
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Aita channeling Her Higher Self #quack #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

Let us now turn to your wonderful future. What will await you as you move into your fifth dimensional world reality? Indeed you are moving into an incredible time.

Your water and your food will no longer be poisoned. Your health will improve exponentially from that alone. You will all become vegetarians and revel from the well being you will feel.

The medical system will be removed. Health care will truly be health care as the truth about drugs becomes evident. The old system of money making radiation, chemotherapy, drugs and operations and regular physicals with their multitude of expensive and invasive tests, will disappear.

There will be healing machines, that will scan the human body and vibrationaly assess and cure any ailment. Cancer will no longer be a force, for its cause will be removed and its life draining treatment, no longer needed.
History will be rewritten as the truth of our entrainment becomes known. The story of the true experience of Mankind will be known to all. And Mankind will revel in that knowledge and what they have achieved by living the Human life.

The financial system will be revamped. In the transition period to the fifth dimension, money will still be used. But it will be gold backed and of value, not just paper that can be be printed at will.

The petty and heavy rules and regulations imposed by our bloated bureaucracy will disappear as laws are rewritten to be kind and benevolent. Justice will become just. She will no longer wear a blindfold. Adversarial lawyers and attorneys will be a thing of the past. For. remember, we will be telepathic and, in truth, a lie can no longer be told. The two tiered system of justice will be gone. Justice will be just for all.

whale.to #quack #conspiracy #crackpot whale.to

[This is the 'Protection Racket' 1 for the extortion scheme known as Allopathy Inc (that sits upon Vivisection), run by the Psychopathic Medical Mafia. With one hand they create and maintain disease, with the other extort taxpayers money for 'protection' through drugs--only one class of drugs, the antibiotics, has cured any disease. The more fear they can induce then the less thinking and the easier it is to control people into the direction they want: Allopathy. They create fear of infectious disease by suppressing infectious disease cures (Vitamin C Conspiracy Sandler, M.D. Natural Healing, Homeopathy), suppressing the nutritional and poisonous causes (Infections & poisons Infection & nutrition) hyping their danger (Hype Disease risk), enforcing the false Pasteurian germ theory, and making out man made diseases are infectious (AIDS, Polio, BSE), while covering up the ineffectiveness of vaccination, and the real reason for their decline, by propaganda.
The degenerative disease racket is kept up in a similar way: suppress the cause and cures, and use largely ineffective, but lucrative, toxic Allopathic medicine that only treats symptoms (palliates) but never cures. Disease is also created by a covert-poisoning scheme, eg fluoridation, vaccine disease, Aluminium, Junk Food etc. see: Human genocide
In the US the racket is controlled by the FDA (Food and Drug Bandit), which protects and controls the market for Allopathy Inc drugs. The CDC (Disease Control Bandit) makes sure everyone is frightened of 'infectious' disease so they can sell vaccines, whose propaganda value is incalculable (see: Why Vaccination Continues).

Mary Sue Award

Sean Bond #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #mammon projectcamelotportal.com

Sean Bond, I am a Healer with a vast skill-set which includes: The ability to read DNA records and Spirit (Light Body) wisdom Accessing past life knowledge skill sets and dormant abilities Reiki Master Psionic Specialist Meditation Instructor Life Coach Problem solver and Spiritual Conduit for teaching others about multidimensional awareness and interaction with all their individual DNA technologies, higher functions and operation systems within anyone’s soul sparks/chards of their multidimensional self to help them manifest in the physical. I’m skilled at accessing the user manual for DNA technology of the body to track issues back to the point of origin, in order to resolve any problem happening to the body or may be accessed by organic, spiritual technology within each individual. I assist in creating operating systems to help individuals manifest dormant abilities that unlock their psychic potential and upgrade the body’s energy systems. <...> Skill-sets I teach: Telepathy Psychic Tracking Law of Attraction Manifesting Increase Consciousness Time Travel Remote Viewing Quantum Field Control Psionic Defense Psychic Surgery Reiki Energy Manipulation & Balancing Co-Creating & Manifestation Techniques Every one is born with a unique skillset of gifts just waiting to be unlocked. Sadly, most people go their entire lives with-out opening their own presents ie: Presence. Anybody in need of help and assistance, especially Targeted Individuals “I HAVE THE TOOLS TO HELP YOU “

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #elitist henrymakow.com

Do you feel odd, different or strange? Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole? Do you wonder if you even belong in current-day human society?

You know the whole coronavirus deal is a hoax, but everyone in your neighborhood is wearing a mask, looking like extras from a bondage movie.

You know Black Lives Matter is a violent, terrorist organization, but your employer just signed a statement of solidarity with them and they want you to attend "diversity training." They say it's "voluntary," but you know exactly what will happen if you don't go.

You know Hollywood is nothing more than a collection of homosexual leading men, washed up old hags, and shameless young whores on their way to becoming washed-up old hags, but you're forced to listen incessantly to your co-workers gush about their celebrity crushes.

Welcome to the world of the awake. Not the phony woke world of the Social Justice Warrior, perpetuated by Communist academia and the fake news media, but the real world. A world visible to you; a world you alone are able to decipher as if you were wearing X-ray glasses that no one else possessed. A world invisible to everyone else.
How do you deal with friends and family who just don't want to know the truth? Who are indifferent to the danger we all face? How do you navigate your way through a maze of utter stupidity and deceit?
Are you a man or a woman without a country? A stranger in a strange land? An interloper from another galaxy stranded on this mortal coil of idiocy?

R from Latvia #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

Well, today, the government-controlled MSM propaganda page www.delfi.lv has stated that yesterday there have been 4000 tests performed and there has been record (for our country) 95 cases, so they are again trying to instill fear in us and saying that there might be new restrictions.
Right now, I am reading an investigative report on COVID scam, provided by link on Your twitter (I`m reading it almost every day as Your website) translated to English, by the french officer's reserve army, and I`m deeply saddened, at some point, reading this document, my heart started to racing very fast, we all must stand up and take a stance against satan and all of his minions, all these ancient generational satanic families...

Much of what I have read is confirmed there, soon I will try to talk to my family and friends and inform them about what is coming to us. I have a wife and a 9-year-old son. I myself am 36 years old, consider myself a sinner, but as I understand, we must do as much good as we can and as less evil as we can, to love, hope, and believe, and then the light, this divine spark, may shine from inside of us.
On some local pages, I have read, that Latvia can become one of the first countries in the world with a fully installed 5G network. Just look, what they`re are writing in this agenda, for example, Who knew that trees can become digital?

I`m not scared, if I must die for the greater good of humankind, let it be, but I don't want our humankind to become artificial bio-robots, and, ultimately, be destroyed within the soul-spirit level.

jasonvarnado #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack #psycho incels.is

[Theory] Slut-shaming is natural and essential. High IQ post.

