
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Brother JD #fundie #sexist simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Gordon Meredith Lightfoot, Jr. *CC OOnt* (November 17, 1938 – May 1, 2023) was a Canadian singer-songwriter who wrote many folk, folk rock, pop, and country music songs. Easily considered one of the greatest songwriters in history, Lightfoot wrote about the struggles of the everyman, the pain of divorce initiated by unfaithful women, shipwrecks, love, and about living in an increasingly crazy world. Lightfoot sang in a Christian choir from a young age and grew in his faith as a man, going exactly where God wanted him to be.

Lightfoot was not a woke man, and he did not get on board with the satanic calls for abortion, sodomy, and transsexualism that have become ever-so-common in Canada. He was a man with a vision, a talent, and he shared that talent with everyone until the Lord called him to return home to Heaven as he died from natural causes around family and friends on May 1, 2023.

His greatest hits in the United States were "Sundown," "Carefree Highway," "If You Could Read My Mind," "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald," and "Song for a Winter's Night."

Lightfoot sang powerful songs about God including this verse from "Pride of Man."

Turn around, go back down
Back the way you came
Babylon is laid to waste
Egypt's buried in her shame
Their mighty men are beaten down
The kings are fallen in the ways
Oh God, the pride of man
Broken in the dust again

Jill Colton #fundie twitter.com

When our 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights (not the commie Trudeau Sr. Charter) was written by Christian Europeans, 'freedom of religion' meant Christianity.
You know why? Because back then Canada was nearly 96% white/Christian.

Erven Park #fundie #homophobia catholicapologetics.info


The Bible is unerring and where it reveals God's pronouncements on consequences to the human creature given to a particular offense, it shall be done. There is no question! God quite distinctly gives the cause and effect of the sodomite condition that He informs stems from self-love (idolatry). The effect of this is to grant the offender his indulgences but to such a degree that it becomes a self-destructing curse. God withdraws significant internal (ontological) sustenance and he is "handed over" to an overwhelming concupiscence, which becomes the master.

There are emphatic assertions made on both sides of the issue of remedy for the sodomite condition. Some testify to their successful extrication from the culture and can give as witness their current normal lifestyle, even to successful and happy marriage and the blessings of children. There are others of the sodomite culture who vehemently declare that a true sodomite cannot become heterosexual in preference or practice. Ironically, there is truth in both of these allegations. This is not predicated on the premise that there are two forms of the sodomite condition, however; there is only one.

The answer to this seeming quandary lies in the choice of means taken in seeking the remedy. There is only one door leading to cure and that is the same one he had chosen to depart from God through. He must first recognize and acknowledge his error and offense and return through that door to the arms of the loving God who awaits him.
Those sincerely seeking remedy, then, must go by the path to God and repentance. Those organizations or groups that do not profess and follow such a course may afford succor but not a cure. As formidable as the sodomite affliction is, miraculously the "Divine Physician" who holds its remedy -- God, is also infinitely merciful, and He who holds all healing as but a matter of His divine will. Good news indeed!

Reader David #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"Netanyahu is part of the Kabbalistic "Orthodox" Jews plan to bring in redemption. Their own convoluted idea of redemption via people like Sabbatai Zvi in 1666, a lawless, godless person like them. Most Israelis are not aware of this. The Kabbalistic Jews will use any type of deception or lies to further and hasten that agenda. Netanyahu is also in league with the elite and its new world order agenda. "order" out of chaos.

What we are seeing now in the Middle East is the beginning of a restructuring of the Middle East. Once the dust settles, look for a new nation of Kurdistan to emerge. On Its eastern border, and the new Iraq's western border, both nations lying next to each other,. will be the city of Bagdad, From the old Assyrian part, the new Kuridistan, will emerge "the Assyrian," a crypto Jew in Muslim garb. The perfect mediator between Israel, and the Arab world to negotiate a "peace" plan for 7 years. .He will allow Israel and the "Orthodox" Jews to rebuild the Temple on the Temple mount and resume Temple sacrifices, and then he breaks the "peace" agreement at the midpoint and turns on the Jews killing 2/3 rds of them. The Arabs have their own prophecies out of the Koran that call for their Mahdi to play a major role in Jerusalem, at the Temple site. Many of the Arab leaders are Masons, and Temple building for the Masons is a major part of their new world order agendar where they seat their satanic king, the anti christ.
God has chastised His people Israel several times throughout history, even dispersing them to Babylon for 70 years, and throughout the world for almost 2000 years because of their transgressions, and rejection of Jesus Christ The Messiah of Israel, but He has never changed His mind about the land being their land. <...> The old, ancient hatred emerged, and hasn't stopped since.

Eric Metaxas #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Everything Tucker says about why he WOULDN'T want to be VP explains why he would make a great VP. Not wanting power or to control people. Our Founders were THOSE kinds of leaders. We NEED leaders like that. God may need to shout at him... Stay tuned.


Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

First Lady Jill Biden’s efforts at spreading some Christmas joy have been met with derision and astonishment from many who have labeled her ‘hunger games’ celebratory video as ‘bizarre’ ‘freaky’ and ‘absolute garbage.’
Not since pretend Joe Biden appeared on national television evoking a Nazi Germany esthetic has a video created such a buzz, albeit a bad one. Welcome to the Jill Biden Christmas Video Special, only it’s like Christmas in the Matrix. If you thinking the eternal weirdness we live in was winding down, you’ll be disappointed after watching her video. One thing you’ll like about the Jill Biden video is that, if you’re a Liberal, it won’t bore you with any needless references to Jesus and the virgin birth. That story is not welcome here. But transgender X-mas dancers, and characters from ‘The Shining’? Yep, all that and more.

On the Podcast on Friday, we’ll give you the latest updates on the coming Civil War that everyone’s talking about, America is like a helium balloon with the air rapidly escaping and causing it to fly around erratically until it finally hits the wall and the lights go out. Christian, we are living in a Chick tract, and soon things are going to change for us quite dramatically. Get something done for the Lord before it’s time to go.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Part 2 of 3

Where we ended in Part 1:

So without a belief in evolution, research for the cure for cancer will cease? This kind of faulty logic is likely the result of accepting naturalistic explanations for our origins.

