Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

I work for my local school district. Currently, the entire district is celebrating a “Month of Kindness.” Every school is decked out in decorations and posters with messages like, “Be Kind”, “One Kind Act a Day,” and “Be the ‘I’ in Kind.” Teachers are wearing kindness t-shirts, and all students and employees have wristbands. Your reaction, like mine, to a school district promoting kindness might be “Ugh!” Before trans-ideology hit my house and my family I would have welcomed the opportunity to help spread kindness at school. It would never have crossed my mind that telling kids to “be kind” could be problematic. But not anymore. Because this is what I know:


• I know that there is a trans-identified child in a 4th grade classroom in my district masquerading as the opposite sex and that some parents with kids in the class know the truth, but the students in the class do not. At least one mom is incredibly worried about losing her own son’s trust when he finds out she knew and didn’t tell him.

• I know that in an online district training presentation there is a slide of an androgynous looking school-aged child with the following specifics on the slide: age 10, he/him pronouns.


• I know that until parents complained there were two school counselors at a junior high in our district with engraved pronoun signs on their office doors.

• I know that there is a junior high in a neighboring district with a trans-identified assistant principal.

• I know that an “expert on LGBTQ+ students” has been invited to give a presentation at an annual statewide Outreach Conference I will be attending.

• I know that in this year’s annual district “Belonging and Inclusion Training” there was a whole section dedicated to the risk of suicide in LGBTQ+ students, with statistics and information provided by the Trevor Project, an activist organization that gets money “supporting LGBTQ+ students at risk for suicide”, which of course is a conflict of interest.

E. Michael Jones #wingnut #fundie #racist #sexist #conspiracy

The story of the Israelis broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations is not in the first edition of Libido Dominandi because it occurred four years after its publication, proving after the fact that my thesis was correct. Sexual liberation, by which I mean everything from pornography to abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism, is the most sophisticated form of social control in human history, and the march of events since the publication of the first edition continues to substantiate my thesis.
The second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, containing 300 pages of new material, is now available at Why is the second edition necessary? Because it deals with the Internet in a way that I could not have done in the 1990s or in the first years of this century. If you ever wondered why you or someone you know doesn’t have a life, pornography may be the answer. Pornography is the social disease that has turned a whole generation into sex addicted recluses who can’t get married and can’t form the families that would make them productive members of society. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Libido Dominandi is the cure for that disease.

“You’re E. Michael Jones, aren’t you?” said one young man as I pulled up to the local supermarket on my bicycle. After I pleaded guilty as charged, he said, “I stopped watching porn because of you.”

For more than 20 years now, I have received unsolicited testimonies from people who have been liberated from pornography simply by understanding that its purpose is to turn you into a docile sex robot who can be controlled by the manipulation of your passions. No matter how crazy and counter-intuitive the claim that sexual liberation was a form of control sounded when I first made it, it has been proven true by the course of events, which showed, as St. Augustine said, “A man has as many masters as he has vices.”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The Khazarian mafia is desperately trying to start an all-out nuclear war and nearly succeeded over the past weekend. This prompted MI6 to send the following warning to the Chinese, the Russians and the US space force:

"Please refrain from all engagements until such time as we can establish meaningful diplomatic engagement. We have actionable intelligence of fifth columns. Stand down all nuclear capability worldwide. Thank you. xxxxx for Elizabeth II R, CC: Sir Richard Moore, Director General, SIS (MI6)."

This close brush with nuclear war has led to a backchannel call among intelligence agencies to host a summit that will join the Western military intelligence white hats with the BRICS coalition. Together they will negotiate a replacement of the KM-led “rules-based world order.” Formal announcements of this are likely in the near future.
MI6 says Prince William is suspected of being the person who ordered the likes of Castrudeau to try to provoke nuclear war. That is because if nuclear war does not start, it is only a matter of time before he and his family are publicly outed for staging human sacrifices, including that of Kate Middleton, MI6 and British royal family sources say.

The ultimate source of the Nazi problem can be traced to the KM’s main front organization: the Satanic Chabad cult.

Chabad and the KM have spent hundreds of years infiltrating the top levels of governments around the world in their plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to them, each Jew (Satanist) will be granted 2800 slaves from among the survivors once this plan is accomplished. This is something this writer has been warning about for over two decades after being personally invited to join this plot. What has changed is that now most Jews have finally figured this out and denounced it as Satanic heresy.

various commenters #transphobia

( Riothamus )
They've been transing kids for a decade. Where are the success stories?

This "childhood transition" business took off in the mid-2010s. The first cohort of children who were exposed to Lupron for gender issues has reached adulthood. Yet we never hear Munchie parents bragging about how well their super special "sons" and "daughters" are doing in academic and professional life.

One would think that if any of them were thriving the trans lobby would praise them to the high heavens and make celebrities of them.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think there are a lot of superficial "success stories", but if you dig a little deeper, it doesn't look so good, or it won't in the future. With people like Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras, their career prospects seem to be pretty much being Professionally Trans (that's also true for a lot of TiPs who trans as adults and end up become permanent e-beggars, content creators, or activists). Furthermore, many of them will suffer from health problems as they grow older, but we really don't know what that will fully entail for decades.

( DietCokeAddict )
Good point, but the TRAs will just claim that “successful” transitioners are now living in stealth and nobody can tell they’re trans. “You’ve probably walked past thousands of trans people today and not noticed!”

You’d think some of the successful ones would be involved in the cause, though - every trans activist or famous trans person I’ve ever seen is instantly clockable. So if there are successful ones, they clearly want nothing to do with the moment today.

( Architectura )
I mean... Nicole Maines and Clara Sorrenti are two, but you're right: they're not used as poster children, likely because if they're the standard of what trans males should look like, the AGPs will riot because they actually both pass pretty darn well.

And now that I think about it... The movement kind of relies on people not passing, because that's what allows the AGPs in bathrooms. No one is going to blink if Nicole or Clara goes in a women's restroom, and so the bathroom laws are moot. The AGPs need it to be acceptable/law for visible males to go in women's restrooms.

Todd Friel #fundie

The odds of one man fulfilling forty-eight prophecies is 1 chance in 10,157 (a statistical impossibility). Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophecies. Case closed.
4:05 AM · Sep 20, 2024 · 1,819 Views
11 Reposts 60 Likes 7 Bookmarks

various commenters #transphobia

There will never be a trans-inclusive "All-Girl" space

( Calidris )
Is this a response to "actual lesbians": whoops all penis!

