
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #transphobia #crackpot #magick adrenogate.net


Dude Looks Like a Lady | Melinda Gates IS Kevin Cline

I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, but OUR WORLD IS RUN BY BAPHOMETIC GENDER INVERTS! AHHHH…. Some libtard might say to that, “well, what’s wrong with that? So what if they are?“. What’s wrong with that? LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Statistically, there should only be a handful of tranny’s in politics if you go by the percentage in the general population.

Great catch on the Kevin Cline / Melinda Gates connection. I had seen other claims that it was actually Robin Williams posing as Melinda, but this fits much better.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel My sister said I could pass as a girl

JFL WTF that's brutal She's basically saying you're low t as fuck. Shit I could imagine something like that happening to me ngl. Tbh one time I got mistaken for a girl by my teacher but that was at quick glance from distance but still it was probably my rounded jaw that made her think that

lesbianmax. This can work great for you if you think about it. You don't have to change anything about yourself but don't tell anyone you're a guy and get a lesbian to ascend with. If she rejects you after finding out you're a guy you can pull the transphobic card and the media will support you and back you up and go after the foid as a transphobe.

In the end you would have gaslighting foids at your feet to show that they're not transphobic to fuck you while staying as a dude. Living life like a chadlite because of how messed up the world is today.

Use their stupidity to your advantage. lesbianmax.

fuck your sister

With the way the dating market is heading, incestmaxxing may be another option to consider, fakecel.

agreed, if you can't get a boner for your sister (a young foid of the same race around your age), you're probably a fag.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia newswithviews.com

But Truth always matters. It is the foundation of all belief. Where do we turn when absolute Truth no longer exists? What do we do when “Truth” is determined by “scientists” who do research that validates the goals of those who sign their paychecks? What do we do when science becomes politicized and truth is sold to the highest bidder? What do we do when science no longer validates the Truth?

Can there be anything more diabolical and destructive than teaching our children things that are not true? Jesus told us that “you shall know the Truth and the Truth (if you know it) will make you free?” If Truth makes us free do falsehoods place us in bondage? Could it be that America is in the mess we are in because we no longer demand the TRUTH?

Truth does not matter to the secular Left. Truth is a person, and He is persona non grata in most of America’s institutions. No wonder there is so little freedom in this nation. Truth is not something that the Secularists value. Truth is not an opinion.

Christians are forced to pay taxes to support “public” schools where the values they teach in their home are undermined. The schools teach “theories” as if they were true. Evolution, sexual orientation, selective gender, man-made climate change, reproductive choice, are all voodoo science based on theories. NONE of them represent Truth. Yet they are taught as Truth…under the historical lie of “the separation between the church and state.”

JosefMengelecel & BummerDrummer #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is


Only when staring down the barrel of his gun do they finally feel remorse, and it's not even for him, it's for their own sake jfl. These kids are just expected to endure their torture from these psychopaths they go to school with. How could they expect the victim to be complacent and not snap eventually?

They don’t understand the capabilities of a man who no longer has anything to lose. The only way for them to feel or remorse or humiliation is when the barrel of the gun is placed against their head. They may not feel remorse for you but atleast they will be humiliated and will beg for their lives like bitches right before their brain gets pierced by a bullet

It's either a lack of empathy on their end or simply their inability to understand causes and consequences. They legit think they can get away with making every second of your life miserable and it shouldn't blow up in their face, you should just carry on and take the torture every single day.

Probably a combination of both. They can’t understand that people will want revenge if you wrong them.

At my school nobody gave a shit if you got bullied unless you were a “marginalized group” I.e if you were black, gay, tranny Jewish or hispanic/immigrant. Usually it was these people who were the bullies which is the ironic thing (trannies getting people expelled for homophobia, black women and mixed race males getting people expelled for racism, etc.) Any retaliation to them though and you’d get the whole school system right up your ass. One of my biggest redpills was when a flamboyant faggot/sissy kid said “I’ve gotten 11 kids expelled for homophobia” to me in high school.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Ellen Page still exists"]

No I'm not talking about the actress, even though she still clearly exists: Ellen Page is a woman, will always be a woman, you know the drill. Being an evil dyke wasn't enough for her apparently, she had to go an extra level of sick delusions.

But I mean literally Ellen Page still exists. As in Ellen.Page the website which the nutty actress started in 2014 after joining Calgary embarrassments Tegan and Sara in their quest to legitimize their sick lifestyle choices.

Just like Bruce Jenner will always be the actual name of an actual man, Ellen Page will always be the actual name of an actual woman. Yes yes she wants to be called "he" and "Elliot" now, but as I noted before Snoop Dogg wanted to be known as Snoop Lion. You saw how long we stuck with that. As is so often the case, Spiked-Online's Brendan O'Neill explains it so well:
I'll go him one further: Ellen Page still needs what Ellen Page has always needed: a good dick inside her and let her be Juno in real life. Just another straight white chick from Halifax.

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Theory Women hate being women

Women are indeed kinda like moral pedophiles who don't want to feel the type of sexual desires they feel. They don't want to crave abuse, rape, force, pain, submission, humiliation, etc, but these are what they crave.

Even though women have it WAY better than men, they are much frailer and more chaotic, anything can randomly make them cry, feel like shit, etc. Why do you think some women "transition" to men, even though it makes 0 logical sense, since men have it much, much, much, harder, especially in the sexual market but also pretty much in all fields of life? It's a desperate attempt to become stronger and get rid of that feminine weakness and cravings they hate. Feminism also has a lot to do with it, as well as looking more masculine through ugly body modifications, tattoos, super short hair and stuff like that.

Women will never be men though. They should just give up and embrace the femininity. It's ok to like being degraded in bed like they enjoy if it's with their loving husbands only. It's ok to be weak cause daddy/hubby will protect you.

