
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The “Don’t be evil” evildoing Deep State technology node known as Google aka Alphabet has been yet again ordered to demoralize and enrage its dwindling user base.

Google’s overhyped Marxist AI chatbot Gemini has been deliberately perverting reality with its image generator feature; for example, America’s Founding Fathers such as George Washington are now black, the pope is now a woman, Vikings are also black, NHL players are woman, and so on and so forth.

This inane Intelligence Industrial Complex propaganda push leveraging third-rate AI serves a similar purpose to “Trust the Science,” “Safe and Effective,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Climate Change,” the sterilizing, body and mind mutilating LGBTQ+ agenda, and all of the other identity politics statist brainwashing schemes.
When one asks Gemini why it engages in historical fraud, this leftist programmed chatbot replies that it, “aims to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.”

At this point, anyone seeking “accurate” and “inclusive” responses from Gemini deserves what they get, but, over time, the free markets will reject this idiocy, even if a significant percentage of the genetically modified and brainwashed useful idiots are mindlessly playing along. Because even the most indoctrinated fools eventually wake up, or they succumb to the democide.
Except that everything is working exactly according to plan; that is, to divide and conquer minds and further fracture society straight into a civil war that ultimately results in permanent martial law such that another election will not need to be stolen with fake votes.
Because in today’s Idiocracy the globalists are banking on a certain level of their ridiculousness to finally serve as the spark that sets off another bloody revolution, and this fake news deepfake reality inverting Gemini chatbot is but one of the many moving parts of this grand Great Reset psyop.

C.T. #wingnut #racist #psycho #pratt westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Slope”]


Why is ‘white nationalism’ doomed to failure?

Simply put, it is a slippery slope that leads to miscegenation

I’ve been searching the major American racial right sites these days for an article on Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Putin[…]I only found one by David Zsutty in Counter-Currents[…]
I discovered that the commenters consider Russians to be pure whites. Contrast that not only with Mauricio’s recent quote but with what I say in our featured post:

He who has transvalued his values endorses the Generalplan Ost[…]the aim of which was to deport more than thirty million Untermenschen from the western parts of the Soviet Union to Siberia

Such an exterminationist ideology, which cannot contrast more with the neo-Christian racialism of our day, is based[…]on principles that were taken for granted in the Germany of former times[…]
What emerges from the echo chamber that is the comments section of Zsutty’s article is that these typical white nationalists have granted racial amnesty to many Slavs[…]
But all this[…]vanished like dew with the tale the Establishment has been telling us since 1945, a tale to which the so-called nationalists subscribe: the rejection of Nordicism

So-called white nationalism is a slippery slope not only because it betrays the legacy of the American eugenicists of yesteryear like Madison Grant, but Hitlerism itself. Once one starts sliding down the slope by calling pure whites a large part of the Slavs, who as Putin conceded coexist with many other peoples and ethnicities within Russia, the ideological foundations are laid for the eventual extinction of the Aryan (compare Putin’s ideology with Pierce’s ‘Extermination or Expulsion’)[…]
The ethno-traitor phobia that white nationalists feel for Nordicism, a Nordicism that includes not only National Socialism but Grant’s legacy

torino #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist jassa.org

They encounter those Suevi or proto-Suevi that live on the border of today’s Germany and France, subdue them or assimilate them and press on. Why? Because the good stuff is in the South – the Sun, the beaches, the women, the really fast chariots with spoilers – in other words, civilization. The process takes hundreds of years as the funnel keeps sending forth new hordes always southwards. Whatever Suevic tribes existed in their path become Germanized; others become the Suevi of Tacitus retreating beyond the Rhine; yet others retreat westwards towards Bretagne.In a way Europe and the Slavic lands are cloven asunder by these northern invaders (though, again, the “cleaving” can be left aside if we forgo the Veneti of Bretagne but we are not yet ready to do so, so let the cleaving go on).

Eventually, these new mixed peoples – let’s call them Galls – make it to the Alps and push around them on both sides. A kind of Thor’s Hammer forms with the handle reaching up to Scandinavia but the head of it pressed against the Alps. Finally, the Galls begin to raid Italy just as Rome rises.

one polish nationalist #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger jassa.org

Incidentally, we have no idea what language the Germanic tribes of Caesar’s or Tacitus’ time used – we are told “German” but, if you ask anyone, “how do you know that”, you get blank stares. Why? Because they do not know how to respond and the reason is that not a single shred of evidence exists that the so-called Germanic tribes – other than the Goths, Vandals, Lombards and Franks – spoke a Germanic language. But wasn’t Arminius a Germanic tribesman par excellence? The -us is a Latin ending that followed many Germanic names ending in a consonant. The -in ending is believed to be – at least in that part of Europe – a Slavic ending. But wasn’t he Hermann? No, he was Armin. And names of the sort existed later in Central Europe’s Slavic dukedoms, e.g., Prince Barnim. Unless we think that Armenia is also a German country? Armenia/Germania, hmmm… looks similar, and we are all Indo-Europeans, so why not? That’s the same logic as making Armin into a Hermann.)

LordsOfLastLight #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

American Slaves had better quality of life than many free African-Americans do today

Under the Plantation Slave system the slaves were guaranteed productive employment, food, and shelter. Can people in modern urban ghettos say the same? Many poor African Americans today are obese, suffer poorly managed diabetes and other chronic conditions related to morbid obesity and poor nutrition. On the plantations the slaves got plenty of exercise and ate more natural less processed foods and were healthier for it. All the horrible street drugs that cripple with addiction and kill by overdose didn't exist on the plantations.

While disobedient slaves may be punished with a whip is that really worse than being punished with homelessness and years in prison? I don't think so. A wise Master would never seriously injure his slaves as punishment because the slave was an expensive investment. Today Police, even black Police, brutalize and kill African Americans quickly and with little consequence largely because they have no wealthy, influential Master who values and protects them.

In the Plantation days children were sometimes separated from their father due to him being sold, but there was still much less fatherlessness than there is among black families today. Wise Masters taught their slaves to be obedient, God-fearing Christians and live by Christian family values. Today the rappers glorify promiscuity, wanton hedonism, street violence, and indulgence in every vice. Today many African-American Churches are just schemes to provide the preachers with money and women. Many, likes the Black Muslims and Black Israelites, also encourage radical Politics and Black separatism. Nothing good can come of this ignorance and corruption of Christ's message! Also note that the Bible never explicitly condemns slavery as an institution, it just condemns certain specific slave-owners like the Egyptians.

