
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Nick Watts #fundie nickwattssoulfood.com

What is the “Begging the Question Fallacy”?

Read the following hypothetical exchange carefully.


Sy Garte has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Garte is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) and serves as vice president for the Washington, DC, metro chapter of the ASA. He’s also a Christian.

“Begging the question” is a logical response to a questionable claim. But, said “logical question” is just that: a question, that will most likely lead to further intellectual dialogue.

“Begging the question fallacy” is actually not a question at all, but rather a truth-claim made by the interlocutor, whose claim is equally impotent to be proven scientifically.

In this case, whether or not you believe Jesus is God, virtually all scholars, Christian and non-Christian, state he most certainly existed, as well as reportedly performed signs that could not/cannot be explained naturally.

The interlocutor’s claim is not scientific, but philosophical. That miracles are impossible, or possible, is a philosophical claim, not a claim supported by science.

Think deeply, nw

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #fundie gab.com

( @RealStewPeters )
Someone accused me of being hateful, and mentioned “how I talk about gays”.

No. I don’t hate anyone.

For example, regarding faggots: I don’t hate the faggots, I hate their faggotry.

I hope this clears things up.

Goodnight! I love you! ♥️

( @srtjr99 )
@RealStewPeters well said...now do jews...

( @Frenlycoofer )
@srtjr99 @RealStewPeters Jews aren’t people

( @americanpie77777 )

If a homosexual or any sinner refuses to turn from the sin and repent , they will not be allowed to enter God's kingdom. If they repent and turn from the sin they can. If you tell them this and they refuse to repent or turn away from the sin then they are condemned and put in derision for their sin. Any sin .Calling them Faggot is a hate term like the N word for blacks or the C word for women. Hate does not bring a sinner to repentance , Love and knowledge can. How can you teach God's word or claim to be of God if you yourself sin in your attempts by using hate instead of love to teach them Stew ? Most will not hear God's word but some might. If they do not we are to have nothing to do with them. What business has the light with the dark ? None.. Use these verse to show them it is a sin and they can not enter the kingdom of God unless they repent the sin and turn away
Sin of homosexuality
Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10

( @kasartisan )
@RealStewPeters I don't hate anything or anybody but I hear you. I stand with God on this one, as I know you do Stew. They are a abomination. 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination'

( @antifederalist )
@RealStewPeters I just don't want their faggotry constantly shoved in my face.
I agree with you Stew, glad you said it.

( @Catholic_Dude )

They always slant things like that.

They're liars. It's just that simple. People who chronically conflate actors with their acts lie to manipulate others.

Homosexual acts are barbaric and abominable. That is the truth. Liars call truth "hate."

The Armchair Political Analyst #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Who is not aware by now that the U.S. Federal Government is nothing but a global international crime syndicate that terrorizes the world community of nations via its worldwide war machine and terrorist network as well as tyrannizes its own citizenry via an institutionalized cultural marxist agenda implemented by the firmly entrenched communist/fascist Uniparty?

Which means that the only way to shut down this increasingly oppressive and ruthless BEAST System is to starve it to death.

Truly, the only way for the American people to throw off the yoke of this totalitarian superstructure is to STARVE THE KHAZARIAN BEAST. The quickest way to starve it is to stop funding its utterly satanic agenda.

And, the best way to do that quickly is for the House to completely defund every single department that has been weaponized against the US citizenry.

Which means that, at the very minimum, the DHS, IRS, DoJ, FBI, HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, DoEd, DoEn, DoT, etc. all need to be closed down post-haste. Which means that those government workers should be fired immediately. What a savings to the US taxpayer whose own money is paying for their victimization and oppression and enslavement.
Remember, the Khazarian-directed cultural marxists are hellbent on transforming every major American city into a Sodom and/or Gomorrah.
When we all know what happened to the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, just how long will the Highest Power allow so much wickedness to prevail statewide and nationwide?

When totally defenseless infants and completely powerless school children are now forced to suffer at the hands of their totally deluded parents and/or criminal bureaucrats, what else can be done but to shut down the nakedly demonic juggernaut?!?

John Piper #fundie desiringgod.org

Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?

It's right for God to slaughter women and children anytime he pleases. God gives life and he takes life. Everybody who dies, dies because God wills that they die.

God is taking life every day. He will take 50,000 lives today. Life is in God's hand. God decides when your last heartbeat will be, and whether it ends through cancer or a bullet wound. God governs.

So God is God! He rules and governs everything. And everything he does is just and right and good. God owes us nothing.

If I were to drop dead right now, or a suicide bomber downstairs were to blow this building up and I were blown into smithereens, God would have done me no wrong. He does no wrong to anybody when he takes their life, whether at 2 weeks or at age 92.

God is not beholden to us at all. He doesn't owe us anything.

Now add to that the fact we're all sinners and deserve to die and go to hell yesterday, and the reality that we're even breathing today is sheer common grace from God.

Walt Garlington #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "The Fruit of the Theory of Evolution"]

Mr. Tom Shackleford makes these kinds of statements from time to time:

We’re told their demonstrable lack of civilizational capacity is the result of all sorts of terms for racism[…]Sub-Saharan Africans have DNA from a pre-hominid ancestor not shared by any other race[…]

They are worth a close examination, mainly because they rest on the assumption that mankind is the product of an evolutionary process of some kind. But is that compatible with the Christianity that traditional Southerners say we want to govern all aspects of our society?[…]
Evolution conflicts with the idea of man made in the image and likeness of God[…]
Second, evolutionary theories place death in the world before the Fall. They make death a necessity for the progress of creatures to higher forms of life. But death came only after the Fall[…]
Third, the acceptance of the theory of evolution is driving Southerners and other peoples away from Christianity and towards scientific atheism and other infidel religions, thus undermining the foundations of Christian culture here and abroad. The excellent spiritual writer St. Theophan the Recluse (+1894) makes this point well:[…]
For Dixie to be faithful to Christ, she must reject evolution. If she rejects evolution, there can be no more speculation about sub-Saharan Africans being some kind of less-evolved form of humanity or some kind of stunted evolutionary cousin. They are just as human as Asians or Europeans, just as much the children of Adam and Eve as the rest of mankind

If the actions of some of the African folk in the South and other places is less than ideal, we must remember that it took several hundreds of years for Europeans to be transformed by the Grace of God into the relatively virtuous beings we have become. Let us not, therefore, judge prematurely this population of Africans

Little Lost #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Book of Enoch describing the fallen ones and the tie to the US political party system

Enoch 85:4-6
[4]After that I perceived other large and black cows; and behold all of them changed their stalls and pastures, while their young began to lament one with another Again I looked in my vision, and surveyed heaven; when behold I saw many stars which descended, and projected themselves from heaven to where the first star was,

[5]Into the midst of those young ones; while the cows were with them, feeding in the midst of them

[6]I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all acted after the manner of horses, and began to approach the young cows, all of whom became pregnant, and brought forth elephants, camels, and asses

These 2 you know....
But did you know about this one?...
The Prohibition Party is a political party in the United States known for its historic opposition to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages and as an integral part of the temperance movement. It is the oldest existing third party in the United States and the third-longest active party.

