
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

JanJegerTiger #racist #sexist #ableist #psycho incels.is

For the Great Reset to work, COVID-19 is needed.

Why we should embrace COVID-19?
There are a few reasons. This is why I do not wear my mask and would happily superspread this non-virulent virus everywhere because everyone out there in this soyciety is a fucking pussy.

1. Last year there were so many people, mostly millenials were complaining how the Boomers were the major cause of all of society's problems and that they should die already. [...] COVID-19 is killing off the old, killing off the boomers. People [...] should be embracing it by stop being a cuck, stop wearing a mask, and to spread the virus around to finally kill off the boomer population. It's time for them to go as we as a society needs to stop funding them and allocate that money to support the young.

2. It is killing off all of the one's who are truly not healthy in the slightest. These are mostly the foids & chads who are obese & overweight, drug users, already have a STD or a chronic disease brought on by their poor unhealthy lifestyle, and those who are jewish & non-white.

3. [...] The virologist, Gordon Amherst [...] is right about humanity. How humanity have become complicit in letting the old & weak survive as well waste resources for them to live while not helping those who need those resources.

4. I started researching into the Great Reset and applied Gordon Amherst's ideas among others philosophers and concluded for the Great Reset to work properly is to allow nature to retake it's course by killing off the old and weak. COVID-19 is doing that for us already and the lockdowns are doing that for those who complain all the time about not seeing their friends, not partying, and fearing becoming introverted. Suicide, fear, and COVID-19 have become our allies COVID-19 is killing off the old & the weak, the media driven fear is making politicians make shitty decisions that sadly isn't really helping anyone, including us but is driving the outgoing & extroverts insane. Whereas isolation is common among us because how this horrid soyciety treats us.

Edmund_Kemper #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Autists are more likely to have a nasal voice and physically weird/unusual faces

three studies confirming it, autists are much more likely to be ugly AF and have nasal nerdy voices.

Nasal voice in boys with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder

Clinical research: Facial features can help diagnose autism

Facial features provide clue to autism severity

autism is a death sentence and if you disagree, you aren't blackpilled. looks are the main thing that help in life, but when you're sub8, you need to know how to communicate easily to start a relationship. you make any mistakes and you fucked up your chance.

The nasal voice pill is the brutalest of all pills I legit sound annoying as fuck Tbh I believe if I wasnt autistic I wouldnt be incel On top of sounding like a retard I just dont know how to talk to people and its why I have no freinds let alone a gf

Life is hell for autists. Over 80% of us are unemployed past college and many of us struggle with finishing college. We are also significantly more likely to be bullied. We’re less likely to find a romantic or sexual partner. 70% of autistic people who are mainstreamed (put in mainstream classes/schools in school) are bullied.

I feel like people who get diagnosed with autism should be euthanized

TyrellFingers #ableist reddit.com

Fuck the elderly. They demand socialist policies to support themselves while trying to strip away any support programs for anyone who is t a geriatric fuck. They’re overwhelmingly racist and homophobic. They don’t provide anything while draining our resources. They’re also currently destroying the planet without any sense of responsibility to the younger generations. They don’t give a duck about us, we should abandon them.

The elderly, especially boomers, are a cancerous generation that the world will be better off without.

Anonymus Fluhre #ableist #psycho kiwifarms.net

@Senior Lexmechanic

Some of these centers were run like prison camps and had conditions that legitimately violated human rights TMK; shit like starving autists who refused to "act normally" or forcing them to sleep on concrete floors. Also, I think it had ties to the Scientologists, which would explain all the above. If I'm wrong and I'm thinking about a different scandal, please correct me.

I see a lot of on verified reports on that from blog sites, nothing else. All written by autists. Currently, it just reads like biased trash.
@Lord of the Large Pants

Autism Speaks had previously caught shit for being anti-vax, though they've since reversed their position and distanced themselves from that crowd. But I think in this case it's because some autism advocacy organizations are in favor of "cure" for autism, whatever that might mean in practice. Some 'tists get pretty uppity about it, in the same way that certain segment of deaf people do about cures for deafness.

I'm all for putting black triangles on their shirts and rounding them up. Also round up arbeitsscheu to go with them.
@Senior Lexmechanic

I hope we get sent to the same camp so I can laugh at you for thinking NTs post on the Farms.

I'm German, I'm also not retarded. Please do the world a favour and walk into on coming traffic. People like you are the reason why eugenics should be a thing. The world wouldn't have to worry about more autists being born and they wouldn't have to waste money on them.

Toby Rogers #ableist #conspiracy #quack westonaprice.org

(From an interview titled The Cost of Autism)

What we’re seeing now is the erosion. We’re on the verge of collapse of over 200-year-old democracy because the pharmaceutical industry has poisoned our entire political system. It has poisoned our elected officials, elections, the CDC, the FDA, NIH, EPA, all these regulatory agencies supposed to be protecting us. They’re all captured by industry. They all end up working for the industries that they’re supposed to be regulating and protecting us from. It’s a political problem. We’re on the verge of political collapse. It’s an economic problem as the costs of autism are catastrophic. In 2015, there was a good study on the cost of autism and said the cost of autism at that time was $268 billion a year in the United States.

They projected that by 2025, we’d be looking at $1 trillion a year in autism costs just in the US. I was curious about a point of reference and I thought to myself, “What’s the US Defense Department budget?” I went and looked that up. The US Defense Department’s budget is about $750 billion. $1 trillion a year in autism cost is greater than the US Defense Department cost, which is our largest single line item in the US budget. There’s no plan for how to pay for this. There’s no strategy for how to pay for the educational, housing, healthcare costs associated with autism, yet we’re looking at $1 trillion a year in cost by 2025. There’s a study that came out in 2020 that was talked about at the conference at NC State in North Carolina. They looked at the ten-year cost of autism in the US. They’re projecting $7 trillion in autism costs in the US over the period of 2020 to 2029. That’s a disaster unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

Lebensmüder #ableist #sexist incels.is

This is a 10 year old thread in a subreddit for shaming sub-8 men who dare to have emotions. The tl;dr is, this girl plays WoW with a guy for years, they end up chatting about very personal things. He sends her a love letter. So she posts the letter online for everyone to laugh at. What causes me to rage about this particular example was this line in her OP:

“I would occasionally go to him for relationship advice and he would confide in his health problems to me. I believe he thinks we became emotionally close over time.”

Brutal. That poor fucker really thought that he lived in a RomCom, but nothing is to blame for that except society. When you exclude a man from all social activities due to his looks and mental problems (like autism) he has no idea about how normal social interactions work because he has no experience in that regard, so he takes most of his experiences from TV shows and movies and thinks that this reflects the real-life, but if you do the shit from movies/TV irl you will get nothing but ridicule, because girls don't give a fuck about "love" or anything like that. Here we are dealing with a man who probably was excluded from society since childhood, had severe autism and poor looks, who went to the only source he knew (e.g. movies, TV and the bluepilled lies like "Women are wonderful"/"Le empathetic gender" that society preaches) and tried to apply that "knowledge" with devastating results, an absolute human tragedy that is pathognomonic for our society - or for normies/women: a funny comedy you can laugh about.

Animeak116 @ Murphy Slaw #sexist #ableist reddit.com

(=Weebs talking about anime girls. That is all.=)

King9204: Blake is the hottest character!

Animeak116: If only she wasn't bat shit retarded

Murphy_Slaw_: to be fair, aside from maybe Weiss all of Team RWBY + Jaune/Ren/Nora are completely retarded.
Blake is not much worse than the rest of them.

