
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Maria Maclachlan / Peak Trans #transphobia youtube.com

Response to Jammidodger on men in women's spaces
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 0:11 and ending around 2:38 of a 6:44 minute video)

hi everyone I'm Maria Maclachlan. I have a couple of longer videos in the making, but today I got distracted by 37 seconds worth of Jammie Dodger being as irredeemably awful as she always is. This won't take long.

we just want to protect women in women's spaces

no you don't you don't give a damn about women in spite of being one yourself. Oh I see you're quoting those of us who do want to protect ourselves in our spaces.

This is a valid important thing

really? Why how uncharacteristically decent, magnanimous, and empathic of you to say so. Where's the catch?

but when framed in the context of discussing trans people is transphobic

ah. there it is. Women's safety is only valid and important, as long as the common sense measures to preserve it don't offend the sensibilities of the gender cultists. Everything that doesn't prioritize the feelings of trans identifying people over everyone else, is transphobic.

specifically when discussing trans women the intention of this sentence in a trans context is to exclude trans women from women's spaces

because they're men and don't belong in women's spaces! This is the most common sense measure to protect women. Keep certain spaces single sex.

therefore jeopardizing the safety of trans women

oh my god. women are such evil, selfish, witches putting our own feelings and comfort and safety above those of men, Aren't we? How are we jeopardizing their safety?

the trans women do not pose any kind of threat or danger to cis women within women's spaces

that is the most disgusting and unconscionable falsehood that I see being perpetrated by supporters of this deeply misogynistic movement. When I launched my website four years ago, I didn't realize how big and serious the problem of trans identifying men sexually abusing women and especially children was. I felt slightly anxious about including a page about crimes on my website. And I acknowledged in the very first line that some were only pretending to identify as trans women by which I meant they didn't wear woman face all the time.


John Derbyshire #dunning-kruger #transphobia vdare.com

A lot of Americans can't wait to conscript children into our weird, sick cultural fads. That's how it's seemed to me, reading about the reaction to this new state law in Florida.

This is the law that prohibits sex ed in all public schools from kindergarten through the third grade.

"Kindergarten through the third grade" means ages three to seven or eight. It seems astonishing to me that anyone would want such little children to be taught about sex, let alone that there are so many people wanting it that a law has to be passed to restrain them.

Do these people not have any kids of their own? Even if they don't—and you have to suspect they mostly don't, while feeling sorry for the kids of those who do—do they not have any memories of their own childhood, of what it was like to be six or seven years old?

And of course this isn't sex ed as we understood it fifty years ago—the birds and the bees. This is the postmodern ideological cult that there is no such thing as sex, that sex is merely a "social construct," a sort of optical illusion. You can be any sex you want to be!

Matters of morality aside, how do you teach ideology to seven-year-olds? What else is on the elementary-school curriculum? The Labor Theory of Value? Dialectical Materialism? The Interpenetration of Opposites?

In a spirit of tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner, I went digging around in the news reports to try to get some sense of what was driving the bill's opponents.

A major theme was that the bill was "hateful." No surprise there. Anything at odds with CultMarx ideology is "hateful." People hostile to CultMarx ideology are filled with "hate," their faces flushed and their teeth bared with "hate"—we all know that.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Dementia care advice for transgender patients drawn up - BBC News

( Earthmoon )
The final part of the article is only bit that makes any attempt to say what this care advice is, rather than why it’s necessary. They say repeatedly that patients may wake up confused over why they’re dressed strangely or missing their body parts, but then say that patients will be helped to continue presenting the way they wanted to.

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

How would that help in any way? It props up the trans facade at the expense of distressing the patients who don’t understand what happened to them.

( pennygadget )

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

So, basically, a child as young as 2 can consent to changing their legal gender. But an 80 year old male with dementia who wants his nurse to call him "John" instead of "Jessica" is told to shut up and wear his dress.

This makes me so sad. Life in a nursing home with diminished mental faculties is hard enough. But now these people will be forced to endure extra stress and confusion when they decide they want to be their birth sex and the TRA nurses tell them "no". This is cruelty! If a "trans-woman" patient regresses into childhood and wants to wear trousers and be called "John", what's the problem with just letting him do it? I don't get it!

( real_feminist )
The ones with sissification fetishes would be thrilled at the idea of their older selves being tortured like this.

( Carrots90 )
Watch for the ‘I id as demented’ men flooding the nursing homes for their sissification fetish.

They will be able to house them with the diaper fetish guys

( bumpyjerboa )
Oh yikes. You're probably right and it goes to show how absolutely sick they are.

( Julie92845 )
It won't help the patients at all, but they don't care about that. It's all about showing how supportive they are to the trans agenda.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( pennygadget )
So Abbot is committing genocide by demanding that trans youth NOT be systematically sterilized, experimented on, and chemically lobotomized?

I don't think TRAs know what "genocide" means

( Hollyhock )
"genocide against trans kids" equates to letting kids wear what they want, play w/ toys they want and not sterilizing them. Okay, then.

( NO )
Oh, you think being called sir is genocide? Hope you get fucking drafted scrote.

( butchplease )
In Germany, these perverted men are actually appropriating the Holocaust for themselves.

There's very little I hate more than perverted men who are getting off on the thought of "genocide". You know they're wanking to it.

( Yemaya )
These AGP men are so interested in “trans kids” because they need narrative that there’s such a thin as “trans kids” to keep living their fetish publicly.

( hmimperialtortie )
Plus they want children sterilised and kept permanently undeveloped (physically and mentally) so they have permanent fucktoys. These men are child rapists.

( starwars )
Many AGPs enjoy fantasizing (sometimes in a sexual way) about being in those children's shoes.

( Carrots90 )

when you prevent kids from sacrificing their health, organs, fertility, etc to the latest social contagion

Mychal Massie #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Cultural Marxists, neo-Leninists and the liberal Democrats that emulate them are a variant species of "The Children of the Corn." Bathtub gin has done less brain damage than the demonic psychosocial idiocies they panhandle as a higher form of social inclusion.

I submit that the objective to which they are most earnestly dedicated is to subvert God's intended order of creation, i.e., man and woman. I further submit that the truly clever aspect of this hellish objective has been to convince the public that their objective is a social necessity, through the use of fictional disaffection and alienation that threatens their well-being.

This effort was augmented by the abandonment of Truth in Christendom as said Truth is immutably stated in the Word of God. Sin was recast as love, and as such the function of male and female was repurposed into a reality where mental illness was applauded – and the pursuit of exchanging the "Truth for a lie" was fully underway. Homosexuality was no longer a disgusting, dirty, sexual perversion; it was gender. But it couldn't stop there, so transgenderism and every other form of sexual perversion imaginable was invented to give the illusion that this mental illness was normal.
Thus, the heretofore unimaginable was created and socially entrenched. A hegemony of deviant sexual perversion was standardized and protected by godless perverts exercising dictatorial authority based upon spurious science and social constructs.
This is the work of the progeny of Satan, and it is being done for one purpose: to reorder God's plan for male, female and family.

