
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

SwiftiePrincess & woman_be_free #transphobia ovarit.com

( SwiftiePrincess )
I'm convinced that libfems and handmaidens have a burning hatred for other women and that's why they celebrate TiMs pushing female atheletes out of sports
I used to be so confused as to how libfems could blithely clap like seals at TIMs pushing women out of their own sports categories, stealing scholarships/prize money/ positions on national teams that would have gone to a bio female. But I think I know the answer.

I think that for all they call themselves feminists, they just hate women. Its not even that they dont like being women and think men are better. I think some of them just straight up hate women. And it really is as simple as that.

TiMs pushing female atheletes out of sports isn't a bug, but a feature for them. I think it legitimately fills them with spiteful glee every time they see a TiM smirking on a podium surrounded by female runner ups trying not to cry. I think they dont just turn a blind eye to the female atheletes affected by TiMs dominating their sports, they actually enjoy that. I think they LOVE it that men are taking opportunities away from women. I think they just hate women that much.

And I also think this is at least partially why they fight so hard to put men in women's prisons and make every intimate space mixed sex. They legit LIKE the idea of subjecting other women to the humiliation/discomfort/indignity of undressing around men and relish the idea of being the "cool girl" who doesn't mind it.

( woman_be_free )
I think you’ve made a really articulate argument for a really inconvenient truth. And I agree. I noticed it too. Not necessarily always unattractive but definitely low self esteem and an axe to grind. Everyone is just a version of someone we’ve met before right? I notice a lot of the lesbian TRAs are either (1) not smart (not in the educated sense but are used to not thinking for themselves (2) massive rule followers who wait for the latest trend to land then follow it to the letter.

I genuinely don’t think most of the TRA women fighting for this actually care about the cause. So called altruism usually has another agenda. Sometimes I think TRA women are just eager to see what will happen when they set fire to the world.

They always travel in packs as well.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: A Finnish company launches tampons for men for trans awareness week
( Saoirse )
...So, how many of you spent a moment scratching your head wondering where exactly a man should put the tampon in - ending up with, "... in the... anus?....', before realizing this is for TIF?

No? Just me? Okay then.

Well, that was before I clicked on the link, because that "man" in the picture is extremely clickable TIF. Even with the beard, mustache, and the muscles, still undeniably woman.

( Lemonade_Masquerade )
I also thought man meant man. How silly of me. I hate the language games.

( DoomedSibyl )
No, it wasn’t just you. I thought they were marketing these to men so deep in the fetish that they’re convinced they have their period and are a) shoving tampons in their anus and/or b) rifling through garbage cans and disposal bins to find used sanitary products. That I considered this as a possibility shows just how insane the whole world has gotten. The fact that this is being pushed hard by billionaires capturing our biggest social institutions is beyond frightening.

Edited to fix autocorrect changing anus (a perfectly respectable medical term) to Anya. What a world! We can’t refer to anatomy that has been standard for hundreds of years but men get periods. And aren’t men anymore! And vice versa.

( emholio )
It boggles my mind how many companies are willing to offend women to market women's products. And it makes me smirk to think of the consumerism involved in worrying about and making sure to buy tampons that aren't too feminine. They go in your vagina! The mental gymnastics needed to call an item you put in your vagina a "men's" product must be exhausting.

( Lilith-Fair )
Because a lot of women on the left are literally supporting this shit, and too many other women aren't throwing a stinker like the TRAs. I swear, so often women can be their own worse enemy. We're the only group that historically have factions which cause is to support less rights for ourselves, or to take away our own rights.

( questioningtw )
I seriously hope this company goes under. Why do tampons even NEED to be marked to TIFs? They are just tampons.....talk about promoting fragility.

( Radishe )
So they're just going along with pretending women are men, i.e. "Manpons".

( RusticTroglodyte )
Affirming mentally ill ppl all the way to the bank

DietCokeAddict & FeminismIs4Women #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How the trans row will end in compromise
( DietCokeAddict )
Who even is this guy? No dude, there is no possible compromise here. Women want some places to be female-only, just a tiny number. TRAs want absolutely no female-only places, anywhere, ever, for any reason. Women must never exclude men from anything.

One side here has already tried to compromise, over and over! We agreed to accommodate the tiny number of TIMs there used to be (gender certificates). We agreed to use wrong pronouns for “self-identified” TIMs. We ignored the gross ones who were clearly acting out fetishes and looked the other way.

None of that was enough, TIMs and TRAs keep pushing and pushing. Don’t want your daughters’ sports taken over by boys? You’re a filthy terf bigot and you deserve to die. Concerned about your autistic son who’s been told he’s not a real boy and is now depressed and demanding hormones? Give them to HER now or you’ll have a dead child and it’ll be all your fault.

So no, random man who’s never touched this topic before. We’re done trying to compromise, and damn right we regret the concessions we made earlier now we’ve seen where it leads. There’s no fence sitting - either you give a crap about women or you don’t. Pick a side.

( FeminismIs4Women )
This is the compromise that should happen: women keep all the single sex spaces that our foremothers fought so hard for, as is our birthright and inheritance. Everyone unanimously decides to believe in reality and agrees to uphold the freedom to believe and express their belief in scientific facts.

If they want them, transvestites and transexuals put the effort in to creating their own third spaces seperate from women's that cater to their own very different needs. If they want shelters or for transexual for example it's up to them to establish them. They accept the fact that they are not and will never be women and they continue to enjoy all the exact same human rights that they had before.

Collectively, every compromise or accommodation made to transvestites & transsexuals has been mercilessly exploited and abused. They want to tear down all safeguards (which they call gatekeeping) with no care for women and children.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How the trans row will end in compromise

( Riothamus )

It will have to end in the unconditional surrender of the TRAs. Reality always wins.

( OwnLyingEyes )
In this matter, "compromise" is the equivalent of 'just the tip.' You have no legitimate claim to these spaces and are being evicted. Attempting to shove yourself into a category you don't meet the criteria for doesn't give you a claim on it, it's an invasion. Men's attempt at identity theft of the entire female class entitles them to jack shit from us.

( Agrona )
Dear mansplainer,

Compromise. Men stop telling women what to do. Men including the permanently offended don’t go into women’s spaces, jobs, awards, competitions (sporting or otherwise), clubs etc.

Men are men no matter how they dress and a spiny skirt does not magically transform you into anything except a deluded male.

No regards,

Shut up.

Small ‘m’ on purpose.

( AadirMorgendorfer )
Oh great. A man, who has done thirty whole minutes of reading on this issue, has arrived to tell women who are far cleverer than he is that womanhood should be generous enough to accommodate men. Oh, and that we're just social conservatives, and that this is just gay rights 2.0.

( Radishe )
Why are we the ones who always have to make the compromise? And have to make it again and again?

( OwnLyingEyes )
Because they're men who think when women tell them no outright to something they have no right to, that means it's time to negotiate with us rather than respect the no.