Animeak116: I mean all of them are retarded foe the sake of the plot just saying the symptoms started with Blake so i will always label her retarded as well. She may be a cute cat girl that any one may wany but she is idiotic as a brick that you'd rather use as a pump and dump then actual waifu material. Also Weiss was ruined this season heavily by the current episode. So i wouldn't hold my breath that she to isn't retarded especially after her scenes in the previous volume

Joystr0, Selinity and gigacel123 #sexist #ableist incels.is

[From "[Discussion] Should we try blindmaxxxing?"]

OP by Joystr0:
It’s a couple days i’m having this idea: should we start seeing blind/deaf-blind feraloids? I mean, my idea is that by being blind and possibly deaf, they won’t notice out horrible subhuman face and voice. And that they would be easier to assault, since they can’t see and possibly hear. Not sure, what you think about it?

Reply from Selinity:
OUT OF SIGHT, STILL IN MIND: visually impaired women's embodied accounts of ideal femininity | Fannon | Disability Studies Quarterly

Blind women still care about their appearance. In fact they care about it more than their sighted counterparts when choosing a mate. (Don't have the study on hand but it's there, okay, find it yourself)

Reply from gigacel123:
No, they have ridden their fair share of normie-chadlite-chad cock over the years. They are probably the biggest size queens if anything because they are more touch oriented than normal.

Hardlyhabitual #ableist #psycho reddit.com

Not to be offense but why do we still not consider mercy killing people with extremely severe retardation?
I was sitting in an office at a local school and I witnessed a staff member spend 30 minutes trying to move a spitting smelly staggering adult who couldn't walk. He couldn't talk either, just screamed Disney VHS quotes. Why is he accommodated so well into society that we support him completely from when he is born until he dies, never havin contributed once to society?

Timothy Koets #psycho #ableist news.yahoo.com

HUDSONVILLE, Mich. (AP) — The father of a severely autistic 16-year-old Michigan boy who drowned in a family pool has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Prosecutors accused Tim Koets of failing to supervise his son whose hands were bound while he stood in the pool in March 2019. Koets said he had left for work at a college and was assured that others were keeping an eye on Sam at their home near Hudsonville.
“It sends a strong signal to our community that all children matter, all children have worth, life is important," Ottawa County assistant prosecutor Paul Kraus said.

Defense attorney David Kallman said he'll ask the judge to sentence Koets to 19 months in prison, the low end of the guidelines. The next court hearing is Jan. 18.

“They were under a lot of stress in their family. It led to some unfortunate choices,” Kallman said Wednesday. “My client didn’t set out to have his son drown."

Koets has said he woke his wife before leaving for work that day so she could watch Sam. Michelle Koets, who had worked an overnight shift as a registered nurse, confirmed that he did alert her before heading out.

Tim Koets was aware that the teenager had walked into the icy pool based on text messages from a daughter, police said.

Authorities said the parents sometimes restrained the boy’s arms to prevent him from harming himself or others.

Karajou #ableist #fundie rationalwiki.org

It was physics - and not God - that created the universe, according to scientist Hawking. Now, I wanted to put my question to him in this fashion on the main page, but it possibly might cause an uproar: "Stephan Hawking says God wasn't involved in creating the universe; it was physics. Well, Steve, if you know that much about the universe, then try getting out of your wheel chair!"

disconnecty #ableist reddit.com

something i find odd or interesting is that a great deal of furries are autistic.

I'm a digital artist and interact with the furry community often and like 95% are lgbtq+ and or autistic

...makes me consider the correlation

idk just something i noticed

I feel like it's halfway "child friendly," in the sense autistic people are childlike and porn may be too real for them. And this next bit might be a bad take and false, but I think it also has to do with them lacking cues for degeneracy. Most normal people would think dressing up in Nintendo merch and a fursuit while jerking it to Bowser eating Sonic is not good or normal, but autistic people see pretty colors and operate in a different reality than non mentally ill people. That's why you see autistic people being actually quite hateful towards other groups, they lack the ability to emphasize with other races or non normal people.

But I don't know why furries have a lot of gay people. I think it's a mix of people seeing gays as deviants and then pursuing that as well as being an extremely open community. Y'all are weirdos, but at least you are friendly.

Dr.Ivar Loovas #ableist #psycho google.com

You see, you start pretty much from scratch when you work with an autistic child. You have a person in the physical sense – they have hair, a nose and a mouth – but they are not people in the psychological sense. One way to look at the job of helping autistic kids is to see it as a matter of constructing a person. You have the raw materials, but you have to build the person.

Klas_Vegas #ableist #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger reddit.com

[Letter]We need to speak about Kevin (antifa/autism content)

I have worked ten years (socialwork) with people with autism and when i look at the pictures of the arrested antifa members from philly I see direct that at least two of them has autism (diagnosed or not). Today every scientist in the autism field knows that autism shows in facial traits, that an ocular inspection is the most secure way to identify autism and that it shows already in the first year long before the infant says it's first word.

Look att the man to the right. His face is so wide that I can bet my left ball that he is autistic. I have seen the exact faceshape among so many with autism. The case is closed. The man in the middle Joseph Alcoff, just look strange without me being able to pin point what is wrong with single picture. But he has glasses, over 80% of all the autistic people I have met has had glasses and had often severe eyeproblems. And I immidiately recognise the baby face so common among people with autism ( many people with autism I have met have to show ID well in to the 40's here in sweden to buy alcohol or cigarettes).

With autism comes almost always lack of "theory of mind" (inability to understand others, lack of empathy) and a "mixed intelligens". I really can't understand why we let this people with severe mental health issues run our daily lifes and tell us what to do and not to do.

I have the same problem with mass-shooters that has all shown clear signs of autism. But I have only read one single call from a psychiatrist that the choseen path with"autism as a gift" is absurd considering the mass-shooters and all the existing documentation they have on autism and violence.

The connection between violence and autism is well documented since hans aspergers very first writing but evryone in the field pretends that it doesn't exist.

FallenPrime #sexist #crackpot #ableist #racist incels.is

Whenever I hear or see people telling some ugly or short male to "get a better personality" and stop complaining, my blood boils like lava.

Ask yourself bluepillers.
1. Did he choose to be ugly?
2. Did he choose to be short?
3. Did he choose to be ethnic?
4. Did he choose to be having a small penis?
5. Did he choose to be having mental illnesses?

So, NO. He didn't sign up to ne any of that, in fact none of us are signed up to be, yet life is unfair and I got a combination of being a chink with a lower third of a frontal crash not to mention a bunch of mental illnesses (I am autistic). Not to mention many males got the worse end of the genetic stick.

If it was up to a guy criticizing a female being any of the above, he would have been doxxed to oblivion. In opposite a female can be obese and having many guys (including Chads) simping for her.

Seriously fuck being an ugly abomination with a lower third of a frontal crash. I didn't sign up to have a recessed chin plus crooked teeth. I didn't sign up to be an autist as well as not being tall. Don't get me started with my 4 inch erect dick. I am being a law-abiding citizen yet people hated me more than a literal criminal?!

Tl;dr people just can't stand an ugly male existing

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho reddit.com

CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justifiable_homicide

It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.

Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.

The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2012/03/27/disability-advocates-parents-kill/15248/

Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.

Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2009/11/10/autism-moms-stress/6121/

While the disabled child is innocent the burden of care can destroy the life of their parent. The life of the parent is more valuable to society than that of a disabled child because a parent can work and support themselves while a disabled child will be very unlikely to work or support themselves.

