
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Burlyman #fundie #homophobia #transphobia descentbb.net

I can show you a YouTube video if you want regarding LGBT "love" :)

A preacher who just says the fundamental doctrine of Jesus Christ and gets LGBT people (not all of them) mad and cursing him for having his own opinion (the truth). 9_9

Oh, I forgot, there's another video of a "transgender" (a man) who gets so mad at a GameStop employee for using his correct pronoun but not the one he wanted. He starts kicking things over in the store.

Ray Comfort #fundie #pratt livingwaters.com

Perhaps the “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” message applies only to the United States. Well that may have been the case up until the shooting death of Cassie Bernall on April 20th, 1999. She was shot in the head in Littleton, Colorado, when she responded “Yes” to the question, “Do you believe in God?”

Why Would Anyone Become a Christian?

If this is the truth about the Christian life, who in his right mind would choose to become a Christian? What would bring anyone to the Savior if it’s not the promise of a wonderful new life in Christ? Well, here is the answer in a nutshell. I couldn’t put it any more plainly than this—Hell is a good reason. That’s why sinners should come to Christ, because God’s wrath abides on them. Without the righteousness of Christ, they’ll perish on the Day of wrath. They need to repent or they will perish.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #kinkshaming gotquestions.org

An analogy is instructive here. If we glue one object to another, it will adhere. If we remove it, it will leave behind a small amount of residue; the longer it remains, the more residue is left. If we take that glued object and stick it to several places repeatedly, it will leave residue everywhere we stick it, and it will eventually lose its ability to adhere to anything. This is much like what happens to us when we engage in “casual” sex.

James #fundie youtube.com

Same. The new buzz lightyear movie was what motivated me. I'd urge people to ditch Netflix as well or at least keep your kids away from it. So called 'cartoons' like 'cup head' are satanic.

Tulsi Gabbard #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

James Red Pills America #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #quack beforeitsnews.com

Patriots, allow me to say that I pray that Masses of people watch this video! I have attempted to wake up sleepers for nearly 20 years now, with much success. However, at the same time, it became painfully obvious that many sleeping people will probably never wake up…at least not until the very moment the Great Storm hits full force. May God Bless each and every one of you in your Journey!

WARNING: I’ve researched much and I thought I seen a lot, but the real life EVIL and HORRORS found with the nail-biting moments of this vide are more than most can handle! Now, with that said, for those of us who have grown accustomed to the flavor of RAW TRUTH, you will enjoy this video THOROUGHLY! As such, viewer discretion is advised.


NEXT VIDEO: MOABS DROPPED! Clot Shot Creature EXPOSED! Artificial Intelligent Nano-Tech Monster w/ EVIL END GAME! Must Mike Adams Exclusive Interview That Will BLOW YOUR MIND!
THE SINISTER & EVIL LENGTHS THE DEEP STATE DEMONS WILL GO TO DEPOPULATE OUR GLOBE IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE! Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the KILLER JAB 5G link containing biosynthetic AI nanotechology. She also uncovers the truth about the Covid-19 injections containing NEUROWEAPONS embedded in Lipid Nanoparticels. If THAT weren’t enough, you;’ll discover how Neurological weapons were hidden through Emergency Use Authorization cover-up and Shocking patents confirm it’s all true (patent numbers shown). There’s a Transhumanism assault on humanity now under way, and people are becoming LESS human. The SCARIEST FACT, perhaps is that LNPs can be activated via 5G frequencies to achieve physiological changes – Covid “vaccines” appear to be exotic tech INSTALLED in human hosts. And BTW, HOW IN THE HECK is there a CCP-linked AI company named “national security threat” operating in the USA..?!?!

Ann Barnhardt #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From "Incredibly Sad, Blunt Words on Queen Elizabeth II"]

I delayed quite a bit – as many noticed – because one simply doesn’t “heckle at a funeral”[…]
There of so many examples of “canonization” of Queen Elizabeth, but here just over my transom is the reliable contra-indicator about anything Catholic, the cringe-inducing George Weigel[…]makes the completely irrational argument that Queen Elizabeth displayed heroic decorum by not catering to public opinion… BY HAVING THE FLAMING SODOMITE “SIR” ELTON JOHN SING HIS RE-LYRICED ODE TO MARILYN MONROE DURING DIANA’S FUNERAL[…]
Let us pray for her soul as we do all people outside the Church[…]Let us leave to the side for a moment any discussion of the legitimacy of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Mountbatten “Windsor”[…]The Jacobite situation is profoundly bleak anyway, as the Duke of Bavaria is a wretched, open sodomite[…]
Queen Elizabeth[…]proudly claim to be the “pope” of the Anglican schismatic sect. Queen Elizabeth was the “popess” of A SCHISMATIC MONSTROSITY[…]
Queen Elizabeth II[…]presided as monarch over the most rapid and profound societal, cultural, religious and imperial collapse in human history[…]When Elizabeth took the throne, it was literally true that “the sun never set” on the British Empire[…]Today, almost every colony and territory has declared total independence[…]
But more importantly, as “Head of State and Head of Nation”, Queen Elizabeth signed off on the largest race-replacement scheme in human history. Today, the city of London IS LESS THAN HALF WHITE – not merely “British”, but WHITE[…]
Queen Elizabeth bestowed countless honors and knighthoods on the most open, disgusting sodomites and moral monstrosities, and British culture went[…]to the totally degenerate, revolting Brit culture we see today ON HER WATCH

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Many will call the mobilization of a police state to persecute Christians a perversion of democracy. Those people are incorrect. The Death Cult holds democracy sacred. Democracy derives its governing authority from popular consensus. A core function of government is enforcing public morality. Therefore, dissenters from the democratic consensus are not only considered threats to the government’s legitimacy, they’re vilified as evil.

The crowning irony is that the system sold to us as governance by popular consent isn’t responsive to the average voter’s will at all. Instead, it serves the interests of the economic elite. Which makes sense, when you consider that they have the money and influence to shape public consensus however they want. That should tell you what Death Cultists mean by “Our Democracy.”

Christians must wise up to the fact that we are now outside the consensus and are therefore enemies of the regime. And we’d better wise up to it fast.

Affiliate offer: The system is so responsive to corporate interests that there’s no longer a substantive division between big business and government. The corporatist regime has shown it has no qualms against destroying your livelihood for diverging from the consensus. Now is a good time to start a side hustle – or more than one – to generate some independent income streams. Let my friend and client Adam Lane Smith show you how to start your $4K home business. Take his livelihood-saving course now.

