
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Kaisar #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia #psycho hiddendominion.com

[From "The Fall Of Christendom Leading To Enlightenment Lies"]

The problems that haunt us today are not modern[…]
In trying to answer these questions, the conservative often falls back on a modern answer to solve the modern problem. We’ll fight transgenders with free speech and activism, they yell! We’ll overcome rigged elections by getting an even greater vote margin that’s larger than the possible fraud, they proclaim![…]
The modern problem is not truly modern at all. It’s a centuries-old problem that has infested everything since then. Things like transgenderism and widespread voter fraud exist because of the foundational lies that have allowed them[…]
The average conservative’s framework is so totally removed from reality due to this disconnect that it should be no surprise that they continually fail to adequately “fix” or “conserve” literally anything of value[…]
That centuries-old problem is the Enlightenment itself. The very foundation of modernity

The obstacles we face today are a direct result from the civilizational outlook/mindset shift from Christendom to Modernity, which transpired because of the so-called “Enlightenment”[…]
Every political group in the modern age has a degeneration attached to it that was sowed from the Enlightenment Lie

Christendom was the last time we had something real[…]
What should we do? My belief is we must fully break free from the confines of the Enlightenment Lie

The mindset of Christendom is the only thing that can do that. We must return to the right road first[…]
I believe that if Voltaire, Denis Diderot, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau knew what they were creating—if only they could only see us now—they would have put down their pens and ran off to crusade-slaughter their own fellow Philosophes[…]
If we want Christ to remain in his position as the Left Hand[…]we must correct this lie. If we want our people to survive, as the nations that we are, we must correct this lie. There is no other option

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Daily in America and around the world, thousands of children are being sacrificed—yes, a sacrifice.

Millions of children have been sacrificed this way in our modern world. In fact the estimate is over 1 billion worldwide. This holocaust of abortion has victims who are called mere tissue or fetuses. But these children are made in God’s image, but that is being ignored as children are being killed in a holocaust of unimaginable proportion. This is all consistent with a culture that has been taught man is just an animal and there is no God who is the absolute authority having a right to tell us what is right or wrong.

Caspian Sarginson #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Flat earth is not a conspiracy. Far from it.

Did you know the entire heliocentric system of a spherical Earth rotating and revolving around the sun with other planets was actually designed after ancient occultic beliefs? The heliocentric system is not real. It never was, but its imaginary design fulfills Satan’s grand purpose of misdirecting the human race away from the True Creator God.
In fact, his plan achieved the grand success he wanted to turn billions of souls away from any recognition or acknowledgement of the True God of Creation. Satan’s sorcery has accomplished something few are aware of, even theologians and pastors, and something that Satan fully intended in the heliocentric design.

What is this purpose that drives Satan’s hatred and passion?

The heliocentric design of the sun and the Earth and the planets mocks God.

It mocks God as the Creator of the heavens and Earth.
It mocks God by appropriating his Glory in creation.
It mocks God by counterfeiting God’s own creation story.
It mocks God with false gods.
And the heliocentric system mocks God by trying to expunge the entire history of God’s miraculous works on Earth
But most importantly it mocks God with the claim that there never was a savior, Jesus Christ.
If you ever thought as a christian that the controversy of whether the Earth is flat or a sphere is not important, think again. God does not consider mocking his holy character or denying him the glory that is due him as an insignificant matter. Considering how God values his glory, to mock him so boldly in front of the entire human race, to mock God before all the angels of Heaven, and to mock God above all the fallen angels who can see, is a reminder to the genuine believer of what this means to a Holy God whose wrath is coming against all ungodliness.

It’s truly amazing how occult sorcery put such evil plans out in the open, yet we all have missed the obvious.

Teve Deace, Todd Erzen and Aaron McIntire #homophobia #fundie mediamatters.org

TEVE DEACE (HOST): Needless to say, it has been three years. I haven't physically seen or spoken to her in two years. She has my number blocked and moved to another state with the person the government labels as her wife. Steve, all of this stuff is demonic. Satan knows that the family structure is God's greatest weapon on earth against evil. The greatest way Satan can grab dominion is to tear apart families of believers. Parents will do anything for their kids. Almost all parents would not risk losing their relationship with their kids over this, so almost all cave in and affirm[…]
TODD ERZEN (CO-HOST): I just -- through all this, you can see how patently obvious the slang that caused a lot of these people that aren't supporting this man was from the beginning. The whole love is love thing, because this is a father who's implementing a standard to keep a relationship, right relationship, to keep connection. Where is the love from the daughter? Casting all people who don't agree with you out into the leper colony? The people that raised you?[…]
AARON MCINTIRE (CO-HOST): At the time we're taping this, my son, Ben, not even two years-old, I cannot[…]I bristle at the thought of him going through something like this. Being tempted in the ways, and following through on that temptation in the ways that your daughter has been[…]I kind of understand that. But I think each of us here can think of examples of fathers -- I'm thinking of one right now, of fathers whose family, whether it's the wife or the children, have gone through something like this. And instead of turning to the direction that you turned, or staying the course that you are on, completely capitulated. And boy, howdy. You wanna talk about destruction? That guy's a shell of himself. Not a real person[…]completely sold out[…]He's a joke of a male. Just a joke of a male, and you would be too. You would be too right now, but by God's grace. And props to you, brother, you stayed on the narrow path

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Neon Genesis Evangelion)
This sexually graphic TV show shows very poor family values as Gendo Ikari abandons his son Shinji, and when he’s 14, he lives with an alcoholic woman who works for NERV.

(On Voltron: Legendary Defender)
This action-oriented series based on the Voltron franchise pushes the homosexual agenda because one of its characters is a homosexual and has a same-sex "wedding", complete with a kiss at the end.

