
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

International Chrysotile Association #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Rotterdam Convention"]

On September 18th 2004, the Member States of the Rotterdam Convention refused, as was proposed, to include chrysotile in the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure. Numerous countries, representing more than 3 billion people, expressed their views on this subject and stated that the Rotterdam Convention was not the appropriate vehicle to protect the health of workers involved in the commerce, transformation and use of chrysotile

This is a resounding failure for the European Union, Chile and others dedicated to the banning of chrysotile and leading the battle to force this fibre to join a list of environmentally dangerous pesticides and chemicals. Some of these special interest groups expressed their frustration at having lost the battle by accusing countries, such as Russia and Canada, of having prioritized the economic interests of a few to the detrimental health risk of many

These gratuitous insinuations should not make us lose sight of the fact that the primary objective of the countries and groups, which supported the inclusion of chrysotile in the Rotterdam Convention; it is the prohibition of the trade of chrysotile in order to benefit replacement fibres[…]
There is no scientific or medical reason to justify the classification of chrysotile fibre with pesticides and the most dangerous chemicals[…]The use of chrysotile does not pose an environmental problem[…]
Inclusion of chrysotile is inappropriate because it is widely recognized that chrysotile fibre can be used safely and responsibly. The safe use policy implemented by the Governments’ of Canada and of Quebec has proven to be effective[…]
Canada must not fall into the trap laid by the European Union and Chile. We are well aware that these countries are spearheading an aggressive international campaign against chrysotile, to ensure the lion’s share of a lucrative market[…]This is a trade war

JBSLAYER #god-complex #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

We incels have inherited the legacy of Jesus

I hate the church and Christianity, but Jesus was one of us

He died a virgin, was rejected by his own community, rebelled against Jews and the government. Taught societal rejects to "Turn the other cheek", cause there's no point in going ER. We should renounce this world and LDAR. Just give up. This world is a disloyal hoe

Successful, good looking, rich Christians should just die. They are the complete antithesis of Jesus

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #racist archived.moe

RE: Slavs are always in defensive stances on this site

(Mexican Anon)
>some retards will always appear to undermine slavs
>irl slavs are the most successful europeans

i don't think all slavs are subhumans but don't get ahead of yourself
the only slavs that ever competed with the west are russians and the rest of you are irrelevant. i guess in the case of south slavs it can be excused by low populations and turkshit domination but poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

(German Anon)
>poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

just compare Prussia and Poland, same geography vastly different achievements

(Brazilian Anon)
Modern poles are dumb as a door, but a few poles in the past were smart, however they're all dead and their bloodlines have been wiped

You guys try to fit in the "white" category here
Stop that and you'll be more respected.

Westerners will always underestimate you people, its was crammed into their mentality since like, the 50s,if you wish, its more of a case of "You are not in our years-long friends group, no matter how hard you try to fit in, you will always be ostracised, degraded, etc". Such is the fate of us 2nd Worlders...

(Australian Anon)
>settled peoples proficient in agriculture
>soil in Ukraine is extremely fertile
>access to the Mediterranean ocean
>numerous trade routes

And yet Slavs never managed to do anything of note until Peter the Great.

They did not match the strength of settled societies living on much poorer soil, nor did they develop their cities, preferring to leave that to Greeks and Italians. One would think that if they lived on a steppe they would become nomads, but that didn't happen either, since they were subjugated many times rather than become one of them.

Slavic people entered Europe around the 6th century. Peter the great was born in the 17th century. There were no slavic empires or great states before the late middle-ages.


(UK Anon)
If you never existed literally nothing about world history would change at all. I fucking hate Eastern Europeans, and I'm glad your macho bullshit is getting humiliated on a world stage right now.

Helgard Müller #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger amazon.com

President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."

International Chrysotile Association #dunning-kruger chrysotileassociation.com

[From "The controversy"]

To banish or not to banish?
Still today and this, in spite of the studies proving that it can be without danger when used in a safely manner, people preach the banishment of chrysotile. They say[…]that chrysotile kills thousands of people. They however forget to tell the small history behind[…]the story where it is explained that chrysotile was often mixed with amphiboles[…]
If people preaching the banishment were really well informed and were using their contacts with the media[…]to make public the good and true news about chrysotile, people would not panic any more. On the contrary, they would be reassured of knowing that many cities of the planet were built, irrigated and supplied out of drinking water thanks to chrysotile[…]
{b]Chrysotile situation in the United States today[…]
In the mid-1980's, public panic over asbestos in buildings - which was later discovered to have been unwarranted - prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to propose a ban on all asbestos-containing products[…]Based on this comprehensive record, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit found such a ban unwarranted. Although the Court allowed EPA to require its prior approval before new products were developed, it found all existing uses must be allowed to continue[…]
Congress is once again debating asbestos reform legislation[…]« Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act »[…]a national fund of US $140 billion will be put in place to pay off asbestos claimants, with the money of course industry-funded[…]
Even before knowing the results of an exhaustive study, currently underway and headed by the US EPA on asbestos risk assessment, ban asbestos supporters have taken advantage of the exasperation of the people faced with the scandal in the system, to soflty bypass the role of EPA and attain their goal of an international ban of chrysotile

Anonymous #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie boards.4channel.org

The normie is usually taken to be superior to the retard, autist, and schizo in normie metaphysics. However in actual metaphysics the normie can be considered engrossed in Kants empirical intuition, which is why she is adapted to the physical world. She is actually the lowest stage of human evolution. The next stage is the schizo, who is becoming engrossed in imaginal intuition and thus becomes lost in his confusion of the imaginal and the sensible. Next comes the autist who has been born with intellectual intuition and is higher or lower functioning in the sensible or physical world depending on how developed his intellectual intuitionis, with high functioning autists having a lesser developed intellectual intuition and low functiong autists having a more developed intellectual intuition culminating in the absolute retard who is so engrossed in intellectual intuition he has lost touch with physical reality. Thus as you see in the hierarchy of human being the absolute retard has the highest being and is closest to God while the normie has the lowest being and furthest from God. The normie is also known by the term of midwit.

I would like to add that autist, schizo and retard are normie terms developed by normies to understand nonnormies from within the normie metaphysic and therefore carry with them the negative connotations normies associate with these nonnormies. In actuality however these connotations are contingent overtones of the normie metaphysic which is a faulty metaphysic grounded on the lower empirical intuition as opposed to the higher intllectual intuition, giving direct knowledge of reality. But we must communicate to the normie on his terms if we are ever to communicate with him at all.