Kristol Clear #racist #wingnut #fundie #sexist #conspiracy theuglytruth.xyz

The followers of Judah-ism, featured in this article and in many others–who are on the front lines advocating (DEMANDING) a return to the ‘good ol’ days’ of Roe V Wade aren’t being driven because of an ‘absence’ or a ‘deficiency’ of ‘Jewish ethics’, but rather BECAUSE OF THEM.

Judah-ism permits the murder of the unborn, just as it permits ALL SPECIES OF EVIL, including the sexual abuse of children, and to that particular point, we will repeat our previously-stated assertion that one of the reasons that the followers of Judah-ism HATED and CONTINUE TO HATE the person of Jesus Christ so much was/is because of His love for children and who advocated that the death penalty be applied against those who would harm them.

Having said this, the following ‘protocols’ need to be understood in the ‘Kristol-Clearest’ of terms.

The ‘institution’ of abortion on demand, brought about by Jewish activism, Jewish agitation and Jewish action, has killed more Americans than all wars combined. The Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–perpetrated by the Jewish state in order to get the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East started–that killed 3,000 Americans, represents the number of Americans who have been killed in Jewish abortuaries on a daily basis for half a century.
Nota bene as well–it isn’t Muslims bringing this tsunami of lawsuits all across America in order to protect the business of child murder.

It is the followers of Judah-ism doing this, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just love to refer to themselves.

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked and answered is the following–


The Transformed Wife (godlywomanhood) #sexist #elitist #fundie twitter.com

Feminists vs Christians


Raise daughters to be feminists
Prepare for college and careers
Be independent
Be loud/outspoken
Dress how you want
Preaches in church
Submits to no one (except to boss)
Single and has abortions
Uses birth control
Twists and manipulates God’s word

Raise daughters to do God’s will
Prepare to be wives/mothers/homemakers
Be dependent on God and His will
Meek/quiet spirits
Dress modestly
Silent in church
Submits to husband
Marry, bear children, guide the home
Fruitful and multiplies
Pursues sexual purity
Loves God’s word as written

godlywomanhood #fundie #psycho twitter.com

This notion of building children up with self-esteem who become adults with self-esteem of their own doing keeps many far from the Gospel. Children need to be taught that their worth comes from Christ alone. Everything else is meaningless. They are sinners in need of a Savior.

Jamie Gooch #fundie onlysky.media

With the release of Hocus Pocus 2 coming up I would be wrong not to sound the alarm and warn you to protect your children. After all the whole movie is based on harvesting the purity of children’s souls so that witches may live on. Hocus Pocus by definition means “meaningless talk or activity, often designed to draw attention away from and disguise what is actually happening:”

What is actually happening when we watch these films? What are we subjecting are minds to? What are we welcoming into the homes of our families?

I’ll try to be brief, Please hear me when I tell you the truth that the Witches and Warlocks in the satanic church abuse and sacrifice children in their “spiritual rituals” to gain more power in the underworld.

So before you hit play on the night of the premier of this movie please ask yourself if not only your mind but your children’s minds are strong enough to ward off the hypnotization and bewitching trance that will be coming through the screen to aid in the desensitization of the coming evil in this world. Don’t fall victim to the schemes of hell.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #psycho rightwingwatch.org

Far-right activist and so-called “Stop the Steal” founder Ali Alexander went on a manic rant during his podcast Monday in which openly advocated for Christian fascism and “a violent Christian crusade” against his perceived political opponents

Buoyed by reports that Elon Musk will purchase Twitter and that Kanye West was photographed wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt[…]
“I refuse to walk into a future where it is commonplace to have sexual perversion in public,” Alexander declared. “It’s just not going to be the norm, not where we’re going. OK? You can call that whatever the hell you want. You can call that Americana, you can call that America First, you could call it fascism, you could call it a theocracy, you could call it Christian nationalism[…]
“We will not live in a future where violence doesn’t meet widespread perversion. Period,” he continued[…]
“All the good faith that we have allowed our oppressors to be assigned, it’s gone,” Alexander said. “I’m not gonna bomb an abortion clinic, but if somebody did, I’m not denouncing it. I’m not calling for violence. I’m not calling for death. I’m explicitly saying, ‘Don’t do that,’ but if it happens, c’est la [vie]. OK? C’est la [vie]. You know, if they can poll a bunch of moderate Muslims and they don’t feel the urge to denounce radical Islam, guess what? This guy—Ali Alexander and Ali Alexander alone—but guess what? I’m going to be joined by tens of millions, maybe a couple hundred million Americans[…]
“I’m not gonna get beatified for this,” Alexander asserted. “I’m not going to reach sainthood, but I am here to say, ‘Fuck them.’ Fuck their nuclear war. Fuck their World War III. Fuck their rejection of peace. And if they don’t deal with the middle—the Elons and the Kanyes—then they should meet—I’m talking about the whole world—they should meet a violent Christian crusade. I mean it,100 percent. … And we’ve got to start conditioning each other for these mental models”

Odalys Heredia #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

When a 20-year-old man with autism went missing, a Florida woman and her sister told police that he had been kidnapped by a transgender gang who wanted to harvest and sell his organs.

It turned out that he voluntarily got on a bus to Chicago to escape his controlling mother. [A note was found where her son Alejandro Suarez said he was leaving. She called the police.]

When Suarez’s aunt, Yadira Saleh, contacted police, she wrote, “Alejandro’s mother’s greatest fear is he may be in danger of organ trafficking or any other trafficking,” adding that he “was worked and groomed for weeks or months” by “predatory gender non-conformists” who encouraged him to “cut all ties with family members,” Heredia also told police that her son “has the mentality of a 10-year-old and is unable to function on his own,” adding that he couldn’t have left town on his own because he “had no friends, and was unable to socialize with anyone other than family.” [Evidence suggests she greatly exaggerated her son’s disablities.]

Suarez said his mother controlled what classes he took and what sports he played in school. She also required him to keep his hair short, and urged him never to sit with his legs crossed because it could cause gay men to hit on him, he said. Suarez also had transgender friends. On July 11, Heredia and Saleh asked a probate court to sign an order granting full guardianship over him which would have allowed them to control where he lived, his purchases, and his right to marry, vote, or make medical decisions for himself. A legal hearing declined the women their request for full guardianship. “I really do feel like I have room to breathe now,” Suarez told the aforementioned publication.