Terry Schilling #racist #fundie #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

During an appearance on The Eric Metaxas Show, Terry Schilling[…]defended Christopher Columbus. Schilling downplayed Columbus’ crimes, called Indigenous people an “evil, barbaric group of people,” said that Christians “have no business criticizing” Columbus, and that the Americas “needed to be conquered”

“In our lifetimes Columbus has been put forward as a raper of the Indigenous populations, which is mostly nonsense”[…]“What are we to make of this? This attack on Columbus? I mean I don’t know what to say about it anymore”

Schilling called attacks on Columbus “preposterous” and motivated by Marxist ideology. “Once you realize that the common denominator amongst all the attacks on everything that Americans love and know — the common denominator is Marxism and a hatred of anything that upholds truth or glory or beauty or God”[…]
Schilling admitted without going into detail that Columbus “did some bad things” but said that “Columbus contributed more in his life than any of the people that are criticizing him by like a hundred billion times”[…]
“The worst things that they’ve accused Columbus of, if you compare that — what he’s been accused of, not even what he’s been convicted of — to what the Indigenous people were doing here in the Americas, it’s not even close!” he insisted. “Right? The Indigenous people were a barbaric, evil group of people, right?”[…]
“He was not trying to enrich himself. He was obsessed — so when he was doing everything that he did, when he sailed the ocean blue in 1492, everyone was concerned that Christ was coming back, that God was coming back for the second time, and they wanted to reclaim the Holy Lands”[…]
“And what Columbus was obsessed with was establishing new trade routes that could be used to fund the new Crusades and take back the Holy Land so that Christians controlled it when God came back. He was not trying to enrich himself. He was trying to do yeoman’s work. So if you’re a Christian, you have no business criticizing him”

Rev. Greg Locke #fundie #ableist rawstory.com

Pastor Greg Locke is trying to deny a controversial remark he made over the weekend, suggesting that people in wheelchairs are disabled because of insufficient faith in God

"Churches in the American culture — you know one of the largest expenses we have in buildings?" said Locke, who runs the Global Vision Bible megachurch in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. "The amount of handicap parking and handicap accessibility that we have in our churches. Now I'm gonna make you mad for a minute and I don't really care. Why is it you pull up to a church that says they operate in faith, and you have fifty handicapped parking spots?"

"We just expect that people are going to leave church the same way they came to church," Locke continued. "We ought to start having some signs out there, that don't have, you know, like handicap accessibility, people in a wheelchair. We ought to start having signs of a wheelchair laying (sic) down and someone just walking up. Well, Pastor, I think you're being insensitive — I think you just don't have any faith is what I think!"

Pastor Greg Locke #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie twitter.com

You know it’s interesting that the Illuminati’s main symbol is an Owl. A creature of the night. Now, I’m not telling you that Owls are demons. I am telling you that Lilith many times will come in the form of an Owl. I will tell you that. Because it’s a creature of the night that is a representation of demonic powers in the old testament And is a representation of demonic powers against the tyrannical people that we call out on the Left right now. They celebrate the Owl God.

Lala #fundie #wingnut #elitist lalaism.substack.com

Trad is on the rise and everybody’s becoming either catholic or statist.

This is the cope of our age, it’s the way that we objectify ourselves in order to shield our psyche from the ailments of the contemporary condition.

In the vein of LARPing, we are made object, fictional caricatures of ourselves. Despondent - we time travel to a period when history has not ended and the possibility of phallic actualization is readily at hand, whether through blood or glory or the exaltation of god.

The transmutation of the structures of objective violence that marked the end of the society of discipline, means we cannot make use of these structures as a way to sublimate the emotional distress caused of a violence that is anyway present - meaning there’s nobody left to blame but us, if our predicament has turned to shit - meaning I attribute mental illness, to the unavailability of meaningfully sublimating sex drive.
However, now that there is a lack of the oppressive edifice that we have come to recognize as the Father, or for our intents and purposes, the ethno-state; we are governed by the archetype of the permissive mother, who is latently punitive, and whose punishment is of the symbolic order.
This is why every gen Z-er is embracing tradness, because it’s a more lucrative model of subjective economy that allows them to manufacture a reality of their own, through a maneuvering of language of expression.

Trad aspires to bring back a violence which can be seen and dealt with accordingly, it’s a recession towards traditional values - because in itself it’s a nostalgia of futures that didn’t and will not happen.

In itself, tradness is a way to introduce a sacred element into contemporary life.

Sacredness is always of sacrificial utility, it is a sacrifice that generates value beyond the economic by rendering an object inaccessible, therefore sublime.

Tradness aspires to make contact with sublimity in an age where even the sacred has been book-kept.

Charlie Kirk & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

( Charlie Kirk )
If your church isn't proudly celebrating the end of Roe v Wade and the protection of countless innocent lives from the pulpit today, its time to find a new church.

( @JS777hf )
If any church is in favor of abortion too bad you are wasting your time! You are teaching a lie and GOD is not happy with that! Also any Christians voting for the demonRats party you too are wasting your time! A Christian voting for the demonRats party you need to repent because you are in favor of abortion, homosexuality, crime, lies! GOD don’t like that! So you are also wasting your time in church! Sorry but it’s true!

( @Wanda_K_P )
Amen, @charliekirk11 amen!!!! It wasn’t mentioned, under the excuse that we don’t want to get in to politics. Shameful. The CHURCH is to be a shining light on a hill, not the “duck and run for cover, we stand for nothing” brigade. Whatever happened to standing UNAPOLOGETICALLY for the TRUTH as written in THE WORD OF GOD? Beginning with “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”!!!!!

( @KMC12 )

Firstly, there are women of all different backgrounds in the church, many who are survivors of the abortion lie, and who deal with crippling guilt and anxiety as a result. We need to thank God for this victory, while being sensitive to survivors and victims of the industrial abortion industry.

Secondly, the church needs to be thankful and humble before this gift, not boastful and arrogant. We need to be mindful not to squander the opportunity to reach out both to mothers in need, and to those of differing political convictions. The gospel is not the same thing as a political victory.

( @TRodz )
This DemocRAT elites are all about pure ignorance and lies, see how the atheists madona used God name in vane to advance her crazy abortion agenda and how she lies about the abortion “constitutional” rights , when the USA constitution never address the abortion as a constitutional right .

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut missionamerica.com

Today I am asking you to search your hearts.

Both conservatives and progressives in America claim to support human rights. But when confronted with the logical consequences of our ideas, which position ends up at a truly humane destiny?

No matter what a person does later, he or she first deserves the right to live. Every human deserves to have that birthright preserved and protected, even if others close at hand devalue that life.

Some mothers-to-be decide their unborn children do not deserve to live.
My husband was reading the headlines earlier this week about yet another level of atrocity committed by Hamas terrorists against the citizens of Israel. The bodies of decapitated infants were discovered among the victims.

As he read the headlines, my husband noticed the hypocrisy. “How can abortion ‘rights’ supporters be horrified at beheaded babies? It’s the same thing.”
No one should be advocating or excusing a child’s death. Many desperate women have done so, and they will continue to consent to sex when they don’t want a child, or be exploited by men who won’t make that commitment either, until that temptation is not as available. When that happens, people will find it within themselves to think more ethically about the potential life they may be creating, and to treat that child with the respect he or she deserves.

For those who have made the decision to abort, or who allow others to do this for them, repentance is the key. Our God is always merciful and millions of women and men have sorrowfully realized their mistake. Their recovery stories have fueled the pro-life movement. And I don't say this lightly. I was, several decades ago, on the other side of this issue as a pro-"choice" advocate and even a volunteer with Planned Parenthood. I have asked God to forgive me for the people I misled and the damage I did.