While the disabled child is innocent the burden of care can destroy the life of their parent. The life of the parent is more valuable to society than that of a disabled child because a parent can work and support themselves while a disabled child will be very unlikely to work or support themselves.

hit_shit_respect #ableist #psycho reddit.com


If all autistic children who were born were anesthetized and euthanized, the world would be better.
People with autism cause strain to their parents through the difficult steps of raising an autistic child. People with autism cause strains socially because of their inability to appear and act absolutely completely normal, which resigns them to the uncanny valley of social perception. Autism may bring an occasional child with savant characteristics, but the vast majority of people with autism will never build a career. The challenges that autism brings will not allow the majority of autistic adults to succeed at more than being worker drone in a factory or similar employment requirements.

My train of thought was spurred my Nietzsche. Something like 'we are not born human, we live to become human'. A baby has no value to society. It only has potential. Autistic children have much less potential for success and much higher potential for avoidable stress on parents, schools, and society.

Just because a parent develops an unavoidable bond with a child doesn't mean that the child should be saved if they are destined to cause issues a difficulties. Old cultures knew the advantages of favoring babies that were absolutely 100% healthy. Just because we CAN save and care for all children, doesn't mean it will contribute positively to a progressive society.

MandJtraveltogether #ableist #sexist reddit.com

Don't even date a man who was previously mentally ill.

No matter what he says about how he's over it, or his medication is working, or he is a new man. He's not over it, he can stop taking their medication, lol no sis he's not a new man.

The consequences of a man relapsing on his mental illness can be literally deadly. I would never put myself in a risky situation like that. Past mental illness in men is the biggest indicator of future mental illness. He'll also pass those genes down to our children and perpetuate it.

It is different for women because the majority of our mental illness is caused by living in a male dominated world.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist winterwatch.net

One of the ploys used in the Covid-1984 Scamdemic is the facade and excuse to release large numbers of the criminally mental ill from prisons and jails. Given that there are few, if any, legitimate job opportunities for this brood in the economy, one path these individuals pursue is directly into the discordian paid ranks of antifa and BLM. WInter’s Razor holds that “normal people don’t set fire to buildings.”

This explains why target cities run by Fifth Columnists experienced endless nights of chaos, and how other cities can receive immediate reinforcements once the latest police abuse hoax is run.

Homeless, broke, criminally insane antifa recruits are set up in undisturbed encampments in Portland.

Many pajama people may believe all this is a function of false “Hanlon Razor” incompetence at multiple levels. But in reality, it is deliberate malice.

A marker of malice is the new policy not to release mug shots of persons arrested. This, along with the end of the bail system, allows unprosecuted criminals to be quickly recycled undetected back into the discordian ranks.

It also hides the freakish zombie apocalypse appearance of this posse from the public. This example of mug shots at right clearly shows how scary these untermensch are.

FastBananaCEO #crackpot #psycho #ableist incels.is

Btw this is the same teacher who is a fucking faggy cunt and I made a thread about him before.

The class is silent as the teacher goes through the register.

When he gets to me he suddenly says "do I recognise you from somewhere? Have I taught you somewhere else?"

And because it's the register and the class is silent and not doing everything else every fucking head is turned towards my subhumam face. And on one of the very first days of college as well.

My face. I have varicose veins, wide spaced bug eyes, a massive nose, a concerningly narrow lower third, big ears, thin short eyebrows and fat fishy lips.

Why the fuck did the fag do this? Was it to deliberately humiliate me? Was it to make fun of me as I am ugly in such a unique way that no one else could possibly look like me?

Why the fuck did he do this? If you have any ideas please tell me because I'm so confused and I genuinely don't know.

There is no one who looks like me. The only people I've ever known of to look like me are public figures but they'll only share one characteristic I do. e.g. Mesut Özil

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede #ableist #magick #psycho #quack news24.com

Durban — A KwaZulu-Natal traditional healer who conspired to murder a woman with albinism has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Mtubatuba High Court.

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede, 65, was the fourth person to be convicted of murdering Thandazile Mpunzi in the Phelendaba area, near Ingwavuma on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast in 2015.

Gumede's co-accused Mandla Mabuzo and Lindokuhle Khumalo pleaded guilty to the murder in September 2015 and were each sentenced to 20 years in prison. Another accused, Siyabonga Gwala, received an 18-year sentence in February last year for his role in the murder.

Prior to the murder, Gumede told his co-accused that he needed the body of an female with albinism.

He said that "muthi", mixed with the body parts of a person with albinism, would make them rich.

Mpunzi was born with albinism and had been in a relationship with Gwala before the men conspired to kill her.

According to National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Kara, in mid-August 2015, Mpunzi was lured to a secluded area and strangled by the men. They took her body to a nearby forest, from where it was transported by the accused to another area.

"They met the following day and dismembered the body, taking away certain body parts. At a later stage they moved the remains of her body to another part of the forest, where it was buried."

Kara said the men used the Gumede's vehicle to transport the body.

Some of the accused were arrested on August 18, 2015, leading to the discovery of the decomposing remains of Mpunzi.

KwaZulu-Natal Director of Public Prosecutions Moipone Noko welcomed the sentence.

"An innocent life was snuffed out due to dangerous beliefs and practices."

BernieandTrumpFan #ableist #wingnut conservapedia.com

Ableism is a term used to describe severe prejudice against the disabled.

Though there are valid instances of ableism, both historically (such as Adolf Hitler's Aktion T4 program to euthanize disabled people), and contemporarily (such as Planned Parenthood's targeted, eugenicist extermination of millions of babies with disabilities and the leftist, globalist manipulation of mentally ill adolescent Greta Thunberg), it has frequently been used as a buzzword to attack conservatives, classical liberals, and even other leftists, for example when they use the "autistic screeching" meme. The left accused future President Donald J. Trump of ableism during his campaign when they claimed that he mocked a reporter with a disability at a rally. However, it was later proven that he had ridiculed several others using those same gestures.

In September 2019, at one of her campaign events, Kamala Harris laughed in response to a comment by a supporter that Trump supporters are "mentally retarded." She later claimed that she had misheard him.

beautysimp #ableist #fundie #elitist beautysimp.tumblr.com

I’m assuming you mean what would happen if this occurred during segregation? Well, again, I don’t have all the answers, but from my POV it depends on how noticeable it is in the child from an early age. Maybe an age limit on when a child can be considered able to “grow out of it”? When they get to that age if they don’t look good still, they’re forced into segregation. If it’s possible to tell from when they’re really young, like especially if they have obvious traits or have something “wrong” physically...well actually I’m not going to go into my full opinions on this just to save myself the agro of the backlash (plus it might be a step too far for Tumblr to take and get me deleted). Sorry.

Michael Alan #ableist #psycho amazon.com

[ "I wish my kids had cancer" is a book by Michael Alan, a father of two kids with autism ]

I Wish My Kids Had Cancer: A Family Surviving the Autism Epidemic

I Wish My Kids Had Cancer is a father’s gripping, real glimpse of his family’s struggle to survive with two children with Autism. The book intimately, honestly, and powerfully, addresses the emotional, social, financial, political and medical aspects of a family fighting for their very existence. Learn about the struggle, the epidemic and Help Families In Need! Support Autism Through Song! Download the song ‘State of Emergency’ by world-renowned recording artist Sara Hickman. ALL Proceeds Donated to help Families with Autism! Visit www.iwishmykidshadcancer.com to download or visit www.sarahickman.com to download this powerful, emotionally charged song written in response to this book. Encourage others to listen and download! Help provide hope for those with Autism!

