
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Mark Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jonathan Grenon and Jordan Grenon #quack cbsnews.com

Colombian officials say they have arrested two Florida men wanted in the U.S. on charges they illegally sold a bleachlike chemical as a miracle cure for the new coronavirus and other diseases. The Colombian prosecutor's office said Tuesday that Mark and Joseph Grenon were arrested in the beach town of Santa Marta, and were shipping their "Miracle Mineral Solution" — chlorine dioxide — from there to clients in the United States, Colombia and Africa.

It said seven Americans had died from using the substance.

Mark Grenon is the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in Bradenton, Florida. The church is centered on use of the toxic chemical as a supposed sacrament it claims can cure a vast variety of illnesses ranging from cancer to autism to malaria and now COVID-19.


A federal criminal complaint filed in July charged Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34; Jordan, 26; and Joseph, 32, with conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and criminal contempt.

Records in Miami federal court last month did not list attorneys for any of the Grenons. They face a maximum of between 14 and more than 17 years in prison if convicted of all charges.


The federal complaint says the Grenons initially agreed to abide by U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams' order that they stop selling the solution, then changed their tone in podcasts and emails to the judge herself.

"We will NOT be participating in any of your UNCONSTITUTIONAL Orders, Summons, etc," one email from Mark Grenon read. "Again and again I have written you all that . . . you have NO authority over our Church."

David Lotherington #ufo #magick #quack #mammon davidlotherington.com

A Unique Approach

Channeling non terrestrials, Angels and Spirit guides. Akashic records reading. Karma/cord removal. Super soldier memory recovery. DNA infusions. Light language blessings/translation and attunements. Alien implant removal, Government implant removal, AI removal. Master level Reiki, Galactic energy healing, Body scan, Entity removal, House clearing, Black goo removal, Telepathy. Access to scans provided by non terrestrials including pineal gland calcification percentage, Mineral deficiencies and other imbalances. Psychic surgery including chakra spin rate, colour, imbalances. Healing holes in the aura created by implants and more.


Practicing energy healing over several years has sensitized David to be able to see peoples chakras. After a quick scan he can see the colour, spin, and blockage percentage of each chakra. David can then begin to work on optimizing and removing energetic blockages that were created by negative patterns in a clients life. Removing these blockages causes bad habits and pain to fade. Looking at a chakra tells a story about an aspect of someone's life, what is in balance, what is out of balance. Negative entities can be seen if they are present. A negative entity will cause a unblocked chakra to become blocked if it goes untreated. It does this so it can hide in something he calls a black nest. This black nest is like a house, where the entity can maintain a low vibrational frequency. Removing the blockage allows the entity to be seen so David can remove them which raises the clients vibration and removes pain. He loves showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to a clients health and mindset.

"When we touch something, we leave our fingerprints. When we touch the lives of people, we leave our identity. Life is good when you are happy, but life is much better when others are happy because of you. Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water. The trees do not eat their own fruit. The sun does not shine to itself, and the flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. It does not matter how difficult the situation in which you are, keep doing good."

Mythi the Andromedan

ShortStop and Joseph Spencer #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

Former Man in Black talks about Viruses, Aliens and Depopulation Agenda

Haven’t seen this posted here.
Former MIB talks about depopulation agenda through chemtrails and lab created viruses. Water fluoridation to make people sick. Heart attack stun gun to eliminate whistleblowers and ufologists. He personally killed William Cooper and others. Fake alien invasion to create a one world government in 2024. Alien hybrids and children kidnapped for medical experimentation in underground installations.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #conspiracy #wingnut garydbarnett.com

And so the coronavirus schooling stage begins, not as advertized to help children and keep them safe, but to mold them in the transhumanism ideology that will train them to think and act as if they are programmed. This is the new schooling that has been purposely created in order to advance the conspiracy called Covid-19. Whether this so-called virus actually exists matters not, because it can be used to not only design and weaken the minds of the young and innocent, but can at the same time alter future generations so that they cannot naturally protect themselves from biological, viral, and bacterial infection and disease. This is the current agenda of the ‘Public’ school system, and if allowed to go forward will help to build a society of fully dependent drones.
First, there is not only a great risk, but also more likely a certainty, that the psychological damage to children placed in this environment will be devastating. Isolation, total regimentation, constant temperature checks, distancing, no gathering, very restricted play, and all in all a prison atmosphere, will leave these children scarred for life. It will be little different than were Adolf Hitler schools for youth.

Secondly, the health ramifications are monstrous to say the least, and possibly deadly. Constant hand washing, constant ‘sanitation’ with chemical-based ‘disinfectants,’ little if any close contact with other children, a sterile environment, and less sunshine and play will lead to what could be considered an assault on the immune systems of all children in school. Their natural immune systems are still in the development stage, and with this very unnatural behavior, they will be much more susceptible to sickness and disease, something I believe to be desired by the state. In addition, long-term mask wearing will steal vital oxygen causing very high rates of Co2 for extended periods, as they rebreathe tainted and oxygen depleted air.

transphobes on thedonald.win #transphobia #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack patriots.win

Stand your ground. You are under no obligation to play along with other peoples' delusions and mental illness.


Very true


Especially when they come for the kids. Pedo Trannys need to be fed to the hogs plain and simple. There only redeeming value is fertilizer for my fruit trees


Fun fact - there is actual scientific evidence showing overlap between gender dysphoria and pedophilia. Something like 40% IIRC.

There is nothing feminine about that. He's a dude, she's right.


You can change the color of your hair
And you can change the clothes you wear
But you'll never change what's born in there
No, you can't change that
--with thanks to Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio

Listen to science about corona. Don’t listen to science about biology


Honestly, science these days are corrupted by politics. If you look at the mask narrative, the left made a complete 180 turn. They are pushing remdesivir which is thousands of dollars more expensive than hydroxychloroquine. Soon enough they will officially make transgender an actual biological sex. It's a mental illness and psychologists know it.

Kirsten Kaslofsky #psycho #quack twitter.com

To those on the how dare she not wear a mask train, allow me to stop you from wasting your time.

You mean nothing to me. I do not care if you die. You are not my problem or responsibility. You have no value to me. I will just block you and move on with my day. Go earn some value to someone by sucking some dick, maybe they’ll care if you die because I’m still not wearing a mask if I don’t want to even if it directly would save your life because as I’ve made clear I don’t care if you live because my freedom to do what I want means more to me than you do.

Hope that clears things up for the mask Gestapo <3

My freedom > my concern for strangers.
Let them rot.

Anonymous Coward 79258737 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #psycho godlikeproductions.com

Mask wearers and Corona believers, fuck you all. You are the textbook Nazis.

You had 6 months to look through their bullshit.
Time is up, from this day on I will treat you like a idiot Nazi.
You are too scared to speak up? You believe their shallow lies? I don’t care, You both are equally guilty for what’s coming.
You wear a mask when going shopping? Fuck you.
Fuck 99.9% of you all.

Also it won’t be a smooth ride into your new normality. We will make you pay for it.

thegymcel420 #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Denying the struggle of incels is denying natural selection

Our enemies are literally as delusional as flat earth creationists.


anyone who has every watched an animal documentary will notice the same few sentences always come:
the males have to fight/prove themselves for females
the females can pick any male partner they want
males literally fight to the death to be able to have sex with females
etc etc.

why do they think humans are any different?

if women required men to fight other men till death before they were allowed to have sex with them, it would absolutely happen.

Exactly this. They would have a better point if they were creationists who don't believe in the theory of evolution, but I just find it funny that since our opposors claim to be so "science-based," that they're more than likely evolutionists, who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. But somehow, under the same breath, they state that we lack any primordial or animalistic insticts of mate attraction that animals similar to humans intrinsically have. Their excuse is that it's "more complicated," when it's actually just hypocrisy at its finest. They only like science when it fits their worldview.

Von Galt #quack #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon merkabachakras.com

About Von Galt's QHHT & Chinese Energy Medicine Hypnosis Service: In terms of the hypnotherapy services offered in the Seattle area. I use two methods, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Chinese Energy Medicine. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a technique created by the author, Dolores Cannon who published 19 books that outlined the various hypnosis sessions she undergone with her clients throughout her 45-year hypnotherapy practice. The Chinese Energy Medicine modality that is used is from my studies under Dr. Kweethai Neill, who also studied Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism under former Grand Master Professor Lin Yin. As a comrade of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, Grand Master Professor Lin Yin would exchange ancient esoteric knowledge with each other in order to share wisdom in the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the Earth. Dowsing rods are used to measure the health of the client's chakras to see where imbalance exists and investigate the issues related to the imbalance chakras. I then combine that with regression using QHHT to uncover what the client's higher-self and over-soul want the client to remember that would address the imbalance or provide clarity for the person. Often, the two are related and the chakras are balanced out for a healthier energetic state.

About the Products Sold: In terms of the products I offer on my website, Merkaba Chakras buys directly from our suppliers and manufacturers, cut out the middleman, and pass these incredible savings on to you. Often, my hypnosis clients would like to buy metaphysical jewelry. We’re all in this together and Merkaba Chakras strives to be a platform for metaphysic resources.

About: Merkaba Chakras was founded by myself, Von Galt. I am IT professional and an author who writes about metaphysics. I earned my Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of Washington. I attended graduate school at the University of Maryland University College for E-Commerce, and ultimately graduated with my Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on E-Business from Westwood College Denver North. I've been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and ancient metaphysic studies for 40+ years. As a life-long seeker of the latest in metaphysical practices and products, my mission is to help people always be connected to the universe through Christ Consciousness. Aside from being an IT professional, I offer my QHHT services to those who seek my assistance in uncovering clarity to their life challenges in order to help raise the frequency of Earth. I've peer reviewed QHHT against quantum physics and metaphysics of Buddhism, and I'm confident that the information brought forward from the Starseed and Indigo incarnates that seek me out for a session, reaffirm the scientific findings in academia. I am compiling all the ascension and awakening materials from my Starseed and Indigo incarnate QHHT sessions into a book, which my hope is to help bring awareness to the greater reality of how reincarnation, ascension, awakening, and spirituality play a pivotal part in the parallel reality of the users manifesting within it.

Philosophy: If it’s metaphysical and expands your consciousness, then you’ll find me investigating the phenomenon to see where it fits in the life planning of consciousness. I'm no ordinary ‘woo woo’ practitioner. As a lifelong Buddhist, I investigate and practice the modality and put it against many peer review scientific and medical journals to make sure it can be substantiated by quantum physics. The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is an example of a well-known Buddhist who put's metaphysic spiritual concepts under much academic research before encouraging practitioners to follow the findings.

I believe in the ABCs, which is to always be connected to source energy. My mission is to uplift customers by offering them helpful tools in metaphysic products and services so that they can live a spiritual and balanced lifestyle. In doing so, my customers are some of the highest vibrating souls on Gaia (Earth) and affect the harmonic frequency of the people around them. It's not always easy to find peace in non-peaceful situations and to remember that you've always been enough.