WatcherattheGates , notyourfetish & XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans celebrity Caitlyn Jenner offers a dose of common sense | Daily Mail Online
(note by submitter: regarding this Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10578993/Trans-celebrity-Caitlyn-Jenner-offers-dose-common-sense.html )

( WatcherattheGates )
'The world's gone mad,' [Jenner] says. 'It was never meant to be like this.'

As a former Olympian, she particularly despairs of trans women being allowed to compete alongside biological females in sport.

'I don't think biological boys should compete in women's sports — we have to protect women's sports,' says Caitlyn. 'That's the bottom line.'

Urrgghhhh . . . Jenner helped start all this!

( notyourfetish )
Ikr? I can't stand his ass.

He also thinks gay people shouldn't be married. All TIMs are homophobes like him. It's why they don't give a shit about destroying our spaces and our rights

( XX_Power )
Yes!!!! Crossdressing has insanely homophobic origins and even still a few years ago you'd have crossdressers sticking up their noses at the "gross gays". Only when they realized they could hitch themselves to a winning team did they put their worst homophobia in a drawer and tried to act like they loved them to get into women's spaces.

Imagine telling a crossdresser in the 70s that he'd be allowed, state sanctioned! To intrude not only into spaces where women undress, but even where little girls are??? Beyond their wildest disgusting dreams.

And here we are...

kamuroshiryu #transphobia #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Ever since J.K. Rowling gave International Women's Day a very low viewpoint that earned her the high rise of scorn from Labour MPs like Annaliese Dobbs, the BAFTAs is now next for becoming pants-browning woke especially for the fact that Emma Watson has left me rather puzzled with her current shifts in her own brand of feminism, but if she thinks she can speak highly against J.K., then she really needs to sort out her priorities. But what is great about this elite circus is that Ricky Gervais took the right time to even demolish the fake actors' guild at this year's BAFTAs award after they waffled a lot about the Ukraine War, gender politics, Emma Watson's aforementioned disapproval of J.K. Rowling's objective opinion on politicised pandering towards women and Rebel Wilson butchering a James Bond story.

worried19 , sonic_fiXXation & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Has anyone else tried to just ... stop caring?

( worried19 )
I'm not sure what to suggest. I feel highly distressed by the recent news, especially out of Texas, where it seems like everyone has come out of the woodwork to support hormones and surgeries on actual fucking children. They are sterilizing children, cutting off healthy body parts, and celebrities and the mainstream media celebrate this. There is no real journalism anymore, outside of a few brave outlets. It's just sickening. How can this be happening? How can so many people be okay with hurting children's minds and bodies, especially after years (fucking years) of denying that anyone was ever touching children under the age of 18. TRAs are evil. I want to believe some are just ignorant and misguided, but the people orchestrating this are pure evil. It's so wrong what they're doing. I'm not a religious person. I don't even think I believe in hell. But I hope to God these people have to give an accounting of their actions someday.

( sonic_fiXXation )
Sometimes I indulge in a bit of dissociation, not the numb kind, the kind where I watch the human race destroy itself and laugh at it, as if I'm not a part of it.

( Owlchaser )
I think you're feeling sick and overwhelmed because you aren't doing anything about this. I'm not writing this in a finger pointing "you should be doing more, what do you expect" way.

You're on campus, but are you in a GC club talking about how insane all this is? My guess is no. At work, you probably also can't talk about it, and again I'm going to assume genderism is shoved in your face on a regular basis (be it coworkers, pronoun signatures, etc) without you being able to do anything about it; even so much as speaking freely.

I feel the same. Yes, I know the reasons why we 'can't' speak up. But right now there are people in Ukraine standing in front of tanks. I think all of this cognitive dissonance is occurring because we know that we're right. We know how utterly, fantastically stupid genderism's claims are. But we're scared to speak out because of the social pressure and potential financial damage (being fired, black listed, and potentially facing insane TRAs).

I think the only solution is speaking out. I know it doesn't work; that friends and family cut off relationships. But I think aligning both your thoughts AND actions/words with the truth is the only solution.

Moroniland #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia forum.nationstates.net

The reason why it's such a heated issue is that it's not just personal.

Yeah. The personal is political. Everything is political. Which means that no one can ever get away from you. Your crap is everywhere. That's why people are sick of you -- and not just political junkies like me but everyone outside your clique.

Trans people being domestically abused, denied treatment, forced through conversion camps, it's societal & institutional.

You (not just transgender but the entire "woke" tribe) are the most ridiculously overprivileged people on this planet. Every movie, every TV show, every book, every record label, every streaming site, every social media platform, every university, every institution universally supports your every whim. The complete pipeline from made up nonsense victim category being invented deep within the depths of Tumblr to it being discussed seriously before the United States Congress as if it were a genuine concern about discrimination against a real marginalized community in need of legislative remedy is getting to being measured in weeks rather than months at this point. There is nothing which could even conceivably be changed which would make you get your way more from the current system than you currently get besides punishing your political enemies more out of purely malicious vindictive spite. You run the world. You own Capitalism. You even get to enshrine your opinions as Science thanks to your controlling that too. It's time to stop pretending you're not in the position you are in fact in.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

(GCnewb )

The thing about enbies

If men and women who identify as non-binary truly believe that they are a third gender or even sex, that they are neither men nor women, then why do they insist on being included in women's resources?


( Jellyfishes )
Unfortunately male NBs often enter women's spaces too

( XX_Power )
Male NBs are just lazy TIMs lol

( OutHereInTheDeep )
My thought has always been that they wanted to be seen as special, but don’t want to be associated with castration/want women to know they’re still sexually “available”.

( pennygadget )
For the female enbies, its a safety thing. They KNOW they'd be sitting ducks in a men's space

For the males, its the thrill of colonizing a female space and forcing all the girls inside to center him when he's there

Also, sadly, we know women are way more likely to tolerate this bullshit than men. Thats why our spaces are now a dumping ground for mentally ill gender-specials

( ElectricBlue )
I think there's also a wider difference in perception of TIFs/female nbs than TIMs/male nbs. I think the TWAW campaign has been so successful that a lot of people now do believe that TWAW, whereas whatever woke thing they might say, they still do just believe an NB woman is a woman with some kinda fancy deal going on.

( platypus )
Because everyone knows a "non-binary female" is just a woman.

The thing is, by trans rhetoric, we're all non-binary, too.

A lot of NB women are just trying to go along and say "well okay, if 'woman' now means 'someone with a female gender identity,' and a female with no internal gender identity is 'non-binary,' then I guess I'm non-binary? No big deal I guess?"

But of course, once you say those words, the pressure is on for you to "prove it" by going on T and getting top surgery.

It's a trick designed to induct women into the cult.