To continue:

More than that, Kopplin was really saying that he was against critical thinking in the science classroom. His desire was to prevent students from being exposed to any alternative to evolution. But if evolutionary ideas have so much scientific support, then why work so hard to exclude any other ideas about our origins? Allowing an examination of creationist and evolutionary ideas about the history of the universe would only make evolutionary ideas more popular if it was so obvious that they were confirmed by operational science. Actually, evolutionists want legislation to protect their teaching of evolution, because they know that if students were allowed to critically analyze the evidence, they would begin to question the molecules-to-man evolutionary belief.

Logan B #crackpot #quack #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

As I recall from my school days the announcement that school was out for the summer was a cause for celebration. A couple of months of freedom from the daily grind of forced curriculum. For all souls now is a time of celebration that this earth school is about to be out forever. I think the reason that more souls are checking out and less souls are checking in is the word is out that this world will no longer be the place to experience many things that used to be.

For all the souls that wanted to experience cancer and all forms of terminal illness, disabilities and pharmaceuticals… Med beds. Military and murder both killing and being killed… No more wars or weapons of war. Service to self attaining wealth and power over others… GESARA. Producing and exploiting products… Replicators. All forms of accidents causing death or injury… Quantum technology.

For all those that profited, for profit or nonprofit, either knowing that these things would not be stopped because souls wanted it or not knowing… Criminals. Ignorance of Universal Law is not a defence. Just stop. Stop producing oil and dangerous goods. Stop making wars. Stop horrendous deeds on this planet and others. Just stop because you’re going to be stopped anyway. God has decreed it so there is nothing you can do about it.

Everything is about to change. The meek will inherit this world and other worlds. Christ Consciousness is about to arrive and evil will be no more. The plan to reset humanity again to more manageable numbers will never be allowed again. Good bye and good riddance to evil.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @White__Rabbit )
Polish Nationalist MP Grzegorz Braun explained why he extinguished a menorah in Polish parliament today, gets thrown out.

"In fact I am restoring normalcy and balance, putting an end to acts of Satanic, Talmudic and racist triumphalism"

( @ThomasFredericks )
@White__Rabbit - Notice that merely "challenging them to a debate" was considered "insulting a religion" - hmmmm.

So, it is simply forbidden to DISCUSS the Jewish Talmudic Satanic Cult's rituals and their meanings?

( @voxpopuli2020 )
@White__Rabbit Based red-pilled MP in Poland. Offers to have theological discussion
after extinguishing a Menorah.
America has no such statesmen

( @claytreble )
@White__Rabbit Fuck those kike dick suckers! Good on this guy whose name I dare not try and spell. I'm glad people are naming the jew and exposing them to the same treatment they've been doling out for centuries. Fuck em' they are vile parasites that need to be eliminated from all halls of power and institutions of public influence.

( @hutcheffect )
@White__Rabbit Are there any Poles beginning to understand the role Warsaw Jews had in killing 50,000 Germans in the Danzig Corridor to lure Hitler? Do they realize that their government had been promised financial support from Allied nations, with overwhelming Jewish advisors, if Germany just happened to go to war with them?
Call it a happy thought ...

( @TolFuinArcher )

That man has some steel in his spine, unlike American politicians.

#Poland #Talmud #KalergiPlan #WhiteGenocide #antiWhite #14Words #Jews

( @GermanicMechanic )
@White__Rabbit Hopefully the new Polish Hitler?

@White__Rabbit Exposing satanism in all it's cowardly unholynes. They will be destroyed and they can't stand it. BLESSINGS TO THE HEAVENLY FATHER OF MANKIND ONE AND ALL.

Mike Johnson #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex newsweek.com

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is receiving a fresh wave of backlash for his alleged ties to Christian nationalism after a video was shared online of the Republican leader comparing himself to biblical figure Moses.

A segment of Johnson's speech has since circulated online, during which he compared his path to speakership as a "Red Sea moment."

"The Lord told me very clearly to prepare. 'You ready?' 'Be ready for what?'" Johnson told the crowd, according to a clip shared to X, formerly Twitter, by the project Right Wing Watch Wednesday afternoon. "'We're coming to a Red Sea moment.' 'What does that mean?'"

Johnson said during his speech that the House speaker's race, which took three weeks, was the "Red Sea moment" that God told him to prepare for. He also said that he assumed "at the time" that God was going to "choose a new Moses" and that he would act as "Aaron," Moses' brother and a priest in the Old Testament.

"And so I work to get Steve Scalise elected speaker, that didn't happen," Johnson said. "And then Jim Jordan, who is like another big brother of mine. No, that didn't happen."

"Ultimately, 13 people ran for the vote," he said. "And the Lord had told me to wait, wait, wait. So I waited and waited and then, at the end, when it came to the end, the Lord said, 'Now, step forward.'"

Liz Wheeler #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Dr. Fauci rejects practicing Christianity because… he thinks he’s God?

Fauci: “My own personal ethics of life are, I think, enough.”

I could not dislike the man more, but goodness will I be praying for his poor soul in Mass this morning.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “What is a Nation?”]

As Babylon the Great collapses, how does man then organize himself? Genesis 10 and 11 show the way. The ancient nation of Israel shows the way. The nature of multiethinic empires has always been antichrist

Nationalism is the natural anti-body to tyranny
Christian Ethno-nationalism is the natural anti-body to Satanic tyranny

Christians owe zero obedience to the Beast, the anti-christ, the whore, or the false prophet (all of whom are here today)

Eric Bermingham #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy fatima.org

We are certainly hearing of “wars and rumors of wars” but “the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6) The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have dominated the news cycle for the past two years. The war in Ukraine was the only thing that knocked Covid-19 out of the news, which it dominated for the two years before that. One wonders where this is headed. It is most certainly a prefigurement of the reign of antichrist.

Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) gives a description of certain aspects of the reign of antichrist. Whereas the antichrist is called “the beast,” there is another beast who is also called the false prophet and may be a religious figure or an antipope. People are made to receive a mark/character on their right hand/forehead if they want to buy or sell. It sounds like a totalitarian system (Deep State/Church) putting society under a complete lockdown.
China has a social credit system that is linked to facial recognition and is operational in all the major cities of China. These are the “smart cities” of the future. This is the type of control that the World Economic Forum has in mind for the entire world. The Covid-19 lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations were just a test run.

