
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Meus #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill The REAL reason why foids of all ethnic groups love whites (and their culture)

Yeah sure, looks is a factor, I never said it isn't.

However there is another more sinister reason. Whites have by far the most aggressive culture in history with the exception of maybe the Mongols, but they collapsed within like 20 years.

Whites colonized 100s of nations and tribes, even exterminated and enslaved some. This is by no means a white guilt thread btw, but I also don't praise these actions. I just say how it is and am neutral. India, China etc. were great at some point but they never AGGRESSIVELY subjugated other nations.

White are the equivalent of the Chad, the bully of humanity. They also did a lot of great stuff and invented a lot of shit but that makes the aggressive nature of their cultures only even more attractive. They behaved like a truly masculine race, first raping and subjugating fucking everything for 300 years and then saying "Lol I'm sorry, here take some money lmao. I feel bad m'kay? XD".

TL;DR: Noodlewhores and other ethnic whores get wet that whites dominated the entire earth and treated their cultures like garbage for like a century. When they see a white boy, they see the race who cucked ALL other races. And if that Chad is even aware of it and calls her an Asian subhuman whore she becomes literally a waterfall, that's how wet she gets. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Again I neither praise, nor condemn whites, I just analyze things. The better looks is just the cherry on the top of whites being so aggressive and influential historically.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist incels.is

Slavic Lives matter

Slavics are not considered fully white according to some study from Portland University. We are now officially part of the commonwealth of murricas people of color, they accepted us.


Reparufns when? Now I can rightfully complain about not having been born white. I'm with you my ethnic bros.

French slave markets sold slavic slaves up to the mid 16th century. Whites do owe us something.

Slavs have to decide: They want to be independent from the Communists or independent from the Jews. As they are today, they are slaves to both.

You can always have both, just ask Mr. Zederbaum, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Rozenfeld, Mr. Apfelbaum, Mr. Axelrod, Mr. Rozenberg, Mr. Goldman, Mr. Gaukhmann and other fine gentlemen.


Poles, Baltics, Belarussians and north-western Russians have the highest amount of Indo-European DNA and are mostly blue-eyed and light-haired. They are on par with Germanics.

If youve ever actually been to slavlands, most of them are subhuman non whites. Large cities aren't reflective.

(Copexodius Maximus)
brootal, the whiter looking ones concentrate in the citites and other rich areas, while the more slav looking ones rot in the forests and villages

Cope, I don't want to be related to you white devils


they don't get the economic privilege nor have slave owning ancestors. so they need be distinguished from the WASP whites

Whether or not they get privileges isn't a factor. Blacks get way more privileges than others, at the end of the day they're still of African descent and not anything else. Similarly, Slavic people are Europeans and they're white.

DayBirches #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

There are more Arabs in France the French people.
And it was the white females walked them in through the Gates of Vienna once more.

When your races females spites you on mass.
Gives their wombs to your biological enemies on mass.
You start to see them as the enemies they are.

White women emulate African and Arabian culture.
And desecrate European, American and English culture.

Reap what you have sown white females.
Your Godless and never welcomed once in all of eternity in Heaven.

Women want to be controlled. It's their genetics.
They need it like dogs need a pack leader.

The European men became to civilized to control women and started to listen to them instead of telling them what to do, therefore, Western Women turned to cultures with men that put them in their place.

People were shocked when 50 sades of "whatever" a sado masochistic book became a best seller in ever white country and women couldn't get enough of it?

They're screaming for White Men to grab them by the neck and rule over them as nature intended.

If I saw a white women getting raped by her black buck of the week, I would not intervene.

If I saw a white girl getting gang banged by muslims, I would not intervene.

They are soul destroying demons.

I hope and pray they all go to hell every day.
I wont miss them.

To paint all White women with such a broad brush is unfair, there is plenty of blame to go around among White men.

To see you, reduced to a cuck, and a snivelling apologist is awkward to say the least.
You know you sound like a feminist don't you?

Truth_Dispenser #crackpot #racist #wingnut patriots.win

Biracial Suspect. Not Back. Not White. These violent people do not have proper family structure. Black people grow well in a proper black family. White people grow well in a proper white family. Biracial/Mixed racial families require a lot of compromises and lifestyle choices due to racial differences and its necessities. Children born in these families struggle to identify themselves to one particular race resulting in jealousy against their own other half. Media, liberalism and degenerate lifestyle is further motivating and enabling such behavior! This is the result, and it not one of a kind!

dominic #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

It's not even funny how hard white women mog other races of women

Everyone knows it except some delusional /pol/cels attracted to moon faced flat asian women.

It's suifuel if you're ethnic. Even if an ethnic got with a white woman by miracle (as is every ethnics dream), the ethnic genes would make the offspring uglier. Still a major fucking upgrade.

My dad was a tall, attractive, light skin Pakistani from a wealthy family, an American university degree, and a high paying American job. He could have picked ANY girl he wanted from back home, and he picked my white mom who was a fat single mom at the time. My brothers mog other Pakistanis and are genetically superior to them.

Ethnic males are so obsessed with white women it's insane. Latinos are incredibly obsessed with white women. Indian men of course also. Asian men, don't even get me started. Black men of course are obsessed with them as well, half the time rappers are rapping about white girls and how dey got da yt gurl an' shieet.

I was researching Dalida. She grew up in Egypt, born to white Italian parents, and came to fame by winning Miss Egypt or some beauty pageant. JFL average looking white woman goes to ethnic land and wins all the beauty pageants.

I genuinely think that a major factor for ethnic men moving to the west is secret hopes for some white pussy.

Inb4 some copers say "some latinas and arab girls look good!" - yeah the ones with a lot of white dna lmfao. And also Japanese draw all their characters as white because asian girls are ugly af. People cope by saying "nooo the Japanese see the characters as Japanese!" Are you trying to tell me the Japanese see this blonde blue eyed Nordic Germanic looking mfer as Japanese?

God I hate being ethnic.

Before Its News #conspiracy #racist #quack #fundie beforeitsnews.com

Bombshell: The antiChrist Has Arrived! Find Out Who Is Going To Rule The World! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beasts 666 Per Revelation 13!

The Main antiChrist “The Big Dicktator” Is Here! Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government for the Jew NWO. He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7 and the Beast That Comes Out Of the Sea In Rev.13. Dope Francis is the Beast that comes out of the earth as he is the false prophet.