Got Questions Ministries #transphobia #dunning-kruger gotquestions.org

In more recent years, we have seen subjective opinion elevated to the level of objective truth. If a person embraces “his truth” or “her truth,” then everyone else is supposed to embrace that as “truth” as well—at least in certain “politically correct” matters. We see this in recent developments in transgender issues. For millennia, gender was considered an objective issue—a person was male or female based on a set of external, objective, and verifiable criteria. Now, certain cultural forces are attempting to make gender subjective. A male who decides to be female is simply embracing “his truth” or as the cultural forces would have us say, “her truth.” And even though the transgender person’s gender is “subjective,” his or her subjective truth must be treated as objective, as if it fully conformed to reality. If a person hints that the chosen gender of a transgender person is merely “their truth,” then he has committed an almost unforgiveable sin. The subjective has been elevated to the level of the objective, and the objective has been denigrated to the level of the subjective. The world has been flipped upside down.

But reality has a way of encroaching on people’s opinions. Try as they might, it is impossible for people to get away from the concept of objective truth. A person who says that a person can choose his own gender is, in fact, making an objective statement. That statement is either true or false. The person who makes the statement will not be satisfied if you agree that this is only “their truth.” They will insist that this is an objective statement that is true for everyone. Even the statement “objective truth does not exist” is an objective statement. Those who make it will often try to argue that it corresponds to reality and is therefore objectively true, thus defeating their own argument.

International Chrysotile Association #dunning-kruger #mammon #pratt #crackpot chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Overview"]

Chrysotile and Asbestos Amphiboles: Two Different Fibre Types

"Asbestos" is not a mineral in itself. It is a collective term given to a group of minerals whose crystals occur in fibrous forms. The term "asbestos" was adopted for commercial identification

The six minerals commonly referred to as asbestos come from two distinct groups of minerals. One group is known as serpentines (chrysotile, white asbestos); while the other group is the amphiboles[…]While both are silicate minerals, the two groups are chemically and mineralogically distinct
Chrysotile is a sheet silicate which is formed as a very thin rolled sheet[…]
Chrysotile has been known for over 2000 years, being used initially for cremation cloths, oil lamp wicks and other textiles[…]
This is in contrast to the amphibole asbestos fibers which are formed as solid rods/fibers. The structure of an amphibole is a double chain of silicate tetrahedral which makes it very strong and durable[…]
In contrast with amphiboles, chrysotile does not persist in the lungs after inhalation; it is quickly eliminated by the body. A prolonged exposure to high concentrations of chrysotile fibres is required for a clinical manifestation of pulmonary damage to appear[…]
Chrysotile: controlled use = safety
Chrysotile is a less dusty material and is more easily eliminated from the human body than amphiboles. The manufacture and use of modern products are safe as demonstrated by studies of workers exposed to much higher dust levels than in today's controlled factories which show no excess lung cancer or mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura)[…]
Chrysotile and its non-friable products[…]can be used safely[…]This is the position taken by the governments of Canada and Québec, regarding not only chrysotile asbestos, but all minerals and metals

copeharderhun & TheSpaceDuck #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

RE: Feminist academic paper: "Society would be better off as a whole if more women were willing to engage in justified violence against men"


How did this even got published?

You know full well why. Feminists co troll every aspect of society, and their entire movement - despite what their claims are - is a genocidal anti male movement

The stuff feminist literature says about men is effectively what German universities were publishing about the Jews

I don't know what I find more surprising about the article. That feminists are starting to open up directly about being pro violence against men (generally it's encouraged as a by-product and not directly) or the absurd statement that comes afterwards:

To that end, women’s justified violence against men should be encouraged, protected, and publicized. This will require a reversal of the current trend in legal and social practices

Let's entertain the author's idea then, and reverse the current legal and social practices concerning male and female violence. This is what would happen:

- Female victims of domestic violence would be more likely to be arrested than their aggressors.

- Women would serve 63% longer sentences than men for the same crimes.

- Killing men would result in longer sentences than killing women.

- Female sex offenders would be punished much more harshly than their male counterparts, even when children are the victims.

- Police would be much more violent against women (an even bigger gap than the race gap).

- There would be a sentencing bias against women that would be 6 times higher than the racial bias.

- Justice taskforces would be defending that men shouldn't be jailed for their crimes at all.

- A man raping a woman wouldn't be considered rape by law.

Hmm strange, reversing legal and social tendencies towards gendered violence does the exact opposite of what the author claims it does. Strange thing, if we reverse legal and social tendencies towards gendered violence what we end up is surprisingly similar to the world radical feminists believe they live in. Wonder what does that say about how society and law treat men.

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #homophobia #pratt #psycho #transphobia twitter.com

Putin begins his speech. He starts talking about the "votes" to join Russia in Russia-controlled parts of Ukraine. "The people have made their choice [...] this is the will of millions." Putin says southeastern Ukraine is actually part of Russia because the Russian state's predecessors ruled it, it was part of the Russian empire, and because the USSR fought to free it from the Nazis in World War II. Putin says people in southeastern Ukraine now are going to live in "their true historical fatherland." "I want the Kyiv government and their real bosses in the west to hear me ... Residents of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson are becoming our citizens forever." Putin calls on Ukraine to stop fighting and negotiate an end to the war with Russia. But these territories are off limits. "We will defend our lands with all the means at our disposal and do everything to protect our people. This is our great liberating mission." "The west is looking for new ways to strike against our country, to weaken and destroy Russia [...] they just can't put up with there being such a big country with its territory, rich natural resources, and people who won't live on anyone else's rules." Putin says the west wants to make Russia a "colony," "rob" it, and turn its people into a "crowd of voiceless slaves." "They don't need Russia, but we do." He says the western elite is "colonial" are "racist" because they are "spreading Russophobia all over the world." "The west has said for centuries it is bringing freedom and democracy to the world. Everything is exactly the opposite," Putin says. The only people who are ready to live according to US rules are "political masochists and other followers of non-traditional political relations," a homophobic joke. Putin rants about sex change operations. "This is unacceptable. We have our own future. "Outright Satanism" in the west (though Putin disappointingly did not expand on this). Putin says Russia wants to lead an "anti-colonial movement" to liberate the world. "We need to turn this disgraceful page. Western hegemony will be smashed. This is inevitable. We must do this for our people, the great historical Russia." "If I'm Russian, it means I love in Russian" "Truth is on our side. Russia is with us!"

Samuel Alito #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #god-complex #quack cnn.com

“It goes without saying that everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit,” Alito, who penned the decision reversing Roe v. Wade last term, told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. “But saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity crosses an important line,” he said.

Two Anons #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon)

Why do Christians promote race-mixing?

"Religion First, Race Second" is the most Jewish thing I ever heard.


Churches voluntarily segregate so idk what your issue is. who cares if a nigger wants to be a christian?

Total bullshit dude. Christians have been promoting equality of the nigger "soul" for the last 200 years. In current year we have advanced genetic knowledge that is far more coherent that trying to argue against race mixing using jewish short stories.

(French Anon)

LOL. 200?? No dumb fuck. Only the past 3-5 decades. you're clearly a teenager and know nothing about Christianity.

