
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Did you had phase about your countryfoids?

I am a currycel and I think our women are grotesquely hideous goblinas with personality of a wet mop

Never had a phase for German women in particular, there is no beauty to admire there tbh. They are most of the time dull looking and get BTFOed by Slav women when it comes to aesthetics. Only once simped for them a tiny bit in 2015 (due to mass migration and sex crimes), nowadays I couldn't care less because most women would spit on me anyways.

Never had this phase, I've always seen Italian foids as the hypergamous beasts they are

Yes, I used to have the belief that Colombian women were the most loyal, loving women on the planet....what an idiot I was, Colombianas are the dirtiest sluts out there and are only loyal and traditional towards white guys --- this was one of the hardest black pill truths to swallow.
Some guys never grow out of it --- I used to work with an old Russian man, and his exact words "Russian women are the best women in the world"...please they're probably the second sluttiest after Colombians

(To koniec)

Guys that live vicariously because females of the same race as them are considered attractive are delusional and often think it will trickle down to them. Same with affinity for culture and food.

great point about food, while polish cuisine and especially british one are awful i've seen many food nationalist especially with curries or asians and southern europeans, that their food is superior... food nationalism is even dumber than foid nationalism tbh

Sam McCrory #racist #wingnut thehill.com

Wichita State University student leader wore 'White Lives Matter' mask to school event

A Wichita State University student leader wore a “White Lives Matter” mask to a school event.

The Wichita Eagle reported that Sam McCrory wore the mask Thursday to his first student government event, where he was sworn in as a student senator.

The mask allegedly went unnoticed until The Sunflower, WSU’s student newspaper, posted photos of the ceremony, the Eagle reported. The student newspaper was the first to identify McCrory.

Students expressed their displeasure, and called on WSU to condemn McCrory and for him to resign his position.

McCrory told the Eagle that he wore the mask to push back against the “modern left,” which he accused of hating white people.

“I’m not going to be a second-class citizen in my own country,” he said. “People can wear Black Lives Matter masks and nobody cares. But if someone wears a White Lives Matter mask, all of a sudden there’s a huge firestorm.”

Vox Day #conspiracy #racist #fundie #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

Mailvox: Breivik: saint or monster?

First, let me say that I have family members who are a) devout Christians, b) good men, and c) are responsible for killing considerably more people than Anders Breivik. I also have a number of friends whose confirmed kills are in double-digits. Nor am I at all persuaded by the notion that the God who loved David, who slew "his ten thousands", or the Jesus who praised the faith of the Roman centurion, is anywhere nearly as appalled by war as most men would like to believe.

... I tend to regard the Norwegians, and the "Norwegians", killed by Breivik as having been more culpable on average than the average Japanese, Korean, or Chinese infantryman were. ...

Breivik did not target innocents. ... He struck a highly effective blow against the political machine that is still actively engaged in attacking his people and attempting to eradicate them. ...

The fact is that Anders Breivik not only gave up his freedom to strike back at the quislings who are actively seeking to destroy your nation and your people, but he did so alone, and in the full knowledge that he would be hated for it by many of the very people he sought to save.


Of course, those who are not religious cannot fathom that kind of love, which is why they simply deem him mad, and a monster, and try to avoid thinking about the future. ... While he did a terrible thing, it is far more terrible that he was put into a position where he felt the need to do it in the first place. Focus your anger, and your disgust, for those who knowingly created the untenable situation.

In any event, my expectation is that if the West, and Norway, survive the ongoing clash of civilizations, Breivik will be considered its first hero. And if it does not, well, then Breivik will be regarded in much the same way that Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and P.G.T. Beauregard are presently regarded in New Orleans, as an evil monster who was "on the wrong side of humanity."

FLame N FRost #racist youtube.com

@Daniel L well if we are gonna go full scale on this, the creation of isnotreal wasn't the only problem, jewish population in arab countries contained many spies during the arab israeli wars, this is the reason arab countries sent most of them to europe, as for jewish exodus in iran, they are just racist shia lol, the jewish exodus in arab countries was WAY nicer than the palestinian exodus tho

Phyllis Chesler #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist americanthinker.com

We are fast becoming the Disunited Identities of America. American embassies may now fly the gay rainbow flag along with the American flag. What next? A Transgender Flag? A Black Transgender “Sex Worker” Flag? A “Palestinian” Flag? A special flag for American non-binaries and asexuals? How about separate flags for every possible ethnicity that American citizens represent? Better still, a special flag for the illegal/undocumented -- they’re here, too.

I happen to like the rainbow flag very much and for more than one reason. I like what rainbows biblically represent, namely, a forever truce between God and humanity. No matter how vain or venal our behavior may be, God is resigned to accepting the fact that we are all made of “crooked timber” and will sin, again and again, but God will never again unleash a deadly flood to destroy all mankind.
A mighty wind is powering this flag of identity, rending asunder all hope of unity, dividing citizen against citizen, making political alliances difficult if not impossible.

Where is the flag for the victims of sex slavery -- that would be female sex slaves, they are the majority, all others, whether male or transgender, however trendy, are in the minority. Where is the flag for rape victims -- that too would mainly be female victims of male rape. A flag for the mainly female victims of domestic violence?

Prick us, will we not bleed?
No political, intellectual, government, diplomatic, or administrative experience necessary as long as you are the right color, claim to sleep with only the right people, and sport the rainbow flag.

Thomas Sowell #racist #wingnut #pratt creators.com

Liberalism Versus Blacks

The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state. Most black children grew up in homes with two parents during all that time but most grow up with only one parent today.

AutisticMonstrosity #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Then please be the first to stop all white western males from visiting Southeast Asia or East Asia for whatever reason.

I just pointed out the hypocrisy of ethnics here complaining that they can't get an European GF but refusing to go back to where they came from while arguing that "white" men are volcels, because they can always get a South East Asian GF, while also strongly being against it also!

I see anywhere from 15x to 35x more WMAF couples than AMWF couples.

I've yet to see on my own eyes any native Finnish man with a GF from countries where Finland has received massive immigration since 1990: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sub-Saharan Africa, Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Turkey...

We Finns suffer from "JBW" (Western and Southern European men taking our women) like an Asian country. There are 4.2 British nationals of male sex living permanently here for every British national female, and those females are mostly the female children of British man, Finnish woman couples. Every western nationality mogs Finnish men, the ratios are between 2-4 for Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Greece... and the sex ratio is the reversed in those mentioned countries: there are much more Finnish women living in those countries than Finnish men. There are over double the amount of Finnish women living in the Netherlands compared to Finnish men. In the UK the ratio is even worse.