Evolution not only shaped our body it also made us think and react to things the way we do. Our behavior isn't random, it should benefit our genes, thus it should benefit us. And being intolerant towards sluts is essential for us men in order to survive and pass our genes. Here is why:

Imagine there is a tribe. Half of the men don't tolerate slut behavior and will never invest their resources in a slut. Another half dgaf if their woman is a slut. Now think, who will be more successful in passing their genes? Men who hate sluts! Why? Because those who tolerate this behavior have higher risk of being cucked by a slut and raise someone's else children thus not passing his own genes thus eliminating this behavioral pattern. Look around, evolution shaped our behavior because 99.9% of men (except cucks:soy:) would rather have relationship and children with a virgin or someone with a low body count because evolutionary that gives us better chance of raising our own offspring. Easy as that. So when cucked media is telling us that we are bad for hating on sluts they are dismissing the fact that it was fucking hardwired in our head to be unapologetic towards this shit.

Donald Trump #god-complex #quack nypost.com

President Trump said he’s a “perfect physical specimen” and feels better than ever after battling the coronavirus.

“I’m back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young. And so I’m lucky in that way,” he said on Fox Business Thursday.


“I’d love to do a rally tonight. I wanted to do one last night. But I think I’m better to a point that I feel better than I did,” he said.

He said he received remdesivir and it made all the difference.

“You take it and it beats the hell out of it. And I’m telling you I could have walked out of there 24 hours after I went in. I didn’t even have to go in, frankly. I think it would have gone away,” he said.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #quack #dunning-kruger incels.is

Why the mythical non-existant foid orgasm is the reason why you are rotting in Inceldom

The reason why foids forsake their biological imperative of mating with their looksmatch is because they chase useless things like "foid orgasm". In their warped minds goodlooking = chad = good sex = foid orgasm & ugly = incel = bad sex = no orgasm
Countless studies and experiments and also a huge wealth of anecdotal evidence have shown that foids are ruthlessly selfish and self serving animals and only care about their pleasures - which is why they dont care that they are perpetuating inceldom at an ungodly rate and would rather chase after "orgasms" than settle for their looksmatch
The Dogpill exists purely becase of the foids unnecessary need for orgasm. Thats why they choose a canine animal with a grotesque dick to fuck because it takes a lot to get a foid to orgasm. Dogpill almost accurately mimics and simulates rape which is why foids love the dog pill so much. The wild uncoordinated primal thrusts of a dog penis closely resembles those of a rapist thats why the dogpill is soooo appealing. In this futile search for orgasm foids bypass and over look a large number of males who inturn become incels.
The cock carousel is very appealing to foids because they are forever chasing the elusive foid orgasm. They waste their youth and virginity whilst chasing muh orgasms and they disenfranchise their looksmatchs whilst in this trivial pursuit. These disenfranchised men become incels.

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) #fundie #quack #wingnut lgbtqnation.com

Faith healing “school” becomes a COVID hotspot with 137 cases. It has ties to Donald Trump.
The man who runs the school was reportedly asked by Trump to "anoint every door in the White House" with olive oil.

Someone at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) wasn’t paying attention in class. The California “school” for faith healers is the latest COVID hotspot with 137 infections in the past month alone.

And, of course, the leadership of the ministry has ties to President Donald Trump’s coterie of evangelical Christian “advisors” and reportedly anointed “every door in the White House” with olive oil at Trump’s request.


Trump allegedly disguised the unaccredited school’s owner, Bill Johnson, as a janitor shortly after taking office and instructed him to anoint every door with olive oil in a bid to ward off demons according to the megachurch’s east coast head.

Trump has met with evangelical leaders and submitted to the anointing and “laying on of hands” ritual in photos widely circulated by the religious right.


Earlier this year, the school agreed to stop sending students to local hospitals to “cure” coronavirus. The church canceled missionary trips and told congregants who are feeling sick to stay home. They encouraged their over 9000 members to wash their hands frequently, too.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Poor hateful delusional Hollywood liberals. Wrong again. @realDonaldTrump recovers w/mild symptoms in a couple days...takes HCQ + Zinc + Z Pak...goes right back on campaign trail like Superman...shows world what great leader he is...no need to ever panic again. Legend is enhanced

Dennis Prager, Founder of PragerU #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger mediamatters.org

CALLER: I want to discuss the hydroxychloroquine. I'm surprised you even mentioned it on the radio because some of the biggest names on TV, medicine people like Dr. Oz and Pinksy, I don't know if you know Dr. Zelenko, if you've listened to any of his stuff, but their voices have just been drowned out, and it's almost like they are living in fear -- well maybe with the exception of Dr. Zelenko. But it seems like everyone is living in fear and won't even discuss it. And I wanted to see what you thought about that.

DENNIS PRAGER (HOST): I know, I know, look, they didn't discuss it yea or nay with regard to the president. That was my opening comment. The president is the one who recommended it to begin with. You'd think something would've been said.

I mean, isn't that the obvious question everybody would have? Did he take it in the early days? Was he taking it as a prophylactic? I've announced ten times I take it every week. I take zinc every day and I take hydroxychloroquine every week.

The fact that the people feel intimidated is only because we have communists running medicine, just like we have running everything else. I never used this term before. I can't -- You prefer leftists? I'll use leftists. They shut you up. Free speech has never existed in anything that the left controls. Never. Whether it's the Soviet Union, China, Eastern Europe under communism, or the universities today in America.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #quack twitter.com

Pray for swift full recovery for @realDonaldTrump & First Lady. But perfect learning moment for USA? My pal Dr Vlad Zelenko has treated 2200+ Covid cases, only 2 deaths. HCQ + zinc + Z pak miracle treatment. Prove 2 nation we have nothing to fear.

NoCopeOnlyRope #sexist #dunning-kruger #quack incels.is

[Serious] Body Dysmorphia Isn’t Real

Body Dysmorphia is just a shitty diagnosis created by bluepilled cuck psychiatrists to shut down the naturally blackpilled people and label them as being mentally ill. For example, if you went to a psychologist/psychiatrist and complained that you were depressed/anxious that you were balding, they would diagnose you with BDD, when in reality, you’re a completely rational person who realizes the life consequences of going bald and how people will treat you as a result and the extent to which it will hinder the quality of your life. If BDD was normalized, people would become more blackpilled and eventually, society would start to collapse.

2Headpats4You #dunning-kruger #sexist #quack incels.is

[Discussion] Intelligence is only found in patriarchal species.

The females are bigger than the males in most species on the planet including, insects, molluscs, fishes, and reptiles. Mammals and birds are the exception; they contain only patriarchal species in which the males are bigger, stronger and more dominant. Mammals and birds must have evolved a patriarchal gender balance independent of eachother as well as intelligence.

Some say that cephalopods are intelligent because they can be conditioned to repeat certain behaviour but they are very r-selected; they lay around 100 000 eggs at a time and don't raise their offspring. Birds and mammals are intelligent and are taught about the world by their parents at a young age, especially if the father partakes too.
It appears as if intelligence, teaching and monogamy* only appear in patriarchal species which are a minority on the animal kingdom.