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

Dave Blount #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From “Transsexual Goes From Killing Cats to People”]

Evidence accrues that egging on lunatics in their psychosis rather than attempting to reorient them toward reality may not be a good idea:

A trans-identified male in Oxford is currently on trial after being charged with the murder of another man. Scarlet Blake, who was initially reported as being a “woman” by UK media outlets, is said to have murdered Spanish national, Jorge Martin Carreno, and tortured animals[…]

According to the liberal talking points, those who don’t affirm transsexual identities with sufficient enthusiasm are committing “genocide” against transsexuals

Blake was inspired to torture cats by the Netflix documentary Don’t F*** With Cats:

The documentary focuses on the case of transvestite prostitute, Luka Magnotta, who began torturing cats and posting the videos online before escalating to murder

Magnotta in turn was inspired by the movie Basic Instinct. Unwholesome entertainment has helped produce an unwholesome society[…]
In ancient Egypt, killing a cat brought the death penalty. Though that may seem a little harsh, it could have saved lives by protecting society from evil freaks like Scarlet Blake

Meanwhile, the MSM affirms Blake in his psychosis by referring to him with female pronouns

Please welcome Scarlet Blake to the representative Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors

MeltyTW #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie kiwifarms.st

i never realized just how miniscule breadtube really was and how astroturfed the push for it from youtube to replace right wing content was. i checked their sub counts and i think donught operator alone probably has all of them combined counting vaush xanderhal even bigger ones like contra and hbomber maybe pushing it including philosophy tube. seems like any right wing leaning channel that wasnt banned for being too political too often is just leagues more popular. they dont understand the "rw pipeline" was just peoples natural preferences and the only artificial pipeline is breadtube and hasan where corpos try to lead their audience to tainted water and make them drink.

and even then hasans only popular for the same reason kpop stars are, and even then iirc hes starting to be eclipsed by people like kai cenat who openly hate trannies and tranny faggots.

edit forgot to say what prompted me to glance at views and subs was hearing alot about xanderhal only to see him with apparently under 100k subs.

edit edit apparently not homophobic just told some faggot to not mock christianity and some people got uppity because he almost said the faggot word, because someone can mock your sacred holy beliefs that inform your entire life and unites you and a community of worshippers but forbid you almost disrespect cocks going into bumholes. silly me i forgot that in current year words (like homophobia) dont actually mean things.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Let's be clear
( Hex )
Transsexual and transvestite become dirty words because no one would abide for "transing" kids if that's what it meant. SJWs would not ever say out loud "I helped my kid become transvestite!" They would get 0 social justice points, CPS would be called.

And they need to recruit young people because they are easier to groom, and also without young people in this "movement" they would be seen as the dirty old limp d1cks they are.

( FeminismIs4Women )
Thats why the words need to be brought back.

Transsexual and transvestite are not slurs they are accurate discriptions. The bad associations come from the association with paraphilas so they needed a rebrand.

Young people also make their movement look both more wholesome and more valid. The photogenic face of body mutilation. A boy who has been put on puberty blockers and hormone since childhood is a much more acceptable face of trans women than hulking guy with a lantern jaw and a beard.

Although over time maybe that will change slightly as there seem to be so many young women on testosterone who need to use zimmer frames because their bodies are being slowly destroyed.

If you are going to put your kid on the path to sterility then yeah, you should have to defend why you think your child is a transexual. They should be honest because that is what they are saying.

( DurableBook )
I've harped on this before, but seriously I wish everyone would stop talking about "inclusive restrooms" and instead call them what they are: unisex.

Some people want single sex facilities to be available. It is definitionally impossible to have a single-sex facility that is open to both sexes. It's not that I "want to exclude transwomen," it's that if a transwoman is using the same restroom as me then by definition that restroom is not single-sex.

Turns out if you refer to single-sex versus unisex facilities, pretty much everyone comes to the same conclusion: unisex is fine in many cases, but there are also times when single-sex should be available. Golly whoda thunk.

( Thelnebriati )
People who want to queer society come from a position of privilege, and are either dangerous or useful idiots. Remove the barriers and the most dangerous types are the ones to benefit. The rest of us are left to fend for ourselves as best we can.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: On AGP as a 'sexual orientation'
( BlackCirce )
AGPs see the death knell ringing for child transition and they want to make sure they can still get transition services and legal protections as adults. They want to make a deal with the anti child transition people that ok kids won’t transition but women still lose our rights. And it looks like it’s going to work because the “gender critical” refuses to actually be critical of gender. Gender: men are in charge. If there are 100 women and 1 man walks in the door, he’s automatically in charge. Gender: what men say, do and want matters more. If 100 women say no and 1 man says yes, it’s a yes. Gender: women suck. Women who say no to men should be laughed at and mocked, they’re boring, they’re stupid, they’re prudes, they’re ugly old hags, they’re beneath contempt. Men are fun and cool and women should listen to them and befriend them and help them and obey them. Gender: men can’t help being sexually inappropriate, it’s women’s fault, women have to control it, women have to hide from it, men are never ever responsible for their sexual behavior, sex is a man’s right, men cannot be “sexually repressed” and without an outlet to express sexuality, women who say no to male sexuality are hurting men.

I could do this for days but anyway yeah men in dresses are going to make a deal with men in pants that screws women over for the next 100 years

( GreenBottle )
Unfortunately it looks like many trans critical women are also going to be in on this deal. Not like their opinion matters to the men in pants/dresses in charge, but they will be doing the foot soldier work of trying to shame, bully, threaten, and harass the rest of us gender critical women to accepting this shit deal.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
They want to legitimize AGP as a sexual orientation to gear up for the ultimate goal- pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation.

( DonnaFemina )
I've pointed out many times that gay men were always in danger of getting bashed in the men's room, yet they've never asked to use the women's room to solve that problem, much less insisted that they had a right to.

Male on male violence is not women's problem to solve. Gay men knew that. I doubt it even occurred to them to ask us to solve it. Are trans-identified males stupider than gay men? Or more selfish? Or what?

Larry Tomczak #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy charismanews.com

In this back-to-basics plan, we must do the following:

1. Re-consecrate ourselves to the Great Commission given us by Jesus. The Pilgrims prioritized this in the original Mayflower Compact: to proclaim the "gospel of the kingdom" to see lives transformed, not merely affirmed, by the power of the living God.
3. Cast off Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mandates. These are false criteria for our institutions because they are inherently racist, giving people preferences and positions that belong to achievers applying themselves to merit advancement in our nation that affords equal opportunity for all willing and able to work for it.

4. Replace destructive Marxist, Islamist and Globalist elements. These have poisoned our government, schools, media and corporate boardrooms. We must put leaders of integrity and convictions mirroring those of our truly great and revered statesmen and stateswomen, recognizing that they, like all of us, had flaws yet deserve honor because of their overall character and achievements.

5. Put an end to propaganda and promotion of unbiblical socialism. We must return to a constitutional republic that has undergirded us successfully for closing in on 250 years—longer than any nation in world history.
8. Unapologetically affirm man/woman marriage and the nuclear family. "One man and one woman" is the explicit design for this sacred institution recognized worldwide and honored for thousands of years as the divinely ordained foundation of a stable society. Biology and science recognize male (XY chromosomes) and female (XX chromosomes) genders throughout history.
10. Expose as demagogy the leftist tactic of regularly dismissing valid opinions and perspectives as "destroying democracy," "racist" and "tyranny." Slandering traditional conservatives, Christians, and patriotic Americans as "right-wing extremists" while weaponizing agencies to run roughshod over basic civil liberties, censor free speech, violate the Constitution.

samsdat, snails & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia ovarit.com

I can't believe I...

( samsdat )
I think a lot of them will be unable to face the truth. I think the TIFs will actually be able to handle it a little better, but I predict a massive rise in TIM suicides in the next decade.

( snails )
Is the TIF bottom surgery reversible at all? Like if you took off the skin graft, could it ever go back to being a functional vulva? Would they have any sort of sensation down there during sex?

I know a lot fewer TIFs get bottom surgery than TIMs (and most TIMs are AGP and don’t get the surgery anyway), but I can’t imagine those that did get bottom surgery would be able to handle it better than the TIMs if it’s not at least partially reversible

( RusticTroglodyte )
I don't think it's reversible tbh.

( samsdat )
I don’t know about that, actually. I think you’re probably right, in that the TIFs who went all the way will struggle with the realization of what they’ve done. I imagine that women who had mastectomies and hysterectomies will find it easier to reconcile, because those are things that non-trans-identifying women do also, sometimes for non-medical reasons as well.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Were you peaked by "Terfs" or TiP ?

( fightlikeagirl )
TIMs. I was friends with several men growing up who later went TIM and they had some of the creepiest, most disgusting behavior. I used to be very open-minded about transgender males because they were often thought of as effeminate gay men (HSTS) instead of the sex pests (AGPs) that most actually are.

