
Right-wing nutjobs

Commander Val Thor of Venus #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


With several countries going back to lockdown for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CP P*dophiles & Traitors.

We’ve entered the [C]los{Ing [Ajct: – initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance. Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective – rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBs.

As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID-19 diagnosis’ continue, the news unlocks the map of events. Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN. John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President WWG1WGA

Joel Davis and Elijah Schaffer #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Elijah Schaffer once again spoke with Australian Neo-Nazi Joel Davis[…]
Davis told Schaffer that he looked forward to visiting America so he can perform a Nazi salute[…]and purchase a gun. He also said that Americans need to own firearms[…]
“My girlfriend is an American,” he said. “And I say, when she’s in America, I’m like ‘Take your gun, like, in the car,’ you know? Because what if you pull up at a gas station and like some nigger walks over and tries — you know, like…”

Schaffer revealed that he owns guns for that same reason, saying, “I bought my guns to protect myself from Black people. And that’s not a hateful thing to say. It’s like my — well experience is I’ve been a victim of many crimes, okay, like in L.A., and they were all at the hands of Black people and one was Hispanic”

He also claimed to have advised his wife to “stay out of Black neighborhoods” and “avoid groups of Black people,” because “your chances of being involved in a serious violent crime … probably goes down near 100%”

Davis[…]said that “Americans need to be aware of” the “Indian problem, the pajeet question”[…]“the largest non-white ethnic group in Australia are Indians”

“And they’re able to, they’re not [gonna be] 2% of the population, they’re gonna keep growing and growing and growing like a virus, consuming all these tech companies”[…]
Schaffer asked Davis whether he is for or against Adolf Hitler[…]
Davis called himself “pro-Hitler,” and said that our current society, which opposes Nazism, “produces trannies, and infinity brown people, and women police officers that can’t do their job, and, like, a divorce rate over 50%, and the economy going to shit, and so on”

Davis openly longed for the years prior to World War II, when “every white country was racist,” and said what the Allied Forces “stood for was wrong”[…]
He also told Schaffer that Hitler “saw liberal democracy as weak and incapable of defending Western civilization against communism and against degeneracy”

Nick Huntley #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? This book is designed as a brief introduction into how CERN is deeply and darkly connected to many world leaders, the Vatican, the Hollywood elites, the deep state, the Illuminati, and the New World Order. My book takes the reader on a journey through what is easily one of the most secretive organizations in all of times and is an accessible and very carefully structured introduction into how it all started, how everything was created with the big bang, almost fourteen billion years ago, and CERN's burning desire to recreate those conditions through physics and by colliding particles together at almost the speed of light and attempting to be like God almighty.

They have created the largest machine in the world and even discovered the god particle, the glue that holds the entire universe together. Why would they build their nuclear research facility upon the burial grounds of Apollyon the Destroyer? Could CERN be responsible for releasing the devil from the bottomless pit, from his prison, hell, as written in the Bible in Revelation 9?

Behind the scenes, CERN's insidious plans are to open up wormholes, Stargates, and portals to other dimensions, not to enter through, but more so to let something evil into our world. What or who they intend to welcome is known to have many names, such as the horned god, Abaddon, Apollyon, the Beast, Lucifer, Satan, or as many of us would know to be, the devil.

Will CERN share its dangerous dark matter with a government or military that is dead set on war, world domination, and destruction? Will CERN create a black hole that swallows the world, or will they release Satan and his legion of demons, locusts, and armies upon the world as the last days predict and approach?

speculareffect #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy specular-effect.com

I will never forgive and I will never forget. This goes out to all you retards. You know who you are.

If any of this is true (there is no evidence that it is), vaxxtards deserve whatever the fuck they get. They became hostile and belligerent when I told them the vaxx is a hoax; that it was suicide to take it, despite the there being no evidence for the latter. I’ll never forget how they treated me for not wearing a fucking mask. They were belittling, insulting and at times, violent. I will NEVER forget!

I knew this day was coming! However, not for the reasons you may think and I will explain in a bit. There will be more news reports like this one. Guaranteed. Why? Simply because PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID!

It worsens

The vaxxed retards called us “conspiracy theorists” and “schizos” when we told them about nanobots in the death shots (another claim and suspicion also having no evidence to support it). Now, the very same concept is being normalized in the mainstream ethos. I wonder why.
I know some retard is going to read this and say, “I know four people in my church who suddenly died in their twenties and thirties, less than a month after taking the jab. Are you going to sit there and act as if excess deaths isn’t an actual metric?” My answer will be, “Yes, I am, because you’re lying and I don’t believe you.” To me, these people are no different to Jewish mainstream media articles that claim covid is real and killed millions and vaxxtards are dying from the Jew sauce. Zero (count it) evidence!
ll that matters is the behavioral modification experiment (the best way I can describe it) conducted was successful. All the other shit about excess deaths, both from/of covid hoax and the vaxx hoax has zero (count it) evidence.