*Though there is a norm of monogamy among many species, female cheating has been observed in all known species of birds except for one.
The pattern among mammals is probably similar.

ionlycopenow #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack #sexist incels.is

Why do normies treat female validation as if it's worth shit?

It's not. Some useless whore picked a Chad over another guy, that doesn't mean the Chad is somehow superior overall, just means he was born better looking. In fact foids make species more stupid when they're allowed to be the ones picking mates. Plenty of species went extinct due to sexual selection.

Their validation isn't worth fucking shit. In proper times their "validation" meant you clubbing them over the head and raping them since they're too fucking weak to be able to fight back and do anything about it really. Never forget that, any time a foid tries to shit talk you you or even the weakest guy could easily slap her in the face and rape her right there and there's nothing they could do about it. That's a gender strength mog that can't be overcome

The Stargate Experience Academy/Alcazar #ufo #magick #quack thestargateexperienceacademy.com

We Invite You To Join Us!

Gathering daily in love, in hope, in creativity, and in communion.

Our intention with this series is to:

Create an oasis of Oneness to assist each one of us in lifting above the mass unconscious

Share Alcazar’s understandings of the current planetary situation

Forge pathways out of our limitations and into freedom

Consciously align with our highest potentials everyday

Relax - Rejuvenate - Invigorate

Beloved Ones, We Greet Thee, ‘tis Alcazar,

An oasis is a place that the weary traveler looks forward to achieving - a place to relax, a place to rejuvenate, recharge before moving on.

And so, we wish to create an oasis of Stargate energetics, an oasis of understanding and support, an oasis which allows you to relax in these troubling times, an oasis to rejuvenate your energy and to excite you about creating a whole new level of your personal future...

To excite you, to remind you that you are not alone, that you are traveling with thousands of people around the world, holding energetic hands together.

Gathering everyday in love, in hope, in creativity and a communion, which is creating a stronger and stronger Stargate Global Community Morphic Field - an energetic source that you can call upon at any moment, anytime, to invigorate you, to energize you.

We invite you to bring your energy, your support, your creativity, your contribution to this Stargate Global Family as you move together in a beautiful level of harmony, intention and creativity, as you support each other on your path into freedom.

Come, Join Us!

Pasco Cruz #conspiracy #quack #wingnut fringeculture.home.blog

First, that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now?

That’s 5% in 50 years, versus 8% total since 250,000 BC? Ya think we have a problem here, Houston?

You are starving for oxygen on a daily basis, and now you are putting on masks and further depleting your ability to breathe. Brilliant.

Second, the idiots in charge of the military created a monster vaccine and deployed it through the military during the second Iraq War. It was a vaccination that has caused the victims to develop “super coagulation syndrome” Also known as “thick blood disease”.
Remember that the US Surgeon General doesn’t condone the use of masks?

There’s a reason for that. He knows they don’t work. Masks only make things worse.

Thank you, Jerome Adams, for being the only responsible adult in the room.

So, let’s cut to the chase.

There is a real problem — reduced atmospheric oxygen. That’s a problem for all life on Earth.

That problem is being made worse– quickly — by pollution of the oceans, deforestation, and broadcast microwave technology.

And there is also Coagulation Disease, brought to you by the Frankensteins being allowed to experiment on our military personnel.

But there is no distinctive “Covid 19” virus in evidence and no proof of any viral “Covid 19 Disease”, either. None.

This is all bushwah based on nothing but the Common Cold Virus we’ve all lived with for centuries.

We are so confident of that fact, that The United States of America is offering a fifty billion dollar reward to anyone who can prove otherwise.

Gr8Believer #quack twitter.com

This is what I have learned while listening to proper doctors ICW Covid:
You can't CATCH a virus.
Your own body produces a virus to deal toxins.
Vaccines don't work.
Autism is up since vaccines were introduced.

What else have you learned?

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #quack #fundie bennettleeross.com

The micro needle tips
Of the Corona Vaccine
Will remain in your skin

They will be a bioelectric
Identification pattern

And will upload to The Cloud
Through 5G

It will be the scanned
And will allow you entrance
Into all public buildings

All grocery stores
And businesses

It will be either on the right hand or forehead

Revelation 13:16
He causes all
Small and great
Rich and poor
Free and bonded
To receive the Mark

Lisa Renee #quack #magick #crackpot #ufo energeticsynthesis.com

Currently, with the return of the Amethyst Order, many of us are having intense ascension symptoms while we are undergoing stages of spiritual activation and preparation for the changes ahead. We're having violet plasmic wave activations on the earth; and this has created potentially new activations in our pituitary and pineal gland. This is adjusting a specific cranium bone which has been primarily dormant, or implanted in order to stop its higher functioning. This is the Sphenoid Bone. The sphenoid bone is the only bone that connects to all the other bones of the cranium and its movement is responsible for "milking" the Pituitary Gland to secrete its hormones. The pituitary gland is situated in the Sphenoid Bone at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis in the body. As the master gland of the body, it produces many hormones that travel throughout the body, directing certain processes or stimulating other glands to produce other hormones.
The activation potential in the human body is coming online with the pituitary gland's higher functioning, which impacts the sphenoid bone's alignment in our skull, which acts as the housing for the pituitary gland. This area of our skull is a cosmic resonator of the unified consciousness of Christ or Oneness. The cosmic energy is transmitted through the Sphenoid Bone, and is also transmitted electro-tonally into the planetary grid pattern and instruction set. This particular Blue-Violet Ray language appears on the ley lines as the etheric light blue butterfly pattern in the winged shape of the sphenoid.

Kambiz Golshani (inventor), Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and presstv (promoters) #quack #mammon presstv.com

IRGC’s new device can help detect coronavirus in seconds

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has unveiled a new technology that enables the detection and diagnosis of the new coronavirus within a 100-meter radius in just seconds.

The technology was inaugurated in Tehran on Wednesday, in the presence of Major General Hossein Salami, the chief commander of the elite IRGC force, which has joined the countrywide battle against the viral outbreak along with other ranks of the Armed Forces, IRNA reported.

The technology can detect infected surfaces and diagnose individuals who carry the pathogen within five seconds. It has been developed by the scientists serving the country’s Basij volunteer force.

The IRGC commander described the development as a “novel and singular scientific advancement.”

The device, Salami explained, generates a magnetic field that screens its surroundings, and is fitted with an antenna that points in the direction of infected targets upon detecting them.

Describing its plus points, the commander explained that the technology eliminates the need for blood samples. It can also be handled remotely from its targets.

These features make the device a suitable choice for mass screening, Salami noted, adding the detection of infected surfaces will make it possible to avoid unnecessary disinfection.

“This is an amazing scientific technique that has been tested across various hospitals,” the commander said, adding that the device’s accuracy rate stands at above 80 percent.

