
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

National Socialist Movement #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist nsm88.org

[From "25 Point Plan"]

The NSM has 25 demands inspired by the original NSDAP 25 point program[…]
1. We demand the unification of all Whites in the United States on the basis of the right to self-determination of our people[…]
2. We will not permit any behaviors antithetical to the values of National Socialism. We will safeguard our children[…]
3. We demand our own territory for the sustenance of our people
4. Only Whites may become citizens[…]Since Jews are not White[…]no Jew may become a member of our nation[…]
6. Voting rights are to be enjoyed by adult, White male land owners, alone[…]
7. […]If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich
8. Any further immigration of non-Whites will be prevented[…]All non-Whites who have immigrated since 1960 be required immediately to leave the Reich[…]
17. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land[…]This is primarily directed against the foreign land-speculation companies, including Jewish[…]
19. We demand substitution of an Aryan law in place of the Roman law serving a materialistic world order[…]
23. We demand legal opposition to known lies[…]In order to enable the provision of an English press, we demand, that:
a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the English language be members of the race
b. Non-English newspapers be required to have the express permission[…]
d. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden[…]
24. We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations[…]so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of Aryans[…]
25. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #magick projectcamelotportal.com

The video I posted above just shows you another layer of the fact that in essence we have 2 presidents and that young veteran PROVES that Biden was not inaugurated and we have been taken over by the NWO cabal… THE PROBLEM OUR MILITARY AND TRUMP HAVE IS WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who are SPLIT… some are now waking up but back then Jan 2021 OUR ELECTION WAS STOLEN and some voted for Biden.

What to do when the only option next is CIVIL WAR which would weaken our already INVADED AND OCCUPIED COUNTRY? Think about it. This is how the White Hats Q and Trump decided to go a different route that involved a lot of SECRECY… The DEEP STATE HAS HAD OUR COUNTRY IN A NOOSE FOR MANY YEARS…


The trouble is that talk to your neighbors and see how many KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS???????


DON’T DESPAIR AND TURN YOUR BACK ON AMERICA AND HUMANITY…I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be ruled by PEDOPHILES AND BABY EATERS. This is what we are facing RIGHT NOW.



Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Multiple sources reveal the intergalactic fleet comprises approximately 24 civilizations from different galaxies that have been involved in the genetic seeding of humanity stretching far back into remote antiquity. The ‘Seeders’ or ‘Guardians’ have been described as gods in multiple religious and indigenous traditions, which tell of their early activities and accomplishments. Embedded deep within these traditions are prophecies about the return of the gods. These prophecies are especially significant when it comes to major world religions describing a “Second Coming” involving their founding prophets or avatars.
In this 2.5 hour webinar intensive, Dr. Michael Salla will analyze UFO/UAP legislation passed by the US Congress, Webb Telescope images of Jupiter, the most recent activities of the ET Seeders, and how their return dovetails with prophecies of a Second Coming as described in major religions and indigenous traditions.

Additional topics to be discussed include:

Jesus of Nazareth’s extraterrestrial connection and his prophesied Second Coming;
The Second Coming as depicted in Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic Traditions and the connection to ET life;
The Return of Nibiru and the Enki faction of the Anunnaki;
The Reaction of the Enlil faction of the Anunnaki to the return of Enki and the Seeders;
How Solar Activity is being mitigated by the Seeders in order to wake humanity up in a non-chaotic manner;
The Role of the James Webb Space Telescope in revealing the existence of extraterrestrial life and the arrival of the Seeders;
Possibility of millions disappearing worldwide as space time portals begin opening, a partial planetary evacuation, and solar flare activity dramatically increasing;
Will a false flag alien event be a contrived Second Coming?
The relationship between the Second Coming and the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.

Webinar takes place on Zoom
Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy stormer-daily.rw

[From "American Gorbachev Praises Russian Gorbachev After the Old Vampire Finally Croaks"]

Joe Brandon is the American Gorbachev, overseeing the collapse of an empire


US President Joe Biden expressed his deepest condolences over the death of Mikhail Gorbachev to his family and friends, praising his willingness to “risk his entire career” for a “safer world and greater freedom for millions of people”[…]

The fall of the USSR was the worst disaster in human history, and it was basically entirely on the shoulders of the bloodsucker Gorbachev. Western academics have invented all of these goofy narratives about Afghanistan and Chernobyl, but Perestroika killed the USSR and it was on purpose

This is something I could write a 6,000-word essay or a 200,000-word book on, but I won’t. I know that when you tell right-wingers “the collapse of the USSR was the worst disaster in human history,” they prickle, so I guess I’m supposed to say something after saying that, but I’ll just ask this question: were things in America better or worse when the USSR stood?

Now you can think about that, and think about a neoliberal single world order

It is funny that the people talking about the New World Order in the 1980s were against the USSR existing, and couldn’t figure out the consequences of a unipolar world. We now know the consequences of a unipolar order – not very good

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The stars rotate around Polaris
Which is fixed on the north celestial pole
The stars return to their exact position every year

The earth is stationary

If the earth was a spinning planet
Orbiting the sun and racing through space

The stars and constellations would continually change
And never return to their original position

When we look at history we see grand buildings of amazing design
But at the same time people are running around on horses and buggies

All the massive stone structures and their elegant interiors
Are supposed to be hauled either by slave labor or carts pulled by horses
Or by rolling or dragging them on the ground

Railroad tracks are supposed to have been laid by the sudden appearance
Of massive amounts of Chinese who had superhuman strength

They are said to plow through mountains of granite at incredible speed
While building remarkable bridges and tunnels and turntables

And hauling in foundational gravel and wood along with iron railings
That weigh approximately 1 ton every seven feet

Places like New York City and Germany
Had electric sky trains or monorails

The current narrative has them before the advent of the car
Which is supposed to be in 1908

The first airplane was supposed to be in 1914

After the reset of 1811 to 1817
Many Tartarian cars were incinerated or hauled off to wrecking yards

Luxurious blimps which were the Tartarian preferred method of travel
Were used until the manufactured Hindenburg disaster and declared unsafe.
World War 2 destroyed many grand old Tartarian buildings in the cities of Japan and Germany

China has covered their pyramids with soil and trees and declared them off limits
While the ones in other countries are passed off as burial mounds for Kings and Pharaohs

Buried cities all over Europe annihilated by high energy weaponry
Are passed off as ancient Roman towns

When we realize we had free energy
And highly advanced peaceful civilizations in the past

That we are part of a grand celestial design

We will quit allowing ourselves to be played!

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia henrymakow.com

We've reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.

Where have we seen this before? The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW
at war with God (the Moral Order,) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism
i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self interest. Sick is healthy.

Is it any surprise that Hollywood is dominated by Jews and homosexuals?
What Jews and gays have in common is that they are outsiders, many of whom feel unjustly persecuted and think their perversion & dysfunction should the norm.

Most of my fellow Jews don't know that Judaism is a Luciferian cult, a rebellion against God. Cabalist (Illuminati) Jewish leaders wish to supplant God and redefine reality according to their perversity and self-interest. This is the New World Order.
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it. Then, almost by clockwork, having set up this target, the Illuminati got to work destroying it. Birth control allowed women to be sexually independent. Why not be financially independent too?

