
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

George McClellan #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy #fundie americaoutloud.com

dangerous people like Joe Biden and his Commie compatriots come every four years, and now, in the face of unbelievable political incompetence that should ensure their demise from the American stage forever, they’re moving heaven and earth to stay in power forever.

How do they do that? By taking our eyes off their failures, Afghanistan is one that stands as an indelible mark of treason against “Woke” military and Marxist politicians; By racing to bankrupt America before 2022; by encapsulating rules that run against traditional Americanism with ‘fait accompli’ rules to ensure the demise of the Christian religion, the survival of perversion, transgenderism, Black Leninists Matters (BLM), and the ultimate demise of the White European Americans, their cultures and their influence on Americas future events.
In desperation, Democrats keep changing the subjects, so we take our eyes off the debacle that is Biden’s incompetence as seen in Americas collapsing border invasion; the attempt to push the climate change nonsense down our throats, and worse attempts to stem the rising anti-abortion feelings soon to end Roe vs. Wade. We cannot allow that to happen. We’ve got to stay in the faces of our elected officials, demanding they seek answers to the many questions dragging America through the dirt.

Why are there no indictments of Obama’s deep state operatives in their criminal coup attempt against President Trump? Why has nothing been done about Hunter Biden and loads of evidence from his laptop that paints the entire Biden family as an organized crime syndicate? Did Biden abandon Afghanistan so precipitously so as to give China unhindered access to our primary battle weapons?
We must take the attack to the Marxists. After all, we do have a growing pile of evidence to disqualify any argument they present. They must resort to screaming and name-calling. We don’t need to!

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go do something about it!

Macedonian American & connorhus #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

RE: The Moral Panic About Eugenics Poses a Threat to Abortion Rights

"If eugenics truly is a slippery slope, then the Left should join the Right in enforcing bans on abortion."

(Macedonian American)
This is one of those topics that the left absolutely refuses to acknowledge. Literally their only rebuttal is always some form of calling you racist. If Black people didn't get abortions, they would be about 25% of the population right now. And White people would already be the minority. Because of this I have always been wondering what the real DNC plan is for Black and Hispanic people. They know demographics are destiny. They know they would have basically solidified their power for decades to come if they didn't' allow abortions. Or are they just that morally bankrupt that allowing the murder of children is worth the wait of total control?

DNC doesn't want blacks anymore then anyone else does really, they want Hispanics. Oh they will use blacks as they have been for years since Feminism gave the black voting block so much power the last 5 decades but the ultimate goal is Hispanics, socialism and a bit less aggressiveness then blacks bring with them. Watch as the next few years they switch their priorities to Hispanics as they take over key areas.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter (about 300 foot) tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US, the Southern coasts of Europe, and large parts of coastal Africa and South America.

This comes after the three gorges dam in China came under heavy pressure from “once in a thousand-year flooding,” earlier this summer. If the dam burst, as many as 600 million Chinese would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded.

It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake, criminal administration of Joe “rubber mask” Biden faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet.

On the surface, this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and China, each threatening to flood the other.

These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported (in the West) imminent collapse of China’s Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about “budget deadlock” in the US government.

The Evegrande collapse, if related entities are included, would affect $1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chinese economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US, CIA sources estimate.

That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/China conflict.

However, fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society, the French Grande Lodge de L’Orient freemasons, the Swiss-based Octagon group, the Italian P3 freemasons, and the Satanic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders. Parties such as the Chinese Lotus freemasons, the Scotts rite freemasons, the Russians, and others are also involved to varying degrees.

Vladimir Vasilivievich Kvachkov #conspiracy #racist voxday.net

[From "The Russian Military Intelligence Perspective"]

This is a translated transcript of a 2020 interview with a Russian military strategist with combat experience dating back to Afghanistan about his interpretation of the coronavirus phenomenon. He was also directly involved in Vladimir Putin’s campaign to free Russia from post-Soviet financial oligarch rule[…]

Today we have Vladimir Kvachkov as our guest, a Colonel of the GRU, a public figure with a PhdD in Military Science. Vladimir Vasilivievich. I know you served, among other things as the leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
The Coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic, and let me tell you, there’s no pandemic
We have little faith in God and even less so in the existence of Satan[…]The aim of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population
Good God! Why?
The goal is to scare people[…]Let’s say this pencil costs 1 ruble[…]It was issued 20 times the amount, in money, promissory notes, equities and other financial derivatives[…]It’s a complete financial bubble
Chinese scientists have figured this out, it was artificially created and purposefully spread
Special psycho-infomative operation of the world globalist mass media that is serving the behind-the-scene Zionist liberal powrs that are creating this terror
They of course tried to use the Coronavirus in Wuhan[…]Comrade Xi put them all in their place and, consequently, it was over with the virus in China
Europe and China are two geo-economic adversaries of the USA[…]The virus also has a fourth dimension as well, the economic one[…]The second one is to establish political control
The third one is the financial deflation of that gigantic financial bubble

Utopian Dreams #elitist #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Is rural America becoming a new Confederacy?

That article was a good summary of a whingy (whiny + cringey) blog post. Best takeaway:

The point isn't that the American countryside increasingly wants to avenge the honor of Southern slaveowners for their loss in a war that ended over a century and a half ago. Rather, the people who live in these areas share with the historic South an intense distrust of the federal government, veneration of local law enforcement, resentment of city folk, suspicion of minorities and foreigners, hostility to technologically driven change, and a keen sensitivity to cultural slights.

I think it's true, and I'm happy about it. It's been really great to be able to "dogwhistle" in a room full of rural folk and find confederacy from wall-to-wall. Trump made that possible, and I'll always admire him for that.

Even more interesting is how many right-wing Americans seem to be questioning the received narrative about WWII, and even self-identifying with the German Nazis. Realizing what the Nazis really stood for and discovering a parallel between their political ideals and my own was a world-shattering paradigm shift when it happened to me in 2006; required months of trauma, contemplation, and study before it occurred; and was totally alienating - I felt for a long while like I was the only person in the country who had ever experienced it. I never expected to see Rightwing populists all over the internet start to equivocate about any and every subject regarding the Nazis, but Trump (or, rather, the mainstream media's response to Trump) woke people up en masse to the effects of propaganda and gaslighting on the public mind.

Seriously, 2016 forward has been amazing as far as right-wing radicalization goes. Makes me hopeful I'm going to see a judenfrei White Ethnostate in my lifetime.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of public record that Donald Trump was bailed out multiple times by the Rothschilds during his business career.
My understanding is that he was offered protection from blackmail if he agreed to go along with a military move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he seemed to be “draining the swamp” but something happened. My understanding is that he was unable to stop the US default on international payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in exchange for money to keep the USA Corporation afloat.
What Trump should have done is formally declare bankruptcy and negotiate a restructuring of debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a dystopian failed state controlled by Satanic gangsters.
The US military offered Trump the chance to overturn the stolen election. He failed to do that. He also strongly pushed vaccines for a disease that does not even exist.
That is why the military needs to stand behind someone like general Mike Flynn who does not have skeletons in his closet.

Henry Makow, PhD #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

World wars were Gentile genocides designed to replace a God of Love (Christianity) with a God of Hate (Cabalist Judaism.) This is the essence of the New World Order.

As the covid hoax demonstrates, mankind is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, led by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Freemason flunkies. In past world wars, the puppet "leaders" on both sides were Freemasons who colluded to destroy Europe and Christian Western civilization.
In "All the King's Men," (1988) Robert Marshall demonstrates that, in WW2, SOE agents, the cream of the young generation, were betrayed and marked for liquidation.

World War Two was a charade, just like Covid. The war was not between the Allies and the Axis but rather between the Illuminati and humanity. The war was a pretext to destroy the genetic elite: the natural leaders, the patriots and the idealists. It was a genocide of the Best, who in future might resist their plans for Luciferian one-world government.
War is orchestrated by the Illuminati. Using their agents in politics and the media, it is conjured by Black magicians to degrade, demoralize and destroy humanity.