SlayerSlayer #ableist #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

It's very obvious. We have so little human contact we have no real life examples, no standards by which we can map normal non-toxic human behavior. We want to learn how to fish, but nobody wants to teach us, and we are too retarded to figure it out for ourselves. There's no point in socializing with normal people, because they will never have the patience to deal with pure autist honesty. Like how economic poverty can be a perpetuating quicksand trap without the right foundations, so can social poverty.

The garbage media out there does not help. It all feels like when people on TV or youtube are being nice, that seems intuitively fake to us, or that's something only beautiful people deserve. When we see ugly people in media being toxic, THAT's what seems like is normal, and that speaks to us. When we see murderers get rewarded with hybristropheliac fans, that also speaks to us. When murderers achieve infamy- that's ALL on them: they were able to have a few fleeting seconds of power in their pathetic lives and they did it without help from institutions, family, or friends, nothing. To some extent, the only thing that helped them murder was the socioeconomic background of their parents, but that is as random as one's face when they were born. Therefore we only map things a total lone wolf like ourselves as something that is achievable in life.

Most of all we have low empathy because due to our autism, we simply do not see a logical link between ugly men being empathetic and rewards. Isn't that the entire point of life?? To feel like you are getting somewhere, getting awarded in some way??? To a normie they are by default nice because that makes sense in their context- insofar as treating people as how you want to be treated. Nice behavior mostly works out for them. But for us, nice behavior is tokenized.

ShySaxon #elitist #ableist #conspiracy #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Only the Elite should breed

The Elite want the world for themselves. They want the population down to about 500 million at the highest, so I say let them have it. Being born with disadvantages means you’re destined for misery.

Working class people shouldn’t breed because you’re just creating more wage slaves and capitalist serfs to toil for Mr Noseberg and his corporation. You’ll make a fraction of what he makes. Being working class also means you’re poor and at the bottom rung of the socio-economic hierarchy. You’re one of the “commoners”. The masses. You’re just another number. A non person. Being poor = death. You’ll have limited monetary options in life and your life is expendable.
You will especially suffer in the dating market where the modern woman doesn’t want an average Joe.

Ugly and short men shouldn’t breed either as they’re at a genetic disadvantage compared to their peers. No woman wants to date or have sex with an unattractive man (somebody they don’t find attractive). Personality is giga cope, a woman doesn’t date based on personality.

I’m working class and ugly so it’s double over for me.

TL;DR: Give up if you’re working class, poor and/or ugly.

[deleted] #ableist reddit.com

Every special needs parent says that they love their kid just the way they are. You can see it in the parents' eyes that they're fucking lying, or at least that they're not being completely honest. Stop acting like you wouldn't love a normal child more. I'm pretty sure your life plan didn't involve taking care of your Down Syndrome son every day for the rest of your life.

I knew a kid growing up who had a severe type of Autism. He would yell when he talked, ran around naked, have violent bursts of anger and sadness over the littlest things, picked his asshole in public, jerked-off in class, etc. The stress of raising him literally made his mother's hair fall put and tore apart his parents' marriage.

Conservapedia Editors #crackpot #ableist #fundie conservapedia.com

RationalWiki (RW) is an atheist/agnostic, wiki website.

As can be seen above, on May 17, 2020, the RationalWiki administrator who goes by the moniker DuceMoosolini, indicated that RationalWiki "attracts all sorts of weird people". The statement was made on their Discord channel (Discord is a chat website). See also: Atheism and social outcasts and Atheism and social skills and Atheism and mental illness

Message to RationalWiki editors: Gentlemen, birds of a feather, flock together!
RationalWiki administrator Oxyaena wrote: "it's just that i am probably raging too much most of the time to form coherent sentences."
Question: Why is the website called "Rational"Wiki if one of their administrators is probably raging too much to form coherent sentences? There is a lot of irrationality at "RationalWiki". See also: Atheism and irrationality and Atheism and emotional problems and Atheism and anger and Atheism and mental illness
Theodore Beale wrote: "This would also put Bruce Charlton's Mouse Utopia observations into context, as atheism appears to be one aspect of the nihilistic despair that is a consequence of the increased prevalence of genetic inferiority that results from easier circumstances."
Gentlemen, full exoneration. Just like I expected!
First atheist controlled, mainland China was shown to cause the coronavirus pandemic through their bizarre eating habits and deceit. And now this! 2020 is the worst year in the history of atheism gentlemen, just like I predicted! See also: Atheism and the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

Bob #sexist #ableist godlikeproductions.com

"when women succeed, America succeeds" ... Nancy Pelosi

you are $26 trillion in debt

you lead the world in anti-depressant usage after 50 years of womens liberation

your cities are cesspools full of single mothers raising children with record amounts of autism and special needs

go eat some fancy ice cream

Strong One #sexist #wingnut #elitist #ableist incels.is

[Brutal] Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. Stop coping with this Beta uprising nonsense.

Ever since, I believe 2016, I have never heard the end of it from some Incels about the beta uprising. I still remember hopping onto reddit and browsing r/Incels (R.I.P), hearing about how we're gonna strip Women of their rights.

Let me lay it out for you guys, alright? Men, collectively are a fucking JOKE!!! Yes, we could "THEORETICALLY" strip Women of their rights. Women are more agreeable, the average Women is weaker compared to the average Man and the strongest Man could easily defeat the strongest Women, anyone denying that is DELUSIONAL! This however ignores the general character of Men and therefore this idea shouldn't be entertained. Generally Men serve society, these Men are BETAS, unless you're living like an animal outside the confines of society or you're committing severe crimes without a care in the world, you're a BETA. BTW, LOL in chat at those Redpill copers who believe hitting the Gym and participating in "masculine" hobbies makes you Alpha, no you're just another cog in the machine just like the rest of us and your hobbies are an extension of your social contract.

Anyway, ever since the Age of Enlightenment, we've crossed a line we wouldn't EVER step back on, since then we've been heading towards inevitable permanent women's suffrage. Let me explain, during this Age of Enlightement because of inventions that allowed more men to educate themselves, there were an unprecedented number of autistic amateur Philosophers discussing their ideas about the world and within this group of autists, there was a severely more autistic group of Philosophers and Intellectuals by which we today adress as Liberals (Little connection to the modern Liberals). You see, these "Liberals" unironically believed in a stupid and autistic idea they called "rights" granted to all men by divine power, that's right God just so happened to have changed his mind and decided that the past 1000+ years of your ancestors slaving away as serfs used solely to benefit the tyrant nobility, which may I add gained nobility through divine power, was just for the lols. Anyway, this "rights" thing really caught on in Europe, Napoleon's invasion of Western Europe and his introduction of Napoleonic Code onto occupied territories really sealed the deal. Once Napolean was defeated twice, the rulers that were once suppressed under Napoleon's tutelage returned to rule, they came back to a populace that demanded "rights". The century afterwards, Western Europe amassed colonial empires covering most of the world which in turn expanded liberal doctrines throught the world. (On a side note, I find it entertaining that territories that were conquered by Napoleon became advanced while those under Tsarist sphere of influence, were underdeveloped, backwards countries.)

You see friends, when the Liberals stated that ALL have universal divine given rights, some took it literally. Men would gained these so called "rights" but some Men believed work had yet to be done, some Women even became envious that these rights were restricted only to Men so the natural progression to Liberals and Intellectuals would be to include Women in these divine given "rights". DO NOT FORGET, that MEN were responsible for giving Women rights, the greatest contributors to Women's suffrage were ironically MEN. Truly, WE are our biggest threat.