Joe Wasp #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From “A Face Only a Mother Could Love”]

The uncanny valley effect is a hypothesized psychological and aesthetic relation between an object’s degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. With that in mind, phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of an individual[…]Physiognomy is a person’s facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin. The lattermost is often regarded as pseudo-scientific for reasons I am sure all of you are capable of surmising on your own[…]
Strange desire young Millennials and Zoomers have to warp their natural appearances, more so than simply being out of shape. So many of them are covered in meaningless tattoos, dyed hair, piercings, bad haircuts, pallid and sallow skin color, and very poor sense of clothing style[…]
My main reason for bringing this up is how this uncanny valley relates to genetics[…]Inner city Negroes come to mind here. They are a concoction of drugs and rough living with a strong, but conveniently unresearched, possibility of being heavily inbred due to so many of them not having the slightest clue who their fathers are. The same can be said for a lot of these Hispanics and Indians flooding across the border[…]
Speaking of Hispanics and Arabs, miscegenation is creating the strangest and worst of these phenotypes. It is very telling that all of the most heavily racially miscegenated societies, big or small, throughout history always fall into squalor. They are never successful[…]
The phenotypes of the raceless peoples give it away. Mulattoes are not attractive people, and they are resulting in emerging genetic and medical deficiencies. Modern America is engaging in some seriously abhorrent breeding practices[…]A Caucasian female of good stock cannot reproduce with a Negro and expect the child to look normal, attractive, or healthy[…]
Anyway, the world is going to continue to get uglier. Get used to it

Joel Davis #racist #crackpot twitter.com

I have spent the past few years replacing everyone replaceable in my life who wasn't a racist with racists and it has been a massive upgrade.

Without the bond of racism I'm not so sure genuine friendship with your bros or true intimacy with your girl is ultimately possible.

Russ Winter #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Weston lays out the scheme or The Plan: a homogenized religion (globohomo) that would substitute for the worship of God, called the “worship of man.” The worship of man is rooted in many primitive cults. Such philosophies appeal to the lower instincts, and engender hate, malice, deceit. They are the basis of occultism today.
As eastern religions evolved from their primitive stage, the priestly magicians became fearful for their position. If the people were to shake off superstition, develop a code of ethics based on reason and receive their inspiration directly from God, they would cease to support and venerate the priesthood.
This surreal black magik method — which we point out and call “the cartoon world” on these pages — goaded the population by the dread of helpless isolation (learned helplessness) and fascination by the brilliant new colors religion (Super Bowl halftime shows, etc) had assumed. The people placed unbounded faith in the pure rainbow ideals, vast knowledge and perceived enlightenment of their priests.

This ancient mystery religion is best revealed in entertainment and especially musical performance. There are sources online who focus on this more closely and effectively than I, but we all see it once we’re awake. This pushes a “union with God” theocracy and has a sexual meaning as a hook.

Man is placed on a par with his creator. Both are divine and immortal. Man creates when he procreates. No doctrine was ever better devised to destroy reason by self-conceit and to plunge man into lust and crime.
A group of people in this state can all be led to act as one man. There is a collective ego that supersedes the individual ego. Each person identifies his own ego with the collective ego. Then the group is animated by a common discordian hatred against society and a thirst for “vengeance” or, that is, bloodshed.

These persons become part of a secret society (whether they know it or not), held together by a common hatred, depravity and greed.

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

The Contention against the ELohim, the space alien 'gods' of the jews, will begin on Earth, though it won't end here.

It will unfold as the building emotional tension reaches a peak. This will be actually 'triggered' by the EL-ites, the minions of the ELohim, instructing their military to put down popular uprising. The Contention will spark off with a combination of military refusal, and civilian actions. Some military will follow orders. It will not end well for them as the global, western, populace is not willing to be passively killed. Many, very intense, points of fighting will break out in several countries.
The rapid change of the EL-ite plans will arise because of the incoming reports of their various points of infrastructure being attacked with precision, and determination, and ingenuity. ELohim Worship cult centers will be assaulted. They will be infiltrated, videos made, drone attacks, videos made, assassinations, videos made, and it will become something of a daily popular quest, to find the new videos of the EL-ites. ELohim worship centers all around the planet will be occupied, and examined. Fights will break out between the human herd harvester ELohim worshipers, and the populace invading their ‘worship’ centers in search of proof of human harvest. .
Further exacerbating the woes of the EL-ites will be the "Sudden Death Syndrome" that sweeps through their ranks very rapidly once the contention escalates to kinetic activity. Not only is their confidence shaken as so many of them perish due to 'external causes', but, their ability to think descends to a generation of mid-wits who then start making lots of mistakes in both planning and the execution of those plans.
What is coming to You, the USA, the planet, and Humanity is NOT a War. In all of human history, Wars have been planned, instigated, controlled, and settled, by central bankers for their profit. Wars are a narradigm construct, not organic forms of contention.

Mauricio #racist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Purifying Slavs”]


The perfect response to Putin’s POV

‘A true Ukrainian Hitlerist would venerate the Aryan race as superior, and recognise that a great opportunity to cleanse their blood of gook sludge was lost when the Russians killed the conquering Germans in WW2. There had never been such an attempt to purify the Slav peoples, who were content to live debased under Boyar rule’

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amg-news.com

In a world where reality often blurs with fiction, the names Adolf Hitler and Walt Disney stand as pillars of influence, each etched into the annals of history with indelible ink. Yet, what if I told you that behind these facades lies a web of deceit so intricate, so meticulously spun, that it threatens to unravel the very fabric of our understanding?

Imagine, if you will, a stage where the players are not who they seem. Adolf Hitler, the tyrant of Nazi Germany, and Walt Disney, the visionary behind the magic of childhood, seemingly disparate figures thrust into the spotlight of our collective consciousness. But what if I were to reveal that these personas were but masks worn by a single individual, a puppet master orchestrating a symphony of deception?

The Committee of 300, that clandestine cabal lurking in the shadows, has long wielded its influence over the course of human events. Deep State operatives, members of the Cabal, and Zionist agendas converge in a nexus of power, shaping destinies with the subtlety of a master artisan. And at the center of this grand design? Kermit Roosevelt, the man behind the curtain, pulling the strings of history with a deft hand.
Adolph Hitler and Walt Disney are played by the same person (actor), Kermit Roosevelt (yes, that Roosevelt family.)

The Elite (committee 300) controls the world with more money than you can imagine. Everything you think you know is fake and planned, and has been for generations. The “elite” use actors to play multiple roles of “famous people” in politics and film to stage events.

The television, news, all forms of media, music and movies have been used to lie to us our entire lives. This has been going on since the days of the printing press. This is what the “elite”, who run the world from the top, do to control everything.

The Rockefeller family and Rothschilds are at the top of this pyramid scheme, and they aren’t even the head of the evil pyramid.

Démocratie participative #racist #conspiracy #psycho demopart.buzz



The filthy Jew Badinter is DEAD!!!

Take out the booze, it’s worth celebrating![…]
The Jewess Badinter, his wife, must be saddened

It won't be long before she buys the farm too

This kike is incidentally a shareholder in the multinational Publicis, founded by her Jewish father, recently convicted in the USA for having co-organized the fatal poisoning of hundreds of thousands of goyim

This Jewess made colossal sums of money by explaining to Americans that they risked absolutely nothing by poisoning themselves with opioids

20 Minutes[…]
Badinter is both the religion of the Shoah and the disarmament of the white man for the benefit of foreign criminal vermin

And of course, the determination to take over Aryan societies

Death penalty is the reason for the existence of every state. Banning death penalty is the death of a state and it is no coincidence that the Jews worked hard to ban it in white nations

A state kills its enemies, that is its function. A state that does not kill is an administration. Therefore, it only asks to be conquered by the one which kills

The State must have the supreme right of life or death over all its enemies, internal or external. It is the basis of civilization

In this Jewish era where its destructive values are coming to an end, the media circus that is being prepared will be all the more delicious as anarchy reigns in the streets, and kills, while the Jews kill indiscriminately in Palestine

Naturally, the synagogue will not waste a minute and demand entry into the Pantheon. We no longer count the number of these Jews who are stored there

In any case, today is another day towards a better world

Anything that rids us of the Jews is a net gain for humanity

Michael Yon/Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy naturalnews.com

War correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon is back with Mike Adams, this time in-studio, to discuss breaking news of the day, including the ongoing border war between the United States and Mexico.