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Truth about the War Games with Russia becoming more evident to Many"]

The dirty part about this war, is that Putin/Russia cannot be involved in it or use expansionism unless there is a justified reason for it

Whether or not an Individual Country or group of Nations sees a justified reason or not, is irrelevant

Putin is Managed by the Zionists, by the MOSSAD[…]
The Middle Eastern Territories are managed the same, between agreements made between Israel and Russia[…]
Putin also does have SOME legitimate concerns for his Nation and the fact that he wanted to stop the killing of his own Soldiers in the on-going Ukraine situation[…]serves well as a distraction for those who wish to think that he may be a Noble or Righteous Leader

Even if Putin was a True Sovereign Leader of his Nation and there was no Jewish Financial control of Russia, it would be appropriate and expected for any leader to respond to Western Sanctions or what the AZOV Battalion does, regardless[…]
Putin is permitted to mitigate and take advantage of the Weaknesses of America and Western Nations, and the same is true with China since China is also a tool of the Rothscild Dynasty

But if one is to dislike Putin, they should dislike him for the valid reasons, rather than the irrelevant or positive reasons. He is KGB afterall and did espionage work and had many other connections. But he is not a weak leader, the likes of Western Politicians[…]
When I look at Russian History, specifically, and even with the Romanians, I have found these people to have many constant meddlings and connections with Jews, but few who ever recognize or believe that the Jew is an evil creature. I don’t believe you will ever see an Expulsion or Full Pogrom of the Jews from Russia

Even Stalin never did a complete purge of them, a Half Jew himself (occasional, half-Jews expel their own in times of desperation or when a country has been economically bled dry)

LazyActive8 #conspiracy #crackpot reddit.com

In 1933, Hitler ordered the false flag attack of the Reichstag fire. This attack gave Hitler the support to mass arrest communists and suspend civil liberties. With Biden calling MAGA followers the enemy of the state, could we see a false flag attack out of Hitlers playbook to cement Democrat power?

Declan Hayes #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy canadianpatriot.org

Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte kick started today’s Transgender™ industry when they dressed as drag queens in the 1942 film Die Große Liebe (The Great Love), featuring Zarah Leander, one of the Führer’s favorite film stars. Hitler, as a glance at those he had killed in his Night of the Long Knives to cover up his male prostitution years in Vienna and his incestuous relationship with Geli Raubal, his own niece (who suicided to escape him), was as camp as the SA thugs his SS thugs dispatched. From a Nazi point of view, however, Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte drag queens were in the best of company.

And, though Hitler’s SS Leibstandarte gender benders were obviously fine physical specimens, even better male specimens are today transitioning to females where they are winning all kinds of sex segregated sports that were once the preserve of girls and women and bringing us a bizarre clone of Huxley’s Brave New World, fascism with a trans human face.
Trans-humanism is the Orgy Islanders’ revamped eugenics movement that is evolving into a neo-superman philosophy and the Orgy Island A listers – Nobel Prize-winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann; the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking; the paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; neurologist Oliver Sacks; molecular engineer George M. Church; and the entire staff of Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, which Epstein kick started with a $6.5 million donation – are amongst their key collaborators to make Epstein’s ilk the new Abrahams and, as with Genesis 26:4, make their “free range” trans-humanist children “as numerous as the stars in the sky” with dominion over “all nations of the earth”. Epstein had even ear marked his New Mexico ranch for this purpose of inseminating young girls and, much like the SS hospitals did in their time, raising the new-born to be the new trans-human master race.

Indian in the Machine #conspiracy #magick #elitist #mammon ournewearthnews.com

Truthers… for starters… you have literally saved a portion of your species from extinction, as humanity tinkers with technology of mass destruction and distraction… like monkeys in the china shop… you, so patiently and with great kindness continue to deliver the goods in the most gravest of circumstances that would destroy even some of heaven’s angels.

Truther, you have had to deal with threats… threats of violence… in extreme cases, death threats… you have been gang stalked by your own friends… you have created a forum for truth, and have had to deal with lower lifeforms always seeking to discredit you, and those who watch you with fiendish eyes… watching every move you make and hoping you stumble and fall, and yet for the most part you remain graceful and continue to provide your services.
People just assume that truthers can live on “likes”, compliments, and words of support… and at times, truthers have been extremely under financially supported… even moreso, by people who have the means to support them, but they are so used to the truther’s generosity that some of their ‘supporters’ take advantage of their giving nature… and it is true for years and even decades. Yet somehow truthers have managed by the help of God instead of their own friends, and held the torch of truth burning bright.
Yeah, your followers don’t owe you, the truthers, anything, but their support surely is appropriate.

The next time you have an opportunity to support a truther, don’t think of it as charity or an opportunity to be as cheap as possible, just because you are used to getting something from them for nothing, and afterall, old habits sometimes die hard don’t they?
Yeah, the truthers are more like Jesus and God than many could bare to conceive… let’s now finish our toast to the truthers… the christs… the godly humans… Christ… the spiritual hierarchy… God… the angelic realm… Prime Creator… Supreme Creator, and the light within All.

AdminVI2021 #conspiracy #ufo #magick conspiracyrevelation.com

Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE). Genetic Artificial intelligence (AI) drones or Archons sent by higher ups in the Negative Alien Agenda NAA or those entities that source from Imposter Spirit and are a type of militarized AI to dominate and posses consciousness through Mind Control and thought projection. This is militarized psychotronic warfare technology that is primarily sourced from Orion Groups consortium of Black Sun Program. They are mind and body parasites that can be individual or in clusters that attach to the bio-neurological system and are a Mind Control technological warfare. It has been observed that after a sequence of deeper layers of infection in the Lightbody, the SPE will harvest genetic material out of the human DNA host to form a type of Cyborg. We believe this is apart of the transhumanist agenda to create cyborgs in the human population through AI, to be used for a variety of purposes (slave labor) on earth and to be taken to other planets by the NAA. It appears that through insertion of holographic images with the intention to control the individuals Consciousness, the SPE is also creating astral delusions that the person believes is real, becomes addicted and attached to on the Astral Plane, thus acting as Consciousness Traps.

SPE’s are aggressive Artificial intelligence parasites that invade the central nervous system to monitor a persons thought patterns so that they can mimic them. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host body so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of the Predator Mind.
SPE are jelly fish, spider or crab grass like blobs with “tentacles” that are genetically engineered by the NAA militarized Archons to implant the side (lateral) head of the target, and can be either right or left or both sides.

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Fauci resigned on 8/22
"Anthony Fauci" = 822 (English Sumerian)
3/11/2020 to 12/31/2022 = 1026 days
"VIII.XXII.MMXXII" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian) (8/22/2022)
"Jesuit Society" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian)
Fauci got the Jesuit Ignatian Year award on 6/22/21 from then until today is 61 weeks
From Tue Jun 22 2021 to Mon Aug 22 2022 = 61 weeks
"God" = 61 (Jewish)
"Anthony Fauci" = 61 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 61 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"VIII.XXII" = 61 (Full Reduction) (8/22)
Or 426 days from the Jesuit award
"catholic" = 426 (English Sumerian)
"CDC" = 426 (Reverse English Sumerian)

"VIII.XXII" = 56 (Reverse Full Reduction) (8/22)
"Anthony Fauci" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"coronavirus" = 56 (Full Reduction)

On the Hebrew calendar today is 25/11 = 2511
From 3/11/2020 to 8/22/22 = 2 Years, 5 Months, 11 Days = 2511
"Washington District of Columbia US" = 2511 (English Extended)
"nine hundred and eleven" = 1125 (English Extended) (911)

If he leaves on 12/31 is will be 557 days from his Jesuit award
From Tue Jun 22 2021 to Fri Dec 31 2022 = 557
"Washington District of Columbia United States of America" = 557 (English Ordinal)
"Washington DC" = 557 (Satanic)
"Anthony Fauci" = 557 (Satanic)
And the 3rd anniversary from the day China told the WHO they had coronavirus on 12/31/2019 or 1026 days from 3/11/2020
12/31/2019 to 12/31/2022 = 3 years
3/11/2020 to 12/31/2022 = 1026 days
"Jesuit Society" = 1026 (Reverse English Sumerian)