Dude... there were papal encyclicals on how evolution is wrong and everyone is equal in bodily development and intellectual functions. Of course no empiricism, just whining about evil non-Christians spreading lies.
Slavery in Europe was practiced for 1500 years right up until Europeans discovered savage races: immediately the church release papal bulls after papal bulls saying we were all equal. I guess the White children from Rus weren't equal all these centuries when the Pope authorized Jews to castrate them and sell them to Muslims to work in mines for the rest of their wretched lives. Where is their justice ?

Patick Courrielche & Luke Rudkowski #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Woke Left Targeting Children, Crew Discusses Disney's Subliminal Messages

PC: They've been working this stuff, we saw it in 2012, before the whole transgender movement started taking off in America, we saw it being pushed at schools pretty heavily, and then of course you see these major writers writing these series, these movies, and they're part of this whole scene. It's been embedded within the culture for a while. We always wonder, how do these things happen? They happen because we've allowed the left and the woke to monopolize all of these institutions that define what it means to be American. The only way to fight back is to create our own institutions and get our own messages out there.

It's Gold Rush right now, the way that the right see this all happening at Disney and Netflix and what have you, they want other options. They just don't have the options out there. For so many years I would tell people, "Do not give money to these people's movies and their television shows, don't subscribe."

But then the the pandemic hits and now people are stuck at home, they have nothing to do, they have no other options, they need options.

LR: We have to fight back. I think memes are also extremely important, like the meme, there's a Doge dog in the 1920s saying, I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost my savings, I lost everything, and then you have the GigaChad Doge in 2020 saying I never had any of those things.

And when you're seeing messages like that, it resonates with people, because, yeah, I never had savings, I don't have a house, I don't have a real job, I have this gig economy created by Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum that literally is just screwing me over, so, memes I think are super, super important.

It is essentially human slavery which they're slowly conditioning us to be OK with. These inflation numbers don't represent what actually is happening out there in the real world. There is a total bloodbath, the poorest people of the world are being screwed over by all these globalists, by all these leaders that just want everything from them and it's disgusting.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger gotquestions.org

The reason preferred pronouns present a dilemma for Christians is that they imply something the Bible indicates is false: that a person can change genders or be born into the wrong biological sex. Referring to a person who is biologically male as “she” or “her” is, in literal terms, to say something untrue. Worse, when it comes to an issue such as transgenderism, using preferred pronouns can be construed as enabling or endorsing a harmful, unbiblical situation.

From a spiritual and scriptural standpoint, then, the literal intent behind preferred pronouns is unbiblical. Men are not women, and vice versa. Other than a tiny percentage of persons who are biologically intersexed and deserving of special consideration, there are no third, fourth, fifth, etc., genders, nor any basis for a person to “choose” such a thing. For the same reason that believers ought not pretend that other faiths offer salvation (John 14:6) or that other gods are real (1 John 4:1) or that something sinful is morally right (Isaiah 5:20), many believers conclude that it’s immoral to enable the basic premise behind the use of preferred pronouns.

This is why, at the very least, all believers, in all circumstances, need to be careful not to give the impression of accepting the assumption behind preferred pronouns. While Christ was merciful and loving to both the adulterous woman (John 8:10) and the woman at the well (John 4:23–24), He gave no mixed signals about their sin (John 4:17–18; 8:11).


Preferred pronouns also create issues from a secular standpoint, without taking religious values into account. As stated above, using words like he or she implies something about the biology of the subject. Forcing people to use preferred pronouns, then, would literally be a coercion of speech. Demanding that others use such terms implies that you have a right for other people to speak or write in ways that agree with you. At least in legal terms, it’s hard to imagine society could forcibly require the use of language that overtly contradicts certain opinions or ideas.

As a parallel, demanding use of preferred pronouns would be like insisting that others refer to us as “your majesty,” with a bow or curtsey, because we feel we are royal-blooded, even though they don’t believe we are.

Creationism is great #fundie #dunning-kruger rationalwiki.org

1. Evolutionists say that dinosaur 🦕 evolve from pig. This is stupid pig is a mammals

2. Evolurionisr say that whale are mammal and there troat is snall. This id bulldhit😒 according to the Bible❤ whale is a fish all animals in the water are fish and whale can eat any thing bigger them selves

3. Evolutionist say that monkey through shit💩 to evolve to be a human. Wow these evolutionist is disgusting

4. Carbon dating dont exist. Uranium is all made up pls wake up.

Most Holy Family Monastery #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

If you look into the issue just a little bit, you will discover the vaccines have caused major damage to large numbers of humans and animals, including brain damage. Many have also been linked with autism rises, etc. They also sometimes include cells lines from aborted babies. They are frequently filled with things that extremely harmful in many ways. People should not receive them. It's outrageous and horrible that people are being forced to receive vaccines---truly horrible.

Also, when you posted your false comment, you probably knew that we were against vaccines. So, you are arrogantly posting on our site essentially that we are totally wrong about the matter (when you are actually wrong).

National Socialist Movement #racist #dunning-kruger nsm88.org

[From "Behavioral characteristics common in Black people"]

Lack of empathy[…]
Near or total lack of empathy[…]It seems as though they simply don't care that their actions might hurt others. The stereotype of anger and hostility in Black people dates back to the 1600's[…]
Pathological lying
Black people are often characterized as having a lifelong history of lying[…]While a majority of lies are goal-oriented and told to obtain external benefit, or to avoid punishment, i.e. "dindu nuffins," when it comes to Blacks, lies often appear purposeless[…]
Disregard for right and wrong
Black people generally have no regard for boundaries[…]Black people often lie, cheat, steal, break laws and are in constant legal trouble[…]Black people often do whatever comes naturally to any wild ape and thus make decisions based solely upon self-interest[…]
Black people tend to act first, without considering the consequences. They appear to have nothing on their minds, beyond this exact moment[…]
We've all seen the daytime TV shows featuring fat Black women who drag dozens of Black men on stage, desperate to determine which one of the many "be da baby daddy." Usually it's none of them[…]
Black people often act as if they're above those around them[…]
Black people are often found to be psychologically and verbally abusive[…]
Low intelligence[…]
A person is considered intellectually disabled if they have an IQ of less than 84 points, with half the Black population falling within that range[…]
It becomes painfully obvious that Black people are a unique sub-species, one which is rife with harmful or detrimental characteristics, most of which are best suited only for survival in Africa. Blacks clearly are not suited for living in modern civilizations

Erich von Däniken #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot amazon.com

A Fascinating Exploration on Why the Darwinists’ Theory No Longer Explains Everything

There was once a set of ideas called the theory of evolution, conceived by clever people and confirmed by countless scientists. Then people discovered the electron microscope. This made it possible to make the molecules within the cell visible, and suddenly questions about evolution arose that were not possible before. Which force actually bundles the atoms in the right order? What moves the molecular chains into the correct position? How did the first living unit within the cell actually come about? How does inheritance work, how does information pass on to the next generation? Did humans descend only and exclusively from primates―as Charles Darwin and countless other great minds assumed―or did additional “engines” intervene in evolution?
Everywhere there are characteristics of animals that do not want to fit into the theory of evolution anywhere. And man? Are we really the most adapted life-form on this planet? Today, more and more scientists who contradict the previous theory of evolution speak out. The theory fits the changes within the species, but it can no longer be reconciled with the inner workings of the cell. Some other influence that has so far escaped us is affecting evolution. It is called “Intelligent Design.” Intelligent planning is suspected behind this. Anyone or anything―a spirit of the universe? Aliens?―could be behind this planning.

