Tucker Carlson #fundie #crackpot theguardian.com

Carlson made the claim on the War Room podcast hosted by his fellow rightwing extremist Steve Bannon, a former White House adviser in the Trump administration who was released from prison last week after serving a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress.

“Nuclear weapons are demonic, there’s no upside to them at all, and anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or doing the bidding of the forces that created nuclear technology in the first place, which were not human forces obviously,” Carlson said during a discussion on the perceived “spirituality” involved in the US development of atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan in August 1945, hastening the end of the second world war.

“Let me ask you this,” he continued. “What was the moment we can point to that nuclear technology was invented? I’ve never met a person who can isolate the moment where nuclear technology became known to man. German scientists in the 1930s? Really? Name the date? It’s very clear to me that these [nuclear weapons] are demonic.”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist sinfest.xyz


Panel 1 - Trumpius Caesar giving a speech: “I will make Olympus great again!”
Panel 2 - Roman citizens waving flags: “MOGA! MOGA! MOGA!”
Panel 3 - A pair of Le Happy Merchants appear behind Trumpius: “And I will crush anyone who opposes Judea, our greatest Ally!”
Panel 4 - Trumpius and Le Happy Merchants dance to Village People song “YMCA”, citizens are baffled: “Ju… What?”

Viola Eisener #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia facebook.com

[Submitters note: This was a reply to a comment from ALLOD, a satire account on Facebook]
I have a comment to your comment. I come from a middle class upbringing . Things are expensive and things will be fixed so everyone is not spending a fortune in order to eat and heat their homes this winter. The Democrats could not do that in nearly 4 years but now with the change of being head honcho things will be done quickly with staff being black, LGBUTQUEER , Chinese, Indian for diversity and the prisoners will have sex changes on demand so they can freely mix and mingle and the men that become pregnant will have 9 months to decide so to not rush into abortions and all will have tampons to stick up their asses. Cackle , cackle , cackle and now would you please discard this lipstick smeared coffee cup ,white one , for me so I can get busy doing all this next month.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

If you’re Christian, you have a moral obligation to vote for Donald Trump.

I don’t say this lightly.

Our primary political duty is to protect the dignity of human life, made in God’s image.

Which candidate does that better?

Donald Trump.

No, he’s not perfect. He’s not as pro-life as we are. But Kamala Harris is exponentially worse.

Our Christian duty lies in using our political system to protect the good that exists between Kamala’s radical, immoral positions and Trump’s better ones.

On immigration, Kamala’s presided over the open borders crisis that’s allowed millions of unvetted aliens into our neighborhoods, including 660k criminals, MS-13 gang members, at least 150 terrorists who want to kill us, enough fentanyl to kill every American. Trump secured the border.

On life, Kamala wants abortion of big, healthy babies through nine months of pregnancy when the babies are killed by lethal injection to the heart & then their skulls are crushed with forceps. And she wants you the taxpayer to be forced to pay for it. Trump overturned Roe v Wade & sent abortion back to the states, many of whom have subsequently banned it.

Jake Paul #wingnut twitter.com

This election is good vs evil

America as we know it will self implode if Harris wins

It will be the start of a long & treacherous American era

A sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf (Trump) only to be eaten by the shepherd (Harris)

DONT be a sheep. Wake up and read deeper.

Go vote good

Go vote Trump tomorrow
6:47 AM · Nov 5, 2024 · 2.6M Views
9,220 Reposts 388 Quotes 75.3K Likes 1,144 Bookmarks

WrongToy #transphobia ovarit.com

Trump invites 'brave' women's swim team that 'stood up to' transgender athlete to rally stage

As someone else said, the Dems could have and should have fixed this issue in their party after 2016 as it was said then that Obama’s pro trans policy sent voters to Trump. Instead, their pushback under Biden was inviting Mulvaney to the White House, hiring old AGP Richard Levine as a senior health official backing child transition, and trying to ram through an equality act ensuring all women’s spaces and sports would be Tim infested. Oh, and then the Easter party where some Tim flashed his boobs next to a couple of bare chested tifs with amputated breasts.

These days, the Dems don’t want to talk about it. So Trump will.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What can we do?

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm voting third party. Sorry but there is just no way Harris is secretly GC. She was giving rapists and murderers free breast implants years ago

( Veneficca )
Talk to people. Make this visible. People tend to support it when it's an abstraction - then they see real world consequences like Mr. Johnson the math teacher is now Miss Johnson and he's also coaching the cheerleaders and in their locker room. During abortion talks, I bring up the women getting pregnant in prison. Support falters when people see it in real life.

It takes bravery and a willingness to risk the loss of friendship. But more and more people are open to the conversation. Parents are mobilizing. More detransitioners will be suing. We can keep opening people's eyes and that's going to be very effective for women in particular, because so many of our groups and events and communities were given away by other women who thought they were being kind.

Essentially, we can focus on taking back women's spaces and let Democrats know this is not supported by their base. And we can get active locally by seeking leadership positions and then Trojan horsing them just like TRAs Trojan horsed the Left.

( truthisnthate )
You could become a supporter of DIAG (Democrats for An Informed Approach To Gender), it won’t cost you a penny. DIAG is working to educate democratic lawmakers and policy makers at the state and federal levels about the harms of sex-denialism. But to be effective, DIAG needs high numbers of supporters in state and federal districts to convince lawmakers that it is in their own best interest to change course on policies that erase women’s sex-based rights and endanger the health of minors. DIAG also has a forum for supporters that allows them to communicate with other supporters in their state so that they can plan actions and meet-ups.

( Opals )
Every now and then I go through my finances and try to look if I can leave companies that support gender identity ideology - and tell those companies why I am leaving

Might be something possible even on a low income

They will change when it costs them

And for people who are doubtful… look at ABInBev and the ‘Dylan Mulvaney’ scandal. People no longer buying their beer hit them hard

Katie Cruz #crackpot amapin.love

[From “This is My Ministry”]

I joined the MAP community as a young, naive, teen. I was hopelessly in love with little girls and the prospect of a lifetime of loneliness seemed inevitable and devastating. I had radical ideas of legalizing relationships between adults and tween girls and looked for ways to be able to spend time with them. (Though I soon realized these types of relationships aren’t feasible.) I knew nothing about this orientation, and I hated the idea that I was a pedophile, and went through the 5 Stages of MAP Grief

Over the years, I’ve met a lot of people who have guided me, and inspired me to reflect philosophically on minor-attraction. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and about human nature. I’ve had many MAPs confide in me for comfort and advice. And I don’t know how I do it; I’m hardly a great communicator. But the right words just always seem to come to me. And every time I help another MAP, I’m so fulfilled. I finally found my purpose in life. I’m still on this MAP journey, myself. Still learning. I believe I can take this experience, and use it for good in this world. The MAP community is where I belong. And helping people with this orientation is my ministry

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

If you’re voting “for my daughter” & “reproductive freedom” then you’re fine with men using your little girl as an object for promiscuous sex, impregnating her with no commitment, & brutally killing your sweet grandbaby so more men can abuse your daughter.

It’s gross. Stop it.
For your daughter.
1:18 PM · Nov 3, 2024 · 149.6K Views
2,476 Reposts 78 Quotes 12.5K Likes 430 Bookmarks

Jimmy Lister #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

It is past time to end this disastrous foreign policy of regime change. This particular proxy war was initiated by Victoria Nuland (who is Jewish and born in Ukraine). She headed a US Department of State program designed to push Putin to war with Ukraine.