Here's the BRUTAL truth, we're not gonna strip Women of their rights, we're not shutting down dating apps, we're not banning social media. Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. We're heading on a full on collision to the "progress" that which the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! JFL at anyone of you who believe conservatives won in 2016-2018 or have a chance at winning, NOPE! You honestly believe those same cuckservatives that parade and praise LGBTQ+ are gonna fucking save us! Cuckservatives are merely a part of the plan that the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! We're all part of this Liberal vision and whether you like it or not, doesn't matter because YOU ARE EXPENDABLE!

Women's suffrage was inevitable, we're all apart of this Liberal vision crafted centuries ago. There's not gonna be a beta uprising, no ban on social media or dating apps, women aren't gonna have their rights stripped. It's OVER!

Peter Andrews #quack #dunning-kruger #ableist lewrockwell.com

there is at least one theory why you could be doing someone a favour by giving them the virus. Evolutionary theory tells us that as a respiratory virus spreads, it loses potency. A successful virus is a mild one, which does not kill its host before they can spread it. This is how herd immunity really works in this context: it’s about the changes to the virus itself. In contrast, when we locked down, the virus had nowhere to go. Instead of getting milder, all of the most dangerous strains came together in the only places where sick people gathered: nursing homes and hospitals. This is why I greeted news that the virus was becoming more contagious with jubilation—it is better that the virus spread freely, at least among the healthy.

if you can suspend your disbelief for long enough to imagine that hindering the spread of the virus is worthwhile, then you might be forgiven for assuming that lockdowns are the way to do it. There is, however, no suggestion, let alone evidence, that lockdowns would pose a problem for a wily virus.

If lockdowns played any part at all, we would expect to see a correlation between the different forms of lockdowns enforced by various regions or countries, and the shape of the death curves there. But we do not—the correlation is zero. Belgium, the UK, New York: strict lockdowns; lots of deaths. Sweden, Japan, Uruguay: light or no lockdowns; few deaths. You can point to opposite examples, but that’s just the point—there is no consistency. And before you try to explain away individual countries with hand waving about ‘different cultures’ or ‘better testing’, there is no correlation with any of those things either.

You could just, you know, leave the pubs open and then open the schools too? But I suppose then there would be a ‘second wave’ in deaths two weeks later. You know, like the second wave that was warned of in May. And then June. And then July. Only in the past two weeks did the WHO finally give up the dream and change its story to ‘One Big Wave’, which doesn’t have the same ring to it. But the second wave fiction has not yet been memory holed—it can be trotted out on demand to force through any further assaults on our remaining freedoms.

All I can do is predict that a second wave in deaths will never materialise, and every day since April I have been proven right. The establishment, in contrast, makes wrong predictions again and again, and are never held to account.

Catholics 4 Trump #ableist #conspiracy #racist catholics4trump.com

[Submitter’s note: though this article is a few years old, it’s still quite relevant as it proves how damned far these people will go to defend Cheeto Benito, be it petty ableism or deploying the Peacekeepers]

At the Democratic National Convention speakers are repeating the claim, amplified ad nauseam by the left and establishment GOP opponents over the past year, that Donald Trump mocked the disability of New York Times reporter, Serge Kovaleski. This accusation has served as a very convenient tool to both smear Trump’s character and to avoid having to confront him on substantive political issues. But is it true? Here is the story the media is not telling you.

It all started on November 21, 2015 when, at a rally, Trump said he remembered seeing reports of Arab Americans celebrating the 9/11 terror attacks on rooftops in New Jersey shortly after the twin towers fell. As he told George Stephanopolous in an interview the next day on ABC’s “This Week”:

TRUMP: “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering…as those buildings came down. And that tells you something…”

Stephanopolous and all of the major news outlets immediately denied the existence of any such news reports following 9/11. One paper, the Washington Post, even went so far as to write a detailed article claiming to “fact check” Mr. Trump. After an exhaustive review, the Post lectured that there was absolutely no evidence of Trump’s claim and deemed it false.

Imagine the Washington Post’s surprise when Trump uncovered one of the Washington Post’s own reporters, Serge Kovaleski, supporting the claim in an article Kovaleski wrote for them on September 18, 2001. Kovaleski wrote:

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Very embarrassing for the media, especially the Washington Post which had done such a great job scouring news reports after 9/11 that they missed their very own story on the subject. It was in this state of embarrassment that the media was desperate to distract from the matter. The Washington Post ended up finding Kovaleski, now writing for the New York Times, so he could do damage control. Kovaleski predictably tried to backtrack from his 2001 account saying he didn’t remember the details:

“I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating,” said Serge Kovaleski, one of the reporters. “That was not the case, as best as I can remember.”

Enter Donald Trump’s rally in South Carolina soon thereafter. During the rally Trump pointed all of this out and paraphrased Kovaleski’s backtracking as he impersonated a groveling reporter changing his story under pressure. While he did this, Trump moved his hands around quickly, acting flustered.

Soon thereafter, the media revealed still photos of Kovaleski with his right hand in a permanently flexed position downward announcing that he was disabled. The media then shifted from trying to defend their oversight of the 9/11 Post article and instead, with disapproving shocked outrage, accused Trump of mocking a reporter’s disability. Some liberals went even further and freeze-framed a millisecond of the Trump video at the exact moment when his hand went into a flexed posture. Then they dishonestly put this screen capture side by side with a picture of Kovaleski’s flexed hand. Thus, you saw the following photo spread like wildfire over social media with commentary condescendingly and horrifyingly excoriating trump as a monster:


The media’s clear implication was that Trump was mocking the way Kovaleski moved his arms. People watching the clip of Trump’s impersonation only knew that Kovaleski was disabled. Thus, they naturally assumed Kovaleski’s disability must be similar to cerebral palsy where he has limited control of his movements and is prone to have muscle spasms or move his arms in jerky motions as Trump was doing at the rally. This is precisely the image the media wanted in people’s minds. They wanted this to be the story: that Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally mocked the flailing arm motions of someone who can’t control his muscles. They knew this would naturally trigger a visceral reaction of disgust from viewers and outrage amongst the disabled and all decent Americans, many of whom, to this day, think this is exactly what happened. Is it?

What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason. As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.” Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews. Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me? Watch the video:

In addition, Trump used the same flailing arm movements in a South Carolina rally to impersonate a flustered Ted Cruz being asked about waterboarding. To my knowledge Cruz is not physically disabled:

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Thus, Trump’s impersonations of a flustered reporter several months ago was turned into a left-wing and Establishment GOP narrative whereby Trump somehow hates the disabled. This despite the fact that Trump has given millions to charities that help the disabled including raising nearly six million dollars for Wounded Warriors just recently, a million of which was his own money. In addition, Liz Crokin, a journalist who covered Donald trump for ten years recalls the following:

In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment…

In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl’s story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check…

Please keep this in mind and spread the word whenever you hear the left continually claim Trump is against disabled people at the Democratic Convention this week.

UPDATED on 7/28/16

It turns out that at the very same South Carolina rally Trump imitated Kovaleski, he also used similar arm and hand gestures to imitate a very non-disabled general who was asked about ISIS. Do you remember the media reporting this? Watch below:

Also, in addition to Kovaleski’s 2001 Washington Post piece, further confirmation of Trump’s recollection came out to embarrass the media. As it turns out, Trump’s story was also confirmed on a local CBS station shortly after 9/11:

…Just a couple of blocks away from that Jersey City apartment the F.B.I. raided yesterday and had evidence removed, there is another apartment building, one that investigators told me, quote, was swarming with suspects — suspects who I’m told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the Trade Center. Police were called to the building by neighbors and found eight men celebrating , six of them tenants in the building.