BTW, I bet I hate anglo-men more than you. I have seen so many anglo-men taking our women that every time I see a British man here, I barely can hold my rage and not kill him on the spot. It is a VERY one sided phenomenon: always the man is the anglo and the woman is Finnish in these couples. If I have to deal with them, I am as unfriendly as I can be. And there's a difference: I live where I was born, where my ancestors have lived for thousands of years. I have lived in the same town my whole life, witnessing the rise in foreigner numbers. While you have voluntarily moved to SF Bay area? Were you born in the USA?

starcrapoo #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Rofl I have no sympathy for the average 5'4 - 5'8 bluepilled ethnic simp living in the west/Anglosphere

Listen, if you're not at least a white guy thats 5'4 or above, its over for you. And I know there are many of you whitecels here on this forum so I don't wanna offend you guys. But this is in the west coast of the United States. (and I'm sure east coast and the pacific north west as well). This is very consistent over time. 5'4 or above for a white guy is what most average females (of all races especially white females) put at the very minimal threshold. Ethnic men have to be at least at the very minimum a 7/10 (5'8+ far above average height for a shitskin as well as muscularity).

You have to be at the very LEAST a white guy to qualify for pussy eventually down the line.(usually with noodles, but even then I see low tier white dudes with mid to high tier ethnic or white foids).

Its a very old topic that offends whitecels on this forum (PS. if youre the stormfrontcel @BummerDrummer type, crawl back into your swamp). If you're mayocel, a young white dude on this forum. Its not completely over for you like the way it is for ethnic males in the west. You can either ascend here or vastly ascend in Southeast Asia or Latin America.

I know you European whitecels feel much differently at this thread. But this is the Anglosphere I'm talking about.

This forum has gone way too fake lately. "Mayocels" where deemed the most fakest incels along with tallfags at one points". There are other incel forums besides this that say the same shit like "mayocels" are the fakest cels ever. I average fuckin 12 WMAF couples a week. Can't believe I only saw one today, thats because it was a cold, windy, and cloudy day.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

It’s More Than IQ

Why is it that whenever we read certain headlines, we can be almost certain that the story is about black people? “Four Dead, Including Child, After Stimulus Check Dispute Leads to Gunfire.” Or how about “Toddler Died After Being Left Alone for Six Days as Mother Celebrated 18th Birthday”? Even the very leftist Wikipedia recognizes that on intelligence tests there is “a difference in average scores between black people and white people of 1.1 standard deviations.” But IQ isn’t the whole story. If you compare blacks and whites with the same IQs, black behavior is still different.

A black woman with a 100 IQ is still 2.5 times more likely that a white woman with the same IQ to have been on welfare.image Control for IQ, and Black women are still five times more likely to have illegitimate babies.image You get similar data for the likelihood that men will be in prison. If you limit the sample to men with an IQ of 100, blacks are still 2.5 times more likely to be in jail.

The obligatory explanation is that systemic racism and white supremacy are making life miserable for blacks. There is a better explanation. Richard Lynn has written a book showing that blacks, across the board, are more likely than whites to be psychopaths. Blacks are more psychopathic than whites on all counts and, by the way, whites are more psychopathic than Asians. This is shown in personality tests. Blacks and American Indians get the highest scores on psychopathy, followed by Hispanics, then whites, then Asians.

Jared Taylor #crackpot #racist amren.com

Unusually low scores on agreeableness and conscientiousness are associated with psychopathic personality. Blacks are significantly lower than whites on those two important traits. Psychopaths have trouble planning ahead. Walter Mischel came up with the marshmallow test, in which he gave children a choice between one marshmallow now or two marshmallows in the future. Results have been widely reported. Much less widely reported are the racial differences, with the usual pattern: whites are more willing than blacks to wait for a greater reward, and Asians are more willing than whites.

Risk-taking is part of psychopathic personality. Blacks are more likely to take risks, and men are more likely than women. One of the best predictors of adult psychopathic personality is wild behavior as a child. There is probably not one school district where students of different races are punished at the same rate. Nationally, black students are suspended at five times the white rate. Supposedly racist white teachers get the blame for this, but does anyone believe that in this time, white teachers are systematically punishing black students unfairly? This article claims that if black students have black teachers, they are less likely to be punished, but the difference was only a few percentage points. Black teachers are still much more likely to punish black students than white students. Black children behave badly. Differences of this kind have been found in Britain, Canada, and in Europe.

These are murder rates by race per 100,000 people. The white rate of 4.5 is one seventh the black rate of 34.4. The real difference is even greater because Hispanics are lumped in with whites. Blacks probably commit murder at eight, nine, maybe even 10 times the white rate. Why would blacks be more psychopathic? Edward Dutton argues that Whites and Asians evolved in climates in which people had to cooperate. Africa was more forgiving. Cooperation, planning ahead, and care for children were less important. Psychopaths could survive and pass along their genes.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From "To Hispanics . . ."]

Be Proud. Your ancestors protected Christian Europe from the invading Africans and Muslims and brought Salvation to the Western Hemisphere

Northern Europeans owe you for defending them from death and invasion by those who hate our God and covet our lands

The Franks (France) repelled the Muslims at the Battle of Tours in 742, but the Spanish Re-Conquista drove the African Muslim out south-west Europe[…]In 1492, God assigned to the Hispanics (Spanish) the conversation of the Western Hemisphere to Jesus Christ. These European Conquerors defeated the devil worshipping Aztecs and freed millions from slavery and human sacrifice
I lived in a town called Matamoros once. And I live in a country called The Saviour (El Salvador) and I lived in a country emblazoned with the Cross of Jesus Christ (the Dominican Republic). Hispanics ought rally to the honor and glory that was once their under the mighty Christians and European conquerors. This is the legacy of all Hispanics
Northern Europeans ought mimic their southern Hispanic brothers by repelling the atheist, Asian, and African invaders. It is a cause worthy of the dignity of European man . In this fight for Jesus Christ European man will once again find worth, salvation and joy

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

America has practically adopted an official state ideology: Critical Race Theory, which holds that white privilege and racism are embedded in all institutions and cause inequality. Thus, practically unlimited government intervention is justified to remove racism. In practical terms, this means attacking whites, the group that created and sustains the United States. Governments at different levels openly discriminate against whites in ways that go beyond affirmative action. Joe Biden said that the federal government would prioritize reopening small businesses owned by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, “Native Americans,” and women — in other words, everyone except white men. Evanston, Illinois is paying reparations to blacks. Oakland will have a basic income program that excludes whites.

“Woke Capital” is anti-white and preaches Critical Race Theory. This doesn’t just mean you might lose your social media account. A bank can cut you off from basic financial services. Goldman Sachs, the largest underwriter of Initial Public Offerings, refuses to take an American company public unless there is a woman or non-white on its board (foreign companies can do as they please). Our rulers are punishing whites who defend their race.

Don’t ignore oppression. This system and those who run it hurt our people. Our struggle is for liberation. All the major institutions oppose us. Others in the past have faced the same thing. Whatever their motives, what our rulers are doing hurts our race.

As Sam Francis said, “At a time when the self-declared enemies of the white race define themselves in racial terms, only our own definition of ourselves in those terms can meet their challenge.” Even those who may not be our “self-declared” enemies act as if they were. We can’t deny what we face. There is no way out but through.

thrash_monke & CheapCocaine #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel last night I dreamt I had sex with a white girl


God that felt so good, she was about my height and had a long, light brownish hair.

