
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( sojourner_truth_ )
See, this is why I'm not of the belief that detransitioners will be the cavalry that comes running in to save the day. The women sometimes have interesting things to say, but nobody will listen to them because they are women. And the men? No great shakes. Look at this whiny loser, moaning that women have something that he wants, and stamping his feet that he can't just instantly have it too, implying that the women owe it to him. Incel logic 101. Maybe he stopped IDing as trans but he is still the same as he was before he transed himself. It starts with entitlement and misogyny, and that's how it continues. Waah waah waah, how dare women have something! I want it I want it I want it! No, I don't want to lift a finger, omg that's what women are for!!!!! Ugh. Disgusting scrote.

( crodish )
Yeah, I'm wary of putting detransitioners on a pedestal, or thinking they'll be the next generation to break down barriers, etc. A lot of them still see feminists as their Big Bad, even if some of them are female. The most we can do is support them but not expect the same to be given to us. As is the usual for being women...

( sojourner_truth_ )
You're right; they are quick to paint us as the problem!

Plus many of them were mentally ill and unstable to start with, which is why the gender cult was able to suck them in. Those pre-existing mental illnesses didn't disappear in a puff of smoke once they saw through the trans delusion, as many of Isaac's supporters are seeing.

In a political fight for women's rights and children's safety, I want allies I can count on to not lose the plot at every errant breeze. So many detransitioners go back and forth multiple times. It's like quitting an addiction or leaving an abusive partner. It may take 6 or 7 attempts to break free for good.

( La_Terfa )
This is why I have zero sympathy for detrans moids, and I actually believe that detrans women should actively keep them out of their support groups. There's no fixing these gross broken moids.

various commenters #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( crodish )
Came across this and wanted to throw a table. It is exactly this. EXACTLY THIS that happens, over and over and over again, whether it's "cis" men, or trans-identified men, or detrans men. It's always men looking to women to provide emotional labor for them, it's always men who are unwilling to put in the work, it's always men who want to take over women's hard earned spaces because they won't do it themselves. Never for themselves and never for each other. And it's still always women's fault somehow.

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men. 1) it's not specifically detrans men, it's ALL men, so don't take it personally, because we sure as hell didn't become warmer to you during your identity as a woman 2) you've proven our point over and over.

Detrans women have spaces because the women bothered to make an effort. They bothered even if they didn't feel suited for it. They stepped up.

Men need to step up for themselves if they want their own spaces. Be willing to do the work for the change that you want for yourself!

Edit: now I'm half worried that "detrans man" is going to be the new oppressed minority that "transwoman" currently is, and women become unable to say anything against them because they're already so damaged and fragile. It's the same fucking cycle repackaged in different words urgh

( carbon0va )

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men.

These are selfish men who've demonstrated they're perfectly ok with exploiting women, invading our spaces, abusing us online, etc for their own gratification. Why would we like them? These people don't change, they just change tactics.

( SCP353 )
They won't. Similar to how men complain that they have no male shelters for domestic abuse but actually don't give a shit about those men/don't actually want to form communities. They just want to blame women for getting all the attention. It's all in bad faith.

( La_Terfa )
Lol, shelters for men aren't even needed. Cases of women being genuinely violent are vanishingly rare and moids always have the financial means to escape these hypothetical scenarios and protect themselves.


Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #transphobia #pratt theothermccain.com

Everybody can probably agree that, even in the most homophobic regime imaginable (e.g., Iran) some percentage of people will still be gay and, while we wouldn’t advocate throwing gay people off roofs (like they do in Iran), neither do we believe that homosexuality should be publicly celebrated as a special source of “pride,” as Democrats do. That is to say, while a majority of people are not intolerant gay-hating fanatics, neither are most people ready to endorse the rainbow-flag identity-acronym agenda that Democrats are promoting. And yet Democrats, apparently having learned nothing from Terry McAuliffe’s defeat in Virginia last year, and seemingly indifferent to polls showing them headed for a historic midterm defeat in November, have decided to double-down on the most controversial position possible — promoting LGBTQ identity to the captive audience of public school children.

This is why “OK, groomer” trended on Twitter the other day.

By the way, am I the only one who sees the connection between this and Judge Ketanji Jackson thinking child pornography is no big deal? There is a certain common theme here, namely the idea that only “right-wing extremists” are concerned about protecting children from sexualization, so that turning loose pedophiles with light sentences (a mere three months, in one of the cases Jackson was questioned about) is not really something to worry about, the same way a gay teacher indoctrinating your 5-year-old is not something to worry about.

Equality and Human Rights Commission #transphobia equalityhumanrights.com

Gender reassignment provisions in the Equality Act

If you have met the conditions set out above and have established a separate or single-sex service, you should consider your approach to trans people’s use of the service. In considering your approach and when taking decisions you must meet the conditions set out under the gender reassignment provisions.

Under these provisions, your approach must be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. This will depend upon the nature of the service and may link to the reason the separate or single-sex service is needed. For example, a legitimate aim could be the privacy and dignity of others. You must then show that your action is a proportionate way to achieve that aim. This requires that you balance the impact upon all service users.

Example: A group counselling session is provided for female victims of sexual assault. The organisers do not allow trans women to attend as they judge that the clients who attend the group session are likely to be traumatised by the presence of a person who is biologically male.

Example: A domestic abuse refuge offers emergency accommodation to female survivors. Feedback from survivors indicates that they would feel uncomfortable sharing accommodation with trans women for reasons of trauma and safety. The provider decides to exclude trans women from the refuge. It compiles a list of alternative sources of support in the local area which can be provided to trans women who approach the centre for help.