The F.B.I. and other terrorist task force agencies arrived, and the older investigators on the task force recalled that they had been to this building before, eight years ago, when the first World Trade Center attack led them to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, whose Jersey City mosque lies between the two buildings getting attention today. And the older investigators remember that the suspects that eventually got convicted for the first Trade Center case … lived in the building where these same eight men were celebrating the destruction that they saw from the roof. Calling this a hot address, the task force investigators ordered everyone detained…

Based Frog #psycho #sexist #ableist #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #elitist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

I Reject Fat Acceptance: It’s Not Okay to be Fat

This may sound like tough-love to encourage healthy dieting or some sort of garbage like that, but this certainty isn’t my intended purpose. I truthfully just believe that fat people are degenerates who are on the same level as alcoholics, smokers, poor people, divorced people, and; worst of all, scum who drive foreign-made automobiles. Yes; that’s really how disgusting I feel fat people are, because fat people are destroying civilization; and if you don’t agree, then perhaps this will change your mind.

For years now, we’ve seen the communists promoting the fat-acceptance agenda; glorifying obesity and brainwashing people into being accepting and tolerant of fatties. Fat people believe that we should become tolerant of obesity and endorse societal acceptance of being overweight. In fact, advocates of the fat-acceptance agenda have adopted the ideology of ‘obesity is beautiful,’ with their underlying goal being the destruction of civilization and degrading our culture through the obesity epidemic. The root evil of the fat-acceptance movement is a belief in accepting people for who they are, and not judging people for being overweight. Here’s the truth though: We don’t have to be tolerant of fatties, and obesity is disgusting.

Hatred of obesity is not only morally acceptable, but hating obesity is in fact a moral obligation of every individual. There’s nothing wrong with shaming obesity; especially not we direct our ridicule at the poor life decision of obesity itself rather than degrading actual individuals. It is completely inexcusable to be overweight because obesity negatively impacts society, and as such, it is society’s moral duty to shame it. After all, if fat people should be accepted by society although obesity degrades our culture, then by the same token, sluts should be accepted and viewed as “people” too. And even to a further extent, if we are to be accepting of fat people, then how about the equivalently absurd proposition that we be accepting of single mothers and alcoholic fathers? Surely if a cancerous trait such as the obesity epidemic negatively impacts society, then society has a moral obligation to ridicule and shame that negative trait through any means possible.

Obesity is a choice; just like poverty is, and likewise – just like poor people; fat people are lazy and gluttonous, but that’s only the beginning of their issues. Worst of all, it’s clearly an overarching trait that fat people are irresponsible and immature. Rather than admitting that they have no self control, fat people fail to take responsibility for their poor lifestyle choices and always make excuses for why they’re not in perfect physical shape. Fat people always conjure up absurdly stupid excuses pertaining to medical conditions, body-type differences, or genetics, and through all of these excuses, fat people claim that they’re just genetically inferior to normal specimens of the human race and thus inherently incapable of achieving a normal body shape. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that fat people aren’t on the same level as normal people and that we’d be a lot better off without fat people, yet their own admission of this still doesn’t change the fact that obesity is only ever caused solely by massive overeating on a continual basis. I have personally never observed a fat person NOT eating, and that’s because eating is all that fat people do all day. Fat people eat, and eat, and eat; there’s just no end to it – and as we all know, obesity is purely caused by consuming more calories than you use up. Meanwhile, people who believe that there are legitimate excuses for being overweight are delusional, because obesity, even in mild forms, was extremely rare until the 1970s. If obesity was caused by genetics or medical conditions, then there’d be lots of morbidly obese people in the past; but in truth, it wasn’t until fifty years ago that people began gorging themselves on 3 hamburgers in one sitting, and once people started doing that, the disgusting proletariat class of society has ever since been degenerating into morbidly obese human-like creatures. Being overweight takes a lot of effort on a daily basis, and the truth is that being overweight is caused entirely by a self-destructive lifestyle, and nothing will ever change that. Fat people don’t seem to understand this however, because fat people are also stupid, which is why they make up excuses for not being in shape. In fact, it has been proven by science that an unhealthy proportion of body fat destroys the brain of an overweight person and actually cause them to become less intelligent. This is a clearly observable fact which is actually very easy to believe and is the conclusion that most people would come to simply be observing fat people.

Not only that, but obesity is immoral, and in fact; obesity itself is evil. In every religion in existence, obesity is condemned as a sin; and there is no religion that condemns obesity more strongly than Christianity. The Bible often harshly ridicules laziness and gluttony, and there’s even a story in the Bible where God rewards a man for assassinating some morbidly obese king. Fat people are deliberately unhealthy and grotesque; they have no willpower; they’re quitters; and they’re nothing more than a drain on society since they’re useless. Fat people also are horrible to be around because they take up so much room and smell so bad. They don’t even practice basic hygiene because they’re too lazy, which is how fat people spread diseases; and even if they did practice basic hygiene, they’d still stink because all they ever do is sweat profusely from preforming basic tasks like walking into a McDonalds. Indeed; as useless eaters who eat exponentially more food than normal people; fatties are at best nothing more than a complete burden to society. For fat people, even basic everyday tasks require exorbitant effort, which only causes them to be even lazier and to become even more morbidly obese since all they feel like doing is eating all day.

Hating fat people isn’t even mostly about being disgusted at how they choose to become grotesquely obese. Rather for the most part, hating fatties is about encouraging the continuation of an able-bodied and free people. Fat people can’t even run, much less walk, without panting and gasping for breath, which is one reason that they’re a lot easier to kill off; and that’s probably why fat people can’t be firemen or even policemen; because fatties are nothing more than a burden and fat people just get in the way whenever there’s an emergency. And as for overweight women, they’re wholly incapable of giving birth to healthy children, and to add to that, overweight parents always raise children who are even more morbidly obese; sometimes to the extent of being several times more overweight. Meanwhile, those same families raising children who look like they’re three donuts away from a heart attack are the same types of families who don’t even know what vegetables are while at the same time ranting about genetic unfairness.

Obesity is a self-perpetuating problem, and the way I see it, fat people serve no practical purpose besides consuming vast quantities of food. In fact, fat people are nothing more than a drain on society since they bleed the healthcare system to death and take up extra room literally everywhere that they go. And speaking of how much fat people drain the healthcare system, let’s not forget that obesity is the #1 cause of death in America, and most health issues are caused entirely by being overweight. In fact, the vast majority of health issues, such as all cardiovascular diseases, nearly all diabetes, most types of cancers, and so on; can all only even be caused solely by obesity. Fat people are not normal; They’re simply slobs who don’t care about their lives, and fatties are simply sloths who gorge themselves to death in a deliberate attempt to ruin their bodies.

Obesity simply goes to show that good times create weak people; and as we all know: Weak people in turn create bad times, which is how fatties are one of the many groups contributing to the destruction of civilization. Obesity is not normal and it is entirely inexcusable. Obesity is a choice; a decision made on a daily basis by people who don’t care about their lives, and fat people are not the type of citizen that we want in this country. However, it’s actually compassionate to tell people all of this, because that means they can be encouraged to do something about their lifestyle. Then again, if people actually cared about their bodies, then they wouldn’t get fat in the first place, and it’s disgusting that some people want to live like that. You can confront fat people with any of this, and they won’t deny it; but of course, fat people always have the same old response to criticism of obesity:

[A picture of a comically overweight Pepe saying he’ll start the diet tomorrow]

skimmingway #ableist #elitist #wingnut wehuntedthemammoth.com

An Autistic Giraffe: “What would really scare me would be if you cleaned out your bank account and gave all the money to me. I would be so owned if you did that, please don’t.”

