
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

St. Cho Seung-Hui and Caamib #psycho #racist francels.com

(St. Cho Seung-Hui)
Jfl @ this NPC cope. Nigger lives don't even matter to other niggers, yet the nation burns because some nig nog was killed by a white cop. What about all the niggers killing themselves in urban America, in places like Detoilet & Chimpcongo? Surely niggers are far more dangerous to other niggers than cops are to niggers.

None of this means I care for bacon of course. There isn't a cop alive who doesn't deserve to swing from a noose or a bullet to the temple. But seriously, cops are for the shitskins & NPC trash. Let me police myself with my own weapons, please & thank you.


All BLM members should be killed on spot.

Henry Makow, Phd #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho henrymakow.com

Reparations to the descendants of black slaves
obscure the real debt the Rothschilds owe to humanity.

by Henry Makow PhD

A Tentative Invoice

World War Two - Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust)

World War One - Five Trillion

Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity - Three trillion

Removing God from social consciousness and public discourse - Five trillion

Destroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction) - Three trillion

The war on masculinity and feminity which has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.

Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists - Five trillion

General depredations of Communism - One trillion

The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya - Five trillion

The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch and the #scamdeminc of 2020 -- Five Trillion

The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK and 9-11 - Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion

Attempt to start a race war in America - 300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education and the arts - five trillion

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration -- One trillion

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America,
as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.
Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.




The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all "debt" due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.

mainlander #sexist #racist incels.is

Today I was pondering how the plethora of white, cute and prime-aged women I see daily in my college aren't marrying and having children, many of them probably won't have children later either. Most of them certainly won't have more than 2.

Meanwhile, beggars on the streets and faveladas get pregnant at 12 and at 20 they already have 4 kids.

Feminism destroyed the white race. Nathan Larson was right, just like in communism, you don't have enough bread to feed all peasants, in feminism, you don't have enough babies to sustain the population.

starcrapoo #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Have you guys noticed that currycels and blackcels tend to cope by aggressively denying the facts moreso than others? I notice a tendency and trend.

I have been browsing youtube comments section for years now on incel and interracial dating related videos. When the topic of Indian or Black men come up I notice tons of comments by currycels/blackcels lashing out and denying the brutal facts instead of accepting the reality and numbers.

I think it stems from their insecurity and a deep seated inferiority complex. Ricemen tend to accept the reality as it is because we know our potential to ascend by eventually overtaking white males politically, economically, and militarily.

As for me, I've seen all the data and I've seen it first hand myself for most of my life. It corroborates 100%.

Most foids' rankings by the data and anecdotal observations:

1. White men (by far, even short 3-5/10 white guys can occasionally get a pass, women more than willing to give a chance, considered human)
2. Hispanic men (Poor overall, only the white looking ones really have a shot and even then they can only get below average white/asian foids)
3. Black men (Poor overall but noticeably and occasionally able to get a pass by foids in white liberal metro areas, especially if non-ghetto, athletic, and has his shit together)
4. Asian men (Poor overall, ugly short and feminine looking, socially awkward, completely dismissed, its definitely not considered a cool or hip thing to be dating an Asian dude by liberal foids)
5. Arab men (Very poor overall, dark swarthy and ugly facial features, completely dismissed, extremely awful reputation of abusing women and all foids deep down know their tendencies but will never mention it out of fear of being seen as a racist islamophobe)
6. Indian men (The poorest overall, considered repulsively ugly by most foids, completely dismissed, same reputation as with arab men and considered very ugly)

That said, there is a video on IncelTV that talks about the BBC myth. The comments section is turned off because the amount of denial cope in there must've been too much for his channel. I read a lot of them before it was turned off. It was insane the amount of blackcels saying things like, "lol have you seen the amount of punnani most black guys get?" etc.. etc...

The reality is they do very poor in general and most of them are considered ugly by most foids.

I don't think women even settle down that much anymore since they can get money and attention just for existing.

I was saying that OP referring to black men that "have their shit together" being attractive to women seemed like red pill cope and unconscious female worship.

Understand where I'm coming from with this though,

The feeling I get from being around liberal whites is that they see an non ghetto black guy (that has a stable job or a career hence having his shit together) as non threatening and different from the stereotype. He actually makes an effort to integrate and abide by the rules of white society and white liberal foids love to see that and are more than willing to give him a chance.

Now switch the topic to Asian/Indian/Arab men. Like I said before, its completely over. These three races of men are automatically dismissed in the eyes of white foids no matter what. Not considered human. White foids know DEEP DOWN without a doubt that their privilege would be absolutely NIL and nothing if Asian/Indian/Arab men ran America like the way they do in Asia/South Asia.

The reason why I keep mentioning white foids is because they are the majority of foids here in America, they influence to a great degree the thinking and mannerisms of non-white foids.


Come live several years here in SF or San Jose and see for yourself. Most foids have a white only policy.

Pinterest Islamophobe #fundie #wingnut #racist i.pinimg.com

[An image, with a picture of a menacing-ish Obama with the quote,]
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, INCLUDING MY OWN COUNTRY.”
- barack hussein obama [sic]

[And then this nugget of wisdom,]
WHEN DID HELL [‘hell’ being in red text, because of course] BECOME A COUNTRY? Must have happened about the same time he said he visited all but one of the 58 states…

maps1234567890 #wingnut #psycho #racist removeddit.com

CMV: what happened to George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks was an appropriate consequence of disobeying police authority(self.changemyview)

They were criminals. They made poor choices. It’s not fair to these police officers as they did EXACTLY what they were trained to do in these moments. I hate that a life was lost, but if our generation would learn to have the SMALLEST amount of respect for authority, they would simply be facing charges right now....not funerals.

I also think that it’s crap that these officers have been charged before an investigation was even closed... they did their job accurately and it’s unfortunate that it has to become a race thing. Why can’t it just be a convicted felon broke the law AGAIN and found himself dead because of it....

It’s unfortunate, but if black men are so afraid of white cops in today’s time than maybe they should try showing respect for once and see where that gets them. Cause clearly beating, stealing weapons, and running from them isn’t working. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger benjaminfulford.net

The Zionists are having a field day in the absence of an agreement to reboot the world economy. They are stoking a war between China and the U.S., promoting their pandemic and vaccine scam, and causing trouble all over the world. If we are going to defeat them once and for all, we need to realize that we are dealing with an enemy who works according to long term plans, some going back hundreds of years.

The latest example of this is the ongoing Covid-19 and vaccine scam. British MI6 intelligence now says:

“The Covid-19 thing was traced back to a document at the World Bank dated 1976. It is a form of Eugenics involving the UN and its organs.”

If you look at the world map of so-called Covid-19 cases at the link below, you will notice it is essentially a disease affecting monotheist controlled countries (including secret colonies India and Japan). Africa is mostly avoiding the whole scam as is most of East Asia. So, if it is Eugenics, as MI6 claims, the target appears to be mainly people of European descent.

The P3 Freemasons are saying the Covid-19 campaign is only going to intensify until an agreement is reached to set up a “World Republic.” Certainly, the P3 lodge involvement is easier to spot in Japan and Korea where all positive test results are being traced to either Christian (P3) sects or Khazarian Mafia hedge funds.
everybody who read the Project for a New American Century knows the Zionist regime has been touting race-specific or ethnic-specific biological warfare as a “useful political tool.” Also, the Zionists took over the infamous Japanese unit 731 biological warfare division and have been developing bioweapons ever since. They have been well documented, using bio-warfare agents like weaponized insects during the Korean war, for example. Since 9.11 they have built biological warfare research institutes all over the world, including Wuhan, China.
The Zionists also appear to be using weather warfare in an attempt to break China’s Three Gorges Dam. If the dam broke, it would flood 400 million Chinese and kill at least 500,000 people. However, those using such weapons must realize China would retaliate by doing something like blowing the Yellowstone Caldera.

The Chinese for their part note “structural changes” have led to a “to U.S. withdrawal from global affairs and waiver of responsibilities,” and “the COVID-19 pandemic is probably the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking to the United States for leadership.”

In any case, despite all the arguing between the regime of U.S. President Donald Trump and the Chinese, the world is now entering an era where neither the U.S. nor China will be dominant. That is because both the U.S. military-industrial complex and the Asian secret societies that run China realize they both face a common enemy: the Khazarian Mafia – aka the Zionists.

TL Winslow #racist #psycho tlwinslow.weebly.com

The Winslow Plan for Winning the War Against Islam and the OIC
1) Begin Muslim Ideological Profiling (MIP) to screen all Muslims worldwide for signs of radicalization, and quit screening all non-Muslims and wasting resources. Identify, label, and ban all radicalized Muslims from international travel and from weapon ownership. Expel all Muslims from govt. positions and the military.

2) Stop Muslim immigration to non-Muslim countries until Islam as a viable political ideology has been exterminated worldwide, and the Muslim World has been disintegrated along with its ancient battle lines. End citizenship and deport all Muslims from non-Muslim countries back to where they or their forebears came from until the new apostate reeducated generation can be raised, after which their possible reimmigration will be on the table again. Make Sharia a world crime, and preach the Great Muslim Apostasy (GMA) as a way out for every Muslim.

3) Call up at least 50 million troops and switch to a wartime economy, with the goal of disarming all Muslims worldwide and keeping Muslims from access to arms. U.S. Winslow Plan allies will include hopefully the EU, Russia, China, and India. Too bad, the sad fact of Islamization of Europe might make them into a target for the Winslow Plan instead, let's hope not.

4) Nuke Mecca and Medina with dirty bombs to prove to all Muslims that their Allah and Muhammad were frauds, and demoralize radical Muslims. Create at least a 20-mile and better a 50-mile dead zone that will last ten thousand years, and station a permanent military force encircling it to prevent all entry until Islam is declared dead by the U.N.

5) Force the U.N. expel the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), including Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, and North African Muslim nations. If they won't, the U.S. should expel the U.N. and set up its own that does to prepare for the new Muslim-free world order. Isolate, quarantine, and contract the Muslim World, and occupy and disarm their countries with the Winslow Plan force for as long as it takes to exterminate Islam as a viable ideology that makes its true believers enemies of the human race. Dissolve all official Muslim states including Pakistan and Bangladesh (and let India reintegrate them). Help Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates solidify control and help lead ex-Muslims back into the human race as citizens of Israel (their option), or other new countries carved out of the old Muslim World.

6) End the ability of any Muslim nation to make or keep nukes, dismantling all weapons, nuclear materials, and nuclear facilities, and capturing all nuclear scientists and engineers.

7) Stop Sharia, disarm and dismantle all violent Muslim orgs., and imprison the members for life. Make it a world crime to arm a Muslim, or for a Muslim to be armed.

8) Take the women away from the men and the children away from the parents to break the cycle of indoctrination. Make it a world crime for the Quran to be taught to a a child, with immediate arrest of all involved, it's like stopping an infection. Recruit 30 million teachers and engage in long-term occupation until a new generation of children can be raised with a globalist secular mindset that breaks the cycle of indoctrination into the Quran, meaning they should never be allowed to see a Quran or set foot in a mosque or pray to Allah or read anything about Muhammad, and even their names must be secularized to make a clean break with the past, especially any name even remotely related to Muhammad or Allah. The Arabic language should be banned except for scholars for safety. That's right, bring up a generation of Islam history ignoramuses, this crap should only be studied by the mature. After reaching age 18-21 they will be set free and can choose any religion they want, or none, as well as any political ideology except Islam. If they choose Islam as a religion, repeat this step; at least the mental bacteria of the Quran will be greatly weakened when trying to take over a mature educated mind. The educational curriculum should not only be secular, scientific and technology oriented, but nonpolitical and nonreligious, preparing the children to take their place in a global society. The local culture should be ignored as retro and dangerous, suitable for study only by mature educated adults. Of course in practice the teachers will bend these rules and try to lead heir students to their own political and religious viewpoint, but nothing's perfect, and any result that reduces the number of believing practicing Muslims is a positive step.