Example: A leisure centre introduces some female only fitness classes. It decides to exclude trans women because of the degree of physical contact involved in such classes.

Example: A gym has separate-sex communal changing rooms. There is concern about the safety and dignity of trans men changing in an open plan environment. The gym therefore decides to introduce an additional gender-neutral changing room with self-contained units.


Ace of Spades #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger ace.mu.nu

I've seen Libs of TikTok videos where a lesbian teacher created an in-class activity in which her very young students were told to pretend they were "detectives" and to search for "clues" about her. Every clue was about her being a lesbian. At the end of this "detective" exercise, they asked her, "Are you a lesbian?" And of course this gave her the pretext to discuss her homosexuality with them.

Which was of course the entire point of her "activity:" She was creating a situation in which they would be told by "clues" that she was a lesbian, and then they'd ask her about it.

So she could then tell her bosses: I didn't bring it up. They asked me about it.

That teacher didn't say the "detective" game was designed to evade a ban on discussing homosexuality with very young students, but a later Libs of TikTok video featured a different teacher explaining the same basic trickery -- creating circumstances to prod students into asking about homosexuality, so that she could then say "They asked me." That teacher did confirm the entire point of the game was to get students to ask her about being gay, to circumvent the school's ban on teachers introducing the topic of sexuality to students.

Apparently this is a known evasion of limitations of sex-talk by teachers that gay or "Ally" teachers talk to each other about and encourage.

This groomer says he finds words like "indoctrinating" kids into homosexuality "hurtful."

Oh, well -- we wouldn't want an adult man to experience any discomfort.

Discomfort is for kindergarteners!

But the word "indoctrine" -- and the word "groom" -- are completely appropriate.

What else would you call it when a teacher brags that over 60% of her students have "come out" to her as some kind of LBGT?

Are we really to believe that the rate of homosexuality skyrocketed 3000%, from 2% to 60%, in her classroom?

Or is it more likely some hardcore grooming is going on?

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The year “1984” is the titled of a popular science-fiction book authored by George Orwell (1903-1950). The book portrays a futuristic police state, in which even thinking as an individual has been criminalized by an oppressive government. In many ways, the book became a foreshadow of the increasing government oppression in America today. Our founding fathers could not have envisioned a woeful time when same-sex marriage, transgendered restrooms and homosexual adoptions would be legalized. Woe unto America!
Know this friend, unarmed citizens effectively have no rights in America! Remember that! Likewise, if you cannot afford to pay tens-of-thousands-of-dollars to hire an attorney, effectively you have no rights in the United States! If Child Protection Services (CPS) targets your family and accuses poor parents of neglect, you are not entitled to a free attorney (as provided for in your Bill of Rights). The thug government gets around the 6th Amendment by charging parents with neglect, which is not legally considered a crime.

The state fully knows that hardly any parents can afford to hire an attorney (which are all very expensive), so by charging the parents with an administrative offense instead of a crime, they can easily confiscate your children and put them up for adoption, drugging and then raping them (even in government custody). There's a special place in Hell for CPS thugs, judges, lawyers and everyone involved who ruin families! You have seen the definition of “evil” until you've met an administrative CPS judge! What scum and filth!
America's second U.S. President, John Adams, wisely stated that the U.S. Constitution was only intended for a society restrained by morality and religious beliefs
The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

Various Editors #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia conservapedia.com

Public school culture is an atmosphere fostered in public school,[2] especially in the most liberal of public schools, which is characterized by:

anti-white rhetoric and curriculum, critical race theory
prohibition of classroom prayer
sex education, homosexual curriculum and sexual abuse by school personnel has been referred to as a "red-light district" for students
promotion of the homosexual agenda in public schools (see images above), even though other forms of expression, such as displaying the Confederate flag or promoting Bible verses, are persecuted.
rebellious and distracting fashion
facial piercings and rings, tattoos, and male earrings
an absence of objective morality; instead, a principal will say someone "made the wrong choice"
a lack of critical thinking about liberal indoctrination
lewd behavior euphemistically referred to as "PDA" or "Public Display of Affection"
racial discrimination resulting from set cliques of racially homogeneous students
forced tolerance of homosexuality due to school-supported and funded groups
lack of awareness that prayer is censored in public schools and that teachers' unions are very liberal
drug testing
censorship of conservative sources of news and information
violence and school shootings
excessive network abuse
cross-dressing in schools plays, boys wearing girl jeans, powder puff sports, etc.
special concessions for certain ethnic groups and religions while Christianity is ignored
allowing students to opt-out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance
pregnant students being accepted by school officials, and sometimes even pregnancy pacts
acceptance and sometimes even encouragement of abortion and birth control
students impeding traffic by walking on roadways instead of walking on the sidewalk or on the grass going to and from the school bus stop
disrespect for authority figures and high-ranking elected public officials
liberal bias and the inducting of children into liberalism and secularism

sojourner_truth_ , salty-tomorrow & Carrots90 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM wonders if he should impose on a women's SA group for validation
( sojourner_truth_ )
I'm tempted to write a frothy screed about the travesty that is the entire industry of mental health care.... again... but in this case I think the TIMs hear what they want to hear. "Oh, my shrink said it would help me loads if I went in there with the women and it would give me a massive throbbing euphoria so I should do it" yeah... maybe that's what happened, but maybe that's him being a typical narcissist and twisting crumbs of what was said to suit his fetish. Motivated reasoning, I think they call it.

