
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Christian Science sect #quack #fundie #magick #ableist csmonitor.com

{moderator’s note: this is from 2008}

In the 142 years since Mary Baker Eddy discovered it, Christian Science has delivered many people from mental torment (see report of healing of bipolar disorder in the Christian Science Sentinel, July 14, pp. 12-13). Christian Science treatment doesn't begin with conventional methods of addressing mental illness – including prescription medications with their host of side effects, or psychoanalysis – all of which assume that the cause of the trouble exists in the brain. In fact, Christian Science asserts that healing answers lie in the opposite direction. "Every concept which seems to begin with the brain begins falsely," wrote Mrs. Eddy. "Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," p. 262). Mind and Principle, as used here, are synonymous with God.

The authority for that statement comes from the teaching of Jesus. Two of the Gospels tell about a man he healed who had the symptoms of severe mental illness and how Jesus restored him to "his right mind." No longer a tormented recluse, he became a functioning member of society – and an advocate of Jesus and his healing power (see Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39).

If Jesus had seen only an emotionally disturbed man who needed to be changed into a sound one, he wouldn't have been able to heal him. As Christian Science explains, Jesus healed by seeing everyone as God created them – perfect as He is, whole, free, always in their right mind. And his example shows us how we can approach the issue of mental illness and help alleviate it. To Jesus, even the most difficult of human circumstances were not hard and fast realities. They were situations to be spiritually confronted – and overcome. He specifically urged his followers to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8, American Standard Version). And Christian Science teaches that, as we follow Jesus' example, it's possible to maintain spiritual facts in the face of the most discouraging material appearances. This is the Christlike model for attacking any problem through prayer.

Benjamin Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #quack bennettleeross.com

When the great civilizations of yesteryear were brought down
And the ancient giants retreated to other realms

The eating of animal corpses was introduced

It was the beginning of transhumanism

Foreign DNA makes the body repel the resonant frequencies
Of our higher self

As our cellular integrity is compromised
Our cells are less able to communicate with each other

Our unique personal blueprint is written
In the instruction set of our DNA
Which then determines our energy field

When our resonant energy signature experiences blockages
Links with the highest spiritual forces will be inhibited

Energy blockages generate extreme physical density
Which is consubstantial with corrupted elementals
And subtle dark forces

The injection of foreign animal DNA through vaccines
Makes us less human

The reason for genetic engineering
Which is done secretly in underground cloning stations
Is to take away our humanity

We then lose reverence for life

When we eat genetically modified food
Our carbon molecules become static and locked down
And it interferes with our natural fluidity

CRISPR technology can now easily alter DNA sequences
Causing personality shifts

When we recognize the deception games
We can see the real agenda hidden in the structure

And then we will not be automatically manipulated
To give way our power

When we reintegrate our spiritual body
When we reawaken our true selves
When we recharge our bio electrical nature
When our inner sound and light layers unify

Our original crystal body is recreated
And a wide range of bio spiritual plasmas are activated
And our angelic humanity can be expressed!

speculareffect #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #quack #wingnut speculareffect.org

We are now here. This is what I predict will happen:

State appellate courts immediately consider the mandate unconstitutional. The constitutionality of the “vaccine” mandate goes straight to Supreme Court. Because of the federal employee mandate, there is already “precedence”. More importantly, the populace is already conditioned to the reality of people (police, firefighters, etc. etc.) being compelled to get mystery juice upon pain of losing livelihood.

The Supreme Court declares mandate super duper fair and right and good for you, goy! You lose your job unless you submit and obey! You can no longer run to other companies, because every company must now comply.
They have already rebranded America as a born and brown country; whites no longer live, nor exist here.
After the mandate is put into “legal” effect and is enforced on the first day of 2022, we will begin to see more and more police (military) presence in cities and on the streets. This will be done so we are fully acclimated to a police state, then it will be broadened and become ubiquitous.

Food supplies of “anti vaxxers” will be destroyed, gardens will be stomped out by ZOG boots, fear will be seared into the hearts and minds of your children, you will submit (and your children too) or you will suffer and die; you will be made an example of.

Sounds like demoralization? Too blackpilled? Tell that to the people who suffered under the Soviet Union — sent to the Gulag archipelago — Cannibal Island.

Oh, how they burned.

Keep singing with your fingers in your ears.
You were scoffing and naysaying before they locked down the entire world too; before they extended it indefinitely (TWO MORE WEEKS), before they mandated “vax” for military and federal workers, before they forced children.

You talk like a faggot, act like a faggot and you will die like a faggot with a ZOG boot on your throat, but you won’t be so smug at your last.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #fundie henrymakow.com

I got my last haircut today. Not knowing if I'll ever be allowed inside a barber shop or hair salon ever again, I told the woman to cut it short.

Starting Monday in my city, Los Angeles, purebloods--those who have not submitted to the jab--will not be allowed to enter restaurants (except for pickups), bars, gyms, barber shops, hair salons, and probably a few other places I'm forgetting.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but I assure you, it is coming your way. As California goes, so goes the country.
In the same way that Europe was used as a testing ground for an invasion of illegal aliens before it kicked off here, Australia is the testing ground for what the virus hoax pushers have planned for America and the rest of the world.

In case you didn't know, children are being literally torn from their parents' arms and force vaccinated in Australia, and plans are well underway for purebloods to be hauled away to concentration camps. If you don't think that's coming here, I have some beach front property down in Florida I'd like to talk to you about.
In the old days, people could escape Communist countries by coming here. But now we're a Communist country. There's literally nowhere in the world that I know of where anyone can escape to. There might be some countries a little slower to get onboard with what's planned, but it's all coming eventually no matter where we live. When the hoax-pushers control the economy of nearly every country in the world, there's literally no escape.

Oh, and by the way, they're coming for the kids next.

The San Francisco gay men's choir wants to sodomize your children and the hoax-pushers want to sacrifice them to the beast.

My advice, as always, is to get your spiritual life in order and do it quickly.

Purge everyone and everything from your life that is in any way supportive of the hoax.

Hunker down. It's going to be a rough ride.

Jack Curtis #conspiracy #quack #fundie twitter.com

Big Bird: I got my COVID-19 vaccine today! My wing is feeling a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy.

Ms. @EricaRHill even said I’ve been getting vaccines since I was a little bird. I had no idea!

Jack Curtis: Sesame Street has fallen to Satan

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

I went for a pizza with a vaccinated friend. Something physically spread out of his body to infect me, my wife and daughter. It’s as he said in the video: graphene oxide thin needles shooting out of a body to spread to other bodies up to 10-20 feet away. This wasn’t just energetic infection.

We did a complete scan of the parasite. There is a living entity in the middle of the graphene oxide, keeping it together. That parasite is a cyborg, 38% alive 62% AI.