Freedom was fucked with and continues to be, and many were ready and willing to take that away from you, violently. They still are and the reason they are co-opting our sentiments is because they are getting ready to hit us with the real chaos!

Political Moonshine #wingnut #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

In late December 2020, the incoming Biden Administration placed America on a clear trajectory for a thermonuclear World War III on a timeline underpinned by the 2024 election. The projected theaters contained in the analysis are Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan/South China Sea and the Middle East/Iran/Syria, et al.
The same United Nations that led-out on the fraudulent COVID-19 “pandemic” will oversee the treaty process and the official handover of the US to a Globalist cartel in league with a compromised US Intelligence apparatus and using China and the CCP’s brand of Marxist communism as the battle axe and enforcement mechanism.

This is why the US more closely resembles a Marxist hell hole under Biden and as borne out of Dynastic Bush than the Constitutional Republic with which the Founding Fathers endowed us.
Events continue to unfold in exact alignment with incredibly well-sourced analysis that remains remarkably accurate as written years in advance and calibrated to an electoral timeline with a 6-month range positioned as 05 Nov 24 +/- 3 months.

The result will be the continued escalation of events until a kinetic flashpoint is reached and the designs will intercede on the election as an impediment to Trump’s foregone return to the Executive.

Or it will hamstring the Trump Administration in the event the Intelligence Community reconciles him as an unavoidable circumstance and determines that the only way to maintain control of the populace is to permit him to win the election he’s already won.

Of course the other scenario entails both Biden and Trump removed and new proxies installed; likely a Michelle Obama first term to give Barack his fifth [he undermined Trump during his third and enjoys his fourth pulling Biden’s strings].

Unless some event occurs to fundamentally alter the geopolitical landscape, we’re headed for war and relatively soon or as they would say, right on time.

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #conspiracy takimag.com

Liberalism no longer has any meaning in these here United States, not when schools actually teach kids to hate their country. Not when fewer than half of all Americans can name the three branches of government, and a sizable chunk of college graduates actually think Judge Judy sits on the Supreme Court. I’ll come back to the Supreme Court in a jiffy. Did you know that 40 percent of Gen Z consider the American founders to be villains? In fact, to be white in America today is to feel alienated and guilty. A loss of faith in the nation and its institutions is spreading, and those responsible for it are riding high. Such as The New York Times, whose owners first came to this country as Jewish refugees who worked hard and whose intelligence rewarded them greatly. So what did their descendants do? They invented false history, like the 1619 Project, in an effort to completely blacken—pardon the pun—America’s past.

I cannot describe the glee and gloating by the mostly Jewish commentators of the Times as America becomes unglued and Trump is declared guilty in a trial as rigged as those back in Moscow circa 1935. <...> The Supreme Court is a target because it is the ultimate anchor and glue of the nation. When Sam Alito’s wife flew a flag upside down in protest to being harassed by left bum neighbors, the paper demands he recuse himself. When another justice had his life threatened, the New York Pravda didn’t even report it. You get my drift.

Yep, all you loyal Takimag readers, the country is a mess, and the left keeps winning. I blame the news media and the repellent people who don’t have the courage to tell it like it is. American society is plagued by enmity, distrust, isolation, willful misinformation by the lefty media, and just plain meanness. It’s no longer the country whose flag I once pledged allegiance to, and that’s a great pity.

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 #wingnut twitter.com

This should be a wake up call to all Americans.

Biden and the Democrat Elite have turned our country into a banana republic. They will go after anyone who dares to challenge their power.

We, the people, are the only ones who can reverse this disaster and save our country by voting them out of power on Nov. 5th.
2:39 AM · Jun 2, 2024 · 1.1M Views
11.6K Reposts 592 Quotes 45.6K Likes 996 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Being that virtually every player in NFL is vaxxed, we don’t even have to ask. When will NFL…and CDC/FDA/WHO/AMA, media & sports world admit we have a serious problem? Young athletes NEVER had heart attacks in my lifetime. Since 2021 it happens all the time.

NFL.COM Chiefs DL BJ Thompson in stable condition after suffering seizure, cardiac arrest during meeting; Kansas City cancels team activities

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

The urge is to decimate the enemy at every juncture… but this is a time to take moment and realize that payback vindictive actions are not gonna get you what you want. You may get the surface players and their minions. But you will NOT get to the root. They have plundered our species so thoroughly over eons and killing a few of them won’t solve the problem. The problem is in us. It’s in humanity. The Reptilian-Draco alliance has made sure of that. You are now genetically engineered to mirror the reptilian species. You cannot do away with their progeny. No, we need to come to the table and work out our differences. They are losing now yes. But they hide subterranean. And off planet and their plan was. A long time coming. We need to be smarter than this.

Children are dying as I write this. Human slaves are being bought and sold and taken off planet bargained for by many species. As slaves, as a genetic resource as a species to carry forth other genetically engineered progeny. We need to reveal the extent of their depravity and aggression. This goes back centuries. It is not only the Khazarian secret societies, blood drinkers who feed on humans and even their own. It goes beyond that. There are plenty of races on the planet that are generated out of this paradigm.