Skimmingway: Seems rather fitting that, amongst all of these people warning me of the supposed dangers of parasites, that I should find one in this comment section. Why not give you all of my money, in all likelihood, you are probably already plundering it from me through the force of taxation and other assorted methods of government-sanctioned protection schemes and racketeering. You think nothing about using the faceless hand of an iron bureaucracy to shake down the makers of society so you can take the easy road to Sofa Town. I make wise decisions in virtually all matters pertaining to my life, I am gainfully employed, using my unique set of skills to perform labors and produce services the likes of which you could never come close to emulating, neither in this world or in the surely uneventful and sparsely populated one in your head.

staffonmod #conspiracy #transphobia #ableist #wingnut reddit.com

[Comment under "Sign language interpreters are annoying and distracting."]

"Signing Off Some Steam"

Why are we witnessing so many highly distracting new hires by the ASL, (American Sign Language) with all to most, presenting as flaming liberal transgenders, who also oddly, are trained stage actors, many whom are actually revolting (that demon possessed Lib look), and by far, more prominently positioned than the speaker, being forced on us? What exactly are the Commie plotters up to with this? I think I know.

Another question, how much is this costing local, state and federal governments, "we the people," to pay for this distracting mime clown show? Seems it all began with the Covida 19 show.

Do you know, these stage acting mimes of the ASL's, need their own 'hearing interpreter' who sits in front of them 'signing?' WTH, why not just use that person, like they used to? But the socialist way, why pay for one when two paychecks can now be cut. When did this start and how can we stop it? I've tried to explain to my highly educated sons, that this 'type' interpreter is a new phenomenon, and I know, nefarious on some level. We've always had 'signers,' at church, for special news bulletins, and political dignitary speeches. But, non assuming, almost in the shadows, or in a small virtual block off to the side of the TV screen. Now, they are the full attention spokesperson. and I stare in wonderment.

Look at all the Gov's press meetings. Dems and Repubs, legislature must have been passed in some Dem earmark and now, governors and involved informed citizens must bear thei punishment, as these nut cases are forced on all of us. They are not your regular certified American Sigh Language Interpreter, but raving leftest perverts and trained stage actors.

Here's DiBlassio's stage actor ASL, a long haired far leftest, who gyrates like his pants are on fire, with odd and distracting extreme facial antics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cdWzgFCV7M

Minn Gov Walz's ASL is a man woman, shaved head something, with over the top bizarre faces, and arms always flailing. Nic Patko. She has her own fan club. https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/06/meet-nic-zapko-her-face-and-hands-explain-gov-tim-walzs-words-to-the-deaf/

Kentucky and Virginia has their own 'internet famous and trending ASL's,' https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/were-trying-to-get-the-message-out-to-everyone-asl-interpreter-keeps-kentuckys-deaf-hard-of-hearing-informed-on-covid-19/417-b7172c7c-d504-4a1b-bc5d-214540d4b7e0

One of the latest and worst with 'WTH' antics is crazy Chaz protectorate Gov Islee. His Guy actually bounces as he relays to the .1%. They must try to out-stage their niche genre. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/06/washington-state-governor-jay-inslee-unaware-of-anarchists-taking-over-part-of-seattle/

One of the latest and worst with 'WTH' antics is crazy Chaz protectorate Gov Islee. His Guy actually bounces as he relays to the .1%. They must try to outstage their niche genre. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/06/washington-state-governor-jay-inslee-unaware-of-anarchists-taking-over-part-of-seattle/

Last but not least is Governor Cuomo's Certified ASL Interpreter, he is actually a Ukrainian, and Professor, and admits his gig with Cuomo has bought him a sizable NY home, Arkady Belozosky https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2020/05/14/who-is-andrew-cuomos-sign-language-interpreter/5188884002/

I don't doubt for a moment, this is purposeful and another evil ginned up ploy to bring 'WTH' confusion to the TV viewing public. I will admit this, I stop listening to the actual words these politicians are pontificating, and turn full focus to their 'mimes.' (they do have that mime weird aura, you can't deny.) Yeah, and they're winning, because we are not paying attention to the critical Governor mandates, rules and loss of liberties they are expounding upon our 'deaf ears,'

goydivision #psycho #sexist #ableist incels.is

[Experiment] Amputee fetish, or "acrotomophilia", and why it is the most refined of all fetishes

Of course I am only talking about quad amputees.

A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl. It is easy to make her your bitch. Best of all, she cannot resist. She has no arms to claw you with. She has no legs to run away from you. She can scream, yes, but she cannot run or fight back. It is easy to make her your bitch.

An amputee bitch is completely reliant on you. She needs you to feed her, clean her, clothe her. Without you, she will rot and die. This also adds an added degree of power, from you, the guy, over the girl. It makes her obedient, because she knows that you can just leave her there to rot, and she can't take care of herself.

Of course, this is only for quad amputees. I feel nothing but disgust for those who aren't cute little nuggets.

JunkyardSam #ableist #quack #conspiracy #mammon #psycho reddit.com

The majority of deaths are sick people over 75. It might make sense for them to stay indoors, to wear hazmat suits when they go out.
But what about the rest?
•In USA only 9222 people under 55 have died.
•Only 3201 people under 45 have died.
•Only 1032 people under 35 have died.
•Only 188 under 25 have died.
Remember: We are a nation of 327,167,434 according to the same source.
(Source https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex as of yesterday, will be a little higher today)
We are asking young people to give up a year or more of their lives for what? So very old and sick people can live forever, like vampires?

["This can be argued that every American who suffered from this pandemic should be given at least 10,000 dollars for their pain and suffering. Just tax all the worthless celebs and big tech for the money. Black Friday should be called Splurge Day."]

Indeed, though I wouldn't trade my time for just $10k.
I have lost more than that in terms of memories, and increased stress during this work-from-home nightmare in a small house with 4 kids.
And before someone says, "WELL. No one FORCED you to have 4 kids." No, they didn't. But they forced us into lockdown.
Remember, there are people who want to participate in the economy right now. There are businesses who wish to open and serve them.
I know it's a meme-joke, now, so we're not allowed to talk about it -- but what about the freedom of letting people make their own choices?
If this virus was as threatening as they make it out to be it wouldn't need a marketing campaign.
Those who fear it should definitely stay indoors and wear hazmat suits when they go out. But me? I'm 45 and healthy. We are a nation of 327+ million and less than 10,000 people under 55 have died. And ~90% of those has 2.6 serious health conditions already.
Most deaths are sick people over 75.
Every day I grow more angry, more frustrated, and more depressed... and I know I'm not alone.
It will be interesting to see what happens in November.

Cruel #crackpot #ableist incels.is

[JFL] How are we going to turn into Aliens?

With these chads and stacies, how will the humanity become smarter? Look at the Aliens, they are all incels.

Those chads and stacies are stopping the human's evolution.image The more you become smart, the weaker your body will turn. Humans are quite weak if we compare them to the monkeys. The evolution is f.a.q.ed up. We need at the least one milion of years to get rid of all these chimps. Chads are quite similar to monkeys if you pay attention.

wereqryan #ableist #sexist #wingnut #moonbat #psycho incels.is

[Experiment] [Read before voting] So what's the long-term cure to inceldom: sexual fascism or sexual socialism?

