted game. You need to lack an awareness of trends and underlying currents that opporate within everyones minds, things that as blackpilled incels we naturally percieve. Being able to say and do the right things at key times does not magically come from having sex. It comes from having a low level form of conciousness where the person operates at a mere animalistic level and does not possess the capability to think beyond fitting in and feeling right.

u/_PM_ME_YOUR_GF #elitist reddit.com

U.S.A. needs a King
What America needs right now is a strong King with supreme control over the armed forces. They will deal with the rioting thugs with authority (as should have been done days ago) and bring stability to the nation.

David J Stewart quoting Jack Hyles #sexist #fundie #elitist jesus-is-savior.com

[From Jack Hyles’s advice for how to raise a young girl.]

1. Dress her like a girl. Let her have long hair. Let her wear lace and ribbons. Do not let her wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The parent who wants to make a young lady of a daughter should see to it that she does not wear revealing clothes, but that she dresses modestly. I Timothy 2:9 and 10 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

This must be started early in the life of a girl. If she never wears pants for the first time, she will always wear skirts. If she never wears mini-skirts for the first time, she will always wear skirts of a modest length. In these days of hot pants, mini-skirts, and pant suits, may God give us some old-fashioned mothers and dads who well rear some sweet, feminine ladies for our boys and dress them accordingly.

2. Teach her strict obedience. Other chapters stress the fact that obedience is the most necessary ingredient to be required from the child. This is especially true in the life of a girl, for she must be obedient all of her life. The boy who is obedient to his mother and father will someday become the head of the home; not so for the girl. Whereas the boy is being trained to be a leader, the girl is being trained to be a follower. Hence, obedience is far more important to her, for she must someday transfer it from her parents to her husband.

This means that she should never be allowed to argue at all. She should become submissive and obedient. She must obey immediately, without question, and without argument. The parents who require this have done a big favor for their future son-in-law.

3. She should not be allowed to play alone with boys. The parents should see to it that she plays with other girls. This is important for many reasons. She should play only with toys that are uniquely for girls. This, by all means, should include dolls, doll clothes, housecleaning equipment, dishes, pots and pans, etc. She should participate in sports enough to become coordinated but she should not excel in sports. If later she marries a man who is very athletic, she could become more proficient in some particular sport that he enjoys, but if she becomes an expert in a sport that is usually associated with men and boys, it could prove embarrassing to her future husband, and for that matter, it could entice her to become more masculine than she ought to be.

4. Teach her how to be graceful in sitting, walking, etc. Every mother who has a daughter should be careful to show her how to sit like a lady, walk like a lady, and exhibit propriety and grace in her manners. (Note the chapter on MANNERS.)

5. Teach her to be an intelligent listener and an articulate conversationalist. She should read a variety of good books and magazines and have a wide variety of knowledge. It should be obvious to any male with whom she is conversing that she is an intelligent listener and that she can understand and respond to his conversation. She should never seem to know as much as he does (even though she may actually know more) but enough to talk intelligently about his interests and to make him feel that his conversation is falling on receptive ears and an understanding mind. This means that she should learn all she can about everything, especially things that interest men. For example, she should know football, but she should not play it. There is nothing a man wants any more than to be understood by an intelligent listener.

The wise lady will never "take over" the conversation. She will add just enough to make a valuable contribution and to show her intelligence on the subject, but she will always make her man feel that he is the more knowledgeable. Of course, as a girl like chooses a man, she will want to choose the kind that is at least her equal, the kind that she will not have to dominate, and the kind whose mind and conversation will always intrigue her. This means that the wise mother will teach her girl not to be a wallflower and not to attempt to get by on beauty alone. She will teach her to be the kind of young lady who has a beautiful spirit and a beautiful soul, one who can communicate, one who is understanding, and one who is quietly articulate in conversation.

Though she should not be a football fanatic she should know enough about football to enjoy watching the game with her boyfriend, fiancée, or husband, if he so chooses. It should be obvious to him that she is enjoying the game and that she is knowledgeable about it, but that he can teach her even more.

6. Teach her to make her dad feel like a hero. A young lady that can treat her dad properly is more likely to treat her husband properly. If she makes her dad feel like a man when he is in her presence, she will not doubt make her husband feel like a man when he is in her presence. If the daughter is careful to refill Dad's glass at the table, see to it that he gets the best chair, listen to him intelligently when he talks, participate intelligently, yet meekly in the conversion, she will someday transfer this to her husband and her husband will rise up and call her "blessed."

7. Teach her to have the proper heroines. The mother should be very careful to see to it that the daughter does not idolize Hollywood starlets, female athletes, etc., but rather, feminine, yet successful women like the Bible characters Hannah and Elisabeth, and characters in history like Susannah Wesley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Also point out feminine ladies whose path is crossed by the daughter and lead her to emulate them. It is very important that the young lady, even the girl, look up and idolize the right kind of people.