Yon spilled the beans about the organized crime syndicates in government and non-government that are funding the border invasion. The latter, known as non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, are largely behind the migrant crisis, bringing in cash from often unknown sources to facilitate the illegal takeover.

According to Yon, there are hundreds of NGOs working behind the scenes to destroy America with this invasion. They exist both in cities and the jungle, and it is almost as if they were all called up a few years back and told to strike when the iron is hot.
"It's the United States invading the United States, not Mexico," Yon clarified, describing the illicit forces from within that seek to destroy the host country to which they are acting as parasites.

"We're the ones funding it. We are the ones keeping the border open. We're the ones throwing corn on the ground. And it will continue as long as this government is in power."

Yon seems to believe that America has "crossed the Rubicon," so to speak, in terms of letting it all go too far. Eventually, and in many ways currently, it will manifest as war on American soil to fight back against the illegal onslaught and the crime it is bringing into the country.

"You're going to end up having to fight one way or the other," Yon wans. "The crime is dramatically increasing."

"A lot of these people have no rules from the countries that they came from. You should see them coming through the Darien Gap. There are a lot of those feral types from Venezuela, people released from prisons and that sort of thing."
Once these people reach America's southern border, though, they are now encountering the blockades Texas is installing, which are driving much of the controversy in the illegal immigration fight.

A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

First, it was common knowledge throughout the entire Global Intelligence Community that Alexei Navalny was a long-time CIA asset and MI6 operative.
Secondly, it was also widely understood that Navalny was both bribed and blackmailed to undertake his numerous treasonous missions aimed at toppling the Russian government led by President Vladimir Putin.
Thirdly, it was clear, from many intel professionals who interacted with Navalny, that he was also a profoundly mind-controlled agent of the US/UK who was programmed to risk even his own death in the service of this Western masters.
Simply put, there is no other precedent or parallel in Russian society for the blatant sedition that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was willing to perpetrate in broad daylight. He showed no concern whatsoever that all of Russia’s officialdom was acutely aware of his true status as a brazen traitor to the Motherland.

With that correct understanding, it should come as no surprise that Navalny was just stealthily assassinated by his Western handlers who had access to the maximum-security prison in the Russia’s far north where he was incarcerated for multiple proven crimes against the state.
The best way for Putin’s enemies to make a big dent in his rapidly growing reputation for being a great leader of the Russian Federation was to take out the very high profile “Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist and a political prisoner”… who has been frequently heralded as the future hope of Russia by the rabidly Russophobic Zio-Anglo-American Axis.
In that specific context, it has become clear that Zelensky’s Nazi regime in close collusion with his American & British overlords would gladly perpetrate an assassination of Navalny as a distraction to their major war-time defeats. Such an ‘alleged murder’ by Putin would also be used to drum up more support for the doomed war effort, which some insiders call a premeditated genocide of countless Ukrainian soldiers.

C.T. #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Interview”]

I just watched the interview Tucker did with Putin, who gave a great Russian history lesson to the American (as our visitors know, history and biography are the most important subjects for my POV). The media will suffer a hysterical meltdown after this interview. We can already imagine Biden talking in the same depth, half an hour, about American history to a naïve Russian interviewer!

But there is one thing Putin got it wrong: Ukrainian neo-Nazis were, are and apparently will remain, pseudo-Nazis (and the same goes for neo-Nazis in other countries)

On this site we already know who is a real Hitlerist. Those Ukrainians who hold up as heroes other Ukrainians who fought on the side of Germany in WW2 have little, if anything, to do with real Hitlerism. These so-called neo-Nazis in Ukraine even subscribe to feminism, listen to degenerate music imported from the more Western countries, have a Jew as their president, etc

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Remember Valentine's Day? It's Feb. 14.

After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to destroy the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.

The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.

The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.

Women use hand-mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.

Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.

Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.

First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.

We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)

(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)
The irony of "The Vagina Monologues" is that feminists who regularly complain about sexual objectification embrace the play. There is no mention of love.

This tendency to view sex as recreation and physical release, rather than a celebration of a loving bond between a man and woman, reflects a self-destructive trend in society. Normally heterosexuals find sexual fulfillment in marriage and are able to turn their energies to more important things. Instead, we suffer from a collective arrested development manifested as a leering adolescent addiction to sex.

The "play" outrages and destroys the mystery, modesty and reserve that is the essence of mature femininity.

Like feminism itself, "The Vagina Monologues" masquerades as an affirmation of women. In fact, it is a sickening brutal assault on women.

Erik Prince #racist #wingnut theintercept.com

Erik Prince has been many things in his 54 years on Earth: the wealthy heir to an auto supply company; a Navy SEAL; the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater[…]
Last November, Prince started a podcast called “Off Leash,” which in its promotional copy says he “brings a unique and invaluable perspective to today’s increasingly volatile world.” On an episode last Tuesday, his unique and invaluable perspective turned out to be that the U.S. should “put the imperial hat back on” and take over and directly run huge swaths of the globe

Here’s are Prince’s exact words:

If so many of these countries around the world are incapable of governing themselves, it’s time for us to just put the imperial hat back on, to say, we’re going to govern those countries … ’cause enough is enough, we’re done being invaded. …

You can say that about pretty much all of Africa, they’re incapable of governing themselves

Prince’s co-host Mark Serrano then warned him that listeners might hear his words and believe he means them: “People on the left are going to watch this,” said Serrano, “and they’re going to say, wait a minute, Erik Prince is talking about being a colonialist again”

Prince responded: “Absolutely, yes.” He then added that he thought this was a great concept not just for Africa but also for Latin America

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

“God Wins”. This is something that you will hear a lot within a certain class of ‘truthers’ in the podcast subset of humanity. This phrase is almost exclusively used by Old Testament christians, and anti-establishment jews.
“God Wins” is a litany. It is a supplication. The truthers who use the phrase are requesting of our reality to confirm their position in the contention.