Although it was never one of the leading parties in the United States, it was once an important force in the Third Party System during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The organization declined following the enactment of Prohibition in the United States but saw a rise in vote totals following the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1933. However, following World War II it declined, with 1948 being the last time its presidential candidate received over 100,000 votes and 1976 being the last time the party received over 10,000 votes.


James Red Pills America #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

The AMAZING & TRUE Story & Prophecy Of Trump’s Bible & The Hebrides Revival! An EPIC Adventure You Will NEVER Forget!
“This AMAZING and TRUE Story of President Trump’s Bible” is a Glorious and Masterful Production by James Red Pills America, first released in (approx) 2018. The Bible that President Trump owns, and is holding in his hand in the thumbnail to this video, is the same one he held in front of St. John’s – YES, it IS the Bible from the Hebrides Revival! This is the TRUE and AMAZING story of President Donald J. Trump’s Bible and the connection of who he was named after and the incredible story of how God was working through President Trump’s Bloodline through Prayerful Revival in the Hebrides – starting back in Scotland by his two Faith-driven sisters of God. President Trump and the TRUE and GODLY Faith Leaders of the world, understand that we are in a Great Battle for America – and the Christian Faith upon which it was established. For three quarters of a century, America has needed presidents who understand this fact. Unfortunately, most of them are/were Evil Satanists and/or Globalists masquerading as Christians. Thank you President Trump for taking a stand for America’s Christian heritage, and may the God of America’s Founding Fathers richly bless you – and ALL who are blessed to watch this EPIC Adventure!

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Chuck Missler talks about how the lineage of the Savior would not have been possible, in order to save the woman, if Adam had not loved Eve enough to sacrifice his own life by deciding to join whatever fate she faced by eating the apple, too, because of his love for her. It is an imagery of Jesus’ love for his Bride who is the Church, and his giving his life for us on the cross, in order to save us. He talks about war between the “Genesis 3:15 seed of the serpent” reptilian hybrid nephilim pedophile cannibal Satanist LGBTPB witch feminists and the “seed of the woman” who is Jesus. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Anu of the Anunnaki is the forefather of all the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar black nobility families who run the world. He rules from the Draco Empire’s underground base under the Vatican Satanist headquarters. He used to walk on all fours, until he received a 4th dimensional snake and human hybrid body. He also uses a human nephilim giant avatar body. <...> When you see Western feminist nations’ Eve walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s pants, dear brethren, then get out of that earth immediately, because that earth will get torched & scorched. 12 million of their children will get tortured & lesbian raped (pegged) & satanically sacrificed & eaten by these demon spirits in human-looking avatar satanically inverted gender bodies, and their human meat & bone ashes thrown into the supermarket groceries & church food & fast food, which these “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers” fake Christians and fake pastors are hiding and covering up for Satan Lucifer, because they are afraid of assassination attempts and ridicule by church donators. <...> If they want the devil, then God will give these Western feminist nations’ women the devil, and all the devils’ nuclear wars & manufactured famines & fake pandemics & demon vampire cannibal pedophile armies, for that is their choice.

Timothy, Tina, and Damian #fundie #psycho raresimple.com

Per reports, both parents, 48-year-old Timothy and 35-year-old Tina were appointed by the court to serve as guardians for the 7-year-old boy Ethan…
Ethan was one part of a set of twins. Although both twins were ordered to memorize verses from the Bible, Ethan was the one who suffered the most from his family’s punishments.

After Tina and Timothy realized that Ethan had not done as they had asked, they reportedly killed him, according to reports related to the boy’s untimely death. Timothy led the punishment. He ordered the little boy to pick up a large wooden log and carry it around the family’s property for hours as a punishment for failing to memorize passages from the Bible. The family had a path around their property and used it as a way to punish Ethan when he did not do his Christian duty of memorizing parts of the Bible after he was told to do so. The log that Ethan was expected to carry weighed as much as forty-four pounds, which was much heavier than the little boy was able to carry by himself.

Timothy may have been the one to dole out the punishment, but he made Ethan’s fifteen-year-old brother Damian supervise the punishment. Damian followed Timothy’s orders and would kick and hit Ethan when he slowed down or otherwise could not complete the task of carrying the heavy log around the family property. Sometimes Damian would stand on Ethan’s back and push his face into the icy ground. Another report suggested that the fifteen-year-old enforcer also rolled the log across Ethan’s chest to make him suffer more. During one punishment, Damian ordered Ethan to hide his body in a massive pile of snow. Ethan did as his older brother ordered, but he passed away only a few minutes later from hypothermia because the temperatures were so low.

In addition to battling the frigid elements, Ethan also suffered blunt force trauma to his head, chest, and abdomen, which did not help him at all. When the police interviewed Damian, he denied everything. However, he did confess to being the one who buried Ethan in the snow. He explained that the burial was part of a punishment for Ethan after he failed to memorize thirteen Bible verses. As part of his punishment, Ethan was ordered to carry the heavy log around the family property for two hours.

Mike Keller #fundie #racist msn.com

Keller’s sermon, which took place on June 25, contained shocking statements suggesting that “Black slaves” needed to “humble” themselves and learn to read the Bible to eventually achieve freedom…

During his sermon, Keller proclaimed that it was simple to change America and went on to make historically inaccurate claims about “Black slaves.” He insinuated that enslaved individuals in the past never protested or rallied against slavery and instead chose to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their supposed wicked ways. Keller further propagated the false narrative that white slave owners were benevolent figures who taught slaves to read. He suggested that the actions of Black slaves led to the abolition of slavery, completely disregarding the systemic racism and violence endured by enslaved individuals.

Reverend Glynn Adams #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In America today, we are just about where the Germans were in World War 2. The churches were ignoring evil and refusing to resist the evil before them. A Lutheran pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and God’s Remnant, took a stand against Nazism and proclaimed these words to the nation, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act”.

Now America is facing a greater threat of evil and many pastors, the disobedient religious and citizens are ignoring evil and not resisting evil. The Globalists and the Luciferian elites have cast their hellish spell upon the unregenerate souls of the Progressive Left in America who are impervious to logic, truth, or even rational discussion. These are known as the “woke.” But there is another group that has been supernaturally awaken by the Holy Spirit. This stirred-up assembly of God’s warriors known as the Remnant of God – those who are characterized by an insatiable appetite for God’s truth, His presence, and His manifested Kingdom of God.
Peter commands us to be “sober.” To be sober means to be free from every form of mental and spiritual disorders, from excess, rashness, and confusion. This definition is very important considering the present state of the religious community. The priesthood of darkness and its malevolent masters are constantly working behind the scenes to bring mental and spiritual confusion and disorder into our culture and the followers of Jesus.