Jon Rappoport #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Before we get to Christine Johnson’s interview, a bit of background.

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19.
In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve.

For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes.

Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive.

I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus.

AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive conditions and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.”

Several years after the publication of AIDS INC., I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST?

Was the purported virus ever truly discovered?

And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

The following 1997 interview, conducted by brilliant freelance journalist, Christine Johnson, delves into these questions:

How should researchers prove that a particular virus exists? How should they isolate it? What are the correct steps?

These questions, and their answers, reside at the heart of most disease research—and yet, overwhelmingly, doctors never explore them or even consider them.

Johnson interviews Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”


Ground Crew Project #ufo #crackpot #magick #quack wwwuser.gwdg.de

A Message To Humanity From The Ground Crew Project

You have been specially chosen to be a part of a divine experiment in creation. What is about to happen on this planet has never happened before and will never happen again.
Our planet is moving from third dimensional awareness (physical-material reality-what you can see, feel, hear, taste and touch), to a fourth and a fifth-dimensional consciousness. In the these dimensions you will be fully conscious, you will exist in a state of love not fear. You will be telepathic and have much more light in your body.

You will be able to create anything you want with your mind and the new technology that will be provided for you. This technology will be beyond your wildest imagination.

You will be able to live for hundreds or thousands of years. You will be completely healed of any thing that is now wrong with you. You could be 85 years old now and manifest a 20 year old body.

Very soon, we will have millions of space ships and visitors from outer space on this planet. Our government knows this is happening but they want you to be afraid so they can keep life as it has been.

Our visitors will be joined with angels that you will see coming down with the ships. They are benevolent and loving. They will bring counselors, supplies, teachers and new technology.

This divine intervention is being brought about by the grace of God. You might ask "why." "We have free will and have to do all of this ourselves." The reason we are being helped in such a great magnitude is that millions of years ago the Earth was part of a divine experiment. The Prime Creator took billions of laggard souls (souls there were not evolving spiritually with the rest of creation) and just put them on Earth. It was hoped that these souls would transform to higher consciousness.

These souls were from all of the planets under our Great Central Sun. Our planet was fully conscious and in the fifth dimension. We had heaven on Earth.

Alas, we gave birth to these laggard souls and began the fall from grace that is described in the Bible with Adam and Eve. We took on their Wheel of Karma.

Attempts were made during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria to raise the consciousness of the planet back up to the fifth dimension. Both of these attempts failed. Now, as of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, over 51% of the people on this planet have enough light in them to make this shift possible. By the grace of God all of Creation is looking upon planet Earth.

We are being assisted by all of Creation-the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters, and our space brothers and sisters. You are very blessed and very special to be on this planet at this time.

Within a short period of time our planet will be receiving the Photon Belt. This belt of light comes around every 25,000 years. This time it will be ushering in the Golden Age.

The photon energy is an extremely loving energy that is comprised of Photons, Gamma Rays, and Anti-matter Particles.

When the Photon Belt hits we will have three days of darkness and one day of coldness. Then we will have 16 years of light, 24 hours a day.

You will become fully conscious within the first hour when the light beam hits your pineal gland. It will activate all 12 strands of your DNA and you will be able to use all of the rest (90%) of your brain that you currently have not been able to use.

You will be able to create with your thought, whatever you need, light up a room, warm yourself, whatever you need.

There is nothing to fear. A paradise is being created on this planet that is beyond your furthest imagination. We send much blessings of love and light to you.

Ron Paul #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar “coronavirus relief” spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a “national strategic plan” she has been advocating. The Trump administration is not opposing Pelosi’s plan on principle. Instead, it is haggling over the price.

But, even if the strategic plan could be implemented at little or no monetary cost, it would still impose an unacceptable cost in lost liberty.

Pelosi’s plan will lead to either a federal mask mandate or federal funding of state and local mask mandate enforcement. Those who resist wearing masks could likely be reported to the authorities by government-funded mask monitors. We can label this the “Stasi” approach to health policy, after the infamous East German secret police force.

Contact tracing could lead to forcing individuals to download a tracing app. The app would record where an individual goes and alert authorities that an individual has been near someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.

The strategic plan could eventually include Bill Gates’ and Anthony Fauci’s suggestion that individuals receive “digital certificates” indicating they are vaccinated for or immune to coronavirus. A certificate would be required before an individual can go to work, to school, or even to the grocery store. The need to demonstrate vaccination for or immunity to coronavirus in order to resume normal life would cause many people to “voluntarily” receive a potentially dangerous coronavirus vaccine.

The Trump administration has already spent billions of dollars to support efforts of companies to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Policymakers have stated that once a vaccine is developed it will be rushed into production and onto the market. Supporters of expediting production and use of a vaccine should remember the 1976 swine flu vaccine debacle. The swine flu vaccine was rushed into production in response to political pressure to “do something.” The result was a vaccine that was more of a danger than the flu.

Unfortunately, those who raise legitimate concerns regarding the safety of vaccines are smeared as “conspiracy theorists.” This is the equivalent of stating that anyone who dares criticize our interventionist foreign policy “hates freedom” and is probably a “terrorist sympathizer.”

The coronavirus panic has given new life to the push for a unique patient identifier. The unique patient identifier was authorized in 1996, but appropriations bills since 1998 have contained a provision forbidding the federal government from developing and implementing the identifier. Unfortunately, two weeks ago, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the ban. The unique patient identifier would aid government efforts to track and vaccinate every American, as well as to infringe in other ways on liberty in the name of “health.”

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power. Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses.

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Will the day come when Fauci blares a sentence through his megaphone and they all tear the cloths off their faces and run out into the sun weeping with relief and joy and dance in the grass and leap from rock to rock in bubbling brooks under holographic rainbows?

Will a man and his wife who almost killed each other in a brawl in their kitchen after he closed his café and went bankrupt suddenly regain their senses and make up and resume domestic bliss?

Will the oh-so-sensitive lockdown governors flounce down the steps of their capitol buildings and skip into the arms of adoring crowds of face-naked voters and march off to the nearest bar to pop corks on bottles of champagne?

Will reporters heap praise on President Biden for seeing it through and defeating the germ as only he could? Will Secretary of Commerce Bernie Sanders announce that all major industries in the US are now nationalized? Will Treasury Secretary and Microsoft CEO Satya Narayana Nadella inform the populace that a currency reset has been negotiated, all money is now digitized, and every citizen’s assets are worth sixty percent of their former value, in order to pay off the interest on the fifteen-trillion-dollar bailout? I would see some serious surreal there.

As people keel over from the Gates RNA injection and collapse on the streets, will the Health and Human Services chief, an unnamed former leader non-leader of Seattle CHAZ, declare these deaths are stemming from the residual last-gasp efforts of the germ?

Mr. Enter #dunning-kruger #quack web.archive.org

So, let's talk about masks, the end all be all of stopping Covid or something. So, let's get right into the news here

Here's a 60 minutes interview with Dr. Fauci, saying the general public shouldn't wear masks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI&feature=youtu.be

Here's our US surgeon general saying that we shouldn't be wearing masks on a tweet that is still up https://twitter.com/surgeon_general/status/1233725785283932160?lang=en

An Australian news service talking about masks, complete with a demonstration by a fireman who apparently went viral showing that aersols go through anything but an n95 mask which the majority of the public is not using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqRL1GXu5DE

I could go on and on with news reports from earlier this year, including from the CDC itself that told the general public not to wear masks. So, there's two options about this - either they were lying then or they're lying now. So, we as the general public have two options - either listen to known and admitted liars or don't wear masks.

Argument #1 against masks: Our health establishment, across the world, almost universally told people not to wear masks back then the pandemic began. The established science on masks has not changed since then. There have been no longitudinal studies or science experiments changing our understanding about them.

At best, you could argue that our health establishments lied to secure these masks for doctors and such. Under this argument, masks should still not be worn by the general public, as that need hasn't gone away. Doctors should still be the ones to primarily receive masks before the general public.

Argument #2 against masks: There are edicts (not laws. Laws require a process to be enacted) about requiring masks. None of these edicts require specific kinds of masks. I've heard people say "you can use anything to make a mask." This is one of the stupidest things that I've ever heard. A "Wear your fucking mask" person even suggested a scarf. Ignoring the fact that it is now July, and even in the northern United States we're experiencing 90 degree weather on the daily, scarves generally have holes in them, which do nothing to prevent aersolized droplets from getting through. Many of the masks you can buy on amazon specifically come with disclaimers stating that they do not provide protection from Covid, but you're allowed to go in public areas with those masks and no one bats an eye. This is even ignoring that in some places in the United States, we do have anti-mask laws. As in, if you obscure your face, you can be arrested. Good thing we don't live in an environment in which police officers would just love to abuse that little fact. http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/mcs/maskcodes.html

Do you want to know the worst thing? Someone wearing a mask made from like an old t-shirt or something, thinking that they're safe... and doing more risky behavior. Going out more, making them more likely to get the disease and spread it. If you tell me that "anything can work for a mask" you are objectively wrong and I designate not to listen to you. n95 masks go through a specific processes that your sewing machine is not capable of.

Argument #3 against masks: People are stupid. People who think they're safe tend to be even more stupid and let their guard down. According to the science, last time I checked, we're supposed to stay 6 feet apart (2 meters in Metricland). However, when we talk, we're supposed to have an even greater distance because the droplets go even further. Guess when most people take off their masks? That's right, when they're talking.

I heard someone say that they borrowed a relative's mask. That is about exactly as hygienic as using someone else's underwear. Bet you didn't wash it either. Wearing a disposable mask twice is like wearing a disposable condom or diaper twice. Cloth masks (that do not stopped aeroslized droplets) must be washed after every use or they become more of a health hazard than they create. They trap moisture. Moisture becomes a petri dish.

You ever touch the inside of your mask with unwashed hands? You ever not wash your hands after taking the mask off? This is my favorite one because it happens the most - you ever only put the mask on your mouth and don't cover your nose? A mouth that's closed doesn't spread droplets anywhere near as far as your nose.

Do you want me to go on? Do you put your mask on before you enter a store and take it off as soon as you leave? Welp, you got the bacteria from your car keys, the car door, anything inside the car, and who knows what else on the mask... and on your face. And if you take it off as soon as you leave - guess what - all store bacteria is on your face as well.

This compounds with the problem of security theater. I repeat, if you think that you're safe and you're not, you take risks you otherwise shouldn't. By improperly wearing or handling a mask, you create more of a health risk. Rule 1 to not catch Coronavirus - don't touch your face. Masks require you to. Actual surgeons wash their hands before putting it on and taking it off.

