
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Nicholas Pereira #crackpot #god-complex #quack #wingnut vice.com

In a riding tucked away in one of Canada’s most forgettable provinces, you’ll find a candidate preaching about a topic sorely undercovered this election: semen retention.

Nicholas Pereira is the People’s Party of Canada candidate in Saint John-Rothesay, New Brunswick, but on the internet, he’s known as Nakula Das, a YouTuber dedicated to making sure his followers don’t ejaculate. Pereira’s videos are of the vlog variety, typically addressed to his “semen retention army,” and at times beginning with a prompt salute to his “soldiers.” He also offers his teachings on Instagram where he posts about techniques such as “testicle breathing.”

“Breathe deeply into your balls. Imagine your testicles expanding like lungs. When you exhale, imagine your testicles deflating like your lungs would,” the Canadian political candidate wrote in an Instagram post four weeks ago. “Most men never breathe into their balls consciously.”

In over 130 videos on his page, Pereira philosophizes about how men not orgasming is their key to a better life. He can teach his followers the true way to achieve their maximum potential—but only after they sign up for one of his webinars, of course. On Patreon, another place Pereira teaches his followers how not to ejaculate, the PPC candidate writes that he “is creating an Army of Semen Retention Practitioners” and a place “where men don’t cum to transform their lives.” Pereira also offers to teach his followers to become “sexual alchemists” who are “a powerhouse both in and outside the bedroom.”

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #quack #wingnut #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

We live in a time that is not in sync with reality; societies are run without vision and confidence, nothing has been learned from the past, about what governing really means.

Government itself is fake, phony and false, everything is a lie. The fabric of society and its culture is a hologram, not real nor true. WAKEUP; and let’s start by ridding ourselves of the liars and pretenders.

Our lives and that of our children and future generations depend on us by making the right move now. Abolish the Central Banks all over the world, they are the main culprits of our today’s misère, they are going to loose out on this current financial crisis they have designed themselves. A return to sound money is the first thing necessary to do. Even governments have to be abolished and strongly reduced to 10% of its today’s size and influence. The world will function much better in a free market environment without regulations.
Since, 1871 the USA Inc. was owned by the British, Vatican and Rothschilds. They have fooled Americans into wars for profit in a scheme to accomplish a renewed Roman Empire for the Vatican Jesuits who are the instigators behind the smoke screen.

Their attacks on the populace through Food Poisoning, Chemtrails, Electromagnetic injury, Sugar Diseases, GMO’s, Wheat Modification, Vaccines, Morgellons disease, Nanotech, Aids, the Fluoridation and further poisoning of our water and the murder of Doctors by Big Pharma mercenaries, are all part of a “Soft Kill” scheme to reduce and control the world population.
The demise of the Deep State cabal is already a fact.

In our new positive world that is dawning; only awake people into the 5th Dimension of consciousness will be allowed. There will be no rulers; all of us together will manage our own living and business.

Lyndsey Marie and Leeannstar23 #quack #crackpot vice.com

The term “pureblood” doesn’t exactly have the best connotations. But now unvaccinated people on TikTok are, er, trying to reclaim the term as a way to tout their “superiority” over their jabbed fellow citizens.

The new “pureblood” trend seems to have gotten a big boost from conservative TikToker influencer Lyndsey Marie in a post shared last week replete with hashtags like #harrypotter, #pureblood, and #unvaccinated.

“From now on, I refuse to be referred to as ‘unvaccinated,’” she declared. “I want everyone to now call me Pureblood.”
The video has since racked up nearly 250,000 views and Lyndsey Marie is now promising her followers that a line of “pureblood” merch (which will feature an image of a lion and the text, “PUREBLOOD; Unmasked, Unvaxxed, Unafraid.”)

Meanwhile, the term has inspired scores of other un-vaxxed social media users to make their own videos.

Some have incorporated zombie-like filters, others have embellished their captions with the droplet of blood emoji, and one user, Leeannstar23, took the analogy a step further.

“In like five, ten years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated —we’re gonna be hunted,” she warns. “It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood.”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

2021 +
2022 +
2023 = 666

These years are supposed to be the second half
Of the 7 year Great Tribulation

Which started on September 23 2017
When Jupiter alias Zeus was supposedly born in Virgo
Who will rule the nations with an iron rod

And the Virgo constellation was supposedly the celestial woman in the book of Revelation
Clothed with the sun on her hair and the moon at her feet

A solar eclipse on August 14 2023
Is supposed to mark the ending of the Tribulation period

Humans are now immersed in trauma based mind control
Resulting in a mass psychosis

5G transmitters with its millimeter waves
Are installed in antennas every 300 feet
On towers lamp posts roofs and street signs

In a big city there are thousands of them
Sending forth harmful radiation everywhere

5G attacks the pineal gland
Limiting the production of melatonin
And effecting what you think

5G penetrates and crushes cells
And causes viruses to be created inside the body

5G is attracted to cell phones and wireless devices

Our bodies vibrate at an average of 60 to 80 microwatts per square meter

When CERN unleashes the EMP
You will have to match the frequency

Iron is a microwave absorber
Your body will utilize it when under attack
Brown rice soybeans cocoa beans spinach peas and seeds provide needed iron

Meats give you heme iron
Which are associated with a number of diseases and adverse health conditions

Lead will nullify the emission of an electromagnetic pulse
That is why they quit putting it in paint

The graphene nanobots in the Covid vaccine
Is also in chemtrails and junk food

The graphene hooks to neurons in your neurological strands
Suggestions to get rid of them include:
Carbon 60
Chlorine dioxide
2 drops of pine oil daily
Castor oil
Glutathione in neem and organic coffee
Ginger root

If you try any of these be sure to do so with caution
And take very limited amounts at a time

We are being overtaken by ferro nano fibers
And unless we take proper action
Our minds and souls will be the property
Of replication technology!

Jagdish Bhurani #quack #crackpot #mammon urinetherapy.in

The Epidemic of CORONA VIRUS – COVID 19 has created the PANIC and FEAR among the people. Millions of people are infected and thousands of people are dying every day. SHIVAMBU can STOP the present Epidemic of CORONAVIRUS from spreading. It can SAVE Millions of LIFE and people can Live Hale and Healthy Life without any FEAR.

SHIVAMBU is 100% SAFE and can be adopted and practiced at home in an easy method. It does not have any kind of side effects. Persons who are tested COVID POSITIVE can become COVID NEGATIVE with SHIVAMBU without taking any Medical treatment.

I have treated and CURED People who were COVID – POSITIVE with SHIVAMBU.

I have also treated and CURED people suffering from CANCER, HIV, Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Nephritic syndrome, Gallbladder Stones, and all other various Chronic Diseases with SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY. THE HEALING POWER IS WITHIN US.

URINE SHIVAMBU is not the waste product; it is the “SERUM” By-Product of Blood Filtration. URINE is the watery part of the Blood. It contains 95% of water and 5 % of Proteins and Vitamins. It contains:-Urea, Creatinine, Ammonia, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Phosphate and Potassium. It can Boost and increase the Immunity System in our Body.

SHIVAMBU is the NECTAR of LIFE known as URINE THERAPY can PREVENT and CURE COVID – 19. It will improve and Boost their Immunity system and prevent them from all kinds of diseases. Persons who drink one Liter of SHIVAMBU daily will not be infected with COVID 19. People who are Healthy and do not have any Diseases can also adopt URINE Therapy.