There are 3 layers to it that must be worked on in proper order:

1. Graphene oxide must be detoxed from the body; but it can’t as long as the parasite is alive.

2. The parasite must be killed; but it can’t as long as it supported by energetic infections.

3. The energetic infections must be cleared first.

Addressing only 1 of these 3 layers won’t be effective. A simple detox might be overall 1% effective. MMS cleanse is ineffective and can cause damage to the nervous system.

95.2% of the world population already has this parasite, 98.4% of Americans, and only 4 people in China aren’t infected!

This is extremely advanced AI tech, combining alien life, AI and deep quantum physics. It’s built 32 million densities high in the energetic realms. The security protocols are extremely sophisticated and hard to break through.

Still, we hacked through it and disabled the parasites, where energetic infections aren’t too high. About 32% of human infections have been cleared so far. This solves about 14% of the problems with vaccines.

There are also graphene oxide parasites living in tap water of many cities. We did mention last year that they would attack through the water supply. Now it makes sense. These parasites in the environment and water supply are however wired differently and even harder to break through.

They’ve now been destroyed regardless. There’s about 0.2% left, forming thin wires with extreme tensions that are holding all the crap realities together.

EMF Harmonized #crackpot #quack #mammon emfharmonized.com

How Our Technology Protects You

Our golden holograms are a Mylar material programmed with over 300 frequencies that are known to be beneficial to human biology and physiology.
These frequencies are derived from the bioelectrical field of the molecular structures from many different plant compounds, minerals, phytonutrient compounds, flavonoids, oils, and other beneficial earth-derived frequencies that are then programmed into the Mylar hologram.

Mylar is a form of polyester film used in international space programs for its high tensile strength, chemical and dimensional stability, and electrical insulation

Similar to how a credit card strip signals information transfers, our mylar technology carries over 300 stored frequencies. The hologram acts to seal the frequencies instilled in the disc and acts as a prism for signaling to the body. The result is that the body elicits a physiological counter-effect to EMFs.

In other words, EMFs impede our red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen. The frequencies programmed into our Mylar hologram signal information transfers to our cells’ DNA, which then sparks a physiological switch to occur in the cell.

Specifically, red blood cell membranes return back to their negative electrical charge (which is a good thing). With red blood cells retaining their negative electrical charge, red blood cells are able to carry oxygen and the cell membranes maintain a healthy boundary with each other and do not “rope” or “group” together, as seen in the video below.

As we know, oxygen is life.

Our products are distinctly specialized to protect against the full range of adverse effects that EMFs have on our physiology and promote beneficial health responses throughout the body.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Look at it this way.....

You're living in a multi-dimensional scenario where you can see all dimensions beneath you, but because you hold your frequency high, you're not affected by them.

I can imagine in Canada there are people being thrown into FEMA camps right now. Am I? No.

Somewhere on earth, there are people being cut off of food supplies because they are anti-vaxx. Am I? No. I hear this is happening in Asia Pacific. They can't go into malls unless they're vaxxed.

There are people whose children are being vaxxed against their will somewhere? Would mine be if I had any? No.

There are so many potentials being enacted right now and depending on how you vibrate, you are either in it or you're unaffected by it.
Ivo: Correct. As you vibrate at a higher frequency you experience the consequences of that frequency, and they are decidedly more pleasant than others lives at lower vibration. The other thing that perhaps you are overlooking is that you have been making higher vibrational choices throughout your lifetime anyway, and so as you came into this time of awareness of the evil, you were already on a higher timeline and had prepared for what was to come now.

For example, let us take Sharon's life.

Me: As we always do. LOL

Ivo: She is working on the internet. She sells books and does personal channelings via the internet. Now, the internet will experience some changes now and in future, but it will not dissolve. It will stay as a service to humanity. The nefarious business transactions being carried out upon it now will be looked into and stopped, because yes, there is pornography and there is child abduction being carried out via the internet. This will be stopped and the internet allowed to carry on, however vibrating at a higher frequency. When it is higher frequency no nefarious activities will be allowed to be conducted through it.

Dr. Johnny Delirious PhD #crackpot #quack #ufo #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Dr. Johnny Delirious Ph.D. is a bestselling author, Radio Host, and has spent 38 years of experience as a Naturopathic doctor pioneering the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. He began his journey after he was diagnosed with life threatening Hepatitis c and 96% scar tissue cirrhosis of the liver. He was informed he would need a new liver transplant and only given 6 months to live. During this time, he was abducted a group of Grey Et’s known as the, Resourcey Archive, who taught him a new set of healing protocols that have helped many other professionals including doctors, dentists, lawyers who don’t want chemical drugs or surgery recover from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless and fatal. Ever since then he has been known as Dr. Delirious and continues to be free of Hepatitis C and has no scar tissue. Dr. Johnny works with 5 world class laboratories and directly with the laboratory that is bringing out the same research on scalar waves for health that Nikola Tesla discovered and developed. This lab has proven they will rejuvenate health and provides the Tesla MedBed and Tesla BioHealer. Dr. Johnny also works with the other types of med beds soon to be introduced in his clinic by the Quantum Team.

Clif High #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

“They’ve turned all of Planet Earth into a concentration camp and a death camp. Instead of ovens and gas chambers, they’ve got…legit crematoria and hospitals.

“So the hospitals are the death camps and their whole function now is to funnel you right through the system into the mortuary and from there, you go over to the crematoria and they’re gonna just burn you right on up and out you go. If they burn you or dissolve you, there’s no evidence, so to speak, right? There’s nothing that you can go and dig up later…
“If they’re threatening your job – f* it – let them fire you. Don’t quit. Let ’em fire you. You let them force you off that property. Make them have that emotional angst. Make them go through that sh*t, so at least, you’re burning out emotions in them. You don’t have to get angry, you just have to be stubborn…let them do what they have to do – but this is a war and there is no external savior for your ass.

“If your relatives are in that position, you need to counsel them on what to do, which is to woo up…and then, stand up and fight. And if they don’t know how to fight, go out, ask for help on how to fight. There’s a lot of places on Telegram, where there’s legal assistance. Other groups that are forming on collective action against this horsesh*t.
“The plan is to, here in North America, is they want to return it to the point where there’s 500 million buffalo roaming the plains again. They want to return it to natural North America; their vision of a playground for the elite. All of the sh*t has to go; all of the stuff that you own, everything you’ve ever accomplished, dreamed of, lived in, touched – all of the sh*t’s got to go. It’s in their way!