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew. These 3 “dicks” are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead. Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 tests / flu shots / quantum dot tattoos / Neuralink which are all Marks of the Beast plus the food shortages and nuclear war. The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white race which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in. See Genesis 3:15 and John 8:44-47 and links below for more info. Adolf Hitler and Joseph “Rabbi” Goebbels were the First Two Beasts of the Sea and the Earth respectively in WW2 and were both Jews.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The Ryerson statue vandals are as savage as the Red Indians they claim to be acting on behalf of"]

Protesters ripped down the statue of Adolphus Egerton Ryerson, the great man who built the educational system in Upper Canada from the ground up

Why? Because something something Residential Schools blah blah blah

Ryerson[…]had the sensible framework for the (excellent) Residential School System:
•denominational ([…]tribal Red Indians needed a well-rounded Christian education)
•boarding-school ([…]with the reserves spread all over)
•separate ([…]problems that integrating them with more dedicated white students causes even today this seems visionary)
•English-only (it made sense not to waste time educating in both English and French[…]"secret" communication in coded languages would be a ridiculously horrible idea[…])
•agricultural oriented (probably the weakest of ideas, Indians were never particularly good farmers)
In the meanwhile he also
The angry losers who tore down his statue in Ontario don't apparently know any of these things[…]Ignorance and tribal savagery that Residential Schools were intended to breed out[…]Education system in Ontario as a whole is clearly broken and needs to be reformed and likely privatized

Taxpayers shouldn't have to fund these whiners who tear down the statue that celebrated a great man who played a huge part in building the successful country they seemingly aren't interested in living in

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Blackpill Journalist hates incels-until she finds out incels are also ethnic. Even ethnic incels are simped over by the jewish system JFL

„Diese Männer sind zwar eine Gefahr, aber in erster Linie für sich selbst“

A journalist comes onto the forum. Originally believing that all incels are white alt right men, she has a vitrolic hatred towards the incel community. After finding out we have a significant nonwhite population, the journalist instantly switches her thinking into one of love; She feels a "Connection" towards incels and think they are poor victims of systemic injustice (Nonwhite incels, that is).

So incels are still supported by the system if they are not white. While white incels are (of course) hated by the journalist. Just lol. And nonwhite people on this forum have the gall to complain about anything. If even nonwhite incels get insane amounts of privilege societally compared to even white upper tier normies (Who are still demonized over their race) what does that tell you?

It is very obvious the system (which we all agree is bad, or should agree is bad) is simping hard over every class of nonwhite persons. Why? To make them a slave class obviously under the jews. It is amazing how quickly people like IT, the media, etc. change their views on incels as soon as the races change. When Incels are seen as white, the system has a genocidal hatred towards them. They are patriarchal misogynists, terrorists and the etc. But when the incels are ethnic, they are all of a sudden victims of "systemic injustice" "white supremacy" and "racism".

it is all so tiresome

Various Commenters #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: British Towns That Are No-Go Areas for White People

They are ‘physically in Britain but mentally living elsewhere,’ said Husain.

This is why dismantling ISIS might have been a bad idea because many of these people could have possibly joined and left the country and never to come back again.

Whites are battered and beaten, no guns to defend themselves against the globalist brown hoards, this is why the communist and globalist want to take our guns away, but they will have to take them over our dead bodies, we can fight to the end.

(We Need More Whites)
We're going to have to get over ourselves about being "civilized," and release our anti-survival modern reluctance against killing our enemies. Our Norse and Teutonic ancestors can be our guides, if we will look to them. You think a squishy modern liberal SJW race traitor whining about "oppression" could keep our forebears from doing what needs to be done? Fat chance. We have to become again the men our ancestors were, and we have to raise new generations that become these men, as well.

Not just whites. A West Indian would also be well advised to keep clear of heavily Muslim areas. A black could be treated worse than a lily-white Englishman; as Bernie Grant, a black British Labour Party politician, discovered when reporting from the Midlands. (I tip my hat to him for having had the guts to reveal the racism he encountered.)

Blacks are always willing to complain about racism. He was a co-founder of the African Reparations Movement who married three white women. He was never part of the solution - he was the problem.

Agree absolutely, but - just this once - he couldn't ignore the Muslim youths who came close to assaulting him.

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television RATINGS, by far, in the long and distinguished history of the League. His RACIST rants are divisive, nasty, insulting, and demeaning. He may be a great basketball player, but he is doing nothing to bring our Country together!

Torchy Blane #racist #homophobia #wingnut winterwatch.net

Are Jews overrepresented in the gay community just as they in areas of our society, such as publishing, television, news media, the film industry, porn industry, academia, the arts and banking? And how many famous homosexuals are Jewish – or, inversely – how many famous Jews are homosexuals?
Once again, 11 out of 50, or 22 percent, are Jewish, though Jews represent just 2.4 percent of the U.S. population. To be clear, this isn’t a list of all the LGBTQ Jews in Hollywood. It’s a list of Hollywood’s most influential homosexuals. Pop singer Demi Lavato, actor Victor Garber, and actresses Drew Barrymore and Evan Rachel Wood, for example, are famous Hollywood LGBTQ Jews who weren’t worthy of this list of who’s who. How many others are there? It’s a mystery, but if what we see on our screens is any indication, the numbers are huge.

Pew Research found one-in-ten (10 percent) of U.S. Jewish adults identify as gay or lesbian (4 percent) bisexual (5 percent); 88 percent say they are straight, 1 percent say they are something else, 1 percent say they don’t know and 1 percent declined to answer the question. That’s nearly double the U.S. average.

So why does it all matter? Because of the aforementioned outsized influence among many of the pillars of American culture, including politics. If you want to know where your country is going, look at who’s given center stage.
Torchy Takeaway

Oy vey, why are so many Jews gay? Is it the circumcisions? Is it the matzo balls? I’m still not sure. If it weren’t for Pride Month, I wouldn’t even be asking such potentially offensive questions. But I guess this is what Pride Month is all about: “awareness.” Right, fellas?

NaturalNobility #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy imperialgermans.com

The Imperial Germans are the Germans that left Germany at the end of the war in 1945. These people fled a war of annihilation against their people. The target of the Zionist cartels that controlled both the United States and the Soviet Union, was the total annihilation of the German people.
It is a fact that Zionist Jews orchestrated World War 2 and World War 1. They could not tolerate anyone to be independent and free. The Zionist Jews feared that the system Hitler had created: an interest free monetary system without the use of interests or the compounded interest function. He promoted class cooperation instead of class competition and struggle. The Third Reich boomed economically. The Rothschild Family could no longer exploit Germany as it was doing with all other Zionist Occupied Governments around the world. This is why in 1933 International Jewry declared war against Germany.
Nevertheless the German High command made contingency plans for the war’s loss. Hitler had planned far ahead and expected eventually to lose Germany to the Zionist controlled Allies and Soviet Hordes. He knew that the Zionist Jews would never give up on destroying him and his people. Therefore he planned with his closest associates the exodus of chosen German people to South America and Antarctica. Adolf Hitler believed that the Earth was hollow.
The Imperial Germans have been in contact with the Aldebaranic Aryans from the Taurus Constellation and are a Type 1 Stellar Civilization in our Solar System. They have bases on the Moon and Mars and are travelling the cosmos as we speak. The Imperial Germans will help liberate the world on Judgment Day.

TGNInvest #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Do you want to marry a Slavic girl or you don’t care ?

I would prefer to have a polish gf but they are weird in Germany. I would consider also having a non Slavic gf but she should be Christian this is the only thing that matters for me

Yes, I want a Slavic girl, specifically Serbian, so I can carry on my culture, genetics, and religion onto my kids, as these are solid factors which help keep your future descendants from melting into the modern we-are-all-one-nation globalist culture. If she is of another European background and wants to assimilate into the Serbian culture upon marriage (rule of patriarchy), that is fine too.

However, I would want her to be take our kids to church every sunday and give them a Christian upbringing. Since what is the point of her being of my Slavic ethnicity if she would raise my future kids to act like degenerates.

I legitimately belive good times are coming for Serbia, the west will crumble sooner or later, just like any other superpower inevitably does, and looking at the youth I think slowly but steadily the national awareness is on the rise, which is a great thing.