“The technology could set the basis for the detection of all kinds of viruses,” he added.

Across the world, the new virus has claimed more than 126,800 lives and infected above 2,004,800 others since emerging in central China late last year.

Iranian defense forces assigned all their relevant resources to the fight against the viral outbreak after its emergence in the country in February.

The Goddess Athena via Sharon Stewart #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Athena: And this is it. This is what advertising is about: telling you what you need to do to make it easy for you to choose. It is brainwashing.

Me: True. I can't believe the new things I've opened up to since I stopped watching TV.

Athena: The deep state takes advantage of this as well. Because you see now, there is much anxiety in your world over the covid issues. The deep state continues to stoke up fear in the masses.

All they have to do now is introduce a solution, and people will jump at it.

Me: I hope Trump intervenes before the heinous Gates anti-viral comes out.

Athena: He will.

Me: I wanted to put this message out to people to tell them that when you're born into a world that is not aligned with your life's purpose, then you are already born into a choiceless system. Every decision you make or that is made for you in your best interests, is one for the controllers, not you. Your life's purpose is to ascend, to align more with God with each successive life you live, and when you're not doing that, or the controllers of your planet actively try to stop you from doing this, every decision you make is not one you have made for yourself, unless you become conscious of your life's true purpose and work it by stepping away from the artificial control system.

Ascension is happening now whether you do it consciously or not. But there is an opposing force, which as I understand it, is not usually the case. And this force knows you better than you know yourself.

Athena: Your only option is to align with soul or align with the controllers of this world, who, by the way, are being taken out of power. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.

Phil Kidd #quack #fundie #transphobia twitter.com

You can't give a baby 11 vaccinations at one time and tell me it's not screwin' that kid up. You ain't tellin' me that!

You parents that have young kids...you oughta make your doctor space those vaccines out, so that child's body can adjust to the germs and the immutations(sic) they have just put in your child.

When you give a little boy 11 shots at one time, you're killin' his testosterone. Which makes him a man. Which makes him tough. Which makes him strong and a leader.

And I believe when you throw all these medicines and chemicals and viruses together, and inject it in that boy, you're killin' the testosterone of these boys. And instead of playin' with army boots and G.I. Joe, they want high-heel shoes and liptick! I know what I'm talkin' about.

You know I'm tellin' it right! They don't wanna go to the barbershop, they wanna get their hair "done." And they wanna be crossdressers and Mommy lets 'em wear panties and run around with her bra on, with socks in her bra, and they think it's so cute. But when Junior's 15 years old and he's hung himself, 'cause he doesn't know if he's a boy or a girl, and he's been rejected by society, you'd've wished to God you'd've made a little boy out of Junior!

Joe Imbriano AKA The Fullerton Informer #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger 5gdangers.com


Alex Jones #mammon #quack forbes.com

Topline: The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has sent an official warning letter to Alex Jones and his website InfoWars on Thursday for advertising unproven cures for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The warning letter comes three weeks after New York Attorney General Letitia James ordered Jones to stop marketing his products, which include “SuperSilver Whitening Toothpaste” and “SuperSilver Wound Dressing Gel” as cures for coronavirus.

Many of Jones’ products include mention of colloidal silver, which is small particles of silver in a liquid solution. The FDA has previously said there is no scientific evidence to show colloidal silver helps with any health issues.

The FDA warning letter orders Jones to correct his misbranding immediately, and contact the FDA within 48 hours to describe the steps he will take to rebrand these products.
Failure to correct these violations, the letter says, “may result in legal action including, without limitation, seizure and injunction.”

As of 8:00 pm ET, the products mentioned in the warning letter were no longer visible on the InfoWars shop website.

Jonathan W. Emord, an attorney for InfoWars, said last week that the products were never intended “to be used in the treatment of any disease, including the novel coronavirus,” reported the New York Times.

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede #ableist #magick #psycho #quack news24.com

Durban — A KwaZulu-Natal traditional healer who conspired to murder a woman with albinism has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Mtubatuba High Court.

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede, 65, was the fourth person to be convicted of murdering Thandazile Mpunzi in the Phelendaba area, near Ingwavuma on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast in 2015.

Gumede's co-accused Mandla Mabuzo and Lindokuhle Khumalo pleaded guilty to the murder in September 2015 and were each sentenced to 20 years in prison. Another accused, Siyabonga Gwala, received an 18-year sentence in February last year for his role in the murder.

Prior to the murder, Gumede told his co-accused that he needed the body of an female with albinism.

He said that "muthi", mixed with the body parts of a person with albinism, would make them rich.

Mpunzi was born with albinism and had been in a relationship with Gwala before the men conspired to kill her.

According to National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Kara, in mid-August 2015, Mpunzi was lured to a secluded area and strangled by the men. They took her body to a nearby forest, from where it was transported by the accused to another area.

"They met the following day and dismembered the body, taking away certain body parts. At a later stage they moved the remains of her body to another part of the forest, where it was buried."

Kara said the men used the Gumede's vehicle to transport the body.

Some of the accused were arrested on August 18, 2015, leading to the discovery of the decomposing remains of Mpunzi.

KwaZulu-Natal Director of Public Prosecutions Moipone Noko welcomed the sentence.

"An innocent life was snuffed out due to dangerous beliefs and practices."

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

While everybody worries about Covid and the BLM metro-city riots across America, suburban neighborhoods are getting covertly blanketed with 5G small cell towers that are disguised as draping palm trees and giant cactuses. Nobody seems to realize what’s happening, and the few who do are getting banned and blacklisted from Facebook and YouTube for posting anything about it. The World Health Organizations classifies 5G “RF radiation” as a possible carcinogen, and you know what it means when they say that. It means it’s really bad, like glyphosate weed-killer bad. Still, these fake palm trees and plastic cactuses are being installed right next to nice residential homes, just about everywhere.

Parents are freaking out, and for good reason, as their babies and children are exposed to cancerous radiation all day and night, relentlessly, while in their homes and out in their yards. It’s abuse, they say. What’s worse is that another million 5G small cell towers are slated to be erected all across the USA in the next couple years.
Got a fake palm tree or a fake cactus near your home that’s really a toxic cell phone tower? Raise hell with the phone company. Switch to a carrier that doesn’t invade your life with poisons. Doctors aren’t allowed to talk about 5G sickness, so they’ll just call it auto-immune disorder and blame genetics. “I bet this health crisis is inherited. Does sickness run in your family, ma’am/sir?”

FaceandHFD #quack #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Digital Cuckoldry

Porn, onlyfans and orbiting thots on social media are the digital cuckoldry plaguing our society. It's not healthy for men to be ejaculate to pixels. The coomer meme was right and men should be publicly shamed for watching porn. From a Freudian perspective, sexual gratification through digital means is completely pathological and creates widespread neurosis and social retardation. Men should only be content with cooming inside civilian women or prostitutes. Therefore, there needs to be some sort of organized counter-revolution to digital degeneracy that pushes for the ban on porn and online sex work.