Jamie Gooch #fundie variety.com

Texas mother Jamie Gooch has gone viral after warning parents about the danger of letting their children watch “Hocus Pocus 2,” which started streaming Sept. 30 on Disney+. The film finds Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy reprising their roles as the Sanderson sisters, a trio of child-hungry witches. Gooch first warned parents about the film on social and then joined CBS’ local Texas affiliate KWTX for a now-viral interview.

“A worst case scenario is: you unleash hell on your kids and in your home,” Gooch said. “The whole movie is based on witches harvesting children for blood sacrifices.”

“Do not watch this film,” she continued. “Everybody thinks it’s fake and innocent, but they could be casting any type of spell that they want to, anything could be coming through that TV screen into your home.”

Gooch explained that her family has “not participated in Halloween in about four or five years” because “the thought of exposing [her] kids to darkness” pains her. Gooch’s warning goes beyond just “Hocus Pocus 2,” as she thinks all parents need to be mindful of what media their children are consuming.

“I think it goes further than just a movie, it goes further than Halloween, it’s a year-round thing, we constantly need to be cautious of what we’re consuming, what we’re bringing in and what we’re sending out,” Gooch said. “I believe whatever comes in our TV screens: there are things attached to that, I’ve seen for myself the things that I’ve watched with my eyes or heard over a TV screen, they’ve become manifested in real life, and then I think ‘oh my gosh, what did I consume?’”

Disney announced earlier this week that “Hocus Pocus 2” set a new record at Disney+ as the most watched original film during its first three days of release. Gooch’s viral interview has spawned many spoofs across social media, including one from comedian Blaire Erskine that earned 2.7 million views and counting on Twitter.

Harmonica #wingnut #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Giorgia Meloni’s Victory"]

I was very pleased to see the results of the 2022 Italian elections that resulted in the Brothers of Italy[…]This is one of the greatest victories for the European Nationalist Right in decades. To make this even better, Meloni is a genuinely great candidate. She is not France’s Le Pen, someone I have supported despite several serious reservations, as I think France is in an emergency situation and she is the most realistic choice (the chances of Louis XX entering Paris to a mass of adoring crowds and restoring the House of Bourbon is negligible)

Meloni is a staunch nationalist, a Christian, pro-life, and understands that this is a fight for Europe as it has historically existed, not to preserve the Europe of 1945[…]
Meloni’s victory means things are about to get much worse, at least temporarily[…]We must turn to the Chinese Cultural Revolution[…]
Mao understood that the first generation raised in the aftermath of the Revolution had now reached adulthood and were, therefore, less attached to pre-Revolutionary Chinese society than the previous generations[…]
The reason this is important is because to the forces of globohomoism, Europe, at least Western Europe, represents what the Soviet Union did to Mao. There is a reason why the Left largely holds a bipolar view of Europe. Europe, as it was before 1945, is the fountain by which all the world’s evils flow. But Europe after 1945 is a paradise and a glimpse of the world without the Right, especially traditional Europeans[…]
The fact that it happened in Italy is even more troubling to them because Italy was a member of the Axis during World War II. They always knew that their methods had been less effective in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe[…]
The Right has won a great victory in Italy[…]This victory also panics our enemies[…]Soon to crackdown even harder to make sure nothing like this happens again

Helgard Müller #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger amazon.com

President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."

Boris Korchevnikov #elitist #fundie #crackpot #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Russian propagandist Boris Korchevnikov burst into tears on live television because Russians are avoiding mobilization and do not want to die in a senseless war.

“What is our motherland if someone gives his life for it, but I don't love it enough [to sacrifice my life]? Is it worth giving life for? For the motherland and for me? How can I live on then?

If you cannot change your attitude towards the country in these circumstances, then it's over for you. You are nothing, you are zero. There is no reason to teach you patriotism or anything. You are dead inside. You are garbage. The God hates people like you, the God annihilates people like you and burns them. Don't be confused by my words. Read the Holy Bible. The God knows how to deal with this kind of people.”

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

This year has brought incredible intensity and difficulty in order to achieve the magnum opus for the ascension cycle, which is activating the Cosmic Christos Dragon Starhuman template through the return of the Emerald Order. The confrontation phase has begun with the long-awaited United Kingdom showdown for the global grid, which is the fight for gaining control over the grail centers and the Albion Lightbody. Little did we know this project would begin in Malta during Cosmic Mother’s super magnetic peak cycle, while finding ourselves travelling into the extensive networks sprawling into several tributary grids in the United Kingdom landmass. On which the NAA has built underwater and underground tunnel systems from the Vatican to the Carpathians and into Malta and the United Kingdom and much more - all by utilizing the main 11D power centers and Emerald Order Maji Grail Dragon King genetics for powering up cloned identities and assorted intruder APIN’s.
Currently, the global grid war dramas are centered in the United Kingdom and connected to the King Arthur Timeline, in which the goal is to completely recover the 11th Stargate and reseat the second coming of Christ through the Emerald Order's Krystal Cathedral Throne of King Arthur the Triple Solar Masculine Christ, and his beloved counterpart, the Triple Solar Female Christ.
We have learned that the Rise of Arthur in Albion, is describing the means by which the Holy Father and Cosmic Christos Consciousness are returning to manifest into the planet. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here which leads to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the global disclosure timeline will commence with the topic of child trafficking and SRA practices of Child Sacrifice, made by the satanic entities ruling this world, both human and nonhuman.

Anonymous #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie boards.4channel.org

The normie is usually taken to be superior to the retard, autist, and schizo in normie metaphysics. However in actual metaphysics the normie can be considered engrossed in Kants empirical intuition, which is why she is adapted to the physical world. She is actually the lowest stage of human evolution. The next stage is the schizo, who is becoming engrossed in imaginal intuition and thus becomes lost in his confusion of the imaginal and the sensible. Next comes the autist who has been born with intellectual intuition and is higher or lower functioning in the sensible or physical world depending on how developed his intellectual intuitionis, with high functioning autists having a lesser developed intellectual intuition and low functiong autists having a more developed intellectual intuition culminating in the absolute retard who is so engrossed in intellectual intuition he has lost touch with physical reality. Thus as you see in the hierarchy of human being the absolute retard has the highest being and is closest to God while the normie has the lowest being and furthest from God. The normie is also known by the term of midwit.