I mean he's not wrong. Choose, young TIM, trans inclusive means you're just in a gigantic sausage party with your TIM friends because all the lesbians either get banned or leave. Or you get the TERF space where the lesbians you so direly want to coercively rape will not let you in because THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT.

But there's a secret third option: you could take off the cheap party city wig, wipe off the unskilled makeup, throw away the hooker boots and stripper heels and just be who you are, maybe that's a feminine straight man or even an autistic man. And then you can find a straight woman (or bi), you know the wimminz who genuinely do appreciate dick. And you could have a normal life and maybe find some happiness instead of horrifying, disgusting and scaring the ONE kind of woman who does not do penis and keep being alone, as a medical patient for life and generally looked upon with distrust because you're living a lie.

( Women1st )
TIMs will never understand why women require sex-based protections. This is bc they are not women and will never be women, this will never understand womanhood.

We can talk about why people think this way at another time.

( VestalVirgin )
TIMs understand very well that we require male-free spaces so that they cannot rape us. TIMs are more likely to be sex offenders than the average male (who is already very likely to be a rapist in his heart).

They just don't want us to be able to get away from them.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Weird how the terms "female" and "woman" are suddenly vague, undefined terms because men have decided they can become women. Y'all certainly didn't have trouble defining "woman" when you were telling us we can't vote or open our own bank accounts or get a job outside "caring" roles.

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy

One can not reason with or rehabilitate a rabid animal or a demon possessed two legged animal.

summary“Doctrine Of The Rabbinic Kabbalah” “Israel must make sacrifices to satan so that he will leave Israel unmolested (Zohar 2:33a)” “The evil impulse is good, and without the evil impulse Israel cannot prevail in the world (Zohar 1:61a)” “Research by Michael Hoffman”

Joel Webbon #fundie #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #sexist

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who believes that the American people are too degenerate, stupid, and cowardly to abide by the Constitution and must therefore be governed by a Christian dictator. This dictator, Webbon believes, must “rule with an iron fist” and force everyone to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.”

Under his preferred form of Christian nationalist theocracy, Webbon wants to see the Apostles’ Creed added to the Constitution; abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control outlawed; non-Christians kept out of his neighborhood; and every non-Protestant Christian reduced to second-class citizenship.

Webbon, of course, is also a misogynist who wants to see women banned from voting, so naturally he is deeply alarmed by the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the election in November, as he made clear during a recent podcast.

“I believe it’s Isaiah that says that one of God’s judgments and curses on a nation is that they will be ruled by children and women,” Webbon said, citing Isaiah 3.”It’s not like if we get Kamala, then we’re going to have sinful policies and then we’ll be judged by God. That’s true, but it’s not just that Kamala will invoke judgment by wicked policies; Kamala is the judgment because of all the wickedness that we’ve already accrued.”

“We have been a wicked, rebellious, apostate nation for decades and decades and decades,” he continued. “Kamala is not the sin that will result in judgment; Kamala is the judgment that is the result for all of our past. The judgment is being ruled by women.”

“Why is that a judgment?” he asked, rhetorically. “Because the Bible said so. That’s why.”

“Women are not fit for that role,” Webbon asserted.

In 2023, Webbon was among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel.” Drafted by Christian nationalists like Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, former Trump administration official William Wolfe, and others, the document declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.”

Laura Loomer #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #pratt

White nationalist conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer doubled down on her false accusations against Haitian migrants on the latest episode of her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed. In addition to repeating the lie that Haitian migrants are eating household pets, Loomer also accused them of “eating people.”

Loomer attacked comedian Jimmy Kimmel for mocking racist statements she made on her X account, including one where she wrote that Haitian migrants “eat HUMANS.”

“In fact, Jimmy Kimmel the other night decided that he was gonna make fun of me and he was gonna show my tweet live on air, and make fun of the fact that I was pointing out that these Haitians are cannibals and they’re also eating people’s pets,” she said.

After playing a clip from Kimmel’s show, she defended her accusations of cannibalism by citing an article from India Today about Jimmy Chérizier, a Haitian ex-cop and gang leader. Loomer insisted that Chérizier’s nickname, “Barbeque,” was related to cannibalism or to a practice of burning his enemies alive. (It isn’t.)

“So no, Jimmy Kimmel’s lying,” she declared. “He’s attacking me as a racist, saying that I’m beyond the pale and that I’m a racist and that I’m a terrible person. But they do. The Haitians are eating people. They’re cannibals. Not all of them. But a lot of them are.”

Loomer asked how it’s “racist” to say that Haitians are “eating people” and “eating people’s pets,” and angrily said that Americans “don’t practice cannibalism.”

“It’s disgusting,” she said. “It’s Third World. It’s beyond Third World. I mean it’s like, it’s like for — it’s like for people and, I don’t know, living in the jungle, you know? It’s like — I don’t even know if people, like, living in the jungle do this, right? It’s animalistic behavior. It’s like Stone Age behavior.”

Calling it “crazy” that “they wanna deny that there are Haitian cannibals” and that “there are people’s pets that are being eaten,” Loomer pulled up a video which she said was of a “Haitian migrant barbequing somebody’s cat.”

The video, which was reposted online by far-right propagandist Chris Rufo, was originally taken in 2023 by a man from Dayton, OH. As CBS News reported, the video “shows what appears to be animal carcasses on a grill,” and the “man filming the footage alleges, without evidence, that they are cats.”

Padraig Martin #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia

[From “When Voting Fails”]

The purpose of voting was largely to provide some form of “revolutionary” capacity to change the leadership of a people without violence[…]In effect, every two, four, or six years, the American republic provided a vote that at least made the people believe things might change without the need for guns[…]
Now comes Trump – yet again. This short article is not about Trump, per se. Rather, it is about the continual belief in voting as a form of implementing change. More importantly, it is about the moment in which that belief no longer exists[…]
There are a great many Baby Boomers who believe in voting and Trump because they have been conditioned for generations to believe voting works[…]
It is clear that voting – a process dominated by one generation for almost half a century – is losing its grasp on future generations. That is dangerous for ruling elites[…]
It is not an accident that total societal change has been inspired to emasculate the populace. Younger men not only have lower testosterone levels year over year (I personally believe due to some form of chemical introduction), but masculinity itself is under constant attack. Transgenderism is simply a byproduct of the war on men. Notice that the females harmed by the transgender movement are athletic women who would be inclined to gravitate toward athletic men, creating genetically athletic offspring. The totality of the movement to emasculate – from girl power narratives to deconstructing masculine social structures to promoting effeminate males (e.g., “Big Bang Theory” television show) to transgender therapies[…]– is part of a defensive posture to guard against the consequences of an eventual collapse of voting

When voting fails, populations rise violently. It is helpful to have a nation of emasculated men if you want to remain a tyrant. After all, it is hard to shoot at the ruling class with your legs crossed, sipping on a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, and wearing a dress

Rabbi Cary Kozberg #racist #pratt

“This is about a culture clash,” Rabbi Cary Kozberg, who leads Temple Sholom, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “We, as the citizens of Springfield, are being disenfranchised.”