Ken Adachi #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal Bio-weapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine and science who are explaining - with microscopic photos, dark field live-blood analysis, Spectrophotometric analysis, etc. - WHY you should NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body.
I've been posting articles on my website since 2007 talking about the nearly MIRACULOUS ability of a simple oxidizing molecule called "Chlorine Dioxide" to destroy and disable just about EVERY pathogenic organism, parasite, bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, and toxin that is harmful to humans and animals; while at the SAME time is COMPLETELY harmless and benign towards normal tissue in both humans or animals. This SAME molecule is likely the BEST antidote in EXISTENCE to COMPLETELY cure the infection called Covid-19 (within 48 hours) AND to help mitigate and unwind the damage being inflicted upon millions of unsuspecting people who have taken the poison-laden Covid Death Jab.
If everyone in the world had MMS and CDS Water in their homes, there would be NO NEED to visit a doctor or clinic or hospital (which today are the NEW Killing Fields of Eugenics, Inc.), because you could address just about EVERY health problem YOURSELF at home using this simple disinfectant molecule - which is completely harmless to humans and animals. No one has EVER died from taking MMS or CDS, despite unrelenting propaganda/smear campaigns by MSM and government liars to convince you that it's both DANGEROUS and a threat to your life - when NOTHING could be further from the truth. Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and start USING it and DISCOVER the TRUTH for yourself.

BH Times #conspiracy #moonbat #quack #racist twitter.com

This system has absolutely no right to be throwing any black or brown person in jail. At the end of the day too, this is all just another distraction. They know this is a thing African people have had our focus on for quite some time, this whole situation with R Kelly so instead of focusing on the masses of Colonized African children who are being forced to take this jab and go back into these colonial schools to be brainwashed and all sorts of colonial violence, we’re focused on this fake justice that’s being served here by R Kelly going to jail for decades. Another distraction for our people to be focused on instead of focusing on this mandate that’s coming up.

Mike Yeadon #conspiracy #quack #wingnut henrymakow.com

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
> - Voluntarily plan for shortages.
> - Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
> - Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
> - Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
> - Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
> - Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
> Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
> - Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
> - Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
> - Let unemployment explode.
> - Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
> - Take up the murder of the living old men.
> - Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
> - Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
> - Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
> - Arrest opposition leaders.
> - Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
> - Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
> Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)

> - Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
> - To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
> - Activate the «Great Reset».
> - De-materialize money.
> - Cancel debts and loans.
> - Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
> - Seize properties and land.
> - Ban all global medicines.
> - Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
> - Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
> Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

(Novus Ordo Mass, New Order.)

Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia rooshv.com

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry.

They are not told that Jews are the victim of other Jews -- the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists who use them as pawns, human shields and satanic sacrifices.

"Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order unfolding today.

Zionists and Communist Jews are Sabbbatean Jews or satanists. They hate Torah Jews and have conspired against them for more than 300 years. I am tired of hearing that some Jews are wonderful human beings. These are not the Sabbateans.

The Holocaust is the finest example of Sabbateans sacrificing other Jews to achieve their goal of a Jewish state, the future capital of their dystopian New World Order. Thus, Zionists have no compunction about sacrificing Israelis to the covid GMO "vaccine" especially if it makes people think "covid" is not a Jewish plot.

The Illuminati consist of Sabbatean Jews and their Gentile Freemason flunkies. Sabbateans are chameleons taking on the identity of their targets, destroying them from within.

Ordinary Jews are the scapegoats for their Satanist brothers who are imposing madness on humanity. Do these Jewish dupes deserve this fate? Yes because they have been indifferent to what Organized Jewry (Sabbateans) is doing in their name.

Zionist bankers funded the Nazi Party. It is an outrage that Israel claims to represent Jews and accuses its opponents of "anti-Semitism."

This may explain why Zionists are poisoning Jews with vaccines in Israel today.

There is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics (Sabbateans) have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism and Communism. Yet, due to the anti Semitism organized by them, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership. They are being crucified like everyone else.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #quack #wingnut #conspiracy adrenogate.net

To be clear, I am well aware that “Hydra Vulgaris” is a well documented organic biological organism. The organism we are seeing in the vaccine is likely the synthetic genetic cousin of its naturally occuring family member which was used as a kind of genetic template to build this malignant synthetic version of this alien-looking immortal parasitic synthetic lifeform.

When I coin phrases like “nano-worm”, it’s not meant to convey technical scientific accumen. Even though the fields of science that I’m attempting to have a somewhat informed opinion on, are so new and experimental that the scientists themselves are likely making up just as many words I have been, in our attempt to accurately describe what these horrific biomedical nanotechnologies are capable of doing to us, and look like.
The evidence of intelligent self-assembly of nanotechnology and intelligent filament-movement is an indicator of synthetic biology and nanobioelectronics, as per several scientific papers published in various journals, and points to the stealth inclusion of Graphene Oxide in the Moderna vaccine for electromagnetic manipulation of cells and neurons via the creation of synthetic neural networks in the human body and brain. This is a clear sign of malfeasance and intended transhumanizing and cyborgizing of the human body through the COVID vaccines.

It must be remembered that both Pfizer and Moderna developed the Transhumanist mRNA vaccines for DARPA, on DARPA contracts from 2013. <...> DARPA’s “Pandemic Prevention Platforms” and ADEPT diagnostic and monitoring platforms are based on bioengineering, gene manipulation, and synthetic biology. These human-takeover programs envision an infinite future of mRNA vaccines and external control of the human body and brain, which Graphene Oxide would permit.

Father Dominic Valanmahal #ableist #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack patheos.com

“Why does this generation have autism and hyperactivity? That is to say, mentally retarded children are in abundance? Adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, porn, if you are addicted to these, I say to you in the name of God… when you get married and have children, there is a high possibility of bearing these type of children. They lead an animal-like life. They copulate like animals. They bear children like animals. Therefore those children also, will be like animals.”

The priest has also claimed he “cured” children of autism with the power of Jesus.

Kryon of the Magnetic Service via Lee Carroll #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.

Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel.

This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!

I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever!

Think: If consciousness is energy, then, like all other physical energies, there must be rules or axioms. It becomes predictive science. When you start to figure that out and you understand what those are, you will have some profound answers to some of the greatest mysteries of health: The energy of consciousness is the reason for the placebo effect! Someone takes a sugar-coated pill, and they are told that the pill is going to create a cure – and then it does! How is that possible?

Someone takes a homeopathic tincture, a chemistry that is too small to create a chemical reaction. Yet, it cures! The answer is the energy and the physics of consciousness combined with something called mirror neurons

FORCES International #quack forces.org

Forces was founded before the majority of households had personal computers. Now we have smart phones, ipads and high speed Internet service to the majority of people in the United States and Europe. We have 24/7 - news cycles, Facebook, Twitter and Google, we have truly entered the information age. Thus we have decided to de-emphasize our focus on serving as a news feed while still working to bring about a new age of peaceful coexistence of smokers and nonsmokers.

There are now a good number of high quality and dependable newsletters, email lists, and blogs that produce new, reliable, and thought-provoking material on daily and weekly bases. Our News Page will largely serve to direct FORCES visitors to those resources while still featuring contributions from our own core group of writers. You can also continue to join us on Forces Tavern or Facebook.