Rose Hannah/Adrenogate #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #transphobia adrenogate.net


In every detail, from video clip duration, to the location of the rally, to the phrase 'TWO BEAUTIES', Trump layers this dazzling message with so many 'Obama & Michael' connections that it defies mathematical probability of coincidence.

Obama tried to framed Flynn, so isn't it quite the coincidence that 3 days after Trump granted Flynn a "Pardon Of Innocence" stories emerge that the current version of Obama was arrested? If not true, why are 'Fact Checkers' [Fake News funded Truth Deniers], clamoring to counter?


Trump confirms 'Big Tech Will Be Destroyed' decode & expands: Big Tech & Media are guilty of sedition, Media & Tech arrests happening now, jailed [caged] birds are singing, Darpa Tech & Big Tech & Media being destroyed. Goodbye, Blue Birds!


In an epic series of capital letter codes, Trump tells us arrests are already happening, the day of reckoning is here, big tech will be destroyed, Christmas is coming early, [they] are ALL going to prison, and it's going to be Biblical!

Why did Trump tell 'J0E' to 'get well soon'? Trump gives the answer in code: 'J0E' is in US Military custody. That is what occurred at the 'doctor visit'. Trump posted this at 8:14p. EIGHT ONE FOUR = 143 = J0E IS AT GITMO 👇

Can he become POTUS from there??? 🤔😂
H/T @HijoDeSu2

With only one word and a timestamp, Trump tells us what will be happening to all of these tr@itors, include Joe. TRUE = 64 = GITMO = JOE BIDEN. Posted at 6:40p connects to drop 3040 (apply +/- 1200 rule) with the famous meme of Swamp Tr@itors all behind bars. #PainIsComing

Various Incels #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

JFL My oneitis looks like a tranny now

Just checked her display pic and she legit looks like she's trannymaxxing. Cope or not, the wall is a thing. Lot of foids lose their feminine looks in their late twenties/early thirties. Maybe the mgtow brahs got this one right.

Men can actually increase their psl in their 30s as long as they stay fit and there are no signs of balding

Its the opposite for foids.

Is she white? White people look great even until 40 from what I've seen. Sandnigger girls start getting ugly at 25. At 30+ they're all masculine landwhales you can hardly look at without throwing up.

Not white. Shes curry.

Not oneitis but over my school career there was a female who was probs the prettiest ive ever seen objectively (perfect genetics, with the only problem being she was neither blonde hair nor blue eyed) and by the end of it she had cut off all her hair, dyed her hair this weird turquoise cyan color, gained a shit ton of weight, got nose and lip piercings +tattoos and didn't fucking shave her arms.

(Transcended Trucel)
brutal. in a sane society would have never happened

Monica Cole #fundie #transphobia #homophobia onemillionmoms.com

RITZ Crackers is attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle by airing a commercial that has absolutely nothing to do with selling crackers. The company's most recent ad features a man putting on lipstick like a woman and effeminately clinging to another man, to brainwash children and adults alike by desensitizing audiences.

The ad campaign titled "Where's there's love, there's family" has been airing on HGTV and is featured on RITZ's YouTube page. The company's goal is to redefine family as something other than God's biblical design for gender and sexuality. In its own words, RITZ says, "We're encouraging people to rethink what it means to be family."


RITZ needs to hear from you. Supporting the transgender agenda instead of remaining neutral in the cultural war is just bad business. If RITZ Crackers refuses to remain neutral, then Christians will vote with their pocketbooks and support companies that do. Sign our petition to RITZ now!

carefulthistime #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

RE: Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens? Theories Suggest a "Social Contagion" - Psychology Today

”In the DSM-5, prevalence rates of gender dysphoria are estimated at 0.005% to 0.014" of the population for natal males, and 0.002% to 0.003% for natal females.”


“In a recent survey of 250 families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or right after puberty, over 80 percent of the youth sample were female at birth”

I wonder if mtf families kept the issue more private and didn't participate in the survey OR has this been influenced by brainwashing girls for their entire lives that men have privilege and women don't? Maybe both and other factors as well.

You're close, real real close. It's not that they want male privilege as such, it's that they can not stand the idea of becoming what they have been told women ARE.

They have been told believe they are doomed to become mindless victims, their every thought controlled by magazines, able to be literally raped by a casual glance from across the street, they might have to be hospitalized due to the effects of a wolf whistle.

They are terrified of becoming feminists, wouldn't you be? They believe that they have to make this decision, or in a few weeks or months when the estrogen kicks in they will become unable to make ANY decisions, they will be the cookie cutter stepford feminists that they have been told all women are.

Tucker Carlson #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

Fox News’s Tucker Carlson said that there was a “nationwide epidemic” of children being forced by their parents to transition, which he called “child abuse.”

Carlson played a clip from the HBO documentary Transhood – which he called “so disturbing” – about a four-year-old girl named Phoenix. In the clip, Phoenix and her mother tell her church that she’s a girl.

Now if you’re a parent – if you have actually raised children – you know what you’re seeing is ventriloquism,” Carlson said, although he didn’t explain why Phoenix’s mother would be putting those words in her daughter’s mouth.


“It’s grotesque. If you say that out loud, you’re punished: Target will ban your book, you’ll have trouble getting a job.”

“This isn’t just one parent abusing a child on TV. This is a nationwide – we’re gonna use the word – epidemic and everyone is too embarrassed to mention it.”

