
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist amren.com

(Nathan B. Forrest)

Many of them hate white women more than they hate white men. Why are there so many "Karen" incidents to mock, humiliate, and destroy white women on social media? This is especially true for many black and hispanic women, who seem to have a seething hatred of white women.

Absolutely, non-White would absolutely love a White husband but most Whites find them unattractive. The can't stand White women especially if there is a chance that their man would go for one.

I doubt most black women would want to be with a white man.

You obviously don’t know black women that well.

May be just part of general sadistic propensity of blacks to target whom they see as the most vulnerable easy prey to torture, being cowards at heart. E.g. that incident with the dog leash in Central Park in which a black man threatened and then recorded weak liberal White woman calling police on an "African-American man" so he could post online to destroy the life of "Central Park Karen"...most likely would not have happened if that was an athletic 6'4" White man walking his dog, all else being equal...

When the media promote anti-White hatred, they do so with the full knowledge that they are stoking anti-White violence. And when that anti-White violence occurs, they decline to report on it. The media has already established attitudes of resentment that have made Whites the primary VICTIM---not perpetrator!---of interracial violence. I fear that we will soon see an explosion of violence against Whites. Remember what happened in Haiti.

Careless_Highlight53 & Puzzleheaded_Low7428 #crackpot #racist reddit.com

RE: Map of light eyes in Europe (well sourced)



south "Europe" smh lmao... they're all Arab-Berber blooded mutts. I wonder why a lot of people do not consider Turkey a part of Europe while they're not much different from Italians or Spaniards at all by looks in reality.


Strange enough that South Europe in this map follows the borders of the Roman Empire. Evidently at some point Arabs and Berbers replaced the Romans but we don't have traces of it.

Card-Carrying Villain Award

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
For all of our intelligence, we are just organisms trying different strategies to propagate our species as far as possible.

He says that Asians are more altruistic than whites, but is it altruism when they are helping out fellow Asians? How many times have we seen Chinese set up funds to feed poor whites in Appalachia? Or, to help out poor whites in Russia or the Ukraine? Yet, whites help out Asians in poor countries.

If anything, whites have a suicidal need to help out people from without their species and this is recipe for genetic suicide.

(Michael Himmler)
China is still a developing country, with GDP per capita equivalent to 10,000 USD in 2019. Japan is the fourth largest donor country in the world. An average Japanese donates more than an average American.

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
I cannot tell the difference between the average Japanese and the average Chinese. The fact that they donate to people who look like themselves, but not to whites, black, hispanics or anyone else makes them just one more selfish group in my eyes. That's not altruism.

(Michael Himmler)
We should praise the Japanese for doing so.

Race is biological. End of discussion. Race is real and those who deny racial reality are deluded fools living in a fantasy world. Every single person on this planet except a sizable percentage of whites is racially aware. Tread at your own peril, because if you think race is not an issue to other peoples, you are just beyond hope.

Race is not biological. Nor is it genetic (although genes can detect blacks). It certainly isn't evolution, the least reason being that evolution does not happen (not my job to educate people 30 years behind the technology curve).

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

I always wonder why liberal whites get emotional about the black IQ. If you talk about white hispanic difference, it doesnt steer up this kind of emotional response. The black IQ is always the main talking point that puts them in denial.

60 years of infused guilt and self hate from television and movies from you know who.

If the human mind can be brainwashed by simple propaganda to deny reality then the human mind is weak or not as intelligent as I expected or maybe they know the truth about black iq but deny it on purpose for some reason that I dont know

Because Liberal Whites know the truth and cannot face it.

But why? What do they have to lose if they acknowledge that? Why are they worried so much about the blacks who want to destroy them?

(Cheri Rodriguez)

Hispanic and white are more alike culturally?

Colombian is supposedly the purest Spanish spoken in Latin America. At work a few years back there were some instructions written in Spanish and a Colombian woman read them and then said—"Who the hell wrote this, a Puerto Rican?" Colombia is one South American country I'd like to visit...

(Standup Broad)
Acquaintance is Columbian, when she speaks Spanish the physical response by Mexicans is a sight to behold; their shoulders drop and their heads tilt and decline, it's as if they hear their master's voice. The "blancas" of Columbia, Argentina, and Chile do not socialize with, or hire (above the level of service worker), those with other-than-pure blood.

Because Hispanics and whites both accept the Platonic order. Blacks don't. It doesn't give them enough station and power.

TheViking Hermit & deathzero0212 #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

(TheViking Hermit)
Critical Race Theory is extremely strange and dangerous in that it makes “white people” out as the ultimate bad guy, while also portraying “white people” as an unstoppable force that no other group can defend against or complete with, thus only policy and handouts can save them… it labels conquest, victory, hard work and critical thinking as “white”, heck even Math and Scheduling is “white”…implying that non-whites can neither conquer, be victorious, work hard, or advance… it’s both hateful of “whites” yet creepily venerating of them.

I find this same creepy double edge thought process in modern feminism where men are labeled as evil, and yet to promote women they compare themselves to and strive to be more, like men. Focusing on careers not family, making short hair popular, acting more aggressive, promoting less feminine and more ‘butch’ body types, demanding more clothing styles similar to that of men, desiring performance an competition at the same levels as men. Almost like to goal is to be men, rather than focus on what women are doing.

True, which is why Critical Theory and Feminism makes no sense. There's never been any logic or reason to their positions, it's entirely emotion-based and tribal. They contradict themselves all the time and many of us have spent the past 10 years making fun of their truly awful positions. However, despite how easy it is to debunk, reason against or disprove most of their points, they are still winning the culture war, mostly through their funding and institutions, fake news, celebrity culture, etc. Like Marxists say, "there is no truth but power." They don't care to speak truth, they only want to win, which is what they are doing...

Keiko Fujimori & Other Wingnuts #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut theguardian.com

Peru: Fujimori cries electoral fraud – and unleashes torrent of racism

Claims of rightwing candidate, trailing Pedro Castillo in the polls, emboldens far right, who have vowed not to accept result

The prospect of the son of illiterate Andean peasants becoming president as his rival cries fraud has shaken Peru’s entrenched class system and its fragile democracy, letting loose a torrent of racism in the bicentennial year of the country’s independence.

“The tension has reached a breaking point,” said José Ragas “The Lima elite is not just trying to keep power, they are trying to cancel the rural vote.”

In one ugly but not unusual case, the news site Sudaca published text messages between middle-class white men in Lima who discussed how people from the highlands should “die of hunger” and called for the return of Alberto Fujimori’s alleged forced sterilisations which mostly targeted indigenous women.

Other memes characterised Castillo as a donkey or said Andeans were too ignorant to be allowed to vote.

As officials at Peru’s electoral board work overtime to reinspect the disputed ballots, social media and partisan news broadcasters have helped spread fake news stirring up the spectre of totalitarian rule, violence and even mass expropriations if Castillo is declared the winner amid rumblings of coup plots among the far-right.