9) Make occupied countries pay for our police services with their oil and other natural resources as best they can. Only after the new generation matures and proves they are worthy should political power be entrusted to them, in a phased manner, with the goal of having their former Muslim countries rejoin the human race without Islam.

10) Once the back of the Muslim World has been broken, help speed its disintegration by a mass immigration of non-Muslims from the West, India, China et al. They can help green the deserts and turn this giant hellhole into a bustling vital part of the new world order economy.

Immediate action items for the U.S.:

1. The Winslow Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be passed as soon as possible: "Congress shall have the power to make laws restricting the free exercise of religions other than Christianity and Judaism, including but not limited to Islam."

2. The Congress of the United States of America shall declare the U.S. to be at war with the Muslim Nation or Umma(h), and peace can only be declared when it has totally and unconditionally surrendered and the entire Winslow Plan achieved.

3. Congress needs to make it a federal felony punishable by 20 years in prison to knowingly act in furtherance of, or to support adherence to political Islam and its Muslim Nation or Ummah(h), or to allow, permit, or conspire to allow or permit a minor to read the Quran (Koran) or to arm a Muslim. Deportation to the Muslim World must be the number one option, preferably to a part that's under our occupation so they can be incorporated into the big plan.

4. The President of the United States of America shall immediately declare that all non-U.S. citizen Muslims are Alien Enemies under Chapter 3 of Title 50 of the U.S. Code, subject to immediate deportation. Liberals and Marxists who push the "Islamophobia" moose hockey should be under suspicion as traitors and treated accordingly, sorry but Congress has a basic power to protect national security.

5. No Muslim shall be granted an entry visa into the United States of America except under extreme conditions of security, and never permitted to be armed.

TLW has spoken, and don't make a god of me either, although I'll take another Nobel Peace Prize if they first withdraw Obama's. Salami Salami Baloney.

Daily Stormer #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "White Girls are the Greatest Because of Their Independent Aryan Spirit"]

A lot of people in the right-wing are talking bad about white girls nowadays, and I just want to say: if you don’t love white girls, you don’t love the white race.

Our white women are our greatest treasure.

It’s time for white men to man up and start marrying single mothers, because actually, it is the fault of white men, or maybe the fault of Jews somehow, that white women made these decisions in the first place.

It’s only because men are so weak that they don’t have the bravery to marry a used-up single mother. It’s that men who don’t respect women just aren’t masculine, so they just love Donald Trump, because they can’t get the respect of other men.

If you’re a true man of the pure Aryan spirit, it’s time for you to man up and honor our princesses.

Time to man up and be a real man if you want to be respected by other men as a true respecter of real Aryan princesses.

Our princesses represent true diversity, I just love their different independent styles and their unique personalities.

[Pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men]

The love of our Aryan women is why we need communism, you dumb incel irony bro.

We can’t just control women, and force them to do what we want them to do.

We have to give them their freedom. We have to let them choose for themselves. That is the real Aryan alternative lifestyle choice.

The Christians want to control women, because they are afraid of their true Aryan independence.

They are insecure cowards.

If a man is not an incel and a woman-hating irony bro, then he understands that it is part of our values that we don’t control our women. We know they are strong, so we allow them to make their own decisions.

If you’re the kind of weak man who doesn’t think white women should be allowed to make decisions, it’s just that you’re weak and other men don’t respect you because you don’t respect yourself.

[Further pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men and not White men]

Real men man-up and marry 30-year-old single moms.

That’s what socialism is really all about, and if you don’t agree, you’re a weak incel who just does irony.

Vernon Richards #racist #psycho faithfreedom.org

Consequences of Nuking Mecca
By: Vernon Richards, author of ‘Islam Undressed‘

Because a war of attrition heavily favors their ultimate goals, Islamist terrorists have so far not been deterred by large numbers of their young men being killed. Life is cheap to them, even their own, and so they remain unmoved by their losses and still lust for power through murder. Their grass-roots support base, billions of Muslims world-wide, can still be counted on to largely support their efforts, even if only passively. If sufficiently humbled, then at some point the majority of Muslims might yet choose to abandon violence and stop their sons, or at least temporarily withdraw their jihadist forces to established realms of influence (just as the Turkish hordes did after being soundly defeated by the Polish cavalry). But any decision to withdraw will not come by either negotiation or accommodation, but only through abject humiliation and defeat. What form of defeat will suffice to convince Islam to put the Jihad genie back in the bottle is a subject of widespread debate. Pacifists blithely claim more therapy, understanding, and multiculturalism is the way, and will likely continue to spout such nonsense right up until the Halal knife slices their throat. They congratulate themselves for being so open-minded, oblivious that their brains have fallen out. Happily self-blinded by excessive relativism, they can no longer distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, or dark from light.

Those more personally touched by Islamic methods, and with the ability to realize you cannot create sweets from bile, often prefer methods of ‘total war’. Our enemies remain free to plan and perpetrate never-ending acts of total war designed to destroy the very fabric of our society. Failure to respond with even greater destructiveness will only serve to prolong this struggle. In any contest, the first rule of victory is to fight on your own terms and not your opponents. In any violent struggle, victory goes to the most ferocious and skilled. As Patton said, let the other poor bastard die for his country, our objective is to fight and win. We must fight with more energy, more cunning, more intelligence, and more ferocity than the cunning animals seeking our demise. It is simply suicidal to refuse to fight a people and culture who are motivated, mobilized, and pledged to destroy you. The true terrorists, the men and nations brainwashing, supplying, and ordering terrorist attacks, would prefer they remain unmolested. They are quite happy to let us use our police, military, and intelligence to play cat and mouse with their endless supply of terrorist foot-soldiers in this contest stacked against us. In this war, victory will go to the party most effective in convincing the opposing party that surrender is preferable to a continuation of hostilities, and so victory will remain out of reach to us as long as the enablers and handlers remain safe. Muslim survivalists will only force the end to the terrorist activities springing up from amongst them when made to pay a terrible price. One ‘terrible price’ currently under debate is an nuclear attack on Mecca should any 9/11 scale attack (or larger) occur on US soil. I am in favor of such planning in the event of a catastrophic strike against America, because I believe the burden of loss needs to be shifted decidedly to fundamental Muslims themselves (and what they value most) if there is to be any hope of ending all this madness. To yield to Islamists demands and take the option off the table would be strategically stupid. Unfortunately, the only thing an insanity respects is greater insanity.

But as has been pointed out by Robert Spencer, Nuking Mecca could also be seen by Islamists as a weak action and could serve to unify Muslims and increase Jihad. But this is only true if not done properly and the city is left salvageable within a few years. Once devoted Muslims carry out their next major strike on America, the Mecca plan should be carried out without hesitation or warning. No Hiroshima class atomic wimp-weapon will do, only the 1,000 times more powerful hydrogen fusion device will work for this important job. To be done correctly, a grid of 9 of our most powerful Hydrogen bombs (3x3, every 12 miles, the black stone at the center) are set off at the surface to be as dirty as possible, rendering the entire region uninhabitable for the next few decades. The strike is then repeated every 5 years or so if any kind of clean-up is attempted. Medina needs one too, to prevent Arabs from declaring the transference of the holy site to the secondary location, but Mecca needs to be thoroughly ‘glassified’.

Muslims will thereby learn by force-feeding that their hateful God (Allah) cannot protect them and is a figment of their collective imagination, and millions will leave the failed cult. Nothing harms an Arab more than humiliation and defeat. They sincerely believe that their most-powerful Allah has promised to protect and preserve Mecca, and so their false faith in the Pagan deity will crumble with the meteorite in the intense heat and pressure of a fusion fireball. Can a billion Moslems worldwide face radioactive glass 5 times a day and still take it seriously, I don’t think so, or at least not over the long term. Cut off the head and the snake will still squirm for a while, but it will soon stop. In addition, by preventing Muslims from -ever- performing one of the pillars (requirements) of Islam, we block their way to paradise, but thereby actually save them from real hell (Islam is hell-on-earth is this life, and brings only sorrow and torment in the next). When the time comes, by all means, Nuke Mecca, …but do it right. By this act, and this act alone, many intelligent Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, and Asians will stop their foolish ideas of superiority, and so curb their sanctimonious rationales to commit hateful acts of murder, rape, slavery, and violence. Domestic Muslims will need to be controlled for a while, with heavy doses of education and trauma therapy applied. If they can commit to opposing Muhammad and his methods, then in a generation or two Islamic nonsense will not be worshiped by their children. If they can make no such binding commitment, then deportation is in order. As Hiroshima saved more lives than it took 60 years ago, so will thoroughly nuking Islamic sites save more lives than will be taken otherwise, including possibly yours, mine, and your children and my children.

While we all hope such measures are unnecessary, to fail to plan for that eventuality is to plan to fail. If we were to Nuke major cities in Iran and Syria, the root of Islam in Mecca would remain and worldwide faith in Muhammad and his vile methods would be strengthened instead of weakened. Such a weak act would embolden the movement and the gains in destroying America would be perceived as well worth the cost. In the mean time, while we all await for the rumored catastrophe, a concerted effort to supply Persians with the means and weapons to overthrow the Mullahs is urgently needed in Iran. Our Persian allies in this effort need to understand that they will likely die with the Mullahs in the inevitable nuclear storm which will follow should they fail. The Kurds of northern Syria are also salvageable, but there is hardly anything else worth preserving in Syria. As I have been informed by Jordanian and Lebanon Arabs, Syrians are not to be trusted, and for reason.

Brandon Martinez #racist alt-right.com

So far we’ve seen videos emerge of chinks purposely spreading the virus in public, a chink in China wiping newly manufactured face masks on his dirty shoes, and now this chink whore bulk buying up face masks so that Americans can’t get one.

These chinks are waging some kind of covert biological and economic warfare on the West. They’re doing everything they can to harm us and make this situation worse. And they’re doing this most likely at the orders of the Chinese Communist Party which has always had a long-term strategy to overtake the West as global hegemon and impose a totalitarian chink-led world communist government.

Brandon Martinez #racist alt-right.com

“Oh great, the savage chinks have caused another global pandemic.”
“First it was SARS, and now this – all because the chinks have a fetish for eating the dirtiest disease-ridden animals that few other humans would touch with a 50 foot pole.”
“The Chinese are linked to all of the major pandemics in modern times. The reason is that they eat disgusting disease-ridden rodents like bats and they cram their immense population into tiny living spaces, causing odious pollution that sparks viral outbreaks. They then export their homemade viruses to the rest of the world through travel.”

“So we all have to suffer global pandemics because chinks like eating rodents.”

[deleted] #racist reddit.com

I am not doubting the fact that black kids get in trouble more you fucking retard. I am doubting the fact that black kids get in trouble more because there are racist teachers that want to hurt black children. That is 100% false. Have you ever met a teacher? Almost all of them are progressive women who are programmed to vote democrat. They are never racist. Did you ever think that black boys get in trouble more because black boys don't behave as well as everyone else? Did you ever consider that?

Tucker Carlson #racist #sexist #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Fox News star Tucker Carlson—currently facing outrage from network colleagues over his racist rhetoric—upped the ante on Monday night, claiming it was “probably illegal” for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to prioritize Black women in his running-mate search, while calling those candidates unqualified.

“We’ve taken a closer look at three potential candidates. All of them are said to be on Joe Biden’s shortlist for the job,” Carlson declared, referencing a previous inflammatory segment. “They are Stacey Abrams, Karen Bass, and Kamala Harris. Now, in a normal year, no mainstream candidate would consider any of these people. All of them would be disqualified without debate.”

The far-right Fox host first described Rep. Bass (D-CA) as a “lunatic Fidel Castro acolyte” and an armed revolutionary, referring to her past praise of the Cuban dictator and work for a young leftist group during the 1970s. After calling Abrams, a former Georgia state representative and gubernatorial candidate, “delusional” and accusing her of writing “bad porn novels,” Carlson took aim at Sen. Harris (D-CA).

“Kamala Harris, meanwhile, is so transparently transactional that even Democratic primary voters who have a strong stomach found her repulsive,” he exclaimed. “Pretty much no one who knows Kamala Harris likes her.”

