
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren #fundie arstechnica.com

Science instruments aren't the only things hitching a ride to the Moon on a commercial lunar lander that is ready for launch on Monday. Two companies specializing in "space burials" are also sending cremated human remains to the Moon, and this doesn't sit well with the Navajo Nation.

The Navajo people, one of the nation's largest indigenous groups, hold the Moon sacred, and putting human remains on the lunar surface amounts to desecration, according to Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren.

“The sacredness of the Moon is deeply embedded in the spirituality and heritage of many Indigenous cultures, including our own,” Nygren said in a statement. “The placement of human remains on the Moon is a profound desecration of this celestial body revered by our people.”

[…]Charles Chafer, CEO of Celestis, pushed back on the Navajo Nation objections in an interview with Marcia Smith of SpacePolicyOnline.com. “Nobody owns the Moon” and there is “no religious test for the conduct of space activities,” he said.

“We reject the whole premise that this is somehow desecration,” Chafer said. “We handle these capsules reverently. We do not scatter them on the lunar surface. We object to the entire characterization of our service that I read in the letter. It’s the antithesis of desecration. It’s celebration.”

Dilley 300 Meme Team #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger youtube.com

And on June 19th 1946, God looked down on this planned Paradise and said “I need a caretaker,” so God gave us Trump.

God said “I need someone willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state,” so God made Trump.

“I need someone with arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers, tame cantankerous World Economic Forum, come home hungry, have to wait until the First Lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon, and mean it,” so God gave us Trump.

“I need somebody who can shape an axe, but wield a sword. Who had the courage to step foot in North Korea, who can make money from the tar of the sand, turn liquid to gold, who understands the difference between tariffs and inflation, will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon but then put in another 72 hours,” so God made Trump.

God had to have somebody willing to go into the den of vipers, call out the Fake News for their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s, the poison of vipers is on their lips, and yet stuck. So God made Trump.

God said; “I need somebody who will be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack, a man who cares for the flock, a shepherd to Mankind who won’t ever leave or forsake them. I need the most diligent worker to follow the path and remain strong in faith and know the belief of God and country. Somebody who’s willing to drill, bring back manufacturing in American jobs, farm the lands, secure our borders, build our military, fight the system all day and finish a hard week’s work by attending church on Sunday. And then his oldest son turns and says ‘Dad, let’s make America great again. Dad, let’s build back a country to be the envy of the world again’.”

So God made Trump.

Joe Kovacs #fundie #magick #conspiracy superstore.wnd.com

Is it possible we’ve all been missing something extraordinary in life? Can we really discover and understand the secret to everything?

The answer is surprising, and what we’re about to learn will wake us up to a reality most of us never knew existed.

The reason we’re so oblivious is because we’ve all been operating at human speed, relying on our own physical power and our five senses. But there is something extremely important we’ve all been missing. It holds the key to everything good—the key to life, success, happiness, peace of mind, and understanding beyond our wildest imagination. It’s perhaps the best-kept secret in the history of mankind and it packs a staggering, invigorating message that can change your life for the better—improving understanding, eliminating anxiety, and helping to extend your living years indefinitely. All we have to do is open our eyes and ears.
Now, bestselling author and award-winning journalist Joe Kovacs reveals the solution—cracking the divine code that shifts our minds from operating at slow, human speed and making the jump to the incredibly quick “God speed.”
Our Creator has embedded His message in everything we experience in our physical world, including:
• Historic news events such as the coronavirus pandemic, the sinking of the Titanic, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance and the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11

• Everyday sayings including "Rise and shine," "Cleanup needed in produce," "Runaway bride," "Baby on board," "You are what you eat," "Plenty of fish in the sea," "The new you," "Don't soil yourself" and many more

• Typical life activities such as inhaling every breath you take, sleeping, waking up, getting sick and being healed, teaching, traveling to any destination, having sex, getting married and changing one's name

Plus many more ...

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Those reasons fall directly on us. We're the ones responsible, because when a nation turns its back on God, it dies.

Collectively, the people of this country have never engaged in such widespread sin and rejection of God as they are now. And that doesn't look to change any time soon.

As Cassius put it in the play Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves."

stone-porn.jpegBy continuing to sin, the people of this country are dooming it to failure. And that responsibility lies with all of us individually. Until we stop sinning, the country will never recover. In fact, it's only going to fall further from grace.

What are these sins, you ask? Just about everything.

If you're watching porn, you're part of the problem.

If you're cruising hookup sites and jerking off to OnlyFans, you're the reason why the country is in the mess it's in.

If you've had an abortion or impregnated someone who had an abortion, you're directly responsible for the downfall of the country.

And on and on it goes.

Modern society is a funnel to hell. Not only does society condone every sin imaginable, from murder (abortion), to child molestation (trannyism), to immodest dress, to homosexuality, drunkenness, and more, but sin has become so commonplace that nobody even bats an eye over it. The vast majority of sinners are unaware that they're sinning.
Another Trump presidency, as beneficial as it will be, is not going to clean up the level of sin currently ongoing. Sure, a Trump administration will crack down on illegal immigration and child sex trafficking, and that's a good thing. But it will do nothing to put an end to individual sin being committed on a daily basis by just about everyone.

A country on the brink of collapse will never recover until the citizens of that country refrain from destroying it with sin. If we wish to save America, we have to start with ourselves.