Apparently inspired by Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat at the US elections, Fujimori has led a string of marches against “fraud” telling supporters at one rally: “The election will be flipped, dear friends.”

Peru’s interim president Francisco Sagasti slammed as “unacceptable” a letter signed by nearly a hundred retired military officers urging the armed forces not to recognise Castillo.

AlAndalus22 #crackpot #racist reddit.com

Are Slavs genetically inferior in football?

During this Euros, it seems like the Slavic nations can't compete against the non-Slavic Western European nations.

Slavs played 11 games against the non-Slavic Westerners and the Slavs only won twice, one which Russia beat Finland, who are probably the worst team in the tournament. Slavs lost EIGHT times out of the possible 11 against the non-Slavs, and conceded 19 goals in those 11 games, which is abysmal imo.

So the question must be asked. Are Slavs not genetically cut out to play football? If a tiny nation like Denmark can thrash the Slav powerhouses Russia in football, there's very little hope left.

CoalFax #racist dailymail.co.uk

Australian teenager is left fearing for her life after she was secretly added to a disgusting 'race traitors' database because her boyfriend is black

A Melbourne teenager was unknowingly added to a disgusting online database aimed at shaming 'race traitors' for interracial dating. 

Chloe's information, including where she went to high school and university, and photos of her and her boyfriend Josh were uploaded to the racist website called CoalFax. 

'Chloe is a race-traitor living in Melbourne. She is openly dating a monkey called Josh,' the vile profile read.
CoalFax, which is believed to be US-based but hosted on a Russian server, has a number of profiles for women from all over the world who are in interracial relationships.

The 18-year-old said she was terrified after waking up on Tuesday to messages from people she had never met.
'I was so overwhelmed I just burst into tears. I was so angry that people can get away with this for so long,' she told 7News. 

'And I didn't want to put my family, or Josh, in danger all because we're in an interracial relationship.'

The website claims its purpose is to be used as a 'public service to prevent men from unknowingly entering into relationships with wh**es.'

Anyone who requests to be taken off the page is told by its administrators they need a valid court order.  

'If you believe you are in danger there is a very simple solution, delete or make your accounts private,' the website reads.  

Chloe contacted Australian Cyber Security Centre and Victoria Police in a desperate bid to get the site shut down. 
eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said the teen's case is a classic example of  'doxing' ...

The website is now being investigated.

Vox Day #crackpot #racist #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

Black Lives Matter has been the most useful element in the inevitable transformation of the Republican Party into the American Party since the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles. It's finally beginning to dawn upon US whites what their minority status will actually mean for the nature of the society in which they live.

It won't be too many years before nice liberal suburban whites will be begging the police, the National Guard, and armed local militias to not only open fire on the roving POX mobs that are threatening them in their homes and workplaces, but to go on the offensive and root out their urban strongholds. After all, the whole point of suburbia was to escape the POX and achieve practical segregation by automobile without being accused of racism. Because good schools....

You simply cannot have a neo-European society that is composed of non-Europeans anymore than you can have a Japanese society sans Japanese people. The dirt isn't magic.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #quack #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

A fundamental sea change has taken place at the highest levels of world power on or around June 21st, 2021. The world’s military and intelligence agencies have decided to treat the ongoing fake pandemic medical emergency as an act of war and react accordingly.
As a part of this, a death warrant has been issued for David Rockefeller Jr. He is pictured below with his slaves Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko and Akie Abe the wife of former Japanese slave prime minister Shinzo Abe (we are not sure who the woman at the far left of the picture is).

It is well-documented history that the Rockefeller family took over Western medicine by setting up and financing medical associations. These suppressed traditional natural-based medicine in favor of petroleum and chemical-based medicine.
Rockefeller has been fingered by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who is now in protective custody) as the most senior member of the genocidal Octagon group. For this reason, a warning is being sent to the Swiss, to either hand him over for questioning or face the complete destruction of Octagon group headquarters near Lake Geneva.
The ongoing attempt by these corporation-owning families to turn Planet Earth into a giant animal farm is what the world’s military organizations have decided to fight against. The chart linked below illustrates the effects of fascism, i.e. when corporations take over government.

Basically it turns the power structure into a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks the wealth from ordinary people and other living creatures into a giant black hole of oligarchy.

thebullet #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #wingnut breitbart.com

RE: Anti-Brexit Ex-Speaker John Bercow Finally Joins the Labour Party

When the Soviet Union collapsed back in 91, the Western Worlds revolutionary leftists morphed into identity politics and infiltrated every single institution in their respective countries. It was a long game but planned and with strategy behind it. Bercow was one of them, 100% guaranteed. If this Tory abomination of a government was even remotely of the right and righteous, it would make sure Bercow had an unfortunate accident. Sally the Alley and their runt family as well. The lot of them are parasites and wouldn't be missed.

leftists morphed into the environmental brigade

Identity politics came later

No it didn't, the politics of race were being implemented bit by bit from the 60's. After Bush (senior) NWO speech in 1990 and the fall of Bolshevism, the left and their globalist masters actively pushed mass immigration upon Western and Northern Europe, North America and Oceania. The green agenda was just another tool to batter us over the head with.

The leftwing doctrine battered their white populations with endless stories of race. When I was at school through the 80's, the green agenda was hardly mentioned. It was race drip fed into everything and the evils of Empire.

The race question has been ongoing for nearly 400 years in the main. People were fighting race, when the industrial revolution was still an infant. The green agenda was jumped on by the left in the 90's, when the class war was over. That was real Labour being taken over by a bunch of druggie university "liberal" types. Old Labour wouldn't answer the door to mobs like Greenpeace and co. Old Labour was industry, New Labour is anti-industry.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reveddit.com

There is a cohesive effort to stop Slavic groups from getting strong and grow positive communities. Seen this happen in my city.

What city

I dont want to be too specific but Western Canada.


Sad about Slavic suppression. We make up 25% in some provinces.

Ukrain stronk

Slavs are PoC. Don't take away our struggle in the racist AmeriKKKa


I thought Slavs considered Turks Slavs?

Why do you guys kind of shoo away Turks that lurk here

Turks are not European

And some Slavic countries want to go back to their own glories. So do Greeks, Albanians, Germans, Hungarians, Turks so we are constantly at odds because of that.

New-Ad-2473 #crackpot #pratt #psycho #racist reveddit.com

He's a low iq monkey that wants to be accepted cuz be has a disgusting half slavic mutt child.

And its almost ironic, us slavs never colonized you blacks and even fought the nazis and yet blacks and people of color treat us like we enslaved and colonized them and take our women and label us racist. (Like you tico perfect example)

It really makes you think whether we were on the right side of history.

And thats precisely the reason if my daughter ever brought home a black man I would immediately disown her. Remove her from my house and cut her off completely finacially.

Interracial children suffer higher rates of identity disorders, grow up in dysfunctional households and have a wide variety of genetic disorders.