Needless to say I woke up eventually and remembered I am disgusting ethnic mutt.

i hope that woman wasn`t slavic

It’s over. If you’re an ethnic in America, i’d heavily advise you to leave before the race wars commences. Ethnics need to go back for their own safety before they get skinned alive by the RWDS.

Also, my personal preference regarding women is white or hispanic women.

damn, are things that bad in burgerland?

Yeah nigga! Killing spics and nigger will be the new national sport to replace football! Fuk you Biden!

Also, feels bad about the dream, brocel.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Question for fellow ricecels: How do you deal with being racially inferior, cucked by all other races, being a laughing stock. Most go full denial (like the aznidentity copers) or become literal cuckolds who get off to being racially humiliated. The former are delusional since Asian male inferiority is self-evident, but the latter are even more pathetic and disgusting. How to cope with the shame and despair of being born an Asian male without losing your mind?

I cope by paying viking foids and vodka foids to ride my rice pener tbh.

Why do you live in Germany? There are only a handful (I know only one) or even less of ricecels here that live in their place of origin. Almost all live among European people and complain that they can not get European GF.

Don’t worry OP, I’m also a self-hating ricecel and wish I was white.

I’d rather be a lightskin sandcel than a ricecel if the skin can pass off as white. I admit darkskin sandcel is a different story and could be worse than being ricecel.

hatred. cucked if you dont feel it. its totally justified to feel hatred for a society that discrimiante against you and mistreat you coz of your race, all the while they hypocritically claim they're not "racist"

rice are second class citizens in the west, one need to reazlize that. ESPECIALLY RICE MALES. rice females get treated almost as equal, if not better than white males.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #racist #wingnut finalwakeupcall.info

Satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions are not going to let you go soon, they have the whole world conned by a fake pandemic, in order to fulfil their Eugenic agenda of 90% populations reduction, alive today.

The bloodline families want people to die of cancer and other designed diseases, not to be cured of any of those. They are mentally and emotionally sick, to an unfathomable degree and they see humans as dispensable cattle.

The Deep State agenda has three main assaults on people’s immune system designed. Vaccination, PCR-tests and mask wearing. All three introduce nano particles in your healthy system, to destroy over time your immune defences.
It is good to know; the real sinister medical purpose of the vaccine is to wipe out the less lethal strains and provide viral adaptation pressures that accelerate the creation of more lethal strains. In short it is the last phase for total world control and the destruction of mankind, meaning, the end of our civilisation and the human race.
They control all sides in the medical networks; The WHO, which they created from the start, the public protection agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and the Centres for Disease control and Prevention; the Pharmaceutical cartel and the doctors’ organisations. Together with their ownership of the media they completely control the game and the narrative.

If you want to know the real plan for mandatory vaccines and open borders, it’s not that difficult to figure out, really: Vaccines are designed to kill off our people while open borders are designed to allow a flood of obedient third world illegals to replace us.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #transphobia #elitist amerika.org

History will record this as the dumb era. A bunch of people who belong in jobs decided that they could rule better than the naturally talented, and they set off an orgy of bureaucracy and control-scheming that eventually destroyed the group. Obviously they were dumb.

All of this came about because society prospered just enough to get arrogant. We had more free time. We became distanced from nature, with our tools. Most of all, we no longer had to agree on anything, since we were already members of a permanent civilization.

In previous civilizations, people formed small bands. It was libertarian, and fascist. You went with the band that matched your mindset. If you encountered other bands, you would kill them if they were weaker than you. (If they were stronger, you ran like hell.)

Once you get permanent civilization, you have to “accept everyone,” or at least, a market is created for those that do that. In any social group, you will become popular by saying that all are welcome and everyone is at the same level.
That is the basis of the dumb era. We meant well, but forget to think through the logical conclusions of our actions, and by inviting in the misfits, we also summoned demons. Most of these are mundane parasites, but in large enough numbers, they kill the host.
It takes someone to enter from outside of politics to shake things up by asking the questions, “do we actually need this?” and “is this worth the cost and side effects?”

When you ask those questions, you will end up throwing out most of what government does. We do not need affirmative action, welfare, diversity education, transgender representation, foreign aid, socialized medicine, and social security. They are just vote buys.

Andrew Anglin #racist #fundie dailystormer.name

In this video, you can see that these blacks out in the street are totally unhinged, and ready to start slaughtering white people.

That is one Ami Horowitz interviewing them. His mother is Israeli, as you can tell from his first name. He’s a right wing Jew. They tend to get on both sides of these things.

The clip is wonderful, however, as it absolutely demonstrates where these blacks are currently at, as a result of having been continually pumped up by the media. Of course, the ones out on the street are going to be the ones that are most pumped up, and I don’t think this is representative of the majority of blacks.

But there are enough of the blacks that are all pumped up and ready to start the slaughter that a slaughter can be started. The non-political blacks who just want to eat fried chicken will also get on board with the slaughter. Even blacks who aren’t thinking about this political stuff will go along with a slaughter of whites just because they don’t really like whites and violence excites them.

What we are witnessing here, right out in the open, is a build up to a mass killing of white people. That is why they are trying to remove the police – they want nothing standing in the way of these blacks and you.

The kind of hatred you see in that video cannot possibly be satiated by the blood of Derek Chauvin. These people are ready to go, and they will go as soon as they get a significant trigger. They just want to burn everything and kill everyone.

It is very similar to the hordes of Mordor, with Sauron representing the Jews.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

No Justice for White Men

As you may have heard, the hero cop who kept that violent nigger thug George Floyd from escaping arrest was convicted on all three counts today. Over at Legal Insurrection, attorney Andrew Branca looks at the trial from a "strictly legal" standard (remember those?) and determines that the only just verdict was Not Guilty [i]por tres[/i].
You really should read the whole thing, it was written a few days ago and has (pardon the pun) the fatal knee to the neck shoulder of the innocent man violent thuggish nigger with this:
It's clear that there was no Justice for Derek Chauvin. When do whites start violent protests until we get our way?

On a related note, look what's happening on our side of the border with another (and even more) innocent white man, Pastor James Coate
At least Chauvin was allowed to challenge the allegations made against him

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

A letter to noodlewhores: Please stop calling yourself “Asians,” instead identify as “noodlewhores.”

Dear noodlewhores,

I know it’s very tempting to identify as “Asian” women because you want those sweet victim points from the recent black attacks on Asians, but if you’ve fucked a white guy, you’re a traitor and no longer part of the group. It’s ridiculous to show up at those anti-Asian violence rallies with your white husband (or “hubby” as you call him) or boyfriend and act like you’ve been personally victimized by attacks on elderly Asian men. When in fact you victimize Asian men by insulting them publicly on social media for their small dicks, blame them for the patriarchy, and how you wouldn’t fuck someone who looks like your brother. I wouldn’t fuck you either you miscegenistic whore. Stop assuming I’m attracted to you. If I put on a wig, I’d make a better looking woman than you, you flat-faced pancaked mongoloid piece of shit. And even if you’ve been assaulted, it’s your own fault for betraying your race. God has sent his black servants to punish you for your affront.