Claiming the three women did not represent a “blue ribbon group,” Carlson then grumbled over the Biden campaign’s apparent prioritization of a woman of color to fill out the ticket.

“For what could very well be the most important job on Earth, Biden has decided to hire exclusively on the basis of qualities that are both immutable and completely irrelevant—race and gender,” Carlson huffed. “And that’s it. But wait a second, you ask, isn’t that insulting? Isn’t it wrong? Isn’t it probably illegal?”

“Yes, it is all three of those things,” he continued. “But no one’s pushing back against it so Biden is doing it.”

Rvbomally #fundie #psycho #racist deviantart.com

The theocratic factions won out in the American Union after the Revolution, and for the longest time, America saw itself as the "shining city upon a hill," to separate itself from the "Sodoms across the seas." Christian fundamentalism was the order of the day, and while the government never resorted to killing those that they saw as "sinful," such as non-Christians and homosexuals, they were relegated to second-class citizens and sent to ghettoes. The regime saved its lethal force to political opponents of the regime, which were quickly and quietly disposed of in sweatshops intended to keep America isolated.

Rvbomally #psycho #wingnut #racist #fundie deviantart.com

The year 2016 was a year of major shifts in politics, and the beginning of the end of the old order. The United Kingdom left the European Union, prompting the Netherlands and France to petition for their own exits. Against all odds, Donald Trump won the Republican nomination and then the presidency. He was unfortunate enough to have to deal with another recession - this time Chinese in origin - within a hundred days of his implementing extreme tariffs against Chinese goods. The beleaguered Chinese Communist Party decided to put the blame on the Americans, escalating tensions in the South China Sea, on the Korean Peninsula, and even against Russia. This policy proved unwise, as Trump was unwilling to back down and responded to provocation with more provocation. Before long, events escalated out of control, and by late 2017 the world was at war.

Russia and America joined forces against China, while the Americans turned a blind eye to the Polish-Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Belarus. Russo-American forces made great advances in China, but the desperate Chinese government retaliated by using its nuclear arsenal. The Russians and Americans responded with overwhelming force. Only a few Chinese missiles hit their targets, most of which were against foreign armies on Chinese soil, while the Americans and Russians devastated China in return (although the exchange remained limited). In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia - already abandoned by the Trump government - invaded Syria and Iraq to prevent the Russians and Iranians from gaining total hegemony. The Saudis were roundly defeated.

The global economy collapsed in the aftermath. The American government temporarily lost control as they scrambled to reorganize in Philadelphia. Trump's controversial and disastrous policies were widely unpopular; the nuclear attack on America was icing on the cake. State governments declared that they would not follow Trump any longer, Texas and California chief among them. With much of the American military destroyed in China, the federal government relied on loyal militias, some of which had their own agenda and used the civil war to carve out their own states. The federals secured the South against the neo-Confederates, but lost Texas to evangelicals, the West and New England to libertarian militias, and the Northwest to once-loyal white supremacist militias who saw Trump as too soft on the "racial question." Trump himself did away with the old government and, as his most ardent supporters wanted, proclaimed himself Emperor of the American Empire. In Russia, Putin did the same.

NATO and the European Union collapsed, and civil wars broke out across the European continent. Britain closed itself from the world, while nationalist and far-right organizations saw weakness in continental governments and began an armed uprising. The far left and Islamist groups retaliated, officially on behalf of the government, but fighting the government and one another just as often. Russia, seeing an opportunity to expand their influence, backed these groups and attempted to conquer the old Warsaw Pact. However, they were rebuffed by the Visegrad alliance, which became a close-knit alliance in the face of Russian invasion. The Russians were thrown out of Eastern Europe, while European nationalists secured their victory by using nuclear weapons they claimed to have acquired from old NATO bases (some evidence points to Russian involvement). In the wake of their victory, the nationalists exercised brutal reprisals against their enemies, real and perceived.

The Chinese Communist Party did not survive World War III. Years of warlordism followed the nuclear attack, as did starvation and disease. The Chinese population plummeted. However, the gender imbalance in the country continued despite the deaths of many young men in the war, and indeed got worse after the strikes against Chinese cities. Uniting many desperate, angry young men was the idea of a new, patriarchal Chinese empire, where they could form the ruling class and thus could pick as many women as they could. Influenced by the Western "manosphere," this movement became popular among many young men, thus allowing it to overpower its opponents and claim power. The Chinese also invaded their neighbors, explicitly to take their women; while successful in Mongolia and Korea, the Chinese were defeated in Vietnam, putting an end to their expansion and forcing the Chinese to lick their wounds and rebuild.

By 2042, the world has stabilized. The Russians and Indians are the most powerful societies on Earth, although the standard is not very high. The fighting in Europe and Asia has died down definitively, and the new orders are going strong. Most countries focus on rebuilding, particularly those devastated by WWIII. Poverty is widespread, protectionism is commonplace and global trade has collapsed, and much of the African and Asian continents are suffering from a wave of famine. Technology has stagnated since the 2020s, and few advancements have been made since; the American Empire is reinvestigating the EM drive, but little progress has been made. However, the Japanese have been successful at alternative reproduction, but the technology is taking a while to catch on elsewhere.

New religious movements have become popular, particularly the Cult of Kek and the Redpill Church. The Cult of Kek, arising out of an online meme, believes that through the use of "meme magic" - the constant repetition of something online - the ancient Egyptian god Kek will alter reality to suit their needs. The Cult has become popular simply because the events of the 21st century - known as "The Happening" among the Cult's members - were almost exactly what people online "memed" into existence, thus proving the religion correct. The Cult of Kek has many sects and forms, but most are loyal to the current alt-right new order and seek to further it.

The Redpill Church is one that arose out of certain portions of the online "Manosphere," and gained widespread acceptance in the aftermath of WWIII, particularly after the rise of the Chinese Empire. Teaching that women are biologically "hypergamous" - that is, almost parasitic upon men - the Redpill Church seeks to facilitate the final destruction of "gynocentric" society. This is facilitated through teaching by Redpill monks, who travel the world to preach the message. As with all religions, the Redpill Church is divided. Some sects believe that their goal is to enforce the current "patriarchy," while others believe that even the rise of the traditionalist regimes in the wake of WWIII is not enough, and others still want to do away with the need for women entirely through the use of artificial wombs.

Russia was not hit hard during WWIII, and while Putin has died, his image lives on as the father of the new Russian century. Tsarina Yekaterina, purported to be Vladimir Putin's daughter, holds the throne, but she has elected to be more of a figurehead and allow the oligarchs to run the country. Nonetheless, Russian authoritarianism has returned in full, based on a strange mix of Imperial and Soviet patriotism. Stalin is now a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, now Russia's state religion. The Islamic minorities remain noisy, but given the sheer brutality of the Third Chechen War, they are wise enough not to start any violence against the government.

America remains shattered, and there are no signs that this will change. Emperor Donald I has perished, and his son, Donald II, has taken the throne, and there are those in the Empire who worry about the future of the monarchy if Donald II does not live up to his father's legacy. Given the major territorial losses suffered during the Second American Civil War, the Trump monarchy's greatest achievement - the Great Wall of America - does not exist within the Empire. The Empire, modeling itself off Rome, is a rather unpleasant absolute monarchy, where any opinion that dissents from the Trumpist line is punishable by imprisonment. The Lion Guard, ironically referred to as the "Trumpstaffel" by its detractors and its supporters, acts as a "private" enforcer of the regime.

Texas remains a democracy, although the only choices are "fundamentalist Christian" and "slightly less fundamentalist Christian." Formed by the evangelical factions of the Republican Party - opposed to Trump even before the civil war - Texas considers itself a shining city on a hill, the last bastion of true Americanism. It does maintain the Great Wall, but it has built walls of its own on its borders with the Empire. The Governor of Texas is all-powerful, with the legislature doing everything he wants. Christianity is the state religion, although Texas is protective of Jews, and atheism and Islam are banned outright.

The libertarian states on the continent - the Pacific States and New England - have formed a defensive alliance. Although starting out as a rag-tag group of states, the necessity of defending themselves from hostile neighbors have vastly increased the size of government, particularly the military. Both governments are now dominated by their militaries, which are the descendants of various militia groups, and are unfriendly to anti-libertarian political expression. However, both states do remain tolerant of foreign cultures - so long as they keep to themselves and participate in the economy - and while they discourage "statism," freedom of expression is still protected. A vast majority of the population is poor, and receive no aid whatsoever from the government.

In the Pacific Northwest, a white nationalist state has established itself. Originally supported by the Federal government, the Northwest Republic broke off and promptly expelled all non-whites and any whites who objected. Due to the major destruction the war and the purges caused to the rich coastal cities, and the pariah status the Northwest Republic has, it is an impoverished state, although it maintains a large military to remain a threat. Modeling itself somewhat off the Third Reich, the Northwest Republic is a single-party state with a single "President" at the top, and is closed off to all non-whites.

In Europe, nationalism reigns supreme, but in varying degrees of intensity. The United Kingdom remains a democracy, albeit an "emergency" one with a UKIP-Tory coalition in perpetual rule. The United Kingdom has taken a policy of "splendid isolation" with regard to the continent, and has expelled portions of its population that the government deemed "dangerous," but there are still some Eastern European and Middle Eastern communities on Great Britain (of course, they are thoroughly Anglicized). The European Brotherhood takes the position of pan-European nationhood, albeit one that respects the different cultures in Europe. The EB is practically a French empire, with a presidential dictatorship. The EB models itself off Rome, but local rights are respected - so long as the localities are European. Christianity is encouraged by the state, Islam is banned, and non-Europeans have been expelled from the country. The EB and the UK, while aligned, do have major differences of opinion on the question of the continued British occupation of northern France. In the East, the Visegrad Union promotes traditional European culture as a counterpoint to the current Russian regime. The Union is heavily Catholic, and even the current Pope is a conservative Pole.

The Nordic Union has taken a different track: the Nordics reject Christianity as a foreign religion, and have turned back to the worship of the Aesir. Believing themselves to be the successors of the old Norse, the Nordics are ashamed of their multicultural past (although they direct most of this at Sweden), and try to make themselves "suffer" to atone for it. This includes the belief in radical self-improvement as a vector for racial improvement as a whole; Nordic education involves a lot of reading esoteric works from men like Julius Evola, and a major focus on physical fitness. Then, there is the Fourth Reich, an openly neo-Nazi state that seeks to conquer Europe and exterminate the Jews. Already, the Reich has crushed all opposition within its borders, and only its isolation and relative weakness prevents it from waging a war of conquest.

Iran was the big winner in the Middle East, successfully defeating the Islamic State, the Kurds and the Saudis, and establishing friendly regimes in Iraq and Syria. Iran remains a Shia theocracy, and is attempting to impose this form of government on secular Iraq and Syria. However, their Russian allies caution them against inflaming religious tensions and possibly sparking another war in the region.

Military regimes returned in Egypt and North Africa after the recession of the Islamist tide. These brutal dictatorships make the Gaddafi regime seem humanitarian in comparison. They extremely anti-Islamic and have attacked mosques suspected of harboring members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-government organizations. The most powerful regime among them is Egypt, which has made a somewhat successful attempt at securing hegemony over the region. The Egyptians have their eyes set on the rest of the Middle East, not out of expansionist desire, but because of what is going on in Arabia.

After the fall of the Islamic State, many of its fighters flooded into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi military, already hammered hard by Iranian and Russian forces, proved incapable of stopping them; indeed, many Saudi units defected. The Saudi monarchy was overthrown, as were the other Gulf monarchies, and a caliphate established to replace them. Ironically, little has changed in Saudi Arabia since the rise of the Islamic Federation, apart from the destruction of "Western" influence in cities such as Dubai, the destruction of "idolatrous artifacts" in Mecca and Medina, and the stricter enforcement of preexisting Islamic law.