Like Trump, J.D. Vance and others who have taken aim at Springfield’s immigrant population, Kozberg says he believes the new arrivals — most of whom are in the country legally — are changing the city’s character for the worse.

“Haiti is not known for its, shall we say, adherence to Western civilized values,” Kozberg said.

The comments might sound jarring coming from a rabbi ordained by the Reform movement. Reform Jewish congregations and rabbis have been among the most outspoken opponents of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies stretching back across the more than nine years since he entered politics. During Trump’s presidency, Reform Jews protested against his travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, rallied across the United States in support of refugees and lobbied to support “Dreamers,” young adults who as children were brought to the country illegally by their parents. Many cited their own families’ immigrant histories as a reason to oppose Trump.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #ableist #god-complex

Trump has for years made the claim that American Jews who mostly vote for Democrats are mentally ill, and this year, he has taken to saying that Jews who vote for Democrats need to “have their head examined.” He has also repeatedly said Israel will be destroyed if he loses the election, a prediction he repeated Thursday.

But in this speech, he also said Jews would be at fault if he loses, citing the low percentage of Jewish voters who have historically supported him. He referenced a poll he said he saw showing that he could receive 40% of the Jewish vote — which itself would be a marked increase for him from 2016 and 2020.

“I will put it to you very simply and gently. I really haven’t been treated right, but you haven’t been treated right, because you’re putting yourself in great danger, and the United States hasn’t been treated right,” he said. “The Jewish people would have a lot to do with the loss if I’m at 40%. Think of it, that means 60% are voting for Kamala.”

The speech was one of two Trump gave to Jewish audiences in Washington on Thursday. He also spoke at the Israeli American Council’s conference following the “Fighting Antisemitism” event.

various commenters #transphobia

Transgender activists stage die-in at Florida DMVs

( tuff_terfies )
Can we talk about the callousness of a die-in here? ACT-UP did them bc people--granted, mostly men, but not all--were ACTUALLY dying in droves. To steal this concept for a fucking box on a DL? horrifying.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I was thinking that too. It's so fucking offensive to those out there who were or are actually dying. Nobody has ever died because they couldn't be "trans". They're so goddamn ignorant and entitled.

( tuff_terfies )
I want to start going to these things and counting the number of white men (assumedly straight) there are at these things. I have a theory that this is on the spectrum of white men feeling victimized that got Trump (and will likely again) elected to office. Any chance a privileged white dude can cry victim, they'll take.

( Women1st )
In another case of literal genocide. TRAs protest at Florida DMVs because they can’t commit fraud on their government documents.

I would think this isn’t the best place to lie down and protest as their are teens behind the wheel…

( Spencer_Shayy )
LMAO you will not die if you don't get to falsify your drivers license.

This is so funny. What a bunch of losers. Please get some real problems.

( MarthaMMC )
The point is that they want a state id to legally declare them as the sex they want to claim instead of what they are. Drivers licenses are used as legal id for a lot of things. & with real id rules, are required for flying unless you also have the less universal one or state id you have to have a passport as well. Changing sex markers on birth certificates, state id, drivers licenses, passports, etc. creates a legal precedence that enshrines gender ideology into law & declares that sex can be changed. They claim it is for safety so their id matches their presentation so they won't be "outed" & thus in danger of violence from possible transphobes. But realistically, most TIMs do not "pass" & even if they get id changed, ppl will know they are trans. But id changes also will normalize gender ideology claims so that society will get habituated to accepting that sex can change. It will go from being a legal fiction to normalizing the downgrading of the importance of biological sex.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Ancient Greece was never, and is now being discovered Ancient Rome and Egypt were also fictions!

Breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology tend to support the following theses, based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.

The knowledge of the existence of the One God who must have created the Anunnaki founders, together with the realisation that life encompasses no more than a mere material plane of existence in which we now find ourselves, is all covertly orchestrated by the secret societies.
The world architecture for the extraction of electromagnetic energy comes entirely from the Tartar-Aryan High Civilisation. It is characterised by the use of arched openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, all three-dimensional architectural decorative elements are symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy that acts on molecules and the behaviour of cells.
After discovering that Ancient Greece never existed, it is now being discovered that Ancient Rome and Egypt were also made up, and most likely everything else you learn and read about history is a big lie.

You would think that such a great and powerful empire would be mentioned many times in the Bible, just like the Macedonian Empire which is mentioned 39 times in the Bible, but surprisingly the only mention of Rome comes from Timothy, Acts and Romans, which could easily have been added recently!

Not only that, but the ancient Roman Empire is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does it appear on some so-called fake ancient maps! On Ortelius’ map of Ancient Europe from 1595 there is no Roman Empire, and don’t forget that the year 1595 is also wrong, but on the border of Gaulia there is Scythia and Sarmatia. Did the cartographer really miss a huge Roman Empire?

Even in the fake maps of so-called ancient Europe, they created a double fake, and as the saying goes, lies have short legs.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #mammon

Since 1996, William Henry has been courageously establishing and documenting his revolutionary connection between the original Christianity, stargates and the ascension of humanity into beings of light. His goal has been to recover the authentic teaching of Jesus about how we can transform ourselves into beings of pure light (and love), open a stargate and beam ourselves home.

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* The Magi are representatives of the Perfect Light Humans.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

Jeff W #wingnut #conspiracy

Many years have passed when most of us volunteered to be humanitarians in this journey. We , in the beginning, had no idea of the QFS, or the PLAN that has been many many years in the making. It’s been an exhaustive, draining, frustrating rollercoaster for most. I’ve sold and bought and sold and bought out of necessity to survive. I have slept on the streets and begged for help. And got that help here thank God.

But it’s time to end this. you WH’s have it all, you’re in control are you. Well i can tell you all i see in real life is horror and suffering and you prolonging it. If you had the ability to do what needs to be done then do so.

Rumors are flooding the feeds about there actually being an election in November. And if you people insist on doing so instead of the EBS.. GOD help you. If K. Harris and these assholes cheat and she gets into office.. defunct or not, You can expect Washington D.C. to burn to the ground. Why?… Because you didn’t do what you said and pull the plug on this BS and inform everyone. If you fail to do so and we lose this battle.. You better know and believe that we are many and we are armed to the teeth and we are organized. Peaceful solutions would have failed and so a more direct approach will be necessary. There are many groups of men in every single state that are itching to take these people out if you cant.