Argument #4 against masks: Heat stroke and sweat. Your body gets out excess heat via various orifices. Your nose and your mouth can do a great deal to help with that. When you have a mask on, the heat is trapped there. Yes, they make breathable masks. Any mask that breathable is likely to do nothing to stop the spread of Covid. There are mainly two things that can happen in this case. Number one, it can cause heat stroke.

You know what heat stroke is like? It's not pretty and it can kill you. It also requires immediate medical treatment, which as you might know, is in short supply in some areas. Here's a question - how many high profile cases of heat stroke do you think it would take to get these mask edicts removed?

But let's not get so drastic. Your body has other ways of getting rid of heat. That being sweat. Sweats are droplets, which spread droplet based diseases like Covid19. This is the reason that gyms are still closed. Yeah, certain Asian cultures do wear masks when people are sick. Flu and cold seasons tend to be the winter, where it's cold and this usually isn't as much of a problem.

But no, even some Asian cultures are saying no to masks - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/01/south-korea-incidents-of-covid-19-mask-rage-flareas-summer-heats-up. If the South Koreans can't handle masks in the summer, do you really think the rest of the world will? If I need to remind you, South Korea was the country that was so determined to beat the coronavirus when their contact tracing pointed out a gay bar it created a wave of homophobia. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/05/12/with-new-covid-19-outbreak-linked-to-gay-man-homophobia-on-rise-in-south-korea/#2bce2b404909#2bce2b404909. Some South Koreans are refusing to wear masks so much it's starting actual fist fights, because to get someone to wear a mask or a fucking scarf in 80-90 degree weather is unreasonable, unless you want to have a heat stroke pandemic on your hands and dropping compliance.

You go out on a hot day and no one is wearing a mask. And let me tell you, when it comes to something like civil disobedience like this, it becomes easier and easier. How many people shot off illegal fireworks on the fourth? Yeah, how many of those people do you think are going to keep going along with all of this? You can only ask people so much before it turns unreasonable. Here's some sciency stuff about masks and such https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7087880/

Argument #5 against masks: Here's a little bit of a wager for you. Either masks are effective (enough) or they're right, right? Those can be the only two options, right. If they're not effective, then any mask ordinance is... useless at best. If masks are useful... then things like the lockdowns and removing people's right to an education is useless at best. Are masks useful? If yes, then we don't need lockdowns. If masks aren't useful enough to make lockdowns useless then they're not useful. I was told repeatedly that we could just sit in lockdown forever and ever. We can't, but it's nice to live in a fairytale once in awhile.

Argument #6 against masks: A different kind of social distancing. I don't like what our culture is becoming. People nowadays, especially online, where most of us are, have stopped seeing other people as people, but... walking vectors of disease. That's not a good way to live. It's an incredibly dangerous way to live, actually. And masks... make the problem worse. Do you know what kind of communication a smile is? What it can really do for a human interaction. It's not something that you can do behind a mask. Most of our emotional communication comes from the mouth. When everyone is locked off from each other it creates an emotional distance, on top of the physical one.

And people are already... literally killing each other out there. This is not something we need more of. It's become incredibly dangerous. I can't imagine the kind of mental illnesses that we're instilling the youngest generation with. The generation after Z, I think they're called "Alpha" (which uh... doesn't make sense but okay) is being born into this. This is going to end up defining their generation; I could imagine a lot of... trust issues, nevermind obsessive compulsive tendencies. When young people have trust issues they tend to turn to violence or... drugs and alcohol, or they completely withdraw.

Argument #7 against masks: Mental health. I'm going to make this one quick. Masks are and do have a hellish effect on some people's mental health. For example, if someone has PTSD from being strangled, then it's probably going to be a trigger. It's not as simple as just "oh, it's a stupid piece of cloth." It's more like "I woke up during a surgery in more pain than I've ever felt in my life and medical masks bring me right back to that time" or "I was gagged when they kidnapped me and brutalized me." I'm not going to go deep into this, because for the past few months society has finally decided to become honest about how they don't give a fuck about mental health in the slightest.

Argument #8 against masks: Poverty. Again I'm going to make this quick, because as established, society has a whole has been honest with how they don't give a shit. Masks that actually work are in short supply. Short supplies causes prices to rise if demand doesn't fall. Getting ahold of masks that actually work becomes harder, especially for the more impoverished of us. Preventing people from going into locations based on their inability to procure this can count as discrimination against the poor. Yes, they can make something out of... rubbish. But as established that's not really effective. So, in turn, you'll only have the more well-off people with masks that actually work, which, once again, is discrimination. I supposed you could give them out for free. But we have shortages of PPE and the free stuff should probably go to the doctors and hospitals, right?


So, please keep telling me to wear a mask that just might be illegal that you don't know if I can afford while you wear one made of an old bath towel filled with mildew that you never wash. It's what the science says after all, after they've said repeatedly to not wear masks unless you yourself are sick. Keep wishing that people who aren't wearing masks get and die of Covid, without realizing that masks don't keep you safe. They're meant to keep others safe. If you keep fiddling with them and putting them on without washing your hands, you're more likely to die of Covid than someone who has never worn a mask ever.

And please, keep taking down your masks to shout at people so you know they can hear you being a hypocrite. I'd prefer someone who never wears a mask than someone up their ass about how everyone should wear a mask without knowing how they do or don't work. It really makes you look like you're on the moral right about this whole thing. If you hope I get Covid, I hope you get heat stroke. Hell, I can even claim the moral high ground because heat stroke isn't contagious.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #quack naturalnews.com

Get ready America to be microchipped with electronic transmitters that communicate with drones, military police and the medical industrial complex. Have you been vetted by a drone at your front door yet? Why aren’t you answering your door, are you a terrorist or some patriot rebel-‘rouser? You are now under surveillance due to your continued use of “hate speech” on social media, and it’s time for your state-mandated, CDC-sequestered vaccination, including GPS-tracking chip. Don’t worry though, it’s just for your own safety and well-being. We need to know everywhere you go, always, forever more. That’s all. Nothing to see here. Move on.

Yes, top-secret electronic transmitters communicate with drones, telling drones to attack the chip inside the vaccinated “pathrai” (human tracer or just terrorist bait) as used by Barrack Hussein Obama and the CIA, embedded in the Taliban higher-ups, in order to track and kill al-Qaida leaders, plus their cohort terrorists. It was a “catch and release” program — the same thing Bill Gates and George Soros will have done to every schmuck in America that gets the Covid-19 vaccine, and beyond.

Did you vote for Trump, again? You are a dissident, in need of re-education at a FEMA camp (where they have millions of coffins already purchased and stacked, ready for the masses). If you fail to show up, the vaccine chip can be homed in on by drones and killing machines, because you’ve all been tagged, like cattle. Remember, they laughed at George Orwell when he wrote 1984 and the whole damn movie pretty much came true and is happening right now.

We DO live in a police state that records our every move, word, email, text, post.

We DO live in a police state world that’s erasing history and rewriting it to fit a Marxist, nightmarish agenda.

We DO live in a police state where child “protective” services steals children who aren’t vaccinated, or who didn’t get enough chemotherapy, and sells them into the slave trade. It’s called medical kidnapping and it happens here all the time.

You may feel like these vaccine scenarios are a bit far-fetched, but what you don’t know is most of them are being designed in labs right now, and will be fast-tracked through CDC and FDA approval. People really are being micro-chipped right now. Check and see. The vaccine microchip is coming, it’s just a matter of how soon.

Is this really the NEAR FUTURE of vaccines?
Soon, after everyone is micro-chipped with tracker technology that’s synced with your political party voting habits, that’s linked to your medical information, your gun ownership information, your vaccine history, after all of that, there WILL BE more lock-downs, more starvation, more desolation, more death, more riots, more unemployment, more deadly novel diseases, and it won’t stop.

Smaller government cells (think Democrat Mayors and Governors) will have a local activation control “mother board” for vaccine chip death switches, so if, say 500 people are protesting against the tyranny, they can activate all 500 people to die. Maybe broadcast the mass murder of dissidents on pay per view, to raise money for the next election, and to keep the dictatorship in place forever.

George Del Cid #conspiracy #crackpot #quack youtube.com

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -William Casey, CIA director
The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television. - Richard m. Nixon, U.S. president
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for thecoronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it.

The 64 year old tech mogul and currently the second richest person in the world, revealed this yesterday during a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session while answering questions on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.

Gates was responding to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, and said that, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoosafter Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedes dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.

The quantum-dot tattoos will likely be supplemented with Bill Gates’ other undertaking called ID2020, which is an ambitious project by Microsoft to solve the problem of over 1 billion people who live without an officially recognized identity. ID2020 is solving this through digital identity. Currently, the most feasible way of implementing digital identity is either through smartphones or RFID microchip implants. The latter will be Gates’s likely approach not only because of feasibility and sustainability, but also because for over 6 years, the Gates Foundation has been funding another project that incorporates human-implantable microchip implants. This project, also spearheaded by MIT, is abirth control microchip implant that will allow women to control contraceptive hormones in their bodies.

As for ID2020, to see it through,Microsoft has formed an alliance with four other companies, namely; Accenture, IDEO, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The project is supported by the United Nations and has been incorporated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative.

Coronavirus vaccine is the mark of the beast. Corona means crown which is the 7th chakra of spirituality with God almighty. this coronavirus is an attack with our spirit. The vaccine will shut it off to the 666 vibration of man/beast. God bless you 🙏😇🙏

The time is now to revolt! Destroy the NWO. Knock down there 5g towers as well. China and britain have started (…)
Petition this as well!


Also these are the definitions of the names of the following people:
Jared is Hebrew for descent
Ivanka means God is gracious
Donald means world ruler
Melania means black/dark
Barron means a Lord of the realm/noble

Share this comment to spread the word. The time is now!!!😇 God bless you 🙏😇🙏❣️

Monica Showalter #quack #wingnut lewrockwell.com

Bad medicine: Fauci's HCQ Waterloo

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been hailed in the press as the nation’s top infectious disease expert. He’s been feted with presidential honors and high praise for his medical acumen. His policy disagreements with President Trump, supposedly as the voice of “science,” have made him a hero on the left. Such laurels and the implied power conveyed have led to some weird side-effects — such as his image featured on ladies’ underwear and declarations that he’s the sexiest man alive.

He’s still being posterized on the left with calls to “Thank Dr. Fauci.”

Other countries got well from COVID. But America didn’t. America today is still floundering around on lockdowns, re-lockdowns, its schools shut, its election growing dubious. And the persistence of the pandemic can directly be traced to the incompetent, bad medical decisions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, which have left America a COVID wasteland while the rest of the world got well.

DarkBulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

Highly overreported. Too many Drs & Nurses blowing the whistle. A piece of fruit was tested possitive. A personal friend got tested 3 times, all came back negative, his physician still pronounced C19 & reported as such.

If this bug were bad I'd be dead you pussy. So would my kid. So would my friend's 77 year old dad. So would my personal friend with 3 negatives that his doc still reported as C19.