Government and Media should JOIN their Hands to Educate, promote and Recommend the people to adopt SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY in the similar manner as they are promoting and recommending people to take Vaccine.

The number of people who are infected and dying due to CORONAVIRUS daily can be decreased and reduced in a short period. IT CAN SAVE MILLIONS OF LIFE.

Merinda Teller, MPH, PhD #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger westonaprice.org

If the medical community were honest, it would be forced to admit that the model of disease that catapulted Pasteur to fame has played itself out and is pushing us to disability and death.

Here and there, scientists working within the mainstream framework recognize this. For example, researchers tackling the problem of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) acknowledge that a wide variety of factors increases host susceptibility to TB and TB mortality, including “immune-dysregulation from any cause (including stress, poor living conditions, socioeconomic factors, micronutrient deficiencies, HIV), malnutrition, aberrant or excess host inflammatory response to infection, alcohol and substance abuse, co-morbidities with noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, smoking, and chronic obstructive airways disease, [and] pneumoconiosis.” They suggest, therefore, that it is time to build on “the historical Pasteur-Bechamp debates on the role of the ‘microbe’ vs the ‘host internal milieu’ in disease causation” and invest in “host-directed therapies” (HDTs) that “alter the ‘host terrain’ in favor of the host.” Unfortunately, what HDTs mean to this group of researchers is. . .more pharmaceutical interventions. 41

Realistically, we cannot expect researchers who receive direct or indirect funding from the pharmaceutical industry to suggest commonsense steps for supporting or strengthening the immune system. If Béchamp were around today, chances are that his recommendations would be more sound, emphasizing basics such as high-quality nutrition and excellent sleep. At a deeper level, Cowan also reminds us that the quest for a life of “abundance, joy, and meaning” is equally important and sustaining to our health.

Push Those Buttons #quack #crackpot vice.com

Anti-vax activists in London staged an event on Monday “against tyrrany [sic], genocide, vaccine passports [and] injecting children” by encouraging protesters to press every pedestrian crossing button in the capital simultaneously.

A Facebook group entitled “Push Those Buttons” encouraged anti-vaxxers to create “gridlock traffic” between 7AM and 10AM, despite most pedestrian crossings in London being automated, meaning the buttons have no impact on when traffic stops.

Nevertheless, a description on the group addressed to “fellow button pushers” said that the event’s organisers wanted to “bring London to a total standstill and remind this government that NOTHING moves or happens in this country unless the people agree to it.”

“If we all commit to this project, London will be gridlocked,” the message said. “You can do this right where you live, it only needs your commitment and your finger!”

Steven Beckow #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack goldenageofgaia.com

They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous, altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future of up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal illuminati oligopolists.
They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.
They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do.

Steven Beckow #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #quack goldenageofgaia.com

WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the each State in the United States, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them!

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States in the United States; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present influence of oligopolists supporting the secret societies such as the illuminati cabalist is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over not only the great people of the United States but all people of all nations in the Globe. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

They refused Assent to Laws by corruption of the truth, of which is evidenced by the 2020 US Elections Fraud and Misrepresentations at every level, we the people have been usurped of our legal right to exercise and see through our basic right to vote, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and proper representation.
They have abdicated the true United States Government, by declaring us out and without rights and waging War against us, killing us softly with vaccines altering our DNA with RNA, HIV and other poisonous elements.
<<cont. next post>>

Anon #quack #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot archive.4plebs.org

Scared of what is to come with the vaccinated

I am conservative, christian, young unvaxxed male, still live with parents, no job or income. my parents and basically all my family took the vaccines (all of them) They bought into the hoax, before the vaccine I joked with them that a vaccine would come soon out of nowhere for this 99.9% survival rate virus and I would never take it. But they completely changed tune and got it as soon as they could when it released. now I just look back and think I could have prevented it and will haunt me, but they didn't even listen for a single second and got angry.

We will be just sitting there watching TV or doing something and they will have these demonic outbursts of unprovoked hatred straight out of hell about me not being vaccinated. The amount of anger and hate coming from them post vaccine about me refusing it is scary, in all my life I never saw my parents like this, its like they are demon possessed. No human being acts like this. Then after I strongly and firmly refuse the vaccine after a minute or so it is like a switch flips and they go back to normal acting like nothing happened.

From the research I have done, the vaxxed are basically dead already, their DNA has been altered, they are no longer human and will soon all drop completely dead and burn in hell forever. it is starting to set in, and it is sad.

When the other unvaxxed find out they will not be able to handle it. The spike proteins they are shedding is making me sick as well, I can feel myself getting dumber and forgetting things, and occasionally have brutal chest pains even though I am completely healthy young male.

These are not even humans any more just government owned robot, synthetic abominations. Please if anyone reading this has loved ones still on the fence about getting one of the vaccines, do all you can to save them now. I give my life to our Lord Jesus Christ its all I can do now, the only option left.

Eric Dubay #crackpot #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #quack lulu.com

The Atlantean Conspiracy Final Edition is the ultimate encyclopedia exposing the global conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion. Discover how world royalty through the Vatican and secret societies control literally every facet of our lives from behind the scenes and have done so for thousands of years. Topics covered include Presidential Bloodlines, The New World Order, Big Brother, FEMA Concentration Camps, Secret Societies, The Zionist Jew World Order, False Flags & The Hegelian Dialectic, The Lusitania & WWI, Pearl Harbor & WWII, Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin & The Vietnam War, The Oklahoma City Bombing, The 9/11 Inside Job, Media Manipulation, The Health Conspiracy, Fluoride, Vaccines, Engineered AIDS, The Meat & Dairy Myth, The Cure for Everything, Masonic Symbology, Numerology, Time Manipulation, The Christian Conspiracy, Astrotheology, Magic Mushrooms, Atlantis, Kundalini, Enlightenment, Geocentric Cosmology, The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes, Aliens, Controlled Opposition, and much more

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack nowtheendbegins.com

The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.
An amazing thing is happening before your eyes right now, something that the vast majority of the world is watching but unable to comprehend. Our global community, led by a Godless America, spews forth an unrelenting cavalcade of misinformation and disinformation in order to foster an agenda, while demanding a perpetual, daily sacrifice of unborn souls to the altar of Molech. Right now, people are literally weeping at the prospect of abortion coming to an end, and that’s demonic. But hold on, it gets worse.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, it’s another Friday at the end of yet another week of so much end times information that we struggle with what to show you first, each story more horrific than the next. If you have Holy Spirit discernment, understanding what you’re watching is easy as pie, you can see what’s coming from a hundred miles out. But to this God-rejecting and mostly unsaved world we live in, it is the cause of great debate, confusion and consternation. In America, Democrats are weeping at the thought of no longer being able to legally kill their own babies. In Europe, we are watching people being denied food and water because they refuse to be vaccinated. In the Middle East, we see the world’s most vaccinated nation, Israel, with the world’s highest COVID rates. In Asia, we are watching communist China becoming more powerful than America. The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.

Etymological Fallacy Award

Mike Stone #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #racist

Look up the word "sorceries" in Strong's Concordance, a reference book which lists the Hebrew and Greek translation of every word in the Bible, and you'll find the original Greek meaning for sorceries is pharmakeia or pharmacy. In other words, drug medications. So what that line from Revelations is really saying is: "For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy drug medications were all nations deceived."