Some of these men do have a shred of decency inside of them, a little quiet voice of conscience, telling them that they are being a creep. The trouble is that a man's boner can scream way louder than that little quiet voice of conscience. I think that's one reason why TIP so often post these "I can tell my coworkers and random people passing me on the street think I'm a creep/liar/deluded/joke/monster" is because that's what they think of themselves deep down. When gender loons get together they talk each other out of recognizing that voice of reason and egg each other on to do more and more degenerate things, like cross dressing in a women's SA support group and fretting over if you look convincing enough in your larp.

( salty-tomorrow )
The therapist probably told him NOT to go to the women’s support group because women-only groups are important for women to heal, and since he’s trying to convince himself he’s a woman too, he’s turned it around.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Exactly what I think happened. Talking with a fetishist is like talking to a drug addict or bad alcoholic. Their reports about what others said must be taken with a grain of salt, especially when they're throwing up their hands and saying someone twisted their arm into self-gratifying behavior.

( Carrots90 )
Motivated reasoning,

Best phrase ever!

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: When they say the majority of trans people never regret transitioning this is who they mean. These are the men we're sacrificing young girls for.

( SakuraBlossoms )
When a trans person doesn't regret transitioning, it's because their mental health issues were never treated. Same with the woman who blinded herself and was happy after. Same with people suffering from anorexia; they don't regret being dangerously underweight and instead want to be thinner, until the mental disorder and the distorted thinking it causes is properly treated.

It's so obvious that transitioning (physical) doesn't treat gender dysphoria (mental), such as with the despair that comes if someone "mistakes" them for a member of their sex. Or I would imagine if a guy like this just looked in the mirror. Although some of the men never had gender dysphoria to begin with and just did it for the coom.

(nopenottoday )
He won't be laughing when his bones are deteriorating and he's got some estrogen induced cancer

( Tortoisemouse )
There are so many parallels with anorexia.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Before ROGD, the majority of "trans people" were fetishistic transvestites / autogynephiles. They usually don't regret transitioning because it is sexually motivated. Their main regret is not transitioning earlier as they are erotically obsessed with "passing". They advocated for childhood transitioning aka. medical abuse of children, since they project their fetish onto gender-nonconforming children. In addition, most transvestites have a sissification / forced feminization fetish as well, i.e. they get aroused by the humiliation of a boy forced into stereotypically feminine dress, behavior, etc. And some of them are pedophiles.

FailedArtist #sexist #transphobia blackpill.club

Feminism is inherently anti female

in feminism any female nudity that represents a fit women is always a sing of serialization which is a sing of objectification meanwhile male nudity is a form of empowerment, and that man having power over women is a terrible oppressive thing. this ideological framework always guarantee that as long as man fells sexullation attraction towards women that women will be oppressed.

they will accuses even the role of women as care givers of being oppressive and that is disempowering, being good at taking care of things is literally the main thing nature equipped them for with their mammaries and large hips, but they completely reject this role and at that point they are literally worst than in a men in everything and they will fill this empty spot with some stupid ass hoby such as doing muh art or some dumb career.

even within prostitution feminist will flip flop of calling it female exploitation and that sexs work is real work, they will pretty much defend or attack sexs work 1000% based if the man they are talking to opposes or support it, as for feminists whatever men dislikes is the same as empowerment to them, it's almost like child throwing a tantrum and just doing the opposite of what adults want just to prove that they can.

in feminist ideology anything that resemblances a healthy female body represents oppression of males on females, to the point many of them will try to unsexs themselves by becoming fat, ugly and troonify themselves, the entire ideology teach women that having a healthy body is oppression and that to become a disgusting creature is the only way to combat it.

just look at all the fat tumblrinas filled with piercings, tattoos or become some other gender all to avoid the gaze of men, they will self destruct as to avoid the ''oppression'' of having men who think they are good looking.

it's a seriously terrible ideology that destroy the lives of anyone who follows it.

sojourner_truth_ #transphobia ovarit.com

I find it so funny how these gender loons tell on themselves. Since their comments are permitted to be fact-free and logic-free, we get a bit of a Rorschach test of what the loon thinks and feels deep down. The "if black women get to be women then obviously I can too!" is the most obvious example.

The guy saying Christianity is at fault for saying there are 2 sexes... I'm guessing he was raised Christian or in a Christian country, but does he think the other religions were passing out binders, packers and fake rubber vulvas to their parishioners in some grand orgy of gender? Factually, it's ludicrous. It does give me an inkling of his inner world though.

I think deep down that he knows participating in this degeneracy is damaging him as a person and taking him farther and farther away from decency, goodness, and from God, which is actually one of the interpretations of hell- it's not a physical location, it's a state of mind in which you as a person are living in degeneracy and immorality, being held captive by your own endless lust, greed, rage, indolence etc. TIP are the perfect example. Personally, I'd rather be sleeping peacefully in my grave than to be an abomination who constantly fantasizes about raping children and animals. This dude is living in hell. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't trying to drag the rest of us into hell with him.

I just had the realization that if a church elder sat him down and told him with love and compassion everything that I just wrote, he might come to his senses at least a bit... and that person would be guilty of a hate crime under Federal law.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: B-b-but, it's a LIFE SAVING procedure!
(crodish )
They all NEVER understand this. The very fact that you need to take fake hormones, get surgery, and all that other unnecessary crap is in itself PROOF that "being trans" is a complete fucking sham, because "cis" people don't need to do anything other than literally JUST BE.

Your body is FINE. It's biologically, physically, functionally healthy and doing whatever the fuck it was originally made for. STOP FUCKING WITH IT. IT'S THE BRAIN THAT IS THE ISSUE.