Illustration from a 19th Century anti-masturbation tract depicting a masturbator as a drooling imbecile with the swollen tongue hanging out.

A grotesque slavering creature tries to put a square peg through a round hole. The puzzle is mounted on a wall bearing the PornHub videos.

“The Cumbrain:
. Burned out his dopamine receptors
- High Prolactin Killed his motivation
- Hypofrontality
- Lost free will to extreme reinforcement of a primal drive. Slave to sexual distraction.”

Next to the creature:
“Measurable brain damage”

On the creature’s forehead:
“no longer creative
just thinks about sex 95% of the time”

Next to the puzzle:
“Impaired problem solving”

Closing line:
“Don’t let this be you. Stop before its too late!”

Uglychincel #quack #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Not putting your child on HGH if he's a manlet around age 13 should be considered child abuse

Everyone know that height is crucial to dating success but also in professional life. Your peers respect you more, your decisions seem more "correct", your hostility is seen as "hard line" instead of being a jackass. It absolutely amazes me that society still doesn't acknowledge the blatant abuse and shit that short people get.


Instead of being a manlet, if your parents put you on HGH as a teen, you'd be guaranteed probably at least half a foot more of height.

5'4" manlets would be 5'10" MINIMUM.

King of manlets 5'8" would be 6'2" MINIMUM.

Not giving short kids HGH is the same thing as not giving a disabled child a wheelchair. If you're past 13-15, and still a manlet, it's over :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

Suka Barik #quack thelogicalindian.com

Taking suo motu cognisance of a quack treating a snakebite patient with acid in Dhenkanal district, the Odisha Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has sought a report from authorities within 15 days.

Suka Barik, the quack, had applied acid on the leg and thigh of a woman who suffered a snake bite. The woman, Mrudungapalli village, 25, suffered severe burn injuries due to the acid.

The commission's action came after the incident was reported in local dailies, The Indian Express reported.

"From the reports, it appears that this type of treatment though banned since long has been carried out in different parts of the state by the quacks which is nothing but a blind belief. Snake helpline workers have also raised their voice against such types of practices," the order passed by the Commission on Thursday read.

"Let notice be issued to the Collector and District Magistrate, Dhenkanal and Superintendent of Police to cause an enquiry into the matter and submit the respective reports to the commission within 15 days of receipt of this order," said OHRC chairperson Justice Bimala Prasad Das in her order.

The Odisha Snake Helpline had raised the issue in a letter to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday, August 20. "I am pretty sure that the quack is using acid because he used a brush to apply it on the human body. The practice of acid as chemical burning was practised before 1900. This method was long banned in India and as well in Odisha," Snake Helpline General Secretary Subhendu Mallick said in the letter

State of the Nation #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stateofthenation.co

Everything points to COVID-19 as a FunVax bioweapon that has been purposefully released worldwide via various means of propagation in order to exponentially multiply the vectors of dissemination of the concealed VMAT2 vaccine.

Hence, the primary goal of OPERATION COVID-19 is to significantly diminish religiosity throughout the world community of nations, especially in those countries that are integral to the formation of a totalitarian One World Government. Those nations are primarily the Western military powers of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis that are members of both NATO and G20.

In point of fact, the New World Order agenda cannot be successfully implemented within those nations where the citizens have strong spiritual impulses and devout religious practice. The NWO globalist cabal will have an even more difficult time wherever there is a historical tradition of mysticism such as India, or an ongoing spiritual revival as experienced by the Pentecostal and Evangelical Christians throughout the West.

Anonymous Coward 79336168 #quack #dunning-kruger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Only a fake mask can protect you from a fake pandemic

The pandemic is fake. Yes, people are getting viral infections (although none of the testing is legitimate because none of them can truly identify the specific infection.)

People are dying from non viral causes. What does that mean? Dehydrating diarrhea and vomiting are not caused by chest colds! Nor is dizziness, fainting or skin rashes.

It's time to recognise the real disease It's EMF Disease. NO MASK will stop EMF disease!

EMF Disease is caused by PULSED waves that come from such things as cell towers, Smart 'Beaters, microwave ovens and WiFi.

It doesn't matter if the wave is ionizing or not when it is PULSED. PULSED waves get you like an alarm clock that won't shut off or dripping water. Bit by bit, it drives your DNA nuts and slows down your cilia.

Wake up! Notice if when you're at WalMart or Target if physical symptoms flare up, including places where you don't normally hurt.

[first comment, posted by the OP less than half an hour later]
This message will keep slipping off the front page because it's too meaty for those of you addicted to your cell phones.

Reynolds #conspiracy #wingnut #quack baptistboard.com

Who cares? Covid ihas turned into nothing more than an election rigging scam. One of my customers owns 7 funeral homes. He said it sure is strange that 90% of the bodies he is getting died if Covid. He said its its stranger that no one is dying of anything else. No cancer. No strokes. No heart attacks. Everyone is dying of Covid. Less bodies this year than same time last year, but we are in a pandemic? Yeah, right......
Seems like Covid cured Cancer, heart disease, and everything else.

Sean Bond #conspiracy #ufo #quack #magick psionicleague.com

Etheric Implants are Psionic creation of a Etheric Nature (or other energy type or bandwidth, not just etheric but mental , astral, light ect) created by a psionic user, consciousness or device. Made as a etheric construct that has an energy charge, programming form and structure in etheric space for a specific intention.

They come in many shapes and sizes of creation, they can range from low levels of creation to advanced such as camouflaged, booby trapped, dead-man switch types and advanced long term chess move camouflage. They can even have some type of programmed intelligence, awareness or A.I. intelligence in there processing. Most of the ones that have these items can be classified as etheric Satellites.

The most common of intentions of the implants will be, Monitoring, Energy siphoning, mental Body monitoring, used for Multidimensional self’s for hijacking purposes used for influencing the timeline and events used for opening alternate personalities, influenced behaviors and emotional habit patterns. This limits and blocks the individual from growing spiritually and “Leveling up” faster and more efficiently. It is the cutting off of awareness, acting as a back door to the individual, causing dramatic chess moves, used as a terminal to project pain into the individual in various ways and causing trapped emotions used for projecting negative fine print spiritual contracts for experience to change the timeline for the individual and those around them.

We have learned the skill set in psychic surgery to remove these and disarm any booby traps, curses and monitoring. Resolving the drama entanglement to help clear up the individual and better help and aid their multidimensional self to learn skill sets for future preventative care and maintenance so they will not get implanted as easily again on their timeline. We even teach the skill set to others if they do not underestimate, take care and do not abuse the skill set.

Ethan Huff #quack #fundie #wingnut naturalnews.com

Two American citizens living in Colombia have been arrested after they were found to be offering “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS) to sick people living in that country, as well as in the United States and all throughout Africa.