War is a satanic orgy where good people are sacrificed to evil people, who feed on their souls. Millions of patriots respond to the call to "defend freedom" and die for nothing.

Based on this record, we must not underestimate the depravity of the Illuminati bankers, and the measures they will undertake to enslave humanity. Knowing what we do about these demons, how can we doubt they were behind 9-11 and countless other atrocities, some quite recent?

Society is stricken by cancer which threatens to be fatal unless it is soon addressed.

thevenon #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Africans spread aids within China, girls still have sex with them regardless

I shall tell you a secret kept during 600 years, the true reason why Ming treasure voyages have been stopped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_treasure_voyages. Chinese men did not want to see same images 600 years ago.

It is really amusing that nobody understands why Chinese stopped their voyages in the 15th century.

Maybe they wanted to impress their wives by importing exotic BBCs but the boats were overloaded with too much cock

Chinese men were highly intelligent when they stopped contacts with western cultures. The same was true for Japanese men.

These men will die now

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Inferior Spirit Of Barbarian Nations/THE FUHRER FOR THE 21ST CENTURY"]

The German is as much of a stranger to the Barbarian, as the Barbarian is strange to the German

The Barbarian is terrified of the notions of German Ambitions only in part out of jealousy, but perhaps more aggressively out of fear

Barbarian Nations, however, inwardly know we are right, they are at least that intelligent, for even the French in a spiteful manner know we are superior to them, and they also know that better element among the French are the result of Teutonic Blood
Not only does the Barbarian fear the German, but the Barbarian also fears the self-assuredness of the German and to the level of extremism we are willing to carry out our will, and even self-sacrifice and devotion to the sake of our Volkish and National interests
The Barbarian also knows inwardly[…]that even if a better member of the Barbarian Species might have better instincts, better motivations and better morals, they still know all too well that these traits are not commonplace among the large gamut and classes of their people and culture
Why it is ever the greatest task that we cannot have useless “Weeds” among our Racial Volk
Americans are not a Race, but are a hodge-podge of racial junk that Healthy Nations did not want to tolerate, and only benefited by superficial migrations of better European people who later came over
We were never meant to be a Democracy, and any German who espouses the idea of Pro-Democratic views for our Nation deserves to be carried away and placed in a Concentration Camp where they rightfully belong
Under the Reich, there is no Rule of Law. There is no Civil Law
The Reich Leader, or even the Head of any State should have an Absolute Ruler, even if he be an Absolute Monarch (Emperor) or Equivalent[…]The leader must be the law

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

(White gold)
One in four women physicians report infertility

A Medical Career, at a Cost: Infertility - The New York Times

But one achievement eluded her: having a baby. She had postponed getting pregnant until she was solidly established in her career, but when she finally decided to try to have children, at 34, she was surprised to find that she could not, even with fertility drugs. Dr. Marshall attributed it to having worked frequent night shifts, as well as to stress and lack of sleep, which can affect reproductive cycles.

Placing women in traditionally male leadership roles with all the stress and long years to prepare for it takes it’s toll on a woman’s reproductive cycle.

White women seem to forget the single most important job they'll ever have is bearing and raising children.

What do you notice about commercials for contraceptives? Ever see a non-white woman in one?

Just yet another thing that worked out exactly as planned.

(Herr Gruber)
The gymnasiums are full of the women you speak of, trying to fill that empty void in their life. Success comes at a very heavy price..

(White gold)
I totally agree with both of you. Men and women are not interchangeable.

Steamboatkevin #racist reddit.com

We could start by all learning the definition of "genocide", then we could all learn to stop using hyperbole and words that don't apply to the history of Canada. There was never a genocide in Canada. Ever. Stop robbing the people of this world who have gone through genocide of their dignity by trying to steal empathy directed at them.

This is genocide. There was no campaign of murder to eradicate the native gene from. The gene pool. Revisionist lies and hyperbolic nonsense. Shame

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The sixties scoop.


Hyperbole hyperbole hyperbole. The 60s scoop was a legitimate CFS action. It isnt "genocide" when children are removed from terrible parents or abusive situations. Nobody has ever shown me evidence that this wasn't the case in the 60s scoop.

As for all. Your other nonsense, it isn't genocide to not feed people when they have a clear path to opportunities elsewhere. All they had to do was move. The land was expropriated, as is still done today. And it was a good thing it was expropriated. Passing influenza to people isn't genocide. Complete nonsense. You should have your mouth washed up with soap.

[deleted] #racist reddit.com

God I hate these disingenuous comments on residential schools. They are an annoying kind of technically correct. Acting like they were an internment camp trying to harm the natives is just blatantly dishonest. You have to take the good when you're going to rattle off the bad.

After the 1940s the government was going to end them, natives wanted them kept open. From then on they were made non mandatory because the government still wanted to cut the cost of it if they have to keep it. It then ended up becoming a defacto child services home. They put kids removed from bad homes in residential schools since it's not easy to find actual homes for them. An uncomfortable, underfunded, and sub-par school is still a vastly superior place for the kids than homes where their parents beat them and give them nearly no education.

James Dunphy #racist #conspiracy #fundie counter-currents.com

[From "A WN take on 9/11"]

Conspiracy theorists believe that since many Jews have profited from 9/11, they were behind it. While Jews may have played leading roles in getting the US to simultaneously invade and invite the world, which resulted in part in 9/11, this doesn’t mean they played a direct role in it. Jews often pursue their own tribal goals to the detriment of the white majority

They also disproportionately occupy the upper echelons of many white societies. This results in an uncomfortable relationship between them and their white host population, so they seek to make alliances with other minority groups, such as Africans, but also with those who don’t even yet live in the nation by opening the borders. This is what Jews on the American Jewish Committee did when they supported Emanuel Celler’s lifelong mission of opening America’s borders to non-whites, which culminated in the 1965 Immigration Act
Zionist Jews use the US as Israel’s muscle in the Middle East. This angers Muslims, whom their Leftist brethren have been inviting into the US. This in turn leads to mass murder and chaos. By pursuing their own sectarian agendas, Jews bring about this chaos. Worst of all, they capitalize on the fear terrorist attacks elicit by using the FBI and Homeland Security to target peaceful Trump supporters and white advocates
Osama bin Laden, KSM, Ramzi Yousef, and their followers failed to accomplish the three points of Yousef’s manifesto. America’s diplomatic ties with Israel remain strong. Following 9/11, evangelicals became even more pro-Zionist[…]This seems to have waned in the past decade, though, as the Internet is red-pilling a lot of Christians about the dubious theology and history of Christian Zionism

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #racist #wingnut simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Michael Soetoro (often incorrectly referred to as Michelle Obama) is former "president" Barry Soetoro's "life partner" who the liberal media often referred to as the "First Lady" despite his being male.

Barry Soetoro, better known by his pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is the second open homosexual to hold the office of President of the United States, after James Buchanan. This is despite the fact that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya to a Kenyan father and American mother, thus making him ineligible for holding the office of President of the United States.

Soetoro "married" his life partner Barry in 1992. This was legally invalid because this "marriage" occurred well before Illinois recognized same-sex civil unions in 2011 and "marriages" in 2014.

Soetoro made his goal as "First Lady" of the United States to take away choices from students and parents when it came to school lunches. By doing this, kids were forced to eat unappetizing cardboard school "lunches" that were devoid of both taste and nutrition. Some school districts even cracked down on homemade school lunches because they contained too much sugar, especially if sodas were present. This was likely done to decrease school performance in well performing districts to justify the federal overreach into the school curriculum via the Common Core monstrosity. He also introduced "exercise programs" in schools to wear kids out since they were fueled on next to no calories, and this would deteriorate academic performance even more drastically.