( no- )

we're all non-binary

That's the thing. If you're a human being and not a walking pair of tits who identifies as a sex object, you're technically not a woman according to genderism. Not liking sexism automatically makes you nonbinary, because we all know a real woman is a brave and stunning transwimmin who cosplays as a bimbo for fun.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( jvsmine )
"I'm afraid my thing will get hard and that will make me uncomfortable" ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME even with the teenage TIMs. I don't feel bad when they grow up to mutilate themselves, especially not the transbian ones. young TIMs are just as male as adult ones. keep them the fuck away from our daughters.

( hmimperialtortie )
All too few of them do get the lop. They’re not remotely “dysphoric” (a term I’m sick to death of seeing, tbh). They want their preferred rape weapon available.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Yeah, it's crazy how gender dysphoria went from "extreme distress over one's anatomic sex" to "fear of being correctly identified as a pervert".

( hmimperialtortie )
I’m sick of seeing it applied to everyone who dislikes aspects of their body or social role, for that matter.

@BioNeilBoi #transphobia twitter.com

Larping is an essential part of the Trans experience. Totally valid

And the big trend in trans is for straight males to larp as lesbians. Lesbian Larpers if you will

Even we trans acknowledge you can’t trans into a lesbian we have settled on a new term for these males:


notChristain #homophobia #transphobia gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

When I read a gay (transexuals are mutilated gays/lesbians and they must abolish sex changes) bashing case in the news, I wonder what the journalist view reporting this on homosexuality/lesbianism ? I also wonder if the journalist is a homosexual or lesbian and if so, are they setting aside their bias and reporting the news with no problems ? I do not trust news that I get from Daily Kos or the Huffington Post on their coverage of gay bashing cases because they predictably make the homosexual look like an innocent victim no matter what wrong the gay does. Here’s what LA Times journalist Jaclyn Michelle Cosgrove left out. Lawrence Fobes King exposed himself and harassed other boys in the bathroom. When complaints were made about Lawrence Fobes King, the lesbian VP Joy Epstein refused to expel him.

Lawrence Fobes King (Lawrence) harassed Brandon James McInerney (Brandon) by stalking Brandon such as following Brandon wherever Brandon went, even when Brandon asked him to stop following him. An eg. would be Lawrence stalking Brandon as Brandon was playing basketball which witnesses testified to-Brandon did not testify.

We know what was reported. It can easily be that Lawrence Fobes King (Lawrence) committed violence (assault & battery) against Brandon James McInerney (Brandon), which Brandon did not report. can get violent when they don’t get what they want and most stalking does not get reported which Brandon did not report. There could have been incident(s) where Lawrence Fobes King threatened Brandon with a knife or other weapon which Brandon did not report-this would not be surprising. Most abuse goes unreported and it can easily be that Lawrence committed violence against Brandon in addition to stalking. If the school had expelled Lawrence Fobes King when complaints were made, his February 2008 killing would likely not have happened. I think this case was manslaughter.

The way the law’s language is written, it could be interpreted that the police officers could not argue the fact the homosexual was committing indecent exposure while high on drugs as a defense to excess force charges.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: r/reddit is not feeling Lia Thomas et al. at all

( Owlchaser )
I hate the "I'm a transwoman and I agree with it" garbage.

Get out of our private spaces, stop using language that identifies us, stop saying you are one of us. This opinion that what TIMs do is unfair only in sports is ludicrous.

( shewolfoffrance )
This is why I don't believe in "based" TiMs. Even if they concede that males shouldn't be in women's sports, they always want to extract something from women in exchange, like insisting that it's ok if they use the women's bathroom "if they pass".

If Debbie Hayton types accomplish something good for women, that's great. But I do not trust for one second that he or his ilk would be willing to give up something they want, that rightly belongs to women, just because they know it's the right thing to do.

( XX_Power )
Debbie hayton just wants to be an extra special man, it's soooooo obvious. First by trooning out and terrorising his wife and children and now by being the good™ trutrans™

It's a no from me dawg

( Althea )
I think a small percentage of TIMs want to distance themselves from trans athletes because they're uncomfortable about how much negative PR the issue is generating.

( butchplease )
They openly say that, too. "This is so unfair to trans women!!! :(" they never care about actual women.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
I think the percentage of TIMs doing that is far from small.

( Althea )
I don't think so... in social media discussions of trans athletes, the ones with trans flags in their bios tend to vehemently insist TIMs should be on the women's team. I think most TIMs do not want there to be ANY area in which it's socially acceptable not to treat them as real women, because doing so may open the floodgates.

( Fredrica )
Doing so WILL open the floodgates. That "biological advantage" is also that "biological reality" of sexual assault etc as male-typical crimes against women. The pieces just need to be put together. I think first sports will draw the line, then women's prisons next.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( HildegardVonBees )

We know that trans and non-binary people have existed for thousands of years.

eye roll

( hmimperialtortie )
They don’t fucking exist now, let alone for millennia. Neither condition is real.

Unless that’s a roundabout way of saying liars and fantasists have existed for millennia, in which case, sure.

( Eava )
And where are all the suicides? How were the morgues not full of teenagers who couldn't live as the opposite sex?

( Carthimundia )
Exactly. Why has this suddenly become a life threatening condition where children need treatment or they will kill themselves? The DSM in the late 80s reported that children with gender dysphoria grow out of it on their own as they mature. Why has this naturally terminating mental health condition suddenly become terminal in the last decade?

( pennygadget )

And where are all the suicides? How were the morgues not full of teenagers who couldn't live as the opposite sex?

Exactly! If trans kids have ALWAYS been a thing and not giving them hormones is a guaranteed suicide, than why isn't history full of child suicides?

On the contrary, child suicide was incredibly rare up until very recently even among kids with hard lives. We didn't see masses of Black kids killing themselves during slavery and Jim Crowe. But I'm supposed to believe that masses of trans eight year olds will leap into traffic like lemmings if Greg Abbott doesn't give them Lupron and let them shit in whatever bathroom they want?

Shawn Botts #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

I'm gay, but we used to make fun of insane confused things like that threy or whatever it calls itself. It's so frustrating that the asylum inmates took over the gay community. I used to be proud and supportive, but now, it's so insane and destructive that I want nothing to do with the community, and haven't for quite a few years. It's not just me, lots of my gay friends are like this. We hate it and feel shame and embarrassment. It's also pisses me off that the left has weaponized my sexuality and are actively using it to confuse and destroy the younger generations. I was born this way, but so many of them aren't. They're undoing all that my generation and the older ones fought for.

Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist ncu.su

Hate to say it but trannies have allegedly existed in most ethnic groups. A book I read claims animals have a gender spectrum. For example: some fish like seahorses the males will take care of the offspring. The females lay thousands of eggs and the males developed a pouch to protect them. It easier for female fish to cuck the males biology because they can swim off.

Female Mammals ween the babies on the tit so it's hard to turn fathers into mothers. But primate societies have created a social culture that allows for the child to be raised by non-related parents. Most primates go through a sexual cycle that allows a male to know he's the father of his offspring.

But human males are getting cucked if they can't control the female for months at a time. I believe nature cucks many males physically. Most Gorilla males never breed. They're physically powerless.