Oh for sure, the West is definitely facing lots of economic issues along with all of the internal social issues which have been arising recently.

Yes, the youth in our homelands (Serbia, Srpska, Montenegro) is definitely more nationally aware, but we still have to eliminate some degeneracy from society such as reality shows, glorification of Tito, etc.

I dont really care tbh, my girlfriend is black (which i know isn't particularly liked around here) i know it matters to some people, but not to me.

Serious question: how did you convince yourself that blacks are attractive?

connorhus & None #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Are Zanu PF and MDC Shameful Governance Failures Proving Rhodesia’s Smith Right That Blacks Not Ready to Govern Themselves?


Let us be brutally honest for once. Is there something seriously flawed with us as black people? Why on earth would the government allocate high ranking positions to their under-qualified and inexperienced relatives, friends, and sexual partners? Why are we unable to even maintain the levels of development that we inherited from the Rhodesian era? How did we end up messing everything up?

Why I have to chuckle to myself every time I see a comment about the death of America to Black Rule. These are the people who are supposedly going to destroy the White race? Maybe in a comic book if the Blacks are supported by Wakanda. They can pack Blacks into a few urban areas but they will collapse on their own long before they push out into the rest of America. Same will happen to any other race they try and replace Whites with.

No. Leftist whites will destroy the White race. The others are just the janissary cannon fodder to the elite shock troops of academia, big business, big tech, and big entertainment.

Nah Non-Whites are more like a wild fire, their numbers can give em an early surprise advantage but they quickly burn themselves out.


There was a reason apartheid survived in Rhodesia and South Africa: a significant percentage of the black population understood what would happen under black rule.

Apartheid WAS black rule. They controlled all institutions but were forced to live in their own areas separate from Whites. In return, they were largely employed by Whites and all of them had a middle class lifestyle.

None of that exists anymore.

Hume Laws #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Warning: If We Start To Win They’ll Use Bioweapons On Us

Even if election fraud is thwarted, Whites win elections, Trump’s immigration policies are reinstated and Whites begin to increase their percentage of the population, the Oligarchs will resort to violence to complete their final solution.

They’ll use bioweapons against us like they did to get Trump out of office so they could reopen the borders and continue to try to outnumber Whites, and eventually exterminate them. By now most people can see that the Oligarchs are willing to do anything, willing to kill millions, to complete their sacred mission. In connection with that, Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., just reported in American Free Press that 300 U.S. military personnel were in Wuhan in October 2019 for military exercises. Recall that some Chinese officials had said that the U.S. military was responsible for Covid 19.

So, by now everyone can see that the Oligarchs’ real motive is pure hate for Whites. It’s the most powerful motive of all. Accusations of “for power” and “for control” are naive.

They’ll have pre-prepared vaccines for themselves so they’ll indiscriminately kill everyone else to disguise their real target. They didn’t come this far and get this close to the end to let a few silly elections get in their way.

They’ve shown us what they have. So, how do you defend against their bioweapons when the enemy is your fellow citizen?

These tasks would require that a segment of the military be dedicated to them.

This is another of those pointless hypothetical posts.

whiteuser1 #crackpot #fundie #psycho #racist stormfront.org

StormChild88, this thread is not useless, because it provides evidence for the reasons why race-mixing is an abomination against nature, especially if blacks are not even human.

Lupa02, there is no such thing as evolution. If blacks are a different species, then they were created as a different species at the very beginning. Or, if they are a human-animal hybrid, then they are an abomination of nature.

I'm sorry to disgust you, but the people who think that blacks are just another human may never have seen Australian aborigines

I was surprised because it actually looks like a Native American. But also a gorilla or some sort of monkey.

If you saw those in the wild, would you conclude, "there are some humans, let me go ask if they want to hang out"? No, you would wonder what those scary animals were doing in the forest and hope you don't get mauled.

I saw some videos some time ago about Australian Aborigines and how they get honey. What they do is they push over a dead tree, grab a stick, shove the stick in, ignore the bees flying around, and then lick off the honey off the stick, eating some of the bees with the honey.

Then I looked at what monkeys do when they get honey. It was shocking that they do the same thing. Knock over the tree, and then shove in a stick and lick the honey and bees off the stick.

How do humans get honey? The humans who actually farm the honey build elaborate bee hives, cultivate the bees, wear elaborate protective suits, and farm the honey properly. They do not go in the wild and knock over trees and lick off the sticks. Moreover, most humans simply buy honey, because we have a culture and civilization.

William S. “Billyboy” Lind #wingnut #racist #elitist traditionalright.com

Only two cultures have been successful over time, i.e., for thousands of years: Chinese (Han) culture and Western culture. These are the products of East Asians and whites. Civilization first arose around five thousand years ago among these two peoples.
Other places and peoples have produced splendid civilizations: the Maya, the Khmer, the peoples of India, etc. But all rose, peaked, declined, and never rose again. They followed a bell-shaped curve they could not escape.
When the cultural Marxists throw their boogeyman words at us, our response, after we have stopped laughing, should be to do what I have done here: respond with facts and reason. Nothing scares them more. In fact, they denounce facts and reason as “white”. To that, our answer should be, “Thanks for the compliment.” Reason and logic are one of whites’ great contributions to civilization, among many others, including classical architecture and classical music, both of which are now found all over the world because of their superiority to all others.
History says that white supremacy means a society that is constantly striving in every field to reach greater heights, to the benefit of everyone, including all other races and peoples. Just look at how Africa and Asia have profited from modern medicine, overwhelmingly a product of whites. Thanks to the uniquely white concept of noblesse oblige, supremacy does not mean oppressing others but raising them up, serving them and giving them the blessings of peace, order, and commerce. After all, most whites worship a God who said, “I came not to be served but to serve.” Don’t expect to hear that from Quetzalcoatl any time soon.

Stan #wingnut #crackpot #racist #pratt atheism-analyzed.blogspot.com

Never forget: The Democrat Party was founded on racism: its sole purpose for formation was to perpetuate slavery of blacks. It fomented the Civil War in order to protect slavery. When it lost the war, it formed Jim Crow segregation and the KKK, both of which persisted for roughly a century. Then, in response to the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ created the welfare plan with the Orwellian name, War on Poverty, to perpetuate blacks in poverty and also make them perpetually dependent Democrats... and the blacks fell for it, even making some of their own blacks into their racist Democrat oppressors. The 60's Leftists were first to shriek "white privilege" while calling white babies "pigs" needing termination. Racism, the root of the Democrat Party, became a Leftist tool and it has been wielded with characteristic Leftist violence. Trump will be claimed as inspiration for all sorts of summer-time "racial" protest-violence intended to shut up the opposition by denying them speech venues, as happened in Chicago.

The violence against freedom (speech and assembly) is wholly predictable, because it is in the genetics of the Left, and has always been there historically. It is the party of race tyrants. It will not change now.


Black Lives Matter, otoh is purely racist against all whites; the intent is to instill a new cultural standard for black ghettos: drugs, gangs, theft and killing are now black cultural standards which whites may not interfere with or try to control. The new standard is black separatism, i.e., the new segregation into a subnation which is inaccessible to whites (or browns). This already exists in certain blue model cities in the USA, where whites dare not go, and cops dare not arrest.