Soetoro was likely highly influential in causing his life partner Barry to sign unconstitutional executive orders asserting transsexual "rights" in public schools and otherwise, because Barry himself has been involved romantically and sexually with a transsexual himself. Both Michael and Barry reject the lordship of Jesus Christ in a particularly boastful way.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #wingnut adrenogate.net

Yeah yeah, I know there are a lot of actual “White Supremacist” accounts on that site and it can come across as “Antisemitic” at times. But remember that these “Jews” who cry about this kind of rhetoric are not the authentic ancestral descendants of Moses that the real Semites are. So they have no right to be offended and even less of a right to claim they are the Semites.
Most of them don’t even realize the truth about their own existence and who they are actually even doing the bidding of. On top of that, most of them don’t even maintain total control over their own vessel and are constantly relegated to the sunken place as these demonic legion spirit entities commandeer their bodies and use them as avatars to interact with humanity with whenever they decide to visit our dimensional realm. But with the recent advances in A.I. and synthetic humanoid technologies, they no longer need to keep inbreeding these bloodlines that have proven to be extra-conducive to accommodating the possession of a demonic entity. The synthetic vessels that they manufacture today are even more effective at hosting these Alien demonic intelligences than the traditional biologically inbred hosts(the EL-ites) are capable of, rendering these leftover inbred Cannanite/EL-ite/Ammonite(Serpent Seeds)foot soldiers as much less valuable to HaSatan. Because of this paridigm shift & these technological breakthroughs, the Practitioner of the Demiurge/Lucifer/HaSatan is getting ready to basically throw all the EL-ites into a garbage can since he really doesn’t need their help anymore. That will be fun to watch when it does happen, but hopefully I’ll have been scooped up into my home dimension by that point by the Demiurges rival, the true Creator God, and won’t be forced to stick around any longer during that junction of these End Times protocols that we see playing themselves out on the world stage.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

When I was a teenager in the 1960's, society still believed that sex was something reserved for marriage.

Around that time, we were bombarded with propaganda that taught that prohibiting extramarital sex was prudish and life-denying. This was part of a larger Communist social engineering program designed to destroy the institution of marriage. The pendulum now has swung to this satanist extreme where anonymous extramarital sex (hooking up, fuck-buddy, booty call) has been normalized. "Partying" is essentially pairing up for anonymous sex.
More than anything, healthy heterosexual women want to be loved by a man, their husband. They want to his Goddess. They want to be possessed by him.

During intercourse, most women's faces become very beautiful, as if nature has blessed this act. Sex is obviously a rite of marriage as a man cannot really "make love" to a woman he doesn't know or love. Anonymous sex really is masturbating.
The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) mass media is full of propaganda about women who have been betrayed and exploited by men. This is expected from Satanists dedicated to destroying marriage and enslaving humanity. But marriage has withstood the test of time because men and women know instinctively that it is based on mutual dependence. 
The Illuminati have taught women to seek power instead of love. Seek career not family. "Men are oppressors." Since masculinity is defined by power, the effect is to neuter both sexes. As a consequence, many women can't give themselves to a man. That's what love is. That's what makes a man love a woman. 

I see these forlorn "independent" women everywhere, some obese, many with pet dogs, some carving out a relationship with another woman. They ate the apple, the poisonous communist satanist apple.  

Thanks to communist brainwashing, they will never know the joy and fulfillment of marital love and sex as God and nature intended.

Simon Burnton & Some Wingnuts #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: According to The Guardian, it is now suspicious to show how almost 100% kids in your country look like...


They do realize politics is often like a pendulum so the more they crank the rhetoric about race one way the more it may swing the other if there is ever countermovememt. And if they know even the slightest thing about Europe they should know that prodding at racial tensions will end in massive bloodshed.

That level of foresight would first require that they pull their heads out of their asses, and since that would subject them to all of those icky opinions of people who are obviously wrong, they won't do it.

But supposing for a moment that they could do that, look ahead and see the prospective consequences of their extreme ideology? They wouldn't care. Because it would mean that all their incessant claims about white supremacy being everywhere would be validated

News-flash, not EVERY nation on the entire planet is a "melting pot". Many countries will have people who all look the same.

Yeah, it's funny how they never seem to complain about Asian countries, or Arab countries having people who look similar.

Yet you won't ever hear them complaining about the shocking lack diversity in Nigeria or Japan or India.

Its like taking a trip to India, and complaining about all the 'foreigners'.

Actually you hear a lot about the lack of diversity in Japan.

You'll never hear them complaining about the shocking lack of diversity and shithole countries but they will always complain about the lack of diversity in nice developed countries with working utilities.


This is the face of the numpty who wrote that.

I find it really sad that some white people are developing self hatred to the point of irrationality. Imagine hating yourself so much you complain about there being too many whites in Poland while you're giving live updates on a soccer game.

Various Commenters #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How a More Diverse Population Will Change America


"Ordinary Americans predict a white backlash."

I see no sign of that happening.

They have to blame white people for the increase in crime and destruction of social trust. How else are they going to prevent everyone else from noticing who commits most of the violent crime? Look at the "Stop Asian Hate" campaign. It is usually blacks committing random attacks on Asians yet the movement blames white supremacy for the crime.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)
Patricia Kenny, one of the cherry picked, foolish voices for this WaPo article, opines:

“Diversity is the lifeblood of a healthy nation. “

Diversity is the the lifeblood of nations? Like the Mongolian empire of yore? Or the Austrian-Hungary Empire? Or the USSR? Or the British Empire? Funny how diversity saved none of those super-national entities.

“Diversity of culture brings new ways of thinking and problem solving. It is not a surprise that many of our Nobel winners and inventors are immigrants or the children of immigrants.”

Of the 900 Nobel laureates 20% are Ashkenazi Jews and a huge chunk of others, until more recent times, were of White European descent. Diversity is fairly narrow, when it comes to very high IQs. The immigration status is a moot point, as far as Nobel prizes go, since that characteristic contributes little to such successes.

A real White backlash would mean Whites having large families again and not miscegenating and encouraging more European immigration to our shores. We need MORE White people. Period!

For a young white person it seems to be a social obligation to marry a nonwhite and have half white kids.

Young urban white women, especially. Men.. less so, but they do they are inclined to Asian women for very obvious reasons... young urban white women.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Twitter racists at it again


Is that why domestic violence is disproportionately high in the black community? The middle aged white guys made them do it!


You say that but these people genuinely believe that.

George Floyd was the patron saint of armed robbers.


To some of these people, it’s genuinely racist and evil to say “all people are equal; no one group is meaningfully any smarter, stronger or more intelligent than the others. Everyone deserves access to relatively equal opportunities, and we need to respect the right for others to live the way they want”.

I believe the quote goes: "If you demanded everyone gets equal treatment, you would've been labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago, and a racist today."

I am scared to be with room with women more, what's your point?

They right though

How are they right? It’s an opinion based off of prejudice. How is anything like that correct or incorrect?

The idea that some people feel scared mainly around white males is just as valid as someone not feeling scared around them. Then we have to ask ourselves, "why are some people afraid of them?"

Emotional intelligence is a real thing

I guess emotional intelligence really hampers your ability to understand ”per capita” crime statistics

White men made up the largest demographic of mass shooters in America as of May 2021

The white person is the less likely to be a violent criminal in comparison to the others mentioned in the post.

So could you tell me why are you so scared of white men?

Because they are angry about their small pp's and what to take that out on people 😎

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #psycho #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Most People lack Spiritual Wisdom to understand the difference of Benevolent vs Malevolent Totalitarianism"]

For better or worse, the Third Reich and its leaders always take the blame for the ultimate evil and as example of a vicious Totalitarian State

As far as most modern people are concerned[…]our measures have been too “extreme” and Psychopathic

But how can you take such statements seriously from two Nations which allied themselves with Bolshevism and even desperate enough to throw out all decency as well in allying with and hiring the Italian Mafia?

As Prussians, we recognize that such a deadly force and ideology as Bolshevism was, can only be met with on the terms of something and an ideology not only as equally fanatical but even exceeding the Ambitions of this dangerous enemy
The Jews of course, through clever mind influence of others, convinced people of this falsehood

And the people who do not have hearts (majority of humanity) just cannot understand this. They cannot understand anything about the Nazis other than to deem them as crazy psychopaths who were hypnotized

People without hearts are worthless trash, unworthy of life
The National Socialist efforts were needed, and if one be very truthful, we can say that they needed to be even harsher!