Does that sound like anything we're going through now?
To lower the human population by means of vaccines can have only two meanings: sterilization or death.

In 2019, Gates filed a patent application entitled Crypto Currency System Using Human Body Activity Data, a system designed to eliminate cash. And just how will this "human body activity data" be transmitted and processed in order to buy and sell? By an embedded microchip, of course.

Can you guess what this patent application number is? It's WO/2020/060606.

This is the same Bill Gates whose company partnered with "spirit cooking" artist Marina Abramovic, an alleged Satanist, and released a commercial starring her on Good Friday. And this is the same Marina Abramovic who proudly posed with Jacob Rothschild before a painting titled Satan Summoning His Legions.

But I guess those are all just coincidences too.
Schwab and others like him envision a future in which natural humans with God-implanted DNA no longer exist, replaced by a population of micro-chipped trans-humanist creatures. This is their future and they can't wait for it to happen.

They want to replace God's creations with their own creations. In essence, they want to become gods themselves.

At this point in time, nothing else matters in the world. This issue is the dividing point between all peoples, between all races and between all political affiliations. You either submit to the jab or you don't.

And for those who don't submit, a sea of tribulations await.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #fundie #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

As globalists accelerate their engineered mass depopulation agenda, we must all remember that God will not intervene until humanity has reaped the consequences of its own destruction. Why is this the case? Because God granted humanity free will, and free will means nothing if those who have it are not allowed to experience the consequences of their own actions.

Because of the unleashing of biological weapons via “vaccines,” we are about to endure a devastating collapse of modern civilization. I believe that even from God’s point of view, this is a necessary process for humanity to return to God and learn the lessons of what happens when you allow your society to become steeped in evil, demonic activities such as abortion, pedophilia, child-maiming transgenderism and bioweapons attacks waged by institutions of “authority.” There only real authority who matters is God, and if he were to step in right now and halt the disastrous outcomes that have been set in motion, humanity would never learn the most important lessons that will reshape our civilization for millennia to come.
Were God to intervene and control the decisions of humans without allowing us to experience free will, then human beings would be nothing but puppets, and God’s creation of life would be a pointless exercise. As the Bible teaches, numerous societies have turned away from God over the last two thousand years, each suffering its own horrific demise, often followed by survivors begging God for forgiveness and salvation. Only when free, conscious beings choose to live under God’s principles of honoring life will society prosper.

Put another way, we will never experience a prosperous society while so many institutions (entertainment, “science,” government, the “church,” etc.) are run by God-hating satanists who revel in the mass murder of unborn children and mass suffering via bioweapons “vaccine” injections.

Rose Hannah/Adrenogate #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net


I’ve heard many iterations of the “true” mark of the beast. I guess the “Mark of the Beast” and the “mark” or “seal of HaSatan” would essentially be 2 separate things we’re talking about. The Seal of Saturn 777, also represented by the 9-3 Thelema. But then we have the “Mark of the Beast”, which could be referring to Lucifer and the 666. I’m still unsure if the Fallen entity known as Lucifer/Abbadon/Azazel is the same entity as the annointed “covert agent of God” known as HaSatan. I see evidence for both paridigms. Which one runs the Saturn Matrix? Who’s more powerful? Does it matter?

I’ve also heard that the original number of “the Beast” was 663, 660, 606 and 616.

Rose says 660. That certainly scores a big point for the 660 crowd. A crowd that seems to be made up of only her since I could find no other sources who claimed 660. Lots of 616 and 606 claims, but not 660. She should get sole credit for this.

When I playing around with the “Comirnaty” Gematria results, I found that “Comirnaty Vax” comes out to 990. So thats a bit creepy too. 990 is 660 inverted. *”Comirnaty” is the new name for the “approved” version of the vaccine.

Like I said, I’ve heard a lot of claims for a lot of different numbers and one claim that it wasn’t even supposed to have been translated as having meant an actual number to begin with and was mistranslated from Arabic to Greek at some point.

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Archangel Michael with a message to the Angelic Warrior Group.

We have been notified that the Light Grid is now lower by 40 percent. This is to do with all the fear and negative reaction to Vee programming.

Understand that when you watch the news that what you are viewing is not actually reality. What you are viewing is that which they desire you to create for them, nothing more. Your belief in the news as being true is a large part of the problem. Your belief in the threats of job loss, of forced vaccination, in further lockdowns and the implementation of communism if you continue to comply, will only put you onto the path where these things will happen. They need not do so, it is simply a question of what you fear.
Sharon knows there is nothing to fear because she has faced many of her fears already: poverty, homelessness, unemployment, abuse, loss of her status in society, no food to eat, lovelessness, and more - she has already faced it. And she is happier and calmer now in the face of this Storm because she has been prepared and absolutely knows that when she allows it, she will be looked after. She has a knowing, it is not even faith.

Me: I must live in one of the least affected spots on this planet although I live right next to Quebec, which really is getting plandemically hammered right now.

Michael: Yes, you breeze through your day without fearing because you realize that there is nothing to fear. That if you do fear it, you will attract it. So you fear not.

Me: Yes. Ivo taught me that. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Michael: And should they require passports for entrance into the grocery store, then what will you do?

Me: Either get my neighbours to get my groceries, find a black market seller, buy online and pick up or there are any number of alternatives. I'm not worried about it.

Michael: Fear is not the true state of the human – love is. Earthlings have learned to fear and you have learned to respond in fear to everything you encounter.

Dr James DeMeo #crackpot #magick #quack westonaprice.org

What if outer space is not a void, but instead has substance, an “aether” that has healing properties that may be of tremendous benefit to us? Dr. James DeMeo makes a compelling case for this perspective based on his decades of research and the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He explains how the energy heals, what we are doing that is compromising its protective properties and what we can do to tap into it to reap its benefits.

This is Episode 327 and our guest is Dr. James DeMeo. James earned his PhD in the field of Geography specializing in Earth and Atmospheric Science. He is the author or editor of nine books and around 100 published research papers. He brings to our attention this controversial opinion about space because it merits examination.

In this episode, James discusses the history of scientists like Nikola Tesla, who believed in a substance they referred to as ether and how this substance can be harnessed to improve our health and ways in which common modern technologies are limiting these healing benefits.

jhartz39 #conspiracy #crackpot #quack greatawakening.win

I bought a 6 pack of Ivermectin horse paste, the same day I received it my MAGA coworker told me his parents had covid. I gave him a tube of the horse paste the next day, they took it and they have made a full recovery within 3 days. It worked like magic.

Everyone should have a tube of this on hand just for emergencies. One tube is enough to treat a 1500 pound horse. So its enough to treat 3-4 people. You have to take 2 doses, 4 clicks per dose twice in a 48 hour period. There are 28 clicks per tube.

I have a feeling the deep state will try to release a more deadly viruses in the future. Before they go down in flames they will try to take the rest of us with them. Protect yourself and your family.

There are many options on Amazon right now. There are 3rd market retailers listed there as well. You do not need a Amazon account to purchase from them.

Stay safe my frens!!!