Slavery Advocate #racist #elitist #fundie slaveryadvocate.com

[From "A Defense of the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade"]

Before looking at any historical controversy we must ask most importantly, “Who, and why?”
Africans were not fit for self government,nor were they fit, or capable of the most tawdry of anarchic imitations of civilization. They were, and still are a servile slave race
To detain the African in war, and ensure his continued compliance through absolute servitude was appropriate for both the African tribes, and the European traders[…]To export them from Africa was to accomplish a wide variety of these goals. It negated, and lessened those who were prone to violence, and unrest within the dregs of African society
European, and American society utilizing the divine institution of slavery acted as glorious pacifying, civilizing forces for even the most barbarous of the previously war prone Africans
For all the alleged, and often accurate depictions of the horror of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Tribal war was often a far bloodier affair than most trips from Africa to other land
Labor is always necessary but we recognize the unfortunate troubles that so often accompany the common laborer[…]at any moment could be apt to indulge in excess, anti social behavior, or self destructive pursuits, as the pressures of “free society” demands. The trans-Atlantic slave acted as a way to give civilization her labor
Tthe trans-Atlantic slave trade was not simply moral it was the manifestation of the divine institution of slavery in unprecedented, near perfect form constructing a caste of the conscripted inferior race, and the master race

Alberto Fernández #racist theguardian.com

Uproar after Argentina president says ‘Brazilians came from the jungle’

Misjudged comments to prime minister of Spain sought to play up the South American country’s ties with Europe

Argentina’s president, Alberto Fernández, has triggered a Twitter storm and a regional race debate with misjudged comments to visiting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain that sought to play up the South American country’s ties with Europe.

“The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe,” Fernández said, referring to the many European migrants who arrived in the country. He later apologized for the comments and said his country’s diversity was something to be proud of.

Fernández seems to have taken the phrase from a song by local musician Lito Nebbia, of whom the president has declared himself an admirer on more than one occasion.

The comments sparked a viral response on social media, with many criticizing the center-left leader for racial insensitivity.

“I did not mean to offend anyone, in any case, whoever has felt offended or invisible, I give my apologies,” he said on Twitter.

Brazilian media ran Fernandez’s statements on Wednesday and many on social media joked that rightwing President Jair Bolsonaro would enjoy getting back at the leftwing Argentine leader, with whom he has not always seen eye to eye.

Eduardo Bolsonaro, a congressman and the Brazilian president’s son, slammed the comments as “racist” and shot a retort back at Argentina over its troubled economy, in recession since 2018.

“I say the ship that is sinking is that of Argentina,” he posted on Twitter.

Karen England & The Nevada Household Alliance #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #wingnut fry-electronics.com

Nevada Family Alliance Wants Teachers to Wear Body Cameras to Keep Critical Race Theory Out of Schools

The Nevada Household Alliance, an anti-LGBTQ group, has urged that lecturers within the Washoe County College District ought to put on physique cameras to make sure that they are not educating essential race concept (CRT). CRT is a discipline of research that analyzes race and racism as a social dynamic all through historical past.

“Making a file that may very well be seen by applicable events, if needed, may be the best method to urge lecturers to stay to conventional educating,” Karen England, government director and founding father of the Nevada Household Alliance, stated in an announcement launched on Wednesday.

“We anticipate that the lecturers’ unions will reject this proposal instantly,” England continued. “However we should always ask, what they’ve to cover? If police do a greater job interacting with the general public when they’re carrying physique cameras, how rather more vital is it for lecturers to do the identical?”

England and her group declare that the varsity district has made “concerted efforts to indoctrinate college students within the leftist narrative” allegedly related to CRT.

England has a historical past opposing insurance policies aimed toward defending transgender college students and LGBTQ consciousness, The Nevada Impartial reported.

She authored a 2015 state invoice to restrict rest room entry for transgender college students. She has urged that oldsters preserve their youngsters at residence throughout the “Day of Silence.” The day is an annual demonstration in April during which LGBTQ college students and allies stay silent to symbolically signify the silencing of LGBTQ college students.

Makedon-Slav4444 #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Executive Order on Blocking Property And Suspending Entry Into The United States Of Certain Persons Contributing To The Destabilizing Situation In The Western Balkans

Foreign PRESIDENT telling me what should i say, not say, do or not do with my country. We have foreign economy, foreign military, foreign politics and geopolitics. If i was telling my ancestors this, they would've thought we are under Ottoman rule still.

What's the point of a country when someone from Washington, Amsterdam, Brussel and London rules me? What's the point of even elections when this country puts laws without even asking the people. What's was the point of every single battle we fought in the past if some rich foreigners buying land in Ohrid are equal to me? I don't count this as mine country. I think we are under invasion & a colony of the West.

I hate the West so much it's unbelievable.

The west will destroy itself

I hope. America in particular needs to be nuked, i hate those evangelists who simp for Israel. And the number of American evangelists is like 100m. When i think about it i hate Christians as much as the West 🤔

I despise this with all my being. I'd rather they have the decency to invade me then control us like children and laugh at the concept of our sovereignty

Sovereignty? Ahh yes, we had that like 20 years ago i believe

Unknown Racists #racist rs.n1info.com

Jesus Hates Serbs painted on church in Pristina

An anti-Serb graffiti was painted on the entrance to a Serbian Orthodox Church in Pristina following a service to mark a patron saint day.

The words Jesus Hates Serbs were painted in red on the church gates soon after Raska-Prizren Bishop Teodosije served in the Church of Christ the Savior for the first time since 1998. The land on which the church stands is under dispute with the authorities in Pristina claiming that the plot belongs to the University of Pristina and that the temple was built on it illegally. The case has been taken to court by the University which lost its law suit.


The police turned out to investigate the event. The service met with condemnation from Kosovo Culture Minister Hajrulah Ceku who said it was in violation of the law on public gatherings and adding that the authorities will not tolerate any promotion of conflict which endangers cohabitation. His reaction was followed by a Pristina University student organization which called for a protest on Friday.

The construction of the church started in 1990 and was interrupted in 1998, coming under attack several times and even being used as a public toilet, its walls scaled by mountain climbers and for the recording of a music video.

Slavicprideaccount71 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Broke up with my girlfriend for constantly ignoring and disrespecting my Slavic heritage

She is a 2nd generation Chinese immigrant

Bruh remote Albanian villagers will be genetically closer to Serbs then your children, and you are worrying about preserving Serbian culture...

If you somehow make your non white children culturally Serbian it will be like the Amerimutt 56% meme. Such children would never be truly Serbian.

You are destroying your children’s chance to have any kind of ethnic or racial identity and giving them a much higher average rate of mental and physical health problems, and that in my opinion is child abuse

With that being said, I am scared that there a few options here in the Zapad unless I just start dating Slavic women.

Why don’t you date Slavic women already?

You chose to live in a multicultural society when you could live in a homogeneous Serb region. And you chose to participate in multiracialism and race mixing which will destroy all if it is not stopped.

I will date Slavic women as of now, but I wouldn't think to cheat on my then girlfriend like some Zapad degen.

Having a non white girlfriend is Zapad degeneracy.

You are a fucking fanatic who literally says the first thing that comes to your mind

Yes, I’m not afraid to say what is in my mind and I don’t care if I get called racist or anti-Semitic. Because you can only call me names but never disprove my points which are correct. Leftists can never win an argument against me so they have to change the conversation to insults every single time.

all he does or look at is race and race.

The most important thing.