Only a moron could think that they should have been nicer or less aggressive, even as far as the Russian invasion
The majority of people have no proper judgment for assessing the true quality of a given leadership, and this in itself proves exactly why even the idea of a Democracy is a flawed one and always leads to Ultimate Tyranny
If German People want to be free, we need a Reich. The Reich helps to organize people based on the needs of German People, whether it is to open new types if labor or cooperation, or even to mobilize to go to war

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Indian vs. Black: Vigilante Killings Upend a South African Town

Racial harmony in the Rainbow Nation.

I would watch this on PPV. Beats most of the recent stuff on PPV.

I have never known anyone who was neither white nor black who liked blacks.

Nobody likes them. Including themselves. They kill more of their own kind than anyone else does.

(Francis Galton)
Indians and blacks kill each other in black-ruled South Africa, and they still try to pin the blame on whitey. The most ridiculous example of that I have ever seen is in Adam Rutherford's book How to Argue with a Racist. He blamed Whites for the Rwandan genocide of one group of blacks by another group of blacks.


As far as I remember, it was already used in 1998 (?) in the campaign against the then Yugoslavia, guilt ridden Bill Clinton who was blamed for overlooking tha massacre in Rwanda decided to right the wrong in Yugoslavia.

Well, the way I heard it went down was like this - the US went into the Balkans to protect and help all the White Europeans, while they left the African blacks to fend for themselves in Rwanda, because they didn’t care about black lives, because at the time black lives DIDN’T matter as the do now in our more enlightened, woke times. They didn’t care about black bodies (Ah! Ah!) but they did about White Bodies. See how it’s capitalized, conveying respect?

(San Francisco Cynic.... )
Indians managed to succeed in a hostile environment DESPITE the restrictions of apartheid, thanks to significantly higher intelligence than Blacks. I visited South Africa while Apartheid was still the law and saw first-hand how Indians successfully seized opportunities and managed to improve their lot within one generation. Blacks -lacking compassion or a talent for self-reflection - lash out at ANYONE who is able to succeed since on a deep level they recognize their own ingrained inadequacy. It's why they HATE the success of Asians in the US.

Tenshi #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #racist #sexist #wingnut imgshare.io

POV: you were born as a naive, sensitive, introvert boy in a degenerate world

You always believe in treating people nicely and respecting them, always believed in morals and love.

You didn't want much from life. You didn't need a dream, a career. You just wanted to do the normal thing. You thought you'd grow up, fall in love, have children and have a family on your own.

Except you wake up and realise you're living in a total dystopia full of narcissists, compulsive liars, sexually deviants, moral freaks, psychopaths, violent thugs, madmen, whores... And the worst part? They're the ones who are on top. Having it all, being treated nicely by others, having the time of their lives, building their hedonistic paradise over your dream's grave.

You look around, you see people like yourself have fallen a long time ago on the way. You see fags, thugs and dykes enjoying their lives. You never had a girlfriend, but a nasty butch dyke has a girl by her side. She'd rather be with a woman than be with you.

Another look, a girl and Chad, a total piece of shit with no respect for others, no consideration for her feelings. Yet, she'll rather share him with other multiple women than give the time of the day to you or any guy like you. You never even had a girl liking you. You pass by a prison and see women and their children almost attacking cops, demanding their rights to see (and fuck) felon Tyrone.

A total scumbag, a social disgrace who lives by leeching off others and killing people, has women having his children. Meanwhile, you will die without reproducing.

You get home and turn on the TV. Everything is chaotic, crimes on the rise, inflation, wars, leftists destroying even more what's left of morality and genuinity in the world. Meanwhile, the common folk watches, bestialized by its own lack of awareness, stupid and perverted netflix shows while the world tumbles down.

You go to bed, you cry and wish you don't wake up next morning, but you do...

LesPatterson #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: International Study Finds Sun - Not CO2 - May Be Behind Global Warming

Relax, nothing to see here; a clever use of mathematical derivations, but on the whole nothing worth getting excited about.

The critics of climate change have always had their claims and they come up with new ones everyday, but it's next to impossible to prove any of their claims with physical experiments.

You just twisted the whole thing around.
Alarmist are the ones coming up with useless computer models and fake mathematics to try and make their fake science fit the data. But they are fighting a losing battle. But none of that really matters, because they are in charge of the narrative. They have completely hijacked and closed down the entire debate, the science is settled you know.

The truth does not matter to these people, they tell bare faced lies regarding biology, physics race and history all while keeping a straight face. Then cancel people for pointing out the bleeding obvious. Did you hear one of your hero’s AOC just this week talking about menstruating people, just a tiny example. And she is a climate change hero to everyone, god help us.

So you are certainly in good company...

New ones every day, this is exactly what you have been doing here on Stormfront, posting one ridiculous video after another, flip flopping all over the place. Tilting planets, massive feedbacks, Super gases, all totally totally defying the laws of Physics.

Our claims are very consistent and based on actual data, past and present. While you people hide or completely ignore past climate and the past relationship between CO2 and temperature.
CO2 can’t and has never influenced climate or temperature. Past data clearly shows that. But we have been over all this before. That claim has never changed. Why don’t you fill us in on all these new claims...

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Mencius Moldbugman

The Taliban have started painting over murals left behind from the American occupation. Here they paint over one mural depicting St George Floyd and replace it with proclamations of victory.

The Globalist American Empire really was painting images of George Floyd in Kabul.

A pro-black account posts the following, featuring James Baldwin:

Dear white people, we are not the minority. You are.

Yes, we are a global minority. That is why we must ensure our survival.

A transgender socialist, “Contrapoints,” is in trouble for knowing about the work of Helmut Schoeck, who wrote about envy. If you’re not watching far-left YouTubers, it’s not important, but it shows that on the left, knowing about certain people or citing them favorably is a moral failing.

Another interesting exchange from leftist YouTube. Apparently, slaughtering whites is a topic for debate.

Critical Race Theory should be taught in school. Whites should learn that those in power oppress them. Those promoting CRT don’t understand that they are part of the ruling system, not rebels against some mythical pro-white Establishment. They’re on Twitter; we’re banned.

A progressive says the quiet part out loud:

A reminder that if white people couldn't vote, the US House map would look something like this


Even if you are a self-hating white who talks about “decolonialism,” you won’t get any credit.

A. H.

Just saw a white person call another white person ‘decolonial’ as an adjective as a compliment. As in, “you are beautiful and decolonial,” and no my fellow whites. Absolutely fucking not.

It’s worth reading. White leftists can grovel all they want; it won’t do them any good.

Finally, a refreshingly direct insult.

samer #SaveSheikJarrah

White people are truly a cancer everywhere they go

Clearly, it’s whites’ fault that South Africa is such a mess.

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Genetic and Environmental Contributions to IQ in Adoptive and Biological Families with 30-Year-Old Offspring

Dismal result for environmentalists.

Environmentally mediated effects of parental IQs, sibling-specific shared environment, and gene-environment covariance accounted for 8% of the IQ variance in adulthood. The heritability was estimated to be 0.42 [95% CI 0.21, 0.64]. Together, these findings provide further evidence for the predominance of genetic influences on adult intelligence over any other systematic source of variation.

This explains why Head Start and No Child Left Behind failed to close the race gap. Nevertheless, liberals continue to pretend that more white dollars will create more black scholars. The fact that they try to suppress the findings and assertions of heriditarians and race realists tells me that they do not believe their propaganda. If they wee really confident that the right environment (controlled of course by them) would improve black academic performance they would welcome a candid and honest debate on this topic.