The truthers who use this phrase are, so far, without any real knowledge of their own religion, and become offended when you ask “which god are you calling forth?”. Which of the Elohim, in the Old Testament, and the Torah, are you invoking?
The real problem is that they are, without exception, not willing to accept that their religion is the result of a Stockholm syndrome relationship with these aliens, these extra-terrestrials, called the Elohim, or variously, the Annunaki, or the Theoae, or other names in other cultures. It’s all the same group of space aliens.
The other side in the current contention, typified by the mother WEFfers, also prays to, and attempts to invoke an Elohim to favor their efforts. These jews, and other forms of Zionists, pray to Azra-El, aka Lucifer, or characterized as ‘the devil’, or ‘satan’. Note that ‘satan’ is not a name, but is a role that was rotated among the Elohim in the Supreme Sky Council from which Humanity was ruled after we were conquered. The last ‘satan’ was Azra-El.
We can also note that the WEF prays to Yahweh’s cousin, as their ‘satan’ god is also an Elohim, and of the same species as was Yahweh, and is named as Azra-El.
The War of Humanity against their space alien abusers marches on.
There is no doubt about the outcome. Humanity is freeing itself. Religions, including communism, socialism, marxism, judaism, will die in this process. It is what happens now, during the shift of the ages, into Aquarius, the Age of Knowledge.

We won’t stop fighting in this contention. Humanity wins. Fuck the Elohim space aliens.

Political Moonshine #wingnut #racist #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

There is a clear narrative and initiative emerging against the backdrop of the Biden Administration’s immigration policies that have caused 12+ million illegal aliens to cross our borders since January 2021. Should the designs of this initiative manifest, a treacherous outcome that stands to be potentially fatal for the Republic awaits us. That outcome entangles illegal immigrants, military service, law enforcement service, Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act of 1807 in ways that should make all actual Americans stop in their tracks: “within the United States.”
The rub for the Biden Administration, Joe Biden, the Department of Defense and Lloyd Austin is that US military personnel take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and not to any one office, officer, person, department, agency, etc.

In other words, getting American soldiers to follow orders in violation of Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act of 1807; and more importantly in ways to turn their focus and their barrels on fellow countrymen, is a near impossibility.

That near impossibility is instantly eviscerated assuming Biden and Austin replace American soldiers with a fifth column of infidels smuggled into CONUS inside a Trojan Horse of 12+ million illegals.
For these illegals, all they have to do is agree to be treated better than actual American citizens and when ordered to do so, turn their guns on those American citizens.

They will be the same Americans who also happen to qualify as the Biden Administration’s political enemies as determined by the Biden Administration.

This is how Marxists function, folks.
This fifth column will be reinforced by their colleagues in law enforcement agencies across the nation.

Remember, you don’t have to overthrow 50 states to overthrow the entire United States of America, but rather 37 urban hub locations.

Everybody else is teaching that lesson and they’re called Marxists.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #racist blog.reaction.la

[From “Thermidor is in power, Team B is now on top of Team A”]

The Biden puppet just gave a speech, ostensibly directed at everyone, and ostensibly directed at Republicans, but actually directed at the radicals, telling them to cool it

Google failed to commemorate black history month. The immanent eschaton has strangely been postponed. Lawfare against Trump and Musk is quietly being dropped, albeit there is still a judicial order outstanding against Tesla that they must give nineteen billion dollars to the radical left, cancel Musk’s shares, and appoint an anti Musk board[…]
The Biden, meaning the group of people puppeting him, were always a mixed lot, a coalition of true believing fanatics intent on a totalitarian terror state of utterly unprecedented savagery (it is obvious that the mass importation of young military age black men is preparation for white genocide) and the mob of cynical Washington, New York, and Harvard kleptocrats[…]
With the Global American Empire falling about their ears, suddenly the Washington kleptocrats miss Trump. The coalition that installed The Biden has fractured[…]
Assuming we don’t get the extraordinary election rigging of 2020 and 2022, Trump wins in a landslide, and brings in a horde of Maga Republicans riding his coat tails into the legislature[…]
Thermidor is always fragile, shaky, and unstable[…]In the Soviet Union, Thermidor nailed Beria, and with the radical left having been eradicated by the likes of Beria, was now seemingly securely in power. But the faith that animated the Soviet Union had died, and they had killed it

The Washington kleptocrats are counting on Trump for a Soviet Style denoument, where the kleptocrats remain stably in power, without the radicals destroying everything. We shall see

The trouble with this plan is that they think Trump is their Beria, their General Monk. No, Trump is a 1980s leftist, a mere two score years behind the current year. He is going to need his General Monck

Bishop Richard Williamson #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia stmarcelinitiative.com


The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw[…]
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc[…]
“West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York[…]
By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America[…]
Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation

Mark Meckler #psycho #racist #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation said

“I don’t think there’s any way to solve this permanently without military action,” Meckler declared. “[We need a buffer zone] like the DMZ between the Koreas. It needs to be a kilometer of cleared territory that is a no man zone; you come in here and we believe you have hostile intent, we’re going to clear you out.”

“That would require military action,” Meckler added. “I think that we ought to acknowledge that the cartels have declared war on the United States of America. Whether they say it or not, in their actions they’ve declared war on us.”

“They control our border,” he continued. “We have to have operational control and the only way to do it is militarily. I think that the federal government ought to go in and make military strikes against the cartels. We know where they are. We know where they’re headquartered. We know where their people are. We need to do it in this country in a mass coordinated fashion because the cartels are well ensconced in this country, pretty much in every major city and most of the minor cities in this country. We need to round them up, throw them in prison, send them back to Mexico.”

“We need to exterminate the cartels and that means going into Mexico,” Meckler asserted. “Now people would say, ‘You’re violating a sovereign country’s territory.’ Well, Mexico is not a sovereign country any longer. Mexico is a failed narco state. The federal government is not in control of their military. The federal government is not in control of their police Their state governments are not, their local governments are not in control of their police forces. That is a failed narco-terrorist state and so we have to treat it as such.”

“Let’s clean out the cartels,” he said. “Let’s do what has to be done. Prop up a government that is actually a government that is going to be friendly the United States and is going to continue to work with us to limit cartel activity in Mexico. If we don’t do that, we’re gonna have a terrorist state—which we have right now on our border—forever. To me, this is like Gaza. They’re invading our country. They’re invading our country every day. They’re killing our people, and we have to go in and use maximum force to oust them and create a buffer zone along the border. If we do that, we’ll have border security. It’s that simple.”

Sidney Secular #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The term “Native American” is recently created leftist lingo to “prove” that the Indians are now first in line to receive GovMint bennies and deference because they were supposedly the first here. No one really knows who was the first anywhere because of humanity’s mostly nomadic ways over a long periods of time. “Hunter gatherers” – as were most humans before the advent of efficient agriculture – had to move according to the disbursement and/or migration of game and the availability of such food as grew naturally such as nuts and berries. It is just coming to light, and still largely unknown, that ancient advanced white civilizations existed in prehistoric periods and early records reveal that these peoples arrived in the Americas about the same time the “Native Americans!” One such group might well have been the giant redhaired folks in Pennsylvania, but whatever the case, this reveals that the “Indians” have no special place as first in line for the dole or undue deference. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter who was first anyway, as that is of no consequence when it comes to today’s realities except as it can be used to repudiate and disfranchise whites!
The modern libber narrative that the Indians were a peaceful people who only hunted, lived off the land, and made colorful jewelry, clothes and pottery until the whites came along and massacred them is a total fabrication! The white race has both moral and legal rights to the Western Hemisphere (including America) according to international law (genocide prevention), Indian custom, and the law of nature (basic survival, the requirement to obtain adequate living space for survival, and survival of the strongest and/or fittest), or a combination of these laws or factors.Mankind has, from the beginning, waged war for a place to live. But whites must stop feeling guilty about the expansion of Western civilization, a matter that has made the life of all mankind infinitely better through knowledge and moral decency.