Anyway, happy another AGP castrated himself and took his genes out of the pool

( overanddone )
You asked for this, if you'd done your "research" you'd know what you were in for.

And no, you are not a woman and never will be. No woman has to dilate a wound every day.

( hmimperialtortie )
Serves you right, halfwitted misogynist pervert. Schadenfreude all the way.

Kajm #dunning-kruger #transphobia deviantart.com

Get your good read Right Here


Leftist pushing 'trans' garbage leave children even more confused, MORE SUICIDAL, health is badly degraded into adulthood, CHILDREN HAVE BONE PROBLEMS THAT ONLY OLD PEOPLE OUGHT TO BE EXPERIENCING.

The more I know about Leftist Idiocies, the more I think they are doing their damndest to Kill as many people as possible- preferably before they can reproduce.

Just my Educated OP.

ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "You have to suffer on my behalf"

By promoting the narrative that since TIPs suffer more than any other, to make them suffer any more would be a cruelty so great, other people must start suffering on their behalf to protect them from any more suffering.

One way to stop this narrative in its tracks is to question the starting premise, meaning the belief that "TIPs suffer more than any other." Since you didn't preface that phrase with "allegedly" or "supposedly," I dunno if you yourself actually belief this premise, OP. I suspect and hope you don't. I sure don't.

I believe the idea that "TIPs suffer more than any other" to be a totally false premise. I see no evidence that TIPs "suffer more than any other" group of people in any way - psychologically, emotionally, socially, economically, physically, whatever. In fact, prior to messing with their health, many TIPs seem to have been lucky enough to have been born and gone through life in excellent physical health and not to have experienced any physical suffering - and many have grown up with considerable privilege in terms of their sex, race, class, access to education, athletic prowess, achievements and awards, and so on. Big strapping, well-off white guys with massive, robustly healthy male bodies so exceptionally physically fit and athletically talented that they became big time HS and college sports stars like Lia Thomas, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner, Laurel Hubbard, Richard Raskin/Renee Richards, for example - how exactly do guys like this qualify as most long-suffering, most deeply suffering and "most vulnerable" people on planet earth?

I find it ridiculous that in recent years, so many people have come to take it for granted that "gender dysphoria" is the worst affliction human beings have experienced evuh in the course of history, and that it causes far more profound and painful suffering that any other mental illness, physical disease or injury, or unfortunate twist of fate that makes life hard to bear. [...]

butchplease , homosuperior & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Quotes from transwomen

(butchplease )
What upsets me the most is that I'll never be able to hate these lowlife perverts as much as they hate us.

( homosuperior )
Don’t worry babe I can hate them enough for the pair of us!

( butchplease )
Thank you darling

( Owlchaser )
I don't see them as fully 'human', in the sense that they act more like predatory animals obsessed with sex. I think you trade something essential to being human for that level of hatred.

( butchplease )
Oof. I'm inclined to agree.

Dancewithknives #transphobia deviantart.com

Its amazing to think about how men are able to reinvent themselves to undermine women. The progressive stack is made to undermine men and claim they have privilege, then those same men take advantage of said system to become unprivilaged and take advantage and erase women. The sports fiasco is one thing, but my favorite is the lesbians who arent interested in men being guilted into sex by “transgender lesbians” who happen to have penises.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

You are empowering far right forces that endanger all women and queer people with misleading and hateful rhetoric. It's not too late for you to walk back from the dark path you've found yourself on. Please listen to the people who are asking you to lead with love.

Far right to little boy wearing a dress: take that off, it means you're not a real man.
Gender identity theorists: wanting to wear dresses means you're really a girl.
Radical feminists: boys can wear dresses, you look great!
Which of these two positions are most alike, Andrew?

“ATF” #homophobia #transphobia blackpill.club

It's all down to willpower. When you declare yourself gay and especially if you declare yourself trans, you have shown you have none, you have given up without putting up a proper fight and have lost the psychological chess game. The only way it can be thought of as a "solution" is that it takes a total lack of effort and strength. But your life will not improve and you won't feel happy, healthy or fulfilled (except fulfilled in your ass maybe - a sign of failure far more than inceldom ever was). But "gays" shouldn't necessarily be banned immediately - with some motivation, they can stop before the point of no return. Most likely they aren't really gay, just lost weaklings.

For fuck's sake I say - "Final Solution" ought to be something grander than this!

MassResistance #fundie #transphobia massresistance.org

Most people don’t realize how the “transgender” propaganda machine has been targeting vulnerable elementary school children across the country – and how helpless parents feel against it. But MassResistance is helping families fight back and stop it!

Children are fed these “gender” lies through the media, school programs, social media, children’s books and magazines, and programs like “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in libraries. And radicalized school counselors and staff have become a big part of the problem. They support children’s descent into these perversions and keep that information from parents.

The brainwashing starts early in the public schools. This extremely seductive and harmful book is in school libraries and classrooms across the U.S.! It glamorizes the story of a boy who eventually had medical interventions and surgeries to “become” a girl. (Check for it in your area and demand that it be removed!)