God is merciful but He is not mocked. Supporting an abortion law, while believing you have repented--- will not fool Him.

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Many times in Scripture, God’s people are warned not to be like the pagan peoples of other nations who sacrificed their own children. As we read of this abomination in Scripture, the so-called “civilized West” would claim that such vile behavior as child sacrifice should not be tolerated.

But it is being tolerated but language is being used in an attempt to hide the reality of the situation.

In Psalm 106:35–38, we read the following:

“But they mingled with the Gentiles and learned their works; they served their idols, which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.”

Such an abomination as child sacrifice does occur in our Western nations, and in fact the whole world. In America alone there is so much child sacrifice that it makes what Hitler did during the Holocaust pale by comparison.

Now abortion is not called child sacrifice in our culture. And the victims are not called children. Different terms are used in an attempt to hide the reality of what is actually happening in this modern-day holocaust. Terms like fetal tissue, abortion, pro-choice, women’s rights, women’s health care, reproductive rights, and other words are used to hide a reality: the killing of a human being made in the image of God! It’s murder! It’s child sacrifice.

Charlie Kirk & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

( Charlie Kirk )
Evangelicals need to seriously reevaluate how they talk about and treat Catholics. Look at the Supreme Court—it was courageous, faithful Catholics that delivered the end of Roe. Spirit-filled Christians should be thankful for such clear moral teaching and bold action.

( @DanielofSmyrna )
Just because they uphold the constitution doesn't mean they are right on the Gospel or even church history. They are allies but yet again not inheritors of the kingdom of God. And I'm talking about Roman catholics not protestant catholics.

( @donaldmoss )
The Left needs to be careful how they talk about and treat MAGA Christians lest they find themselves fighting against God Himself.

( @MadHatterOne )
I agree..but, we have not stopped abortion. Now the States have the responsibility to end it.

( @BeckieLynn )
It was also courageous, faithful evangelicals who fought for 49 years to get us to the point where the Catholics at SCOTUS could overturn Roe. I'm convinced that, had they been evangelical Protestants, the result would have been the same. The pro-life tent is big, and that's very good. However, when it comes to eternal life, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." The words of Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14. I have a habit of believing what Jesus says.

( @rainincatsndogs )
I disagree. It was the Constitution. And yes, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written based on Christian values. Neither one suggests women will have the "right" to murder their babies.

( @ShemCock )
Catholics teach a different gospel other than the clear doctrine of justification by faith through grace in Christ expounded in Holy Scripture. While I applaud their pro-life stance, they are not Christian in doctrine. Sola Scriptura!

Chuck U Farley and M U #wingnut #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy msn.com

(Chuck U Farley)
One only needs to read the Bible to see what is coming next or has already begun-WW3 (Armageddon) All thanks to a WEAK President that has been in bed with the CCP and the Democrat controlled US is failing under Progressive Policies

(M U)
I notice how the author omitted the Bosnian War and Kosovo, which is in Europe. Or the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan by the US and UK. Let's not forget the NATO destruction of Libya, color revolutions in Tunisia, Civil War in Syria, and Yemen. All of which has NATO fingers all over them. NATO destabilized the entire Middle East and gave rise to a strong Iran. Meanwhile, China became more powerful, while our dear leaders had us bogged down in 20 years of war. It looks like the author needs to revise the article to include all of that before coming up with a conclusion.

Angelo John Gage #fundie #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On his eponymous Rumble show, Stew Peters reacted to the ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Gaza by speaking to fellow white nationalist conspiracy theorist Angelo John Gage. Gage, who was banned from Twitter (now X) in 2021 and resurfaced as “Lucas Gage,” used his appearance to blame Jews for the murder of Jesus[…]
On the Oct. 9, 2023 episode of The Stew Peters Show, Peters railed against Christian support for Israel. Gage, in turn, called Christianity a “really strong bulwark against Jewish supremacy” but said it had been “usurped”[…]
“In the 1960s the Vatican II was passed, some kind of reform which they allowed the Jewish people to get away with deicide — killing Christ, the God, the Savior of the Christian people,” Gage told Peters. “And they no longer blame them for that. They opened up the Church to every interpretation and things like this”

Peters asked Gage what Jesus meant “when He was talking about Israel.” Gage replied that, according to the Christian faith, “the real Israel are now the Christians.” And he attacked Christian Zionists as “Zio-cucks”[…]
Stew Peters interrupted to ask what the term “Judeo-Christian” means. Gage called it an “oxymoron” and alleged that if “the Jewish supremacists were to control the whole world, like they want,” they would “establish the Sanhedrin again” and Christians would be killed as “idol worshippers”

He alleged that Christians don’t realize this because of the “Zionist media” and “Zionist megachurches”

At one point Peters falsely claimed that “you have to swear an allegiance to Israel before you get sworn in as a Congressperson in this country” and asked where that “influence come from.” Gage said that the “influence comes from the Zionist lobby” which includes “hundreds of Jewish NGOs” and the World Jewish Congress

“‘There’s no Jewish conspiracy, global [Jewish] conspiracy’ — then what the hell is the World Jewish Congress?” he asked

Brent Cates #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com


All Social Media is now awash with the flotsam & jetsam of a million different (MOSTLY uniformed) opinions on what is happening in Israel.

When people IN Israel aren’t even sure what’s happened or IS happening in Israel.

Allow me to give you some horribly useful advice about how YOU PERSONALLY should be processing this.

Key word = PROCESSING. Not reacting, not emotional, not biased or programmed as almost everything you’ve been seeing since that dastardly attack is sheer propaganda NARRATIVES designed to PUSH YOU where those Bastard Storytellers NEED you to be to pursue their Agendas with the support (SHUT YOUR MOUTH & GIMMEE YER MONEY!!) of an “informed” PUBLIC.
Rinse, repeat. Ad nauseum, AD INFINITUM.

Because they were mindlessly following him & giving no real PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to the lessons he was trying to teach them.

I can tell you this as I WAS ONE OF THEM.

You think I’m about to say “do your own research!”


Most of the people who listen to or read me do that. Then you move to the next step of informing YOURSELF by embarking on a discernment Journey to acquire the very necessary MEDIA FILTER or you will forever find yourself sifting an endless Tsunami of digital diarrhea.

He also said USE YOUR BRAIN, COMMON SENSE & DISCERNMENT as your guide in this eminently fucked up World, awash in deception & corruption.

I am a hobby historian, the patterns & trends of which, I find highly useful.

Be your own programmer of someone else will be.

You’ll go to your grave only to discover the life you were meant to live was stolen from you, your TIME, ENERGY & all important FOCUS harvested by Demons.