Also, to be sober is to be well-balanced and have self-control. This call to be sober is a call to spiritual maturity. Is this not exactly what is going on in America? Today a large part of our nation and religious institutions can be defined by irrational behavior, confusion, people out of balance, lack of self- control, alcohol and drug abuse and is not mental illness off the scale in America? The demonic Globalists Elites have systemically led those who will follow them into mental chaos and addiction.

Ella LeBain #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy whoswhointhecosmiczoo.com

is a 6-part series focusing on the spiritual discernment of various multidimensional beings, including Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Gods and Angels. It describes the ancient Drama that has spiraled through our Galaxy for millennia, one that humans have long been enmeshed in.
is the first book set of its kind to spiritually discern ETs, aliens, gods and angels. It focuses on who the individual groups of ETs and Aliens are. Who is the ‘god of this world’? Who makes up its hierarchy? Who are the ancient gods, ETs and angels that are expected to return to Earth after 2012 to strategically prepare for the final battle against the Almighty Creator God in the end-time war known as Armageddon. The 6 book series takes the reader down several paths and theories leading to the main message, which emphasizes the need for developing spiritual discernment by understanding the ancient history, through connecting the dots to Bible messages, mis-transliterations of the original Hebrew, apocryphal writings, and various mythologies. The Bible tells us that in the last days, a massive deception and great delusion will come that will deceive even the elect. This deception will be done through the technology of UFOs, aliens, and ETs. This is why it is imperative that earth humans have awareness of the exopolitical landscape, which has its roots in biblical times.
Everyone living on planet Earth today needs a copy of Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? as a spiritual guidebook to help discern what exactly folks are seeing in the skies, experiencing, and how it fits into the changes occurring on our planet at this time. The author discerns who is behind all the major religions on the planet, why they differ, and what the cause of war and dissension is. The author reveals that the word of God was first written into the stars, revealing who the Cosmic Christ really is, not just in relation to planet Earth but to the entire cosmos.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Have you noticed that those who claim tolerance can be the most intolerant of all?

Intolerance against Christians’ freedom to express their Christian worldview is increasing from secularists who are in positions of authority in education, research, and so on.

What happens when you briefly reference the Creator (without even specifically explaining who this Creator is) in a scientific paper for a secular publication? Well, watch out, for intolerant secularists will become incensed and get the paper censored.

Vic Biorseth #racist #wingnut #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Comrade President Obama, peace be upon him, was never properly vetted before he was anointed as head of the Marxocrat Party. He exemplifies the slide of universities like Harvard into identity politics over merit and ability. We have long held that he is and always was an Islamo-Commie-Hommo anti-American, and now it seems that some of those chickens are coming home to roost.

But you shouldn't need it. His affinity for all things anti-American, all things anti-white people, all things anti-family, all things LGBTQ, all things pro-socialist, all things anti-constitution, all things anti-Christian and all things anti-Western Civilization tells the story.
I just have a problem surrendering preferred language to the fags and the LGBTQ activists. They feel they can censor me by their new anti-constitution woke rules of language, and I do not agree. If they can call me a homophobe, I can call them faggots and/or public faggotry promoters.

I see nothing "gay" about the homosexual identity psychosis. Pitiful and disgusting, but certainly not gay.

Note well the Marocrat Party's love and protection of all things related to dope, related, to sexual deviancy and perversion, to licentiousness, to blatant immorality including even abortion and euthanasia, to constitutional restrictions on government, and their hatred of all the absolute constitutional rights of citizens, the normative human family, parental authority over their own children, and their determination to eliminate American borders and national sovereignty, their committment to suppression or subjugation of white people and Christians, to the elimination of law and order, and to the illegal persecution of Trump and the MAGA movement.

They seek the end of all Christian moral norms and common sense

And note the fact that Schiff flows downhill, and that Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, is sitting on top of the whole stinking anti-Christian anti-American Islamo-Commie-Homo pile.

Vox Day #fundie voxday.net

[From "Faux Christian Nationalism"]

Douglas Wilson can’t give up his Boomer addiction to Enlightenment ideals[…]

As a theonomist Wilson believes in “the need to restore the Bible as the quarry from which to obtain the needed stone for our foundations of social order” (149), he strongly argues against state imposed punishment for blasphemy. He reminds us that “those who want the government to have the right to kill blasphemers are also asking for the government to have the right to kill those who rebuke their (the government’s) blasphemies” (157)[…]

There are political wolves in sheep’s clothing just as there are religious wolves in sheep’s clothing. Evil men are going to do what evil men do, regardless of what good Christian men do. We already know, we have a massive surfeit of knowledge, of what happens when Christian men do not enforce Christian societal norms

What this reveals is that Wilson is more dedicated to his Enlightenment ideals than his Christian ideals. I have no doubt that he is also an ersatz nationalist, which is to say, a common Churchian civnat who makes positive noises about tribes and nations, but as with blasphemy, refuses to acknowledge the right of the state to enforce the nation’s will

The protection of free speech has literally nothing to do with Christianity, much less represents its “theo-political genius”. That is pure bafflegarble worthy of Jordan Peterson his own babbling self. Free speech is just another false virtue no more worth of state protection than equality, diversity, anti-racism, or the free movement of peoples

Joe Salant #ableist #crackpot #fundie #quack vice.com

An evangelical pastor who briefly shot to fame in 2015 for recording a rap song in support of Sen. Ted Cruz is now selling industrial-strength bleach tablets to parents and has admitted that many of his customers are using the product to treat autism in their children.

Joe Salant, who grew up in an affluent New Jersey family, became a born-again Christian after coming out of drug rehab when he was in his early twenties, having spent six months in jail for drug possession. Recently, he has become part of the American Renewal Project, which aims to have a pastor from “every church in America” run for elected office by 2024. Salant preaches a Christian nationalist ideology that positions the church at the heart of all aspects of American society.

In his spare time he continues to release rap records with titles like “Human Sacrifices” and “Dies in Vain,” in which he raps about child trafficking.

In recent months he’s taken on a new role as the U.S representative for a company called Safrax, which markets chlorine dioxide tablets that are advertised on the company’s website as industrial products for odor removal, disinfection, and as cleaners for hot tubs and jacuzzis.

But over the phone, Salant said many people are using the treatments in an attempt to treat autism in children.

“Autism? Yeah, I mean it’s a common treatment,” Salant said, according to a recording of a phone call obtained by Ireland-based activist Fiona O’Leary and shared with VICE News. “We’re not allowed to recommend [our products] for it specifically but yeah, the protocols in the Andreas Kalcker book [which] we have on our website… it’s commonly used for that.”