Erich von Däniken uses countless examples to demonstrate the impossibility of the previous evolutionary idea. He quotes scientists who argue against the previous teaching, but also those who defend it. Unfortunately, established science still refuses to look at discrepancies and holes in the theory of evolution, even though it is quite obvious that there is more going on with regard to the development of all species, as well as human culture, than could be explained by the theory of evolution alone.

DarkMTS_57 #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist blackpill.club

Dating is exclusively made for losers, too afraid to come out of the closet and be gay.

Dating a woman is the gayest thing a man can do. Hear me out, let's apply logic for a second.
All gay guys try to be a pale copy of an annoying bitch. When you hate on gay people, you actually hate on people mimicking annoying bitches. Now, bitches get annoying real fast. Soon enough, you end up with a cliché of a gay man. Soon enough, you're just fucking a gay dude with a vagina and loose tits. And that, my friend, makes you fucking gay.
Only dating young hot chicks isn't gay, but you need to dump them before they turn into gay dudes. For "people" who say that settling with a chick and having babies with her is the non gay way, they are wrong. Not only you end up with a fag with a vage, you also end up with little fags. Nothing is gayer than child play. Your whole life turns into watching fags do faggy shit, instead of shooting shit, working on shit, building shit etc.
Prove me wrong.

Ebrahim Raisi #dunning-kruger jta.org

Iran’s leadership has returned to Holocaust denial, its leader made clear in an interview with “60 Minutes,” after distancing itself from the phenomenon

“Historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians,” Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian president, said in an interview on the CBS News flagship broadcast Sunday when he asked if he believed the Holocaust occurred. “There are some signs that it happened. If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched”

The interview aired at the same time that PBS was showing the first installment of a six-hour new documentary, by Ken Burns, about the Holocaust. “The U.S. and the Holocaust” is the latest prominent work to make use of the vast trove of research available to scholars and laymen to show in meticulous detail evidence of the Nazi genocide of European Jewry

The falsehood that research that would deny the Holocaust is being repressed is a commonplace trope among Holocaust deniers[…]
Responding to a tweet quoting Raisi, Israeli interim prime minister Yair Lapid offered just two words — “Some signs” alongside four black-and-white photographs showing starved and murdered Holocaust victims. He was one of many people to lampoon the Iranian president’s comments on social media.

Zhou Chang-Xing #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

What the f#@k is this?!

Users flaired as "not FA" are asked not to participate until further notice - r/ForeverAloneWomen

A few months back, we started applying flairs to women who had exes, bfs, husbands, kids etc. But also to women saying they were forever alone but were escorts, strippers, sugar babies etc. Anyone with half a brain can understand that between a FA woman full of complexes and hangups who struggles to take a selfie without crying and a woman who literally get paid to strip naked or fuck, there is a huge gap. Everyone feels lonely at times but thank god not every lonely person is FA.

I don't get it, is she trying to exclude all toilets?

This sounds like it should be a sub-Reddit with 0 users.

For context I was Ecosia'ing the psychology of female social dynamics and their dominance hierarchy after I saw something interesting in Hoofddorp a week ago. Out of curiosity I clicked on some vaguely "Femcel" looking title, I got curious and saw this announcement. Like, are these toilets this delusional?!

Even the ugliest toilet in the world gets more attention and positive reinforcement in a day than St. Sergi from Spain gets in his entire life. These toilets are ridiculously delusional, or ...

These are just (obviously male) Incels Astroturfing pretending to be toilets in the hope that somewhere among the billions of toilets on the planet maybe ONE could understand our loneliness and suffering only to find that none exist and no toilet would ever have either sympathy or empathy for us.

Likewise, we are not the sub for women who want to be alone or who fuck aroud. Some threads are completely taken over by women who clearly suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance, who have insensitive lines of questioning, who clearly don't get it but like the dramatic sound of a madeup internet label. Reading "no one ever liked me" on FAW and "my 3 exes told me the same" elswhere on reddit is a slap in the face.

Like, seriously, isn't this like every Fem"cel" ever?!

IncelKing #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

RE: Autistic Chad "who can't communicate well" arrested for banging multiple teens.


A man who was already a registered sex offender is now accused of sexually assaulting two minors, and his mother says the alleged victims should have known better. 26-year-old Aleksandr Anatolyevi Rudenko was arrested back on Aug. 30 on five counts related to sex crimes. Lyubov Rudenko says that her son has autism, doesn't communicate well, and that there is no proof that he did anything wrong. The exact circumstances that led to Rudenko's current arrest were not released, but detectives say the two girls he allegedly assaulted were 13 and 17 years old.

Just be chad bro

>$135,000 bail
Holy FUCK that's a lot

Meanwhile there was a FEMALE high school teacher who kidnapped a 15 year old chad and kept him at her house as her sex slave for 3 or 4 days, and she was given $5000 bail, what a joke

Teacher arrested for 'hiding' teen boy in her home for days

The minor who had been missing since August 12 was rescued from the home of 31-year-old Florida teacher Kelly Simpson

So sick of these double standards, this society deserves everything bad that will happen to it in the future

I know it’s the government that creates and implements/enforces the law but the majority of the civilian population supports the government in their law/policy making, so they are guilty as well

He must've had a good personality and communication skills and it's totally not his chiseled jawline and blue eyes.

Here’s your “NT pill” for you
Nigga you ain’t “weird” you’re just ugly/short

NT-pillers on suicide watch

“But muhhhh autism”

If you’re good-looking you can be an autistic retard and still slay

Autism only makes or breaks average-looking men

Ugly men have no chance just based on their looks alone, so autism or not, doesn’t make a difference

National Socialist Movement #dunning-kruger #racist nsm88.org

[From "Fun Facts about White People!"]