Start detoxing that piece of swiss cheese you use for a frontal lobe. Diatomaceous earth gets the metals, (buy food grade). Fluoride which is the binding agent that carries lead, strontium, aluminum, mercury, etc. past the brain blood barrier & conveniently deposits them in your now crippled logic center can be detoxed w/ iodine in your diet. Seaweed, kelp & especially shellfish are good sources.

Good luck 85.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #crackpot #conspiracy garydbarnett.com

“The next major phase of this terror plot will be the rollout of a new Covid vaccine and vaccination mandates worldwide. None will be certain of the total makeup of these vaccines, as what may actually be in it could be hidden and deadly. There will certainly be multiple virus strains, there will be harmful adjuvants that could include mercury and aluminum, among many others, and there will most likely be unknown ingredients as well. With today’s technology, the list of possible components is endless, and many could be gene altering. DNA and RNA vaccines can allow for genetic engineering, although the mainstream will go to great lengths to deny this possibility. Tracking technology could also be implanted, as well as other invasive elements such as foreign nano-particles and RFID chips. This is not a claim that this has happened, but is a warning that it could happen. The technology is available. It is imperative to keep in mind that the U.S. government is in bed with the Gates Foundation, the CDC, the WHO, and many criminal pharmaceutical companies. Government contracts for Covid vaccine production, government/pharmaceutical partnerships, additional government funding, and delivery partnerships expose the fascist nature of these projects. The banking and corporate powerful and the government are the drivers of this fake pandemic, and are also working together to vaccinate the world. Be very aware of the dangerous nature of such a nefarious consolidation between these corrupt entities that are bound to have ulterior motives that will be deadly.

We are heading into even more dangerous waters as this state terror continues. Hiding behind a mask will not protect you from what is to come.”

Jon Rappoport #quack #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Ferguson and his team at Imperial College are, at best, delusional. In a world filled with actual computer-science experts, they chose to take a broken-down Model T Ford for a spin and made predictions that have led to the takedown of national economies and horrific human suffering.

And then, to cover their boggling faults, they floated the psychotic claim that AVERAGING the results of their individually crippled predictions would yield accurate and vital results.

Keep in mind, as I mentioned earlier in the article, that Ferguson’s work is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Gates wanted alarming predictions of deaths, leading to lockdowns—as a prelude to a COVID vaccine for every person on the planet. He got those predictions.

Minus Bill Gates and Neil Ferguson, plus a few staunch and sensible political leaders, we would be living and working OUT IN THE OPEN, WITH NO RESTRAINTS, through a season called “another year of the flu.”

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #quack #wingnut garydbarnett.com

Do not mistake anything about what is going on today, and do not underestimate the sinister aspect of this long planned and purposely-manufactured false pandemic. This is an act of terror that has been created for the purpose of spreading fear in order to gain more power and complete control over the world population. This is not only state sponsored terrorism, but is an active terroristic plot being accomplished by the state itself. The difference this time is that it is not cloaked in mystery or secrecy, there is no threat of bombs, and no group is claiming responsibility for this attack on humanity. It is terror by stealth alone, as this new claimed killer of the innocent is said to be a virus that has never even been properly or scientifically isolated or identified. No shot had to be fired in order to panic the masses, and all that was needed was a lie that could be easily sold to a population of pathetic brainwashed sheep awaiting their own slaughter

Compared to just a few months ago, this country and most of the world have become unrecognizable. Human society as we have known it, has been decimated and altered beyond recognition. Beauty and pleasure, and all frivolity in life, including the essence of the human spirit, have been mostly eliminated in favor of isolation, masking, and distancing. What is left is a cold and dark landscape that is mostly devoid of joy. The precious nature of life and love, the taste of exquisite flavors, the freedom to explore, to travel, to play, to listen to live music, and to connect with people and cultures has all but disappeared. The terror inflicted on us all by the ruling class and the government has cut deeply into our souls. It is an abomination.

During this terrorist attack on the masses by the use of a propagandized ‘virus’ scheme, the rich continue to get richer, while all the rest of humanity suffers. Wealth transfers at this level have never occurred, and with any continuation of this insanity, poverty will become universal in nature. This will necessarily finish off the middle class once and for all, leaving the very few privileged at the top, and all others at the bottom of the heap. That is the system desired, as any society that sinks into the abysmal state of rulers and serfs is bound to favor those claiming elite status. Once most of society becomes fully dependent due to the destruction of their lives and work, subordination to authority becomes commonplace, and the doling out of morsels by the state will be viewed as a benevolent act, when in fact it will only be used as a control measure.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot lewrockwell.com

What is imperative to understand, is that there is no real evidence to support that any deaths have occurred from any coronavirus supposedly linked or specific to what is being labeled as SARS-CoV-2. Because this supposed virus has never been properly isolated or reproduced, has never satisfied Koch’s Postulates, and no antibodies specific to this ‘virus’ have been identified, how can any of this brutal and murderous response by governments be justified? It cannot be justified, so those attempts to do so are based on nefarious lies and propaganda needed by the state in order to advance its plan for the takeover of the human masses.
Once the killer vaccination is said to be ready, there will be an initial voluntary mass acceptance, but the voluntary aspect of delivering this toxic concoction will change rapidly. At first, there will be adverse consequences for those not accepting a vaccination and getting an immunity certificate. Restrictions on movement, all travel, necessary daily duties such as shopping for food, and being in any public venue will be forthcoming, and eventually, access to banking accounts and investment assets could be limited by the state for any dissenters.

With a weak society purposely created by state lockdowns and isolation, vaccination by Gates and his cohorts will prove to exacerbate the already tenuous situation facing the general population. Vaccinating already weak individuals with inadequate immune response systems, especially with multiple virus strains and many unknown adjuvants and other hidden ingredients, will lead to much higher deaths, all of course attributed to Covid-19. Those responsible for creating this untested vaccine, and injecting it into hundreds of millions of Americans are completely exempt from monetary liability and prosecution due to any adverse effects evident. In other words, the pharmaceutical companies, the vaccine manufacturers, the ‘health’ organizations, and the government are all held harmless regardless of how many they murder.

Jon Rappoport #quack #conspiracy #wingnut blog.nomorefakenews.com

The lockdowns, the distancing, the masks, the testing, the tracing are the effects. They are designed to prove there is a new and deadly virus, the cause.

The fallacy is: that’s backwards.

Of course, the lockdowns and the masks and distancing prove nothing. They’re on the level of: “The man is in jail, so he must have committed a crime.”

The fallacy is actually: The Effect Which Is Actually Not an Effect of a Claimed Cause.

And then think about this. If there were no containment measures, if people were allowed to come and go freely, they would soon lose a sense of urgency about vaccination. And businesses would be open; there would be no economic destruction. Now we’re getting down to the truth.

The containment measures aren’t the effect of anything.

They’re put there to achieve economic destruction, and to create the illusion of need for a vaccine.

Rush Limbaugh #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #quack rushlimbaugh.com

CALLER: My question is it, what makes one medical expert better than another medical expert, particularly in terms of something like hydroxychloroquine?

RUSH: That’s an interesting question. So you’re essentially asking me why when one medical expert says hydroxychloroquine sucks does he get listened to and another medical expert, “No, no, no, the stuff is good,” is he ignored?


RUSH: Politics.

CALLER: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. (laughing)

RUSH: I mean, you laugh, but politics is the answer to the question out there, Jenna.

CALLER: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I mean it seems to be in everything.

RUSH: Hydroxychloroquine may as well be a slave owner.

CALLER: Yeah. That’s true. Absolutely. I mean, obviously there’s people that have been cured by it successfully. Nothing works 100 percent successfully for everybody. There certainly are these side effects, every commercial that you ever hear, every other —

RUSH: Well, you know, I’ll tell you something, that’s true too. There are always, even in certain medicines, some of them work on some people, some of them don’t on others.


RUSH: We’re all different.

CALLER: Hm-hm. Yes. Absolutely.

RUSH: We’re all different gene makeup. There’s so many different factors that go into this. So the answer to your question, sadly, is politics.

And the politics of this, folks, let me find — I’ve got time, find the sound bite. Quickly, quickly. It’s number 11. Grab sound bite number 11. Last night CNN, Wolf Blitzer to Thomas Friedman, New York Times. “Do you see an end in sight to all this COVID stuff and everything else?”

FRIEDMAN: Oh, I do see an end in sight. It’s in November. I will walk. I will crawl. I will slither. I will bike. I will hike. But I will be going to the polls to vote for Joe Biden because until, unless we replace this president and this administration, we’re gonna be having the same conversation every day. All right? That is what this is about. It’s about removing this man who has no business being president.

RUSH: There you have it. It’s all gonna end in November, folks. Wolf Blitzed, “When is this gonna end, Thomas? When’s it gonna be over? Do you see an end to this?” Yeah. Yeah. November. But, you know, I have a reaction to this for the lovable and adorable Never Trumpers out there and a lot of you weasely Republicans who think, like Friedman, that Trump is the problem here. But I’m gonna have to get in the monologue segment of the next hour.

RUSH: Can Thomas Friedman name one thing Biden would do that’s different? He can’t think of one thing because Biden doesn’t know what he’s gonna do. Friedman probably thinks he’s gonna be on the committee running the country. That’s probably what’s going on.

Brandon Smith #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

If the economy tanks far more people will die from the resulting crisis of poverty, crime and civil unrest than will EVER die from the coronavirus pandemic. When you look at the big picture, how can anyone justify medical tyranny and martial law measures? There is simply no logical explanation for violating the economic and personal freedom of Americans in response to a disease. If some people die from the virus, so be it. Its a small price to pay to keep our freedoms intact. Furthermore, I would stand by that argument even if I get sick from the virus.

Jim Quinn #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

The willingness of tens of millions to unquestioningly believe what they have been told by their leaders and supposed medical “experts” regarding a virus which will not kill 99.97% of the American population is a fascinating exploration of herd mentality and the power of fear propaganda. This nasty virus, supposedly let loose from a Wuhan bio-lab, is less deadly than the annual flu among those under 65 years old and more deadly when purposefully introduced into nursing homes by politicians.

The virus has less negative impact on school age children than the annual flu. But governors, mayors and teachers’ unions are refusing to open schools in the Fall, despite the data and actual experience in European schools proving it is safe to do so. The path of history during 2020 has not been natural or propelled by normal un-manipulated circumstances. The manner in which events have transpired seems staged, well planned, and designed for a purpose not yet revealed to the masses.