The two biggest obstacles to global government have been the U.S.A. and the Catholic Church. But now, under Joe Biden and Pope Francis, the U.S. government and the benevolent influence of the Church are intentionally being taken down. The U.S. is being destroyed through unlimited immigration and debt, not to mention abortion, divorce, and other societal ills. The Church is being weakened by corrupt leadership and a general loss of faith, or apostasy. With no opposition from the U.S. and the Catholic Church, there seems to be no natural force standing in the way of the antichrist or his forerunner.

But nothing happens that God does not allow. Several prophecies foretell that at some point, a reforming Pope will be appointed in a miraculous way.

GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie #wingnut jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:
Global red communism is now reality:

Red communism came to America and thus the entire world in 2020 when the global rulers began the steal of the 2020 presidential election. The events of recent years have revealed the truth about the governments of Satan throughout the world. There is only one party in the United States. This is the same “political party” the world over. It is the bought and paid-for globalist/Chinese communist party. This party was created by extreme bribery, back-mail and corruption throughout all branches of government throughout the west.

Understand first of all that these globalist ten kings have risen to power over the last five decades by their betrayal of the western populations and their collaboration with China and Russia. These ten kingdom-less kings have more combined wealth than all of the western governments combined. They do not know nor would they believe that their grand reset plans mark the end of their rule. Not by any man's hands however, their digital ID/passport (social credit score) scheme is the "mark" of the beast and it doesn't matter that a man's name isn't tied directly to it yet because it will be soon enough. YOU BEST SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. That is the only reason He gave us the signs to look for. There is no doubt that a man's name will soon be tied to it but first, they must get it on as many as possible. These globalists and communists are clueless to the fact that they are playing key roles in end day's Prophecy. They are blind to truth and can only see greed and power. They honestly believe that they will have ample time to implement their will.

The globalist billionaires demand a ruling class consisting of them and their political minions. Everyone else whom remains after depopulation will be the peasant class to serve them, this is what socialism has always been about. Never in the history of man has a nation granted such freedom to the common people as America has and this "model" of government has been replicated throughout western nations. Well, folks "the Great American Experiment" is over. The elitists have had enough, and it is time to put us commoners BACK IN OUR PLACE. ​

Clarence Thomas #transphobia #quack #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #wingnut washingtonpost.com

In written dissents, Alito and Thomas said the case presents important questions of free speech that have divided lower courts.
“There is fierce debate over how best to help minors with gender dysphoria,” Thomas wrote…

In Thomas’s five-page dissent on Monday, he said Washington’s ban [on conversion therapy for minors] had “silenced one side of this debate” by restricting the First Amendment rights of medical professionals. “Licensed counselors cannot voice anything other than the state-approved opinion on minors with gender dysphoria without facing punishment. The Ninth Circuit set a troubling precedent by condoning this regime,” Thomas wrote.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Part 1 of 3

“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,”” (1 Timothy 6:20)

It’s so important to teach people how to think, not just what to think.

I find atheistic evolutionists do not want any talk of “critiquing” or “thinking critically” about evolutionary ideas, because evolution is their way of explaining life without God. They are committed to this religion based on naturalism which requires some sort of evolutionary belief to try to attempt to explain life without the supernatural.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

A guest columnist reported he visited the museum. Jacob Tanenbaum, who was a fourth and fifth grade science teacher, wrote the column titled “A Science Teacher Draws the Line at Creation.” The piece was originally published in the January 2013 print edition of Scientific American under the title “Creation, Evolution and Indisputable Facts.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Tanenbaum’s “facts” about our exhibits weren’t exactly accurate.

Tanenbaum caricatured and misrepresented what biblical creationists believe.

For instance, Tanenbaum claimed that we teach, regarding the global Flood, that “Noah saved all animal species that we see today from the Flood.” This is a common equivocation that evolutionists make in regard to the animals on Noah’s Ark. As we clearly teach in the Creation Museum, Noah didn’t take representatives of every species of animal we see today—he took representatives of every “kind” (which is usually at the “family” level of classification) of land animal (not every type of animal). And these animals would have had the genetic material within them to eventually produce the many species we see today.


There were other problems with Tanenbaum’s column. He claimed, “Creationists begin with answers and work to prove that those answer are right. … Scientists who formed the idea of human evolution did not invent the idea and go looking for fossils.”

What’s interesting about this statement is that some form of the idea of evolution seems to have been around since at least the time of the ancient Greeks. Over 2,000 years ago, a group known as the Epicureans had a belief that there were no gods who intervened in the world. They also believed that over long ages, all life emerged from atom-like materials, and that life gave rise to higher life, such as mankind.

However, we do have an eyewitness account of the origin of the world—the Word of God Himself, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. We don’t have to rely on man’s ideas (fallible speculations) of how the world may have come to be, because the Bible tells us plainly how the universe and everything in it was created.

Jacob Harrison #fundie #dunning-kruger forums.fstdt.net

(Note: From 2018)
Ok, you made me realize that the well to hell was a hoax. I found a YouTube video on it and believed it. Maybe I should check the sources before believing a YouTube video.

However, a true thing that happened is that the diver Jacques Cousteau and one of his men heard sounds of human screaming when exploring an underwater gave in the Bermuda Triangle.

Furthermore, scientists have validated hell when making underwater discoveries.

Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Riftia, giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet​【2,44 m】 in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

And Jesus Christ said, "Where their WORMS dieth not, and the fire is not quenched"

Vic Newman #fundie quora.com

Yes, a feeble attempt to understand reality. Creation continues forever, the Earthly creation will end at the End Of “Days” when God sees the Earth as good [the Bible is a predictive book], so creation is a more advanced form of evolution. Aeons [today eons] were spiritual Beings concerned with time as are the “Days.” In ancient times all and everything was the result of spiritual beings. The Catholic Church decided the living universe was a pagan teaching and Catholic scholasticism or science invented the clockwork, mechanical universe.