She should be charged with the death of every Ukrainian man, woman and child killed in this war. That story should also be made a priority and reported on every medium available.

Doktor Snake #magick #crackpot #mammon doktorsnake.com

Ask yourself:
How come Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are billionaires?
How come the Rothschild Family and Larry Fink, along with the other ruling elites, own and control most of the planet?
How come J.K. Rowling went from welfare to mega-selling author with a simple kids’ book?

It didn’t happen by chance…
Sure, they’re all talented and have acumen, and unique skills. But so do a lot of people, and most of them are still living on the breadline; frustrated at going nowhere, or despondent that everything they do comes to nothing. They don’t understand why it is they never seem to get their fair share of the abundance and happiness that life offers.

Successful people have harnessed the arcane powers of the black arts, including the ability to control the wayward mind along with utilizing the attributes of the infernal demons within (mapped in the Ars Goetia grimoire, among others). None of which has ever been fully revealed in books, and is only handed down via initiates.
They aren’t in the 0.01% for nothing. It wasn’t dumb luck…
They utilized forces that most of the world sees as dark and nefarious. But in reality these forces are neutral. They are neither good or evil. They are simply energy – or unbridled, unstoppable, unrelenting POWER.

What does Lord Satan want in return for his patronage?
It’s simple. There’s no terms and conditions (not in the New Aeon we are entering now). He wants you to become a superior being and not flounder in the morass that is the flawed and insipid species of humanity.
Ritual & evocation of Lord Satan at the Devil’s Punchbowl. Sealing the deal at the Devil’s Stone at Bungay.
One year of ritual magick (one working a month) to boost your main intention/request.
Plus you have personal access to Doktor Snake whose expertise involves more than magick and the occult – includes bestselling author, national newspaper journalist, consultant to major companies in communications and technology, adviser in IPOs and investments.
Cost: $3,500.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

All Pleiadians are ‘of Elohim’ and all Elohim originated in 12D and created themselves and their civilization from nothing.

There aren’t evil Pleiadians or Elohim. There were entities who pretended to be Elohim, just as they pretended to be God.

There are races created in Elohim that we’d call extraterrestrials, as well as beings with similar abilities like Archangels, Fairies and Elementals.

Pleiadians live on the actual stars, which are planets in 7D. Their technology is beyond the comprehension of most beings. There aren’t different kinds of Pleiadians.

All other extraterrestrials that have visited Earth, including Zetas, are like babies compared to Galactic Federation. Only close allies like Arcturians are at a similar level to Pleiadians.

You’ll hear disinformation attempting to devalue their role but there are none more powerful or connected to Earth than the Elohim of Galactic Federation. They are everything to us.

Angels don't need spacecraft to move across the galaxy any more than humans need cars to move down the street, but there are still practical reasons why vehicles are used.

There are crafts described through scriptures and these aren't fallen angels. There are no verses saying that angels aren't capable of using crafts.

What is the fiery chariot all about if "God" and angels don't need transportation?

In a religious context, the only thing distinguishing 'fallen angels' from 'angels' is an act of treason against the light forces and a choice to deceive humans. Morality. They all use crafts.

Elohim races can fly in body form and travel vast distances instantly through portals. They manifest technology from their minds. But they still use fleets of crafts and motherships to carry large crews, animals and technology.

Fear-based Christians can't find angels because they've been calling them fallen angels and demons.

S.D. Wells #wingnut #transphobia #quack #pratt #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Marijuana, also known as “weed,” is a psychotropic drug that has, for the most part, been illegal in America for decades and even nicknamed the “gateway” drug that leads users to the heavy stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin. Though the "gateway drug" part has never been proven statistically, there's another reason the Democrats want pot to be legal across the nation.
People who smoke pot or vape with the THC oils from cannabis experience a dopamine boost, which can enhance their libido, or sexual drive. This is very important to the Democrat politicians who are busy installing communism in America. Pornography and sex-thinking keeps Americans from thinking about things that really matter, like their rights to free speech, free press, medical choice, the right to bear arms, to protest peacefully, and the list goes on.

Since the Democrats are pushing heavily for all Liberals to be perverted gender-fluids who get sex-change operations, take cancer-causing hormone drugs and attend drag shows, legalizing marijuana nationally is a priority, and may win them some votes during these last days leading up to the big election.
Starting with toddlers and children at daycare centers across America, transexual drag queens flaunt their buttocks and humongous fake breasts while wearing high heels and boatloads of tacky makeup and pretend to be helping educate kids, while warping their minds into gender dysphoria and a perverted think-about-sex-and-sex-partners-all-day mentality.

This perverted agenda is pushed heavily by the DC Democrat-Communist politicians, including the most perverted ones on the planet, namely Joe “child-hair-sniffing” Biden, Kamala “Kommie” Harris, and of course “Tampon Tim” Walz. Behind the scenes, the Dirty Dems also have other demented pervs pushing the porn and drugs on everyone, including Barrack “Insane” Obama, Bill “Cigar Boy” Clinton, Hitlery Clinton and other best friends of suicided human trafficker and sex-slave king, Jeffrey Epstein.

Lilith-Fair #transphobia ovarit.com

I don't read it that way though. When they say "all students/people", "all" actually refers to transwomen and other gender specials.

For a long time, I used to be really confused when they say, "Protecting trans rights protects all women". (Or something similar like "Excluding transwomen harms all women".) The way the statement is phrased, I assumed "all women" is a follow up to say that protecting trans rights would also protect biological women. The statement made no sense to me because the infringement on women's rights was precisely what GC feminists were talking about. Until it finally dawned on me that "all women" did not mean us. To them, biological women are the default, and "all women" is the catch-all for transwomen.

In other words, when trans rights are not protected, some women are not protected. Those some women are the transwomen. By protecting trans rights, all women are protected, not just the biological ones.

It's a very sly way of sounding like they care about biological women, when in fact the entire statement is about everyone else except biological women who don't identify as some other gender.

So now, when they say "We support all students/people . . .", it may sound like they are saying they support the girls/women too, but what they're really saying is "We won't consider only the needs and safety of girls/women who are the default. We support ALL students/people". "All" being the trans identifying ones. And no one is excluded.

I swear when they say "all", we need to make them explain clearly what do they mean by "all".

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

According to the Cosmic Ascension Plan that AA Metatron is orchestrating, 2024 is the year Ascension becomes physical.
The physical phase of the Cosmic Plan was set into motion on December 12, 2019…a life-changing 12:12:12 Ascension activation. On this day, the bifurcation of the two global timelines commenced, initiating a world-wide pandemic ‘healing crisis’. During the Shutdown, the world came to a halt, withdrawing from external stimulation, noise and distraction. It was a pause in stillness!

The global pause provided an opportunity for everyone to turn within, to reflect and review, look beneath the surface. To deal with stuff. To process buried trauma. To face the fears! The Cosmic Plan created an opening to choose the new future timeline.