( TheKnitta )
A specific TiM saying he was angry with lesbians for being “transphobic” made me nope out directly, but around the same time, I also read questions by GC women that couldn’t be answered adequately by trans nonsense. Before that specific point, it was TiMs’ words and actions that had made me really question the whole trans ideology, but I’d not reached that peak. This was before the insane ‘trans women are women no debate pregnant people cervix havers’ etc stuff, and men everywhere in women’s spaces directly. The latter has to be perfect peaking material for most, surely. Literally just ‘let them speak’. They can’t help but show you who they really are (male predators).

( shimmeringlake )
It definitely became a NIMBY thing for me when sharing spaces with a TIM and having to pretend he's a woman when everything in my gut told me he's not, never was, and never will be, no matter how many body mods he got or ways he attempted to mimic women, and when having to keep his secret that transjoy doesn't actually exist; there is always dysphoria and never enough validation because TIPs always feel like imposters. But what peaked me was explaining gender theory to someone who had never been exposed to it, and the more I tried to convince this person of gender theory, the more ridiculous I sounded, and that person looked at me and said "I can tell from the way you talk about this that you don't actually believe anything you're saying." And they were right.

( dragonheart )
In theory, some women might think that having TIMs in their spaces isn't all that big a deal - especially when it's the gay effeminate kind you see on social media - but let me tell you, when you're seeking out a safe space as a woman for whatever reason and a TIM (usually actually heterosexual and performing reductive stereotypes) comes into that space and makes you feel the exact same way any man would, the reality will peak you quicker than lightening.


Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

For the same reason that the DOJ/FBI/CIA and a lot of other US agencies play act at being aloof from and independent of the US government: they are part of the anti-American Marxocrat Party's so-called "Permanent Government", alternatively known as the Deep State.
Behind the scenes, they will put the brakes on any President or other official who tries to condemn diversity or fails to be inclusive of either anti-American Marxist "revolutionaries" or anti-American Islamic Jihadists. The Marxocrat Party is, after all, anti-American, pro-Marxist, and pro-Islam. More than that, they are pro-sodomy, pro-abortion, pro-climate change and they stand with every other fraudulent program that is anti-humanity, anti-nationhood, anti-American, anti-family, anti-male, anti-white people, anti-Christian and antisemitic.
Diversity, inclusion, multi-culturalism, etc., all attack identity.

It began with the blurring of the identity of God; it all ends with the blurring of the identity of human beings and humanity.

Look at diversity's blurring of holiness, and what it means to be holy.
It was this deceptive and deceitful all-inclusive, diversified identity thinking that brought the condemned heresies of Protestantism into the Catholic liturgy in Pope Paul VI's Novus Ordo mass. And it is this same evil diversification of Catholic identity that today seeks to suppress and eradicate from memory the Latin Mass.

The new mass is inclusive; the old one was exclusive. Can't have that.

Today, the Catholic Pope and his Vatican, the American Presidency and his administration and all professional teachers everywhere, join the globalist efforts of the Davos WEF, COMINTERN, the UN and the EU to bless, approve, protect and advance the causes of not only sodomy and licentiousness, but transsexualism and transgenderism. In open defiance of biology and human physiology they hopelessly and permanently blur the identities of male and female.

What does it even mean to be human any more?

Erik Carlson #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

Have you ever wondered why certain things suddenly become a hot topic, seemingly out of nowhere?

How one day you woke up and everyone was arguing about Transgenderism. Or people were supergluing themselves to the road to protest climate change. Or how, one day flash mob department store robberies started to occur, and no one would even attempt to stop them.

You could even look at changes that have occurred more slowly over time in America, like the abandonment of God in society, or the destruction of family. One could look at these things and assume times are changing, and that it has all occurred organically. The truth is that none of it is organic, and that all of it has been meticulously planned out in a think tank by the elites.
I would argue that America has been overseen by British Intelligence Agencies since the forming of MI6, Britain’s War Propaganda Bureau, and eventually the Tavistock Institute.
Trauma-based mental disorders. Trauma-based… Trauma-based mind control. I think you see where I’m going with this.

Through the research and treatment of trauma based mental disorders, psychiatrists discovered that trauma could be used to control people’s minds.
The JFK Assassination, 9/11, Covid—all events that opened portals into the human mind to allow more mind control through fear narratives that followed each event.

Narratives like climate change and transgenderism got their starts and continued push through Tavistock think tanks. None of the woke craziness experienced in America is organic, and none of it actually originated in America
If our culture hasn’t been manipulated to create a state of mind control, how does one explain so many young people wanting to change their sex in the past ten years, or parents voluntarily subjecting their children to drag queen strip shows, or the panic over weather? How does one explain a population of people who stand by and do nothing while their government does the opposite of what they ask them to do?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: No, thanks! Nearly 17,000 people sign petition slamming the 'non-binary and transgender extravaganza' Macy's plans for upcoming Thanksgiving Day Parade | Daily Mail Online

( emholio )
Fucking hell don't ruin the snoopy balloon parade over a passing megafad that is gonna end up being 1000x the scandal lobotomies were in just a few years. Why is this the thing that every company on earth is trying to bend over backwards to inject into every product and service? And it's honestly past its peak, declining in popularity as the sane folks realize it's sexist and dumb and the edgy folks realize it's too popular to be "cool" anymore. Just... UGH.

( snails )
And even lobotomies weren’t commercialized and blindly celebrated by big companies the way trans is

( BondiBlue )

Did Macy’s learn nothing from Target???

( Spencer_Shayy )
My thoughts exactly. Nobody can go a single day anymore without hearing about something related to this gender crap. Well, not unless they never go online and only interact with normal people, but even then, chances are still high you'll see a gender roles flag (trans flag) or a colonization flag (the "progress" flag) or some flyer on a local business, especially in big cities. They're literally shoving it down our throats EVERYWHERE and then theyll have the audacity to say it doesn't affect us.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I love the fear mongering right away. "It's a conservative petition!" So? Anyone who is truly sick and tired of this shit won't care how it's stopped, just that it is.

And regardless of what you think about One Million Moms, they're completely correct when they say this "LGBTQ" shit isn't kid friendly. It used to be, back when it was just about homosexuals wanting to be treated like everyone else, but now thanks to straight and "trans" people, it's a pervert fest and nothing more.

The people Macy's wants to highlight in this parade, of course, are all men.

Either way, this kind of parade is completely unnecessary. It does absolutely nothing but make whoever organized it FEEL "progressive" and swell the already oversized egos of creepy men like Justin David Sullivan, K. Petras, and Alex Newell.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The “Don’t be evil” evildoing Deep State technology node known as Google aka Alphabet has been yet again ordered to demoralize and enrage its dwindling user base.

Google’s overhyped Marxist AI chatbot Gemini has been deliberately perverting reality with its image generator feature; for example, America’s Founding Fathers such as George Washington are now black, the pope is now a woman, Vikings are also black, NHL players are woman, and so on and so forth.

This inane Intelligence Industrial Complex propaganda push leveraging third-rate AI serves a similar purpose to “Trust the Science,” “Safe and Effective,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Climate Change,” the sterilizing, body and mind mutilating LGBTQ+ agenda, and all of the other identity politics statist brainwashing schemes.
When one asks Gemini why it engages in historical fraud, this leftist programmed chatbot replies that it, “aims to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.”

At this point, anyone seeking “accurate” and “inclusive” responses from Gemini deserves what they get, but, over time, the free markets will reject this idiocy, even if a significant percentage of the genetically modified and brainwashed useful idiots are mindlessly playing along. Because even the most indoctrinated fools eventually wake up, or they succumb to the democide.
Except that everything is working exactly according to plan; that is, to divide and conquer minds and further fracture society straight into a civil war that ultimately results in permanent martial law such that another election will not need to be stolen with fake votes.
Because in today’s Idiocracy the globalists are banking on a certain level of their ridiculousness to finally serve as the spark that sets off another bloody revolution, and this fake news deepfake reality inverting Gemini chatbot is but one of the many moving parts of this grand Great Reset psyop.