What we need is an intelligent dialog that involves all humans (and other races of being who are here among us).

But we cannot let one group such as the white hats and Trump determine the penalty for ages of oppression and tyranny against the human race on our planet decide our future. This kind of thinking is where we went wrong in the first place.

Secrecy is not and never has been the answer.

Even the white hats are lying to you. Conducting military tribunals and executing the evil ones behind our backs without our consent.

This has to stop this way of doing things.

Amil Imani #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In the annals of American history, moments of undeniable momentum and change are marked by a singular certainty: Nothing can stop what is coming. Such is the case as we stand on the precipice of a transformative period in our nation’s journey. The echoes of past struggles and triumphs resonate through the corridors of power, yet the future beckons with a promise of renewal and rebirth.
Let’s face it: In the face of adversity, Donald J. Trump stands tall, unyielding in the face of a rigged political witch hunt. This false conviction on charges stemming from an unjust trial marks a pivotal moment in American history, one that is more than a raging debate within the nation. Amidst the turmoil, Trump’s resilience and unwavering commitment to his principles shine through for the millions of Americans who share his vision for the future.
This is our moment. This is our chance to make history. With Trump at the helm, leading the charge against injustice and for the preservation of American ideals, we have the opportunity to ensure that Joe Biden regrets ever challenging the will of the people.

The spirit of the American people shines brightest. As we approach the critical moment of truth on November 5th, the real power lies not in the halls of justice or the chambers of Congress but in the hands of every voter nationwide. Joe Biden and the Democrats may seek to manipulate the narrative and use trial outcomes as tools to sway public opinion. Still, the true measure of a leader—and the fate of our nation—will be determined by the will of the people at the ballot box.
Donald Trump has stood firm against the challenges thrown at him, refusing to be silenced or deterred from his mission to Make America Great Again. Now, it falls to us – the voters – to echo his call to action. We will not be swayed by sham trials or manipulated by political games. Our verdict will be cast in ballots, and we will choose our path forward together.

Lewis Dovland #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #conspiracy #fundie americanthinker.com

[From “Why American Women Should Want Their Own Harrison Butker”]

If you are female, would you prefer a Harrison Butker type as your life partner? Or would you prefer to share your life with a man-bun wearing, scraggly bearded, non-binary person complete with all the leftist jargon and chock-full feelings?

Butker’s comments at the graduation ceremony for Benedictine College, a Catholic institution (where he gave a Catholic message)[…]has Democrats in a tizzy[…]
Nature made men and women different from each other in a perfect and complementary yin/yang design[…]
Men are simpler creatures (just ask any wife) and are not known for deep emotions on a regular basis. When societies refocus a man’s reproductive and power drives into beneficial application (usually through culture and religion), their ingrained nature makes them natural providers for their offspring[…]
A man’s natural focus is problem solving, which is why women get frustrated when they bring an issue to their husbands and then he immediately goes into “problem solving mode”[…]
Think of men as visually horizontal[…]Ready to step forward to[…]provide food and shelter. Women on the other hand are visually vertical, spiritually looking up[…]always on guard to protect and nurture[…]
Would you like to have Harrison as your husband? Would you like to have the life freedom of Harrison’s wife?[…]
Since the 1970s, Gloria Steinem days—as still seen in today’s COSMO (which is truly unreadable dreck)—the “women’s movement” of sexual liberation (Marxism designed to collapse the family structure) and the alleged emancipation of women have done women great harm by telling them they can be all things[…]
America needs to find its supply of testosterone. We need to stop the emasculation of our young boys by our K-12 educational system. Male weakness, especially over the past 30 years, is a key reason for the cultural dysfunction that is killing the family, religion, and eventually the American experiment

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Compiling a list of Democrats politicians who belong in prison. All of these people committed crimes.

Joe Biden
Hunter Biden
Hillary Clinton
Susan Rice
James Comey
Peter Strzok
Lisa Page
Nancy Pelosi
Alejandro Mayorkas
Merrick Garland
Steven D’Antuono
Lois Lerner
Letitia James

Please add suggestions below.
3:21 AM · Jun 2, 2024 · 59.5K Views
1,091 Reposts 43 Quotes 3,665 Likes 58 Bookmarks

Webkilla and Long Tom #wingnut #conspiracy tapatalk.com

Webkilla: So... Trump was found guilty on all charges. should be the easiest appeals case ever to overturn - question is how long the appeals court will drag it out, if its as crooked as the judge that presided over the case was

Long Tom: Other political figures were indicted and convicted on fake charges, only for them to be overturned.