Mark and Joseph Grenon were apprehended in the northern beach town of Santa Marta on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, as well for violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act.

Mark Grenon, who describes himself as the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing in Bradenton, Florida – we have reported on this church in the past, and the persecution it has endured at the hands of the state – reportedly ignored a Miami court order from back in April that ordered him to stop selling MMS, which is legal in Bolivia.

Claiming that MMS has divine healing powers, the Grenons have continued to produce and sell it in violation of the state’s orders, for which they now face up to 17 years in prison if convicted of all charges.

It is important to note that after District Judge Kathleen Williams ruled against the Grenons, Mark reportedly agreed to stop selling MMS, only to change his mind not long after that.

“We will NOT be participating in any of your UNCONSTITUTIONAL Orders, Summons, etc.,” Mark wrote in an angry follow-up email to Judge Williams. “Again and again I have written you all that … you have NO authority over our Church.”

Whether you agree with this approach or not, a possible 17-year prison sentence for selling a product that people want to buy, and that many people say is helping them overcome serious disease, really is a form of tyranny that needs to be opposed.

Eric Peters #wingnut #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

We are forced to hand over our money to the government. We still have the power - and the legal right - to withhold it from businesses that don't deserve it.

One such is Carl's Jr. - the hamburger chain. Which just issued a policy decreeing that Face Diapers must be worn by employees and patrons . . . until the latter get to their anti-socially distanced tables, where they will be allowed to take them off.

This sort of ritual - in the cultic sense - is being performed at restaurants and cafes all over the country. It defies medical sense - because if "the virus" is in the air and if Face Diapers are the only thing keeping "the virus" from infecting and killing people (99.5 percent of whom never actually die) then one should never take them off.

No one should be out and about. People didn't get hamburgers when the Bubonic Plague was about. But we must pretend the Bubonic Plague is about.

It becomes even more obviously ritualistic when you take into account that literally any filthy old rag qualifies as a "face covering" - in the superciliously faux clinical language of these Diapering Decrees.

Daniel Duval #fundie #quack #magick #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Freedom From Fallen Angel Bloodlines and Genetics

This is an in-depth prayer, combining elements of the “Freedom from Principalities and other Fallen Angels Prayer” and the “Freedom from Illuminati Genetics Prayer”. This prayer has been successful in getting people free from heavenly powers in cases where the bondage is very deep, and other prayers are not proving successful. The blanks will be filled in by the name of the principality or heavenly power that is holding you in bondage. An extensive list of names is found on our Extended List of Heavenly Powers/Principalities.

1. Father in heaven I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce _______________ and my _________________ bloodline, genetics, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, and markers, and all the powers of darkness associated with this, and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, certificate, oath and vow entangling me and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.

2. In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to discover and apprehend every (alter/part belonging to me) that is loyal to the _________________ bloodline. I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.

3. I now deed all territory in me occupied by __________________ and my __________________ genetic code, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, and timelines, over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.

4. In the name of Jesus I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point associated with ____________________ and my _____________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, timelines and all associated counterfeit inheritance.

5. I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point in all timelines, every realm, age, and dimension, past, present and future to infinity, and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, and reversed.

6. I take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and I cut myself free from __________________ and all ___________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, including all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, related realms, timelines and counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name.

7. I return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, power, pride, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name. I refuse it and sever myself from it and from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth and reversed, I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I also declare your word which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. I receive the wealth held hostage by ________________ and my _______________ bloodline as a recipient of wealth transfer in Jesus name. Furthermore, my physical children are an inheritance in Jesus Christ, and I receive them and their redemption in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children related to ___________________ and my ____________________ bloodline and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment, and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water.

8. I now receive a blood transfusion from Jesus Christ. In the process, I declare that all _______________ circuitry, nanotech, back doors, front doors, side doors, trap doors, cords, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, receptors, and eggs are destroyed, and that all of their residue is purged with living water. I also reclaim and receive every part of me that has been imprisoned by ______________________ or in (his/her) realm.

9. I appeal to justice according to Galatians 6:7 which declares that as a man sows, so shall he reap. I pray that _____________________ would now reap a hundred-fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent in the form of justice and judgment and wrath, arrows and lightning, hail stones, tsunamis of living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus’ name.

10. I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating due to _____________________ and my ___________________ genetic code, markers, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, assignments, judgments, and blood. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I also discover every part that is a composite of genetic components of me and others associated with the family, held together by a cord that binds. I declare that the cords are cut, that cords in cords are cut, and that all three-fold cords are cut, and that each part is separated into its components. All demonic components, and components that are not of me, are now bound. I declare that all of you are now being sent to where the true Lord Jesus Christ sends you.

11. Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, necklace, earing, crown, ring, scepter, marker, power source, grid, tracking device, system, or branding placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor in __________________ would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I close every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed in Jesus’ name. I render this entire confession established in every timeline, age, realm and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. Amen.

Daniel Duval #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick bridemovement.com

Deliverance from Black Goo Prayer

Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that is inside of various areas of the body and/or covering soul fragments. We have found that Black Goo is a composite of Death and Artificial Intelligence. Dealing with it can present problems as it is resilient to many prayer tactics. However, this prayer has proven to be very effective in dealing with the problem when it is encountered.

Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I speak that every aspect of the black goo is targeted, disrupted, and destroyed. I furthermore declare that everything ungodly that has been anchored to me or my life through the black goo is now untethered and escorted away from me and into the courts of heaven to be leveraged as evidence against the parties that put it there. I declare my separation from entities, components, non-human nature, artificial intelligence, Death, and every other ungodly thing anchored to me through the black goo. Furthermore, I declare that the areas formerly occupied by the black goo are washed with living water, such that all residues are removed right now in the name of Jesus. I settle this deliverance in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen.

John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

You are so literally brainwashed & indoctrinated. By your logic cars can't kill people because people died before there were cars.

Both Africa and India have suffered the worst of what Bill & Linda have forced on the world. CDC, FDA & WHO now all ADMIT THEY HAVE ZERO EVIDENCE OF DOUBLE BLIND, SALINE PLACEBO TESTING. Vaxxxines have NEVER ONCE BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY BY STANDARDS GOING BACK OVER 70 YEARS.

Becky Akers #quack #conspiracy #wingnut lewrockwell.com

Medical Marxism

If we have learned nothing else from COVID19, we finally understand the outrageous authority that “Public Health’s” quacks wield.

Though these bureaucrats now hog the limelight while destroying our country and liberty, they formerly scurried on the fringes of government. There they spewed advice (“Quit smoking: it causes cancer!” “Seat belts save lives, so buckle up!”) that we were free to reject until they could persuade legislatures to codify their opinions as law. That itch to control, to force everyone to heed them, should have warned us of “Public Health’s” threat.