Arbeitsgruppe timeloop (producer) and BioPure.eu (seller) #ufo #quack #crackpot #magick #mammon biopure.eu

Black Goo

29,00 € *
(Incl. value-added tax, plus shipping)

As a radionic preparation, the new Black Goo Globoli incorporate the signatures of terrestrial 7-Chakra Black Goo as well as that of extraterrestrial 3-Chakra Black Goo. Thus, this preparation contrasts “good” and “evil” in purest form, namely in the form as of the two material poles of the duality.
The goal is a complete reconnection to Earth’s collective conscience, the return to Paradise. The path is the transformation of the darkness everyone still carries within themselves. Because this darkness - just as the readiness to let it go - varies a lot between individuals, the spectrum of effectiveness lies between “nothing” and the initiations of extremely intensive awakening processes that can include emotional experiences as well as corporeal side effects.

Content: 1.3g (ca. 160 pieces)

Apply according to radionic or kinesionlogical testing, generally 3 times 3 globuly a day.
Due to the rapid change our planet is going through at the moment, it was necessary to adjust the formula for the Black Goo Globuli. All coming preparations will be made direcly from live 7-Chakra Black Goo to match the signature of Mother Earth as closely as possible. The accompaning radionic codes were adjusted to the quality of time as well and focus on the awakening process running through time; they serve the purpose of opening the heart, to resolve the duality, further the awakening of the True Self and the dissolution of the Ego. They help in rediscoveing the unconditional empathy within and offer help with stepping through the fear-gate through which we must go so that we can transform our own darkness into growth.

Noteworthy facts about Black Goo.

Black Goo is a mineral oil with metallic nanostructures demonstrating a previously unknown form of magnetism, which can carry the essence of a planet as “hardware” in a network of Leylines. It forms on all planets with biospheres and carries a biophoton-based planetary collective memory. Furthermore, it is the origin of the instincts of all genera. Terrestrial Black Goo can be found in volcanoes, in deep oil reservoirs and in young high mountain ranges where masses of stone shearing against east other cut off Leylines and lift them to the surface.

16,000 years ago, a swarm of meteorites hit the Earth. They were consisted of oil shale containing foreign Black Goo. This Black Goo carried the signature of a planet inhabited by reptiles. It resonates exclusively with the second, third and sixth chakra (sexuality, vital energy and reason) and inspires aggression, lack of empathy and sexual violence. With the arrival of this “Alien Black Goo” on Earth, the duality was born. Pieces of this oil shale have since been the centrepiece of all rites of black magic. 2015, a holographical conscience field of this alien Black Goo was connected to the field of the Earth. Thus, it gained the missing chakras and has been harmless since. Now it is time to cure the results of the lived darkness within humanity.

The signature of the Alien Black Goo as Essence of Evil helps with feeling the lived Darkness within oneself and thus bringing it into healing. The purpose of the terrestial Black Goo is to help find reconnection to our planetary collective conscienciousness and thus become fully capable of empathy again - ultimately equating to the return to Paradise. All other radionic codes are intended to catalyse this process.

The untreated globules of pure saccharoe are by Marayana Verlag.
The imprinting is performed by * Aquarius Technologies * © AG timeloop * Further information about Black Goo is available only here: www.timeloopsolution.de *

Original GermanBlack Goo
Die neuen Black Goo Globuli tragen als radionisches Präparat sowohl die Signaturen von irdischem 7-Chakren-Black Goo als auch des ausserirdischen 3-Chakren Black Goo in sich. Damit stellt das Präparat in reinster Form "gut" und "böse" gegenüber, nämlich in Form der beiden stofflichen Pole der Dualität.
Das Ziel ist die vollständige Wiederanbindung an das irdische Kollektivbewusstsein, die Rückkehr ins Paradies. Der Weg ist die Transformation der Dunkelheit die ein jeder noch in sich trägt. Da diese Dunkelheit - wie die Bereitschaft sie loszulassen - individuell sehr verschieden ist, liegt die Wirkpalette zwischen "nichts" und dem Anstossen extrem intensiver Bewusstwerdungsprozesse, die sowohl emotionale Erfahrungen als auch körperliche Begleiterscheinungen umfassen können.

Inhalt: 1,3g (ca. 160 Stk.)

Anwendung gemäß radionischer oder kinesiologischer Testung, i.d.R 3 mal 3 Kügelchen apro Tag.
Wegen den schnellen Veränderung, die unser Planet zur Zeit durchläuft, war es notwendig, das Rezept für die Black Goo Globuli anzupassen. Alle kommenden Prägungen werden direkt von lebendigem 7-Chakren Black Goo hergestellt, um immer möglichst nahe an der aktuellen Signatur von Mutter Erde zu sein. Auch die begleitenden radionischen Codes wurden der Zeitqualität angepasst und fokussieren auf den zur Zeit laufenden Erwachensprozess: sie dienen der Herzöffnung, der Auflösung der Dualität, fördern die Erweckung des wahren Selbst und die Auflösung der Egos. Sie helfen das bedingungslose Mitgefühl in sich wiederzuentdecken und geben Hilfe beim Durchschreiten des Angst-Tores, durch das wir müssen um die eigene Dunkelheit in Wachstum transformieren zu können.
Wissenswertes über Black Goo
Black Goo ist ein Mineralöl mit metallischen Nanostrukturen das eine bisher unbekannte Form des Magnetismus aufweist und in einem Netzwerk aus Leylines als "Hardware" das Wesen eines Planeten tragen kann. Es entsteht auf allen Planeten mit Biosphären und trägt ein Biophotonen-basiertes planetares Kollektivgedächtnis. Ausserdem ist es die Quelle der Instinkte aller Gattungen. Irdisches Black Goo findet sich an Vulkanen, in tiefliegenden Ölreservoiren und in jungen Hochgebirgen, wo durch Zerscherung von Gesteinsmassen Leylines abgeschnitten und an die Oberfläche gehoben werden.

Vor 16.000 Jahren traf ein Schwarm von Meteoriten die Erde, die aus einem Ölschiefer mit fremdem Black Goo bestanden. Dieses Goo trug die Signatur eines von Reptilien besiedelten Planeten. Es resoniert ausschliesslich mit dem zweiten, dritten und sechsten Chakra (Sexualität, Lebensenergie und Verstand) und inspiriert zu Aggression, Empathiefreiheit und sexueller Gewalt. Durch das Eintreffen dieses "Alien Black Goo" auf der Erde entstand die Dualität. Stücke dieses Ölschiefers waren seitdem der Dreh- und Angelpunkt aller schwarzmagischen Riten. 2015 wurde das holographisches Bewusstseinsfeld dieses fremden Black Goos an das Feld der Erde angeschlossen, wodurch es die fehlenden Chakren erhielt und seitdem harmlos ist. Nun gilt es die Auswirkungen der gelebten Dunkelheit in den Menschen zu heilen.

Die Signatur des Alien Black Goo als Essenz des Bösen hilft die eigene gelebte Dunkelheit in sich zu fühlen und somit in Heilung zu bringen. Die Signatur des irdischen Black Goo soll helfen die Wiederanbindung an unser planetares Kollektivbewusstsein zu finden und somit wieder voll empathiefähig zu werden - was letztendlich die Rückkehr ins Paradies bedeutet. Alle anderen radionischen Codes sollen diesen Prozess katalysieren.

Die unbehandelten Kügelchen aus reiner Saccharose sind vom Narayana Verlag.
Die Prägung erfolgt durch * Aquarius Technologies * © AG timeloop * Weitere Informationen über Black Goo gibt es ausschließlich hier:: www.timeloopsolution.de *

David Stockman #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

We don’t expect the Virus Patrol to be put out of business any time soon because the Donald is too confused and weak to shut them down.

Moreover, if he keeps shooting himself in the kneecaps via tweets like today’s “lets-postpone-the-election” numbskullery, he will guarantee an even worse scenario: Namely, that while Sleepy Joe is being oxygenated and propped-up behind the Resolute Desk for daily Oval Office photo ops, the left-wing health Nazis who surround him will really go to town on Lockdown Nation.

So on the facts, the Hysteria should be dying out, but, alas, the facts are of small moment in the context of a runaway public hysteria that is being turbocharged by a severely aggravated anti-Trump partisanship that has no modern precedent, or any at all.

We are constantly reminded that there are less than 100 days until the election, but probably of even more salience is that the next flu season will be arriving even sooner in October. And it won’t matter whether the obvious herd immunities building up against the SARS-Cov-2 cause the next flu season to be unusually mild or not.

That’s because the Virus Patrol will be at shrill alert for the “second wave” in the run-up to October, keeping the suffocated economy evident in today’s GDP report on its back foot for the balance of the year, at least. That means the ballyhooed V is now surely dead-as-a-door nail.

In this context, it needs be recalled that the services sector of the US economy is bearing the brunt of the Lockdown orders, but that it now counts for fully $8.7 trillion or 45% of GDP. That compares to a mere 26% back in the days of America’s industrial might in the mid-1950s.

In the big picture context, therefore, national policy – especially at the Eccles Building – caused the off-shoring and hollowing-out of the US industrial economy over the last three decades. In turn, that has left main street especially vulnerable to a state-orchestrated attack on its new services sector center of gravity such as outpatient surgery clinics, Pilates studios and tapas bars.

Again, an economic marshal law attack on the new epicenter of the US economy means that the issue is not traditional stimulus, but clearing the decks and clearing the air of the Virus Patrol orders and Covid-Hysteria, which was the real culprit behind the Q2 GDP disaster.

Allure #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger liebeisstleben.de

(Translated from the original German by submitter)

The Catastrophe of Mainstream Medicine – The Spanish Flu 1918 A Fake Pandemic

102 years ago, at the end of WW I, the first mass vaccinations were performed. Immediately afterwards, a previously unknown disease surfaced which brought death to ca. 100 million peope.

Later, it became known as “the Spanish Flu”. But if you read from the ancient books of doctors of those times gone by, the picture of the Influenza pandemic appears completely different:

In truth, it was the vaccinations,
which caused those countless deaths.

They simply deny that these mass vaccinations happened back then, they portray the testimonies of witnesses of the time as a conspiracy theory, and all is well again for the religion of vaccination and its faithful adherents.

The only problem is that this catastrophe of mainstream medicine, which began in the USA, where most of the CONTEMPORARY WITNESS accounts come from as well, cannot be covered up forever.


While pharmacological medicine and hospitals using pharmacological (“allopathic”) treatments lost 33% of their influenza patients, non-pharmacological hospitals such as BATTLE-CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S Health-Sanitorium achieved nearly 100% recovery, and they did so with their water cures, baths, enemas etc., with fasting cures and other simple methods of healing, followed by carefully planned diet schedules with natural food.


Today we know that polio is a common side effect of vaccine poisonings. Those who stayed home did not contract polio until the global vaccination campaign of 1918.


WW I lasted a relatively short time. Consequently, vaccine producers were not able to sell their entire stockpile. But, as they were (and still are) driven by profit, they decided to offer the vaccines to the rest of the public.

Thus, they started the greatest vaccination campaign in US history.

There were no epidemics to justify it. Nevertheless, they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed that soldiers would return from foreign lands with all sorts of disease and that everyone would have to get all vaccinations available on the market.