Trannies represent the ultimate cucked male. Any healthy society will have a surplus of males. The tranny is revolting because it represents the leftist ideal. A compliant feminine male that subjugates itself to matriarchy.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Losing my mind

I sometimes feel like I'm on a path to madness as I watch the world accept man after man as women. I have tried to do a mental game where I imagine what the world would be like if I just let men be women and don't worry about it, but I always come back to what's being done to kids, and women who don't have a voice or a choice, forced to be with men in prisons & shelters, or women in medical care forced to accept a male who's larping as a woman touching them intimately without the ability to speak up. I dunno. I'm burned out by it all and at the end of my rope. I'm ovarit. Anyone else?

( ProxyMusic )
Yes, I've felt like I'm going out of my mind for several years now. I'm at the end of my tether too.

I dunno how we ended up in a world where it's considered bigoted not to believe that clearly deranged, depraved men with sexual fetishes are women, and where big strapping full-grown blokes in fetish gear - including convicted sex criminals - are portrayed as "the most vulnerable" people in society.

I often refer to the sick, twisted world we're now living in as Caliguland.

( sarstan )
100% agree. This only leads to zero boundaries or accountablity for men and gross sex shit all around us, including in public.

( BlankandPitiless )
I have been saying for 6 years that the left is just as susceptible to propaganda and brainwashing as the right, maybe even more so because they consider themselves to be more intelligent. I have watched over and over again liberal people be taken in by con artists who say the right things and are the right demographics despite mountains of evidence that what they say isn't true. I have watched them push perverse agendas at the expense of women and children all while pretending its empowering and enlightened. And I KNOW all of this is largely because women started to get too much power, we had HRC a hair away from the presidency, women were finally speaking up with MeToo, girls are outperforming boys in academics, etc. But instead of realizing that they are being propagandized, the left has bought into it hook line and sinker and they will SILENCE anyone that disagrees. It's worse than anything I have ever seen on the right. I don't agree with all of their fears about immigration or abortion, but I understand the logic of why they feel that way however wrong it is. I simply do not understand how someone can say a man is a woman and a penis is female.

HuaMulan & actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

When talking about trans-identified people, we should make sure

Now, there are plenty of valid reasons for people to change their first names. These range from "my past traumatizes me and I would like to symbolically start off fresh" to "I would like to honor my heritage." In cases like these, I'd probably be more than happy to oblige when dealing with people who have adopted new names.

However, if the reason for the name change is motivated by gender confusion, criminal activity, or other malicious factors, I will not honor it. The "trans" people everywhere around us are pretty much criminals, anyway, considering how they treat actual women. In instances where the "trans" name is much more familiar than the "dead" name, I can understand the motive for additional clarification if necessary, but let's try to ensure that it's clear which name is the "real" name (e.g. "Jaron (Jazz) is one of the most notorious Munchausen by Proxy victims of this trans social contagion.").

Bottom line is, if he was born Jaron but changed his identity to a "she" named Jazz, then we use "him" and "Jaron". If she was born Ellen but changed her identity to a "he" named Elliot, then we use "she" and "Ellen." End of story.

I simply cannot understand why we, as radical feminists, should be honoring their demands and rewarding them; it just fuels their delusion and if unchecked, their problem only gets more and more severe. Plus, it opens up more cans of worms: if we should use their preferred names, why shouldn't we honor their preferred pronouns too? Or their preferred sports teams, restroom choices, changing rooms, female-only schools and universities, etc.

EDIT: removed "trans exclusionary" from text!

( actualdyke )
absolutely agree. the only time i will use a TIP's ""preferred"" name is if i don't know their real name and cant find it anywhere, but still need to refer to them. even then i'll usually make a snarky joke out of it or use a correctly-sexed version of the name (aka rachel -> richard) because i simply refuse to play into their narcissistic delusions.

Positron #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Florida passed the Anti-Grooming Bill: https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/ron-png.3056808/

As if every single person in the classroom were begging to be turned gay or trans by predatory "teachers".


No, it is wrong for medical schools to avoid mentioning "transgender" and "gender dysphoria", especially given the prevalence of these conditions in America. They should address these conditions as mental illnesses.


Following Texas, Idaho passes a bill that criminalizes quacks who mutilate children's genitals.

Tasty Tatty #transphobia kiwifarms.net

"Zack is good example of male socializing of troons, they never grew up hearing "this looks good on you, but this doesn't, here's why"--so they seem to think they can wear anything? or are they just getting off on wearing women's clothes?
they seem very particular about what they wear (which they must see as 'womanly') so not sure why they always end up looking so shitty?"

My family says similar things, and it's funnier in the context of the claim of how being a woman is a social construct vs social constructs being bad.

Dressing like a woman doesn't make you one, but dressing like one is a big part of the identity of being a woman and how we are perceived, same for males. So, if you believe womanhood is a social construct, then you have to accept that the lack of social interactions you mentioned and they never had, makes them all failed women.

SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

"My nephew did not choose to be trans..."

She chose her "identity" based on an unproven social theory that she could have lived her whole life without learning about. "Gender" as they all say is just a social construct, and this groomer's niece could have been raised in a culture where the social construct of being a boy was completely different. It could have been opposite--the social construct assigned to the male sex could have been wearing a dress and makeup and playing with dolls. Would she still be a boy?

Also, according to TRAs there is no physical requirement to be a boy, you can have a girl's body and call yourself a boy if you want to. You are apparently equally valid as a boy whether you are male, a female on steroids, or a female who has done no damage to her body. They claim you don't need body dysphoria or any type of gender dysphoria to be trans. And how can you know if you are comfortable with your body or genitals when you haven't even given them a chance to develop??? Choosing to destroy one's body is fully a choice, considering so many trans don't even do it. And we all agree that since children cannot consent, they cannot make the choice if they want to have sex or not, but they can make the choice to permanently destroy their bodies?!?!? While being fed lies with many genuinely believing they'll actually end up with something remotely resembling the other sex rather than suffer irreparable harm?? Even adults are denied informed consent in this regard as the TRA rhetoric pretends steroids and even genital butchery is safe.

But yeah, being tall, gay, or left-handed is the same as proposing a child can consent to bodily destruction. And there are actually people who do not realize their full sexuality until they are 18 or older, or especially until their later teens. Transing kids is like making kids lock in on their sexuality at 10 by doing some sort of permanent mutilation. That'd be insane! Look at all the asexual 11-year-olds who have been groomed to state a sexuality long before they should be thinking about sex. Maybe a few of them will turn out to be genuinely asexual but for the most part, they probably just didn't start feeling sexual attraction yet because they're children. Look at all the kids who might think they're straight at 13 because the homophobia around them has made them uncomfortable with even considering if they might be LGB.

Slippery Slope Award

also: Doomsday Fiction Award

SecondSkin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The End Game
(submitters note: question posed "What do you think the end game is with trans ideology?")

It’s to teach us a lesson for those damned suffragettes. And time loop us back before their time. And keep us there permanently.