(Fed Up)
Learning and intelligence depends on the BRAIN and how well a child can actually learn. White children have a genetic advantage based on a better brain and related upbringing. How many black children have parents who actually take an interest in their cognitive abilities and scholastic standing? My parents insisted I learn and learn what teachers taught. That lack of an education is equivalent to the "kiss of death" when as an adult, I'd be looking for a job or a career path.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)
Modern day social engineers will deny this newest study and double down on a myriad of useless, but costly, programs designed to raise the IQs of POCs.

(Gabby Mouse)
If the brain cells simply aren't there, they aren't there.

It's been obvious throughout history that the brain cells aren't there. Just compare the white countries with the black countries. It's SO obvious!

Order of Melchizedek/Age To Age Ministries Int'l #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #racist atam.org

The fact is, originally these secret societies and specific "family names" were so named, because of their "ancient non human bloodline." That is the main reasons for "secrecy." We also shared how in these secret societies that descended from a literal Dragon/Reptilian Race, probably from the constellation of Draco; there are what we would call good and evil Draconians. Thankfully, those that are working with the Light are in the process of overthrowing the darkness. This is what the Global Resignations of the evil Khazarian Bank CEO's and Politicians is all about.

Keep in mind that all the rulers or Emperors of Asia were and are til this day of a Dragon bloodline; sometimes the true rulers may be ruling from behind the scenes. Should we be surprised? Most of those that have ruled Europe, other western nations (America) and parts of Africa are of a Dragon/Reptilian bloodline also. This is why genealogical records proves most of them are related. The Dragon rulers have been divided between the East and West for thousands of years with sub-factions/families of half-bloods, 1/3 bloods, lesser and willing servants.

Why do we have the White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, Black Dragon Society, and Dragon Families? Each of these groups are considered to be "illumined ones" Illuminati. Could it be that when the Draconians first descended on this planet, they decided who would rule certain regions? Could it be that there has been a Cosmic Sibling Rivalry being played out on the planet through the human hosts for thousands of years? Have the humans been used in proxy economic and violent warfare (nation against nation, religion against religion, race against race) at the expense of satisfying the huge ego of negative Draconians/Reptilians? Is there any end in sight for the human pin pong game? Yes! There is and there has always been a plan in place to cast down the evil Draconians that have ruled the world (gods of this world) in unrighteousness.

C.T., Adunai and Robert Morgan #racist #wingnut #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Adunai vs. Morgan"]

I’ve been watching the recent discussion between Adunai and Robert Morgan in the comments section of The Unz Review. Morgan seems to hold a classic view of Christianity: the one I held before reading a conservative Swede in Gates of Vienna. Now I see that Christianity is not just its dogmatic part, let’s say, what we who were Catholics used to hear during the Creed on Sundays
The above is the dogmatic part that not all westerners believe now. But Christianity is also the axiological part, what we have been calling Christian ethics. And from this angle westerners continue to be Christians. As Adunai summed it up in his discussion with Morgan: Christianity, in essence, means not the number of priests ordained: but the number of niggers loved

This means that secular, atheist or agnostic whites continue to be Christians[…]The axiological part of Christianity (secular neochristianity I call it) is today in its red giant phase: incinerating, with its suicidal ethics, the nations that used to be traditional Christian

It was not Darwin, or the revolution of ideas that started 1789, as Morgan seems to believe, what marks real apostasy. Adunai is right that Hitler was the first one who tried to transvalue Christian values back to pagan times (see also our ongoing translation of Savitri Devi’s book). This is our litmus test: If you are willing to do something similar to the Nazis’ Master Plan East, then you have left Christianity behind

Otherwise you’re a fucking neochristian

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

The evidence that genes influence intelligence and other personality traits is so overwhelming that even a few lefties no longer deny it. But, oh, how they agonize over how to reconcile science with the religion of equality.

As The Genetic Lottery’s cover proclaims, the book will explain “how the science of genetics can help create a more just and equal society.” Since it’s all a matter of luck, the lucky few should be just as devoted as ever to succoring the unlucky many.

This is the sort of fluff with which liberals (and even conservatives) must sugar the pill, and all snideness aside, I’m very glad Prof. Harden wrote a book that could prompt more accusations that she is lending comfort to the alt-right.

Much of the thrill of being on the Left is an intoxicating sense of moral superiority, the joy of inventing endless pathologies — racist, sexist, xenophobe, etc. — with which to diagnose conservatives.

But what if Prof. Harden is right and America is not so much a crime scene as a story of good luck and bad luck?

Let’s imagine explaining to white suburban mothers why there has be Section 8 housing in their neighborhood:

"Yes, these people live in tar-paper shacks because they’re shiftless, but the poor dears were born that way. You live in nice houses because you are smart and hard-working but you were born that way. And they will bring crime, but they can’t help that."

If that’s the best the Left can do, there won’t be any Section 8 housing. Or affirmative action or reparations or critical race theory or immigrant-coddling or diversity boosting or any of the other dead weights progressives hang around our necks.

I wish Prof. Harden every success with her book. And who knows? Maybe The Genetic Lottery will make it a little less likely we get idiotic laws such as No Child Left Behind or that we try to turn Afghans into Hubert Humphrey Democrats. We may still lather Quanisha and Juan Pablo with preferences, but the frenzy to make them into doctors and jet pilots may cool.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Daily reminder to coping white supremacists on this site


turbocuckcel_7000 is a 31 year old virgin who still has a cope for “white supremacy”. This old geezer actually believes that worshipping whote women and white chads is the best thing for incels lmaooo

BummerDrummer a blonde white incel kid is who is at the bottom of his white social hierarchy worshipping the same whote women who wont fuck him

Realizing that multiculturalism/migration is detrimental due to skewing up the gender ratio, that it is used to disinegrate the unity of the people (thereby making them easier to control with racial infights) and that it benefits only liberals/capitalists that will make our problems worse =/= simping for white women

Migrants vote mostly leftist-liberal, every vote for leftist-liberals is a vote against men and for feminism. Furthermore, they bring crime and I would rather be an incel with my wallet than without. And for their sexual crimes: I don't care and because women voted for this, it's their problem.

I believe that every race has its place on the globe and shouldn't mix, but there's no denying that ethnicities are dumber than whites and they're doing shit in politics, so whites must prevail in the end

daily reminder


(Fat Link)
There’s no such thing as white supremacy.

There is however Jewish supremacy.

Maybe you muds that are sad and pissed off about your rotten lot in life need to begin taking up your problems with the Jews?

Since after all they owned all the slave ships that brought your black asses over here to whiteopia to begin with and it was they who were your primary enslavers NOT whites.

You should all demand reparations from Israel now but you monkeys won’t as you are pussy niggers.

Too fearful to attack or go after the actual people whose organ grinder tune you all dance to.

Vox Day #racist #wingnut #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "The Scale of Humiliation"]

Mark Steyn observes that the astonishingly rapid victory of the Taliban may be the Imperial USA’s Suez moment
Steyn alludes to, but avoids stating, what is entirely obvious to any historically literate observer. This catastrophic defeat was the neoclowns’ war. This was not America’s failure, it was the failure of the self-styled “national security right” who flattered themselves into believing that they dictated reality with their words. Afghanistan is the neocons’ failure. It is AIPAC’s failure. Genuine Americans never wanted, supported, or endorsed the concept of an empire in the Middle East

To quote one veteran who served in it: “My friends died for nothing. My soldiers died for nothing. I served for nothing. And the communists took over at home”

Adolf Hitler erroneously blamed the Jews for the German defeat in WWI. He was wrong to do so because Germany never had any chance of winning that two-front war even before the USA got involved. But anyone in the future who wants to blame those whom Steyn euphemistically labels “the national security right” for the US defeats in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan will be absolutely correct. This was Bill Kristol’s war. This was Paul Wolfowitz’s war. This was Richard Perle’s war. This was David Frum’s war. This was Max Boot’s war. This was Michael Ledeen’s war. This was Jennifer Rubin’s war. This was Ben Shapiro’s war
But it was not America’s war, and no American should ever forget that. These second- and third-generation immigrants have systematically labored to destroy what was once, briefly, the greatest nation, the greatest Christian nation, on Earth. Now, imagine how much worse the situation would be today if the cursed neoclowns had gotten their way and US troops were also trapped in Iran and Syria and Pakistan and Ukraine

Thanos Plevris and Constantinos Plevris #psycho #racist jta.org

Greece has appointed a health minister who defended the antisemitic writings of his father in court more than a decade ago

Thanos Plevris, who was named to his post as part of a government reshuffle, said Wednesday in a statement that he did not mean to offend anyone with his 2009 defense
Constantinos Plevris was appealing his conviction for incitement to hatred for passages he wrote in his book titled “The Jews: The Whole Truth.” The elder Plevris appeared to advocate for keeping Auschwitz, the former Nazi death camp, “in good condition,” allegedly for the day it would again serve to kill Jews.