On the X App at least 50 times a day I want to SCREAM “THINK!! THIIINK GODDAMMIT!!”

For faaar too many today, especially highly damaged young people. it’s already too late.

The Matrix has them.

Thanks to all of the DARK STORYTELLERS & Pied Pipers in the service of the Corporate Bloodlines “whispering” the human race into extinction.

Azali Assoumani #fundie #racist antisemitism.org.il

The Comorian head of state, Azali Assoumani, who likes to call himself “al-Imam” (religious guide, editor’s note) inaugurates a mosque in Maraharé, a locality located in Anjouan where the governor of this island is from

In a beige ceremonial dress, a cap on her head, Azali Assoumani, who presides over the destinies of a very predominantly Muslim archipelago, takes the microphone and praises the merits of living together to an assembly of the faithful during the traditional Friday prayer

“Muslims and Christians must live together,” he said. And that’s where he slips up.“We must live with the Catholics but also with the accursed Jews, may the wrath of God fall on them. The Jews are the masters of the world. They are not like us. They (the Jews) lurk in the shadows and reveal themselves when the time is right”

The video from which the statement is taken was published on the official page of the governorate of Anjouan

Supreme Islamic Council of Gambia, Imam Abdoulie Fatty and Sulayman Saho #sexist #fundie #psycho english.elpais.com

Political and religious leaders in The Gambia are actively campaigning to decriminalize female genital mutilation (FGM). Despite being banned in the West African country since 2015, this harmful practice continues to be practiced secretly. The recent arrest and imprisonment of three women for mutilating eight infants, the first conviction since the law took effect, has sparked a new initiative to repeal the law. Imam Abdoulie Fatty, a supporter of excision, and legislator Sulayman Saho, who has called for decriminalization in the country’s parliament, are the driving forces behind this controversial issue[…]
In late August, a judge in the Central River region convicted three women — one who performed the procedure and two mothers — for mutilating eight babies. The women faced a choice of paying a fine of 15,000 dalasis (about $243) or spending one year in prison. A few days later, Imam Abdoulie Fatty, the radical religious advisor to dictator Yahya Jammeh, known for his homophobia and defense of excision, paid the fine for the three women to secure their release from prison. He also encouraged Gambians to continue this practice. “If everyone agrees to do it openly, the government cannot imprison an entire town, let alone an entire country”[…]
These statements provoked a debate that quickly spilled onto the streets and even reached the nation’s parliament. In mid-September, Sulayman Saho, an opposition legislator from the Central Baddibu district, stood before the National Assembly and proposed repealing the law that prohibits FGM. Saho expressed concern about the arrests of “mothers and sisters,” and connected female genital mutilation to the right to preserve religious and traditional practices. “The ban infringes upon these rights and fosters violence in our country… We must get to work and review the law that criminalizes female circumcision”

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

I’m sure most people, whether Christian or non-Christian are horrified at the thought of child sacrifice. And yet, in reality that is not so. Child sacrifice is carried out in our modern world in numbers that make child sacrifice numbers of past cultures look small. There is a slaughter of children going on daily across the world. Yet it is claimed by many there is no such slaughter.

If people today were found sacrificing children, as the Canaanites and others did in the Old Testament, I’m sure the public and its elected officials would be aghast. Such people would be prosecuted for brutality and murder.

It is my contention that in essence abortion is another form of child sacrifice! And because killing children in the womb has been wholeheartedly supported by many politicians and others, they are condoning murder. Yes, this is the slaughter of the innocents that is a holocaust of immense proportions.

Will Trebing #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #quack #transphobia #enbyphobia westonaprice.org

(submitter’s note: This is from an interview with an anti-vax chiropractor who wrote a book titled “Goodbye Germ Theory” and is just one sample of a massive avalanche of nonsense)

One of the things he was talking about is how they’re stealing people’s souls. These shots prevent you from connecting with the fourth and fifth dimensions and having the internal sense that there is something greater than this three-dimensional reality. We’re all born with this. That’s our connection to spirit and God.

All of that stuff is listed in my book but I’ll give you the main terrible ones. People say, “How can a shot disconnect you from your soul?” It’s because we are beings of awareness. We’re all born as children with an awareness of self and something greater than us. That is our awareness of God. That connects us all together. It’s what prevents us from committing atrocities on one another, the planet, and nature. It’s what connects us as a species through love, our children, and wanting to continue that process with our children.

Our love for animals, trees, and the environment all come from that connection and awareness that we have to something greater than a third-dimensional reality. It’s the inner God that we all feel and sense. The Christians will call it the Holy Spirit. It’s that power that you turn to when you have had enough of life. You close your eyes and say, “I need help.” You get help. That’s a kinesthetic connection.

These shots are acting to turn that off, block you, and put a veil over that connection. When you don’t have that connection to fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth-dimensional reality, and God any more, you can be easily controlled. You are a manufactured slave or servant. That’s why they’re doing all the gender stuff as well.

One of the things that they did in the communist revolution in China was he dressed all of the attractive women in men’s clothing. There’s only one autonomistic gender. There are no differences and that’s easier to control as well. They’re trying to turn the human race into a bunch of hermaphroditic, self-serving, and self-pleasuring narcissists who have no connection to anything but the state and what the state can give them and tell them what to do.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
If God comes down to earth to fight for the Jews, then he isn't really God.

@Nature_and_Race There are good and evil people in every ethnicity.

One of these days, the world will be gathered to fight against the Jewish people and God is going to come down and wrathfully defend them.

( @Princeps_Caesarion )
@Nature_and_Race I assure you, unless they turn from their wickedness, God will never help them. God helps they who turn to him, not those who are in perpetual rebellion against him like the present day jews and their forefathers since 33 AD.

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race I’m blocked. You must be talking to a nigger

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Conservative_Susan @VoxNihil @Nature_and_Race “there’s good & bad in every ethnicity!”
Yeah, but nonWhite races seem to compromise 85% bad. Fuk the other 15% for the sake of muh individual freedom

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@Nature_and_Race that’s not what’s going to happen. Modern jews are irredeemable. They’ve committed the eternal unforgivable sin. They get vengeful hellfire then death forever.

( @Genovefa )
@Nature_and_Race ah no , God is Jesus incarnate and said these Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. They are Edomites Canannite Imposters.
Just look at them , they don't believe in God but love their anti Christ Talmud. And they twist the first Books of the Bible. Scripture and History proofs they are not God's chosen people.

God will Avange the white people and punish all who did us harm.
His word says so.

( @NXLegend )
@Nature_and_Race The only way the whole world unites against the Jews is if the whole world figures out all their problems are due to the usury scam run by the Jews. Since the Jews are holding all the "world leaders" leashes I don't see this happening.