And on the day George Washington is dead 223 years it will be 144 weeks since the WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic
From Wed Mar 11 2020 to Wed Dec 14 2022 = 144 weeks
"Mark of the Beast" = 144 (English Ordinal)
"Jesuit Order" = 144 (English Ordinal)
Or 33 Months, 3 Days = 333+333=666
Joe Biden text number 30330 = 333

John Kaminski #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger veteranstoday.com

If you think the world has gone crazy — and there’s plenty of evidence it has always been crazy — it could be because of the dominance of words from outside your brain interfering with your own perceptions that form naturally inside your everyday thought processes. Call them inklings or intuition. They trigger barely audible alarms every time something doesn’t sound quite right to you. Minus the programming, this is your own innate intelligence speaking.
Serpent or dragon, as an image for a group of word-controlled-people-acting-as-a-single-organism, was widely used even before any word histories now available, but not always did the image carry an unfavorable connotation. Only the northern Europeans seem to have had a conscious commitment never to create such a semi-organism among themselves — and to destroy any that tried to encroach on them.
The Jews as a group never advocated a relationship of an individual to a god who cared anything about individuals. The only relationship they advocated was that of “a people” to a group god that dealt with cohesive “peoples” or serpents.

Such an inauthentic attitude using their G-d as an excuse for their constant crimes against humanity turned one xenophobic subgroup of the human race into a murderous parasite feeding upon the remainder of the species.

Most present-day Jews claim to be “parts” of two separate “wholes.” Jews who are “United States citizens” have a divided allegiance between the ancient Jewish serpent and the United States.

Jews have practiced this same sort of dual identity — simultaneously claiming to be “parts” of two separate “wholes” — for thousands of years and continue to follow the practice even though it often results in their persecution. Obviously, they continue to play this double game because their three thousand years of Jewish tradition show them that the Jewish serpent has repeatedly eaten up other serpents.

Christopher F. Rufo #conspiracy #wingnut nitter.net

SCOOP: The Springfield, Missouri public school district held a training program forcing teachers to identify their racial and sexual “privilege,” promoting identities such as “pansexual” and “polyamorous,” and warning that “misgendering a trans person is an act of violence.”

The training program began with a “land acknowledgement,” led by “chief equity and diversity officer, Yvania Garcia-Pusateri, asking teachers to “acknowledge the dark history and violence” of European settlers and to commit to “social justice work.”

Next, the district asked teachers to identify their racial and sexual “privilege” and consider how they contribute to “cycles of oppression.” This system leads oppressors—i.e., white male heterosexuals—to feel “anger, dehumanization, guilt, collusion, ignorance, self-hatred.”

The program followed the basic principles of radical gender theory: society has created a “heteronormative” system that is inherently oppressive. The goal is to subvert this system and affirm identities such as “trans,” “nonbinary,” “polyamorous,” and “pansexual.”

Administrators shared a video featuring “genderqueer” and “nonbinary” children, which claimed that some children “don’t have a gender” and that “misgendering a trans person is an act of violence.”

“My identity, although you can’t see it, still needs to be validated.”

At Parkview High School, one of the district’s “equity champions” held another training telling teachers that they must “acknowledge [their] privileges” and “lean into [their] discomfort” as part of their “LGBTQ+ 101” education.

The trainer instructed teachers to “try not to use gender-specific terms in class,” to use “they/them” pronouns for nonbinary children, and to “add your pronouns to [their] email signature.”
“For some folks, pronouns are non-negotiable.”

Fortunately @kimmiehermann at Southeastern Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the district and Attorney General @Eric_Schmitt has put the district under state investigation. Voters and public officials should immediately shut this program down.

Jonathan Cahn/Charisma House #fundie #wingnut #magick #conspiracy charismanews.com

it possible that ancient gods have come back and are behind what is currently happening in America? Could their existence be transforming culture, families, children, businesses, government, technology—and even our very lives?
New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn examines these chilling questions and more in his explosive new book, The Return of the Gods, available for pre-order now. In the groundbreaking book, Cahn takes readers on a journey from an ancient parable to the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in the world to this day, specifically in America.

Cahn promises to start to uncover ancient prophecies of old, as well as how they affect America today.
In the book, Cahn identifies three key ancient gods who are at work at this very moment—a dark trinity that embody the apostasy itself: the Possessor, the Enchantress and the Destroyer. These three spirits worked together in a progression of seduction, with the Possessor ushering in the Enchantress, then the Enchantress ushering in the Destroyer.

The Possessor was the first. To the nation of Israel, according to Cahn, he was the embodiment of paganism and of all pagan gods. He was the other god, the substitute god and he warred against the true God. He was the god that Israel turned to when it turned away from the Almighty God.
But the Possessor was not alone, Cahn warns. He had a wife known as the Enchantress.

"In some ancient mythologies of the Middle East, she was the goddess of sexuality and, specifically, of sexual immorality," says Cahn. "She was a seducer, a temptress, the goddess who captivated, allured and snatched away. As the patron goddess of the tavern, or alehouse, she was associated with the partaking of alcohol, particularly of beer. She dwelled in the taverns and mixed sexuality with intoxication."

This sexualization of Israel is exactly what is happening in America today.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Germany a Nazi salute is a felony. So is questioning the official narrative of WW II which includes the Holocaust. A German scholar, no matter how distinguished or how much evidence he has, who raises any doubt about any aspect of the Holocaust narrative is sentenced to prison. German historians are not even permitted to point out that WW II started because England and France declared war on Germany. The simple basic facts of the war’s origin cannot be legally acknowledged by German historians. The truth is considered Nazi apologetics.

With Nazis so discredited that punishment is visited upon any German who might find even a small thing in National Socialism’s favor, such as full employment, how is it that the German government supports the Bandera Nazis in Ukraine who are fighting against Donbass Russians just as they did for Hitler in WW II?

Americans, whose interests are limited to football and golf scores, are unaware that Western Ukraine, the part that Washington controls, fought for Hitler against their own country. Why isn’t the German government arresting itself for violating German law and actively supporting Nazism with its weapons systems and diplomatic support given to the Ukrainian Nazis?
We are left confronting the paradox that the same German government which punishes Germans for anything that can be construed as a favorable reference, no matter how limited, to Nazi Germany, whether a salute or a statement of absolute fact, has committed Germany to the support of Ukrainian Nazis who wear Nazi insignia on their uniforms. The German government even supports the Ukrainian Nazis to the extent of providing them with billions of dollars of weapons with which to fight the anti-Nazi Russians.
Incongruity is a major feature of the Western world. No truth can be found in any government or media statement. Reality is unfamiliar to the West as the Western world marches in total ignorance to its death.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia naturalnews.com

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels.
The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time
The total takedown of America has been the goal all along, of course, among Democrats who despise families, children and the rule of law. We now live in a nation where armed Antifa lunatics stand guard to protect trannies and child groomers — in the state of Texas, no less — while police are ordered to stand down and watch. If armed conservatives guarded a conservative speaker, that would be deemed an “insurrection” or an act of “extremism.”

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #quack finalwakeupcall.info

Control of the planet, finance, health, weather and politics, by thirteen Archon bloodline families, is exercised in an unimaginable, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when bankers discovered it was more profitable to lend to governments than to needy individuals. These banking families and their subordinate beneficiaries have, over the course of two centuries, become owners of most large corporations and have organised themselves secretly and increasingly globally as controllers of governments and arbiters of war and peace.
Disclosures about weather manipulation through HAARP, false global warming, climate change, chemtrails poisoning the air we breathe, and other neo-scientific ideas, such as the catastrophic effects of EMFs from any source, GMO food manipulation, electronic RTF surveillance, are designed to initiate militarisation of society worldwide.