A message on the Safrax website informs customers that there is a 2-4 week delay in sending out orders specifically due to overwhelming demand for the product as a result of the tablets being featured on the radio show of pseudoscience conspiracist Mike Adams. Salant claimed on the customer phone call that Safrax has no official relationship with Adams, but added that “we’re fans” of his show.

Scarlett Johnson , Dr Jordan B Peterson & Corner of Common Sense #transphobia #fundie twitter.com

( Scarlett Johnson )
Gender Ideology has no limiting principles. If left unchallenged, it devolves to the point of savagery. Why?
It is a religion without a God.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
There's always a god

Named or

Manifest or

Heavenly or

( Corner of Common Sense )
The alphabet community exposes their "god" sometimes...

Think of them marching together with satanists.

various commernters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( @USCenturion )
You know why conservatism is the ideology of managed defeat?

Right now, we have Conservatives and Christians, screaming over anti-semitism, while a Virginia elementary school is going to host a Satanic after-school program. I think it's time that people reevaluate their priorities in society.

( @CrusaderPatriot )
@USCenturion And if you follow the money for the Satanic event, you almost always find Jews! All we can do is keep pointing it out and maybe we'll get through the programming of some of them!

( @brextremist )
@USCenturion Liberals are destroying society, and conservatives are making sure that nothing is ever done to stop them.

( @zwergling )
@USCenturion If a Christian rails against anti-Semitism, then he does not know the Bible. He listens to what the Jews say rather than what the living Word of God tells us about the Jews.

( @DahlHaus1776 )
@USCenturion They're not "Christians". They're "evangelicals" that spread the counterfeit kikery of Cyrus Scofield known as "judeoChristian values". But what evangelicals have in common with #koshervatives is that neither are American as they genuflect more towards #FalseProphets than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

( @Warlord11 )
@USCenturion conservatism is great if your society is worth conserving. Ours no longer is. Conservatives need to get on the paleocon/NRX/dissident train, or just shut the fuck up.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

When I was answering the question who Cain’s wife was on a radio talk show, an atheist told me I was immoral for saying close relations married in early history. But can an atheist make that claim?

Secularists frequently accuse Christians of behaving “immorally” and religion of being “evil.” But such objections bring up an interesting question: how do secular humanists or atheists define evil and morality and by what authority do they make such statements?

For the atheist or secular humanist, there is no foundation for morality besides his or her own subjective opinion. These individuals often throw around words such as evil, immoral, moral, or ethical, often in the context of Christianity or Christian individuals. They will say things such as “religion is evil” or that teaching creation to children is “child abuse,” but what do they mean by these phrases?

In their worldview, what makes anything immoral or wrong? Really it boils down to nothing more than their opinion. They claim that something is wrong. But who is to say that their opinion is the right one? After all, there are many different opinions on what is right and wrong. Who decides which one is right and which one is wrong?

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie #magick amazon.com

Gain victory over the spiritual forces of the deep!

What are “water spirits?”

Everyday people are feeling the effects of unseen evil forces, and yet, they don’t know what’s attacking them, let alone how to have victory.

While many spiritual warriors are familiar with principalities and powers like Jezebel and witchcraft, few have heard of marine demons. Also called “water spirits,” these powers wreak havoc in places near bodies of water. From Python, to Leviathan, to Triton to Rahab and beyond, spiritual warriors are feeling the effects of water spirits but often don’t know how to combat these evil forces.

Bestselling author Jennifer LeClaire provides a revolutionary guidebook on how to prophetically recognize these spirits and engage in victorious warfare against them. This book will identify each water spirit, equipping believers to overcome them.

Be prepared to:

• Recognize the symptoms of the spirit of Python and learn to break free from its squeezing stronghold.
• Detect the twisted lies of a Leviathan spirit in your life and in contemporary culture.
• Overcome the spirit of Rahab that attempts to prevent you from crossing over into your new season.
• Unleash the power of Holy Spirit and partner with Him to change spiritual climates in your life and city.
Discern the presence of these water spirits and become equipped with spiritual warfare strategies to defeat them!

César Biondini, Alejandro Carlos Biondini, Federal Patriot Front (FPP) #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #fundie memri.org

César Biondini[…]is an Argentinian nationalist leader and lawyer. The son of neo-Nazi[…]Alejandro Carlos Biondini, he was the attorney of his father's political party and is now its presidential candidate[…]
He carried out the process of legalizing the party[…]Gave an interview[…]in which he stated[…]"We are nationalists. But it is classic that the system puts a label on you. It happened to (Jean-Marie) Le Pen[…]"
Local Electoral Board approved the extreme-right ultranationalist, and neo-Nazi ideology party, he FPP[…]
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Alejandro Biondini filed petitions to legalize the swastika, the celebration of the birth of Adolf Hitler, the name of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party[…]His proposal[…]included to dismantle the "homosexual and drug addict network"[…]
When the interviewer asked: "Why do you salute with your arm raised?" He answered: "It is the Roman salute, it is used by the members of seven Falangist parties legalized in Spain[…]Raised arm is the historic salute of nationalism"[…]
Biondini and his collaborators claimed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a prophetic book that would reveal "who the true enemies of humanity are"[…]
For the director of National Alert, "Capitalism and communism are international like the Jew[…]stateless like the Jew, enemies of Christ like the Jew"[…]
Biondini's magazine accused Israel of wanting to "squeeze" Argentina through the international financial system, while coveting strips of Patagonia to establish a second Zionist state[…]
When the dictatorship ended[…]National Alert linked the government that took office that year with "subversion" and "Judeo-Zionist" interests[…]
"In the proposals that at the time they presented to the Justice they exhibit their racism. For example, in the prohibition of abortion for those cases in which the unborn baby was white[…]Interruption of the pregnancy is allowed in the case of the son or daughter of a Bolivian, a Paraguayan, or a Jewish woman"

Neo #fundie #homophobia #elitist descentbb.net

Your church taught the wrong thing so you wouldn't want any spiritual gifts. See Joel 2 and 3

Christianity isn't "gay" bashing. People hate us because they hated Jesus too. I don't care about being banned. You just don't want to hear what you don't agree with. If love is love, why are you so rude to Christians?

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @CNofUSA )
The freakout surrounding Ye (formerly Kanye West) is very telling.

One man making offcolor remarks has been the top news story for weeks.

Meanwhile, babies are murdered, the country invaded, we are on the verge of nuclear war, & no one seems to care.

Even many "pro-life Christians" have reacted to Ye with more anger and vitriol than they have ever directed towards abortionists.

Our society has no morals.

Everyone has been infected by some sort of liberal mind virus.

Fast, pray, read the bible.

God has to be put first once again.

( @Malignant )

“How come Nazis are the worst thing ever, but we can praise Stalin, Che, Lenin, Mao, and even wear their shirts in public, even though they were far far worse?”