8. Teach her not to be too forward to boys. A young lady should not initiate a correspondence. If she cars for a boy she may respond to him with courtesy and feminine reserve so as to let him know she like him, but she should not be the aggressor, neither should her respond except within the bounds of propriety and right. It certainly is not proper for a young lady to call a young man on the telephone for a social talk, If there is obvious business, it may be done with reluctance, but it should never be done when the call is strictly for social purposes.

9. Do not show off her talent to others. As is mentioned elsewhere in this book it is far better for a parent to compliment character than talent. Many children have been ruined because their parents were too proud of them and their performances. This not only hurts the child but it disgusts other adults. In such cases the child receives far too much attention and then wants it for the rest of her life. Hence, she becomes maladjusted. Let her gain her own attention by her performance. Let her attract her own audience by her own ability and opportunities, not by the insistence of a mother or father who is overly proud of a daughter.

10. Let her do things that enable her to be a necessary help to another who is in the limelight. This is very important for a young lady. That is why learning to accompany a soloist is good training for a girl. Learning to take dictation is also good training. Both of these things train her to be a necessary helper to someone who is in the limelight. The Bible teaches that a woman is made not for the limelight but to complement and supplement. Proverbs 32:23 says, "Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."

The girl should be taught that her lot in life is to be obedient and helpful to her husband. Hence, if as a girl she can perform supplemental duties that are vital, she will be better equipped to be a well-adjusted lady. It is more important that a young lady be an accompanist on a piano than a concert pianist. Parents who train their daughter in this manner will someday be called, "blessed," by their son-in-law.

11. Teach her to pull for her dad. The wise mother will teach the girl to make a hero of her father and always pull for him. She should pull for him in business and do all she can to help. She should pull for him in any athletic contest and do all she can to cheer him to victory. In everything he does she should stand on the sidelines and root for her dad. She is being taught to root for the biggest man in her life and to cheer and spur him on to bigger heights. When she is married she will transfer this to her husband and will be a great encouragement to him.

The mother must teach the daughter that when the father is a success the daughter is also a success. She is a very vital part in his success, and as a member of the team she can share the victory and the spoils. When this attitude is properly developed she will feel the same way when she is married. When the husband wins a victory it will be a team victory rather than a victory just for him.

12. Teach her to plan for a profession but to hope that it will not be needed. Mothers and fathers should teach their daughters to train for some kind of profession that is always in demand. There is always the possibility that the daughter will never marry or that she will become a widow with children to rear and will not remarry. Because of this she should plan to pursue some profession that will enable her to support herself and her children in any eventuality. She should be taught that if possible, she should not follow this profession when married. This gives her a dependence, if the opportunity arises to be dependent, but an independence if needed. There are many professions that a young lady could pursue such as that of a school teacher, beautician, secretary, nurse, etc.

13. Teach her the sanctity of the body. Teach her that boys should keep their hands off and that her body should be clean in every way. She should care for her body. She should be well groomed and physically clean. Then she should also be moral and virtuous. Talk with her about situations which arise in the lives of most young ladies. Teach her how to handle each situation. Explain to her that that is the reason she should not be in a car alone with a boy. Teach her what to do if improper advances are made. Let her be conscious of the fact that her body is a very sacred thing and should always be treated as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

14. Teach her to do feminine chores. As is mentioned elsewhere it is better for a girl to do the dishes than the yard, to wash the pots and pans than the car, to clean the bedroom rather than the garage. She should do the duties that she will do when she is married and a successful mother and wife.

Much stress should be placed on the importance of her working hard. It is not feminine to be lazy. In fact, it is quite feminine to work hard. It is not working hard that makes one unfeminine; it is the doing of masculine tasks. Wise is that mother who teaches her daughter that good hard work is feminine and that the work a woman should do should be that of feminine chores.

15. Let her be around feminine women. Teach her to associate with ladies who are feminine. Point them out to her when she is a little girl and tell her they are the ones she should copy and emulate. Let these ladies be those who dress like ladies, talk like ladies, walk with feminine grace, sit with feminine charm. Let these be ladies who are good mothers and who have poise, dedication, chastity, consecration, and spirituality.

16. Let her baby-sit. It should be remembered that someday she will no doubt be a mother. She can prepare herself for this and train for it by caring for little ones while she is a teenager. When a girl gets around thirteen, she should becomes acquainted with taking care of little babies and small children. Her motherly instinct will be developed and nourished. This is very important in preparing her to be a successful and happy mother.

17. Let her care for younger girls in the family. Let her dress them, do their hair, wash their faces, etc. Even a girl seven or eight can care for a little sister. She should be encouraged to do so. This will teach her to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the load in the family circle, to work hard, and to prepare herself for motherhood.