Skywatch Editor #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy skywatchtv.com

How has the ghoulish become genteel? Why is our culture awash in entertainment based on the exploits of the formerly cursed undead? These are not idle questions. For Christians, this trend should be disturbing. Vampirism, which has become so appealing that it’s spawned an active and growing subculture (that sometimes insists on the alternate spelling vampyre), is nothing less than an absolute mockery of the central tenet of the Christian faith: salvation by the shedding of blood.

The transformation of the vampire from monster to hero reflects the gradual decay of the Christian faith into an anemic shell of its former self. The critical role of the blood shed by Jesus Christ for the redemption of our sins has been replaced in many churches today, either by an emphasis on our own works, or by a kinder, gentler Jesus for whom the greatest sin is being untrue to our innermost desires.
First: the vampire represents the polar opposite of Jesus Christ. Simply put, Jesus shed His blood so that others may have eternal life. The vampire sheds the blood of others so that he can have eternal life.

Second: the eternal life promised by the vampire is a cheap imitation of that offered by Jesus Christ. The vampire lives in eternal darkness, fleeing the light, always seeking new victims to prolong its dark and bloody half-life. Those redeemed by partaking of the shed blood of Christ drink from “living water” and their thirst is eternally quenched (John 4:14).

It will be difficult to convince girls who have been drawn into the story of Bella and Edward that their fantasy love-interest stands diametrically opposed to God, but in very basic terms, it’s true. Similarly, adults eagerly awaiting the next episode of True Blood may be unwilling to give up their weekly dose of vampy titillation. Nosferatu has been replaced by sexy sanguinarians to a growing audience of vampire romance fiction—and a shadowy subculture of those who emulate their literary heroes.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Hearing news of war is always very sobering and should make us cry out to our God who is sovereign over everything.

We are aghast at the shocking evil and hatred levelled against the Jewish people. We know God is Sovereign, but God has given us the powerful tool of prayer. We need to cry out to the Lord that He will stop these terrorists and their murderous rampage.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.” (Psalm 18:6)

War is a vivid and heart-breaking reminder that we live in a fallen world and that, until Jesus returns, evil is a daily occurrence. As we see the horrifying videos and images coming out of Israel, with more to come in the days and weeks ahead, let’s remember to pray for:

The nation of Israel and wisdom for her leaders;
Those who are committing and have already committed so many horrible atrocities;
Those who have been taken captive and their families;
The families of those who have already lost loved ones;
And that God would use this horrific event to bring people in Israel, Palestine, and around the world to the saving knowledge of his Son, Jesus.

I can’t imagine the heartbreak of people who have lost loved ones as a result of these heinous acts.

We have to remember our sin caused this. We experience the results of our sin each day as we see death, disease and suffering all around us. It’s not God’s fault that the world groans like this, it’s our fault.

And that’s why we need to do what we can to help our family (yes, we’re all one family) who are suffering as a result of this terrible war.

We, in Adam, committed high treason against the God of creation. That’s why we are all under the judgment of death. We deserve nothing, and yet God loves us so much He provided a gift of salvation for those who will receive it.

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4).

John Signorino #fundie #wingnut ancient-life.quora.com

The whole goo-to-you evolution story is just a fairy tale.

Life only comes from life, the Law of Biogenesis. Life takes matter AND information. Matter can't create itself naturally (1st law of thermodynamics) and order cannot come from disorder (2nd law of thermodynamics). Information, which is immaterial, only comes from intelligence.
Information is also subject to the 2nd law in that you cannot get an ordered sequence of information naturally.
There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to creation, order, and information.

---"It should now be clear where the follies of evolutionary views lie. If someone presents a model for explaining the origin of life, but he cannot say where the creative information characteristic of all life forms came from, then the crucial question remains unanswered. Somebody who looks for the origin of information only in physical matter, ignores the fundamental natural laws about information; what is more, he scorns them.
Just look at ATP synthase that’s needed for all life forms. Its amazing design is required for life and with no life, it couldn’t have done your fairy tale of evolving into what it is and does. None of this stops you goo-to-you evolutionists though, you’re all in to support your goo-to-you evolution god no matter how absurd, how unsupported, how unscientific, and even how embarrassing.

They claim no god but it is so clear they made their god, their goo-to-you evolutionary god. Their god performed miracles…naturally. When you show them that is impossible, their god then turns into the ‘god of the gaps god.’ Also known as ‘we just don’t know everything yet god.’ They will ignore the hard evidence that we know that shows for sure it’s all impossible in hopes the laws of nature will somehow change down the line so they can be right. That will not happen but their judgment with their Maker, God, will happen and then each second they wasted in their life not admitting the evidence for God, they will have severe regret. They’ll realize it’s too late then and they will pay the price for their sins since they didn’t accept God and His gift of salvation by His son, Jesus Christ. It’s all one big joke to them as they pretend to be so ‘scientific’ but their empty pride will end in FLAMES.

Father Dabney #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Not with that Attitude: Retake Everything!"]

“Well, not with that attitude!” This is the phrase of playful banter between my wife and me. It’s meant to be humorous, but also sometimes to spur us on toward the completion of a family project, or general plans for the future. The right attitude can move many obstacles

In the comments of my last article “No Fear,” one of our readers made a very good point about laziness within our movement. I don’t disagree[…]
We are witnessing many grassroots groups spring up all over the South, and although not our particular brand, many Heritage American groups, too. Even groups that have wanted to protect their little niches have been moved to jealously by these upstarts. Consequently, in order to stay relevant, they have been moved to the cause[…]
As an example, back in the early days of my writing for Identity Dixie, I wrote an article regarding the biblical views on slavery, and particularly how our good and righteous people had practiced it in the South. This one issue has paralyzed our people, defamed our ancestors, and bewitched us with a disposition of shame and defeatism[…]
And look where we are today on this issue. The history of slavery is talked about in the mainstream all over Western civilization, and the narrative is changing[…]Florida has incorporated the benefits of slavery as part of its standard history curriculum[…]
If we could break that spell in our churches, we would have a ready-made heavenly army to assault the gates of hell on this issue. And it’s happening. I’m hearing with clarity the positive benefits of slavery, that the Scriptures declare right, from the pulpits of my Reformed Christian community and among its podcasters[…]
Just as in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, our people and our leaders have been under the counsel of the enemy. It is akin to Grima Wormtongue[…]
God save the South!