NastasyaFillipovna & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Would Gender Ideology survive without means of mass communication and Social Media?
Like if something happens overnight, and society resets to a time where there is no more internet services, (we are back to the 90s somehow). There were a lot of mass movements that happened in the last century, from Racial Equality to Feminist movements, but those occurred without the help of Social Media. While the TiM indulgence I think is essentially a byproduct of increased social media pandering where everyone is concerned by the backlash they would receive, not IRL, but on SM.

I am not saying actual people who have rare cases of gender dysphoria won't exist, but they would be rightly categorized as Mentally ill, like they showed in the movie Silence of the Lambs, and get the help they need. But in the SM age, we get pandering where the CEO of an Endometriosis charity is a TiM, and Period Products are being advertised by a TiM

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't believe it would. After all, it only came about online. I suspect, before the dawn of the internet, that "gender identity" was a term only used by John Money type psychologists. "Non binary", "demisexual" and all other "genders" and new "sexualities" were literally invented on the internet less than 20 years ago. They did not exist when I was a kid or even a teenager, and they certainly didn't exist in our parents or grandparents days.

"Transgender" existed, but certainly not in the way it does today, and you can see that if you watch or read any type of media created before the 21st century. They were portrayed as the "weirdos" on the fringe of society (rightly so), thought to be "extremely gay", and you'd be hard pressed to ever see a TIF - it was all TIMs, because, as many have said before, up until the 21st century, the only "trans" people were male - self hating gay men and straight male perverts with a fetish.

But at least back then, we could acknowledge them for the violent creeps they are.

Social media has done more harm than good, and I'd love nothing more than for it to be eradicated and for us to return to a pre-internet era. Thanks to the "wonders" of the internet, we are all now dumber as a species, unable to read, think, or write properly, and teeming with mental illnesses and violent hatred.

rightnow & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

( rightnow )
Fundie Fridays Cannot Understand Why Fundamental Christians Would Be Pro-Trans, but Anti-Gay
Fundie Fridays (aka Jen) is a YouTuber and suspected TIM (I personally don't think she is, but 🤷🏻‍♀️) who makes videos gossiping about analyzing fundamental Christians. She recently made a video about late fundie Pat Robertson. Pat was anti-gay, but mildly pro-trans. Jen is shocked by this and thinks it makes no sense, but it's perfectly logical when you understand trans is inherently anti-gay. Of course, a fundamental Christian would have such strict views of gender roles, that gay or lesbians would actually be the opposite sex. And of course, he would rather have a "straight woman" than a gay man in his congregation, especially if in the process of turning that gay man into a straight woman means sterilizing him and destroying his sex drive. She just can't see past her ideology to see that though. The cognitive dissonance is real.

( Spencer_Shayy )
This is what happens when you're deliberately ignorant of the world around you. Anyone who does even the slightest bit of digging into the past would know that "transgender" has always been the result of misogyny and homophobia. They'll lament about what happened to Alan Turing without the slightest hint of awareness that that's exactly what they're promoting with this "gender affirming care" bullshit. I have no patience for these people anymore. People like her are willfully blind, and I've had enough. With the invention of the internet and all knowledge now being accessible online, there is NO excuse for not knowing anything anymore!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( MaryDyer )
How TiMs choose their new middle names
I just scrolled through like 200 comments on a post on r/mtf that asked TiMs how they selected their new middle names.

A disturbingly-large percentage of these men adopted their grandmother’s name, or their mom’s name, or even their sister’s name. I mean…I can’t say I’m shocked, but that doesn’t mean I’m not skeeved out.

And there were so many Liliths. At least five Liliths. Four Lunas. Four Roses. A handful of other goddess names. Two Autumns.

I fear my eyeballs are permanently rolled.

( SummerGrl )
That is SO creepy! They want their own female family members names?! They want our clothes, our hair, our diseases. They take over sororities, bathrooms, sports. Is there anything they won't steal from women? I feel like some day we're going to find a TIM with a woman in the pit in his basement a la Buffalo Bill.

( Moonflower )
A man appropriating the name of one of his female relatives (let alone a living female relative) is just so utterly, indescribably gross. Is having someone notice it (and feel repulsed by it) part of the sexual thrill? Fucking explain yourself, dude. There needs to be so much more societal scrutiny and shame directed at males who pull this shit.

( High-Key_GC )
A trans-identifying-male who has appropriated the name of a living female relative has almost certainly also stolen, and gotten a boner from, that woman's underwear.

( TwoXChromosomes )
Skinwalkers gonna skinwalk.

( FeminismIs4Women )
It's just male entitlement. They have to be the first woman or a goddess or steal the name of someone close to them. In their minds they are the best and they can take whatever they want. But all they are doing is making themselves even easier to clock. They are so unoriginal.

BlackCirce & FeminismIs4Women #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What happened at the Genspect conference with the AGP?

( BlackCirce )
Any time there’s an autogynephile at a gender critical thing, there are going to be women who are angry about it since that’s who we are fighting. This happens almost every time there is a not explicitly radical feminist “gender critical” gathering. AGPs are running the trans movement that destroyed women’s rights. Even if he’s supposedly a “safe” autogynephile because he’s friendly and fun and cool and admits he’s a man and is against (whatever political incursion) he’s still a man who has a sexual fetish for skinwalking women. Being looked at in women’s clothing sexually arouses / gratifies him and some women are aware of that and don’t consent to it and express anger about it, which is a good thing. It’s horrible (for some women, not all) to be subjected to AGP fetish, even if it’s “legal” and it’s “just clothes.” It’s like telling a victim of voyeurism “he’s just looking.” The powers of narcissism AGP men have over the gender critical movement is kind of surprising to me but I have absolutely no faith in anyone’s care for women.

( FeminismIs4Women )
They have every right to be angry. I am sure there were trans widdows present whose marriages were destroyed by AGP tendencies.

Its all part of the play book, AGPs will invade every women's space to get their rocks off, including gender critical spaces. Some AGP larp as anime girls, some larp as babies, as some larp as a parody of a GC woman. Its just crazy, if a guy had a minstrel fetish no one would say he can't help it and he can do whatever he wants but AGPs are even being given a free pass at Genspect to parade their fetish as if its something they can't prevent themselves from doing!

If he really wanted to do something useful he would start his own seperate event just for other AGPs where they learn about wacky new concepts like consent and respecting other peoples boundaries but that wouldn't give him the same rush of 'euphoria' so he keeps hanging around women in his fetishistic get up expecting head pats for doing the absolute bare minimum.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"Is this some sort of jealousy from me...?"

( greenbeans )

You will never be one of us. We're inherently superior being born women - even if you get your rights you will never come close to us no matter how much you try.

Truth hurts doesn't it scrotes? 💅

( totallyevilwarlock )
Of course, the only reason women aren't validating these poor twans people is because we are evil bullies who carefully pick every word in a conversation specifically based on how much it will hurt transwomen. Can't be for any valid reason, just bullying.

I have a feeling that if women were the ones who called this man a disgusting pervert and men were the ones who were mostly polite but not actively validating, women would still be the worst and most evil.

( Peppermint )
He and men like him really don't get it. I know they are all like this but to see them write it out in plain text time and time again; even after all the true accounts from women on twitter..its frustrating.

The reddit bubble and other bubble's their in where women can't say what they really mean obviously makes him believe women actually accept him.

I hope he's reading this. I hope they are all reading this. If you are reading this guys..I'd say keep reading Twitter. YWNBAW You will always be a man. And thats ok! You are totally allowed to wear a dress and make up and act ridiculous but that won't change a thing. YWNBAW. You Will Never Be A Woman!

Even if we ever get to a place where women can't say what they really mean and really feel about men like you on Twitter or anywhere else. It's because you are a man. And you are NOT one of us. YWNBAW. You Will Never Be A Woman!!!! EVER!!!!!

P. S. If you are angry about this even the slightest bit. Its because you are a man and you know it. Try to find a real therapist who can help you accept you for who you really are.

( Carrots90 )
They act like we are keeping them out of womanhood

Listen, the libfems don’t think you’re a woman either

But, even if ALL of us were willing to take lots of drugs and truly came to believe you are a woman,

you still would not be a woman!!