18. Allow her to do no loud shouting or hollering. In fact, such should not be a part of anyone's household. The business of rearing children can be transacted without shouting or fussing. Especially should this be true in a girl, for the parent is to try in every way to make her quiet, meek, and feminine.

19. With the passing of the years, let her shop more for herself, and if she has younger sisters, let her aid them in doing their shopping. This will teach her to care for her own person and also for the needs of others.

The most noble goal that parents can set for their daughters is to help them become Christians. The second most noble goal is to lead them to be ladies, for one of the great needs of our generation is Christian ladies. May God use this chapter to make it so.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

After years of denying it in the hopes of building a bigger coalition, the realist Right may have discovered that nationalism is the science of building nations around one ethnic group only, and through that, the idea that our “ethnostate” in America would be a WASP colony.

History tells us that America was founded by a group of English people with aid from some similarly-minded Scots, Dutch, German, and northern French individuals. When I last visited New England, those were the types of names on the oldest tombstones and on the oldest documents.

These people came over the sea as pioneers, arriving in an uncertain land where death lurked around every corner, that is if they did not die on the way over. They had to make or make do without any of the luxuries or infrastructure of Europe, fighting Indians and wild animals and new diseases.

As soon as they got things established, however, a flood of people began coming from Europe to take advantage of what others have made. This is how humans destroy everything: once the good people make it, the rest smother it.

Early America worked because the people were so similar; ethnic Western Europeans are genetically and culturally similar enough that they cluster as a single ethnic group. This allowed America to borrow a culture without even knowing that it was doing this.

Once the newcomers arrived, things got worse. In cities like Chicago and New York, political “machines” sprang up around the idea of buying votes with benefits, targeting new groups like the Irish and later, Italians, Jews, Slavs, and assorted Southern Europeans and South Americans.

These eventually conspired against the ethnic Western Europeans — called White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to recognize their shared English cultural root in America — and by having large enough numbers to sway the vote, overthrew the WASP power structure in the 1960s.

darreact #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

Third, loyalty is not a case of manipulation or false consciousness. If genocide is one of the greatest crimes of which humanity is capable, then people must justifiably be able to resist it when it is imposed upon their kind. Extinction is the worst of evils that can befall a kind, and those that sacrifice some present self-interest out of loyalty should receive the highest moral praise for their efforts at avoiding this greatest of evils. In fact, altruistic self-sacrifice is often considered the essence of morality. Again, if a member of an ethnic group stays in a neighborhood, state, or country out of loyalty, when moving might be better from self-interest, this is a moral act of the highest order. Instead, there is a natural existential imperative demanding loyalty to ones kind when loyalty is necessary for any kind to persist. When threatened with genocide those groups whose members do not demonstrate loyalty go extinct, and so the prevention is genocidal.

There are three kinds of loyalty that correspond to the factors discussed in parts 2 – 4: loyalty to ones people, loyalty to ones ethnic, religious, and cultural traditions, and loyalty to place. There may be other important kinds of loyalty, such as institutional loyalty–loyalty to ones teammates, partners, family, leader, military commander, and so on—but it is these three types that are genocide-resistant.

Thus society needs to gain new respect for loyalty and the loyal, and a new disdain for the traitorous as loyalty is the highest of virtues as it avoids the greatest of calamities. Disloyalty, as was traditionally claimed, is the worst of vices; Dante condemned the traitorous to the lowest level of hell. A full discussion of how the disloyal should be treated, and what, if any, the penalty should be for disloyalty, is beyond the scope of this post. But several general points could be made. How to produce loyalty is an ancient problem. Perhaps disloyalty should be illegal. But it seems grossly extreme to charge someone as a traitor who, say, chooses to not bring their child up in their traditional faith. On the other hand, being a traitor to ones country is generally considered a great offense and is punishable with the most severe penalty, even death. In between state enforcement and unfettered license lay social pressure and stigma, and this seems a far more reasonable way to treat certain kinds of disloyalty: the disloyal should be ostracized and shamed the way the Amish or Hasidim do.

Michael Sisco #wingnut #fundie #elitist web.archive.org

Contrary to popular belief, by all objective observable criteria, Monarchy has been a resounding success. Recorded history makes it evident, that Monarchy has been the predominant form of governing on Earth since at least 3,000BC. What evidence is there that humans at large are so much more advanced, and intelligent than all of humans of the past? If Monarchy was such a menace to the Earth, would it have remained so dominant a force? Liberal democracy is a mere speck, in comparison.