Viet Nam Vet #transphobia #homophobia wnd.com

[concerning a Michigan funeral home that has been sued for not allowing a transgender employee to dress like a woman at work]

The funeral home hired a dude and they have a right to expect a dude when reporting to work. Let the foul tranny reapply for the job as a offensive tranny.
The world would be a much better place if the vile, nasty homo/tranny crowd would return to their disgusting closets .... PERIOD

Linda Harvey #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie missionamerica.com

From the party of plural pronouns like “they,” “them” or “their,” used for single, known-sex individuals, comes a progressive dog whistle.

“Count Every Vote!” is the impassioned cry of demonstrators now virtuously taking to the streets days after the election. Of course, the implication is that Trump’s team—and all of us conservatives—want to suppress votes.

But as usual, the vote-woke left don’t come near the truth and won’t say what they really mean. Allow me to translate.

What is desired is to count every Democrat ballot ( you can ignore GOP votes) whether legal or not, on time or not, postmarked by deadline or not. Votes from the relocated are fine. Double or triple voting? Done.

Soon, we voters will be asked to declare our pronouns. “They” entitles you to as many votes as you can cast, fill out or conjure. And deadlines? That’s so white supremacist.

And speaking of smears and hate labels, let’s go to BLM leaders Patrisse Cullors and Melina Abdullah who point to another infinite pool of voters: the dead. On a viral video, these anti-police, divisive, pro-tyranny leaders explained that they call on the spirits of ancestors to guide them as they demonstrate. And we wonder why these peaceful protests devolve into destruction, violence and theft so quickly?

When you dabble in the occult, you get an unexpected audience.

So, demon voters could be a new target. Just think of the possibilities. Who knows what pronouns apply to them?
Do we want the party of phony pronouns and vote cheating? Of burning and looting? Of infanticide and immorality?

As for me and my house (pronoun she, her, hers), I choose honoring the Lord and following the American Constitution.

Apotheosis #crackpot #quack #transphobia apotheism.com

When they can no longer push away their doubts, the song of fulfilment they were sung by psychologists and medical professionals turns out to be not only utter nonsense, but even worse: the surgery has failed to give to them the good of femality and it has broken what good they had as a male. From this point, their identity is completely shattered. The doubts they had before surgery are completely rekindled, and then intensified to the maximum extreme. It is for these reasons we see their identity crumble into total nothingness: the organ is a failure not only by way of it failing to attain the sexual goodness of the vagina, but it also now suffers a state of inferiority to the penis.

True femality now impossible, risk of self-harm and suicide is at its most acute as the identity is turned to oblivion. The transsexual’s path from here is either their total self-destruction, leading to damaging behaviour such as self-harm, substance abuse, and/or suicide. It should be noted that the self-oblivion episode is often constrained and not expressed by the transsexual; a stigma has developed against negativity towards the efficacy of transition which encourages silence on these concerns.

Transsexuals have built communities that form up sometimes the totality of their trusted support network, and since the members could be liable to doubt or criticise were a transsexuals’ episode of self-oblivion be expressed, it is completely internalised and suppressed for as long as the transsexual can do so. It is for these reasons that outwardly happy individuals who insist on the goodness of transition and the fulfilment they’ve received from the therapy can suddenly suicide.

I hope these insights may prove intriguing and enlightening on the question of transsexualism’s psychotelestology.

Anonymous commenter #quack #transphobia answers.yahoo.com

RE: What do you do if you are transexual and unable to pass?

I've seen trans girls that don't pass for female, at all, and it's sad, I mean I get they are female on the inside or whatever, but sometimes you'd be better off just sticking with what you got.

I am a transsexual woman and totally agree with Luke. Unfortunately hormones and anti-androgens don't work on 99.9% of transsexuals. I spent the best part of 14 years trying different medications without success. It is very rare to see a transsexual women who passes and more information should be provided before people undertake transition. There are so many misleading journels and articles written by so called experts which glosses over the real truth about the limitations of these drugs. It doesn't relate to age either (unless your 14 years old when you start your transition). I have had to learn the hard way and worked on this for many years. Am I about to throw in the towel? quite possibly. I wanted a transition from male to female not a transition to another variant of a male. For me it's not good enough to live this way. Some don't seem to care if they get read now and again but for me it's a killer blow and undermines the whole process of the definition of a transition.

Keira Bell, Paul Conrathe & High Court Judges #quack #transphobia theguardian.com

Puberty blockers: under-16s 'unlikely to be able to give informed consent'

Children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, the high court has ruled. Even in cases involving teenagers under 18 doctors may need to consult the courts for authorisation for medical intervention, three senior judges have ruled in an action brought against the Tavistock and Portman NHS trust, which runs the UK’s main gender identity development service for children. The claim was brought by Keira Bell, a 23-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before detransitioning, and the unnamed mother of a 15-year-old autistic girl who is on the waiting list for treatment.

“It is highly unlikely that a child aged 13 or under, or 14 or 15, would be competent to give consent to the administration of puberty blockers,” the judges added. For those over 16 it is normally presumed that they have the ability to give consent. But where puberty blockers may lead to subsequent surgical operations, the judges said: “Given the long-term consequences of the clinical interventions at issue in this case, and given that the treatment is as yet innovative and experimental, we recognise that clinicians may well regard these as cases where the authorisation of the court should be sought prior to commencing the clinical treatment.”

At a hearing in October, lawyers for the claimants argued that children going through puberty were “not capable of properly understanding the nature and effects of hormone blockers”.

Lui Asquith, from the trans children’s charity Mermaids, said: “It’s frankly a potential catastrophe for trans young people across the country and it cannot be exaggerated the impact that this might have, not only on the population of trans young people that require hormone blockers, but it may potentially open the floodgates towards other questions around bodily autonomy and who has the right to govern their own body.”