A lot of you really lean into your “Asianness” and parade around the culture as if it’s your own, holding flags that say “Love us like you love our food.” You also post pics in kimonos and hanboks and make shitty videos about making origami cranes and cooking Westernized versions of Asian food. But at the same time, in your sexual lives, you are the very white supremecists who you blame for these Asian attacks. You dye your hair weird unnatural colors and get plastic surgery on your monolids and do your makeup so you appear white. You want the exotic advantage of Asian culture as well as the perceived (by you) superiority of white genes. You also want so badly to be white so you can hate Asian men with full force without appearing to be self-hating. But remember, it’s actually blacks who hate and attack Asians, not whites. So you might as well consider yourself black instead of white by your own logic.

epillepsy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

You don’t even eat Asian food, you lying cunts. Your diet consists mostly of white cum, kale, arugula, couscous, avgolemono, avocado toast, and whatever gay faggot food is in vogue at the time. Once in a blue moon you eat a California roll, thinking it’s real sushi and you’ve never been to an Asian country because there’s not enough white boys there for you to fuck. So shut the fuck up about being Asian.

You have my permission to not be Asian. Instead, you are noodlewhores who deserve everything that is done to actual noodles, like being cut into thin strips and cooked in a warm broth.

What authority do I have to say this? Probably none, but every Asian man is thinking this, not only me. This includes the presidents of China, Japan, and Korea. They just can’t say it publicly because there are too many noodlewhores who have the right to vote in those countries. Your ancestors are very disappointed in you and also fuck you and burn in the seventh sphere of hell.

Socrates #conspiracy #racist vanguardnewsnetwork.com

White Philosophy for Newbies: East vs. West and the Chinese Coronavirus in America

Back in the 1950s, there was a clear line between East and West. The East was where strange-looking people with slanted eyes lived: China, Japan, Korea. The West was where normal people lived: America, Canada, England, France, Germany — you know: White people, who know what “humor” is (and who don’t eat dogs and cats). But not anymore! Thanks to globalism, multiculturalism and Judeo-liberalism, East and West mean nothing today.

The coronavirus apparently came from Asians eating exotic animals raw (e.g., bats, snakes, pandas).

Here’s an idea: why don’t the gooks stay on their side of the planet and stop polluting our side with weird diseases, okay? Okay! That way, the slants can eat all the uncooked bats they want without killing normal people.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

I'm anti-immigrant because I'm anti-nigger, anti-shitskin and of course niggers and shitskins disproportionately commit crime. I'm for the white Aryan race, unironically.

I can assure you that if instead of mostly 800.000 Asian and African MEN Germany received 800.000 SEA women ready to suky suky local men the German roast beefs would lose their shit and change their opinion quickly.

(Deleted member 33216)

People don't fear women who immigrate

I just want them for some fucking and then they can get lost. 3rd world people bring 3rd world culture with them. If I wanted to live in 3rd world shithole I would've moved to one a long time ago. The fact that the majority of refugees are men is the sole reason women are not opposed to immigration. Importing 800000 women here to fool around with locals would mean that Western foids would have to do more to get their sexual desires met. But who wants, that right? Here in the West we only care about foids.

Imagine if those were free single women in this picture. Would you still blame the jews for racemixing and destroying your native culture? As a blackpilled incel my sense of morality demands I simply face the fact that I hate the people in the picture simply because: 1) they look different 2) they are MEN. image

(Mr Joyboy)
People can't say "I don't want my country to be a shithole country full of shithole people" so they come up with arcane and absurd arguments. White people make the kinds of countries I like to live in, and only white people make the kinds of countries I like to live in. Ergo no darkies or orientals, please.

Edward Martel #wingnut #racist whitepeoplepress.com

Centuries from now, Ethnopolis is the jewel in the crown of Regnum Europa—the future high-tech and hierarchical kingdom established, maintained, and defended collectively by European peoples. [...] Ethnopolis explores the capabilities of a unified Europe—unlike the antique Union of yesteryear, with its outdated socioeconomic systems—under the control of a superstate whose greatness was born of immense struggle. This struggle began when the peoples of Europe realized their destiny differed from that of the foreign elite and sought to break away from the old globalist order.

In Ethnopolis, the globalists continue to integrate the races of man into one and turn them into hive-dwelling, virtual-pleasure-seeking, gender-confused slaves, endlessly consuming under quarantine. The Kadmon Alliance is the new internationalist regime, responsible for organizing the world into economic “Zones.” The Zones have introduced a soft form of corporate, bureaucratic, and neobanking hegemony whose enduring power is reliant on a police state, pacification drugs administered to the populace, and mass surveillance. Restless crowds are controlled by drones that release sedating chemicals, “Psy-caps,” short for psycho-capitulation medication, are force-fed to dissidents, widespread degeneracy has been unleashed on the public, and between required miscegenation and abortion policies, the remaining White population in the Zones struggle for their very survival. [...]

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #racist #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com

How many votes did Sleepy Joe Biden get in the 2020 election? 30 million? 40 million? 50 million? Let's say 50 million.

Most likely, he received less votes than that, but for the sake of argument, let's assume 50 million. That's an awful lot of votes. An awful lot of people who hate America. An awful lot of people who hate Christianity. An awful lot of people who hate themselves. And here's the kicker: upwards of 70% of those alleged 50 million votes were cast by white liberals.

What's more, white liberals didn't just vote for Biden, they played major roles in every facet of the stolen election. Without their assistance, it's most likely the overthrow of our government would not have succeeded.

White liberals are major supporters of the riots, the looting and the violence our country has experienced over the last twelve months and more. It's selfish white liberals, safe and smug in their gated communities, who oppose a wall on our southern border. It's selfish white liberals, cowering behind their double masks and face shields, who want the rest of us to sacrifice our health and lives by getting jabbed so they can feel safe. It's selfish white liberals who are now a menace to society.

Think about it. Who's more likely to complain about you to Human Resources and try to get you fired: a white conservative, a person of color - either liberal or conservative, or a selfish white liberal? Who's more likely to report you to the PC Internet Police and try to get you cancelled? Who's more likely to roll their eyes and mouth off when they see you without a mask? I think you know the answer to all of these questions.

JohnEngelman #pratt #psycho #racist amren.com

There is going to be a white backlash against this. I hope it persists, unlike the one that happened after Reconstruction and the civil rights movement of the 1960's. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. I was mistaken. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty confirms conservative and segregationist arguments against them. The civil rights legislation was forced on whites with extensive experience with Negroes by whites with little experience with them. The last twelve thousand years of human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the requirements of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the jungles of Africa earn for many of them felony convictions in civilized countries.

I wish it did not have to be this way. The minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as the majority of whites deserve equal rights. The majority deserves to be reduced to second class citizenship. Segregation and Jim Crow legislation was based on sound instinct. There is often wisdom in tradition. A criminal justice system that is effective on whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and especially in the South. That is why, when a black man and a white man committed the same crime, the black man was given much more punishment.