I would like to add that autist, schizo and retard are normie terms developed by normies to understand nonnormies from within the normie metaphysic and therefore carry with them the negative connotations normies associate with these nonnormies. In actuality however these connotations are contingent overtones of the normie metaphysic which is a faulty metaphysic grounded on the lower empirical intuition as opposed to the higher intllectual intuition, giving direct knowledge of reality. But we must communicate to the normie on his terms if we are ever to communicate with him at all.

Anonymous #fundie famguardian.org


JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut decodingsatan.blogspot.com

The CORONA program was a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force. The CORONA satellites were used for photographic surveillance of the Soviet Union (USSR), China, and other areas beginning in June 1959 and ending in May 1972.

The Corona satellite was in response to Sputnik. The US launched it's vaccine against corona the Russians called their vaccine against corona Sputnik.
First launch... to first death
From and including: Wednesday, January 21, 1959
To, but not including Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Result: 22,280 days
Or 61 years excluding the end date.
Or 732 months excluding the end date.
3182 weeks and 6 days
6104.11% of a common year (365 days)
First successful mission 12/7/1960
From and including: Wednesday, December 7, 1960
To, but not including Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Result: 21,644 days
Covid vaccine leaves plant 12/13/2020
From and including: Wednesday, December 7, 1960
To, but not including Sunday, December 13, 2020
Result: 21,921 days
Sputnik satellite launch date was 10/4/1957 it turned 777 lunar months old on 7/31/2020
From and including: Friday, October 4, 1957
To, but not including Friday, July 31, 2020
Result: 22,946 days
22946/29.531 = 777.01

It was 777 lunar months old the day Russia launched the Sputnik vaccine

It is the world's first registered combination vector vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19, having been registered on 11 August 2020 by the Russian ...

Sputnik satellite launch date was 10/4/1957
Sputnik vaccine launch date was 8/11/2020
From and including: Friday, October 4, 1957
To, but not including Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Result: 22,957 days
22957/29.531 = 777.38
777 lunar months old
"order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)
"death" = 38 (English Ordinal)
"death" = 118 (Jewish) mirror of date of vaccine rollout 8/11

woodchip #fundie #wingnut #psycho descentbb.net

I'm waiting to see that mushroom cloud in Ukraine set off by the mad Russian ruler Putin. I'm also wondering how many of you agnostics and atheists will find god when that fool you voted in to lead us, authorizes the retaliatory use of nukes against us. Oh and where is John Kerry complaining how if Russia uses hukes it will hurt his attempts to rid the planet of pollution.

Matt Slick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia carm.org

Is CARM homophobic? No, CARM is not homophobic. We don’t fear homosexuals. For the most part, they are productive and helpful people in society. We are no more homophobic than they are heterophobic. Rather, CARM recognizes the moral and social implications of the homosexual agenda that seeks to move into all areas of society and redefine morals in a manner consistent with the homosexual agenda. What is the agenda? It is to make homosexuality an accepted lifestyle in society, to have it be considered a normal and healthy lifestyle, a legitimate marriage choice, and a morally sound option among all people.

To this, CARM stands in opposition because the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rom. 1:26-28). Therefore, we exercise our right to express our religious views, defend what the Bible teaches, and expose the spiritual, physical, and emotional harm that homosexuality poses.

Furthermore, we reject the label of being homophobic (see The battle over words ) since it is a negative term designed to bring derision and emotional condemnation upon those to whom it is applied. We are not homophobic. We are pro-traditional marriage and we are pro-traditional sexual practice. It is the homosexual community that wants to redefine proper sexual conduct and marriage definitions. We could easily say that the pro-homosexual movement is heterophobic and/or Christophobic.

Words mean things.

Servant of the Lord #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot vaccinefromhell.com

I had a dream that my close Christian friend got the sars-cov-2 injection. The next day she reported no ill effects no headaches and no issues. My whole family was getting ready to leave the country but without the injection we could not board the plane. I was trying to figure out what to do and how to fly out. Since my friend did not have any ill effects to the injection I figured I’ll give the injection to my youngest daughter and if she is okay then my other kids can get it. I couldn’t get the injection myself because I was pregnant. I had a syringe with the covid injection and injected it into my youngest daughter. (I’m horrified typing this because I would never do this!) My youngest was standing up but then her entire body went stiff like a robot. Her eyes lit up Orange. I hear the noise that an iPhone Bluetooth makes when a device pairs with it “ding”. Then I hear the Bluetooth lady say “connecting”. Across her eyes I see the words, “…Downloading Operating System…” then I see the words “…pairing devices…”then she “pairs” with my sister’s iPhone and my eldest daughter’s phone. After that her eyes go back to normal. I started praying for God to help her and fix what I have just done. At this point I was freaking out. I said, “how are we ever going to hide now that she has been networked into the Beast system? They will be able to track us anywhere and know our every move.” I then decided I would make a doctors appointment for everyone and steal a bunch of va-c-c-ine passports and forge them to look like my youngest daughter’s va-c-c-ine passport so that we could flee the country.

Confirmation verse given: “Therefore the strength of Pharaoh Shall be your shame, And trust in the shadow of Egypt Shall be your humiliation.” Isaiah‬ ‭30:3‬ ‭

“You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭5:33‬ ‭

Shardaron_The_Dragon #fundie #pratt furaffinity.net

And so Roe is no more. There is no longer federal protection of infanticide in America. It is now, once more, a state issue. A step in the right direction as many states will ban this primitive and barbaric practice but it is only the first step. The fight must continue until there is a federal ban on abortion. This is not a political issue, this is a moral one. The news didn't hit me as hard as the leak did but it is nice to see America progress in the right direction, especially morally for once. It just occurred to me, that with Jurassic World Dominion having just recently been released, life did find a way.