For it is in the quiet stillness, the null-zone pulse of zero point, that you can unlock your mind from the matrix simulation and consciously choose to shift into the new Ascension Timeline. The world is receiving galactic support as we transition from living in a dark global web of mental/emotional fear programming and the collective frequency fence of time density.
As an angelic guardian of Gateways, I’ve been called since 2012 to clean, clear and prepare certain earth chakra portals for the activation of Ascension Gates. These are stellar doorways opening between the realms for incoming Ascension energies to infuse Gaia’s field and transform our physical realities.
We are entering the powerful year-end cosmic events occurring between Nov 11 and Dec 24. The galactic Light is illuminating the upcoming interdimensional portals. Mark your calendar…I will be guiding gateway activations on each of these dates:

1) 11-11 Ascension Gateway
2) 11-19 Pluto enters Aquarius till 2043
3) 12-12 Galactic Center Gateway
5) 12-21 Solstice Gateway

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"The trans equivalent of blood libel was just broadcast to millions of people."

( blibberinghumdinger )
I hate JD Vance but I'll be glad if the existence of AGP becomes mainstream. I'm sick of trying to explain the concept of it to people who are close to peaking and them looking at me like I have 2 heads and I'm making shit up. The majority of people have no idea that TIMs aren't all just gay men. People who actually know what AGP is are like a tiny fringe group online.

( Tq231442 )
It took forever to explain to my husband that most TIMs aren't gay males. The only TIMs he saw in his country were gay homosexual cross dressers who were almost exclusively prostitutes and who he felt bad for - he said he knew one who would frequently pop up at his restaurant beaten up and covered in bruises :( the dude liked "tricking" straight men at night while looking for clients

( shewolfoffrance )
It's crazy to me how many reasonably well-informed men are so bad at talking about this issue, even going to the extent of using preferred pronouns or thinking there's some mythical "true trans." It doesn't help that a lot supposed anti-woke men like James Lindsay and Benjamin Boyce are friendly with, and promote, open AGPs.

( shewolfoffrance )
I always thought that pediatric transition and AGP would be the two things most likely to peak a critical mass of people. I'm glad AGP was discussed on a big platform (finally), but I've become more skeptical that AGP itself would peak people. A lot of men are reflexively defensive of other men's problematic sexual behaviors.

( Jernsaxa )
Oh... I thought you couldn't possibly just stop being trans. Funny that 🤷

( SnowWhite )
You actually can as soon as it no longer benefits you. As showcased in everywhere else than west as well as trough history.

( NoName )
Bingo. I am pretty sure if access to women’s spaces went away along with being top of the oppression Olympics podium stopped, they would stop being trans.

( PeregrineWitch )
Terrified of what? That the people you've been fooling with your stories of oppression and murder might start seeing the euphoria boner behind the curtain of the Great and Terrible Trans? By all means, please stop 'trying.'

Mark Christopher, Matthew Martin, Shiza Harper and Sean Harper #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger bbc.com

Cult leader Mark Christopher concludes his speeches and everyone is cheering[…]How did he end up persuading his followers to storm a court and attempt to kidnap a senior coroner?

Lincoln Brookes was driving to work on 20 April 2023 when he took a panicked call from his colleague

"Those people who are in that letter... they are coming to get you," he was told by area coroner Michelle Brown[…]
Had he turned up on time, the widely-respected senior coroner would have been handcuffed, bundled into a car and kidnapped from Chelmsford

Only Mark Christopher, 59, Sean Harper, 45, Shiza Harper, 38, and Matthew Martin, 47, know what would have happened to him next

They were all found guilty at Chelmsford Crown Court of conspiracy to kidnap and conspiracy to commit false imprisonment in July

On Monday, Christopher was jailed for seven years and the other defendants imprisoned for 30 months

It was a plot masterminded by Christopher, the so-called chief judge of an online anti-establishment movement called the Federal Postal Court

"My jurisdiction runs over any language within governments, courts and corporations," the 59-year-old states on his website

Gaining his wisdom comes at a cost though. For £7,449, students can take part in his eight-part online university course that teaches people how to clear debts, win legal redress and pay their taxes

But the highlight of the webinars is the insight into what Singapore-born Christopher preaches to be the hidden meanings of words used in everyday language

Normal words such as person, nice and even smart meter all have covert, sinister meanings, the cult leader tells his followers[…]
In letters written to Mr Brookes, Christopher accuses him of being a "detrimental necromancer" and says the coronial process is illegal as "you can't be dead on paper"

Other accusations include Essex Coroner's Court "interfering with the dead" and warning Mr Brookes he would be subjected to corporal punishment

Tucker Carlson #crackpot #fundie #magick theguardian.com

Tucker Carlson, the former CNN and Fox News political chat host, has said he was “physically mauled” by a demon a year and a half ago, in an assault that he says left him bleeding and with scars from “claw marks”.

Carlson made the claim while speaking in an upcoming documentary, Christianities? In a preview clip on YouTube, Carlson is asked by John Heers of the non-profit First Things Foundation if he believed that “the presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the good”.

“That’s what happened to me. I had a direct experience with it,” said Carlson.
Asked if he was referring to journalism, Carlson responded: “No, in my bed at night. I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs and mauled, physically mauled.”

Carlson, who said he still bears the scars, said his assailant was a “demon”. He added: “Or by something unseen that left claw marks on my sides.”

He said at the time of the attack, he was asleep in bed. I was “totally confused, I woke up, and I couldn’t breathe, and I thought I was going to suffocate”, he said.

“I walked around outside and then I walked in and my wife and dogs had not woken up. And they’re very light sleepers. And then I had these terrible pains on my rib cage and on my shoulder, and I was just in my boxer shorts and I went and flipped on the light in the bathroom, and I had four claw marks on either side underneath my arms and on my left shoulder. And they’re bleeding.”

He added that he explained the encounter to an assistant, an evangelical Christian, who told him: “That happens, people are attacked in their bed by demons.”

Robert F Kennedy jr #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #quack twitter.com

(This is what RFK jr said after Trump said that if re-elected he’d make RFK jr in charge of public health and “let him go wild”)

FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can't be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.

Robert Kennedy jr #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot #quack twitter.com

On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S​. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease. President ​@realDonaldTrumpand First Lady @MELANIATRUMP want to Make America Healthy Again.​ @michaelpconnett

Bo French #wingnut #racist #ableist #homophobia #sexist #racist advocate.com

Bo French, chair of the Republican Party in Tarrant County, Texas, has made several foul comments in the months leading up to the election. He last month called one Democratic advertisement featuring men voters "the gayest ad in history," writing on Twitter/X: “Guarantee every one of these ‘dudes’ is a homo. There is literally nothing manly about any of them.”

The conservative also around the same time used a slur for people with developmental disabilities against former Republican U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, responding to her remarks at a Harris campaign rally in Wisconsin with: "Never go full retard."

In a poll posted for his followers, French asked if those who "believe Harris’ policies are better for Americans than Trumps’ policies" are “Ignorant,” “A liar,” “Retarded,” or “Gay.” He most recently wrote under a video from the recent World Series: “Retard strength."

In response to a post from Harris telling voters to "trust women" to make their own decisions about their health care, French wrote: "There are just some things where you can't trust women TBH."

French has previously said that he aims to “make Tarrant County inhospitable for Democrats," who he has also accused of trying to “rid the earth of the white race.” He came under fire in August after trying and failing to pressure local Republican election officials to close college polling locations, explicitly stating that it was because young voters historically have "voted with Democrats."