South Africa has been placed under white rule, mostly by Europeans fleeing the chaos of the EU. The ANC government collapsed in the wake of WWIII, allowing the Europeans to take control of the cities, ironically with the aid of Russia. Apartheid has come back in full force, as the South African government believes that blacks are inherently incapable of governance. The remnants of the ANC disagree violently, and the South Africans are currently waging a brutal bush war against them.

The Chinese Empire is still licking its wounds. Draconian laws, akin to those of the Qin, have been scaled back by the most recent set of reforms, after the Chinese government realized that it may cause a revolt. The gender disparity is less of a problem now, although the Chinese still resort to imported sex bots and concubines to keep the powerful and the enforcers of the regime happy. The Chinese have done away with any child policy, seeing that as a vector for disaster, and now the Chinese population is booming. It has now exceeded pre-war levels, and now the issue is the lack of food, territory, and the continuing lack of women. The Chinese look outward for expansion, but have run out of easy targets.

India was a big winner in WWIII, indeed becoming a superpower by the 2030s. This did come at a cost: the famine of the 2020s hit hard, particularly India's poorest, but the fall of China allowed India to restructure its economy among more modern lines. It did so through Chinese-style modernization, and now India is the workshop of the world. India is still suffering from problems, such as the pollution, but now India is extending its influence into Africa with one mission: to take in more resources.

Fat Link #conspiracy #racist #wingnut incels.is

The Jews don't care about money.

They already have all the money anyone anywhere could ever want in 10,000 lifetimes.

No, its about far more than money for them.

These sick, sadistic, psychopathic bastards want another Soviet style communist red revolution but this time globally where they can go absolutely wild like the beasts they are and kill, rape, rob and torture whites and any other races that might decide to get in their way to world domination and or stop them from carrying out their evil on us and others.

The Jew Leonard Cohen confesses all of his "people's" blood lust in his song "The Future".

frustratedhapa #psycho #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] My chadlite half bro survived corona virus

I posted about my bro being in the ICU with corona virus in June. I thought he was going to die. The doctors said he had a poor prognosis. He developed vascular complications and had a few strokes while in the hospital. He was literally on his deathbed for a whole month. The doctors kept saying that he could pass at any moment. The nurses called his family on facetime several times to let them say "goodbye" to him and see him one last time on cam. Well he didn't die. He ended up recovering and is being discharged from the hospital today and going to a post-acute/rehab facility for the next few weeks until he regains his strength. He's totally fine. No brain damage from the strokes. No finger or limb amputations. No respiratory issues. He's just weak and lost a lot of weight.

Ugh. It sucks. He was an asshole to me my whole life. He was never close with me like he is with our other siblings and always made excuses to not spend time with me. He always said I was too "negative" which is not true. He always said his girlfriends (and now his current wife) think I'm creepy. He chose women over his brother. I'm actually not creepy at all. Unlike a lot of other incels (no offense bros), I don't have autism and am not socially awkward. I'm actually pretty friendly, upbeat, and act very extroverted and normal when I'm around people. So what his girlfriends and wife really meant to say is that I'm UGLY and that's why they find me creepy. My bro never even pushed back and questioned their opinions of me, he just accepted them and chose them over me. Not cool. A bro is supposed to stand up for his bro. Also he is a white knight for women and would always give me shitty dating advice and tell me that I'm the problem, not women. He's pretty socially progressive and a feminist too. Anyway he has had an easy life. He's tall, good looking, white, muscular, rich, a lawyer, has had many prime girlfriends, has a stacy wife, and has two beautiful children with a 3rd about to be born soon. So fuck him and his privileged life.

Chad was born to win and will keep winning. Meanwhile it's over for all of us. I bet we would all die from Corona if we got it (weak genes) and our families wouldn't even care.

I doubt there was truly no brain damage, just that it was less than expected

I hope you're right. I guess time will tell.

You are rice and he is white? Does the rice parent love him for being Chad and hate you for being incel?

Yeah my pinoy mom loves him and treats him better even though he's her stepson.

That's typical, and no offence, would be pretty funny to observe, in my experience of noodles they dont even try to hide it because of how much they love white guys.
She probably finds by being close to him it gives her more status with her pinoy friends whereas you are a reminder of her subhumanity, hurts bro!

Bro, this is a fucking soul read, if I've ever seen one.

Stonetoss #racist stonetoss.com


Image transcription
Panel 1
*A scientist talks to a racist with two brains in jars in the background
Scientist: Okay racist, can you guess which brain is white and which is black?
Panel 2
Racist: (grabbing a card) No, I can’t. You got me.
Panel 3
*The racist gets up his card on an easel. It shows two different bell curves.
Racist: Say, can you guess which I.Q. distribution is white and which is black?

York Catholic High School #racist #elitist foxnews.com

A Black teenager said he was forced to take off his Black Lives Matter face covering during his private high school graduation ceremony in Pennsylvania last month.

Dean Holmes,18, donned the mask prior to the July 28 ceremony for the York Catholic High School in York, Penn., in lieu of a face shield. But as he lined up in a procession before the ceremony, he was told by the school principal to remove the covering, Holmes told Fox News.

"I was so mad," Holmes said. "That's pretty much them saying 'No, we don't care about you at all. We don't care about your health... and we also don't care about you as a Black man.'"

In a lengthy Facebook post after the incident, John Holmes, Dean's father, took issue with the school's actions.

"In my opinion his health and safety were jeopardized when he was forced to remove his Covid-19 protective mask," he wrote. "Secondly, his freedom of expression was censored when he was compelled to remove his mask or face the very real possibility of not graduating."
The school said it gave everyone a face shield in lieu of a mask, and that two other graduates chose to wear masks and sought permission before doing so. Dean Holmes said he wore his mask prior to the ceremony for nearly an hour and wasn't told anything by school administrators.

"There's a lot of really good support from the school community," Holmes said of the reaction to the incident and the Black Lives Matter message on the mask. "But on the other hand, there are also people who are against it."

John Holmes and his wife both wore Black Lives Matter masks during the ceremony, he told Fox News.

In his social media post, he detailed racist incidents his son was subjected to at the school, including an essay he wrote for English class but wasn't allowed to read at a speech contest because it "was too controversial."

"As a parent I will not stand for my son being humiliated publicly, having his basic human dignity crushed on what should have been one of the happiest days of his young life," he wrote. "My son literally was discriminated against in plain sight based on his race and his prior civil rights activism, and this latest action is part of a pattern and practice of discrimination at York Catholic and it cannot stand unchallenged."

In a statement on its website, the school said caps or gowns - and now masks - with messages are prohibited at graduation ceremonies. The school said Dean Holmes was asked to remove his mask privately, away from the other graduates and guests.

"The graduate mentioned in the statement by the parent did not seek permission to wear a face mask in addition to the face shield, nor was the face mask worn at all during the 45 minutes prior to the processional portion of the ceremony," the school said. "It was not until the last minute, right before entering the church, that the face mask with writing was put on."

John Holmes argued that the Black Lives Matter message on his son's mask was not a political statement.

"It's a political statement to White folks who are uncomfortable with Black issues," he said.

Homles plans to attend New York University in the fall where he will study economics. He is planning a march at the school next week over the incident.

Henry Makow, PhD/James Billington #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

The mask is an occult symbol. It was also the symbol of Russian revolutionaries.

Under the pretext of the pandemic, are people unwittingly adopting that symbol?

Is this part of mankind's induction into the Cabalist cult? They have a record of introducing people to occult symbols under a pretext. The Baphomet hand sign is passed off as "I love you" and the Texas Longhorns "hook em horns." The infamous sign for "OK" is the Eye of Horus and the fistbump is Freemasons touching rings.

Fire in the Minds of Men
Excerpt from Page 413-414
by James Billington
(excerpts by henrymakow.com)

[The Tsar's Guards] continued to be challenged --- as in primitive societies -- by the power of the mask. The mask gave an ordinary man a new identity; an anonymity that bred fear and uncertainty; a pub"image" that was grotesque, yet awesome and bigger than life. Unlike the uniforms of power that --however oppressive-- at least defined clear roles, the new revolutionary mask destroyed all links with the familiar and the predictable, all loyalty and accountability to normal human society.

The mask was part of the equipment of the professional revolutionary in Russia already in the 1860s. Hell had preached the need to disfigure one's face before assassinating an opponent...a terrorist group of 1886 called "the lancers" masked even their bombs by disguising them as dictionaries.

...After Sasha Ulyanov [Lenin's older brother, hung in 1887 at age 21] and his faction were crushed in 1887, a mask could not be worn in the great urban centers of St. Petersburg or Moscow where police controls made terrorist organization almost impossible...

By [1905] the mask...had established links with the radical student subculture in St. Petersburg through Ulyanov's younger brother, Lenin. His Bolshevik party was deeply rooted in distinctly Russian revolutionary tradition and represented as we shall see, not so much as "a party of a new type" as the final formation of the party his brother had dreamed of.

Behind the new mask of Marxism was the old figure of a revolutionary intellectual establishing political authority through the incantation of scientism and populism and the tactics of terrorism.

Makow Comment- Billington seems to overlook that Communism was wholly Cabalist Judaism and Satanism. Nonetheless, the symbolism of the mask is useful today in the context of the Communist subversion of society. Thanks, to W for sending this tip.

Encyclopedia Dramatica #psycho #racist encyclopediadramatica.wiki

On the evening of May 25th, 2020, Floyd was drunk driving in Minneapolis when he felt the pang of one of many addictions he was nursing at the time, in this case being nicotine. Floyd was, unfortunately broke since his usual job of beating drunks, taking entry bribes from underage bar patrons, and acting in porn had been restricted to the recent plague of Chink AIDS.

Luckily for Floyd, he had utilized all the free time on his hands to learn how to use his $20 inkjet printer to copy himself a new source of income that even Warren Buffet would be envious of. After using said paper to acquire some smooth fine-cut Virginia richness he treated himself to a victory cigarette in contented bliss as he had finally unraveled the secrets of fractional reserve banking. In his mind, he was good as long as he didn't copy his last $20 more than 10 times. The store owners didn't see it that way and confronted Floyd, their fingers stained green with printer ink from the DIY cash they'd been handed. Being a thug, Floyd told them to fuck off, so fuck off they did and called for the assistance of some of Minneapolis' finest.

Several white supremacist doom marines led by officer Derek Michael Chauvin responded rapidly to the call. Their armored Dodge Charger plowed through numerous black children on the way to the scene. Upon approaching Floyd's vehicle they ordered him out. Floyd declined as he was busy nursing a puppy back to health. After the officers naturally shot the puppy, Floyd voluntarily began exiting the vehicle when he slipped on a banana peel and fell onto the cop's taser, which became lodged in his throat. Due to the fact he was high on fentanyl, cocaine and infected with the COVID-19 strain that only affects simians, Floyd's life was in grave danger. The heroic militarized white supremacist cops then assisted Floyd over to the curb where Chauvin did his best to dislodge the taser by using his knee to squeeze it back through Floyd's throat hole.

While Chauvin was rendering critical life-saving aid to Floyd, Floyd began desperately crying "I can't breev!", prompting Chauvin to kneel even harder on Floyd's neck in an effort to save his life. Several racist onlookers attempted to interfere with the delicate operation which only distracted Dr. Chauvin, who needed to apply his full concentration at the time. Sadly, his efforts were in vain as Floyd expired due to cardiac complications brought on by a fentanyl overdose.

When George Floyd's spirit left his body, dark ominous clouds quickly formed over Minneapolis. Rain began to pour as Chauvin shook his fist to the sky screaming, "WHY, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO TAKE THE BOY SO SOON!?"

Larry Johnson #racist #conspiracy jta.org

(JTA) — Larry Johnson, a former running back who played seven seasons for the Kansas City Chiefs, tweeted multiple times to his more than 147,000 followers over the weekend that a Jewish “cabal” is involved in “Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Ritualistic Child Torture, Perversion, Human Sacrifice/Murder.” And on Monday, he showed no signs of apologizing.

