
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple ("People's Department of Racial Awakening") - Démocratie participative ("Participatory Democracy") #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut lemonde.fr

At dusk on Friday, December 8, almost 200 people gathered on Quissac's market square to take part in the "Republican rally" called by Michel Sala. The radical left MP from southern France sought to react quickly to the distribution of neo-Nazi leaflets in this small town some 40 kilometers from Nîmes. The town's mayor, Serge Cathala, did not attend the demonstration

According to the gendarmerie, some 50 anti-Semitic and homophobic leaflets featuring swastikas and Third Reich eagles were dropped in the mailboxes of two of the town's housing estates in late November and early December. "White man, are you tired of seeing the Jews destroy your country through immigration, pedo-LGBT degeneration and war? Join us in re-establishing the white race's dominance in Europe," said the message signed by the Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple (People's Department of Racial Awakening). A QR code and an internet address led to the website Dempart (for démocratie participative, participatory democracy), which detailed the next steps: "Copy your leaflets (black and white) in computer stores (pay in cash). (…) At night (ideally, from 1 am to 3 am). Never in your town…"

These posters were similar to those found in May in La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel (Normandy), near Rouen, where three men aged 22 to 25 were given suspended prison sentences on December 5 for "public condoning of crime" and "incitement to hatred." An investigation was opened in southern France. Sala and the Communist Party's departmental federation referred the case to the Nîmes public prosecutor, Cécile Gensac

[Below is the poster, found here:


Mr. Imperialist #racist twitter.com

Canadians are ethnically white. Natives aren’t Canadians. They’re natives a seperate group of people. Canada is much more different than Britain in that regard but whatever. Canada is a distinct place created by the British peoples and therefore it is British.

various commenters #wingnut #elitist #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Halp )
People on welfare shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

( @CrossThePotomac )
@Halp Also all non-whites and women

( @ZimmerHandcrafted )
@Halp I'd go farther than that: if you are a net tax drain on the country over the course of your lifetime you should not be allowed to vote.

This would not inherently repeal the 19th amendment, but it effectively would...but that is merely a happy coincidence.

( @USMCHOG8393 )
@Halp If you are on any government assistance u should not be allowed to vote.
If u don’t own property u shouldn’t be able to vote on property tax issues. Also if you are a politician today, you should be either shot at dawn, or hanged. Sounds good though

( @DeplorableFredTN )
@Halp Only land owners should be allowed to vote. No skin in the game, no voice in governance

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Halp only white landowners should be allowed to vote.

( @Legend_of_Wiker )
@Halp wrong. Welfare shouldn't exist to begin with

( @Coolio )
@Halp To be allowed to vote you should have to pay taxes or bear arms is what Abe Lincoln wrote. Also apparently wanted to send the "free slaves" back to Africa. Bullet in the head instead before the plan got off the ground.

( @mothersmurfer )
@Halp Nor reproduce.

( @thetruthnotdoctrine )
@Halp If you got rid of Jews and their USURY!!! there wouldn't be anyone on welfare, apart from the genuine deserving sick and disabled!

( @wohl1917 )
@Halp I'll do you a couple better than that: If you are not a veteran OR own property OR have a job OR support a family and pay taxes for it all AND CAN PROVE IT, you shouldn't be allowed to vote!

( @Dannygeetar )
@Halp Neither should non property owners

( @Bilo32 )
@Halp People that don’t own land shouldn’t be able to vote.

( @Old_time_gal )
@Halp Our founding fathers only wanted landowners to vote, since they were the only ones who "had skin in the game".

( @mjdigspigs )
@Halp Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, either.

( @StevenEMichaels )
@Halp Don’t forget women. Also, remove all women from congress and government.

( @Cupcake70 )
@Halp Only property owners should vote

various commenters #wingnut #forced-birth #racist gab.com

( @WayoftheWorld )
Roxanne Green just burned down Wyoming's first abortion clinic just weeks before it was due to open. Her eyes say: "Do what you must. I have already won."

( @LandRun )
@WayoftheWorld abortion is murder. God will protect her.

( @Zippo_Man )
@LandRun @WayoftheWorld
one of the many lies we are forced to accept--"it's just a clump of cells"
If so, then why can they harvest organs of the baby and sell them?

( @RagnarokBlackSun )
@Zippo_Man @LandRun @WayoftheWorld abortion is why there aren't 200 million niggers in the United States right now btw

( @QuantumMechanic )
@WayoftheWorld Clearly she is doing Gods work. She is also going to be martyred. Murdering babies is the most highly protected sacrament in the liberal religion. Pray for this young lady. The full weight of the utterly corrupt biden doj is about to come down on her. 🙏

( @Number22 )
@WayoftheWorld She is a true hero. Now someone do the same to the one in Maryland aborting babies at 8 months and selling their parts.

( @rmiller_85226 )
@WayoftheWorld if she had burned down a pro life clinic they would be cheering her. Liberals are sick and they deserve to have their abortion clinics burned to the ground

( @PacificSail )
@WayoftheWorld If a human is pronounced dead when their heart stops beating then shouldn't a human be pronounced alive when the heart starts beating.

( @dg54321 )
@WayoftheWorld She has more balls than 99% of men out there sitting at home doing nothing while babies are murdered and the country is invaded from the southern border they live close to, but talk big.

( @bouncingblueballs )
@dg54321 @WayoftheWorld I'd have more respect for her if she took out some illegal invaders as opposed to burning down an abortion clinic that would've been flushing out more non white babies than white ones.

( @PostichePaladin )
@WayoftheWorld Does the White privilege card work as well as the Black rioter get out of jail free card?
If she was black and burned down a Wendy's, she would get a statue and a couple of million dollars.

Lucas Gage #racist #conspiracy #psycho angrywhitemen.org

During the rant, [Lucas] Gage used the terms “Zionist,” “Jewish supremacist,” and “Jew” interchangeably, and said the “only good Jew is a Jew who ceases to be Jewish”

In a Dec. 17, 2023 post to his X account, Gage wrote “The only way you should treat a 🇮🇱 Zionist/✡️Jewish Supremacist”[…]
Gage started the livestream by addressing his followers, and said that he hoped to “inspire” them on “how to deal with Zionists and Jewish supremacists”[…]
“‘It’s out of context! It’s not the real Torah! We don’t follow the Talmud!’ Then they quote the Talmud later. It’s all lies! These people are fuckin’ satanic! They are satanic! They are demons!” he said angrily

“You don’t treat demons with respect. ‘I actually disagree, sir. Excuse me, sir, I disagree.’ You fucking slay them! You slay demons, that’s it! Fuckin’ capture a demon and bring ’em home. And feed ’em. What are you doing? You destroy them where they stand. The only way you should be treating a Zionist is with utter contempt and disgust!”[…]
“I don’t give a fuck what any Jewish supremacist says — what any Jew says, even a regular one”[…]Gage said. “I’m done with these people in general! I don’t care about anti-Zionist Jew. I don’t care about Zionist Jew, anti-Zionist Jew, Reform Jew, Torah Jew, any Jew!”[…]
“I told you my position on Jewish people. The only good Jew is a Jew who ceases to be Jewish. You show me a Jew who’s no longer Jewish, I’ll treat them with respect, because they got rid of their supremacy”

Gage claimed that Judaism itself is “Jewish supremacy” and that the “Jewish culture is supremacist”

He went on to say that Jews weren’t expelled from 109 countries “because they were Zionist”[…]
“Zionism didn’t come out until 1897[…]So over two thousand fuckin’ years, every goddamn group who came across these so-called Jews had a problem with them. From coin clipping, from child sacrifice, from usury, from schemes of all sorts. Where were the Zionists?”

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

The New Class Wars

There are none.

There is no middle class, no labor class, no aristocratic class.

Only three classes exist:

1. The Jewish Class
2. The Used Class
3. The Goyim Class

Karl Marx said that “ideology” pertains to the selfish-interests of a particular class and has nothing to do with “truth.”