Rev. Joel Webbon and Wesley Todd #racist #sexist angrywhitemen.org

On an Oct. 23, 2024 livestream[…]Joel Webbon condemned Martin Luther King Jr. and declared that the civil rights movement “destroyed our culture”[…]
During the livestream, titled “The Dark Knights of Christendom,” Webbon and his usual co-hosts, Wesley Todd and Michael Belch, boasted that their extreme rhetoric[…]has inspired more mainstream conservatives to adopt their positions

“When I was talking — when we were talking — about repealing the 19th Amendment, maybe that was a bad idea, there was way more pushback,” Webbon recalled. “Now, a ton of people — I mean, it is already changing where people [are] like ‘Yeah, you know what, maybe women shouldn’t vote'”

He suggested that this influence might extend to other extremist positions, such as their hatred of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr[…]
“Well, same thing, Charlie Kirk would be an example. Multiple guys coming out and saying Martin Luther King Jr. is not the hero that we want,” Webbon said

Citing white nationalist John Doyle, Webbon then compared Martin Luther King Jr. to George Floyd[…]and mockingly suggested that decades from now people will refer to themselves as “George Floyd conservatives[…]
“He was not a good man, and civil rights, that movement, has destroyed our culture,” Webbon said. “And for those of you who want a longer form argument, not just the Joel Webbon short version, read Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell, and see what the Civil Rights Act, what that did to our constitution and to our government”

Webbon also expressed hope that “we will, by the grace of God, get to a point where we’re able, the average normie — not even Christian normie, but just normal person in America — will look back and say ‘Yeah, Civil Rights Act was a disaster. Can’t believe we did that.’ That’ll be amazing”

When his co-host, Wesley Todd, called for replacing Martin Luther King Day with a holiday honoring Confederate general “Stonewall” Jackson, Webbon replied “Amen”

Katie Souza #fundie #magick #conspiracy charismanews.com

When it comes to spiritual warfare, Katie Souza has seen just about everything and more than most people could imagine, yet through it all, Christ has protected her, covered her and stood victorious.

In her latest book, “The Serpent and the Soul,” Katie Souza unlocks the very real ways that serpent spirits try to come in and destroy God’s people.
One way that Katie Souza has seen God remove serpent spirits from her own life was when the Lord gave her revelation about breast cancer.

“I had an indentation in my breast about the depth of the tip of my pinky finger, which is pretty deep,” Souza recalls.

After spending time throughout the night praising God, she was giving a vision of a serpent striking at her. She asked the Lord what that was about, and He revealed to her that the enemy was trying to give her breast cancer. For the next three days, Souza spent time taking communion and commanding the demonic spirits to leave, which she could even feel in the physical.

“On the third day when I got up…that indentation had fully grown in. It filled in. The pain I was feeling was the regeneration of the breast tissue being healed and regenerated from that cancer, the venom that the enemy was pumping into my breast,” she says.

Souza has also dealt with the dark, manifest reality of werewolves and the occult.
Before Souza was a follower of Jesus, she encountered a werewolf that chased her. Just a few days later, she spoke with a woman who lived on that property that had escaped the coven. Souza discovered that the werewolf had been there for the other woman, but she had gotten in the way at the time.

“I actually met the werewolf; it was him and his wife, who was a witch, tried to recruit me into the coven,” says Souza.
Even through all of these supernaturally terrifying experiences, God has protected and helped Katie Souza be more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus in every situation.

Elena Freeland #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #quack #conspiracy amazon.com

An exposure of the ongoing global shift to digital biology and transhumanism

• Explores how chemicals and nanotechnology are being continuously delivered via chemtrail aerosols by jets, drones, and rockets in the guise of “climate change”
• Reveals the reality of the secret space program (SSP) and the planetary “smart grid” of 5G/6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI)

What if the degradation of the planet is not just a byproduct of human greed but the explicit intention of government agencies bought off by corporations? What if their intent is to create a “post-human” global government run by AI, populated by a genetically and electromagnetically altered Homo sapiens loaded with nanotechnology and run by 5G/6G/7G transceivers from space?

Building on decades of research, Elana Freeland offers a comprehensive exposé of the transhumanist agenda—the transformation of humanity into a slave class by means of biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. She reveals that weather control is already a global reality, thanks to the aerosol chemtrails that maintain the ionized atmosphere needed for a myriad of military and civilian wireless operations like weather modification, delivery of nanotechnology and synthetic biology (synbio) by jets, drones, and rockets, and pulses that alter human behavior, bodies, and brains. The air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, and the water we drink have all been altered away from Nature and toward a synthetic “metaverse.”
And yet by exposing the transhumanist agenda and studying the technology being employed to subjugate the human race, we have the opportunity to begin to find ways not just to resist becoming machines ourselves but also to become self-responsible creators who utilize our technologies not for power but for restoring a high civilization in service to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

John Stossel/John Tierney #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy takimag.com

The world must be getting so much worse!

Activists protest everywhere.

Listening to them, I’d think hate, homophobia, racism and environmental threats are at record highs.

But it’s not true.

Despite our ugly election politics, for most people, life is better than ever.

Our air and water are cleaner. People live longer and healthier lives. There’s less racism and homophobia.

But if they admit that, activists would be out of a job.

In my new video, John Tierney, a journalist who’s covered protests for years, says, “For activists, success is a threat. It is going to put you out of business.”
When it comes to deceitful self-dealing, says Tierney, “The ultimate example is the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

When the SPLC opened, it promised legal help to those harmed by racism. After its lawsuits bankrupted chapters of the Ku Klux Klan, the SPLC changed its “Klanwatch” to “Hatewatch,” Tierney points out, “fabricating the idea that there’s a rising tide of hate in this country. … It scares people, and they get money.”

“They think they’re making the world a better place,” I suggest.

“But they’re not!” he says. “They’re viciously attacking and smearing.”

Smearing groups like “Moms for Liberty” and “Moms for America.”
Another branch of the crisis industry, The Human Rights Campaign, claims that American gays are under attack. They issued a “national state of emergency” for LGBTQ+ people.

But “Last year, public support for gay rights reached an all-time high,” says Tierney. “Gays can marry in every state. There’s no stigma against homosexuality. An anti-gay slur is this career suicide. But these activists need to declare some kind of emergency.”

Racial justice activists claim America is still a racist country.

“How did this fundamentally racist country elect Barack Obama and reelect him?” asks Tierney. “There’s even been a decline in the search for racist jokes on the internet. People are more committed than ever to treating everyone the same.”

Zowe Smith #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lionessofjudah.substack.com

"The whole theory for two weeks to flatten the curve comes from eugenicists," whistleblower and former medical coder Zowe Smith explains for Hrvoje Morić. "The whole [ICD-10] code system comes out of a whole group of people that were in a club called the Eugenics Society, but they were also in a statistical society, and there was a revolving door between the two."

(The ICD-10 code system is an international classification used for categorizing diagnoses, symptoms, and procedures in healthcare for statistical reporting, billing, and research.)
"I talk about how Rockefeller took over Western medicine in the book [The Covid Code: My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult] and how he was involved in eugenics. Many people who have studied eugenics have realized that not only were a lot of people involved in it, and it was normal at one point, but these people had a revolving door between other organizations," the whistleblower adds. "It was almost a club where the same people show up doing the same things over time. And so...what happened during World War 2, the main conception is America came in and saved the day, and we stopped the holocaust of the Jews, and now it's bad to be racist, and eugenics is bad, and it's all over now. We stopped it. But that's not true. It went underground, and it came over to America. And the part that most people don't understand, it was funded by America to begin with."