Civitas #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #quack euractiv.com

The French government dissolved the fundamentalist Catholic association Civitas on Wednesday (October 4), stating that the group seeks to “wage war against the Republic” by spreading anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic and conspiracy theories

“Civitas promotes a hierarchy between French citizens with clearly anti-Semitic and Islamophobic theses,” government spokesman Olivier Véran said after the Council of Ministers, in which he announced the association’s dissolution

Véran added that the Catholic association, which was founded in 1999 and became a political party in 2016, “calls for war against the Republic”, even through the “use of force”

He also criticised the group’s homophobic stance, which sees LGBT people as “a harmful community”, and its organisation of “rallies in homage to figures emblematic of collaboration [with the Nazi regime]”

The dissolution of the Civitas association was announced at the beginning of August by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin after anti-Semitic remarks were made at the movement’s summer university in late July by Pierre Hillard, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist [See here][…]
In a documentary by broadcaster BFMTV aired at the end of September, an undercover journalist discovered Civitas premises in which the writings of Goebbels and Adolf Hitler appeared

The Catholic group has stated – of the French government – that it wants to “break with this Masonic republic, the vassal of a new world order”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the movement opposed the “tyranny” of vaccination and the health pass. At the time, Civitas was supporting and promoting conspiracy scientists, including the chemist Anne-Marie Yim

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

We are losing the battle to keep our children out of the hands of these Luciferian child groomers and recruiters like HiTOPS, and what you can do about it from a biblical perspective.

As I have said previously, I do not like to write articles on this topic and I don’t like doing Podcasts about it, as it’s both distressing and depressing. But as ‘watchmen on the wall’ we are called to blow the trumpet of warning when the enemy appears at the gate. The enemy is this case is the radical Left who, walking in the footsteps of the coming Antichrist, are literally kidnapping the hearts and minds of our children while we watch, and they’re doing it through the schools, courts and political systems of the world. They are very far along in their mission, so much so you might be unduly shocked.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Left has a new rallying cry, it’s ‘Let The Kids Decide!’ and it’s spoken in the context of allowing children to decide their own gender identity and sexual orientation. How young are we talking? According to Stacy Roboustelli, the Director of Education for HiTOPS, a group that “fosters strong and healthy young people of all identities by providing inclusive and youth-informed sex education”, the most “critical time for us to be there is grades 5 through 8 because you want to catch kids when they’re starting puberty.” But she goes on to say that “early intervention is key”, and they are designing a new curriculum for kindergarten to second grade. Today we show you how we are losing the battle to keep our children out of the hands of these Luciferian child groomers and recruiters like the people at HiTOPS, and what you can do about it from a biblical perspective.

Wayne Miller #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The “White Hats” tell Biden what to say, and what to do. With this being the case, when you hear what Biden was reported to have said or done, doesn’t it seem logical you should substitute the words “White Hats” or more specifically Trump, for the word Biden?

When Trump, ran for President, I too, got caught up in all the hype. He hit the ground running with his world tour in early 2017. He presented reams and reams of documents to each of world leaders he visited, showing them evidence that all the evil deeds they had done were recorded and could very easily be made public. So basically he used blackmail to get heads of state to capitulate to his leadership. Or, perhaps he was just playing out one of the many scripts that had been written for him, and ordered by his friends in. power (ie. the Illuminati, Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, etc.) to carry out. But, always remember the title chosen for this article, Trust No One, Do your own Research.

Truth is of utmost importance to me. And what I say, and write, is what I believe. However, we all have been subjected to indoctrination and brainwashing all of our lives.
Knowing that you can only receive absolute truth from God, I began praying in my mid-teenage years, that God would provide me absolute truth. After including that in my prayer thousands of times over many decades, God answered my prayer, and also upon request for confirmation. He provided conformation as well.
Just to get you started, please allow me to provide you with a few questions I have found to be important and worth pursuing:

* Is Trump a 33rd Degree Freemason?
* Is Trump a Zionist?
* Why all the Satanic symbolism, built into the Trump Tower in New York?
* Trump’s relationship with Henry Kissinger. Who is Henry Kissinger?
* Trump’s relationship with Klaus Schwab. Who is Klaus Schwab?
* Why did Trump push the killer vaccines?
* Why didn’t Trump stop the poisoning of our air, water, and foods?

Elijah Schaffer and “Australian Talk” #racist #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

During the Sept. 29, 2023 episode of his show Slightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer remarked that he longed for “pre-60s Western civilization”[…]
“See, but this is why I get offended when people say this show is full of dog whistles, because I don’t even dog whistle anymore,” Schaffer said. “I’m just like open about my views on the world because I think everyone’s cringe and sucks”

Schaffer said he was past the “Republican-Democrat argument,” and just wants to “close down our borders, deport these people, return back to normalcy, and get back to pre-60s Western civilization.” He added that, “I wanna abandon multiculturalism, abandon multiethnic society”

He also said that he wanted to “get back into a place where we have core values” and “where communism is illegal,” and “kick out all the Bolshevik communists”

Schaffer’s guest, who goes by the pseudonym “Australian Talk,” said that “they” — presumably referring to “communists” — “want us gone”[…]
“Look, one of my favorite things that I found, and I don’t wanna go too far down this road,” Schaffer said before Australian Talk interrupted to say “Blood and soil”[…]
Schaffer continued, accusing Republicans of “fight[ing] for other minorities to have a homeland”[…]
“You know, somebody had accused this show of being anti-Jewish[…]I am so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, I just want to adopt the way Israelis treat Israel, and the way Jews treat Judaism, I want to adopt that, but for white, Western countries and Christianity,” he said

Schaffer dubbed this belief “Anglo-Christendom” or “Anglo-Christian Zionism”[…]
Schaffer praised other countries for “looking out for their own people, [and] their own racial group.” As examples he cited China which is “manipulating other countries and currencies,” and Russia which is “securing this no man’s land in Ukraine”

He also lauded Hungary for “protecting its own border” and Israel for deporting Eritrean migrants, which he called “based as fuck”

Chris Bledsoe #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Chris Bledsoe, a deeply religious family man and successful business owner from North Carolina was on the verge of the unthinkable after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in a desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO appears and saves his life and cures him of his illness. Experiencing four hours of missing time, he returns to his group to find them dismayed. Terrified, they run for their lives as several UFOs chase them home.

This is the true story of hope, love, lies and deception, involving officials from the U.S. Government, CIA, NASA, a string of professors, and MUFON.

Prepare to go on a spiritual journey of awakening and transformation with a visit from the Lady, remote viewing, assassination plot of the Pope, dripping orbs, a burning tree, the Monroe Institute, and healing the son of an elite Washington DC power broker with ties to the IC and the White House. 15 years on, the phenomena still visits the Bledsoe family and affects the lives of people who come in contact with them. To outsiders this can be seen as evil, but those who are willing to be open and accept it, it is a blessing.