Father Ramon Guidetti #fundie #conspiracy theguardian.com

An Italian priest has been struck off after calling Pope Francis an “anti-pope usurper” in his New Year’s Eve homily

Father Ramon Guidetti’s speech to the congregation at St Ranieri church in Guasticce, a hamlet in the Tuscan province of Livorno, was a tribute marking the first anniversary of the death of Francis’s predecessor Benedict XVI

In a video of the homily, which lasted more than 20 minutes and was shared online, Guidetti refers to the Argentinian pontiff – whose former name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio – as simply “Mr Bergoglio”, before describing him as “a Jesuit Freemason linked to world powers, an anti-pope usurper”[…]
He was reportedly applauded by some of his flock. His excommunication, however, came swiftly. Simone Giusti, the bishop of Livorno, issued a decree saying Guidetti had “publicly committed an act of a schismatic nature” and ordered him to be “removed from the office of parish priest of St Ranieri in Guasticce”. The bishop warned other priests “not to participate in any of his celebrations or other cult practices” as that would incur “the very serious penalty of excommunication”

Guidetti, who was known locally to have made previous anti-Francis remarks, said he was proud to have been excommunicated, adding it was “a mark of pride to be out of this church, which is a tyranny”

“I am calm,” he told Radio Domina Nostra, a radio show hosted by Alessandro Minutella, another priest who was excommunicated after attacking Pope Francis. “But astonished at the speed at which the guillotine came down. I will frame the decree and hang it on the wall – it will be something I will boast about”

John C. Wright #fundie #homophobia #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

For the record, Mr Bakunin, the words you are repeating are the answer to a specific question of what I thought the writers of LEGEND OF KORRA were thinking when they decided to use lesbians rather than male homosexuals as the couple of choice in a children’s cartoon to lure innocent and trusting kids into believing homosexuality is right and normal and ergo Christianity is wrong and abnormal.

But it seems as if you did not consider the possibility that this quote should be read in context. If you read the question to which this quote is an answer, a reader is asking me to speculate on the motivations and thought process of writers supporting your position.

Yes, your position.

You see, your side, not my side, thinks of rednecks and conservatives and Christians as being obsessed with a psycho-pathological phobia and hatred of gays. Your side coined an silly term for the alleged phobia because it did not exist until you invented it: homophobia.

My question to you is this: do you believe that some, even most, hetero men have a visceral and instinctive desire to beat homosexuals to death?

Why is it bigotry if I speculate that this belief in homophobia, fairly common among your side, was perhaps the reason behind the writers’ decision to use Korra and Asami as their couple of choice rather than, say, Aang and Sokka?

I do not hide the fact that a visceral abhorrence to homosexual acts (albeit never to the person tempted toward such acts) is a rightly ordered and indeed a laudable reaction. All emotions, visceral or otherwise, should be ordered as nature and reason command.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Philosophical Foundation for Christian Nationalism”]

In Marxist terms, the superstructure[…]is required to understand the base[…]
One cannot fight “communism”or whatever conception of evil you prefer, with neutrality[…]
The “conservative” position of resisting multi-culturalism, resisting communism, resisting moral depravity (homosexuality), and the destruction of the family, breaks down without an intellectual superstructure based upon Jesus[…]
Rejection of the Word of God destroys the foundation of resistance[…]There are no communists, no Jews, no atheists, no homosexuals: there are only Christians and antichrists[…]
Tolerance of homosexuality in a society is the tolerance of child sexual abuse. Sodomy spreads by direct physical rape or the raping of the mind[…]
Christian Nationalism[…]
The Christian portion — the faith — is the acceptance of a body of literature (the Bible) as that “superstructure” which should guide one’s morality, public policy, laws and philosophical inquiry, including fields such as biology[…]
Nationalism is the model laid out in Genesis 10 — ethnically homogenous nations. Empires — the inverse of nations — are ethnically and culturally “diverse”[…]Tend toward tyranny and are, per Genesis 11, anti-Christ[…]
This is the crisis we face — the destruction of a previously (more-or-less) homogenous White, Christian and English speaking people by the invasion of non-Christians, non-Whites, and non-English speaking people. This process IS the re-establishment of a new Babel[…]
The reason the European population alone is targeted for genocide is precisely its Christian nature. Satan (and his children) will always target the Christian, whether they be in the villages of Africa, the universities of China, or the civilization of Christendom[…]
The preservation of the White race is the preservation of the Gospel[…]It was through the White race alone that loyalty to Christ has spread

David Wilcock #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a “Spiritual Sovereign Soul” as opposed to being incorporated at birth into “The Evil Corporation System of Enslavement” is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.
To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.
Their goal of a New World Order is not new It has been planned for hundreds of years, having been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords. The NOW was never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly. Thus, “The Great Awakening” – the New World That God Has Always Intended for Us.
I encourage you to RESEARCH everything that I am providing. The “Act Of 1871” was the instrument they used after the US lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild’s and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world. The US Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have. The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.
The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law – God’s Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.
So, with all of these facts presented, this is “The Great Awakening” – the British Crown, along with the Vatican, has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters. We no longer comply.

The Serapeum #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy theserapeum.com

This is the exciting and controversial history of the Flat Biblical Earth being covered up Papal edict. They faked Globe Earth to Debunk God’s word! Be sure to see each of the supporting and related articles linked.

In short, the Roman (Antichristic) Catholic Church weaponized Fake News in Science after the reformation, in order to maintain power by ironically destroying faith in God! Since the reformation and printing of English bibles via printing press and available to the masses for the first time was destroying the Roman Government’s deadly monopoly on God and exposing its antichristic rituals and doctrines as well as it’s hypocrisies for We The People to see. The Reformation was destroying the Deep State’s power over world religion, a power enforced by murdering everyone who dared read the bible for themselves, or translate it for others, during what we now call the Dark Ages. People no longer needed a middle man to connect to God…

The Church had to act. Using its Jesuit priest-scientists like Newton and Galileo to deceive the world into thinking the Bible was inaccurate, and that we lived on a Heliocentric Globe Earth. Today, this “Fake News” in Science is known by many as SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences.

They’ve given us such amazing lies as:

Billions years old Earth (Carbon Dating, etc)
Globe Earth
Global Warming

And over the last 500 (or so) years, these lies have been used to attack Scripture and Faith like sledgehammers. Resulting in The Great Apostasy (Falling Away) from God, His law, and the cultural and Christian moral stability that comes with them throughout our societies.

In recent history atheists have gone so far as to announce “God is Dead.” based on these unproven and easily debunked theories.
When the people find out, all faith in every institution, government, scientific field, and religious leader will be wiped out in an instant.

Once you go Flat, you never go back!