The only thing you can do is change the meaning of the word woman to include men, but them what do you have? Just the word ‘people’

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia #ableist ovarit.com

( montanagraey )
Responses to female comedian top surgery photo
Comedian Sarah Keyworth posted a photo of herself post-op on IG. She identifies as NB. It’s only been up an hour and the outpouring of congratulations has me feeling so sad.

The gaslighting is unreal… everyone is literally looking at a photo of someone who had perfectly healthy body parts removed and they’re celebrating it. It’s just so strange and disturbing…

( Killer_Danish )
It’s soooo pathetic when adults force everyone to play an extreme version of pretend. No, you are not “non-binary” because you paid some hack surgeon to do away with your breasts; you’re a self-hating woman who expresses that hatred through medically sanctioned self-harm! That is the honest truth!

Who is that other female comedian who had her bits hacked-off for her sOoOoOpEr SpEsHiAl iDeNtITy? Mae something… equally pathetic!

( Raea )
it wasn't long ago... maybe 25 years... that people who cut off healthy body parts "to feel more whole" were featured on sally or dr phil, like sideshow freaks, and EVERYONE said "why? why did you need to do this?" it was some freaky collective social exercise, where we all looked on in horror, shaking our heads and thanking whatever deity we respected that we didn't have "that kind" of terrible mental illness.

( FeminismIs4Women )
Another lesbian groomed into extreme self harm.

This probably doesn't make much sense but NB identified women getting mastectomies was one of the things that peaked me. I bought the whole 'born in the wrong body narrative' so stupid as I was, I accepted the idea of a woman having surgery to feel more like the man she is inside (I was so so stupid).

But seeing NB feminine women who didn't claim to be men get mastectomies for no particular reason really shocked and sickened me. Of course when you properly think about it for 5 minutes having your healthy breast removed for non-medical purposes is insane. But seeing women treat this surgery, that most women only get to save their lives, as casually as getting botox or lip fillers is unbelievable.

( Radishe )
I can remember when women with mastectomies were ashamed and told to wear fake breast or breasts when coming to the doctor's office so they wouldn't scare the other patients. Now women are doing it on purpose and openly bragging about it. This isn't progress.

endorbr #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com

[𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵: 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘎𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘰.]

“Anti-semetic” for saying that demonizing and de-humanizing people you disagree with socially/politically is how we got the Holocaust. That’s just a logically true statement.

“Transphobic” for saying her pronouns are “beep/bop/boop when pressured to include pronouns in her Twitter bio. Nothing “transphobic” about pointing out that the mob is a bunch of robots.

BondiBlue & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

( BondiBlue )
“People” magazine did a trans retcon of Kathleen Turner’s role on “Friends”
I bought this week’s issue of People that had a cover story about Matthew Perry. In the article are remarks about his passing from those outside the main Friends cast who knew him and worked with him: [...]

Kathleen Turner is also on the page that excerpts famous co-stars’ mini-eulogies for Perry, and for years she was listed as having played the role of Chandler’s father (who had a sex change operation — or maybe he didn’t, maybe he just went the Mulvaney route — and became a burlesque performer in Vegas, which is really the place that “drag storytime” belongs). But now the role has been completely “de-gendered,” such that Turner is simply described as having played Chandler’s “trans parent.” Not his father.

Hollywood is Hollywood, for sure, but it’s staggering how sweeping these forced language changes have been implemented — the publication deliberately omits the sexed reality of what a “trans parent” (AGP dad, in this case) actually is. TRAs, TIMs especially, really, really don’t want anyone to acknowledge that underneath it all, they are still MEN. (The very female Ms. Turner and her husky screen-siren / torch-singer voice notwithstanding, the character of Mister Bing in the story is quite obviously a man.)

So if Chandler never had a “father,” just a “trans parent,” was he conceived by midichlorians or something? (“Luke, I am your sperm provider”?) Was there a lost episode titled “The One Where Chandler’s Uterus-Having Parent Has a Virgin Birth”? It’s only a small snippet in a sidebar of the article, but it just reinforces how stupid, so blatantly obvious in its inherent contradictions and absurdities, this entire ideology is.

“Could you BE any more transparent?”

( pennygadget )
They're seriously afraid of misgendering a fictional character from a 20 year old TV show?

I saw this happen once when someone was talking about Rockos Modern Life in a review. The character of Ralph Bighead became a TIM in the movie that was released in 2020. So the person referencing an episode made in the 1990s insisted on referring to the obviously male character as "Ed's daughter" and "she".

Its bad enough when we have to cater to IRL gender-specials by rewriting history. Now we have to cater to FICTIONAL ones as well!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( MaryDyer )
Made these last night while waiting for suggestions from you ladies. I have about ten of each.

( SummerGrl )
These are nice! I love the "trans women are con men" one. It's so true. I also love the trans ideology is misogyny one. They're catchy enough to get people's attention and I like that you have Reduxx's info on one. Great work! <3

( Iceni )
My favorite is the fox/henhouse one. It's short and to the point. Might make these women who say they don't mind, you know, think about it.

( Agrona )
“Trans women are con men.”


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Medicine with a “Transgender Bias” A new lawsuit raises the question of whether “gender-affirming care” constitutes gay conversion therapy and violated the civil rights of a gay man.

( WatcherattheGates )
We've all predicted it for some time--somebody was going to begin to argue that transing is conversion therapy. I am SO glad to see this new legal maneuver!

( ApricotThoughts )
Me too! Because it is gay conversion therapy - we can even apply the adjective "stealth" to it - stealth conversion therapy - if you've happened to read how they had legislative victories way back when, because they consciously chose to be "stealth" about it.

( Spencer_Shayy )
"Transgender" has ALWAYS been conversion therapy.

( Researcher1536 )
This is one of the top issues that made me peak around trans rights.

( Unicorn )
This is why it baffles me when anti-conversion therapy laws shoehorn in "gender identity" along with sexuality.

It is wrong to question and attempt to "convert" someone's same-sex attraction, because it is not harmful for a person to be attracted to people of the same sex.

It is not wrong to question if someone's "gender identity" is based on sexist stereotypes, cognitive distortions, or past trauma or abuse, because it is harmful for a person to stereotype women and men, think drugs and surgeries make one "authentic," run away from and ignore their past, and constantly need and seek external validation.

( OneStarWolf )

Shape’s lawyers argue that federal law affords distinct protections to gay men and lesbians—upon which clinics that operate with a transgender bias are trampling.

Oh this is promising. A good angle that is justifiable in law. In practice, "gender affirming care" very much IS conversion therapy to "fix" homosexuality. Iran does the same damn thing, the only difference is in the West it's surrounded by an ideological cult encouraging young boys/girls and medical providers to catch the gay ones and fix them very early on.

SwiftiePrincess #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

The four flavors of nonbinary
Whenever someone claims they're nonbinary, there's like a 99% chance they fall into one of four categories

1. Self-hating woman whose either incredibly gnc or stereotypically hyperfeminine but 'she's not a woman. She's a person goddamnit!'

2. Narcissistic gay man who's either put on a ton of weight and/or is on the verge of Twink Death age-wise

3. Straight up sexual predator trying to soften his masculinity in a bid to come off as less threatening to the libfems he's targeting

4. Wokebro """"male feminist"""" who can't cope with his guilt over being part of the oppressor class.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The next time a TRA tries to pull the "GeNiTaL InSpEcTiOnS" argument, I need ya'll to spam them with this

( crodish )
👏 this "You WANT genital inspections!" is such a load of crock. The whole issue is caused by males forcing themselves in places where they don't belong! Stop pretending you're women to get in women's spaces and there WON'T be a "need" for "genital inspections"!

We can also usually tell right away from the idk EVERYTHING ELSE whether someone is male or female. Wanting to show your genitals is a male thing.

( pennygadget )
How do they think we policed our spaces before genderwoo? By flipping a coin? LOL

We never needed genital checks because you can clock someone as male or female 99% of the time. The only exceptions are TIFs because they ravage their body with testosterone drugs

( MenHaveItEasy )
"They are unnecessary because you never pass."