Most Americans are subject to three or four “Public Health” bureaus: a “Department of Public Health” often infests cities and counties, and one curses each state as well as the Feds. The latter’s Department of Health and Human Services harbors such agencies as the CDC, the FDA, the Indian Health Service, and the Surgeon General as well as “an elite group of over 6,000 uniformed officers who are public health professionals.” Just what criminals want in a cop: temperature-guns.

At whatever level of government they lurk, each outpost of “Public Health” boasts an atomic bomb’s power: they can and will raze everything in their path, as they’ve proved since March. Collaborating with politicians, they crushed life as we knew it. They bankrupted companies and kicked employees off payrolls with the ruthless abandon of Mr. Potter; the list of institutions and businesses they thereby destroyed is too lengthy and notorious to recite here. As if such crimes weren’t enough, they ordered us to imperil ourselves with masks and “anti-social distancing.” No wonder rates of suicide and addiction have skyrocketed.

And we haven’t even mentioned their enthusiasm for the rioting that’s ravaged American streets. These authoritarians obligingly declared “racism” a “public health” crisis when BLM threw its tantrum.

Unfortunately, most victims of “public health” don’t realize its menace, either because they have only a dim idea of its evil (“They issue birth certificates, don’t they?”) or because they buy “public health’s” lie, that its “mission is to protect, promote, and advance the health of our nation.” Actually, its mission is to protect, promote and advance Marxism.

That hellish philosophy permeates “public health”: it weaves itself into not only its warp and woof but its foundation and all its biases, too. Unlike communism’s more dramatic barbarities (genocide, mass murder, torture), “public health” allows its perpetrators to feel good about themselves. They are “professionals” trying to save us germy, diseased subjects from ourselves (though only “public health doctors” have medical degrees. The rest are mere bureaucrats—and dishonest ones at that). Unlike the Cheka, these hygienic busybodies go home at night without their prey’s screams ringing in their ears. Rather, they congratulate themselves on their compassion, foresight, and superiority. C.S. Lewis damned such relentless despotism: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” Who would dispute that after the last five months?

“Public health’s” Marxism—and logical fallacies—begin with the term itself. There is no “Public,” healthy or otherwise, but only individuals. These folks may share a neighborhood, true. But from that innocent fact “Public Health” leaps to many conclusions, none of them good.

Which brings us to “Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health,” a brochure the “Public Health Leadership Society” published in 2002. It lists “Key Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health” as well as the “Values and Beliefs Underlying the Code.” The latter begins, “Humans have a right to the resources necessary for health. The Public Health Code of Ethics affirms Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states in part ‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family…’”

Any document that quotes from the Orwellian “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” should automatically raise our hackles. And yep, the “right to resources” is a positive one that all lovers of liberty excoriate. You have no right to “resources” of any kind, even those “necessary for health.” You do have the right to earn those resources without masks and anti-social distancing and all of COVIDiocy’s other nonsense–in short, free from “public health’s” coercion.

The second “Value and Belief” prates, “Humans are inherently social and interdependent. Humans look to each other for companionship in friendships, families, and community; and rely upon one another for safety and survival. Positive relationships among individuals and positive collaborations among institutions are signs of a healthy community.”

Not as frontal an assault as No. 1, though that word “community” is suspect…

“The rightful concern for the physical individuality of humans and one’s right to make decisions for oneself must be balanced against the fact that each person’s actions affect other people.”

Whoa! And nooooo, most emphatically. We never “balance” the fundamental and essential right “to make decisions for oneself” against anything else—and those who suggest such an atrocity are almost always totalitarians.

I’ll spare you a blow-by-blow of the ten additional “principles.” Suffice to say that each degrades personal autonomy on behalf of the collective, some more blatantly than others.

Underlying the whole of “public health” is another supremely offensive premise: that human society is an organized “structure” rather than an organic web of relationships arising spontaneously from our interactions with one another. And that edifice must be managed: after all, these are Marxists. “Managing” necessarily involves decisions. Someone must determine all issues, large or small, for our controlled “society.” Will that “society” permit smoking indoors—or at all? Will it require seat belts in cars? And, in COVIDiocy, will it compel the wearing of masks and anti-social distancing? “Public health’s” bureaucrats assume we are too bestial to settle these questions ourselves, so they do it for us. Their literature and training reek of this arrogance. I browsed a cache of “Public Health’s” texts on an empty stomach one day; I suggest that if you brave this library, you, too, delay lunch or keep a barf-bag handy.

Departments of “Public Health” first plagued cities in the nineteenth century. Their coercion and cruelty completely broke with the mores of private, voluntary medicine. They are as much creatures of government as prisons and taxation are.

For example, when Sam Serf falls ill, he solicits a doctor’s services. And he expects to pay for them. The doctor advises his patient based on Sam’s peculiar history, physical idiosyncrasies and circumstances. He addresses the problem that brought Sam to him without intruding into other areas of Sam’s life.

But “Public Health” doesn’t wait for the sick to find it. Rather, its busybodies inflict themselves on everyone within a specified area—even those who are healthy. Nor does it even pretend to understand every person as an individual. Via data, it “examines” the group as a whole and prescribes for it that way, too—regardless of whether Sam’s situation renders its commands harmful or irrelevant to him: witness the “mandates” for masks. Because our taxes pay them regardless of results, the bureaucrats blithely pry into the neighborhood’s affairs, without their guinea pigs’ knowledge or consent, for as long and as deeply as they please.

“Public Health’s” diktats (exercise more, avoid eggs, wear masks, etc.) weren’t as overwhelming a problem when Americans could ignore them. But COVIDiocy has obliterated that freedom. These bullies have imposed their values on us, declaring life and health to be the supreme goods and ordering us to sacrifice everything to them.

Now certainly, life and health are blessings everyone prizes—but more than satisfying work or family or travel or freedom? Some folks would rather die than lose their autonomy; others prize a beloved spouse or child above their own well-being; many choose to spend their health and lives on a career. Those of us who cherish liberty consider existence worthless without it. And Christians should love the Lord their God with all their minds and souls and strength—far more than they love health or even life itself. Ergo, when bureaucrats command us to stay home from worship for our health’s sake, we inexcusably bow the knee to Baal if we obey.

Speaking of Jezebel, Shrillary Clinton once warned, “We need to be as well prepared to defend ourselves against public health dangers as we should be to defend ourselves against any foreign dangers of any kind.”

Especially when the danger is “Public Health” itself.

Peter Andrews #quack #dunning-kruger #ableist lewrockwell.com

there is at least one theory why you could be doing someone a favour by giving them the virus. Evolutionary theory tells us that as a respiratory virus spreads, it loses potency. A successful virus is a mild one, which does not kill its host before they can spread it. This is how herd immunity really works in this context: it’s about the changes to the virus itself. In contrast, when we locked down, the virus had nowhere to go. Instead of getting milder, all of the most dangerous strains came together in the only places where sick people gathered: nursing homes and hospitals. This is why I greeted news that the virus was becoming more contagious with jubilation—it is better that the virus spread freely, at least among the healthy.

if you can suspend your disbelief for long enough to imagine that hindering the spread of the virus is worthwhile, then you might be forgiven for assuming that lockdowns are the way to do it. There is, however, no suggestion, let alone evidence, that lockdowns would pose a problem for a wily virus.