New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS

Present their 27TH epic event:


NOVEMBER 4-7-2021

Golden Nugget Hotel Las Vegas
5D Events are about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Space Science, ET Disclosure, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Secrets of Pyramids, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Super Soldier SSP Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party. Networking of Researchers, Scientists, Space Scientists, Disclosure groups, Lightworkers, Star Seeds, Consciousness groups, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Tesla Science researchers, Medical Doctors, Business Leaders, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Energy Healers, Mindfulness Coaches, Please join us at this amazing 5D event with diverse audience and amazing speakers with exploration of the five precepts which we consider to be fundamentally allowing ourselves to Quantify further & gauge the following “Health, Wellness, Science, Biomedicine & Quantum Healing”. Within these three days, we shall have the most prominent keynote speakers in each area of those dimensions which will discover and engage with workshops, lectures & panels on some of the most prominent questions in our lifetime.
Event 4 days ticket now is $199 and gradually goes up biweekly to $496 (covers all lectures, Panels, workshops & exhibits), (Dinners are extra).


Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #quack #conspiracy #wingnut projectcamelotportal.com

Think about how they are educating this alien AI… I am calling the Borg. Using humans as their research subjects. This is what the Grey ETs (who serve the Reps and Draco and ultimately the AI that controls them) has been doing from the beginning. In the beginning they only abducted a limited number of humans…then the number increased. Eventually those who knew about the Eisenhower treaty with the various groups of Greys had to try to stop them from taking so many humans. So they redirected them down to South and Central America. Now things have advanced. The Grey/Rep/Draco / aka Luciferian Alliance or Luciferian rebellion against God got the select humans that they had taken over to combine certain choice things into a bioweapon that would cause “flu-like symptoms” — the most common symptoms indicating a body was rejecting something…anything it didn’t like..it’s immune system doing it’s normal job.
It is inevitable therefore that even the fully vaxxed BORG MINIONS will one day wake up from their sleeping sickness inside the body of the beast and once that happens it will be catching. Once a few humans begin to wake up and blink back into existence from within the Borg others will begin to awaken because of the phenomena or principle of RESONANCE and soon it will become an epidemic of AWARENESS and the Borg will loose it’s strength and hold over them until they BREAK FREE and the nano in their bodies will be taken over or transformed to serve their HUMAN MASTERS until in the end the BORG will disperse and taking it’s remaining devotees fly off and leave the PLANET. …PLANNED-NET that it had invaded and go off to search for other less enlightened PLAN-NETS TO INVADE.

Unknown Telegram Poster/Medeea Greere #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut amg-news.com

As you know now, the cabal had long ago planned to kill billions through a pandemic that was planned long ago. You can find hundreds of sources verifying this by searching “LOCKSTEP>ROCKEFELLERS plan/GATES”. There are countless interviews and speeches showing their plans to reduce world population.

For example, look up “GEORGIA GUIDESTONES”. And, in one of his speeches, Fauci assured his audience that a Pandemic was coming for the Trump administration. He and his cabal associates own all the patents for the Corona virus (SARS). Proof of that has been all over the Internet as well.

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines in record speed in 2020, it completely disrupted the CABAL plans. Their original plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest through 5 years of torture/full lockdowns/martial LAWS/mental psychological ops >[MSM] EXTREME EXTREME FAKE DEATH COVERAGES WORLD WIDE >>MOCKINGBIRD<<

By the second year of lockdowns, medication including methamphetamines (speed), DANGEROUS sleeping pills, painkillers, and 15 deadly other medications were planned to bring billions into psychosis, deadly depression, and suicides . . . and stop the production of the pineal gland.

Years into the lockdowns, the deaths from the FORCED medication and psychological torture lockdowns and removal of essential fruits, meats, vegetables and grains would ensure sickness and deaths.

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines… He destroyed the MOLOCH WORLD SACRIFICE SATANIC DEEP STATE PLANS to torture and kill billions through a systematic genocidal agenda. The children would have suffered publicly through “legal” addictions to FORCED deadly medications and overdose. The torture they would endure would insure hospitalization that would induce more torture and pain producing >>>ADRENOCHROME<<<. That was the ultimate plan.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #quack 2012portal.blogspot.com

Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now reaching its peak. Dark attacks in the last few weeks have collapsed about 40 percent of the Light grid on the surface of the planet, and thankfully the grid is slowly recovering in the last few days.
Marco Polo, an ambassador of the Venetian black nobility families, made contact with negative Cabal families in China already in the 13th century. This was the beginning of long and successful cooperation between Eastern and Western Cabal factions which was greatly expanded with Jesuit presence in early Qing court in Beijing in 17th and 18th centuries.

Since in the last few decades the Western Cabal factions were greatly exposed through the alternative media, the black nobility families and the Jesuits have decided to move many of their key people from West to China and in 2016 they have partnered a new alliance with Xi and the Chinese Communist Party as the visible Chinese front and World Economic Forum as the visible Western front. Their goal is New World Order dystopian society with China as the world hegemon.

To achieve that goal, they have released the coronavirus and the Wuhan lab is still developing new strains, with some sources claiming that they have also developed the delta variant and planted it into India.
It is impossible to predict how all this will manifest, but between now and the end of October a Kuiper Belt object named Altjira is in exact conjunction with Rigel, the star of the Orion dark forces:

This is the time of great purification of Rigelian forces that invaded planet Earth in 1996, and after this purification is over my mid/late October, it will be expectedly much easier to manifest the dreams of the Age of Aquarius on the surface of this planet.

Victory of the Light!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Our universe is a multiverse

It is becoming more common to see two suns
Two suns mark the rise of the Antichrist

There is a correlation between sun and consciousness

When Saturn was our sun
We had a higher consciousness

The infrared and ultraviolet rays of Saturn
Was very beneficial to both plants and animals

Much of our DNA now does not function
Because they are turned off

This weakens our spiritual powers and higher senses
Making it easier for spells to control us

Spells manipulate our electric universe
That is why the word magnetic
When the letters net are taken out
Has the word magic

Certain words produce powerful sound tones
When spoken out loud form powerful vibrational patterns
Which direct and control energy

As is shown in the study of cymatics
Sound creates crystalline structures

Gradually activating our DNA in sequence
Is the only way we can handle a sudden flow
Of high frequency energies
Traveling through the higher strands of our DNA

Gamma rays from the array of light waves in the sun simulator
Not only produce piercing heat
But affects the soul

Delta waves are subconsciously conjured up in the mind
When one wears a mask
Making the mind lethargic and susceptible to mind control

It also lessens the ability to be a critical thinker
Making one more resistant to alternative views

Lithium is now being put in chemtrails
Which causes depression

Despite all this
We live in a magical realm
As magical beings

But we are continually being programmed otherwise

Keep your energy up
And do not let the madness bring you down

Speak what you desire into your reality
Do not give thought to what you do not want

The universe wants to mold you into a higher being

John O'Sullivan #quack #wingnut #conspiracy principia-scientific.com

Not only does Covid-19 NOT EXIST, but neither do viruses! Our parasitic controllers just decided at some point that they were going to start calling “exonomes” “viruses”, and then assign this made-up biological contraption with all sorts of omnious and menacing health implications. “Germ Theory” is nothing more than thoroughly disproven quackery(the practice of silly, useless and unscientific medical treatments) and it’s not even that well-hidden of a dirty secret within the world of modern medicine that our entire understanding of most sicknesses in general are based on the work of a fraud who literally made his theory up. So the question then becomes: WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK?
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.