Negative Polarisation Controls Planet Earth

In short, the negative polarisation of planet Earth is one of their greatest sources of power. The MSM saturates the human mind with unhealthy cocktails served up on televisions and published in newspapers and magazines to addict humanity to violence, corruption, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness. Supported by ‘bad news’ to instil fear and protection.
Cabal wants the complete annihilation of the Earth, without a single bomb, if the people do it themselves; they will destroy the planet until the last bit of salvation is gone.

With the change of the timeline in 2010, this process has been stopped. Gaia, is reorientating herself, and has started to transform all negative energy into positive love and light. With this energy, she is repairing every part of her earthly body for ascension. The soul of Gaia, as well as the soul of the Earth, is orientated towards the 5th Dimension.

Storm Rider #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com


You have the good guys.. The bad guys and in between

You have the [Infiltrators]


The INFILTRATIONS exist on both sides of the WAR. They are used wisely by Military intelligence agencies.
>TRUMP was not tricked! Nor was he stupid in strategized moves provided by the HIGHEST ALLIANCE>>>GENERALS . MILITARY INTELLIGENCE ALLIANCE>>>….. the information he received and commands he worked with placed certain MOLES

] INFILTRATORS [ [Infiltrators] near him or in his group or away into different Government divisions.

(Most people still have a hard time understanding The Presidents of the United States do not carry full CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE of ALL OR MOST OF INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE….

For over 80 decades Intelligence agencies only view Presidents as part time employees and are not permitted to have FULL ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED MATERIALS. FULL DOCUMENTS FOR THEIR PROTECTION AND THE PROTECTION OF THE CURRENT PRESIDENT.<<<<<<<<)
This World Wide Military Sting Operation involves lots of double agents, triple agents. Moles, gray HATS …….

These placed moles… Are placed for later disruptions or bringing attention to a needed place.

Your watching a well scripted movie to EXPOSE the world Deep State….. Game Theory.

NASH Equilibrium….

It will be hard for ANONS . FREEDOM FIGHTERS to understand what’s happening as the movement divides into who is telling the TRUTH

.. Is it Flynn .? Wood? Tucker C? Juan o? Jaco? Nino? 22X? S parkes? Alex Jones? Rogan?De Santos? ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT………….

The TRUTH is.. It doesn’t matter


and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what’s happening.
No argument or crying or whining in the ANON/. PATRIOTS./Freedom groups WILL STOP WHAT’S COMING


Stay buckled!

Storm Rider.

OratorBlog Information Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Ladies and gentlemen, it pains me to say this, but the evangelical base was swindled by Donald Trump and the globalists.

We all know that the term, “drain the swamp,” had an impact on the election. The words galvanized voters. They stirred up an emotional response. Why? Because the words offer hope that corruption would be destroyed in Washington, DC. However, for Donald Trump, “draining the swamp,” was never a part of his plan.

As you watch the video, you will see that this is true. Trump did not invent the term. The slogan was developed in 2014, one year before Trump decided to run for president.

The slogan was the result of Cambridge Analytica’s data mining weapons lab which discovered that the slogan got a strong response from voters.
This EXPLOSIVE video visits the hidden mystery of Trump Tower and looks into Trump’s involvement in the dark arts. It will also visit Trump’s interest with mysticism and mythical gods.

If you have wondered if Donald J. Trump is involved in secret orders, the evidence presented in this disclosure, will answer those questions.

It will also explain the origins of Baal worship and freemasonry symbolism
President Trump did Not Drain the Swamp, he let it Overflow and walked away to let it infect the entire Nation.

And don’t you dare call Me a Cabal Shill. I have fought for Truth and the Defense of America full time for 7 years without making a penny.

The ones who Are Cabal Shills are 90% of our Leaders. They never call out our True Enemies, nor exactly what we they are Really Doing. They Never Tell us What to do to Take Down our Enemies.

And that includes President Trump…

Don’t you Think It Is Damn Well Suspicious that President Trump Never Warned us about the Coming Great Reset NWO Dictatorship? Nor by One Damn Member of His Administration?

Now can you Guess Why DJT Likes 5G and AI So Much? Why He Likes the Transhuman mRNA Vax So Much?

James Rink #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com

The topic of the Breakaway <human space civilization> a vast one. Their population currently stands at 9.6 trillion people, spread across thousands of planets within 3 galaxies, namely the Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, and Pegasus galaxy. The Breakaway, as of 2022, is thousands of years old through time travel, though they organically began in the 1850s, Earth time.

Religion in the German Breakaway is primarily variations of Asatru. ICC colonies have religions of many types. The exact practices of the Germans varies between colonies. On Vega Prime, they see themselves as connected to the soul of the planet. On New Atlantis, the practice consists of engaging in DMT fueled orgies as a way to summon the Gods. On Centurion, the religion is essentially practiced in the same way as it was in the Germanic tribes thousands of years ago. On Mars, I don’t quite remember the practices, but the Martian sect are the only group I’ve met who self identify as Illuminati. The Breakaway elite practice far darker variants involving black goo drinking and human sacrifice. Some of the elite women are Vril priestesses. They blindfold themselves, take drugs, then engage in a very odd form of divination, attempting to channel information from the Gods.

previously mentioned, many aliens have become a part of the Breakaway, either through trade deals or subjugation. The Draco and Imperial Mantids are unable to live among the human population due to their extreme psionic energy, which kills most humans. However, many other mammalian species, as well as most other species of human, and a few non Draco reptilian races, can and do live amongst the Solaren human population. Certain races are also unable to live amongst humans, due to the fact that they require an atmosphere and/or gravity level which is unlivable for us. For unknown reasons, the colonies on Vega Prime, Mars, and Titan generally forbid humans and and aliens from intermingling, except for official purposes.

Brooks Agnew #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut amazon.com

This book is true, with use of fictional characters to help tell the story. In a white knuckle ride, the reader is chased from beginning to end. Enormous financial empires strategically move billions of dollars to take advantage of their foreknowledge of the events that are coming. The events are real. The names of these billionaires are real. Nothing has been changed to protect anyone, because they are all guilty.

As explained by Dr. Brooks Agnew on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, History Channel, and National Geographic Channel, Planet Earth is made of two planets, one very high frequency, and one low frequency, occupying the same space. Merged during the Flood of Noah, they have been rotating in harmony for nearly six thousand years. Until now.

Crafted as a trilogy of major motion pictures, this is the epic story of conflict and conquest between the five races of beings mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

The one-party presidential system breaks down, allowing a write-in candidate, Robert Riker, to be elected. Ancient powers controlling the economics and military activity of Earth are thwarted by the will of the people. Here and there, pockets of light are woven together as the ultimate conflict between the seed of Lucifer and the seed of Adam square off for the grand battle for inheritance of the Earth.

History unfolds exactly as this book tells it. The battle between good and evil happens every day on the television news, and by reading this book you will know why. You will also know why it is vital that you do something about it, starting with reading this book and then getting others to read it. We don't have much time. The race is on.

Liberty Wire #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie libertywire.net

And if you want even more, I have a deep dive for you into the Freemasons.

What a bunch of dorks these guys are!

Recently, I covered a story about three masonic lodges burning down.

In the story, I called the Masons “demonic”.

It wasn’t a word thrown around lightly, I chose it carefully and stand behind it 100%.

But boy oh boy did I upset “Mason Nation”.

Masons came out of the woodwork to email me telling me I’d “better apologize”!

Oh really dorks?

Look, losers….playing dress up with your robes and sceptors and your stupid hats is something you should have grown out of when you turned 9.