Lion + tiger = liger

Horse + zebra = zebroid

Cow + Buffalo = beefalo

Liger, zebroids and beefalos are all dsygenic creatures that suffer low fertility, low life expectancy and a wide variety of other genetic disorders.

African + Slavic is like trying to breed a lion + tiger = dsygenic.

He/She would be accepted by Poles. I have no worries

I promise you poles will not accept him. I know multiple polish women with half black babies, and the only accepting groups are black/social circles fully black.

Have you ever heard the 1% rule? If you have 1% black DNA your basically black and the only accepting groups are black.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: 8% of Macedonian kids in the last 20 years are from a mix marriage with Serbs, Vlachs or Albanians. This gonna have consequences in the future and people gonna have huge identity problems.

You think thats a problem? Wait til western europe and North americ has hundreds of millions of afro-euro, arab-euro and asian-euro mixed people

Should i care about Brits and Americans? Because i don't, i only care for East Europe with exclusion of Greece and Albania

You should because once the western European mixed mongrel horde reaches critical mass they will March eastwards looking for lebanstraum and every woman will get blacked or browned in their path

Macedonia should take all Albanians and put them back to Albania, because else Albanians want western Macedonia like they wanted Kosovo.

Wake up Macedonia

All women of all ethnicities fuck Arabs and blacks even asian women.

If they don't live in poland there is 0 that can be done to help them.

Thanks I will book the next fly to England and save the polish woman from blacks and Arabs. Furthermore I will try to improvise our image. Funny thing is that Albanians take everything so serious 😂


Just split it between Albania and Bulgaria and done

The Albanians are all going to move to Switzerland or Germany anyway

No, we wait and we gonna make Macedonia trad mix Albanian-Vlacho-Serbo-Macedonian country. We gonna all mix and if we lack woman we will fill the whole country with Albanian woman from Skadar and TIrana

How a country created during 90's, that has no real distinct history can suffer indentity crisis??!

Makedon-Slav1488 #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Can I count myself as Slav?

Disagree. We should look into the social aspect of this example not just the genetic one. There are more males compared with females, meaning some guys must marry outside of their own ethnicity or die alone. I would rather prefer African-Macedonian mix if the dad is Macedonian than a Turk or anyone else cucking a Macedonian girl.

He is as Slavic as much as Obama is white. He is mix, and he can pass as Turk because ethnicity is passed from dad side not mom. Plus idk what this guy tripping, more than half of Macedonian Muslims call themselves as Turks in Macedonia. Simple example for this is the mayor of Plasnica, Ismail Jahoski. Plasnica nibbas we having last names with "ski" but they write themselves as Turks.

Macedonians and Bulgarians aren't as Slavic as Poles and Ukrainians for example(we have Balkan blood). So i think what u wanted to say is that u are attracted to Macedonian roots not Slavic in general.

I would not say there is even Macedonian culture tbh as of 2021, because there is no suck thing as culture anymore in Macedonia since the 60s, We only have the language and some Christian traditions left.

If your dad was Macedonian and your mom Turkish i would have said u can identify as Macedonian but your mom is the only who married a Turk so no i would not want u to identify as Macedonian nor Slav. You should identify as mix Macedonian/Turk.

Is that really matters that my dad or my mother? Why one of them makes me less or makes me more?

Society, it's like this since ever. Dad side matters not mom side, u can identify as whatever u like but in reality almost all kids from mix marriages take the dad side ethnicity.

Anonymous #racist the-unpopular-opinions.tumblr.com

Black people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt white babies. It’s not fair to the child.

If a white family adopts a black child they are giving them a better life and more chance for success. But if a black family adopts a white child they are just dragging them down into crime, poverty, and abuse.

If black people wanna adopt they should just stick with black kids.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@BumboJumbo666 - you mean treat them with kid gloves when they commit domestic terrorism?"]


Police forces haven't done anything to Red Indians (or Red Indian groups) they didn't deserve due to their shitty actions[…]Brave Canadians such as Gerald Stanley have to make so many life-or-death decisions to remove them
Some of them still work at putting Red Indians in jail for their horrible offenses and it's the justice system that engages in system racism by leting them off for their vicious assaults on their women

tismcel & thickneckedslayer #psycho #racist #sexist lookism.net

had a fight and possibly sent a guy to gandy ((in minecraft))

so i was flirting and kissing this girl, sve had a boy friend tho, the boyfriend spat on me and told me to go away, so i kicked his head a few times, i heard hes in a coma now

what a cuck
his friends jumped on me (i was super-drunk, 8 shots of vodka, half a wine, 4 beers and a quarter of a 1 liter 21% alcohol drink

so they sucker punched me a few times

if i was sober i would’ve won

BTW were these guys danes or nydanskere

guy i kicked was a dane the group of guys who attacked me were arabs iirc

What did your parents say to your injuries?

my dad is chilling in serbia
i just told my mom i walked into a pole

How would U react when this nigga dies or has permanent brain damage?

i wouldn't care


look at this chad trying to ascend gigachad form by frauding his genetics with bonesmashing

he will let his face get punched untill the maxilla and jaw will be super forward grown and it will look like 10/10 dark swarthy gigachad

he mogs us by being super med and high iq, plus on the side he picks up chicks even if they have a boyfriend. He can never claim rotfraud ever again with his non existant inhibition levels

also reminder that he's 12 years old but looks 30. also 6'3" at 12 years old

literally fucking over if you aren't a half med half serbian gigachad living in denmark cucking all the 16" bideltoid nerdics

too many fucking gigachads on this forum now. might go sui

i can't even hate on you OP

always great to see a psychopath chad start so young

you will fuck many stacies and bash many nerdic/shitskin skulls in the years to come

i salute you

Petros #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

I am a black man and even though it is painful for me to say this but the black race is the most destructive race in the whole world. I say this because it was my own observation in my family and in my neighborhood. I don't have any loyalties to the black race, although it's painful for me to say this I wish I wasn't forced into my existence as a black man. Everywhere I see where the black race exist there is chaos,crime and poverty. I truly believe the only way to deal with the black race is through eugenics. There shouldn't be more than few thousand black people that exist around the world. I will do my part to end the cycle by not having kids and not spreading the black Genome further. The only way to save the world is removing the black Genome from the world's gene pool.

I really want to be proud of my race and be part of the extended black family but the problem is I couldn't find anything to be proud of, all I see is poverty, crime nothing more.. I want to see something historical accomplished by my race but is I couldn't find anything beyond simple hunter-gatherer lifestyle while the other world civilizations created Advanced societies. Most black people don't want to face this painful fact but I can't run away from the facts. I simply can't be a part of the victim class of the today's Black America it is better for me to die fighting for the betterment of human civilization as a whole and the betterment of the human civilization needs the eradication of the black race at least to a lesser population. I am a fact driven person and all my experiences have been horrible with black people. I have been treated way better by other races of humans

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com


Ten weeks ago, Gregory Hood and I launched a new podcast: Left, Right, and White. Now we’re inviting you to suggest topics for future episodes.