Smith notes, "it never stopped. It just morphed into something else, but it's still the same people. It's still Gates. It's still Rockefeller. It's still the Warburgs. It's still the Rothschilds. It's still those same families that are at the top of the WEF, the WHO, all of these regulatory agencies, all the governments that did this to us. So, yes, this is a democide. That's what they mandate. It's been their mission to make everybody comply to this generalization, standardization, centralization for the purposes of monitoring their eugenics programs."

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: American Psychological Association adopts policy in favor of “gender-affirming care” and supporting the delusion of “gender identity”

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
I guess there's no better way to keep psychologists employed than to create more "trans kids" = lifelong psychological patients.

( notapatsy )
Here's what I suspect this means for me, a transwidow, if I were to seek out therapy for the trauma I experienced in my marriage (I'm now divorced) when my then husband declared he was "a woman in a man's body" and started acting out objectionable, misogynistic, pornified stereotypes of woman and sucked me into participating in his sexual acting out of them. The therapist will blame me for the breakdown of my marriage and try to re-educate me.

( Persimmon64 )
I love how people cite organizations like this as the word of God, like their opinions are the only ones that matter.

So there are 160 people voting on it. There are over 100,000 psychologists in the U.S.

My brother's friend works as a psychiatrist. He sees quite a few people who call themselves "trans". He says they're all seriously mentally messed up individuals (hence the need for psychiatric care even after they've had this miracle "transition" cure that's supposed to suddenly make them these happy, healthy individuals and make their anxiety and depression/suicidal thoughts disappear like magic. They all have a host of other issues, which of course is why they claim "trans" identities in the first place and which don't go away just because they start injecting themselves with horse piss extract.

( capributterfly )
The fallout from all this is going to be so fun to deal with in the coming decades. Especially for those who are being transed as kids. It does feel good to be on the right side of history but it sucks to know how many will be harmed by all this, who were either minors or had actual serious issues going on and weren’t helped in the way they should have been.

( Women1st )
Think of what the vote would be if they didn’t stack the voting members with TRAs and stifle and cancel researchers that present outcomes that don’t align with the groupthink?

Ladylucy & DurableBook #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: So there's a prominent "vigil for Nex" in my city tomorrow.

( Ladylucy )
I don’t understand why enbies are considered trans. They are the opposite of trans.

( DurableBook )
Oh but seriously the trans/enby schism is one of my favorite areas of trans religious history.

See, there's one sect who see "transgender" and "cisgender" as the fundamental binary. Any person who is transgender is, by definition, not cisgender, and vice versa. Therefore, enbies are a type of transgender.

But there's another sect who divide people into the "binary gendered" or "non binary gendered". Any person who is cisgender is, by definition, binary, but the reverse is not necessarily true. A trans person who sees themselves as exclusively a man or a woman is also a binary gendered person. Therefore, enby does not fall under the "umbrella" of transgender, but rather is actually its own umbrella which trans people may or may not fall under.

If you haven't lurked trans forums and watched the internecine squabbles between these two factions in particular, I really encourage you to give it a try. It's like that old joke:

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it."

"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Well, there's so much to live for!"

"Like what?"

"Well, what about your identity? You have an identity, right?"

He said: "Yes."

I said: "Me too. What are your pronouns?"


"Me too. Are you AFAB or AMAB?"


"Me too. Are you masc or femme?"


"Wow. Me too. Are you an allosexual masc he/him AFAB, or an asexual masc he/him AFAB?"

"Allosexual masc he/him AFAB."

"Me too. Are you an alloromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB, or an aromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB?"

"Alloromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB."

"Me too. Are you a cis alloromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB, or a trans alloromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB?"

He said: "Um, I'm a non-binary alloromantic allosexual masc he/him AFAB."

I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Kjk endorses Trump Vance on child transing

( Elle_x_oh )
If somebody held a gun to my head and said I had to choose between A) a wannabe president who would ban transgender surgeries or B) a wannabe president who would allow male prisoners to transition (and therefore enter female prisons?) I would have to choose A)

I understand Kellie-j's single issue stance would make it easier to choose. (glad I don't have to)

( Mizuna )

Hi Senator Vance.

I'm Elizabeth Mitchell from the Daily Signal. Former President Trump has said that he would ban transgender procedures for minors without parental consent...

-crowd interrupts with applause for 24 seconds-

Stuff like this is why MAGA maintains its popularity despite whatever accusations are thrown at Trump. Where else are you permitted in real life to applaud the banning of child transgender surgeries?

This is a problem entirely of the Democratic Party's own making. If you don't permit criticism of the transgender cult in your own party, then your opponent will. The Democrats had literal years to reconcile this issue within the party and chose the trans cult instead of the voters. Direct your anger at the institutions and powerful people who censor criticism of the trans cult rather than random voters who are sick of this and have no other recourse.

( itsnotaboutewe )
KJK has always said she is a single issue voter and that this is her single issue. She started Party of Women as a single issue party. Her candidates are from both the left and the right, and she doesn't care about their stance on any other issue. She voted on this single issue in the UK election. She will pick a side based on this one issue. This is not a secret and should not be a surprise to anyone.

( WrongToy )
She’s only the latest to be redpilled after Meghan Murphy and Arielle Scarsdella.

When I joined r/gc in 2015, you couldn’t link to the federalist or daily mail. Given that it’s been 98 percent conservative coverage on the gender critical issue, that rule became unwieldy…

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The CDC is wrongfully recommending 3 Covid vaccines for babies starting at 6 months.

Babies/Kids have the lowest rates of hospitalizations/deaths from Covid and natural immunity works, vaccines don’t stop the spread.

With autism rates skyrocketing, every vaccine should be re-examined.image12:56 AM · Oct 31, 2024 · 144.5K Views
793 Reposts 67 Quotes 1,871 Likes 88 Bookmarks

Padraig Martin #racist #fundie #transphobia #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From “Trump’s Anti-White and Anti-Christian Record”]

Most Trump supporters were not paying attention to the racial wars of the first Trump Administration. They were too busy watching Fox News. As an active member of the League of the South, at that time fighting in the streets, I was. I heavily supported Trump in 2016. What happened next made me regret that decision

To begin, Trump oversaw the imprisonment of more White Nationalists than every other president in American history combined (yes, that includes Biden and Obama). The cases surrounding R.A.M. are a prime example of the four years of hunting and torture most of us in the Dissident Right – who supported Trump in 2016 – experienced from 2017 to 2021. At the same time, he commuted black drug dealer sentences[…]
DEI initiatives shot through the roof under Trump’s administration. The reason you have sub-80 IQ black generals at the very top of the Pentagon today is due to Trump’s rapid promotion of them during his administration[…]
Anti-Christian? Transgenderism, rampant homosexuality, and wild degeneracy all continued throughout Trump’s administration. Just because Trump did not fly LGBT flags on the White House does not mean he did not endorse the policies. Many of those degenerate DEI policies directly impacted competent White officers and enlisted[…]
Today, Trump’s top economic advisor is Scott Bessent, a former Soros money manager who shorted the British economy in the early 1990s (making millions). He is a gay man living with a husband in South Carolina. That is hardly a Christian selection

Returning to anti-White positions, Trump’s treatment of BLM versus his abandonment of almost exclusively White J6ers is unforgiveable. Trump could have crushed the BLM rioters[…]
Trump had the power of the blanket pardon[…]and did not use it to free majority White J6ers[…]
Trump’s rhetoric is not anti-White, but his policies, actions, and inactions are absolutely anti-White

Newt Gingrich #sexist #wingnut salon.com

“These people are dishonest,” Gingrich responded. “And so, for them to tell people to lie is just one further example of the depth of their corruption. I mean, how do you run a country where you’re walking around saying, ‘Wives should lie to their husbands, husbands should lie to their wives’?”