FORCES will be concentrating our efforts on bringing true Free Choice to the second quarter of our 21st Century, a period where we'll likely see a full acceptance of ventilation, air filtration and tolerance largely taking the place of today's more unreasonable prohibitions. It's now 2017, and over the next eight years we will lay the groundwork for that new generation and help move the world to a place where the rights of all people, smokers, nonsmokers, vapers and nonvapers alike, are considered and respected.

We still need your help and support to continue to keep the website open to all, with updates on the latest anti-smoking research. The anti-smoking establishment has a great deal of money to continue to spread their misinformation campaign and while all of us are volunteers we still need your donations. Please be generous and donate now, your donations are tax deductible.

The Pleiadean Family #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack pleiadianfamily.net

“What’s been going on since the start of 2020?” you reached out to us, your Pleiadian family, and asked. Our dear ones, what’s been going on can be summarized in one sentence:

The Anu force created the plandemic to block your ascension.

​The Anu force is the archenemy of humanity.

This non-human extraterrestrial force (aka the Anunnaki) invaded humanity and hijacked civilization during the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia and installed step by step in the timeline a global pyramidal structure of hierarchical control, which we call the Anu Matrix.

For 5000 years, this dark ET force has been ruling humanity, abusing humanity, and deceiving humanity; in short, enslaving you. It hides in the 4th Dimension (4D), an astral shadow force, and enslaves humanity through mind-control.

The Anu force controls all governments. It controls both the establishments and the shadow governments (the so-called “Deep States”), those in office as well as those appearing to be the system’s opponents. Through creating and puppeteering the opposites, the Anu force runs the Anu Matrix, a vibrational prison for you, the Earth humankind.
COVID-19 is the Anu force’s latest trick. Coronavirus is not a lie, not a hoax, but a real threat. It did not originate in nature, but in a lab.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth, did not (and would not) create a virus as such against her human children. The Anu force created coronavirus through government-sponsored scientific experiments. This particular virus was purposely created and strategically spread. A viral attack was unleashed on humanity in 2020, as planned.
The Anu force had seeded the idea that 2020 was an apocalyptic year. Similarly, it had seeded the idea of 1999 and 2012 as the “end of world” years. 2020 was special indeed. But the Anu force designated it to be special in its intended way (by planting various prophecies ahead of time). On a cosmic scheme, 2020 was just another important one of your transitional years in Dawn.

OTB Tax #quack wistv.com

GREER, S.C. (WIS) - A Greer company said it is hiring new employees who have not or will not get the COVID-19 vaccine or who don’t want to wear masks.

OTB Tax put up a billboard on Pleasantburg Drive in Greenville and one on Highway 123 in Easley that says: “No Vaxx? No Mask? No Job? Perfect. We’re Hiring.”

The billboards have been up for about a month.

Toppa Epps, the CEO of OTB Tax, said the company has 25 employees right now — all of whom are unvaccinated and do not wear masks in the office on Wade Hampton Boulevard.

He said the company is expanding and looking to hire more employees who have not gotten the COVID-19 vaccine and do not wear masks.

Epps says the company does taxes, bookkeeping and payroll.

Toppa Epps said the owner of the company, Courtney Epps, feels strongly that vaccines should not be required by companies.

Robin Monotti Graziadei #quack nulluslocussinegenio.com

The Monotti Protocol For Keeping Society Open
3. Early treatment kits in pharmacies
Vitamin C is always a good idea for the treatment of all respiratory infections. Many doctors recommend 1g twice a day during treatment.

Zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate is known to limit viral replication in human cells when aided in its entry into cells by a zinc ionophore, such as hydroxychloroquine the most effective option, quercetin, or epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. Avoid zinc picolinate.

Omega-3 supplementation improved the levels of several parameters of respiratory and renal function in critically ill patients with COVID-19.

Ivermectin prevents clinical deterioration, reduces olfactory deficit, and limits the inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
The Monotti Protocol is a clear and simple, yet highly effective way to safeguard society from untested and socially destructive pandemic solutions.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor simply a concerned citizen collating research carried out by others and the above information needs to be double checked by everyone according to their personal circumstances before embarking on any treatment in consultation with their personal doctor who knows your medical history and who is the primary point of reference for medical information, the above is not a medical prescription but an effort to share what I have learnt by reading many scientific and medical journals on this subject.

Xylenia via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of one of the many medical bed facilities peppered throughout your time and space. We are calibrating our energies constantly within the medical beds so that we may most appropriately and aptly harmonize the genetics of the ascending human with your currently energetic waves. It is a genomic reset, an improvement, a falling away of the diseases and genetic predispositions and tendencies that have become diseases within the human genome. The medical beds remove those for they are programmed for the higher light and the highest and best outcome. Human beings will be radiant with light, with love, with peace, with clarity. Humanity will come home to the higher dimensional light within their bodies. The medical beds simply reset the individuated human to their optimal genetics. That is all. We have many of these facilities. They are in the cities of light, they are also on some of our ships.

I Xylenia invite you to come and visit, come and see for yourselves. Come and experience a medical bed rejuvenation process. It will feel like home. (I am hearing pleasant humming in my ears. I am seeing Xylenia, a very tall thin humanoid with purple skin and large eyes wearing a long white medical coat. She is gesturing for me to come with her long purple fingers. I am seeing a massive room on a ship filled with thousands of glowing happily humming lavender pods that are living in a way. They are filled with light and soft inside like the most comfortable bed you have ever been in. I hop into one. It is prism, glowing. There are frequencies playing. The soft material underneath me conforms around me so that I am perfectly comfortable and cocooned in light. She smiles and closes the lid and I am in a pod of light, of sound, and of love. I am communicating with the purple pod. It knows me.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #pratt #quack #wingnut townhall.com

The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin; The Question Is Why?

It's been quite a week. I've been in the media business for decades and I've never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let's start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered "unvaccinated"? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they'd spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That's because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That's called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Forced vaccines was always the end game

1st jab destroys the pineal gland
2nd jab destroys the solar plexus
3rd jab turns people into zombies
4th jab kills the zombies

Amnesia has radically shaped our ability to think
And radically shapes our current life experiences

Our inability to remember past lives
And to see evidence of past advanced civilizations
Has been hindered by energy impulse assaults against our consciousness
Creating brain dysfunction through nerve synapse blockages

The earths interior crystalline network
Affects the atmospheric pressure and temperature
Of the different plasma layers above us

Which has direct impacts on our blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm

The magnetic field affects the blueprint of life
And how atomic and subatomic particles organize themselves
Which become physical matter

The architecture of the ultraviolet spectrum of our magnetosphere
Is like a computer chip processing unit
Influencing and controlling the energetic mental and emotional
Life force distribution

Impacting our perception of reality

We can override these energy assaults against our consciousness
By maintaining inner spiritual connection
And by the shielding of our energy aura

The intentional destruction of the crystalline structure
Resulted in mass upheavals above ground
Which ended the ideal life conditions of the Atlantean period

Ongoing eviction of alien machinery
And the streaming of higher vibrations
Flowing from the central universal axis
Is rebalancing the crystalline network
Making it transmit benevolent frequencies

It is repairing the damaged code
And correcting the timeline
Which reassembles the original genetic imprint of DNA
Enabling higher thought

The rebuilding of the crystalline grid allows for interdimensional travel
By the connection of interdimensional frequencies
And existence without deterioration of the biological form

And is sending inorganic entities
Back into the source light!