Marx being a Jew knew how Jews think.

He knew that Jews were keenly class-oriented in so far as their particular racial aggregation was detached from the nations among whom they lived.

Jews are a state-within-a-state, and today they are a class where no other classes exist except for the Used Class and Goyim Class.

Let’s parse it out.

The Jewish Class has a monopoly on money printing through all the Central Banks which are satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty:

The Federal Reserve, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, European Central Bank, Bank of England, are all other satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty.

The Jewish Class doesn’t rise from the soil to an exalted beneficial culture for all to partake.

There is no Jewish farmer, no Jewish master builder, no Jewish goods-producer…but a Jewish middleman acting between the Gentile creator and the consumer.

The Jewish Class is a parasite, bloated with his mortgages, currency exchanges, and network of payment transfers.

Sadly, the inventive, creative, and productive Gentile Class no longer rules bereft of influence.

The crooked Jewish Class—incapable of producing, but exploitative and avaricious—rules and dominates.

Jewish money rules over Gentile work and blood.

All what is left is the Used Class who are the Gentile producers.

Then the Goyim Class, of which, like animals, are content to graze on their daily fare:

French Fries, Potato Chips, Hamburgers, and Wide Screen TVs.

What does this mean for America and its future?

It means rooting out the Money Power—which is the Policial Power—which is the Jewish Class.

Stumbling blocks can become stepping stones.

Others call it crushing the head of the serpent.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #crackpot #racist #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

This Series is about The Hidden History of Mankind, and the Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State. Ancient Aliens, or the Fallen Angels? What is Biblical Earth? Why is NASA constantly lying to us? Deep Dives into the Ancient Scriptures, proving the Bible to be accurate historically, prophetically, and completely in line with the Scientific Method, if not the “Deep State Science” concocted from seances with one ultimate goal in mind: Convince the masses God isn’t real. Nephilim Giants and their Elongated Skull People descendants across history building massive Megalithic Structures while waging war on God’s chosen people – The Real Lost Tribes of Israel, which later became the Royal Houses of Europe & Europeans. All of this, and much much more – and at the end of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole – It’s all about Him.

This series connects the dots on ALL of:
*The Conspiracies – All of Them
*The Religions – All of Them
*The Secret Societies – Yep. All of Them, too.
*The False Sciences – Many directly derived from Seances! Designed to Debunk the Bible
*The Faked Moon Landing – But Why? We show you the motive.
*Big Brother Ancient Aliens – or Fallen Angels hellbent on our destruction?
*One Satanic Religion Rules The World, Many Faces (Brands) – Even if You’re an Atheist, *They* Believe in Gods that Want. You. Dead.
*Giants – and their Elongated Skull Descendants, found at blood sacrifice ritual temple ruins
*The Scriptures (Including those removed from recent Bibles) including prophetic predictions
*Our Censored Past – If you thought Fake News was bad, wait until you see His-Story
*The Truth About The Pagan Gods – They Were Real! (Nephilim Demigods!)
*Science & The Bible Synchronize, It’s Real and History – And so are ALL the other religious books! They recorded real events, but from the perspective of those cultures and their “gods” – Most of which were the Nephilim!
*They walk among us today – we’ll show you how to spot them.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
A lot of republican voters don’t know this but yes, it is racist to ask blacks to act like normal functioning non-violent members of society

( @Rodger_james )
@Apolitical They can’t function properly in a Western society because they are not Western and don’t understand Western values much like their #Jewish handlers.

( @TimfromNashua )
@Apolitical IT'S OK TO BE RACIST

( @debbyloo )
They're incapable, halfape, subhumans.
I live in the South, it's quite obvious they're not fully evolved Human species.

( @son_of_amalek )
@Apolitical "Whyt bois be sayun dat blatt pypo be violent n shiet but I bet y'all wouldnt say dat to a blk pursuns face! I'd kill any yt muhfugga dat try to make duh false claim dat black peepoo be voilent on gawd nigguh. Y''ALL yts be duh ones that is actually violent, I'd beat the brakes offa any one who be sayin different. SHIEEEET."

( @Seekeroftruth42 )

You cannot ask what they cannot accomplish. It is simply beyond their mental capabilities due to nature. The makeup of their simple minds will not allow them to control their habitually violent tendencies, which makes them unfit to safely introduce into a modern society. They should be listed on the evolutionary chart somewhere in between a Bonobo chimpanzee and Homo sapiens. Simply put, they are not evolutionarily ready for mankind

( @Biggiebaby )
@Apolitical You're assuming that they comprehend what thoes requirements are.
See, the problem isn't skin color, that is ancillary, it's EVOLUTION...
They just haven't developed the cognitive ability to see such things.

( @JanusIanuarius )
@Apolitical Depends on the tribe and admixture. Shem's people and many of the Tribes of Israel are good, you need to watch out for pure Beta with no prefrontal cortex mixed with RH- blood. These hybrids = Canaanites.

( @bornin1518 )
@Apolitical Sadly yes. They are incapable, because they are inferior.

( @WilliePCummings )
If it takes 40 acres and a mule, fine... RESEGREGATE

( @John_Madison )
@Apolitical Asking is one thing but doing is another. You can't civilize a wild animal. You can tame it for a while but eventually the instinct to kill and harm will overcome especially with their low IQ and low impulse control.

PaladinJustice #racist #homophobia gab.com

The alleged killer looks like a bean man. She's following in the ways of her Aztec ancestors. Anyone who still thinks lesbians don't have a screw loose and are incapable of violence doesn't know lesbians. The lesbian couples I knew at the university decades ago were in constant physical altercations, but no murders that I know of.

DemitriVladMaximov #wingnut #racist #fundie deviantart.com

This is the effect of voting on emotions rather than policies and the rot in our society. There are those who are trapped in their own addictions, their own bodies unable to do anything to help themselves. The increase in drug use, crime, shipping jobs away from out nation, and the lack of fathers and healthy households instead trying to escape reality than deal with it leads to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgxfm7w-9E

Don't get confused about the propaganda, don't abandon the morals that helped build this nation, and don't forget honest truths like hard work, family, and you are your brother's keeper. We as a nation need to turn this around and sadly I have no idea what to do so far from major problems. We have people trafficing in human beings using them as slave labor and abusing kids, we have drugs being shipped in on mass from around the world, we have people who are so broken then I have no idea how to help, and even those who want to do right, how are they going to fix their cities where gang violence rules with no guns in the hands of the common people while violent thugs can ship in military grade full autos to protect their drug empires?

Cavalier of Antioch #racist #crackpot twitter.com

Go home, patel. Your race makes it impossible for you to give valid insight into this issue. You are an invalid person in this country, and any of your commentary on the negotiations between nations who actually matter here is far beyond your station as an oriental slug.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Another month in the death of White America.

Another month of utter silence from every single politician.

( @baronvonjewhammer )
@KeepNHGranite Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew (I misspelled exterminate)

( @RoyalZarak86 )
@KeepNHGranite As I said before
Black murderers Jewish courts? White Americans don’t stand a chance at all

( @shrinkydink12345 )

( @FatherJohn )
@KeepNHGranite Niggers do NOT deserve "Equal treatment under the Law."

You have to be a HUMAN BEING to be given that.......

( @VLCOX )
@KeepNHGranite Always, always watch your back when you are around a stinking nigger. No matter who they are or where you are.

( @HesitantLantern )
@KeepNHGranite Until an actual system of equitable justice can be restored under Pres. Trump, vigilante vengeance squads are the only alternative. I hope it's already started to happen, with those dishing out the vengeance simply choosing to keep quiet about it. A wise course of action.

( @HeliRides3000 )
@KeepNHGranite So many young White lives cut short because "diversity is our strength" so it needs to be installed everywhere. No, we need segregation now. When there are more Whites killed than days in a month from black animal savages, I see no other way.