Greetings. How about discussing the tremendous ecological cost of unsustainable population growth fueled by heavy immigration flow?

You can always tell when an "environmentalist" is just an anti-white nutjob when their first priority is not controlling the population explosion of Africans but instead the immigration of these useless millions into white countries.

(Mr Anthrope)
Exactly - this is where the left/greens/marxists reveal their hypocrisy. They hate humanity, want euthanasia, full term abortion etc, yet when presented with the opportunity to rid the world of a billion people with the Flumanchoo, they lapse into full Stalin mode globally. Unfettered immigration? More garbage, crime, health system burdened, cars on fire or blocks, buildings defaced or razed, women with a half dozen kids by 5 men, all absent of course and no accountability (that would be racist).

Middle and upper class whites will scorn a working class white family as "white trash" if they go into a grocery store and get lots of good deals for cheap, but a black or Hispanic does it, these same whites either say nothing or say "Why, those Hispanics are good shoppers!" A white woman with more than 2 white kids, these whites scorn her for being a breeder, yet say nothing about nonwhites who have large families (and on our dime, too). Middle/upper class white people will lose their bleep when they see a confederate flag or a white nationalist rally, yet willingly support, kneel to and praise nonwhite militants (BLM, La Raza) who want them dead.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Green Marxism (climate change propaganda) is a clever way to force White people to do things that they would not ordinarily do. It’s based on “computer models” of forecasted climate changes that have been manipulated for political purposes. In 1977, scientists said the earth was cooling. Now they say it’s warming. Next they’ll say it’s cooling again.

This NASA climate-change study is clever. They use fancy jargon to convince the stupid masses that “global warming” is real. An “observational estimate”?? What exactly is that, NASA?? Here’s a juicy quote, re: the NASA climate study:

“Loeb cautions that the study is only a snapshot relative to long-term climate change, and that it’s not possible to predict with any certainty what the coming decades might look like…” Ya don’t say! So, it’s just a guess?

The earth has warmed about 1 degree in the last 150 years. Which means nothing. The Middle Ages were actually warmer than now.

Furthermore, “climatology” is a very Jewish science. At least two of the 1970s godfathers of “ecology science” were Jews ...

“Political” Jewish scientists are famous for being wrong. One of those Jews, the famous Carl Sagan, long pushed the “Nuclear Winter” theory to include not only nuclear explosions (“nuclear bombs can cause a winter”) but the Kuwait oil-field fires in 1991. Sagan said that there would be “no summer” after the fires. But there was. Sagan was seriously wrong. “Nuclear Winter” theory is baloney, like all Jewish theories. There’s the key: it’s all “theory” (just like regular and Cultural Marxism).


Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Wait, They Said That Black Lives Matter

If Black lives matter, why do Blacks kill so many Blacks? In Chicago and Baltimore, Blacks kill other Blacks by the thousands. Yet, we are constantly told that “Black lives matter.” They do? I’m doubting that. Indeed, if “Black lives matter” it would be self-evident: you wouldn’t have to say it every day.

“Charlotte, North Carolina is a majority white city, but homicide appears to be an avocation primarily committed by the black minority population. The violence of black people, almost exclusively by black individuals targeting other blacks, has nothing to do with white people. It has everything to do with a lack of impulse control and a poor future time-orientation…”


Socrates #racist #crackpot #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

If Black Lives Matter

If Black lives really matter:

Slavery in America officially ended in 1865. Why didn’t Blacks have universal voting rights in America until 1965 (100 years later), when the Jim Crow laws were abolished? [1]. Black people only “became important” at that time, and they needed special federal laws to make that happen [2]. Let’s put it another way: in 1963, Blacks were still yard apes, but in 1965, they were smart and respectable people, worthy of voting! They gained 15 IQ points and were completely transformed into normal humans almost overnight! Nobody recognized their importance until a century later, but it was just an accidental oversight! (Do you believe that?) [3].


[1] due to the southern “Jim Crow” laws, Blacks had no universal “right to vote” until 1964/1965 with the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

[2] Note: I have recently discovered that Norbert Schlei, the author of the Voting Rights Act, was not Jewish. I had previously said that he was Jewish, because he’s been called Jewish by many smart people. However, historically, it has been Jews who have pushed for civil rights laws for Blacks

[3] on average, Blacks have IQs 15 points lower than Whites. IQ is “intelligence quotient.” IQ tests measure the ability to recognize and solve problems. Private companies used to give IQ tests to job applicants, but negroes would fail them routinely, so the “racist” tests were abolished by law.

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

For the first time in hundreds of years, we the people are winning and the Liberation from Deep State oppression. It is quite certain that Soros, Gates, and Obama are not going to go away peacefully. The biggest confrontation may be yet to come. Regardless of the form of the false flag, it could prove to be on the horizon. Be prepared but remain calm because this is the best counter-response. As, just a few days ago, a nuclear bomb placed next to the Trump-tower was found, removed and detonated.

The MSM will create a total black-out to avoid people awake when the election fraud comes out. But the Patriot Emergency Broadcast system will replace the MSM. It is said that over 20 million cabal puppets will be arrested and tried by tribunals. Corrupt doctors and nurses are paid huge sums of money to vaccinate patients, they will be arrested and tried for tribunals.
From Pearl Harbour to the Tonkin Bay in Vietnam, to the chemical Ghouta attack in Syria there is a discernible pattern when it comes to the fabrication of evidence to justify a pre-planned evil agenda. As soon as the event occurs before any proper investigation has begun, blame is assigned upon the targeted party.

Even the landing on the Moon in 1969 was faked, Armstrong’s famous words were fantasy, on becoming the ‘first person’ to step.onto another planetary body on July 20, 1969. The bloodline families don’t allow people to learn the real facts about the moon.
The public should learn to interpreted all these pathological lies, but the majority of the masses have been bribed with government money, the “special group” they identify with being given elevated status, they refuse to see that they themselves support totalitarianism.

Prussian Society of America #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Germans have the right to be Arrogant, Barbarians Do Not"]

Only the German is worthy and righteous of having Arrogance

The Barbarian Races have always proven themselves, time and time again to abuse the privilege of Arrogance whenever it is expressed, therefore they are not entitled to it
What that means, is that the Barbarian is always looking for the upper hand every single time on German Generosity and Labor. The Barbarian is always testing the waters with a German to see what they can get away with
The English are the perfect example of this type of Barbarian
Other Races want to live the Germanic Sense of “Freedom” and “Sophistication” without any of the responsibility or hardness, and none of the discipline to maintain it

A German, no matter what Nation he/she lives in, is ALWAYS under scrutiny by the Barbarians whether you recognize it or not
We also seek to demolish Nordicist Propaganda, which is commonly spread by the Scandinavians, particularly Celts and Vikings, who represent an effeminate energy
At no point must a German ever see a Non-German as an equal, and to always remember that the spirit of the Barbarian is very different. Even if you respect or love that Barbarian Nation
The Barbarian is to be in obedience to the German whether he/she likes it or not, and regardless of what kind of pride must be smitten off their face
We have examples of this in our history over and over, and the Axis Agreement was the perfect example why we should wish to confine ourselves more. The last thing Germany can withstand is even a slighter weaker ally

geboren Weiss & Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

(geboren Weiss)
Remember when colored people claimed that white people aren't targeted for their race? Sure it's not. Colored people tell us not to speak on their behalf, but speak about us and tell us what we should do to "better" ourselves. I'm always under the impression that black people in particular are nationalists and/or supremacists. They hate us so much, but they want to live around us. Segregation needs to happen.