Science is the gathering of data no more no less. Nothing in science “explains” anything or proves anything, it comes later with the theory-opinions that scientists generate from their imaginations which generate the strong beliefs in science, always keeping to the guidelines of the original dogmas of science that the universe is an accidentally generated clockwork machine in which life and consciousness cannot exist. So somehow in an unknown manner, which science is unable to demonstrate or replicate “scientifically,” life and consciousness appeared.

Which means that matter or the Mineral Kingdom is more intelligent than science as it can produce life and consciousness.

Jim #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From “Time for Kings”]

The time of Republics has ended. The time of Kings approaches[…]
The hour is near, and yet the man is nowhere in sight

The technology and tactics of warfare are rapidly changing, and no one has quite figured it out yet. The meaning of war itself is changing, and its future shape has not yet been revealed. The King will be a man who knows what he is doing, and no one knows they are doing yet

Russia is planning an army of two million grunts, but most of the casualties and destruction that Russia and the Ukraine inflict on each other come from a hundred or so of the top drone operators[…]
The technology of war is changing radically, and its shape is not yet clear, but it is starting to look like it will involve a very small number of very able people[…]The meaning of war is changing

The sixteenth of and seventeenth century was a time of holy wars, the wars of the Protestant revolution

We have seen “cabinet wars” – Bismarks “politics by other means”, limited wars fought for limited objectives. Putin attempted a cabinet war[…]
We have seen national wars, the wars of Nations, exemplified by the Napoleonic wars. World War One and Two were national wars. Putin attempted politics by other means in in the Ukraine, America upped the ante on Putin from cabinet war to a war of nations

Yevgeny Prigozhin realized this was stupid, and upped the ante on America from war of nations to holy war, and Putin reluctantly followed along behind him. Prigozhin was fighting for God, and the west found it was fighting for the gay parade, sodomy, Global Warming, the right of sodomites to hang out in women’s bathrooms, and the right of schoolchildren to be sexually transitioned without parental consent. Also the right of black people to jump subway turnstiles

Our rulers worship demons, and Prigozhin noticed. The coming Kings will come from those who notice. Putin murdered Prigozhin, for Putin foresaw that from such men, Kings may come

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

MANY of us have been saying the globe deception was intended to hide the Creator for some years now, but we were only partially correct. It wasn’t simply designed to hide the greater realm either. That also is a legitimate answer. Still not the whole of it, though both answers complement each other exceptionally well. I might as well go ahead and state what so many of us have already been thinking. The ultimate purpose of the globe deception was to hide the very whereabouts of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach on this Earth.

26For behold, the time will come, when the signs which I have foretold to you will come to pass, that the city which now is not seen shall appear, and the land which now is hidden shall be disclosed.

2 Esdras 7:26 [RSV]

My search for the hidden wilderness began with an often overlooked passage 2 Esdras 7:26. Blink and you'll miss it. The city of New Jerusalem is directly connected with a secret land not disclosed to the rest of the world. I was hungry for more. And so, began my investigation into the greater realm.

Fr. Seraphim Holland #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy orthodoxytoday.org

We now are in the midst of a month where people are bragging about their sin. Can you imagine that? Bragging about their sin. Being proud of their sin.

What a terrible world we’re in now. People are proud of their sin. It is promoted by government. And eventually it’s going to be the law of the land. Not just that it’s their laws that that promote it, but that you cannot gain say it. You’ll be put into a mental asylum, or have drug therapy or put in prison. That’s going to happen.

And your children, I don’t know what you people are doing that are having your children go to public school. You must like be under a rock or something.

The things that your children are being told in public school that you have no control over are horrendous, horrible. They’re teaching people, they’re teaching your children, not just perverse things. They’re teaching your child a different salvation. That’s what it basically is. It’s demonic. It’s a different salvation.

There’s only one salvation. There is the Holy Trinity and we are to be one with the Holy Trinity. There is no other salvation.

But their salvation, the world salvation, which is mixed with perversity and with pride and with everything else, is that you redefine who you are as a human being. It’s absolutely demonic.

Pride month is the voice of the demons.
And that’s what’s happening. People are getting devoured left and right. Especially with all of the trans stuff which is completely redefining what a human being is.

A human being is made in the image of God, to know God. They’re not defined by their gender, or their sexuality, or anything else. The only thing that defines you is you are made in the image of God. That’s it. Nothing else.

Any other definition is of the demons. And that’s what’s happening in this world.

Now how are you going to inoculate yourself and your children against these things?

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Part 1 of 2 Parts:

Christians and atheists have beliefs. But which beliefs are the right ones?

I have found that atheists by and large are either blinded to their own presuppositions or they refuse to acknowledge them! I find most just can’t bring themselves to point of acknowledging they have beliefs, in fact a religion. And they are good at propaganda. They spread the narrative that Christians have a belief, a religion, but atheism is scientific fact! The reality is that atheists have a blind faith the lacks credulity, but Christians have a faith that makes sense of the facts around us.

A well-known atheist in the USA was interviewing me in my office concerning the creation/evolution issue and the book of Genesis. The conversation went something like this:

“So you admit that you start with the Bible?” she said to me.

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

“And you are not prepared to change anything the Bible states, are you?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “The Bible’s statements concerning creation, the Flood, and so on are not subject to change—God’s Word cannot be altered. Models based on the bible are subject to change, but what the bible clearly states is not subject to change.”

johnwally928 #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy youtube.com

The climate will still change but we might not be able to stop it. Underwater volcanic activity near Artic ocean is allegedly linked to some of the glacier ice melt, the water was hot enough to nearly melt submarines. During same period it was reported glaciers at south pole expanded. Solar activity will also be main driver of climate change. This makes logical sense because the two main points of energy are the sun and the planet's core. All the elemental matter in between these two source endpoints will actually reduce energy in the system because it takes energy to change equilibrium states. The other big potential for disruptive climate change could result from magnetic pole shift. There is evidence that magnetic pole shift causes the equator to slightly rotate as the Earth's spin slightly re-orientates itself. This causes all the centrifugal forces exerted on the earth's crust and tectonic plates to recalibrate. It can potentially trigger period of high volcanic activity around the globe, rising sea floors, plunging mountain ranges, and potentially also trigger an ice age.

johnwally928 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

Friendly reminder that you cannot have a "green house gas" in the atmosphere. There are 3 main methods for heat transfer: convection, conduction, and radiation. Greenhouses get hot because convection heat transfer is restricted, and incoming radiant heat is greater than the outgoing heat conduction. There is no gas in our atmosphere that has convection heat transfer restricted. And convection currents will transfer heat to dark side of planet where thermal imaging can even see the radiant heat dissipate out into space. This is why the sun has pumped heat into our system for thousands and thousands of year, but the Earth has remained within certain limits of equilibrium.