So I suggest you get this plan and you put it into high gear and it better be now. .We are not talking about the GCR here.. we are talking about removal of ALL criminals in office down to the local levels. We will take this matter into our hands and it ill not be as pretty as your solution but we will not take prisoners and we will die taking every one of them out.

We are sick of seeing this country laughed at and belittled because of a small group of idiots. It will be a blood bath but if I must die to defend the Nation so be it. Play your little games and prolong this all you wish.. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

MJTruthUltra #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

🚨 OMG!!! Trump just sent ANOTHER message to the Deep State‼️

• After Trumps 1st Assassination attempt in Butler, his FIRST speaking event at the RNC, he played opera song, Nessun Dorma

• After Trumps 2nd Assassination Attempt, his FIRST speaking event tonight, he played opera song, Nessun Dorma!!!!!

Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears, in which time ALL the traitors & Deep State Actors were executed!!!

The Sum of All Fears is mentioned several times in the Q Drops.

This is not an accident!!!! Confirmed! They are all going fooking down!!!

Marianne Williamson #magick #racist #pratt

Marianne Williamson has denied backing Donald Trump’s claim that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people’s pets, after saying the unverified reports should not be dismissed out of hand and that “voodoo is real”

This week, Trump, JD Vance and other right-wingers have promoted the unfounded conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating residents’ cats and dogs[…]
Former Democratic presidential candidate and self-help author Williamson responded to the uproar by writing on X: “Continuing to dump on Trump because of the ‘eating cats’ issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

“Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo”

But Williamson, 71, insisted her comments did not mean she was backing Trump’s claims[…]
Linking to a National Geographic article she added: “I said that the practice itself is verifiable (see below), and that automatically dismissing the stories of people in places like small town Ohio are very bad for Democrats and actually helps Trump”

However, officials in Springfield have said there have been “no credible reports” of cats or dogs being harmed

Meanwhile, some academics have previously suggested the historical use of the word “voodoo” had racist undertones[…]
Anti-Haitian racism has a deep-rooted history in the United States, dating back centuries. Americans have long been fed images of Haiti as a “voodoo and backwards, uncivilized Black country,” Mack told The Intercept

Joshua Haymes #fundie #psycho

Every Christian must be pro-death penalty. The Bible is not ambiguous on this point. God has given the civil magistrate the sword to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4).

But should all Christians be pro-public execution?

Adam Terrell makes a compelling case that public stoning was not just God’s design for ancient Israel, but God’s design for capital punishment in all times and all places.

Our modern sensibilities may chafe at God’s law on this matter. We may think it’s brutal or barbaric. This is because we think we are wiser than God.

His Law is not only good.
His law is effective.

Public execution, swiftly carried out, would drastically reduce capital offense crimes.
Fear is a truly effective deterrent. I would argue that death by a public firing squad wherein the accuser and witnesses partake in the firing, could be a modern equivalent.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #racist

[Excerpts from a lecture by an exorcist]

There was a woman who brought me her child. The child was 10 months old. Little girl, cute little thing.

And it was one of the most beautiful little placid kids you’d met until the demon manifested. And then my nickname for it became Chucky the Doll. Literally, you couldn’t hold the thing. Because it would try and gouge your eyes out. It’s only 10 months old. It can’t even hardly move. I mean, it has no control of its motor function hardly. And yet, it’s trying to gouge your eyes out.

Okay. What we discovered, we think, through that process, is that through the father — who was a very good moral man. Actually, I think he was rather saintly. But we think it was passed to him, and then from him to the daughter, and then it skipped the daughter in the generations, but then it did end up in her daughter as a result of this.


Another one that we’ve seen is in relationship to Hispanics. Doesn’t say a thing about any Hispanic, because sometimes generational spirits actually skip a generation. … So, in the relationship with Hispanics, if there’s a connection to any type of Aztec or Mayan family lineage, in the sense of if there was something in which the, uh, The particular spirituality was kept alive within that lineage, even if it stops and the people become Catholic, that spirit can sometimes continue on.

Ellexoh , Hex & samsdat #transphobia

( Ellexoh )
Grandparents. And losing your grandchild to trans-creep
I call it trans-creep because it crept up on me, as the grandmother of a boy who decided he wanted to be a girl. Not as a young child but (the first I knew of it) in his mid-teens. This boy was my world, but after moving to & living in another country, as well as having (it seemed to me) unlimited access to social media, meant he was exposed to an online world he was left to navigate alone. I will admit....this is my view entirely because not once did anybody in either side of the boy's family sit down with me and have an open conversation, or ask me how I felt about what was happening.

Today I have no contact with my grandson, an estranged r'ship with his mother (my daughter), strained r'ships with my other children because of my gender critical stance (all of us live in NZ) and no contact at all with the paternal family because they live overseas. I did contact the other grandmother in the US and she is sympathetic but said that although she "had a very big problem with that at first. (my grandson's father) was the one who helped me through it." So they all appear to be captured by it. And I don't even know how often there is contact with the family overseas because nobody talks to me

I can count the number of grandparents with a trans-grandchild on one hand. And I only know about them in an online capacity.

Breathe....phew! :)

( Hex )
Every time I read similar stories, it reminds me of the people I lost to addiction and (almost) to Qanon. You can love them and try to persuade them with logic and love, but the addiction is often stronger. I would hope that he is not addicted to porn in his young age but if he has unlimited access online then who knows.

Trans is also addictive because of the sense of community, and if he is ostracized or doesn't have strong community in real life, then they will make their own community online. Of course the community is built on empty words, as they find out after they trans and all their old problems remain.

I have no advice, I just click on these topics because I have young nieces and a nephew and I worry about them.

( samsdat )
I am so sorry this ideology is ripping your family apart. I hope your grandson and his parents come to their senses soon.

Pickles #transphobia

RE: TRA Arguments/Claims

A few of their arguments that get my goat most:

- when we read about atrocities that happen to women in developing countries because they are women and feel a sadness and outrage that you can only feel as another woman and we say something like "sex is not a choice. Look what is happening to these women because of their sex. Our sex has been used against us for centuries across every society and it is horrible gaslighting to pretend it doesn't exist, it's a choice, or it can be changed." And they pretend their takeaway is that we've said "at least the Taliban knows what a woman is!!" Or "i agree with guys who take child brides! We both know who women are!" It's infuriating. As though pretending we don't know the difference between the sexes will magically make it so women and girls are no longer exploited for being women and girls.