People believed them, firstly because they wanted to believe their doctors, and secondly because the returning soldiers had indeed become sick. But they did not know that the latter were iatrogenic diseases due to vaccinations, as the army doctors did not like to tell the of such things.

Many of the returning soldiers were crippled for life by these diseases caused by vaccination.

Many of them went insane due to the post-vaccine encephalitis, but the soldiers called it “shell shock” even though many of them never left American soil.

The conglomerate illness caused by the various toxic vaccines left the doctors speechless. This new disease they had created had the symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the men.

High fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rashes and disturbed bowels, as typical for typhoid fever. The diphtheria vaccine caused excessive lung inflation, feeling of coldness and fever, a swollen painful throat, disrupted by the artificial membrane, and through difficult breathing and heavy wheezing even death from asphyxiation, whereupon the body blackened with stagnant blood, drained of oxygen during the phases of asphyxiation. Once, it was called the “Black Death” The other vaccines caused their own reactions – paralysis, brain damage, tetanus, etc.

When the doctors tried to suppress the typhoid symptoms with an even stronger vaccines, they caused a type of typhoid fever they called typhus they called paratyphoid. Yet as they concocted yet another vaccine, yet again more potent and dangerous than before, to suppress the results of the other vaccine, they created a disease far more terrible, for which they had no name at first.

They did not want to tell the population what it really was – their own Frankenstein’s monster they had created with their vaccines and their symptom-suppressing medicaments.

They wanted to deflect the fault from themselves,
and thus, they finally named the disease “Spanish Influenza”.

So much of the factual accounts from those times of sorrow. Now the vaccination-believers can prattle again as much as they can and talk away, twist and bend all the facts in concordance with their orthodoxy, until their illusion of a “Just World” is restored.

Bill Sardi #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

“No one has died from the coronavirus”

Calling the World Health Organization a “criminal medical organization” for creating fear and chaos without objective, verifiable proof of a pandemic, Dr. Stoian Alexov of the Bulgarian Pathology Association says “No one who has died from the coronavirus. I will repeat that: no one has died from the coronavirus.”

That eyebrow-raising statement was followed by a claim that pathologists have not been able to identify any antibodies that are specific for COVID-19, a requirement for the production of vaccines. Dr. Alexov doubts the veracity of reports that antibodies can be used to treat patients. Dr. Alexov’s comments were made at the European Society of Pathology webinar on May 18.

Dr. Alexov says COVID-19 related deaths in Italy were preceded by immunization with the H1N1 flu vaccine that suppresses the immune system, which could have increased lethality.

Dr. Alexov: “Therefore in the absence of monoclonal antibodies to the novel coronavirus, pathologists cannot verify whether the COVID-19 coronavirus is present in the body, or whether the diseases and deaths attributed to it indeed were caused by the virus rather than by something else.”

Dr. Alexov says “COVID-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection.”

Dr. Alexov’s statements were published in OFF-GUARDIAN online newspaper and included supportive backing from other health authorities. The director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center in Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany also said there is a dearth of solid evidence for COVID-19’s lethality.

Attila Hildmann #conspiracy #wingnut #quack twitter.com

(NB: This guy is a Nazi vegan cook and Germany’s most infamous covidiot.)

They should have spelt Corona with K because it’s all about the Communist* Machtergreifung**! This autumn will be sooo hard.... Double, double toil and trouble, inflation and civil war... and then, the Bolshevik comes around the corner with his toxin injections! Happy Slaughter 2020!

* spelt with k in German
** “Seizure of power”, refering to Hitler being made Chancellor and his subsequent acquisition of absolute power

original GermanCorona hätten sie mit K schreiben müssen, denn hier gehts ausschließlich um Kommunistische Machtergreifung! Der Herbst wird sooo hart.... Pleiten Pech und Pannen, Inflation und Bürgerkrieg... und dann kommt der Bolschewik um die Ecke mit seinen Giftspritzen! Schlachtfest 2020!

German covidiots #conspiracy #quack #wingnut dw.com

Germany: Police halt Berlin protests against coronavirus curbs

Some 20,000 protesters have rallied, with many ignoring social distancing rules and labeling the pandemic a "false alarm." A surge in cases has prompted calls for tougher measures against COVID-19 rule breakers.

Despite infections soaring once again in Germany and fears of a potential second wave, tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Berlin on Saturday to demonstrate against coronavirus restrictions.

With few masks in sight, many in the crowd whistled and cheered as they marched from Brandenburg Gate to the German capital's Tiergarten park.

Demonstrators held up home-made placards with slogans emblazoned with the phrases: "Corona, false alarm," "We are being forced to wear a muzzle," "Natural defense instead of vaccination" and "End the corona panic – bring fundamental rights back."

Within a few hours, however, plans to continue the rally along a wide boulevard that runs through the park were shelved after a police complaint.

Berlin police said they had launched legal action against the organizer over "non-respect of hygiene rules."

The rally had only registered for 1,000 participants but, at one point, police estimated that 20,000 people were in attendance.

In the late afternoon, police used loudspeakers to order demonstrators to leave the area peacefully.


Competing protests

Reporting from the scene earlier in the day, DW's political correspondent Leonie von Hammerstein described how coronavirus-skeptics had gathered for their 'Day of freedom, the end of the pandemic.'

She also noted that a counterprotest was taking place, with many citizens angry at those wanting to break the rules.

"The difference is the counterprotesters are wearing face masks, are keeping the [correct] social distance. Whereas the other protesters are not, they have been shouting 'the pandemic never happened.' And there was an interesting standoff between protesters and counterprotesters," she said in a live report.

DPA reported that some of the counterprotesters, who dubbed themselves: "Grandmas against the extreme right," shouted "Nazis out!" at those taking part in the main protest.

Protesters far and wide

DW's von Hammerstein continued: "I talked to many of the protesters here and there is a wide variety of people who have come here from all over Germany. I spoke with a bus driver who drove protesters here from the south of Germany, protesting the coronavirus restrictions that have impacted the tourism industry."

She then described seeing verbal abuse from protesters, including one man who shouted in her face.

"He believed in conspiracy theories. He believed Bill Gates was behind the coronavirus and wants to forcefully vaccinate everybody and the German government is helping him to do that," von Hammerstein said.


Getting tough on rule-breakers

The protests took place on the same day that German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said he wanted tougher action on COVID-19 rule breakers.

"Anyone who deliberately endangers others must expect that this will have serious consequences for him," Altmaier said.

The number of infections in Germany has been on the rise recently, with 955 new cases recorded on Saturday and 870 on Friday.

The surge has been attributed to the public becoming negligent on hygiene and social distancing rules, according to the Robert Koch Institute, the German government's disease control and prevention agency.

loyal2constitution #wingnut #quack twitter.com

The virus is over because I said so. And if we all say so and start ignoring it, it will lose its power over us and the #Media will stop pushing it and it will, from a propaganda standpoint, be over.

Time for us to create a new reality here. On social media, #IgnoreTheVirus.

Coronavirus Coach #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger themillenniumreport.com

Chemical Off-gassing
Those who are manifesting COVID-19 symptoms have a greater need for fresh clean air. Because of the various respiratory illnesses associated with Coronavirus syndrome they require prana-filled air more than anything. So do folks who want to prevent catching the coronavirus.

However, when wearing a synthetic mask the person is filtering their air through a synthetic material that outgases the petrochemically derived constituents that most are made of. The masked individual is then breathing in those aerosolized toxic chemicals.

Many of the sickest COVID patients already have various respiratory illnesses and/or chemical sensitivities, so putting a mask on them is the worst thing that can be done. The same applies to people who are relatively healthy but have E.I. syndrome or MCS.*

*E.I. Syndrome = Environmental Illness Syndrome; MCS = Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Brand new products just taken out of a box are notorious for outgassing various chemical toxins. Many of the highest rated masks even off-gas noxious VOCs (volatile organic compounds) because the optimal filtration structure requires such a matrix of chemical compounds. In the case of a new mask, which is placed right over the mouth and nose, these vaporized chemicals go right into both airways.

Therefore, patients stricken with the novel coronavirus ought to be spared from such a misguided practice. A chemical overwhelm can even trigger a respiratory condition that compels the attending physician to put the patient on a ventilator which ought to be strictly avoided for COVID-19 patients.

CAVEAT from the Coach: The olfactory nerve lacks a true blood-brain barrier which is acknowledged to be 8 cells thick. There are only 4 to 6 cells surrounding the olfactory nerve making it a much more vulnerable area for vaporized chemicals to enter the brain. Hence, when a COVID-19 patient is breathing all their air through a toxic mask for weeks or months, they are inevitably experiencing an influx of harmful toxins into their brain tissue. Depending on the age, overall health and sensitivity of the individual, this predicament can produce its own set of concerning neurological symptoms.

Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide
With each and every in-breath, the sick individual is also intaking some of the carbon dioxide they just exhaled.

Instead of breathing in fresh clean air full of oxygen, the mask is diminishing their oxygen intake and replacing it with the respiratory waste product—carbon dioxide.

By subtly decreasing their oxygen levels in this manner they are being deprived of the most powerful healing agent for respiratory diseases—Molecular oxygen (O2).

Furthermore, even a slight increase of the carbon dioxide levels in their bloodstream can contribute to anxiety and feelings of nervousness as well as cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue.

The flip side of the very same problem is that prolonged mask wearing can lead to oxygen deprivation also known as hypoxia. See: Physician Warns About Prolonged Mask Wearing and Hypoxia

For these reasons especially, both the healthy and the ill should avoid wearing a mask like the plague … … … otherwise you may end up getting this coronavirus plague.

Unhygienic and Unsanitary
Even after wearing a mask for a short period of time it becomes filthy. The more polluted the indoor and/or outdoor ambient air is, the quicker the mask will become contaminated.

Not only is the mask capturing particulate and chemical pollution from the ambient air, the accumulation of these throughout the course of a day further obstructs the necessary breathing process.

Hence, the longer a mask is worn in a polluted environment, the dirtier and more contaminated it will become. Just take a close look at the return air filter in your home or garage if you want to see what’s happening with a well-worn mask; albeit, on a much smaller scale.

Now let’s add into the mix the constant coughing and sneezing and spitting up phlegm and mucus. What will inevitably develop regarding the mask is a worst-case scenario that can push the patient onto a ventilator. This is only one reason so many hospital inpatients are being vented; the inappropriate treatment plans also include specific pharmaceutical drugs that are strongly contraindicated for Coronavirus syndrome.

KEY POINT: Venting COVID-19 patients has proven to be injurious to the lungs and often deadly, as several doctors and nurses have testified. Five medical school professors in Italy have also correctly pointed out the extreme risks of ventilators in this scientific research paper: Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Damage the Immune System
The following excerpt was taken from this article published by the Alachua Chronicle in Gainesville, Florida: Face masks can damage the immune system.