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[From “The Petrine See has been vacant for a year. Plus, Dr. Mazza sends a quote from Antipope Bergoglio from August ARSH 2019 which strongly indicates his foreknowledge of the CoronaScam”]

One year ago this morning the one and only living Vicar of Christ on Earth (whether he liked it or not) died of renal failure. Isn’t it interesting that Antipope Bergoglio mashed the throttle – attempting to suppress the Mass in the Venerable and August Rite of Gregory the Great, the attempt at Sodo-blessings – once the Pope was dead. It’s almost like the Pope was a RESTRAINER. You know, like the RESTRAINER in 2 Thessalonians 2. Hmmmmmmm… ??

Here’s a picture of the absolutely Luciferian treatment of Pope Benedict’s corpse, being loaded into the back of a beat-up grey cargo van. But the thing that really jumped out at me about this picture when I saw it this morning was THE DOME. My lands. I’ve seen pictures of the dome of St. Peter’s taken within the past week, and folks, it’s black. The fact that the dome is oxidizing is not in and of itself any kind of miracle, BUT the fact that it turned black so rapidly after Pope Benedict died. It … gives one pause:[…]
And now from Dr. Mazza, apropos of yesterday’s time capsule post about Antipope Bergoglio beating that Chinese lady in St. Peter’s Square[…]

And as for Bergoglio beating the Chinese lady, when you watch the longer version of the video it becomes clear he stopped shaking hands to deliberately avoid HER. I say because she was Chinese and he was afraid to get Covid (running rampant in China exactly 4 years ago)

August 8, 2019 La Stampa interview: “What do you fear most for our planet?” Bergoglio: “The disappearance of biodiversity. New lethal diseases. A drift and devestation of nature that can lead to the death of humanity”

Yup. Antipope Bergoglio was almost certainly informed and enjoined as an integral cooperator in the CoronaScam by his WEF NWO Freemasonic Luciferian buddies

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Shia can convert to whatever religion he wants. He will always be a racial jew.

Shia LaBeouf Confirmed Into Catholic Church, Considers Becoming a Deacon

( @ShadowStruggler )
@Nature_and_Race Once a jew always a jew, his dna is evil, he can´t change that.

( @damnitjesse )
@Nature_and_Race the trad caths make me sick. They're all race mixing scum. I'd box that faggot E M jones if I was also 109 years old like that antiWhite pos.

( @ernestbarkhorn )
@damnitjesse @Nature_and_Race Race is important. But God is more important.

( @damnitjesse )
@ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race definitely NOT. The true God finds that Luke warm and spits it right out.

White pagans of good character are in the Christian heaven with the other Whites and there are no nons.

( @ADrake )
@damnitjesse @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race Pagans do not go to jewish heaven.

( @damnitjesse )
@ADrake @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race no kikes in heaven. Buzz off religion divider. That is jewy

( @ADrake )
@damnitjesse @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race I'm the divider, but you have no problem with insulting other Whites that don't follow your (((abrahamic))) god by claiming they will be in your jewish heaven?

You know how you guys are always talking about taking our own side? Yeah, quit worshipping crucified rabbi.

( @ernestbarkhorn )
@ADrake @damnitjesse @Nature_and_Race Yeah, you are right. Jesus was from Galilee, which was an Aryan province.

( @nature_therapy )
@Nature_and_Race I think it's part of being a jew, the belief that they can just convert to other religions on a whim.

It's shapeshifting and parody, so an expression of ethnic jewishness. Any reverance they think it shows for other cultures is thinly veiled contempt, because they're incapable of doing anything without mockery. Even when they adopt a host religion to "avoid persecution", they're doing it as a flag of convenience without any real sincerity.

LordsFire #fundie the-sietch.com

It's probably still an absolute minority of homosexuals and who are 'into' such things, but the clash of worldviews is fierce.

To a Judeo-Christian, or many other traditional moral systems, it's fairly simple. Homosexuality is a form of deviancy, and once someone goes from struggling against temptation like we all do, to trying to redefine moral law so 'it isn't actually wrong, in fact you're wrong for trying to tell me it is wrong,' at that point, they have shifted to a moral system that lets them redefine anything they want as right or wrong, to their preference.

Once someone has taken that step, it's a lot easier for them to take further steps. More steps continue to make it easier to keep going in that direction, but it's the first step, and the acceptance of the ideology that under-writes it, that is the most important.

Either morality is an external law handed down from on high, and we are all subject to it, or it's a subjective thing determined by human opinion. Once you've entered the latter system, there's nothing except personal preference holding you back from defining literally anything you want as morally acceptable.

And once you've decided to let your personal desires and urges redefine one thing as not actually wrong, you've already made the habit of letting your base urges over-ride your rational thought, so why not take it further?

It is no coincidence that the pioneers of post-modernism were so often pedophiles, and used their new philosophical and moral system to lobby the French government to abolish the age of consent.

Because once you accept the post-modern worldview, age really is just a number.

Ray Comfort #fundie christianpost.com

I have found from experience that in most cases of strayed faith, there is just one issue. Take, for instance, the popular stance of atheism. There is no more foolish belief than to think that nothing created everything. But an atheist doesn’t just believe that there was nothing in the beginning. He believes that “nothing” gave us flowers, birds, trees, seasons, fruits, male and female in almost every species, the marvel of the human eye, and the miracle of childbirth. Either there was a Creator, or nothing created everything.

Neo #racist #conspiracy #fundie descentbb.net

That's not the right definition at all. Zionists are pretty much Babylonian/Phoenician/Canaanite people who pretend to be Jewish and put a group of people who weren't originally Jewish into the land of the Israelites after the Israelites of the Bible were displaced and didn't remember who they were. The Zionists used to be Luciferian but the antichrist betrayed them. The antichrist is referred to as Lucifer in a verse in the Bible.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

There’s a disease that has permeated the church and sadly, the majority of church leaders/Christian academics have been spreading it!

Let me say this bluntly! The idea of millions of years is like a disease, and biological evolution is like the symptom. Many Christians are willing to deal with the “symptom,” but not the “disease.”

Although we know sin is the ultimate disease/reason for the secularist naturalistic (anti-God) position, I say again, millions of years is like a disease and biological evolution is like the symptom. Christians need to not only deal with the ‘symptom,’ but also the ‘disease.’