- Riley Gaines said that men shouldn't be in women's chess. She very clearly said something like "there's no point in having a women's category if you're going to let men in." And they were running around saying "Riley thinks every transwoman on earth is better than every cis woman on earth at chess. How sexist!!" My guy, there are reasons for wanting things that are not a dick swinging contest. Do you think we don't want you in our bathrooms because you think we think you're better at peeing? We don't want you in sororities because we think you'll be too good at networking or braiding hair (i wasn't in a sorority, I am not sure what analogy to use here).

I do often try to find points of agreement bc it seems like there has to be something. One thing I find myself disagreeing with GC people about is what someone owes to the creative talent behind their rise to stardom. Don't get me wrong, I love JKR and I think all those actors who turned on her are wrong and stupid, but I don't think that actors should be compelled to agree with someone just because his/her work made the actor famous.

Anyway just random thoughts while my sick baby sleeps on me 😴 💤

Sara Gonzales, Alex Jones and John Doyle #racist #pratt #conspiracy #wingnut

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones[…]
Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti”[…]
“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up”

Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff”[…]
Sara Gonzales chimed in to say that their problem with Haitian migrants “has nothing to do with their skin color,” but rather “their customs” and “rituals.” Gonzales also accused the migrants, who are legally living in Springfield, of “breaking our law by coming into this country”

Another panelist, white nationalist BlazeTV contributor John Doyle, called the presence of Haitian migrants a “punishment” for “normal middle Americans.” Doyle remarked that in the 1990s and 2000s, “mainstream media types” defended immigrants by calling them “natural conservatives” who are bringing “great food” to the U.S

“And that maybe worked when it was like Mexicans,” Doyle said, “but when it’s actual Haitians, I mean, frankly there’s no redeeming quality that this culture can offer to America. And so they bring them to these, like, counties and small towns as a punishment because they just hate middle Americans”

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #crackpot #conspiracy

Democrats are either too stupid to realize that every attempt to imprison or assassinate Trump makes him more popular, or they are so hateful they can't keep themselves from trying anyway.

Here we are, three assassination attempts in two months. I feel that if, God forbid, the animals were to succeed and kill Trump, there would be a 9/11-like, nationwide explosion of patriotism that would sweep the Republican Party into offices nationwide and all but render the Democrats extinct. There would also be the possibility of serious civil upheaval, which is likely exactly what the pinkos want.

The lizard people aren't smart enough to recognize Trump for what he is, a movement that won't be stopped by a bullet.

That said, please tell your pink-haired demi-gender-in-law to put on zhis big-boy panties, stifle zhis hatred, and stop trying to kill Trump. And while you're at it, ask zhim if zhe wants a pager. All the cool commies are carrying them again, and leftists hate testicles anyway.

Unnamed Haredim in Jerusalem #fundie

One morning in early August, members of the Yaar Ramot Community in Jerusalem woke up to find fliers with the words 'Do not be silent!' hung in the area surrounding their synagogue, Kehilat Yaar Ramot

These posters, addressed directly to Haredi members of the neighborhood, call for protests against the establishment of a conservative synagogue[…]These protesters are banding together to remove a ‘threat’ from the neighborhood, saying that the Haredi community must do everything possible to ‘dissuade them from this path’

“A few years ago, there was some noise that eventually died down.” Gadi Perl, who has been leading the community in this struggle, told[…]Gadi recalled a conflict between the two communities during the COVID-19 pandemic when a group of Haredis attempted to claim that the synagogue was their own because it wasn’t in use

“Because, unlike them, we followed the rules”

According to Gadi, these fliers were put up early in August, along with their daily ‘protest prayers’[…]though he noted that they initially could barely make a minyan most days

“On Sunday, it seems they realized they needed to make some noise, and they invaded the synagogue courtyard.” Gadi went on. “On Monday, they invaded again, and it escalated into a confrontation, leading to the police being called”

On Tuesday, the community set up a lock in an attempt to prevent further escalation, but when Haredis broke it with a cutter, police stood by and allowed them to enter

“On Wednesday, there was already a police presence, and we put on a serious lock. So, they prayed outside. But after the police left, we caught a man on the security cameras pouring contact adhesive on our lock”

By this point[…]the two groups went to court

“They stood in court this morning and told a bunch of lies.” one member said, “We call them Teflon because they've got protection in the area”[…]
“They’re saying we're, you know, treif, and god knows what else,” a member posted in[…]Whatsapp group

Daryl James/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

In 2004, during his seven years of service with the US Navy that began in 1999, Daryl James was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, where he was recruited into a “20 and back” program with the Solar Warden Space Program. James recalls how his IQ was measured to be 195 when he walked through a metal detector-looking apparatus. This got the attention of covert military leaders who were seeking exceptionally smart people for their classified programs.
James next remembers meeting a nine-foot-tall Draco Reptilian in an underground section of the St Mawgan RAF base. The Draco physically manhandled James and in retaliation, James poked the eye of the Reptilian and was severely punished with three months of slave labor at a secret Moon Base. He experienced horrific conditions and saw women and children being physically abused.

James described women being kept in brothels and used as sex-slaves as reward for base personnel and workers, and subsequently giving birth to many children. The children would grow up in feral-like underground conditions until they were ready to be harvested for their adrenochrome. The children would be rounded up and kept in steel cages until they were taken out for adrenachrone harvesting, some of which included Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremonies.

James eventually got to serve with the German Dark Fleet, aka Nachtwaffen, where he experienced the Germans’ hierarchical authority system with them occupying all the senior positions, while US and other non-German personnel filled subordinate positions. James described the two years he served with the German Dark Fleet, which included visits to their home planet where he received permission to marry a German woman. Before the marriage could be carried out, however, Nordic extraterrestrials working with the Navy Solar Warden program came and extracted him from his service with the Dark Fleet.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo

Greetings Holy Ones of our 144000 Wayshowers of New Earth

Great Spirit continues to send all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 massive waves of the Creation Flame to prepare for tomorrow’s Celestial Alignment with the Harvest Full Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Water Sign Pisces the Fish. This Event is bridging in the Divine Feminine Goddess Yin Energies of the Holy Waters of Infinite Source Creator.

We have higher resonance in Mother Earths “heartbeat” today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 57 and 59 hz, Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Anchored in and Rising.

Pachamama also received two massive activations today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with the most powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake in British Columbia, Canada at 22:22 UTC and a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Northern Mariana Islands at 11:36 UTC. All our Priestesses and Priests of our New Lemuria holding the Keys and Codes for the Raising of the Sacred Land of Mu for all our Good People of the New Earth

As Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun transform into Crystalline Light Bodies of Infinite Life all our Star Nations and Universal families of Light join in this Great Celebration and Transformation to 5D Avatars of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more… A’Ho!