Gingrich, who cheated on his second wife, then held Democrats responsible for America's moral degeneration. “I mean, what kind of a totally amoral, corrupt, sick system have the Democrats developed? If you think about it at that level, it is astonishing, the decay," he said, before claiming that the "decay" is why Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who reportedly maintained at least three romantic liaisons outside of his marriage with Cheryl Hines, left the Democratic Party and endorsed former President Donald Trump.

Long before the [Julia] Roberts ad aired, Gingrich had been using extreme rhetoric to describe the supposed Democratic unraveling of American society. During the 1990 midterm elections, a group led by Gingrich issued pamphlets among Republicans encouraging them to label their opponents with words like "destroy," "collapse," "traitors," "decay" and "sick" as a key mechanism of persuasion. In his interview with Hannity, Gingrich pulled out "sick" three times in less than 10 seconds.

“Instead of having a dignity and patriotism and a sense of morality, these are really sick people,” Gingrich continued. “And the more you watch them, to say, ‘Oh, why don’t you lie to your husband?’ as a publicly advocated ad? That is sick! And I think we ought to have the courage to say this is a sick, dishonest party.”

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot amg-news.com

As the United States inches closer to the 2024 election, a fierce storm seems ready to shake the political foundations of the nation like never before. With hints of military intervention, cryptic statements from President Donald Trump, and the U.S. Space Force on the brink of revealing massive electoral fraud, seismic events are anticipated that could alter the trajectory of American politics.

In a dramatic and unexpected statement during his North Carolina rally, former President Donald Trump issued a mysterious warning: “6 more days…well, maybe 5, depending on how you count it.”

This cryptic countdown has sparked widespread speculation and anxiety, with many bracing for what could be one of the most extraordinary political events in American history—a potential military intervention just before Election Day. But why November 5th? Why take such a drastic, unprecedented approach? And why is the U.S. Space Force at the center of it all?
According to sources within military intelligence, the U.S. Space Force is prepared to reveal a breathtaking level of electoral fraud, thanks to sophisticated surveillance and ballot-tracking technology. This isn’t merely a matter of government oversight; it’s a historic initiative to monitor every ballot as it moves through the system.
The days leading up to November 6th, 2024, could prove to be among the most consequential in American history. With the possibility of military intervention, the Space Force ready to reveal new truths, and the anticipated introduction of NESARA, America stands not only on the brink of an election but at the threshold of a monumental rebirth. This rebirth promises to purge corruption and bring transparency back to every branch of government, giving Americans hope for a fresh start.

Every American must prepare for the coming storm, a moment in history that may not only reshape the present but chart the course of the nation for generations to come.

Thomas Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy terminaleconomics.com

I received an email from a reader asking me to offer up some of my predictions for the next four years and what the country will look like under the upcoming Harris regime.
A predatory socialist economy (the antithesis under the Soviet dialectic) like the one we will observe under a Harris regime comes at a price. I predict the following:

•A Soylent Green scenario will continue to unfold as the growing cost-of-living crisis affects more and more households. Homeless levels will continue to accelerate, despite the regime's fiscal deficit spending that it will devote to it.

•With the Democrats continuing their stranglehold on the executive and legislative branches through improper vote counting, the party's true colors will continue to manifest as social justice unrest accelerates and the open borders "crisis" continues.
•Power and wealth consolidation around the globe and especially the United States will continue at unprecedented levels leading up to the force majeure. All bridges have been burned and there's no return to the past. All we have is a grim future.

•The United States will lose WWIII after it is taken out by a preemptive military strike by the Japheth remnants of Ezekiel 38 and 39.
•Soviet-style social housing will be unveiled into the mainstream as the solution to the housing crisis.

•Those of European Caucasian descent who are Christian will continue to be marginalized and eventually cast into the wilderness as the ultimate scapegoats of the nation's predicaments.

Indeed, to the unwashed reader, I offer little hope. But knowing the truth does set us free. I no longer waste my time voting and haven't for a long time, for this country was not founded as a democracy and I wish to play no part in its demise. Under a Trump regime, the timeline to the force majeure would have been extended about three years. But it seems that's no longer in the cards and time is of the essence for whatever reasons. This will be revealed over the next several years.

Lady of the Lake, Goddess of Avalon via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

Children of the fire, of the earth, children of the wind, the spirit, the water. Children before, in times ahead and times past and in this most pregnant now, I am the Lady of the Lake of Avalon. I am she who dwells in the mists of seclusion, of secrecy. I am here in your presence, across time space, stretching out my hands to grasp yours, to comfort you and to lend you my strength, although you have not need of it, for you are gods and goddesses in your own right, standing strong on your own two feet. Many of you were priests and priestesses on this island of mysteries, where the great learning took place within the blend of harmony and quiet.
And now I offer you this. I offer you a bag of precious gems of wisdom of memory for you have these deep within you. Avalon or Egypt or Lumeria, or Arcturus – wherever your heart longs for these memories will be returned to you.
This you has a special unique job now to carry the frequencies of home, of peace of light to the others from where you are to where they are. You are bridges of frequency. We in Avalon were secluded in the great mysteries but it is now time for the seclusion to end and the spreading of the great mysteries to be made evident and available to those who have their hearts open.
(I am hearing horns blowing in the background.) Yes, even in these times, in our times there were wars around us, there were knights in battles around Avalon but we could not be touched. We could not be reached because we were isolated within our own interdimensional flux. We protected ourselves from the outside world and now it is time to share this power of remembering, of peace so that you feel the cooling of the mists when your hearts are hot and your cheeks are wet with tears. There is great unveiling of the illusions of your carbon world and of the monsters of your mists. And yet, all mists all veils are coming down and to those who have not prepared they will be shocked.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #god-complex #dunning-kruger salon.com

Former President Donald Trump is suing CBS for $10 billion over an interview with Kamala Harris that aired on "60 Minutes" earlier this month.

The 19-page lawsuit filed Thursday alleges that the network committed “partisan and unlawful acts of election and voter interference” by editing down a handful of Harris’s responses to interview questions. In addition to the massive sum, Trump's team is requesting an order that the network release the unedited interview in full.

Trump has fumed over the "60 Minutes" interview for most of this month, alleging foul play after the network aired two different portions of an answer to a question about the war in Gaza on "Face The Nation" and their flagship newsmagazine program. In the lawsuit, his attorneys claimed that CBS deceptively edited the vice president's "word salad" to harm Trump's election chances.

“CBS’s distortion of the '60 Minutes' interview damaged President Trump’s fundraising and support values by several billions of dollars, particularly in Texas,” Trump’s attorneys argued in the lawsuit filed in the Northern District of Texas [Amarillo Division].

(Emphasis added)

PneumaticTooth #racist #conspiracy gab.com

@HausWagner Most people of this entire physical world won't notice much since their fried brains are fogged, they even not bothered or to care much to notice some strange things which they are happening, especially with the geo-engineering hurricanes like Helene.