Scott Robert Salmonsen aka Heavenly Handiman #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy auricmedia.net

There is a battle at hand between the forces of good and the forces of evil. While this battle is as old as mankind, the darkness is growing rapidly. To understand this insanity occurring all around the world you must come to the conclusion that the source, the top of the pyramid, is in fact the Devil spoken and detailed in the scriptures of the Holly Bible. He has slowly, mostly through indoctrination by secret organizations and more currently by Zionism taken control of the world’s leadership, decision makers, money managers and wealthy powerful families, most notably the Rothchilds & Rockefellers. His goal is to take control of the entire world, to deceive belief in the one true living GOD, to be worshipped as god, and to send as many people to hell as possible. He is the Father of lies and he is now in near complete control of our world. This is the only explanation for never ending wars, rigged elections, plandemics, sabotaging resources, opening borders, education by indoctrination, offshoring jobs, selling technology, foreign control precious metals, manufacturing, and drug production.
The liars in charge call anything contrary to their false narratives a “conspiracy Theory”. <...> I personally believe that nearly everything I have been told since my birth in 1961 has been one giant lie. From Christmas & Easter to the faked moon landings to planes flown by Islamic terrorists taking down skyscrapers. From innocent till proven guilty to mandatory college educations to fair presidential elections.
There is no way out. These powers that be, call them Elites, Globalists, Zionist, the Cabal, or the Deep State, I call them Satanic Zionist Global Elites control every government, alphabet agency, every military, every intelligence Agency, and news outlet in the world. The only thing that will save us is the love of Christ Jesus and his triumphant return.

Eric Metaxas #fundie twitter.com

The NEXT question is how many other leaders in these "elite" academic institutions got where they are by cheating? When a culture turns its back on truth and God, this is the result. Harvard is only the tip of the iceberg of corruption. Stay tuned.


Jesus Ashtar #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


Additionally, in the coming centuries, the Sheran family will consider Earth as its primary residence, even though the main habitat of the Sheran family is inside the mothership within the clouds.

There is no need to worry about whether we will leave. Earth is set to become the new core of interstellar civilization that Jesus is planning, as there is no other planet in the solar system suitable for habitation on surface.

Jesus has settled in the solar system for over 5000 years, and its military power is currently the strongest in the galaxy.

Rest assured, even if you choose not to stay in the solar system in your next life, the Sheran family will remain. Jesus and the legion of angels will guard Earth for centuries.

What you should be concerned about is how long you can live, as the lifespan of Homo sapiens is too short.

The average lifespan of Sheran family’s children is around 1050 years, slightly longer than that of Venusians. Therefore, contemplating how to survive in future wars should be your primary concern.

Jesus has come back a long time ago. President Eisenhower was a witness.

So, your job is: take care of yourself and your family, Make sure you and your family be happy and safe.

No one can stop Jesus’ coming plan. All you can choose is, how to survive, how to live better.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger bloodandfaith.com

[From “Notable Truths for European Man”]

The color of one’s skin matters. If it did not, the Bible would not note skin color. King David was a white man[…]King David was the Virgin’s ancestor and Mary was the mother of Jesus. The Father of Jesus Christ was in no-wise whatsoever a Jew. Christ and His bride as described as White[…]
It is error and lies that equate the modern Jew to the biological descendants of Jacob, renamed Israel

Esther 8:17 shows that[…]many ethnicities have converted to Talmudic Judaism

Jesus Christ recognized that these “Jews” travelled around the world to convert people to their traditions and made them twice the sons of hell as those Jews/Pharisees already where (Matthew 23:15)[…]
King Herod was an Edomite Jew who was a liar and murderer like his father, the devil. (Matthew 2:16, John 8:44)[…]
Jesus Christ was not in error when he declared that the Jews were “liars, and of the synagogue of Satan.” These scriptures are as applicable today as the moment when Christ uttered these words to John in a message to European churches, whom he loves (Revelation 3:9)

Every Scripture written since Christ’s Resurrection where written in a European language — Greek

Jesus Christ did not come to save everyone, he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is why Paul is sent to Europe. The Twelve Tribes dispersed abroad into Europe. Are other saved? Yes, even the dogs feed on scraps from the Master’s table

Jesus Christ stopped speaking Aramaic and stopped speaking Hebrew. The words he uttered in the Revelation are explicitly Greek (I am the Alpha and the Omega”)[…]
A good Jew is a former Jew who, like Saul, converts to Jesus Christ, changes his name, and then declares publicly:
•That the Jews murdered the prophets
•[…]Murdered Jesus Christ
•[…]Are not pleasing to God
•[…]Are contrary to all of mankind because they[…]prevent men from hearing the Gospel so they can be saved
•[…]God’s wrath abides upon the Jews

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei #fundie #god-complex msn.com

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s declaration that God once spoke through him has sparked a wave of controversy, with critics labeling the claim as blasphemous and indicative of a despotic attitude.

“The Almighty God was speaking! In fact, it was my tongue, but it was God’s words; it was a very extraordinary session,” Khamenei remarked, emphasizing the significant impact of the event. Such claims have been met with sharp criticism on Iranian social media, with many calling into question Khamenei’s adherence to Islamic teachings.

The controversy stems from the core Islamic belief that God’s final communication was with the Prophet Mohammed, a tenet that is not to be contravened according to Shiite oral traditions. Khamenei’s assertion has thus been seen by some as an affront to these fundamental religious principles.

Faraj Sarkouhi, an exiled Iranian literary critic and political commentator, has characterized Khamenei’s claim as a reflection of “Megalomania, self-centeredness, self-deification, claiming to be a prophet or the voice of God, a sense of exceptional wisdom, and extreme narcissism,” qualities he attributes to despots nearing the end of their reigns.

Amidst the resulting uproar, social media users have pointed out the hypocrisy within the Iranian legal framework, highlighting that if an ordinary citizen had made such a statement, they would have faced execution for a plethora of charges, including blasphemy and insulting religious sanctities. This underscores the disparity in how theocratic laws are applied within the country, depending on one’s status.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Christianity will not turn blacks into Whites.