Genetics ≠ culture.

Expect it does.

PanonskiVukodlak #racist #wingnut reddit.com

I can't understand people who say they care about tradition, honouring roots and then marry people from completely different background, with a very different set of beliefs. I mean, you have to be aware that your children will probably end up very confused and desoriented, without the true sence of belonging if there are two languages spoken in the same house, and if their parent prioritize completely different things. That is the origin story of the majority of liberal train-wrecks.

Also, I can't imagine how it would feel not being able to recognize instantly your features in the face of your children, which is the case when race-mixing occurs, and while I don't mind it as a phenomenon, I believe most of us here care about our heritage and don't want to have a half assed approach to it.

You know that traditions can be passed on to the next generation, no matter how mix raced that generation is?

No, I actually dont know many cases of that happening, most people that grew up in the kind of families with mixed origins end up being some sorry 'citizens of the world', not really belonging anywhere. Similar thing can be said for the second or third generation of immigrants that lose touch with the country of their parents and in the end feel without a place in the world.

My parents grew up 1km from each other, my foundations are rock solid.

I am making assumptions based on patterns I noticed in real life, and even in my broader family circle whre I have wannabe Croats from mixed marriages in the west, that dont even know our language. It is not easy in these modern times to stay true to your roots and even less so if the child is getting contradictory signals from the start, in his family home.

Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

From “Tom Hanks and History”

“History was mostly written by white people about white people like me, while the history of Black people — including the horrors of Tulsa — was too often left out.” — actor Tom Hanks, in a New York Times op-ed titled “Tom Hanks: You Should Learn the Truth About the Tulsa Race Massacre,” June 4, 2021.

Why do you think Black “history” was left out, Tom? This is just a guess, but maybe it was because The United States of America is a White Western country that was founded and built by White Western people [1]. Maybe it’s because Black people have given the world nothing worth writing about — in fact, Blacks can be called “a failed race” (just look at Africa). In 2,000 years, Blacks have accomplished nothing. In 2,000 years, White people have invented, and re-invented (i.e., the computer age) the world. Whites have been giving Blacks welfare payments since 1964 and Blacks still barely function on a human level (look at Atlanta, Detroit or Baltimore). After decades of federal and state welfare payments (often 4 different types!), Blacks still hate us and murder us daily; they riot and loot in the streets when a cop is forced to shoot a negro felon who had an arrest record 30 pages long; what do these “people” want anyway? There is no pleasing them or living with them [2]. Indeed, since the 1960s, Blacks have become more violent and more demanding.

[Op-Ed by Hanks].

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie #racist #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

The problem isn't that Africans or Central Americans cannot ever be civilized or that there is a civilization gene, the problem is that like domesticating an animal species, civilizing an entire culture is a process that takes hundreds of years. Consider, for example, how long it took the barbarians of Britain and Germany to go from the naked pagan barbarism described by Julius Caesar to the heights of Christian civilization that produced Mozart and the chamber orchestras. The nations of the West doesn't have that much time, especially when they can no longer serve as a strong and stable models, having invited the enervating peoples into their civilizations. Moreover, in addition to attempting to civilize the barbarians inside their borders rather than outside them, they are trying to do so without the benefit of Christianity, which historically played a powerful role in the civilization of the white European barbarians.

… the retreat of civilization cannot continue forever, as history shows the barbarians will simply expand their dysfunctional and parasitical cultures until they are forcibly stopped and turned back. Every civilization needs its Marius, its Qin Shi Huang, its Charles Martel, or will be overrun and die.

Feudalism and the age of aristocracy grew out of a need for protection. It is now becoming increasingly clear why the age of democracy is over and how the coming aristocracy is going to take shape and come to power.

makedon-slav73737 #racist #wingnut reddit.com

It's the same for Macedonia tho. Literally the best places in the country are gonna be overrun by foreigners. I've seen Turks, Syrians, Nigerians, Brits, Germans in Skopje 🤢🤮

Idc if he white or not, no one should migrate here period. Except Bulgarians and Macedonians that like to return home.

I don’t mind other white people migrating here, especially other Slavs

I mind all.

I am xenophobic and don't like people who are different.

Albanians won't mind if an Albanian marries a Turk or any other girl, but they sure won't like when someone non Albanian marries an Albanian girl. It's the same with me, i don't like for our woman and my future grandkids to be married with someone outside of the Macedonian/Bulgarian ethnicity but i don't mind if a Macedonian marries a non Macedonian.

I said this because almost every single one who migrates here is a guy not a girl. I ain't fucking simping for a English dude that has came to Ohrid to fuck our woman.

Plus i don't like Europe to become one ethnicity. I actually don't even approve of Serb Macedonian marriage, let alone Polish-Macedonian or some other combination.

Obviously I do not approve of sex tourism of an English dude going to be promiscuous on holiday in Ohrid, but if there is something like a Pole coming and marrying a Bulgarian and living in Bulgaria for me that is ok.

I do not have any xenophobia against other Slavic groups

Well i don't mind East and West Slavs in small numbers here even if they are guys. But i do mind Bosniaks and Serbs cuz of political instability, and once u asked me why i hate Torlaks. Well go visit Kumanovo to find out that every 3rd Macedonian is a Srboman because of intermixing between those two ethnicities.

CTON #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: ‘The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind’

Whenever I hear all this anti-White extremism from a academic, I have several thoughts. They are either seeking notoriety for a soon to be published work or want controversy enhancements for the resume. A strategy developed by black politicians.

The nonwhites have taken a cue from Black Americans and noticed how White Americans roll over for blacks and say and do nothing as blacks commit horrific acts of violence against them. I mean, they're opportunists. Wouldn't you take advantage of someone who would give you anything you wanted no matter how bad you treated them? It's a natural predatory instinct. I'm not mad anymore at nonwhites who are anti-white and say/do these things to us. I'm more and far angrier at whites as we allow and tolerate this. After awhile, is it the bully's fault or your fault for not standing up them?

In a time when every negro demand is met with servile reverence, when images of the first cousin of erectus flood our media, when the feral black with a pound of crack where his ''brain'' used to be is the holiest of figures, when every institution in our land from the courts to the police kneel in front of sub-animals, this is what you get.

This self hatred and white guilt started long before BLM or George Flyod. Our enemies only notice that we do what they demand. A white nationalist speaker years ago was talking about this and said something like, "We say 'look at what the jews and blacks are doing' instead of asking 'why are we allowing them the Jews and blacks to do this?"

robbinsville #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: White man deliberately runs over family of 5 Muslims, killing 4, in London, Ontario

The details are very sketchy. However, if by some chance this White man DID intentionally mow down five (5) filthy, disgusting, fly-infested sand negroes / rag-heads / camel jockeys, then good for him.

Eventually, the pressures brought to bear on the White race by rampant, out-of-control multiculturalism and race-mixing are going to cause otherwise sane, rational, law-abiding White people to snap.

If this White man DID make asphalt out of five (5) filthy, disgusting, fly-infested sand negroes / rag-heads / camel jockeys then I hereby award him the prestigious honor of "Upstanding White Human Being for the Month of June 2021."

I do hope that there is a White man or White woman somewhere in the world that can better this great, outstanding accomplishment. The prestigious award for the month of July 2021 awaits.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: No mass protests after Honolulu police shoot, kill man (negro married to white woman)

I don't wish to turn anyone's stomach but I'm continually baffled by why a natural-blonde white woman would want to get naked with a gorilla beast and breed offspring. None of us may ever know, but maybe some of us can gain insight from this collection of photos.