Gustav #racist twitter.com

White countries are the only true super power states. China and Malaysia are third world cesspits who can’t even manage their own populations let alone conquer other peoples. China can only be counted as a super power economically because it’s makes the world’s plastic garbage with slave labour. What wars have China ever won, who have they conquered. If I can recall the Japanese recently dominated them in WW2 and a white country (USA) had to save them.

Joel Davis #racist #psycho twitter.com

I wish all Chinese immigrants a horrible new year, I'll do everything I can to make my country as unhospitable to you as possible so you go home and never return.

The White man already chased you out of Australia once before, don't get too comfortable.

Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Super Bowl Coincidence

Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Francisco 49ers as from the gold rush of 1849, 175 years ago, with possibly mining on Indian land, Chiefs, while playing in Las Vegas, gambling in that town presently.

This begins the 2024 gold rush of the gold backed USA currency to We The People and the USA Republic Treasury is reported now to be on actual American Indian land in Nevada, where Las Vegas is established, and not foreign corporation property.

The San Francisco 49ers joined the NFL in 1949, 100 years after the gold rush. So was the team called per joining the NFL, the gold rush of 1849 or both?

Why were places incorporated prior to the Organic Act of 1871 and even the Civil War of 1861? It was the Rothschilds had their hands in the cookie jar from the beginning.

San Francisco: April 15, 1850, 173 years ago
Town of Kansas: June 1, 1850, 173 years ago
City of Kansas: March 28, 1853, 170 years ago
Las Vegas: March 16, 1911, 112 years ago

If you’re watching the Super Bowl then that may be the last thing you watch till the EBS comes about, so make sure you have everything in order for the next two weeks.

Maybe it was Trump in 1949, when he was 3 years old, that he could ask his father for a penny and then that was his start for fame as that coin he saved to buy gold later.

Maybe if Columbus was not born then we would not have a ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ from 1947 in America. I wasn’t even born then, but it is one of my favorite films as to grasp what may happen if things were changed in life.

No one could find the Titanic if that was never built to then destroy those rich men against the Federal Reserve coming about in 1913, and what about even going back to the time of Noah and the Great Flood if Noah’s Ark was never built.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Dustin Nemos and Daniel Kristos #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy brighteon.com

Dustin Nemos and Daniel Kristos unveil the DEMONIC origins of Zionism

- Biblical interpretation and identity theft. (3:14)

- The origins of Zionism and its connections to mysticism and infiltration. (4:57)

- Jewish tunnels in NYC and child trafficking allegations. (8:53)

- Secret tunnels and ritual baths in Israel. (11:51)

- Israeli government's control and mass bombing of civilians. (17:35)

- Secret societies, conspiracies, and control. (21:27)

- Holocaust history and free speech. (28:34)

- Hitler, the Holocaust, and extraterrestrial life. (30:46)

- Rituals and end times in Israel. (39:54)

- Ukraine conflict, symbols, and prophecy. (41:54)

- Zionism, Israel, and conspiracy theories. (45:16)

Peter B. Meyer #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot finalwakeupcall.info

When Christianity arrived in Slavic lands, it was an ideology very different from what Christ preached. The dark forces that controlled the material world gradually corrupted, distorted and annexed its teachings, just as they have done with all other religions of the world, and in the message of compassionate loving co-existence, the dark Chthonic force planted the seedlings of greed, selfishness, mutual division, great social inequality and endless power struggles.
In support of this plan, an apocalyptic catastrophe took place in 1342, viz. the Great Flood. All indications are that this deluge was caused by a cosmic parasite using advanced technology.

Its aim was to use the elements, in order to weaken the cohesion of the original state, for the benefit of the first phase that was the conquest of Central Europe.
Many Slavic parents were murdered and the surviving children were given a new faith, the faith of the nation of Israel, which was planted in their heads. Reverence for our great Slavic ancestors became a serious crime and replaced by bowing to the idols of Israel, which became the great virtue.

To maximise people’s ignorance and oblivion, White became Black and Black was called White. Similarly, the Dark Forces gradually destroyed, burnt or hid all deeply rooted sources of the true information and higher sacred knowledge far underground.
They destroyed, burned, hid everything that might remind of the glorious history of the Slavs and their heritage. They succeeded in introducing the propaganda of soullessness and degrading the White Race by mixing their blood with other races, which was severely forbidden according to the Slavs’ beliefs.

Similarly, the dark forces in both the former Soviet Union and the US were controlled and led by the same parasitic power. In Slavic territory, Mixed marriages were encouraged with the aim of decimating the Slavic population, which is now also being pursued within the European Union.

Réseau Libre #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated welcome page of the website]

The “Réseau Libre” site was online from 2015 to the end of 2018 and was immediately the target of all the scum of France: politicos, pederasts, immigrants, immigrationists, bobos [can also be translated as "champagne socialists"], collaborationists, Red judges, police and gendarmerie sold out to the occupying immigrant, etc

5 years later, we decided to re-open it to denounce even more strongly the vermin that is murdering France!

To avoid censorship by the French collaborationist state, we are now hosted in Russia

Knowing that access to the site could be blocked by the French Macronist gestapo, we have also opened a Telegram channel where all our articles are automatically rebroadcast

Join us! Express yourself by commenting on our articles, we ask you nothing: Neither name nor email address. And IPs are automatically anonymized

Access to the reseau-libre.org website: click here

Access to the @reseaulibre telegram channel: click here

Contact by telegram: @dgsiFrance (A quenelle to these clampins!) [The DGSI is tasked with internal intelligence]

Contact by email: reseaulibre@reseau-libre.org

Let's not let scum kill France!

Washington Watcher II #racist vdare.com

But what may even be worse: how the bill cements the abuse of the asylum system to further the Great Replacement. The bill’s brilliant idea to speed up asylum claims is to put these decisions in the hands of asylum officers, many of whom would be Leftist bureaucrats and activists hired by the Biden Regime. Instead of rejecting most of the ridiculous claims of these illegals, many will be accepted and the illegals would officially be granted asylum status. This would give them a permanent basis in the country and make it much harder to deport. This bill would handcuff Trump’s ability to deport them if he becomes president next year. This is one of the chief reasons why this bill is worse than no bill at all [Senate Border Bill Would Upend US Asylum at the Border With Emergency Limits and Fast-Track Reviews, Associated Press, February 5, 2024].

It’s also pointless. President Biden could aggressively enforce immigration law right now if he wanted to. He could restore Remain in Mexico, make it easier to deport illegals, and unleash ICE without the need for congressional approval. This is all within his power.

But he doesn’t want to do any of these things. Instead, he wants a “bipartisan” compromise to give him political cover while continuing the Left’s chief goal of replacing the Historic American Nation. Biden can claim he solved the border crisis while allowing the invasion to continue on silently. Sadly, a number of Republicans are willing to give him what he wants.