The first phase was WW2 and European White Race Extermination.
Millions died and they are still finding mass graves of White Europeans, but mostly young white European males in mass graves in Poland and Old Russia.

Second phase is Genocide.
Genocide is African Civil Right laws forced on the all White Kids.
You have to live with Africans, you have to work with Africans and other Nationalist that have more rights to take your job if your white, do and say things white people can not, get paid to live next door to you, better education, better health care, more tax payer money rights, rape, steal, tell non truths, do hate crimes and not be charged with a hate crime, intimidate some one with threats to cause great bodily injury or death, riot, burn down and loot businesses with out race grouping to be listed as destructive.
After everything Africans got by riots. how will any one be able to take any thing away from monsters.
I lived this phase two, all my life.

PS... Most Africans I see to day, Are the offspring of a raped White European Body.

whiteuser1 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Blacks are the only category of human that have invented nothing, never developed any society, buildings, technology, moral code, or anything that fundamentally separates humans from animals. Add to this the simian shelf, skeleton proportions, skull shape, teeth shape, and other body features only found in gorillas and chimpanzees, and no other human race - and it makes you question whether blacks are even really human.

I have never seen a subsaharan african who was civilized. Any bit of intelligence always coincides with some other race polluting their animal-like bloodline. It is easy to conclude that pure, subsaharan africans have no traits that make them distinctly human.

I have done my research. What I did find led me to the conclusion that there is a very high certainty that blacks are indeed human-gorilla or human-chimpanzee hybrids, and not fully human. It seems that the closer a black is to its pure unadulterated racial form, the less human it looks and behaves.

At some point, I will write an article to compile my new research into the topic.

If researchers were to compare blacks as a species not already "assuming" them human, it would not be taxonomically possible to conclude that blacks are of the same race or specials as other humans, in the same way that it is not possible to conclude that chimpanzees or gorillas are human.

From a rational standpoint, there is a phrase, "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck". Likewise if it looks like an ape, walks like an ape, and acts like an ape - it's an ape.

From a moral standpoint, blacks are the least human on every level of all the races, as defined in my first paragraph above.

So, are blacks human? You decide.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Black People, I’m Calling Your Bluff

(After talking about Bree Newsome, Aruna Khilanani, Sarah Jeong and others.)

One of the truly hilarious ideas is that America’s big problem is white people hating black people.

Do all non-white people hate us? Of course not. But have you ever heard a black person say, “I really like white people.” Or even just, “Some of my best friends are white.” The message is clear. We are terrible people and always will be.

If we are demented predators who murder black and brown people with impunity, why don’t they leave?

There are 26 countries where the per capita GDP is less than $1,000 a year. Twenty-two of them are in black Africa, and the 23rd is Haiti.

You benefit from living with us whites. You need us. We don’t need you. If all white institutions are full of systemic racism, leave them.

American blacks spend $1.2 trillion a year. That’s more than the entire GDP of Mexico. You could do it if you dared.

But I suspect deep down, you and all the other non-whites who love to vent hatred and scorn for my race, my heritage, the society my people built – you know you couldn’t even come close. Look at where, in the United States, blacks or Hispanics are already the majority. If you were really on your own, it would be a lot worse than that, because even Detroit and Brownsville, Texas are still part of a nation that white people built.

So keep telling us you just how much you hate us. Keep telling us we have to be eradicated. Eventually, even the most long-suffering white people will realize this is hopeless. The sooner whites realize this, the sooner what you say, and we know, is a nightmare will be over.

If you’re serious about how much you hate us, escape from us. Build your own nations.

I dare you.

Cameron Sawyer #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

Race Differences in the Clinic.

Being a clinical assistant at a primary care pediatric clinic has let me see with my own eyes the differences between the races and how they manifest at different ages.

White children under age five can be just as rowdy as others, but it is less likely than with blacks or Hispanics. White children over the age of five are typically well-behaved and perform well in school

Many parents have no intention of learning English. They can rely on their children to interpret for them. Hispanic families cause few problems, but they are different from white people and bring an entirely different culture with them.

Black children nearly always seem older than their actual age. I have seen 12- and 14-year-old black kids who could pass for 18. Black children as young as five have defined muscles in their arms and legs that I do not see in white or Hispanic children. Teenage black boys who do not even play sports are muscular and can seem almost brutish. Black girls seem to have their first periods earlier than whites.

They have more problems than the two other groups: staggering amounts of obesity, single-mother households, large families, poverty, dependence on government; not to mention living in majority black areas, which retards development.

When I work with people of another race, there is something an uncrossable gap between us. It is not rooted in ignorance or animus. Even though I treat all patients the same I am more attached to my white patients.

Our society insists that everyone is exactly the same. I can say for a fact that the races are not the same, and that the differences are easily observable and extend beyond physical appearances. Ignoring racial differences is fatal to our nation.

CMDR_Phanlix #fundie #psycho #racist reddit.com

I just think it's neat what China did to all Christians and Muslims, and hope that can be applied to all religions around the world one day.

If Hitler had succeeded the current genocide of Palestinians wouldn't have succeeded. And he definitely did call the unrest and war in the Arabic nations. If he had succeeded in wiping out the Jewish people he could have prevented future genocides and wars. Since the IDF has successfully destabilized the region, lied about WMDs in Iraq, drawing the US into the war, maybe some of my friends wouldn't have died if we hadn't been in the region fighting their holy war.

I refuse to believe there are any good Jews after seeing exactly what Israel has become. The shining example of Jewishness in the world.

Olga Brodie #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Re: "White women shouldn’t report rape by black men"

In Sweden leftist politicians slightly ''accuses'' us (Swedish girls) by saying that we'll report about rapes done by non-Swedes much easier (and more often) than rapes done by Swedes. And politicians are blaiming that it is one of the reasons why statistics looks like as they do.