Human Race Survival Resistance Headquarters (HRSR) #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

I have heard intel that the Pearl Harbor attack was carried out by Illuminati Satanist Harvard university educated CIA Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto under orders from the Western feminist nations’ Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Rothschild family and Rockefeller family and earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers and Farnese family Pentagon global Satanist military, against the will of the Japanese military leaders, in order to place Asia under the Rothschild and black nobility families and their Satanist CIA Chinese communist party. Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati Shambhala ascended masters “fake aliens” fallen angel start all the wars for their satanic agenda. As a result, before the war, the Rothschild and Rockefeller and Western Satanist genocidal psychopathic world elites were common knowledge in Japan and well discussed and taught, but after World War 2, all such information was scrubbed and erased and censored and hidden and burned and killed, so that the post-war Japanese have become totally ignorant as to the real truth of the evil running the world. It was a total brainwash program by the Rothschild family and black nobility families’ General MacArthur’s GHQ military occupiers and reeducation camp personnel. If this is true, it was taught that General Tojo and the imperial army were the instigators of the Pearl Harbor attack against Admiral Yamamoto’s advice to not go to war, but instead, it would have made Admiral Yamamoto and President Franklin Roosevelt and the Rothschild family and their Draco bosses the culprit for the depopulation extermination of millions of human specie people and war crimes and not those who were blamed later for the war by the Westerners. It would flip history around completely.<...> I am aware that all these Illuminati Freemason Korean-ancestry Satanist Draco avatar big companies’ executives and managers and professors and millionaires in Japan are recruited into the CIA Satanist secret societies.

Thomas P. Crenshaw #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amazon.com


It DOES NOT matter if you believe in Satan, the devil or Lucifer - the fact is; millions of EVIL people do! Satanic people worship Lucifer. They perform satanic rituals and sacrifice (murdering) children daily.

Luciferians secretly hate God and Humanity. Luciferians come in many colors. The Luciferians who cause the most damage in the world are politicians, leaders, and religious fakes such as the Pope. People who worship Satan or Lucifer hate God's children, all humans, and everything God loves.

Satan's mission is to destroy. They relish chaos, inversion, theft, sexual perversion, misery, starvation, torture, and death. They engage in pedophilia and child sex abuse. Many leaders of countries are part of Lucifer's club and they have millions of "Satan-worshipping" minions to help carry out Lucifer's Goal.
The Khazarian Mafia is often called the “Dark Rulers” of the planet. Yes, they are the Deep State. The Dark Rulers worship Satan. The fake news will not tell you this because most mainstream news people are also Satanists.

The truth is sometimes brutal to find due to the Khazarian-controlled and corporate-owned media. Everyone who listens to the fake news is fed propaganda, lies, and illusions. The fake news puppets are only reading what they are told. Most TV news reporters are trained by the CIA – on how to LIE and be believable. The CIA is Satanic works for the Khazarian Cabal.

The government servants of the most powerful countries have been infiltrated by Satan-worshiping Khazarian gangsters.
It’s getting harder and harder to find the truth because most truthful history books have been destroyed, educators lie to their students, and Google fills people's minds with disinformation and HIDE the facts.
Are Lucifer's satanic puppets winning? If you're one of God's people, then this book will help you to combat the evil we fight daily.

Order today. Do not put it off.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie occidentaldissent.com

[From "Giorgia Meloni Set To Become Italy’s New Prime Minister"]

Giorgia Meloni is about to become Italy’s new prime minister

The Sweden Democrats had a major breakthrough in Sweden two weeks ago

Marine Le Pen came closer than ever to winning in France and Éric Zemmour ran to her Right on opposing the Great Replacement. Over 60% of French voters believe the Great Replacement is happening

Viktor Orbán decisively won reelection in Hungary and gave a speech in which he condemned race mixing. Orbán is now giving speeches at CPAC and is seen as a role model[…]
Meloni ran as a Christian, a conservative and a patriot

As in France, mainstream conservatives are willing to vote for Meloni and Le Pen now. Nationalists have become the dominant force on the Right in France, Italy, Sweden, Hungary and the U.S.[…]
In this country, it is now mainstream on the Right to oppose legal and illegal immigration and support isolationism and trade protectionism. It is mainstream now to be a nationalist and a populist. It is mainstream now to oppose anti-Whiteism and the Great Replacement. It is even mainstream to be a “Christian nationalist” and to loudly defend White people and their interests[…]
I also want to see more “fascism”

Here in Alabama, we have banned abortion and have already passed “anti-trans” laws[…]
If you are angry with federal, state and local Republicans, you should first check to see what they have been doing rather than assuming that state level Republicans are as bad as the national Republican Party

Dan Corner #fundie #conspiracy evangelicaloutreach.org

Do NOT receive ANY KIND OF MARK on your body, even invisible to the naked eye,
that is needed for any reason especially related to TRACKING as for a digital certificate,
immunity passport, etc. The Mark of the Beast does NOT have to be a RFID chip. In fact, the
Quantum Dot Tattoo, delivered with the microneedle Covid vaccine, is much more likely to be it.
mark of the beast


In June 2020, there is especially ONE preeminent individual, who especially
seems to be the Antichrist. The dictator is also identified by the 666 trademark around him
and his name -- BILL GATES III, the CORONA virus and the Microsoft patent number of ID2020.


Though this seems unreal in September 2020, it is very real and is their open plan for the world to see. This is not a conspiracy theory! This Covid-19 Microneedle Vaccine delivers:
a mark to the body using LUCIFERase and
hydrogel biosensors that will change one's DNA
This covid-19 vaccine is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT Vaccine - NOT like the ones in the past that cured Polio, Lockjaw, etc. The military is even involved in this vaccine through DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). That should set off LOUD alarm bells about this vaccine. It will CHANGE one's human biology. The hydrogel biosensors will become one with your human tissue and change a person into a hybrid.
The microneedle vaccine looks like a harmless band-aid with microneedles that will not hurt when applied and the average person can administer it to himself, but the consequences are very adverse. It is being presented for safety - to help detect and protect from future pandemics. Think about this: how could covid-19 really be a pandemic with a survival rate of over 99%?

VERY IMPORTANT: The Covid-19 gene-altering vaccine might be coming like a BAND-AID! If you receive something like this in the mail with a directive from the "Health" Authorities or any other government agency or anyone else, DO NOT PUT IT ON YOURSELF.

ParentsVoice B.C. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia cbc.ca

[Title: "New B.C. party pushing school board candidates with anti-vax and conspiratorial views". Mentioned names in the movement: Mark Vella, Teresa Docksteader, Carmen Halpenny, Fritz Radandt, Daniel and Terah Albertson.]

A new political organization with roots in conservative Christianity is endorsing a number of school board candidates across B.C. who have anti-vaccine, anti-government and conspiratorial views.

ParentsVoice B.C. is registered with Elections B.C. as an elector organization, or civic political party, and is backing 29 school board candidates in eight school districts.
Running under the slogan "Take Back Our Schools," the party says it's aiming to reverse what it sees as the politicization of classrooms.