Defending his father in court, Thanos Plevris contested that interpretation of the Auschwitz reference. Even if it were true, he added, “What kind of instigation is this? What incitement is this? Is it that one is not allowed to believe and want to believe that ‘I want to exterminate someone?'” he said

The appeals tribunal acquitted Constantinos Plevris

Thanos Plervis wrote on Facebook that he “completely disagrees” with his father and “never meant to offend the Jewish people and I apologize if I did.” The post followed the statement by the Central Board, the main Jewish umbrella in Greece

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

(Teutonic Knight)
[Slavpill] Watch this video if you think Slavs are white. JFL if you think JBW applies for Slavs


There are slavcels captured in a slavwar. How the hell are these people "white"? Truecel after truecel, and they all look ethnic. If someone said these were captured Syrian rebels, you would believe him. Height is the only thing going for them.


Another one, this time bosniakcels. Only the guy in the end is white, all others look like some Afghans and Arabs

"Slavs are white bro, just be Slav bro"

In the balkans we imagine "white" as in nordic or wasp. We are completely aware that serbs look like turks.

White = Nordic/Germanic/Anglo

White race = Anglo concept for Westerners

Slavs have absolutely zero to do with white race

Who are you working for. Could it perhaps be the George Soros Open Society Foundation?

Why would Soros want slavpillers lol? Soros wants Slavs to think they're white so that they can become good white liberals. He doesn't want anti-Western slavpillers who are aware of the bitter reality of Eastern Europe.

(Deleted member 19971)
Slavs from the Balkans aren't white but most white-passing slavs live in the North ( Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltics, Western Russia. ).

Balkan slavs are more ethnic looking, but other slavs mogs medcels like me in whiteness

I find Mediterraneans to be good looking. They are European after all.

The females always bleach their hair and use massive fake up to appear more white.While males are often swarthy outside of maybe Lombardy and will probably get bald in their 20s because of african genes


nihility thoughts?

russian conscripts captured in ukraine,try to find at least one white guy in this video


When people say slave they are referring to polish, Moscow, so on. Not Arabs or Mongolians.

Eric Dubay #crackpot #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #quack lulu.com

The Atlantean Conspiracy Final Edition is the ultimate encyclopedia exposing the global conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion. Discover how world royalty through the Vatican and secret societies control literally every facet of our lives from behind the scenes and have done so for thousands of years. Topics covered include Presidential Bloodlines, The New World Order, Big Brother, FEMA Concentration Camps, Secret Societies, The Zionist Jew World Order, False Flags & The Hegelian Dialectic, The Lusitania & WWI, Pearl Harbor & WWII, Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin & The Vietnam War, The Oklahoma City Bombing, The 9/11 Inside Job, Media Manipulation, The Health Conspiracy, Fluoride, Vaccines, Engineered AIDS, The Meat & Dairy Myth, The Cure for Everything, Masonic Symbology, Numerology, Time Manipulation, The Christian Conspiracy, Astrotheology, Magic Mushrooms, Atlantis, Kundalini, Enlightenment, Geocentric Cosmology, The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes, Aliens, Controlled Opposition, and much more

Various racists #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

Re: Oklahoma Reels After Supreme Court Ruling on Indian Tribes


Kyle Willis hadn’t seen Kimberly Graham in years, since the day she was sentenced to 107 years in prison after she drunkenly plowed her truck into a group of motorcyclists in Tulsa, killing five people, including his mother and stepfather.

So it was a shock when he saw her at a court hearing last month, a free woman. Graham, who is Native American, was let out of prison in April after a Supreme Court decision last year that found that a large part of eastern Oklahoma is still Indian country. Crimes there were the province of federal and tribal courts.

Aren't there any politicians who simply refuse to comply with this madness? Our claim to authority over this land is ultimately by right of conquest. Why don't be act like it.

(Law and Order)

If this ruling applies only to crimes committed against other Indians, fine. If it applies to Indian crimes against Whites, that's a problem.

It applies in both cases.

Frankly, don't care what an injun does to a white in the rez. They have no biz being there. No different than a white going to an African country. You are taking chances.

(Lewis Wetzel)
Let's change this ridiculous reservation system where the Federal govt. props up these welfare recipients. I live on a reservation, and you can hardly find a "working" Indian. Change it just like the left wants to re write our history.

(Jack McGriff)
Can Whites have a reservation too? Or nah because White ethnostates be racist an she it?

There are so many Indian ethnostates in the USA I wonder if we could lease some of that land or even buy a reservation ourselves? Indians love money and the White man's clothes, technology, and shiney trinkets.

(Law and Order)
I have listened to injun programs in community radio stations in California and Arizona and they always blab about protecting their culture. But when a white says the same, it's racism.

vikingcelt #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: jewish Supremacists Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective

The enemy is not the least bit inhibited in calling for our genocide. They are winning, too. Drastic, even cruel measures must be considered.

Genocide? Perhaps not, though considering what the damn Jew has been up to, it might be best to kill them all, man, woman, and child.

War has been declared upon us. The Jews and their black lackeys mean business.

He intends to wipe us out. The Jew intends to exterminate the Aryan race. They tell us so, certain of their radicals and many of their academics. They have said as much. The White race is the cancer of history, says one. The White race must be abolished, says another. I can go on with this, quote after quote. The Jew does this out of fear and loathing. Make no mistake, as skeptical as we may be about their Holocaust myth, the Jews, every one of them, believe every word of it. This makes the Aryan an existential threat to them. They believe the Aryan hates them so much that the Aryan would exterminate them on an industrial scale. They believe this, to the souls of their beings, and they hate us for it. Of course they do. Like malevolent children, like sociopathic head cases, they cannot reason their way out of this conviction that we once tried to exterminate them. And that we will try it again! Think they resent that? You can bet they do. And unlike us, they have a plan.

The first goal is to disempower the European in his own lands, including North America and Australia. Those are our lands now, that is European territory. Manifest destiny and the verdict of war has made it so.

If we do not rise up, and put a stop to the Jew perfidy, our own ship will sink, in three generations, perhaps only two. It is a mathematical certainty. Faced with this fact, do we not consider war? What kind of men are we?

C.T. #wingnut #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Intelligent Christians unconsciously know"]

As we saw recently in one of Savitri Devi’s texts, it was precisely the Jews and intelligent Christians who understood that National Socialism was the paradigm that would replace the old one, which is why Jews and Christians (the latter are artificial Jews) feared it so much

In my own journey, it was a discussion thread in Occidental Dissent that woke me up to the question of the historical Hitler, as opposed to the Hitler of the dogma of our times
Ten years ago I wrote:

Last year I received my first lesson on the “H man” in a blog that does not promote him at all (Occidental Dissent: here). On the contrary, most OD-ers believe that any mention of NS Germany in WN circles is a non-starter
I witnessed for the first time in my life a vigorous exchange that would be unthinkable in other blogs, let alone in the MSM.