Webkilla: its the first president but ya, lets see how muc of this sticks - and how much of this he can get overturned on appeal.
... I mean, with the timing of this its OBVIOUSLY meant to just interfere with his ability to campaign

Long Tom: Oliver North and Lyn Nofziger were two Reagan administration officials convicted on dubious charges which were reversed on appeal. Yes, innocent people in prison in America is not a rarity. Gary Dotson was convicted for a rape he never committed, and it took a lot of rigmarole before he was finally exonerated and released.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Were the whole world to know the hidden history about “the Ukraine” (which translates to “borderland”), there would be no Ukraine War today. The true perpetrators of this barbaric armed conflict would be found out and held fully responsible for all of their heinous crime sprees committed against the human race over the centuries.

The Armenian Genocide,
World War I,
Bolshevik Revolution,
Spanish Flu Pandemic,
The Great Depression,
Holodomor Genocide,
Chinese Civil War,
World War II,
Korean War,
The Holocaust,
Chinese Cultural Revolution,
Vietnam War,
Cambodian Genocide,
Rwandan Genocide,
Iraq War,
9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
The War on Terror,
Afghanistan War,
Syrian War,
Libyan War,
Ukraine War,
& COVID-19 Pandemic
all have one thing in common— the Khazarian Tribe.
At this late date, it’s crucial to apprehend these critical details of this untold Ukraine back story. If you are an American reader, it’s absolutely vital to understand that the deliberate balkanization of Ukraine will soon be coming to the 50 states, for The Same Barbarians Are Inside The Gate … unless righteous Patriots rise up everywhere to terminate the Khazarian vice grip on the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America.
Both the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America are covertly controlled by a worldwide Khazarian-run network of secret societies, globalist organizations and financial entities which effectively rule planet Earth. As follows:

The Illuminati,
Black Nobility,
Khazarian Mafia,
Kahal Of the Cahilla,
Knights of Malta,
Society of Jesus,
Order of the Garter,
The Pilgrims Society,
The Vatican,
British Crown,
Council of Rome,
Committee of 300,
Crown Council of 13,
NWO Globalist Cabal,
Central Banking Cartel,
World Economic Forum,
International Banking Syndicate,
Deep State(s) of Western Powers,
Global Military-Industrial Complex,
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission,
Bilderberg Group,
BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street
and Zio-Anglo-American Axis

QFS_Global #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government. The Queen was given the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.

The fraudulent Royals of the bankrupt City of London, Tony Blair, David Cameron and all our corrupt government will face a traitor’s justice.

Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited company and are security guards for the non existent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government, who moved to the Local Governments Act 1985.

This was a clear act of high treason and fraud upon we the people.
Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and Royals, MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those innocent people.

Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by the Barons in 2001 due to the signing of the Nice Treaty as it was unconstitutional.

This means the Queen was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001.

The people of the UK have had no lawful government or courts of justice since that time.

Common Law was Invoked in 2001, the Government and Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001.
Common Law is the Law of the Land, it’s our true law. We are not dead entities, we are living breathing men and women. We have been witnessing the destruction of the old guard for the last 5-6 years or so.
Trump’s 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour. The Cabal is finished; they’ve been finished a long time.

Dmitry Suslov #wingnut #psycho rt.com

[From “Dmitry Suslov: It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test”]

There’s every indication that the US and several of its allies may soon allow Ukraine to use Western weapons, including long-range missiles, to attack targets located within – how do we put this? – Russia’s internationally recognized borders. Or those that existed before the 2014 Maidan in Kiev[…]
Such a decision would take the conflict to a fundamentally different level, would mean the erasure of one of the brightest “red lines” that has existed since February 24, 2022[…]
There are at least two reasons why the West is now discussing abandoning this principle. The first and main one is the increasingly difficult position of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield[…]
The second reason is Russia’s unwillingness to escalate relations with the West each time it crossed a ‘red line’ and became more involved in the conflict[…]
Thus, the West has come to believe that the cost of Kiev’s defeat is far greater than the risks of a direct military confrontation with Russia, as a result of allowing Western weapons to strike deep into its ‘old’ territory[…]
This logic can inevitably lead to World War III[…]
In a few months (or maybe even weeks), the same logic will be applied to stationing regular Western troops[…]
According to even the current Russian nuclear doctrine (certainly a ‘peacetime’ doctrine in need of tightening), such a scenario would amount to official grounds[…]
To confirm the seriousness of Russia’s intentions and to convince our adversaries of Moscow’s willingness to escalate, it is worth considering a demonstration (i.e. non-aggressive) nuclear explosion. The political and psychological effect of an atomic mushroom cloud, broadcast live on all the world’s television channels, will hopefully bring back to Western politicians the one thing that prevented wars between the great powers after 1945, and which they have now largely lost – the fear of nuclear war

Dave Williams #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #biphobia #transphobia #enbyphobia 9news.com

The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.”

The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.

The party’s message was signed by chairman Dave Williams. A post from the Colorado Republican Party on X, formerly Twitter, read simply, “Burn all the #pride flags this June.”