All she ever wanted to do was forever end racism by filling herself with the hot seed of a proud black man.

I am guessing a lot of these women are filled with so much hatred of their men that they date and reproduce with negros out of revenge. IT is sick.

(All white is all right)
Self-loathing slut and whore rolls around in the gutter for kicks.

Come on feminists on this site and try to shame me for calling her that.

I have no answer as to why a white woman would go with a black man but then I have no answer as to why white men would go with Asian or black women either.

The only reason there are no protests at the killing of that black man is because there was no white involved, nonwhite on nonwhite crime gets a free pass after all it's normal for them.

(White gold)
Beautiful white women like her feel like saints when they breed with blacks. Look how she virtue signals. The fact he was killed by police must be a dream come true to her as now she can play a saint to her “martyred” pet/husband.
I pray she takes her kids back to Africa. There they don’t seem as taken with white attention whores like her as unfortunately in the states she will be given plenty of coverage, scholarships for her kids, and maybe even a sympathy phone call from Biden.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Kamala Harris Humiliated During Her First Trip Abroad To Guatemala And Mexico – She Was Greeted With "Go Home" and "Trump Won" Signs That Were Ignored By The MSM

Why should we celebrate this?

Will these filthy Mestizos tell their damned fellow Orcs to stay in Guatemala and Mexico and NOT travel to the U.S?

another told the vice president that “Guatemala is pro life”

Yes the ban on Birth control has caused their population to explode. This has contributed to the economic and social conditions - along with the corruption of their drug trafficking Conservative government - that has pushed their people to flee to / invade America for Lebensraum.

American Conservatives really are stupid.

I've written about this topic before and the fools on the American political Right who fund all these groups in central America opposed to 3rd world non-white Birth control.....

"Cum-Swalla" Harris is a two-bit slutty whore who slept her way to the pinnacle of "success" in the sleazy, low-rent word of politics.

Anybody who sells her very soul to the Devil to achieve success in the dirty world of politics is the utter epitome of scum and filth, and the very lowest of the low.

The whole world knows the election was stolen except CNN, MSNBC, Youtube and Twitter.


I feel like I'm missing something here. Why would Mexicans support Trump? Trump called them murderers and rapists, and wanted to build a wall to keep them out of the US. This must be a very small group. I wouldn't expect it to be the general sentiment in Mexico.

Because Trump made it possible for the mexicans to keep their laborers...their laborers are not fleeing to the US...duh...lol...lmao...

BH Times #moonbat #pratt #racist twitter.com

The state of isntreal is a reflection of the u.s., that is a violent settler colonial outpost built on the land dispossession, genocide and settler colonialism of the indigenous Palestinians.

isntreal is an extension of yt power, imperialism, and settler colonialism

It is nothing more than a military satellite for the u.s. to control the lives of Arabs in the so-called Middle East and their resources.

isntreal is a yt colony on stolen Arab land, and the resistance of the Indigenous Palestinians is decolonization as they fight to remove the kolonizers on their lands, or else risk being erased completely.

The u.s. is a colony on stolen Indigenous land, and to this day maintains itself through artificially constructed borders, mass incarceration, pig shootings, deportations of indigenous people off their own land, imperialism, and slave labor of the Colonized world.

The Colonized proletariat within the u.s. and around the world, have never stopped resisting, and as the u.s. crumbles, kolonizer amerikkka will meet their end.

Climate change, axes of colonial resistance, the rise of China, and the continued fall of amerikkkan empire and its satellites will bring forth an end to yt power and colonialism that is long overdue.

The wars of WWI and WWII offer examples of what kolonizers do when they begin to lose power and when the resources stolen from the Colonized world begin to dry up.

isntreal’s bombing of the Gaza Strip is just the modern day example of this.

To all our fellow Colonized peoples: join organization and begin to build for yourselves. Leave the amerikkkan colony built upon the bones of your ancestors and on your ongoing genocide.

Join http://blackhammer.org/join to smash colonialism once and for all!

Gymcelled #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill 11 year old boy (tallfag) impregnates his live-in nanny - Media doesnt call it rape or pedophilia

Double blackpill here.

First off he was taller than the adult female at 11 jfl, how hard must he have mogged other boys at his age?

And of course the media is super soft on this, they dont call it rape or pedophilia, great double standards

Check 0:30, look at how tall he is and how she's admiring him
and jfl, ogress with a NW2 hairline what the fuck

Just be a normie athletic white boy and you're set for life. Lol at the 15 year old white"cels" of this forum

Most youngcels will ascend or shouldn't be here, they should be trying their hardest to make it
But there's a huge difference between normie face and let's say Eggy face

She was charged with sexual battery and got sentenced to 20 years in prison. Wdym media doesn't call it rape or pedophilia?

They're soft as fuck in the video, even just the title lmao. Wouldn't be like that if the genders were reversed

Danecel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Using the incel argument with race included can make even the most SJWiest person turn into a right wing nazi, it offenses everyone

The secret to this is to use an incel argument from the perspective of an ethnic black guy or middle eastern guy that can't get laid.

This move makes both /pol/ alt right types and SJW's angry, and pisses of normalfags

I have offended dozens of white people by this.
Even the SJW's know deep down that we're right and that they prefer a white man, even through they proclaim to hate white people. It kind of hijacks their movement and completly destroyers them. I have though about joining a SJW communist group and then say that white people are racist because they don't date outside their races. And maybe talk about the inequality in dating.

The incel argument is enough to piss most people off but adding race to it can make even the SJWiest person into a right wing nazi if you continue to piss them off enough.

There have been many debates here and we all come to the conclusion that white people have it easier in dating since they can date black women or asian women easier.
It doens't mean that whites can't be incel.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I (still) ❤ Residential Schools"]

The usual crew of race hustlers and know-nothing activists have been getting a lot of column-inches over the past week about the news that human remains were found at the site of a Residential School in Kamloops
As is typical, the media gives absolutely zero coverage of any critical coverage of the event: lots of stories of people fawning over the results…and not a word that most of the published story doesn't make any sense
That's some impressive ground-penetrating radar work! Note however the things that are being breathlessly repeated without question…
As is typical, the mass media doesn't allow for much dissent on this topic[…]You have to go to blogs: SmallDeadAnimals and BlazingCatFur readers have some questions about these alleged deaths:
This happened before and the "murdered children" turned out to be animal bones?
As usual, far-left activists make a false claim based on zero evidence, the media runs with it, and then it's "hateful" to have sensible and logical objections to every aspect of the story from the facts to the "lesson" and to the "acceptable solutions"

Slavery Advocate #psycho #racist #wingnut slaveryadvocate.com

My Sympathies for Racial Slavery Explained

In my advocacy of slavery race is often invoked by those ignorant of my proposition. My variant of slavery would, ideally, be implemented in a mono-racial society, and therefore could have no racial component. I genuinely favor a mono-racial society over all multi-racial models. I do not advocate this form of slavery or the society it entails as an ideal, I believe it to be preferable relative to this modern, racially egalitarian, democratic society, aswell as believing it to be the best variant of multi-racial society in any form, but I do not believe it to be the best form of society in totality.