The discussion ended in a sort of draw or stalemate when a Jewess intervened with silly posts, but I learnt more in a couple of days than what I had previously learned about NS by reading books, or watching the History Channel

Alas, the editor of Occidental Dissent, Brad Griffin, deleted that article, published on the Führer’s anniversary in 2010 by one of his close associates: an article titled ‘Open thread – Adolf Hitler’

I mention this because the redpill that began to wake me up to the real world regarding Uncle Adolf was deleted by the same editor of one of the most popular sites of American white nationalism
As Thomas Khun said, paradigms are not destroyed: they are replaced. Intelligent Christians know that National Socialism can potentially replace Christianity as the Weltanschauung of the white race, and along with the Jews in the MSM they, even today’s racialists, strive so that this won’t happen

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Media Get Hate Crimes Wrong — Again

Blacks are 2.15 times more likely as whites to commit them.

Hispanics and Asians are less likely than whites to commit hate crimes.

American Indians and Eskimos were twice as likely and Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders were three times as likely as whites to be hate criminals, but these multiples don’t mean much because the numbers of offenders are small.

2020 was not a fluke. An analysis of hate crimes for 1997 found almost exactly the same black multiple: “Blacks were 1.99 times more likely than whites to commit hate crimes in general and 2.24 times more likely to commit violent hate crimes.”

The Post laments a 40 percent increase in anti-black incidents and a 70 percent increase in anti-Asian incidents, but is silent about drops in certain kinds of “hate:” Anti-Arab, down 26 percent, and anti-Muslim, down 42 percent, and anti-mental disability, down a full 54 percent. Shouldn’t we be celebrating?

The Post did reluctantly note that anti-Jew hate is down 30 percent, but hastened to add that the Anti-Defamation League says this is a ludicrous undercount; the ADL, which is no doubt in a position to be objective, says anti-Semitic hate is at “a historic high,” with 2,024 incidents.

Asian activists likewise scoff at the FBI’s figure of 274 anti-Asian incidents. Something called AAPI Hate catalogued no fewer than 6,603 anti-Asian hate crimes during the year ending in March 2021. Expect more anti-Asian hate. In May, huge majorities in both houses passed a new law to dig up more of it. It appointed an Asian-hate czar, and funded a campaign in exotic languages to encourage Asians to complain.

Deep into its story, the Post did note that there were 773 anti-white incidents, saying this was an increase of 16 percent over the previous year. Author David Nakamura bungled the math; it was actually a 20.2 percent increase, but who cares about that?

Paul Kokoski #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy renewamerica.com

The Bible tells us that Satan has the ability to "appear as an angel of light." Nowhere is this more evident than in the radical attempt to promote homosexuality in society today as something good. For the purpose of deceiving Mankind and destroying souls, Satan has thus given the homosexual lobby the following 10 commandments.

1) Always see your sexual opponent (anyone who rejects homosexual acts) as the enemy. Project what they see as your sexual disorder onto them by repetitiously calling them "homophobes."

2) Separate the act of sex from its natural purpose of procreation by referring to all homosexual relationships as expressions of "love" rather than "lust."

3) Fight to deny those who oppose homosexual acts their right to free of speech. Keep in mind that politicians and judges are your friends. Many of them are openly practicing homosexuals, and the rest, swayed by power and the almighty dollar, will do anything for your vote. Remember, too, that in today's politically correct and morally relativistic society, there is no objective moral order and it often takes only one civil judge to side in your favor for you to achieve your ends.

4) Use the "race card" unceasingly against your enemy by equating homosexual behavior (which can change) with a person's color (which, by one's will alone, cannot). Most people don't know the difference.
8) Never lose sight of the fact that God is your ultimate enemy. Attack God and all religion as something oppressive, hypocritical and evil. This is easily done by taking biblical quotes out of context to suit your own purpose and meaning. At the same time, avoid all talk of the murderous regimes of atheists like Hitler and Stalin.
10) Redefine joyful and well-established words and symbols like "marriage," "spouse," "gay" and "rainbow" and attach them to homosexual acts in order to give sin an innocent, natural and pleasing appeal.

Etymological Fallacy Award

Mike Stone #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #racist

Look up the word "sorceries" in Strong's Concordance, a reference book which lists the Hebrew and Greek translation of every word in the Bible, and you'll find the original Greek meaning for sorceries is pharmakeia or pharmacy. In other words, drug medications. So what that line from Revelations is really saying is: "For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy drug medications were all nations deceived."

Does that sound like anything we're going through now?
To lower the human population by means of vaccines can have only two meanings: sterilization or death.

In 2019, Gates filed a patent application entitled Crypto Currency System Using Human Body Activity Data, a system designed to eliminate cash. And just how will this "human body activity data" be transmitted and processed in order to buy and sell? By an embedded microchip, of course.

Can you guess what this patent application number is? It's WO/2020/060606.

This is the same Bill Gates whose company partnered with "spirit cooking" artist Marina Abramovic, an alleged Satanist, and released a commercial starring her on Good Friday. And this is the same Marina Abramovic who proudly posed with Jacob Rothschild before a painting titled Satan Summoning His Legions.

But I guess those are all just coincidences too.
Schwab and others like him envision a future in which natural humans with God-implanted DNA no longer exist, replaced by a population of micro-chipped trans-humanist creatures. This is their future and they can't wait for it to happen.

They want to replace God's creations with their own creations. In essence, they want to become gods themselves.

At this point in time, nothing else matters in the world. This issue is the dividing point between all peoples, between all races and between all political affiliations. You either submit to the jab or you don't.

And for those who don't submit, a sea of tribulations await.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Katrina 2 is Coming for the Blacks of New Orleans"]

I think we’ve got some very, very good livestreams coming in our near future


Hurricane Ida rapidly grew in strength early Sunday, becoming a dangerous Category 4 hurricane just hours before hitting the Louisiana coast as emergency officials in the region grappled with opening shelters for displaced evacuees amid the risk of spreading the coronavirus

Katrina 1 happened before the dawn of livestreaming, which is one of the greatest tragedies in history

But with this new Katrina – those blacks are going to be filming their own deaths, they’re going to be filming their looting, they’re going to be filming it all

It’s going to be glorious

It’s really the funniest thing I’ve ever seen that this hurricane is coming and they’re saying they can’t evacuate properly because of coronavirus

Anyway: blacks don’t want to evacuate because they want to loot. They will not think twice at risking drowning for a chance to loot
Of course, back then it was still illegal for black people to commit crimes, so the government sent in the military to shoot looters

So this should be a lot of fun

Katrina was way before all of this hysteria about racism, and they looted that bitch bad.

angryallytoall #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia reveddit.com

The trans community would gain more allies if trans women quit acting like cis men in feminist spaces

I am an extremely vocal ally of oppressed classes. I have led feminist education groups for men, I have marched hand in hand at pride parades, I have stood up vocally and physically to shut down oppression of minorities. I have bled because I stood up. I also believe intersectionality to be the most critical thought process to integrate into ANY fight against oppression.

I’m tired oppressed classes punching down, certain cultures of POC being extremely homo and transphobic.

My wife USED to be a rabid supporter of trans rights. Now, she wants the trans community to shut the fuck up.

Women have been shit on by men for millennia. This is absolutely undeniable. Even today, when a man enters a conversation, he will suck the air out of the room. The problem is, so many trans women grew up under toxic masculinity before their transition and they retain this “I am here, now bow before me” attitude. When these trans women go into feminist spaces, they demand everyone be an ally and demand that they change EVERYTHING that MIGHT offend one single person. If a woman dares to disagree with a single point, she is quickly labeled a TERF.

Trans ladies, do not fall into this behavior that is so typical of bearers of penises. You are hurting your own cause. You’re not demanding equality. You’re demanding deference from people who your birth assigned gender has demanded the same from since before recorded history.

If you were born with a penis, you have ZERO right or reason to have any say whatsoever over gynecological healthcare. Wanna talk about how creepy so many of us cis guys are? Yep, that’s a fantastic discussion.

You have allies. Abuse us and you will become marginalized again solely because of your own actions.

I am EXTREMELY vocal in holding other men and other Mayosapiens’ feet to the fire for being phobic or ist and I won’t shy away from confronting ANYONE for being an asshole.