Makia Freeman/Dr. Carrie Madej #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #dunning-kruger thefreedomarticles.com

COVID vax creatures have been seen under the microscope by Dr. Carrie Madej, a courageous and very aware woman who has been highlighting the true agenda of transhumanism behind the COVID scamdemic for a while now. Madej first came to prominence last year with her videos exposing how hydrogel (a biosensor) would be an ingredient in the COVID gene-jection or fake-vaccine. Now, she has analyzed the vials of 2 major COVID vaccines – Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – and what she has seen is horrifying. As she explains in this interview with Stew Peters, she actually found some kind of spider-like being that appeared to move of its own volition. These COVID vax creatures lifted themselves up off the glass! Additionally, Madej found something that resembled a tiny computing system, which brings to mind Moderna’s marketing boasting that their mRNA creation was an “operating system” and “software of life.”

Madej explains what she saw under the microscope more than once in different vials and brands of COVID vaccine:

“They looked synthetic. And then there was one particular object or organism that had tentacles coming from it, and it was able to life itself up off the glass slide … it appeared to be self-aware, or be able to grow or move in space … this almost appears like it’s self-aware. It knows we’re watching it.”
Madej’s findings once again demonstrate beyond all doubt that we must be so careful not to allow these highly dangerous (and in many cases lethal) concoctions to be injected into our bodies or our children’s bodies, no matter what the cost. We simply have very little idea of what is actually in these gene-jection concoctions, the ultimate damage they could do long term and how they could alter our humanity forever. More investigation needs to be done. It is simply unfathomable that these substances are being forced on so many people around the world

Ethan Huff #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

To help identify which concentration camp prisoners are which, the University of Bath in Great Britain is marking students with differently colored wristbands based on their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status.

According to reports, “unvaccinated” first-year students at Bath are being given a yellow star-style wristband indicating that they refused to take any Chinese Virus injections. Their fully injected counterparts, meanwhile, are being given another type of wristband showing their compliance.
Bath students who are unable to prove that they got injected are also being placed in different queues than the injected. This is medical apartheid and fascism, just to be clear.

Even though the British government was barred from forcing countrymen to take the jabs against their will because doing this would be discriminatory and ethically unsound, academia has decided to go full-fledged tyrannical.
Medical discrimination on campus is not just a U.K. problem. It is also happening in the United States, including off campus where snitches are reporting students who are seen not wearing a mask while out in public.

Creating a new two-tiered society that discriminates against non-Branch Covidians is a tactic that has been used all throughout history to divide and conquer. Tyrants like Joseph Stalin used it to eventually massacre millions of people, and we are once again seeing it unfold as part of the plandemic.

Some are fighting against it, but far too many are going along with it out of convenience or apathy. Things are still not bad enough, apparently, for any unified front to take a stand against it – and many fear that by the time enough people wake up, it will already be far too late.

“I hope the smart students drop out and find better use of their time elsewhere,” wrote one commenter at Summit.news. “Trade schools are better anyway. They lack the Marxist brainwashing and you can learn a useful skill in a year."

Matt Maruca #quack westonaprice.org

For decades we’ve been told to put on sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and avoid the mid-day sun. But what if this advice is actually the OPPOSITE of what we should do? Matt Maruca, of Ra Optics, says we need to discard this paradigm and embrace the sun! He explains that sunlight is critical for optimal cellular function. He calls sunlight “the greatest multivitamin ever,” since each wavelength of the sun’s rays benefits the body.

On this podcast, Matt tells his story of how he got into exploring the benefits of the sun in the first place (hint: he suffered from headaches, allergies, gut issues, and more), and he dives into exactly how sunlight helps our bodies work optimally. He also describes his “Light Diet” and offers simple steps we can take to avoid junk light and soak up the sun.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #quack winterwatch.net

The kakistocracy is merging with the medical quackistocracy and creating an unprecedented labor and supply-chain crisis with severe supply- AND demand-side inflation.

There are shortages of truckers, bus drivers and workers at warehouses, ports, retailers, restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes. In the midst of all this, President Biden chose to impose vaccine mandates on workers — even for people who have already had Covid-19 — thereby driving even more people into early retirement and causing a downshift movement in commerce and economic activity.

Late last year, before the Dementia Joe’s election, the Lugenpresse called concerns over vaccine “passports” a right-wing conspiracy theory. Today, it’s a conspiracy fact. Now, the kakistocracy is mulling a new rule requiring vax I.D. cards for all interstate travel. Meanwhile, in some areas, like New York, it’s a requirement to dine out or shop. We suspect it may soon become a requirement to renew one’s driver’s license, passport or visa, and to receive funds from employer/employee-paid programs, such as unemployment insurance, social security benefits and Medicare.
The latest New York governor to crawl out from under a slimy rock, Kathy Hochul, demonstrated full-tilt satanic inversion and declared — without even a hint of self-awareness — that “what is looming for Monday is completely avoidable, and there’s no excuses.”

Hochul is a full fledged Branch Covidian even declaring in front of a megachurch: “The vaccine comes from God” I need you to be my apostles.”

Patricia Burke #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #mammon stillnessinthestorm.com

Non-ionizing EMF comes from our devices like cell phones, laptops, tablets, smart meters, WiFi routers, and also from electrical appliances, power lines, and our in-house wiring. Now, even though they’re significantly weaker in strength than ionizing radiations, research studies say that prolonged exposure to non-ionizing EMFs can cause major health problems ranging from sleep disorders to chronic illnesses like cancer.

As we move towards the future with remarkable technological advancements, the EMF pollution in our environment is also getting denser. On top of that, our gadgets are becoming increasingly mobile, prompting us to use and carry these EMF sources very close to our bodies.
you’ve been with us for some time, you know that the power of EMF is strongest near its source, and exposure to such powerful EMF can severely deteriorate your health.

This is why it’s important for you to know your exposure level, so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMF-induced health problems. And you can do that using an EMF meter.
The EMF Health Effects app is a web browser-based application where you can enter the readings from your EMF meter, and it will search our huge database of scientific studies to find the effects recorded on that specific EMF level.