Johnson framed one of those tweets as a response to Max Kellerman, the Jewish co-host of ESPN’s “First Take” show, who said on the air recently that “Jews do not have a plan for world domination.” Kellerman was responding to social media posts by another NFL star, DeSean Jackson, who last month posted a quote he attributed to Adolf Hitler accusing Jews of having a “plan for world domination.” Jackson subsequently removed the post and apologized.

On Saturday, Johnson posted a video of Alan Dershowitz speaking to the pro-Israel organization Stand With Us in which the attorney said, in part, “We have earned the right to influence public debate, we have earned the right to be heard.”

Johnson’s accompanying tweet accused Jews of seeking to conceal “a lucrative market in pedophilia, human trafficking, child sex trafficking & torture.”

On Monday, Johnson noted the attention his tweets had garnered, posting: “I angered ‘Rabbis’ from here to Israel.”

Johnson played for the Chiefs until 2009, when he was suspended for “conduct detrimental to the club” for a series of tweets using gay slurs. He was later waived by the team.

Since February, Johnson has hosted a podcast called “Sight to the Blind,” which its description says “explores the dark roots of our society and culture to expose deep secrets that remain untold,” according to the site StopAntiSemitism.org. Johnson frequently quotes Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has a long history of anti-Semitic comments.

An early July episode of the podcast is entitled “Anti-Semite.” The episode description reads: “This is not a war of races but a war of nations. If you don’t know who controls the propaganda in this war, how can you tell who is the real enemy? Those who are not a nation have conspired to keep the true nation of Israel asleep and will use race and Hollywood marriages like The Smiths to do it.”

Another podcast episode description reads, in part: “What is the true nation of Israel? Where does the bloodline really come from? What is Satan’s scheme in today’s world?”

Johnson’s tweets are still up as of Tuesday morning.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

You gotta love it! These people use BLM/ANTIFA’s tactics against them and it’s beautiful! BLM and ANTIFA are on thin fucking glass because like Salty Cracker said, these “progressive“ politicians can go on and on about being ”for the cause” and “on your side” but the minute you come down to their neighborhoods and try to burn it down...don’t be surprised when they turn their backs on ya( it happened in CHAZ/CHOP when you assholes went to the mayor’s front door despite her saying “it wasn’t a riot, it’s summer of love!”)because they are letting you burn these cities down and they expect you to stay on your side but you BLM/ANTIFA fucks keep pushing and pushing and pushing until people start to push back. Now you can say “Well, we’ll vote them out and get true progressives into power!” You obviously don’t know the definition of insanity, huh?

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

These people really want everyone to be on their knees and do what they say...and yet SJWs call other people fascists? Think I’m wrong? Go look up how “progressive“ these people are when Terry Crews spoke out against BLM? Or How they acted when John Boyega trolled Reylos and disney/Star Wars? Yes, we‘re the fascists~not SJWs who demand that people shut up and do what they say without question. “Stop spreading pro-cop propaganda and listen to my anti-cop propaganda! Kill all cops! I’m the sane one here!” Yes, please tell me how CHAZ/CHOP went without cops? Was it the utopia you wanted? More gun violence, rapes, theft, etc! Yeah, these people are on the right side of history by demanding that the police be defunded and run them out of cities. Smart! Keep up that projection, SJWS! Hopefully you all faze through the ground and right into the core. Ahhh~the only screams I can sleep soundly to besides my own~

Philadelphia Karen (update if she is found and identified, pls) #racist #psycho newsweek.com

Police are looking for a woman accused of attacking a pregnant Asian-American woman and her daughter last week in Philadelphia.

Jing Chen was walking along 13th and Walnut Streets when a woman allegedly crossed the road and started spraying water at her and her child. "What made you do that?" Chen said to the woman.

"She turned around and tell me 'because you are fu**ing Chinese' and my daughter was right there and she said 'you too,'" Chen explained to ABC 6 News.

Police are searching for a woman believed to be a known local beggar in the area, but will not likely charge the suspect on the basis of ethnic intimidation.

"This is an active investigation and we have not ruled out additional charges, but there is not sufficient evidence that has been presented to us that this is a case of ethnic intimidation at this time," said the District Attorney's office in a statement.

"The assailant deliberately crossed the street and singled them out and then mentioned race during the attack," said Anna Perng, an advocate for immigrant communities and those with disabilities working with the Mayor's Office.

Instead the suspect may be charged with simple assault, harassment and recklessly endangering another person.

Chen has warned other families on social media channel WeChat about potential attacks on the Asian-American community.

"I haven't been out of the house until yesterday," said Chen. "It's made me feel so scared," continued the expecting mother.

Newsweek has contacted the Philadelphia Police Department and the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office for further comment.

WoodrowWoodThough #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(submitter note: he's talking about the article "USA worst country in the world to raise a family")

WoodrowWoodThough: You need to share this information with the massive number of immigrants flooding the border. They seemed to have missed the memo.

believeinya: That "flood" of immigrants is in Europe, not in the USA, which gets very little in comparison.

The USA complaints endlessly about the workers they get from Mexico who do the work in the USA that regular US americans wont do.

And the USA complaints like this while net immigration from Mexico is zero.

And the USA builds a border wall while the mexican workers use airplanes to get to the USA.

WoodrowWoodThough: The USA has about 22-30 million illegal aliens, most from Mexico. The population of the USA consists of about 64 million immigrants, not including the illegal aliens.

President Donald Trump #racist #god-complex axios.com

In the interview with Axios’ Jonathan Swan, Trump said, “I really don't know” how history will remember the Democratic congressman. “I don't know John Lewis. He chose not to come to my inauguration. ... I never met John Lewis, actually, I don’t believe.”

When asked if he found Lewis’ life impressive, Trump responded, “He didn't come to my inauguration. He didn't come to my State of the Union speeches. And that's OK. That's his right. And, again, nobody has done more for Black Americans than I have.”

“He should have come. I think he made a big mistake.”

Trump also declined to say whether he found Lewis personally impressive: “I can't say one way or the other. I find a lot of people impressive. I find many people not impressive.”

Anthony Migchels #wingnut #racist #mammon henrymakow.com

David Icke asks: "Why are Governments borrowing money from private banking systems, and the population paying interest on the borrowing? Why aren't the Governments issuing their own currency interest-free?"

And next, he adds, really of central importance: "And lending it to the population interest-free, to go about their commerce, and go about their daily lives, creating opportunities and choices, that they would otherwise not have?"

And that is the essence that you, bizarrely, will hardly hear anywhere. No, it's not good enough for the Government to claw back money creation from the Banks. The credit issue must be solved. Usury must be solved.

And it is solved by providing normal people with interest-free credit.

It's really very simple, it's hardly brain surgery. But it is completely not understood. While it is absolutely completely vital.

It's not enough to moan about Usury, the basic demand for positive change must be formulated clearly, and that is what David has done here, and it's as good as unique, and that's why I'm pointing it out, it deserves attention.

Because it is Usury that is behind the debt bubble, the derivatives bubble. It is by paying our Usury that we pay for Communism and World Government, and all the other plagues that haunt us, the wars, all the evil ideologies, the destruction of our families.

And what we want is interest-free credit for the People.

And people who ignore this, are a waste of time. This is a fact. All the political constructs everywhere in the World, are dominated by Bankers, which is why people in politics will never discuss this...The same is true of most of the 'Alternative Media'.

The issue is all-important. It's stunning they manage so well to keep it out of the public mind. Just think of all the Gold Dealers who have been creating the popular support for the coming Gold/Crypto standard. And even large parts of the wider monetary reform movement, which is mostly too obsessed with government money creation, for instance.

Nick Griffin, cruelly maligned as some Nazi by the Communist media, but a man of at least some integrity, who led a Party that had people on board who understood quite well what war is ongoing against the working masses of the West, exposed how Zionist forces had offered him and his Party, the British Nationalist Party (BNP) millions if they would bash Islam and ignore Banking. They couldn't care less about what he did for the rest.

Here he exposes the fake Zionist outlets that the Bankers built up to undermine the British Nationalist Party, folks like the EDL, including Tommy, just another fake 'hero' paid by the Bankers.

This template is universal. All the pseudo 'populists' in Europe show this exact focus on Islam and ignoring of Banking. In Holland (Baudet and Wilders), Germany, with the AdF and its lesbian ex Goldman Sachs Banker leader, the Austrians. France, with the Zionist Le Pen, everywhere, there is no exception.

Catholics 4 Trump #ableist #conspiracy #racist catholics4trump.com

[Submitter’s note: though this article is a few years old, it’s still quite relevant as it proves how damned far these people will go to defend Cheeto Benito, be it petty ableism or deploying the Peacekeepers]

At the Democratic National Convention speakers are repeating the claim, amplified ad nauseam by the left and establishment GOP opponents over the past year, that Donald Trump mocked the disability of New York Times reporter, Serge Kovaleski. This accusation has served as a very convenient tool to both smear Trump’s character and to avoid having to confront him on substantive political issues. But is it true? Here is the story the media is not telling you.

It all started on November 21, 2015 when, at a rally, Trump said he remembered seeing reports of Arab Americans celebrating the 9/11 terror attacks on rooftops in New Jersey shortly after the twin towers fell. As he told George Stephanopolous in an interview the next day on ABC’s “This Week”:

TRUMP: “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering…as those buildings came down. And that tells you something…”

Stephanopolous and all of the major news outlets immediately denied the existence of any such news reports following 9/11. One paper, the Washington Post, even went so far as to write a detailed article claiming to “fact check” Mr. Trump. After an exhaustive review, the Post lectured that there was absolutely no evidence of Trump’s claim and deemed it false.

Imagine the Washington Post’s surprise when Trump uncovered one of the Washington Post’s own reporters, Serge Kovaleski, supporting the claim in an article Kovaleski wrote for them on September 18, 2001. Kovaleski wrote:

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Very embarrassing for the media, especially the Washington Post which had done such a great job scouring news reports after 9/11 that they missed their very own story on the subject. It was in this state of embarrassment that the media was desperate to distract from the matter. The Washington Post ended up finding Kovaleski, now writing for the New York Times, so he could do damage control. Kovaleski predictably tried to backtrack from his 2001 account saying he didn’t remember the details:

“I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating,” said Serge Kovaleski, one of the reporters. “That was not the case, as best as I can remember.”

Enter Donald Trump’s rally in South Carolina soon thereafter. During the rally Trump pointed all of this out and paraphrased Kovaleski’s backtracking as he impersonated a groveling reporter changing his story under pressure. While he did this, Trump moved his hands around quickly, acting flustered.

Soon thereafter, the media revealed still photos of Kovaleski with his right hand in a permanently flexed position downward announcing that he was disabled. The media then shifted from trying to defend their oversight of the 9/11 Post article and instead, with disapproving shocked outrage, accused Trump of mocking a reporter’s disability. Some liberals went even further and freeze-framed a millisecond of the Trump video at the exact moment when his hand went into a flexed posture. Then they dishonestly put this screen capture side by side with a picture of Kovaleski’s flexed hand. Thus, you saw the following photo spread like wildfire over social media with commentary condescendingly and horrifyingly excoriating trump as a monster:


The media’s clear implication was that Trump was mocking the way Kovaleski moved his arms. People watching the clip of Trump’s impersonation only knew that Kovaleski was disabled. Thus, they naturally assumed Kovaleski’s disability must be similar to cerebral palsy where he has limited control of his movements and is prone to have muscle spasms or move his arms in jerky motions as Trump was doing at the rally. This is precisely the image the media wanted in people’s minds. They wanted this to be the story: that Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally mocked the flailing arm motions of someone who can’t control his muscles. They knew this would naturally trigger a visceral reaction of disgust from viewers and outrage amongst the disabled and all decent Americans, many of whom, to this day, think this is exactly what happened. Is it?