LovingIncel #crackpot #racist #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

The 6 Steps for Escaping Inceldom

1. Start watching MTF transgender porn, then move to femboy porn, and finally move to gay porn. Make sure at least 50% of the porn you consume is black-on-white action. Do not watch any straight porn and watch porn for 4-6 hours a day - every single day. Additionally during process, the incel needs to free itself from all of it's sexual prejudices (e.g. bestiality). The goal is to become as degenerate as possible. After doing this for 2 years the incel is ready.

2. Find another incel who has completed step 1, but has not started their transition. In the future there may be a website which matches such incels. Interracial matches are encouraged and recommended. This incel will become your life partner.

3. Upon meeting discuss ALL your sexual fantasies. Masturbate together. There should be NO secrets between the 2 incels. You are now partners in crime. Be as degenerate as possible. Be nasty to everyone is society except each other.

4. This step is only necessary if one or both of the incels are overweight. Eat a lean or keto diet and do high intensity cardiac exercise till you are no longer overweight. The incel couple should encourage and support each other during this process.

5. Together, start transitioning to female. Start the estradiol and testosterone blockers. Get facial feminization surgery. These are the two most important. DO NOT GET SRS - your penis is the most important part of your relationship.

6. Kiss each other and fondle each other's feminine penis. Suck each other's feminine penis. Take turns fucking the tranny pussy of the other one. Love each other and enjoy life.

Vintologi #quack #sexist #transphobia vintologi.com

transmaxxing2 manifesto

This is a new version of the transmaxxing manifesto (45 pages). Modified section, New section.

Why you should transition (1)
Forced feminization (7)
Alternatives to medical transition (9)
Therapists and psychiatrists cannot be trusted (9)
How a girldick differ from a male penis (17)
Transwomen have way better sex than 'chad' (18)
Benefits of transmaxxing as sissy (22)
Transmaxxing works even if you do not improve your personality (24)
Some people need a male to take care of them (24)
How to extract resources from men (24)
Sex work (25)
How to attract chad (26)
Transmaxxing success stories (26)
Not only did transitioning save my life, it got me out of inceldom (28)
I'm not a woman trapped in a mans body. I'm just a man with bad genetics and childhood traumas (28)
I didn't feel like i was a girl until i was on estrogen (29)
Most males are already obsolete (31)
Involuntary Celibacy (32)
Sexual reasons to transition are valid (32)
Being cis can be a mental illness (33)
How to do Hormone Replacement therapy (34)
Safety (38)

Should you emulate female puberty? (38)
The stop & go method (39)
Puberty blockers (40)
Who actually benefit from transitioning? (41)
Long term outcomes (42)
Why do some people regret transitioning? (42)

radical_freedom & kwallio #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I’m starting a private discussion group for biological essentialist, intersectional, antinatalist female separatist radical feminists who have studied & are continuing to study rf theory. There will be a screening process in order to join. If you are interested, please DM me.

Platform will be off Saidit and will require nothing more than any throwaway email address in order to participate.

Thank you

Edit: this is not a space for mothers of sons (“boymoms”). sorry not sorry 🤣

The term biological essentialism does not mean what you think it means. I think what you are referring to is just biology. Biological essentialism is the idea that women are nurturing and should only occupy nurturing professions like nursing and teaching, etc. Trans advocates misuse the term all the time but I don't think feminists should adopt the trans terminology. They've conflated biological essentialism and biology because the term biological essentalism has become a no no, what they are talking about is just simple biology.

Actually, I am indeed familiar with the usage of the term in the way that you are describing, but radical feminists who are biological essentialists in the sense that I mean will understand my post, so I do not need to clarify. We understand each other.

If you continue to use the term as the trans activists do you are simply helping them. Why do this?

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #transphobia brianniemeier.com

These original pill memes made their way into popular use from the pickup artist scene, which ironically cribbed the imagery from a movie made by a fraternal pair of degenerates. Their dubious origins aside, the red pill and the blue pill are handy methods of quickly conveying more complex ideas, so they naturally caught on.


Ask a Conservative why he wants to win, and the most common answer will be, "So they'll leave me alone." The next most popular responses range from appeals to creature comforts to a shrug.

Ask a Death Cultist why he wants to win--not that you have to; they shout it from the rooftops--and you'll get a fiery sermon about the post-national, post-racial, post-Christian utopia in store for the world if we can just pile up enough corpses.

Yes, the latter is a horrifying vision, but it has the advantage of being a vision. The zealot can effortlessly dismiss your desires to be left alone, not pay taxes, and live with people like you as selfish impediments to progress.

Here's the ultimate truth at the heart of our current crisis: The triumphant Death Cult is a fanatical heresy fueled by stolen Christian zeal. It can be defeated if and only if enough people submit to the one true faith with equal zeal. Without Christ, you cannot hope to stand firm against the diabolically inspired Cult.

Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] And we are the mentally un stable truth rejecting ones



“Gang of transgender women drop- kicked then stamped on 19-year-old man in Tube attack after he told them they needed to have female genitalia to be women”

How very feminine of them. What absolute nutcases. I have no fucking idea how we are validating this insanity. Literally putting on a weg and a dress and now thinking you're a woman. the craziest part is like half the people are agreeing you are one??? We're even saying men can be pregnant. How insane does all of this sound

That's why they used to be killed or isolated back then, being a tranny is a mental illness.

I still cannot believe this is a real thing. People actually think that a full blown guy who puts on a dress is now a woman. This is braindead liberal progressive thought process at its finest

lmao cant wait for the tranny brawler gangs roaming the streets so i can act like its a zombie apocalypse

thats not very ladylike of them

Faggots should be stomped to death.

come on man, lets not use this word. Theres nothing wrong with gays. at least their whole existence can be proven scientifically through evolution and biological behaviour, unlike trannies, who are just mentally ill and have no science behind their cause

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

Conspiracies are nothing new. A “conspiracy” by definition is simply: “A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act; a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot).” As a human being, I have a right to my opinion (and so do you). Unfortunately, in the United States and many countries today (e.g. Canada, China and North Korea) you are forbidden to express your opinion, if it contradicts the official government (and consequent newsmedia) narrative. That is not freedom!