“Oh, that’s because they killed goyim, and you’re nothing but cattle to us, so it doesn’t count.”

( @LatchKeyKid )
@CNofUSA Agree completely. "Racism" in the context that it has become a religion in the west is utterly meaningless. It's a thought crime; beyond ridiculous. This is what the entire western world revolves around, as our nations are being invaded and destroyed from within.

( @MyRock )
@CNofUSA CNU- The Jews are behind abortion, lgbtq, the fake media, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Banking, ACLU (eliminating prayer, crosses, 10 C's, etc), Deep State, illegals, and more---the very things you think are important to focus on, the Jews are behind it. Kanye is trying to make people aware---so what is off-color??? What Christian vitriol? Looks like he's actually doing something about it.

How is it as CNU, you do not understand what God is about to do? You don't see or hear what's coming? None of the people that won a fraudulent election will take those eats of power. Biden will be gone. So will Harris, Obama, Gates, Soros, Nadler, Waters, Pelosi is already done, Fauci, Shiff, Schumer, etc. The Houses will be cleansed, the Supreme Court too. Military elite will fall. CIA, FBI, DOJ, all cleansed. The White House will be emptied of the evil personnel. Illegals to be driven out of America. It's all about to happen. How about the blackouts, the silence, and the celebration? How is you you are not prepared for these things, and yet, call yourselves Christian Nationalists? I suggest you put God first.

Richard the Saint #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy richardthesaint.substack.com

I have been roundly criticized when I even remotely imply or draw parallels to what happened with Jesus and what we see taking place with Donald Trump. Of course, one would have to be off his/her medication to truly make that comparison which I never have. However, one would have to be equally crazy not to see that those trying to destroy the former president are doing so merely out of rebellion toward the fact that he believes in the principles on which this country was founded. Principles that transcend men. And in this sense his experience is very close to that of Jesus. It’s called being persecuted for doing the right thing.

When Jesus confronted his enemies, he drew much anger because his claims flew in the face of the religious leaders. If his claims were true, then they threatened to remove the will of the leaders and place it into the hands of the people. Because if a man has the free will to follow God, then how can he possibly be controlled by government? The answer is he cannot. This made Jesus both the greatest liberator and the greatest threat simultaneously. While obviously not a messiah and/or savior, Trump does carry a similar plight and burden from a geo-political sense.

Donald Trump will not be the first or the last imperfect man to be used by a perfect God.
And therein is the main difference between the power behind those that oppose Donald Trump and the power that I believe propels Donald Trump. <...> How can the man say he believes and at the same time ask for help in overcoming unbelief? Because all territory (even our unbelief) is covered by God.

The focus of the enemy should not be on stopping Donald Trump from running but rather on stopping God. But even if they changed their approach, it wouldn’t make any difference. We are watching the campaign for the ages. A campaign where the finish line is merely the start of the next race. The eternal race.

Because the Son is not running to be God.


altpng #fundie #racist reddit.com

I know plenty of people who did support slavery and it’s a product of the time. Also, the Torah literally does support chattel slavery Canaanite slaves didn’t have any protections in slavery. American slavery of the blacks was essentially the same as Canaanite slavery in what the owners could do to them.

To my understanding (of laws meant to prevent overt mistreatment of slaves) this only strictly applied to Hebrew slaves and non Jewish slaves did have more restrictions but was still allowed technically. Also this may be because we don’t have a temple or a land anymore to call ours, and our batei din don’t have any actual control so slavery could get out of halakha. The Torah does literally accept chattel and all of our sages supported it. Torah is always moral and if you think otherwise then you think God is below time, obviously.

Hebrew slaves and Canaanite slaves did not have the same rights, Canaanite slaves were literally allowed to be forced to have children and then those children would have been slaves for you.

Altpng #fundie reddit.com

Yes I believe Torah slavery is morally good, I think it’s more immoral to have legal slavery that’s impossible to escape like in American capitalism. In a Torah society, if somebody goes bankrupt he can sell himself for a certain amount of money for 7 years, and then when he’s done after the 7 years he keeps the money he was bought for, + money the master gave to slavery during his servitude (it was common for this to happen, from my understanding learning laws of slavery), + the gifts the master is legally obliged to give the slave when they part ways. So instead of being homeless or in never ending loans, he got free housing for 7 years, money, and the ability to start a new life.

Furthermore, in Jewish slavery, it’s forbidden to shame the slave, and in fact it’s an obligated to respect your slave. If there’s only one pillow in the house, a master is obligated to give it to his slave before himself.

Alan Shlemon #fundie #kinkshaming str.org

I’ve always loved the power and sleek look of the Aventador, the Diablo, the Veneno, and several other models. So, when I heard you can tour the assembly line, I persuaded my wife to drive a few hours for the rare opportunity to see firsthand how these beauties are built.

During the drive to and from Modena, where the factory is located, it was no surprise to see several Lamborghinis being road-tested. Immediately I began daydreaming about taking one out for a test spin, feeling the g-force during acceleration, and effortlessly cornering winding mountain roads.

What would it be like to take one of these low-profile supercars off road, though? Instead of humming along on the smooth asphalt streets of Modena, imagine turning sharply onto a dirt road and attempting to climb a mountain on steep and rocky terrain. It’s obvious what would happen: tears...lots of tears. The front spoiler would crack, the rims and doors would dent, and the car would high center on a bulging boulder, rendering the car inoperable in a matter of seconds. The Lamborghini would incur tens of thousands of dollars of damage in an instant.

No (sane) owner would ever do that. They know how a Lamborghini is designed to function and what conditions it’s made to handle. They know its limitations. No driving on sand. No driving on rocks. No driving through rivers. No driving off jumps. That’s a lot of “no.” Lamborghini owners don’t regard the car’s lack of off-road capability a weakness. They certainly wouldn’t name-call the Lamborghini designers or think they’re killjoys. In fact, Lamborghini owners would consider the engineers heroes to be lauded for their innovation and automotive brilliance. When you drive a Lamborghini on the open highway or along a winding mountain road, you enjoy the engineering excellence of a high performance sports car, the way it was meant to be driven.

That’s why I’m mystified by Christians who think God is a killjoy. They wonder why God restricts sexual activity to a married man and woman. That seems to leave out a lot of opportunities, many people reason. No sex before marriage (fornication). No sex outside of marriage (adultery). No sex with people of the same sex (homosexuality). No sex with animals (bestiality). No sex with close relatives (incest). That’s a lot of “no.”

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

Proof of Noah’s flood is blowing up the Internet!
Our friends over at
point out some powerful truth. The Bible has been teaching there are fountains in the great deep for more than 4000 years! Follow
to read the article!Proof of Noah’s flood is blowing up the Internet!
Our friends over at
point out some powerful truth. The Bible has been teaching there are fountains in the great deep for more than 4000 years! Follow
to read the article!