Women have the vote right? Wrong. Once anyone who feels like a woman is one we no longer can assess how women as a group vote. We can’t use the data to figure out what the female electorate wants prioritised, or which parties represent woman’s issues or for political parties to canvas female voter needs and appeal to us. The group women will forever exclude some actual women and include men. And there will be no way to ever address this, we will be worse off that the suffragettes were, because at least they could hold meetings for women to change things. We won’t ever have that opportunity if self id comes in because any women’s group will have to be open to men also. And they’ll talk over us. And tell us that female health needs or employment needs or childcare and so on are not women’s issues because they don’t effect them, but that prostrate cancer and free boob jobs on the nhs need centred as the women’s issue funding needs directed too. And that they feel the rape survivor groups the government funds should now focus on sex work as a way of empowering survivors to find sex positivity and that playboy party Friday is the new weekly world book day in schools. And what the fuck can us actual women do about it? Nothing, not once self id is legal. Even way way way back when we were owned by our husbands and not allowed Education we had greater chance at improving women’s rights than we will if self id comes in- because at least then we could say what a woman was, we could create underground groups to tackle women’s needs and rights. And obviously it worked over time. But self id comes in and that won’t even be an option, because so many women are pro twaw line. So they’d infiltrate any attempt we made to expose us and have us punished. All while our children are in schools being brainwashed into believing twaw from birth, by drag queen teachers. So the truth would die with us. Except somewhere deep down our girls would know, they just would never have the language for it, having had their tongues tied by mantra and the history books trans-washed.

This is the end result. The ultimate silencing. With no way of the truth reasserting itself ever.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/8H3B4$5SSC9P7, Transscript starting around 34:09 and ending around 36:48 of a 36-minute video)

And finally I said

I am not one of the persuadables

and Taln said "correct you are not one of the people, who can be persuaded to not be a transphobic bigot. it's not a good thing, to be proud to not be a persuadable, because that means that you are saying, that there aren't any argument that could convince you that you are wrong" no it doesn't mean that. I'm saying, that you are deliberately decontextualizing what i said to make your preferred narrative work which is very dishonest. But what's new. I am persuaded by sound reasoning and evidence. You don't have any. That is how I was persuaded, to change my mind and stop pretending uh that trans-identifying men are virtually the same as women. The context here is very specific, it was about this document which described itself as a messaging guide and it's full of advice on how to use language to fool people into thinking that transgenderism is on a par with race. It too is deeply dishonest and quite sinister actually. Uh it calls its targets persuadables and yes, I am proud of having developed the critical thinking skills to be able to see right through it. Which of course makes me a terrible transphobic bigot in your nasty world view. so that's it.

in spite of the time and effort Taln put into writing his response he ends up coming across as just another misogynist getting his hate and resentment of women off his chest What's his endgame? does he think I or anyone reading his comment is going to be persuaded by his incisive analysis? does he think he's going to guilt-trip me into shutting up or even switching sides? Of course not. Taln has, I think, proved a perfect illustration of how deeply flawed gender ideology is. It amounts to an assertion that our sexed bodies are fundamentally irrelevant in determining whether we are men or women. Manhood and Womanhood are reduced to ideas and performances and raising objections that are based on real life and demonstrable experiences of hurt and harm are denied, dismissed and gets you called a transphobic bigot. that's how to win over hearts and minds. not.

Malevolent Grimace #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Harbinger of Kali Yuga said:
"This also has consequences for the right wing postulating that transgenderism is a metal illness that should be treated as such. The problem is, if transgenderism is a result of development after wonky hormonal shit goes down or whatever, their brain structures, possibly, may have permanently developed this way. So if (true) transgenderism is indeed a true biological phenomenon then there's nothing that can be done but accept them as they are."

Yeah, and I must say that my issues with the trans movement were much less prominent about a decade ago, when the argument was more about allowing people to present how they wanted to, maybe some hormonal support for passing, and there were major debates as to whether or not SRS was actually a help or a harm. I actually remember participating in debates at the time where trans women said that they felt pressured into bottom surgery, and they would not have chosen it. That idea is basically taboo now. So yes, my main concerns are 2:

1) Advocating for permanent surgical alterations as the preferred solution to people experiencing gender dysphoria (if even that, as true GD diagnosis is apparently gatekeeping now). Current sex reassignment surgery is incredibly destructive to the body, and irreversible. People are being lied to when they are told that a neovagina is equivalent to a real vagina, and the results that people are getting (even if they are "satisfied"), result in a permanent medicalization that I don't think can be justified except for in extreme harm reduction circumstances. I also don't think that offering children the option to medically transition is a good idea, I don't think they have experience or knowledge to make such a decision so young. Even puberty blockers are problematic, because as people like Jazz Jennings show, permanent sterility and an inability to experience sexual pleasure are the expected outcome of preventing puberty.

2) unwillingness to face the potential multiple origins of gender dysphoria and the trans identity.

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #fundie dailystormer.name

Or, you shitbag, the politics of bigotry are just about to get started.

People accepted the “do it in their own bedroom” faggot argument, but this tranny stuff is too weird. People are not going to accept this, everywhere we are seeing signs that they are not accepting it, the harder you people push the more open they are to me calling for EVERY SINGLE LAST FUCKING FAGGOT IN THIS COUNTRY TO BE THROWN IN A WOODCHIPPER.

Adrian Sol #homophobia #transphobia #racist dailystormer.name

Commiefornia to Teach Homosexualized Version of History to Children

So now just because some Jew historians “speculate” that someone may have been a homo, this needs to immediately become the official history taught to children.

And these people will accuse famous figures of being faggots over the flimsiest excuses. For example, Alexander the great is said to have been homosexual because he famously had a close male friend. So in their minds, having close friends = being a faggot.


Torchy Blane #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

During the feminist movement in the ’70s, women moved into the professional workplace dressed in masculine suits because they were told that in order to succeed and be taken seriously, they would have to masc it up, or dress more like men. Smart women soon realized that there was power in beauty and femininity but to never rely up on it.

By the mid ’90s, women began bringing sexy to the boardroom for a competitive edge. Meanwhile, men began dressing down. Thanks to Silicon Valley’s tech titans, CEOs aren’t “cool” anymore unless they slouch around in jeans, tennis shoes and faded t-shirts.

Flash forward 25 years and almost nobody dresses up for work anymore. Non-binary neutrality is the norm. Don’t stand out, just fit in. And increasingly it’s about gender neutrality – which depending on a given retailer could mean anything from everyday frumpwear (sweats, jeans and T-shirts) to men fem’ing it up.

How is this not putting gender identity pressure on a little boy?

According to the usual suspects (aka the Lugenpresse), Millennials are to blame – gay, straight and trans. They don’t just want gender-neutral clothing for themselves but for their kids, too. They apparently don’t want to put any gender or sexual-identity pressure on their children.
The not-so-new non-gender uniform also brings to mind prison garb. Meanwhile, local police are getting new garb, too. Ah, life in ‘merika.