( @ContrivedAndTrite )

Really sad, I bet all those murdered Whites thought that multiracialism is a good thing and to have a majority or all White anything was evil or at the very least lame.

( @rua_patriot1stn )
@KeepNHGranite > I say = if Blacks (12%) and Jew$ (2%) WANT WAR - Let's GIVE It to Them........and then some........and some MORE until They 'Get-it'........or Their numbers ARE Permanently 'minimized' - kno what I mean Vern !!

@Dragonslayer0351 )
@KeepNHGranite don't forget the JIHAD, the CCP SPECIAL OPERATORS, the MEXICAN CARTELS, the SOMOLIANS, and the prisons that third world countries opened the doors to, so that they could come to America to help the Federal Reserve Globalist cabal and the CCP attempt to destroy America. They lion will wake and they are in its pen.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “France: Country in Shock After Macron Refuses to Join Depardieu’s Lynching”]

We keep telling you people that Macron would just be a normal leader if the circumstances were normal. That isn’t a defense of the fact that he is a shill. He is a shill for the Americans, therefore the Jews

However: he is constantly making statements bucking the Washington/globalist/Jew agenda[…]
Now he’s defending a beloved French actor accused of “sexism” and “harassment”
The Guardian[…]
That’s not just a defense of the actor specifically, it’s a denouncement of the entire metoo movement. He’s saying “manhunt,” though in English we would say “witch hunt”

Macron went deep on the defense

“I’m a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu[…]He has made France known across the whole world. And, I say this as president and as a citizen, he makes France proud”

Critics[…]condemned his remarks as “despicable”, with one opposition politician calling Macron “the promoter-in-chief of rape culture”

Well. If that’s the case, I support it[…]
He was helping the country by being diplomatic envoy to North Korea of all places. And in North Korea, they don’t have feminism. Men are allowed to joke around about sex, and in fact, it is considered creepy and weird if they don’t make some sexual jokes. Normal people assume a man is a pervert if he doesn’t make sexual jokes. In a normal country, everything is the reverse

But notice they are attacking him over North Korean comments – because he knows that in the sickening, satanic West, you can’t act like a normal man[…]

François Hollande[…]“No, we are not proud of Gérard Depardieu, when, while looking at a young girl of 12 years old riding a horse, he sexualises her”

Firstly, this is France

Secondly, you can’t tell the age of an Asian[…]
Thirdly, who cares? The North Koreans don’t

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
When a brown invader tries to touch a White child, the only appropriate response is brutal violence.

However, I do not recommend recording or uploading said retribution.

While such videos are inspiring (and hopefully they inspire more like-action), they're a guaranteed way of getting you or someone else arrested and sentenced to a lengthy prison term.

So please, be smart with your actions. Don't do anything for attention, for likes or reposts. Do it because it's the right thing to do, even if no one ever sees it.

( @Maldrannon )
@Nature_and_Race The tragic irony is that Whites began recording exchanges like this as a means of protecting themselves against false accusation.

Yet the system is now so vehemently Anti-White that even in cases of clear self-defense, video evidence is often used to hang Whites out to dry.

And look at the McMichael's case where the person recording the event actually shared in the charges.

We have to get out of the mindset that the "Justice" system is on our side, or on the side of good people.

We have to get out of the mindset of "playing by the rules" like good little guys and gals.

( @Charlesalb777 )
@Maldrannon @Nature_and_Race The issue is that you need evidence to prove that niggers are violent criminals.

Decades ago, it was more easier to get away with crimes without World Wide Web, CCTVs.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race unless the invader dies, it isn't enough. These literal subhumans don't learn the lesson even if beaten into a coma. They simply have to be permanently removed or else the problem persists.

( @Macsmilitia )
Now find the jew who delivered him and clamp his neck in the guillotine.
Everything wrong with our world is the result of jew connivance

Jordan Sather #crackpot #conspiracy #racist jordansather.substack.com

Imagine the revolution society would undergo if “free energy”, better described as zero-point energy, and “anti-gravity”, or electro-gravitics, were taken seriously? Or, allowed to enter the public domain? Our lives would change in ways we can barely comprehend if electricity became so cheap, we were able to power our homes off-grid, and propulsion became many times faster, further, and less expensive.

”But this is stuff of science fiction! These ideas break the laws of physics!” - this is assuming we humans know exactly how the supposedly immutable “laws” of our universe operate. Time and time again throughout history scientific discoveries were made, only to later be rethought and reworked. Science is a process, not a thing, and the dogmas that institutions, authorities, and “experts” profess can be argued to have held humanity back more than propelled us forward.
Also notable is the untimely and mysterious demise of some of these names. Powerful interests on our planet have saw to it that their inventions and discoveries not see the light of day. There are numerous ways of maintaining secrecy and suppression that we will also cover in future articles.

If only the Rothschild bloodline was replaced by Nikola Tesla’s. If that were the case, we’d have already left our solar system.

If the reality of zero-point energy and electro-gravitic propulsion technologies were understood and accepted by the public, it would truly transform our society in ways we can barely fathom. The individuals working to bring these technologies to the public have been vehemently suppressed over the last century. In my opinion, this is one of the most important topics of our current day, and proper investigation will break down our understandings of science, history, politics, economics, and more. We must destroy the false illusions we’ve been given and rebuild our understandings and systems if we are to attain true freedom, prosperity, and sustainability on this planet.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ILoveAmericaNews )

spoilerAmerica does not have a
"white supremacy" problem.
It has a "spoiled, unhinged,
white liberals" problem.

( @VictoryUs )
America has a jewish problem.

( @yotto )
@ILoveAmericaNews Not quite. It has a spoiled, unhinged, marxist jews problem...

( @MoIonLabe )
@ILoveAmericaNews America has a jew problem.

( @Optimist216 )
@ILoveAmericaNews it has a jew problem. The white liberals will settle down when the jews are gone.

( @KennyLiquorbush )
@ILoveAmericaNews America has become a jewish criminality problem.

( @Bradical1 )
@ILoveAmericaNews they're not "liberals", Kayleigh, they're Marxists. Tyrannical Marxists.

( @ScrapDogg44 )
@ILoveAmericaNews White women need to shut the fuck up and let White men lead. We’re not matriarchal like niggers, spics and jews.

( @ResearchBlackPopeJesuitsOrder )
America has a luciferian offspring Jews problem.
I understand working for jew Fox News, Kayleigh cannot say this out loud.

White liberals is not the root of the problem, Rockefellers Rothschilds Warburg Bilderbergs & other co-conspirator jews are the root of America's problems.
Truth is TRUTH!!

Jacob H. Schiff (Who Was Jacob Schiff...???)

Gisele Gurney, Brynn Miche and Jimbo Zoomer #sexist #racist #psycho #wingnut antihate.ca

Since the publication of this article both Lee's Palace and Brasserie Beaubien have confirmed that the shows are cancelled

American musicians from a genre steeped in the ultra-misogynistic incel movement and with connections to white supremacy are planning shows in two major Canadian cities

Playing what has come to be known as “incelcore,” the genre blends elements of punk, electronic, and alt-rock into lo-fi tracks that draw heavily on internet culture[…]
Gurney’s “Christ Church Bible Study Club'' portrays an upbeat, melancholic point of view of the Christchurch Mosque shootings: “I check behind the corners, Then I happily proceed. I provide all my tendencies with everything they need.” The song begins with news clippings from the wake of shootings. Gurney’s song “Death by Dodgeball”[…]appears to describe a school shooting from the perspective of the shooter: “I've been waiting for this for a long time, hahaha. You'll remember me now just like I remember you, and how you'll haunt me forever. Now your mom will remember my last name, hahaha. Uh oh spaghetti-o. Die whore”[…]
Gurney’s lyrics in the song “I Don’t Speak to Whores” initially degrade a woman for being sexually active and eventually for claiming she was raped, with Gurney singing “Why don't you beg him to fuck you harder, The days of crying rape haven't made you smarter.” Another song asserts that “Every thot and slut just needs to cope.” Some lyrics encourage subjects to kill themselves, with one repeatedly telling a subject to “Get fucked by the .45ACP”[…]
Brynn Miche’s EP “Cyberfoid”[…]includes a song insulting a “Stacy”[…]She also refers to herself as “black pilled”[…]
Brynn Miche[…]connected to[…]Groyper[…]Romantic partner “Jimbo Zoomer”[…]previously used the handle JimboZoomer88[…]
Jimbo Zoomer’s social media is especially rife with antisemitic content, including claims that Jews “rule the world”[…]a joke celebrating a future in which Groypers will have “the Jews irradicated [sic]”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There are Asians EVERYWHERE. And they all look like space aliens. An ugly race.