Mass Resistance #transphobia massresistance.org

In October 2021, the new proposed policy language was released to the public for consideration. The draft still contained troubling language. Idaho MassResistance presented these critiques to the School Board members:

The policy says that the counselor’s role is to “balance” the student’s privacy rights with the parents’ rights, which the counselor decides upon. But there should be no “balance.” The student is a minor. The parents must be told about everything. It's wrong to allow this secretive relationship to emerge and continue with school counselors. The result would be no trust between parents and the school.
The policy states, “School Counselors connect students and families to outside resources and agencies.” That has traditionally translated into sending kids to LGBT groups and abortion clinics. If anything, the counselors should only suggest these outside groups to the parents and let them decide.
Nevertheless, in February 2022, the school board formally approved the new policy. It’s not everything that we wanted. But it definitely is a shot across the bow – a strong warning to the school counselors in that city – to absolutely stop what they’ve been doing to children. Parents feel that MassResistance has helped them achieve a victory.

Emerald Robinson #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie emeralddb3.substack.com

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.

Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.

This is not an isolated incident with Disney. In fact, you might say that Disney employees get arrested for child porn crimes and child sex crimes on a regular basis.

This is the very definition of pure evil, of course. What right does an entertainment company have to intentionally turn your kids into homosexuals? The answer is: none. We have left the boundaries of rationality and capitalism altogether — and nothing can excuse or explain it. America’s parents are now confronted by people who want to commit felonies on their children under the guise of tolerance.

This is Sodom and Gomorrah stuff. These demons recognize no legal or moral boundaries regarding your kids — and they openly acknowledge as much. The LBGT community has essentially merged with the pro-pedophile community.

It’s time to boycott Disney.

It’s time to stop tolerating the intolerable.

N/A #transphobia #sexist change.org

Doctor who has followed the set role of being a male for over 60 years now, however with the reveal of the new female Doctor it is clear the BBC does not respect the story line, the history or tradition of the show, instead they are mindlessly following the uneducated SJW community for attention and publicity. Doctor who has shoved in numerous political points down our throats (uneducated comments on capitalism etc..) which do not belong on a sci-fi TV show, the change brings up numerous questions that simply can not be solved such as the relationship with River Song, Bills sexuality, the companion's gender and much more. It is not sexist to see this is not fitting with the Doctors themes and many loyal facts see this as the final nail in the coffin for the once great TV show, i see this is a disgrace and insulting to mine and everyone else's childhood with numerous people of the only 2 genders agreeing with me.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: So tired of the "tru trans" folks trying to do damage control

( itsnotaboutewe )
Sometimes I think some of these old-school transsexuals like Blaire White, and AGPs like Debbie Hayton, are only pretending to be sort of on our side in the hope that if we are the crocodile that we will eat them last. Such people want to be the last trans standing. I have noticed recently that the more victories we win the more they try to walk back their helpfulness towards us. They are retreating further towards the type of transness they themselves were once highly critical of because they finally realise that any victory for us will ultimately be a loss for them. They are disingenuous at best.

( vulvapeople )
White seems like a contrarian in any case. If he didn't identify as trans, I could see him being another Milo Yiannopoulos.

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her". Miranda Yardley is one of the very, very few trans-critical TIMs who doesn't seem to be playing that game.

( operaghost)

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her".

THIS. Its just another form of narcissistic supply for them.

( ProxyMusic )
Jenn Smith too. Smith says he's a trans identified male. And he warns that in his view, calling any boy or man a kind of girl or woman - whether it be "transwomen" or" "trans woman" or "trans girl" - is extremely dangerous to women, girls and to young boys.

( doloresonthedottedline )
Jenn Smith is a bit eccentric but honestly I have a ton of respect for how much he focused on foster kids being pushed into transitioning.

RisingUp #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM says stealing and wearing his mom's bra is a "one of a kind opportunity" and a "euphoria IV drip"

Imagine giving birth to and raising a child to near-adulthood, giving it all your love and care for a decade and a half, and this is how it rewards you.

TIMs either don’t understand, or don’t care, or actively get off on how disgusting and disturbing women find this behaviour. Every time TIMs on Reddit confess to this other TIMs line up to defend them.

I feel so sorry for any woman who has one of these predators living in her house. Especially their mothers. It’s a lot harder to disown a son than to disown a brother.

Snake Baker #dunning-kruger #transphobia dailystormer.name

Frankly, if you’re getting a new passport, you should probably just choose the tranny “X,” because it will make you less likely to be abused by the TSA.

If some obese Mexican man tries to feel up your balls, you can say “hey buddy, didn’t you see the X on my passport? This is sexist abuse!” No one wants to get fired for that. He will then send you to the obese black woman, and you can then say “hey woman, don’t touch my balls!”

They will eventually just let you go through the terminal unmolested. No one wants to deal with this.

Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

Washington Post: Pregnant Women Are No Longer Pregnant Women, They Are "Pregnant People"

I’m guessing that most instances until recently had a comma between the words, such as in, say, “When she was pregnant, people were solicitous.”

Marx’s theory was that the working class will win because there are so many of them. The new view reverses that: that the deranged, confused, and disagreeable must win because there are so few of them.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

I was struck by how MASCULINE the Russian game plan is.

The Russians perceived a threat to home and hearth from corrupt Nazi-ridden Ukraine and acted decisively. This is what real men do.

They were ready to confront reality rather than lie about it, as Cabalists do in the West.
Ukraine had crossed their Red Line. Back off or face invasion.

They presented this ultimatum to the West.

Like a hot chick at a night club, the West brushed Putin off.

In masculine fashion, Putin proceeded to wipe out the Ukrainian air force, navy and military, using an armed force less than half of Ukraine's.

Scott Ritter said Russia used sophisticated planning to win battles of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War.

Russia Vs. the West is very much healthy heterosexual males versus sexual misfits: pedophiles, homosexuals and transvestites.

Look at the Western leaders.

Biden is a pedophile. Fidelito and Macron are homosexuals.