The transgender “non-gender” fashion is equally disturbing. These victim-card-carrying, gender-bending guys and gals are encouraged to flaunt a flamboyant style that screams, “Your rights end where my feelings begin!” I wonder if a SJW membership is included with purchase.

Lean in a little closer, Millennials [aka media], I have a secret for you: They’re not called “non-binary people,” they’re called androgynous — or as Gen-Xers called ’em, “Pats,” back when people had a sense of humor.

Lone Outsider #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Nod Flenders said:
"There are only two sexes, male and female. Just stating this fact will send Tropers into an autistic rage.

Being this divorced from reality pretty much proves that these people are sick in the head."

NerdShamer said:
"Honestly, just refusing to play along with the "gender is an spectrum!" narrative is enough to piss off a lot of NPCs.

Besides, it's not like what page that they have for this kind of stuff is backed by science."

So much for their preaching about tolerance.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE:Stop right there sir! Were you about to fetishize that lesbian? Not without this lipstick you weren't. Now go get em tiger!

( carbon0va )

Men wouldn't do that bcos they want to be the special man, not to pretend to be a woman

The truth just slips out, doesn't it.

( XX_Power )
Well he has a point that they're different. Lesbian fetishizing men are scumbags while TIMs are delusional scumbags in ugly clothes.

(butchplease )
Whatever helps you feel better about being a sexual predator, I guess.

( notyourfetish )
Men make me sick to my stomach. Just actually sick. They can't just leave us alone. A billion straight women on the planet and they obsess over the 2% lesbians

Fuck off, rapists. Get out of our spaces, get off our dating apps. LESBIANS DON'T WANT YOU.

( hmimperialtortie )
Transmoids really are the lowest of the low.

( mathlover )
Two different motivations for heterosexual men to want to rape lesbians. At the root of both, though, are the fundamentals of male socialized sexuality. Men feeling they are entitled to ALL women's bodies, and the gratification of violating women (ie; lesbians) who would never desire them or consent to be with them.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/XQVMSNS97YTMB, Transscript starting around 31:10 and ending around 33:47 of a 36-minute video)
What your deliberate misrepresentation of what we say confirms, is that we have given away too much. We should stop talking about trans women and call them what they are: men. If you're seriously going to claim, that trans identifying men are in any significant way distinguishable from other men, good, bad or indifferent, then the onus is on you to convince us. You're not doing a great job so far. "also: 'very loaded terms' says the person who, at every single point, used extremely loaded terms towards trans people and trans rights advocates, like 'trans-identified male' for trans women, 'gender ideology' just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals, or calling the movement for trans rights a 'cult'". Now a loaded term is one with connotations intended to provoke an emotive response and manipulate feelings, like calling JK Rowling 'notorious'. The fact, that you don't like terms I use doesn't make them loaded. I use the term "trans-identifying man" when it's necessary to specify, that this is a man who either tries to present as a woman or who claims to actually be one, otherwise I just call them "men". It is accurate and there is nothing loaded about it. I certainly don't use the term "gender ideology" just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals. This is typical playbook stuff. 'Just because we exist' 'just because we want equal rights' nobody is saying you shouldn't have equal rights, but you don't just want equal rights. You want an expansion of men's rights, at the expense of women. This trans-identifying man put it succinctly "as a 'transsexual' not only do I have the same rights as everyone else in the UK, I also have the advantage of 25 years of male privilege. And in my experience in academia, institutions bend over backwards to pander to 'trans women', usually at the expense of women". I use the term "gender ideology" to refer to your absurd idea, that it is your gender identity that determines whether you're a man, or a woman, or neither, or it changes on different days, and every idea that follows on from that. I don't mind NOT calling it an ideology, but what else do we call it for short?

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

And what about children's instinct?

A point not made much mention of is that fact that bodies matter, and humans instinctively, as children, know this.

Forcing girls and young women to share their spaces and to not go with their very natural instinct of recognising (with near 100% accuracy) a male human, is forcing them to gaslight themselves about what they see and who to be wary of.

( pennygadget )
It also grooms them to ignore the inner "danger radar" that all kids (and ESPECIALLY GIRLS) have and need to cultivate. We're training girls to believe that it's bigoted for them to question a man's presence in their space even when they're obviously creepy.

IMO, the goal of this trans nonsense is to train girls to ignore the inner voice that tells them "DANGER!! RUN AWAY!" until that voice just dies altogether

( bellatrixbells )
I'm already of the opinion that woke culture teaches us to ignore our instinct anyways. I've tolerated more than one black, latino or arab men being creepy or insistent because I was afraid of being called racist. In one case it ended very badly for me.

( eggs_of_steel )
oh lawd yes same.

( bellatrixbells )
I hate to read this. We're really in a bind 😠

( Researcher1536 )
I can't separate TRAs from pedos and/or pedo apologists. We've seen a mountain of alarming evidence that makes it clear that this movement seeks to breakdown child safeguarding in all its forms, wants women silenced because we protect each other and children, and will stop at nothing but total obedience to this insidious ideology that wants to upend the very things that make us human.

( Misssarcasm )
The venn diagramme is a circle

( hmimperialtortie )
There’s no point trying to separate them, is there? TRAs are caping for paedophiles whether they mean to or not.

femlez34 #transphobia ovarit.com

Oh my god, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I would say for a lot of allies, they really just don't know any AGP TIMs irl. Maybe one of their friends has a 12 year old daughter who is experimenting with her hair and wearing bowties or something and they see it as normal adolescent exploration, they hear people they respect on tv telling them that trans people really do have the brains of the opposite sex and they believe it. Why wouldn't they? No one has enough time in the day to question literally everything they hear and quit their jobs to go do scientific research on everything. We're a trusting species. Every morning when I turn on my tap to get a drink of water I'm trusting hundreds of government officials and utility company employees and my building management that this water is safe.

I peaked the same way you did, being sexually harassed non-stop in lesbian spaces by AGPs. Like you said, it becomes impossible to believe that this person has a "girl brain" when they don't act anything like any woman you've ever met. I've never met a woman who blows up and threatens to rape me when I politely turn her down for a date. I have a bi friend who was stalked by a TIM that would hang out on her block and text her that he would knock her unconscious when she came home from work. Instead of being innocent people who are safer than "cis" men, it's the opposite. TIMs have a much higher concentration of sexual predators and perverts than normal men, and the prison statistics back it up (TIMs incarcerated at 4x the rate of normal men, and ~50% of them in jail for sex offenses compared to ~10% of regular men). These are not people who need a green light to walk into public locker rooms so that they can get a sexual thrill from flashing their penises at 6 year old girls. We need to keep waking people up to the reality of this situation.

dsar9013 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #transphobia blackpill.club

RE: Soys willing to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine

I hope the Russian army has no mercy for these leftists scum and decapitates them on live video stream, every westerner who fights for liberal jewish world order to protect trannies and racemixing should be ****** by Russian soldiers if they are captured, you could argue Ukrainians are atleast defending their country and are not all evil, but that doesn't apply to these zogbots.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/H9YBZJPBBGXR8, Transscript starting around 28:25 and ending around 31:10 of a 36-minute video)
The stories on there are absolutely heartbreaking, but there's plenty of advice about how to come off wrong sex hormones without professional help. And you only have to look at some of the detransition videos right here on youtube, to see what testosterone does to girls. The majority of transitioners don't have surgery, they only take hormones, so they're not even covered by the paper towel sites which is a review and meta-analysis of a number of studies in the US about a whole range of cosmetic surgeries undertaken by trans identifying people. From facial feminization, to hysterectomies, to genital surgery. And that's where the one percent regret figure comes from. Just that collection of studies. It's not a true reflection of transition regret.