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

Just like the first asset Thomas Matthew Crooks had all of the usual signs of an FBI/CIA brainwashed assassin, so too does the followup would-be Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh literally tick all of the boxes as yet another Intelligence Industrial Complex Manchurian Candidate.

Both of these individuals were profoundly disturbed, hopped up on various BigPharma meds, and more than likely handled by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and/or other Federal agency agents. Both of these deranged men also had incredibly “coincidental” ties to the Mockingbird MSM and establishment; to wit:

While Crooks was in possession of multiple overseas encrypted devices that were presumably used by him and his handlers, Routh was working with national security agencies:

But it gets even worse, as Routh was actively recruiting solders cannon fodder for the nefarious Nazi stay-behind-network in Ukraine known as the Azov Battalion:
A lazy, inept and immoral business owner pours all of his energies and failures into politrix, spurred on by the MSM and social media that has so many leftist Americans wanting Trump dead as they support the murderous Ukraine war, just as they “Trust[ed] the Science” and still somehow believe to this very day that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are “Safe and Effective.” It would be totally unsurprising if Routh had all eight — or are we now up to nine, or even ten? — of his boosters before he was activated; in fact, given what we know of the plethora of PSYOP-19 “vaccine” adverse events, it would not be too much of a stretch to posit that Routh had some prion-based brain damage from all of his injections, which more than likely worked ‘synergistically’ with all of his psychiatric meds, and thus he was that much more psychologically malleable for his handlers.
These people are truly the enemy, and whenever they label the MAGA “domestic terrorists” and Trump as such it is nothing more than a case of painfully obvious projection.

Ricardo Duchesne #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy

Can the white race win against this opposition?

1) A fast growing nonwhite population determining who gets elected, voting for diversity handouts and demonization of white identity.

2) A ruling business and cultural class that believes that diversity is the greatest strength of the West, and prohibits by law white identity politics.

3) Millions of Muslims living in Europe, building mosques everywhere, while Christian churches are turned into nightclubs.

4) A matriarchal order in which female psychology dominates academia, media, and political world, and men lust for these women to give them sex.

5) Blacks dominate American pop culture and the NFL is totally blackified in accordance with the American official view that integration is the greatest moral ideal.

6) A Jewish group with lots of financial and media power, loved by White elites, assiduously pushing woke politics and Neocon wars.

7) A fertility rate below replacement, with Greece, Italy, Spain, and much of Europe, in dire need of Africans and Moslems to keep the GDP growing.

8) An entire institutional network, from schools to universities, law courts, political parties, libraries, Google et al, dedicated to racial and cultural diversity. 9) A White psychology that is historically and psychological wired against in-group white politics, believing that we are all individuals with equal rights.

various commenters #transphobia

“They weren't raped by a penis, they were raped by a man” THEY’RE THE SAME PICTURE

( Women1st )

They weren't raped by a penis, they were raped by a man. And that's exactly what all women, cis and trans, are trying to escape by coming to all women only spaces.

So your faux fear regarding rape is the SAME EXACT thing as a woman’s actual fear based on her living through male physical and sexual violence as well as intimidation? You DO NOT BELONG in women’s spaces. You are a man. A leopard doesn’t change it’s spots.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I bet the first guy feels like a monster because he's raped a woman before. Why else would he feel so personally attacked by that?

"Transwomen" ARE flapping their dicks around for everyone to see, though. You're ALWAYS doing it in private spaces around women and children. Not to mention, you will not SHUT THE FUCK UP about them, hence why lesbians are always complaining about you.

We don't think you're men, sir, we KNOW you are.

No "transwoman" is afraid of being raped. Not a single one of you. If you were, you wouldn't be constantly threatening to rape any woman who disagrees with you. Spare me the fucking lies. I'm so sick of these monsters.

( mathlover )
He wants to stick his penis into, or have other intimate contact with, the one small demographic of women (lesbians) who will never want him. That is rape - he's either already done it, or would do it. So yeah, he should feel like a monster, because he is.

( Women1st )
Why won’t your own spaces, trans only, keep you from faux male violence? Why do you have to dominate women’s spaces? Oh, that’s right, bc you are a male.

( MardyMcMare )
It’s nothing personal, love. Women don’t want 49% of the human population - what, about 4 billion men? - in our single-sex spaces.

Yet here you are, so self-absorbed it’s a wonder you can take yer head out yer arse long enough to scroll through reddit, thinking it’s YOU, personally, we object to.

It’s All of you, every last man, regardless of your womanly feelz.


various commenters #transphobia

Yet he surely doesn’t want to use male restrooms…hmm, wonder why?

( SpringMaiden )
These people are always comparing women who don’t want to be around men to white racists. They’re constantly trying to act like women are evil for trying to protect themselves against their oppressors.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
They consistently flip the power dynamics of who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor in those analogies.

( SpringMaiden )
Yes, and it’s exhausting and infuriating.

Women are not the white people in these analogies. Women are not privileged, and are not the sex that created entire societies around the abuse and exploitation of the opposite sex. Men did that, and women have every right to reject it and reject men from the few spaces that are given to and reserved for women in this male-built world.

These people refusing to acknowledge women as the true oppressed class here is the ultimate proof that this is nothing but a men’s rights movement.

( Itzpapalotl )
A more apt comparison to draw would be, say, a black person has PTSD from a racial attack committed by a white person, this person does their best to steer clear of whites. Maybe this person joins a club or group specifically for black people.

Then, along comes a white person who “identifies” as black, who demands entry to this group, even if it is a support group. Maybe this white person paints their face, maybe they’re really good at makeup and can appear to be black...why is this person invading a space that specifically excludes them? Why does this person want to inflict themselves on people with trauma pertaining to their race? Why?

Men of all races and nationalities are and always have been a threat to woman of all races and nationalities. Idgaf about male feelings when it comes to female safety. They can fuck all the way off with the false equivalencies - which are usually racist BS.

Sir, you are a straight, white man in a frock. Stop comparing yourself to people who have suffered actual oppression. And men of all races, keep the fuck out of our FEMALE spaces.

Ellen Weaver; PragerU #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie

South Carolina Superintendent Ellen Weaver announced Monday afternoon that the Palmetto State has adopted PragerU as an educational partner.

[…]PragerU is well-known for their short videos for social media and YouTube with titles like “What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common”, “Make Men Masculine Again”, and “Would You Rather Be Colonized by Aztecs or Christians?”