Dr. Steve LaTulippe #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #fundie americaoutloud.com

In the heat of battle, as well as the Arizona and Texas heat, it doesn’t take long for a committed soldier to remind himself that he still belongs to the human race. By the time I returned to Arizona, I had lost almost 15 pounds. That’s when I got the virus. Now, still in recovery, I’ve had my moments of questioning the sanity of so many pursuits. But only for a fleeting moment.

Then I thought about President Trump who seemed to run on indefatigably with a schedule that made mine look like a stroll through the park. And then there are my medical colleagues who so graciously are caring for Covid patients with early treatment, despite receiving the brunt of constant insults, numerous investigations, threats to livelihood, family stressors, discouragement, and trying themselves to survive in the evil pandemic world. Granted, the narrative of the sinister pandemic plot seems to be gradually crumbling, but the warriors who have held the lines of battle are still very few in number. Heroes are made, not born.
This is only because when man loses his fear of God, all true courage is lost. If man will not defend his own honor, how then can he expect to defend his brother’s freedom? It simply is impossible. Self-sacrifice comes not initially from one’s heart, but from one’s experience. Anyone who has tasted of the goodness from the cross of Jesus Christ knows this fact to be true. An army’s strength comes from its leader. Only a love for one’s leader will nullify all fear. And only a perfect love casts out all fear.

The art of self-sacrifice is now all but lost. But it needn’t be. That’s just what America needs right now. Self-sacrifice. We must call upon the Mighty Warrior who granted us favor in the dawn’s early light, The Great Warrior King who strengthens the soul against all enemies. And we must avow to conquer the enemy within—the enemy called fear within our own hearts, and then the enemy within our very borders.

Ye who would—rise up now! Now is the time!

Sally Fallon Morell #quack westonaprice.org

In our book The Contagion Myth, WAPF vice president Tom Cowan, MD and I argue that there is no such thing as contagious disease—that is, disease transferred from a sick person to a well person via pathogenic bacteria or viruses. Disease results from nutrient deficiencies, poisons (including electro-magnetic poisons) and injury, and any microbe found associated with a disease is the result, not the cause of the illness.

But now that a large portion of the population has received an injection against Covid-19, we are hearing about a new kind of contagion—unvaccinated people getting sick after contact with vaccinated individuals. There are reports of menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, fatigue, rashes and strange bruising in the unvaccinated after close contact with the vaccinated.

One theory holds that the culprit is a spike protein, so called because of its arrowhead-like structure, which the body’s own cells make after getting the shot. In a December 8, 2020 letter to the FDA, Patrick Whalen, MD, PhD, of UCLA warned that the injection of spike protein into the blood could cause damage to the cardiovascular system, including clots and inflammation of the heart. The spike protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain. Research has shown that those receiving the injection shed spike proteins in the feces and urine, and a Pfizer document admits that people can be environmentally exposed by inhalation or skin contact. Another theory posits that the RNA injected into people “broadcasts” contagion to others.

Whatever the explanation, what we are witnessing is a “vaccine” that transfers illness to others! The developers of this injection have figured out how to deliver and stabilize the RNA in the injection using the antifreeze PEG (called “lipid nanoparticles”), “viral” vectors and other compounds. Additional poisons added to the shot can make the recipients sick in a variety of ways. The “virus,” now blamed on Chinese scientists in Wuhan, is the cover. What irony—it’s not the unvaccinated who threaten the vaccinated as claimed, but the vaccinated who threaten the unvaccinated!

Alexandra Bruce/Clif High #conspiracy #quack #wingnut forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Clif High is back, with predictions for a very difficult emotional period, marked by a mass die-off of the vaxxinated between December and May, for which we need to prepare.

He says, “We see how weak…the Biden’s Pretendency is. They know they didn’t win. They know they cheated. They also know that we know and that pretty soon, all the Normies will know.”

And as soon as the Normies know, it will all fall apart for the Globalists, which he says is what explains the evasive behavior of the Biden White House; going on vacation, not answering questions – and in the case of our putative future president – disappearing altogether.

“This is Next Level Woo,” he says, “Yes, the American military left Afghanistan. Yes, it was a defeat for the American Empire. But the American Empire was based on the Petrodollar and is not America. It was the USA Petrodollar Empire that died in Afghanistan.”
He continues, “The Globalists…in their thinking, they’ve simply handed Afghanistan over to the next owners, who are the Chinese. I don’t think that’s going to work out so well for them…

“Over the next three weeks, we’re going to see a huge tranche of Normies that wake up and everything’s going to get real frothy, as these people come to an awakening and have bazillions of questions…

“During this period of time, those of us that have answers should be able to hand it out and those of us that don’t know but know that somebody does can point. We can do this for all the Normies and we can start getting everybody onto the same page of the Woo that we’re gelling up on; this morass of unknown.

“The Woo is everything that has been hidden from ourselves…the Woo is that aspect of life that is denied.”

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

Who knew that muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger would turn out to be the biggest pussy in the world, hiding behind a face diaper and crying like a baby about those who refuse to follow the hoax?

Who knew that Bruce Springsteen, hero of the blue collar workingman, would turn out to be a scum-sucking shill for the vaxx and a supporter of Hillary and Obama?

Who knew that Sean Penn, laughably lauded as the greatest actor of his generation, would whine like a little girl and run away from the set of his latest movie until everyone in the cast and crew was jabbed?

Who knew that Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner would turn out to be a crossdressing freak?

Who knew that Tom Cruise would turn out to be a pussified shill for the vaxx?

Who knew that Tom Brady would turn out to shill the stolen election and crack jokes about it?

At various times, these were the most desired men on the planet. Envied as perfect specimens of masculinity ... admired by millions. And they all turned out to be pussies.

It's said that crisis reveals character. You're sure seeing that right here.

And it's not just the people listed above. It's everyone in the public eye. Don't tell me about an actor or actress you admire or anyone in the public eye and claim, "They're different."

They're not different. They're all pussies and cowards.
If you're a young person reading this, don't look to sports stars, politicians, musicians, entertainers or actors as role models. Especially actors. I've met many of them. They're all gay. Even the ones you don't think are gay are gay.

Don't look to anyone outside of your father and a handful of Saints as role models for anything, and if your father wears a mask I wouldn't be so quick to idolize him either.

Sidney Secular #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #racist #quack newswithviews.com

If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!
The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

QuWave.com #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

QuWave Defender helps Targeted Individuals live a happier and normal life. Produces Scalar Fields and Solfeggio Waves to protect body and brain from Electronic Harassment and Psychotronic or Psychic Attacks. Protects mind and body from ELF, HAARP, Implants, Microwave, V2K and Psychic Attacks. Converts electronic and psychic attacks to positive energy. Carry it with you wherever you go. Personal Model QWX1.

(Submitter's note: This is actually the product name. The description is far longer and far more incoherent.)


May Staver #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #quack facebook.com

Bill Gates is definitely a social Darwinianist, like Adolf Hitler, like Margaret Sanger, like J.D. Rockefeller, like the Carnegie Institute, like [Henry] Ford. … They were all Darwinianists, social Darwinianists. They believed in evolution, they believe that Blacks and people that were not white were not as evolved, and that the whites were the more evolved ones—and only certain kinds of whites—and that was their ideology.