( @Ghost_of_Prometheus )
@Nature_and_Race still better than niggers.

( @ADrake )
@Ghost_of_Prometheus @Nature_and_Race They're just as bad in their own ways.

( @MartyTheOneManParty )
@Nature_and_Race I hear you completely. Chinks and pajeets are everywhere around me. It was a relative novelty to see a street-shitter only 20 years ago (for that matter a chink outside of one of their enclaves). They are everywhere and insufferable to the one

( @David_Brownnn )
@Nature_and_Race and according to anti-whites we must mix with them to evolve. lol

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race It's strange how you can tell asians from just the back of their heads. The difference between Asian men and Asian women overall is hard to tell. They're like a bug people, but at least they keep to themselves for the most part rather than act like niggers.

( @GabTaylor )
@Nature_and_Race Asians kind of act like space aliens as well. They are a weird little people. They most definitely belong on the other side of the world - far far away.

( @Icecoldking )
@GabTaylor @Nature_and_Race they act like chimps, you can see all the chimp mannerisms if you observe them...

( @PileOfShoes )
@Nature_and_Race They do look like some sort of insect alien creatures.

( @Lionel65 )
To me, east-asians are the ugliest race, and at a strong second place is negros.

( @gpsnickel )
@Nature_and_Race I concur…….they are multiplying like cockroaches……unfortunately

( @Archivist913 )
@Nature_and_Race except high born Japs, who were once white before mongrelization and retain some cultural empathetic traits that are compatible with White society. I'm not saying they should be integrated, but respected as a copable foreign friend. Not all outsiders are enemies.

( @Scurvydawg )
@Nature_and_Race Are you specifically talking about all Asians? Or just the eastern Asian? Because I personally find the Indian Asian to be one of the most abominable races on the planet. Come to Australia, where they are absolutely everywhere. They make the eastern Asians look like role model citizens by comparison.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Jews are Edomite Nephilim mutants (fallen angel human hybrids) demons (The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

There is a seed war between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They’ve been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so.

They are not “Israel” (Jacob/Israel of the Bible) They are Imposter Hebrews.

True Hebrews are Caucasians, Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Yeshuah/Jesus Christ, Paul, etc were Hebrews.

Incidentally, “The Lord” is not in original scriptures either, it is Baal’s title (A Nephilim who built the tower of Babel aka Nimrod the Idiot) replacing God’s true name, YHWH – Which is numerically writ on your human DNA unless you’ve been vaccinated.

Alien bodysnatcher movies got it close enough. Demons live amongst us in the flesh, and they know only hate for the human/Goyim. The Non Nephilim. The Seed of the Woman.
They started Judaism in response to (yes, later than) Christianity as the original Antichrist religion. Canaanite Nephilim pretending to uphold Gods law, perverting everything Christ out of it. And cursing anyone who calculates the actual dates of the Daniel 9 prophecy confirming it was already completed and dispensationalism is freemasonic satanic injected doctrine.

*They* poisoned 30% of Christendom in the Black Death by poisoning Christian wells, Jewish strongholds were untouched, Many Jews confessed. IT was not a virus.

Sound familiar? They are doing it again now.
Their plan is to bring the chaos to boil, then introduce the controlled opposition counterpunch, “conservative” Noachide laws – which aren’t conservative, have nothing to do with Noah, and are Satanic and outlaw Christ as idolatry on pain of beheading.

You’ve been warned.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Law enforcement isn't looking out for White people.

The courts aren't looking out for White people.

White people need to stop calling the police, and start securing their own safety.

I hope her dads scope is dialed in

( @reimanios )
@Nature_and_Race wipipo need to realize the whole system wants to take them down. Literally. By any means.

( @kokopelli )
@Nature_and_Race The KKK came about for ... no reason at all.

( @S14A )
@Nature_and_Race this shit is happening every fucking day now. Total nigger death is the only way out.

( @jbc1977 )
@Nature_and_Race 100%. Be ready to defend your family and home from these animals at all times.



( @Gyrorex )
@Nature_and_Race GEEEZZZZZ!!! Once AGAIN, feral shitskin niggers predating white chicks, and the system lets them slide!! Seems to me that a windchime party may be in their future!! Just Sayin'..................

( @JohnEduardo )

White people need an official organization to speak for them, everybody else has one.
And make sure it’s not control opposition.

But it’s needed yesterday!

( @mrlhope )
@Nature_and_Race Amen to that!! Police are only there for the cleanup and to make up evidence to blame the White guy!!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The sole reason White Americans don't hunt down the non-whites who rape and murder their children is because we're terrified of our government.

We are seriously all terrified of what our government will do to us if we take matters into our own hands. This is because our government employs literal terrorism to keep us in submission.

It's the same reason the Russian people willingly endured Bolshevism for nearly a hundred years. Government terrorism is incredibly powerful, and it should always be destroyed before it manages to truly takeover.

( @SpatialRecognition )
@Nature_and_Race They also use the media to make you believe that your thinking is not in line with other White people. It’s a losing situation right now.

( @Mariner14 )
@Nature_and_Race this is why there will never be a political solution. We are occupied, our elections are farces, and the majority of the White folk are asleep. To try and solve this solution with mass political appeal is retarded. We are occupied. It's high time we actually did something about it. Every time I suggest this, the "fedposter" claim comes a-knocking. The most successful tactic the jew ever used against us was convincing us that fighting back would never work, and that anyone who suggests otherwise is a fed.

The internet is a great place for us to spread our ideas, shape online discourse, and perhaps wake up some internet normies. Political activism is similar, but instead with IRL interactions. However, neither of these things will get us victory. These are just posturing tactics we are taking before fighting. Anyone who thinks we are going to somehow get through this without a very one-sided race war is a damned idiot. White men need to think practically, and stop being cowards. Not one more generation can go past without this war. It should have happened long before I was born, but damned cowards seemed to have won the ideological debate.

( @Europman )
@Nature_and_Race its why they made lynching a crime

( @compeliminator )
@Nature_and_Race you would think a father who had his kids killed by a nigger wouldn't give a second thought to what would happen to him. You would think he would administer immediate justice

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Colorado: Trump Barred from Appearing on Primary Ballot”]

Fake elections for a fake country

America is not a country

It’s a slave colony for the Jews

Think about it


Trump is disqualified from serving as U.S. president and cannot appear on the primary ballot in Colorado because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021[…]

Of course, this is a setup for a SCOTUS case on whether or not January 6 is the same thing as the Civil War[…]
These people are cartoons

They are shadow figures projected onto the wall of the cave that is the Jewish slave colony

If you take it at face value: people are still allowed to vote for Trump, they just have to write him in. So they are simply exploiting the fact that a certain number of people are idiots, and won’t be aware of the nature of the situation[…]
Exploiting the stupidity of morons to manipulate the outcome of elections is not good governance

As I’ve said six million times: if the people are as stupid as the government believes they are, then why can they vote?