Have you ever noticed that the U.S. mainstream newsmedia NEVER contradict the government's agendas? I learned long ago that government's don't control the world, corporations do! Follow the money! That explains why the entire American social media platform is controlled by corporations. A corrupt judge ruled in 2020 that Google/YouTube can censor anything they want, as a private company. Since over 92% of internet searches go through Google, effectively they control public opinion. Facebook has banned my article expressing my view that Sandy Hook was a massive fraud. Alex Jones was banned from social media for saying the same thing. Over 25,000 YouTube videos were removed in just the click of a mouse! Millions of manhours of work were wiped out in a second!
Likewise, even still today in 2020 there is little or no freedom for Americans who disagree with New World Order agendas (e.g., same-sex perversion and LGBTQ issues, abortion murder, 911 hoax, Sandy Hook hoax, Black Lives Matter anarchy, Zionism hoax, HSBC crimes, feminism evils, Drug War hoax, Mena crimes, Federal Reserve crimes, OKC Bombing hoax, Coronavirus hoax, et cetera). Pastors have literally been arrested and prosecuted in Canada for trying to inspire parents to protect their children from the LGBTQ movement! The ungodly governments of our sick generation have declared war on God-fearing Christians, who don't want their children being homosexualized by wicked people.

PinkPilled #sexist #transphobia pinkpillfeminism.com

Is this womb envy?🤔


TRAs are always whining about how having a vagina/uterus doesn’t make someone a woman yet they’re obsessed with female genitalia. Sofie has multiple (creepy) posts about wanting female anatomy yet constantly says radfems reduce women to body parts. It’s almost like TRAs saying radfems obsess over genitals is a projection…

Seems like a case of wanting to have a womb just so he can say he’s so much more of a woman than women are.

You’re totally right. Clearly he is jealous of women because he can never be one even if he gets a neovagina so he makes fun of women’s bodies to cope.

men love obsessing over the female reproductive system but once a woman says that the female eproductive is female, that’s obsession to them? LMAO

I always hear this from TIMs. They say women are obsessed with genitals yet it’s them who are paying thousands to have fake vaginas and breasts. Notice how he’s comparing a woman’s right to her body to his ability to rape and oppress women. I can’t believe women have the ability to control life and yet we continue to give birth to ungrateful males despite everything they’ve ever done to us. I actually told the moid his mother should’ve aborted him and that males like him is why all women should selectively abort males and he got even more triggered lol. It was the funniest thing ever!:joy:

Gordon Klingenschmitt #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie mailchi.mp

Biden to Transgenderize Military (and punish Christian Troops)

Female solders and students will be forced to share common showers and rooms with cross-dressing men or boys with male anatomy, within hours of Biden's inauguration.
Biden said: "I am proud of the coalition we put together, the broadest and most diverse in history...Gay, straight, transgender." In just a few short sentences, Biden signaled his readiness to usher in an era of renewed LGBTQ protection after four years of the very opposite.

An extensive 2019 report from ProPublica cataloged the Trump administration's [pro-family] anti-LGBTQ maneuvering and "found dozens of changes that represent a profound reshaping of the ways the federal government treats the more than 11 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans."

These changes include reversed, dropped, removed and withdrawn LGBTQ protections in areas such as employment [punish Christian employers], health care [force Christian doctors and nurses to cut them], criminal justice [men in women's prisons] and public life [boys in girls locker rooms].

In fact, in March, the Biden campaign previewed how it'd protect and expand LGBTQ rights via the wide-ranging "Biden Plan to Advance LGBTQ+ Equality in America and Around the World."

For one thing, the plan commits to passing the Equality Act, a bill that would [repeal the 1993 Religious Freedom Act] in commercial and public life, no religious exemptions.

In addition, the plan pledges to ... get rid of the transgender military ban [forcing women to shower with men] and restore safeguards for homeless LGBTQ Americans [forcing homeless women to sleep with homeless men].

[Dr. Chaps' comment: Christian troops who object to sharing co-ed showers and bunks with opposite gender anatomy will be vilified as 'discriminators' and punished, demoted, discharged or court-martialed. Mark my words. The devil wants an atheist army for the Antichrist, soon.]

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Today is International Mens day, and it's being saturated with Tranny propoganda

The Jewish wealthy mega-elite, like with most holidays and special occasions, just love to inject their wicked and awful agenda into this day. International Men's day isn't about men anymore. It's about mentally ill people who claim to be males, and instead of empowering the male, rather they seek to feminize him. I wouldn't be surprised if next "international mens day" ceased to exist, or if it did exist it would be renamed to "international transgenders day" or the content for international mens day would just be tranny pushing. Regardless, my opinions on transgenders matches the same as the Ku Klux Klan's, who make their opinion on this very clear.

They are incredibly pathognomonic for the Zeitgeist of our modern world/dystopia: It's easier to mutilate yourself with surgeries until you end up as a twisted parody of your former self that vaguely resembles a female at best and then being fucked by an equally grotesque man than being a normal man. It's unbelievable. It shows how fast the Overton Window has shifted and it's the best example that absolute morality doesn't exist. If you told that a man a few years ago he would have laughed at you, nowadays they laugh about you when you don't kiss the asses of these individuals. The surgeries they perform in these clinics are nightmarish, "vaginas" made out of fish skin and other shit. Almost nothing scares me, but these medical procedures do.