For example, beginning with the unification of upper and lower Egypt, monarchy led to nearly three millennia of stability since 3150 BC. Certainly, it was developed in pre-historic times, flourished in the Greek Bronze Age, in Rome between 700 and 500 BC, The Chinese states, and early medieval Western Europe. The worlds greatest cultures and institutions, in every period, were cultivated and shaped by the Royal dynasties. Even the Nubian Kingdom in Africa produced periods of continuous stability, one lasting for at least 900 years. Until the pernicious lies wreaked chaos in England, the feudal Monarchs also produced stability. There is no doubt that Monarchy built great things! As pointed out at Unqualified Reservations, the world’s most beautiful and impressive architecture were built under the royals’ watch. One need only to compare the age of the Monarchs, to the age that followed. The rise of popular government, whose various expressions fought for dominance, destroying much of the cultures they consumed, and leading to the most bloodshed in the planet’s history.

Why exactly was Monarchy so successful? First and foremost, it is a natural reflection on Earth, of the hierarchy of Heaven. The Christian teaching of man, being created in the image and likeness of God, also applies to the order of civilization. Because mankind is created in His image, the most ideal form of government is that, of as a single head. Just as the father is the head of the family, so the King is the head of nation. Under a monarchial system, people are more inclined to reverently view the monarch as a dear relative, with a healthy blend of fear and adoration.

Anonymous #wingnut #ableist #elitist #psycho boards.4chan.org

If the majority suddenly came into riches, they would lose the incentive to work because in their mind the justification for work is their pay. If this were to happen production would come to a screeching halt and the money they thought would provide a carefree life would become useless as there would be no goods or services available anymore. The average person does not want to work, they are compelled to by the prospect of hunger. So since the system by design obviously requires work, and since due to the nature of the common laborer is only functional if workers are given just enough to make make them comfortable but also feel it necessary to return, it becomes clear that human progress depends on the existence of different classes. I enjoy seeing failures suffer and starve. It is an example of justice at work. If you provide little to no value, but still put in a great deal of effort while still providing little value, then you are replaceable as you have nothing unique to offer and thus have nothing to distinguish yourself from the herd. And if you don't like it, too bad. Most people are brought into this world as unplanned accidents. Riddle me this. Why should bastards be entitled to what disciplined families have built over generations? You have no right to their possessions. You were brought into this world as a nobody and then you look at those who have established their names, have gained a reputation for success and have made their fortunes with complete envy. Basic people deserve basic lives. Instead of being inspired by greatness you feel threatened by it because you are pathetic and inferior. Struggle is the precondition of evolution.

a multiracial individual #sexist #racist #elitist amren.com

RE: The American Renaissance Guide to Women, Sex, and Family

Male prefer pretty, young, curvacious, loyal, kind and supportive women.

Women prefer tall, handsome, low body fat, hardworking, kind, ambitious men with resources.

No amount of leftist propaganda is going to change that reality. In general, people are sympathic to the mate preferences of their gender and hostile to the mate preferences of the opposite gender. The exception of course being people that highly embody those preferences. Instead of complaining about those preferences people would be more happy if they tried to get as close to those preferences as possible.

High IQ leftists in the 1960s had their fun, avoided pregnancy, and eventually got married. Pushing this ethos on the rest of the population caused problems for low IQ people who are not able to successfully employ contraception.

That is tragic, but we cannot, and should not return to pre 1960s puritanical views about sex. Instead family planning needs to be cognitively tailored to the woman in question. Smart girls get the pill, dumb girls get the implant. But that will not be accepted by leftists.

Perhaps they would be able to accept a more universal solution. Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12, and it should be replaced when necessary until she consciously decides that she wants children, preferably within the confines of marriage.

So the right wing religious puritans are wrong, and the leftists that think that low IQ people can practice contraception are also wrong. (Again)

That is a terrible idea. The pill is not this harmless wonder drug that stops you from getting pregnant. It can actually mess up your hormones so bad, that it can make you infertile. So much for deciding to have children later. Even worse, those hormones get flushed down the toilet and never get filtered back out of our water supply (either because they can't or it's too expensive to do so).

I see people using "Puritan" as a way to describe prudes, but this is completely wrong. Their name has nothing to do with their sexual proclivities, but their interpretation of the Bible. Puritans were all about having sex, as much as both parties want. The only stipulation is that you have to be married first.

There is a cost for everything.

A very, tiny percentage of girls who receive Gardasil die, but we still do it because more women would die of cervical cancer if we did not.

Also I invite you to ponder all the misery that single motherhood contributes to.

It's called "gain some morals and don't have sex until marriage". Wow, single motherhood solved. Leftists furious.

This is why your side is immoral.

This is why you lose.

This is why you deserve to lose.

”Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12”

But teaching girls to have higher standards for themselves and wait until marriage is puritanical and wrong?

You must understand. The desert dwelling tribesmen that made up those laws were getting married right at the onset of puberty that is why they made sense at that time.

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