Their concept of "green house gas" is a term used to describe gas acting like a "thermal blanket," where certain frequencies of radiant heat energy resonate with certain molecules like CO2, so some of the radiant heat transfer that would normally dissipate into space is actually trapped in the atmosphere. This is not true though, because radiant heat trapped by certain gases will still conduct heat through conduction to other molecules in the atmosphere as they collide and transfer momentum. Then these molecules will release radiant heat still. The original molecules trapping in the radiant heat can also still release the radiant heat slightly delayed. So their improper term of "green house gas" doesn't even cause global warming, it causes delayed, and frequency shifted, radiant heat emission. This remains true so long as the atmosphere isn't already at its maximum capacity for radiant heat emission.

Bride Movement #fundie #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I declare that your word says to come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Lord, I have been pursued by my enemies which lay claim to my life, and I am seeking a judgment in my favor that will empower me to walk out my mandates in Christ Jesus.
I ask that all hidden documents, covenants, contracts, agreements, certificates, oaths, and vows that have been signed by me or any part of me including what I will henceforth identify as “the group”: clones, holograms, merfolk, twins, replicas, derivatives, walk-ins, parents, spouse(s), or ancestors assigning legal rights to those that persecute me, be produced for the court now. I invalidate every binding document that has been fraudulently created or established against me based on agreements obtained by me or any part of me or “the group” under duress. <...> I now call for the blood of Jesus to stamp every document that has been presented before the court empowering those that pursue and persecute me. I call for them to be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ and to be burned in his consuming fire.
I call for all of the following elements that have been used as access points to my life in both the natural and the spirit to be presented before the court and subsequently burned with the fire of God: hair, fingernails, blood samples, saliva, other sources of DNA, cursed objects, fecal matter, urine, evil sacred trees, ritual altars, covenantal rings, heirlooms, tracking devices, consent forms, and technologies. I agree to specifically address anything else that you require of me, Holy Spirit, that would otherwise keep me bound to my persecution.
To those that have been summoned into the court, I declare that my season of persecution at your hands is now over. It is written that as a man sows, so shall he reap. It is written that whoever destroys this temple, the Lord will destroy.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Do you know who said this? “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future!”

It sounds like something a modern-day atheist might say. You see, the line reminds me of the time 285 atheists visited our Creation Museum in 2009! One of them later wrote, “For me, the most frightening part was the children’s section. It was at this moment that I learned the deepest lesson of my visit to the Museum.”

He went on to say, “It is in the minds and hearts of our children that the battle will be fought!”

Now, who wrote, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”? It was Adolf Hitler! And remember, he was able to capture the culture!

Secular humanists in America totally grasp the concept that if they are able to “own the youth,” they will “gain the future.” Because of secular influences that press on our societies, God, through His Word, has instructed parents over and over again to train their children (e.g., Deuteronomy 6:7).

Sadly, many parents don’t understand that the atheists and other secularists are out to capture the hearts and minds of generations of our children—and unfortunately they aren’t aware that the secularists have been very successful in our schools, media, museums, etc.

Yes, our children are under a fierce attack by secularists. We’ve already seen the horrible results of this attack. There’s been a catastrophic generational loss from the church. Generation Z is said to be the first post-Christian culture.

Ray Comfort #fundie livingwaters.com

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus spoke of wars being a sign of the end of the age:

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. (Matthew 24:6-7)

All this will climax with the Battle of Armageddon. Revelation 16:16 speaks of the gathering of nations at a place called Armageddon, a term synonymous with a final, cataclysmic battle. Jesus said, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).

So, what should we do? Firstly, we should make sure that we are right with God by trusting in the Savior. Secondly, we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem and, at the same time, take the gospel to the unsaved.

The Scriptures tells us how the apostle Paul did just that: “So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening” (Acts 28:23).

Notice how the apostle Paul persuaded men concerning Jesus. His approach was twofold. Firstly, he spoke to them out of the Law of Moses. Nothing persuades a sinner that he’s in great danger more than the realization that he has broken the moral Law (the Ten Commandments) and is justly on his way to Hell. Secondly, Paul spoke to them from prophets. Bible prophecy shows the hand of God in Scripture because only He knows the future, and He has declared it from the beginning until the end. An often overlooked sign of the end times is that the gospel will be preached to all nations. Here are the words of Jesus:

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

Let’s do that. With the help of God, let’s use every moment of our time to reach out to the lost.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

In 2014 I debated Bill Nye at the Creation Museum.


There’s no doubt that debate has had, and continues to have, a phenomenal impact. I’ve also heard from people who have become Christians as a result of the debate.


As we were leading up to what some people had dubbed the “debate of the century,” “an historic debate,” and even “Scopes 2,” I want to share some personal thoughts that were going through my mind.

The Scopes trial in 1925 was a turning point in the history of America, and not just for the creation/evolution debate. The man representing Christianity (William Jennings Bryan), a fine man, sadly did a poor job defending the Christian faith as he went against the ACLU attorney Clarence Darrow. Bryan didn’t know how to answer questions like “where did Cain get his wife?” and he also compromised the Bible with millions of years.

Even though Bryan technically won the trial, in the whole scheme of things it was a win for the secularists. In a real sense, the well-publicized trial showed the world that Christians couldn’t defend the history in the Bible—and that they were willing to give in to the secular teaching of millions of years.

I truly felt inadequate. Yet I knew the Lord had put me in this position. As some bloggers and media reports were comparing this evolution/creation debate to that of the Scopes trial, I must admit I shuddered. You see, I thought of the heavy responsibility of representing Christianity to both the Christian and secular world who would be watching. I truly felt inadequate. Yet I knew the Lord had put me in that position.


For Bible-believing Christians, another factor that drove interest in the debate was because biblical Christianity had been losing its influence on the culture over the decades—particularly since the election of President Obama and his pro-gay “marriage” agenda and pro-abortion stance.