How do the Cowardly Degenerate GREEDY Politico Swine, Explain away the FACT BEFORE mass Third World turd Immigration, RAPE was near NON-ESISTENT in Sweden ? VIOLENT Crime as well. These GREEDY SCUM Politicos are Willing to SACRIFICE They're Daughters Well Being & Safety to Fulfill the jew-Marxist Agenda.AT NO TIME IN THE HISTORY has Taken place Before that an White Ethnic Group Voluntarily Financed other Ethnic SAVAGE TURD not Whites Conglomerations the Furtherance of their SAVAGE FOREIGN Culture on White Territory to the Disadvantage, Harm and Damage of our own People. Americans & Native Europeans are Paying people who Openly Proclaim to be our Enemies to Eradicate our RACE & Civilization & Telling us to Celebrate this as Tolerance. They are not even Hiding They're FIENDISH Genocidal Plans any Longer! As Another Commentators Stated I am at a LOSS of Words. We White Women When we go out Without our Husband's Should Always be Accompanied with Mister's Smith Wesson or Sam Colt! Along with Mister Situational Awareness! NOBODY Is going to Assist us but, we Ourselves, our Families. The Anti-White Whites Pushing this DESERVE Execution for TREASON to People & Culture.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Literally me for the last 4 years



some of you guys really don't like Blacks

I wish africans the best in their own nations, but i do not want any african immigrants in my country. Countries must serve their indigenous people, importing ethnically distinct foreighners would be opposite of that. I don't see that europeans/americans gained anything by introducing "diversity" in their countries. Seems like it just fucked things up even more.

here in America, Slavs aren't even considered "White"

I'm also pretty sure that as a slav i would still be exposed to the same struggle-sessions about "white privilege" "institutional racism" and other bullshit in the US. The fact that i'm slav wouldn't help at all.

I'm not White, I'm Russian. My skin is white. Fuck off

ultra-Based nationalist moment 😎😎😎

Thinking I would ever want to make a "white ethnostate" alongside Anglo Saxons hahahaha
Go Slavic or go home


Cossacks did take slaves tho. And for example Russia did ethnic cleansing a lot

Not enough as it shows

It indeed did show in 1920 and 1989

Simple fact that Ukrainians still exist shows that we didn't do enough. You poles too tho.

So you want to genocide ukranians?

Genocide is not an option. I just talking saying it was a mistake of tsardom to leave ukrainians to themselves.

Probably move ukrainians to russian territory and russians into Ukrainian territory. That would've made ukrainians dissepear. Idk what emperors were thinking but they probably thought ukrainians never had statehood so they are no danger to Russia.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot bloodandfaith.com

[From "Borders and Boundaries"]

I looked up “border” in the Concordance at the end of my Bible and it did not have a single reference[…]Such is the condition of the church today
Boundaries emerge organically from the whole body of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures […]as fundamental as the Creator and Creation, heaven and earth, male and female, and life and death
After the Great Flood, God commanded Man to spread across the face of the earth. Man rebelled and unified at Babel. God forced the divisions among mankind by confusing their languages in alignment with their bloodlines (thus, the sons of Eber spoke Eber-ew)
When God created a nation from the loins of Jacob/Israel (this was a single race, a single bloodline) he pulled them from the land that belonged to one of Ham’s sons (Egypt) and drew them to the land of another of Ham’s sons (Canaan)
These geographies corresponded to a race, as did their languages[…]Mixing of peoples was an aberration at best, and utter rebellion against God at worst, starting from Babel and certainly applying to the conquest of the promised land in which they were warned NOT to mix with the other races and NOT to treat their religion as equal to the God of Israel
Once we understand the fundamental importance of guarded geographic boundaries we can quibble about “whose land,” and “displaced peoples,” and “migrants.” But the principal of borders comes first. It is not a Christian idea to surrender to people who “accuse” us of sins[…]created by anti-Christs[…]We are manipulated because we have turned away from our Monarch, and are thus enslaved by the brood of vipers

nocomply55 #conspiracy #racist patriots.win

All blek. This is something some people here need to come to terms with. Bleks, no doubt for reasons of greed, either financial or professional, were absolutely on board to cheat as much as they were asked to. In every swing state, the most outrageous voter fraud was perpetrated by bleks. Bleks are seditionists. They do not care about this country. They care about personal gain and that's it. I'll get shit for this post but i don't care. There is a race problem in this country. You can deny it but you're just lying to yourself.

Meus #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill The REAL reason why foids of all ethnic groups love whites (and their culture)

Yeah sure, looks is a factor, I never said it isn't.

However there is another more sinister reason. Whites have by far the most aggressive culture in history with the exception of maybe the Mongols, but they collapsed within like 20 years.

Whites colonized 100s of nations and tribes, even exterminated and enslaved some. This is by no means a white guilt thread btw, but I also don't praise these actions. I just say how it is and am neutral. India, China etc. were great at some point but they never AGGRESSIVELY subjugated other nations.

White are the equivalent of the Chad, the bully of humanity. They also did a lot of great stuff and invented a lot of shit but that makes the aggressive nature of their cultures only even more attractive. They behaved like a truly masculine race, first raping and subjugating fucking everything for 300 years and then saying "Lol I'm sorry, here take some money lmao. I feel bad m'kay? XD".

TL;DR: Noodlewhores and other ethnic whores get wet that whites dominated the entire earth and treated their cultures like garbage for like a century. When they see a white boy, they see the race who cucked ALL other races. And if that Chad is even aware of it and calls her an Asian subhuman whore she becomes literally a waterfall, that's how wet she gets. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Again I neither praise, nor condemn whites, I just analyze things. The better looks is just the cherry on the top of whites being so aggressive and influential historically.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist incels.is

Slavic Lives matter

Slavics are not considered fully white according to some study from Portland University. We are now officially part of the commonwealth of murricas people of color, they accepted us.


Reparufns when? Now I can rightfully complain about not having been born white. I'm with you my ethnic bros.

French slave markets sold slavic slaves up to the mid 16th century. Whites do owe us something.

Slavs have to decide: They want to be independent from the Communists or independent from the Jews. As they are today, they are slaves to both.

You can always have both, just ask Mr. Zederbaum, Mr. Bronstein, Mr. Rozenfeld, Mr. Apfelbaum, Mr. Axelrod, Mr. Rozenberg, Mr. Goldman, Mr. Gaukhmann and other fine gentlemen.


Poles, Baltics, Belarussians and north-western Russians have the highest amount of Indo-European DNA and are mostly blue-eyed and light-haired. They are on par with Germanics.

If youve ever actually been to slavlands, most of them are subhuman non whites. Large cities aren't reflective.

(Copexodius Maximus)
brootal, the whiter looking ones concentrate in the citites and other rich areas, while the more slav looking ones rot in the forests and villages

Cope, I don't want to be related to you white devils


they don't get the economic privilege nor have slave owning ancestors. so they need be distinguished from the WASP whites

Whether or not they get privileges isn't a factor. Blacks get way more privileges than others, at the end of the day they're still of African descent and not anything else. Similarly, Slavic people are Europeans and they're white.

New-Ad-2473 #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Identity has 3 components.

1. Ethnic

2. Cultural

3. Religious

If you do not have all 3 you are not truly slavic, you are nothing.