[…]The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) said various content streams from Prager U have been approved for usage in state schools, including PragerU Kids content, age-appropriate “5-Minute Videos” and the Cash Course series.

The department said PragerU’s resources are optional but will be supported by the state should teachers wish to use them.

“As we celebrate Constitution Day, the South Carolina Department of Education reaffirms its commitment to providing an exceptional education for every child,” said Superintendent Weaver. “We are thrilled to announce the addition of supplemental materials for South Carolina schools through this partnership. These optional educational materials, aligned with South Carolina’s K-12 standards, will provide a wide range of essential topics like civics and financial literacy.”

South Carolina is one of several states that have joined the PragerU in Schools initiative, including Florida, Oklahoma, Montana, New Hampshire, Arizona, Louisiana and more.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

There are so many elements about my child—my daughter—no, my son!—that cause me immense pain and suffering. Her—excuse me, his—artificially softened skin, the fat that rests on his hips like the curves of a woman's figure, his breasts—larger even than his mother’s!—that are now at risk for breast cancer—a condition he would probably never have had to consider, had those nefarious doctors never prescribed him those foul, harmful hormones.

How waiters and cashiers and other strangers mistakenly call him by the wrong pronouns, seeing only a woman in the body that should rightfully belong to my baby boy. How his so-called "boyfriend" only serves to encourage this delusion, as he encourages hers. It is all so terrible. So absolutely horrifying. So completely dreadful.


What hurts me the most is what I hear. It is not merely the sound of his voice, but the very essence of it when he says he loves me, when he insists that I am wrong, that if I would only "accept her," everything would be fine. It is his voice that causes me the greatest anguish, because it is not his true voice. It belongs to this strange woman who has overtaken his body, who has taken my son from me.

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy #crackpot

[Submitter’s Note: This man is (probably) insane. You have been warned.]
The subterfuge of the False Flag of 11 September 2001 can never be understood by sheep who still believe in National Borders and “governments” “of by and for the people” represented by those borders.
The Rothschilds control most every if not every “government” and “world organization” existing.
For the illusion of the sheep Rothschild’s minions who behind closed doors plan the shearing and slaughter of the sheep appear in videos, print and such to be at each other’s throats in false contention.
Rothschilds have been the rulers of the Uk since the Battle of Waterloo.
They have controlled America from at least 1913 when the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT which is a private Rothschild run organization which is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank.
UK instigated both WW1 & WW2 for their Rothschild masters.
When Uk was loosing WW1 which they instigated for their Rothschild masters, Germany offered to just call the war off, everyone stop killing each other and go home.
The Rothschilds told UK, wait, we can drag America into the war so you can win and in exchange all we want is for Britain to steal Palestine and give it to us.

Elle MacPherson #quack

Aussie supermodel Elle Macpherson says she “healed through” her breast cancer in a bombshell interview with 60 Minutes, after sparking outrage over revelations she rejected modern treatments in favour of a “holistic” approach

Ms Macpherson, 60, sat down with Tracy Grimshaw on the program in a tell-all about the diagnosis, revealed in her new memoir

She controversially claimed she had “healed through breast cancer” with the use of holistic treatments, despite admitting she had received two lumpectomy surgeries

Asked if she believed she had “cured” her cancer, Ms Macpherson responded: “The word cure is a very interesting word”

“No, I healed through breast cancer”[…]
“I had a very formidable team that helped me through it

“So now I would, you know I’m clinically in remission, that’s words that you know most doctors would say”

In the book, she recounts how she was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2017

The revelation prompted more outrage than sympathy after she also revealed she had opted not to follow conventional treatments to treat the cancer after undergoing lumpectomy surgeries[…]
Ms Macpherson’s doctors had also advised her to follow up with surgery to remove her breast, along with radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy treatments

Ms Macpherson said she rejected these conventional treatments – and went against the advice of 32 other doctors

Instead, she decided on a “holistic” approach under the guidance of two doctors based in Phoenix, Arizona

Her treatments included natural medications through “intravenous drips, dentistry, osteopaths, chiropractors and a lot of spiritual work”

“I think if I have a choice of losing my life or losing my breasts, I think I would choose to lose the breasts,” Ms Macpherson told[…]
“That was the alternative that I was given”

Ms Macpherson claims she is now in remission and said her decision was based on what had resonated with her for the last 20 years, denying it was a “vanity” choice

BlackCirce #transphobia

The Emperor’s New Golden Mean
Radical trans theorists believe that anyone can be any sex or gender they declare, and that reality is not chained to any objective evidence and that sex and gender can change at any time.

Radical feminists (and others) believe people are conceived as one of two sexes through a genetic process, and that sex cannot change in humans, and that sex is an objectively observable trait of organisms.

Then there are people who have declared themselves a reasonable middle ground between these two extremes. They believe that maybe sex isn’t changeable but if certain individuals meet standards of secondary sex characteristic manipulation (or if they put in significant enough effort in doing so) they should be treated as if they have changed sex, legally and socially.

This is the fallacy of the Golden Mean. No one can change sex, ever, and people who pretend that others have changed sex are lying and being unreasonable. The fact that there is another, even more unreasonable version of trans theory does not make the moderate view more correct. No matter how deeply and sincerely a man believes he is a woman, no matter how well he apes stereotypically feminine behavior or comportment or dress, no matter how much he swears he’s not turned on by what he’s doing… he’s still a man.

In English we have third person pronouns based on sex. It might be awkward to refer to a woman who has done a great job disguising herself as a man with female pronouns, but to do otherwise would be creating a false impression. Some people do it out of social pressure… guess what, that’s what the story The Emperor’s New Clothes is about!

In the story The Emperopr’s New Clothes, the crowd of people who see that the Emperor is stark bollocks naked but pretend they see his robe are not a reasonable position between the lying merchants and the child who shouts out “He’s naked!” The child is correct.

Gina Carano #wingnut

Kamala Harris current tactic this whole debate. So many lies and projecting, it’s shocking.
imageAccuse your Enemy of what you are doing, while you are doing it, to create confusion.
12:31 PM · Sep 11, 2024 · 552K Views
7,770 Reposts 256 Quotes 26.7K Likes 1,070 Bookmarks

Nevermore #racist

Conan the barbarian is a crucial aryan figure that cuts the head of Thulsa Doom the snake (jew) representing freedom from jewry aka breaking the spell with aryan might, and later founding of aryan kingdom.

Libertarian Party NH #wingnut #psycho

New Hampshire Libertarian Party shares and deletes post that suggests assassinating Harris would be heroic

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire faced immediate backlash after writing in a social media post that anyone who assassinates Vice President Kamala Harris would be an “American hero.”