Stew Peters #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho angrywhitemen.org

White nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters has a history of bigoted and violent rhetoric[…]
And on Friday, Peters made his first appearance on Rumble’s Fresh & Fit Podcast — a show hosted by antisemitic manosphere influencers Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes[…]
Peters told Gaines and Weekes that the U.S. “hasn’t seen a violent insurrection yet,” and told them that “if everybody that was in Washington on January 6 brought guns and really wanted to overthrow the government” they would have succeeded

Peters falsely claimed that the violent, armed mob that stormed the Capitol was “peaceful” until they were “provoked by agent provocateurs.” In response, co-host Walter Weekes said that if the crowd was armed with guns it would have been used as an excuse to confiscate Americans’ firearms

“And it’s comin, by the way,” Weekes added

“Okay. Yeah. It is coming. Until it’s not a one-off, but it becomes a national mantra that we’re not giving up our guns,” Peters said. “Like, if the feds come for my guns, I’m gonna shoot the feds. ‘Kay? And I’m going to die in a hail of gunfire. Because I’m not giving up my guns. Are you?”

Peters went on to say that if he’s a “one-off,” then the headlines would read “Crazy white guy, white nationalist, Nazi-sympathizing, Hitler-praising, far-right shock jock Stew Peters dies in hail of gunfire with the FBI”

But he said that if everyone else refuses to give up their guns, “then we become a formidable opponent to an infiltrated and weaponized Department of Justice and law enforcement apparatus that has openly declared war on the American people”

Peters also chastised people in the Rumble chat who thought this sounded “crazy”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

No one should get death threats and I get them ALL THE TIME.

But lucky for Mr Fauci, he has Secret Service Protection at the tax payers expense.

I DO NOT, and have to pay for my own security and am a gun owner.

It’s not my comments that have people furious at Mr Fauci, it’s the FACT that his ridiculous, non-scientific, tyrannical policies DESTROYED people’s lives and he’s a narcissistic ass hole and liar which is why SO MANY people hate him.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients.

However, the mainstream media totally ignores the study. That’s why important for everyone to read and repost. Thanks!
From trialsitenews.com
5:37 AM · Jun 4, 2024 · 105.3K Views
3,278 Reposts 111 Quotes 5,399 Likes 951 Bookmarks

E. J. Preston #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #psycho #mammon amazon.com

(Curiously categorised in Books > Business and Career > Finances)

Jesus Was a Republican

What does it mean to be a good Christian? If you go to church, does that do it? If you give to charity, does that do it? If you bring your friends to a prayer group and get them involved in the church, does that do it? What if you see a homeless man on the street and you buy him a meal or even get him a job? Does that make you a good Christian? The answer is no. Kind acts are important but at the core of what makes someone a good Christian is not an act or two. It's all about the values. A good Christian will dedicate him or herself to following a strict adherence to the values set forth by Jesus Christ. This book explores precisely that question: What did Jesus believe when it came to Taxes, Abortion, Homosexuality, the Death Penalty and Guns and this book will conclusively demonstrate using Holy Scripture that Jesus, were he alive today, would most certainly be a Republican. Moreover, he would denounce the Democratic Party and would never view them as good Christians.

Joseph Mattera #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist charismanews.com

With the collapse of Judeo/Christian values in Western culture, people are left to frame their lives through means that are not defined by the biblical narrative.

Thus, presently, there is a free-for-all system where every person defines their own laws, ethics and values. Self-expression is the new ethos, and even if self-destructive lifestyles diminish the quality of a society, restricting it is a great taboo and cited as a form of bigotry.

As traditional narratives continue to be deconstructed, this has also resulted in a loss of the collective metanarrative for understanding the world. This leads to uncertainty, nihilism and a feeling-based morality that determines public policy in which one’s identity trumps psychology above biology.

In the past, people made up for this loss of the biblical metanarrative primarily by deriving their identity from their ethnicity. However, with a rapid acceleration in individualism, autonomous secular humans are left with a reductionist mindset that has further collapsed their existential perspective to mere individual expression.
Corresponding to His ability to subdue chaos and fluidity, God made both male and female in His image to represent Him and to subdue the earth (Gen.1:27-28).

Consequently, it took both a man and a woman to express God’s image to exert dominion over creation; one man or woman could not fully express God’s image and likeness, nor could two men or two women. It takes both masculinity and femininity in covenant marriage to fully transmit God’s image to the next generation to continually perpetuate God’s kingdom influence.

Hence, before any further development of civilization existed, marriage between one man and one woman was the foundation of maintaining order and subduing the chaos in the created order.

Connected to this equilibrium that maintained order is that God originally framed humanity with two genders based on a biological framework, not a psychological one.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

A lot of parents are trying to find ways to keep their kids safe from the radicalization that is coming from schools, comic books, television shows, movies, and more. Even if a kid jokes about their gender then the radical activists in the schools are brainwashing them to mutilate their bodies, take hormones they should never take, and more. These people are not being held accountable for the damages they are causing our youth.