You can be ethnically and culturally slavic but religiously jewish and pledge your loyalty to jewish tribes.

You can be ethnically slavic and religiously Christian but raised culturally to be non-slavic. (Like some slavic national socialist who thinks eastern Europeans are subhuman or some far-leftist that hates white people and wants them all genocided)

You can be an African but culturally slavic and Christian but you are still an African.

Slavs are ethno-linguistic group, not religion.

Okay so basically you're saying that if someone is ethnically slavic, and culturally slavic but religiously jewish and pledge his loyalty to jewish tribes that us slavs should accept him as slavic?

God you are stupid. Its that same logic that lead to bolshevik "slavs" killing 50 million "christian slavs"

So you HAVE to be religious to be slav? Lmao youre an idiot

Yes otherwise you get taken over by high iq jewish slavic people who come with ideas of feminism, equality, peace, love, harmony, equal rights that then get their power democratically largely by women who fawn over ideas of equality, peace, love and feminism

get a life dude. religion doesn't define you

Your identity defines you and religion is a critical part of a strong identity

So what are slav atheists?

If slavs are atheists they should never be seriously considered for any important or high up positions. However in some way atheist slavs are better than muslim or jewish slavs so long as the key people remain Christian who ultimately create the laws and culture

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Taking the knee is an endorsement of Anglo supremacism. I’m glad my fellow Slavs aren’t falling for it.


How about gray countries? And anglo supremacism?

Of course it is. They force other countries to conform to Anglo culture. Would English ever take a knee or another symbolic gesture on the initiative of Croatia for whatever cause? No. It’s Anglo supremacism through and through.

Pff, If I was Finnish or Austrian I'd probably notice a huge drop in patriotism. They have nothing to do with Blacks, why would they bend their knees?

Imagine feeling guilty for whatever the American police does to black people, lawfully or otherwise. Why does the whole world have to participate in this mounted circus

Why would i care about BLM? I am not even in the same continent let alone country. I song understand why would any Euro country do that and definitely i don't expect shit like this from East Europe

"Oh no, a convicted felon junkie has overdosed somewhere over the ocean, I better kneel down"

What are you doing, Europe?

EmphasisAlive #racist #sexist reddit.com

American women are complete garbage compared to foreign women.

Most foreign women are actually decent human beings whom base their standards off of quality of a mans character and his closeness to god rather than the size of his check book and sharpness of his cheekbones.

American women are materialistic and overly individualistic to the point to where it is beyond selfish/narcissistic and down right ignorant.

Especially WHITE American women. They’re the worst.

Foreign women on the other hand tend to be far more compassionate, focus more on the community as well as have a more profound understanding of the fact that humans are interdependent and rely on cooperation than anything else. Thus they choose more humble men whom tend to follow religions that exemplify such traits like Taoism and Christianity, ect.

Rather than lusting after a complete moron who is about drugs, and gangs, and nothing but cash.

Volker Wittmann and Reiner Elmar Feistle (epilogue) #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

(Translated from German by submitter)

Stormtide of the Nations

The world experiences a Great Migration as has not been seen since the invasion of the Huns in the fourth Century. Millions of inhabitants of the Third World charge against the Industrial Nations and stormed the lands of the Germans.

The superpower USA has barricaded itself behind a stronghold of thousand of kilometres across their Southern border against the influx from Latin America. Spain blocked the their holdings in Morokko through ever higher fences against invaders from Africa.

Hungary followed the examples. The Magyars constructed wire-blockades for the defence against the marching columns errupting over the Balkan peninsula. After this, Austria and Macedonnia too fortified their borders.

Germany alone held the doors and gates wide open. Under the pretense of refuge for those in need of protection, its grandiose Chancellor thus took a daring decision with unforeseable consequences.

A deluge of immigrants of unknown number and indeterminate origin flooded over German meadow-fields. Whereever it swept, attacks clustered. Terrifying events in the New Year’s Night in Cologne and in many other German cities awoke fears most dire.

The world net brought horrors to light. An unholy alliance of politics and media attempted to deceive the people over the calamitous consequences of the abomination of asylum. Author Volker Wittmann reveals the backgrounds. Who are the masterminds who cook their stew on the fires of conflict?

This book opens your eyes, what the ruling ones and the makers of opinions continue to keep silent on, cover up or deny, and what is yet to come for the Germans.

Are you ready for this?

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Still Wondering Why Whites are in Decline?"]

"I hate men"

This is your average Western White Female of today, and this is not some kind of exception either

This is your run of the mill Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Female
Those who have a trained eye, you can tell between her eyes, lip movement and jaw shape that she has severe mental illness
This is the type of “blood” that is dominating the White Majority right now, and is why we need a cleansing
In Good Times, a girl like this would be stripped naked, have her head shaved and dumped in a ditch, to be consumed by dogs or other animals

But I also have an even better idea, in that a girl who hates Men to this degree, along with other followers of hers who try making false claims of being “raped”, ought to be banished & deported, sold as a slave to an Islamic country for the natives to have their way with her. Then they can appreciate for themselves just how much they hate White Men
Genetic Specimens like this present a grave danger and threat to the Racial Integrity of a Healthy White Gene Pool, and unfortunately, these are the types of breeds which for a while have been breeding and replacing out the Superior Races
It is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the White Race – such as specimens like these – are under a total Meltdown Mode, as I have spoken of as being something that will only increase, from a previous article

F. Roger Devlin & Charles Murray #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut vdare.com

Charles Murray’s Facing Reality is a brief essay summarizing the mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: cognitive ability and violent crime rates. This evidence is irrefutable, and experts have pretty well given up contesting it.

People who dislike accepting the existence of mean differences in intelligence are reckless with charges of test bias but, as Murray writes, such claims have “nearly disappeared from the technical literature.”

The literature on how well cognitive ability predicts job performance has become so extensive that the relevant chapter “is not a meta-analysis of existing studies; it is a review of many meta-analyses.”

Results emerge consistently:

Cognitive ability and job performance are positively correlated.

The correlation goes up as the job becomes more complex.

For intellectually demanding jobs, there is no point at which more cognitive ability doesn’t make a difference.

Let us consider jobs which require an exceptionally high IQ (135+). Give population and group differences, we can expect there to be about 57 qualified white applicants for every qualified black at this level. Since most companies are not large enough to need vast numbers of employees this intelligent, we should not be surprised to find many with no blacks in such positions at all.

This does not mean there is no racial discrimination in hiring, of course.

The job market systematically discriminates in favor of racial minorities other than Asians…A detached observer might even call it systemic racism.

Perhaps the real reason for all the empty chatter about “white privilege” is that if no such thing exists, our current system of racial discrimination becomes indefensible.

F. Roger Devlin & Charles Murray #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut vdare.com

In these cities, black arrest rates for violent crime are on average 9.6 times as common as white rates. The Latin rates average 2.7 times white rates.