What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason. As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.” Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews. Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me? Watch the video:

In addition, Trump used the same flailing arm movements in a South Carolina rally to impersonate a flustered Ted Cruz being asked about waterboarding. To my knowledge Cruz is not physically disabled:

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Thus, Trump’s impersonations of a flustered reporter several months ago was turned into a left-wing and Establishment GOP narrative whereby Trump somehow hates the disabled. This despite the fact that Trump has given millions to charities that help the disabled including raising nearly six million dollars for Wounded Warriors just recently, a million of which was his own money. In addition, Liz Crokin, a journalist who covered Donald trump for ten years recalls the following:

In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment…

In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl’s story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check…

Please keep this in mind and spread the word whenever you hear the left continually claim Trump is against disabled people at the Democratic Convention this week.

UPDATED on 7/28/16

It turns out that at the very same South Carolina rally Trump imitated Kovaleski, he also used similar arm and hand gestures to imitate a very non-disabled general who was asked about ISIS. Do you remember the media reporting this? Watch below:

Also, in addition to Kovaleski’s 2001 Washington Post piece, further confirmation of Trump’s recollection came out to embarrass the media. As it turns out, Trump’s story was also confirmed on a local CBS station shortly after 9/11:

…Just a couple of blocks away from that Jersey City apartment the F.B.I. raided yesterday and had evidence removed, there is another apartment building, one that investigators told me, quote, was swarming with suspects — suspects who I’m told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the Trade Center. Police were called to the building by neighbors and found eight men celebrating , six of them tenants in the building.

The F.B.I. and other terrorist task force agencies arrived, and the older investigators on the task force recalled that they had been to this building before, eight years ago, when the first World Trade Center attack led them to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, whose Jersey City mosque lies between the two buildings getting attention today. And the older investigators remember that the suspects that eventually got convicted for the first Trade Center case … lived in the building where these same eight men were celebrating the destruction that they saw from the roof. Calling this a hot address, the task force investigators ordered everyone detained…

Anonymous couple #racist cnn.com

Walmart said it has banned a couple from its stores after they were seen on video wearing face coverings with swastikas as they shopped at one of its Minnesota locations.

Saturday, the same day Minnesota started requiring its citizens to wear masks in all indoor businesses, a Walmart customer captured video footage of a man and woman wearing face coverings emblazoned with the Nazi symbol at a store in Marshall, southwest of Minneapolis.
The nation's largest retailer, which started requiring its customers to wear masks last Monday, confirmed the incident to CNN. Delia Garcia, a spokeswoman for Walmart, said the couple is banned for at least one year.

Police served the 59-year-old man and 64-year-old woman with trespass notices, warning them they would be arrested if they returned, the Star Tribune reported. The two left without incident and charges were not pursued.
The two were wearing the masks in protest of the statewide mandate, Jim Marshall, director of public safety with the Marshall Police Department told CNN.

After posing for the camera, the unidentified woman responded, saying, "I'm not a Nazi. I'm trying to show you what's going to happen in America. If you vote for (Joe) Biden you're gonna be in Nazi Germany. That's what it's going to be like."
The unidentified man wearing the swastika face covering can be heard saying, "We're living under a socialist state."

Fat Link #conspiracy #racist incels.is

I think Scott Roberts sadly may be proven right.

So to explain things further...

The Jews release a bioweapon such as Covid 19 that only effects a very small portion of the overall world populace in a very nasty way ie for those it effects badly if you don't end up dead from it you'll basically wish you were.

Meanwhile due to it's limited scope/reach many of us have begun wondering/questioning whether a new and real virus has even been released at all and at the very least more and more normies begin wondering whether its really so bad as the Jew mass media fear porn hysteria has been making it out to be.

The Jews desperate to get us all to take the vaccine as well being evil bastards in general then figure out the most obvious solution (or more likely what they have already planned ie the so called "next phase" of their evil scheme).

Which is...

Release an actual superbug that is deadly to vast portions of the human populace on or near the levels of the black death just when everyone has begun writing off Covid 19 as a hoax (or at the very least a real virus but way overblown and sensationalized by the media as to it's overall deadliness among the population) and from everyone being "touched" by this actual super deadly bug via having some of their own family/friends killed by it everyone or nearly everyone will then be willing and desperate to roll up their sleeves and take Bill Gates toxic vaccination shots as after all what could be worse the moronic and fully duped public rationalizes to itself?

Also they would be completely oblivious to the fact that the Jews released a new and actual deadly virus/pathogen that started the mass deaths and continue calling it Covid 19 or the Jews will go back to their "second wave" narrative and release the deadlier more lethal across the board strain.

Either way "bait n' switch" to sum things up is how the kikes can likely most easily fool vast swaths of the public into practically begging for the vaccine.

Bait n' switch for the low IQ's out there in my context means they first release this relatively tame (as far as producing mass deaths go) version of Covid 19 but then later either secretly roll out a version of it that kills scarily high numbers of people and continue saying its the same old virus thats been here all along and that it "didn't get worse" but rather people didn't social distance/wear the masks and or refuse to get the vaccine so thats why it "appeared" to get worse...


They go with the old narrative which is "OMG! There's going to be a second deadlier phase of Covid in the fall so we've got to gear up for that!!"

At which point they release an actual deadly super virus that really is worthy of being afraid of on the level they've had everyone scared of for months now about and they just call it the second phase of Covid 19 regardless of whatever kind of virus or pathogen that it actually is.

Marina Orwell #racist #sexist #psycho orwellsdaughter.wordpress.com

Asianig Murderers of White Women

Who is an asianigger? In brief, everyone on the earth who isn’t a purebred White European, a purebred Negro, or a Mulatto is an asianigger. Everyone from jewz to amerindians to flips — they are by far the most numerous group on the planet (and Whitey is busy making even more lethal strains of these critters via his ever-increasing racemixing).

Note that a huge swath of asianiggers look like jewz even if they aren’t (mestizos, arabs — really just about all of them except for eastern asianigs like chinese). See the photos of the heinous criminals below to see what I mean.

These ugly turds are so numerous and hate-filled, that even a previously almost crime-free place like Iceland now has animalistic murders of White women.

Check out this ugly turd (with a very White European name) who only got 19 years for not only brutally killing an Icelandic woman, but also committing major drug smuggling. (I’m going to assume that since this brown “sailor” “from Greenland” is actually under the auspices of Denmark, and that the Danes gave Mr. Asianigger a break since they are so darn used to violent brown dikwads at this point.)

Note that brown man had previously been up on charges of rape, but was turned loose so that he could brutalize and kill a beautiful White woman. As long as they don’t kill white male pussy faggots, no one will do anything about it.

Have all the boo-hoo-hoo vigils all you want, nothing will stop the asianiggers and niggers from brutalizing us worldwide. The white male pussy faggot tacitly gave the OK to his brown brothers a long time ago to go ahead and torture and kill his very own Creators.

Check out this fat piece of amerindian filth, Barry Beach. This pig killed three White females, but is NOW ON THE LOOSE! Why? Because all kinds of “special interest” groups jumped in to help this raping and murdering Injun to go free. He was given 100 years, but the “magic” of the jewdicial system means that he’s back at it.

And back at it he is. This dispicable shithead turned around and propositioned and harrassed little girls. Of course, being an Injun means that HE GOT AWAY WITH THIS TOO. There is literally NOTHING that this blimp attached to 1.5 oz of rapist flesh can do to a White woman or girl that will cause the WiMPfa’s “law” to convict him of anything. I hope someone finds him and sodomizes him to death — or maybe burns him alive after sodomizing him for a few days. I bet that person would be sentenced to death for killing this precious walking amerindian debasement though.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist #dunning-kruger amerika.org

History provides a grim hint: Day X never comes; instead, you get gradual degradation to the point where the people screaming “white power” are short, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have Asiatic features. Sort of like most of South America or Southern Europe where the far-Right look more like Turks or Arabs.

Race is everything because heritage is everything because natural selection is everything; genetics reflect who we are and how we act. Egalitarian societies hate this and deny it; in place of natural selection, they suggestion social equality, or that anyone who can socialize must be accepted.

When you become outbred, nothing remains of the original culture, which like everything else in complex genetics is formed of intricate patterns or frameworks. Individual genes taken alone code for traits, but patterns of traits provide characteristics, and these are lost with the intrusion of foreign DNA.

Day X is now and has been with us since before Charles Martel or Frederick II. It is the gradual erosion of our actual framework, genetics, by the rest of the world which, seeing our success, both resents us and wants to be us, leading to a mentality of passive-aggressive conquest.

Immigration is just the latest invasion. Your leaders will not turn it aside because to do so rejects egalitarianism, or the idea that all people are equal. This is a replacement framework. Instead of genetics, heritage, family, culture, continuity, and other organic things, we have dogma.

Jim #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "State of the left singularity"]

Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed
Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state.

The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to the state religion, and eliminating the unprincipled exceptions and theological inconsistencies that made earlier forms of the state religion workable and practical.

Thus leftism goes ever lefter. And the more disordered the state becomes, the faster it goes left, and more left it becomes the more disordered it becomes.

Every day the left gets lefter.

As we approach the left singularity, as the left goes faster and faster leftwards, tidal forces increase, with the left most part of the left moving left faster than the not so left part of the left, the leftmost become increasingly dangerous to the not quite so left.

The radical left is purging the less radical left, purging the Haidt / Mounck / Pinker axis. They probably will not purge Biden, since more and more often, he no longer knows where he is, what year it is, and fails to recognize family, but Pelosi is headed for removal soon enough, finding it increasingly difficult to control the radicals, and increasingly make self destructive concessions to them.

These fractures within the left eventually result in the left singularity being halted short of infinite leftism, as sooner or later, someone important decides “Yes, I do have enemies to the left and I have no choice but do whatever it takes to stop them.”

To merely stabilize movement ever leftwards, ever faster, it has to become as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. That, merely stabilizing the left wing singularity to current levels, as Stalin and Cromwell did, is a quite drastic measure, and the more dangerous it has become to be too far right, the more dangerous it has to become to be too far left, and the more drastic a measure it is. Cromwell’s measures were drastic, but non lethal. Stalin’s measures were drastic and massively lethal and nothing less could have saved Russia. Once they started killing rightists, it could only be stabilized by killing leftists.

England having been stabilized non lethally, Charles the Second could then restore normality by merely massively purging the state Church, executing a handful of people, and encouraging large numbers of clerics to get out of England. Unfortunately many of them went to America, where they founded Harvard, and have been plotting to take over the world since then.

Harvard was the Vatican, the official state Church of New England, thus the left has organizational continuity and continuity of personnel all the way back to the Christian state church of ancient times. Today, as when Emperor Constantine founded Constantinople, you cannot get a job in the state and quasi state apparatus, unless you have passed catechisms administered by the seminaries of the state religion, but while the catechisms of Constantine’s Church concerned unfalsifiable claims about the next world, today’s catechisms contain ever growing falsifiable and false claims about this world,

And now, the meat of the post, where we are today
Drag Queens having government sponsored and government approved sex on the floor of the public library with nine year old boys. The books in the library they performed sexual acts on the floor have been purged of all thought crime, and the library needs a coat of paint.

Schools pressuring students to transsexualize.

A school curriculum of hatred against white people, reading, writing, and arithmetic being white privilege. Quiet in the classroom being white privilege.

Arrest quotas on blacks that enable them to swagger down the street because they can beat up white people with impunity and not get charged or arrested, but white people will be arrested for defending themselves.

Ever increasing violence and intimidation against anyone insufficiently left wing.

Collapse of marriage and family.

Courtship and dating can no longer be plausibly or interestingly depicted in movies, books and dance videos. the destruction of Star Wars and the self destruction of Marvel Comics. Han Soylo. The mating dance can no longer be realistically or entertainingly depicted. Dance videos can no longer depict men acting male and women acting female.

Child protective services abducting children from Christian families and selling them to gays.

Hatred of white people and America taught in schools. Second class citizenship for whites.

That pretty girls no longer walk the Embarcadero, that José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, and is still there despite illegal status and numerous arrests for very serious crimes, that Zárate murdered Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero because she was white, that he was acquitted because a brown man murdering a white girl.

White flight, whites are now fleeing San Francisco as they fled Detroit.