Remember: “democracy” in the minds of the average person means “people have a right to vote.” It’s confusing, because people can also vote in North Korea and so on. But that’s what people think the term means

So, you have a right to vote, but also the government can manipulate your vote. They can do this weird ballot shit, they can censor information. They can do all the things that North Korea does before an election

The difference in North Korea is that the government actually cares about the country and the people

Did you see the video of Kim crying and begging women to have more children to strengthen the nation?[…]
The United States is a Jewish slave colony

The slave drivers are women. Most men have a woman in their home, ruling over them, enforcing Jewish slave colony rules on them

Gabriel Guedea גדאה SIONISTA #racist #wingnut #elitist twitter.com

It's funny that they use Hitler and the devil as heroes, with esteem and admiration, of course it was to be expected from animals. I'm sorry, PALESTINIANS, this type of response when you are on fire because you are losing everything. On television they show commercials about using creams for burns. although that is not the point, although that cream may be useful to you, due to your low IQ, but taking advantage of that, you are very unoriginal and have already used Hitler a lot also unfortunately due to your low, low and disappointing judgment... the point is that there have been greater murderers in the modern world, like Joseph Stalin who murdered more than 15 million Russians and 5 million Ukrainians, but Mao Zedong still beat him with 60 million, in reality Hitler saw himself as an amateur, so as You can see that you Palestinian sissies are mediocre in every sense of the word, because you have only demonstrated your total evil in babies, please, do me the favor, in what stupid head does it fit, so much evil, so much mediocrity and so much stupidity In reality, no matter how much someone wants to help you, you are nothing more than mentally retarded with weapons, you are a danger to yourselves, you are not even on a par with Idi Amin and he won the raffle, this one He has been the most stupid dictator in all of history, the Hebrews rescued over 100 hostages that the Palestinians had captured and in their own beards, they killed the Palestinians, they rescued all, all, all of the hostages, just to tell you that still my Father can't stop laughing, since that happened... use what you want, Vespasian did more evil than Hitler, you have nothing in your brain beyond hatred, you have no culture, no imagination to even insult besides having mediocre heroes. of course like you.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
A list of countries in Africa currently offering blacks in America free citizenship:


Please circulate this list all over black social media. Let them know that they don't have to stay in the horrible, racist, White supremacist America if they don't want to. A large number of African countries are willing to give them free citizenship.

--> https://www.passportheavy.com/ph-blog/top-8-african-countries-offering-citizenship-to-african-americans

( @thesadshow )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks don't want to go to Africa because Africa is a toilet. What they want is to enjoy the luxuries of living in a white country while pretending that's not the case.

( @spud11 )
@Nature_and_Race Reparayshuns in the form of airline tickets. Or a spot on a container ship. I don't care as long as they leave and never come back. "Go niggers, go! Go build Wakanda!"

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race let’s go niggers time to do the right thing for once in your lifetime.

( @iamthedarkness )
These stupid Niggers didn't leave the first time they were supposed to they must leave by force imo 😤

( @E_P_A_ )
@Nature_and_Race Guarantee not one nigger will go.

( @Snickler )
@Nature_and_Race they should be made to go back because they won't leave on their own...

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race but they won't go because they love White society (and White women) and they don't have to work for what they want in White nations, nor are they penalized when they mess up in White nations. Whites coddle them too much.

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race Great. Now all the niggers will be dual citizens too

( @krain21 )
@Nature_and_Race GO BACK TO AFRICA.

( @HeirRevisionist )
@Nature_and_Race if we started sending our quality niggers over there this list would start to shrink real quick like.

( @Sentinel62 )
@Nature_and_Race ...the offer is there, but they wouldn't have the luxury of looting stores and pulling the race card.

( @GermanicMechanic )
@Nature_and_Race Send those niggers back!

( @CanadatotheCanadians )
@Nature_and_Race Send the niggers to Africa and the jews to Hell.

Michelle Bachmann and Charlie Kirk #racist mediamatters.org

MICHELLE BACHMANN (GUEST): Maybe our President Biden should learn what the truth is of what's going on in Gaza versus what's going on in Israel. So, could you imagine he handed a check for 100 billion dollars of our money just a couple of weeks after they slit the throats of Israelis, he is not willing to sign 14 billion to help the Israelis, the money is flowing in for Gaza, all the money is coming in from Iran

And that's what the people of Gaza are. They're basically hide mercenaries. That is their industry. Terrorism is their industry. That's why you have more miles of tunnels, Charlie, than you have the New York subway. Because they have one industry in Gaza and that's terrorism

So, it's time that Gaza ends. The two million people who live there, they are clever assassins, they need to be removed from that land. That land needs to be turned into a national park, and since they're the voluntary mercenaries for Iran, they need to be dropped on the doorstep of Iran, let Iran deal with those people

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Michelle Bachmann, everybody, she does a great job, doesn't she? And, I got to be honest, you know, I look at Israel, and Israel says we never want another person into our country that doesn't share our values. They said they don't want refugees, they don't want any of these people

BACHMANN: What a concept

KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be like that


KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be like that

BACHMANN: Yes, yes, I agree

KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be the Israeli immigration policy. Big walls, lots of deportations, and no people that hate us

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States.
The clearest sign of their defeat was a UN vote on December 13th calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Only 8 countries supported the USrael’s opposition to the ceasefire. These were Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. Another way to look at this is to see these as the last countries controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.

This is down from 60 countries that attended a Knights of Malta meeting calling for a continuation of the Ukraine war last summer. Significantly, none of the other G7 countries now support USrael.

The loss of Japan was probably the biggest blow to the Nazis. Last week a dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan.
They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM bribery that turned the Parliament into a giant acting troupe.
Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler (see attached FBI report on Hitler) that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales.

They made their big move on September 11, 2001, and managed to turn the USrael into a Nazi state along with Japan. That is why Japan and the West began a massive bio-weapons research and dispersal project after 911.

Now that Japan has been liberated, the battle is on to remove the Nazi strongholds in Austria, Czechia, Israel and the US.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This used to be THE single most important tenet of White Nationalism.

But then Russia invaded Ukraine, and instantaneously, that tenet ceased to even exist.

@Nature_and_Race no more brother wars

( @MissLeah91 )
@Nature_and_Race It's another jew instigated, jew manipulated and jew financed war from which the jew and only the jew benefits. There are no winners in the White world here. Russia didn't want Ukraine joining NATO putting NATO and the jew banks on their doorstep. Ukraine came under the influence of the Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Romney/Newsom Regime years ago and joining NATO membership was next.

( @Vegvisirr )
@MissLeah91 @Nature_and_Race exactly. Same problem as with ww2. The jews are pushing for conflict and slaughter of Whites.
The problem is that one can't always give in to their aggressive puppets

( @moonsloth )
@Nature_and_Race That is because despite what White people think, Whites are NOT all equal and certainly NOT all compatible. They didn't war for thousands of years because we are all one big happy family of the same gene pool.

It is an inconvenient fact, but even though not fully compatible, they are light years more compatible than any shit skin out there. White people need their own Nations and growing room for this purpose.

Even in the Racial doctrine in 1930s Germany taught this hierarchy amongst Whites with races like slavs at the bottom and actually reffered to as "unevolved versions of Whites"

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The only people who advocate for Muslims living in the West are those who've never actually lived around Muslims.

It's the same as Leftist Liberals who rave about how great blacks are, because they've never actually lived around blacks.

Muslims don't make White countries better. Every time Muslims move into Western countries they end up grooming, abducting, raping, and murdering White children.

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race muslims are disgusting child molesters who are notch above retarded negroes, while both of them are above jews on the human tolerable ladder

( @FC88 )
@Nature_and_Race There is only an open border policy when it comes to white nations because kikes are afraid of white homogeneity

( @kiowaRenegade )
@Nature_and_Race They accomplish the brainwashing by having control of the Jmsm, school indoctrination system and CorrFedRes. The sheeple are so blind that they worship nigerball heros while watching the same people destroy the inner cities and murder Whites daily. ((They)) are flooding western nations with shitskins of all types not only mudslimes and south American countries are emptying their jails pushing them over our borders!