Most people are laid back and continues to exacerbates the situations further like allowing the filthy vermin parasitic Jews and their shabbos golem maggots to do more damages and more dirty works.

I don't have much hope for this decaying putrid inclement pauperized corrupted gormless world since people are too ignorant and too "petrified" because of their cowardness without courage, without bravery. They are reluctant to resist and revolt against their tyrant governments. Hopes are withering and fading away on this Earth due to these worthless irritating idiots.

Fuck the Jew World Order!.

These dull-witted average morons won't save this world from permanent destructions. They can't even save themselves from well orchestrated extreme weather manipulations such as vicious tornados that will kill them anyway.

I just can't handle or even confront with these people anymore, let them suffer for their own lack of actions.

I hate and loathe this fucking insane world so much but I want to continue for a little while until I leave this Earthly realm for permanently good. Finding a good solid balanced well discipline good world in my next life.

Donald Trump, Tony Hinchcliffe, Tucker Carlson, David Rem and Sid Rosenberg #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie edition.cnn.com

Trump closed his Madison Square Garden rally on Sunday with an ominous 80-minute speech denouncing his political rivals, assailing immigrants and promising to invoke an 18th century law to pave the way for mass deportations[…]
The rally began with Tony Hinchcliffe, a comedian and podcast host, assailing Puerto Rico[…]
“There’s a lot going on, like, I don’t know if you know this but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now,” he said. “I think it’s called Puerto Rico”

The line was well-received by Trump supporters[…]
“These Latinos, they love making babies, too. Just know that they do,” Hinchcliffe continued

After the rally, Trump’s campaign sought to distance itself from Hinchcliffe[…]
Hinchcliffe, also on social media, addressed the furor, saying that his critics “have no sense of humor”[…]
“We’re running against a massive, crooked, malicious leftist machine that’s running the Democrat party,” the former president said. “They are smart and vicious, they are the enemy within, we must defeat them”

Another warm-up act, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, reprised his old attacks[…]
“It’s gonna be pretty hard to look at (the country after Harris wins) and say, you know what, Kamala Harris, she got 85 million votes because she’s so impressive – as the first Samoan, Malaysian, low IQ former California prosecutor ever to be elected president,” said Carlson, before exclaiming that anyone who is not impressed by Harris will be called a “freak” or a “criminal”[…]
David Rem took the microphone to call Harris “the devil” while waving around a cross

“She is the antichrist”[…]
Sid Rosenberg — who once occupied a plum seat beside Don Imus on WFAN, the area’s largest sports station — started off by attacking Clinton[…]
“You got homeless and veterans – Americans, Americans – sleeping on their own feces on a bench in Central Park,” Rosenberg said. “But the f**king illegals, they get whatever they want, don’t they?”

A Fellow Patriot #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

What to do for the Trick or Treaters?

1 – Hollywood hijacked All Hallows Eve years ago. It’s evident throughout our neighborhoods.

2 – Hershey is being sued for adding high levels of lead and cadmium to their products.

3 – Senomyx is a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in their research and development of “artificial flavors.” This is being put into our food. This is a partial list of brands that support, or have supported Senomyx.

Nestlé products
Planter’s Peanuts

Frito Lay’s chips, Sabritas, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, RufflesOur alternative solution to commercialized Halloween, candy, nuts and chips:

Bring All Hallows Eve back to Halloween. Introduce the children to the Queen of Angels and Saints by having a near life-sized statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe greet them at the door. Give them Guardian Angel Prayer Cards, and Glow bracelet sticks to help keep them safe in the dark.

From A Fellow Patriot

Corina Pataki, Elena Danaan, and Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

What’s Hiding in Romania’s Mysterious Bucegi Mountains?

On October 26, 2024, Corina Pataki, Elena Danaan, and Dr. Michael Salla traveled to the summit of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania to investigate claims of a Hall of Records under a Sphinx-like formation of rocks.

The first public claim of such a Hall of Records was made by Radu Cinamar (pseudonym) in his book, Transylvania Sunrise (2009). In his book, Cinamar describes how his mentor Cezar Brad (a pseudonym) was part of a top secret Romanian Intelligence organization called Department Zero set up to investigate paranormal activity in the 1960s. After US ground penetrating radar detected an anomaly under the Bucegi Sphinx in 2003, a team led by Brad was sent to investigate and found the Hall of Records.

In this investigation of what lies beneath the Bucegi Sphinx, Pataki and Danaan conducted a remote viewing/psychic projection into the area immediately beneath the Sphinx, and also recorded sounds emanating from under the Earth. They not only confirmed the existence of the Hall of Records but also activated and interacted with an organic/plasma consciousness set up with the Hall of Records, and some of the advanced technologies within it to affect our current time.

Most significantly, Pataki recognized the Hall of Records as a location she was secretly taken to in the late 1970s, when she was still only a child who had been identified by the Romanian Intelligence services as a person with unique abilities. Also, Danaan recognized the Hall of Records as identical to one of the ancient laboratories set up by the Anunnaki.

After conducting their remote viewing/psychic projection, Pataki and Danaan are interviewed by Dr. Salla about the significance of what they saw and interacted with and what it means for the US Presidential Elections and the planetary timeline.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie #conspiracy simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 12: Biblical Entertainment
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Titus 2:12: “ Training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.”
Pastor Steven has done a lot of good work exposing the extreme licentiousness and wickedness in these foreign cartoons that have enthralled so much of the youth in America today. I wanted to add one more thing to his exposé and that relates to this “Luce” mascot the Vatican has pushed out to try to attract youth back to their dead sinful institution. It is an abomination in this foreign cartoon style and is a symbol of Lucifer hence the “Luce” title, this is the sinful satanic papists hiding their true colors in plain sight! HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS? “CHRISTIANS” WHO DON’T KNOW BETTER THAN TO CONDONE THESE FALSE RELIGIONS! WE NEED TO BRING THE TRUTH TO EVERY SOUL!
What’s with “Christian” entertainment? Trying to be like the world! The only alternative we have to these sinful foreign cartoons for kids is something like VeggieTales which has zero gospel message and only presents Old Testament stories like grand myths without any proper context to the story of salvation! Kids who grow up watching these exit out of the faith because there’s no real message!
If you want to have biblically based entertainment, do what other shows have done like “God’s Not Dead” and promote a consistent message that’s in line with scripture! Dare to be different from the world and to present the case of the Gospel! The true saving Gospel of Christ is how you get people saved, not trying to BLEND IN with the world like “LuceFER” or “VeggieTales” or any of this other garbage! SO WHEN YOU MAKE ENTERTAINMENT, DARE TO DISPLAY THE TRUE SAVING GRACE OF CHRIST AND MAKE SURE IT IS SUBSTANTIVE, LEADING TO SALVATION OF SOULS! God’s people said AMEN!

mathlover & TheKnitta #transphobia ovarit.com

Colonized lesbian sub gets lectured on “transmisogyny”

( mathlover )
More and more women have stopped pandering to these men. It particularly bothers them when it is lesbians not pandering. Women are starting to ignore/disregard the presence of the larping men. To make snide comments and laugh in their faces. To make it clear that lesbians are rejecting them for dating/sex not for the semi-respectable "genital preferences" or for being "trans", but because "transwomen" are men.