White flight everywhere. We are running out of places in America to run to. Most white people in America cannot return to the place that they were born and raised because “It has changed”, though if they were to say how it has changed, that would be a thought crime. The cost of housing soars as we run out of places to flee to

The silicon valley meritocracy exemption has collapsed, and now silicon valley is collapsing because of affirmative action. They now have to practice affirmative action like everyone else. Hot new technology no longer comes out of Silicon Valley.

Abortion as a holy sacrament. They shut down the Churches and the cancer wards, but did not shut down the abortion mills.

The collapse of intelligence in the student intake of Harvard and Yale. They are stupid, because selected for race, sex, and political correctness, not ability as they select for PC rather than smarts.


Increasingly second class citizenship for white people. There are arrest quotas limiting the arrest of blacks, so a black can attack white people with little risk, while if a white defends himself, he faces grave risk. So blacks swagger down the street and disrupt the workplace.

The pope worshiping naked pagan idols.


That a man’s obligation to look after his wife and children is legally and socially enforced, and his obligation to love and cherish socially enforced, but a woman has no legal or social obligation to refrain from cucking her husband, and her obligation to honor and obey is not only not socially enforced, but aggressively opposed.

The Red Skull #racist vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Whenever can i take it out to show people.
I say this is my bag for White Guilt.
I want you to notice its completely Fucking Empty!

We Are The Best Race Ever. !
If your a Liberal Commie please move to a brown or black
3rd World Shithole so you can truly get the full crappy taste
Of “Diversity”.

White America was the best place ever. Created by for and about White People.

Deal with it Bitchez!

Ulrich #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #racist renegadetribune.com

The reverberations of this jew war will be felt around the world for a long time yet to come, such was and is the intensity of the jew hatred of the Aryan Germans, that formed the metaphysical elements of the 2 world wars. Their joyful glee at the spilling of millions of litres of the best blood from all combatants was exacerbated by the age old use of black magic, whipping up the ALL-lies into a hateful, frenzied hysteria by way of concentrated brain washing propaganda.
Once again the jewhead of the beast were ably served by the treasonous, traitorous tools known as freemasonry, a sect of the population of hormonally damaged psychopathic / sociopathic reprobates, whose lack of conscience and ability to engage in unbridled cruelty towards other life forms are considered perfect anti-virtues of masonic recruits. Unfortunately by the time WW2 was orchestrated, the masonic conspiracy had matured into a global cabal that turned its execrable, satanic enmity against the natural nobility of Northern Europe, the Germanic peoples, thus depriving them (and by proxy, all of humanity), of their spiritual leadership and inherent understanding of the universal laws.
This is a tragedy of multiple proportions whereby the inversion of the organic, time honoured process of the best rising to the top has been destroyed and replaced by the lowest forms of pseudo-humans who have conspired to obtain their ill-gotten positions through murder, deception, blackmail, bribery and treachery. We live in hope that this doesn’t sound the death knell for the planet and its inhabitants.

Anonymous #psycho #racist boards.4chan.org

It’s simple purity spiraling with a large dash of self-hatred.

that is an oxi moron way of looking at kikes and nigger lovers wanting to mud and mutt up White Nations with low IQ criminal gib shit skins for the corp. kike and anti White elite.

P.S. When kikes die Jesus smiles. Every dead yid causes Jesus to do a heel click in the sky!




dead yids are HAWT!

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

And here I thought I can never be surprised by what BLM does anymore but here we are! Then again BLM is taking black cards away from black people who don‘t support them and now I wait for BLM to make anti-semitism speeches and how Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy. I think the joke about commie-nazis from the Simpsons is about to come true! If I see SJWS waving a rainbow flag with the communist symbol and swastika fused together and then call ME or anyone who disagrees with them ”monsters” then I’m gonna die laughing and that’s not a joke! I will happily die knowing SJWs went full commie-nazi or Marxist-nazi or whatever. They want all white people to die and want all cops to die...all they need is a bad haircut, a bad mustache, a mob of crazies and...wait.

Daniel Vinyard #racist #wingnut amren.com

My Career as a White Police Officer

We often hear that all black families have “the talk” with their children — especially boys — to explain that any white officer is looking for any excuse to kill them, so they must always cooperate and be polite. If there is a “talk,” it must be a mother telling her children (fathers are almost never around) that they don’t have to do anything the police say or follow any of our directions, that they should talk back to us and be as hostile as possible. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of black suspects who have been “meek, calm, and cooperative.” From the beginning of my career in the early 1990s to today, any time I have dealt with a black suspect, he or she has been confrontational, invariably complaining of “racism” or “profiling.”

Even victims are hostile. Either they are angry that we have not immediately caught their attacker, or they refuse to cooperate. I have stood over black or Hispanic shooting victims, moaning in pain, as paramedics work on them, asking basic questions: Who did this to you? Who were you with? Where were you? The answer was almost always, “I dunno” or a shrug of the shoulders. They wanted to “handle the problem” on their own with street justice, and they saw any type of cooperation with the police as a sign of weakness. I took many attempted murder reports for which there was absolutely no suspect information or leads to follow up on — because the victim or witnesses refused to give us any.

The media are constantly on the lookout for any story that can be spun into victimization of blacks, so I make a point of warning command staff after virtually any contact with blacks. Anything can blow up into a big news story, and if the department is called upon for a comment, it has to know the basics of what happened. All this means officers are reluctant to get involved with blacks.

There were many Hispanics in the area where I was first hired, and their most common crimes were domestic violence, drug sales, and robbery. Nearly all the gangs in our city were Hispanic, and they claimed specific territories.

Hispanics would prey upon any race of people for robberies, burglaries, thefts or other crimes for material gain — usually to buy drugs. As for violence, they mostly attacked other Hispanics, since shootings and stabbings were usually either gang or — strange as it may seem — family related. During our pre-shift briefings, when our sergeant told us he had received intel that there would be a quinceanera party that evening, the shift would let out a collective groan.

A quinceanera is a celebration of a girl’s 15th birthday, and most Hispanics throw the most lavish party they can afford. Almost without exception, it would culminate in a stabbing, shooting, or large brawl, for which there were only two causes: a distant uncle would drink too many Budweisers (the beer they drank almost exclusively) and would “disrespect” another family member. The other cause was when the Hispanic gang of the area tried to crash the party, and the family tried to keep it out — which would mean a fight and maybe some stabbing and shooting. One of those two outcomes was almost inevitable.


A quinceañera before the trouble starts.

It was very rare for Hispanics to commit “random” violent attacks on whites, old people, or women of the kind so frequent among blacks. There was a lot of domestic violence, but Hispanic women never called police on their spouse/boyfriend; if we were called, it was always by someone else. The main concern for the woman was that the sole breadwinner of the household might be arrested. A huge majority of the Hispanics were illegal immigrants and feared deportation above all else. I have seen frightened, horribly beaten women sitting on a couch, staring silently into space as I interviewed them through an interpreter; they refused to cooperate. There were always children wandering around the house who must have seen their mother being beaten. I often wondered how many beatings the woman had suffered without the police being called.

I also dealt with many white criminals, mostly for property crimes, methamphetamine (possession and intoxication), and the occasional violent crime. Whites did not commit the shocking and abhorrent crimes common among blacks, whose preferred activities seemed to be takeover robberies committed by organized groups, violent assaults on the elderly, rape, carjacking, and shootings. I was always struck by the incomprehensible, gratuitous nature of their violence. I have no recollection of any memorable or shocking Asian crimes during my time with this agency.

In my nearly 30 years of police experience, I have never treated a suspect differently because of race. Today’s anti-police hysteria would have you believe that police start and end their shifts hunting for black people to stop, but the reality of police work is simple. We have radios and computers in our cars that dispatch us. We don’t just appear where black people happen to be. We are sent there. We don’t control who commits crime. We don’t control the victims or witnesses who call 911. We stop, investigate, and arrest blacks disproportionately because of one indisputable fact: Blacks commit more crime.

If the radio or computer in our car tells us a green Martian wearing a silver spacesuit just committed an armed robbery, we go to the location and look for a green Martian wearing a silver space suit. If the radio or the computer tells us that a black man just shot several people, we flood the area and look for — you guessed it, a black man. George Floyd, Michael Brown, Rayshard Brooks et. al. weren’t randomly chosen. In every incident, they were committing crimes that had been called in by victims or witnesses. The fact that they chose not to cooperate or to attack the police was entirely their choice.

Our job is to enforce the law. If a suspect resists, we are allowed to use force. Each of those black men would be alive today if he had followed lawful commands and had submitted to lawful arrest. There is no disputing that fact. Police officers want to arrest dangerous criminals to protect their community, and we will go wherever that call for service takes us.

Unfortunately, the city where I now work is destroying itself in the name of “diversity.” As the federal government foists hundreds, if not thousands of African refugees upon our town, crimes that were unheard of are becoming common: children stabbed to death, gun crime, and murder for hire. I now see sub-Saharan Africans walking down Main Street with 40-pound bags of rice on their heads. People from Third-World countries full of squalor and corruption come to our city and demand special treatment while contributing nothing. No politician can complain without committing career suicide. I am now in a supervisory position and can say, without hesitation, that every major crime here involves a black person. The most dangerous service call of each shift for the last several months has involved a black man with a gun or large mobs of violent blacks.

As the “defund the police” movement gains momentum, police officers are leaving the profession in droves. My agency is no exception. Soon, very few people, if any, will apply for this job. In order to fill vacancies, agencies will have to eliminate written tests, lower hiring standards, and look the other way on questionable backgrounds. This has all been tried before in the name of “diversity,” and led to incompetent, untrustworthy, corrupt officers. This is a disaster for any society.

White people are too frightened to talk about the rampant black crime that is documented every day. Whites have become the “silenced majority,” in order to protect their livelihood and to avoid being called the word against which there is no defense: “racist.” This police department is full of men and women who can tell city council exactly what happens when a city submits to the corrosive grip of the black hand. Will they listen before it’s too late?

AmericanDreaming #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

This picture was recently featured (uncredited and wildly out of context) on Buzzfeednews, and more correctly (and with credit) by Lalo Dagach on his blog Check it out!

If you think that human rights violations, misogyny, child abuse, honor killing, honor rape, and draconian, barbaric punishments for trivial or imaginary crimes are okay if done by non-whites or non-Westerners because it's their "culture," if you spend more time criticizing and maligning the critics of bad ideas rather than those ideas themselves, if you masochistically and narcissistically attribute the cause of all the world's problems on your own nation, if you victim-blame those slaughtered by terrorists for bringing it on themselves, if you think you know the motives of terrorists and radicals better than they themselves do, if you hold non-Westerners to a lower moral standard, if you smear dissenting voices in minority communities - the minorities within the minorities - as being "uncle Toms," or "native informants," then you aren't a liberal or a progressive, you're a regressive.

The Regressive Left is a subset of the political left, and has considerable overlap with other terms such as the PC left and social justice warriors (SJWs), but it isn't exactly the same thing.

The term "Regressive Left" was coined by Maajid Nawaz, a former radical Islamist who runs the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank that works to de-radicalize Islamists and to liberalize, modernize, and ultimately reform Islam. The amount of resistance, hostility, and impediment that Nawaz and Quilliam have received from those on the left who should be their natural allies is what undoubtedly led to his coining of this term in the early 2010's.

American Tax Payer & rls976 #racist amren.com

RE: Zimbabwe Agrees to Pay $3.5 Billion Compensation to White Farmers

(American Tax Payer)

I bet that either Europeans and/or Americans will pay it. Somehow, someway, they'll get that money through Aide but I bet the Farmers won't see a dime.

"But the southern African nation does not have the money and will issue long term bonds and jointly approach international donors with the farmers to raise funding, according to the compensation agreement."

International donors doesn't mean Mexicans.

Asians and Middle Easterners got some money, and Isreal too but I bet none of them will fork over one red cent.

If Israel forks over any money, consider the massive annual aid it gets from US taxpayers - that is where that 'donation' from Israel would come from.

Oh yes, I know. Isreal gets more money from us goyim than all the other countries get. And, Our Beautiful Young White Men are sent to slaughter in the wars our Zionist Controlled State Department creates.