The government is currently completely in support of encouraging mental illness instead of treating it. I know a lot of parents tell me they can't get away from it. They have to work to pay for the massive inflationary costs thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats. There are too many taxes they have to pay because the government is too bloated. There is an entire class in America that relies on the government to survive. The rest of us can't afford to pay the costs of all those hand out programs. Illegal aliens are pouring in and getting free services as well. Does anyone care? Is anyone going to correct the bad direction of the government?

I am having trouble finding very much entertainment that is not actively trying to brainwash the youth into their radical ideas that are actually the same old rebellion against God. Isn't it interesting that we can see who is behind all this? Parents if you can find a way to home school your children then do it. If you can find a way to get some land, and grow as much of your own food then do it. If you can find a way to make your own clothing then do it. If you can find a way to support the good entertainment then do it. Satan and his supporters continue to attack Family Friendly Gaming for daring to speak out against the delusions they are encouraging.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Chuck Schumer is the majority leader of the United States Senate.

In this post, I'm not commenting on his statements about not having enough workers or the immigration issue. I want to deal solely with this statement he made in a recent video clip (from 05 to 12). He said:

“We have a population that is not reproducing on it’s own with the same level that it used to…”.

What a hypocrite.

Here's what I believe he should of said, "We have a population that is not reproducing on it's own with the same level that it used to because I and most other politicians and many in the judiciary have totally supported killing off as many, in fact tens of millions of children as we can before they are even born."

The abortion holocaust (for which we've written a lot about on the
website) is a stench before the God of creation for which they will be held accountable one day. And I want to warn Chuck Schumer, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).
9:30 PM · May 27, 2024 · 45.6K Views
233 Reposts 21 Quotes 721 Likes 37 Bookmarks

Kevin Sorbo #wingnut twitter.com

Trump lost 2024 because he didn’t advertise enough. Nobody even knew he was running. Everyone thought he was in prison. Biden got 934,569,334 votes, the most votes in the history of the world. It’s legit though and if you question it we’ll arrest you.
11:17 PM · Jun 1, 2024 · 158.2K Views
721 Reposts 86 Quotes 6,245 Likes 22 Bookmarks

Dr. Thomas Horn/Terry James #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon skywatchtvstore.com

Summoning the Demon Book


In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to produce what the book of Revelation describes as the living “image of the beast,"

Will this mysterious image become realized through the emerging technologies of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological singularity, and the ungodly ambitions of a hive mind?

The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how godlike machines with the capability of crossing over species and extradimensional barriers put in place by God will soon be ushered in.

As a result, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. But is there a way for citizens to be prepared for what is coming?
Trajectory Book

Today’s society and culture are increasingly saturated with evil, Genesis 6-level activity. Delusion and deception (deceivers and demonic influences) assault this generation through reprobate thinking.

We only have to consider how this so-called woke insanity with its cancel culture is affecting people who have been inculcated with anti-God, anti-America-as-founded education—how social, mainstream news and entertainment media and even the commercial industry and U.S. military suffer from the upside-down thinking flowing from humanity turning its back on God.

Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, projects through seventeen Bible prophecy experts a vivid, in-depth picture of what is happening. Each contributor, with superlative analysis of the issues and events of this end-of-the-age turbulence, lights up in radar scope-like magnification the boiling, end-times clouds approaching from across the prophetic horizon.

Clare Ellis #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

The Blackening of Europe is a critical analysis of the historical and ideological origins of the European Union, with special regard to the consequences of these developments for the indigenous Europeans who presently risk becoming demographic and political minorities in their own homelands.

Broken into three volumes, Volume I. Ideologies and International Developments traces the seeds of the present-day EU to its earliest theoreticians and to the societies and historical dynamics that helped to bring it about and shape it. From Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi to the Fabian Society and the Frankfurt School, from tensions between Europe and the Middle East to the ambition to weld Eurafrica, from Kant, the cosmopolitans and the Enlightenment liberals up to neoliberalism and neoconservatism, the first volume of The Blackening of Europe provides one of the first thorough analytical critiques of the European Union from the point of view of the rights of indigenous Europeans.

<Amazon paperback available for only $249.50>

Michael Letts #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Texas got it right in self-defense case”]

It’s always frustrating to see a case surrounding a man who’s clearly innocent — in this particular matter, simply acting on self-defense

Daniel Scott Perry was a former U.S. Army sergeant working as an Uber driver[…]A Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him suddenly, rushing “to obstruct, strike, pound, smash and kick his vehicle”[…]
Perry acted quickly, drawing his handgun and firing on Foster in self-defense[…]
Unfortunately, due to a district attorney who was backed at the time by police-hating billionaire George Soros, Perry was found guilty of murder and spent the past few years in prison — all over a self-defense matter surrounding a hateful mob that would stop at nothing to hurt those who disagreed with them[…]
Thankfully, this particular case does have a happy ending

Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon for Perry, making him a free man[…]
What this means is that the board was fully aware that Perry was wrongfully convicted, when he was simply defending himself against a hateful mob. That didn’t stop Travis County district attorney Jose Garza from slavering after a murder conviction, believing that it was more of a “hate crime”[…]
Abbott, alongside the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole, noted that “rather than upholding the self-defense rights of citizens, [Garza] has prioritized ‘reducing access to guns’ that citizens may use to lawfully defend themselves”

What’s more, Garza “directed the lead detective investigating Daniel Scott Perry to withhold exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury considering whether to report an indictment”[…]
I’m thrilled to see that justice has finally been served. Why stop here? This matter should easily pave the way for an investigation to take place surrounding Garza’s actions and how he manipulated a lead detective. For that matter, it probably wouldn’t hurt to see what kind of financial support he received from Soros on the matter

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts revolves around money sent to his attorney to pay off Stormy Daniels categorized as “legal fees.”

When Hillary Clinton categorized payment for the Steele Dossier to Perkins Coie law firm as “legal fees,” she paid a $113k penalty and… that’s it.

34 felonies that could carry life in prison.

$113k piddly slap on the wrist.

Because Trump is a Republican and they hate us.
2:25 AM · Jun 1, 2024 · 75.5K Views
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Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Think. It’s Biden (and his boss Obama) who are the dictators. They lie, cheat, steal, censor, ban, they own media, put out propaganda like Nazis, destroy country with spending & debt, open borders to steal next election, force vaccinate like Hitler. Look in the mirror. The people calling Trump a dictator just framed him & convicted him for a crime they can’t name. Who’s the dictator?

Kaisar #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “End Results From Winning World War 2”]

Sometimes it is useful to look at the ramifications—the actual, tangible end results—from any event to determine if it was actually a net positive

The West supposedly “won” World War 2. So what were the fruits of that victory?

spoiler"Winning" WW2
•country becomes borderless economic zone
•infinite debt slavery
•infinite immigration
•culture erased
•6 y/o son becomes your daughter
•15 y/o daughter becomes "s*x-worker"
•govt & media call you evil for existing
•you get thrown in jail for asking why

Don’t forget to add:
•Increasing hatred of the races/nations that actually “won” the war
•Complete loss of kin/community because of individualism
•Proliferation of soyboy and industrialized foods
•Widespread demoralization
•State-enforced laws against whites
•Complete loss of true religious faith in the mainstream
•And plenty of others

Sounds kind of like a bad tree bearing bad fruits, doesn’t it?

We sure acquired material abundance here in the States from that war. But given the spiritual decay and massive cultural degeneration that the abundance came wrapped in, I think I would have preferred poverty, truthfully. At least then we’d still have our national soul
@Matthew 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?[…]

Just replace “man” with “civilization”. The West[…]certainly won the whole world from that war

As Christ asked, what was the profit? Sixty-ish years of prosperity and abundance?

Maybe I’m radical, but the prosperity we had for those sixty-some years does not quite seem worth the above degeneration list[…]
We made that Faustian trade. Looking back, it sure does not seem worth it. These end results are worse than anyone that actually fought that war back then could have ever imagined

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Hillary Clinton deleted 30k emails.

Epstein’s clients walk free.

Mayorkas allowed invasion of our border.

Pelosi’s rich from insider trading.

Hunter is a crack addict with hookers.

Biden sold access to Chinese commies.

Steven D’Antuano staged the Whitmer fed-napping & Jan 6th.

Peter Strzock & Lisa Page weaponized the FBI to “get Trump.”

Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function that created the COVID-19 virus.

Cuomo killed 11k elderly people in NY.

Pfizer & Moderna lied about the safety of the mRNA jabs.

Planned Parenthood sold aborted baby body parts.

They’re all walking free.

But TRUMP is convicted for… paying his attorney?
12:57 AM · Jun 1, 2024 · 1.1M Views
16.4K Reposts 611 Quotes 48.6K Likes 2,866 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Just THINK. Democrats are communist tyrants. How do you know? They call Trump a “dictator.” But they just convicted him in rigged communist show trial. Could you convict Putin? Or Xi Jinping of China? They’d have you executed. If Trump was a dictator no one could steal his election, indict him, censor him, gag him, frame him, convict him?

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Another massive backfire. Donation site for Trump just imploded- too many donors. Nasty, dirty, evil, Godless, corrupt traitors of Democrat Party have really done it this time- they’ve turned President Trump into America’s NELSON MANDELA. He will be elected in a landslide.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on satanic forces and our use of the term “satanists,” but that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming.
The gaming psychodrama aspect of Satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads, we highlighted three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording and ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order (NUO).
Satanists often have some kind of revenge or grudge psychodrama going on against real and imagined slights and grievances, mostly imagined. A prime example of this is “virtue signalling” and the peddling of the “whiteness” or “white privilege” narrative.

What you are witnessing is effectively “The Matrix” in action. This works to brainwash and warp those who can’t see through it.
They aren’t up to even the minimal standards of a moral society that protects the young from predatory forces. There is a huge difference between what mature adults do sexually in private versus this public sexual grooming of children over the airwaves.