Women are making it clear that he, and all the men like him, are creepy predators that are prone to male violence and who women are justified in fearing. Women are starting to not even remotely care that he whines that being treated like the invader he is makes him "feel bad". He may even be suspicious that we know he doesn't actually feel bad; he is just angry that women won't let him get off on his fetish at their expense.

The LGBTQWTF alphabet shit soup is still forced to have to include the TQ but there are starting to be occasional events that don't feature the larping men. Lesbians are starting to be more public about saying they would never get with these men.

All this stuff is gradually making more and more of the het male "trans" (which is nearly all of them) feel.like the rapey garbage they are. It all needs to continue. Relentlessly.

( TheKnitta )
Lesbians: “tl;dr, you’re a bloke, fuck off pal”.

That’s all this needs.

All those words, desperate to try to cajole and bully and out-science women into sex with them. Sod these perverts and their sexist, homophobic ideology.

Richard Millet #homophobia #wingnut entrevue.fr

It only took a week after the show's return for L'Heure des Pros to cause a huge reaction on social networks. The fault lies with the writer Richard Millet, guilty of a total slip-up on the sexual orientation of Lucie Castets (NFP)…

The week could have ended calmly. In any case, in L'Heure des Pros on CNews, the first news channel in France. Because calm is never real, him, on X… After the intervention of Richard Millet, writer, on the subject of Lucie Castets, described as "sexually incorrect", Internet users are up in arms. Pascal Praud was forced to clarify the situation

« Richard Millet is said to have thoughts that he does not have. You only have to listen to the sequence in its entirety to be convinced of this." writes the journalist and moderator of the most popular morning show

Richard Millet will be asked to explain himself after his surprising sentence: " Who is this woman? She is a stranger, sexually incorrect, in addition, all that goes together, and who is left-wing, it is not possible"…

Pascal Praud is surprised and asks him for explanations. The writer tries to explain his shocking remarks but drowns in explanations: " We choose an unknown, it's almost a construction, she is 40 years old, she is not bad, she is sexually well oriented according to the standards of the new world"

Before concluding : " When we are in a political logic of this kind, it is a plus, that is what I mean«

Comments that offend the majority on X, so attacks are pouring in against the writer. We can notably remember the acerbic tweet from the PFC senator of Hauts-de-Seine, Pierre Ouzoulias: "Richard Millet is not content with being homophobic. He is also the author of an essay entitled "Literary Praise of Anders Breivik", in which he praises the far-right terrorist who killed 77 people in the summer of 2011 in Norway. Disgusting«

Linda Kimball #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

In place of God’s good creation from which men fell there is now an upward process beginning with crisis quantum fluctuation, an exploding Cosmic Egg (Big Bang), emergent matter (Sagan’s star stuff) pregnant with life and an eternally expanding cosmos. Emergent life somehow evolves out of star stuff, then up and through the life and death of millions of evolved creatures that preceded humans by millions of years until at long last an apish humanoid or pair of humanoids (mythical Adam and Eve) emerge into which the deity of evolutionary theism places a soul.

This upside-down view leads to loss of identity (identity politics) and a philosophy of nihilism. (3) This is because if men were once something else – a genderless blob of matter – then later on sea creatures, lizards, birds, dogs, and later still some kind of ape-like creature, then not only are humans in process of becoming something else, maybe divine supermen, super robots or cosmic beings, but nothing can be said about transgender, LGBTQ+, lesbianism and 100 genders competing in female sports and using female restrooms since all life forms ascended from a genderless blob of matter.

Moreover, with regard to soul, if life arose from chemicals or a blob of matter and then billions of years later man evolved from lower life forms, then his rational nature, his soul, differs not qualitatively but only quantitatively from the beasts. Like beasts, man is not a person created in the spiritual-image of the One God in Three Persons but is rather a creature of the earth. Like them he has no spirit – will, higher mental faculties, and conscience. Thus he is a fleshy androgynous robot or hominid whose brain is organized by the genome and the genome shaped by natural selection.
Darwinism is an abomination of desolation from hell that conceptually unmakes and renders meaningless the Word of God, thereby opening church doors to rot and disintegration.

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #magick #fundie #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

9/11 on the Iranian calendar is December 1st 2024.
Azar is the ninth month.
Two Temples fell down on 9/11
Two Towers fell down on 9/11
There are two mosques left.

9/11 on the Iranian calendar is Azar 11th 1403
That's December 1st 2024 our calendar.
"11 Azar 1403" = 911 (Standard)

Numerology of the dates on both calendars
9*11+14*3+12*1+20*24 = 633 (633+336 = 969)
Both dates in Roman numerals..
"XII I MMXXIV IX XI MCDIII" = 969 (Satanic)
"Temple Mount destroyed" = 969 (Satanic)

Numerology of the Iranian date...
9*11+14*3 = 141
"Two Mosques destroyed on Temple Mount" = 141 (Reduction)

Washington monument is 555 feet tall
"Two Temples Two Towers Two Mosques TishaBAv" = 555 (Ordinal)
The cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1848; the first stone was laid atop the unfinished stump on August 7, 1880; the capstone was set on December 6, 1884; the completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885; and officially opened October 9, 1888.

The Declaration of Independence and birth of the nation was 7/4/1776. On 12/6/1884 The capstone of the Washington Monument was set. I've called 2022 the year of the capstone in older posts in relation to the Washington Monument hiding the year 2022 in the timing of the completion of its construction and dedication rituals. Specifically the dates 2/22/2022 to commemorate the birthday of George Washington which also reflects a symbolic rebirth since his death was 12/14/1799 and is a distance of 222 years to the capstone year date 2/22/2022.

So we have the birth of the United States 7/4/1776 and the Monument capstone date 12/6/1884 applying numerology:
The speed of Saturn code...
Israel's' birthday 5/14/2022 is 888 months is 74 years

Speed of Saturn is 9.69 km

Troy Anderson #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Could the Trump family’s connections to time travel, esoteric knowledge, and secret societies hold clues to unlocking the mysteries of our past and future?

By the end of this book, you will be able to connect the uncanny parallels between the novels Lockwood penned over a century ago and the Trump family legacy. Additionally, you will be able to solve the mystery to the upcoming 2024 election season.

In the annals of American presidential history, there is no more peculiar tale than the eerie similarities between former President Donald Trump and a series of novels called, The Baron Trump Collection, penned by the obscure yet seemingly prophetic hand of American lawyer and novelist Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 1800s.
The Trump Code delves into the connections between the Baron Trump novels and the enigmatic Trump family legacy, asking whether this nineteenth-century novelist foresaw the future of not only Trump but America and the world. It also uncovers a web of historical events and divine providence.
Drawing from biblical passages about Enoch, Elijah, the Apostle John, the Mount of Transfiguration, and a mysterious verse in Ephesians on how Christ’s followers are seated in “heavenly places,” along with theories of time travel by Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and others, The Trump Code connects the pieces of this riveting puzzle, posing the question of whether “truth is stranger than fiction,” as Mark Twain famously said.
As we peel back the layers of history, The Trump Code confronts questions that defy easy answers:
Could this fictional novel hold clues to the upcoming 2024 presidential election, with all its division and chaos?
Is there a divine hand guiding the course of human events, as suggested by the parallels in these novels between fiction and reality?
Or are we witnessing the machinations of darker forces, hinted at by the curious numerology surrounding Lockwood’s name?

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