Before the civil rights movement whites killed blacks all the time. Blacks did not dare protest, because they knew they would be massacred.

ropecel64 #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill tbh indians and aisans should stop being so subservient to whites

Whites really dont appreciate you or care about you, your just money for their economy, and your female counterpart is free pussy for whites. Infact seeing it now being black or hispanci is much better, you don't contribute anything but you get women, money from drug deals and actively make the country that tries to eploit you into a shithole and you exploit them. Indians and aisans should stop contributing to western society and instead exploit it until there are miscengeation laws and ethnostates for us to live in and to stop whites form cucking us tbh

Spot on what you said about blacks and hispanics. Whites have a soft spot for Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics. Most definitely. Thats why you see white foids dating blacks nowadays. Even with all of the Asian lives matter stuff going on right now, not a single AMWF in sight and SF is like 30 percent Asian.

The people white Anglos (especially white liberals) hate are Asian, Indian, and Middle eastern men.

India seems like it hates China much more than it hates England. Which is sad.

White Anglos want Japs, Koreans, and Indians to help them fight China.

Tbh i think whites like curries and especially aisans for being so subservient, for the women for being sluts and them men for helping their economy out. But they favour blacks more for some reason, especially for black male dating white females.

All I really want is an aisan united front, from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, china, japan, korea and south east aisa under one flag. With ethnostates etc. So we don't get cucked by whites. But instead we fight each other sigh.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #quack benjaminfulford.net

The battle for Planet Earth is reaching an inflection point. We can report from high-level sources the Khazarian Mafia has reached out and is trying to negotiate a transfer of power (see further down for details).

However, sources ranging from the CIA, MI6, Asian secret societies, the FSB, the Pentagon, etc. all agree it is time to stop reacting and start acting. We need to keep up the attack on all fronts until we actually see a surrender followed by a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to fix the planet.

We have heard this surrender talk before and it always turns out to be a way to buy time until some horrible new incident takes place. For example, the Cabal has been repeatedly threatening recently to blow up the Three Gorges Dam in China. This would devastate the 350 million people living downstream.

It would also result in retaliation in the form of blowing up the Island of La Palma and hitting the U.S. East Coast with a 600 mile per hour 100-meter tsunami, wiping out Florida etc.

That is why reaching a win-win solution is a much better option than mutually assured destruction would be.
The rollout of these campaigns is actually a sign of Khazarian Mafia desperation. Remember how the Romanian dictator Ceausescu kept ramping up oppression until he ended up before a firing squad? The same thing appears to be happening in Canada now. When Ontario Premier Doug Ford called last week for a totalitarian lockdown, using the fake pandemic as an excuse, 39 out of 45 Ontario police stations refused to go along.

It should not be long now before the fratricidal Manchurian candidate Justin Castro and his Khazarian Mafia lackeys face their own equivalent of a firing squad.

Various TERFs #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

My half-baked theory is that it's because Japanese people are better at shame than we are. There's a whole thing about shame-based vs guilt-based cultures though it's probably very outdated and simplistic. It does seem to me that a lot of TIMs and the more obnoxious variety of TIFs have a pathological absence of shame. Or given the relationship with narcissism, maybe they in fact have a lot of shame which they are incapable of handling so they dissociate into their trans personas.

I think there’s a racism element to it, like it tends to be white weebs who think anime is a factual representation of Asian women: big boobs and doe eyes, at once hypersexual, childlike, and submissive. Other racial minorities in the west probably at least have an idea “the people of my race on TV don’t necessarily act like me so this is probably not a true reflection of how Asian women are” as pornsick white guys think this is a realistic transition goal.

maybe because the majority of characters - if not all - in hentai and anime ARE white? makes it easier for lonely losers to indentify with and create an escapist fantasy.

They're not. It is usually made explicit when a character is supposed to be white because the character will have a weird mix of caucasian stereotypes, possibly speak Japanese with an accent, and everyone will acknowledge that this is a foreigner. White weebs know anime isn't white, that's why they are known for behaving in fetishistic ways towards asian women.

have you watched hentai? or even anime in general. they are white. historically, they all been EXTREMELY white passing. so no. get that discussion elsewhere, the point here was figuring out why so many white people get influenced by hentai in such an awful way, not if the cleary white passing characters are supposed to be white people or not.

levitation #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why do anime and hentai turn so many white people trans?

Anime is popular with all races. It's a worldwide phenomenon at this point. So why the fuck are the overwhelming majority of weebs that try to literally become underage anime characters of the opposite sex the white ones?? No other demographic allows hentai to warp their brains to this extent.

It's seriously ridiculous. Almost every white TIM wears thigh highs and cat ears and talks about literally being a teenage anime girl. A majority of white TIFs had a yaoi phase that never ended, and fetishize kpop boys like they're their favorite anime characters.

I'm white so this might be just my experience, but I've noticed that a majority of trans people with anime obsessions and a hentai addiction are white. Of course any person who watches a lot of hentai is highly likely to be a perverted weirdo, but it's not like hikikomori Japanese men are turning TIM at such high rates or citing the cat boy from Re:Zero as their transition goals. Am I going crazy or is this as weird as I think it is?

I think it's the fact that white-people-culture is so tremendously individualistic and self-focussed. They're looking at content that's often created for escapism. People who are well-integrated into their communities and families know how to balance the occasional escapist fantasy with the demands of living within the social order. Western weebs who spend all their time in front of a screen, immersing themselves in escapist and sexual content to the point of obsession, well, not so much.

That makes a lot of sense. I've also noticed that not many socially well-adjusted people transition, except in cases of group contagion with teenage girls.

Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

[From "Dear Black People:"]

I wanted to post this sooner, but due my anger being up to the sky, i needed to cool off my inner fire before writing this and letting you know a few facts:

People, stop. Equal rights doesn't mean 'Superiority Rights'. Instead of stating that 'Black Lives Matter' you should be voting for 'ALL Lives Matter; the black race is NOT the only other race besides whites
•No, you can't mugs us to get the money that we have worked for
•No, white people doesn't exist to help you 'fix/improve' your race
•Refusing your advances doesn't means that i'm a lesbian
•I don't hate black people, i hate the behavior beneath the skin
I live in a country where black people has taken over, forcing the whites to do enormous exodus trying to run away from them. It is so, that even Haitians are slowly making this their own land, undoing all the efforts that our Forefathers did in order to keep us an independent country. Because white people are horribly submissive, we've become easy prey for the black race and i'm disgusted!!!!! I don't want to leave my home. It was built when my white community was might and coming from 2 white families, i don't want to leave my house to some black dude that believe that has more rights than i do.
I live in fear. It's not racism, is FEAR! That's what you represent; proof to me that i'm wrong
Crime is more committed by black people than others. What's next? Coming to my house and kill me? I don't doubt it. Hate is your might. Proof that you're better than me

EzraLB #racist boards.christogenea.org

The arab/moor conquest and occupation of southern Europe brought in a lot a arab admixture into these countries, especially in the south. It was different from eastern europe somewhat in that there the invaders were driven back and out; whereas in Spain and Portugal the invaders occupied the lands for a significant amount of time. And Portugal brought back black slaves and eventually absorbed them into the population.

Also, with the Catholic Church demanding and accepting conversos, each country absorbed large numbers of jews into the populations. I read a recent genetic study of Spain that estimated 20% of the population today had jewish blood, whatever that is. My guess is that it would be much higher.