In contrast, Putin has banned the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Sexual dysphoria is an aspect of Satanism. It is anti-nature and anti-God.

(I have compassion for homosexuals. It's a developmental disorder. They are victims. As children, they had too much mommy and not enough daddy.)

The West has acted like a woman spurned: Stealing Russia's financial reserves. Blocking trade. Demonizing Putin & Russia.

The Western media pretends Ukraine is winning the war and concocts war crime atrocities.

They have denied illegal bio-weapon research was being performed in Ukraine.

Homosexuals, like Cabalist Jews, have trouble facing reality and telling the truth.

They think they can redefine reality according to their perversions.

A man decides he wants to be a woman? Sure no problem. This is insanity. But overruling nature, and Reality itself is what these psychopaths are all about.

Russians who still have a firm grasp on reality versus the delusional, sexually dysfunctional West.

This war is a Reality Check.

Russia's victory is a decisive victory for humanity.

Matt Margolis #transphobia #conspiracy web.archive.org

The latest story comes out of California (no shock there), where teachers in the Buena Vista Middle School in Spreckels Union School District in California are accused of pressuring a female student to change her gender identity.

“It made me extremely angry, and now I’m taking action for that,” mother Jessica Konen told Fox & Friends on Tuesday. “I’m going to make sure that this doesn’t happen anymore.”

According to her complaint, two teachers and the school principal conspired to have the girl use her new gender identity and pronouns in school while using her true identity and pronouns in the mother’s presence. The child was also instructed to “not tell her mother about her new gender identity and expression.”

The lawsuit alleges that the school district has adopted and implemented a “Parental Secrecy Policy” under which “teachers and staff would keep certain information about students’ gender expression and identity secret from parents.”

Under the Parental Secrecy Policy, Buena Vista teachers and staff would keep secret from parents that their children had articulated confusion about their gender identity, evinced a desire to change their gender identity, or assumed or expressed a new gender identity, unless the student expressly authorized the parents to be informed. Despite keeping this information secret from parents, teachers and staff would enable students to change their gender identity and expression at school by, among other things: (a) counseling students regarding their confusion about their gender identity, desire to change their gender identity, and assertion of a new gender identity and expression; (b) addressing students by any new name matching their new gender identity that they wanted to be called; (c) addressing students by pronouns the students indicated they wished to be called by; (d) changing certain educational records to reflect the students’ new name and pronouns; and (e) allowing students to use unisex restrooms otherwise reserved for teachers

Megan Fox #transphobia pjmedia.com

In the video, Chasten leads the children in a pseudo pledge of allegiance to gayness. “I pledge my heart to the rainbow of the not-so-typical gay camp. One camp, full of pride, indivisible, with affirmation and equal rights for all.” The event was described as a campaign event for LGBT youth. People are asking each other, “Why do Democrats want to talk to little kids about sexuality and sexual topics all the time?”

Christian Walker, son of senate candidate Herschel Walker and a podcaster, has been hosting live Twitter chats destroying the opposition to the Florida bill. If you ever happen to come across one of his podcasts, don’t miss it. In the video below, Walker says, “if you’re demanding that, specifically, children learn about sexuality when one day they would eventually figure that out on their own, then you’re demonstrating to me that you don’t care about teaching them about the idea; you care about pushing them into being attracted to a certain group or gender.”

By the way, today is also Detransistion Awareness Day. Many victims of the mass trans hysteria have woken up and realized they were brainwashed by teachers like these and were led into a life of pain, surgeries, and misery, when all they needed was therapy for psychological trauma. Support the detransitioners out there and share their stories.

Ron Desantis #dunning-kruger #transphobia patch.com

First graders shouldn’t have woke gender ideology imposed in their curriculums, and that is what we’re standing for because we’re standing for the kids and we’re standing for the parents. And I can tell you this. The chance that I am going to back down on my commitment to students and back down from my commitment to parents rights simply because of fraudulent media narratives or pressure from woke corporations, the chances of that are zero.

And when you have companies that have made a fortune off being family friendly and catering to families and young kids, they should understand that parents of young kids do not want this injected into their kids’ kindergarten classrooms. They do not want their first-graders to go and be told that they can choose an opposite gender. That is not appropriate for those kids. So, if you’re family friendly, understand, the parents who are actually raising the families want to have their rights respected.

And I also think you have companies like Disney that are gonna say and criticize parents rights, they’re going to criticize the fact that we don’t want transgenderism in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. If that’s the hill that they’re gonna die, how do they possibly explain lining their pockets with their relationship with the Communist Party of China. They make a fortune and don’t say a word about the really brutal practices that you see over there at the hands of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]. So in Florida, our policy is going to be based on the best interest of Florida citizens, not on the musings of woke corporations.

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia pjmedia.com

In a victory for female athletes, champion male cyclist Zach Bridges, who now prefers to be called Emily, won’t be able to race against real women.

Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the world governing body for international competitive cycling, made the call that Bridges won’t be allowed to compete against real women. The decision was made after female cyclists threatened to boycott the race en masse.

“It’s not transphobic to want fair sport—it’s anti-female to not,” said Sharron Davies, a former Olympic swimmer for England

Davies believes the threat of a boycott helped UCI make its decision.

“It would not have been fair to ask Laura Kenny and the other women cyclists that Bridges would have come up against to have to race a rival with the advantages of a biological man,” she continued. “No amount of testosterone reduction can mitigate that, but we’re being told to turn a blind eye to science and biology, to keep quiet and suck it up.”

Bill Otis #wingnut #transphobia crimeandconsequences.blog

[From "What’s a Woman?"]