Trannies will be the downfall of feminism imo. Imagine a future where all female leaders are men larping as women, it's already happening :feelskek:

The only good thing about them. They really fuck up feminist communities.

PinkPilled & Gunpowder #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia pinkpillfeminism.com

“A man climbs into the women’s wagon in Mexico. They tell him to get off the train. The man responds by saying, ‘I am a woman.’”


A reminder that gender ideology only benefits men while erasing women and taking over their rights and single-sex spaces. This is exactly what happens when the reality of biological sex is denied for the sake of mentally ill men. This will continue to happen thanks to deluded TRAs who are actively trying to change the definition of the word “woman” to include men who believe they are women. This insanity needs to stop.

Hardly surprising. According to the new gender orthodoxy, men are allowed to remain as their own separate sex class, but women now have to include ‘everyone else.’ This is just the newest male tool in the colonisation of women.

Rick Wiles #transphobia #psycho trunews.com

[concerning Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, who is transgender]

That’s a man in a dress. You’re mentally ill, Dr. Levine. You’re mentally ill, and no normal person should listen to you. You need mental health counseling. You need deliverance.

To the people of Pennsylvania: you are absolutely insane if you let that transvestite freak rule your life... You’re going to that transvestite freak? Seriously?

Chase that freak out of the state. Chase it out of the state. Rise up in Pennsylvania, and chase that freak out of the state! You don’t have to tolerate this stuff.

Annetta Small #fundie #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

Sarah” (not her real name) contacted Global Media Outreach (globalmediaoutreach.com)2 in May 2018. She indicated that she had received Christ as her Savior, but she opened with this comment: “I’m a FTM (female to male) and want to serve Christ, but I don’t want to leave this life. . . . . I’m confused.” Eventually, I learned that prior to her transition, she lived as a lesbian for seventeen years. How would you answer? Can someone like this ever change?
Keys for Victory

Separation—The individual needs to separate himself completely from homosexual and transgender friends and activities. This is critical, and can be very hard. He may need to get a new job. When we ask this of him, we are asking him to give up everything. He is weak, and it’s a war. He is in a spiritual battle for his life. He will also need to separate from wicked influences of the media and other activities that will pull him down.

Immersion—He must immerse himself in Christian things. He will need to get new friends, to be in church, to study God’s Word, and to establish a solid prayer life. He needs someone to disciple him and be an accountability partner. (He should not have an accountability partner who is struggling to overcome homosexuality or is a transgender. Some support groups do this to their peril.)

Change of focus—He needs to get the focus off of self and on to spiritual things. The answer is not looking deeper into one’s self for the answer. The goal is to move the person away from focusing on self and his issues, putting the focus on Christ and maturing spiritually.

Renewing the mind: The individual needs to get the focus off of sex. He shouldn’t dwell on the struggle with lust and sin.

NO-STUMPING—TRUMP #transphobia reddit.com

[in a thread discussing what to do if a child came out as trans at ages 8, 18, or 28]


8: You're only eight. It's just a phase.

18: Get out of my house.

28: I have a child?

McPattigans: So you would disown your child if they came out as trans?

NO-STUMPING—TRUMP: In a new York minute.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

I cannot watch Nikki de Jager's YouTube videos without feel righteous anger. That is why I don't watch them, except to expose them as being of the Devil. If you can watch these sick videos and not feel angry toward sin, you are not right with God, far from it in fact. Ephesians 4:19, “Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” This passage of Scripture describes and indicts Nikki de Jager (who is an effeminate male in case you didn't know). I am not condemning Nikki for his sins (which no one has a right to do), I am taking a Biblical stand against homosexuality, masculine women, feminine men and all manner of sexual immorality. We don't have a right to condemn anyone, because we are all guilty sinners, each and every last one of us! The law of God condemns sinners (Romans 3:19-20).
Satan is the god of this sinful world. Young people are being sinfully indoctrinated nowadays with the lie that it is okay to be a homosexual, but it is not okay according to the Bible (Romans 1:24-32; Leviticus 20:13). The ungodly Huffington Post is a strongly pro-homosexual media outlet, who openly condemn Bible-believing Christians, accusing us of misinterpreting the Scriptures. The truth is that the ungodly people who own and write for the Huffington Post hate Jesus Christ, despise Bible preachers, love sin and are already condemned by God (John 3:18, 36). The Huffington Post are relentlessly doing everything in their power to legitimize homosexuality, and demonizing God-fearing Christians who oppose them. God's judgment is upon ANYONE who supports the Devil's LGBTQ agenda in any way. Not me buddy, not for a second, and I'll preach against any sinful group or person that does. Liberals, Marxists and ungodly sinners are forcing their sick-minded agendas on the rest of us.
Homosexuality is a sin. No one is born “that way,” it is a choice, like any other sin. God doesn't make mistakes dear reader. If even one human being has ever been born a homosexual, then God is unjust, perverse and a cruel God.

Monica Cole #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy onemillionmoms.com

Casting a cross-dresser in its ads screams liberal agenda and turns off potential Uber Eats customers. A YouTube comment proves this: “Spare us the agenda Uber Eats,” one viewer typed.
The official Uber Eats response is: “Anything Simone Biles can do, Jonathan Van Ness can do … in his own, amazing way.”

Shame on Uber Eats for attempting to brainwash viewers with an agenda instead of focusing on providing a helpful service, especially during a pandemic. Potential customers have plenty of other food delivery options to choose from instead of doing business with Uber Eats and its parent company Uber. Uber Eats and Uber are actually pushing consumers to the competition with their propaganda.

Instead of making audiences lose their appetite by glamorizing a LGBTQ lifestyle, Uber Eats should focus on what it does and remain neutral on controversial issues.