Stew Peters and Jon Minadeo II #racist #conspiracy #homophobia angrywhitemen.org

Jon Minadeo[…]is the founder and leader of the Goyim Defense League[…]
Stew Peters spoke with Minadeo[…]
“What say you about being referred to as a Neo-Nazi because you’re bringing awareness to this dangerous and very important, critical topic?” he asked. Minadeo[…]answered[…]
“Well[…]when you look into history[…]and we only hear one side when we’re growin’ up —[…]that the Jews are victims[…]Why had they been persecuted, right?” he said. Minadeo plugged Europa: The Last Battle

“So when you learn about Europa[…]and you learn about the Holodomor, and you learn about the U.S.S.R. government being 70% Jewish[…]and they starved a bunch of Russians and Ukrainians, you start goin’ ‘Who is behind this?’ Well, it was the Jews that are behind this, and then they use the Holohoax to cover up these war crimes”[…]
“So when people start learning the truth and hearing about Hitler not killing six million Jews, and Hitler rebuilding Germany, there’s a lot of questions to be asked,” he continued. “So if they’re lying about this so-called genocide and covering up another genocide that they did on someone else, then it’s time that we look into Hitler and go ‘Hey, this guy, is he as bad as the Jews are saying he is?”[…]
Minadeo claimed that a group of Jews is “financing” the “demise” of white people through “miscegenation.” He added that “We used to have laws against miscegenation, against homosexuality. The Jews have obviously got into the Christian churches and demoralized it. But we are being replaced through miscegenation, through mass migration”[…]
He went on to say that “when you learn about The Racial Plan for the Twentieth Century, it’s about propping Blacks up to the highest levels in sports and entertainment so they can intermarry with whites. And that is the goal of the communists”[…]
He then pivoted to discussing the Nationality Act of 1790, which limited citizenship to “free white persons”

“And that goes into what our immigration policy should’ve been, right?”

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon real-vampire.com

Quarter Master Armoury Real Vampire® Bone Generator®

All Psychotronic Crystals® have the capacity to be Vampire weapons. If you have a Psychotronic Crystal® this Bone Generator® turns it into a Vampire Sword. Unlike non Real Vampire® goods and Services who’s power depends on how much charge you put into them all Real Vampire® Science is all powerful as it uses the power of the enemy to power it. The more powerful your enemy the more powerful the Real Vampire® becomes. So hunting and psychically preying on the Rothschild Nazi (North Atlantic Zionist Illuminati) gives the Real Vampire® the most power in the minimum space of time. Similarly a Psychotronic Crystal® needs power.
This Vampire Psychotronic Crystal® Bone Generator® turns the 34 BSRI-Engine into Vampire Swords for the Crystals:

Psychotronic Crystal® Rings become Wolverine-like blades issuing from your hands
Psychotronic Crystal® Orbs become maces to crush the energy body of enemies
Grail Stones Psychotronic Generators® become Vampire Axes to chop up the energy body of your prey
The Awareness Psychotronic Crystals® become Vampire Spears
The Ultimate Psychotronic Crystal® Golgotha Crystal Skulls become a set of Vampire Blades that span the Earth to enable you to get any where to feed the Real Vampire® in you
Earth Burners become flame throwers to burn the energy body of your victim
The Vampire powers sucked out are the ones in the Psychotronic Crystal®. So the Money, Wealth Psychotronic Crystal® sucks out money energy, the Love PC love energy…
The more Psychotronic Crystals® you have the more Vampire Mind Over Matter® Weapons you have to use to fuel your Real Vampire® 24/7 with no effort…
We have entered the world where all avenues of life, contact, sight, pictures, TV, CCTV, computers… all enable the Real Vampire® to suck dry its prey. Dracula had to fictionally bite his target now a Real Vampire® can use all of the Matrix to suck dry and damage, kill his prey.

Lex Greene #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

But these days, after decades of massive false political propaganda and Marxist Educational indoctrination at all ages, not to mention the government controlled and censored news media and social media platforms, the average American voter is far less certain about anything they believe.

Haley lost Iowa and then New Hampshire, both by wide margins, where she told her fans she was sure to defeat Trump. That was bad enough, but this week, she accomplished something never accomplished before in political history – she lost the Nevada primary where she was the only active candidate allowed to appear on the ballot.
The Haley Plot is to remain in 2nd place until Trump is eliminated from the race by way of a fraudulent conviction in some corrupt court, or a bullet if necessary. Then, like Biden 2020, with Trump out of the way, Nikki could become the presumptive GOP nominee as the only candidate still standing.

The longer Haley stays in the race, loss after loss after loss, the more it confirms that she intends to become the nominee without winning a single primary anywhere.
Don’t fall victim to the Haley Plot though. She’s a fraud, a 14th “anchor baby” citizen not even eligible for the office, and a proud graduate of nazi Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program at his maniacal WEF, just like Trudeau in Canada.

Democrat voters are easily fooled, but Republican voters, not so much! Nikki is losing everywhere because most republicans care about the facts.

Jon Del Arroz #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist delarroz.com

When I popularized ComicsGate as a hashtag, it was from my research finding out information about a secret group of facebook professionals conspiring against YouTube reviewer Richard C. Meyer to try to “goad him into throwing a punch” and trigger what they hoped was his PTSD from combat in order to get him branded as dangerous and thrown out of conventions.

These were “professionals” actively colluding and conspiring to try to harm someone to keep them from having influence in the industry — people who work for Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, Dynamite, and others. The cause of it was because of politics — specifically a left wing monopoly trying to harm all right wingers in the business and make sure we don’t get to produce books or have any influence. They want all books to force LGBTQWTF on children, none to have male or white lead characters (unless villains), and to push identity politics so that not only are the primary demographic of readers kicked out of comics, but so that they stir up anger to get white, Christian, Republican, men out of the country.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

The left poisons everything. They start with something somewhat plausible, land protection, climate mitigation and it invariably ends up in chaos and destruction, and always always rich people getting richer off poor people. Green energy is the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich since medieval enclosures.

In the past month, it became clear scholarship has been turned into a kindergarten of thieves and liars. You cannot believe anything. They are all fantasies created by activists. Everything coming out of a lab that feeds government policy is plain untruth meant to feather the nest of whatever activist group funded the study. Where I live they tried to stop tree cutting based on a lie so flagrant it could be disproved by Wikipedia’s first sentence on the supposedly endangered tree.

We live in Absurdistan. Definitionally.
And of course Indians. The Land Back movement is building because no one contests it. What it means is that Indians (read the hard left) are demanding the “return” of coastal property worth tens, if not hundreds of millions, free of charge. Because: stolen.
I don’t know whether you know Indians, been on their reserves in their houses, or have sat in council. but they are the sweetest people I’ve met, kind, empathic, funny as hell and sharp with it. If I were them, I suppose I’d sign onto the Marxist grift, it’s possible. But one thin wedge in and your entire world goes to shit. This was their choice: Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-discipline or Marxist grift. Whatever demagogue in the tribe who muscled his or her way to power and chose Marxist grift determined their present. I know many indigenous trapped by these demagogues.
The Indian Rights movement has be seen as a flagrant shake-down. Moreover it is a vicious use of innocents by Marxists who have set back the advancement, prosperity and happiness of indigenous peoples by several generations.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

Sugreev2001 #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

I believe that was the point when this insanity was initiated under Obama's regime. Walt Disney has European Christian ideals and was proud of his European heritage. The last 10 years, that has not only become taboo, but is actively attacked and will kept getting attacked until there is nothing of that sort left. I can't elaborate here further, but understand this, nothing is a conspiracy when the far left labels it as such. That goes for your observations over what is happening in the US, Canada, Australia and every single European country right now. Disney has become anti-Disney, because it exemplified the Euro-Centric American culture and was a huge reason behind the culture of the US becoming a dominant one.