Stress can lower Your immunity. A face-covering or mask that interferes with respiration can add to stress. Cortisol is a hormone closely linked with stress. It works as a key player in the body’s stress response and is often measured in research as an indicator of stress.

Cortisol plays a vital role in the body’s functioning; it’s secreted by the kidney’s adrenal glands. But high and sustained blood levels of cortisone in individuals stressed by the fear of COVID-19 can trigger serious and emergent health issues.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (such as those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function
Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
Decreased bone density
Decrease in muscle tissue
Higher blood pressure
Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, developing metabolic syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems.

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.

Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

JonFreeman #wingnut #quack deviantart.com

so, some docs went out and said hydrochlo was doing quite well combating the virus.

a few channels relayed the testimonials of these doctors.

Big tech censored said channels, and twitter locked them out over it.


yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that everything's fine.

EyesAreSoCold #quack #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Darwinistic nature defeatists are wrong, "nature doesn't want us to have sex so we shouldn't" is a feminist doctrine disguised as a blackpill

"Women's sexual selection has rejected your genes so you should just respect that and never get laid".

I keep hearing this kind of appeal-to-nature reasoning even here. People that are decently blackpilled but somehow falls into this trap where they let women be exempt from morals and laws but not men, double standards! Many men have their minds operating within arbitrary boundaries that a century of feminist thought has created, their intellect obscured leads them to this fallacy.

Monogamous marriages and slut shaming, that kept inceldom at bay for thousands of years, are social constructs, but do you know what also are? Laws, police, taxation, all welfare services that are voraciously used by women, everything that shackles men and diminishes their natural advantages. If you reject all attempts to control women's sexuality because "it's natural and you can't fight nature bro" then you also invite men's primal violent nature to flourish and all murder and rape that comes with it.

Imagine if a stone age man came to life amidst our modern society, what would he do if he was horny and all women rejected him? Masturbate and browse .co? No he'd rape the first best woman he saw and fight to kill any interference, he hasn't been domesticated by any moral dogmas so his biological instincts is all he knows.

Do you really think women want to go back to that? They depend on men for protection and to be provided for, it's not as obvious today when all men are forced to proxy provide for women but it's still true. Is chad resourceful enough to support and protect his entire harem? Not likely.

I'm not saying this egoistic anarchy is ideal but that is the inevitable end of feminism, you can't expect men to be good boy slaves forever.

HyperVersager_4EVER #transphobia #sexist #quack incels.is

[Serious] It is time for me to come out as a TransChad
      I believe in my heart of hearts that my current body does not correspond to what I truly am. I look myself in the mirror and what I see and what I feel do not match. I am not a manlet, rather I am 6’4 tall. I don’t have 15inch narrow clavicle, my clavicle is broad and domineering. My face isn’t hideous and full of genetic acne, I have a clean face with robust jawline and hunter eyes. I identify as Chad, I am a transChad. And you shouldn’t discriminate against me just because I wasn’t privileged enough to born as what I truly am, you disgusting cishet. And any Chad-desiring women too, should find me beautiful and treat me as who I truly am. If she desires a cisChad, she ought to desire a transChad like me too, otherwise it is bigotry and she should be punished under anti-discrimination laws, especially as a form of discrimination against disenfranchised gender and sexual minorities. After years of hard-fought progress, our society has finally advanced to a level that people can live as who they truly are and it just saddens me that some unsavoury women still discriminate against poor, impoverished transChad people like me. We must spread awareness on this issue, teach who transChads are to our kids early, so that they will not grow up to discriminate against all the disenfranchised minorities such us. Thanks for reading this kind stranger, it was painful for me to come in terms with who I truly am and I am slowly crawling out of my safe space. Your understanding means a lot to me! Here are some tags to help you spread our cause! Let us build a diverse and tolerant society together!

#TransChadLivesMatter #ILGBTQIA+LivesMatter #StopTheHate #TransChadRights #FuckATransChadTodayToFightTheHate

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

COVID Trauma-Based Mind Control

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?” (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)

The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.

The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.

For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.

The government and media messaging about the “pandemic” was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign. News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc. No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate. The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.

In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey. They follow orders. They sleep-walk. They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.

A nation asleep. A world asleep.

—This would be the time for a political leader to step forward and address the people, in order to wake them up—first, by directing them to look around and see the unconscionable economic and, therefore, human wreckage.

This leader, this president, would describe in sufficient detail the horrendous situation: job loss, business closures, bankruptcies, suicides, murders, broken families. The national engine of production, shut down. The “cure worse than the disease.” Far worse.

Then the leader would rally the nation with a plan for recovery. This would be a further wake-up call. For example, for a start, the creation of a million jobs, to repair the crumbling national infrastructure. Roads, highways, bridges, canals.

Trauma and paralysis need “a reverse vector.” Supplied with great energy and conviction.

We see none of that. Political leaders are mainly timid and brainless—when they aren’t forcing more restrictive measures on the people.

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.
Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

All in all, many people are subconsciously asking this question: would I rather wake up and therefore see the mass insanity all around me, or would I prefer to stay asleep and follow orders and pretend that is the best course of action? They choose the second option.

Waking up means the individual is living life at a new and different level. It means seeing the truth. It’s the first step to coming up with a strategy for dealing with the reality that has been imposed.

Not waking up means living in a state of conformity, accepting official statements and orders, following those orders, fitting in, acting normal, adjusting, behaving according to stimulus-response.

Re quarantine, isolation, social distancing, wearing masks: “We did not know what the Russian [brainwashing] procedures were, but it seemed that they were producing some peculiar changes of attitude. How? One possible factor was perceptual isolation and we concentrated on that.” (Donald Hebb, Sensory Deprivation: A Symposium Held at Harvard Medical School. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1961)

John Q Citizen would say: “But I have to believe the quarantines, the isolation, the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks…they’re all happening so we can contain the virus. If I stop believing that, things would look very different. And I don’t want thing to look very different.”

Re the use of fake official science as mind control: “Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality…However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.” (Edward Hunter, Brainwashing. New York: Pyramid Books. 1956)

Re the recruitment of citizens to operate as contact tracers in a wide-ranging program: “Brainwashing is defined as an observable set of transactions between a charismatically-structured collectivity and an isolated agent of the collectivity with the goal of transforming the agent into a deployable agent.” (Thomas Robbins, ‎Benjamin David Zablocki, Misunderstanding Cults, 2001)


Becky Akers #fundie #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

Church Bulletins

The People’s Democratic Republic of Californistan has codified its millions of diktats for churches as it “allows” them to re-open. Mr. Anonymous sent me the link along with this astute observation:

Jesus only gave us six words of instruction regarding religious service: “Do this in remembrance of me.”

The state of California has just come out with a 13-page manual.

And may I add it’s 13 pages of lunacy. But you already knew that.

Meanwhile, Milton Lane sent me a questionnaire from a congregation of Seventh-Day Adventists in Cleveland, Tennessee inquiring whether members are “comfortable returning to church.”

Think about that. The pastor no longer worries about assembling together in obedience to Scripture for worship in spirit and in truth; no, fed on TV and Caesar’s orders rather than the Word, he frets about parishioners’ “comfort.” I’m trying but failing to remember a single time Christ worried about our comfort. And I’m also trying to picture our persecuted brothers and sisters in China or North Korea asking congregants, “Given the possibility of incarceration, intense torture and death, are you comfortable coming to church?”

The remaining queries from the Seventh-Day Adventists go downhill from there:

When we return to services:

I will be there.

I will not be there


What if God the Father had asked His Son, “When I send You to earth to die the most gruesome of deaths for them, will You be there?”, and Jesus had responded, “Undecided, Abba”?

The wus–sorry, church concludes,

What do you think the church should do for your protection? (Check all that apply)

Wear a face mask.

Sit and stand at least 6 feet apart from others outside my immediate family.

Avoid physical contact.

Use hand sanitizer.

What do you think the church should do for your protection? (Check all that apply)

Remove the Hymnals and Bibles from the pews.

Don’t sing hymns.

Don’t have the garden of prayer.

Don’t have the children’s story.

Seat every other row.

Collect the offering in the foyer.

Prop the doors open.

Hand Sanitizer as you come in.

Hand sanitizer in the pews.

None of the above

Astounding, isn’t it? Christians who tremble to hold a hymnbook or greet one another with a hug, let alone a holy kiss, stand fearlessly before the world—and God Himself—as cowards without a shred of faith.

Dr. Stella Immanuel #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack nydailynews.com

Dr. Stella Immanuel blasted Facebook and Twitter after it removed her controversial video touting hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” for COVID-19.

The Houston physician, who went viral for her video, declared on Twitter that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if her videos weren’t restored to the platform.

“Hello Facebook put back my profile page and videos up or your computers with start crashing till you do,” she tweeted overnight. “You are not bigger that God. I promise you. If my page is not back up face book will be down in Jesus name”

In the clip, allegedly filmed during a “White Coat Summit” in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., the self-proclaimed “Deliverance Minister” stands with a group of doctors who praised hydroxychloroquine and said how masks and lockdowns are not needed to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

“Hello, you don’t need a mask. There is a cure,” Immanuel said in the video.

According to the Texas Medical Board, Immanuel is a licensed pediatrician — and also recognized as religious minister, who has a long history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other controversial issues.

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast published an extensive collection of some of Immanuel’s sermons and articles posted on her website, describing them as “definitely ludicrous.”

She refers to herself as “God’s battle axe and weapon of war” and claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives,” a phenomenon described essentially as witches and demons having sexual intercourse with people in a dreamworld.

"They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said, according to the outlet. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves."

“They are responsible for serious gynecological problems,” Immanuel said. “We call them all kinds of names — endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband,” Immanuel said in 2013. “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence — men that can’t get it up.”

The outlet claims to have also found that in 2015 Immanuel claimed that an Illuminati plan had been concocted by “a witch” to destroy the world using abortion, gay marriage, and children’s toys.”

Liu Shanglin #quack mirror.co.uk

A yoga teacher is facing manslaughter and cult exploitation charges after one of his young pupils starved to death while undergoing a 70-day fast.

Mr Li had been living at the yoga retreat and care home for two years.

He had eaten nothing and drank only water for 54 days before he was found dead in his room by his mother, who worked at the retreat in order to fund her son's stay.

The 25-year-old is said to have been recommended the "fasting treatment" for 70 days in order to cure "emotional instability", his father told Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper.

Liu Shanglin, founder of the Sun-Moon Canyon National Forest Park Wellness Centre was formally charged with organising and exploiting cult beliefs, deceiving others and causing death, prosecutors in the city of Tieli, in north-eastern China said.

Two of Mr Liu's business partners were remanded on bail, while no fewer than 16 officials have been given warnings by the city's government watchdog for apparently failing to spot the abuse, according to the China News Service.

The high-profile case has been trending on Chinese social media platforms for a month ever since one of the spiritual healer's pupils, Mr Li, was found dead in his room on Sunday June 21.