Many candidates running under the party's banner support political positions inflamed by the pandemic, with rhetoric similar to right-wing groups in the United States — including criticism of public heath policies and school programs about racism, gender and sexuality.

But an in-depth review by CBC of candidates' online material found that instead of promoting their political beliefs, many candidates have tried to obscure them — in some cases by deleting old social media posts.

[Rest of article follows, subtitles: "Pandemic conspiracy theories", "School systems are dictating to parents", "Online profiles scrubbed", "A lot of parents live in kind of a bubble".]

John Gideon Hartnett #conspiracy #fundie biblescienceforum.com

Food Failure by Year’s End: The Great Reset Plan to Starve Out Humanity Exposed

Please listen to this video and get prepared for the coming engineered famine. Stay close to Jesus Christ,! Buy seeds and plant food in your garden. Most of all pray for God’s mercy for yourselves and your loved ones.


The engineered famine and resulting plagues (diseases due to poor nutrition) and the wars are the judgments of God on this world that has rejected His Son. These events are prophesied in the book of Revelation, especially in chapters 6 through 9. Chapter 6 describes the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse (or Revelation). They bring famine, disease/plagues, and war. The white horse I believe represents the introduction of the mass inoculation shots starting with the COVID death shots. See The White Horseman Brings Toxic Death Shots.

With the deliberate shutting down of the food supply systems around the world the evil globalists plan on forcing everyone into a digital ID wallet system, where you can only buy food using their digital currency and only if you are behaving yourself. This is exactly what is prophesied in Revelation chapter 13.

Get prepared! Stock up on storable food. Start now, growing your own food. Tell others! But most importantly get right with God! He will never fail you if you do.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger gotquestions.org

The reason preferred pronouns present a dilemma for Christians is that they imply something the Bible indicates is false: that a person can change genders or be born into the wrong biological sex. Referring to a person who is biologically male as “she” or “her” is, in literal terms, to say something untrue. Worse, when it comes to an issue such as transgenderism, using preferred pronouns can be construed as enabling or endorsing a harmful, unbiblical situation.

From a spiritual and scriptural standpoint, then, the literal intent behind preferred pronouns is unbiblical. Men are not women, and vice versa. Other than a tiny percentage of persons who are biologically intersexed and deserving of special consideration, there are no third, fourth, fifth, etc., genders, nor any basis for a person to “choose” such a thing. For the same reason that believers ought not pretend that other faiths offer salvation (John 14:6) or that other gods are real (1 John 4:1) or that something sinful is morally right (Isaiah 5:20), many believers conclude that it’s immoral to enable the basic premise behind the use of preferred pronouns.

This is why, at the very least, all believers, in all circumstances, need to be careful not to give the impression of accepting the assumption behind preferred pronouns. While Christ was merciful and loving to both the adulterous woman (John 8:10) and the woman at the well (John 4:23–24), He gave no mixed signals about their sin (John 4:17–18; 8:11).


Preferred pronouns also create issues from a secular standpoint, without taking religious values into account. As stated above, using words like he or she implies something about the biology of the subject. Forcing people to use preferred pronouns, then, would literally be a coercion of speech. Demanding that others use such terms implies that you have a right for other people to speak or write in ways that agree with you. At least in legal terms, it’s hard to imagine society could forcibly require the use of language that overtly contradicts certain opinions or ideas.

As a parallel, demanding use of preferred pronouns would be like insisting that others refer to us as “your majesty,” with a bow or curtsey, because we feel we are royal-blooded, even though they don’t believe we are.

Indian in the Machine/Office of One World Teacher #crackpot #god-complex #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com

Greetings We The People of Canada and planet earth~

You may not know this, as most people don’t know, but the Office Of The World Teacher is a portion of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth that represents the Christ of this planet.

Now hear this… normally, we at the Office of the World Teacher, let things roll on planet earth, as they roll, however sometimes it is appropriate to assert one’s responsibility and to remind others of their responsibility.

As one of the representatives of the Office of the World Teacher, I am hereby reminding We The People of several things… and please note that I am not exerting force over anyone reading this, rather, I am reminding We The People, of who holds the ultimate positions of authority on this planet, and how things truly are.

1) Please refer to the diagram above… NO WHERE does it say that blood royals, or self-appointed royals have a position within the Planetary Hierarchy of Planet Earth.
2) Humans can choose the leaders they desire, however God has also chosen the best leaders to guide humanity… who do you think is better at choosing? God or humans?
3) God’s chosen leaders are those who are able to align with the Solar Hierarchy… remember, planet earth doesn’t exist in a bubble, we exist in a solar neighbourhood.
4) God’s chosen leaders are God’s chosen leaders, and humans can’t vote them away… wish them away… push them away… or force them away… God chose who God chose… and humans would be best in their own interests, to align with that.
Many around the world are not aware that there is a woman in Canada who has declared herself to be Queen of Canada, and Queen of the world… and I’m here to tell you, that she does NOT have the blessing of the Office of the World Teacher to continue into her campaign to become Queen… for Queen she is NOT, NOTuntil she wins the hearts of the people of Canada, and from where I stand, this is NEVER going to happen. We are already closing the timeline of Romana Didulo to be Queen of Canada.

Edward Menez #racist #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Bible states over 30 times that the Earth does not move. Now, under the heliocentric model, the sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth spun around it.

I discovered through experimentation and extensive study that we have been lied to about so many things, one of which is the place we live and our importance on it. I believe we are created in God's image, and everything was created by God. I no longer believe in evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and other modern lies.

Satan is the "Great Deceiver," after all. My life has changed completely and I have
come back to God in the past 7 years, when I had been a big sinner until that point.

From 1513-1533 two earth-shattering events took place: the Protestant Reformation, and the Pope's acceptance of Nicholas Copernicus's heliocentric model of cosmology (that the earth revolves around the sun). Were they coincidental, or was the Catholic Church intentionally being dismantled from within?

From 1513-1521 Pope Leo X reigned, and from 1523-1534 Pope Clement VII reigned, which covers this 20-year time period. Both Popes were from the de'Medici family, a BANKING family, and outed as crypto-Jews by Miles Mathis (though being "bankers" was obvious). Both Popes were officially cousins, but were in fact raised as brothers as Leo X's father, Lorenzo the Magnificent, brought up both Popes under the same household as brothers after Clement VII's father was murdered just before his birth.