This app is highly user-friendly. All you need to do is select the unit, enter your reading, and hit “Get Results.” This whole process takes less than thirty seconds, and you’ll have everything you need to plan your EMF mitigating journey.
It can’t tell you about the health problems your exposure level may cause in the long term because the data the EMF Health Effects app shows are from scientific experiments conducted at specific EMF levels. And the only science that really gets into specific exposures is laboratory science.

Ben Garrison #quack #wingnut #conspiracy gizmodo.com

Ben Garrison, a right-wing cartoonist known for his opposition to vaccines and his extremely flattering drawings of former President Donald Trump, told Gizmodo late Sunday that he contracted covid-19 and has been sick for about two weeks. But allegedly getting covid hasn’t changed Garrison’s mind about modern medical science.


“Yes, it’s definitely Covid and we’ve had all the symptoms. My wife and (I) went out with a couple to a restaurant and the next day all four of us were sick. One of us went to see a doctor and was told she had Covid, and that was the clincher,” Garrison told Gizmodo via email. (Garrison has been banned from Twitter for supporting the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.)

“We’re taking Ivermectin and various vitamins including a lot of Zinc,” Garrison continued, explaining what he’s doing to treat the disease. The cartoonist also notes he’s taking beet root juice. None of this has been proven to treat or prevent covid-19, with monoclonal antibodies and vaccines being the only real ways to fight this pandemic, which is still raging in many parts of the world.


Garrison told Gizmodo that he and his wife are not feeling well and that he’s completely lost his sense of taste and smell. Garrison seems to believe that he and his wife are struggling to overcome the disease because they’re in their mid-60s.

“Both Tina and I feel slightly better after two weeks, but it has been rough. I lost my taste and smell as well as desire to eat any kind of food. I lost 15 pounds as a result. Young people tend to bounce back more quickly, but we’re in our mid-60s,” Garrison wrote.

When Gizmodo asked Garrison whether he’d been vaccinated against covid-19, he repeated many of the same conspiracy theories that appear in his cartoons.

“We will never take their foul spike protein-producing jabs, which are neither safe nor effective. They’re not real vaccines. They’re gene therapy,” Garrison wrote in an email to Gizmodo.


Garrison says he’d never visit a hospital to treat his covid-19.


“I would never go to a hospital with Covid. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for Covid death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up,” Garrison claimed in an email to Gizmodo.

Admin #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack #wingnut thecovidblog.com

Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student gets Pfizer mRNA injection behind his family’s back, dead seven hours later

Same song in Ukraine as everywhere else

Ukraine had a 1.7% “fully vaccinated” rate on July 1. The country had a seven-day average of 936 new COVID-19 case on that day. That’s the lowest seven-day average in the country since late July 2020. Ukraine is 12% fully-vaccinated today, with a seven-day average of 5,921 new COVID cases. That’s a 532% increase since July.

Yet somehow all the “vaccine” propaganda is still effective with the masses. Ukraine is still on an “adaptive lockdown” until at least October 1. Regional authorities have the power to tighten or loosen mask mandates, social distancing and other COVID measures based on the local situation. But gyms, movie theaters and large gatherings are essentially shut down across the country. Government employees and teachers face injection mandates in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile Scandinavia continues being the voice of reason in Europe. Sweden has been the target of propaganda by mainstream media because it neither locked down, nor issued mask mandates throughout the so-called pandemic. It’s seven-day average for COVID deaths has been near zero since June. Sweden experienced no real COVID-19 spikes throughout 2020. Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg is now referring to COVID-19 as a simple “respiratory illness.” The country is lifting virtually all COVID-19 restrictions starting today.

Italian actress Ludovica Bizzaglia said she was proud to coax young people into getting mRNA injections behind their parents back. Mr. Salo was a young adult. But his family tried protecting him from the propaganda. COVID continues destroying families in two ways – disagreement on “vaccines” and death/maiming by vaccine. We’ve reached the most critical stage yet in all this.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon igossuccesstech.org



New weekly Subtle Energy Rate service is what you need. IGOS will provided weekly rates you place in a Triforce System, Black Box System, Radionic Cell, Cosmic Chi Accumulator, Radionic Coin or any of the IGOS tools with your photo to obtain strong subtle energy field building. THIS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES!

New low Radionic Metal Cell with broadcasting antenna system built in. This does not have the Cosmic Code built in. Allowing for use on anyone your desire, not only yourself. Custom Made For IGOS Heavy thick aluminum lasts several lifetimes and will not fade or chip! AT A SPECIAL LOW COST! Just hold and project the Rate into the Amplifier Broadcast Cell. Cells ship within 48 hours. Rate service gives the most potent rate for that week. Keeping ahead of the moving new toxic fields.

Place the written "rate" on our Chi Accumulator with your photo. Add family and pets! Change the "rate" weekly as you get a new one. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!



<Only $159.95>

Mike Stone #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #elitist henrymakow.com

Like frogs being slow-boiled in a pot, Americans are oblivious to their own impending destruction. The only difference is the frogs are smarter. Turn up the heat too fast and the frog will catch on and hop right out of the pot. Americans have had the heat turned up scorching hot for the last two years, yet they remain utterly clueless.

The girl at the bank asks me how I am. I tell her, "I'm okay, under the circumstances."

"What circumstances?" she asks. "The virus hoax," I say.

She stares back at me with vacant eyes. I've seen that look a million times over the last year. The fluoride stare, delivered over a face diaper.

"You know it's all fake, right?" I say.

She gives a little laugh and lowers her head. Our conversation is over. She finishes processing my deposit and I leave.
The sidewalks swarm with hundreds of people wearing a submission diaper. There's a high school down the street and I observe girls cruising boys, and boys cruising girls. The ones who aren't cruising are glued to their phones. The adults scurry to and from work. The homeless lie in their tents. People in LA and across America are going about their business as if nothing is different, nothing has changed as long as they wear a mask and take two jabs. No one knows the truth and no one wants to know.

Americans are not only oblivious to their own destruction, they're actually complicit in it. That's the irony. The entire hoax would stop instantly if everyone just took off their mask. But they won't do it. They'd rather submit to slavery, lose limbs to amputation or lose their lives from blood clots, they'd rather condemn their souls to hell, than face reality. They're oblivious to their own destruction.

David Icke #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming #quack #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

I have exposed this far the level of the Cult conspiracy that operates in the world of the seen and within the global secret society and satanic network which operates in the shadows one step back from the seen.

The 'Covid' hoax is major part of the Cult agenda, but only part, and to grasp the biggest picture we have to expand our attention beyond the realm of human sight and into the infinity of possibility that we cannot see.

It is from here, ultimately, that humanity is being manipulated into a state of total control by the force which dictates the actions of the Cult.

How much of reality can we see...?

Next to damn all is the answer.