If vaccines are supposed to make you more healthy, and you want to reduce population by 10 to 15 percent—which is going to be 700 million to a billion people on the planet, [Gates] wants to do that right away; about a billion people on the planet he wants to reduce and wipe off the planet now. You have to ask yourself how you’re going to do that. And if vaccines actually make you live longer, why would you then say people need vaccines? Well, it’s because they know that when they inject them, they can put things in your body that ultimately affect your reproduction.
The vaccines go to certain concentrated places. It has very high concentration in the ovaries. What we’re seeing with women is missed menstrual cycles, two menstrual cycles a month, heavy bleeding, painful menstrual cycles. We’re even seeing that with people, by the way, who haven’t gotten the shot but have been in close proximity to those who have the shot. Start asking women in your reaches—it may be a sensitive situation, but just ask them: Have you experienced, after being in close contact with somebody who’s had the shot, have you experienced any rashes? Just ask them two questions: rashes or bleeding? And I can guarantee you [that] you will be surprised at how many women will come back and say, “Oh my—that’s why my monthly cycle is all messed up.”

What it’s doing is it’s affecting the reproductive systems. And it goes to the testes as well. And it’s affecting both men and women in terms of their ability, or rather their inability, to later procreate. So, one: It’s killing people. Two: it’s going to prevent people from procreating. So, I will guarantee you that in a few years, when somebody does a study, they’re going to say, “I wonder why the population reproduction rate has plummeted?” And whether they’re going to connect it to this or not, I don’t know. But this is their insidious plan.

Time Transportal #conspiracy #wingnut #quack timetransportal.com

The Pentagon wants to order troops to get the Covid Vax. What about the truth community stories and the Great Awakening? Is this the final End Game?

The weather is sunny here. A cool breeze. perhaps a calm before the storm? Is it the storm as mentioned by Q and
the QAnons? Or the devastating storm of the E.L.E.? Or was Q referring to the E.L.E. storm?

These times are really a challenge. Even the most gentle folks and people with lots op patience are starting to get mad.
We are trying to be gentle and easy going, but we almost used the title: "Fck doom. We want answers." We changed it to: skip doom. During these harsh times we like to try not to use much profanity, which is not always easy. Let's skip the doom, shall we? But first some disturbing news from the Pentagon a.k.a. The Pentagram.

What If?
What if the troops get the ClotKillShot Covax? What if many troops will leave the material world Earth density a.k.a. dying. Or get disabled, crippled by the ClotShot? Will foreign troops replace the U.S. troops? Are these the many refugee boys and men, from North Africa trying to get into Europe? And also South American boys and men, crossing the border into the USA? Are they being recruited? There were rumors, online chatter and videos of UN military vehicles driving on US roads. Also videos of cargo trains carrying UN vehicles.

Americans are armed. Lots of guns owned by US citizens. Will this scare off the UN foreign troops? Are the UN troops MK programmed into urban and country combatants? Nobody wants to think about war, except for the weapons dealers perhaps. May be this secret war continues with a battlefield that is in the shadows. Silent war. UN troops using silent tactics. Quiet weapons for quiet wars, you know.

State of the Nation #wingnut #quack #conspiracy netflix.com

Without any doubt whatsoever, the Biden Adminstration and U.S. Intelligence Community (all 17 alphabet agencies) are now on a very serious mission to irreversibly demonize the entire Covid Truth Movement.

The NWO perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 really have no choice at this point as the various Truth Movements have become so successful at disseminating life-saving information and data across the planet.

This stark reality for the CORONAhoax perps has made them desperate, reckless and brazen to the extreme. They are literally operating like cornered rats, which the truly are, and, therefore, they are quite likely to devastate the truth-seeking movements by any means necessary and every means possible. They don’t care how much collateral damage is done, or how many innocent people are killed in the process. Remember, these are the very same genocidal criminals behind the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks against the American people, so what won’t they do.
Along with revealing the criminal details of that HUGE election fraud that saw POTUS imposter unlawfully installed in the Oval Office, the same liberal perps are just as desperate to steal the 2022 midterm elections. This can only be accomplished by falsely perpetuating the ongoing COVIDcon farce right through the present election cycle. Hence, false flag terrorism will be employed by the perfidious perps at every turn necessary.

Given these harrowing developments for the Democrats traitors, Deep State enablers, NWO globalists manipulators, and treacherous Bidenites, they will resort to a series of false flag 9/11-level terrorist attacks in order to malign the good American people intent on exposing the Covid crime wave; what is actually an immense Covid crime tidal wave.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #quack #wingnut adrenogate.net

This cockamammy narrative about the “Greater Good” is such a lame and pathetic ruse. I’m infinitely ashamed of the human species in that all it took was some contrived narrative about “public safety” and suddenly the general population throws themselves on the ground at the feet of these evil politicians. Offering to do whatever they tell them to as they eagerly sacrifice whatever remnants of liberty and personal freedoms that they may have had left in the tin. And not just their own personal freedoms, but the personal freedoms of everyone else around them as well. As if they were theirs to give away in the first place. All as they pad their raging moral superiority complexes and constantly flex about how woke and responsible they are. And most importantly how much better they are than you for deciding to allow an array of despicable serpentine politicians to jam an experimental syrum into their bodies. Do you want to know what happened in the human trials? Well, that information is currently unavailable because WE ARE IN THE FUCKING HUMAN TRIALS AS WE SPEAK.

What the fuck is wrong with humanity? I think the answer is that many or most of them aren’t human.
The human race is fucking pathetic and I can’t help but to agree with this euthanization protocol that’s been implemented. Our species needs to shed some water weight. I can see that now. I don’t mean to sound cruel when I say that, but for the sake of the innocent and most importantly, for the future of our species, these psychologically defective, easily “manipulatable” and sociopathic waste buckets who have enabled our oppression throughout this ordeal need to be removed from the population. Eugenics, but not based race, but rather based on one’s propensity to be a fucking idiot who is unable to think critically or apply basic discernment. I don’t think that’s hateful. It’s actually compassionate. Those who are legit, full-blown mentally handicapped will get a pass.

JimboJr #quack #conspiracy reason.com

The media and govt have really squeezed this COVID thing for all it had to give. Between the mass panic and sheep-like behavior they clearly demonstrated their power over the weak.

I feel like this will be a turning point people look back on. What a corrupt govt/media can do when they know they can control people like puppets (or desire it as much as possible). People will look back at the flip flops, the incorrect guidance, the public shamings, the panic, the attempt (hopefully failed) to divide society on a virus with a <1% fatality rate that is mostly an issue for those who are very sick already and have multiple comorbidities, that live 1 medical condition away from deaths door all time.

And that they almost never….seriously almost never…said to the public: "you know the best thing for you would be to lose some weight, exercise daily, get healthy amounts of vit C, vit D, and really all vitamins, eat better, and take care of yourself/your health conditions". But they didnt do that. They said "stay inside, lockdown, wear a mask, govt will send you a relief check…stay at home order Uber eats."

Its almost like they really didnt want to help people but rather make sure they were good lazy little cattle. Delicious, Kobe beef.

Neil and Melissa Amrhein #fundie #wingnut #quack newschannel5.com

Administrators of Valor Collegiate Academy locked the doors on the first day of school as one student attempted to walk into the building without a mask. His parents say their religious exemption should have been honored.