White people are unarguably the most beautiful and most physically attractive humans on earth. I can honestly understand the extreme jealousy of Blacks[…]Black…simply…is…not…beautiful!On this point I imagine, everyone secretly agrees. Whites are also the nicest, most polite and most enjoyable people to be around. Whenever a non-White obtains wealth, what's the first thing he does? He finds a White wife and moves into a White neighborhood![…]
Whites can have natural hair of black, brown, yellow, orange, red, silver or white. Whites can have eyes of black, brown, hazel, amber, blue, green, gray, violet or red. Whites truly are the peacocks of the human race! Non-Whites generally have many shades from black to brown, as their only natural color variations. And they are comically referred to as people of color[…]Evolution on glaciers in Europe, for tens of thousands of years during the last ice age, forced this evolutionary advancement, which expressed in Whites as more brain matter, about 5.5cm3 additional brain tissue located in the prefrontal cortex, a cognitive improvement not seen in races that evolved nearer to the equator. This is why White people perform better academically across the board. Asians for example, may be able to replicate almost every White innovation in existence, but they are themselves unable to do much more than copy[…]
Psychologist John C. Raven[…]developed Raven's Progressive Matrices, an intelligence test instrument that uses no language and no math, it is simply a series of picture puzzles of increasing complexity. Since standardized test results correlate extremely well with Raven's results, we may conclude the Black/White IQ gap is not caused by White racism[…]
Whites truly are, by every metric that you can name, the absolute masters of the human race

UK Anon #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The Psychology of the White Leftist

What goes on inside their minds? It's actually creepy, they're a biological anomaly who throws their own group under the bus.
White guilt is so pervasive that even here in the Balkans I've met people who think we should feel guilty for colonialism and slavery and invite the entire Third World here. Just why?

It's not really an anomaly, it's just a socially-directed form of handicap signalling. When sexual selection becomes more relevant than selection due to external pressures, many species evolve towards deliberately self-sabotaging behaviours in order to signal sexual fitness. For example male camels will deliberately waste water in the presence of females, even though water is scarce in their environment and most of their other adaptations are centred around conserving it. It's similar to how spoiled rich kids will burn money in order to signal their status. Only a high quality specimen could afford to make such wasteful displays, so they do it to mog other males in sexual competition. The lower quality males can try to fake-it-till-they-make-it, but because they are lower quality they are putting themselves at a greater risk by doing so, and this makes them more likely to darwin themselves. Some people suspect peacock tails etc and similarly impractical but flashy male bits are also an example of this.


In the case of the white leftist, sabotaging their own society is just a form of conspicuous consumption, it's a way of saying
>I'm so confident in my fitness that I'm not afraid to sabotage my own society
>Those other men who want to keep society functional only want this because they ***need*** society to compensate for their lack of fitness

You can even see this mentality being expressed by leftists explicitly, for example the

>Real men (like me) don't need guns
>Only weak men need guns to compensate for a small penis
argument. Preventing society from falling into this behavioural sink is a huge part of why all successful societies historically evolved taboos on casual sex. God etc is just how that was communicated to the grugs, which is why you have the midwit phenomena.

Jim and Neurotoxin #sexist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #crackpot blog.reaction.la

[From "Female sexual preferences"]

Neurotoxin recently posted on the dysgenic nature of female sexual preference, and its evolutionary origins:
Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained[…]
We begin with the truism that evolution selects for reproductive success and not any other trait. There is no restraint on evolution selecting for horribly anti-social sexual tendencies[…]
Since men are the sex that fights[…]there is more selection pressure for cooperation operating on men[…]
Women are fiercely sexually attracted to men who can dominate other men and are psychologically inclined to do so. They’re particularly drawn to men who kill and get away with it, because that is the ultimate example of power[…]
Myself on solutions to this problem:[…]
In order to successfully reproduce, State, State Church, society, kin, and family, have to impose peace, cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, between men and women[…]
Men want to bang every fertile age woman. Woman want to be banged by Mister one in thirty[…]
Almost all who are convicted of rape are innocent, because women seldom if ever bring complaints against actual rapists[…]
When childless women hit the wall, when Jeremy Meeks no longer calls, they turn crazy and evil[…]
Reproduction fails, obviously, when you get defect/defect equilibrium between women and men[…]
I find the level of enforcement that was required disturbing and distasteful, and therefore favor early betrothal, eight to ten or so, and early marriage, twelve to sixteen or so, even though successful societies have tended to have very late marriage[…]
The middle eastern tradition on this is Sharia. Its western equivalent is coverture[…]
No one cares what happens to a fallen woman. A woman’s status must depend on a man’s property right in her. Her status is that property right

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Caucasians are Poised to become #2 on the list of most brainwashed and subverted Race, only second to Negroes"]

Caucasians of all varieties are being poised to fall in the history books as the most easily able to be influenced and brainwashed race, second to that of the Negro

The worse position of this fate, is the fact that Caucasians have become the World Conquerors and have maintained this status of being true World Civilizers through different eras, for many thousands of years

The large majority of them demonstrate just how eager they are to give up their role[…]
Perhaps no other race but Caucasians have demonstrated the highest level of willingness to discard all Primal Instincts[…]deceiving their tribe and to show a ridiculous level of empathy for other races[…]
This trend is pretty much irreversible[…]
Even Brazilian Women and Russian Women have far surpassed value of over 90% of Western Women, and that is not only extremely dangerous[…]they will inevitably lower the standards of quality and never be able to forge First World Standards[…]
While Asians generally have the highest IQ’s in the world, they are much quicker to mentally calculate and process information compared to any race on earth except the Jews, the Asians, like the Jews have nearly no empathy whatsoever[…]
For so many decades now, and under the direction of the Vatican’s influences and standards of Marriage, the large amount of people who have been procreating come from Psychopathic, Greedy, Money-Oriented family[…]
Men were prized on their ability to grow fine hair[…]
All of this changed once phrenology became written off as “Psuedo-Science”[…]
There is almost no genuine interest for Good Eugenics in the world anymore[…]
Most Women in US, UK and Canada are either openly or discreetly lesbian or asexual[…]so they can sleep with Men on one hand to have access to his wallet

Dennis Prager #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut mediamatters.org

This country's a different country. It's becoming like other countries.

The left doesn't believe America is special, that American values are special or exceptional, whichever term you like. You wonder what is special. If the United States is not exceptional, then is there any country that it has been and they would probably have no answer to that.

What is special is they – or them, if you prefer. They're special, because they were raised by parents and schools that told them how special they are.

Where is my favorite sign? No. No, that's not it. Damn, I threw it away. That school sign that I saw – school room sign that I saw in The New York Times. "The world is better because you are in it." I don't know what grade it was, I assume something like fifth grade. What a stupid message. Plus, it's not true.

What has any fifth grader done to have made the world better because he or she is in it? Boy, again, as I've pointed out, it's the opposite of how many of us were raised.

Tartaria Biblical Research #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #dunning-kruger tartariabiblicalresearch.com

7000 Year Biblical Timeline

After gathering new information, we believe The Little Season is set to last 430 years. Currently, we are in year 422 out of the entire 430 years of the little season.

From our calculations and information we've gathered through extensive research on Tartaria, the reset, and old world remnants, we believe satan was let loose in, if not, around the year 1600.
Another very important thing to note is the events that are placed around the 1600s. Think of: the release of the KJV, Globe earth agenda, the masonic metric system and the removal of demonology.
7000 Year Biblical Timeline [BROKEN DOWN]

• 5500 (0 AD) Jesus’ birth

• 5570 (70 AD) Day of The Lord

• 1000 years (for The Millenial Reign)


6570 (1070 AD),

Which is the year of the End of the Millenial Reign

Currently, we’re 422 years into the 430 years of the little season

6570 (1070 AD) + 422 years

= 6992 (1492 AD)

7000 (1500 period)- 6992 (1492 AD) = 8

That means there’s 8 years left until the 7000 year timeline is completed.