Oh, in case you haven’t figured out yet by this point in the article, I have absolutely no intention of apologizing for my comments.

In fact, we’re gonna dig in and I’ll explain to you why the Masons are straight from the pit of hell.

Actually, I am going to make one middle ground comment here at the very beginning.

MOST Masons are good people.

Yes, I said it.

MOST Masons have no idea what is going on.

MOST Masons who only get to the first couple of degrees and just treat it as a social fraternity and think they are doing good in their community have no idea about what the Masons truly stand for.

It’s kind of like the FBI…

We all know the top of the FBI is rotten as hell, but there are a lot of good men and women in the lower ranks doing their jobs with honor and service to America.

Such is the case with the Masons.

So to everyone who wrote me and said “my dad was in the Masons and he’s a great person” or some variation of that email, I get it.

But that EXACTLY their plan.

Their plan is to infiltrate every city across America and make it look like it’s such a good and noble organization.

Who could have a problem with the Shriner’s Hospital, right?

It’s just like the Bible says about Satan….”he masquerades as an Angel of Light.”

That’s the Masons.

THE MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy fourwinds10.com

My warmest and most loving greeting to all souls and to my Flock. I do have a message for all of you, and I want you to heed my words. As you known we of the Lighted Realms know it all. We know what the Dark Side minions are planning down to the enth degree. How many times we have had to protect you Lightworkers is unbelievable, for they would and still are trying to eliminate you from Earth.
Now I hear again that word “when?”

Here is the situation. We of the Lighted Realms are strict about obeying the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention. You have been given clues, and you have done well to interpret the meaning of the particulars and know what you must do to keep the Dark Ones at Bay. If you were to be beamed to come home at this very second, who is going to stop the evil ones? They do not want to leave this planet, and they have plans for their “survival” to keep going on and on despite the rising of the frequencies.

Where? Underground. They have extensive supplies and food and the most of everything, and are planning on going underground when the cataclysms start. They have every means of comfort to survive. Here is something they have done, and they have used this plan many times concerning food. Did you know when they have re-called any food it is a trick? That recalled food goes directly underground to their “hideouts” for THEM. The stash they have would keep them alive for years!
The Dark Minions have plans. If you we to be beamed home right now, your help to Mother Earth would cease, because in the Lighted Realms we need 3D people to help, and if all the Lightworkers were home, Mother Earth would be alone. It will not belong before she graduates, so you all are needed yet until that time comes when she turns.

I know that some of you ones are living each day at times in fear and agony, putting up with the spouse that is not on the same page. You have all the help Heaven allows, and you are never given another more than you can bare.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

(Submitter’s note: Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of a boy killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, have successfully sued Jones for defamation after Jones accused them of faking the death of their son in order to attack gun rights.)

I followed the Sandy Hook news and there were plenty of strange things about it that might lead one to think it was a hoax. In fact, I hoped Jones would maintain it was a hoax in order to lead to a discovery phase of the trial. [Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis] would have a lot of explaining to do.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #racist #conspiracy #magick #wingnut adrenogate.net

Operation Warp Speed was Trumps baby and he considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and routinely brags about having infected so many millions of people with genocidal A.I.D.S.-inducing, DNA-altering synthetic poison.

Donald J. Trump… “father” of the Covaids quackcine and Zionist / Jesuit pig. Those were his words. He calls himself “the father of the vaccine“. Another one of Israel’s hand puppets.

Of course do not forget about the Vatican and the Society of Jesus and their Black Nobility. They are the true head of the snake and videos like this one do too good of a job making it seem like it’s only the Jews who are at the helm of the world’s Saturn-worshipping, Kabbalah-practicing, veil-hiding crime syndicate. Zionists represent a very powerful sect but are not the only or even largest tribe within that crew. That being said, they still do indeed represent a huge chunk of the Geopolitical power players on the world stage and were a huge part of the Trump deception.

Even DeSantis recently publicly endorsed and recommended getting the vaccine! He’s another Jewish hand puppet.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick #crackpot operationdisclosureofficial.com

White Hat Intel:

Expect France to be on fire this weekend with riots. This Event will spread through EU in weeks coming. Italy, Germany, UK, US cities, Canada cities, South American cities, Middle East, Greece. Winter on Fire. Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. Q Game theory/Nash equal librium/P.A.I.N. Storm of the CENTURY. Buckle up. 1776 inbound.
The DEEP STATE wants a New Internet that will be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World internet. These passports will be only for those who abide by the World infection laws (growing currently), those who co-operate with the online banking (new rules/Standards/regulations). The Deep State has a plan to control the Whole World through their Internet and through all peoples banking and social networks. (This New INTERNET they want to launch is The Great Reset, restarting the Internet).
The White Hats New INTERNET: This new INTERNET ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee has the most advanced security and unbreakable encrypted System ever created to serve mankind.
The features behind the New Internet has A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks and world money laundering systems. Incubated in the many features of saving the World through Earth given foundation, (A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty.
Among all ending all Wars and giving generational healing through high Technology that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing (the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon naturalnews.com

Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant, and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost (via hot fusion, cold fusion, LENR, etc.). Automatic abundance is intelligently designed into the very laws of physics.

Energy, in turn, can be used to create fuels and fertilizer, two inputs necessary for affordable food. In addition, the universe provides the sun which brings us heat, energy and photosynthesis, all for free.

When geoengineering isn’t creating artificial droughts, rain falls out of the sky for free, and the rivers, streams and oceans are teeming with life and abundance (except for when we pollute them with pesticides and plastics, of course).

Thanks to these gifts from God, all the resources humanity needs to achieve abundance and end suffering already exist around us and are nearly free for humanity to harness. When these resources are properly harnessed, every human being can be healthy, wealthy, abundant, and nourished. No one needs to suffer from scarcity.

Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned.
As explained in today’s Situation Update podcast, breakthrough for human abundance will require the defeat and dismantling of the “scare-city” architects that are working to exterminate humankind. This means defeating them politically, taking back honest money for the people, dismantling all the institutions of tyranny and declaring freedom from tyranny on a global scale.

Importantly, honest money must be the basis for this system of human freedom, for without honest money, humanity can never be free.

Tunia the Pleiadian via A.S. #ufo #magick #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon eraoflight.com

Question: Hi, Tunia and Hakann,

I am glad I can ask you this question. My question is about money —— some suggest to obtain gold, silver and crypt currency. I understand we are moving up to 5D. Do we still value silver, gold, crypt currency in 5D? What do you think of the suggestions?

<answer from Tunia>
There is a discrepancy here because an incredibly large amount of money is subtly siphoned off from the real economy and disappears into secret bank accounts. The actual richest people on your world are not who you are told they are, and those people are far richer than the current so-called richest man, namely Elon Musk.

Bad people often try to control you by telling you to think in terms of models about reality, instead of thinking about actual reality directly. In general, it is often better to directly look at reality, instead of looking at models of reality.
So, money is a magic trick and it’s subject to inflation. Crypto is a magic trick and it’s controlled opposition by the dark forces. The stock market is overvalued. Suppose we’re not a particularly savvy trader who can make profits even under these conditions. Where should average people put their savings?
The channeler has also bought some Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong. It could come to pass that those currencies will become much more valuable in the future and will each become worth one or a couple of US dollars. At that point, the channeler hopes to be able to sell those currencies for a profit.

Will indeed the Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong indeed become more valuable? I, Tunia, am genuinely not sure. Some people are working towards that goal and are making plans, but those plans might not come to fruition. That said, the upside here is large and the downside here is small.
You are wise to ask if gold, silver and crypto currency will still have value in 5D. In our Pleiadian society, we do not use gold or silver or cryptos as currencies or wealth. We do not have currencies.