Neil and Melissa Amrhein stood outside the publicly-funded and privately-run charter school with their son for nearly 40 minutes Monday morning. They recorded the encounter with school CEO Todd Dickson, who could be heard explaining why their son was not allowed in the building.
Neil says in years past, the school made exceptions for students who wore certain attire in line with their religious beliefs. He says this should be no different. He and his wife feel their children should not have to wear something they believe would restrict them in any way.

“Our God is not Fauci, it’s Jesus and we should have the rights to be defended and supported in the same way,” Neil said.

Each day their son stays home because of the family stance on masks counts as an unexcused absence and these two say it’s a policy that needs to change. Not just for them, but for the countless other families who also want their kids in school and won’t settle for anything less.

“I would like to make medical decisions for my children and religious decisions for our family. My husband and I like to make those together, without influence from the government or the school board. Our beliefs are that our freedoms come from God, not from man, not from governing bodies,” Melissa said.

The Amrhein family has not decided on what to do next, but says they intend to continue to make periodic trips to the school to demand a change. They say their problem is not with the school, but with their policy to follow Metro guidelines.

Remedia Homöopathie #quack provings.info

(From an index of homeopathic “remedies”)


Substance Abbreviation Systematics
Excrementum vaccinum (Cow dung) Excr-v Bovidae

Resources (underlined names are direct links)
Remedia Homöopathie

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

to open, click on +
is not known to us at the moment, not yet published or nonexistent

More substances of this family:
Bos primigenius taurus /Excrementum tauri
Cattle excrement

(Submitter’s note: Remedia Homöopathie seems to have since removed the product from their catalog)

Myanmar Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture #fundie #quack irrawaddy.com

After killing more than 900 people—including dozens of children, some barely 6 years old—since its coup in February, the military regime, which describes itself as the defender and promoter of Buddhism in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, is now urging the people to take refuge in Buddha

On Tuesday, readers were left open-mouthed when they saw a notification in the junta’s mouthpiece newspapers in which the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture urged them to recite daily in their homes the Ratana Sutta, a Buddhist discourse that followers believe can offset the effects of famine and disease

In response, a Buddhist monk wrote on his Facebook page: “What people need is oxygen, and not the verse”
The Religious Affairs and Culture Ministry said it had asked the region- and state-level Buddhist authorities known as Sangha Nayaka Committees to instruct township-level Buddhist authorities to recite the Ratana Sutta and other religious verses in line with COVID-19 regulations in their respective wards, villages and townships

The request came a month after junta troops swore and beat Buddhist monks from Masoeyein Monastery in Mandalay who were reciting suttas during a prayer service for Myanmar

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My Dear Fellow Americans and the World, I want to address my concern about the future of humanity. You were born to this reality as free souls, and no one has the right to make a decision for you on how to live your life. The controllers are taking their final push to kill humanity, and the ones, who are going to completely survive this, are going to loose all of their humans rights.

Now, it’s the time for you to stand up for your rights and freedom. This is your chance to get your freedom back and speak up that you had enough of being told on how to exist in this 3D illusion. Almost 1.5 years ago, everyone had forced vacations to stay at home.

If you are not going to stop them now, they are going to continue with their Dark agenda. Please, use your Love and Light against them. I can see the future, where humanity is united globally and removing all of these dark souls and freeing themselves. Just a reminder, everyone came here with the mission to liberate this planet.

This is the time for you to fight for your freedom, otherwise they are going to continue to put restrictions on your existence. The Darkness is always busy in creating new plans, on how to manipulate and lie to the humankind. I aware that the Awaken Ones are so done with all of their schemes and are ready to move on to the next phase of Ascension.

It makes me sad to see that a big part of the population are still asleep and believe, what the officials and the agencies are saying to them. You are the ones who are going to change everything for the better, and let the new era arrive to Mother Earth. Don’t wait to be rescued by anyone, your presence here is not coincidental. You are going to help humanity to save and bring this great planet to 5D.

You can’t allow anymore for the existence of Darkness, it’s time to put a stop to it. We are all in this together. I, John F. Kennedy sending my Love and Support in your fight for your freedom. Thank you.

Thomas Muller #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack winterwatch.net

The use of Roundup and its active agent, glyphosate, became the perfect Crime Syndicate scam during the last 25 years. Roundup is now routinely sprayed directly on a host of GMO crops, including wheat, barley, oats, canola, flax, peas, lentils, soybeans, dry beans and sugar cane.

The purveyor of these compounds, Monsanto, combined with Bayer, another “crop science” kingpin. Post-merger agriculture will be in the hands of five mega-corporations: Monsanto-Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta and BASF. These mega-corps will, in turn, own the regulators lock, stock and barrel.
Luciferians Try to Outsmart Nature, Humanity Pays the Price

This toxin is hard to escape. It’s found in 75% of air and rain water samples. It’s a global issue. Children in Argentina, where Roundup is used in high concentrations, struggle with health problems. Eighty percent show signs of the toxins in their bloodstream.

As massive amounts of glyphosate and other nasty agents make their way into the food supply, a sudden and steady increase of autism is being noted in younger children. The Crime Syndicate-owned “government,” in typical corrupt fashion, has refused to respond and instead decided to ignore or sabotage animal studies on the matter. Now, negative human outcomes are emerging in almost perfect correlation with glyphosate usage.

There’s a second correlation related to aluminum in vaccines and autism. In fact, as the second chart shows that autism diagnoses in children ages 3 to 17 are running at over 1 in 50 and climbing rapidly. As one can see from the charts, autism prior to 1995 (and the extreme use of glyphosate) was quite rare.
Can you picture a generation in which 5 to 10 percent are autistic? What a perfectly designed human Frankenstein modification for the Crime Syndicate agenda.

None dare call it conspiracy. More on GMOs to come. The pesticides are just the tip of the iceberg. In a nutshell: Keep the Luciferians away from screwing with the natural order.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #ufo finalwakeupcall.info

Anyone who is not on the specific Earth-frequency for awakening and healing, meaning open to incoming ascension energies; the inward waves of harmonic resonances leading to unity consciousness, will either have to transform or fail. This consist of your body and soul, and is not fantasy, it is measurable, real science and fact, called Schumann resonances that are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and incited by energies in our universe and noticeable during lightning.
A method to treat physical complaints by means of radio frequencies, is aided by highly advanced and avant-garde equipment, to treat physical complaints or to prevent, reduce and heal. Intentionally, hidden from the public eye, as it is not benefitting Big Pharma.
President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation, “within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.” Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like; Age regression, up to 30 years. No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

Proof is in the signed executive orders. Med beds have the ability to regrow organs that are missing, such as a gall bladder, kidney or lymph nodes etc. Through the use of light spectrums and frequencies.
The technology of the Holographic Medical Pods is not from planet Earth. It is not a humanoid created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world extraterrestrials. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy those are hypothetical faster-than-light particles and plasma energy. Plasma energy comes of the universe, balancing planets to keep them in their position, in order they do not collide with each other. In other words; the solar system is in balance with itself and with all the planets.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Like reanimated corpses, my neighbors have been brought back to life by demonic possession.

Like traditional zombies, they are capable of movement, but not rational thought. So they walk the streets, wearing face masks to protect themselves from an imaginary virus. Try explaining to them how their entire life is now being manipulated by a illusion and they flee in terror.