As has been widely reported, Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked at her confirmation hearing if she “could provide a definition for the word ’woman.’”

“No, I can’t,” she eventually said. “Not in this context. I’m not a biologist”

What to make of this?

The first thing to make of it is that the answer is false. Judge Jackson of course knows full well what a woman is (namely, a person with xx chromosomes; males have xy). The idea that a functioning adult, much less a Supreme Court candidate, doesn’t know what a woman is is preposterous. So why the claim of ignorance?

Here’s my theory. Judge Jackson denies knowing because, for good reason, she suspects that the next question is going to be about biological males competing (and predictably dominating) women’s sports. Like so many woke-adjacent liberals, she has no problem with this domination — or at least no problem she can admit out loud — because having no problem is what Woke Wisdom demands. She can’t cross Woke Wisdom because it’s ingrained in her base political support. Ergo, it’s actually better for her to make the absurd claim that she doesn’t know what a woman is.

Only in a very, very unserious country does this count as a qualification for the Supreme Court. But what were we expecting?[…]
Fare thee well, women’s sports. We hardly knew ye. And fare thee well any notion that Supreme Court confirmation hearings are headed anywhere other than becoming a Twilight Zone version of street theater

P.S. The person who nominated Judge Jackson has absolutely no problem knowing who a woman is, as he repeatedly and in unqualified language promised to nominate one (as opposed to a man) for Justice Breyer’s seat

Josh Daws #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

I'm seeing a lot of people on the right share this meme. While it may be a strong satirical response to those who get lost in nuance, it fundamentally fails to recognize why the left wants to talk to your kids about sexuality. Let's connect some dots.


In order to sever the bond between parents and their children, the left is using a two-pronged approach. Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology (properly known as Queer Theory) are not two unrelated sets of ideas. They are two parts of the same strategy.

CRT is usually the first set of ideas to be introduced. This is often enough to radicalize racial minorities, but it's merely step one for white (or white adjacent) students.

CRT instills in these students a negative self-identity as they're taught to believe they're recipients of enormous privilege that was stolen from others and that they are complicit in historic and ongoing injustice. In child terms, they're taught to believe they're bad.

Apart from the shame and guilt, this also gives them a worldview at odds with the one their parents grew up with and are trying to pass on to their kids. Step one is complete.

Once CRT is done tearing down these kids and leaving them with a negative self-identity, Queer Theory (QT) is introduced and offers them a wide assortment of positive self-identities to choose from.

Instead of living with the shame and guilt of being a member of the oppressive dominant culture, these students can be celebrated for coming out as gender nonbinary or pansexual.

In an instant, these kids can trade their negative self-identity and all the accompanying guilt and shame of being an "oppressor" for a positive self-identity as a much-venerated "oppressed" minority.

They think your appeals to childhood innocence are an attempt to force heteronormativity on them. Seriously. They write papers on it. It's not a secret agenda.

Maggots on a Train v2 #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I know this probably isn't the right thread for this, but has anyone noticed the influx of MtF Youtubers as of late? Kuledud3, gomotion, Nyx and etc. Next thing you know, the Nostalgia Critic will announce that he's a trans woman and prefer to be called Dana Walker.

Every time a thumbnail with some young teenager-ish bimbo shows up in my recommendation, she's always in some kind of anti-terf or "trans women are women" shirt.

I don't know if all teenage girls are cowed into submission by trannycock these days, or if YouTube is just heavily promoting these idiots for some reason.

Prima Scriptura #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

(Conversation context wouldn’t fit in the character limit)

Hmm, I knew had SSA before middle school. I went a Catholic school from 3rd-8th grade, and homosexuality was brought up once in a Catholic sex-Ed lesson, that I actually missed that day. It was in 6th or 7th grade. The series was form the 80s and was called “In God’s image”
Either way, it’s not the Schools place to affirm one’s sexual feelings, attractions or actions. People go to school for an education, not to be indoctrinated into a leftist view of sexuality. The fact that the far-left and the radical LGBT activists want to expose young children to their lifestyle is deeply disturbing. I mean, the LGBT activists have tried their hardest to end the notion that LGBT adults recruit children, which I have personal experience with when I went to a church that was a MCC Church. At that time I was only 14-15 and I was sexually accosted.

The topic of homosexuality and transgenderism shouldn’t be brought up until high school.

This is the last reply I’m giving you. You blasphemous “joke” of the most Holy Trinity was unacceptable. Once again, you will be in my prayers.

SwytheQ #dunning-kruger #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia deviantart.com

Additionally, the bill prohibits classroom instruction by school personnel and third parties about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.
That is the part these idiots are having a fissure over?

It forces you to actually follow "the science" objectively now.

The rest of the bill gives parents more control over their children's education. With a bill of rights.

Funny, how they will sing the whole "Faith in Democracy" song when it works for their corruption, but are all so willing to remove entire class of people from the public forum you don't like. Classes of people who pay for the schools they want a say in. That makes them shareholders with voting rights.

Shareholders (including the DOE, who lobbied for it) in Florida's education system have rejected LGBT child indoctrination. Democracy at work. Where's your faith leftoids?