( @White_Appalachian )
@Nature_and_Race blacks can’t be Christian.
1) A Soul ❌
2) Humanity ❌
3) Mental capacity for repentance ❌
4) Integrity ❌
5) Ability to act Godly, not upon violent or deviant impulses ❌
6) Heterosexuality (All blacks are fags, some just haven’t got caught yet)

They have none of the 12 marks of Israel nor do they even resemble humans. They are NOT people.

( @David_Brownnn )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks should be christians in Africa, not here.

( @TheNationalEagle )
@Nature_and_Race Christianity is only for the White man. Jews and niggers aren’t welcome.

( @thebrokenchaingarden )
@Nature_and_Race one of the biggest lies over told....that niggers are just 'black people'.

As in black versions of us......


( @debbyloo )
I was blocked by a Christian Swede who didn't like that I posted that jews & muslims can blow each other up.
She defended the muslims as God fearing.
I said piss on the muslims.

( @Poohisms )
@Nature_and_Race Is their self esteem that low?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Poohisms -- blacks are just genetically deficient. No ideology, philosophy, religion, or social system will ever cure them. They are forever genetically primitive.

( @beautifulpinkrose )
@Nature_and_Race The satanic left emboldened African decent people to believe they can run amuck. But they get charged, prosecuted and convicted to the fullest extent of the law, in Christ Jesus.

Of course, there is the Lord who is the Judge.

( @krain21 )
@Nature_and_Race Whites need to quickly understand this: no matter what amount of efforts you put in, nobody will achieve the White standards.

Scott Lively #conspiracy #homophobia #fundie archive.ph

Similarly, the first demand, nay, MANDATE upon government of our Bill of Rights to the US Constitution was “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It was proposed and passed by the very men who were printing and distributing Bibles as school books on behalf of the government, funded by the treasury. I’ve written extensively on this theme https://www.scottlively.net/2018/09/18/the-coadjuvancy-of-church-and-state/ And yet, with no legal grounding in four thousand years of jurisprudence globally, having merely been DEEMED a category of human rights by the wishful proclamation of special interest groups in the 20th Century, the First Amendment fell to the “Gays” as easily as the Magna Carta had done. America’s natural family and marriage-based societal immune system collapsed and now our country is so morally disease-ridden and crawling with parasites of every kind we may not survive.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #transphobia scottlively.net

The first of the state churches to fall to the “Gays” was the Anglican Church of England, whose stand for biblical morality had been strongly bolstered by the cornerstone of modern human rights jurisprudence, the Magna Carta. The first demand of that incredible document (a copy of the original I personally viewed at Salisbury Cathedral) states in pertinent part: “the English Church shall be free.” That juridical foundation-stone served as a bulwark against all threats to the biblical worldview in English law for eight centuries until the rise of so-called “Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) erupted like oozing sores on the British body politic, somehow trumping biblical morality.

I played a small part in that battle, as well, by divine appointment spending a night with my family at the home of David Anderson in Edenborough, Scotland on the very weekend he was tasked with writing a policy paper against the repeal of Paragraph 28 banning the promotion of LGBT issues to schoolchildren in the UK. We only met David, who happened to be the head of the Scottish Evangelical Alliance, because we stopped to chat with one of his church members that day who was passing out gospel tracts downtown. That parishioner then, impromptu, arranged for our stay at Dr. Anderson’s home. That very night we hammered out a great policy paper. But, again, using political dirty tricks, the LGBTs prevailed over the Christians in the British Parliament on that issue, striking down Paragraph 28, leading directly to today’s horrific pandemic of sexual deviance among UK schoolchildren.

William Reed #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

The emergence of the Antichrist, as prophesied, brings with it a period of unprecedented control and oppression. However, GESARA’s implementation could significantly alter this trajectory:

Decentralization of Power: By redistributing power and promoting national sovereignty, GESARA undermines the centralization of authority, which is crucial for the Antichrist’s regime.
Promotion of Global Peace and Cooperation: GESARA’s emphasis on peace and international cooperation creates a unified front against the divisive and war-mongering tactics of the Antichrist.
Technological Advancements for Freedom: Unlike the technology used by the Antichrist for surveillance and control, GESARA advocates for the use of technology to enhance freedom and privacy.
At the center of this storm are the family farms of the Midwest, the backbone of America. These aren’t just parcels of land; they represent the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of farmers. But something sinister has been happening behind the scenes. The banks, in collusion with the government, have been illegally seizing these farms, farms that belong to the Farmers’ Union. This is not just an infringement of rights; it’s a blatant disregard for the law.
The recording of these property transfers was a sham, a process tainted by the absence of the voluntary signature of the legal owner. This wasn’t just a clerical error; it was fraud, a fraud justified by the illegal foreclosure by USA, Inc. on America. But there is hope on the horizon. NESARA, a beacon of justice, intends to right these wrongs, to reclaim these lands, and to compensate those who have suffered.
The seizure of American farmlands is not just a local issue; it’s a symptom of a much larger problem, a problem that affects each and every one of us. It’s time to stand up, to demand justice, to reclaim what is rightfully ours. The future of our nation, of our planet, depends on it. The time for change is now. The great awakening is upon us. Are you ready?

Conservapedia #biphobia #fundie #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Rick and Morty)
This adult animated series, whose titular characters were based on respective ludicrous caricatures of Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown and Marty McFly from the mostly conservative film Back to the Future (but soon grew into their own characters), is popular among liberals and atheist, Reddit-registered techno-libertarians alike for trying to pass a dysfunctional, atheistic family with a vulgar, drug-addicted, pansexual, alcoholic grandfather (Rick) as humorous. Worse yet, the series' volatile, fanatical fanbase is widely known for stirring up such controversies as rampaging en masse through various McDonald's restaurants in search of Szechuan sauce as if to imitate an example of Rick's unruly, disorderly behavior, which prompted several calls to local police departments, wasting tax payer monies: he seeks to claim the sauce in the episode "The Rickshank Redemption" by traveling back to 1998 when Disney released its China-set animated feature Mulan and McDonald's sold packets of Szechuan sauce with regular purchases as a cross-promotion of the film. Many of the science fiction elements of the show seem to contradict portions of Christian cosmology, such as interdimensional travel, allowing sinners to avoid the logical consequences of their actions. The institutions of marriage and pregnancy are not given the sacred coverage they deserve either. The episode "Rickmurai Jack" shows Morty as a 40 y. o. but looking much more older and much worse than a normal 40 y. o. and is called middle-aged, still too young to be in that age category, and this is weird considering that even Rick, who is 70 y. o. and alcoholic, is better looking than adult Morty here, not to mention his father who is 35 y. o. (just 5 years younger) and is good or normal looking, so ageism isn't missing in this series either.