Social media posts by Mr Liu's wellness centre show the yoga teacher encouraging pupils to participate in a variety of pseudo-scientific techniques, including fasting and 'clapping healing', in which his followers spend time clapping their hands in a group.

Before his arrest, Mr Liu had denied advising his pupil to fast for a period of 70 days, claiming it was Mr Li's choice to extend his usual treatment plan, which typically lasts between five and seven days.

The Tieli People's Procuratorate announced the cult-related charges against Mr Liu and his partners, but a trial date has yet to be set, the local government statement said.

Among the 16 officials given formal warnings are staff from the city's civil affairs, tourism, and health bureaus, which reportedly failed to supervise and oversee the privately run care home's practices.

Tieli's discipline and inspection committee did not punish details of each official's offences.

skimmingway #quack #elitist #crackpot wehuntedthemammoth.com

A man can, in fact, live off a diet of raw meat. They have done it before, and there presently exist men who are doing it at this very moment. Now, I only take my meat raw on rare (haha) occasion, but I applaud any man who can eat meat like this regularly – a fine display of old world, masculine zest if there ever was one.


I am defending a WAY OF LIFE from the verbal slings and arrows of ineffectual intellectuals and other assorted effete pointy-headed snobs who are, in a likelihood, more concerned with the aesthetic dimension behind consuming raw meat than they are with the actual nature of the act in itself. The very thought of some betesticled man’s man, oozing testosterone and animal magnetism as he bites into his dinner with ursine hunger just makes your kind go flailing back into your drawing rooms, fan in hand and couch in perfect position for you to faint on as you contemplate what “horrors” have just vexed your delicate little nerves. This whole thing has little to do with the actual health of the men in question, it boils down to the fact that they reject your Bismarckian pretensions and make a mockery of your obsessive desire to use whatever “facts” you deem appropriate to impose order on people you see as your inferiors, you people who show up to a boxing match with a Jeopardy buzzer. You can’t take the man out of the man.

I will not be getting E. Coli, however much it might please you for the inverse to be true, because, as I’ve delineated above, men who have properly trained their immune systems are unlikely to acquire any sort of lethal or exceptionally cumbersome malady. The safety rules which you have tried to foist upon me with your condescending wiles were made for more delicate sorts of people, such as the one you see in the mirror. I will not likely be getting ANY kind of disease to “own the libs” I will own them precisely by doing that which they insist, from their ivory tower perches, is impossible for me and my kind to do. Keep chortling, Nagglefart.

Uggo Mongo #conspiracy #quack #racist #wingnut incels.is

Retards on twitter dictate law and policy now in the USA

Even though the Corona hysteria was proven to be a fucking sham and a scam, a second wave of it is hitting the country more bullshit than when it first began. In my state of Indiana it will now be a felony punishable by 6 months in prison and a fine for not wearing a rag over your mouth in public. Yeah, a rag will do. Why Indiana when it had achieved "herd immunity"? Because the twitter mob rules and the faggot RINO governor goes along with it.

Your state doesn't have a mandatory face rag law? Doesn't matter, big GloboHomo megacorporations that want to score woke points with the twitter mob will force you to use one or else you can't buy a loaf of bread or a can of coke.

And I know it's the twitter mob because this type of hysteria wouldn't have gripped the nation in 2005 before social media gave a platform to a hivemind of braindead niggers and cat ladies, banning any opposition to the dumbfuckery.

Twitter mob is emotional, ideologically driven, not factually critical, and has an average IQ of 90, and that's what rules now in the USSA or USGay.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

Vaxxxines brought us autism and autoimmune disease, diminished frontal lobes, seizures, ADHD, thyroid disease. Those are just from people I personally know.

Vaxxxines also are unduly credited for the decrease in many diseases that happened in fact due to better health standards in general.

I stopped getting vaccines myself just over 2 decades ago because the rampant Flu Vaccine pushing was a clear sign that something was off. In the last 2 years my fucking DOG developed seizures after a routine vaxx. Meds controlled it. I detoxxed my dog from heavy metals for 3 months & dropped the meds. No more seizures and no meds.

You're gonna choke on all that pro vaxx propaganda. Do you really want them tracking you, every aspect of your life, by accepting a vaccine? It's a one way trip, once you piss in the pool you can't get it out. Once Tagged, Forever Traced

Do people want their Globalist Holy Grail, "herd immunity" or not? We achieve immunity from exposure, not from hiding behind a useless face diaper. 7 months and this virus is bullshit & most of us have figured it out. Complete media psyop, the sheep are rabid. And that's all the Globalist owned & controlled mass media indoctrination system gives airtime to, the Mask Hysterics terrified by molested statistics and fabricated studies by also fabricated "government experts".

I have not yet worn a mask. I've been out everywhere I normally go seeing all the people I normally see in my podunk town as well as my 1-2 time a week visits to: Fort Worth, Dallas, Garland, Plano... The whole time.

This whole time my 56 year old, unmasked, unvaxxed, unprotected ass has been exposed to a deadly pathogen. Where's my virus? Where's my disease?

Why is my kid who's been working a filthy UPS hub, handling shit from all over the globe not dead? He got sick on 2-3 occasions in the last 7 months & like all UPS guys just pushed through it on antihistamines. Why weren't his coworkers dropping like flies. "business as usual at UPS, same as every year." is what he reported from what should've been a "hot zone".

A close friend's stepfather, 77, developed mild symptoms around 3 weeks ago. Scared & went to hospital, requested testing. Hospital didn't want to test him. He insisted. Positive for C19. He came prepared to check in. They sent him home w/ no meds. Symptoms gone w/ no prescriptions in 4 days total. Back outdoors & living as usual 2 Fridays ago.

Three "high risk" subjects.
Sub# 1: Total exposure, zero evidence of contact or infection.
Sub# 2: Total exposure, sick w/ symptoms 2-3 times during psyop, never tested, complete recovery each time.
Sub# 3: Highest risk of fatality, mild symptoms, test positive, recovered in 4 days.

According to what you guys think about C19 all 3 of us should be dead.

You may keep your vaccines.
We will keep our freedom.

ortharzeal #dunning-kruger #quack #sexist incels.net

Daily reminder that soy cucks gate-keep science, yet cannot debunk black pill evidence.

"Burderino of le proof! Inkel article cherry pick on the popsickle!" - cry the remnants of the soy mob, the most pathetic low-life scum who never got over the fact that the founder of inceltears evolved from NPC to a person and shut down the cuckqueers hive for being the man-eating wannabe internet gestapo it was. Alas, one cannot police thoughts and be an NPC, a creature to which thoughts are not a concept, but I digress.

What the raging cucks mean is that black pill proof is not proof because supposedly the articles that confirm blackpill (and even include respective conclusions in the summaries made by the authors) are not legitimate ("cherry picked" or not real). This magical spell - and all NPC "arguments" are in their perception irrefutable magic spells - is intended to "unpack" the science behind the black pill, declare our analysis baseless and claim "victory" because we don't carry the burden of proof, all despite never having been a part of the incel discourse in the first place.

As numerous as these "cherrypickerino, le burden" posts are, no ITard has ever provided evidence for their claim. One would expect that with a 16/7 routine of watchdogging, stalking, doxing and other things that involve screenshotting they would be more than capable of doing that, but apparently this is not the case.

Instead they claim that you don't carry burden of proof for your statement because your proof is "bad". Who cares that the statement "your proof is bad" requires proof as well? After all you inkel are a bad person for not having been born Chad and having a non-negative IQ.

And this is yet another reason why there's no debating NPCs. The moment you allow them to have a say in any topic on equal terms, they will claim privilege (e.g. not bear the burden of proof while you have to do so). This happens because they are mindless Stone Age automatons that only speak strength and consider all concessions a weakness.

TL;DR: memes write themselves


Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #quack yourundergroundnews.weebly.com

These are not clouds. They're manmade steams of chemicals being sprayed on us by those who want to keep us sick or kill us!!

Chemtrails target the endocrine and respiratory systems, among others. Chemtrails contain nanotechnology and some people experience morgellons, which can appear like thin wires coming out of their skin.

Chemtrails can also be used to cut you off from the sun. Everyone knows how much better they feel in summer rather than winter. It's because of the sun, and not just because of the vitamin D. The sun is an energizer, it energizes your mind body and spirit. Sunlight is the energy we thrive on and frankly if we weren't constantly staying inside our houses or office buildings, we wouldn't burn from it. Suntan lotion is full of chemicals and ANY CHEMICAL is no good for a biological human or animal. You've been sold a raw deal taking chemicals for medical treatment.

Clouds don't look like straight lines. People say they're contrails made by planes but when you see a dozen or so of them crisscrossing the sky, you can't say commercial traffic was flying that erratically. Planes fly dedicated routes, not willy nilly all over the sky.

Chemtrails are sprayed in lines, as below, then billow out into what passes for clouds. They appear unnatural as they have no holes, just a thick blanket of "clouds" cutting off the sun.

Natural clouds are not a hole-less sheet of clouds. They come in bunches, have holes in between, taper off, and make different shapes. The difference is obvious!

Robert O Young DSc, PhD #quack #dunning-kruger #mammon adrenogate.wordpress.com

The “Corona Effect” is the oxidation of the cellular membrane and genetic mutations which gives rise to cellular pleomorphism or biological transformation and the appearance of “crowning”, “spiking” and “knobing” projections as the microzymas or anatomical indestructable matter changes its form and its function.

These biological transformations of the body cells is the genesis of all bacteria, all yeast, all mold, all bacteriophages, all endotoxins or cell fragments, exotoxins and mycotoxins or metabolic acidic waste. The cause of pleomorphism or cellular transformations of the body cells affecting the cell membrane and its genetic matter is the result of an acidic lifestyle including diet. The disturbing contributing factors include all electrical and magnetic fields (EMF 1G to 5G), all acidic foods, all acidic fluids, all environmental toxins, including carbon monoxide, all insecticides, pesticides and herbicides found in non-organic foods (i.e., glyphosate), all acidic water (pH below 7.4), all acidic legend drugs including all antibiotics and drugs that contain HCL, all recreational drugs including marijuana (THC is an oxidant), all acidic supplements including all enzymes, all probiotics, all algae, all mushrooms, or all acidic supplements and foods, all acidic thoughts, all acidic feelings and all acidic beliefs.

This is the one cause of ALL sickness and disease and there is no other cause. Once again, the one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking, feeling and believing.

All viruses DO NOT EXIST and therefore do NOT cause infections.

All infections are born in us and from us and are outfections of the cell due to an acidic fluid environment.

There is only one treatment and that one treatment will restore health, vitality and energy to the organism (human or animal) by restoring the alkaline design of all body fluids, including the interstitial fluids that flow through every body cell that makes up every organ, gland and tissue with the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle as outlined in the pH Miracle revised and updated book (2010).

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