In the early 1500s, Erasmus, the Catholic humanist, commented that Spain at that time, was "crawling with jews," and he was talking about conversos--jews who had converted to Christianity. And he was making this comment more than 20 years after the general expulsion of the jews in 1492. There were so many converso jews in Spain that Erasmus refused to travel there.

The math is simple. Thousands of converso jews 600 years ago in Spain absorbed into the population. Given the size of Catholic families, that number would grow exponentially, spreading like wildfire through the population. And that's just the jews--when you add in the arab/moors, you can see how rapidly a population can be mongrelized.

Netzachcel #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

Incels are rare as fuck in mexico because this shithole is a goblin farm for the imperium.

Incels in mexico are rare as fuck,People here breed like rabbits,Foids here dont go full chad 24/7 like in first world countries,People here breeds like cockroaches because thats what the imperium wants,They want organs,wagecuckers and puppets,I noticed that most people here are dumb as fuck and they just care about eating,shitting and breeding,There are lots white saxon chads here but they dont get 99% of wombs,Why? Because mexico is a fucking farm,And living here as a dissident is hellish as fuck,If you are not a normie here you get drugged with jewpills since a young age that lower your testosterone, because the imperium want you to take care of single mothers here or breed with goblins or fat trolls,Mexico is a fucking human farm and only white chads experience here human rights,Our president is well...less brutal than the former leaders but i still think there is something weird with him,Whatever white boyos,If you want mexican pudsy just fuck them,But dont bring those ungrateful priviledged holes to the imperium,they dont deserve it.

this shit is pure evil, at least european medieval peasants had white holes.

mexicans have latinas

What is so great about "latinas",Their skin looks like poop,They have weird faces,They shave their eyebrows and paint them back with makeup,They listen to shit music,What is so great about them? They are sluts like all foids.

most latinas are ugly. the more native american blood they got the uglier they tend to be. the upper class of mexico look white. mexican tv shows are full of white actors. JBW is law in mexico. the native are ugly, cruel, dangerous criminals to be or already a criminal. all those cartel violence. and OP how the fuck r u incel in mexico? foids in that shithole have low standards.

JBW is super strong here,Most bank workers are white stacies and chads,And how im an incel? Im a truecel,And honestly im not attracted at all in shitskin females.

squirrelsonfire2 #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Based If a white foid supports BLM she should be forced to give them nonstop affirmative action white pussy whenever requested

Not supporting race mixing because it’s disgusting. However I wouldn’t even want to date a foid who race mixes in the first place, and the ones who support BLM are too far gone anyways. They should be treated as fleshlights by black men whenever requested for white pussy reparations.

Sterilize them and let the blacks use them as sex dolls.


_Moon_ #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist saidit.net

There ARE plenty of issues with the police and with policing, but iNteRseCtiOnal fEmInisTs constantly whining about these criminal low-life moids getting shot after resisting reasonable police orders are pathetic:


spoilerBLM's Latest Martyred Saint: Daunte Wright Had A Warrant Out For His Arrest For Attempted Aggravated Robbery Charges After 'choking And Holding A Woman At Gunpoint For $820 In 2019’

It's just more evidence that women - especially white women - are in a lose-lose position right now.

Conservatives and right-wingers are deepthroating the boot and licking the shoes of a neo-feudalistic billionaire class that is ushering the world into high-tech dark ages (Every right-winger out there is like, "We must fight back against these woke corporations destroying our way of life, but marginally raising their tax rate and giving their exploited employees healthcare and a living wage would be communist tyranny!") and leftists are always on the side of male criminals wanting to "defund" (=privatize) the police and basically install a woke party dictatorship in which white women won't be allowed to call the cops on non-white criminals because that's what racist Karens do. A woke party dictatorship in which a woman "misgendering" a tranny or a white woman wearing a Pocahontas costume will face a harsher penalty than a black or brown man raping a white woman.

White women are in a lose-lose position because hating white women - especially middle-aged white women ("Karens") - is probably the only thing Reddit feminists and 4chan incels, left-wingers and right-wingers, intersectionalists and anti-IDpol dudebros, white men and wo/men of color all can agree on.

It doesn't really matter which side wins or if the extreme center remains in power. Things will get worse and worse for us.

NeverendingNight & _Moon_ #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Lindsay Ellis was mocked for making a comparison between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon. People on Twitter were pissed, calling her a "dumb and whiny white bitch" and all sorts of misogynistic slurs. She is pro trans and your stereotypical nerdy/geeky feminist. And what did that get Ellis? Nothing. I'm not trying to say that it's on the same level or as worse as police brutality, of course it isn't. Nevertheless, it's obvious to me that feminists are more willing to forgive criminal men of color over "problematic" white women. Men of color can assault, harass, loot, kill, and rape, and there will be a crowd of women, white and WOC, ready to make excuses for them. The same forgiveness is not extended to white women who speak out of turn. Annoying "Karens" are worse than violent male criminals. Fully agree with the rest of your comment.

I didn't know Lindsay Ellis until now, but I already had a suspicion I found confirmed after looking her up: that she is between 35-40 years old. The only thing men - of all colors - value in women is the beauty of their teenage bodies, ideally matched with an equally childlike personality: soft, agreeable, willing to let men correct her, etc. Many of these anti-Karen BLM type wokeys are pretty young women who still have the approval of men. But as they age and lose certain childlike traits - both personality-wise and in regards to their looks - men treat them more and more brutally and might almost hope that they get "canceled" and replaced with a 20-year-old again.

The anti-Karen meme almost seems to be a bit of a generational conflict because young women feel like it is their turn now to get male head pats. But sooner or later, these young women will be closer to 40 than to 20 themselves. And then it's just a matter of time until they, too, will be the Karens whose hard opinions men don't want to hear. So young white women engaging in these woke witchhunts will be in for a rude awakening rather sooner than later...

Lv99_BixNood #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Is Japan based? Some interesting info

major university intentionally failing foids, jap women are so used to getting molested by jap men they feel numb to it, JBW doesnt seem to work all the time?

I was refused entry to a restaurant because I'm a foreigner. I speak fluent Japanese and tried arguing with them, they said "No foreigners because of Corona."

This is just wh*Te propaganda. Japs are meek pussies. The chikan issue is a perfect example: all available data suggests Japan has extremely low crime rates, especially sexual ones. Japan has women-only train carriages because Japanese are spineless SIMPS. Trains in America are orders of magnitude more dangerous for women, but the perpetrators are blacks and other ethnics who have victim status in the West and dare not be criticized. Japs are getting called misogynists and rapists because they gave in to feminist demands to make an already safe environment for women even safer. Daily reminder there's nothing women and the gynocentric Western ((((((media)))))) hate more than spineless low T simps.

These retards travel to foreign countries because they think those countries are exotic and then trying to force their will and way of life on the people that live there and get mad when they don't comply, you see this all the time on websites like japantimes. US ethnics (esp Blacks) are 10X more sexually aggressive but that's never a source of articles and commentary pleading for change, because, like you said, protected class.