With the timeline deception in mind, we can calculate this back to our false timeline to see when the 7000 years will be completed;

1 Biblical Timeline 0-7000

This timeline is about the 7000 year biblical prophecy for God’s plan of salvation.

2 “Real” Timeline 1500-period

This timeline isn’t much of an actual timeline. 1500 actually stands for the time in between the Birth of Jesus, which we know is 5500 in the Biblical Timeline, and the completion of the entire 7000 years of the Biblical Timeline. The amount of years in between those dates is then, quite clearly, 1500 years.

3 “False” Timeline 0-2030 AD

This false timeline, also referred to by us as the Globohomo Timeline, is the standard timeline everyone believes we’re in, and you did too before you knew all of this.

The 2030 NWO Agenda - which will lead to the Final Judgement.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amazon.com

THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now, because, for the remainder of this read, it is not my intention to convince you that it happened. That is research better designed for other places. From here on out, I will assume you have investigated the matter, and are now loaded with questions, as I was at one time. If you haven’t the faintest clue what I am talking about, then we’re already off to a bad start, as nothing else will likely sound reasonable apart from the mud flood reset.

Furthermore, the aim of my writings is not to convince you that the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah happened upon the earth. I mean, I believe it went down, or else I wouldn’t be writing this book. A literal and physical thousand-year reign with Yahusha HaMashiach holding the scepter. That is where the mud flood comes into the title. It serves as a divider of sorts, telling us that the mud flood happened between our own time and the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah, which, as any deduction goes, pits us in the little season.

Perhaps you have come to the same conclusions as I have. If so, then awesome. Woot-woot. But whether someone agrees or disagrees with my position is not cause for losing any sleep at night. Some people are simply imprisoned within their denominations or doctrines, and they have arrived with an agenda—to feel comfortable again. It is what it is. That is why I started out saying I am under no obligation to forcibly remove someone from their paradigm. All I can do is greet people on their way out.

So, rather than convincing anyone of anything, I am merely interested in showing some of my findings in Scripture. As previously mentioned, I too was loaded with questions at one time. That is, when confronted with the mud flood reset and the lost civilization which thrived before it. I still am. There is much that I will never know, and I’ve accepted it. But that is not to say inquiries have not been answered.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger paulcraigroberts.org

As I have pointed out from the beginning of the conflict, the Kremlin’s presumption that Russia’s military intervention could be limited to driving the Ukrainian forces out of the Donbass region was a strategic blunder, especially the go-slow feature as it gave the West plenty of time to widen the war. A much wider war has now occurred if correct that one-third of the forces used in Ukraine’s “counteroffensive” in the Kharkov region were supplied by NATO member states.

According to Southfront’s report, thinly spread Russian forces, aware that an attack was coming, withdrew to a consolidated position and suffered few losses. The Ukrainian/NATO force suffered heavy losses. With Russian reinforcements now approaching the scene, the Ukrainian/NATO force will likely be destroyed as was the fate of the Ukrainian “counteroffensive” in the south.
I was criticized as “blood-thirsty” by commentators incapable of strategic thought when I said that a limited operation would result in a wider war and more casualties to both sides than a swift conquest of Ukraine before the US and NATO had a chance to get involved. Everyone who watched Washington’s limited involvement in Vietnam grow into a full-fledged long war should have known better than to repeat the folly. Apparently, the lesson escaped the Kremlin.
I increasingly wonder if what Putin and Lavrov really want is not Russian sovereignty and a multi-polar world but to be part of the West, and that this delusional desire makes them incapable of conducting war. It remains to be seen if Putin and Lavrov will give up Russian sovereignty in order to be part of the West. Russia, like all of Europe and the UK, must accept Washington’s hegemony.
The real world is based on power, and Russia’s delusional restraint on the use of its power has left Russia at extreme disadvantage. With Russia perceived in the West as weak and indecisive, Washington will push until Putin has no alternative but Russia’s surrender or nuclear war.

Irène Grosjean #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist #conspiracy california18.com

Doctolib announced on Monday that it had suspended access to its site for 17 naturopaths, whose “training” section included the name of Irène Grosjean. The platform thus responded to several Internet users who denounced the very controversial practices of this 92-year-old naturopath[…]
Video from 2018 and which resurfaced which motivated Doctolib’s decision: Irène Grosjean promotes sexual touching to cure fever in children

“If it’s a little girl, you have to sit the child on a bowl with ice water (…) with a washcloth, we’ll rub the lips and the clitoris a little” she explains. She also advocating the same for little boys[…]
Followed by more than 135,000 people on Facebook, Irène Grosjean is close to the ideology of Thierry Casasnovas[…]monitored since 2012 by the[…](Miviludes). Thierry Casasnovas has been targeted for several months by a judicial investigation for “illegal exercise of the profession of doctor”, “abuse of weakness” and “misleading commercial practices”[…]
In her book “Life in abundance”, she explains that HIV is a disease that it is possible to “joy-laugh” by eating “germinated seeds, fruits and raw vegetables”[…]
She believes that “if the Germans hadn’t been fed beer and cold meats as they were, they would never have been able to do what they did in World War II”[…]
Irène Grosjean[…]says she is against drugs because she “lost in (her) youth, several young and dear beings well cared for as we usually hear”. “With Hippocrates, we made a lot of hypocrites”[…]
The naturopath also made conspiratorial remarks around Covid-19, which she considers to be a “connarovirus” made to “sell vaccines”[…]
Extremely controversial remarks on domestic violence[…]Praising the merits of the “laws of attraction”, she asserts that a “beaten woman is a beatable woman”

Jon Minadeo Jr. #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy jta.org

Jon Minadeo Jr. posted about his arrest on Gab[…]on Sunday. He said he had been charged with “(((Hate Speech))) regarding Aushwitz”[…]
The Polish national police did not immediately respond to a request for comment[…]
Minadeo had posted pictures of himself and a fellow Goyim Defense League member, Robert Wilson, holding posters outside Auschwitz’s notorious front gate[…]
“We must continue exposing the Jewish anti white propaganda! That for decades has conditioned our people to be slaves for the Jews,” Minadeo wrote on Gab when posting the photographs. His post attacked the ADL as “an anti white terrorist organization” and says the Holocaust is “a f—ing hoax”[…]
The incident at Auschwitz was not the only one where Minadeo boasted about his provocations during his travels. He documented his vacation to Poland in a number of other photos and videos — including one in which he verbally attacks a South Asian man for more than 4 minutes

The video, which went viral on Reddit, bore the headline “American tourist in Poland goes on racial tirade against Indian guy.” It shows Minadeo[…]harassing the man on a sidewalk. He calls the man an “invader” and tells him to go back to India. “Why are you in Poland? Why are you here?” Minadeo says while following him. “You have your own country”

A different video posted on Gab shows Minadeo sitting on a restaurant patio. He is wearing a “white pride” T-shirt and a long, gold-colored swastika necklace, when a tall man in a tartan blazer approaches him and tells him it is illegal to display a swastika in Poland[…]
“Who makes it illegal?” Minadeo asks. “The Polish government,” the man replies. “No, the Jewish government,” Mindeo responds. He calls the man a “cuck”[…]and a “f—ing pussy” before asking if he would like to “go outside” to fight

Oilfield Rando & Joey S #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut nitter.net

(Oilfield Rando)

Normal water pressure has been restored to most of Jackson, Mississippi, officials say

Uh…..so are we gonna talk about how this appears to have been a billion dollar shakedown?