“Racist cops!” shout the faithful. Murray responds with the “largest and most rigorous study” he can find:

The odds of arrest for white offenders is approximately 22% higher for robbery [and] 13% higher for aggravated assault . . . than they are for black offenders.

There are no equally good studies for murder, but in New York the black/white ratio in reports to police has recently been 14.8, higher than the arrest ratio of 11.6.

Murray adds: “Triangulating data indicates that the arrest rates reflect, and perhaps understate, race differences in violent criminal activity.”

There is really nothing to criticize about Murray’s presentation, although it will be ignored by those who most need to face up to that evidence.

In a final chapter, he goes beyond the data to speculate on what might happen “If We Don’t Face Reality.”

He believes the current double standard forbidding Whites from pursuing their group interests, while encouraging such behavior in other groups, is a lesser evil than Whites starting to behave like everybody else. In his own words: “If Whites adopt identity politics, disaster follows.”

But disaster for whom? Not for Whites. Murray acknowledges:

If a minority consisting of 13 percent of the population can generate as much political energy and solidarity as America’s Blacks have, what happens when a large proportion of the 60 percent of the population that is White begins to use the same playbook?

The final chapter of Facing Reality is, unintentionally, the most encouraging argument in favor of white identity politics that I have ever read.

DeliciousCabbage22 & MagnusDrango #crackpot #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Did you know that Macedonians are closer to non-Slavs than to pure Slavs?

Slavs are a linguistic group, not genetic

Slavic people have ancestry from the proto-Slavs, some more some less, it's ridiculous to claim that a Macedonian or a Bulgarian are just as Slavic as a Pole or a Ukrainian genetically.

All humans are mutts.

most, not all


Albanians and Greeks have Slavic admixture

Greeks are highly mixed and in large they are Albanians and Vlachs mixed with antolians.

Greece is a European project based on philo hellenic romanticism. But oh boy, how disappointed they were when they didn't find the "ancient hellens" in Athens and Peloponnese but endless Arvanitese with their Fustanellas and Swords.

Albanians have much less. Most of it comes when they married slavic women in middle ages or kidnapped them in Ottoman times and those were in large native Balkanic.

Slavs in Balkans are in large native Balkaners.

Genes does not have ethnicity and does not speak any language.

Genes and language are related.

Balkan slavs are not real slavs but mutts.

Macedonians gonna get less Slavic as time goes. Many marry Albanian girls. And don't get me started about the Vlachs. 90% of marriages of Vlachs are mixed with Macedonians.

There is barely any Macedonian marrying Albanian women.

In FYROM itself some Albanian men have slavic girlfriends but never marry them while for an Albanian woman marrying a slav is a death sentence by her Albanian family.

In between the period 2005 to 2015 around 300 women from Albania married slavs in Macedonia. Some of them were Catholics from abandoned villages and some slavs from Golloborda.

That is all.

Justin Tyran Roberts #psycho #racist amp.ledger-enquirer.com

A 39-year-old man accused of shooting and wounding five people in Alabama and Georgia told police his assaults were racially motivated, and he was targeting white men, a detective testified Monday.

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reported that a police detective testified in a preliminary hearing that Justin Tyran Roberts, who is Black, told police that white men had picked on him and wronged him for all his life.

“Basically, he explained throughout his life, specifically white males had taken from him, and also what he described as military-looking white males had taken from him,” Detective Brandon Lockhart testified, according to the newspaper.

Police have accused Roberts of shooting five people in three separate assaults in Columbus, Georgia and Phenix City, Alabama. All victims are expected to recover, Columbus Police Chief Freddie Blackmon said Sunday. The chief added that police found no evidence that Roberts knew any of his victims.

Roberts appeared in court Monday in Columbus for a preliminary hearing in one of those incidents where a man was shot in the back as he was getting into his vehicle.

Lockhart testified that Roberts said, “I had to have him,” about one of the shooting victims.

Roberts also claimed that such men were “shooting at him in a wooded area with a slingshot,” and the wounds had infected his skin, Lockhart testified. But he said police saw no injuries to substantiate that.


Police said one person was hurt in a shooting Friday night at a hotel in Phenix City. Less than two hours later Friday, three people were shot in Columbus. A fifth person was shot Saturday afternoon.

Phenix City and Columbus sit on opposite sides on the Alabama-Georgia border.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #sexist #kinkshaming #racist returntoorder.org

The new witches are different from the past. The trend involves more than just spells and dark secret rituals. It brings together a macabre brew of sexuality, politics and the occult with never seen before intensity.

Today witches are everywhere. Their posts of spells and hexes populate social media. Books, literature and spell manuals abound. Witches are also visible at Black Lives Matter rallies, protests and other places in the public square.
Now the left is filling the void by going spiritual, but toward darkness. “Woke” witches are appearing online and offline to make common cause with liberal movements. The political left is welcoming the coven into its tent. Marx and magic are coming together, and not even the left’s most secular supporters are complaining.

Marxism thrives upon the idea of class struggle, and the witch easily fits into its false narrative by targeting young women as an oppressed group striving to be heard. Witchcraft infuses energy into the exhausted Marxist dialectic. Its dark fascination allows people to connect with rebel spirits that promise power to the powerless.
Witchcraft, in any form, eventually takes a person to things dark and sinister. Those who dabble in the occult not only play with fire but risk eternal damnation. It will ultimately lead to bonding with the devil and the fires of Hell. The failure to take this threat seriously facilitates the downfall of many, especially young women, who fall for the devil’s lies and false promises.

The best defense against witchcraft is a strong supernatural and sacramental life that fills the postmodern spiritual void with Catholic authenticity.

Cambria Will Not Yield #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy cambriawillnotyield.com

[From "Pharisaical Hatred"]

The myth of American democracy and of all democratic governments is that there is no need for leaders[…]in a democracy every man, through the power of the ballot, is his own king, his own clan leader, and his own aristocracy
In actual practice democracy is the rule over many, by the will of a few. The best example of democracy in action takes place in the New Testament. The followers of Christ were unorganized and ill-prepared for the Sanhedrin-manipulated election. “Give us Barabbas!” was the cry of organized Jewry
Trump defeated his opponent, but that was not the result our ruling liberal oligarchy wanted. So they changed the ‘will of the people’ to what they wanted
The ‘conservative’ News Max station apologized to Dominion Voting Systems for saying the election was rigged by them. Now, many of us must tactically lie in this liberal kingdom of Babylon
When Lou Dobbs called Derek Chauvin a murderer in order to appease the liberals[…]when News Max apologized for stating the truth about the election, when William F. Buckley Jr. agreed not to criticize the Jews[…]when Pence called for prayers for Jacob Blake at the Republican convention, they all justified their lying treachery by telling themselves that by strategically avoiding the white genocide issue they could still serve
The race issue is the issue of deepest consequence because our race contains our spiritual, passionate affections that connect us to the living God
The sad story of the Europeans’ descent into hell is always before us in the horrific spectacle of negro worship

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