The real disgrace in all this is not Africans acting like Africans but the way the Anglo-sphere abandoned the Rhodesians. The White Commonwealth nations (UK, Canada, Australia, NZ) should have worked together to resettle their fellow ethnics in one of the three realms, most appropriately 'underpopulated' Australia. Heaven knows all four have no problem bringing in hoards of racially unrelated, hostile, third world aliens.

What an excellent point but sadly, SJW and some "Christian" Whites don't care. I relayed a story here awhile ago about the "Christian" radio station I was listening to and called in when I heard them start talking about slavery in Africa and how we need to stop it so I called in and asked what they were doing about the Mudlims Enslaving the British Children in England and was told, "the world is complicated". In other words, they don't plan on helping White People, not even White Children. This is so Biblical, it ain't even funny. In the Last Days, the Churches would become corrupt. Well, you can't get anymore corrupt than that.


The Anglo-sphere more than abandoned the Rhodesians - it turned on them and played a major role in overthrowing their society and wrecking their lives.

I say the money to compensate the white Rhodesian farmers should come from a tax on US negroes. (a). Which group of voters in the US more zealously voted for the leftists here who sought the downfall of productive and civilized white Rhodesia to bring about the Mugabe/negroid catastrophe that was and is Zimbabwe? (b). By all rights, after 1865 the negroes of the USA should have been resettled back home in Africa, whence they were 'so wrongfully taken'. Instead, they have been allowed to stay in this country - discovered, settled, pioneered, won, built and maintained by whites. As a result they have the highest standard of living and longevity of negroes anywhere on planet earth - absolutely towering above the negroes of any African country. The negroes of the US have (and had) a standard of living that is insanely higher than in any negro country, and it is because of the white race. They mightily owe something to whites, somewhere, for this. For their role in enabling the (((Marxist)))/negroid ruination of life for white America's racial blood brothers in Rhodesia, the US negroes owe compensation. The amount US negroes spend annually on potato chips, pork rinds, car air fresheners, Air Jordans, crack cocaine, bail, spinning hubcaps and rap music ought to about do it.

DepravedAndDeprived #racist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Funny how opposing racemixing equals White supremacy

I see intrinsic value in all peoples, races, and cultures. I understand that mixture leads to the loss of what makes each and every one of these peoples and cultures unique. Therefore, I oppose this mixture. India is for Indians, China for the Chinese, and Europe is for White people. I oppose racemixing, for it erases millions of years of seperate genetic developments.

And this makes me a "racist". Some call me a "White supremacist" or a "nazi" despite my opinions applying to all races equally. The media portrays my love for all the peoples as "hate", while simultaneously spitting anti-White propaganda like it's nothing.

Funny how things turn out.

Stoic Patriot #racist #crackpot #moonbat hotair.com

"Naming U.S. bases after Confederates in the first place was necessarily “divisive” to black Americans"

Last I checked, they were on the winning side of the war and got freedom from slavery. Maybe they should stop being aggrieved by a name.

"a small insult among many greater ones to remind them that their feelings didn’t matter"

Which is totally not at all what tarring people who don't want to rename the forts is doing at all, right? Letting the losing side honor their dead is how you make peace. Deciding to knock that over is how you open old wounds. Duh.

Total Imbecile #racist incels.is

[Serious] Why would a white woman commit genetic treason?

I understand ethnic women chasing white guys, its a straight up genetic upgrade

But I cannot understand why a white woman would date outside her own race

I was actually checking out how that mudshark Emma Murphy is doing

and Im still confused as to her exact motive for breeding with a non white man

Do white women do this to spite their fathers? To be edgy and rebellious? Its deliberately shooting yourself in the foot

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Nigeria: African Lesbianism Rises, Courtesy of George Soros"]

You’d think that the masses of people would have caught on to the fact that entertainment media is used to transform society by emotionally manipulating the population.

However, you would be wrong.

As a rule, any time you imagine the masses of people catching onto any fact that isn’t fed to them by the media, you will be wrong.

Africa @ Random

A pro lesbian Nollywood film created and directed by Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim has is in the works and about to be released. The story is centred around the love interest between two queer women.

Uyaiedu said she created the movie to address the subject of LGBTQ head-on as it is more or less a taboo topic in Nigeria.

The title of the movie is “Ife” which translates to mean “love” in the Yoruba language, a dialect widely spoken in South Western Nigerian.

Uyaiedu said she made the movie as an opposition to the stereotypical way queer people were perceived in the Nigerian society as this also got transferred into movies where gay roles are often deemed to be troubled and problematic.

“I’m queer so ‘Ife’ is dear to my heart. I wanted to represent LGBTQ characters in a different light than how they are shown in past stories, to change how heterosexuals view them,” she explained.

Homophobia is a big thing in Nigeria and the larger parts of Africa. Stigma against homosexuals in Nigeria is particularly very pronounced considering that there are even laws in the country’s books that sentence gays and lesbians to long jail terms when caught and convicted.

Yes, the homosexual propaganda film is created by an NGO.

“Equality Hub.”

What is that, you ask?

If you go to their site, you find that they are a part of “The Initiative for Human Rights.”

If you go to their site, you find they’re just yet another subsidiary of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Of course.

They have other patrons, including Elton John’s AIDS group, but I’d wager the most money comes from Soros (sometimes it gets passed around in circles, and I would imagine Elton John’s AIDS thing is also funded by Soros).

Again you have whites and Jews from the West going to a third world country to force homosexuality on them.


Part of it is just basic comic book villainy, and a desire to destroy everything in the world by making it sick and gay. But a much more practical and immediate purpose for this, as I mentioned recently when I addressed Mexico going full homo, is the globalist agenda.

You see: right now, the first world is being turned into the third world, rapidly. We are being flooded with third worlders, we are dipping into gross, third world style political corruption, and we are headed into a situation where there is mass poverty, no middle class, and the impoverished peasants are ruled over by an ultra-rich elite.

At the same time, however, we are not adopting the one thing that the third world has that is actually admirable, which is traditional family values. We’re staying totally gay, we’re keeping feminism, divorce, the whole mess.

If we want to combine with the third world then, by tearing down the borders, they must first share the Western fixation on anal sex, female empowerment and the rest of the program as regards to these things. So, right now, you are witnessing a massive push to turn the third world gay, in preparation for this great merger of the nations into a single mass of gay brown sludge.

This is exactly what was written about in 1925 by the founder of the European project, Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.


We need to be aware of the fact that the goal behind the coronavirus hoax and the ongoing communist revolution is create a one world government run by Jews that rules over a mass of brown homosexuals.

Mississippi Cops #racist #psycho cnn.com

An attorney for a city in Mississippi said in court documents a man who was shot by police in a case of mistaken identity has no Fourth or 14th Amendment protections because he was not a US citizen.

Ismael Lopez was shot and killed at his mobile home in July 2017 after police mixed up his address with that of a man wanted for domestic assault. Murray Wells, an attorney representing Lopez's family, said an investigation commissioned by his firm revealed that Lopez died of a single bullet to the back of the head.
Attorney: Mississippi man shot in back of head by police
Attorney: Mississippi man shot in back of head by police
In June, Lopez's family filed a $20 million wrongful-death lawsuit in federal court against Southaven, the city's police chief and the officers involved in Lopez's death.
In response, an attorney for the city filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit on September 4, saying Lopez had no Fourth or 14th Amendment protections because Lopez was an "illegal alien" at the time of his death.
A number of Supreme Court rulings, such as an oft-cited 1982 decision over the right to education in public schools, have found that constitutional protections do apply to undocumented immigrants. How that plays out in practice is frequent fodder for courtroom battles, including a litany of pending lawsuits over various Trump administration immigration policy changes.
The Mississippi city's recent court filing said Lopez was a convicted felon "for a crime of violence" while in the US, and did "not have the same rights as legal or resident aliens."
"If he ever had Fourth Amendment or Fourteenth Amendment civil rights, they were lost by his own conduct and misconduct. Ismael Lopez may have been a person on American soil but he was not one of the 'We, the People of the United States' entitled to the civil rights invoked in this lawsuit," a city attorney wrote in her motion.
In the conclusion, the city lawyer says, "Federal civil rights are not civil rewards for violating the laws of the United States."
Lopez had previously been deported twice and re-entered the country without permission, according to a Mississippi Bureau of Investigation report obtained by the Commercial Appeal in Memphis. He had been arrested on domestic violence and DUI charges in Washington State in the 1990s, according to the report.
At a Thursday news conference, Wells, the Lopez family attorney, described the city's response as "chilling," reported CNN affiliate WATN.
"In an address to a federal judge in an open pleading in court, the city of Southaven has announced that it is their policy that if you are an undocumented resident of that city, you have no constitutional protections," Wells said.
"Meaning, that storm troopers can come into your house and kill you without regard to any constitutional results or repercussions whatsoever."
"It's in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United States, which clearly says under the 14th Amendment line one (that) all persons on United States territories have constitutional rights," Wells said. "We're shocked; we do not believe that those arguments are in good faith. We don't believe they're founded on any real law whatsoever."
A local grand jury declined to indict the two officers, DeSoto County District Attorney John Champion said in July 2018, according to CNN affiliate WREG.
Champion said the grand jury knew the officers went to the wrong address and never identified themselves at the door. He said he gave the grand jury the option to indict on charges of homicide or manslaughter, or to not indict.
In a statement issued in July 2018, Steve Pirtle, then the Southaven police chief, said one of the officers involved in the case had left the department, WREG reported.

bueos #racist #sexist reddit.com

I want my ex-bully to knock my girlfriend up

I'm also concerned that the baby wont look black. My bully is very black but my girlfriend is also very white with very fair features. I've noticed that mixed kids of fair white women often look very white. I would enjoy weird stares from white people and the laughing and disrespect from black people. So I'd like our kid to be clearly part black. The same for the future 4 or 5 more kids I hope we have.

My bully caught carona before she decided to contact him. That was a few months ago and he still seems to be fine. It's a serious virus though and I can't consent to her having sex with him or even meeting him until he's been fine for another month and repeatedly tests negative from multiple clinics and multiple ways to test. My girlfriend cried a bit because she was so excited to do this. I've been comforting her as much as I can physically and emotionally and reminding her that it's going to happen soon enough. I told her I'd try to make it up to her while she waits for him.

This is really upsetting for both of us.

We're considering finding another black man. She's considering a guy she showed me a video of, fucking a poor southern guys fiancee because he used the n word. He really rubs it in talking crap while he does her from behind. I feel sorry for the guy because the black guy disrespected the guys privacy and family. He was talking about how much he loves his little family and wanting to get married and have another kid.

The black man has 3 girlfriends now..

Does anyone know this guy? He has some powerful, aggressive genes and my girlfriend wants him. If you know any of his accounts or channels, please let me know.

LMAO. A cuck trying to be intimidating, by going through my post history no less. You're cute.

I love how the people who are rightfully disturbed by your post you get mad at, and the sickos encouraging you to let your gf cheat on you and have you raise another man's child you welcome with open arms and friendliness.

You do realize you're extremely mentally ill, right...? Right...??

I'm not trying to be intimidating at all. I didn't need to go through your post history. All I had to do was glance at it. lol

Okay, but answer the question. Do you realize how sick you are? You need therapy. Your gf is going to dump you btw as well if you don't fix your brain.

There are benefits to my girlfriend bearing my bullies kids too. Mixed kids are healthier and have less abnormalities than Caucasian kids. They're physically stronger and much more athletic than Caucasians. We can afford a much bigger house for our future because we can buy one in a diverse neighborhood with lower property values. We'll fit in well with the neighborhood and I don't have to worry as much about them being picked on at school like Caucasian kids often have to deal with. Most importantly, if my bully stays here, they'll have a black uncle (my bully) that might want to visit my girlfriend and his kids from time to time.

Now tell me what it is that makes YOU think I'm sick. Tell me how to "fix my brain" and Why would a girl dump a loyal provider that encourages her cheat on him? What would the point of that be? And tell me why you're so against this.

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