And don’t forget how atheists had been successful in imposing their worldview (their religion) on the culture. They had successfully removed Christian symbols like crosses, Ten Commandments displays, and nativity scenes from many public places. And we had also seen that prayer, Bible readings, and creation had all but been eliminated from schools.

William Henry #magick #ufo #fundie #mammon williamhenry.net

For the past several years William Henry has been presenting his breakthrough HALO series at live events in Nashville. Empowering. Pure. Breakthrough. Ascension. Gnosis. HALO: CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS represents the summit of his ascension and light body teachings with a mystic Christian flare and a wormhole twist. It is intended to be an ultimate presentation on Christos, the sacred secretion of the pineal gland and the lost sacrament of Christianity and the light body.

The HALO series has been an amazing experience. The CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS brings it all together in one compact experience. This is a stand-alone event, a summation, and a summit. A catch-up. A move on up. Attendance for any previous HALO event is not required. You can join in person or via live stream.

A revelation of the most expensive painting ever sold. Leonardo DaVinci’s Salvator Mundi. Oozing mystery. Coded.

This is the final HALO offering and the one that says it all. If you are ready for the next level of your life, if you deeply know that something more is calling you, it is time to live it now.

In HALO 1.0: Awakening the Pearl William explored the light body teachings of Christ and the Marys, especially the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl.

HALO 2.0: Quest for the Christos revealed the lost Gnostic secrets of James the Just’s Oil of Joy and its connection to the pineal gland.

HALO 3.0: Perfect Light Humans and the Healing of Our World focused on accessing our Divine Self, uniting with the Divine Realm, and how to do this.

HALO 4.0: Revealed the secrets of the Myrrophores, including Mary Magdalene, and their mysterious ascension oils.

HALO 5.0: Focused on the entheogenic secretions from the pineal gland and the Book of Love of the Mighty Rainbow Angel…

Don’t miss the CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS. It will bring it all home for you.

<$555 for live attendance/$222 livestream>

GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:
The Abraham Accords commissioned by Trump and authored by his "prince" most likely started the final seven years before Our Lord Jesus' Triumphant Return. This covenant was initiated in September, 2020 and more and more Arab/Muslim nations are confirming it. Nine nations have confirmed the covenant to date and growing with the first Arab/Muslim nation confirming this treaty with Israel on September 15th, 2020.

The latest nations considering membership in these Accords proves that after more than three years the Accords are here to stay. Once Saudi Arabia joins, several other Arab nations will follow.

More and more nations have moved their embassies following Donald Trump's lead, to Jerusalem preparing the way for the beast to declare Jerusalem the "Capital" of the world. Israel wants this peace treaty to grow and include all Arab nations. Note: Media in Israel and throughout the middle east cover story after story about the Abraham Accords but by design, western media will not report on the Abraham Accords for a reason. Satan knows westerners are predominantly Christian and these Abraham Accords if reported upon properly would be a "sign" of the end for them and trust this folks, Satan doesn't want you to watch and pray or prepare yourselves in any way for Christ's Return.

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: Note: The Lord doesn't say BEFORE one week; He says "for one week".

Many believe that the Israeli Messiah is alive: Please see our Who is the beast page for the links supporting this claim.

Israel recently announced that their Messiah is now here and they're going to reveal him soon. This means that the Antichrist is likely about to be brought onto the world stage.

Interesting note: God knows it is a seven year treaty and we by faith believe Him. The Edomites and surrounding Arab nations however have no idea it will last just seven years. So please don't keep an eye out for a "Seven year peace treaty" as it's title. Ideas like that are designed by Satan to keep the weeds, weeds and to never allow them to be God's "wheat".


Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The sympathetic devil trope has become such a mainstay of popular fiction as to be a Pop Cult zombie meme. Audiences – even pro writers – now take for granted that a demon could choose to do good or even repent and gain salvation. Few people see anything weird about that idea, which is featured prominently in the works of Nail Gaiman and Arthur C. Clarke, but attained full cultural penetration through anime and manga.

“So what?” many of you are asking right now. “It’s fantasy. Anything’s possible! Why can’t our demons be different?”

For one, let’s remember that a lot of the same folks who claim the fantasy genre gives carte blanche to make archetypal villains sympathetic get up in arms over heroic orcs.


We not only know for a moral certainty that demons exist based on Scripture, their existence is a logical conclusion from the hierarchy of being. Here we have nonliving matter (rocks and stuff), living but non-sentient material beings (plants), living, sentient, but non-sapient material beings (animals), living, sentient, and sapient matter-spirit composite beings (men), and the Spirit of Life, Logos, and Being Himself (God).

Sharp readers noticed a major gap in that progression. Nature abhors a vacuum. And just as a missing atomic number on the periodic table is a sure indicator of an as-yet undiscovered element, a blank space in the spectrum of being isn’t empty. We just can’t see what’s there.

And what’s there is living, sapient, purely spiritual being. AKA angels. And as every second-grader before the Millennial generation used to know, demons are evil angels.


For an action-packed, harrowing tale with irredeemable villains you’ll love to hate fighting for the highest stakes you can imagine, back my new dark fantasy novel. You’ve got just 4 days left to get the book early and take your pick of exclusive perks at bargain prices.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion.

Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this negative image. As abortion clinics close in record numbers and hundreds of thousands of young people attend pro-life rallies, the lack of universal support for procured abortion becomes evident.

Much of this psywar centers around images, perceptions and moods. Thus, the message about the November election results was that the abortion issue is a liability that conservatives had best abandon if they want to win at voting booths. The pro-abortion lobby is trying to convey an all-is-lost gloom around the issue.
The left has used the Virginia results as proof of the “abortion liability.” Democrats maintained control of the state senate and picked up three seats in the House of Delegates, creating its razor-thin majority there. It was hardly a landslide.
Abortion can sometimes benefit the Democrats in this new era. Pro-lifers must be careful about how they engage in the debate and be prepared to invest funds in their efforts. However, he insists that the anti-abortion cause is a winning issue “if framed with care.”