Are the events that are playing out around the world controlled and shaped by the Phenomena? The U.S. Government says UFOs are real. And millions of people believe GOD is real. So what do we do about UFOs and GOD? Mark 10:27 says, "All things are possible with God." So, UFOs must be interrelated with GOD if holding the scriptures to be true. It would be impossible to have one without the other.

Rodney M. Cluff #crackpot #fundie #ufo #dunning-kruger ourhollowearth.com

I have been asked by a High School teacher of Provo, Utah to explain how the first few days of the Creation Story in Genesis 1 describe how Our Hollow Earth was created, with a diagram of it. So I created a diagram of the First Days of Creation with the following explanation from Genesis 1. My explanations are in parenthesis:

In the beginning (of Earth’s creation), God created The Heaven (the Inner Sun) and The Earth (the shell of the planet, notice The Heaven and The Earth, each are singular: there are two parts to the Earth).

And the earth was (originally) without form (space dust and rocks were caused to settle upon the bubble of the spirit of the earth), and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (when water was placed on the surface inside and out).

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light (when God lit up the Inner Sun).
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (of creation, the time used here is God’s time of His planet Kolob in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, which one rotation, one day, of Kolob is equal to 1,000 earth years,
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the (outer) heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and days, and years: (as this is when the Earth was put into orbit about the outer Sun in the Moon’s orbit, so that the Moon then became a satellite of the Earth, and the light of the Sun, Moon and stars became apparent on the Earth's outer surface. Seasons occurred because the Earth was tilted 16 degrees with respect to the ecliptic, with the axis of the Earth in the center of the polar openings. The polar openings formed when the earth was first put into rotation with centrifugal force assisting the formation of the hollow interior and the polar openings.).

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Four scientists, three from China and one from Massachusetts, once published an article entitled “Biomechanical Characteristics of Hand Coordination in Grasping Activities of Daily Living” in the journal PLOS ONE. In their article they mentioned that “our study can improve the understanding of the human hand and confirm that the mechanical architecture is the proper design by the Creator for dexterous performance of numerous functions following the evolutionary remodeling of the ancestral hand for millions of years” (emphasis mine). Near the end of the paper, the researchers added, “Hand coordination should indicate the mystery of the Creator’s invention.”

Now it’s even possible that the authors meant that nature (or evolution) was the Creator! Some people use such wording about nature/evolution.

When it became known that the word Creator was used, the outrage on the Internet and social media was swift and fierce. People bemoaned the “unacceptable,” “harmful disgrace,” “absolute joke,” and “sloppy job” of the editors and their journal for allowing this word to go through. Some secularists threatened to boycott the open-access journal, and some editors declared that they would resign if the article wasn’t retracted. The intolerance shown by the secularists over the use of the word Creator in the article was astonishing. The very idea that there could be an intelligence behind life was so unacceptable and was expressed with such anger that it only exposed how passionate secularists are in defending their religion of humanism and naturalism (atheism).

Neo #fundie #conspiracy descentbb.net

(Note: Combined quotes from multiple posts)

I know you can see the planets with a telescope, but like I said, God didn't create them, and therefore they aren't what you think…

History is different than you think. One clue is the 2023 years are actually 283 years…

What part of that do you think doesn't make sense? Jesus did say he's coming soon. 2000+ years doesn't seem like soon as much as 300 years give or take several years or so, does it?

…Revelation was written around 92 AD and then that was the last part of the Bible. All the things about the Catholic Church and so on are fake. Catholicism was created not too long ago.

I'm not verging into solipsism, and I have no ego. >_> What would convince me is if you could land a plane on a ball moving at 1,000 km/h + 107,000 km/h + 792,000 km/h throughout space with only 9.80665 m/s/s acceleration.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia bloodandfaith.com

[From "Civil War 2 and Resisting Antichrist"]

Joe Biden is accusing half of America as being “extremist” and a threat to democracy. In truth, Biden, his son Hunter, and his own handlers are the traitors. They are selling the country’s interests for cash, and facilitating andinvasion as dangerous as the invasion of Muslim Africans into Spain in the 700s AD, and the Mongolian threat to Christian Europe centuries ago. Satan’s plot to white of the white and Christian race continue with very much the same tactics — human wave attacks[…]
We do not live in a country where the average person has a voice. If we did, none of the above would have occurred — none. Not a single state ever voted to legalize homosexual marriage

The antichrist forces define “democracy” as trannies, sodomy, open borders, the destruction of American industry, mandatory “vaccines,” and rule by “experts” who masquerade as “scientists” who know better than “we the people”

Only an awakening in the free and independent Pulpits can resist the current tyranny[…]
But . . . if we do not have Christians nations and Christian states, we will genocide the Church of Jesus Christ on this earth. There is no limit to Satan’s voracious appetite and therefor no end to the rapaciousness of the devil’ children and synagogue. We are fooling ourselves by believing that our current docile and submissive relationship with the world and the Jews is acceptable. There simply is no peace between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent (the brood of vipers, the children of the devil, Satan’s synagogue)[…]
There is a reason whites are the target — we are the most anti-antichrist people in the planet naturally, instinctively, genetically, and historically. We need to resurrect that[…]
You either bend the knee to the antichrist of this generation or you stand in defiance of him. There is no third path. The idea of a third path is Satan’s idea

Neo #fundie #conspiracy descentbb.net

I already told you the verses in the Bible support flat earth. The "reasons why it doesn't make sense" are contested by reasons it does make sense.

So I made another observation at 6:00 in the morning, and Tebo is right, the sky does move. :) However, I don't think it's supposed to, and I think someone is doing that though and that the sun, moon, and stars are a projection from somewhere. I also think that the daylight that isn't from the sun is shut off, and it's supposed to be just the 'quantum vacuum.' Also, I know where the word planets came from ("wandering stars") but it looks like someone took it literally.

Rabbi Eli Kavon #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy linkedin.com

His [Hitler's] dreams of elevating the Austrian city of Linz to a supreme expression of his power and the supreme victory of Nazi Germany haunted and obsessed him. This project, with its monumental buildings, would grant him god-like status and stand forever as a symbol of Nazi racial and political supremacy.
I will draw a direct line between Hitler’s Linz and this week’s Torah portion that describes humans attempt to build a tower to the heavens, that would reach God and perhaps even challenge Him. The Flood had engulfed and destroyed the world. Noah, his family, and the animals on the ark survived. But humanity, instead of being overawed by God’s immense power, came to the valley in the land of Shinar and planned to make a name for themselves by building a tower and centralizing power in a one-language society. Their uniformity was, they believed, their ultimate power.
Michigan-based writer M.D. Couturier retells the story of the Tower of Babel in a 2020 fable that takes place in 2074. Global elites in all areas of endeavor want to create a one-world state, a utopia that will end war and conflict. Couturier describes the centerpiece of this global state—an immense tower that would stand as a headquarters, “a monument to the everlasting power and majesty” of the New World Order. The rulers envision this project as a modern Tower of Babel, thinking they would succeed where the ancients could not. But one rebel rises up, as an agent of God, to stop the building of the monument. He gains a mass following—they destroy the tower and return the world to “an imperfect place.”
The Tower of Babel—in the age of nuclear weapons, the mapping of the human genome, the Internet and AI, the walking of men on the moon and our increasing understanding of the mysteries of cosmology and the ever-expanding universe—endures as a warning to the human lust for God-like power. It remains, after thousands of years, the most cogent and relevant of warnings.