(Joey S)
I'm far too busy celebrating the end of environmental racism to discuss how the environmental racism probably never existed.

Glenn Greenwald #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded "disinformation experts," the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations – is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately understood.

A series of "crises" have been cynically and aggressively exploited to inexorably restrict the range of permitted views, and expand pretexts for online silencing and deplatforming. Trump's election, Russiagate, 1/6, COVID and war in Ukraine all fostered new methods of repression.

During the failed attempt in January to force Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, the country's most popular podcaster – remember that? – I wrote that the current religion of Western liberals in politics and media is censorship: their prime weapon of activism.

But that Rogan failure only strengthened their repressive campaigns. Dems routinely abuse their majoritarian power in DC to explicitly coerce Big Tech silencing of their opponents and dissent. This is *Govt censorship* disguised as corporate autonomy.

There's now an entire new industry, aligned with Dems, to pressure Big Tech to censor. Think tanks and self-proclaimed "disinformation experts" funded by Omidyar, Soros and the US/UK Security State use benign-sounding names to glorify ideological censorship as neutral expertise.

The worst, most vile arm of this regime are the censorship-mad liberal employees of big media corporations. Masquerading as "journalists," they align with the scummiest Dem groups to silence and deplatform.

It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism".

It is hard to overstate how much pressure is now brought to bear by liberal censors on these free speech platforms, especially Rumble. Their vendors are threatened. Their hosting companies targeted. They have accounts cancelled and firms refusing to deal with them. It's a regime.

It's not melodrama or hyperbole to say: what we have is a war in the West, a war over whether the internet will be free, over whether dissent will be allowed, over whether we will live in the closed propaganda system our elites claim The Bad Countries™ impose. It's no different.

CopyNinja87 #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #magick #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Pole shift / Revelations / Soul Trap Matrix / New Age Ascension - My unified theory

After 15 years of research on conspiracy theories, I have come to this conclusion.

Every 3000 years there is a cataclysmic event known as the pole shift. Our planet’s electromagnetic field resets. The reason for this event is that the earth has a scheduled defense mechanism that wipes out all technology and civilization that does not live in harmony with nature. The severity of each reset is determined by how much injury has been done to the earth's environment.

In the Bible revelations chapter, the pole shift is described by the seven trumpets, bowls, and seals. Together they depict the types of damage the earth will go through during this time. Rapture is nothing more than the suspension of gravity as our electromagnetic field resets.

The demiurge controls this world using a soul trap matrix simulation. The desperate push for vaccines by the cabal (who work for this false god and his archon servants) is because the vaccine prevents souls from ascending to the 5th dimension. Those who take the dna changing vaccine will “sell their soul to Satan”, meaning they will serve as batteries for the Demiurge forever, just like in the movie The Matrix.

Those who refuse the vaccine but are of too low a vibration will remain in the 3D realm and rebuild civilization. The ones who die during this time will travel to the appropriate layer of the dimension where they belong (lower, middle, or upper astral 4D). In the 5th dimension, there is no ego, and the real free universe is available to you. Telepathy, telekinesis, and creation with thoughts run the 5D realm. Our world operates on a cycle of eight ages: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Golden, Golden, Golden, Golden, Golden. Yes, the first three ages are followed by five Golden Ages, each age lasting 3000 years. These metallic ages also correspond to the Astrological Ages, each lasting 2000 years. We are currently living in the Age of Pisces soon to transition to the Age of Aquarius. Affairs in the physical are affected by affairs in the ethereal. We are ruled by cosmic events. As above so below.

The goal of the cabal is to control the destination of our souls for their own benefit. With this knowledge you can now make your own decision on where to go.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon nbcnews.com

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

Skeletonpatch #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

I find it interesting that so many here are so quick to decry and dismiss any validity in the concept of a monarchy when I've never been convinced that democracy or whatever other governmental power structure one supports is any better. While the idea of a monarch being appointed and gaining authority via God or some other religious institution does not resonate with me, I do not see the very idea of someone being raised from birth to rule as inherently heinous in and of itself. In my opinion, those who seek power are rarely those who deserve it and those who are deserving will rarely seek it. All I need to do is take a cursory glance at any given selection of democratically elected leaders to confirm this position for myself. Will a lot of bad people end up on the throne? Absolutely, but not every person that wears a crown will abuse their power and intentionally bring suffering to their subjects. If my assertion on those who seek power is correct, then it honestly seems less likely to me that genuinely good-hearted leaders will be sworn in under democratic practices, but as democracies tend to have rather short terms the statistical probability that a few will get in from time to time does shoot up.

As for colonialism and imperialism, yeah, those are indefensible from a moral standpoint but I don't see how they're intrinsically tied to monarchies either. It will be hard to convince me that colonialism doesn't happen within modern democratic systems, especially when most modern democratic powers were built on colonial foundations. Individual wars under traditional monarchies may have been much more common but I feel that is simply due to technological advances allowing fewer seats of power to control much larger regions in the modern day, which reduces the total number of world leaders and thus statistically decreases the chances for conflict. However, thanks to that same technological advance the conflicts that do happen are on a much larger scale and have much higher stakes.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

<note - from 2017>
Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.
This month, we are providing a summation of the most common Historical Timeline Trigger Events that were generated during the Great Galactic War histories, in order to give greater context and meaning to the memory associations that occur throughout the remembering process. When we start to remember what has happened, this supports the reclamation of soul fragments and the returning of consciousness memories that were being manipulated by the AI version of the 3D timelines. The NAA have used dimensional blending experiments and alien technology to eliminate certain historical timeline records and to manipulate the perception of important figures throughout human history, in order to control or eradicate these memories from the physical 3D matrix of human perception.
This intense cycle is an extremely powerful phase of energetic recalibration into the higher frequencies that build a balanced and strong foundation for the emergence of our Starseed spiritual identity and Diamond Sun body, both in the physical and non-physical planes.

Roosh V #dunning-kruger #conspiracy rooshv.com

[From "Are Viruses Actually Contagious?"]