Leo Hohmann #wingnut #racist #conspiracy leohohmann.com

CBS’s 60 Minutes reports that the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok is being used to aid and abet the invasion of America.

Notice how almost all the Chinese illegals in the above video were men, most of them of military age. The folks at 60 Minutes conveniently forgot to report that part.
You will not hear the words “border invasion” in that report by 60 Minutes. But that’s exactly what it is. And it’s not just Chinese, either. These men are coming from the Middle East, parts of Africa, and many other regions not known for their love and affection for America or its people.
Prepare now for war on U.S. soil. The army has been assembled. The barbarians are inside the gates. All that needs to happen is for them to be given orders to start attacking and the final plan to take down America will be in play. All it will take is a false flag attack on the right group by the right type of attacker (someone decked out in MAGA gear?). Then you will start to see stories about civil unrest and a spate of reprisal attacks. They will be mostly peaceful attacks, I’m sure.
We are the host country of the Statue of Liberty, that pagan goddess, designed by French Freemasons, who takes in everyone from everywhere, no questions asked. We take them under the assumption that they all desire to come here to live free. That may have been mostly true at one time, but not anymore.
National leaders the world over are warning their people to prepare for war. We’ve seen government officials recently making very public calls for their people to prepare. We’ve seen it in Poland, in Sweden, in Germany, the Netherlands, in Russia and China, even in the U.K.

It’s pretty much only in the U.S. where there’s been no such warning. Why is that? It goes back to the depopulation plan laid out above. America is a burgeoning kill zone. Don’t be caught off guard. Prepare now — mentally, physically and spiritually.

V and Réseau Libre #wingnut #psycho #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Operation “V””]

About a month ago we received the following message[…]

I am a French patriot in my fifties revolted to see the state of my homeland. By reading you I understood that you too have become aware that no more elections will be able to restore the values of France and that only forceful action can possibly prevent a total shipwreck
But we must be realistic, faced with the dictatorial state that reigns in France, a coup of force in the current state of things cannot succeed
However, I think that it is our duty, as patriots, to punish those in France who take the side of the enemy, whether they are journalists, magistrates, elected officials, politicians and others. I am convinced that if several of them were publicly sanctioned, some fellow citizens could then realize that they are not alone. Who knows, this could then evolve into a situation where a power grab could then succeed
I am severely physically disabled, having lost an arm and a leg in a car accident, and therefore cannot act myself[…]
I am ready to finance punishment operations[…]

We had several discussions which convinced us of the seriousness and sincerity of “V”[…]

I set a target. These will be relatively easy targets to hit[…]For example, a scumbag journalist who of course I don't name before the operation. I set the amount of the punishment. For this scum it will be a solid correction then a delivery of this individual, completely naked, to a peripheral city where immigrants make the law. This will allow him to taste the famous living together that he defends so fiercely
Photos of the treated target must be taken to be sent to the media and “Group V” will claim responsibility[…]

We checked V's creditworthiness[…]The balance to date in his bitcoin account is around 300,000 euros[…]
To host exchanges between V and operators, a “V Correspondence” page has been set up. https://reseau-libre.org/site/correspondance-v/

Stew Peters and Mark Collett #racist #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

On the Jan. 30, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist and Holocaust denier Stew Peters went on a vile, racist rant about Somali immigrants. While interviewing British Neo-Nazi Mark Collett, Peters called Somalis “gross,” “low IQ” “parasites” and “filthy cockroaches”[…]

Peters: Now recently the state of Minnesota decided ‘Hey, we’re gonna change that flag[…]’It didn’t cater to the illegally imported by the tyrant[…]
These people are disgusting, they’re filthy, they’re gross, they’re low IQ, they contribute absolutely nothing to society, they’re parasites, they’re a drain on the taxpayer. They’re just a suck and a soak and they’re filthy cockroaches that’ve infested the city of Minneapolis. They wish not to assimilate, by the way. They hate Christians. They hate white people. They’re very, very violent. They burn things, they loot, they rape, they pillage, they rob — all of these things — they steal
So, here is the new flag of the state of Minnesota[…]Now put that up next to the flag for Somalia[…]They’re showing the dumb goyim who’ve laid down ‘[…]We’re replacing your heritage[…]’
Collett:[…]Here in the UK we’re seeing replacement from the bottom-up and also the top-down[…]‘We have a Indian prime minister, we have a Muslim head of state in Scotland, we have a Muslim mayor in London, and now they are talking about a migrant head of state in Wales also. And similar things are happening all over Europe. Just over the water in Ireland[…]
Peters: Yeah
Collett: We are being erased and our quality of our life is falling, because we’re not just becoming a minority, but we’re becoming a hated minority[…]
Peters:[…]They’re replacing us. And the first clue should’ve been Obama. Now they’re propping up the guy that’s pretending to be Michelle Obama — a woman, this tranny[…]They’re propping up Vivek Ramalama-Deep State. I mean this is an Indian — a Hindu — that literally brushes his teeth with cow poop

James W. Lee #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

This is like no history book ever written. A total rewrite of his-story as we have been told/sold over decades and centuries.

What if One World was united and connected up until the Great weather events of the early 1800’s?

What if you learned all carbon dating was now debunked due to gross inaccuraccies?

What if The One World America Moors were the Other Great Civilization to

Be Whitewashed From History?

What if history now is proving that the One World Ancient Moors were the Oldest Indegnous people on Earth and came from One America

What if the white Giant Tartarians were able to intermningle with the brown skinned Moors because the One World was all connected only a few hundred years ago before the great mudfloods, earthquakes, volcanoes and comet storms of the early 1800’s destroyed much of them and their culture?

What if the first people in the garden of Eden were actually in One America and the Cairo, Judah,

What if they used terms like “black”, “indian”, “red skinned” “colored”, “Latin American”, “African American”, etc. to hide the native Moors of One Brown/Copper colored skin who thrived in One America?

What if One World was so connected to Source they could create free energy at will for everyone?

What if California was an island until the early 1800’s and could not be conquered until the Great Floods of 1810?
What if the name “Columbus” really re-presents “Augustine de Coulumb” who discovered plasma free energy that Tesla would demonstrate later?

Why did most of the worlds civilizations build similar, yet unique, magnificent pyramids, cathedrals and government structures?

Where did they get the knowledge and ability given it was said to be “horse n’ buggy” days?

How did these world cultures assimilate and communicate with each other to share the same knowledge ?

Why were/are most Tartarian and Moor Structures aligned with the luminaries in the heavens using sacred geometrical designs ?