The important thing is not to give in to the media’s gloom machine that tries to claim all is lost. It is easy to forget that the Dobbs decision threw the pro-abortion movement into the throes of despair. It still has not recovered.

In the psywar over procured abortion, victory comes to those who are grounded in certainties, not dark impressions. In this case, the pro-life movement must do what it has always done: confide in God, who will give certain victory to those who defend His law.

GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie #quack #conspiracy jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:

Many people can see now that the vaccines pushed out to the world were not created for COVID-19 but rather that COVID-19 was fabricated to get the vaccines out and into the populations of the world.

Never before in the history of "vaccines" has one been rushed out as untested, unproven and as highly suspicious as these Covid vaccines. Keep in mind, against a disease little different than the common flu. A disease which has not increased the overall death rate worldwide for 2020 one percentage point with a 99% survival rate. In addition, the seasonal flu numbers for 2020 are down over 97% of previous years. In 2021, the seasonal flu has completely disappeared from the world.

Why are the governments of the world pushing so hard to get these shots in as many people as possible as quickly as possible? Will the cat be out of the bag when those "fully vaccinated" and "boosted" start dying like flies all around us? Well folks this is happening now but you will never see nor hear a word of it if you remain under the spell of the red communist main stream media. Ask yourself why any discussion over the dangers of this experimental shot are censored so heavily by the globalists running the governments and media of the world?

There is way too much evidence available to present on this page the full relationship between our government's "moral bio-enhancement program", the "proprietary" ingredients in all the Covid "vaccines" and the imminent need for the banks of the world to financially "reset" due to the collapse of the current "fiat" currency system. Please see our Digital ID: The Mark & Strong Delusion page for a comprehensive description:

After reviewing the above link to our Digital ID page, please notice how the world's rulers brashness is increasing. These reprobates double and triple down on every aspect of their mental illness (delusion). They want to make you say what they say. They want to make you think like they think.


Kaisar #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #racist identitydixie.com

[From “The Leviticus Punishment on America”]

Leviticus contains some of the most fascinating details about the laws, feasts, and rituals in the Old Testament[…]Most of these chapters have incredible symbolic relationships that connect it with the New Testament[…]
Many Christians skip or skim these sections because of their complexity, instead of really diving in deep. It is a tragedy that they do so, because so many answers are found within the old law

For instance, Leviticus 18-20 perfectly explains what is happening to the United States[…]
It clearly details the punishment currently being inflicted against Heritage Americans

For example, early Leviticus 18 talks about the laws of sexual morality[…]
No adultery, abortion, profaning God, sodomy/homosexuality, or beastiality

So, everything that America not only condones but encourages, promotes worldwide, and worships as “pride” (minus maybe beastiality, but I am sure that is coming too)


But God says what he will do to those nations that commit such acts in the same chapter:

Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants[…]

God is just. He doesn’t even allow strangers (temporary migrants/refugees/transients) to do these wicked things in the land. Yet, here we are, doing them ourselves

The Indians that came before us were savages. They did ritual sacrifice, worshipped weird fake gods and their ancestors, and had very little sexual morality. God vomited them out and gave the land to us

Now we are doing ritual sacrifice, worshipping weird fake gods and ethnics, and have very little sexual morality. So what is God doing to us? We are being replaced—Vomited out[…]
We have to go back to Christendom, or we will be vomited out of this land

Trumper 2020 #racist #fundie twitter.com

None of the asian religions have any concepts relating to freedom and liberty

Prior to our winning the japanese people have no historical concept of freedom or liberty

Those concepts only appeared after Christianity spread

The jewish culture had it, but that was it worldwide

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

So the United Nations is going to call on us to reduce meat consumption because of their view on supposed "climate change." Actually the "climate change" they talk about is an anti-God religion that believes man can save himself and man can save the planet. They have given the creation dominion over man instead of man's God given role of dominion over the creation.

Three verses of Scripture to ponder in response to this news item:

1. “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.””
(Genesis 1:26)

2. After the Flood God changed our diet so that we were given permission to eat meat:

“Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.”
(Genesis 9:3)

3. After the Flood God made a promise that clearly shows man cannot destroy the planet, God will at the end of time:

"“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”" (Genesis 8:22)

The United Nations promotes a secular anti-Christian, anti-God worldview which destroys. Christians need to have a truly Christian worldview in regard to the environment that gives them dominion over the creation to use for man's good and to God's glory. Man is to be a good steward of that dominion mandate. So we are not to abuse the creation but use it as God intended and instructed.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut creators.com

It's Time to Start Asking: Is Satan in Charge of the Democrat Party?

In the past week the Biden administration gave another 10 billion dollars to the world's worst terror state, Iran. What sane person would do that? And why?

Former President Barack Obama gave a hundred billion to Iran a few years back. President Joe Biden (and his boss Obama) have given Iran $80 billion more since Biden was elected — including $6 billion only a couple weeks before the Hamas terror attack on Israel.

Biden (and his boss Obama) either directly paid for the Hamas attack on Israel, or emboldened Iran by foolishly giving them billions with no preconditions.

But as bad as that was, at least Biden (and his boss Obama) released all those billions of dollars BEFORE the Hamas attack on Israel.

How can anyone explain the fact that Biden (and his boss Obama) just released another $10 billion to Iran AFTER the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust? No one in the world can be that dumb. Not even a brain-dead president wearing diapers. So, this is more about evil than dumb.

Fritz Berggren #racist #fundie #crackpot #pratt bloodandfaith.com

[From “I Come Not for the Hottentot…”]

I come not for
Hottentot nor Hausa,
Mongol nor the Malay,
Neither Berber nor the Bantu

I seek the great White race —
Sons of Vikings and Norsemen,
The Rus
the Gaul
and Saxon.

Are Danes the sons of Dan?
Are Saxons Isaac’s sons?
Are Iberians of Eber?
Is this the Dispersion among the Greeks the Gospels teach?

my heart yearns for my race
for them alone I give all
of my eternities

— Fritz Berggren
Thanksgiving 2023

Andrew Anglin #fundie #psycho #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Yes, Misery is the Natural State of Man. And That’s Fine.”]