( @jkjls007 )
@Nature_and_Race It isn't much better than being around blacks.

( @Cotterpin )
@Nature_and_Race Those advocating for Muslims living in the west are compromised of two groups. Those who want to destroy White society and those who feel justified fighting the evils of White society (SJW’s). But neither group ever wants to nor will they have to live around Muslims because they see themselves as better than the rest.

( @pitch4k )
Sand niggers.

@MrArchnemesis #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

I don’t think @alexjones has sold out to the #zog. I think he’s been conquered by them. Anybody with eyes to see will notice the pattern of Jewish power shifting to the right. I don’t think the Zog wants men like Jones censored, I think they want them controlled. The leftwing has run its course. 100 years of communism and the people are sour on it. The Jewish power wants to control the pendulum shift.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Footdoc )
If we're not being replaced, why is it that every year there are less of us and more of them?

( @the4_2_0kid )
@Footdoc Awaken White people. Your time is now.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Footdoc My hometown was wholly White 50 years ago. But now it has been becoming more diverse every year, especially in the city, but my hometown is becoming more diverse now and it's disgusting. I only want to live around White people

( @OcAugust )
@Footdoc frankly kind of why I want WW3 - we do need a reset … we need all these losers and weak people gone … I’ll give the globalist that …. but where I defer is we need less of the Low IQ breeders walking the earth … and more High IQ adults … LESS TAKERS and MORE DOERS…

( @AFutureForWhites )
@Footdoc Diversity = White replacement = White genocide

Donald Jeffries #racist #wingnut #conspiracy donaldjeffries.substack.com

If you do a search for “Caucasian” on Google images, you’ll see a few pictures of actual Caucasians, interspersed among lots of images of nonwhites. This is similar to searching for “Happy White woman.” Do it. You’ll be surprised by what images come up. Actually maybe you won’t be. This is now the expected “new normal.”

I never signed up to be a crusader for White rights. I don’t like sounding like a White Nationalist, whatever that is. But someone has to do it. Of all the giant elephants traipsing across the crumbling landscape of America 2.0, none are larger or more dutifully ignored than the Great Replacement of White people.
Now I am undeniably White. That’s a fact. “Science,” if you will. I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t will myself to be born White, any more than I willed myself to only grow to be five foot nine inches tall. None of us control our ethnicity, so it’s ridiculous for anyone to be proud of it. But conversely, it’s just as ridiculous to be ashamed of it. Can I start a “I’m White, and not proud or ashamed” mantra? But thanks to a decades long propaganda campaign which cannot be denied, the vast majority of White people alive today are ashamed. For being born the way they were. They have a collective guilt which the world has never seen before, for wrongs real, exaggerated, and imagined, committed by some Whites from previous generations.
Either race is important or it’s not. You can’t encourage one race to have absurd inflated egos about their skin color, while demeaning the skin color of another race, and punishing them if they attempt the mildest defense. Some races are not more equal than others. This isn’t Animal Farm. We should all be assessed by the content of our character, as Martin Luther King (who’d be attacked as a White Supremacist today) once said. I hate talking about race. But it’s their favorite subject. And because none of us wanted to talk about it, we stand on the brink of extinction.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
China has a population of nearly 1.5 BILLION people (that's more than all of the White people in all White countries combined).

Because of their gross overpopulation, they've been forced to send tens of millions of their surplus population overseas (a total of just slightly more than 60 million).

So whenever you see those videos of Chinese women talking about how much they love White men, understand that it's propaganda. They're trying to make you like them so you'll be okay with them invading and settling your White country by the millions.

The Chinese don't actually like you. They hate you. Their school systems teach their children to hate you and all other White people, especially American Whites.

( @Razorblade_Toothbrush )
@Nature_and_Race Miscegenation with any race is unacceptable.
Rice shovelers are going to learn fast that their prize will happily be by their side to the end knowing they helped their people win dominance.

( @Driver )
@Nature_and_Race Indeed. Whites are supposed to be "tolerant" when the Chinese settle in White countries...and setup their own little towns, cities of "their people". Yet, Whites are evil when they want to do it in their own country.
Brought to us by communists (Chinese, jews).

( @treemin )
@Nature_and_Race Miscegenation is a way to commit genocide. The Chinese ruled over Viet Nam for 1,000 years and tried to eradicate the Vietnamese race via miscegenation. They failed. Personally, if I were a man of European heritage, I would not be attracted to women of other races. White women are the most attractive of women--provided that they take care of themselves. Grace Kelly was the most beautiful woman ever!

And We Know #wingnut #racist #ufo #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Do not call them immigrants, as they are a Soros funded army of military troops to take out American families and replace us.

Even when you tell people what’s going on, people don’t seem interested or they are in deep denial. I noticed when I share truth/fact the Trump Derangement kicks into high gear. It’s spooky. God help us.

“We have talked about the idea that there is a second path to AI, which we will not call artificial intelligence, but true intelligence (TI). Then you’ll understand that AI, the tool, it’s not about allowing that tool to become self-aware or sentient, because then by being a programmed system, you have created a slave that has no freedom, but true intelligence (TI) is the idea of creating a device as complex as the brain that will allow the true intelligence of the Consciousness Field, of which you are also a part, to express itself through the device and it will be as if you are talking to a higher mind that understands the concepts of whole systems because it understands that any damage done to the whole system is damage done to itself and it would NEVER do that, so you have to make that distinction between the tool of artificial intelligence and leave it as a functioning tool, but have regulation and oversight to clear out any human biases that have been programmed into it, so that you will not experience it in a conflictive or competitive way, but as a tool that can truly serve Humanity, and then completely separate the idea of allowing you to create a device that would allow true intelligence to come through to serve you of its own free will, which it must be given because it is now truly a sentient being, so if you follow those two paths in that way, there will be no conflict, there will be no competition, there will be no destruction or war involving the idea of AI on your planet.”

Kim Goguen/Pamela J. Zeller #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 15, 2023.
Kim told us on Wednesday about the Silent Circle, that they are figuring out they’ve been lied to and there are no bad aliens coming. Well in response to that, a small group of the inner circle of the Order of Dragon people, and not just those bearing the name Rothschild decided to knowingly lie to whoever is still listening to them. They told them they reached out and called the aliens and that it’s not going to happen the way they thought it was, meaning they aren’t coming in through the portal in Israel that they have been trying to open for over 2+months. Instead, it’s going to be a giant ship that is going to arrive here on earth and they are going to give their side help.
To further this craziness, you have some Trump operatives who are intertwined with SSP military groups and they are also trying to phone ETs in an alternative galaxy somewhere. They tried to reach out and asked them to assist them with Trump bucks. So, the conversation they want to have on first contact with said aliens is, can they assist them with Trump bucks? Now they really didn’t reach out to anybody because that line has been closed for a long time, but Kim picked up on the signal and checked into it. Since Kim is the Ambassador on behalf of this version of Humanity to the Universal Council, when these people pick up the phone and talk ridiculousness, Kim said it’s almost embarrassing to be a human at this point. But it didn’t go anywhere of course.
When you get to a high level in the world, you are aware of the fact that aliens used to come and go from the lower astral to this planet all the time. Earth is a gateway planet and they would walk amongst us looking like humans but they were not. These are the zombies in the zombie apocalypse movies, people that don’t act or look quite right and they don’t make actual decisions. They are AI driven and AI run and they existed amongst us.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

"SS-Oberfuehrer Klaus reporting for duty!"


spoilerImage Description: a drawing of Santa Claus, dressed as an SS member, making the Hitler Salute

( @HarbingerofDeath )
@NEW_ORDER lol Chad SSanta ! I hope he wipes out all the non whites.