MassResistance #fundie #homophobia massresistance.org

Beginning last summer, our Wisconsin MassResistance chapter in Kenosha successfully pressured the local school system to remove several horrible pornographic LGBT books from the school libraries. This was applauded by parents.

But it angered the rabid pro-LGBT anti-family leftists who are obsessed with pushing their filthy material on children.

On Sept. 29, the MassResistance parents in Kenosha were shocked to read an article in the local newspaper. A coalition of local far-left churches calling itself “Congregations United to Serve Humanity” (CUSH) was collecting copies of the “banned” homosexual- and transgender-themed books pushing sexuality on children.

They told the newspaper that their collection will include graphic homosexual sex books such as Gender Queer and This Book is Gay. CUSH would then create a “traveling LGBTQ library” to make the books available to children across the city.

CUSH outrageously labeled their pornography effort as “Freedom to Read” (a phrase peddled by the American Library Association). In their public announcement, CUSH dishonestly mixed the LGBT books with so-called “banned” books from decades ago and “civil rights” books which parents have no problems with. But it was clear that their true intentions were to promote LGBT pornography to children.

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

The Excuses

. . . one accord . . . (Luke 14:18)

“But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused'”(Luke 14:18). There is no reasonable excuse or any legitimate reason for sinners to reject the gospel. The only justification that could ever be on the table would be willful delusion, and that is the case with those who offer their excuses.

Bill Porter #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

My thoughts for the day,

Concerning what is going on in our World today, what is about to happen, and the patience we need in order to wait for it.

We must never forget the story of Esther, in the Old Testament, Chapters 2 thru 7…..

Queen Vashti is in comparison to the (Swamp, Liberal Democrats, Liberal Republicans, Establishment Washington Insiders, Media, etc., etc.)

Donald Trump is as Esther the Queen, King Ahasuerus is the United States of America, Mordecai is the representative of God, bringing about His plan for the destruction of the evil ones (Haman the deceiver of the people) which are in the government, that are now determined to destroy that which He established here on earth.

As it was with the Rulers of England, on July 4th, 1776, so it was with Vashti. Her fate was sealed.

But remember, Haman (as the liberal congress) was still at work, and doing his thing to bring himself to power, for the destruction, the literal killing of all the children of Israel. But God had His plan, and His plan always works. It just sometimes takes more time then we humans think it should..
This is the vehicle that is being used to take us back to the original power of the people, intended by our founding fathers. It does not happen over night, neither was the election of an outsider to the White House. Nobody expected Vashti to be removed, and Esther to be made Queen, (an Israelite)….. But, Mordecai did.. 🙂

The Establishment does not fear what is about to happen, nor does it have any present effect on their power structure going on, but God knows all about it….. 🙂

Anonymous/The Serapeum #crackpot #racist #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

This Series is about The Hidden History of Mankind, and the Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State. Ancient Aliens, or the Fallen Angels? What is Biblical Earth? Why is NASA constantly lying to us? Deep Dives into the Ancient Scriptures, proving the Bible to be accurate historically, prophetically, and completely in line with the Scientific Method, if not the “Deep State Science” concocted from seances with one ultimate goal in mind: Convince the masses God isn’t real. Nephilim Giants and their Elongated Skull People descendants across history building massive Megalithic Structures while waging war on God’s chosen people – The Real Lost Tribes of Israel, which later became the Royal Houses of Europe & Europeans. All of this, and much much more – and at the end of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole – It’s all about Him.

This series connects the dots on ALL of:
*The Conspiracies – All of Them
*The Religions – All of Them
*The Secret Societies – Yep. All of Them, too.
*The False Sciences – Many directly derived from Seances! Designed to Debunk the Bible
*The Faked Moon Landing – But Why? We show you the motive.
*Big Brother Ancient Aliens – or Fallen Angels hellbent on our destruction?
*One Satanic Religion Rules The World, Many Faces (Brands) – Even if You’re an Atheist, *They* Believe in Gods that Want. You. Dead.
*Giants – and their Elongated Skull Descendants, found at blood sacrifice ritual temple ruins
*The Scriptures (Including those removed from recent Bibles) including prophetic predictions
*Our Censored Past – If you thought Fake News was bad, wait until you see His-Story
*The Truth About The Pagan Gods – They Were Real! (Nephilim Demigods!)
*Science & The Bible Synchronize, It’s Real and History – And so are ALL the other religious books! They recorded real events, but from the perspective of those cultures and their “gods” – Most of which were the Nephilim!
*They walk among us today – we’ll show you how to spot them.

DemitriVladMaximov #wingnut #racist #fundie deviantart.com

This is the effect of voting on emotions rather than policies and the rot in our society. There are those who are trapped in their own addictions, their own bodies unable to do anything to help themselves. The increase in drug use, crime, shipping jobs away from out nation, and the lack of fathers and healthy households instead trying to escape reality than deal with it leads to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgxfm7w-9E

Don't get confused about the propaganda, don't abandon the morals that helped build this nation, and don't forget honest truths like hard work, family, and you are your brother's keeper. We as a nation need to turn this around and sadly I have no idea what to do so far from major problems. We have people trafficing in human beings using them as slave labor and abusing kids, we have drugs being shipped in on mass from around the world, we have people who are so broken then I have no idea how to help, and even those who want to do right, how are they going to fix their cities where gang violence rules with no guns in the hands of the common people while violent thugs can ship in military grade full autos to protect their drug empires?