I said

how often do we hear genderists making horrible racist analogies between black women and trans identifying men

and Taln said "the analogy 'trans women are women, just as black women are women' does not equate black women with 'men'. It explains that both black women and trans women are subsets (with some measure of overlap) of the larger sets that is women" this is just awful. Black women are not not a subset of women. There are no subsets of women. We are all adult human females. so-called trans women are not a subset of women because they are men.

I said of the michaelis article

there was the use of some extremely biased sources to make questionable assertions and the use of very loaded terms

"yeah, not like 'gender-critical feminists' at all, who constantly cherry-pick 'trans women who are bad' in order to paint trans people as a whole as bad and evil and argue against trans people being able to just live their lives" except that we don't do that, and you cannot point to a single person who has stated or implied that trans people as a whole are bad and evil and who argue against trans people just being able to live their lives. Taln, you have let your emotions get the better of you and are just blatantly lying now. I shouldn't even have to repeat what we are saying. Which is that only some men, including some trans-identifying men, are bad.


sapphicafemme , Gladys_Kravitz & Stealthygal #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Sometimes I can’t believe that some parents pretend their minor children are the opposite sex

( sapphicafemme )
They hate their kids and want to set the up for failure. On top of that, they get to use the “my kid’s trans” card anytime they need to get out of a tough situation. It’s not hard. It’s a win/win especially when both parents are on board.


( Gladys_Kravitz )
Those parents aren't scared or confused either. They want to deliberately punish and hurt their children, or they can't be bothered to actually sit down and listen to their kids. Those services are super expensive, many cold, distant, rich parents can't be bothered to actually connect with their kids and send them off to those torture camps.

Ignorance is not a valid defense when it comes to suspending someone's civil and human rights. You also cannot get away with saying "but I thought it would help them!" because that also isn't a valid defense. Parents who beat the devil out of their children also think they're helping them, but we all recognize it's abuse and hold them accountable despite how scared or confused they might be.

Parents of trans kids are no different. They are deliberately hurting their children and need to be held accountable, despite their personal worries or feelings over the issue.

Edit: for some reason people interpret things like this as "ONLY the parents should get in trouble" which is so far from what I mean it's actually laughable.

Every single adult involved with the transition of a child needs to be held accountable. Don't go after just one type of person, they are all responsible. The doctors, the therapists, the parents, etc. They have all colluded against the child.


( Stealthygal )
It's a polite fiction we maintain. Nobody wants to be like homophobes of the past who said gay people were sick and wrong. And we can all think to ourselves "well gosh yes how we feel inside is super important, if this person feels inside that they are a different sex then it's really good to affirm them because it would be so cruel and wrong to tell them otherwise".

Padraig Martin #dunning-kruger #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Why I Support Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine"]

I have nothing against the Ukrainian people[…]This is not about the Ukrainian people. This is about the Ukrainian government. I fully support the invasion of Ukraine by Vladamir Putin
Ukraine has been used by Western globalists as a base of operations for decadence, depravity, and cultural assault[…]especially since 2014[…]Kiev has been the launch point for anti-White and anti-Christian propaganda leveled not only at Russians, but also Eastern European neighbors, such as Belarus, Hungary, and Poland
Whereas Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Poland’s Andrzej Duda have no love for the Russians[…]they also likely know that Kiev is the center-point of anti-Hungarian and anti-Polish leftist activity
Since the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution[…]powerful, leftist interests with roots in the United States established a stranglehold on Ukraine, installing a puppet government that has done the globalist American bidding for the past eight years
Ukraine’s geographical position on the edge of Europe and on the Black Sea made it more important than Turkmenistan or Azerbaijan. First, it provides a strategic doorway to Russia[…]home to the very few quasi-warm, deep-water ports for the Soviets
Western governments began to place various NGOs into Ukraine to ensure she was turned into a vassal[…]George Soros has been in Kiev operating on behalf of “democracy” since 1991
On their webpages you can see their support for LGBTQ+ causes, as well as support for transgender affirmation and transition therapies for children. All are pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-open borders, pro-Muslim migration, and pro-Western cultural decadence
Whereas I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people, I feel no sympathy for the leftwing patsies in Kiev

Russia was right to invade Ukraine

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/QT$55SQ9NP4RD, Transscript starting around 25:48 and ending around 28:25 of a 36-minute video)
and I said

how the hell can she see gender-critical arguments as in any way opposed to anti-racism and de-colonialism?

and Taln said "'gender-critical feminism' is fundamentally opposed to intersectionality" - oh don't be so silly, feminism is about women's liberation and that means all women. Being gender critical is a key part of feminism, because gender when defined as a social construct that dictates expectations on how people are supposed to be because of our sex - so masculine and feminine - it's regressive, it's a straight jacket that hurts women and men. But being gender critical isn't denying other intersecting forms of oppression, based on ethnicity, on sexual orientation, or religion or disability. Some of the most high profile and active gender critical feminists are lesbians and some are black and some like Linda Bellos and Allison Bailey are both.

I said

gender critics care about all women

and Taln said "no, 'gender-critical feminists' clearly do not at all care about all women, because they, by definition, can not care about the well-being of trans women" so called trans women are, by definition, men. If they weren't, they wouldn't be called trans women. And some of them are trying to push back on women's rights. Those ones, and all of those who support them, are the enemies of women.

"And the fact that you are dragging out the talking point of transition regret, despite the prevalence of transition regret being extremely low with about one percent" - love it, when they refer to scientific papers. The very first line of this one says "there is an unknown percentage of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals who undergo gender affirmation surgeries that experiences regret" surgeries, Right. Of course it's unknown. I recall saying in a previous video that huge numbers of those, who've gone through any degree of medical transition and regretted it, did not tell their doctors or therapists. Check out the detransition subreddit, which now has nearly 26 000 subscribers.

mathlover #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: r/MtF OP finds Buffalo Bill relatable, but is mad about the negative media representation for TiMs

Buffalo Bill is the prototype for every AGP "trans" male today, which is nearly all of them. They all identify with some aspect(s) of Buffalo Bill.

VestalVirgin & Misssarcasm #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: It’s Hard to be Nonbinary and Have PCOS When Medical Language is Still so Gendered - The Unwritten

( VestalVirgin )
I have a lot of compassion for women with PCOS, but this shit ...