The Illness Revelations have been bogged down in various boondoggles for weeks now. We need to return to the Path of Glory. We need to return to my original notes. We have no choice

I must reestablish the themes. Remember, one of the original themes was that life is supposed to be miserable[…]
Having watched an interview of Jew bastard Rodney Dangerfield recorded months before his death talking about how life was miserable and he couldn’t wait to die, I noted that everyone is miserable, but that Jews experience a special kind of misery as they do not have the hope that comes from faith in Jesus[…]
I’m a Christian, so I have a bias[…]It’s also very obvious that human suffering is a constant and doesn’t really relate very much to the government, or to any other situational circumstance[…]Plenty of things to be miserable about historically. Before the modern era, about half of kids would die before they were ten[…]
There are things about modernity that are uniquely bad, there are also a lot of things that are uniquely good[…]
You have to be able to control your own emotional state, or you’re basically a slave. You also have to accept that the material world we live in is a dark place and that life is a tough journey through darkness[…]
The earth realm is a place of struggles. When one struggle ends (say you solve the mass child death issue with antibiotics and sterilization techniques), then another begins (maybe your government is taken over by the Jews). The struggle and the suffering is the purpose of existence. It is the nature of material reality, given that we are separated from the presence of God

The only thing that will ever make anyone truly “happy” is alcohol. And trust me, the viability of alcohol as a mood enhancer is extremely limited. It does not take long to hit “diminishing returns”[…]Overconsumption of alcohol leads to significant reduction in quality of mood

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #homophobia #transphobia twitter.com

Noah built the Ark about 4,300 years ago. This event was both a judgment and a message of salvation. The Flood was a major geological, anthropological, and biological event in the history of the earth and humanity. If the Flood really happened, which it did, then most of the fossil record is the graveyard of that event. Yet evolutionists use the fossil record as supposed evidence of millions of years as part of the evolutionary story in regard to earth and life. Secularists claim the Ark Noah built couldn’t have fit all the land animal kinds as the bible teaches. They therefore say this event never happened. But the bible makes it clear the building of the Ark and the Flood of Noah really did happen in history.

If the events of the Ark and Flood are true, then all humans are descendants of Noah (who build the Ark) back to the first man Adam.

To deal with these issues and more, Answers in Genesis decided to build a life-size Ark based on the dimensions in the bible and fill it with exhibits answering the attacks people level at the bible’s account of Noah’s Flood. The building of this Ark was done to remind people of the truth of God’s Word and call them to salvation.

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37)

Regardless of how Christians may interpret Matthew 24 in regard to eschatology, there’s no doubt that this verse refers to the rebellion and judgment of Noah’s day. Christ used the catastrophic Flood that occurred over 4,300 years ago to warn of impending judgment. Many Christians believe this verse also alludes to the coming final judgment when Christ returns and makes a New Heaven and New Earth.

What was it like in Noah’s day? Genesis 6:5 states, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

I believe it has been the right time to build a full scale model of Noah’s Ark!


Why was it the time right to build another Ark? Well, today there is great rebellion against God and His Word in the land. With increasing homosexual behavior and a growing acceptance of abortion and other moral evils (gender transition etc), God’s hand of judgment is being seen as He withdraws the restraining influence of His Holy Spirit.

Marco A #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #fundie henrymakow.com

Freemasonry is the most evil organization on Earth. If all our smiling psychopathic leaders are Masons, as this article implies, then it is wise to judge that this Brotherhood is rotten. Judaism has always been a scapegoat for the supreme and hidden hand behind them. I don't see Zionists alone debasing our morality, crushing our cultures, importing millions of invaders, turning women into objects of lust, pushing self-destructive life styles as normal -- I see the Masonic illuminati, with all their evil symbolism behind this assault.

Masons have created a society and culture where worldly 'success' is the pinnacle of achievement. This is what appeals to the Mason. He sold his soul for it. He joined the Brotherhood for it. While Christ rejected Satan's temptation for the World, the Mason accepted the price -- his soul. The Mason now creates a culture to justify his error, in order that we all may be deceived. Everyone has been inducted into this cult, and is caught up in the mad rat-race.

Everyone is unhappy. Women have been destroyed by the double assault of Feminism and porn-culture; two extremes which have robbed her of both gentleness and innocence. Men have been left feeling lost and have become self-destructive, insecure and angry. Men if they do not find 'success' and 'achieve' as per Masonic guidelines, they lose their self-worth and value.

Behind this all is the smiling clown-life macabre face of the Mason. They have destroyed everything! Innocence, morality, truth, love, family -- they have attempted to degrade us into ugly monsters, destroying the beauty in the human soul that God died for. And as humanity languishes under this oppression, we are told by our masters that we are nothing but animals, some sort of ape-man hybrid -- "Just have more sex and with more people, you're just an animal anyways." We are left feeling worthless! The only result for people caught up in this web of extreme unhappiness is medication or suicide.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

For anyone who’s paid even a marginal amount of attention over the last 8 years, you know that America has become a severely-fractured and tribal nation, where there is a different administration of justice based on your political leanings, ideologies and what you say on social media. Biden and Trump both mishandled documents, yet only one is punished. J6 participants are jailed while BLM agitants who burned buildings and killed people walk free. The cop who killed George Floyd has just been stabbed nearly to death in his prison cell, while the cop who killed Ashli Babbitt had a secret trial, was let go scot-free and is praised by the Left. I bet you don’t even know his name, and that’s on purpose.

If you know the right people, you can commit crimes at will. This is America in 2023, and it’s about to get a whole lot worse in 2024.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the ‘land of the free’ has become decidedly less free, much less free. This article you are reading right now is sitting on a site branded as an ‘extremist organization’ by the US Cyber Command. Donald Trump ran for president with a vow to ‘drain the Swamp’, and he did not fulfill that promise. In fact, the very Swamp he vowed to drain now has him pinned to the wall facing 91 felony counts in Washington, New York, Florida and Georgia. It’ll be a miracle if he manages to stay out of jail, let alone become the 47th president of the United States. But…what if he does? What would a Trump presidency look like when The Donald uses his administration to get revenge the same way the Biden administration is doing it to him? What happens to America at that point? Today we show you how much The Swamp has grown, how deep the Deep State has become, and what the future of America might look like when we run it through the filter of your King James Bible. All this and updates on Hamas, the hostages, and everything else you need to know.

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