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

It's time to really look at what is happening and why. There really is no other rational explanation for the madness of the people running our country.

Democrats must be insane, evil, self-hating suicide bombers; communist traitors; corrupt, bribed and playing for our enemies; or playing for Satan.

These horrifying choices are the only way to explain what is happening to America.

Only God and Donald J. Trump can save us now.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Tampons and sanitary napkins are now available in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament under a new policy from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that requires all federally regulated employers — including airports and military bases — to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of gender noted on the door.

At this point, you have to wonder if we are somehow trapped in a giant, global psychological experiment, where our New World Order masters issue dictates just to see who is stupid enough, gullible enough and sufficiently compliant to meet their demands with unblinking obedience. Such is the case of Justin Trudeau in Canada ordering tampons in the men’s rooms all across Canada.

“And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.” Leviticus 15:19 (KJB)

Your King James Bible contains a surprising number of verses that talks about the issue of menstruation, and in exactly 100% of those verses it is talking about women who are doing the menstruating. For 6,000 years, female-exclusive menstruation has been an undisputed and recognized global truth. Yet in just the past handful of years here in our 21st century, this is no longer the case. In our mentally-sick and spiritually-ruptured world, men can give birth, and men can use tampons. If you stand in the way of this new truth, be prepared to be run over, run down and ran out of town on a rail. You’ll not stand against this wickedness and still keep your job in dystopian places like Canada, but stand against it anyway. We live in a sick world that’s being prepared for judgment, even so, come Lord Jesus.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Jews are Edomite Nephilim mutants (fallen angel human hybrids) demons (The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

There is a seed war between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They’ve been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so.

They are not “Israel” (Jacob/Israel of the Bible) They are Imposter Hebrews.

True Hebrews are Caucasians, Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Yeshuah/Jesus Christ, Paul, etc were Hebrews.

Incidentally, “The Lord” is not in original scriptures either, it is Baal’s title (A Nephilim who built the tower of Babel aka Nimrod the Idiot) replacing God’s true name, YHWH – Which is numerically writ on your human DNA unless you’ve been vaccinated.

Alien bodysnatcher movies got it close enough. Demons live amongst us in the flesh, and they know only hate for the human/Goyim. The Non Nephilim. The Seed of the Woman.
They started Judaism in response to (yes, later than) Christianity as the original Antichrist religion. Canaanite Nephilim pretending to uphold Gods law, perverting everything Christ out of it. And cursing anyone who calculates the actual dates of the Daniel 9 prophecy confirming it was already completed and dispensationalism is freemasonic satanic injected doctrine.

*They* poisoned 30% of Christendom in the Black Death by poisoning Christian wells, Jewish strongholds were untouched, Many Jews confessed. IT was not a virus.

Sound familiar? They are doing it again now.
Their plan is to bring the chaos to boil, then introduce the controlled opposition counterpunch, “conservative” Noachide laws – which aren’t conservative, have nothing to do with Noah, and are Satanic and outlaw Christ as idolatry on pain of beheading.

You’ve been warned.

Kalana Limkin #fundie #wingnut #psycho businessinsider.com

The initial complaint[…]indicates Kalana Limkin of Hawaii has been the subject of a criminal investigation since May and, upon his arrest, admitted to law enforcement that he is the creator of "Cultist," a splinter group of the satanic anarchist organization known as "764," that targets children and uses child sexual abuse material and videos of animal cruelty, self-harm, and other extreme acts of violence to "accelerate chaos in society"

"The group functions together as a coordinated unit by using Discord and Telegram as vessels to desensitize vulnerable populations through sharing extreme gore and child sexual abuse material ("CSAM"), with the purpose of breaking down societal norms and normalizing explicit material to corrupt minors and groom them towards future violence"[…]
Limkin is accused in the complaint of posting at least six images of child sexual abuse material on Discord servers, as well as exploiting a minor he first met through the now-defunct site Omegle[…]
Limkin showed the girl a graphic video of sexual abuse against a child, asked her for photos of herself in her underwear, and told her he had a collage of pictures of girls he had manipulated into cutting his name into their bodies[…]
The 764 group that Limkin based his Cultist faction on is itself an offshoot of The Order of Nine Angles[…]
"O9A advocates 'culling'[…]Jews, people of color, and others deemed to be inferior under their Social Darwinist views, as well as rape and sexual assault as a means of asserting domination, breaking social norms, and propagating the expansion of the white race," according to the complaint[…]"O9A embraces terrorism, including radical Islamic jihadist ideology and the violent tactics of jihadist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham ("ISIS") and al Qaeda, as a means to accelerate the decline of Western society and to attack Jewish people in particular"

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

I'm thinking they're all getting big bribes from Iran. And even bigger bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels. And the biggest bribes of all from China. They've sold us out. Et tu, Brute?

There is only one other explanation.

Could Biden (and his boss Obama) and the leadership of the Democrat Party be taking orders from the devil himself? Is this Satan's vision the Democrats are carrying out? Is Satan in charge? Are we in "end times"?

Francis Magister (pseudonym) #fundie #homophobia #elitist crisismagazine.com

Assuming, as I do, that there is an influential number of homosexuals, or those sympathetic to homosexuality, in the priesthood, I want to ask not so much how this has come to be but, more importantly, why it continues to be so. In other words, why would a young homosexual man today choose the priesthood?

Let me posit another possibility. It is admittedly conjectural and anecdotal, but does, I believe, have some basis. After giving it, I shall qualify it, so bear with me. It has to do with how we have come to view the priesthood and priests in the time since Vatican II. It may be that before Vatican II we viewed priests as almost demigods. A priest was a mysterious figure in a cassock and baretta, aloof from the life of others.
My argument, therefore, is that many homosexual men are drawn to the priesthood because with the Novus Ordo Mass it offers a safe, frequent, and immediate gratification of this need for attention and affirmation. In extreme cases, it can be a craving for adulation.
Having said this, let me state clearly what I am not saying. I am not saying that all priests who prefer the Novus Ordo are homosexual. I am not saying the Novus Ordo was designed with the homosexual in mind. The origins of the Novus Ordo are troublesome enough without putting that on the plate. There have been problems with homosexuality among clergy celebrating the Latin Mass.
Again, I’m not saying the Novus Ordo was made for this but only that this is possible in the Novus Ordo while it is impossible in the Traditional Mass.