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed to me that science is not what I believed it to be when I received a bachelor’s degree in microbiology in 2001. Instead of striving for the pure, unadulterated truth of the natural world, it has blatantly become an authoritarian vehicle to enslave and spiritually destroy human beings at the hands of oligarchs[…]
A man who helped nudge me into my current belief is Dr. Tow Cowan, a medical doctor and researcher who has revealed the history of virology and other truths that were not taught to me in university. Breaking The Spell is a short 43-page book he wrote that reveals the sham of modern virology[…]
Last year, I came down with a flu-like illness while traveling. I returned home and then three days later, my mother came down with a similar but milder illness. It seemed quite intuitive that something was transmitted from me to my mother, but in spite of the timing, I cannot say with proof that a virus was transmitted[…]
Do you believe in a yawn virus? Probably not, but I’m sure it has happened to you that someone you were with yawned, and then almost immediately after, you also yawned. We don’t attribute such yawn contagion to a particle. Do you believe in a haircut virus? When I see a man with a nice haircut, I look in the mirror and evaluate if I need a haircut as well, and sometimes I get one soon after[…]
During the Spanish influenza, Milton Rosenau was tasked with researching exactly how it was infecting humans. After a series of experiments, he was unable to infect anyone with the alleged virus (then called Pfeiffer’s bacillus)[…]
If I give you a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, you will assume it only has extra virgin olive oil without adulterants. With virus isolation, however, you’re getting a potpourri of genetic and medicinal junk in addition to the alleged virus

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

The Triumph of Media Power

Race realists and white advocates believe the truth is on our side. However, “truth” is elusive in a democratic, media-dominated society. (Apparently, so are the concepts of male and female.) Racial differences in IQ are some of the most consistent findings in all of social science, but our rulers conceal them.

The most “woke” people in our society are white liberals. New findings indicate that they believe things that are obviously false. However, they don’t fear censorship. They know their sources of (dis)information will remain.

Zach Goldberg, perhaps the leading scholar of absurd American beliefs, reported years ago that white liberals prefer non-whites to whites. This attitude is unique among all people in the world, and perhaps in all history. It means white liberals may support policies because they makes things worse for whites. “Perhaps this is why white support for increasing immigration coincides with more negative feelings towards whites,” wrote Mr. Goldberg in 2019 in Tablet.

Mr. Goldberg recently reported that by 2020, white liberals had begun to believe that whites are more violent, lazier, and less intelligent than blacks.

One could argue that “intelligence,” “violence,” and “laziness,” can’t really be measured. However, if we accept the relationship between IQ and intelligence, crime rates and violence, and income and laziness, white liberals believe things that are provably wrong. It would be fascinating to see how white liberals justify their anti-white beliefs.

CNN, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other powerful outlets celebrated the takedown of the site “Kiwi Farms.” It was a controversial forum that hosted what could be considered “hate speech” against “transgenders.” Cloudflare prevents DDoS attacks. They are felonies. The pressure on Cloudflare for protecting Kiwi Farms was like persuading the police to look the other way while you ransack the house of someone you don’t like.

I don’t know much about Kiwi Farms, but critics accused it of obscenity, hateful speech, threats, and doxing. All that is fine, of course, if the victims are “racists.” Those with power respect no principles of free speech, legal norms, or what defines “hate.”

South African Anon #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Maybe the kids are alright...


This is what blackpilled /pol/tards fail to understand.
The MAJORITY of people are completely NORMAL and DO see through all these deranged LGBTQFPZXXX+++++ bullshit, and do NOT accept it.
Don't fall for an illusion of this new "tolerant and accepting society" that prises niggers and trannies, it doesn't exist outside of a curated internet echo chembers like reddit's front page and veryfied twitter accounts. Those are legit propaganda machines that's sole goal is to either brainwash or demoralize.
Close your browser and step outside, talk to regular people. Most of them are normal, sane people with traditional views and values.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Only Germans have the right to be Arrogant, unlike Barbarians"]


spoilerJoachim Peiper:"Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility"

It is true that we are Arrogant, but we wear our Arrogance as a badge of honor, because we are entitled to it

When a German is Arrogant, he is arrogant not for the sake of wanting to seek self-glorification and to be freed of responsibility, but instead because he wants to maintain simplicity, efficiency and to eliminate nonsense at every step of the way[…]
Only Germans are capable of not allowing things like fame, wealth or other matters in getting to his head and changing him as a person

This should never be assumed about Barbarian Races[…]
This is where the English are a completely opposite breed of Germanics than us, because they love irony, sarcasm and defense mechanisms[…]
The German race is not understood because it can possess the most tactless, brutal and unmannerly forms of Arrogance with what would otherwise seem an Unearthly sense of Humility[…]
If our race does not practice endless discipline to ensure that our Arrogance is in line with reality[…]it becomes our greatest curse[…]
The greatest example of this is how the German People today have largely embraced the COVID[…]
A True German is still primed in the mentality of the 19th century and earlier, and it is ONLY this mentality which can ever carry us through[…]
Comparison to a so-called “Police State” under the Third Reich is a bad comparison, because it was only a Police State for the criminal classes, fifth column and Communists or Degenerates[…]
Germany meant business, and its words were true. Germany had security threats within and without, and the Third Reich had not only the necessity but the duty to defend its people against Bolshevism

PPEcel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

r/IncelTear femoid writes about her own incel brother's depression: "His disability is a barrier for many women"

Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:

There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).

The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.

Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.

BringThyWhip #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Chad’s sex life is almost unimaginable


Everyone knows women are only for Chad/chadlite, but rarely discussed is the actual quality of sex for HIM

he gets to experience

1. genuine LUST. Every tinder hookup is DESPERATE JB. It’s not some normal date, it’s JB arriving shaved and probably wet on arrival if not hours before, she flirts like crazy, flat out talks dirty to him, caresses him unsolicited until she finally jumps him and has primal animalistic sex. And when Chad gets off inside her, it may be the biggest thrill of exhilaration in her entire life until then

2. The MOG. Chad isn’t stupid. When he fucks your oneitis, he KNOWS he’s the best she’s ever had. He gets to think of you and all the losers who came before while he’s watching her have involuntary convulsing squirting orgasms all over his 8” cock. And she’ll confess everything to him since jbs are blabbermouth retards. She won’t save face for you because you brought her coffee, she’ll laugh about you like a bitch hyena and so will Chad

3. the feeling of being pursued. After the sex (which WILL be the best of her life), she’ll constantly be blowing up his phone, sending nudes, dirty texts begging for him again. Imagine waking up to a phone full texts from 3-4 Stacies saying “I miss your huge cock”. the T levels must just be through the roof if they werent already

4. The “snowball effect”. Although I’m more or less a Chad determinist, in practical terms a Chad is in fact “made”, insofar as he must become who he is meant to be through the course of time (or at least what he experiences as time - Chad being an eternal metaphysical entity IRL). In other words, throughout the course of his life, he experiences a snowball of confidence, while incels and normies LDAR from womb to tomb

Brutal TBH. I’m not even sure it make sense for incels or even normies to desire so-called “ascension” to be in competition with the descendants of Archangels, literal divine beings for whom the world is an Arcadia, the paradise of Gods

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