Various MRAs #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist reddit.com


Ohio Supreme Court Narrows Standard for Rape in Case Involving 2-Year-Old

An Ohio woman's conviction of raping her son has been overturned following the state Supreme Court's decision to narrow the definition of rape.

It is all out war and open season on men now.

I am beyond disgusted at every part of this.

I’m just wondering when men collectively reach our breaking point and actually fight back, using force if necessary.

The overdue check of feminism is going to be quite brutal I’d wager

I don't think we ever will. Bill Burr describes it perfectly with.. There are no feminists on a sinking ship. They all twist their hair into pigtails and run around going I'm a girl, I'm a girl. Save me. Save me..

More and more men will mgtow and there will be less and less boys becoming electricians, plumbers etc. 1st world Societies will just crumble.

Some theorize that's the reason for how the Middle East treats women, a long while ago the expectations of men became overwhelming while the expectations of women were nonexistent, so men decided to apply malicious compliance. Of course you can't prove it, you can't prove any theory about that situation, the factual reasons are lost to history, but it makes you think. Men and women have always lived together, we evolved together, the feminist idea of men being simply hard wired to hate and oppress women makes no sense however you look at it. A sociopolitical power play that turns men and women against each other and sometimes backfires on the people who pushed the crazy if they push it too hard, then everybody getting caught in the fallout makes more sense.

I'd love it if men did use brute force and tactics to fight back against this shit military style like a militia of trained armed men fighting this corruption. Men need to do that. Imagine a collective group of 200k men fighting this all armed and trained in a collective organized militia. Not even law enforcement could handle it nor the national guard. It would be better of this theoretical militia had 1 million armed members.

StopWorldControl #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie prepareforchange.net

It is important to understand the nature of the current war, lest we suffer from unnecessary frustration and disappointment. First of all: arresting a few public puppets is useless. It’s like locking up a low level drug-dealer, while leaving the ringleaders untouched. Guys like Gates and Fauci can easily be replaced by the cabal, if they were to be jailed. It is more effective to let them display their evil to the whole world, so a much greater deliverance can be accomplished in the long run.

I have reason to believe there is indeed a large scale white hat military intelligence operation going on, to uproot the entire worldwide system of institutionalized corruption. The goal is to eliminate this evil once and for all. This is however warfare on a level none of us can understand. There is no way this can be done quickly. We need to be brave, patient, and do our part.

A military officer recently told me something that can help us:

“Most people don’t understand military operations. They have no patience and want everything to happen right away. They don’t know what it is to fight, keep fighting, never give up, adapt your strategy to changing circumstances, and continually push ahead until the victory is achieved.”

That hit me, because it is so true. We really need to grow our character and shift from being lazy consumers who demand quick gratification, to becoming mature adults who understand that humanity is undergoing its greatest transformation of all time. We are living in truly historic days.
Think about this: the incredibly powerful and beautiful Creator made this earth, with all its dazzling wonders. Magnificent flowers, splendid butterflies, lush grass, vast forests, majestic mountains and everything that lives in it. Wonders galore!

The evil entities did not create this splendor. All they can do is destroy it.
You were born to be a dragon slayer, not a dragon worshipper.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service;

The Chaos Evil sourced from Shaddai flows into the dark seas of Awareness (Chaos fluctuations in the quantum vacuum) to iterate as non linear dynamical quantum vacuum fluctuations that then seep into the light energy matter universes as Elohim. One must ask the question what is the nature of this Chaos sequestration programme to make it so invasive? It is obvious that the formation of a self perpetuating strange attractor fed by far from equilibrium quantum dynamics is the chaos sequestration system called Shekinah by the Satanic Jews. It follows that all Jews must feed off the Goyim as parasites to feed this Shekinah.
Once this process is complete Jod He Vau He, Jehovah is complete and the Matrix can be built, Adonai being the waters beneath the temporal Matrix world, the watery Demonic foreign Chaos mind of the zombie in which the Demons of Kabbalah swim to possess the unconscious, subconscious and conscious of the slave and cut off the dark Sea of Awareness, quantum vacuum from the Shaman Psi-Master. Adonai is therefore the voice, the chatter that all wageslaves hear in their minds and is parroted by the media whore; it’s higher aspects being the Illuminati avatars of Shaddai, Tsabaoth, Elohim who turn the Intent of Chaos into words, voices Adonai. So one can see all Western Jewish controlled politics from the USA to the EU is Adonai.
Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service:

$1000 Limited Edition, 12 only… (SOLD OUT – RENTALS ONLY)

Rent this Service $600 annual fee

Adonai Upgrade A: Sequestering the flow of Adonai riches from the Rothschilds to the SuperJew:

The Adonai flow brings all the Goyims wealth to the Rothschilds. Now the Psi-Lord controls the flow he or she automatically reroutes the flow of wealth, money energy, riches, treasures, good things in life from the Rothschilds to him or her and the 12 other Adonai SuperJews.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

It’s a war on White America.

It’s planned demolition of Christians.
Kike fave, Hillary the Hildebeast, converted classified records for her own use, destroyed the proof on the heels of a federal subpoena.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ that’s embezzlement, a crime.

But no raid.

Berman, Tapperman, and Blitzer of Jew-run CNN spun Hunter’s laptop exposing the Big Guy on the take in Ukraine as Russian disinfo.

It’s now debunked.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ Biden committed money laundering, a crime.

No raid.
The imported invaders, election fraud, recall fraud with Gascon, cultural filth, Rachel Levines, BLM looting, demographic diluting, energy collapse, inflation rise, demonization of Whites, weaponization of leftist ideology, FBI Gestapo, CRT indoctrination, Madison Avenue miscegenation, youth castration, porn proliferation, selective incarceration, rampant crime, Soros’ DAs, Big Brother’s bureaucratic standing army, wider federal centralization, deep state fortification, gun confiscation, de-industrialization, unbridled FED, DC entrenchment, Jew-packed courts, Jew-bought Congress, Big Tech censorship, Goldman-Sachs offshoring, half the country deplorables, food prices soaring, domestic war on terror, weaponized IRS tax collectors, patriots as domestic extremists, vaccine gene pool damage, pedos running the schools, money laundering in foreign nations, money laundering from foreign nations, billions to Ukraine, Israelization of foreign policy, bloated military, the unending HoloHoax, media lies, mocking all hard-working White folks, cracks in the Covid jigsaw, scorn of brotherly love, jews and their shills above the law.

We’re being robbed and murdered, swindled out of our sovereignty by the synagogue of satan.

And Trump’s gonna fix this?

Stop pleasing the Jews? He won’t risk it.

Another ‘plandemic?’ Trump took the jab, enabled the lab.

Only secession will fix this.

The Trump Raid is just noise to distract from the ravages of the tiny hat boys.

Moe Bedard the Gnostic Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia gnosticwarrior.com

The great Greek philosopher, Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

In today’s modern culture of social media and virtue signaling, there is a massive trend among people to support things and new ideologies that they have no real knowledge about.

It’s been dubbed the “I support the current thing #trend.”

It’s a way to say that you support something without having to do any work or research.

You just have to show up, and say, “I support this thing.”

Meaning, that, unlike Socrates, they do not know that they know nothing. But they act, lie, and will even fight you as if they do.
This trend is pushing many people to support and defend certain new ideologies they have no real knowledge about that can be potentially harmful to our nation’s youth and future. They are also contrary to our nation’s history and its traditional values.

I think we all know by now that the world is not black or white. There are shades of gray in every situation and topic.
The problem is that when you do that, you are supporting the wrong thing. If you don’t even know what it is, then how can you support it?