Sexual Fascism: Every person regardless of gender are genetically tested and physically and mentally evaluated. From that extensive evaluation, only those who meet a certain threshold of genetic goodness are allowed to procreate. Inceldom wouldn't be factor because incel genes would be weeded out of existence within a few generations.

PRO: Fascism reduces risk of producing subhumans, although genetic recombination can still fuck someone up. But overall, I think genetic superiority is much bigger than just looks, though looks are a decent size factor.
CON: Subhumans not being able to reproduce would disincentivize them from working, leading to collapse in society.

Example: White people have somewhat followed this model which has enabled them to be significantly more attractive and physically robust than other races. Of course there are other factors like geography and diet as well.

Sexual Socialism: Every man, regardless of how subhuman or incapable he is, will be guaranteed a wife through government or culturally enforced arranged marriage. Individual preferences would play less of a role in mate selection. Inceldom wouldn't be factor because everyone would get a spouse, regardless of their subhumanity or incompetency.

PRO: Stable birth rates, stable families and communities, even if that stability comes at the cost of personal satisfaction from relationships.
CON: Bad genes will continue to propagate, leading to large masses of people who are ugly and with a low grade of physical and mental stature.

Example: India has followed this model and we are at the bottom of the race hierarchy. India is a shithole country with overpopulation because every subhuman gets opportunities to mates like rabbits.

So which strategy has won out so far?

In terms of preventing inceldom, I'd say socialism has won out, but at the same time, socialism has failed to curb incel tier genetics and morphology from perpetuating, leading to the downtrodden condition of curries, sands, and ricecels. Whites have more inceldom, but in general, they are physically superior to ethnics.

[Poll is evenly split.]

Edfech #ableist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

[Theory] Does everyone have ADHD now?

Symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

* carelessness and lack of attention to detail. (Happens to everyone at a certain moment)
* continually starting new tasks before finishing old ones. (it happens to everyone)
* poor organisational skills. (it happens to everyone at a certain moment of your life because nobody is perfect)
* inability to focus or prioritise. ( Happens when you face something that you aren't interested.)
* continually losing or misplacing things. ( That's normal... )
* forgetfulness. ( Normal too)
* restlessness and edginess. ( That's normal and it happens to everyone... just because you're restless at some moments it doesn't mean you have some disease)
* difficulty keeping quiet, and speaking out of turn. ( If you have difficult to keep quiet, you have a problem and if you're too quiet, you have a problem too. lmao

Symptoms in children and teenagers

* having a short attention span and being easily distracted
* making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork
* appearing forgetful or losing things
* being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming ( THIS IS SO STUPID... EVERYONE IS UNABLE TO STICK TO TASKS THAT ARE TEDIOUS LMAO)

* excessive physical movement
* excessive talking
* being unable to wait their turn
* acting without thinking
* interrupting conversations
* little or no sense of danger

This is called being stupid or being anxious.

Others symptoms

* inability to deal with stress
* extreme impatience
* taking risks in activities, often with little or no regard for personal safety or the safety of others – for example, driving dangerously

Can I use the excuse of having ADHD when I run into a bike and kill a child?

so almost everyone has or "had" ADHD as a teenager/kid then...

What do you think about this?

It really pisses me off when I see people that say they have ADHD.
No, you don't have ADHD, you're just a lazy and a stupid person.

tbh I don't believe that ADHD exists.
ADHD is mostly confused with lack of discipline

Mary Anne #ableist #psycho autismforums.com

HORRIFIC footage of a dad beating his son because he believes the boy is possessed by the devil has been screened on medical talk show, Dr Phil in the US.

Twelve-year-old Jack, whose mother claims he suffers from a mental illness, is seen being held down by his neck while smacked by his father.

“I believe my son is possessed. Is it a demon or is it the devil, I can’t say, but it’s scary,” John says of his son, when speaking about Jack’s condition.

“I feel that it is demons inside him controlling him. There is definitely something not right with Jack"


It’s really easy for autism experts and people who have autism to KNOW WHAT TO DO and look down at people who have no training or knowledge of this sort of behavior in autistic children. My mom would have beaten me to death for behaving like that. That is no exaggeration to say this. Neither of my parents would have known, and would probably consulted a priest for exorcism too as they were devoutly faith based, as is this father. All come from a background where one does not spoil the child, and one does NOT spare the rod.

Honestly though, that kind of screaming and the physical threats and violence that kid has done, would leave me feeling murderous and abusive too. Honestly, I have NO coping skills for melt down behavior, and I would be seriously scared by that violent, threatening, disruptive kid. So, what would be the helpful steps for that father to take with his son rather than do what was probably done to himself as a child?

It’s not helpful to just criticize him. What would a parent do...it would seem that maybe this family lives in a poor rural Bible Belt, and do not have education or access to the services found in the big cities.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #ableist deviantart.com

No, it's actually brain damage. The 30% brain inflammation that's common is due to toxins in the brain. These toxins - especially mercury and aluminium - result in very fragile synapses. The synaptic pathways collapse, and the brain compensates by trying to create more pathways faster than they can collapse.

The 70% of Autistics with IQs in the 70s or below shows it's brain damage as well. 70s and below is called MENTALLY RETARDED RANGE.

Chart of mental redartation according to IQ


Level of RetardationIQ Range
MildLow 50s – 70s
ModerateMid 30s – low 50s
SevereLow 20s – mid 30s
ProfoundBelow 20 or 25

“…aluminium exposure is associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and with the development of chronic oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and glial activation or dysfunction; these changes in turn are associated with ASD.”

(Aluminium in vaccines causes BRAIN-DAMAGE linked to Autism!)


“The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD” (in other words, mercury – as in vaccines containing the organomercury compound Thimerosal, is linked to Autism)


“…the significant association between vaccination and NDDs all support the possibility that some aspect of the current vaccination program could be contributing to risks of childhood morbidity. Vaccination also remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, whereas preterm birth, long considered a major risk factor for NDD, was not associated with NDD after controlling for the interaction between preterm birth and vaccination. In addition, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD above that of vaccination alone.”

(NDD = refer to neurological damage, in other words *BRAIN-DAMAGE* )


Geier et al. 2014 J Biochem Pharmacol Res “The risk of neurodevelopmental disorders following a Thimerosal-preserved DTaP formulation in comparison to its Thimerosal-reduced formulation in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)” 2:64.

“This study supports a significant relationship between increased organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-preserved childhood vaccines and the child’s subsequent risk of a ND diagnosis.


I can easily cite hundreds more.

Your crap calling what I'm saying "ableism" is just you using insults instead of dealing with the science.

I don't give a fuck about your better, kinder term. The scientists say RETARDED, that's NOT a slur. That's the term. I will not abide with politically-correct nutcases to dictate what "science" should say, any more than I would go along with the Soviet Union's propaganda or China's propaganda or North Korea's propaganda when they made anti-scientific claims.

BookWorm1029384756 #ableist #psycho reddit.com

I don’t care about COVID, or its effects. Let it spread and let the weak die.

If you die of COVID, it’s natural selection.
I don’t know what the fuck everybody is up in arms about. Why is everybody inconveniencing themselves for the weakest people when they should just let them die. It’s natural selection. You’re weak if you die of COVID and you fucking deserve your death. You deserve it for being weak, for being less than the people who actually have the strength to live through a fucking virus. This nation needs to grow a pair and let the weakest people in it die already. Don’t wear a mask. Go out and fucking party and spread covid all you want. If they die from it, they deserved their death.

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