Not to dismiss the op, but if you're explaining, you're losing.

Moids aren't entitled to a thoughtful explanation from women, and getting into the weeds benefits them.

No, you are a man. Take what's left of your dick and stay out.

( shewolfoffrance )
I’m at this point, too. I don’t care if there’s no compelling reason to keep men out of the Women’s Origami Club, or whatever. It should be enough that women said no.

( pennygadget )
They always bring up genital inspections because these perverts would love nothing more than for every trip to a public bathroom to include a forced hand-job and/or fingerbang. Women would NEVER want this even if it meant keeping the TIMs out. But male perverts would LOVE it. That's why they always bring it up

( ClaireBearStare )
They think that believing themselves to be trustworthy is enough, by extension we should see them that way too. Nevermind our silly self preservation instincts!

They try really hard to make us out as the batshit insane ones. Implying we would have everyone strip searched. Fucking lolll.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“mostly women do the job of seeing me as a woman”

( old_but_gold )
Everyone knows you’re a man, women are just not confrontational (for safety reasons and due to socialization).

Also note the language: “do the job”

As if it’s a duty to “affirm” his gendies.

( Sonnet )
This post is a good example of how these identity claims operate as a form of social control.

No one here actually believes the claim, including the speaker. OP knows he is male, the compliant women of the office know he is male, and the noncompliant men of the office know he is male. The ultimate goal is not to persuade anyone of anything - - that would be pointless, because everyone involved already recognizes he’s a transwoman and not a woman. The goal is to exert the necessary social force to insist on the correct public performance of belief regardless of the person’s true thoughts and perceptions.

( Novemberinthechair )
Give up. You're a man. Those pickmeishas kissing your ass are brainwashed and hurting the rest of us.

Mind you, you come across as a delusional male who can throw a tantrum and get anyone fired. As long as you lie about who you are, don't expect everyone to tell you the truth. Your socially acceptable mental problems have been given priority in certain spaces. Fifteen years ago, you wouldn't be able to pull this grift. You're an emotional bully and an asshole.

( space_out )
Well, the guys have an option to ignore the nonsense knowing the TIM will flip out eventually which will be pure entertainment for them and maybe a chance to punch the TIM. Men love punching. Womens options are to go along or get punched, if I have understood the tik-toks, tweets, antifa'n'friends banners, vandalisation of women's shelters that try to protect women, the whole of preddit correctly.

And he knows that, he just loves the power to intimidate women and is trying to find a way to have the same power over men. Maybe some tips on how to spin this story to HR or some other entity that could make the whole of society to tremble at his every request.

( emholio )
I have joined the rank of people who will not "do the job" of giving a shit about pornsick men's feelings. It's glorious. Not a single movement or breath of mine will ever be spent to placate a liar. 🦸‍♀️

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How dare lesbians not date me, a man?

( VestalVirgin )
I'm hetero.

Still wouldn't date a TIM.

I'd rather be with a man who won't try to skinwalk me, thank you.

Why those scrotes think anyone wants to date them is beyond me, but their delusion that lesbians - who are per definition not attracted to them - would ever date them is especially stupid.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Ditto. It's totally off putting and actually seriously unnatural. If a time traveler from the 1800s came to 2023 and saw a tim they'd scream and run into a church. Shit, I'm an atheist non-time traveler and that's my first instinct when I see one lol

( Carrots90 )
They’d still know he was a sexual pervert

( mathlover )
I can't tell if the person claiming to be a lesbian but wants dick is a woman or a larping man. If it's a real woman, that is infuriating. All men, especially the rapey "transbians", already think all lesbians really want men and their skanky dicks. Why give them any more ammo.

Very few bi and het women (by definition, the only women who get with men) willingly get with TIMs. Most won't because of the kind of men the "trans" are. But lesbians don't have to know anything about what a man is like. Born with a dick (ie: male) is a permanent dealbreaker for lesbians.

So for the lurkers, no lesbian will ever want you. Lol.

( Carrots90 )
She is bi and needs to not steal the term lesbian just because it sounds cool

Like you say, she makes it harder on actual lesbians

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( SwiftiePrincess )
I just saw a post on Twitter featuring a list of the "most streamed female albums of Spotify" and for some reason Kim Petras' is hogging one of the spots in the top 5. WHY? HE. IS. NOT. FEMALE!

But of course "including transwomen doesn't result in female erasure" nosireee! 🙄

Fwiw I actually like some of his music (at least the songs that don't involve being violently f*cked and degraded by men) and he does have a decent set of pipes, but he's not a female and he shouldn't be taking spots from actual ones.

Also the album art for "Feed the Beast" is creepy. He's looking into the camera with this simpering pout as he clutches his moobies which makes my skin crawl 🤢🤮

( Re-enacterf )
His whole career is horrific. He's an actual modern-day castrato. And he sings about being a bimbofied woman.

( RuneOwl )
Horrific indeed.

It was a popular conspiracy theory around 10 years ago that certain pop stars were victims of MK Ultra style programs meant to serve as propagandists for the Illuminati or whatever. One of their main talking points was how many female singers were groomed into “sex kitten programming” by intentionally inflicting traumatic sexual abuse until they could be triggered on command. Shit gets pretty dark.

While I don’t particularly buy into that exact narrative, to be honest Kim Petras is a pretty compelling case of someone being abused and brainwashed for the purpose of being in the public eye and promoting a sinister agenda. I certainly worry about stuff like this more than whether JayZ is a satanist who eats babies because he does that stupid triangle hand gesture.

( delicate_silicate )
He's so gross. He a man pretending to be a slutty woman who sings about hard-core sex to underage girls. I used to feel bad for him, but he seems very happy to ride this misogynistic gravy train he's on. He hates women.

( pennygadget )
I feel bad for him. He was castrated young. And his record label has him flounce around singing about being a stupid slut. As if that poor eunuch knows anything about sex.

( tymps )
I hate that sort of thing. It also drives me crazy when people include TIMs on lists of female directors. Usually they include those creepy Wachowski brothers...as if they'd have the massively successful careers that they've had if they were actually women. [...]

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans women pose no threat to cis women, but we pose a threat to them if we make them outcasts - The Guardian (2020)

( vulvapeople )
Women aren’t making TIMs outcasts, they are. No one wants to deal with a person who will have meltdowns when their delusions aren’t affirmed. Also, most friendships, even in current day, are same sex, and while women seem more willing to have TIM friends than men are to have any trans-identified people in their lives, most women still don’t want them around. TIMs have othered themselves by refusing to come to terms with being men. That’s not women’s job to solve.

( Women1st )

When there is so much real violence against women, it’s a sad waste of time to focus on imaginary maybe presumably it-could-theoretically-happen violence.

Just have to reiterate that this post is the condescending, gaslighting BS claim that the MSM, the government, and the TRAs keep making. If trans males weren’t a risk to women, then why the coverup? Why the lies? Why scrub stories and posts? why erase women?

Lol, and that’s forgetting the fact that the new rule of thumb allows trans males to violently assault and intimidate women at Let Women Speak events. It also forgets the violent rape rhetoric towards lesbians at Pride events.

( OneStarWolf )
What a shitty, gaslighting article.

It has been well established by research and stats that trans identified males have the same criminality as other males. So they do in fact pose an equal threat, if not more so for transgressing women’s boundaries in the first place. Prisons stats alone show that “transwomen” are incarcerated at the highest rates for sexual offenses, even more than other males. So no thanks, stay out. Women and girls need sex based rights and recognition, not erasure to placate men’s mental illness.

( Chronicity )
Yes, TIMs feel threatened by our existence. That’s why they seek to erase us, destroy our rights, and minimize our worth to society.