On more than one occasion they have seen me walking mask-less down the sidewalk in their direction. They respond by stepping ten yards sideways, out into the street, to avoid catching a deadly disease from me.

At least twice a week I strike up a conversation with one of these zombie strangers. I steer the talk to the virus hoax and watch their reaction. If they haven't already fled, I offer them a paper or pamphlet to read, something that provides solid evidence that the whole thing is a hoax. 99.9% of the time they refuse to take it.
That is something I never understand. If someone offers me information, I take it. People at the metro station hand out Communist newspapers. I always take one. If someone - anyone - has better information than me, I want to know about it.
It gets kind of frustrating after awhile. I have a tendency to want to help people. No matter how down and destitute they are, I just want to help. Maybe it's a Good Samaritan complex, I don't know. But to see so many people in need of so much help and they don't even know it, can be heartbreaking at times.

I feel especially bad for the children. I see them being led around by their parents all over my neighborhood. The poor kids are masked and can barely breathe. Heartbreaking.

Time Transportal #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #ufo timetransportal.com

You may have heard about the Planet-X, some call it: Niburu or Nibiru. The planet with her own trajectory, moving from another solar system into our solar system. The invisible-visible planet. And you may have heard the rumors that this planet is about to approach Earth and this can cause severe Earth changes.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in a flat Earth, a spherical Earth or Crater Earth. The interview with John Moore is important for everybody. Various details and examples are presented in this interview, which will connect many dots and links for you. Why it doesn't matter in what type Earth you believe? Because the cabal or whatever you want to call them, are able to do all kinds of weather modifications, including Earth quakes, tornados and more severe weather events. You know the usual suspects: H.A.A.R.P., EISCAT, satellite based Direct Energy Weapons and so on. Besides that: the stories about another planet approaching Earth is quiet old and possibly based on reality.

What about the Earth dome hypothesis? If there's a huge dome over Earth, then we can really go to space and space objects can't hit us? People going into space is something questionable. We have seen the wires on Astronaut's, when watching some NASA videos, but where going a bit off topic here. Just don't be surprised if some billionaire in 'space' announces first contact with an Extra Terrestrial race. Or the Earth is hit by cataclysms while they are in 'space'. It's always a good idea to prep for whatever.

As if all the chaos on Earth is not enough: the renegade Planet-X is approaching Earth and may cause mass mayhem.
The chaos may be well organized and orchestrated. There's a reason why so many people talk about: Plandemics and the kill shot or: clotshot.

Alexandra Bruce/Clif High #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Clif says that the healthcare workers in France striking over Macron’s vaccine mandates and other similar vaxx Refusniks represent the first sprinkle in what will soon become a massive, cascading “tidal woo” that he thinks will utterly overwhelm the Corona Hoax.

He says a fraud case is being built against the CDC for perpetrating the fraud that is COVID-19 and this would nullify any indemnities previously granted by the government to Big Pharma, because the government cannot provide legal protection to a fraud.

He says, “The 41 people that are running things (and wiping Biden’s ass) are…this Communist collective within the White House are, themselves so incompetent that they’re running up against things they’re incapable of dealing with and they’re breaking down all over…They’re not going to be able to marshal their forces and withstand what’s coming to kick on them, in terms of the election, lawsuits and all of this.

“Their only possible way of responding is going to basically be violence. So there is the real possibility that the fake government will try to set up fake riots about fake Trump people getting really pissed that he’s not reinstalled and all of that. Fake Q terrorists, you know, those terrible old lady Q terrorists that are out there, pelting people with brownies and cookies and forcing milk on them! Oh! The horror!

“You have to understand that The Powers That Be that control this fraudulent government, they run on a Luciferian calendar…they’ve got to do things at certain times and we’re coming up to a time where their calendar efforts are going to be disrupted. They’re supposed to be very active but they won’t be able to be very active, because they’re going to be under attack [from all the class action lawsuits]…That’s going to cause further problems for them. This is part of the Overwoo.

Anti-vaxxer #wingnut #quack vice.com

Looking for a Great Reset Survival Partner

Looking for a woman who is as serious as I am about staying free of the great reset and covid agenda, and every other name for the globalist, technocratic transformation of human life. I’m not covid vaxxed and I’m staying unvaxxed.

What matters to me: Truth, personal and family loyalty, a self determined and natural way of life.

Hard No’s: Intersectional, progressive or modern left-wing politics. I’m positive toward my people and culture and I believe in nature, biology and physical reality. Woke politics doesn’t mix with that.

Mike Stone #crackpot #quack #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Have you taken the COVID-19 vaccination? Are you concerned about the vaccine's side effects? Are you worried about shedding from people who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine?

You're not alone. There are millions of more people just like you. Unlike the many gloom-and-doomers out there, I do not subscribe to the theory that all is lost, that the ill effects of the jab or from shedding are irreversible, a burden one must carry.
Nobody knows what in the vaccine is killing people or causing them to become ill, or what is in the shedding that is creating miscarriages and more illness.

However, whatever it is can be summed up in one word: toxicity. And the way to remove toxicity from the body is the same no matter what the source.

Dr. Max Gerson, a Jewish physician who left Germany for New York in the 1930s, was a medical genius who discovered a way to reverse cancer through a program of juicing and coffee enemas.

Dr. Gerson's use of coffee enemas to cleanse the liver is dismissed by the ignorant, but it has a long and successful track record of medical application dating back to World War I, when it was used in place of morphine. Coffee enemas are universally acknowledged as the greatest pain relief medication in the world, and a wonderful treatment for depression.
With that in mind, the first thing I would do, and I do it every day as a preventive measure, is drink lots and lots of organic vegetable juice. It's the first step in any healing program, and cucumber juice is one of my secret weapons in combating the effects of shedding.

In closing, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention this, if I were suffering from illness - or even if I weren't - I would embrace traditional (pre-Vatican II) Catholicism. I recommend traditional Catholicism because it is necessary for salvation and also because the Catholic Church is the only religion in the world with a long history of documented miracles. And a miracle of healing might be just what you need.

Paul Bury #fundie #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

I was at a local hospital recently and they demanded every single person wear a mask. Even if you have been vaccinated and only have a 5% chance of receiving or transmitting the Chinese COVID-19 virus. Even if you get the Chinese COVID-19 virus you have a 99.98% chance of surviving it. I immediately railed against their ignorance of science. I had not worn a mask in many months. I got vaccinated even though I question if I really needed to that. Plus when you run the numbers I acknowledged I did not really need to get vaccinated. I did and know the numbers are seriously on my side. The science is on my side. There are people and places that ignore reality, numbers and science. Why are they so insistent on masks?

I think masks have become the new blanket for some people. You know Linus from Peanuts right? He had to carry his blanket with him. It was a comfort thing for him. It was a security thing for him. I believe masks are a security blanket for some people. They feel safe and they want to impose that on everyone else. They don’t care about your rights or liberty. They are controlled by fear and have a belief that the masks are keeping them safe. I am writing this article from a waiting room in this hospital wearing a mask because I will be arrested if I don’t. I thought this was the land of the free. I thought we had liberty. I guess I was completely and totally wrong in those thoughts. I promised Yolanda I would not cause trouble otherwise this is a hill I might be willing to die on. Would that finally open some eyes? Would that finally wake up some sheep?

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