Pastor Rick Morrow #ableist #crackpot #fundie kansascity.com

Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, Missouri, has received heavy criticism following the comments made during a Wednesday, Sept. 6, sermon. Morrow claimed autism can be treated if you “just cast the demon out.”

“I know a minister who has seen lots of kids that are autistic, that he cast that demon out, and they were healed, and then he had to pray and their brain was rewired and they were fixed,” Morrow told his congregation.

“If it’s not demonic, then we have to say God made them that way,” he continued. “Like that’s the only other explanation. ’Why does my kid have autism?’ Well, either the devil has attacked them, he’s brought this infirmity upon them, he’s got them where he wants them, and/or God just doesn’t like them very much, and he made them that way. Well my God doesn’t make junk. God doesn’t make mess ups.”

“I have been told that autism is a blessing from God. I have been told that I’m the evil one,” Morrow said. “But you know what? If I was to stand up here and say cancer is junk, people would agree. If I were to stand up here and say addiction is junk, people would agree.”

Morrow resigned from his Board of Education position on Tuesday, KY3 reported. Stoutland Schools said in a statement to KY3 that Morrow’s comments do “not speak for the Board of Education as a whole, nor the district itself."

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024"]

The military must continue to attract “consumers”: impressionable 18 – 24-year-old young adults, primarily males[…]
The U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. That is not unique to Presidents Obama or Biden[…]The cumulative result will be sixteen years of a constant leftwing orbital shift that is way out of touch with ordinary Americans[…]
One of the key drivers of military recruitment was an appeal to patriotism[…]They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States[…]
Potential black recruits have been fed a steady diet of anti-American vitriol for the last five decades. It has gone into hyper-drive since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter[…]
More importantly[…]is the cumulative impact of anti-White and anti-Christian rhetoric[…]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) push has effectively forced White males out of recruiting content[…]The messaging from the United States military has been crystal clear: we do not want White recruits[…]
Anti-White shift in advertising may have been justified if the military still had White veterans imploring their White children to join the military[…]White veterans are speaking openly about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the politically weaponized Covid vaccine to their children[…]
Despite mountains of anecdotal assertions that Generation Z[…]are the most liberal demographic cohort in generations, polling data has shown something very different[…]
A case in point would be the horribly mocked cartoon commercial of a young female Army recruit with two lesbian mothers[…]The ridiculously leftist cultural mishmash was compared to Chinese and Russian recruitment videos featuring hardened men training constantly[…]
We simply need to focus our messaging like a laser beam on two groups: GenZ White Christian males and GenX veterans. Our strategy should hyper-inflate perceptions that the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and homosexual

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

The late Dr. Henry Morris (considered the father of the modern biblical creation movement) had also been writing about this connection between evolution and morality in most of his early books.

Over the decades, evolutionists have often mocked me for tying evolution to morality. They claim that evolution has to do with “science,” not morality. But notice that as generations have been indoctrinated into believing naturalistic evolution (which is in reality the religion of atheism), Christian morality has declined. Armed with so-called “science,” secularists have become bolder in opposing Christian morality.

In our Western world, we are seeing more and more people (like Bill Nye “the Science Guy” whom I debated at the Creation Museum in 2014) who boldly claim that evolution is “science” and are using it to promote an anti-Christian worldview. More than ever, secular activists are vehemently opposing Christian morality, such as marriage being between only one man and one woman and abortion being murder.

And we are seeing very amoral and immoral behavior growing across the culture, especially, it seems, among the younger generations (Millennials and Generation Z). While we do not argue that evolution directly causes immorality, people can use Darwinian thinking to justify their immoral behavior.

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #magick #fundie #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com


70 days before Biden's birthday
9/12/23 to 11/20/23 = 70 (counting the end date)

From and including: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
To and including: Monday, November 20, 2023
Result: 70 days
"Q" = 70 (Latin)
Or 1680 hours
"President Donald John Trump" = 1680 (Latin)

9*12+20*23+11*20+20*23 = 1248
"The Time Traveler" = 1248 (Latin)
"I Am John F Kennedy" = 1248 (Latin)

FBI raided Mar-a-largo on 8/8/2022 (Trump's text number)
From 8/8/22 to 9/12/23 = 400 days
"Patriot" = 400 (Latin)
"Its go time" = 400 (Latin)
"Cleansing Of America" = 400 (Latin)
"The End Is Coming" = 400 (Latin)

From 3/11/20 when the WHO declared a fake pandemic to yesterday 9/11/23 was 42 months exactly.

Revelation 13:5
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months" = 1373 (Ordinal)
prime number 220

"Can You Handle The Truth" = 1373 (Latin)
"impeachment inquiry" = 220 (Ordinal)
"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)
"President DJ Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)
U.S. President Donald Trump was late for his meeting over tea with the Queen on Friday, leaving the 92-year-old standing in wait nearly 12 minutes outside Windsor Castle – Jul 13, 2018
Trump walked in front of thw queen on 7/13/2018 the US corporation was formed on 2/21/1871
2*21+18*71+7*13+20*18 = 1771

7 × 11 × 23
21st Tetrahedral!
Duodecimal 1037
17+71 = 88
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

Lights_inthe_Darkness #wingnut #fundie #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy lightsinthedarkness3v395.substack.com

1) SRA/DID <Satanic Ritual Abuse> is, in fact, the framework for a global “hybrid breeding program,” termed the “Nephilim (or Genesis) Project.” Many centuries of ritual abuse have led up to this present project. Victims of chronic trauma, such as victims of SRA/DID, have many layered levels and structures embedded within their minds, spirits and souls.

The new field of “Traumatology” tells us that the child-victims of SRA, in order to survive the traumas they are subjected to, construct amnesia barriers to suppress trauma memories. The deepest traumas are hidden beneath the most impenetrable (dense) amnesia barriers.
The most deeply-embedded and horrific traumas of all, for some of the women victims, include memories of having conceived by Satan himself in order produce human-satanic hybrid creatures termed Nephilim.

According to these councilors, the goal of the “hybrid breeding programming” is to create “Para-humans,” or hybrids of human and “fallen angels” (demons), up to and including Satan himself. The resulting hybrids, or Homo noeticus (“new man,” another name for the Nazi Master Race) look identical to humans.
The Alien Agenda is the same as the Ascended Master Agenda. The Ascended Master Agenda is the same as the Psychics Agenda. The Psychics Agenda is the same as the World Federalist Agenda. The World Federalist Agenda is the same as the United Nations Agenda. The United Nations Agenda is the same as the FEMA Agenda. The FEMA Agenda is the same as the New Constitution of the United States Agenda.