For anyone curious or struggling with his or her sexual identity, watching someone prance around in the opposite sex’s clothing is not the answer. Rather, it’s imperative to answer a person’s tough questions about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective in a caring way like American Family Studios has done in its new documentary, In His Image. Hundreds of thousands have already viewed this documentary and have responded with praise on how tasteful and helpful it has been to them.

Basil Zempilas #transphobia #pratt abc.net.au

Equality groups have branded comments the Perth Lord Mayor made about transgender people on breakfast radio "repugnant and bigoted".

Basil Zempilas, who was elected to office earlier this month, told listeners of the breakfast show he co-hosts on 6PR it was "wrong" for someone to identify as a different gender to their physical anatomy.

"If you've got a penis mate, you're a bloke," he said yesterday morning.

"If you've got a vagina, you're a woman. Game over."

Mr Zempilas then laughed off a suggestion by co-host Steve Mills that he would likely come into contact with transgender people in his role as Lord Mayor.

Mr Zempilas also called for any women with a penis to ring the radio station for the chance to win a $100 store voucher.

When Mr Mills suggested that people in the wider community may disagree with his stance, Mr Zempilas replied: "Well mate, if you want to go softy, lefty, namby-pamby."

The pair had been discussing an LGBTIQ boxing tournament in Sydney, which led to a debate about parents who did not identify their children as male or female.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ElleTrudgett - "masculine products section" sounds like where I'd find books about math and science"]

For those who don't feel like following the whole story, the summary is that Tampex hilariously tries claiming their products aren't just for women, but also for...women who have severe mental retardation and stupidity to the point they actually think they're men. This isn't your traditional bulldyke wishing that God had given her a penis, but women whose brains are so broken that they think God not giving them a penis was somehow a clerical error.

Anyways, this man named "elle" whose real name we'll never know thinks its somehow a point that condoms aren't "masculine hygene products" with gendered† packaging.[…]In our pussified society expressions of male virility are not looked kindly upon.[…]Instead, the reason we find condoms in a section called "family planning" which is usually a section at the end of the aisle with greeting cards and feminine hygene, is because the target audience for condoms isn't men, but women.

After all, condoms are literally there to plan for (not having) families.[…]
Bonus tranny idiocy:
The fact that hermaphrodites (likely less than 100,000 people on the entire planet) exist doesn't mean that a man who decides he wants to be a women actually is a women.[…]In fact, there's a simple metric to explain this‡ :
[Schema describing "intersex" as "body is broken" while trans" is "brain is broken"]
‡Not that I needed more evidence of this, but just like faggots notice that Elle and his people, even with all of society telling them the lie that they are normal, are still suicidal as result of their mental insanity.

Pastor Gary Hamrick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Listen to me, I’m going to speak truth to you. If you are a lifelong Democrat, your party has left you. Your party has left you. That ship has sailed. It’s true. I used to believe that the two-party system in America was much like a husband and a wife in a marriage, just differences. Just, you know, different people with different approaches and different perspectives but who shared a common goal and vision in life. And so, therefore, you could learn from each other’s different perspective, and you would balance each other out. I don’t believe that anymore. I believe that there is a liberal progressive agenda influenced by spiritual forces of evil, that if allowed to progress will be the demise of America. I believe it with all my heart. And while people are sitting around, foolishly talking about how they don’t like Trump’s tweets and his unfiltered style and his checkered past, meanwhile, the enemy is roaming around like a roaring lion looking for a nation to devour.

I know Trump is not going to win Miss Congeniality. Get over it! It’s not about personality. It’s about guardians of what is true and what is right in our day. That’s what we need to be concerned about.

Donald Trump is not our savior. Joe Biden is not our savior. Jesus Christ is our savior, and because he is my Savior, as for me in my house, I cannot, I will not vote for a candidate whose party platform advocates the murder of unborn babies, embraces same-sex marriage, encourages transgender behavior, and ignores God and his word in our culture.

I cannot. I will not. Cannot. Will not. Amen.

Listen, if you in good conscience cannot vote for Donald Trump, then don’t. But I don’t know how in good conscience a Christian can vote for an agenda that is evil.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

boobooAmber #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #psycho deviantart.com

I desperately wish the population of Muslims to grow, America has failed to overcome these Transgenders and ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS, I believe It's time we now all as a congregation turn to the Muslims, they never let us down when It comes to absolutely murdering LGBTS with the work of stone and rope. OF COURSE, do not be to angered at me for suggesting the population of Muslim's grow! It's In God's great hands to blow them to hell with his almighty nostril. What has Inspired me to speak out about the fall of America was a LGBT flag spotted on a church door. We have to hire these absolute sand negros to take that to Jesus.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #transphobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I see President Trump getting re-elected. If not, my mind will be blank in November, because I haven't even thought it thru what it will mean if Biden/Harris get elected. I know it would mean a major disaster. If you didn't like Mr. Obama in the White House, who gave us transgendered restrooms, then you don't want a Democrat. Democrats are always for big social handout programs, which means massive debt spending. Right now, the Coronavirus has cost the American people $6,000,000,000,000 in reckless debt-spending because of the virus pandemic. Our nation will never be able to pay back these outrageous loans, and the banksters know it!!!

soymonkcel #transphobia incels.is


Trans wahmyn are wahmyn jfl. Again, if they are so obsessed with gender = performativity, why the fuck do they get so upset when they don't pass as women? Jeez. It's kinda lifefuel because, even if I'm a 5'4" framelet manlet wristcel, I mog at least those two. How someone like me can call anyone "a freak"? They're all AGPs in denial. I feel sorry for them. They are so lost... One of the gratest contradictions is that, if they think gender is pure performativity, why do they get upset when they are told they don't pass even if we are not able to detect the figment of their imagination that makes them identify with something they are not?