Nice to see all these assholes out in the open. Man its so fun to watch Disney loose another $6 billion. Its so good to see Warner just let it out. Decades of hiding. Now we can objectively show normies how bad you all really are.

foundring #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

You Will Never Be a Woman - Original Song

In the ancient Greek tragedies the women were all played by a man
I guess that ain't hard to understand, it was a different time in a distant land
But nowadays it's one big gay parade and no one seems to bat an eye
when kids can pick if they're a gal or a guy

You will never be a woman, cuz a woman has a womb not a man
You can never be a woman, that's tough for some folks to understand

You will never be a woman
Try as you might, you look like Cher not Snow White
And while they take our rights away you're up at night deciding if you're queer, bi or gay
Or maybe, hey! Go seize the day and throw those balls away

You will never be a woman
Don't be mad you're a lad, you're Adam, not madam
Is it that bad being a guy?
I don't mean to be rude but you're still a dude

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a man
Your hips don't lie cause you weren't born a guy
You can never be a man if even Wikipedia tells me you're still Ellen, not Elliot

You'll never be a man
Give it a rest get that fur off your chest
The feminine is magical
Don't change it cuz they told you that it's fashionable
You'd have to be fanatical to throw your boobs away

You will never be a man
You're Eve, you're not Steve, please call the woke police
Does that make you feel more like a man?
You can call me a pig and a prick, But you're still a chick

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a woman, cuz the world needs more men acting like men
You will never be a woman, we need fathers and fighters to lead us and guide us
You'll never be a woman, no one's impressed Richard, take off that dress

The masculine is powerful, but they tell us that it's toxic and intolerable
They want us meek and malleable, so no one stands in their way

It's okay, you're not a woman
It's great you're a mate and it's swell you're a gal, and it's lovely being alive,
for the surface doesn't show what's deep inside
We were all born perfect souls, there's no need to hide

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Pogroms must be made not only for LGBTQ, But also anyone who defends their rights"]

Extremism must be the order of the day when it comes to cleaning up house, and there is nothing that irritates me more, but also that which creates more danger in our societies than the foolish bums (Especially Americans) who boast about how they have no problem with someone being Gay/Transgender or whatever the fuck new flavor of genders that have been invented, so long as they don’t push their “propaganda”

Anyone who defends these clowns and their rights for any reason is a complete and utter threat to society, and they must be eliminated and inflicted with the most torturous end

In addition, anyone who supports and defend Democracy is also an enemy and should meet the same fate

Whereas the Nazis went a bit easier on Lesbians, we shall not

Whereas the Nazis did not often use torture, we shall

We live in an Era of Proxy Wars and Elements, and we must be just as ruthless, if not the more with all these external subversive elements and give them no mercy whatsoever

There would be no greater revenge than whispering in their faces to recite “Hitler was a sweetheart” compared to us in the treatment we will deliver them

The best form of torture we can use on our enemies, even among the civil wars is forcing them to recite with every lash and pain we inflict on them to profess how the Nazis are the good guys, and pay their respects to the Führer

There will be no considerations made

This must be how they face their inevitable end

Positron #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton points out that hormone therapy, puberty blockers and sex reassignment procedures are child abuse.


LOL what "best medical practices"?

Very triggering: people saying that kindergarten kids don't need to hear about hundreds of different sexual orientations and gender identities, that children shouldn't be part of a social experiment, and that elementary schools shouldn't invite men in speedos or in drag to talk to the class.


Washington Free Beacon #transphobia freebeacon.com

As part of a social studies class, a New Jersey public middle school forced students to watch a video about a transgender man’s hormone treatment—all without notifying parents.

The video, “Ten Years on Testosterone,” details the transition of LGBT activist Aydian Dowling through hormone injections. Teachers and administrators at Pearl R. Miller Middle School in Kinnelon, N.J., did not notify parents about the lesson, which included slideshows with definitions of different gender ideologies, beforehand.

“You can build up the courage to stand up for yourself in a way that this is what you want to do with your life,” Dowling says in the video after injecting testosterone.

“I felt as if I was blindsided,” Loren Malfitano, whose two sons were shown the video, told the Washington Free Beacon. “They’re learning about this ideology of gender before they even have classes on the actual biologies of males and females.”

US Anon #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

I wish you Bulgarbros would join Russia, China and India one day in the future. Why are E Europeans even in NATO and EU? You are all Slav brothers over there. We will only brain drain your nations, overrun you with immigrants you don't want and brainwash you with globohomo ideology. Many Westerners here also treat Slavs as less than human.
Resist the degenerate West, don't let us take you down with us.

Just one example: my school constantly teaches my kid to hate their white skin and European heritage and even to question their gender. Does Bulgaria want the West to do that to its children as well? When will E Europe wake up?

Lucas Fryman #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt aminoapps.com

Now, I have not wasted any money on the....Unbearable Rodent Mutant (who never mentions that she is a mutant in her comic, and I am dead serious about that), but from I've seen in books I've flipped through and snips of dialogue form this piece of (not)literature, it is plain to see why Erica genderbendison, does not deserve a Eisner for comedy...or just plain anything.

Well, from the Video from Diversity and comics and the Twitter feeds of these miraculously employed keyboard warriors, you can see that the SJW crowd in Marvel seem to have an inner circle. The create a "SaFe SpAcE," and echo their same zombie-like ideals like every SJW in existence does. They then go out to anyone who has the least bit of criticism for their ideas and then they systematically ear rape them with BS claims and threats until they get their way. It's sort of like going up to a Muslim extremist....but you won't get shot in the face....and they also don't bastardize wide spread religions.

Because Ship Chimpanzee and Erica Genderbenderewhatthehelliswrongwiththischick-ison got rewards for "comedy," it makes Marvel and it's dunce of a Chief Editor "Axel Alonzo" think that the majority of people still want social (in)justice politics in our comics, even though the vast majority of people despise the mere existence of it in our fantasy comic worlds that we are paying four bucks to read about on a monthly basis.

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