Whether you believe in Protestantism, Catholicism, or some other religion, the fact is that Leo X allowed Martin Luther (a Jew) to fragment Christianity, which had until then consisted of the Catholic Church; and whether you believe in a geocentric or heliocentric model of the universe, the fact is that Pope Clement VII accepted Copernicus's theory of a heliocentric model of the universe for the first time, which went against all prior and Biblical belief in a geocentric model.

Iranian pro-regime demonstrators, military and judiciary #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy theguardian.com

Pro-government rallies have taken place in several cities across Iran in an attempt to counter a week of mounting unrest triggered by the death of a woman in police custody

Marchers called for anti-government protesters to be executed, while the army signalled that it was prepared to crush dissent by telling Iranians that it would confront “the enemies” behind the unrest

Demonstrators condemned the anti-government protesters as “Israel’s soldiers”, live state television coverage showed. They also shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, common slogans the country’s clerical rulers use to try and stir up support for authorities, who claimed the demonstrations of support were spontaneous. “Offenders of the Qur’an must be executed,” the crowds chanted[…]
The Iranian judiciary has ordered the courts to take a tough line with protesters, claiming the demonstrators were being led by foreign agents and stirred by anti-Iranian social media – a familiar accusation levelled by the regime when dissent breaks out

Jonathan Shelley #fundie #homophobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

It turns out that a Texas pastor who called for the deaths of LGBTQ people – saying he “would love it if every fag would die right now” – preaches his disturbing rhetoric directly to young children.

Jonathan Shelley of the Stedfast Bible Church in Hurst, Texas can be seen in a disturbing video recently posted to the church’s YouTube channel going off on a hate-filled rant against LGBTQ people and “fornicators” directed at an audience of small children.

“Fornicators aren’t welcome in the church!” Shelley yells “So if there’s a whore she’s supposed to be thrown out until she repents and gets back in, and then on top of that, the sodomite’s never allowed in for any vow.”

“Love is love,” he then said in a mocking voice, “No. There’s no promise you could make, there’s nothing you can say, you’re never welcome go away. I just can’t wait until you just go to Hell.”

Shelley has declared that gay men are all pedophiles and once celebrated the death of a 75-year-old gay man. Jim Fahy, a member of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus, was killed when a driver accidentally drove into the Wilton Manors Pride Parade.

“And, you know, it’s great when trucks accidentally go through those, you know, parades,” Pastor Shelley said about the tragedy. “I think only one person died. So hopefully we can hope for more in the future.”

“You say, ‘Well, that’s mean.’ Yeah, but the Bible says that they’re worthy of death!” he continued. “They say, ‘Are you sad when fags die?’ No. I think it’s great! I hope they all die! I would love it if every fag would die right now.”

“And you say, ‘Well, I don’t think that’s what you really mean.’ That’s exactly what I mean. I really mean it!”

In a video somehow meant to defend the church, Shelley declared that “one of the most evil, wicked things on this planet is men with men, that grotesque and disgusting abomination.”

He added, “I’ve never advocated violence towards any singular person…I’ve only ever advocated for the legal sanctioned death penalty for homosexuals.”

ala4577 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy complex.com

Excellent comment, sadly only Christians are willing to see the truth. And look this up on Google and the usual "Factcheckers" are debunking this, so based on their typical agenda, there is at least some truth to it. But these rumours have been around long before the BigTech corrupters of any Truths, so I to believe this is genuine and this evil pervades this planet. One cannot imagine the terror in these children and there is so much factual evidence of children be abducted and never seen again. The British "Royal" family come up in these rumours, the Clintons who are known Satanists

Creationism is great #fundie #dunning-kruger rationalwiki.org

1. Evolutionists say that dinosaur 🦕 evolve from pig. This is stupid pig is a mammals

2. Evolurionisr say that whale are mammal and there troat is snall. This id bulldhit😒 according to the Bible❤ whale is a fish all animals in the water are fish and whale can eat any thing bigger them selves

3. Evolutionist say that monkey through shit💩 to evolve to be a human. Wow these evolutionist is disgusting

4. Carbon dating dont exist. Uranium is all made up pls wake up.

Tommy Truthful TV #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie #crackpot tommytruthful.com

Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending & the Harvesting of Souls
What has become clear after looking at the Wachowski’s direction is that they do have knowledge of both Gnostic occult symbolism and the true nature of reality. The movie has everything except ‘Lion Symbolism’, in terms of Alien overlords, DNA seeding of humanity, and of course the reaping of planets by an Elite.
Abrasax Dynasty (see also ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, and our Royalty, etc)
In the movie, we are shown an alien dynasty called the Abrasax, notably two brothers Balem, Titus, and a sister Kalique. Balem is the elder heir to a ruling alien dynasty that appears to be living like our earthly elite ‘magnified hundreds of thousands of times. Where Earth’s Elite own countries, these kids own planets. The royalty in Jupiter Ascending ‘rule by DNA’, the DNA of the ‘gods’ (aliens) and the main plot is about looking for the true heir to one of their planets – the Earth.
The wordplay on ‘Bal’, ‘Titus’, and ‘Kali’ are so obvious to the trained eye and of course, Bal or Ba’al especially was a God of the Levant and the ‘Jupiter figure’ worshipped by the Pre Christians and the Phoenicians as a ‘Christ figure. The word Ba'al can be translated as ‘lord’, ‘owner’, ‘master’, or ‘husband’, and referred to as a ‘group of deities’ (see above). Titus is a lucid connection to the Titans and to Saturn’s reign and of course, Kalique is the Dark Goddess of the Underworld in Hindu myth.
There are many connections to the Greek Zeus, the Roman Jupiter, and the Christian Devil. The Horned bearded Ammon and ‘Baal’ are two deities also connected to this imagery. Yahweh, Amun, and Maat (in Egypt) were also depicted with horns and were said to have fashioned the first two people (Adam and Eve) out of clay. Symbolically we have the ‘Jupiter gods’ creating the first human prototype or the ‘Abrasax industries' doing it by genetically creating the human being – Homo sapiens in the film?

Got Questions #fundie #enbyphobia #transphobia gotquestions.org

God specifically created two distinct genders to serve two distinct roles in His creation (Genesis 1:27). God made Adam in a special act of creation (Genesis 2:7). Then He created a woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib to be a helper for him (Genesis 2:20–22). Adam and Eve had distinctly different physical attributes. They were clearly different because God designed them to be different, and He liked them that way (Genesis 1:31). The man and woman were designed to reproduce so that the earth would be filled with beings who bore the image of God (Genesis 1:28). Only a male and a female coming together can create a new human being, and it takes those physical gender differences to make that happen.