( shewolfoffrance )
Yes. They aren't really afraid of violence. They're afraid that women won't "affirm" them. They aren't content to have their own, fringey little cross-dressing clubs. They're desperate to coerce women into participating in their fetish.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIM mad at mom for telling him neither women or men will want to date him

( RusticTroglodyte )
Based mom. Personally I'd go the health route, but this mom is smarter than me. Try to convince the scrotes they're destroying their sex lives, that might get them to stop

I cannot imagine how harrowing it would be to find out your kid is trans, esp if your kid is male

( Carrots90 )
I wonder

I think id rather my son be trans than my daughter

I feel like the TIF treatments are worse than the TIM, especially if he is one of the 90% who keeps their dick

( pegasusknight )
The large amounts of testosterone are like poison for women. It’s sad.

( TheKnitta )
Ah yes, can't handle the truth from your mother, so run away and play a roleplaying game online like real adults do, right?

She's actually worried about him, bless her. It must be so hard to be a parent of a TIP.

( RusticTroglodyte )
It must be similar to watching your kid develop a drug addiction like heroin or meth

( OverTheWall )
This is totally the incel to TIM pipeline.

He admits he wasn’t getting parters before becoming trans, so he probably fried his brain with porn.

( Hollyhock )
I feel so bad for the parents of these kids (not for the parents who trans their kids, usually before puberty - they are a different breed) who often get thrown this crap when said kid is 17 or 18 and they have little control over the situation. It's not only embarrassing as hell, it's agonizing to know your child is purposely destroying their bodies and no one will love them when you've passed on.

( BlackCirce )
So the crazy part about this is that the mom is telling him something that TRAs already know and publicize. They constantly complain that nobody wants to fuck trans people and position it as a social justice problem. They have had studies done on it. It’s not new “terf” information. Messing up your secondary sex characteristics on purpose is the stupidest thing you can do if you want to have a nonfetishistic sex life and find a permanent relationship with someone who truly cares about you.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Are heterosexual men lying about being repulsed by TIMs?

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'd 100% believe pornhub was pushing TIM porn on men specifically to pervert them even further than they already are.

( mathlover )
Yes, they are very much repulsed. But men will fuck even that which repulses them; they just stick their dicks in objects. The real test of repulsion is the fact that men know that TIMs absolutely are men but think the TIMs should use womens bathrooms, changing rooms, etc - where they have to acknowledge that TIMs are the same sort of people as all other men. And that is what is repulsive.

( derbear )
I think men have a harder time discerning some TIMs apart from women. I’m convinced women have better ability to “clock”. This would partly explain the ability for trans porn to escalate as such and the general phenomenon of TIM prostitution. Part of what makes trans such a poison pill is that it cracks open these questions. It does suggest that men are vastly more bisexual than we assume… or that watching enough porn can affect sexuality.

( MagnificentMildew )
I personally don't think a legitimately straight man can be attracted to TIMs: no matter how well they pass, the penis should turn them off. I'd be willing to bet there's just a lot of closeted bisexual men out there who are into TIMs. It would explain why the bisexual community is so heavily skewed female: most bi men just never come out.

However, I've thought that it would sort of make sense that men like TIMs. TIMs are basically acting out men's fantasies of what they WANT women to be like, or what they THINK women are like, right? So awfully enough I think it actually tracks that men would be lusting over men acting out collective male fantasies.

( proudcatlady )
Yes, most of the time when men’s mouths are moving they are lying. Men are absolutely attracted to TIMs. I think most straight men are. I don’t think men’s sexuality works like women’s at all. I think straight genuinely does mean attracted to visible femininity for men rather than an attraction to a body type.

Men won’t admit this just like they won’t admit that most of them are pedos deep down or that most of them would like to skip the whole consent thing (or maybe even would get extra enjoyment from skipping it). They lie lie lie. But pornhub statistics don’t lie. And male behavior doesn’t lie.


Raizen #transphobia magnetricity.blog

You are the one who is missing the point regarding the relationship between gender and biological sex, that being that gender is a communication of biological sex. An accurate communication of this is vital for social stability, considering humanity’s nature as sexual beings. As has been the case throughout human history, the family is a fundamental building block of society, and sexuality plays a role in a family’s establishment. It should stand to reason then that sexually aberrant behavior such as transgenderism is a destabilizing factor for the whole of society

Stephen Kruiser #transphobia pjmedia.com

Anyone who writes anything truthful about trans issues is immediately labeled a bigot by the Pronoun Mafia. If I write about the unfairness of biological males competing against females in athletics, I'm history's greatest monster. Of course, being opposed to letting third-graders opt for genital mutilation without their parents knowing about it means one is hopelessly transphobic.

BlackCirce & OneStarWolf #transphobia ovarit.com

Nurse tells B.C. disciplinary hearing she's not transphobic, calls gender identity 'metaphysical nonsense'

( BlackCirce )
How is this case still going on? A woman with medical training knows that men can’t transform into women and she thinks it’s fucking sick to house a male rapist in a women’s prison. Is thinking not allowed in Canada or what? Okay James Cantor (I can’t stand him) isn’t the best at providing evidence for ROGD. Can anyone provide evidence of a man becoming a woman? Changing DNA? Giving birth? Menstruating? Ovulating? Any female bodily process at all? The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, isn’t it?

( OneStarWolf )
Oh this is taking place in Tranada? Her odds are not good. Very high percentage of TRAs there, even to the point that they put gender woo into their laws. Any Canadian man gets to claim trans privilege status over any woman, anytime he wants and legally he’s covered. That’s how they ended up with the perverted z-size prosthetic breast shop teacher pushing his fetish on school kids and the school couldn’t do a thing about it.

GraceHoward1729, pegasusknight & samsdat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm not a TERF because...

( GraceHoward1729 )
I am a TERF. Trangenderism-exclusionary, as I know transgenderism to be antithetical to feminism. Just as prostitution is, as surrogacy is, as pornography is, and as the criminalisation of safe abortion for all women is. All these being antithetical to feminism does not mean that feminism does not include prostituted women, women in surrogacy camps who have had their baby taken from them, women exploited in pornography, and women held hostage by the cult of transgenderism. In fact, you could argue that feminism is for them.

Feminism isn't a club where a group of people can choose who is 'deserving' of freedom and who to exclude and include. All women are included in feminism by virtue of it being feminism, regardless of what nonsensical name they call themselves.

But feminism does not promote transgenderism, as feminism is for gender abolition, not imprisoning people for not believing in a pink soul.

( pegasusknight )
I don’t think TERFs are anti-trans. Most (all?) people here don’t want harm to come to them and want them to be able to live their lives in peace. The problem is when they encroach on the rights and safety of women and children.

( samsdat )
I’m not anti-people - I want trans-identified people to have the same rights we all do - but I am absolutely anti-trans-ideology.

The idea that “liking pink” or “being sensitive” or fapping to the idea of yourself as a woman makes you a woman or that “not feeling like all those other girls” or preferring pants over skirts makes you a man is abhorrent to me. The entire ideology is rooted in deep misogyny in both directions, and I am anti-misogyny, therefore I am anti-trans-ideology.

I don’t want to control what people wear or what they masturbate to or what they do in private with other consenting adults, even if I find it misogynist or loathsome, but I absolutely am against the fact that people twisting reality based on their emotions and “gender feels” have so much power over law and society today.

I am a free speech absolutist*, because I believe that abhorrent ideas can only be countered if they’re out in the open, but that means I get the right to argue against those ideas. And if there are going to be laws on speech, they should come down on the side of objective reality, but they should still be minimal.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( FeminismIs4Women )
I'm not a TERF because...
Transmen are women and feminism is for them too. They deserve to be free from the patriarchy just like all the other women and girls of the world.

( harum-scarum )
I believe TiFs have been screwed over by men and the shitty patriarchal world. I am a terf because TiFs may be women, but they aren't feminists.

( hard_headed_woman )
I'm a full flown terf. I don't want transwomen or transmen around my grandchildren. I don't want them in my grandchildren's spaces, and I certainly don't want a TIF teaching and influencing my grandchildren anymore than I want a TIM. I don't want their fucked up lives messing with my children's lives.

Brutal? Yes.

The truth. Yes.

I've already dealt with that cult trying to get one of my children, and they aren't getting my grandchildren. It was TIFs who tried to get my daughter.

Enough said.