Really, how about we just don't let women with speshul gender identities access healthcare meant for women anymore?

Whenever they realize that their health is more important than their egotrip, they can admit they're women and get access. I mean, apparently her PCOS isn't so bad yet if she can still think her hurt genderfeelz are the main reason why it's "hard".

( Misssarcasm )
This sister. If they dont want to be part of the team, dont let them use our ressources. Surely there are enough EnBys with medical degrees to handle their physical problems which are in no way related their physical bodies. And just imagine how tRigGeRed they must feel when entering a female-only room!!

dsar9013 & GrimIsSlim #transphobia blackpill.club


Boys wanna be girls and girls wanna be boys.

The male to female trannies one I can understand, even though they are evil, many are incels in denial, who want some of that sweet affirmative action and privilege that comes from being female and the only way they can get society to even give a damn about them is pretending to be female. BUT the female to male ones are fully insane, why would they give up their female privilege and advantages of sexual superiority in todays society just to pretend to be men. Even the Ellen Paige has not had a single role while "he" transitioned to male because "he" is no where near goodlooking enough to compete with male actors. Just insane, imagine having the whole world in front of you, being rich and famous and just deciding to throw it all away for some mental delusion that you're a man, pure madness. These liberal freaks, aren't even human anymore, in my eyes.


The male to female trannies one I can understand, even though they are evil, many are incels in denial, who want some of that sweet affirmative action and privilege that comes from being female and the only way they can get society to even give a damn about them is pretending to be female. BUT the female to male ones are fully insane, why would they give up their female privilege and advantages of sexual superiority in todays society just to pretend to be men. Even the Ellen Paige has not had a single role while "he" transitioned to male because "he" is no where near goodlooking enough to compete with male actors. Just insane, imagine having the whole world in front of you, being rich and famous and just deciding to throw it all away for some mental delusion that you're a man, pure madness. These liberal freaks, aren't even human anymore, in my eyes.

The ftm ones think that men have it easier from the media saying us men have it easier, even after they "transition" they're not treated nearly as bad since everyone can see past the clothes.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia scottlively.net

DO NOT BE DECEIVED: The very same globalists who installed Biden through election fraud, burned our cities, staged the ongoing genocidal plandemic, and turned American school-children into “gays,” trannys and SJWs, also installed the Zelensky regime in Ukraine…

Human shields can be used both defensively and offensively. An example of the use of human shields by “defenders” is what Ukrainian Soros agent Zelensky is doing in Kiev. He forcibly conscripted all male civilians into the militia, equipped them with Molotov cocktails, and ordered them to face down Russian tanks (instead of simply agreeing to never put nukes on Russia’s border, which Putin offered as the solution on Day One).
In the American culture war, the Marxist left has taken a page from the “steal the children” Muslim playbook. They have exploited and abused their control of the “captive audience” of American schoolchildren to create a slave-army of Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) which they now deploy as human swords. Case in point is the group of school children and Woke adult handlers who last week chanted “F*** DeSantis” in the rotunda of the Florida State House in protest of a parental rights bill to ban “gay” propaganda to schoolchildren below the 4th grade.

If President Trump had survived the election coup in 2020 we would have no Ukraine war (because he respects Russia’s legitimate security interests and wants to disband NATO) and a much stronger position against all forms of Wokism in general here at home. Despite his (temporary?) compromises on so-called “gay rights” and the “vaccine” Donald Trump is the most powerful anti-globalist in the world. Vladimir Putin is second. Globalism would be quickly crushed if American and Russia agreed to cooperate on that goal as candidate Trump implied in 2015-16. That is the forbidden truth behind the campaign to “cancel” the Russian nation.

The Good Citizen #wingnut #transphobia #quack #racist lewrockwell.com

The light and the darkness. The kind and the cruel. The strong and the weak. The brave and the cowards. The thoughtful and the Ukrainian Borg.

Zis invasion is a great opportunity to reset zee world. Zee more civilian deaths for zee cameras and refugees, zee more zee west will sanction Russia destroying zee dollar’s status and zerby zee global economy, zee better it will be for zee Forse Industrrael Revolution.
Schwab 6:66

Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 7 – Zoom Room 38218832PX12
Dobrogo Ranku everyone! That means good morning in Urainians. My name is Piper, my pronouns are ze/zir and I just want to talk about, like my feelings lately. I really was antiwar but then I started seeing images of the Ghost of Keev and like all those Ruskie planes he shot down in one day to earn the ace fighter badge and now I’m totally inspired. I’m thinking about starting a GoFundMe to raise money for a new aviator suit for him since the one he’s been wearing for like a week is probably all sweaty and I highly doubt they have tide pods there or even washing machines. Do they even wash clothes in Urainia? Probably in the rivers.
Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 11 – Zoom Room 45418432GE23
Hello everyone. My name is Finley. My pronouns are ve/ver. I’m from Seattle. I was one of the original Chaz occupiers. Now I work for the city of Seattle doing just basic humanitarian work to assist with the temporarily sheltered and abode challenged peoples of the community. It’s mostly handing out free syringes and soon thanks to President Biden, crack pipes, because why discriminate against any recreational drug users? What’s that? Oh, right, Ukraine. So, like I’m totally antiwar but just the evil nature of Putin has made me all for this one. I didn’t mean that. Stop giving me those looks! What I meant to say is that I’m against this invasion like one hundred. But I’m totally for bombing the shit out of all Russians. I’m so for it okay?

femlez34 , proudcatlady & actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The only question we need to ask TRAs

( femlez34 )
Their response is that "trans women" are magically incapable of criminal activity. If you believe in the oppression olympics, it's only cis white straight Christian males who are capable of wrongdoing, everyone else is only ever a victim. It doesn't matter if you tell them that 50% of TIMs are in jail for committing sex crimes, then they'll say "well, those aren't trans women then, they must be cis men pretending to be trans women". Then you can respond, "okay, well if cis male sex predators are so good at convincing prison wardens and doctors and judges that they're 'real trans women', what's going to keep them out of women's public bathrooms and locker rooms?"

Ultimately it doesn't matter what a person's gender soul is if the result is the same. TRA's will never concede that TIMs aren't women, the best we can do is get them to concede that the result is increased violence against women and children. The TIMs themself of course don't care, any number of women raped is acceptable collateral damage for one man's fetish fulfillment, but most reasonable liberals won't agree.

( proudcatlady )
They think men are more violent to transwomen than to actual women. They will tell you that with a straight face.

( actualdyke )
the true answer that they don't wanna say out loud: they know males are dangerous, they're just willing to sacrifice women and unwilling to sacrifice TIMs.

actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs don't understand that the positive attention they receive from woke women comes from pity

a theory to add to this: even the most woke of allies notices how 'lesbian' TIMs almost exclusively seek sexual encounters with those who are not attracted to them. Therefore their constant fawning and compliments and validation is lowkey them trying to avoid the rapey nature of TIMs, because they know that the more disinterested and unattracted you seem, the more TIMs will force themselves upon you.

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