When God gave the Law to Israel, He put prohibitions against the blurring of gender. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” This does not refer to a woman slipping into a pair of work pants to muck the stalls or a man putting on an apron to grill steaks. This verse is referencing a trend on the increase today: the intentional masking of male or female characteristics in an attempt to defy one’s God-given gender.


Pop culture is going gender-insane, throwing common sense and reality out the window in its attempt to be “edgy” and “progressive.” Androgyny is now celebrated, and gender-reality is looked upon with disdain, but celebrating something doesn’t make it right, and despising something doesn’t make it wrong. Slavery was once celebrated; that didn’t make it right. Child labor is acceptable in many parts of the world; that doesn’t make it right. Prostitution and child trafficking are rampant in many countries; that doesn’t make them right. And, even though gender-confusion, transgenderism, and androgyny are riding a wave of popularity today, that doesn’t make them right.

Julie Whedbee #fundie #conspiracy vaccinefromhell.com

The implementation of the plans to alter your DNA and make it programmable by something other than Me, your Creator, are here. I control and govern the DNA I have placed within you, but if you allow man to administer anything within your bodies, that will recode your DNA, I will no longer be the controller. I will no longer recognize you as My creation. You will have become a mixture of something else, an altered form of man and technology, and therefore, not in My image any longer. Do you understand what I am saying? Truly the hour is here when you must prepare to make the choice to remain fully human, infused with My Spirit. The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive you through propaganda, fear and manipulation and cause you to allow either a mark or an implant (vaccine or digital tattoo) into your bodies that will forever separate you from Me. This is your reality right now! You must know what you will choose to do.

Professor Ellis Washington, J.D #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy elliswashingtonreport.com

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ years—for my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?—For Harvard’s original 1692 motto—Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

yeehaww-cowgirl #fundie #transphobia at.tumblr.com

As a black girl, it’s just impossible for me to ignore the similarities between black face and drag as phenomenons that were/are incredibly normalized in popular culture. Both are offensive exaggerations of an oppressed class to the point of caricaturization by the oppressor class for entertainment and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The defence line drag apologists always use is that drag is an exploration of gender expression especially for gender non conforming males who were never able to express their femininity and that’s why it’s different from black face in that sense which is just blatant racism. What they don’t know is that white performers often used the excuse of exploring their “inner negro” when in blackface and it was actually a very popular response to blackface criticism lol. And even then..why should women be mocked and made sexual objects in order for men to be able to “express themselves” it’s really just grade A sexism so many drag performers have expressed not thinking that women should participate. There is no other explanation for why drag queens are overwhelmingly much more popular than drag kings and that’s the fact that embodiments of men aren’t seen as jokes. Recently read this really fascinating paper that talks about how similar the two are I strongly recommend it

John Byl, PhD (astronomy) #fundie bylogos.blogspot.com

Does the Bible speak about reality or only about appearances? Sometimes, to avoid conflict with alleged scientific facts, it is claimed that the Bible uses phenomenal (or phenomenological) language, describing things as they appear from our human, earth-bound perspective rather than being factually correct in a more scientific sense.

An early example of this is found in John Calvin's Commentary on Genesis, in reference to the sun and the moon as "two great lights" (Gen.1:16). According to Calvin, this is factually incorrect since science had proven Saturn to be larger than the moon. However, Calvin excuses this on the ground that Moses had to accommodate his message down to the level of unlearned men, by using the language of how things appear to humans on earth. Factually correct language, Calvin opines, would not have been understood.


Can science genuinely give us such superior knowledge?

The philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) famously distinguished between the phenomenal (reality as it appears to our senses) and the noumenal (the actual reality behind appearances). He claimed that human science is limited to the phenomenal, and could never attain knowledge of the noumenal. Science is grounded in observations (i.e., appearances); any attempt to get beyond these must necessarily rely on theoretical assumptions that can never be definitely proven by science.

Only God can discern the reality behind appearances. God's view of things is the way they really are. Hence our only means to attain knowledge of reality is via God's revelation of it to us, particularly in the Bible.

The BJP #quack #fundie theprint.in

Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem and activist Erendro Leichombam were arrested last month for Facebook posts that said ‘cow dung and cow urine’ don’t cure Covid.

When the Manipur police barged into journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem’s home in Imphal on 13 May, his children — seven, three, and nine months — were paralysed with terror.

“Our oldest immediately turned to pacify our second child, who started to cry and couldn’t hold her stool. Our third is still a baby,” said Wangkhem’s wife, Ranjita. “For me, this is no longer a shock.”

About five kilometres away, political activist Erendro Leichombam’s house was similarly stormed by a team of police officers, who allegedly assaulted his elderly mother and dragged Leichombam out of his room, without giving him a chance to change out of his nightclothes.

“Nothing could stop them. No amount of pleading. They acted like he was some major criminal. He didn’t resist the arrest at all,” said Leichombam’s mother, L. Landhoni. “They hit me and pushed me aside, and I had difficulty breathing for 15 days after.”

Wangkhem and Leichombam were arrested after BJP functionaries complained about their Facebook posts, which said that “cow dung and cow urine” don’t cure Covid-19. It was in the context of state BJP leader S. Tikendra Singh’s death due to the illness.
“The cure for Corona is not cow dung & cow urine. The cure is science & common sense. Professor ji RIP,” Leichombam had written.

“Santhi Sanyung na yadrabo, oh!!! RIP # Rashikang Kangyet Hayeng nga chani,” Wangkhem had written, which loosely translates to “cow dung, cow urine didn’t work”.

BJP fundies #fundie #quack #wingnut google.com

New Delhi: Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem, charged under the National Security Act (NSA) by the BJP-led Manipur government this past May for commenting on social media that cow dung and cow urine don’t cure COVID-19, has been released from jail this evening.

Wangkhem’s release came four days after the Supreme Court ordered the immediate release of Imphal-based political activist Erendro Leichombam, who was also arrested by the Manipur Police on the same day – May 13 – as Wangkhem on the same charges. The duo had on May 17 got bail from a local court, but they were detained again after the NSA was slapped on them.

Getting out of the Saajwa central jail around 4 pm, Wangkhem told waiting reporters, “I am used to this now. While waiting for justice, I tried to spend two months of my incarceration by having meaningful discussions with various inmates; took their opinion on several issues.”

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