Basically all English language media in Asia is run by wh*te sexpats shitting on ricemen to gain some sort of moral justification for why they're slaying noodle pussy.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Should autistic men be put down like dogs in order to spare them from a lifetime of misery?

I personally voted yes. Autism has made my inceldom unquestionably worse.

Yes Votes: 17 70.8%
No, it’s to inhumane. Votes: 7 29.2%


I'm kinda glad ER went ER on his ricecel roommates. HE WAS JUST PUTTING THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY

Didn’t think about that. High IQ post.

When you reach a certain level of blackpill these things are just intuitive, they certainly were for ER

No, they deserve a chance to become legends like Adam Lanza

No, it’s women causing problems for autistic men so just take away women’s rights and problem solved.

Why stop at men?

Putting down subhumans in general should be mandatory

Hunter Wallace #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "Bernie Madoff Dies In Prison"]

Sheldon Adelson died in January.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bernie Madoff are dead now too.

It will be interesting to see how Jewish power plays out in the long term. Is this a permanent state of affairs or a passing historical era? As history rolls forward, will people continue to care as much about the Holocaust? What will happen to Jewish power centers like Hollywood which seems exhausted?

There are some reasons for optimism on this front given demographic changes in the Jewish community. History strongly suggests that our Jewish elite is doomed in the long run like all previous elites. Founders eventually produce degenerate grandsons and great-grandsons. We often forget that the sheer passage of time tends to solve even the most seemingly unresolvable problems. Things happen which we do not anticipate and which have unforeseen consequences.

Andrew Anglin #racist #crackpot dailystormer.name

We are on the brink of the point where these blacks just start killing white people at random.

We are inches away.

Sure, the cops got this guy and his family out of the home. But what is going to happen when mobs of these orcs are marching into the suburbs – or getting bussed in? What are cops going to do when there’s a thousand blacks on the street in your suburb, and everyone is a target? They’re going to do nothing. The blacks will rob, loot, rape, kill and burn, and the cops will stand there and watch.

But if you harm one little curly hair on a good boy’s burr-head, you’re getting swooped up, arrested, charged, blasted across the TV.

Look – I just know what the deal is. A lot of people are spreading disinformation, or they’re stupid, but I told you this was going to happen. This is happening exactly like I said it would. Antifa-BLM is not going to stop because Biden was elected, and if someone told you that, you need to think about the rest of what they’re telling you.

This is a society on rails. Everything is just steps in a plan, headed towards a destination. The only thing you can do is take care of you own self and your people. The single most important thing is to get out of the city.

Just look for a house or a rental now. Go do it.

This isn’t going to stop.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #psycho #racist amren.com

(Marc Zuckurburg)
Just yesterday here at AmRen, there was a story, with the title "A New Elite Ethnogenesis" that CELEBRATES that this is happening, a developing mixed race elite in training, typified by the incoming diverse Princeton freshman class, and the inevitable relationships, marriages and mixed children that will result from assortative mating, is destined to lord over the deplorables, or, to put it in a different way: "The white man's day is done".

(Independent Thinker)
Also as far as "ownership" is concerned, according to this person is Europe "owned" by Europeans? Is China "owned" by the Chinese? Would it be okay if Whites came en masse to China and reduced Chinese to a minority? The problem with the type of people who complain and ridicule White "ownership" of colonies like Canada, Australia, etc., is that they make the same arguments for Europe, and then where can Whites exist, and not be harassed into having to live around non-Whites should they not want to?

(Woodrow wilson Resurrected)
Americans absolutely deserve what is happening to them for what they did to germans during And after ww2 in collaboration with bolshevik jewish and slavic subhumans. This is the posthomus revenge of millions of innocent German civilian victims and Noble SS men who were raped And murdered in the most brutal way by the filthy slavic soviets armed And supported by americans And brits-all with jewish Media And financial backing

Jack Ryanod #psycho #racist amren.com

If you were a juror, not convinced of Chauvin's guilt. Would you DARE to vote not guilty? You will be doxxed, BLM and Antifa will surround your house for weeks, your children will be spit on, taunted, beaten, you will be unemployable for the rest of your life?

Would you really destroy your life just to save Derek Chauvin?

Chauvin will be convicted, the entire show trial is unnecessary.

I was a 7th and 8th grade pubic school teacher - I'm used to threats of riots, got called a lot of names. Unlike cowardly puss*** like Mittens Romney and Ron Paul, I don't back down just because groups of urban POC make threats.

I recommend for Whites on this jury to have taken on insurance on their homes - if the Antifa/BLM mobs don't come to burn down their homes, get some guy from a trailer camp to torch it for the Insurance $. Get your family and key possessions out - and move.

These BLM/Antifa "woke" mobs have rather short attention spans. Officer Wilson in Ferguson MO has moved on he's off the radar - maybe he changed his name and is now working in law enforcement, intelligence in the Dominican Republic. I hear the DR really likes tough White guys that can stand up to Black thugs, Black mobs. The DR is on the same Island with Haiti. Locals know the racial/cultural/crime/mob riot score.

Needless to say there are few, no race denying Libertarian Constitutionalists in the Dominican Republic. My sources say that most of LA is now pretty well prepared to break up all BLM demonstrations, Black Southern California street gangs the Bloods and the Cripps are pretty much history, thanks to very racist Hispanics.

Get to know/support/bribe some tough Hispanics including yeah the LK. White Patriotards are still listening to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American", Hispanics are not.

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel If I see one more interracial couple I’m gonna lose it

I shit you not, idk what the show is called but it starts out. IT STARTS OUT. With an interracial couple. Ofc white woman black man. And the white woman gets hit and goes to a coma and is put inside the mind of the black man or whatever. And of course, they have a mixed race kid (boy) with girl hair. Like a little transgender kid. Ironically, the actress is (or looks) Jewish (black hair but idk her name to check).

The effect this kind of media has on inceldom is not to be underestimated. Interracial couple propoganda by just being existant normalizes it. Thus boosting the SMV of one of the races and lowering the SMV of the other race, which is ultimately what the Hollywood elite want. And it also normalizes mixed race children, which are genetic mixups and predisposed to a host of genetic fuck ups being mixed race (and by that unnatural).

I think you're referring to an episode of Black Mirror. I was pissed off too when watching that, the director of it is a white guy who married a curry foid. Ws this the actress? she's Welsh not Jew.

That’s exactly who it was, and leave it to a Celt to do something like this. If it’s not a Jew it’s a Celt (Joe Biden being the biggest example)

miscegenation director miscegenation actor.

Various Incels #racist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel Blackcel gets harassed by chad while walking home, chad gets arrested

No.. He's a nigger who is in a neighborhood that he does not belong in. He deserved to be bullied. I just have to turn on the TV and I see "white man bad". I go to social media and I see "white man bad". I go to any mainstream platform and I see "white man bad". I play any AAA video games and it's "white man bad". I GET IT. WHITE MAN BAD. OKAY? I SEE IT EVERYWHERE. I don't need it on this comfy little corner on the internet too, okay? You want to complain about "da whitey bad"? Go to any major platform and they'll suck your dick for being an ethnic and praise your hatred for da white man. Okay? You have twitter, facebook, youtube, reddit, tumblr, and pretty much all major platforms on the internet to complain about "da whitey". Why here?

if this were a black neighborhood and a white incel was snooping around he wouldnt have got a warning, his white ass would be fucking dead. Because of BLM the niggers are getting away with way too much shit. If this is what happens now when niggers are prowling for houses to burgle then our society is going to get fucked by niggers so badly we will all be living in the ghetto soon.