We may appear to see all there is to see in the 'space' our eyes survey and observe, but little could be further from the truth. The human 'world' is only a tiny band of frequency that the body's visual and perceptual systems can decode into perception of a 'world'.

The Cult and its non-human masters seek to convince us through the institutions of 'education', science, medicine, media and government that what we are experiencing is who we are. It's so easy to control and direct perception locked away in the bewildered illusions of the five senses with no expanded radar.
The phenomenon of identity politics is a Cult-instigated manipulation technique to sub-divide previous labels into even smaller ones. A United States university employs this list of letters to describe student identity:

LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, gender-fuck, polyamorous, bondage/discipline, dominance/submission and sadism/masochism...

Wokers programmed by the Cult for generations believe this is about 'inclusivity' when it's really the Cult locking them away into smaller and smaller versions of Phantom Self while firewalling them from the influence of their true self, the infinite, eternal 'I'.

Laura J Worley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #mammon laurajworley.com

Puzzle Pieces Together Presents:

“Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery”

One-Of-A-Kind Seminar

In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves.

This seminar has been many years in the making. It will follow closely my book, “Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery.” There will be much more in-depth information shared that could not be put into the book.
So many people have been hurt by satanic groups including the Illuminati, Witchcraft, Satanic, and the Military. Most people do not understand why or how they were hurt.

Addressing mind control and what is done to create a slave can be overwhelming when the pieces are not understood. When the mind becomes fractured and split into many compartments a person under mind control will only have a few of the pieces. This can leave a person confused, angry, and in pain.

Knowledge is everything to breaking free! With knowledge comes hope. There is always hope when faith is present. When hope and faith are present there is power. When you pull upon that power there will be endless options to heal and overcome the traumatic events of mind control, torture, and slavery.

We will show you how to put the pieces together. You will not only learn the pieces to the puzzle of the Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery; you will learn tools and methods to break free from the chains that kept you a prisoner in your own mind.

Chains are easily broken if you know how. Having the missing puzzle pieces are absolutely imperative to find lasting freedom and peace.

<3 days $599>

Dr. Caleb Cooper #fundie #quack #conspiracy #wingnut charismanews.com

There is not a doubt in my mind that the earth has been thrusted into a rapid accelerated end-time signs of the times. The antichrist spirit is unleashing an agenda that is preparing the earth for the revealing of the Antichrist himself through the forcing of governmental mandates. The antichrist agenda consists of a threefold purpose of a one-world government, one-world religion and a one-world currency. You do not have to look very far to see the global governments unifying, currency under attack and the persecution of Christianity. Welcome to the last days, where the true, uncompromised church must stand!
Finally, many are being to forced to social distance in the name of safety. The government mandates seek to force people to stay six feet away from one another. This is interesting as I consider precursors to the Antichrist agenda that desires to persecute Christianity. The Bible is clear that the number of the Antichrist's name is 666. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to lay hands on the sick. We know that according to the Word of God, Jesus did not social distance from those that were afflicted with leprosy. Forced social distancing appears to attack fundamental beliefs within Christianity, including laying hands on the sick, water baptism and even serving communion. None of these things can be accomplished 6 feet away from each other.

The purpose of this writing is to encourage you to consider and see clearly that many of the forced government mandates are functioning as precursors to the coming Antichrist agenda in which society will be conditioned to abandon freedoms, including religious freedoms, or their ability to buy or sell will be restricted. I must remind you that in the face of all current and coming governmental mandates that as a believer in Jesus Christ, your body is not your own nor does it belong to the government. Your body belongs to God!

ARMAGEDDON APOCALYPSE END OF THE WORLD BLOG #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #psycho #quack #ufo humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

← New enemy weapons alert to all allies and Republic Rebel Alliance forces. I have been hearing from multiple sources that the reptilian fallen angels from the Orion star system will be returning to the earth after we real Christians and the Holy Spirit in us is raptured up to heaven. When light leaves, then darkness sets in. We real Christians, who the people of the world hated and persecuted and kicked us out of every workplace to try to starve us to death because they were afraid we would replace their jobs, were the last kamikaze warriors defending them from the devil and the worst fallen angels that will be released from the abyss, who are extremely angry and wants to destroy everything and everyone that exists, after they were in the spiritual Azkaban prison for eons. They are pissed and they are looking for a fight and will want to scorch everything they see. The Draco reptilian chimera aliens will be breakfast sausage food for them. And I am not joking either, but I mean it literally. I believe the worst ones are kept in the Saturn abyss and in Tartarus far below the earth, for a good reason. The fallen angels will be releasing these real bad fallen angels, in order to try to fight Jesus at Armageddon. It will be comical to see the fallen angels trying to fight the Creator of the universe and the God of heaven and earth. I think the nephilim & chimera aliens were lied to by Satan Lucifer that they will be the kings and rulers of the NWO when the real Christians are gone, but they will end up like the human Satanist witches who were told by Satan Lucifer that they will be kings and rulers of the NWO but they were just used and kidnapped and soul-scalped and their bodies stolen and betrayed.

Al Thompson #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

My take on this is that the medical profession is a Satanic cult and the purpose of "medical" care is to kill as many people as possible while looking as if they are there to help. The purpose of satanism is to destroy mankind and everything that is good. There is a reason why they put the symbol of the snake on their organization logos. That's your warning as they have to disclose who they are. I suggest that the reader go on the reviews of popular websites such as Yelp.com; then go to hospitals, and then read the reviews. There you'll see mostly bad reviews. The problem is that hospitals are being paid by the government and insurance companies. There doesn't seem to be much quality control.

I was with a group of people talking about the hospital and one of them was an MD. She looked up and said: "Don't go to the hospital; they will kill you." See? They are telling you who they are and what they are about.

A hospital is like going into hell. I have another friend who has been in the hospital for over 30 days and he told me yesterday that all of the things I told him about the medical industry is much worse that what I described. He's 81 years old and went in for what he thought was a heart problem. He contracted Covid and now has pneumonia. They've also put him on a morphine drip just like my other friend who died almost 2 years ago.
Whether these hospitals are understaffed is not important in my opinion because they are corrupted businesses. My guess is that more people will live because of this and I think a new medical system could arise that is much better than what we have now.

Mike Adams #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack humansarefree.com

The Maricopa County forensic audit results have been leaked, and if the draft documents are correct, they already show over 54,000 fraudulent, faked and otherwise invalid ballots — more than five times the margin of “victory” for Joe Biden.

And this is from just one county alone: Maricopa.

If the same holds true across other counties in Arizona, the fraud vastly exceeds 100,000 ballots.

That means Biden didn’t win. The election was rigged.