If you’re going to support something, be sure you know what you’re supporting before you do so. There are plenty of people who don’t know what they’re talking about and have no idea what they’re actually supporting.

If you don’t know anything about something, then don’t be foolish and support it. Also, do not expose your children to new woke ideologies and mentally ill drag queens that can damage their minds and ruin their lives.

You will not only look like an idiot and child abuser – you will become one.

Knowledge equals power!

This ancient fact will never change no matter what trend ignorant social justice warriors try to impose upon other people.

In regards to real knowledge (Gnosis), as former Navy SEAL and podcast celebrity, Jocko Willinck would say, “Get some!”

Mansplaining Award

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Let this old guy spell it out for you ladies because you are too young and gullible to figure it out yourselves.

You menstruate every month. You were designed to have children and raise them to be responsible citizens. You were designed to nurture husband and children.

In exchange, you will be cherished. Having a family ensures you will be loved and looked after until you die.

Contrary to what the media tells you, you will not be loved for your looks, personality, career or talent.

You will be loved for what you do for your family. People love people who love them.

Love isn't free. It must be earned.

Beauty fades with age but love just gets stronger.

Sex for sex's sake is a cheap facsimile of sex as an expression of love. It's no better than masturbating.

You've been brainwashed to believe your value consists in your sex appeal.

You have been brainwashed to eschew marriage and have anonymous sex because the satanists who control practically everything don't want you to have families.

They are trying to depopulate the world and destroy the institution of nuclear family. This way people will be dependent on them.

You have been duped!

Deprived of their natural function, young women are lost, twisting in the wind, road kill.

Put away the make-up.

Beauty comes from within.

From the soul.

Your true measure is the loving qualities of a wife and mother.

Ron DeSantis, some parents and activists #fundie #homophobia #racist #sexist #conspiracy washingtonpost.com

[Title: Measures across the country aim to restrict what children can read. - Context: moral panic in the US, banning books in schools, non-expert prejudice-based supervision, enabled with new controversial laws]

In one Virginia school district this fall, parents will receive an email notification every time their child checks out a book. In a Florida school system, teachers are purging their classrooms of texts that mention racism, sexism, gender identity or oppression. And a Pennsylvania school district is convening a panel of adults to sign off on every title that school librarians propose buying. The start of the 2022-2023 school year will usher in a new era of education in some parts of America -- one in which school librarians have less freedom to choose books and schoolchildren less ability to read books they find intriguing, experts say.
"This is a state-sponsored purging of ideas and identities that has no precedent in the United States of America," said John Chrastka, EveryLibrary's executive director. "We're witnessing the silencing of stories and the suppressing of information [that will make] the next generation less able to function in society."
Meanwhile, a flurry of parent-staffed websites reviewing books for inappropriate content have appeared -- including "Between the Book Covers," whose website says "professional review sites cannot be entrusted," and BookLook.info, a place for taking a closer look at the books in our children's hands." (Virginia's Bedford County district now suggests the latter as a resource for parents.) There are also Facebook groups like Utah's "LaVerna in the Library," which "collects naughty children's books."
BookLooks ratings range from 0, "For Everyone," to 5: "Aberrant Content" for "Adult only." A BookLooks review of Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," often taught at the high school level, labeled it a "4" -- meaning it should not be read by anyone under 18.
In other places, book purges are proceeding quietly -- sometimes by unwilling hands.

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Russ Winter #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on satanic forces and our use of the term “satanists,” but that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming. The BTK Killer Dennis Rader spoke openly about “demons within” and admitted his issue was lack of restraint and extreme indulgence selfishness. Serial killer Israel Keyes relished in it.

The gaming psychodrama aspect of Satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads, we highlighted three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording and ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order (NUO).

Gaming (aka black magik) is feigned theatrics, feuds and shit storms. Satanic dark triads attract flying monkeys and cultish bootlickers. Satanists describe themselves as members of a “meta-tribe.”
hey aren’t up to even the minimal standards of a moral society that protects the young from predatory forces. There is a huge difference between what mature adults do sexually in private versus this public sexual grooming of children over the airwaves.

These Satanic PJWs have no concept of that. Satanic discordian untermenschen are hyper-tolerant and are hyper-moral relativists. As Satanists, they follow the Allister Crowley dictate of “Do What Thou Wilt.” This is evident in those comments.

PJW Satanists don’t get the big picture about the sexual and pedophile grooming of children. Children are easy targets of abusers, and this PJW chortling and mocking enables and normalizes that.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The Christos Mission has had some major achievements this year in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Lion Network configuring into the Reuche Pillars, that have allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields. Simultaneously, the exopolitical landscape is shifting rapidly as defectors from many of the warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. Although we are plagued with censorship and blocked from receiving truthful information in the public sphere, know that many positive things are happening for the liberation of the planet and all of humanity.

With recent events related to the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Kings reclaiming Thuban, the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei-Elohim lineages are returning aspects of their original Emerald Covenant planetary grid architecture absconded with by the NAA usurpers and placing it back into the control of legitimately embodied Emerald Elohei Solar Dragon Timekeepers and Cosmic Tri-Flame Melchizedeks. Recent explosive conflicts with the 5D-8D-11D inverted satanic architecture under the control of the Vatican’s NAA network have set off grid wars that also have had intergalactic repercussions. The authentic lineages of the Cosmic Mother that originally built the Guardian of the Verticals are returning to embody the Triple Lion Network, which was designed to serve and protect the Cosmic Elohei Mother’s White Diamond Sun destined to return with the Christos Solar Dragons at the end of the Ascension Cycle. The Triple Great Lion Networks were built in her image, and were created so that Cosmic Mother could descend down the verticals and reclaim her Children of the Sun, that had been lost in the fallen phantom matrices.

Jessie Czebotar/Dark Outpost #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com

In this Dark Outpost Inner Circle exclusive, Federal Eyewitness Jessie Czebotar reveals that the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was designed in locate documents in President Trump’s possession that prove former presidents participated in ritual child sacrifices and cannibalism. She names those presidents and other high level politicians, entertainers and business leaders. MUST WATCH!

Bill Sweet/Gideon #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #ableist justpaste.it

Bill: So they are happy to kill off all the vaccinated. But why do they want the unvaccinated trapped and kept alive so bad?

Gideon: “We think it’s an order that has come from the other side.”

Bill: What other side?

Gideon: “The afterlife. The astral plane.”

Bill: Ok, I need a moment. The astral plane. An order from the astral plane?

Gideon: “Yes. Because a war is being fought in the spiritual realm, but that war has a boundary. It cannot pass into our realm.”

Bill: A war, ok. Well, can you explain the astral plane to me first.

Gideon: “It’s much like our world, but ephemeral. The laws of physics are different. More like a dreamworld, but oppressive, dirty and dark."

Bill: I have a thousand questions, but I’m going to just accept that for now, the astral plane. Ok, the astral plane has a war going on, and they need unvaccinated people trapped in this Earthly plane. Why?

Gideon: “Because if they keep unvaccinated souls trapped here, it means they starve the army of the righteous on the other side. It means the war going on there will be won by the cabal, because no new souls will join the Creator to fight them.”

Bill: That is a lot to take in. But wait, they just killed Billions, who now passed over to the afterlife. The afterlife must be full of new people!

Gideon: “It is! But think of who they killed, Bill. Who? The sheep. So the cabal’s numbers on the other side have been greatly bolstered, while the army of the righteous will be starved, because none of the unvaccinated will pass on.”

Bill: Ok, ok, I get it. Oh, my God this is insane. I always wondered why they would want to kill off their own sheep! Now we know why, or at least, this is what you’re saying is why.

Gideon: “They don’t need those sheep here anymore, they need them in the afterlife.”