Yeah, after rewatching, it seems like the guy was suspiciously creeping around the neighborhood and bothered the foid

If a white dude walked in a black neighborhood he would risk being mugged at the very least. And that's just walking. Now imagine if he harassed some sheboon. The entire hood would jump him. Double standards by niggers as usual. Also this had nothing to do with his race. He harassed a woman from the neighborhood they have the right to kick him the fuck out.

Tom Shackleford #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Considering the Consequences"]

The Fog of War is a documentary featuring Robert McNamara[…]Key bit of dialogue between him and Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis:
This sort of conversation clearly doesn’t happen around the tables of the malicious parasites who’ve consolidated a stranglehold on America[…]This character flaw has been noted and resented for millennia

Let’s take two of their initiatives and consider some consequences. First, waging an unrelenting campaign of vilification and demographic displacement against the peaceful and productive white majority that the country requires to function. Second, using dishonest propaganda to enrage blacks by convincing them that they’re being subjected to wanton murder at the hands of white people and law enforcement

An obvious consequence is that it becomes impossible to lull enough citizens into a sense of complacency[…]particularly after a senile man was installed as president through fraud

A second is that the black population has successfully been incited to rage
A third is clear to us but not to them. More and more whites have become alienated
It’s impossible to demobilize an army of anti-white crusaders who’ve spent their whole lives getting imbued with hate. They can’t reverse migration policies[…]Blacks are never going to suddenly believe that they’re misinformed
The people who stole America never considered the consequences of this offensive because it was launched through malignant instincts and emotions. If Kennedy was one of them, we’d probably be mutants dwelling in an irradiated wasteland

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Sights and Sounds: Business as Usual

Some Brooklyn Center stores are being protected by civilians with firearms.

Blacks have every right to protect their property and neighborhoods with firearms. However, what if looters hadn’t stayed away. Would a black man who fired his weapon get the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment?

Representative Rashida Tlaib had a great idea.

Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization.

White police cannot police black communities. Every interaction becomes a reason for riots. Whites cannot babysit ungovernable populations any longer. These riots show that many blacks so distrust whites that they do not accept the law’s legitimacy.

It is bad for blacks and whites to have to judge each other on juries. We are not peers and we do not look at the world the same way. This is why jury selection often focuses so heavily on race. Even lawyers who would publicly deny that race exists act like race realists.

Let blacks police themselves if they can. They should also leave our towns and escape the “white supremacy” that hurts them so much. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’s should leave her new properties in white neighborhoods. Let her live with the “community.”

We still need to explain why looting is wrong. But it’s also time for action in defense of the European-Americans forced to subsidize the destruction of their country. This can’t go on, but no one will stop it unless we do.

Lv99_BixNood #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Bitter pill to swallow for ricecels: we are inferior to white men in every possible way

White men outclass us in every single attribute: height, frame, masculinity, facial aesthetics, wealth, social status, cultural dominance, strength, athleticism, penis size... even in terms of "personality" white men are far more likely to be dominant, outgoing and NT while Asians are meek and neurotic. Even the one supposed saving grace for Asian men that we have higher IQ (so we can betabuxx better jfl) is a straight up delusion: 99% of the technology we use everyday has been invented by white men.

One of the most blackpilling testimonies I've read was from a noodlewhore "massage therapist" in Brazil who described the physical differences between Asian and non-Asian clients: the Asians were all skinny and devoid of muscles whereas the non-Asians were muscular even if they never visited a gym in their life. A trained Asian would still have a worse body than an untrained non-Asian. She even went as far as comparing the builds of non-Asians and Asians to those of adults and children.

So yes, whites (and others) mog us brutally. I know some people here will call me a self-hater and "fuck YT" or whatever, but why would any woman choose an Asian man? What are ricecels better at than white men? I can't think of a single thing outside of autistic shit like LoL or math olympiads. Ideally I think Asian men should self-segregate: go back to Asia, kick out all the white sexpats and close the borders. Force noodlewhores to be with us by depriving them of any contact with whites. That's the only way I see for Asian men to have a future.

White nationalists don't hate asian men. Why do you just blatently make garbage up? White Nationalists openly admit that Asians score higher on IQ tests. The only races that White nationalists truly hate are Blacks and Jews.

True, I don't mind actual white nationalists, just the sexpats who want to cuck us and miscegenate with noodlewhores.

To koniec & Angry_runt #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
Blackpill Ethnicites with lowest social status

Slavs have low social status, cause nobody has fetish for slavic men and slavic women are seem to popular due to that they are easier to obtain and have pale features.

Nations, ethinicities with low social are getting fucked by other men from other nations which have good time with their women. Think SEA basically.

British men are best example of this, i heard maaannnyyyy times that brits are ugly (especially women) which i can not say if it's true, but suprisingly to what everyone says, in one of korean interviews about if korean noodlewhores likes white men (you can guess answer), after italian men british was second answer and many comments on henry cavill one comments stated in comment section that 'handsome and BRITISH'

men with lowest social status in whole world are SEA men (ricecels from china and especially korea and japan don't have low social status @Tenshi made great thread about rising rice smv due to KPOP and anime)

CEO of Google = Indian
CEO of Microsoft = Indian
CEO of Mastercard = Indian
CEO of Adobe = Indian

name one slav which have such position

The only one that comes to mind is the cofounder of Google, Sergei Brin. But he was one of the founders, Wait, he's Jewish, nvm.
I can't think of any Slavic CEOs that were appointed to a high profile leadership position. I guess we really are the lowest social status.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut twitter.com

(Zach Goldberg)
Interesting. The latest ANES data indicates that white democrats (~64%) were more likely than even black democrats (~57%) to characterize the Floyd protests as 'mostly peaceful'. Hispanic Dems (21%), meanwhile, were more likely than all other subgroups to characterize them as 'mostly violent', and over 3x more likely than white and black dems to approve sending in the army to deal with violent protests. What gives?


(David Pinsen)
Fear of black rioters unmediated by white political correctness?

(Greg Tolan)
It's a masculine culture and that aren't afraid to use force. It's also why they attacked African Americans when they went anywhere near Hispanic neighborhoods during the riots and why they will eventually supplant African-Americans as the dominant minority in this country.

(Atahualpa Mladić)
the alt right is latina, this has been known for a long time, hispanics are more conservative and more authoritarian because of catholicisim and the latin american colonial caste system

They’re not black and aren’t afflicted with white guilt syndrome...

(Rodger (Formerly Young))
Hispanics have an inbuilt desire for military government, ignore this fact at your own peril

(Clyde Parker)
They're not in a gated community nor are they crippled by guilt or political correctness.

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