The lying left-wing media is going to try to gaslight the nation and falsely claim the audit proves Biden somehow did win. That’s a brazen lie, like saying 2+2=5. (But what else would you expect from the media these days?)
As the truth about all this begins to seep into the consciousness of the American people, the illegitimate Biden regime will be seeking to unleash desperate measures to distract the American people with another engineered crisis of some sort.

We see the next 7 days as a high risk window of opportunity for the deep state to pull something huge… 9/11-scale, or even bigger.

One of the most likely events seems to be a staged takedown of communications and power infrastructure to prevent people from communicating, all conveniently blamed on a cyber attack from China.

This self-inflicted cyber attack would then be used to justify America launching kinetic warfare against China… and suddenly we’re in the middle of World War III, with Biden claiming, “Now is the time for all Americans to come together” and stop paying attention to “divisive” election audits.
At this point, there’s no crime the Democrats won’t commit in order to distract people from the truth. They are, after all, already waging biological warfare on the American people and the entire US military.

They’re already in kill mode with covid, and Biden has already restricted monoclonal antibody supplies to red states — an act of war targeting his political opponents.

Karl Denninger #quack market-ticker.org

[From "To Governor DeSantis, Ivey, Lee And Others"]

It is time to respond to this outrage

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - The increase in usage of monoclonal antibodies has caused federal officials to place new limits on how much of them Alabama will get

Ok, fine

Which one of you Governors would like to have a basically-zero Covid rate? Which one of you would like to be the State with the lowest rate of coronavirus disease, a collapsed health-care burden (to near-zero) and a collapsed rate of death too
It's simple: For anyone suspected (test results not back yet) you dispense to them five doses of Ivermectin to be taken every day if they are obese or otherwise morbid, and every second day if not along with one dose per every two days for everyone in the household, calibrated by their weight. Everyone in the household also gets ten days of a 1,000mg Vitamin C tablet and ten days of 30mg of Zinc, both dietary supplements. The exception is anyone on a blood thinner; you simply ask and, if they are, they don't get the drug (but do get the supplements)
Read the linked article. This is is not just about treatment; it is also about cutting off forward transmission of the virus. It will not work every time but it doesn't have to work every time -- just often enough to suppress Rt below 1.0 and the virus dies out
Who's got the stones to do this?

Whoever does it first and collapses their Covid-19 case, hospitalization and death rate is President in 2024 -- that is, if the other 49 States don't have their residents lay siege to DC and their State governments as soon as they see the first State's results

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #elitist #fundie henrymakow.com

Idiots come in all shapes and sizes and judging people by looks alone can be deceiving. Some idiots appear outwardly friendly, some don't. Sometimes the person you least suspect of idiocy turns out to be the biggest idiot of all.

In current time America, you could make the case that anyone wearing a face diaper is an idiot and I wouldn't argue with you. Although, I would suggest exceptions be made for children, teenagers, and even those in their early-mid twenties. They've been duped and lied to by their parents and their teachers and many of them honestly don't know any better. Certainly anyone over the age of thirty and wearing a face diaper has earned the label idiot.
An idiot's opinion on any subject is often a word-for-word regurgitation of the last television news show they watched. If you ask their opinion about something that hasn't been covered on television, you'll likely be met with a fluoride stare.
Idiots occupy two extremes when it comes to education. They're either uneducated without a high school diploma or highly educated with a college degree. The former group is comprised of welfare mothers, non-working males, and generally anyone who depends on the government dole to survive, while the latter group tend to be white collar professionals.
Idiots have a blind faith in authority, yet almost all of them are irreligious. The few that aren't irreligious are what I call CINOs--Catholics in Name Only. They've been brainwashed to accept the post Vatican II counterfeit church and its line of wicked antipopes. They call themselves Christian, but their actions are decidedly anti-Christian.

I used to feel sorry for idiots and occasionally I still do. When I see children and teens being forced to wear masks and know that very soon they will be forced to submit to the beast by taking the jab, it breaks my heart. I wish I could help them, but there's only so much I can do. Especially when their parents are idiots.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

We’re estimating that the globalist vaccine push will ultimately manage to inject as many as 5 billion people with at least one “dose” of the bioweapons spike protein jab.

With casualty rates running from 10% – 70%, we are theoretically looking at global deaths of half a billion to 3.5 billion people.

I am hoping that by exposing the truth about vaccine bioweapons, we may be able to limit the global deaths to merely one billion people, but that may be entirely too optimistic. It is quite feasible that global deaths could greatly exceed 1 billion people and approach 2 or even 3 billion in a worst case scenario.
The other concerning factor in all this is that weaponized vaccines are not the only vector being used by globalists to wage war against the human race. Other forms being actively pursued include:

Terraforming (sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere to collapse global food crops)
Engineered famine (food supply weaponization / scarcity)
Chemical exposure (pesticides, fluoride, hormone disruptors in food packaging)
Ecological collapse (agricultural runoff, over fishing, rainforest destruction for soy farming, GMOs, etc.)
Economic collapse (currency collapse, debt bomb implosions, forced lockdowns, punitive taxation, fiat currency printing)
Cultural collapse (attacks on the Church, the family, reason and the rule of law)
Cyber warfare (attacks on the power grid, telecommunications, etc.)
To address the primary question of this article, will enough people survive to rebuild civilization, I can only answer honestly: I’m really not sure.

Furthermore, it looks to me like the total extermination of human civilization is the goal of the globalists.

They are preparing Earth for a post-human future. There is no plan for human beings to exist in any sustainable form whatsoever. This is why they don’t care if they’re risking the credibility of “science” or “medicine” or even government itself. If their own plans are successful, there won’t be anyone left alive to matter.

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We, the Arcturians, have a special activation that we wish to share with you to support a vibrational heightening and advancement of your physical body. It is known as a cellular treatment. On the inner planes, within our civilisation, we have many treatments, many activations, initiations, and all are created from the purest vibration of light, the highest intentions, and the most sacred expressions of the Creator.

For the cellular treatment, we create cells of light. We first scan your own physical being; we scan your soul and all energy bodies of your being. We recognise the vibration you are currently holding. We recognise the vibration of your soul, and we merge these vibrations. Connecting with your current vibration and your soul’s vibration, we merge them and fill them with light. This creates for us a vibrational frequency which is the aspects of your physical body that have been healed and the vibration of your soul. This process is very clean and clear. We do not add any other light, we use the light of your soul to create the cells.

Once we have scanned your being and have determined the vibration of frequency that your soul is and your healed physical being are aligned with. We then access this vibration to recreate cells of light. When you are ready, we come forth, creating a circle around you with many Arcturian Masters of Light. We begin to pour light that is not from our civilisation, it is directly from the Creator through our beings into your being. As we send this energy, we begin to integrate the new cells of light that hold your vibration of a healed and complete body and being, and the highest vibration of your soul. We support these cells in anchoring into your own cells. This process may take time and you may wish to lie down to experience it fully.

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