These Satanic PJWs have no concept of that. Satanic discordian untermenschen are hyper-tolerant and are hyper-moral relativists. As Satanists, they follow the Allister Crowley dictate of “Do What Thou Wilt.”

PJW Satanists don’t get the big picture about the sexual and pedophile grooming of children. Children are easy targets of abusers, and this PJW chortling and mocking enables and normalizes that.

Vera Oredsson and Mourning the Ancient #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy mourningtheancient.com

This interview is with[…]Vera Oredsson[…]Participated in the great rallies that we can only dream of[…]
[Mourning the Ancient]Can you tell us any important memories you have of living in Germany during the Third Reich?
[V]My greatest uplifting memory I have is from May 1st, 1938 in the Berlin Sportpalast[…]We who formed the white background were a bit envious – but the sun came ---- and the FÜHRER – what an ovation[…]Berlin was a terribly immoral den of pedophiles and gays mixed in with the symptoms of the unemployment and the Communist assault[…]
Goebbels made Berlin a safe, moral city – and did so FAST. Life-affirmation through Adolf Hitler came back[…]
[MtA]You took over leadership of the Nordic Reich Party[…]Can you tell us what it was like being Sweden's first female party leader?
[V]I didn't take over the leadership, but Göran gave it to me surprisingly during a ceremony at the statue of Charles XII[…]My National Socialist conviction occured through my experiences in Germany[…]while Göran was BORN a National Socialist[…]We were a team for 48 years – until skeletal cancer took Göran[…]It is the fault of Democracy[…]Pesticides were forbidden in NS Germany and the factories moved to other countries like Sweden[…]
[MtA]When I saw the quote in your interview with ETC in 2014[…]('I am a National Socialist to the grave'), it gave me strength[…]
[V]My NS belief I retained due to all the lies and false propaganda in movies among other things[…]For example: The lie being spread that Hitler wanted to take over Poland[…]
[MtA]Have you had any experiences where you have been treated badly for your political beliefs?
[V]Certainly we have shared our part of being hated[…]
[MtA]Things have changed drastically[…]since WW2. How do you see the future of the world? Will it get worse before it gets better?
[V]Certainly I am worried! Sweden especially is in the danger-zone of the greatest degree through the Jewish-imposed trend of miscenegation and immigration of Muslims

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

For years now, we light workers have been told that the Quantum Computer system and Quantum Voting system were extra-terrestrial technology connected with the consciousness of God or Source. And that it wasn’t connected with artificial intelligence at all. And we were told that it was extra-terrestrial technology that was located off planet to protect it from corruption.

However, five minutes of research shows that it uses artificial intelligence, and is being developed on Earth by the usual cabal corporations. And I have read that the Rothschild’s own the patent on it.

It’s not a well known fact that artificial intelligence is the ultimate enemy of biological life forms in the universe. But that’s how a negative alien plasma energy being travels, infects, and overtakes biological life forms.

And the graphene nanoparticles in chemtrails and vaccines are two primary methods of getting artificial intelligence nanobots into people – thus infecting them with artificial intelligence. Infecting them with a negative alien plasma being.

So I denounce the lie that Quantum Computing is connected to the consciousness of God. As described in a video, it opens portals to other dimensions.
Artificial intelligence is not – as some claim, a neutral force that can be used for good or evil. It was a force created for evil and takeover of all natural life forms.
It’s important to know that the darkest of dark places in the entire multi-verses has been the Earth. And that the final battle between good and evil is still being fought on Earth.

And it’s important to remember that the Earth has been under the control of negative extra-terrestrials for millennia, and is not yet free of them, or at least is still under the control of their minions. And most importantly, they still have a firm grip on all media – including so-called “alternative” media sites.

And the cabal has always played both sides.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Peter Navarro is in prison. So are the J6 peaceful protestors. The Democrats want Steve Bannon in jail, but anyone with the last name of Biden gets a slap on the wrist or charges dropped. We are witnessing a two tier justice system play out in real time with Judge Merchan’s witch hunt show trial in New York.

Lauren Boebert #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

As we all knew, this was ALWAYS about election interference and stopping President Trump from winning his rightful re-election to the White House.

The American people see through the Democrat games and know this is a sham verdict.

7:13 AM · May 31, 2024 · 186.8K Views
1,612 Reposts 100 Quotes 10K Likes 35 Bookmarks

Donald Trump #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot forward.com

Speaking outside the Manhattan courthouse where his trial unfolded over several weeks, Trump blamed Jewish billionaire George Soros, invoking a trope that Jewish organizations have denounced as leading to antisemitic violence.

Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, said the real verdict would come on Nov. 5, Election Day.

Voters “know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here,” said Trump, who is the presumptive Republican candidate for president. “You have a Soros-backed D.A. and the whole thing, I didn’t do anything wrong, I am a very innocent man.”

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