Through massive electronic networking and artificial intelligence, the mind frequency and soul-spirit harmonics will be altered to allow a mass invasion of demonic “walk-ins.” The world will explode with chaos and madness. Remember the Masonic slogan is “Ordo Ab Chao”- out of chaos comes order and out of the ashes of the Phoenix, the Serpent rises to power.

Sean Fitzpatrick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

September 11 is a day when we remember the victims of terrorism, especially the 2,996 Americans who were killed by the unthinkable al-Qaeda attacks of 2001. But the “war on terror” abroad has only seen new faces of terrorism find footholds in our cities and neighborhoods, tearing Western civilization apart from within instead of without. If terrorism is defined as an act of intimidation for political or ideological ends, the reality of terrorism extends to cultural pressures and even attacks that don’t involve crashing planes into towers. And many American Catholics are too afraid to push back.
As Catholics devoted to truth (hopefully unflinchingly), we are under near-constant coercive pressure to accept what is deeply false, threatened with social and professional excommunication at every turn in the name of ideology and politics.
When we hear the Lord’s Name taken in vain, do we ever say in return, “Blessed be His Holy Name”? How many times do we bend the knee in silent submission under the godless, woke banners and progressive approvals in everyday life? What blind eyes are turned on psychosis-affirming slogans and advertisements? How often do we shy away from denouncing climate change as a hoax of market manipulation? Or pause before saying abortion is murder? Or cringe to call the war in Ukraine a civil war that America has largely fueled and has no business fomenting?
hat aggressive Catholic attitude should give no philosophical or societal quarter in the attack against reality and religion, even if giving no quarter draws looks, insults, or shock. The concern shouldn’t be for what may be considered proper or politically correct. Despite the disturbance, Catholics should resist these terrorisms with a fervor that cares more for what is right than what is acceptable and keep the national spirit of 9-11 alive for the sake of the truth.

Biblical gender roles #fundie biblicalgenderroles.com

(This person is defending preteen pregnancy)

Now are there sometimes issues like you have said that may have to do with proper girth size? Yes. But there are many women who face this issue even into their 20’s(I have had female relatives that had to have C-sections for all their births because of this).
Women face different pregnancy challenges at different age groups, as well as if they are in a culture that does not have proper medical care and the support a young mother needs.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Let me make something very clear. Evolution is not the cause of racism, or abortion, or Gay “marriage,” or any other such issue. Sin is the cause of such issues. But there is a connection between evolution and morality.

I believe the message of the AiG ministry has been in a sense very “prophetic.” Even when I began teaching on creation vs. evolution back in 1975, I was already asserting that atheistic evolution and morality were connected and that, over time, immorality would grow as people rejected God’s Word and accepted naturalistic evolution. Not because evolution was the cause of the immorality, but the more generations believed evolution and rejected God’s Word, the more their morality would be subjective. This would result in moral relativism permeating the culture.

I taught that the more people believed that life arose by natural processes, the more they would also believe that life was ultimately meaningless and purposeless—and morality could be whatever a person determined. Or, as Judges 21:25 states, when there was no king (or absolute authority) in the land, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Rick Davis #fundie twitter.com

Can the magistrate pass laws that change an idolater's heart and cause him to accept Christ? No. The church preaches the gospel, which is powerful to save.

Can the magistrate pass laws that prevent idolaters from publicly honoring false gods? Yes. It would be good for society

she-is-ovarit #transphobia #fundie tumblr.com

It's all connected. Corporations began marketing gay pride themed merchandise. An increase in "I-identify-as" populations began to flood gay bars and events, where outward appearance (marketed as "gender expression") became heavily emphasized.

Commercial visibility and marketability does not equal human rights progress.

Ability to consume does not equal citizenship to an oppressed group.

Biology, (referring to sexual orientation and sex) is not a brand you can buy into or boycott out of.

Corporations selling rainbows do not reflect our values.

The churning out of new "all inclusive" pride flags to pledge allegiance to is not indicative of liberation.

A historical homosexual slur being sold by the multi-billion dollar media obfuscates predominantly lesbian relationships ("queer women", "queer relationship") and retraumatizes many gay and lesbian people.

Gay pride only extending to people able to purchase detracts from the meaning of gay pride and distracts from the struggles of the most vulnerable. It positions the most privileged within marginalized and oppressed groups as those who represent the whole.

And associating body modification, aestheticism, and "expression" with self identity turns the lived experiences and material realities of entire subgroups of people into niche market categories that people who aren't even a part of these groups can identify into and out of based on social trends.

Biology becomes devalued, overshadowed by the social and manufactured "genders". Infinite genders means infinite target audiences. Lived, material realities of certain groups of people become materialism.

Human rights movements are becoming human rights industries, with the wealthy more directly capitalizing off of the exploitation of the poor, of the homosexual, of the female, of the immigrant, of the dark skinned, of the mentally ill, of the disabled, of the sick, of the marginalized and oppressed.

Don't buy into it.

Joe Wasp #racist #conspiracy #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Miscegenation Accelerant"]

I have been chewing on this one for a while. It may be easy for you, the reader, to believe I am pushing a black pilled message. I am not but am simply describing thoughts and observations I have made. Not only have I witnessed numerous alarming trends taking place across Heritage America, due largely to the influence of social media, but I cannot address it without calling out and harshly criticizing a certain demographic within Caucasian circles[…]
I have observed that TikTok has been pushing miscegenation heavily over the past few years. Whereas I do not have the app myself, it is difficult not to see videos from that app posted all over YouTube and social media outlets[…]I have noticed what appears to be a heretofore unseen spike in White female/black male couples[…]Ever since TikTok started doing this nonchalantly, I have witnessed a huge real-world spike in miscegenation among Millennials and Gen Z, alongside an assortment of other annoying and obnoxious social traits[…]
Before delving any further into the female capitulation and support of race-mixing and anti-Whiteism, I will first briefly mention the negative effects of race-mixing. There is quite a good amount of evidence to suggest miscegenation is a grievously dysgenic breeding practice to adopt, despite the fact that findings will forever and always be suppressed by the mainstream. From bone marrow transplant issues, to fatherlessness, to emergent genetic deficiencies, to rootlessness and identity crises among the mixed children, to sickle cell anemia[…]
To provide some final thoughts on the breeding and mixing topic, the Holy Bible has some things to say, or imply, on the matter, just read the Old Testament, the passage about the Tower of Babel, Jesus’ and Paul’s own views on who they chose to preach to, Acts 17:26, Zechariah 9:6, and Genesis 10:5, just to give a few examples. Take a look at Latin America, the Middle East, or your average American mulatto

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Over the years, I have read commentary from many Bible teachers weighing in on the many judgments that the LORD releases from Heaven during the great Tribulation time period. Some say those things described by John are hydrogen bombs, advanced attack helicopters and weapons of war being hatched in secret places like Russia, China and in Area 51 in Nevada. But they are nothing of the kind if you’re a Bible believer. Want a fantastic ‘key’ to unlock Revelation 6-16? You’ll find it waiting for you in Job 38.

“Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?” Job 38:22,23 (KJB)

God weighed in this weekend on America’s very own ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ known as ‘Burning Man’ taking place in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. The LORD launched one of His ‘weapons of war’ by sending a massive deluge of rain which immediately halted the pagan sacrifices of burning idols in the groves of the desert. Unsheeted panic ensued, giving rise to rumors of an ‘Ebola outbreak’, radioactive distress, and FEMA stepping in to declare a ‘national emergency’. None of those things are true, but what is true is that the God of the Bible who inserts Himself into the affairs of men made His presence known this weekend. In the massive panic and chaos as worshippers scrambled to flee, think anyone of them knew Who sent the rain? They should, seeing as how God ‘signed’ His handiwork with the gorgeous double rainbow you see at the top of this article. Amen, and come get us, Lord Jesus

Paul Blair #fundie #elitist rightwingwatch.org

Founded by religious-right activists Dan Fisher and Paul Blair, Liberty Pastors hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed[…]on how to become members of a modern-day “Black Robe Regiment”[…]
Last month, Blair appeared on a Truth & Liberty Coalition broadcast where he revealed that these gatherings are financed largely by religious-right activist Art Ally, founder of the Christian investment firm The Timothy Plan, and explained their purpose

The gatherings are limited to 100 pastors so that attendees have an opportunity to interact with the speakers personally “and that really helps with this transformation of their ministry,” Blair said. “Over three days at a luxury hotel, we have 20 hours of their time where we literally teach them biblical principles of civil government”

Liberty Pastors held an event in Texas in August that was dedicated entirely to the issue of economics, at which Blair asserted that according to the Bible, the government should have no role in creating a federal welfare system[…]
“2 Thessalonians, chapter 2 said, ‘We commanded you that if any man is just lazy and refuses to work, then don’t let him eat,'” Blair said. “You know, there’s a proper place for charity, but if somebody is just a slug—as [Benjamin] Franklin said, ‘Hunger is a great motivator'”

“Here’s God’s design,” Blair continued. “It wasn’t for a federal welfare system; the family is supposed to care for the family. Parents raise their children and provide for them as they’re young, and then as parents get older, their kids are to honor their parents, which means to provide for their needs as they get old. Throughout Scripture, slothfulness and laziness is condemned as sin. As I said a moment ago, [the Apostle] Paul agreed to Ben Franklin or Ben Franklin agreed with Paul: If a man doesn’t work, don’t feed him”

Neo #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

There are no such things as aliens, and space is blocked off by the firmament, and real outer space isn't the NASA-style space that you can move through.

You have to understand that there is a lot of misinformation/disinformation put there by people who have no business being a conspiracy realist and also by counter-intelligence agents. Also, there is information about conspiracies that isn't written down anywhere, so few people even know about it.

Tunnelcat, the shadow gov't made all the elite talk "right wing" so that people who are still asleep still fall for the Demoncat/Reptilican shell game. I.e. the Republicans who are in the know decide to be the conspiracy hypocrites while the Democrats play the mainstream hypocrites.

I knew something was wrong at age 9 but I didn't know why until I moved into adulthood... I think around 2008 or so? Unless I forgot the year. I'm not conservative, and I'm not racist. I'm not even white. lol

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Follow Me

Follow Me. (Luke 9:59)

Until we follow Jesus, we are lost. We are going nowhere, held firmly in the prison cell of sin and death. What a sad, depress-ingly hopeless state we are in until Jesus opens the prison door and says, “Follow me. ” Yet millions choose to stay in the cell, not understanding what awaits them. To choose death above life and hell above heaven is insane. The first second in hell will bring instant remorse. What a sad thing that the man to whom Jesus spoke these words had an excuse. Had he followed Jesus during the incar-nation, he would have entered into the most exciting adventure that any human being could ever have. Had he followed Jesus, he would have seen the sick healed, the blind given sight, and people raised from the dead. He would have had the privilege and honor of hearing life-changing words pour from the lips of the Son of God. Today, millions have excuses for not following Jesus Christ. The bottom line is that people love sin. They love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil, neither will they come to the light lest their deeds should be exposed (John 3:19–20).

When did I begin following Jesus? Am I still following Him daily as enthusiastically as I did at first?

Father, let me have the adventure of serving you.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions).
Available http://LivingWaters.com or wherever good books are sold.

johnQadams/Q #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy johnqadams.substack.com

Q Post 791, Feb 18, 2018 8:57:51 PM EST
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future."
:Protect 6/14-46
:Protect 6/14-46

Most of you will recognize the quoted part of this Q post, signed Q+, aka Donald J. Trump, as a Scripture verse. Jeremiah 29:11 to be exact. The ":Protect 6/14-46" lines refer to Trump as he was born on June 14, 1946. More on that later.
YHWH promised us, as subjects to the High King, that we would have victory in His-Story. YHWH keeps his promises. Do you believe that? Well, I do. And I know that when He promises something that He can deliver because He is sovereign. He declares the end from the beginning. He controls everything, from the big events down to the small micro events. He is the one who hardened Pharaoh's heart so that the Egyptians would not only eventually beg the Israelites to leave, they would also send them on their way with all the Egyptian gold and silver. He raises up kings and He removes kings. Sometimes, He even uses someone who was raised as one of them to bring about their destruction.
The Jews crucified the Messiah, but they were simply carrying out what YHWH had predestined to take place (Acts 4:28). We live in a time where our Satanic controllers think they are pushing their agenda forward through number rituals (see Part 7), but everything they do has been pre-ordained by the Most High Elohim who is sovereign over all. He has told us about His sovereignty and has demonstrated it in numerous ways. Yes, it is true that we do not know the day nor the hour when He shall return in his Second Parousia, but through Scripture He has revealed His plan for His-Story to us and for us. Because He is sovereign, and because He has determined the end from the beginning, we can know that His-Story is going somewhere, that there is a climax, a culminating eschaton. The Biblical worldview tells us that nothing can stop what is coming.

Ruby Franke #fundie #psycho npr.org

Ruby Franke, a Utah YouTube star who has spent the last eight years dishing out parenting advice to millions of followers, was arrested Wednesday alongside her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, on suspicion of aggravated child abuse.

Police said Franke's malnourished son escaped out a window with his arms and legs covered in duct tape, fleeing to a neighbor's house seeking food and water.


Franke is a 41-year-old Mormon mother of six from Ivins, Utah. Though active across several social media platform, she's best known for her once-popular YouTube channel, "8 Passengers."


Several other videos also show Franke threatening to take away meals as punishment.

There are also videos of Franke threatening to cut the head off her child's teddy bear, taking away the children's Christmas presents and sending her oldest boy to a behavioral camp where youth spend a minimum of 49 days in the wilderness with little gear.

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