( sensusquaeram )
I hear you. I've also dealt with this personally, lost an adult family member to it years ago, and have zero illusions about how this ideology works.

( VestalVirgin )
I'm not a terf because simply, I refuse to be named anything whatsoever by men who hate me.

They might call me a terf, but I know I am a feminist, plain and simple.

That feminism excludes men from female spaces need not be mentioned, it is implied in the word. Women who want men in womens' spaces are not feminists. (I may refer to them as "libfems" for simplicity's sake, but in truth, they are no kind of feminist)

( WasItSomethingISaid )
I think when women here refer to themselves as "terfs," it is tongue-in-cheek and they are using it in the same way that TPAs do, which is to mean that we naturally exclude TIMs (and all men) from our sex class advocacy. TPAs don't care about TIFs as much as they care about TIMs, so they're always failing to consider them when they come up with these terms. Talk about exclusionary. It's ironic like everything else in their ideology. It seems that most of us don't want to exclude TIFs from women's spaces or from our advocacy.

( Peppermint )
Trans is a made up word to describe people who want to change sex but can't. As you said, TIFs are women. Nothing they can do will ever make them actual men.

( hellamomzilla )
Sorry — women are women. Stop playing the linguistic games.

I AM a TERF because trans is a religion I do not recognize and women who pretend to be men belong to that religion.

Bishop Richard Williamson #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia stmarcelinitiative.com


The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw[…]
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc[…]
“West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York[…]
By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America[…]
Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Survey of 34,000 health care professionals indicates higher bias against transgender people

( BlackCirce )
I’m shocked that women who know what sex is are implicitly biased against people who can get them fired for acknowledging sex

( TheKnitta )
That’s not ‘bias’, that’s simple scientific knowledge. You can’t change sex, and the majority of transgender people have a mental illness (if not all).

They’re so desperately trying to make it the same as being homosexual, aren’t they?

( Spencer_Shayy )
Let me guess, the "bias" is they won't validate their fetishes or made up "genders"? There is literally no group on earth more privileged than "trans" people. Well, except men.

( crodish )
Yeah it's "biased" in the same way most people are "biased" to "believe" that the world is round. Feelings aren't facts, the world will remain round even if everyone became a flat earther, and humans can't change sex, and gender is bullshit.

( Understanderson )
I thought this was going to be about how healthcare professionals expect trans patients to be mentally ill and high maintenance, which is frequently true.

( woman_be_free )
I was 100% thinking the same thing. ‘Healthcare professionals are more biased against trans ppl than the higher population and nurses are the highest of healthcare prof’.

And I wonder why that is .

Nurses who along with care assistants have the most patient time and so are exposed most to TIPs and everything they… err… ‘bring’ with them to the table. Seriously, I would love to know what is said privately in some healthcare professionals conversations. I reckon a good amount of them are GC based on their interactions with TIPs

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How do I lie to my child and teach her she’s wrong for knowing someone was a man?


( notsofreshfeeling )
How can I gaslight my child and undermine their safety for the sake of strange, fetishistic men? Please be kind in the comments xoxoxoxoxox

( SummerGrl )
Seriously. What kind of parent puts the feelings of a strange man above the safety of their own child.

( Megasaurus )
Handmaidens refuse to protect their own children from predators, no wonder they throw other other women under the bus so eagerly.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Exactly. This the type of mom who brings her kids to drag clubs and DQSH.

Also not to jump to every bad conclusion, but a parent willing to invalidate their child over something like this, probably invalidates them in other aspects too

( TheKnitta )
Can you imagine if the worst happened and this child was abused by a TiM? There’s no way she’d feel able to tell her mother what was happening. The whole thing is a child abuser’s dream come true.

( ArmyofMe )
How do I teach my daughter to prioritize an adult man’s feelings over her natural instincts.

( Caerulea )
and safety

( AadirMorgendorfer )
God, I could weep for that daughter. If your own mother would rather appease boundary-transgressing males (who are MORE fucking likely to commit sex crimes than your average man) than safeguard you, what hope is there?

( BlackCirce )
It’s so bizarre watching women betray their own daughters like this 🤢

( pennygadget )
Women in Africa and the Middle East routinely perform FGM on their daughters for the sake of their future hypothetical sons in law. So I guess its no surprise that the handmaidens here in the west have been convinced to sell their daughters out to random men in lipstick

( pennygadget )
"How do I train my daughter to kill her self preservation instincts so that she's easier to rape going forward?"

This is one of the main goals of this trans bullshit, IMO. To train our basic self preservation instincts out of us. This little girl's mother is training her to keep her mouth shut and not run away when a man makes her uncomfortable in an intimate space. This is abuse

Christian Pundit #fundie #homophobia #transphobia christianpundit.wordpress.com

I don’t think the progressive morons posting in defense of Drag Queens under “Not a Drag Queen” tags, or writing impassioned pleas on blogs for the public to not conflate Drag Queens with Pedophiles are intelligent enough to comprehend (or maybe they just don’t care) that even if Drag Queens are themselves not molesting children at events,
that Drag Queens (or LGBT adult persons at “Pride parades”) exposing children to “adult” (sexual) themes and nudity is meant to accustom children to adult-child (sexual) contact, in order to make the child easier for a pedophile to molest – it’s a part of the Grooming process, as part of Queer Theory.

Pedophiles go to where children are, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican backed cause or group, doesn’t matter if it’s a church with children, “Pride” parades where children will be present, etc.

wallace321 #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Parents don't have rights, but children have rights.

And apparently the children's rights involve being supported and "affirmed". "Affirmed" being a word that basically had no meaning 3 - 5 years ago. And now we all know what it means.

But parents don't have any rights. Boy when did that happen?

Gee. I don't know how well i see this going for the government who says parents have no rights except the responsibility to push the government agenda on their offspring. Whom the government has more right to than the parents.

Apparently there is also no plan to codify rights for parents either. Just morons like this rubbing it in your face that, no, actually, you have no rights. And we're all just offspring producers for the state whom you serve unquestioningly.

Don't worry, if you won't have kids, they already have a plan for that too.

Jesus this is getting really creepy up there in canada.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIM fails to understand actual woman


( shewolfoffrance )
He was wearing clothes in the women's locker room because he doesn't feel comfortable changing clothes in the women's locker room.

So, why was he even in the women's locker room?

(I know, he was probably just lurking and staring.)

( IrishTheFrenchie )

I don't feel comfortable changing clothes in the locker area

Yet you expect women to feel comfortable with YOU in there watching them change THEIR clothes. Fucking pervert.

( notsofreshfeeling )
This post is really all about bragging that he invaded a female space today. He's posting to earn street cred from his fellow male fetishists.

( SummerGrl )

I don't completely pass yet.

I love how these guys think they're going to get to this ✨magical✨ passing stage where they suddenly turn into a woman and nobody would ever know they were men. Like, it's not gonna happen dude. You're a man. You're male. You have testes, you have male bone structure. Your chromosomes are XY. You can't change those. 😂 It's such a delusional way of thinking. You're never gonna "pass" because you're male!! XY don't lie!

( notsofreshfeeling )
He knows he will never pass. They talk like this because it is a way of signaling to other fetishists. Transgenderism is their little clubhouse and using the cult language is a way to wink-wink-nudge-nudge at each other.

( hellamomzilla )
Awwww, did the creepy asshole perv feel bad when an actual woman pointed out that he’s a man? Maybe you should reflect on that, SIR.

I’m also amused that this idiotic perv can’t parse this situation. Show me that you’re not a woman while claiming that you are a woman from the top of your 6 foot 3 head to your size 14 canoes. SIR.

( Edelgard )
The delusion LMAO. Some women don't care about sharing their locker rooms with men, others would rather not but are resigned to it. The world isn't nicely separated between delusional handmaidens and hardcore feminists.

( AadirMorgendorfer )
Exactly, and some know that directly challenging a man who has already breached women's boundaries is not likely to go well for them. He knows he doesn't pass and yet is still so unembarrassed about being in a space where women are trying to change.

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