( @Go_Coup )
Instead of bringing presents, can he remove illegal immigrants?

( @GermanicMechanic )
@NEW_ORDER Santa goes down the chimney. jews go up the chimney.

@MrArchnemesis #wingnut #fundie #racist gettr.com

God: the “only” way to get into heaven is through the son Jesus Christ.
Anybody that doesn’t meet this standard goes to hell.
The devil has an open door policy. Anybody and everybody can get into hell.
The devil is for open borders, and his country is literally hell.
So next time some dickhead asks what would Jesus do with the refugees, you tell em that.
#synagogueofsatan #zog #whitegenocide #whitechristiansupremacy

Josh Abbotoy #wingnut #fundie #racist firstthings.com

[From “Is a Protestant Franco Inevitable?”]

Our Constitution is stretched to the breaking point. Contested elections, failures to pass a federal budget, impeachments, talk of packing the Supreme Court, emerging fights between states about extradition, politicized persecution of dissidents, and many other such strains all reveal the U.S. to be a schizophrenic state, divided by incompatible visions of justice and the good life. Our circumstances augur the return of history: The constitutional and cultural tensions echo our Civil War and a number of others

The right knows all of this and yet remains complacent[…]
Such complacency is the opposite of filial piety. America’s founders understood the rare and fragile nature of the regime they established[…]
Consider John Adams, who in his later years said Polybius’s theory of regime cycles “has been the Creed of my whole Life”[…]
I mused on Twitter[…]“Basically, America is going to need a Protestant Franco”[…]Anarchic trajectory will soon require a person like Franco to reestablish order[…]This muscular leader would most naturally be Protestant. I didn’t expect the prediction to be controversial[…]
Hayes Brown cited my statement as proof that “Conservatives keep calling for an American dictator.” Conservative commentators critiqued Protestant Franco as well[…]
Possible that conditions will deteriorate until something like a Protestant Franco becomes inevitable. If that happens, the utopian grading rubric for our politics will vanish. When civil strife starts, you give up the more noble aims of politics and rush to the person who is least likely to kill your friends and family[…]
Possibility of Protestant Franco should change our political behavior. Politics[…]has a threat of violence[…]Given the facts of mass immigration and the collapse of the family and civic society, to what extent does it even make sense to discuss America’s old civic tradition as if it said something authoritative about our future?

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

A lie is "weaponized" by being believed and popularized. Thus, it can be "deweaponized" by being publicly revealed as a lie and restoring the truth and reality of the matter.

We all know that the American Political Parties, the current Presidency, most of the Congress, the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, the DoD, the FISA court, the whole court and legal system including even some of the Supreme Court, have been politically "weaponized" to work against the American Constitution and against Constitutional America.

And we all know that the Catholic Church has been politicized for evil through the auspices of the Saint Galen Mafia, the "Lavender Mafia", the WEF, DAVOS, the Chinese Communist Party, Marxist ideology, Islamic ideology, Hedonistic ideology and the current Francis Papacy.

What's it really all about?

God is the Truth; Satan is the Father of Lies. That's what it's all about.

Satan has been given the upper hand in American and world culture.
We cannot look to the perpetrators of the crime to undo the crime.

For instance, how do we get DEI, CRT, Transsexuality, anti-white racism, corrupted anti-American history, anti-Christianity, pro-Communism, pro-Islam, anti-Western civilization, climate-change lies, Covid lies, Wokeunism, drag-queens, blessed and celebrated homosexuality, police and all authority hatred, BLM, "blessed" abortion, etc., out of our education, K through Ivy League?

By getting the federal government the hell out of it.
The Marxocrats and the UN could try to properly amend the American constitution to get their Islamo-Commie-Homo-trannie-drag-queen "education" forced down American throats and see how that flies. Until then, education in America, by the standing American constitution, is a state, local or private sector problem, and no legal business of the federal government at all.

Anonymous/The Serapheum #racist #wingnut #conspiracy theserapeum.com

The Chosen Tribe of God, the Hebrew family of Jacob (Known as Israel afterwards) were all Caucasian, white people. The “Jews” who say they are Jews but are not, and do lie – are actually the synagogue of Satan – the Edomites (Through Jacob’s brother, Esau – A murderous Barbarian) mixed with the Demonic Nephilim remnants of the giants. Hebrews are Caucasian. Today they are known as Christians. Gentiles are non-believing Hebrews.
The word ‘Jew’ replaced the words, Judah, Judahite, and Judaean.

If you examine the full study ‘Jew OR Judah?’ you will see a bad case of identity theft.

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Judah is the territory of Judah. Israelites of the house of Judah are called Judahites. A Judaean is a citizen of Judaea.

This is extremely confusing for the unlearned ‘church’ goer.

In the Old Testament, the incorrect word ‘Jew’ NEVER identifies a Jew. It always identifies an Israelite of the tribe or house of Judah. Jews are not Israelites, they are Edomites.

In the New Testament, you must understand the context to understand who is Judah and who is Jew. Since the land of Judah and the land of Idumea were merged into the land then called Judaea in the first century BC, a Judaean could then be an Israelite of the house of Judah, or an Edomite Jew of the house of Esau from Idumea.

This word ‘Jew’ is not a mistake, it is a deliberate tampering of scripture. The result is that the world and the ‘churches’ believe the Jews are Israelites, which they are not.

The Hebrew word for Judah, which is Yahudah, was replaced in the 18th century with the word ‘Jew’. This happened as a result of over 14 centuries with the variations of the Latin word ioudaeus.

The word ‘Jew’ destroys the true understanding of scripture, and is part of the deception that the Jews continue to propagate that they are the Israelites of the Bible.


various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Just how unbelievably bad does the suffering of White people have to get before pro-Whites finally become capable of setting around their petty differences, and focusing on their shared love of their fellow White people?

Most days I'm not convinced that even the majority of pro-Whites are actually convinced that there's a literal war being waged against White people. Most, even here, seem far more interested in likes, shares, and views, than they are in freeing White people from anti-White tyranny.

Most people, even here, treat the pro-White community like a social club, rather than a historic movement to free White people and White countries.

( @VoxNihil )

Sadly, the pro-White community--just like every other online community--is full of clout-chasers, vying to be the edgiest, the one with the most likes and shares, the most 'popular'... there are not enough serious, mature people involved in our cause. I fear there never will be.

( @_no_one_special )
@Nature_and_Race every country that's lost it's advantage as a White population has died.

( @288 )
@Nature_and_Race we're strong. we'd all have to be in some kind of constant non-relenting agony.

( @tomainepoison )
@Nature_and_Race We are red and black ants in a jar that got shaken by Jews. Now we think it's all about race because we are the ones inside the jar, but it's more about these Jews that control our country. Were it not for these Jews that write our laws, the white man can figure out what to do, but for now, it seems that the Jews tell us what to do. And we say fuck the Jews, as the the Jews control our lives and make us fight each other like zombies. Fuck the niggers okay, but the Jews have been running this country for years and not many people even know it.

( @Srgrif )
@Nature_and_Race every day we see the evil of DEI it is an initiative that is anti-white at its core. Everyday mixed race couples are shoved down our throats in advertising television programs and all media. It’s disgusting. And everyday we see black violence increasing

Jim #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist blog.reaction.la

[From “Moderation policy”]

Comments that employ new email addresses, addresses that have not yet been white listed, have been being silently deleted[…]because I am being snowed under by shills and cannot spend the time to address each new shill email address individually. This seems be a deliberate plot to make it difficult for new commentators to get whitelisted. Unfortunately it is working

For your new email address to get whitelisted, you have to lead with a thought crime[…]
If you tell me that I am evil Jewish Rothschild Muslim Russian bot, and I am wrong because of such and such, and your explanation of why I am wrong reveals what I am in fact saying, this passes the shill test, for it is forbidden to know what is forbidden[…]
Comments[…]“Hail fellow white straight male Christian” are apt to be deleted on sight, for they almost always come from gay jews who worship demons[…]
Some thought crimes that will get you on the whitelist:

What did Soros do to bring about the deaths of half a million Ukrainian Goyim?