ReturnOfSaddam & slavcel11 #transphobia incels.is

More reddit trannies - Genuinely can't tell which is supposed to be the before photo


WHY do people do this to themselves. They think their situation is going to be improved by becoming even more of an androgynous freak. Reading /r/MtF now. These grotesque freaks are literally complaining about getting hit on, as if that's EVER happened in their life.

maybe, he wanted to be valued and praised like how a female would be in modern society because like us he was shunned for being ugly so he tried to become one. No wonder why transfags try to target lonely guys like us.

They target us because they used to be guys like us. There's a good reason why IncelTears has so many trannies and other bottom tier degenerates, they just look at us as the next lowest level to target.


This guy is from r/MTF he really think that he's gonna pass as a woman jfl


This is so sad that I don't even want to laugh at him. Ugly, old, worthless man fed up with his meaningless existence decided to make himself significant at the verge of his life by turning into a woman. If only he succeeded, but well. Unironically looks a bit better. But still it's fucking disgusting, like seriously what was his plan?

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I tremendously love Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I love him for many reasons, but mainly because he STANDS!
God is going to ask YouTube's owners in eternity why they allowed homosexuals, abortionists, feminists and evildoers to speak all manner of filth, wickedness and blasphemy against God and His children; but they persecuted godly Bible preachers, banning their truthful sermons as hate speech. God is not going to care about the social platform and politically correct agendas of our time, He is going to judge only on the basis of what is good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). God will hold YouTube's owners accountable (Hebrews 4:13; Matthew 12:36; Matthew 25:40). I say that humbly, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of God (Romans 14:10-12). The $64,000 question is will you appear in court as a child of God (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11), or as an unsaved criminal (Revelation 20:12-15)?
Transgender celebrity Nikkie de Jager has made over $12,000,000 on YouTube. It is blood money! Yet Pastor Steven Anderson hasn't asked one penny, and he has been banned restlessly. So you can speak against Christians who fear God, the Holy Bible and God Himself, but you cannot speak against defiant sinners. What saith the Scripture? Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” Here is the truth of this entire matter. The unjust man (the wicked person) is an abomination (he is loathed) to the righteous man, and vise versa. Pastor Anderson is a righteous man—a preacher of righteousness!

Bart Claes #wingnut #transphobia independent.co.uk

Belgium’s first transgender politician to be appointed as the country’s deputy prime minister has been attacked by the far-right just days after being sworn into office. Petra De Sutter was formally appointed in her new role last weekend, making her the highest-ranking transgender politician in Europe. But although her appointment was applauded by many for breaking new ground, it has not pleased everybody, including critics in the regional parliament of her native Flanders in northern Belgium.

Bart Claes of the Flemish Interest party posted on Facebook that De Sutter “wants to destroy and replace all cornerstones of our Western civilization". Claes also claimed in a tweet that De Sutter was “the personification of cultural Marxism”. The remarks were immediately criticised. De Sutter's party colleague, Bjorn Rzoska, decried attempts to “dehumanize her". And Liesbeth Homans, speaker of the Flemish parliament said she found Claes' comments “extremely reprehensible”, while at the same time defending free speech. Claes, however, would not back down and took to Facebook again to claim that: “I don't see the problem. I said that a transgender… is a transgender."

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was looking around in my Pinterest account today, and under “Account Settings,” I was disgusted what I found. You are asked by Pinterest to specify whether you are a “male” or a “female” or “Non-binary.” That is a sinful term dear reader. God created every human being either a male or a female. Even when there are some genetic abnormalities from birth, a person is either a male or a female biologically, nothing in between. The worldly term “Non-binary” is of the Devil. We are living in very strange times in the world today, when people are confused about nearly everything, including their gender.
For anyone to claim that someone is not truly wholly a male or a female is to contradict the plain teaching of the inspired Word of God. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” There are no cross-gendered people, only wicked people who CHOOSE to blur the lines of gender which God has created. I am sick and tired of hearing that homosexuals are “born that way.”
I will NEVER accept, recognize nor honor the term “Non-binary gender.” Over my dead body! God created everyone either a male or a female. Have you ever noticed that in EVERY homosexual relationship that one partner takes on the female role (i.e., a sissy), and the other the masculine role (i.e., a dyke). This fact evidences the truth that God created each human being as either a male or a female. It also proves that homosexuality is a perversion of nature, abnormal, and a vile and disgusting sinful habit. Homosexuality is 100% a choice, just like every other sin. We are all sinners by nature and choice. That is why we all need to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, or else you will go to Hell to suffer for ever, paying the price for your own sins against man, self and God.

AdorableYak11 #transphobia reddit.com

I am starting to despise my husband

I feel like he ruined my whole fucking life. He wants to be a woman. After six fucking years of being together he wants to be a woman. And he wants to be a lesbian as well. He wants us to be a lesbian couple.

And now I'm stuck at home 24/7 looking at my husband skip around in dresses and skirts while he wears fake silicone boobs under his bra. And the voice he puts on. Jesus Christ. I've tried so fucking hard to get him to go to therapy with me because our marriage is absolutely without a doubt FAILING but he doesn't want to. Doesn't think it's a good idea to have someone else involved. "They'll just turn us against each other" he says, hahahha well fuck me then, I guess I'm just fucking stuck in my now miserable goddamn marriage with my husband who can't go a day without putting on a dress.

I'm so fucking done. I'm 26. I'm an ADULT. And I want to have a happy marriage. One that works. One that's normal. One that doesn't make me so fucking miserable. I married a man. That's what I signed up. That's gone now.

Fuck. Rant over. Sorry for the swearing.

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