All participants in society owe a societal debt, but those of the minority population owe an intrinsic debt to the national citizenry. They are not of the nation and must be ensured to be in conformity with national ideals. Minority populations are often nepotistic on the basis of their sense of a shared interest. Given these tendencies, they should be forcibly put into the slave system thereby ensuring they pay their debts to the national whole.

Without these societal protections the minority races congregate into their own ghettos and begin a process of subversion of national character. Thus is my rationalization for racial slavery and why I have found myself in sympathy with this notion.

While I may be in sympathy with these notions, ultimately I believe the prioritization by the White race should be of and for our racial kindred. While racial slavery is a solution to the problems that accompany a multi-racial state, the sovereignty of our race, the propriety of our state, and the continuation of our blood should be actualized exclusively by our White race.

Q #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist dailystormer.name

A lot of the online right is obsessed with anime, which I believe to be an insidious plot to turn you into a tranny and infantilized Japanese toy consumer. I want to bring to their attention some facts about the vile Japanese race which might allow them to reconsider the media vice that has attached to their eternal soul with a death grip and threatens to drag them down to hell forever.

Japanese are the second most degenerate pervert race on earth, after only the Jews. Other than the Jews, no other race is more associated with pornography than the Japanese. Both Japanese and Jews seem to have a primary mission to fill society with filth regardless of how much material comfort they have, indicating that their drive to corrupt is an otherworldly matter of spirit. Also similar to Jews, Japanese are overwhelmingly extremely unlikable people but thanks to controlling wildly popular video media they have a positive reputation.


Much like Jews, Japs are obsessed with engaging in sex acts with children and have a long and documented history with it. You’ve heard of Bushido, the samurai code? Well, what they didn’t tell you is that it actually codified pederasty and established a legal and moral framework by which samurai could have sex with little boys.

After 40 years of relentless international pressure, in 2014 Japan finally outlawed the possession of child pornography (prior to that they were the biggest exporter of child porn in the world). Still, forms of simulated child pornography like “lolicon” are incredibly common in Japan and generally so socially normalized that you can purchase media with them on the street.

The Japanese are a vile, evil race and we should have kept dropping bombs at the end of WWII. They are also a sworn adversary of China, the one decent and moral power in the Far East.

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Barbarians are Intellectually, Emotionally and Spiritually Inferior"]

The Barbarian is always daft and inferior in his faculties[…]compared to Every German

At no time should a German ever assume that Peoples of a Barbarian Nation have equal or similar types of sentiment and cognitive reflexes as do Germans

Just as no other Nation strives for the highest sense of Idealism and Morality, at the same given time no other Nation Hates like the German Nation Hates
Look at all[…]other Researchers involved who debate, intellectualize and try to psychoanalyze Germans, especially what type of business we had taken care of in the 20th century
Germans playing music and celebrating while exterminating trash!?!? Nobody can explain our delight!
No other Nation will ever share the highest level of contempt and lasting hatred that we do against all of our enemies, particularly the main tribe which is the greatest danger above all else
Just as much as this reactionary response of Hatred in the Barbarians entered them, so too it could exit, as they are always quick to make exceptions for the so-called “good ones”. How many English and Normans proudly make friends with Kosher Mafia!?
I trust only a fellow German first, and the Arab second for his hatred of the Kosher Mafia

But even most Arabs these days are weak and hypocritical in their approach to the JQ, because their Islamic religion brainwashes them to accept these people as “brothers”
Democratic Nations are even less reliable in their Hatred

whiteuser1 #pratt #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

PROOF 20th-Century European Imperialism BENEFITED Africa (No More White Guilt)

It's often told to students to promote white guilt that "evil european imperialism" was the result of all the world's ills, or something to that extent. Let's look at how those countries fared over the following decades, by looking at their GDP in 1950.

South Africa, had a GDP per capita of more than double any other developed country in Africa, $2.251 trillion.

Meanwhile, out of the developed countries, the GDP of Ethiopia was dead last, significantly below every other formerly "occupied" nation, at $227 billion in 1950. By 1973, it was still only $400 billion, still dead last by far.

As far as Liberia, it is one of the most crime-ridden and dangerous countries in the world even today, not to mention impoverished. In case you are curious, Liberia is the former slave colony, where freed slaves from America were sent.

Everywhere Europeans expanded, they raised the income and quality of life in the host nation.

Worse, since it is evident from the data that western imperialism raised the standard of life, then the Jewish idealism that demonizes imperialization / colonization actually LOWERED the standard of living in poor countries dramatically, by denying them the benefits of western civilization.

Potentially hundreds of millions of people have died, then, of starvation and conflict in Africa and other poor countries, because Europeans pulled out of those countries after colonization was demonized and abolished.

Yet, even in the aftermath of the withdrawal of Europeans, the countries formerly colonized by Europeans still enjoy a dramatic benefit over those countries that were never colonized by Europeans.

Various Incels #racist #wingnut incels.is

JFL Prank calling target and getting them to apologize and praise black superiority. Blackcels GTFIH

Prank calling Target

They had no problem with me hailing black supremacy at the end. If I can get away with this ON THE PHONE, you can get away with it IRL considering your skin color and how you're actually a negro. STOP WASTING THIS FUCKING TIME AND GO TO YOUR NEAREST STORE TO GET BUXX OR SEX FUAAARK



I didn't even say I was a victim of a hate crime. I literally just asked "Why is there no BLM/LGBTQPOC flags" and shes going and talking like this shit grovelling about how so woke they are. I DIDN'T EVEN REPORT ANYTHING.


WWWOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just WOW! I can't believe what I heard, seriously, WTF? BLM gained THAT much power they can make Target employees in ALABAMA bend the knee? WTF? Huh? What?

My brain will not process this.......

Nigger privilege is a real thing with the stupid BLM movement however, this only applies to tyrones.

Going out trying to commit crimes and trying to thugmaxx as a short ugly faced negroid will do nothing for you except make you look like a fool, don't bother abusing these privileges unless you are a tall good looking black guy.

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

JFL I am so unique and different

>I want open borders
>I want one mixed race world
>I want all firearms to be banned
>I want to ban "hate" speech
>I think POC are oppressed
>I think trannies are oppressed
>I think racism is mental illness but gender dysphoria isn't
>I think women should have abortions
>I think people should take vaccines
>I think nazis were the worst people
>I think blacks are being killed by police for being black
>I think white men have all the power
>I think women are oppressed
>I think Myanmar is evil for opppressing Rohingya people
>I think fascism is a real theat to humanity

But above all I dye my hair red and listen to alt rock. Aren't I the most unique free thinking person in the world with no one controlling my thought process?

This are all the points nearly every redditor will agree with especially our detractors. They are unable to hold a single unique opinion that goes against the popular narrative but at the same time they also consider themselves to be always right and the intellectuals of modern age.

BummerDrummer #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

A huge underlying problem is that k-pop spaces are ripe for political brainwashing. Idk why k-pop specifically but the fact that it’s average fan age is quite young and like you said, female, is going to be very consequential in future elections I think with radicalizing people to the far left.

I shit you not, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more progressive vitriolic anti white community than k-pop Twitter (I assume because of all the black foids there). They make black supremacists/Afro centrists look like a joke. I remember seeing an entire hashtag built around bullying this white kpop stan that posted their face (quote tweets full of ratios, white racial slurs etc.)