Bill: The Guardians were not kidding when they said the most evil plan of all time. There’s nothing more diabolical than this.

Jerry Derecha/ATS Admin #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot adrenogate.net

All the posts that were ever done on this subject have been yanked from the internet, so I decided to use my talents in this field to resurrect them as best I could. The JFK Assassination was a PsyOp. JFK is alive and took on the character of Jimmy Carter. Jackie clearly pulls the string on an exploding blood pack that was affixed to his face and then climbs onto the trunk to retrieve a large chunk of the device so that no obvious pieces of evidence were left on scene.
know many will have difficulties with this one, but remember that there is no going back. we are the innocent. We are the manipulated. we are the victims. Disregard them all because they messed so flippantly with our emotions, our lives and the lives of our children.

But by hating we only hurt ourselves. best is to forgive, but not to forget. Never, ever forget.

Here the hoax is fleshed out completely and leaves absolutely no doubt. The J.F.K. ‘Murder Was a Staged/Hoaxed Event. This hoax was the prequel to the 9/11 hoax with most of the same players intricately involved.

We finally see the reason for all the added conspiracy junk. It is to disguise the fake heart of all these matters.

It is time now friends. it will continue for as long as we allow it.
choose freedom, if not for ourselves, then for our beautiful children.

I know there will be much resistance to this one, but it won’t make it any less true.

– ATS Above Top Secret

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #ufo blackpill.club

(((They))) are fighting for a grey alien leftist NWO filled with Trannies and forced vaccinations. Jews pray to their grey alien gods everyday in their Kabbalah rituals that one day israel will take over the world and form a global ZOG tranny empire. I wish Hitler won WW2, then we wouldn’t have to deal with (((them))). These are who the jews are working for

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Editor’s Note: It ought to be self-evident to every truth-seeker that if the Kremlin decided to expose all of the monumental crimes committed by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis against humanity, the entire planetary civilization would undergo a geopolitical sea change of epic proportions. It is for that very reason that TIMING IS EVERYTHING.

For over 10 years now, the whole world has been witnessing a genocide perpetrated by the US-UK-UA-IL-EU-NATO terror group in the Donbass. Just as Israel has been genociding the Palestinians since the 1940s, Kiev has been slaughtering the Russian speakers who reside in eastern Ukraine since the Euro-Maidan coup was carried out in February of 2014. The truth of the matter is slowing seeping out, although the Global South has been well aware of this state of affairs since the very beginning, as those nations are also potential targets of NATO (well known to them as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
It should be clear that the Kremlin possesses hard evidence which proves that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by the United States Federal Government, U.S. Armed Forces, US Intelligence Community, Mainstream Media, Corporate America, among many other co-conspirators (e.g. United Kingdom, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.). Were the Kremlin to release that conclusive proof today, just imagine what would happen to the international order.
Russia has it all. Working together with several other nations within the BRICS Alliance, the Kremlin has accumulated enough proof of “egregious crimes against humanity” perpetrated by the West that Russia could bring down the whole criminal enterprise in a day and a night. However, the timing of these revelations is of paramount importance. Too soon, or too late, and they lose their punch. A controlled demolition of this scope and magnitude has to be executed in a manner so as not to jeopardize, in any way, OPERATION REVELATION.

fschdmidt #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy mikraite.org

(Title: How to kill modern scum)

While shooting modern scum has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.
Arkian - A Eugenic Intentional Ethnicity

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com

2. So many of us have gathered that the PCR Test is not testing for covid, and so we wonder, what is it really being used for? Ariyana Love says the PCR test is actually not a test at all!!
3. PCR technology (which is NOT a test) is a cloning device. PCR is polymerase chain reaction.

4. PCR technology is a molecular cloning device to engineer cells (which is different from other cloning technology which can clone organisms and make duplicate organisms).
15. The DNA from the microorganisms are used to clone humans at the molecular level.
16. Vector DNA is prepared in Ecoli.
17. Some PCR kits use toxid genes.
20. They delete certain genes within the normal human genome and then code the mRNA with whatever, and that includes luciferase, WHICH IS AN INSECT ENZYME/PROTEIN.
21. So using mRNA tech that includes luciferase to change the human genome they are turning humans into human insect hybrids!!
22. This is happening NOW and is the purpose of the PCR kit which is not a test.
23. All of the major ‘brands’ of PCR kits are cloning tech, many of them are MADE IN CHINA!!!
31. Another NIH study says they use worms as the carriers of the mRNA. The offspring of those infected with those worms can become MUTANTS!
32. They can create hermaphrodites by deleting a gene on the X-chromosome.
33. Worm-like micelles (hydrogel) can be used for drug delivery, which are found on PCR swabs, masks etc.
35. They are deleting God’s creation.

The Real Sweet Susie Q #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

JFK Jr. IS alive, and so are many other famous people you thought were dead. Stay tuned...(But not to the mainstream media).

In the meantime, Enjoy this 120 page prayer journal.
Showing this notebook to others, merely holding it in public places, or placing it anywhere people are sure to see it, will serve to spark discussion, leading to more awakened souls. If they argue over the issue, of whether John Jr. is alive - fine! You got their attention! Leave a copy of this book in waiting rooms, on buses, or anywhere people will see it and start talking and Critically Thinking.

We are Patriots - fighting for the freedom and unity of Americans and for the Entire Human Race on Earth. Understand the significance of our fight. Realize the value of every contribution and cooperation in the right direction. Bringing justice to the deep state cabal, proving the guilt of their unspeakable crimes against humanity. Crimes of a greater magnitude than history has ever known.. If this is true it should fortify our strength beyond and above them for GOOD and to banish them forever.

Let this be clear: we do not want to start a fight let alone a war, against our fellow crime victims. We are all on the same side. We Good, They Evil. Our unconscious brothers and sisters are on our side. It is not their fault they have been subconsciously convinced to take sides, to fight, to oppose, to name call, and to cancel. Even if they never come around, we must still remain patient and protective of them. They have been through an ordeal so satanic and twisted, their psyches may never be able to accept that such evil is even possible.
Not after all that our patriot heros have done for all of us! So very many have died, and are still dying - FOR US. all of us. Let us plan and create our bright future on Earth together, with love, as one soul-connected family! Joy, Peace and Great Blessings to humanity ~ WWG1WGA

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot projectcamelotportal.com


“WE HAVE A DUAL PRESIDENCY IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW”—stated JUAN O SAVIN on the video linked below on 05/20/2021. He also states on that same video that on January 20, 2021 there was no change in the Security detail surrounding President Trump when he went down to Mar-a-Lago…The military retained that authority over protecting President Trump and all police and authorities were told to change nothing. Presumably that continues to today. Under COG that would have to be the case. To quote Juan yet again, “The military has not signed off on Biden as leader of the Western world."
And this raises another even more striking issue. Given that Trump is still Commander-in-Chief, does he have a Vice President? And if Pence is considered suspect of collusion with those who along with Biden took control of government (foreign powers) then Trump would have had to select a VP in order to follow COG. And this must go on down the line to include possibly other offices as part of this shadow government…as far as COG dictates. This could mean that Juan O Savin is actually the Vice President of the COG (lawfully called “shadow government”) operating as such right now and since March 11th of 2021.
That person must be protected by the same security detail as Trump presumably….The question is …who is that person and is it Juan O Savin aka John F. Kennedy Jr.?
Juan/John states clearly that this is a war to take back the hill (the administrative side of the government). The other side of the executive branch, the Commander-in-Chief role they own. So does the continuity of government cover Trump and his selected team operating as a “shadow government” cover John Kennedy as VP or does Trump simply select not a civilian side backup but a military one as CIC? I sent this article to Juan/John but as usual got no reply.

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