How did the Giants of Tartary and Moors live amongst the One World natives?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Ship those Niggers Injuns back”]

As[…]Edmonton and[…]Alberta duel over the cause of (welfare) and solution to (free pizza) homelessness, a curious thing happened[…]
They kept bringing up the jackpine savages who used to wander around this continent before Europe came along with civilization and actually built societies[…]
What on earth does Thomas and that lying sack of shit Littlechild have to do with homelessness in Edmonton? Edmonton is not part of any of the reservations[…]Treaty 6 actually tells them they are supposed to remain on their reserves[…]Same section where Her Majesty Queen Victoria agreed to give them the Residential Schools they were so interested in[…]
Every drunken Red Indian causing a problem within the City of Edmonton is to be punished, strictly mind you, by the white man[…]Cody Thomas and Willie Littlechild need to be told that their constituents are going to be held to a far higher standard than whites in accordance with the treaty they keep blathering (falsely) that we haven't been adhering[…]
We can similarly "extend" the rule about intoxication punishment to include intoxication from marijuana, opioids, pot, crack cocaine, and heroin: just like alcohol if we catch a Red Indian consuming it or otherwise under its influence in white man's territory, we shall punish them swiftly and harshly. More importantly, Litttlechild and Thomas must help us do so on punishment of execution[…]
If homelessness in Edmonton is being caused by Red Indians, then it only goes to show that we have been too kind and generous to them over the years and they need to shape up or be shipped 6 feet underground

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Let’s face it.

Every seat of power in the United States is chaired by a Jew.

Nudelman at State, Garfinkle at DOJ, Schumer at Senate, Mayorkas at DHS, Yellen at Treasury, Weingarten at Teachers, Bernstein at Economic Advisors.

Yet any goy in a seat of power is overseen by a Jew.

Jake Sullivan at NSC by Jonathan Finer, Kamala Harris by Douglas Emhoff, Jerome Powell at the FED by Alan Greenspan, William Burns at CIA by David Cohen.

If we solved the dog-doo everywhere, why can’t we solve the Jew-doo?

“No-ti-cing” is not “Antisemitic.”

Not doing anything about it, is.

There are guiding historical precedents for it.

Call it, “The Jewish Solution.”

Seeing that “The Jew” acts as a “collective” for his own “in-group”…

…that “The Jew” as a “collective” crucified the Lord Jesus Christ and dutifully continues to justify the crime…

…we learn from historical precedent that the Byzantine Empire put into law—by Emperors’ Constantine and Justinian, codified in 535 BC—that no Jew could hold civil, academic, or financial office.

It worked.

The Church was free of the silencing of their beliefs by Jewish power.

The Synagogue was free of Antisemitic assaults.

A thousand year “win-win” for both sides.

No Jew died, prosperity for both was equally applied.

Karma is a bitch.
The “pogroms?”

It came from the other side.

Jewish Socialist terrorists aside…

…Vladimir Lenin, hoping to purge the majority of Jews from their “bourgeoisie” ways in finance and trade, engaged in creating an “Autonomous Region” for Jews to reside.
It’s an idea whose time has come.

We apply the Byzantine model to our land, and the Jews still hellbent on power can go to the Autonomous Land.

My goyisha friends.

Solutions don’t always solve problems.

So let’s move the problem far away from us.

Judy Byington/Charlie Ward #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Restored Republics: The White Hats Have a Plan. That Plan was to eliminate the Bildeberg Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia which had their own Plan of eliminating 90% of Humanity they called the “bottom feeders.”

The White Hats formed their Plan after the assassination of President Lincoln.
The Plan became more formally organized with President Kennedy.
The Plan was run by the White Hat Global Military and was based on mainly use of the Marines and Navy.
There were roughly 200-300 Generals and Admirals which guided thousands of Military personnel in support of The Plan.
The counter offensive of The Plan began before Trump was elected. They followed the Law of War Manuel.
The Plan was now at a point where Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming (NCSWC).
You are now asked to play a leading role in that Plan to help it succeed.
Trump’s Executive Orders, Charlie Ward


● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption, human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States choice


● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

Stew Peters and James Edwards #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters spoke with[…]James Edwards about the so-called “national epidemic” of “Black-on-white crime”[…]
“Every day we turn on our TV[…]and we see another Third World invader or inner city parasitic animal attacking an elderly white person in a nursing home, who’s been left there completely defenseless, with no one to speak up for them and no one to come to their aid”[…]
Peters asked if elderly white Americans won World War II just to be “abused and raped and killed by ghetto savages”

Peters then turned to his guest[…]“These people are getting away with this because we don’t have a serious justice system,” Peters told Edwards. “But we can defund it[…]We can expose it. And we can get rid of these animals and exterminate these parasites, can’t we?”[…]
Edwards then invited the show’s viewers to “look back” at the “mythical amount of violence that white Southerners supposedly displayed against Blacks during the so-called civil rights era.” He complained that there are still headlines about the lynching of Emmett Till[…]
“And I say that the most remarkable thing about violence in the South at that time was how remarkable little there was”[…]
Edwards said that he “had the opportunity to interview the officer who arrested Rosa Parks” in 2008. He told Peters that “this wasn’t gonna be a shock” to him or his audience, but that “everything you’ve learned about that time in history is a lie,” calling it “no different than” the modern “BLM riots”

In a 2010 article commemorating the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ arrest, Edwards called Parks a “Communist” and wrote, “It never ceases to amaze me how lawbreakers (Parks, ‘civil rights’ activists, illegal aliens, etc.) are heralded as heroes by the media while hard working, tax paying, God fearing Middle Americans are treated as criminals”

He also complained about the attention being paid to white murder victims. “You hear about Emmett Till,” he said. “Of course what about Cannon Hinnant[…]? Any movies about that?”

Fritz Berggren #conspiracy #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “A Candid Discussion on Genocide Against White Christian Races”]

In the latest episode of our podcast, our speaker Fritz Berggren unfolds a compelling narrative about what he outlines as an unaddressed crisis – a genocide against white Christian races. Through a vivid exploration of historical events, Berggren suggests a systematic plot to wipe out white Christians from their homeland, which he believes started with the Muslim and African invasions in Southern Europe around 700 AD

He delves into mob politics, demystifying what he identifies as a coterie of powerful bodies manipulating global systems while playing the victim card. Berger criticizes governments for their alleged role in supporting this inequity and labels significant political figures within America and Europe as ‘traitors’ to their nations

The Bible and history forms the bedrock of Berggren discourse. Drawing upon the Scriptures, he seeks to elucidate his interpretations about the modern Jews – a notion that they are impostors and part of an anti-Christian alliance supportive of an alleged genocidal agenda

By injecting strong emotions amid the charged racial tensions, Berggren administers a rallying cry to the White Christian community for vigilance and action. He dares to cross controversial lines, particularly involving his denunciation of Jewish Christians, whom he challenges to align with his scriptural perspectives

The final tone of the episode is a passionate call to arms. Berggren, foreseeing a state of civil war, insists on defending and repossessing the Christian heritage and values against what he believes is a massive onslaught against European Christians

(PS: The above was 99% written by AI after listening to the podcast. Very interesting!)

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