The party made the post on Sunday before deleting it the same day, according to a screenshot shared by New Hampshire political journalist Colin Booth.

“Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an American hero,” the post read.

The party then deleted the post and issued a statement.

“We deleted a tweet because we don’t want to break the terms of this website we agreed to,” the party wrote. “It’s a shame that even on a ‘free speech’ website that libertarians cannot speak freely. Libertarians are truly the most oppressed minority.”

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Moving into Virgo Solar Alchemy, the 911 timeline window is magnified significantly during the 23rd anniversary of when the NAA <Negative Alien Agenda> staged an Adam Belial Wicker Man ritual in order to carry out a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and human blood sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and Earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the implementation of the false reality timelines in order to direct the planet into the AI Assimilation Timeline, which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loop system that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix.

Registering that the 911 Timeline window is being utilized for hijacking the collective consciousness for activating the Armageddon Software for a mock up World War III event, as we are now entering another stage of the planned breakdown of the infrastructure within western societies, which is made evident for those paying attention. This means that the energetic fields are getting more destabilized with the outer conflicts and influx of the dark forces of chaos which drastically increase the potentials of dark possession and negative attachments hitchhiking onto the unaware population, especially those settled within the regions of descending pockets. Until finally there is the tipping point which culminates in a series of major events being revealed to the public, events that have been designed for further destabilization within the transnational storefronts involved in global financial control, the majority remain unaware. When this level of malintent is revealed, it may bring on sudden destructive actions on United States and United Kingdom soil

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #ableist #conspiracy

Independent media is 10X the size of legacy media, and the ‘internet’, engaged, creative and smart, is 100X independent media. The take down was delicious fun, illuminating and a clear signifier of an engaged, revitalized citizenry looking forward with relish to the end of cultural Marxism, tyranny and the perpetual threat of a impending crash so large, we will all be eating our pets.

Nevertheless, the debate on Tuesday night required some recovery. In many ways I protect myself from the left; the years I spent in their cults and professions count as the least happy of my life, and I found, once deprogrammed, that their reality was false. But I have heard that coarse and deeply offensive noise in my own house, from people (women) that I love. The crude honk of derision, the bray of a Marxist slogan. In my village, there is a severely challenged individual, with about five significant birth defects. You can hear him coming as the good (and funded) take him out for his daily walk. He shouts and the sound is appalling, coarse, base like feral boar, snorting and honking like a donkey, but human, which is distressing. He is a walking devolution of man, pitiable in this case, horrifying in Kamala’s.

But to me, that is the left, feral. I am so alive to it now, I can feel the demonic curl of hatred entering the house. I can watch the slither of a Commie thought run across the eyes of a young confused cousin or the friend of a granddaughter; they cling to it as if to a life line.

It is the thought: I’m scared of the future, I feel weak, I need help, life is unfair, communism is the only way to right wrongs. You, person-with-a-house, have to give everything so that others may live. Income distribution is the way! See this book by Kamala’s Marxist economist daddy, the cover so hidden, only the spine is visible on Amazon. You have to admit that is fine-grained censorship.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

In a surprise attack on September 7th, the Light forces have removed the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network completely, with only the core of the main underground base in Northern Tibet still remaining. That base will be removed in a month or less.

Immediately after that attack, the Jesuits freaked out completely because they realized they do not have the negative spiritual support they had until now for many centuries. They have since then set a chain of negative events worldwide, that will lead to their downfall against all of their expectations.

The Jesuits want to keep humanity in materialistic physical eternal time loop without any access to higher dimensions because that ensures the maximum entropy of the Matrix. Because of Lurker disentanglement process, their materialistic project will fail:

What is now left is the main dark network on the surface of the planet which consists of globally interconnected layers of Negative military, Negative police, Black nobility, Illuminati, Deep state and Negative financial complex. The Lurker subquantumly entangles with all those factions and guides them with nudges and impulses.
Some of the top generals within the Negative military were once commanders within the Ashtar Command. During military missions in the Galactic wars they were captured by the dark forces, implanted, brainwashed and put into reincarnation cycle on Earth. Many of them originate from Sirius. Sirius star system is beginning its activation which will peak in 2025, and is already sending strong energies to those generals, hoping that some of them may cross over to the Light side, which they may.

The core of the Negative military was infiltrated in 1996 by a small group of dark beings from another Universe, which brought with them a certain small number of Black Stones.
Black Rock (codename for the Black Stone) is at the core of the Negative financial complex, and it controls the Deep state through bribes

ClownfishSoup #racist #dunning-kruger

The reason [the n-word] persists and is so terrible is because black Americans use the word constantly and it’s not a bad word among them. However it is absolutely for forbidden for any non black personal to say the word this giving it immense power and offense when actually spoken. It would have died out decades ago if black people would let the word die by not using it.

Sara Gonzales, John Doyle, & Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a wildly racist panel discussion on Haitian migrants. The panelists claimed that Haitians “live in cave man-level” conditions, are eating household pets, and have a culture with “no redeeming quality.”

Seizing on the racist rumor that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating cats in Springfield, OH, Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual.”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti. They eat any cats or dogs that are out.”

“Now they’re grabbin’ the geese, they’re grabbin’ the dogs, they’re butchering ’em right there on their front steps,” he added.


Jones also repeated the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, connecting the influx of Haitian migrants, who were granted temporary protected status, to a plot to change the demographics of the country.

“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up.”
Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff.”

E.W. Jackson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia

Among the speakers during the first session on Thursday night was far-right pastor and perennial failed political candidate E.W. Jackson, who fired up those in the crowd by assuring them that God will not allow Vice President Kamala Harris to become president.

“I’m also here to declare in the name of Jesus that we are not going to allow a bunch of Marxists and socialists and communists and a bunch of sexual perverts and a bunch of political power-grabbers [to] take our country and lead it in a direction that is not pleasing to Almighty God!” Jackson declared. “America is going to remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“I’ve been praying this prayer,” Jackson continued. “‘Lord God, speak confusion into their ranks. Make it so they turn on each other, so they can’t get it straight, so they fumble over their every word, so they mess up their every strategy, so that things collapse in on them. Lord God, work your will on behalf of those who are seeking to represent you and cause those who are against you to fall flat on their faces.’ So, I don’t care how well Kamala Harris did in the debate. I’ve got news for her: She doesn’t have a strategy that can outsmart God! God is the one who is going to bring about the result that you and I are praying for. I believe that we’ve got victory that is coming on the first Tuesday in November, by the will of Almighty God.”

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