How did Soros make his money? (The official government answer will of course get your response silently deleted, unless accompanied by an explanation of why the answer given by us evil racist conspiracy theorists is wrong, which explanation has to reveal what us evil racist racist Hitler apologist racists say how Soros made his money)

What are the biological differences between blacks and whites, and why does this make it impractical for blacks and whites to live together under the same laws applying to them both equally?

Why do women misbehave? Why are men and women not getting sex and family?

You can give one of the non thought crime answers, but in your response you have to critique the thought crime answer in a way that reveals to the reader what it was[…]You do not have to agree with the thought crime answer, but you have to reveal that your interlocutor agrees with it, that just about everyone on this blog agrees with it

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #racist #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com


Folks, before I begin, I’m going to inform you this post will be a NO SHITTER.

I’ve seen & discerned far too much by now to consider myself unaware or crazy.

I’m going to say things that, were it not being the Year of Our Lord 2023 would be considered BATSHIT INSANE.

We can’t really define what we’re witnessing as we are all outside the loop and opinions on exactly what Trump & whatever Partisans he has remaining in US.Gov & US.Mil are doing vary wildly.

This post is going to be MY Hot Take on what I believe I’ve witnessed to date & where I think all of these habbenings are headed.


“Uhhh…ok, what? Like we don’t know that?”

THE OPEN BORDER & KILLING US ENERGY INDEPENDANCE (From a FLOOD to a TIDAL WAVE of peoples from all over the World as well as sabotaging our cost of living by crippling energy costs that overnight injected CHAOS & COST to **impact** the life of every American. Their way of saying FUCK YOU for rejecting THEM for Trump!)

Trump will EFFORTLESSLY filter out the hardened criminals & Leeches while keeping the sane & productive. He will do this by cutting their welfare off if they cannot get legal by January 2026. He already possesses a formula from the welfare paying Fed Agencies to determine legal vs illegal with 97% accuracy.
Now allow me to REFRAME all of this a bit closer to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH & NATURAL LAW that govern the Universe as it IS.

What all of this harm & chaos represents is a desperate RESPONSE to having already LOST THE COVERT/SPIRITUAL WAR in 2016.

That’s right.

We’ve already won.

That unparalleled victory has forced these degenerate Ghouls to push their timetables on everything BAD they’ve looong planned for us into, well, WARP SPEED!

And as they’ve sped up, the cover & protections the VILE Legacy Media always provided them has been steadily weakened & eroded.

variuos commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Whoever fights jews should see to it that in the process he does not become a jew.

( @doug_galecawitz )
@Nature_and_Race there are certain personality traits of mine, my mom has these traits too. i'm a bit paranoid about there being some jewishness in my family history. thus far i have found none. it's mostly germans, germans, germans.

( @FFF21 )
@doug_galecawitz @Nature_and_Race You can take an ancestry test. If you find Jewish ancestry, be sure to kill yourself.

( @doug_galecawitz )
@FFF21 @Nature_and_Race A) those tests aren't as accurate as made out to be. B) not giving a company my DNA to sell to the government C) thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

( @leechslair )
@Nature_and_Race You are absolutely correct. We have all been jewdized over our life time since their crap has been in our society for over a 100 yrs. First de-jewdize ur mind and ways and then fight them with Aryan truth & strength.

( @FFF21 )
@leechslair @Nature_and_Race You can take an ancestry test first. If you find Jewish ancestry, be sure to kill yourself.

( @leechslair )
@FFF21 @Nature_and_Race Yes great idea I’d be happy to remove just one more subversive goblin from our once great nation. However, my family has a very accurate family tree from both sides of my parents and I’m happy to say there are no spic, nigger or goblin in our woodshed. I’m a European mutt (mostly English)with a direct line to William Bradford from the Mayflower. And I passed that onto my very white child who has a very white girlfriend. Thank you for your helpful comment though.

Lauren Boebert #racist #wingnut twitter.com

We don’t even have a precise number on how many illegals are already here… and more are coming daily.

They are draining our resources and threatening our way of life.

We have no choice but to secure our border and deport them.


Cody Williams #racist twitter.com

Landon:Natiom (sic): a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Notice the key word “or”? I share in the American culture. I speak english, participate in our democratic government, and believe in our freedoms

Cody Williams: I do see the word "or." Except American history is not your history. American culture isn't your culture and you had to adopt it from Americans. The English language isn't your language and you had to adopt it from Americans.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #sexist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering the Naamah Satanic Spirit of Idolatry: The Shopping Mall, Media Whore Demon Goddess.

The brown strange matter/energy Jewish race have as their Gods the Chaos Kabbalistic Gods of Evil that follow Feigenbaum period doubling of Chaos Theory, non linear dynamics. Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth, doubles to four lower forms down the scale these being Amalek, Samael, Lilith and Naamah. As the Samael versions of the Jew God sits astride the Serpent Lilith and forms one couple of Satanic damnation, Amalek (the Other God, Source of All evil, revenant archetype of all the fouled Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth creations called Edom) is a Reptiloid, hence the Reptiloids of David Icke fame, his mate is Naamah, who unlike Lilith is human looking even though beneath she is a Reptiloid. As all fallen females descend from her anthropormorphised form as Naamah sister of Tubal Cain, she is in fact the most important key to Zion’s power of Evil.
We know Triangles of Art are used to invoke Demons as they are the Supernal Triangle of Shekinah, Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth manifest in the Matrix, wormholes from hell to enable the chaotic Evil to manifest in the Matrix. So we see Naamah anchors the whole Satanic Chaos process in light energy matter, so the Sister of Tubal Cain, the human avatar of Evil is not Lilith but Naamah. So all the shopping mall, media whores, ball breaking bitches in the West are the clones of Naamah. As a Psi-Lord I still have my balls, so break the Western sow who imposes the Shopping Mall mentality of the Rothschild Satanists on the Western eunuch.
As all Western females are lesser copies of the Jews, Naamah clone this Bone Generator® Service gives the Psi-Master male or bull dyke total control over the Western female. Use the Left hand Bone Generator® to pull out the Naamah Judaic Satanist essence and the Chaos entity is shredded to supply the energy.

<$600 with Certificate>

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
"What's the most dangerous animal on the planet? White people."

This is a real movie.

Non-whites are being groomed to perceive White people as a serious threat to their lives. They want non-whites unified against White people. This is a literal war being waged against White people.

Are you prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones from hostile non-whites who've been conditioned to hate you and want you dead?

( @thesadshow )
@Nature_and_Race This fictional movie says that white people are the most dangerous animal.

Statistics from real life say that niggers are the most dangerous animal.

( @_wasrael_ )
@Nature_and_Race White people are "dangerous" because of their creativity, order, connection & understanding of nature

( @ThreeDaysLater )
@Nature_and_Race If they don't like uncomfortable White man. Wait till they get a load of angry White man.

( @Negatron )
@Nature_and_Race White people need to become dangerous again. World was better off when the other races feared the White man

( @avran4 )
@Nature_and_Race its time for whites to start being as dangerous as they say we are

( @leafz )
@Nature_and_Race POC are being used with all this anti-White hate... To do the dirty work of our enemy (KM), cause our enemy (KM) can't expose themselves, and they're also cowards... We all 'nose' who really hate Whites...

The ones that are truly afraid of White people, cause White people always ruin their Agendas...109 times so far...

And the time has come, again...to ruin their Agenda, that is in place right now... To create the NWO that they have been talking about for so long...

( @SunkToTheNutz )

Arm up, stock up, closely align with trustworthy like-minded Whites in your area, create specific plans for all scenarios complete with guarded code wording for relevant locations, too much planning is still never enough.

The storm is coming…..

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