Al Aniyunwiya National Mu'urish Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #elitist aanmrgov.com

The Al Aniyunwiya National Muurish Republic (AANMR) is a Diplomatically recognized Indigenous Native Sovereign Nation of Moorish-Americans. AANMR operates in Diplomatically recognized State capacity as the Capitol Nation-state of the recognized Al Moroccan Empire dBA 'Empire de Al Morocco'. "Al Aniyunwiya" means The Principle People. It is the Original and de jure (true) Title of the Original "Cherokee" Nation of Al Moroccans/Americans. There are over 75 Million Al AniYunWiYa Confederacy descendants of various Tribes in America today miscalling themselves black, negro, colored, African-American, and other names that legally constitute volunteer jurisdiction to the corporate U.S. Federal Government. This legal mis-identification keeps these peoples void of possessing any rights reserved in law and legal slave/trade/employee property on the international record traded as chattel stock on the Stock Exchanges.
The Holy Royal Family of AANMR is the direct ascendant Cherokee (Aniyunwiyan) pure Mu'ur blood of The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali; in which the Moroccan Empire was vested by Emperor Mulay Yusef before his passing in 1927; whereas Noble Drew Ali was of De Bourbon blood as well; and the Moroccan Empire had recessed into a French protectorate under the De Bourbon Family at the time. The Al Aniyunwiya were and are the de jure Principle People of the Moroccan Empire, whereas the Ancient Moabite-Moors are the founders and true possessors of The Moroccan Empire, and Al Morocco/America is actually the Original 'Murica/Morocco; "Land of the Moors".

DecodingSymbolism #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist decodingsymbols.wordpress.com

For those with power moving their chess pieces with coordination is key to victory. Define Pawns.

Q asserted that the general populace is viewed as SHEEP/PAWNS to be sacrificed. Some of them are emotionally unstable and pushed into terrorism.

To coordinate this goal of sacrifice bluntly would be illegal or at the very least would cause the person who said it to be ostracized for being evil.

This is why Symbols are used.

Symbols transform basic communications into a business where risk is transferred downstream. The person with money and power says something inconspicuous, but with the cipher applied it’s understood as directions to perform a task. The one that desires something from the powerful person takes on that task for rewards.

The crucial point of the system it’s visible while being hidden.

Hundreds of years ago they used church’s to coordinate.

Just like now it worked downstream. Rothschild -> Pope -> to eventually the local church’s downstream, and church still play’s a role today, at no point are chess pieces given up willingly.

And this is the same as today.

Every new form of media as it was invented has been integrated into the system. Way back to the telegraph.

In time we had Weathermen giving incorrect forecasts most of the time, because the point of talking about rain and storms is quite different when you know elemental comms

I’ve decoded TV shows that act as promotions for the MK Ultra coordinator lifestyle, that with symbolism they promote the idea to comms aware parents that if they sacrifice one of their children to hell then another of their children, that participates in the brainwashing, their remaining child (and themselves) will get a little piece of heaven.

It’s a system that corrupts as it expands, because you don’t get a voice if you don’t pay the admission fee. That fee can be a child, and that act of sacrificing your own children and/or sheep you herd for a church is not a new idea.

mattehret #conspiracy #wingnut #racist canadianpatriot.org

In recent times, the words “Remember Tiananmen Square” have been evoked by both the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) and commentators like Bill Birtles and Nick McKenzie, and Nine-Fairfax Media and commentators like Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt. It has become akin to saying “Remember the Alamo”. It’s become a slogan serving to remind us that we are dealing with an “evil empire” here.

But what if the so called “Tiananmen Square Student Massacre” never happened, or at least it didn’t happen in the way the mainstream media continues to portray it? The story that Chinese troops machine-gunned hundreds of innocent student protesters on the night of 3rd or 4th June 1989 has been thoroughly debunked by many of those present in the Square on those nights. Among them was a Chilean diplomat, a Spanish TVE television crew, a correspondent for Reuters, and protesters themselves
To help the US intelligence, there were two important people: George Soros and Zhao Ziyang. Soros is legendary for organizing grassroots movements around the world. In 1986, he had donated $1 million – which was a lot of money in China in those days – to the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China. Over the next three years, Soros’ group had cultivated and trained many pro-democracy student leaders, who would spring into action in 1989.
This falsification of history, which appears deliberate since the facts have become well known, deludes a new generation and prejudices it against China. The distortion of the happenings within Tiananmen Square reduces the media’s credibility and leaves its open to charges of grossly misrepresenting significant current events for cheap political gain.

And as Always, Thank You, America.

It seems plausible that the student protests in China during the late 1980s may, at their origin, have been spontaneously generated, but there is no shortage of evidence – facts not in dispute – that the entire student movement was quickly hijacked by the US.

Various monarchists #racist #wingnut reddit.com

( shuikan )

What do Western and Southern Slavic Monarchists think about this meme?


( DioTheThotSlayer69 )

Never again with Germans and Hungarians in one country!

( dogtail69 )

Multilingual, multicultural, multiracial, multireligious globohomo empire BUT IT HAS MONARCHY IN NAME!!! WOAH, SO BASED AND TRAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO

( Balderbro )

Because what Russia needs is obviously even more germanization...

( Fudi0m )

Words can't describe how much I hate this. Slavs arent your personal slaves and toys you can play with you fucking germans. As much so and act as.

( konstantin1453 )

I'm a slovak(Upper Hungary), and this is a little absurd meme. The majority of founders and leaders of the pan-slavist movement were people of my nationality.

The pan-slavist poetry and books I have read in school and in my free time were absurdly anti-germanic and later after 1850-s anti-hungarian(and anti-muslim but that's ok).

My personal stance is for reunification of my country with Hungary and I'm a Habsburg legitimist, but thinking that pan-slavs are communists or that the movement was an evil plot of Slavs to destroy the monarchy is crazy.

"anti-muslim but that's ok" What the fuck?

I mean it an a sense of a real oppresion. The ottomans weren't very friendly to slavs, and did much worse things to them than what the austrians/hungarians did. Upper Hungary (Slovakia) was being raided for more than 100 years.

Bosniaks had a different experience since they adopted islam, but the slovaks lived in terror during 16.-17. century.

( DzonjoJebac )

Ohh just imagine the balkans and why they hate turks so much then. Some parts were ruled for 500 years. Im glad and proud of my montenegrin heritage as weve never been fully incorporated into the ottoman empire and always resisted but still that meant no protection from the ottoman government which meant many neighbouring muslims, turks, albanians would often try to "collect taxes" on their own

LadyNorse #conspiracy #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: China's VERY REAL plot to overtake Canada

How do you think we can turn this around?

Is there any way to fix this... ? It feels pretty nihilistic.

I hate feeling like a minority in my own country - and tbh, I already feel this way. I hate Asians of all sorts, I don't associate well with them. They're like drones.

Our leaders are treacherous snakes.

When will our people wake up?

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: The Dip in the US Birthrate Isn’t a Crisis, but the Fall in Immigration May Be

This whole premise is the great replacement as if it is a positive. Why would any American want to increase migration from africa? Or any foreign country at that? If the immigrants are not white there is no need to allow them in. Maybe if there was not unlimited access to abortion the scales would have changed? Or if there was not such a push to make all men think they are better off being girls or gay? The societal norms being pushed for the last few decades have had a terrible impact on the birth of children. Claiming that humans are killing the earth by our mere existence adds to the negative perception of children. The author wants to make America something it isn't and that it should never be if it wants to survive.

(Brent Hollingsworth)
But I thought this is a Systemically Racist and White Supremecist run country. You would think the Africans would think twice and the promoters of this question their motives for advising such..

Bottom line: accelerate the destruction by bringing in more savage troops for the race war, and probably Muslim ones.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)

In the longer term, more immigrants are likely to come from sub-Saharan Africa, and it will be important for America’s demographic future to attract, welcome and retain them.

Huh??? Is he insane? As a statistics guy he probably knows of the IQ dearth in that part of the world. Does he really think the magic soil proposition is for real? This prescription only transplants SSA to other parts of the world.

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