Thomas R. Horn/Josh Peck #conspiracy #magick #ufo #fundie amazon.com

CERN is easily one of the most secretive organizations of our times. With controversy and conspiracy theories abounding, it takes specialized researchers to weed through the lies in order to find the truth. But sometimes, truth is stranger and far scarier than fiction. This is where internationally celebrated investigative researcher Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Into the Multiverse television host Josh Peck arrive to expose the reality of a plan so nefarious that it involves not only the history of Apollyon-Abaddon, but his near-future fulfillment of biblical prophecy and entrance into the world. Are powerful occultists from the highest levels of governments, science, and academia to the lowest echelons of modern witchcraft even now invoking the arrival of this destroyer and his legions from the abyss?! ABADDON ASCENDING WILL SHOCK READERS WITH THE FOLLOWING INCREDIBLE REVELATIONS: The ancient origin of CERN s modern-day mission The latest information pertaining to interdimensional portals The real meaning of the bizarre Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony and how it connects to the return of the old gods Who the horned god is, fertility rites of the triple goddess, and how this connects to CERN CERN s beastly logo and destroyer god imagery CERN s role in the formation of a new Babylonian single language system Exactly how the Large Hadron Collider at CERN operates, and what it is trying to find The mind-bending reality of quantum field theory Eye-opening interviews with such personalities as physicist Don Page, who works with Dr. Stephen Hawking The doomsday scenario involving the Higgs field that scientists don t want you to know The future manipulation of human consciousness through an A.I. beast at CERN The connection between Ezekiel s vision and the locusts of Revelation 9 The coming holy war between the Titans and the one, true, living God!

Ann Barnhardt and Carlo Viganò #fundie #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

This is Viganò’s presentation that the Trad Inc “Catholic Identity Conference” in Pittsburgh censored and refused to show.

Viganò says at the 29:00 mark that Bergoglio’s acceptance of the Papacy was INVALID. Just previous to that at the 27:40 mark he states that there cannot be two popes – one prayerful, and one governing.

Earlier, beginning at the 13:04 mark, he utterly torches the ridiculous “Universal Peaceful Acceptance” trope with St. Catherine of Siena’s restoration of Pope Urban VI to the Papal throne over Antipope Clement VII. If you remember, it was Antipope Clement VII that even St. Vincent Ferrer mistakenly backed and named daily in his Mass at the Te Igitur, until St. Catherine’s correction.

Trad Inc refused to show this video presentation which was highly touted in the marketing for the Catholic Identity Conference. I understand the attendees and online subscribers were NOT pleased.

Well, far, far more people will see it here – FOR FREE – than would have ever seen it at the CIC or behind a paywall. Please spread, share and repost aggressively.

Remember, the reason Bergoglio is an Antipope is because Pope Benedict obviously never validly resigned. All of the other stuff subsequent to Pope Benedict’s invalid attempted partial resignation in February ARSH 2013 is historically interesting, and points to the fact that “something is terribly wrong”, but it isn’t the root of the problem or the FULLNESS of TRUTH. Jorge Bergoglio doesn’t need to be tried as a heretic or “deposed” because he is not and never has been the Pope. The Venn Diagram of “Bergoglio” and “Papacy” has ZERO OVERLAP. He is simply a criminal usurper. All that has to be done is to publicly state this, and then physically eject him from the Vatican. Give him a black cassock and put him on a plane to Buenos Aires. It would certainly be prudent to laicize him, but not essential.

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

New World Coming

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Luke 11:2

Atheists often complain about the God in whom they don't believe. They point to children with cancer or the many who are starving and say that God is evil for creating such suffering. There is much irony here. Not only do they not believe in God, but they also deny His explanation for suffering. As a result, they are left with no God to blame and no explanation. The Bible says that we live in a fallen creation. It was when sin entered the world through Adam that it brought with it disease, suffering, and death. Everywhere we look we see evidence of the Genesis curse. Fortunately, because of the cross, we have a glorious and won-derful hope. It is because the coming kingdom will have no sin; there will be no suffering. Ever. No disease, no tears, and no pain. We will inherit this whole earth without the curse and will have pleasures forevermore. That's when we will see God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

Do I ever dwell on the joys of the coming kingdom? Take a few minutes and think about the glorious hope we have in Christ.

Father, please send a worldwide revival, then hasten your coming.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions).
Available http://LivingWaters.com or wherever good books are sold.

Dr. Abby Johnson #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

When we took God and prayer out of schools, the schools started indoctrinating our kids

When we took God out of our lawmaking, we started ignoring morality

When we took God out of our politics, the country started deteriorating

Bring God back into our country’s decision making

Scott Torok #fundie #wingnut politicalflare.com

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Atheist Nazi and his True Colors are showing.
He is just proof the Bible is True:
John 15:18
“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” (KJV)
Leftist Atheist Hate Jesus / Christians / Christianity.

Jey Rence Quilario (aka "Senior Agila") and the Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) #fundie #sexist #psycho manilatimes.net

BOYS as young as six years old were being trained to become part of the private army of a cult leader in Surigao del Norte which he called "Soldiers of God"

Witnesses on Thursday told senators that the cult leader, identified as certain Jey Rence Quilario, alias "Senior Agila," also conducted forced child marriages

Two Senate committees conducted a public hearing on the reported "systematic abuse, rape, forced marriage of children, trafficking, forced labor" in the context of "cult-like activities" among members of the the Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) in Sitio Kapihan, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

SBSI, with over 3,000 members, including former policemen and teachers, has reportedly maltreated children

Upon the motion of Sen. Ana Theresia "Risa" Hontiveros, Sen. Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa has ordered the detention of Quilario and three other cult leaders -- Karren Sanico, Rosille Sanico, and Janeth Ajoc -- at the Senate premises after they were cited in contempt[…]
One the girls who escaped the cult, identified as a certain "Jane," testified that Quilario even "authorized" husbands to "rape" her if she refused to have sex with him

A witness invited by the Senate Committees on Public Order and Women and Children also said that Quilario had prevented about 200 children from attending school so that they would not be able to "disobey" him

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