So, get rid of the Novus Ordo and we won’t have homosexuals in the priesthood? This is clearly not the case. Again, there are many chaste, self-sacrificing, wonderful priests who celebrate the Novus Ordo, and the traditional community has had its scandals. The Latin Mass, however, offers—one could say requires—an idea of the priesthood that is self-abnegating and self-effacing.

Jesse Lee Peterson #fundie twitter.com

Did you know your intellect is God's enemy? The intellect hates God.

But people worship the intellect. People get paid to keep you locked and focused on the intellect.

An intellectual person is evil. They're of their father the Devil. They have no peace.

Abilene Christian University #fundie #homophobia religionnews.com

Abilene Christian University is revisiting its sexuality policy after over 2,000 students, alumni and friends of the university voiced concerns about Holy Sexuality Week, a school event on relationships and sexuality some claimed included one-sided, exclusionary messages about LGBTQ people.

From Nov. 6-9, the school, which is affiliated with Churches of Christ, hosted a handful of speakers who addressed topics related to sex and sexuality. Ninety percent of those speaking events, [university President Phil] Schubert said, were not focused on same-sex relationships. Perhaps the most controversial speaker was Christopher Yuan, a speaker and author who has taught at Moody Bible Institute and who used to identify as gay. In his chapel session, Yuan emphasized God’s unconditional love but added that love doesn’t include unconditional approval of a person’s behavior.

“The opposite of homosexuality is holiness,” said Yuan. “In fact, the opposite of every sin struggle is holiness.”

Yuan also said that just as people who struggle with depression shouldn’t make their identity about being depressed, people shouldn’t make being gay their identity. He went on to compare identifying as gay to identifying with watching pornography or committing adultery. “None of us should put our identity in our sin struggle,” he said.

Schubert said each of Holy Sexuality Week’s sessions, including Yuan’s, effectively balanced truth and love and was pervaded with a “spirit of kindness and compassion.” Schubert said he would not characterize any of the speakers’ remarks as “hateful.” While society often interprets disagreement as hateful, he said, Abilene Christian strives to have effective conversation about a host of relevant topics, “and even in our disagreement, reflect love and compassion that is from God.”

@MrArchnemesis #wingnut #fundie #racist gettr.com

God: the “only” way to get into heaven is through the son Jesus Christ.
Anybody that doesn’t meet this standard goes to hell.
The devil has an open door policy. Anybody and everybody can get into hell.
The devil is for open borders, and his country is literally hell.
So next time some dickhead asks what would Jesus do with the refugees, you tell em that.
#synagogueofsatan #zog #whitegenocide #whitechristiansupremacy

Josh Abbotoy #wingnut #fundie #racist firstthings.com

[From “Is a Protestant Franco Inevitable?”]

Our Constitution is stretched to the breaking point. Contested elections, failures to pass a federal budget, impeachments, talk of packing the Supreme Court, emerging fights between states about extradition, politicized persecution of dissidents, and many other such strains all reveal the U.S. to be a schizophrenic state, divided by incompatible visions of justice and the good life. Our circumstances augur the return of history: The constitutional and cultural tensions echo our Civil War and a number of others

The right knows all of this and yet remains complacent[…]
Such complacency is the opposite of filial piety. America’s founders understood the rare and fragile nature of the regime they established[…]
Consider John Adams, who in his later years said Polybius’s theory of regime cycles “has been the Creed of my whole Life”[…]
I mused on Twitter[…]“Basically, America is going to need a Protestant Franco”[…]Anarchic trajectory will soon require a person like Franco to reestablish order[…]This muscular leader would most naturally be Protestant. I didn’t expect the prediction to be controversial[…]
Hayes Brown cited my statement as proof that “Conservatives keep calling for an American dictator.” Conservative commentators critiqued Protestant Franco as well[…]
Possible that conditions will deteriorate until something like a Protestant Franco becomes inevitable. If that happens, the utopian grading rubric for our politics will vanish. When civil strife starts, you give up the more noble aims of politics and rush to the person who is least likely to kill your friends and family[…]
Possibility of Protestant Franco should change our political behavior. Politics[…]has a threat of violence[…]Given the facts of mass immigration and the collapse of the family and civic society, to what extent does it even make sense to discuss America’s old civic tradition as if it said something authoritative about our future?

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

A lie is "weaponized" by being believed and popularized. Thus, it can be "deweaponized" by being publicly revealed as a lie and restoring the truth and reality of the matter.

We all know that the American Political Parties, the current Presidency, most of the Congress, the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, the DoD, the FISA court, the whole court and legal system including even some of the Supreme Court, have been politically "weaponized" to work against the American Constitution and against Constitutional America.

And we all know that the Catholic Church has been politicized for evil through the auspices of the Saint Galen Mafia, the "Lavender Mafia", the WEF, DAVOS, the Chinese Communist Party, Marxist ideology, Islamic ideology, Hedonistic ideology and the current Francis Papacy.

What's it really all about?

God is the Truth; Satan is the Father of Lies. That's what it's all about.

Satan has been given the upper hand in American and world culture.
We cannot look to the perpetrators of the crime to undo the crime.

For instance, how do we get DEI, CRT, Transsexuality, anti-white racism, corrupted anti-American history, anti-Christianity, pro-Communism, pro-Islam, anti-Western civilization, climate-change lies, Covid lies, Wokeunism, drag-queens, blessed and celebrated homosexuality, police and all authority hatred, BLM, "blessed" abortion, etc., out of our education, K through Ivy League?

By getting the federal government the hell out of it.
The Marxocrats and the UN could try to properly amend the American constitution to get their Islamo-Commie-Homo-trannie-drag-queen "education" forced down American throats and see how that flies. Until then, education in America, by the standing American constitution, is a state, local or private sector problem, and no legal business of the federal government at all.

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