Its a community built by a core base of obese black females (who are undesired even, or atleast undesired by chads) who have nothing better to do and it’s turning thousands of people into weird monstrosities every day. Crazy shit, man.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

Anyone who lives in SF, Seattle, or Portland knows that Asian men are the most privileged group out there.

We are not the "cool" guys. We have the lowest crime rates and are the highest earners. Socially conservative. Shuns divorces. Mind their own business. Works hard.

Foids don't get cool points for dating us. They get "cool" points for dating edgy white dudes with tattoos, piercings, and deals drugs. Hipster hispanic + black dudes.

Asian + Indian men = lowest of the low in the eyes of liberal foids.

You know what I see? Cambodian and Hmong and Filipino guys will be poor as shit and short, but they manage to thugmaxx and get women. If Chinese and Korean men were more low inhib they'd actually be doing much better.

Yea I notice exactly the same as a ricecel in my 30s. SEA males are objectively uglier, poorer, dumber, and shorter than east Asian males but they are more masculine in behavior and looks.

Therefore, they do significantly better with non-Asian foids or just foids in general.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

Racial Marxism would ... destroy our culture, thus giving us no reason to preserve ourselves against outsiders. At that point, nothing will unite us other than skin tone. We will have sacrificed what made us unique and distinctive for a political expediency that, despite appearances, will merge us all into one generic type of "white" human being. This is a common thread among class war revolutions, which wish to tear down hierarchies and replace them with equality on the presupposition that the human being educated in revolutionary ideology will be just as good as any other ("nurture"), while in reality, what happens is a decline in quality of humans and thus a collapse into infighting. Bad breeding plus class warfare creates massive downfalls.

The class war fanatics obliterated a healthy Eurasian nation in Russia and, after slaughtering as many of the elites as they could, bred its people into numb and dysfunctional individuals. Not surprisingly, despite emigrating to the United States and Canada, Russians have not shaken that outlook, because at this point, it is in their blood. Only genetic isolation and many generations of careful breeding will restore what they once were. The same is true of Italy, of Spain, or Ireland and of large parts of the USA where people have already become of mixed tribe and caste. One cannot undo a hybridization, so the only meaningful course of action left is to re-invoke natural selection and breed a highly refined version of that hybrid. Much as Nordics emerged from Negroes over thousands of highly selective generations, any tribe can breed itself back toward an aristocratic ideal, if it is patient enough. It may take more than another thousand years.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

Some would even suggest that caste-mixing is the source of origin of the Middle Eastern peoples, who are known worldwide for their cunning in salesmanship and devious business practices, but are nowhere held up as paragons of social design or ethical virtue.

Vijay Prozak #racist #crackpot anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

It is important to remember that culture is something ingrained in heritage. Each individual carries within them a record of the decisions made by all of their ancestors, and in each generation, a branching occurs that creates a child specialized for a different way of tackling the world. Those that do not survive are no longer present in the bloodline, and therefore all future descendants specialize in a different direction. Germans prefer German culture not as much because they were brought up with it (the "nurture" hypothesis) but because it shaped their ancestors, and as a result, they have genetic tendencies to act in that manner (the "nature" hypothesis). Genetics do indeed rule our lives: identical twins, raised apart, live similar lives and pick similar mates. The children of genius parents are more likely to be genius. People raised in entirely alien cultures since birth revert to the behavior patterns in thought common to their original country. Genetics is our programming, and the programmer is natural selection, over many generations. When one mixes unrelated tribes or races or castes, one obliterates thousands of years of programming by forcing the recombination process to find compromises between many unrelated traits. This is why the sages of ancient Greece, Rome and India all cautioned against not only admitting foreigners (other races) but also warned against mixing castes; it produced people with the intellectual and physical abilities of the higher rank, but the "base" behavioral instincts of the lower, and thus most of those ended up being incredibly crafty criminals.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

While normal people will endorse ethnic separation, and those of all races might approve it if it appeared on a ballot tomorrow, it first needs to detach itself from racism. Ethnic separation says that we want to be free of other groups; racism implies that everyone of the favored race is magically better than all other races, and therefore, if it is of the favored race, it is automatically equal to all other members of that group. Racial pride is a natural and healthy thing, but trying to make everyone in the same race feel equal to one another is Marxism, and will ultimately accomplish what other races have been trying for years: by mixing in trace elements of Asian and Negroid genetics to the white population at large, it will turn it into a generic group which has lost its distinctiveness and genetic tendencies toward cultural values. The resulting lumpenproletariat have nothing in common, so will get their culture entirely from television.

Viking Defender #crackpot #elitist #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Blacks - Human or Animal?

I actually reckon that Asians look much more simian than African Negroes. Asians don't look human at all to me, more like monkeys, and Japs just look like E.T! Whenever I see S.E Asians and Curry Negroes walking about on a street with their long skinny limbs, puny frames and small round heads it always feels more like I'm wandering about in a zoo. Negroes have low intelligence, but from what I've carefully observed for a long time now, most whites are just dumb degenerate race-traitor race-mixing libtards anyway. And at least physically speaking, African Negroes are WAY superior to Asians. As with all Germanic races, African Negroes are generally taller, bigger, athletic and stronger than Asians, which quite frankly are just effete gay-looking creatures to me (as well as many other WNs I know who say the same thing). Lots of African negroes hate Jews too, unlike what I've ever heard coming from Asians, who for the most part usually sycophantically grovel to Jews rather than reject them. Not that I'm trying to defend negroes, not at all, but rather that I have an even bigger dislike of some other non-white hominin species than negroes. I really can't stand gooks the most, if not for their Asiatic behaviour, just their physical look alone is enough to feel averse to them being anywhere around me at all. And those scrawny gay-lady-boy-breeding Asian females are by far the BIGGEST threat to white existence, and are in reality the greatest contributors to white genocide, given degenerate white rice kings are chasing after them in droves. So looking at the bigger picture, in terms of our destruction, female Asiatics are in effect acting as our real exterminator, more so than Negroes.

Viking Defender #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist stormfront.org

What you're talking about is known as polygenesis (which I agree with). The different races (really different species) emerged all over the globe independently of each other. Whites didn't "evolve" or "speciate" from any npn white hominin species. We are independent and have always existed in Europe, not Africa or India or some other sweltering stinking cesspool.

There would be many more than 3 separate species of humans too. Bundling all Asians (and presumably Australasians and Latinos too) together as one species, and all Africans together as another species and all Europeans together as another species is just too ridiculously crude and doesn't actually make much logical sense.

Up there with nonsensical leftist expressions such as "The International Community" there is hardly a more annoying phrase than "The Human Race". it's a completely absurd expression because obviously there are MORE than one singular race! Likewise, there's the ridiculous classification bundling ALL humans into "one species" what the deceivers. Jews and liberals are the culprits behind this criminal pseudoscientific mass fraud which is of course driven by plans for white genocide and other diabolical globalist political agendas. How convenient for Jews and liberals that there would only be "one" species of human!

As a Germanic I always take offense every time some liberal claims "we separated off from this or that race X - thousand years ago". Let some deluded white liberal believe what they want, whether it be "Out of India" or "Out of Africa" or some other nonsense. I never separated from ANY other race. My race emerged independently of any non-Germanic race, and i won't have any race mixing libtard try and tell me otherwise!

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