If lockdowns played any part at all, we would expect to see a correlation between the different forms of lockdowns enforced by various regions or countries, and the shape of the death curves there. But we do not—the correlation is zero. Belgium, the UK, New York: strict lockdowns; lots of deaths. Sweden, Japan, Uruguay: light or no lockdowns; few deaths. You can point to opposite examples, but that’s just the point—there is no consistency. And before you try to explain away individual countries with hand waving about ‘different cultures’ or ‘better testing’, there is no correlation with any of those things either.

You could just, you know, leave the pubs open and then open the schools too? But I suppose then there would be a ‘second wave’ in deaths two weeks later. You know, like the second wave that was warned of in May. And then June. And then July. Only in the past two weeks did the WHO finally give up the dream and change its story to ‘One Big Wave’, which doesn’t have the same ring to it. But the second wave fiction has not yet been memory holed—it can be trotted out on demand to force through any further assaults on our remaining freedoms.

All I can do is predict that a second wave in deaths will never materialise, and every day since April I have been proven right. The establishment, in contrast, makes wrong predictions again and again, and are never held to account.

Bruce Lipton et al. #quack #crackpot #mammon epstv.com

The Healing Field explores breakthroughs in the fields of energy medicine, quantum physics, DNA and genetics, and the biochemistry of emotions. We see how the old conventional healthcare models, that have relied on surgery and prescription drugs are being challenged by a wave of dramatic, non-invasive mind-body and energy-based healing techniques. While many of these techniques are centuries old, they are now generating worldwide studies with remarkable results. We’ll meet world-class experts, as well as acclaimed mind-body and energy-medicine practitioners, and witness inspiring personal stories. We’ll explore how this quantum shift in understanding is affecting our health, our society, and our future.

Our renowned experts and best-selling authors include:
Bruce Lipton, PhD – Cellular Biologist, pre-eminent scientist in quantum physics, DNA and cell biology, and author of best-sellers, The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution.
Lynne McTaggart – Leading spokesperson on consciousness and the new physics, and award-winning author of six books, including the best-sellers, The Field and The Intention Experiment.
The late, Candace Pert, PhD – World-class neuroscientist and pharmacologist, expert in Mind-body Medicine, and author of The Molecules of Emotion.
Beverly Rubik, PhD – Biophysicist and President of the Institute for Frontier Science in San Francisco, CA.
Hyla Cass, MD – Psychiatrist, leading expert in integrative Medicine, and author of ten popular books, including, Eight Weeks to Vibrant Health.
Ron Lavin, MA – Founder of One Light Healing Touch, an International Energy healing School, has participated in five landmark studies with the National Institutes of Health.
Ken Cohen – Qigong Master, renowned China scholar, health educator, and best-selling author of, The Way of Qigong.
Gerry Epstein, MD – Psychiatrist, leading pioneer in mental Imagery, and author of seven books, including the best-seller, Healing Visualizations.

Penny Price is an award-winning producer with 30+ years in television. She is the recipient of MAGGIE, EMMY, CHRIS and TELLY Awards, and has worked on many national programs including, Good Morning America, NBC Magazine, The Mike Douglas Show, Kids Are People Too, and People. In 1995 Penny launched Penny Price Media, dedicated to producing uplifting and empowering programming. Some of her programs include: SHINING SOUL – The Life and Legacy of Helen Keller, which won CHRIS and TELLY Awards, and 1ST prize at the Houston Festival, and The NY International Independent Film and Video Festivals, and aired on PBS; SPLENDORS OF THE SPIRIT won CHRIS, TELLY, and The International Film and Video Festival Awards, and aired on PBS; HEALING EXERCISES FOR BODY, MIND & SPIRIT; and A COURSE IN MIRACLES with Marianne Williamson, were both awarded ***Stars by the Video Librarian. Penny has been a life-long explorer of spiritual studies, and mind-body techniques and this exploration has both informed her media career and helped her pursue working with energy medicine.

Brandon Smith #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept

The pandemic lockdowns are a complicated issue, and that is absolutely deliberate. The point of 4th Generation psychological warfare is to present the target individual or population with a hard choice – a no-win scenario. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I often equate this to the key moves in a difficult chess game; your primary goal is to create a dual threat and force your opponent to sacrifice one piece over another in order to escape with the least amount of damage. Do this a few times and you have won the long game.

There are multiple aspects to the global pandemic which seem engineered to push our society to make “sacrificial decisions”. We can choose to sacrifice the lives of those that are susceptible to the virus, sacrifice our economy, or sacrifice many of our freedoms with the promise that the economy and lives will be protected. The easiest choice is always to give away a little more freedom. We’ll get it all back eventually…right?

Of course, we don’t actually get to “choose” anything when we play along with this game. 4th Gen warfare is meant to eventually take IT ALL from the target population while making people think it was their choice to give those things away.

To be clear, it’s not only the pandemic being exploited as leverage to conjure these situations. The leftist riots are another example of a bought and paid for crisis that is being used in an attempt to convince half of Americans that breaking constitutional principles and instituting unprecedented government power is somehow an acceptable sacrifice. The riots and the virus response work hand-in-hand; one is created to get leftists to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety, the other is created to get conservatives to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety.

The solution always ends up being totalitarian government. There are those that would have you believe that this is the only way. The new propaganda meme out there is:
“Silly libertarians live in a fantasy world where freedom is valued over security in times of crisis. We don’t have the luxury of freedom when communist terrorists/deadly virus threaten to destroy the fabric of our society…”

Sound familiar? Yes, this nonsense narrative is everywhere on forums and message boards these days, almost as if someone was paying people to inject it into everyday discussion. The problem is, I’ve seen this all before. Right after the events of 9/11, America went insane for at least a few years, hyperfocused on the threat of terrorists while ignoring the greater root danger of all powerful government. The number of constitutional protections being violated in the name of “beating the terrorists” was staggering, and the number of mostly conservative citizens cheering for this at the time was immense.

mainlander #sexist #quack incels.is

[Serious] The reasons agecucks are against adults dating teens have absolutely nothing to do with (alleged) increased pregnancy risks

1= male teens having sex with them can make them pregnant just the same and agecucks are not against it
2= women in their late 30s and especially 40s getting pregnant have even much, much more increased possible complications (especially for the baby) and they don't care
3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
4= they pretend to be devout Catholics now and that sex is only for reproduction when we all know it definitely isn't especially on this day and age. If the problem was only that, it would be ok in their book to kiss or to have non-vaginal sex with teens as an adult

Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.

(I won't link the IT thread that inspired me to write this because I already did one thread on IT today and I'm aware Serge doesn't want us to do it).

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